INKED Newsletter 3rd Issue 16-06-2018
INKED Newsletter 3rd Issue 16-06-2018
INKED Newsletter 3rd Issue 16-06-2018
Department of Management Studies,
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
HOLI 2018
From the Editors' Desk
JUN 16, 2018 3rd Issue
Dear Readers,
It is indeed a matter of pride to bring out yet another
issue of our Newsletter - INKED. The 3rd edition of
INKED will give you glimpse of various college activities
and achievements in different spheres of the latter half
of last academic session.
I would like to thank our Newsletter Team for their
valuable contribution in the making of INKED. Kushagra Kaushal
MBA (Batch of 2016-2018)
May the sun at RGIPT never set! Best of Luck.
Happy Reading!
Dear Readers,
We are extremely delighted to bring forward another
edition of INKED, A Newsletter by Department of
Management Studies (DoMS), RGIPT. It brings to the
forefront reports that are a record of the milestones we
have set in our march towards progress. They mirror the
aspirations and accomplishments of RGIPTians who
savour success. INKED truly reflects the versatility of
RGIPTians and illustrates their natural abilities and
Yash Pathak aesthetics sensibilities.
MBA (Batch of 2016-2018) I express my deep gratitude to our Newsletter Team who
has been instrumental in the making of INKED. Hope you
will enjoy and appreciate our humble efforts.
Memorable Reading!
Faculty Speak
Dear Readers,
Our MBA students are groomed for corporate/professional
world and are working at top positions in many PSU’s and
private sectors. The regular training programs,
workshops, assignments, field studies and summer
internships nurture them with additional skills. They are
motivated to produce the best of their knowledge and Dr. Kavita Srivastava
highest of their capabilities. Ph.D, IIT Kanpur
MAY 21, 2018
We had a small batch of only 16 students and hence it created a good learning
environment as everyone received individual attention which is almost
impossible elsewhere. RGIPT follows a case based teaching/learning approach
in tune with other premier B-Schools thus, emphasizing on group work and
peer study. One more thing that adds to the feather is that one can receive all
these at a very low fee as compared to other premier B-Schools. Thus I can
confidently say that RGIPT is really one of the best techno-management B-
School in our country which specializes in a very niche domain.
I wish RGIPT all the very best for all its future endeavors. Come be a part of
All the best to all future RGIPTians !!"
MAY 21, 2018
P.C.-Tuhin Borgohain(MBA)
Best Paper Award: This award was announced from a block of 10 papers in
each track. The winners received a certificate as award and have publication
opportunity in suitable international journals. Apart from that, Certificates of
Participation was given to all the presenters.
ECOES-2018 Sponsors:-
Placement Update
Reliance Industries Ltd. -
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Sinha (B.Tech)
Mr. Chitranshu Shukla (MBA)
Ms. Harsha (MBA)
Mr. Prajit Goswami (MBA)
Mr. Jitendra Varwade (MBA)
Mr. Shubham Agarwal (MBA)
IOCL - Mr. Vatsal Velpula (B.Tech)
Ms. Hemakshi Katewa (B.Tech) TechSci Research Pvt Ltd. -
Mr. Jitendra Varwade (MBA) Ms. Satarupa Mohaptra (MBA)
Mr. Kushagra Kaushal (MBA) OIL -
Ms. Shrestha Raychaudhuri (MBA) Mr. Dilip Patidar (B.Tech)
Mr. Yash Pathak (MBA) BORL -
Indian Oil Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd - Mr. Kushagra Saxena (B.Tech)
Mr. Dhruv Maniar (MBA) Mr. Richi Bansal (B.Tech)
Mr. Harish Ravi (MBA) Mr. Sai Kiran Y (B.Tech)
Mr. Prajit Goswami (MBA) ONGC -
Mr. Shubham Agrawal (MBA)
Mr. Abhishek Gautam (B.Tech)
Mr. Souvik Das (MBA)
Mr. Ashutosh Pandey (B.Tech)
Mr. Vivek Kumar (MBA)
Mr. Pushkar Jha (B.Tech)
Our Prominent Recruiters Mr.Satyendra Kumar (B.Tech)
“It has been wonderful last two years at
DoMS, RGIPT. I had a great support from
the faculty, both morally and strategically. I
have lots of fond memories to cherish them
Dhruv Maniar
(MBA 2016-18)
Satrupa Mohapatra
(MBA 2016-18)
HOLI Celebration at RGIPT
The festival of Holi signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of
spring, end of winter, a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and
forgive, and repair broken relationships. RGIPT family celebrated Holi on
March 02, 2018 with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.
