Elementals: Calamity Hawks

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Calamity Hawks
Straddling the line between mischievous and malicious, calamity hawks are formed from the tattered remains of storm serpents after their
demises. Calamity hawks do not remember the lives of their 'parents', but a fragment of their parent's love for destruction still lurks in their
hearts. The storm serpents do not have the ability to cause actual damage, however. Instead, they simply represent the desire for chaos and
confusion, which they gleefully spread in their wake.
Typically, calamity hawks disguise themselves as mortals and slip into town unannounced, chatting with various individuals and subtly
learning about the fears and concerns of the region. Once they have done so, they dematerialize, fly up and wait until their Essence is
restored, and then return and cause as much trouble as possible, spreading fears and confusion, convincing people that there are disasters
going on, and continuing until the local population is in a state of riot. Then, after basking in the glow of the damage that they've caused, they
travel on. Calamity hawks who've survived any length of time learn that their games can be uncovered easily, and that never hitting the same
location twice is the best way to avoid revenge by angry Immaculates, local gods, or the like.

Naturally, calamity hawks are much like their description would suggest; their feathers are the same deep blue-grey of their sires, and their
eyes have the cold appearance of a snake's, but otherwise they seem to be simply oversized birds. When they speak, it is in a low rumble
that carries well over distance.
When in disguise, calamity hawks can appear to be almost any basic human. Regardless of their appearance and apparant age, however,
they always have grey hair and eyes - because of this, and because even as humans they do not have much physical strength, they usually
counterfeit harmless old travelers rather than anything else.

Character Sheet
Motivation: Cause as much trouble as possible.
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Dodge 3, Larceny 3, Linguistics 2, Martial Arts 2, Performance 3, Presence 3, Socialize 2, Stealth 3,
Survival 2

 First Excellencies: Larceny, Performance, Presence, Stealth

 Dematerialize [35 mote cost]
 Memory Mirror [Can find most unpleasant memories in a target]
 Shapechange [Can turn into a generic-looking human]
 Harrow The Mind [Creates illusion of disasters]
 Stoke The Flame [Inspires panic]
 Subtle Whisper [Only in conjuction with social Charms]
 Spice of Custodial Delight [Recovers Essence when in panicky situations]
 Malediction [Inflicts one-die penalties to Valor rolls]
 Essence Plethora [10 extra motes]
Backgrounds: None.
Join Battle: 6
Attacks: Claws: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage 2L, Rate 3
Soak: 3B/1L
Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Dodge DV: 4, Willpower: 5
Essence: 2, Essence Pool: 55
Other Notes: None
Haradur, Air Elemental
Willowy fuelers of forest fires, assistants to Bloody Sky, Dragon of Forest Fires. Created within the standards set forth by
the SpiritBuildingGuidelines .

These elementals appear to be to be made of an incredible mass of flowing, smoky streamers sprouting from a roughly tree-like stem. There
is no discernible head or face, the streamers act as tentacles for manipulation or whips for attacking, and the stem just slides across the
ground when moving. The spirit can fly, and when it does it reveals a very miniscule system of roots, that looks like little more than a scraggly
beard hanging from the trunk. Its streamers spread out in all directions, and looks something like a gargantuan dandelion seed. When
situated on the ground, the streamers droop, and the resemblance to a willow tree is often made. However, the dark grey, smoky
translucence of the spirit discounts it as any kind of plant life. Those that approach haradurs notice the potent scent of burning leaves that
clings to all porous possessions until they are thoroughly washed. They are very majestic elementals, and difficult to ignore.
They are extremely persuasive that burning an area is necessary, but they don’t necessarily believe their arguments, and sometimes can
even feel sorry for those that are affected. They deeply envy fire elementals and will do their best to impress them and champion their
opinions, all the while feeling ostracized by them. They pretend to be completely aloof to wood elementals. A haradur is an air elemental,
trapped between fire and wood, and as a result, insecurity is a haradur’s greatest fault.
Haradurs can only speak Old Realm, but their knowledge of history and the sciences are impressive. They are dominatingly logical, as they
often have to convince themselves of their duties when their hearts may be elsewhere.
They can vanish in a puff of smoke to their domains, which are often small forest clearings that bear some evidence of burning (either from
old forest fires or mortal campsites), where they like to root and exist and sleepy, smoky trees. Their smoke can distract and muddle minds.
They also enjoy feeding on the clean breath of those sleeping, depositing smoky residue within victims lungs. This can either result in a
terrible cough for a day or two, or permanent respiratory damage if the haradur needed more. A rash of coughs in a community can herald
the coming of a forest fire. And of course, they have great control over wind and air that they use to fuel and direct fires.
In combat, they will generally become intangible and fly away, but if forced to fight they will either unleash barrages of whip attacks with their
streamers, or toss great super-heated spheres of smoke at their enemies.

Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0
Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
(Appearance is intensity and utility, not beauty)
Awareness 5, Brawl 3, Craft 3, Endurance 5, Lore 4, Occult 1, Presence 5,
Thrown 4, Survival 2
Compassion 3, Conviction 1, Temperance 5, Valor 3
Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,-4,Incap
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 62

 Compassion Measure the Wind

 Temperance Hoodwink, Hurry Home, Sustenance, Steal Sustenance

 Valor Affinity Elemental Control

ELEMENTAL POWERS: Mobility (flight), Element's Domain (become intangible, immune to physical harm), Dragon's Suspire (superheated
Cost to Dematerialize: 34 motes
Base initiative: 7
Soak: 1B/2L/0A
Dodge: 5
Smoke-ball blast (Thrown): Acc 9, Dmg 4L, Rate 1
Whipping Streamers (Brawl): Spd +8, Acc 7, Dmg 7B, Defense 8, Rate 5
Wisps are small, playful wind elementals- the incarnations of little puffs of wind. For the most part, they’re content to slip and slide unnoticed
through Creation, following wherever their curiosity takes them. A well trained Wisp can make a very good spy, as a result; it merely takes
some doing to convince them to not tell anyone else the secrets they uncover. Wisps are fairly powerful for such small elementals, as a result
of their magpie nature. Most wisps that survive from an early age pick up many tricks and hidden bits of lore that allow them to develop faster
than one might think. Despite this, their main defense in most situations is to simply run away.
Physically, Wisps either appear as a puff of air- in other words, virtually invisible- or sleek gulls with sharp-looking beaks and intelligence in
their eyes.
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 3, Charisma: 3, Manipulation: 3, Appearance: 3, Perception: 5, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 4
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 4 (Flying +2), Awareness 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 5, Endurance 2 (Long Flights +1), Larceny 4, Lore 3, Occult 2, Performance
2 (Sing +1), Resistance 2, Socialize 1, Stealth 5
Charms: Demataerialize, Hoodwink, Uncanny Prowess
Elemental Powers Enshroud, Mobility, Element’s Domain
Cost to Dematerialize 31
Base Initiative: 9
Beak: Speed: 13, Accuracy: 8, Damage: 2L, Defense: 6, Rate: 3
Talons: Speed: Speed: 10, Accuracy: 9, Damage: 3L, Defense: 8, Rate: 3
Dodge Pool: 12 Soak: 1L/3B (Skin)
Willpower: 7 Health Levels: -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4IsawaBrian/Incap
Essence: 2 Essence Pool: 61
Other Notes: None

Niha, Water Elemental

Niha are abominable, genderless elementals that form within the wombs of women that work with fish. The pregnancy lasts only a month,
and the mother often is unaware she is pregnant until she births a fish. The fish swiftly grows horrifically manlike in a matter of minutes, with
large malformed fins that crudely mimic arms and legs, and a hunched back with a long spiny frill.

