Study of Subsonic Wind Tunnel and Its Calibration: Pratik V. Dedhia
Study of Subsonic Wind Tunnel and Its Calibration: Pratik V. Dedhia
Study of Subsonic Wind Tunnel and Its Calibration: Pratik V. Dedhia
Pratik V. Dedhia∗
IIST, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695547, India
The objective of the experiment is to study the subsonic wind tunnel and its components
and calibrate the subsonic wind tunnel by measuring the velocity profile in the test-section.
ρair density of air kg/m3
ρethanol density of ethanol kg/m3
Re Reynolds number
g gravity in m/s2
µ viscosity of air in Pas
V Freestream velocity
P Pressure in N/m2
Patm Atmospheric pressure in pa
I. Introduction
The experiment aims at studying and calibrating a subsonic wind tunnel in the sense drawing a rela-
tionship between the fan speed and Re. Mean flow velocity will be calculated at different fan speeds and a
linear relation will be drawn between the two using least square fit using the dicrete data obtained during
the measurements. Also variation of Reynolds number with fan speed will be plotted. Variation of velocity
in the transverse direction of the test section will be checked. And finally, losses in the section inlet to
wiremesh, contraction section will be computed and a rough estimate of power required to run the wind
tunnel at various speed will be obtained.
II. Theory
A subsonic wind tunnel and its components are shown in figure 1. The role of each components of the
wind tunnel are as follows.
B. Settling chamber
Settling chamber further consists of two components, honeycomb structure and screen.
∗ student, Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, SC15M001.
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1. Honeycomb structure
Honeycomb structure consists of long cylindrical, square or hexagonal tubes of size 6-8 mm. This arrangement
help in damping aany swirl present in the flow. It helps in removing any angularity in the flow, thus allowing
only unidirectional flow.
2. Screen
A screen is made of either wire mesh or perforated plate. Honeycomb straightens the flow but it does not
affect the velocity distribution in transcerse direction. Screen is used to remove tranverse velocity variation
and make flow much more uniform.
The pressure loss due the settling chamber is high and is proportional to square of flow velocity, hence it
is placed it that section of the wind tunnel where the velocity is minimum i.e. just after the inlet.
C. Converging nozzle
In subsonic wind tunnel, flow is accelerated using a convergent nozzle. It is usually placed after the settling
chamber to get a uniform, irrotational flow at its inlet which will ultimately lead to uniform, irrotational
high velocity at its exit.
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E. Diffuser
Diffuser is placed after the test section to convert the flow kinetic energy to pressure energy. In this manner
it recovers the pressure head and prevents it from getting lost in kinetic energy. This considerably reduces
the power requirements for fan, and only losses are left to be compensated.
F. Measurement device
This is one of the most important component of wind tunnel because it helps acquiring the data. Manometer
shown in the figure is one such device which measures pressure in terms of height. This pressure can be used
to measure the flow velocity and hence reynolds number. This is explained below.
q = (ρair V 2 )/2
ρair V c
Re =
V. Data Interpretation
The next task after collecting data is to interpret it and arrive at our objective using suitable physi-
cal and mathematical logic. Here, we obtained all the measurement in terms of the height of the fluid in
manometer which needs to be converted into absolute pressure that will ultimately lead us to our objective
viz. estimating variation of meanflow velocity, RE with fan speed, lossed and power requirement for diiferent
fanspeed. One sample calculation is shown below to give an idea of how the results were achieved.
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P1 = 101269 N/m2
Similarly calculating pressure at point 2 to get freestream pressure,
P2 = 101141.32 N/m2
Calculating freestream velocity using,
2(P1 − P2 )
V =
V = 14.46 m/s
ρair V
unitRe =
unitRe = 892000
VI. Results
A. Empirical correlation between fan speed and mean flow velocity using least square fit
Table 1 shows the values obtained after calculation
XY − X Y
m= P P
n X 2 − ( X)2
Y −m X
y = mx + b
After substituting the values following correlation was ontained. The results are plotted in figure 2
y = 0.017942 ∗ x − 0.8301
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Figure 3. The variation Re with Fan speed. It can be inferred from plot that Re and Fan speed followa a
linear relationship.
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Figure 4. Variation of velocity in transverse direction. The velocity almost remain constant as depicted by
the graph indicating the effectiveness of the settling chamber.
D. Losses and power requirement for running wind tunnel at various fan speed.
The variation of losses happening from inlet to wiremesh and in the contraction section with the fan speed
is plotted in figure 5 and 6 respectively. Also the variation power requirement for running the wind tunnel
at various speeds is shown in figure 7.
VII. Conclusion
Subsonic Wind tunnel and its various components were studied thoroughly and Wind tunnel was cali-
brated successfully.
VIII. Acknowledgement
The experiment was guided by Prof. Vinoth B R and Ms Prashanthi G. Lab assitant Nasarudeen helped
in the operation of the wind tunnel. Extended support was provided in measuring the datas by colleagues
Ninish S. and Chirag S.
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Figure 6. Variation of contraction loss with fan speed. The variation resembles second order polynomial but
can be approximated as linear at lower fan speeds
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