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07" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span data-icon="default-user"
class=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M106.251.5C164.653.5 212 47.846 212
106.25S164.653 212 106.25 212C47.846 212 .5 164.654.5 106.25S47.846.5
106.251.5z"></path><g fill="#FFF"><path d="M173.561 171.615a62.767 62.767 0 0 0-
2.065-2.955 67.7 67.7 0 0 0-2.608-3.299 70.112 70.112 0 0 0-3.184-3.527 71.097
71.097 0 0 0-5.924-5.47 72.458 72.458 0 0 0-10.204-7.026 75.2 75.2 0 0 0-5.98-
3.089-37.416 7.529c-.338.153-.653.318-.985.474a75.37 75.37 0 0 0-6.229 3.298 72.589
72.589 0 0 0-9.15 6.395 71.243 71.243 0 0 0-5.924 5.47 70.064 70.064 0 0 0-3.184
3.527 67.142 67.142 0 0 0-2.609 3.299 63.292 63.292 0 0 0-2.065 2.955 56.33 56.33 0
0 0-1.447 2.324c-.033.056-.073.119-.104.174a47.92 47.92 0 0 0-1.07 1.926c-.559
1.068-.818 1.678-.818 1.678v.398c18.285 17.927 43.322 28.985 70.945 28.985 27.678 0
52.761-11.103 71.055-29.095v-.289s-.619-1.45-1.992-3.778a58.346 58.346 0 0 0-1.446-
2.322zM106.002 125.5c2.645 0 5.212-.253 7.68-.737a38.272 38.272 0 0 0 3.624-.896
37.124 37.124 0 0 0 5.12-1.958 36.307 36.307 0 0 0 6.15-3.67 35.923 35.923 0 0 0
9.489-10.48 36.558 36.558 0 0 0 2.422-4.84 37.051 37.051 0 0 0 1.716-5.25c.299-
5.811a38.734 38.734 0 0 0-1.215-5.494 36.68 36.68 0 0 0-3.648-8.298 35.923 35.923 0
0 0-9.489-10.48 36.347 36.347 0 0 0-6.15-3.67 37.124 37.124 0 0 0-5.12-1.958 37.67
37.67 0 0 0-3.624-.896 39.875 39.875 0 0 0-7.68-.737c-21.162 0-37.345 16.183-37.345
37.345 0 21.159 16.183 37.342 37.345
37.342z"></path></g></svg></span></div></div></div><div class="_3j7s9"><div
class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span class="_3TEwt"><span dir="auto" title="U
Shahreen" class="_1wjpf">U Shahreen</span><div
class="_1yct0"></div></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span
class="_3T2VG">yesterday</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div
class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW" title="&#8234;Photo&#8236;"><div
class="_1VfKB"><span data-icon="status-dblcheck-ack" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" height="18"><path
fill="#4FC3F7" d="M17.394 5.035l-.57-.444a.434.434 0 0 0-.609.076l-6.39
8.198a.38.38 0 0 1-.577.039l-.427-.388a.381.381 0 0 0-.578.038l-.451.576a.497.497 0
0 0 .043.645l1.575 1.51a.38.38 0 0 0 .577-.039l7.483-9.602a.436.436 0 0
0-.076-.609zm-4.892 0l-.57-.444a.434.434 0 0 0-.609.076l-6.39 8.198a.38.38 0 0
1-.577.039l-2.614-2.556a.435.435 0 0 0-.614.007l-.505.516a.435.435 0 0 0 .