Mothers do not have the heart to kill the creature, despite its hideous appearance, not that they are generally capable of slaying an
elemental. The Niha then seeks out the closest male relation to the mother and emulates him. If the male tutors the Niha in his trade, he will
become blessed with incredible fertility and good health. The Niha will work loyally for the 'mentor' until their mortal death, after which the
Niha will step up and replace the mentor. If he refuses to train or allow the Niha to work with him, the Niha will slaughter him and the mother,
and then suddenly become unable to breathe, flopping about until it dies and dissipates into watery essence.
Niha are startlingly humanlike in character despite their grotesque appearance. Their genderless voices are contemplative and smooth, often
waiting a few moments before someone else has finished speaking before speaking themselves, as though they are absorbing everything.
Their disfigured limbs move awkwardly, yet are as skilled as human hands in any endeavor.

Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Charisma 3, Appearance 3*, Manipulation 1
Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
*measures intensity and utility, not beauty
25 dots that mimic the abilities of the 'mentor', and they can be the skills of a tailor, the skills of a king, and anything in between. However, all
Niha have at least Athletics 2 for swimming.
Again, they can be anything, but only up to 6 background dots, maxing out at 3 for a given background. Young Niha whose families still live
tend to have dots in Allies or Contacts.
Compassion 4, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 2
Willpower: 8
Health: -0,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4, Incap
Essence: 3
Essence pool: 64
Suggested Charms:
Affinity Element Control, Touch of Grace, Dematerialize, Principle of Motion, Tiny Gift, Benefaction, Summon Food
Elemental Powers:
Mobility, Aegis, Coarse Skin
The islands of the Northwest are filled with oddities, but local pirates know to beware the fogs that can settle without warning onto reefs and
small fishing towns. Often, fog is merely fog, and can be ignored if you can sail through it safely. But sometimes it means that an island is
under the protection of a mistwarden, and those who bear it ill will should beware.
Mistwardens are an outgrowth of the endless war between the air and water courts; water elementals who have taken on a hint of the nature
of Air, and who are fully capable of defending themselves if needed. They tend to shun the organized courts, preferring to find people and
places to defend, and lurk quietly observing until their new charges need help. When this happens, fog sets in and comes alive, and would-
be attackers are disoriented, drawn off-course, and killed by choking strands of water that slide into their throats when they are unprepared.
The Mistwardens are ruthless to those that offend them, and protective of those they choose.
It usually does not take long for a town to realize it has been protected, and mistwardens can become upset if they feel that they are not
appreciated - in fact, if after several defenses their charge has not realized or recognized the source of his protection, a mistwarden will
typically leave in frustration to find someone more understanding. They enjoy sacrifices of fruits and small birds, and even small sacrifices
are usually enough to keep them around indefinitely.

In their natural form, Mistwardens take the shape of willowy humans, their skin a mottled grey and their hair and eyes a pale blue. They move
in slow, broad motions, and tiny clouds of fog pool around their fingers. Mistwardens do not particularly wear clothing, but their bodies are
vague and indistinct, generally lending them the appearance of being dressed in a tight-fitting bodysuit. They do not typically carry weapons
or armor.

Character Sheet
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Dodge 2, Investigation 2, Linguistics 1 (Old Realm, Seatongue), Martial Arts 3, Occult 1, Presence 2,
Resistance 2, Socialize 3, Stealth 4

 First Excellencies: Awareness, Martial Arts, Socialize, Stealth

 Third Excellency: Awareness, Stealth
 Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2)
 Dematerialize [45 motes]
 Endowment [Grants effects of Sheathing The Material Form, 18 motes + 1 Willpower to grant +9B/+4L]
 Affinity Element Control [Creates mist or fog]
 Subtle Whisper [Can discourage people from taking action]
 Hoodwink [Can affect anyone attacking someone within their fog; causes -3 penalty for 3 actions and Diff 3 Per + Awareness to spot
spirit if successful]
 Landscape Hide [Hides inside mist or fog]
 Sheathing The Material Form [Creates cloud of mist, vunerable to fire attacks]
 Words of Power [Attacks with tendrils of fog that choke targets]
Backgrounds: Often have a dot or two of Allies or Followers. May have a dot of Cult.
Join Battle: 6

Words of Power: Speed 6, Accuracy 7, Damage 3B (levels, ignores armor soak), causes penalties for 9

Soak: 13B/6L (Fog armor 9B/4L)

Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Dodge DV: 4, Willpower: 6
Essence: 3, Essence Pool: 60
Other Notes:
Mistwardens who have a dot of Cult typically have the following upgrades: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Perception 5, and Excellencies in
Presence and Investigation.
Branch Maidens
http://www.geocities.com/seiraryu/tab.gif An all-female (for the purposes of ascribing gender to elementals) off-shoot of the Stick Persons,
the Branch Maidens are Elementals of Wood that live to serve. Just as Stick Persons, they begin their lives as twigs or branches of ancient
trees, breaking off from their parent tree only after a quite a long time. Unlike their cousins, however, they do not remain tied to their original
parent tree, and often leave its vicinity to search for a spirit or more powerful elemental to serve (sometimes they even serve Exalted, usually
kind hearted Dragon-Blooded of the Aspect of Wood). Another difference they hold with Stick Persons is that they do not usually agree with
the methods of the Kings of the Wood or these powerful elementals' need for bloody and grotesque sacrifices. The Branch Maidens are
completely peaceful by nature, and there has never been a record of one that lifted a weapon for any reason other than the defense of the
being whom they serve.
http://www.geocities.com/seiraryu/tab.gif The purpose of their existence, as the Branch Maidens see it, is to make those whom they choose
to serve's lives as comfortable as possible. They hustle and bustle with a calm, lilting walk, their long, stick-like bodies (usually ranging from
two to three and a half feet tall) swaying with every step. They have extraoridnarily thin branches of their own on their heads that drape back
in strands. Sometimes, their hair even blooms small flowers. If these flowers are places in a pot of water and left to soak in a room, the room
will have a pleasant scent for five days, in which time the flowers will have grown again on the Branch Maiden. Their faces are completely
intergrated into their bodies, no thicker or wider than the rest of their bodies, with a horizontal slash that moves slowly as a mouth and two
hollow holes as eyes (even though they can see just fine). The bottom of their bodies are made up of roots that they develope when they
leave their main tree, their walk slow and complicated due to the amount of "feet" they possess. They cannot help but hum a lilting song
constantly, unless speaking with someone, in which case their voices are slow and soft, never rising in volume. They are invariably polite and
love to socilize with polite people.

