Fundamentals of Software Engineering

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IT3205: Fundamentals of

Software Engineering

BIT – 2nd Year

Semester 3
IT3205 - Software Development Process Models

IT3205: Fundamentals of Software


Software Development Process

Duration: 8 hours

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IT3205 - Software Development Process Models

Learning Objectives
• Describe different process models used for
software development
• Identify the most appropriate software
process model for a given problem
• Identify how CASE tools can be used to
support software process activities

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IT3205 - Software Development Process Models

Detailed Syllabus
2.1 What is a software process?

2.2 What is a software process model?

2.2.1 The waterfall model
2.2.2 Evolutionary development
2.2.3 Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)

2.3 Process Iteration

2.3.1 Incremental delivery
2.3.2 Spiral development

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Detailed Syllabus
2.4 Rapid software development
2.4.1 Agile methods
2.4.2 Extreme programming
2.4.3 Rapid application development (RAD)
2.4.4 Software prototyping

2.5 Rational Unified Process (RUP)

2.6 Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

2.6.1 Overview of CASE approach
2.6.2 Classification of CASE tools

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Software Process
• It is important to go through a series of steps
to produce high quality software. These steps
or the road map followed is called the
software process.
• Software process is a set of ordered tasks
involving activities, constraints and resources
that produce a software system
• A process is important because it imposes
consistency and structure on a set of activities
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Software Process
• It guides our actions by allowing us to
examine, understand, control and improve the
activities that comprise the process
• The process of building a product is sometime
called a lifecycle because it describes the life
of that product from conception through to its
implementation, delivery, use and

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Generic activities in all software processes

• Specification
– what the system should do and its development
• Development
– production of the software system
• Validation
– checking that the software is what the customer wants
• Evolution
– changing the software in response to changing demands

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Software Process Models

you need to model the process because:
– when a team writes down a description of its
development process it forms a common
understanding of the activities, resources and
constraints involved in software development
– creating a process model helps the team find
inconsistencies, redundancies and commissions in
the process, as these problems are noted and
corrected the process becomes more effective

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Software Process Models

you need to model the process because:
– the model reflects the goals of development and
shows explicitly how the product characteristics
are to be achieved
– each development is different and a process has
to be tailored for different situations, the model
helps people to understand these differences

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Waterfall Model
• Separate and distinct phases of specification
and development
• A linear sequential model

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Waterfall Model Phases

Analysis &

Software Design




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Requirement Analysis & Specification

• The system’s services, constraints and goals are
established with the consultation with the users.
• This would include the understanding of the
information domain for the software, functionality,
behavior, performance, interface, security and
exceptional requirements.
• This requirements are then specified in a manner
which is understandable by both users and the
development staff.

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Software design
• The design process translates requirements
into a representation of the software that can
be implemented using software tools.
• The major objectives of the design process are
the identification of the software components,
the software architecture, interfaces, data
structures and algorithms.

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Coding (implementation)
• The design must be translated to a machine
readable form.
• During this stage the software design is
realized as a set of programs or program units.
• Programming languages or CASE tools can be
used to develop software.

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• The testing process must ensure that the
system works correctly and satisfies the
requirements specified.
• After testing, the software system is delivered
to the customer.

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• Software will undoubtedly undergo changes
after it is delivered to the customer.
• Errors in the system should corrected and the
system should be modified and updated to
suit new user requirements.

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Problems with the Waterfall Model

1. Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow that the
model proposes. Although the Waterfall model can
accommodate iteration, it does so indirectly.
2. It is often very difficult for the customer to state all
requirements explicitly. The Waterfall model has the
difficulty of accommodating the natural uncertainty that
exists at the beginning of many projects.
3. The customers must have patience. A working version of the
program(s) will not be available until late in the project time-
span. A major blunder, if undetected until the working
program is reviewed, can be disastrous.

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Problems with the Waterfall Model

4. The difficulty of accommodating change after the
process is underway.
5. One phase has to be complete before moving on to
the next phase.
6. Few business systems have stable requirements.

Comment : The Waterfall model is suitable for projects

which have clear and stable requirements.

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Evolutionary Development
• Evolutionary development approach is
typically used to develop and implement
software in a evolutionary manner.
• This approach has been described by Steve
McConnell as the "best practice for software
development and implementation".

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Evolutionary Development
• Early versions of the system are presented to
the customer and the system is refined and
enhanced based on customer feedback.
• The cycle continues until development time
runs out (schedule constraint) or funding for
development runs out (resource constraint).

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• It is very difficult for end-users to anticipate how
they will use new software systems to support their
work. If the system is large and complex, it is
probably impossible to make this assessment before
the system is built and put into use.

• A prototype (a small version of the system) can be

used to clear the vague requirements. A prototype
should be evaluated with the user participation.

