TRG Form
TRG Form
TRG Form
Second Intermediate
2. First Final
Second Final
Third Final
Qualifications :
(a) Educational : (c) Computer Knowledge :
(b) *Professional :
(*Please attach the attested/photostat copies of ACA/AICWA certificates, if not sent earlier. In case sent
earlier, please give the reference)
Address to which correspondence should be made :
Telephone No.
{ Residence _____________
Office _________________
Name & address of the organisation (Registered with the Institute for training purpose) in order of preference
where training is to be arranged.
Particulars of experience (Past & Present), if claiming exemption from training :
Name of the Placement in Exact Emoluments Period
Company & PUC Organisational Designation Drawn
if applicable Hierarchy From To
Have you indicated the particulars of your experience both past and present in the Application Form at
the time of registration with the Institute. Give reasons, if these are different from the one given at the
time of registration.
Details of exemption from Practical Training, if any, sought on the basis of executive experience
gained in those fields (Please refer to Regulations 48, 51 and 52 of the Company Secretaries Regula-
tions, 1982, as amended).
(1) I am enclosing the following documents in support of my claim for exemption from training :
(i) Experience Certificate(s) indicating exact designation, duration of service, salary drawn,
job contents in brief duly signed by the Managing Director(s)/Chief Executive(s).
(ii) Annual Report(s) in respect of the organisation(s).
(iii) Organisation Chart(s) duly certified by the Chief Executive of the organisation(s).
(iv) Salary slip for the beginning and last pay drawn from the organisation(s).
(v) Appointment Letter from past/present employer.
(2) Whether undergone Management Training/Apprenticeship, if yes, give the name of
Company /Practising Company Secretary and duration.
Name of Company/ Practising Company Secretary
From To
(3) Whether undergone Secretarial Modular Training Programme_____________________________
_____________________________________If yes, please attach an attested photostat copy. If
not, the date by which the candidate would like to commence training
I_____________________________________do hereby declare that the particulars given above are
true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I also agree that providing false particulars amounts to misconduct and if any misconduct is observed
on my part in terms of Regulation 55-A of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 (as amended
from time-to-time), I shall abide by the decision of the Council which may suspend or cancel my
registration as a student or may suspend or debar me from appearing in anyone or more examinations
of the Institute or direct that any period of training already undergone shall not be reckoned for the
purpose of Regulation 48 or 50 or declare that I am not fit and appropriate person to be admitted as an
Associate Member of the Institute.
Notes :
1. Training undergone by a student without prior sponsorship from the Institute shall not be
reckoned for the purpose of Regulation 48 or 50.
2. It is the endeavour of the Institute to process all applications for exemption from training within
a period of 30 days. However, in case you do not hear from the Institute within the said period,
kindly get in touch with the Directorate of Training, Membership & Legal.
The Senior Director (Training, Membership and Legal)
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road
New Delhi-110 003
Period from______________________________________to_________________________________________
Dear Sir,
Following are my observations for :
Mr./Ms.____________________________________________ Student Regn. No.________________________
1. Punctuality_____________________________________________________________________________
2. Communication Skill
(a) Oral___________________________________ (b) Writing___________________________________
5. Organisation Skill_______________________________________________________________________
[Mark (9) the appropriate Box]
(1) Preparation of Agenda and Notice for Board Meeting:
(a) Assisted
(b) Prepared Independently
(2) Preparation of Minutes of Board Meeting:
(a) Assisted
(b) Prepared Independently
(3) Maintenance of Statutory Books :
(a) Assisted
(b) Prepared Independently
(4) Preparation of Notice of Annual
General Meeting/Extraordinary General Meeting:
(a) Assisted
(b) Prepared Independently
(5) Preparation of Annual Report :
(a) Assisted
(b) Prepared Independently
(6) Assisted in conducting Annual General
Meeting/Extraordinary General Meeting:
(7) Preparation of Special Reports (if any, Please Specify)
Finance & Accounts
Other department(s)
Place :
I, further certify that during the above mentioned period he/she was not given any
leave/given leave for ________ days.
Place :
The Secretary
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India ‘ICSI House’ 22, Institutional Area
Lodi Road
New Delhi-110 003
Dear Sir,
I/We request you to register me/us for imparting Training to the candidate sponsored by the Institute, in
accordance with the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 and the Guidelines for Training by Practising
Company Secretaries, 1985 as amended.
I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are in whole-time practice as a Company Secretary/firm of Company
Secretaries in practice subsequently I/we give below my/our necessary particulars for your consideration :
Membership Number
Office Address
(in Block Letters)
Telephone No.
E-mail, if any,
I/we undertake to remit Rs. 50/- towards the registration fee for a candidate while engaging him as an apprentice
and pay him stipend as fixed by the Institute from time to time.
Yours faithfully,
Signature Date...............................
It has facilities to impart 15 Months Training/03 Months Practical Training in various departments
particularly Secretarial (Shares £t Legal), Finance & Accounts (including Costing, Management
Accounting, Internal Audit Ft Taxation), Administration (including Personnel, General Administration,
Industrial & Public Relations, Marketing £t Material Management etc.).
That the paid-up capital of the company conforms to the requirements. As per the Regulations of the
Institute, the company should have paid-up capital of not less than Rs. 50 lakhs for imparting 15
Months Training. However, for the purpose of 03 Months Practical Training, the requirement of paid-up
capital is Rs. 25 lakhs. In support of this, the company has to send its latest Balance Sheet to the
Most of the companies recognised by the Institute for imparting training are paying the stipend
from Rs. 3500/- on wards per month to the trainees.
The company is also required to provide information about the maximum number of trainees it can
accomodate in each calender year. The Minimum number is one trainee for 15 months training and two
for 03 months Practical training.
No application form for seeking recognition for the above purpose is prescribed. A letter addressed to
the Secretary of the Institute, furnishing confirmation/information is necessary.