Character Sheet
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
War: Athletics 1, Awareness 4, Brawl 1, Dodge 4, Endurance 1, Melee 2, Resistance 1
Life: Craft (Gardening) 4 (Indoors Design +3), Crafts (Carpentry) 2, Linguistics (Old Realm and Regional) 1, Performance 5 (Singing +2),
Presence 2, Socialize 4 (Hosting +3), Stealth 3, Survival 2
Wisdom: Bureaucracy 1, Lore 2, Medicine 4 (Caring for the Sick +1), Occult 1
Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2
Charms: Compassion (Commodity of Nature, Landscape Camouflage, Landscape Travel, Measure the Wind, Stoic Endurance, Touch of
Grace), Temperance (Hurry Home), Valor (Dematerialize, Will-o-Wisp)
Elemental Powers: Aegis, Element's Domain, Rejuvenation (when rooted to the ground; -3 to Intiative and -3 to all Dexterity rolls that require
Essence 2
Essence Pool: 63
Willpower: 7
Health: -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc. [1L/2B]
Armor and Soak: No Armor
Lethal 1
Bashing 2
Aggravated 0
Cost to Dematerialize: 16
Base Initiative: 5
Poke: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage 1B, Block 6, Rate 5
Dodge Pool: 9
Willow Maiden
Predatory wood elementals that prefer to reside in grassy banks at the edge of rivers and streams, much as their namesake trees do, willow
maidens can be deadly to the unwary traveller. There have been many lone wanderers who have woken up one morning after a restful
night’s sleep only to find that their eyes have been stolen. Their form is that of a lithe young girl, with a massive spray of willow switches for
hair, their skin covered with cracked willow bark. The follow the same lifecycle as the willow tree itself, descending into a deep slumber
during the winter months, rousing and leafing out during the spring and summer, before losing their leaves and slowly returning back to
slumber in the autumn. This cycle also means that during spring and autumn the willow maidens are ravenously hungry, and any traveller
going through their wood would do his best to take precautions.
Their favoured hunting technique is to lie in wait in small groups, choosing areas that would be naturally attractive as campsites, clearings
close to water, etc… Upon the arrival of a traveller or group of travellers they stand utterly still, appearing as a small stand of willow trees,
and wait until nightfall. Then, they will use their Steal Sustenance Charm on one of the sleepers, stealing his eyes from their sockets with a
slow kiss, that feels highly pleasurable to the victim, and many of them report pleasant (even erotic) dreams as a result of the feeding. When
they wake, however, they are permanently blinded, their eye sockets now gaping fleshy holes. Although many of the larger groups have
sorcerers who can create wards that will hedge out any passing spirits or elementals, they provide no such protection against any that are
already within. It is this sense of confidence that the willow maidens rely on when preying on groups.
Although they prefer to avoid actual combat, the willow maidens are capable fighters if the need arises, their tough bark-like skin providing
adequate protection against attack. With vicious claws and serrated teeth, they are not to be trifled with but, in general, once discovered the
willow maidens will abandon their prey for one less knowledgeable.
Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Appearance 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Intelligence 2, Perception 4, Wits 2
Athletics 3, Brawl 3 (Claws +1), Dodge 2, Endurance 3, Performance 3, Presence 2, Resistance 2, Survival 4
Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valour 3
Dematerialise, Landscape Travel, Steal Sustenance, Stillness
Elemental Powers
Initiative: 6
Dodge Pool: 6
Soak: 4L/6B (3L/3B barklike skin)
Claws - Speed 8, Attack 8, Damage 6L, Parry 7
Bite - Speed 4, Attack 6, Damage 8L, Parry 4
Essence: 2
Willpower: 7
Essence Pool: 63
Cost to Dematerialise: 40
Health Levels -0 / -1 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Incapacitated

Gemhide Boars
Natives of a particular region of the North, near the borders of the Inner Sea, gemhide boars are somewhat misnamed, but aptly so. They are
rarely seen during daylight hours, as they are nocturnal creatures, but it is that sight that gave them their name, for from a distance their
hides seem to be studded with beautiful glowing sapphires and emeralds. As one draws closer to them, it can be seen that these spots are
not literal gems, but patterns of light that have attached themselves to the boars' bodies, creating swirls of colours that dance and shift
according to the moods of the creatures to which they are a part.
Gemhide boars alternate their time between the borderlands and Creation, seeming to have no clear definition of which is which. Their
breeding grounds, marvelous grottos of shifting patterns of light, are always within the borderlands, and they rarely travel farther; in fact,
when one of them develops another mutation, the other gemhides fail to recognize it as kin and drive it away, deeper into the Wyld. They are
silent beasts, using their strange skin to communicate, but otherwise behave much like ordinary boars. Their skins transmit light well, and
thus they are hunted as luxury pelts by local hunters, who skin them into odd pelts that can be made into thick curtains - these curtains catch
the light much like stained glass windows, when properly prepared.

Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 2, Integrity 2, Investigation 2, Martial Arts 3, Presence 3, Resistance 4, Stealth 1, Survival 3
Mutations: Bioluminescence, Night Vision, Thick Skin (All Poxes)
Willpower: 4, Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Inc, Dying x4,
Dodge DV: 2, Soak: 3L/5B (Gemhide skin, +1BFrivYeti/L)
Sometimes, travellers in the Northern borderlands, or even within the boundaries of Creation, will be surprised to find a herd of six-legged
caribou racing towards them, around them, and past them. These creatures, with short antlers that curve back behind them, are known
colloquially as 'snowrunners'. The descendants of beasts that wandered into a space-warping region of the Wyld and were irrevocably
altered, they run endlessly throughout the Wyld, not stopping even to eat, sleep, or mate; all of their functions can be performed while
Many northern tribesmen have learned to track the pathways followed by the snowrunners, and to co-opt them for journeys. The ability of the
caribou to cover over seventy miles per hour in the Wyld allows for extensive movement, and they are extremely docile; if a tribesman jumps
on one as it slows to eat, he can reasonably expect to hang on for the duration of the trip. Actually directing the creatures is all but impossible
(treat them as having a Control rating of 6), but few feel the need, and they can always jump off the next time the beasts begin to slow.