007.614l3.887 3.8a.38.38 0 0 0 .577-.039l7.483-9.602a.435.435 0 0
0-.075-.609z"></path></svg></span></div><div class="_3FwEk status-image
I9L8x"><span data-icon="status-image" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 20" width="16" height="20"><path
fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".4" d="M13.822 4.668H7.14l-1.068-1.09a1.068 1.068 0 0
0-.663-.278H3.531c-.214 0-.51.128-.656.285L1.276
5.296c-.146.157-.266.46-.266.675v1.06l-.001.003v6.983c0 .646.524 1.17 1.17
1.17h11.643a1.17 1.17 0 0 0 1.17-1.17v-8.18a1.17 1.17 0 0 0-1.17-1.169zm-5.982
8.63a3.395 3.395 0 1 1 0-6.79 3.395 3.395 0 0 1 0 6.79zm0-5.787a2.392 2.392 0 1 0 0
4.784 2.392 2.392 0 0 0 0-4.784z"></path></svg></span></div><span dir="auto"
class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Photo</span></span></div><div
></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 330; height: 72px; transform:
translate3d(0px, 864px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div class="_2EXPL"><div
class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width: 49px;"><img
98" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span data-icon="default-user"
class=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M106.251.5C164.653.5 212 47.846 212
106.25S164.653 212 106.25 212C47.846 212 .5 164.654.5 106.25S47.846.5
106.251.5z"></path><g fill="#FFF"><path d="M173.561 171.615a62.767 62.767
0 0 0-2.065-2.955 67.7 67.7 0 0 0-2.608-3.299 70.112 70.112 0 0 0-3.184-3.527
71.097 71.097 0 0 0-5.924-5.47 72.458 72.458 0 0 0-10.204-7.026 75.2 75.2 0 0 0-
27.624 3.089-37.416 7.529c-.338.153-.653.318-.985.474a75.37 75.37 0 0 0-6.229 3.298
72.589 72.589 0 0 0-9.15 6.395 71.243 71.243 0 0 0-5.924 5.47 70.064 70.064 0 0 0-
3.184 3.527 67.142 67.142 0 0 0-2.609 3.299 63.292 63.292 0 0 0-2.065 2.955 56.33
56.33 0 0 0-1.447 2.324c-.033.056-.073.119-.104.174a47.92 47.92 0 0 0-1.07
1.926c-.559 1.068-.818 1.678-.818 1.678v.398c18.285 17.927 43.322 28.985 70.945
28.985 27.678 0 52.761-11.103 71.055-29.095v-.289s-.619-1.45-1.992-3.778a58.346
58.346 0 0 0-1.446-2.322zM106.002 125.5c2.645 0 5.212-.253 7.68-.737a38.272 38.272
0 0 0 3.624-.896 37.124 37.124 0 0 0 5.12-1.958 36.307 36.307 0 0 0 6.15-3.67
35.923 35.923 0 0 0 9.489-10.48 36.558 36.558 0 0 0 2.422-4.84 37.051 37.051 0 0 0
3.925-.417-5.811a38.734 38.734 0 0 0-1.215-5.494 36.68 36.68 0 0 0-3.648-8.298
35.923 35.923 0 0 0-9.489-10.48 36.347 36.347 0 0 0-6.15-3.67 37.124 37.124 0 0 0-
5.12-1.958 37.67 37.67 0 0 0-3.624-.896 39.875 39.875 0 0 0-7.68-.737c-21.162 0-
37.345 16.183-37.345 37.345 0 21.159 16.183 37.342 37.345
37.342z"></path></g></svg></span></div></div></div><div class="_3j7s9"><div
class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span class="_3TEwt"><span dir="auto" title="U
Asyraf" class="_1wjpf">U Asyraf</span><div class="_1yct0"></div></span></div><div
class="_3Bxar"><span class="_3T2VG">yesterday</span></div></div><div
class="_1AwDx"><div class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW"
title="&#8234;Photo&#8236;"><div class="_3FwEk status-image I9L8x"><span data-
icon="status-image" class=""><svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 16 20" width="16" height="20"><path fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".4"
d="M13.822 4.668H7.14l-1.068-1.09a1.068 1.068 0 0 0-.663-.278H3.531c-.214
0-.51.128-.656.285L1.276 5.296c-.146.157-.266.46-.266.675v1.06l-.001.003v6.983c0 .
