Clocha Rince NS: Foghlaim Agus Forbairt
Clocha Rince NS: Foghlaim Agus Forbairt
Clocha Rince NS: Foghlaim Agus Forbairt
Clocha Rince NS
(b) Rationale
We recognise Music as an integral part of the Arts curriculum. ‘Music is an art form deeply
rooted in human nature. It is a discrete body of knowledge, a unique form of communication
and a means by which feelings and interests are organised and expressed. It is a profoundly
satisfying area of individual and shared experience. Music offers lifelong opportunities for
the development of imagination, sensitivity, inventiveness, risk-taking and
enjoyment’(Music Curriculum page 5)
(b) Aims
We endorse the aims of the Music Curriculum as outlined in the Music Curriculum
document pg. 4.
To enable the child to explore, clarify and express ideas, feelings and experiences
through a range of arts activities
To provide for aesthetic experiences and to develop aesthetic awareness in the visual
arts, in music, in drama, in dance and in literature
To develop the child’s awareness of, sensitivity to and enjoyment of visual, aural,
tactile and spatial environments
To enable the child to develop natural abilities and potential, to acquire techniques,
and to practise the skills necessary for creative expression and for joyful participation
in different art forms
To enable the child to see and to solve problems creatively through imaginative
thinking and so encourage individuality and enterprise
To value the child’s confidence and self-esteem through valuing self-expression
To foster a sense of excellence in and appreciation of the arts in local, regional,
national and global contexts, both past and present
To foster critical appreciation of the arts for personal fulfilment and enjoyment
Curriculum Planning
1. Strands and Strand Units
Each teacher is familiar with the strand and strand units, content objectives for his/her class level
and indeed for each other’s class levels. This is to ensure a coherent programme throughout the
The strand and all strand units must be covered each year as must all content objectives.
Teachers will adhere to the Whole School Plans developed and appended to this document. Teachers
will ensure that the music content as outlined in the appended documents will form the minimum
content for their class level.
Each teacher will prepare a long term yearly plan for Music which will be informed by this Plan.
Each teacher will ensure that the music content for their class will be covered at a minimum during
the school year and will be recorded in their fortnightly plans and Cuntas Míosúil.
Music examples will be played several times and often to present the children the opportunity to
respond in a variety of ways.
Teachers will adopt the approaches as outlined in TG pg 70 – 88 for Performing- Song Singing and
pg. 104 – 109 for Performing – playing instruments.
Teachers will adopt the approaches as outlined in the TG pg 110 – 119 for the Composing Strand.
We recognise that assessment techniques used in Music must seek to assess progress in the pupils
development of
a) A sense of pulse
b) A sense of duration
c) A sense of tempo
d) A sense of pitch
e) A sense of dynamics
f) A sense structure
g) A sense timbre
h) A sense of texture
i) A sense style
The assessment tools we will use will range from the informal means to the more structured
Methods we will use are ;
These records will inform the teacher of the progress of the child; the effectiveness of teaching
methodologies employed and will also inform future planning.
The assessment records will form the basis for reporting and discussing the child’s progress with
parents. This information will be relayed at Parent Teacher Meetings and in annual school reports.
• All children will have equal opportunities to participate in music lessons and activities.
• Provision for children with physical difficulties will be made so that they can access the
music curriculum.
• If we have children whose first language is not English, they will be supported in accessing
the music curriculum also.
Organisational Planning
6. Timetable
In keeping with the recommendations in the Primary School Curriculum Introduction (page 70) a
minimum of 2 ½ hours per week is devoted to Arts Education in infant classes and a minimum of
three hours per week for classes 1st to 6th.
One hour of this time will be spent on Music in Senior Classes, 45 minutes in Junior classes
*On occasion, time will be blocked as appropriate. This might occur when
- working on a integrated project
Teachers may use discretionary curriculum time (2 hours per week) for Music as appropriate.
Teachers have been given the flexibility to reduce time spent on Arts Education subjects as noted in
our Literacy & Numeracy Strategy.
Success Criteria
We will review this whole school plan under the following headings
Are individual teachers preparing planning and teaching according to this plan?
Are we using a variety of methodologies?
How are the children’s music skills progressing?
How well is music knowledge being learned by the children?
Are we assessing our music as outlined in the plan?
Have we acquired the resources we needed?
Roles and Responsibilities
The plan will be supported, developed and implemented by all staff members.
It will be necessary to review this plan on a regular basis to ensure optimum implementation of
the history curriculum. We aim to review this plan during the 2013/2014 school year.
On this date we will refer to the tasks here in our action plan and check that they have been
completed in accordance with the agreed timeframe.
Those involved in the review will be Class Teachers
PDST if appropriate
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management on Thursday 20th June 2013.
Plan for Irish Music
Irish Music Irish Solo Traditional Traditional Concert Music
Group Artist Irish Music Irish Music in by Irish
Compilations Modern Style Composer
Nai. Sois Kila
Altan Matt Molloy
Music Eras – Music and Composer
Each Class studies two composers from different eras
Baroque Era Classical Era Romantic Era Modern Era
1600 - 1750 1750 - 1820 1820 - 1920
1 Mozart Saint-Saens
2 Handel Debussy
3 Strauss Stravinsky
4 Bach Mozart
5 Vivaldi Britten
Young Persons
Guide to the
6 Beethoven Wagner
Music in Various Styles
Rang Other
Folk Jazz Country Swing Blues Soul Rock Popular Opera Films Musicals Cultures
and and Roll Music
Nai. Simon & Hank Billie Beatles Engelbert Strouse-
Sois Garfunkel Williams Holliday Humperdinck Annie
Naí. Louis Duke Otis U2 Disney Bushfire-
Sins Armstrong Ellington Redding Film Didgeridoo
1 Simon & Hank BB King Beatles Mozart R&H
Garfunkel Williams The Magic The
Flute (The Sound Of
Bird Catcher Music
2 Louis Duke Otis One Disney Chineese
Armstrong Ellington Redding Direction Film Classical
Music Folk Music
3 Joni Patsy Bessie Rolling Offenbach Bart-
Mitchel Cline Smyth Stones Oliver
4 Leonard Count Tina Cranberries John Adzido –
Bernstein Basie Turner Williams Under
– What is ET, Jaws, African
Jazz Superman Skies
5 Bob Patsy Ella Beach Puccini Gilbert &
Dylan Cline Fitzgerald Boys Nessun Sullivan –
Dorma & The HMS
Humming Pinafore
6 Leonard Glen Arethra Oasis Hans Bushfire
Bernstein Miller Franklin Zimmer Didgeridoo
– What is Pirates of
Jazz the