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 (Animal)
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Dodge 2, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, Martial Arts 1, Presence 1, Resistance 2, Survival 2
Willpower: 4, Dodge DV: , Soak: , Health: OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Move: 11 yards (22 miles per hour), Dash: 18 yards (36 miles per hour), Jump:</i> 16 yards
<b>Mutations: Wyldrunning* (Affliction), Inexhaustible (Affliction), Gazelle's Pace (Affliction), 'Allergy' [Stopping] (Deficiency)
Wyldrunning - As long as the snowrunners are within the Wyld, they can travel at immense speed by warping terrain that they pass over.
This effect halves the distance of any journey that they take, and multiplies fully with their enhanced movement rates. Note that if they suffer
a collison, they do so at their true speed, not their effective speed.
Allergy - Whenever a snowrunner moves less than 5 yards per tick, they suffer a -1 penalty to all actions. Stopping movement for more than
ten or fifteen seconds causes their bodies to start to rupture and bleed, dealing bashing damage unless they pass out, at which point they
continue to rupture until death. Someone else carrying or otherwise moving a wyldrunner at sufficient speed suffices to cancel this allergy.

The Bluzbug
A diminute breed of spirits, the bluzbugs have the shape of dragonflies, except they are about twice as large and have huge, peering human
eyes that seem to shimmer with illusion, making even the most attentive person that looks into them drowsy. They are a light blue, though
when their surroundings are hard-pressed for light they glow a sharp, darker blue. These critters are almost all nocturnal (although
they are seen during the day occasionally). Incredibly agile, these critters move faster than any average mortal could hope without magical
Bluzbugs are friendly to anyone that hasn't been mean to them yet--everyone is a good person until proven otherwise to a bluzbug. Friendly
as they are, however, they are also mischevious and love to play pranks. Once a bluzbug decides you're it's friend, you're a target.
Sometimes it'll be days between pranks, and sometimes only seconds. It all depends on the bluzbug's mood and general demeanor. Of
course, they never harm anyone on purpose. People they don't like they simply ignore, dematerializing and vanishing into the spirit courts.
They not only play pranks, however...bluzbugs have different passions, from an incredibly high affinity for tea (if you accidentally make a
bluzbug mad, tea is a good way of getting them to at least hear your explanation). They can't drink the tea, of course, but more than one
bluzbug has sat at the tip of a teacup and then fallen over, bathing themselves in tea, a happening which they take with as much dignity as
they possess. Tea parties are the only places in which they are actively social, of course. Unless pushed into it, bluzbugs rarely have the
inclination to speak or carry on a conversation. It's not that they mind...they're just shy. As an extra to loving tea parties, they can turn into
maggoty old ladies when it comes to art--a bluzbug will critique a piece of art until there is nothing left to say about it. If a work of art is
perfect, then its too perfect.
As useless (aside from fun and games) as they may seem, the bluzbugs actually do have a function in the Spirit Courts. In Creation, the
bluzbugs are the guides of the forests, swamps, caverns and valleys. When a person is lost, it will be the bluzbug that can be most relied
upon, for they are honest to a fault and perfect when doing their duty. Usually they try to whisper the directions from a dematerialized form--
but occasionally, the travelers are just too dense, and they must materialize to be paid attention to. In Yu-Shan, they are often employed as
guides to visitors and guides to people visiting their employers' manses in Heaven.
Not only are bluzbugs guides in the world...they are also guides in dreams. They have a very unique understanding of what dreams means.
They know what things that appear in theminds of others mean, and have an incredible knowledge of how to manipulate dreams to make
them say what the dreamer needs to know. This is why they are also called the dreambugs (although not to their faces, as they don't like it).
In Yu-Shan, this ability is used a bit less prophetically: it isn't uncommon for powerful gods to summon bluzbugs to them and have them alter
their dreams (for those gods that choose to sleep, of course) so that they may have the most pleasant dreams. If the bluzbug fails in this
task, they are punished. This is why most bluzbugs prefer dwelling in Creation instead of Heaven.

Character Sheet
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 6, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
War: Awareness 4, Dodge 3 (Full Dodge +3), Endurance 1, Resistance 1
Life: Larceny 3, Linguistics 3, Performance 2, Presence 4, Socialize 3, Stealth 5, Survival 2
Wisdom: Bureaucracy 3, Investigation 1, Lore 3, Medicine 1, Occult 4 (Dreamlore +3)
Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Charms: Compassion (Dreamspeak, Tiny Gift, Benefaction, Landscape Travel), Conviction (Confusion), Temperance (Cunning Thief), Valor
(Materialize, Principle of Motion)
Essence 2
Essence Pool: 57
Willpower: 5
Health: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Inc.
Armor and Soak: No Armor.
Lethal 1
Bashing 2
Aggravated 0
Cost to Materialize: 14
Base Intiative: 11
Attack: None (they don't fight)
Dodge Pool: 11
Specialties: Full Dodge 14

Sharezah, Mistress Of The Shifting Sands

The southern deserts expand endlessly, their dunes stretching from the coastline of the Inner Sea to the firey wastes of the southern Wyld.
Tribes of nomads and barbarians crisscross the deserts, and nations war for resources with their neighbours. Watching over them is
Sharezah, the Mistress of the Shifting Sands - her attitudes and actions reflect the harsh heat and shimmering confusion of the desert, and
she is a goddess that one crosses only very cautiously.
Sharezah has been the master of the Southern deserts since the end of the Primordial War, after her predecessor was destroyed by
Cecelyne, the Primordial that had hoped that god would support her in the war. At the time, Sharezah had been the goddess of the oasis, but
her nature was not only to shelter travellers but to mislead them; the mirage was her domain as well. She used sly trickery to conceal the
Exalted in the South, never opposing the Primordials directly but offering aid and shelter to those who fought against them, and was granted
promotion when the war came to an end. Throughout the First Age, however, she saw her domain gradually shrinking, as the Solars used
their mastery of geomantic matters to expand the power of the savannah at the expense of the much less useful lands that they pushed
further and further south. Matters came to a head when Zaran, God of the Savannahs, made a bid for power and petitioned the Bureau of
Nature to re-classify deserts as a weakened, poor version of his own grasslands, and thus to render Sharezah an inferior to him. The Solar
Deliberative sent one of their Lunar agents, Veleki Krol, to study the current situation in the deserts and give a report. Sharezah met him with
all of her Charms and talents, drawing his attention back and forth, and his week-long survey stretched into months, and then years. The
desert goddess was still distracting him when the Usurpation occurred, and the Solars who would have re-assigned her were abruptly killed.
Sharezah concealed Krol, allowing him to avoid the Dragon-Blooded and slip into the Wyld, and returned to her duties - Zaran was sidelined
due to his close connections with the Solars, and was forced to withdraw his claim.
Even to the present day, Sharezah remains deeply conflicted on the matter of the Solars; she remembers their friendship in the Primordial
War, coupled with the off-hand way in which they betrayed her at the end of the High First Age. She respects the Lunars most of the Exalted,
for their perserverence and cunning in the face of danger, but is more neutral towards the Dragon-Blooded and the Sidereals. The Second
Age has seen her domain stretch to encompass most of the South, while her former rival has become a shadow of his former self, but
Sharezah cares little for politics anymore. She gives her support mostly to those desert tribes that use cunning in their daily lives, and is
friendly with Ahlat, the Southern God of War and Cattle. At her heart, Sharezah remains a tricky and subtle goddess, but one who is willing to
use her power when necessary.