646.524 1.17 1.17 1.17h11.643a1.17 1.17 0 0 0 1.17-1.17v-8.18a1.17 1.17 0 0 0-1.17-
1.169zm-5.982 8.63a3.395 3.395 0 1 1 0-6.79 3.395 3.395 0 0 1 0 6.79zm0-5.787a2.392
2.392 0 1 0 0 4.784 2.392 2.392 0 0 0 0-4.784z"></path></svg></span></div><span
dir="auto" class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Photo</span></span></div><div
></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 329; height: 72px; transform:
translate3d(0px, 792px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div class="_2EXPL"><div
class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width: 49px;"><img
1525963336%40g.us&amp;i=1525963343" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span
data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-14.246 14.246 6.174 14.246
14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
4.464-.428c.717-.14 1.419-.315 2.106-.521 1.03-.309 2.023-.69 2.976-1.138a21.099
21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
42.078 0 0 0-5.931-4.083 43.725 43.725 0 0 0-3.476-
1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
1.351l-.061.101a27.96 27.96 0 0 0-.622
35.417 0 0 0-.842-1.351z"></path></svg></span></div></div></div><div
class="_3j7s9"><div class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span dir="auto" title="??
ARS IQD (LINDA)??" class="_1wjpf"><img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b49 emoji wa" style="background-position: 0px
-40px;">ARS IQD (LINDA)<img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b49 emoji wa" style="background-position: 0px
-40px;"></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span
class="_3T2VG">yesterday</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div
class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW" title="&#8234;Hihihihihihi&#8236;"><span
class="_1bX-5"><span dir="ltr" class="">+60 16-371 9363</span>:</span><span
dir="ltr" class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Hihihihihihi</span></span></div><div
class="_3Bxar"><span><div class="_15G96"><span data-icon="muted" class=""><svg
id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 18" width="16"
height="18"><path fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".29" d="M11.52 9.206c0-1.4-.778-
2.567-1.944-3.111v1.711L11.52 9.75v-.544zm1.945 0c0 .7-.156 1.4-.389 2.022l1.167
1.167c.544-.933.778-2.1.778-3.267 0-3.344-2.333-6.144-5.444-6.844v1.633c2.255.778
3.888 2.8 3.888 5.289zm-11.433-7L1.02 3.217l3.656 3.656H1.02v4.667h3.111l3.889
3.889v-5.211l3.344 3.344c-.544.389-1.089.7-1.789.933v1.633a6.64 6.64 0 0 0 2.878-
1.4l1.556 1.556 1.011-1.011-7-7-5.988-6.067zm5.988.778L6.387 4.617 8.02
></div></div></div></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 328; height: 72px;
transform: translate3d(0px, 720px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div
class="_2EXPL"><div class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width:
49px;"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg
id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-14.246 14.246 6.174 14.246
14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
4.464-.428c.717-.14 1.419-.315 2.106-.521 1.03-.309 2.023-.69 2.976-1.138a21.099
21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
42.078 0 0 0-5.931-4.083 43.725 43.725 0 0 0-3.476-
1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
1.351l-.061.101a27.96 27.96 0 0 0-.622
35.417 0 0 0-.842-1.351z"></path></svg></span></div></div></div><div
class="_3j7s9"><div class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span dir="auto"
title="Makmal Kej. 1 JB" class="_1wjpf">Makmal Kej. 1 JB</span></div><div
class="_3Bxar"><span class="_3T2VG">yesterday</span></div></div><div
class="_1AwDx"><div class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW"
title="&#8234;Photo&#8236;"><span class="_1bX-5"><span dir="auto" class="">U
Azim</span>:</span><div class="_3FwEk status-image I9L8x"><span data-icon="status-
image" class=""><svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0
16 20" width="16" height="20"><path fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".4" d="M13.822
4.668H7.14l-1.068-1.09a1.068 1.068 0 0 0-.663-.278H3.531c-.214
0-.51.128-.656.285L1.276 5.296c-.146.157-.266.46-.266.675v1.06l-.001.003v6.983c0
.646.524 1.17 1.17 1.17h11.643a1.17 1.17 0 0 0 1.17-1.17v-8.18a1.17 1.17 0 0 0-
1.17-1.169zm-5.982 8.63a3.395 3.395 0 1 1 0-6.79 3.395 3.395 0 0 1 0 6.79zm0-