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• A prototype is a working model that is
functionally equivalent to a component of the
• There are two types of Prototyping techniques
– Throw-away Prototyping
– Evolutionary Prototyping

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Throw-away Prototyping

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Throw-away Prototyping
• The objective is to understand the system
requirements clearly.
• Starts with poorly understood requirements.
Once the requirements are cleared, the
system will be developed from the beginning.
• This model is suitable if the requirements are
vague but stable.

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Some problems with Throw-away Prototyping

1. Important features may have been left out of the prototype
to simplify rapid implementation. In fact, it may not be
possible to prototype some of the most important parts of
the system such as safety-critical functions.

2. An implementation has no legal standing as a contract

between customer and contractor.

3. Non-functional requirements such as those concerning

reliability, robustness and safety cannot be adequately
tested in a prototype implementation.

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Evolutionary Prototyping

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Evolutionary Prototyping
• Advantages
– Effort of prototype is not wasted
– Faster than the Waterfall model
– High level of user involvement from the start
– Technical or other problems discovered early – risk
– A working system is available early in the process
– Misunderstandings between software users and
developers are exposed
– Mainly suitable for projects with vague and unstable
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Evolutionary Prototyping
• Disadvantages
– Prototype usually evolve so quickly that it is not cost-
effective to produce great deal of documentation
– Continual change tends to corrupt the structure of the
prototype system. Maintenance is therefore likely to be
difficult and costly
– It is not clear how the range of skills which is normal in
software engineering teams can be used effectively for this
mode of development
– Languages which are good for prototyping not always best
for final product

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Component-Based Software Engineering

• Emphasizes the design and construction of
computer based systems using software
• The process relies on reusable software
• Similar to the characteristics of the spiral

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Component-Based Software Engineering


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Component-Based Software Engineering

• Requirement specification and validation steps are
similar to the other processes.

• Component Analysis
– During this stage try to find the software components
need for the implementation once the requirements are
• Requirements Modification
– Analyze the discovered software components to find out
whether it is able to achieve the specified requirements.

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Component-Based Software Engineering

• System Design with Reuse
– The frame work of the system is designed to get the
maximum use of discovered components. New software
may have to design if the reusable components are not

• Development and integration

– Software that cannot be discovered is developed, and the
reusable components are integrated to create the new
system. The integration process, may be part of the
development process rather than a separate activity.

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Process Iteration
• A process for arriving at a decision or a desired
result by repeating rounds of analysis or a
cycle of operations.
• The objective is to bring the desired decision
or result closer to discovery with each
repetition (iteration).
• The iterative process can be used where the
decision is not easily revocable or where the
consequences of revocation could be costly.
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Incremental Model

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Incremental Development
• The Incremental development model involves
developing the system in an incremental fashion.
• The most important part of the system is fist
delivered and the other parts of the system are then
delivered according to their importance.
• Incremental development avoids the problems of
constant change which characterize evolutionary

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Incremental Development
• An overall system architecture is established
early in the process to act as a framework.
• Incremental development is more manageable
than evolutionary prototyping as the normal
software process standards are followed.
• Plans and documentation must be produced.

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The Spiral Model

• This model is an evolutionary software
process model that couples the iterative
nature of prototyping with the controlled and
systematic aspects of the linear sequential
• Using the spiral model software is developed
in a series of incremental releases. During
early iterations, the incremental release might
be a paper model or prototype.
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The Spiral Model

• The spiral model is divided into four main task
1. Determine goals, alternatives, constraints
2. Evaluate alternatives and risks
3. Develop and test
4. Plan

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Spiral Model

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Rapid Software Development

• Because of rapidly changing business
environments, businesses have to respond to
new opportunities and competition.
• This requires software and rapid development
and delivery is not often the most critical
requirement for software systems.
• Businesses may be willing to accept lower
quality software if rapid delivery of essential
functionality is possible.
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Rapid Software Development

• Requirements
– Because of the changing environment, it is often
impossible to arrive at a stable, consistent set of
system requirements.
– Therefore a waterfall model of development is
impractical and an approach to development
based on iterative specification and delivery is the
only way to deliver software quickly.

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Agile Process
• Agile software engineering combines a philosophy
and a set of development guidelines.
• The philosophy encourages the customer satisfaction
and early incremental delivery of software.
• small and highly motivated software teams, informal
methods, minimal software engineering work
products, and overall development simplicity.
• The development guidelines stress delivery and
active and continuous communication between
developers and customers.
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Agile Process
• An agile process adapt incrementally. To accomplish
incremental adaptation, an agile team requires
customer feedback.
• An effective tool to get customer feedback is an
operational prototype or a portion of an operational
• Software increments must be delivered in short time
periods so that the adaptation keep pace with the
change This iterative approach enables the customer
to evaluate the software increment regularly and
provide necessary feedback to the software team.
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Extreme programming
• Extreme Programming (XP) is the most widely
used Agile Process model.
• XP uses an object oriented approach as its
development paradigm.
• XP encompasses a set of rules and practices
that occur within the context of four
framework activities;
planning, design , coding and testing.