Sharezah's most often-worn form is that of a Southern woman, veiled in a thousand layers of sandy wraps, which coil and shift around her,
constantly seeming as though they might slip without ever truly revealing anything. A slim scimitar sits at her hip, carrying with it the faint hint
of fresh water, and her sand-brown eyes sparkle with amusement. She usually takes a shape just slightly shorter than the group that she
encounters - she has remarked that it draws them off their guard.

Character Sheet
Motivation: Support the lifestyle of the desert peoples.
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5, Charisma 5, Manipulation 7, Appearance 6, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 7
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Dodge 5, Larceny 4, Linguistics 2 [Old Realm, Flametonge, Southern Barbarian Languages], Integrity 3,
Lore 4, Martial Arts 3, Melee 5 (Scimitar +2), Occult 4, Performance 7, Presence 5, Resistance 2, Socialize 6 [Concealing Motives +2],
Stealth 7 (Concealing Others +2), Survival 3, War 3 (Tribal Tactics +1)
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Artifact 5, Cult 4, Influence 4, Resources 5, Sanctum 3
Charms: [36]

 General Charms: Essence Plethora (x2), Hurry Home, Materialize, Measure The Wind, Principle Of Motion [8 Actions], Reserve of Will
 Blessings: Benefaction [+1 to Survival or Resistance rolls for a group of up to Magnitude 8 for up to one season]
 Divinations: Sense Domain [Within the Southern Desert]
 Hands of the Gods: Affinty Sand Control [Within the Southern Desert], Domain Manipulation Scenario [Turn fertile land into desert],
Weather Control [Sandstorms]
 Eidola: Host of Spirits [Copies cannot be touched], Paper Tiger Arrangement [Requires lots of heat]
 Relocations: Landscape Travel [Desert Land Movement, doubles speed], Portal [From Desert]
 Enchantments: Harrow The Mind [Sight Only], Stoke The Flame [Emotion Towards Sharezah Only]
 Aegis: Sheathing The Material Form [Controlling her Veil], Ox-Body (x1)
 Curses: Plague of Menaces [Desert Hazards]
 First Excellencies: Athletics, Larceny, Melee, Performance, Socialize, Stealth
 Third Excellencies: Lore, Larceny, Stealth
 All-Encompassing Divine Subordinations: Melee, Socialize, Stealth
 Infinite Masteries: Melee, Stealth, Socialize
Join Battle: 10

 Oasis Blade: Speed 5, Accuracy 15 (+2), Damage 9L (+8L), Defense 15 (+2), Rate 3
Soak: 15B/11L/9A (Mirage Veil 9L/10B) - increases to 29B/23L/9A with Charm use
Health Levels:
Dodge DV: , Willpower: 8 (10)
Essence: 8, Essence Pool: 160 Other Notes: The Oasis Blade is a Level-3 Artifact and part of Sharezah's regalia. Its statistics include a
starmetal damage bonus. In addition to its traits, Sharezah can twist the blade and spend 2 motes to have its blade dissolve into mist in the
heat of the day; the mist removes all Fatigue penalties for those within (Essence x50) yards.
The Mirage Veil is a Level-4 Artifact that covers Sharezah from head to toe. It allows her to collapse her body into the form of a sandstorm as
a Miscellaneous; in this form, she is immune to damage not caused by Essence attacks, but cannot hurt her foes. She also doubles her
speed and can fit through anything that sand could slide through. In many situations in the desert, it also provides her with massive Stealth
Sharezah also bears a Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light, keeping her perfectly clean and composed despite the realms where she usually

Tesuno-Gani, God Of Denied Texts

Once, Tesuno-Gani held the coveted post of God of Recorded Knowledge in the Bureau of Humanity. His task was to record all texts penned
by mortal hands, keeping a single copy of every book ever made within his library. The Celestial Exalted were exempt from his domain, as
many of them did not wish to have their secrets free for the highest bidder, but the Terrestrial Exalted were within his power, and he was
often fascinated by their ideas and beliefs. Tesuno-Gani's vast library was in the city of Sperimen, where the Exalted could freely stop and
study whatever texts they desired.
When the Usurpation struck, however, matters changed. Battles raged across Creation, and among the casualties were vast sections of
Tesuno-Gami's library. The owl god was heartbroken at the loss of knowledge that afflicted his domain, and spent weeks rewriting what
books he could. Ultimately, he chose to step down from his position rather than spend centuries trying to recover his domain. In the aftermath
of the battle, however, he retained his generally high opinion of Terrestrial Exalted, which isolated him from many of his fellow gods. Tesuno-
Gani chose to take on the role of Master of Denied Texts, recording texts penned by the Celestial Exalted which the new Shogunate
considered to be false. It was a minor position, but one that allowed the god a measure of vicarious revenge.
Tesuno-Gani continues to hold his position to the present day, quietly living in his home manse and maintaining a large library of First Age
materials. Those who wish to read from his books must prove to him that they are dedicated to knowledge, and not to war, for he is tired of
the battles and self-serving nature of the world.

Usually, Tesuno-Gani takes the form of a massive black and white snowy owl, towering twelve feet tall. In this form, the god flies between the
levels of his library and uses gusts of wind to call up books that he needs. Occasionally, he reverts to the form he once held - that of a seven-
foot tall man with jet-black skin and featureless white eyes, with a cape of feathers hanging down behind him and a simple set of silk robes
that he wears. He typically takes such a form only when required to, as he finds it confining.

