Istighatha by Means of The Prophet During His Life: (Istighatha Using Intermediaries and Intercessors)
Istighatha by Means of The Prophet During His Life: (Istighatha Using Intermediaries and Intercessors)
Istighatha by Means of The Prophet During His Life: (Istighatha Using Intermediaries and Intercessors)
Dr. GF Haddad
It is related that:
One night, the Prophet of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - was in
his house and was heard to proclaim `I am here!' three times and `You have been
granted help' also three times. Umm al- Mu'minin, Maymunah - may Allah be well
pleased with her - asked the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace -
whom he had been talking to since there was no one present. He - may Allah bless
him and grant him peace - replied, `I was talking to a person called Rajiz from the
tribe of Bani Ka'ab. He asked for help from me against the Quraysh.' Umm al-
Mu'minin, Maymunah - may Allah be well pleased with her - said that when she
finished Fajr prayer the next morning, she heard Rajiz calling out in the streets of
Madina: "Ya Rasul Allah! Help us and call the servants of Allah to help us."
Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabhani, Allah have mercy on him, cites two hadiths in this respect
with their full wording in the chapter of the Prophet's `ilm al-ghayb in his
encyclopedia of the Prophetic miracles, Hujjat Allah `ala al-Alamin bi-Mu`jizat
Sayyid al-Mursalin (p. 493):
<<Al-T.abarânî narrates that Maymûna the Mother of the believers said: "The
Messenger of Allâh, upon him blessings and peace, was sleeping with me one night
and he got up to make ablution and pray. I heard him say during his ablution in the
dead of night:
[like this,] three times. When he came out, I asked him, "Messenger of Allâh, I heard
you say, during your ablution, 'In your service!' three times, and 'To your defense!'
three times, as if you were addressing someone. Was there someone with you?" He
replied: "This was the poetry champion (râjiz) of the Banû Ka`b" – one of the sub-
tribes of the Khuzâ`a – "invoking my aid (yastas.rikhunî)(1) and asserting that the
Quraysh had helped the Banû Bakr against them." The latter had allied themselves
with the Quraysh the day of the H.udaybiya truce while the Khuzâ`a had allied
themselves with the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, and he became duty-
bound to defend them. The support of the Quraysh for the Banû Bakr against the
Khuzâ`a was therefore a violation of their truce with the Messenger of Allâh, upon
him blessings and peace. This incident was the catalyst for the conquest of Makka
and, immediately afterwards, he prepared himself to enter it and conquered it.(2)
<<Ibn Ish.âq said – as found in Ibn Hishâm's Sîra – that when the Banû Bakr and the
Quraysh defeated the Khuzâ`a and looted them, violating the terms of the solemn pact
to which they had agreed with the Messenger of Allâh, upon him blessings and peace,
by warring with the Khuzâ`a, his formal allies, `Amr ibn Sâlim al-Khuzâ`î, one of the
Banû Ka`b there, rode out until he came to see the Messenger of Allâh, upon him
blessings and peace, in al-Madîna. His coming gave the impetus for the conquest of
Makka.(3) He stood before the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, as the latter sat
in the Mosque, in full sight of the people, and declaimed:
(1) Ibn H.ajar in al-Is.âba (4:631) mentions another wording, "invoking my mercy
(2) Narrated from Maymûna by al-T.abarânî in the Kabîr (23:433-434 §1052) and
S.aghîr (2:167-169 §968) and al-Taymî in his Dalâ'il (p. 73-74 §59), both with a
slightly weak chain because of Yah.yâ ibn Sulaymân ibn al-Madînî cf. al-
Haythamî (6:163-164) although Ibn `Adî in al-Kâmil (7:255 §2156) said "he narrated
reports from Mâlik and the Madinans, most of which are valid." Ibn H.ibbân included
him in his Thiqât (9:269). Cf. Is.âba (4:631), Fath. (7:520), Sîra H.alabiyya (3:5), and
Dah.lân's Sîra (2:76-77).
(3) Cf. Ibn `Umar's narration in Ibn H.ibbân (13:140 §5996) and Ibn H. ajar, Talkhîs.
al-H.abîr (4:131 §1929).
(4) Allâhumma innî nâshidu Muh.ammadâ / h.ilfa abînâ wa'abîhi al- atladâ.
(5) I.e. the Banû Hâshim and Banû `Abd al-Mut.t.alib with a rhetorical trope of
apostrope (iltifât).
(6) Wa-ja`alû lî fî kadâ'in ras.adâ, misspelt in al-Nabhânî as wa- ja`alû lî fîka dâ'in
(7) Ibn `Asâkir (43:519) narrated from Ibn al-Musayyab: "There is not one
homebound woman of Banû Khuzâ`a except she memorized the verses of `Amr ibn
Sâlim al-Khuzâ`î to the Messenger of Allâh, upon him blessings and peace."
(8) Narrated
(i) through al-Zuhrî from `Urwa ibn al-Zubayr from the Companion al-Miswar ibn
Makhrama and the Tâbi`î Marwân ibn al-H.akam by Ibn Ish.âq in the Maghâzî (cf.
Ibn Hishâm 5:48, al-T.ah.âwî, Sharh. Ma`ânî al-Athâr 3:315-316, Is.âba 4:630-631,
and Bidâya 4:278), al-T. abarî in his Târîkh (2:152-153), Ibn `Asâkir in
his Târîkh (43:519- 520), and al-Bayhaqî in the Sunan al-Kubrâ (9:233) and Dalâ'il;
(ii) from Ibn `Abbâs by Ibn Mandah and Abû Nu`aym in Ma`rifat al-S.ah.âba as well
as Ibn al-Athîr in Usd al-Ghâba (4:225-226 cf. Is.âba 5:285);
(iii) from Abû Hurayra by al-Bazzâr and al-Bayhaqî (cf. Bidâya 4:281) with a fair
chain according to Ibn H.ajar in the Fath. (7:520) and al- Haythamî (6:162);
(iv) from the Tâbi`în Abû Salama and Yah.yâ ibn `Abd al-Rah.mân ibn H.ât.ib by Ibn
Abî Shayba (7:398 §36900) and
(v) also mursal from `Ikrima by Ibn Abî Shayba (7:400-401 §36902) and al-T.ah. âwî
inSharh. Ma`ânî al-Athâr (3:291, 3 :312-313). The bracketed segment is narrated only
through al-Zuhrî. Cf. Iktifâ' (2:215); al- Fâkihî, Akhbâr
Makka (5:103); Istî`âb (3:1175-1176); Ibn al-Qayyim, Zâd (3:348-349); Sîra
H.alabiyya (3:5-6); Ibn Taymiyya, al-S.ârim al- Maslûl (2:214); Is.âba (1:122), Fath.
(7:519-520), Talkhîs. al-H.abîr (4:131-132 §1929), Ibn al-Athîr, Kâmil (2:162), al-
Suhaylî, Rawd. (2: 265), and Kanz (§14422, §30166, §30195, §30204). Al-Watîr or
Watîn is a Khuzâ`a watering-point in the lowest area of Makka cf. Yâqût and al-
Nihâya. Ibn Ish.âq and al-Wâqidî said that `Amr was accompanied by forty riders of
the Banû Khuzâ`a when he arrived in Madîna. Another report by al-Bârûdî with a
weak munqat.i` chain attributes those verses to Budayl ibn Kulthûm ibn Sâlim al-
Khuzâ`î cf. Is.âba (1:274).
Blessings and peace on the Prophet, his Family, and all his Companions.