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Extreme programming
• “Extreme Programming is a discipline of
software development based on values of
simplicity, communication, feedback and
– Ron Jeffries

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Extreme programming Process

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Extreme programming Process

1. Planning
– Begins with a set of stories (scenarios).
– Each story written by the customer is assigned a value depending on its
– The members of the XP team assess each story and assigned a cost measured
in development weeks.
– If a story has more that three weeks to develop the customer is asked to split
– New stories can add any time.
– Customers and XP team work together to decide how to group stories for next
– AS development work proceeds, the customers can add stories, split stories
and eliminate them.
– The XP team then reconsiders all remaining releases and modify its plan

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Extreme programming Process

2. Design
– A simple design is preferred
– Design only consider the given stories
– Extra functionality discouraged
– Identify the object oriented classes that are relavant to the current system.
– The output of the design process is a set of CRC ( Class Responsibility
Collaborator) cards.

3. Coding
– XP recommends developing a series of unit tests for each of the story
– Once the code is complete, units should be unit tested.
– Pair programming – two people work together at one computer.

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Extreme programming Process

4. Testing
– The unit tests that has been created in the coding stage should be
implemented using a framework that can be implemented.
– This enables regression testing
– Integration and validation can occur on a daily basis
– This provides the XP team with a continual indication of the progress and also
raise flags early if things are going wrong.
– Acceptance tests are derived from user stories that have been implemented as
parts of the software release.

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Rapid Application Development

• Rapid Application Development (RAD) is both
a general term used to refer to alternatives to
the conventional waterfall model of software
development as well as the name for James
Martin's approach to rapid development.
• RAD is an incremental software development
process model that emphasizes an extremely
short development cycle.

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Rapid Application Development

• In general, RAD approaches to software
development put less emphasis on planning
tasks and more emphasis on development.
• If requirements are well understood and
project scope is constrained, the RAD process
enables a development team to create a ‘fully
functional system’ within very short time
periods (eg. 60 to 90 days)

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Rapid Application Development

• In contrast to the waterfall model, which emphasizes
rigorous specification and planning, RAD approaches
emphasize the necessity of adjusting requirements in
reaction to knowledge gained as the project
• This causes RAD to use prototypes in addition to or
even sometimes in place of design specifications.
RAD approaches also emphasize a flexible process
that can adapt as the project evolves rather than
rigorously defining specifications and plans correctly
from the start.
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The RAD Model

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Processes in the RAD Model

• Business modeling
– The information flow in a business system considering its
• Data Modeling
– The information flow defined as part of the business
modeling phase is refined into a set of data objects that
are needed to support the business
• Process Modeling
– The data objects defined in the data modeling phase are
transformed to achieve the information flow necessary to
implement business functions.
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Processes in the RAD Model

• Application generation
– RAD assumes the use of 4GL or visual tools to generate the
system using reusable components.
• Testing and turnover
– New components must be tested and all interfaces must
be fully exercised

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Problems with the RAD model

• RAD requires sufficient human resources to create right
number of RAD teams.
• RAD requires developers and customers who are committed
to the rapid-fire activities necessary to get a system
completed in a much abbreviated time frame.
• If a system cannot be properly modularized, building the
components necessary for RAD will be problematic.
• RAD is not applicable when technical risks are high. This
occurs when a new application makes heavy use of new
technology or when the new software requires a high degree
of interoperability with existing computer programs.

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Software Prototyping
• The first RAD alternative was developed by
Barry Boehm and was known as the spiral
• Boehm and other subsequent RAD
approaches emphasized developing
prototypes as well as or instead of rigorous
design specifications.
• Prototypes had several advantages over
traditional specifications:
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Software Prototyping - Advantages

• Risk reduction: A prototype could test some of the
most difficult potential parts of the system early on
in the life-cycle. This can provide valuable
information as to the feasibility of a design and can
prevent the team from pursuing solutions that turn
out to be too complex or time consuming to
implement. This benefit of finding problems earlier in
the life-cycle rather than later was a key benefit of
the RAD approach. The earlier a problem can be
found the cheaper it is to address.

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Software Prototyping - Advantages

• Users are better at using and reacting than at
creating specifications. In the waterfall model it was
common for a user to sign off on a set of
requirements but then when presented with an
implemented system to suddenly realize that a given
design lacked some critical features or was too
complex. In general most users give much more
useful feedback when they can experience a
prototype of the running system rather than
abstractly define what that system should be.