Character Sheet
Motivation: Guard ancient knowledge. Intimacies: My Library, Peace, Mortal Scholars
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 6, Intelligence 7, Wits 4
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 6, Bureaucracy 5, Crafts (Water, Wood) 3, Dodge 5, Integrity 5, Investigation 4 (Academic +3), Linguistics 6
(All Languages*), Lore 6 (First Age +2), Martial Arts 5, Occult 6 (First Age +2), Presence 4, Resistance 4, Socialize 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2,
Thrown 3
Background: Backing (Yu-Shan) 2, Connections (Scholarly Orders) 2, Allies 2

 General Charms: Measure The Wind, Reserves of Will (2), Essence Plethora (2)
 Second Excellencies: Awareness, Lore, Martial Arts, Occult, Presence
 Third Excellencies: Dodge, Lore, Occult
 Infinite Masteries: Martial Arts
 Divine Subordinations: Lore (Research and Remembering), Occult (Research and Remembering)

 Benefaction (Blessing): Tesuno-Gani can give targets a 1-die bonus to all rolls to study or retain knowledge.
 Intrusion-Sensing Method (Divination): The owl god can always tell when someone enters his library. He keeps this Charm active at all
 Natural Prognostication (Divination): Tesuno-Gani can always tell which aspects of his books are true, and which are false.
 Call (Sending): Tesuno-Gani can communicate with everyone in his domain, no matter where he is.
 Affinity Elemental Control (Divine Work): Tesuno-Gani can control the wind, as a reflection of air's association with hidden knowledge.
 Calculated Order of Immediate Action (Divine Work): With a thought, Tesuno-Gani can reproduce any work of knowledge that falls
within his domain.
 Spice of Custodial Delight (Tantra): Tesuno-Gani recovers a mote of Essence in any scene in which people study in his library. Trained
scholars net one mote each, while dabblers net (Magnitude) motes.
 Banish (Relocation): Tesuno-Gani uses this Charm to remove interlopers from his library. Interlopers are dropped up to 90 miles away,
and resist with a Stamina + Integrity roll at a -5 external penalty.
 Warding (Relocation) Tesuno-Gani can ban individuals or groups from his library. This requires 10 motes and a Willpower. Anyone thus
banned must succeed at a Willpower + Essence roll at difficulty 6 to enter his library, and suffer a -4 die environmental penalty to all
actions while inside if they succeed.
 Divine Perogative (Aegis): Tesuno-Gani's Intimacy towards his library is a perfect defense, and no force can make him damage or
destroy it.
 Scourge (Curse): Tesuno-Gani's Scourge takes away a character's ability to reason and know. It reduces a target's Intelligence, Lore,
and Occult by 1 for a scene for 15 motes and 1 Willpower. Tesuno-Gani can spend an additional Willpower to extend the duration of
the effect to last for a full season. Tesuno-Gani's curses do not pass on to an heir if the original cursed being dies.
 Martial Arts: Tesuno-Gani has learned the secrets of martial arts, and knows Violet Bier of Sorrows Style up to its form Charm. He will
not, as a rule, teach this style, as he fears the penalties for doing so.
Join Battle: 20
Wing Buffet: Speed 5, Accuracy 9 (to 18), Damage 8B, Defense 9 (to 18)
Soak: 12B/10L/8A (Inky Feathers 8B/8L/8A, Hardness 8)
Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Dodge DV: 8, MDV: 10, Willpower: 7 (9)
Essence: 6, Essence Pool: 115 Other Notes:
Tesuno-Gani's panoply comes in two parts - the ink that stains his feathers, and the silver pendant that he always wears, hidden under his
feathers. The former is a physical manifestation of the immortal nature of ideas, and provides him with armor soak that cannot be reduced
except by effects that ignore all non-natural soak, but does not count as armor. The latter is a powerful talisman that provides Tesuno-Gani
with total awareness, reducing environmental penalties to his Awareness rolls by three, and granting him three bonus successes to notice
unexpected attacks.
Due to his nature, Tesuno-Gani speaks every language known to mortals, as long as it has a written form. Languages with only a spoken
form are not known to him, nor are the languages of most of the Darkbrood. He speaks both the High Holy Speak of the Dragon Kings and
the Rocktongue of the Mountain Folk, as mortals have learned them. Tesuno-Gani does not speak Autochthonian, but would learn it if
Autochthonians wrote anything within Creation.
Tesuno-Gani does not like violence, and prefers to use his Banish and Ward abilities to forestall problems. At the same time, he is a Manse
guardian as well as a god of knowledge, and is thus a fully capable fighter when enemies attack en masse or he suspects his Banishings will
not work (or if a foolish explorer defies his wards and gains entrance).

Kaede, the Silk-Winged Ghost Spirit Type: Minor Divinity Concept: Pretty but Scatter-Brained Butterfly God Nature: Caregiver Inheritance: 3
Picture: (Bug) Here and (Non-Bug) Here
Str 1 Dex 5 Stm 2
Chr 4 Man 1 App 5
Per 3 Int 3 Wts 1

 Performance 5
 Dodge 5
Awareness 2 Bureaucracy 1 Investigation 1 Larceny 1 Linguistics 1 (Native: Old Realm, High Realm) Lore 2 Occult 3 Presence 2 Socialize 3
Stealth 2
Merits: Alternate Shape: Butterfly (4) Prodigy: Dodge (2) Enchanting Feature: Wings (2) Awakened Essence
Flaws: Mute (4) Climate Sensitive: Cold (2) Affected by Spirit Wards
Backgrounds: Salary 2 Savant 3 Contacts 3 Reputation 2 (Sidereal Sidekick) Influence 1 (Ranking Spirit in Suyu’s Household) Artifact 2
(Multiform musical instrument. Green jade, moonsilver, and willow: Koto, biwa, hand drum, and long-flute)
Essence 2 Willpower 7
Compassion 4 Conviction 1 Temperance 2 Valor 3
Spirit Charms: Materialize (Valor) Principle of Motion (Valor) Touch of Grace (Compassion)

hasn't always been the ornamental house-pet of a Celestial Exalt...