5.787a2.392 2.392 0 1 0 0 4.784 2.392 2.392 0 0 0 0-
4.784z"></path></svg></span></div><span dir="auto" class="_1wjpf
></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 327; height: 72px; transform:
translate3d(0px, 648px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div class="_2EXPL"><div
class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width: 49px;"><img
72" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span data-icon="default-user"
class=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M106.251.5C164.653.5 212 47.846 212
106.25S164.653 212 106.25 212C47.846 212 .5 164.654.5 106.25S47.846.5
106.251.5z"></path><g fill="#FFF"><path d="M173.561 171.615a62.767 62.767 0 0 0-
2.065-2.955 67.7 67.7 0 0 0-2.608-3.299 70.112 70.112 0 0 0-3.184-3.527 71.097
71.097 0 0 0-5.924-5.47 72.458 72.458 0 0 0-10.204-7.026 75.2 75.2 0 0 0-5.98-
3.089-37.416 7.529c-.338.153-.653.318-.985.474a75.37 75.37 0 0 0-6.229 3.298 72.589
72.589 0 0 0-9.15 6.395 71.243 71.243 0 0 0-5.924 5.47 70.064 70.064 0 0 0-3.184
3.527 67.142 67.142 0 0 0-2.609 3.299 63.292 63.292 0 0 0-2.065 2.955 56.33 56.33 0
0 0-1.447 2.324c-.033.056-.073.119-.104.174a47.92 47.92 0 0 0-1.07 1.926c-.559
1.068-.818 1.678-.818 1.678v.398c18.285 17.927 43.322 28.985 70.945 28.985 27.678 0
52.761-11.103 71.055-29.095v-.289s-.619-1.45-1.992-3.778a58.346 58.346 0 0 0-1.446-
2.322zM106.002 125.5c2.645 0 5.212-.253 7.68-.737a38.272 38.272 0 0 0 3.624-.896
37.124 37.124 0 0 0 5.12-1.958 36.307 36.307 0 0 0 6.15-3.67 35.923 35.923 0 0 0
9.489-10.48 36.558 36.558 0 0 0 2.422-4.84 37.051 37.051 0 0 0 1.716-5.25c.299-
5.811a38.734 38.734 0 0 0-1.215-5.494 36.68 36.68 0 0 0-3.648-8.298 35.923 35.923 0
0 0-9.489-10.48 36.347 36.347 0 0 0-6.15-3.67 37.124 37.124 0 0 0-5.12-1.958 37.67
37.67 0 0 0-3.624-.896 39.875 39.875 0 0 0-7.68-.737c-21.162 0-37.345 16.183-37.345
37.345 0 21.159 16.183 37.342 37.345
37.342z"></path></g></svg></span></div></div></div><div class="_3j7s9"><div
class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span class="_3TEwt"><span dir="auto"
title="Musa Yusof" class="_1wjpf">Musa Yusof</span><div
class="_1yct0"></div></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span
class="_3T2VG">yesterday</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div
class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW" title="&#8234;Dah lama&#8236;"><span dir="ltr"
class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Dah lama</span></span></div><div
></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 326; height: 72px; transform:
translate3d(0px, 576px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div class="_2EXPL"><div
class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width: 49px;"><img
1459065883%40g.us&amp;i=1528556591" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span
data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-14.246 14.246 6.174 14.246
14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
4.464-.428c.717-.14 1.419-.315 2.106-.521 1.03-.309 2.023-.69 2.976-1.138a21.099
21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
42.078 0 0 0-5.931-4.083 43.725 43.725 0 0 0-3.476-
1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
1.351l-.061.101a27.96 27.96 0 0 0-.622
35.417 0 0 0-.842-1.351z"></path></svg></span></div></div></div><div
class="_3j7s9"><div class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span dir="auto"
title="(CR+BRAWLS) TEAM KUNYIT�" class="_1wjpf">(CR+BRAWLS) TEAM KUNYIT<img
" alt="�" draggable="false" class="b88 emoji wa" style="background-position: -40px
0px;"></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span
class="_3T2VG">yesterday</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div
class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW" title="&#8234;Ak g main dgn bos dlu td.. Dh dpt
tiket.. Try test sepam.. Haha&#8236;"><span class="_1bX-5"><span dir="ltr"
class="">+60 17-658 2584</span>:</span><span dir="ltr" class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Ak g
main dgn bos dlu td.. Dh dpt tiket.. Try test sepam.. Haha</span></span></div><div
class="_3Bxar"><span><div class="_15G96"><span data-icon="muted" class=""><svg
id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 18" width="16"
height="18"><path fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".29" d="M11.52 9.206c0-1.4-.778-
2.567-1.944-3.111v1.711L11.52 9.75v-.544zm1.945 0c0 .7-.156 1.4-.389 2.022l1.167
