Finite Element Analysis Based On Proe, Hypermesh and Ansys
Finite Element Analysis Based On Proe, Hypermesh and Ansys
Finite Element Analysis Based On Proe, Hypermesh and Ansys
Abstract—Sometimes making finite element analysis only by one element quality can meet engineering analysis requirements
software is a hard thing. Because one software is not good at easily. (3) HyperMesh has the general interface with CAD and
every work. Therefore, we choose ProE, HyperMesh and ANSYS CAE.
software to model, mesh and calculate respectively and that can
exert their corresponding advantages. Model can be imported The modeling function of HyperMesh is not stronger than
and exported among soft wares accurately with software ProE. And its calculation and analysis function is also not as
interface. In ProE, surface modeling and model simplify can good as ANSYS, because that it has less material and element
reduce modify and geometry clean work in HyperMesh. In species and setting solving method is inconvenient.
HyperMesh, firstly we classify and manage model surface, then
check surface edges, and then mesh automatically. We must C. ANSYS
check element quality to ensure successful calculation in ANSYS.
Finally solve by ANSYS. Working process, problems and solution
ANSYS is one of the most influential finite element
is proposed. The given example of a vehicle oil tank shows that analysis software in the world because of its very powerful
this method and process are feasible and make operation simply, calculation and analysis ability. But its preprocess function is
calculation accurately and working efficiently. Especially they weak relatively. Firstly, the model ability in ANSYS is inferior
are suitable for complex model. to ProE so the complex model building is very hard by
ANSYS. Furthermore, meshing and modifying element by
Keywords-finite element; ProE; HyperMesh; ANSYS ANSYS is not easier than HyperMesh. So it is difficult to
ensure the element quality to make calculation successful. The
I. INTRODUCTION preprocessing wastes most time and affects work efficiency
At present, ANSYS software is widely used in finite
element analysis, but its preprocess function is so complex that
we must spent much time and energy, especially for complex III. COMPREHENSIVE APPLICATION OF PROE,HYPERMESH
model. According to the situation, we use ProE, HyperMesh AND ANSYS IN FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS
and ANSYS soft wares to model, mesh, calculate and analyze.
The comprehensive application of various finite element soft A. Working Process
wares can exert their corresponding advantages and makes the Our purpose is to develop respective advantage of each
analysis more efficient. software by comprehensive using soft wares. According to the
characteristics of three soft wares, we can model by ProE,
II. INTRODUCTION OF PROE,HYPERMESH AND ANSYS meshing by HyperMesh and solve by ANSYS. By this method,
the whole finite element analysis process will be more efficient
A. ProE and accurate. The whole analysis process see Fig. 1.
ProENGINEER (ProE for short) is an American PTC B. Common Problems and Solution
Company development 3D CAD/ CAE/ CAM software. Its
geometry modeling function is outstanding. We build some 1) Model Simplify: The general modeling process by ProE
complex models by ProE more efficiently than by ANSYS or is using method of solid modeling then extracting surface and
HyperMesh. However, the functions of meshing, calculation, a lot of error and plenty of modifying working will appear
analysis and post-process is relatively weak. after meshing. Therefore, we can use surface modeling[1] and
neglect several details (such as small hole and chamfer )and
B. HyperMesh accessory members.
The HyperMesh is an American Atair Company developed 2) Classified Management of Model: There are a lot of
product. Its main advantages are as Follows: (1) Meshing is surfaces controlled hardly in the model which shaded each
more easy and quick; (2) We can control and modify the other. Many surfaces with different aharacters intermix
element quality easily and operation is very convenient. So the
Modeling by ProE
Importing Data
Meshing by HyperMesh
Figure 2. Wrong and Correct Edge of Element
Classify Surfaces
Edge Edit This paper takes the finite element analysis of a vehicle oil
tank as example, describes the whole analysis process in detail
by ProE,HyperMesh and ANSYS.
A. Modeling by ProE
Check Element We choose surface modeling in ProE to model the vehicle
oil tank made of steel welded plate. Small hole and chamfer are
Importing Data
neglected, but big hole still need of thinking about (See
Solving by ANSYS
Fig.3.Several surfaces are shaded).The file can be saved as
default format directly (such as *.prt or *.asm).
Figure 1. Working Process
C. Management and Classified Model Surfaces H. To Export an ANSYS File
Then we select the surfaces with the same property to be In HyperMesh, the file can be save as “*.hm” directly. But
organized and use the organize panel to copy or move them to this format model can not be imported into ANSYS. From the
the corresponding destination collectors. They were defined as file pull-down menu, we should select export, then click finite
different name and color. element model, and then save the file as“*.cdb”.
F. Check Element
On the tool page, we select the check “elems” panel to
verify the geometric qualities of all the elements. Furthermore,
we use the “1-D, 2-D and 3-D” sub-panels functions to test the
connectivity of a group of elements and check for duplicate
elements. And we also can adjust the bad elements with the
following method: Pick on an element edge, the connectivity of
the two elements that share this edge is altered. ( the model
meshed in HyperMesh see Fig. 4).
The finite element analysis method ----- modeling by ProE,
meshing by HyperMesh and solving by ANSYS, is feasible and
can exert their corresponding advantages. By the way, the
analysis process changes more convenient, efficient and
accurate. Especially, the complex model is suitable for this
method. This paper presents a set of practical working process,
problems and solutions which has reference value for practical
engineering. The author used this method and working process
in other engineering and also gains good effects.
[2] JIANG Xue-wu, WU Xin-yue, and ZHU Shi-jian, “Comprehensive
[1] CHEN Zhong-chang, XIE Fa-qin, and WU Xiang-qing, “Realization of application of UG, HyperMesh and MSCMarc in finite element
ProE curved face modeling and the MeshCAST grid division”, Foundry analysis”, Computer Aided Angineering, vol. 16, pp. 11–14, Jun 2007.
Technology, vol. 28, pp. 1353–1355, Oct 2007.