Centuries ago, he was a gainfully employed divinity known as the Silk-Winged Ghost, a proud and beautiful young god from the Division of
Nature who over-saw the migrations and well-being of the butterflies on the Sun Pearl Islands. When his bright-winged charges (and their
homeland-) were lost to the Wyld during the Great Contagion, like so many other gods, he suddenly found himself stuck in Heaven without a
purpose or an occupation.
Poverty and sorrow over the loss of his swallowtails eventually forced him into an abandoned part of the city. The hardships of feral living
weren't kind to such a fragile being, though, and over the years much of his pride and power were lost. In time he might have ceased to exist
Luckily, Suyu has a habit of bringing home strays... which started with the tattered butterfly god. When she found him in a ruined park during
an early trip to Yu Shan, the soft-hearted Sidereal couldn't bear to leave him behind. (Much to her sifu's amusement, she insisted that he'd
just "followed her home" and that she was only keeping him until she could find a good place for him... It was a scene that Saiya Kadu knew
they were destined to repeat many times-)
While Suyu's other adoptees have all moved on to terrestrial assignments or jobs as part of her own staff, her Sifu's, or an ally's, Kaede has
stayed with her... Hatsuyuki has taken the place of his long-lost butterflies, and acting as the Sidereal's helper and companion is now the only
job that he has any interest in doing.
Kaede has two forms... a green-winged swallowtail (The form he favors in Creation, even though it's small-) and a vaguely fae humanoid with
ornamental wings (The form he favors in Heaven, even though he can no longer fly when using it-). He has no real combat capability in either
form and neither speaks. Like any ordinary butterfly, he's both completely harmless and absolutely silent no matter what he looks like.
Silence aside, he's an excellent dancer, a good koto player, and a passable spy... He has more courage than he's usually given credit for.
He's also socially adept, although his manners are hopelessly old-fashioned by the standards of Yu Shan's society divas. (He was popular in
his day, but there was no need to keep up with the latest styles when he was living in the slums, so he's a few centuries behind the times-).
He considers himself an excellent judge of character, though that may or may not be true-
Personality-wise, Kaede is devoted and fairly bright, but more than a little scatter-brained. He usually means well, but he's far too easily
distracted to be trusted with anything too complex. He's just not the most sensible creature in Creation.

Laughing Wind, God of the Gudi

One of the many minor gods that spreads across Creation, Laughing Wind was, until recently, a carefree god of simple pleasures. Patron of
the Gudi Vine, a plant that grew in certain areas of the North, he spent centuries drifting through the position; his plant was clearly
unimportant, and for the duration of the First Age, he was one of the vast bulk of gods who never had much contact with the Exalted at all.
The Usurpation was a frightening concept, but a distant one to him, for despite the many battles that raged across Creation, none reached
his own sanctum. The Shogunate was equally unimportant - while some Dragon-Blooded found the Gudi intriguing, none cared enough to do
much to it.
The Contagion changed things for Laughing Wind. As his trees sickened and died, and his powers were insufficient to save them, he grew
determined to save something. Human villagers fled into his forests as the Fair Folk marched, and he used his meagre powers to conceal
them beneath the trees, nestled safely among the vines. The arrangement could not have lasted indefinitely, and would have faltered before
a true lord of the Fair Folk host, but they were fortunate, and no such lord approached. The hobgoblins swarming the region ignored it as
unimportant, and Wind's actions were sufficient to save almost two hundred-odd mortals from death.
In the aftermath of the invasion, as the world tottered back to its feet and Laughing Wind took stock of the situation, the former civilians
gradually adapted to life in the forests. As towns were rebuilt to the south, they chose the safety of the woods, and slowly shifted to a
barbarian way of life. Although they began to pray to other gods, spirits of the hunt and the forest walkers, they kept a place in their hearts for
Laughing Wind, thinking of him as a lifebringer, and began to use his vines as instruments for their music. Touched by their devotion,
Laughing Wind has spent the last several centuries keeping watch over them, and using what little influence he has with other gods on their
Recently, the Guild has discovered Wind's vines, and is beginning to farm them and ship them around the world. The god is more than willing
to suppor these actions, but has won concessions from the Guild not to spread harmful or addictive substances to his tribesman (an easy
task, admittedly, seeing as they number only a few thousand people). He enjoys the idea of growing stronger, but remains a pastoral god at
heart, and his people are still dear to him.

Generally, Laughing Wind appears to be a tall man, his body wrapped in a leafy toga, and a vine running along up his neck to perch its flower
behind one ear. His voice is musical but distracted, and he gives the air of a being that is a little bit vague at all times. His skin is a faint green
year-around, although it pales towards white in the winter, and his eyes are deep brown.

Character Sheet
Motivation: Look after his tribes
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 5, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Abilities: Awareness 3, Athletics 2, Crafts (Wood) 2, Dodge 3, Integrity 3, Linguistics 2 (Native: Old Realm, Other: Skytongue, Barbarian
Tongues), Lore 2, Medicine 3, Performance 4, Socialize 3, Survival 4
Backgrounds: Allies (Guild) 1, Cult 2

 General Charms: Hurry Home, Materialize, Measure The Wind, Essence Plethora x1
 First Excellencies: Medicine, Performance, Socialize, Survival
 Third Excellencies: Performance
 Infinite Masteries: Performance, Socialize

 Eye of Inspiration (Blessing): If Laughing Wind is impressed by a performer, he can grant them the use of his Performance
Excellencies, which he will activate on the target's behalf.
 Intrusion-Sensing Method (Divination): Laughing Wind can sense damage to any Gudi vine reflexively.
 Impromtu Messenger (Sending): Laughing Wind can use guid vines to speak through without materializing or being present.
 Paper Tiger Arrangement (Eidola): As the vines hide beneath trees, Laughing Wind can mask areas to make it appear as though no
one is present.
 Landscape Travel (Relocation): Laughing Wind can travel quickly through forests, doubling his land speed for such travel.
 Stoke The Flame (Enchantment): Laughing Wind is particularly good at inducing joy in his followers.
 Malediction (Curse): Laughing Wind abhors violence, and can inflict 1-die penalty on offensive combat rolls. He can also spend 1
willpower to affect a Magnitude 2 unit with this Curse all at once.
 Words of Power (Edge): Laughing Wind uses Charisma + Valor to attack with his angered songs, dealing a base 2B damage. He rarely
unleashes this power, weak though it is, but those afflicted become woozy and disoriented. The attack is considered a Crippling effect.
Join Battle: 6

 Words of Power: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 2B (ignores armor), Defense --, Rate 3
Soak: 9B/6L/4A (Leafy Clothing 4B/4L)
Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Dodge DV: 5, Willpower: 6
Essence: 3, Essence Pool: 70 Other Notes:
Laughing Wind's entire panoply consists of his elegant gudi flute. This tool reduces the MDVs of anyone who listens to its playing by 3
(Gudi's Compassion rating) for the duration of the scene in which it is played, against his social attacks or Charms. (This is considered an
Emotion effect that can be resisted by spending 1 Willpower per MDV dot; most save their Willpower for his actual attacks.) The flute is also
exceptional, providing +1 die to Performance rolls made using it.