ARPAN Initiatives
ARPAN Social Club organized a Blood Donation Camp on March 25, 2018. An
expert team of IRCS (Indian Red Cross Society) along with experienced
medical officers from KGMU Medical College Blood Bank Team, Lucknow.
A good number of faculty members and students donated blood for this
noble cause.
ARPAN Club, RGIPT reached out to the young village neighbors as a part of
its sustained march for social good with a number of initiatives for growth,
development and education. Village students were very responsive towards
the call of social volunteers from RGIPT.
Ms. Mrigya Fogat (B.Tech- First Year) has been selected to represent RGIPT
in Youth Congress Russia, 2019 and WPC conference, Houston in 2020. We
wish her good luck for a bright and prosperous future.
The Winter School 2018 and Conclave was part of an extensive effort by the
RGIPT to navigate the digitization and energy landscape in the most
sensible, cost-effective way possible and equip the future engineers of the
oil & gas industry with the knowledge of the of going digital movement.
Inaugurated by Ms. Sushma Rath, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas the two-day, the conclave was graced by leaders of the IT field
prominently the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys besides others.
The deliberations focused on understanding the challenges of digital
resilience throughout the energy chain, and on insights into good
governance arrangements to promote preparedness through training
exercises and the mainstreaming of cyber issues into business models and
technology development.
Data analytics, Big Data, internet of Things become a popular part of today’s
business analytics and future demand prediction. They are very useful tools
for exploring the pattern from large set of data. Oil & Gas industry focuses
on better understanding of improving production and demand estimation by
adopting digital technology into the account. Digital technology is very
useful for day to day operations related with oil and gas exploration, oil
drilling and downstream activities. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum
organized “Winter School” to make future Petroleum and Chemical
engineers familiar with data analytics tools. The students were enriched with
a two-day training program on Data science by Data Scribble team.
P.C. - Mr. Vatsal Velpula (B.Tech. 4th Year)
Visiting Faculty
Dr. Pankaj Sinha (Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi) taught a
course on Corporate Finance to MBA I Year students.
An affectionate farewell was accorded to the senior MBA students passing out
this academic year by MBA I Year students, wishing them a successful career
and bright future ahead.
Energia - 2018
2. Rajni Goyal, Anupama Panigrahi, and Rohit Bansal (2017), “Proposed method
to construct Boolean functions with maximum possible annihilator immunity,”
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1860, pp. 020051-1–020051-4, Published by
American Institute of Physics,
International Conference:
1. Aakanksha Mahajan, Sushil Kumar and Rohit Bansal, (2017) “Diagnosis of
Diabetes Mellitus Using PCA and Genetically Optimized Neural Network”. at
International conference on computing communication and Automation, 5th-
6th-2017, Galgotia University.
To Check out our E-Newsletter Please visit
2. Abhishek Dixit, Sushil Kumar, Millie Pant and Rohit Bansal (2017), “BBO-DE:
Hybrid Algorithm based on BBO and DE” at International conference on
computing communication and Automation, 5th-6th-2017, Galgotia University.
3. Vikas & Rohit Bansal (2017), paper titled “Efficiency Evaluation of Indian
Construction Sector” (Submission No: ISFIF309) in the ‘International
Symposium on Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance (ISFIF 2017)’ was held during
December 14-15, 2017 at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
4. Abhishek Dixit, Sushil Kumar, Millie Pant and Rohit Bansal (2017), “Multilevel
Image Thresholding Established On Fuzzy Entropy Using Differential
Evolution”, 17th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS
2017) in India, 2017. South Asian University, Delhi India, December 14-16, 2017.
5. Abhishek Dixit, Sushil Kumar, Millie Pant and Rohit Bansal (2017), CA-DE:
Hybrid Algorithm based on Cultural Algorithm and DE, International
Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing December 22-24,
2017 at IIT Indore, India