Daily Test Dynamic Electricity Fix PDF
Daily Test Dynamic Electricity Fix PDF
Daily Test Dynamic Electricity Fix PDF
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
1. Matching : write the letter of the vocabulary terms next to it 3. The circuit shows a battery and four bulbs. All the bulbs are light
correct definition. Not all word will be used. up. One bulb broken and all the bulbs are light off. Which bulb
1. ____________ a circuit with multiple light bulbs and when broken? Why?
one is removed, the other bulbs go off. _________________________
2. ____________ the floe of electricity or electric charge. _________________________
3. ____________ a material which electricity DOES NOT flow _________________________
through easily. _________________________
4. ____________ a circuit where the pathway is broken or _________________________
disconnectes and the bulb does not light. _________________________
5. ____________ a circuit with
multiple light bulbs and when one Conductor
4. Label the parts of a circuit!
is removed, the other bulbs stay Insulator
on. Current Cell Wires Light bulb switch
6. ____________ a circuit where all Circuit
pathways are connected. Series circuit
7. ____________ a material which Glass
electricity posses through easily.
8. ____________ the path along
Parallel circuit
which electrons can flow.
Open circuit
9. ____________ and
____________ are examples of
Closed circuit
materials that are conductors.
Electric charge
10. ____________ and 5. Explain why the light
____________ are examples of Copper
bulbs won't light in the
materials that are insulators. circuit pictured on the
2. Complete the table properly! ____________________
what happen if a light bulb is what happen if a light bulb ____________________
missing or broken in a series is missing or broken in a ____________________
circuit, will the other bulb light? parallel circuit, will the ____________________
Explain! other bulb light? Explain!
6. Explain why the light
bulb isn't lighting up in
the circuit pictured on
the right!
Answer : Answer : ____________________
7. Perhatikan gambar berikut.
(1) I 2 = I 3 + I 4
(2) I 1 = I 5 + I 6
Jika batas ukur amperemeter 1 A, besar kuat arus yang terukur (3)I 2 = I 6
adalah .... (4) I 7 = I 3 + I 4 + I 6
a. 5 A Pernyataan yang benar adalah....
b. 15 A a. 1 dan 3
c. 10 A b. 1, 2 dan 3
d. 40 A c. 2 dan 4
d. 1, 2, 3 dan 4
8. Gambar beikut mengilustrasikan cara pemasangan amperemeter
(A) dan voltmeter (V) pada suatu rangkaian listrik. 11. Perhatikan rangkaian berikut !
10. Perhatikan gambar potongan rangkaian listrik yang terdiri dari 7
buah hambatan yang identik masing-masing seperti gambar
berikut ini!
14. How many current that flowing in I2 dan I4 ! 19. Perhatikan gambar rangkaian di bawah ini
Solution :