1.167c.544-.933.778-2.1.778-3.267 0-3.344-2.333-6.144-5.444-6.844v1.633c2.255.778
3.888 2.8 3.888 5.289zm-11.433-7L1.02 3.217l3.656 3.656H1.02v4.667h3.111l3.889
3.889v-5.211l3.344 3.344c-.544.389-1.089.7-1.789.933v1.633a6.64 6.64 0 0 0 2.878-
1.4l1.556 1.556 1.011-1.011-7-7-5.988-6.067zm5.988.778L6.387 4.617 8.02
></div></div></div></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 325; height: 72px;
transform: translate3d(0px, 504px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div
class="_2EXPL"><div class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width:
49px;"><img src="https://dyn.web.whatsapp.com/pp?e=https%3A%2F%2Fpps.whatsapp.net
1384861477%40g.us&amp;i=1476958914" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span
data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-14.246 14.246 6.174 14.246
14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
4.464-.428c.717-.14 1.419-.315 2.106-.521 1.03-.309 2.023-.69 2.976-1.138a21.099
21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
42.078 0 0 0-5.931-4.083 43.725 43.725 0 0 0-3.476-
1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
1.351l-.061.101a27.96 27.96 0 0 0-.622
35.417 0 0 0-.842-1.351z"></path></svg></span></div></div></div><div
class="_3j7s9"><div class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span dir="auto" title="An
nur rc" class="_1wjpf">An nur rc</span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span
class="_3T2VG">12:37 AM</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div
class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW" title="&#8234;????&#8236;"><span class="_1bX-
5"><span dir="ltr" class="">+60 12-732 1939</span>:</span><span dir="auto"
class="_1wjpf _3NFp9"><img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b29 emoji wa" style="background-position: -60px
-40px;"><img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b29 emoji wa" style="background-position: -60px
-40px;"></span></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span><div class="_15G96"><span
data-icon="muted" class=""><svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 16 18" width="16" height="18"><path fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".29"
d="M11.52 9.206c0-1.4-.778-2.567-1.944-3.111v1.711L11.52 9.75v-.544zm1.945 0c0 .
7-.156 1.4-.389 2.022l1.167 1.167c.544-.933.778-2.1.778-3.267 0-3.344-2.333-6.144-
5.444-6.844v1.633c2.255.778 3.888 2.8 3.888 5.289zm-11.433-7L1.02 3.217l3.656
3.656H1.02v4.667h3.111l3.889 3.889v-5.211l3.344 3.344c-.544.389-1.089.7-
1.789.933v1.633a6.64 6.64 0 0 0 2.878-1.4l1.556 1.556 1.011-1.011-7-7-5.988-
6.067zm5.988.778L6.387 4.617 8.02
></div></div></div></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 324; height: 72px;
transform: translate3d(0px, 432px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div
class="_2EXPL"><div class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width:
49px;"><img src="https://dyn.web.whatsapp.com/pp?e=https%3A%2F%2Fpps.whatsapp.net
1422191692%40g.us&amp;i=1422191694" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span
data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-14.246 14.246 6.174 14.246
14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
4.464-.428c.717-.14 1.419-.315 2.106-.521 1.03-.309 2.023-.69 2.976-1.138a21.099
21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
42.078 0 0 0-5.931-4.083 43.725 43.725 0 0 0-3.476-
1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
1.351l-.061.101a27.96 27.96 0 0 0-.622
35.417 0 0 0-.842-1.351z"></path></svg></span></div></div></div><div
class="_3j7s9"><div class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span dir="auto"
title="OUR??J O H O ???????" class="_1wjpf">OUR<img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b18 emoji wa" style="background-position: 0px
0px;">J O H O <img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="???" draggable="false" class="b93 emoji wa" style="background-position:
-80px -40px;"><img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b54 emoji wa" style="background-position: -60px
-40px;"><img crossorigin="anonymous"
" alt="??" draggable="false" class="b54 emoji wa" style="background-position: -80px
-40px;"></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span class="_3T2VG">12:53
AM</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW"
22/7/18 0020hrs
RB(P)dari rosmerah/ taman molek hala pandan/bandar...