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Software Prototyping - Advantages

• Prototypes can be usable and can evolve into the
completed product. One approach used in some RAD
methodologies was to build the system as a series of
prototypes that evolve from minimal functionality to
moderately useful to the final completed system. The
advantage of this besides the two advantages above
was that the users could get useful business
functionality much earlier in the process.

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Unified Process
• The Unified Process or Rational Unified
Process (RUP) is a framework for object
oriented software engineering using UML.
• This is a use-case driven, architecture centric,
iterative and incremental software
development model.

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Unified Process

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Unified Process
• Inception Phase:
– The Inception Phase of UP includes both customer
communication and planning activities. By
collaborating with the customer and end-users,
business requirements for the software are
identified, a rough architecture for the system is
proposed, and a plan for the iterative, incremental
nature of the project is developed.

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Unified Process
• Elaboration Phase:
– The Elaboration Phase encompasses the planning
and modeling activities of the generic process
model. Elaboration refines and expands the
primary use-cases that were developed as part of
the inception phase and expands the architectural
representation to include five different views of
the software – the use-case model, the analysis
model, the design model, the implementation
model and the deployment model.

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Unified Process
• Construction Phase:
– The construction phase of the UP is identical to
the construction activity defined in the generic
software process. Using the architectural model as
input, the construction phase develops or
acquires the software components that will make
each usecase operational for end-users. As
components are developed unit tests are designed
and executed for each component. Integration
testing and acceptance testing are carried out
using use-cases to derive required test cases.
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Unified Process
• Transition Phase:
– The Transition Phase of the UP encompasses the
later stages of the generic construction activity
and the first part of the generic deployment
activity. Software is given to end-users for beta
testing. The software team creates necessary
support information (user manual, installation
manual etc.). At the end of transition phase, the
software increment becomes a usable software

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Unified Process
• Production Phase:
– The production phase of the UP coincides with the
deployment activity of the generic process. During
this phase, the on going use of the software is
monitored, support for operating environment is
provided, and defect reports and requests for
change are submitted and evaluated.

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Unified Process
• It is likely that at the same time the
construction, transition and production
phases are being conducted, work may have
already begun on the next software
increment. This means that the unified
process do not occur in a sequence, but rather
with staggered concurrency.

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Major work products produced for each UP phases

Inception Phase Elaboration Phase
Vision document Use-case model
Initial use-case model Requirements functional, non-functional
Initial risk assessment Analysis model
Project Plan Software architecture
Business model Preliminary design model
Prototypes Revised risk list, revised prototypes
Construction Phase Transition Phase
Design model Delivered software increment
Software components Beta test reports
Integrated software increment General user feedback
Test cases
Test Plan and Procedures
Support documentation

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Overview of CASE Approach

• Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
is the use of computer-based support in the
software development process.
• Embedding CASE technology in software
process led improvements in software quality
and productivity.

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CASE Automated Activities

• The development of graphical system models
• Understanding a design using a data
• Generation of user interfaces
• Program debugging
• The automated translation of programs from
an old version

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CASE Limited Factors

• Providing artificial intelligence technology to
support design activities will be unsuccessful.

• Software engineering is a team based activity

that require interactivity among team
members. CASE technology does not support
for this.

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CASE Tools
• Tools used to assist the all aspects of the software
development lifecycle are known as CASE Tools.

• Some typical CASE tools are:

– Code generation tools
– Data modeling tools
– Refactoring tools
– QVT or Model transformation Tools
– Configuration management tools including revision control

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CASE Classification
• Help to understand the types of CASE tools and their
role in supporting software process activities.

• CASE tools can be classified in three perspectives.

1. Functional perspective: Classify according to the specific
2. Process perspective: Classify according to the process
activities that they support.
3. Integration perspective: Classify according to how they
are organized into integrated units that provide support
for one or more process activities.

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Functional Classification of CASE Tools

Tool Type Examples
Planning Tools PERT tools, ESTIMATION tools, Spreadsheets
Editing Tools Text editors, diagram editors, word processors
Change Management Tools Requirements traceability tools, change control systems
Configuration Management Tools Version management systems, system building tools
Prototyping Tools Very high level languages, User interface generators.
Method Support Tools Design editors, data dictionaries, Code generators
Language-Processing Tools Compilers, Interpreters
Program analysis Tools Cross reference generators, Static analyzers, Dynamic analyzers
Testing Tools Test data generators, File comparators
Debugging Tools Interactive debugging systems
Documentation Tools Page layout programs, Image editors
Re-engineering Tools Cross reference systems, Program restructuring systems

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Another Classification Dimension

• CASE tools can be classified according to the
support offered to software process.

– Tools : Support individual process tasks such as

checking consistency of a design etc.
– Workbenches : Support process phases or
activities such as specification etc.
– Environments : Support all or substantial part of
the software process

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Tools Workbenches and Environments

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