02 Software Project Planning
02 Software Project Planning
02 Software Project Planning
Project Management
The project manager plans and guides the
software project
The project manager is responsible for identifying
the users and stakeholders and determining their
The project manager coordinates the team,
ensuring that each task has an appropriate
software engineer assigned and that each
engineer has sufficient knowledge to perform it
To do this well, the project manager must be
familiar with every aspect of software engineering
Identifying Needs
The project manager drives the scope
of the project.
The project manager should identify and
talk to the main stakeholder
The effective way to show stakeholders
that their needs are understood and that
those specific needs will be addressed is
with a vision and scope document
Project Plan
The project plan defines the work that will be done on
the project and who will do it. It consists of:
A statement of work (SOW) that describes all work products
that will be produced and a list of people who will perform
that work
A resource list that contains a list of all resources that will be
needed for the product and their availability
A work breakdown structure and a set of estimates
A project schedule
A risk plan that identifies any risks that might be encountered
and indicates how those risks would be handled should they
Project Planning…
Planning is one of the most important
management activities and is an ongoing
effort throughout the life of the project.
Software project management begins with a
set of activities that are collectively called
Project Planning.
Statement of Work
The statement of work (SOW) is a detailed
description of all of the work products which
will be created over the course of the project.
It includes:
A list of features that will be developed
A description of each intermediate deliverable or
work product that will be built.
The estimated effort involved for each work
product to be delivered
Resource List
The project plan should contain a list of all
resources that will be used on the project.
A resource is a person, hardware, room or
anything else that is necessary for the project but
limited in its availability
The resource list should give each resource a
name, a brief one-line description, and list the
availability and cost (if applicable) of the resource
Risk Plan
A risk plan is a list of all risks that threaten the
project, along with a plan to mitigate some or
all of those risks.
The project manager selects team members to
participate in a risk planning session:
• The team members brainstorm potential risks
• The probability and impact of each risk is estimated
• A risk plan is constructed