22/7/18 0020hrs
RB(P)selepas susur dari jalan tebrau ke taman mount austin hadapan mbsb/hsi
#OTRJohorCrew&#8236;"><span class="_1bX-5"><span dir="ltr" class="">+60 11-1080
3137</span>:</span><span dir="ltr" class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Johor
22/7/18 0020hrs
RB(P)dari rosmerah/ taman molek hala pandan/bandar...

22/7/18 0020hrs
RB(P)selepas susur dari jalan tebrau ke taman mount austin hadapan mbsb/hsi
#OTRJohorCrew</span></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span><div
class="_15G96"><span data-icon="muted" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 18" width="16" height="18"><path
fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".29" d="M11.52 9.206c0-1.4-.778-2.567-1.944-
3.111v1.711L11.52 9.75v-.544zm1.945 0c0 .7-.156 1.4-.389 2.022l1.167
1.167c.544-.933.778-2.1.778-3.267 0-3.344-2.333-6.144-5.444-6.844v1.633c2.255.778
3.888 2.8 3.888 5.289zm-11.433-7L1.02 3.217l3.656 3.656H1.02v4.667h3.111l3.889
3.889v-5.211l3.344 3.344c-.544.389-1.089.7-1.789.933v1.633a6.64 6.64 0 0 0 2.878-
1.4l1.556 1.556 1.011-1.011-7-7-5.988-6.067zm5.988.778L6.387 4.617 8.02
></div></div></div></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 323; height: 72px;
transform: translate3d(0px, 360px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div
class="_2EXPL"><div class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width:
49px;"><img src="https://dyn.web.whatsapp.com/pp?e=https%3A%2F%2Fpps.whatsapp.net
1428913403%40g.us&amp;i=1478778302" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span
data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-14.246 14.246 6.174 14.246
14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
4.464-.428c.717-.14 1.419-.315 2.106-.521 1.03-.309 2.023-.69 2.976-1.138a21.099
21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
42.078 0 0 0-5.931-4.083 43.725 43.725 0 0 0-3.476-
1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
1.351l-.061.101a27.96 27.96 0 0 0-.622
35.417 0 0 0-.842-1.351z"></path></svg></span></div></div></div><div
class="_3j7s9"><div class="_2FBdJ"><div class="_25Ooe"><span dir="auto" title="JBTR
2" class="_1wjpf">JBTR 2</span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span class="_3T2VG">1:04
AM</span></div></div><div class="_1AwDx"><div class="_itDl"><span class="_2_LEW"
title="&#8234;Rbp bawah edl ke permas sbelum uturn bakar batu&#8236;"><span
class="_1bX-5"><span dir="ltr" class="">+60 18-762 9071</span>:</span><span
dir="ltr" class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Rbp bawah edl ke permas sbelum uturn bakar
batu</span></span></div><div class="_3Bxar"><span><div class="_15G96"><span data-
icon="muted" class=""><svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 16 18" width="16" height="18"><path fill="#263238" fill-opacity=".29"
d="M11.52 9.206c0-1.4-.778-2.567-1.944-3.111v1.711L11.52 9.75v-.544zm1.945 0c0 .
7-.156 1.4-.389 2.022l1.167 1.167c.544-.933.778-2.1.778-3.267 0-3.344-2.333-6.144-
5.444-6.844v1.633c2.255.778 3.888 2.8 3.888 5.289zm-11.433-7L1.02 3.217l3.656
3.656H1.02v4.667h3.111l3.889 3.889v-5.211l3.344 3.344c-.544.389-1.089.7-
1.789.933v1.633a6.64 6.64 0 0 0 2.878-1.4l1.556 1.556 1.011-1.011-7-7-5.988-
6.067zm5.988.778L6.387 4.617 8.02
></div></div></div></div><div class="_2wP_Y" style="z-index: 322; height: 72px;
transform: translate3d(0px, 288px, 0px);"><div tabindex="-1"><div
class="_2EXPL"><div class="dIyEr"><div class="_1WliW" style="height: 49px; width:
49px;"><img src="https://dyn.web.whatsapp.com/pp?e=https%3A%2F%2Fpps.whatsapp.net
1428734162%40g.us&amp;i=1478130878" class="Qgzj8 gqwaM"><div class="_3ZW2E"><span
data-icon="default-group" class=""><svg id="Layer_1"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 212 212" width="212"
height="212"><path fill="#DFE5E7" d="M105.946.25C164.318.25 211.64 47.596 211.64
106s-47.322 105.75-105.695 105.75C47.571 211.75.25 164.404.25 106S47.571.25
105.946.25z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M61.543 100.988c8.073 0 14.246-6.174
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14.246 14.246zm8.159 17.541a48.192 48.192 0 0 1 8.545-6.062c-4.174-2.217-9.641-
3.859-16.704-3.859-21.844 0-28.492 15.67-28.492
15.67v8.073h26.181l.105-.248c.303-.713 3.164-7.151 10.365-13.574zm80.755-9.921c-
6.854 0-12.21 1.543-16.336 3.661a48.223 48.223 0 0 1 8.903 6.26c7.201 6.422 10.061
12.861 10.364 13.574l.105.248h25.456v-8.073c-.001 0-6.649-15.67-28.492-15.67zm0-
7.62c8.073 0 14.246-6.174 14.246-14.246s-6.173-14.246-14.246-14.246-14.246 6.173-
14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
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21.099 0 0 0 3.574-2.133 20.872 20.872 0 0 0 5.515-6.091 21.283 21.283 0 0 0 2.121-
4.823 22.16 22.16 0 0 0 .706-3.193c.16-1.097.242-2.224.242-3.377s-.083-2.281-.242-
3.377a22.778 22.778 0 0 0-.706-3.193 21.283 21.283 0 0 0-3.272-6.55 20.848 20.848 0
0 0-4.364-4.364 21.099 21.099 0 0 0-3.574-2.133 21.488 21.488 0 0 0-2.976-1.138
22.33 22.33 0 0 0-2.106-.521 23.202 23.202 0 0 0-4.464-.428c-12.299 0-21.705 9.405-
21.705 21.704 0 12.299 9.406 21.704 21.705 21.704zM145.629 131a36.739 36.739 0 0 0-
1.2-1.718 39.804 39.804 0 0 0-3.367-3.967 41.481 41.481 0 0 0-3.442-3.179 42.078
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1.776c-.036-.016-.069-.034-.104-.05-5.692-2.581-12.849-4.376-21.746-4.376-8.898 0-
16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
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14.246 14.246 6.173 14.246 14.246 14.246zm-44.093 3.21a23.21 23.21 0 0 0
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16.055 1.795-21.746 4.376-.196.089-.379.185-.572.276a43.316 43.316 0 0 0-3.62 1.917
42.32 42.32 0 0 0-5.318 3.716 41.501 41.501 0 0 0-3.443 3.179 40.632 40.632 0 0 0-
3.366 3.967c-.452.61-.851 1.186-1.2 1.718-.324.493-.6.943-.841
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title="&#8234;Rbp bawah edl ke permas sbelum uturn bakar batu&#8236;"><span
class="_1bX-5"><span dir="ltr" class="">+60 18-762 9071</span>:</span><span
dir="ltr" class="_1wjpf _3NFp9">Rbp bawah edl ke permas sbelum uturn bakar
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title="&#8234;RB T ungku mohsin lepas traffic light hala sri bahagia&#8236;"><span
class="_1bX-5"><span dir="ltr" class="">+60 19-746 6477</span>:</span><span
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7-.156 1.4-.389 2.022l1.167 1.167c.544-.933.778-2.1.778-3.267 0-3.344-2.333-6.144-
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