Alchemical Golem
A large, humanoid-shaped creature with swollen, unformed features. Fluid bulges beneath its skin.
Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 3, Stamina 8; Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1; Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Virtues: Automaton: Never fails Valor checks, never makes others
Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 2, Craft (Water) 2, Dodge 3, Integrity 2, Linguistics 1 (Native: Old Realm; Forest-tongue), Martial
Arts 6 (Fists +4), Presence 1, Resistance 6, War 2
Join Battle: 5
Attacks: (Ping 6)

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 14, Damage 12B plus Acid Touch, Parry DV 7 (15d), Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 15B plus Acid Touch, Parry DV 3 (7d), Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 12B plus Acid Touch, Parry DV –, Rate 1
Soak: 16L/32B (Natural 4L/8B; Armor plating 12L/24B, Pierced 10L/20B; Hardness: 5L/10B)
Health Levels: -0/-1 ×9/-2 ×10/-4 ×4Rafilar/AssortedGolemsAndAutomata/I
Move: 4 yd. Dash: 8 yd.
Dodge DV: 3 (6d)
Essence: 1 Willpower: 10
Acid Touch: An alchemical golem's surface gleams with acid. The golem's touch deals 4L acid damage. Any creature who hits an
Alchemical golem with an unarmed attack or touch, or who is hit by the golem's unarmed attacks, suffers this damage as well, as
a separate damaging effect, soakable normally (to a minimum of 1 die). Any creature who takes post-soak damage from this
effects suffers it again on their next action; it does not recur after that.
Achemical Healing: An alchemical golem can heal to full by consuming a large barrel of a special alchemical mixture.
Breath Weapon: The alchemical golem may breath a 5-yd. cone of toxic vapor as a miscellaneous action. Every creature within
the cloud takes a 15-die, unblockable attack. Those who are hit take 8L lethal damage, which ignores armor. If they take even one
level of damage from this effect, they must make a (Stamina + Resistance) roll, difficulty equal to the levels of damage taken, or
lose one dot of Stamina. A creature knocked to 0 Stamina falls unconscious; lost Stamina recovers at one point per day. Even
those who are not hit take 4L damage, but do not risk Stamina loss.
Rupture: Any single hit that deals damage to an alchemical golem ruptures its membrane. This releases a spray of chemicals that
fills one 5-ft. hex in teh direction from which the attack originated. Its efefcts are identical to the breath weapon listed above,
except that the damage increases by 1-die for each point of wound penalty affecting the golem. The membrane then closes,
reducing the spill to a mere trickle.
When an alchemical golem is destroyed, the membrane collapses, spilling out all the remaining chemicals. The noxious materials
fill a 5-yd. radius with the same effect as the breath weapon.Other Notes: This is a conversion of the Alchemical Golem from the
D&D 3.5e Monster Manual 3.

Force GolemHumanoid in shape but covered in reflective blue-green metal plates, this creature looks as though it has
been mangled or rent by powerful hands. Its body sags as though its armor has melted, or perhaps was reshaped by great force.
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6; Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2; Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Virtues: Automaton: Never fails Valor checks, never makes others
Abilities: Archery 5 (Pulse +2), Athletics 5, Awareness 4, Dodge 7, Integrity 3, Linguistics 3 (Native: Old Realm; Forest-tongue,
High Realm, Riverspeak), Martial Arts 5, Presence 2, Resistance 3, War 4
Join Battle: 7
Attacks: (Ping 3)

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 6B, Parry DV 5 (11d), Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 7B, Parry DV 3 (7d), Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 4B, Parry DV –, Rate 1
Pulse: Speed 4, Accuracy 11, Damage 8B piercing plus knockback, Rate 2, Range 20
Soak: 15L/18B (Natural 3L/6B; Armor plating 12L/12B, Pierced 9L/12B; Hardness: 12L/12B)
Health Levels: -0/-1 ×4/-2 ×4/-4 ×2Rafilar/AssortedGolemsAndAutomata/I
Move: 9 yd. Dash: 15 yd.
Dodge DV: 7 (14d)

With deflection aura: 9 vs. melee, 11 vs. ranged

Essence: 3 Pool: 30 Willpower: 10
Deflection Aura: The force golem can radiate an aura of solidified Essence that provides it with a +2 DDV bonus against melee
attacks, and +4 against ranged attacks. The golem pays 1m for each action it wishes to have its aura active; this does not count
as a Charm use. If the golem does not pay the mote, it disappears at the start of its action.
Force Burst: A force golem can create a 10-yd. radius burst of force centered on itself. Creatures in the area take 6B damage,
soaked normally, and must make a (Stamina + Resistance) roll against knockdown, difficulty 2. Using this ability costs 2m, and is
a miscellaneous action.
Force Reactive: Whenever an opponent attacks and misses the force golem with a melee attack, the force golem can turn the
kinetic energy of the attack back on the attacker as a reflexive action. The attacker is pushed back 2-yds. into an empty square of
the force golem's choice.
Pulse: A force golem can target any material opponent within 20 yd. with a blast of solid energy. If the force blast hits, the target
takes 8B piercing damage, and is knocked back 4 yds. A successful (Stamina + Resistance) roll, difficuly 2, reduces this to 2 yds.
This is in addition to any normal knockback due to the raw damage.Other Notes: This is a conversion of the Force Golem from
the D&D 3.5e Monster Manual 5.

Diamond Golem
Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 7, Stamina 7; Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 4; Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Virtues: Automaton: Never fails Valor checks, never makes others
Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 5, Integrity 2, Linguistics 0 (Native: Old Realm), Martial Arts 2, Melee 6 (Sword +3), Presence 1,
Resistance 5, Stealth 2, War 5
Join Battle: 8
Attacks: (Ping 7)

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 12B, Parry DV 6 (11d), Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 15B, Parry DV 4 (7d), Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 12B, Parry DV –, Rate 1
Adamant Daiklave: Speed 5, Accuracy 19, Damage 18L (ignores up to 4 points of armor soak), Parry DV 9 (18d), Rate 3
Sunbeam: Speed 5, Accuracy 15, Damage 2L/1m, Rate 1, Range 60
Soak: 16L/19B (Natural 4L/7B; Armor plating 12L/12B -1 mobility, Pierced 10L/13B; Hardness: 16L/12B)
Health Levels: -0 x4/-1 ×6/-2 ×6/-4 ×4Rafilar/AssortedGolemsAndAutomata/I
Move: 12 yd. Dash: 18 yd.
Dodge DV: 5/4 (10d)
Essence: 3 Pool: 25 (30) Willpower: 10
Sunbeam: A diamond golem may throw a beam of searing light at its enemies. This attack uses the statistics indicated above, and
deals 2L base damage for every mote spent.
Diamond Strike: For 3m, the diamond golem may supplement a melee attack. This guarantees that the strike hits. TIf the attack
would have missed without this Charm, then it hits, calculating its raw damage based on an assumption of 0 attack successes.
This charm does not change the normal rules for valid targets.
Ki Vulnerability: Diamond golems take an additional die of damage from any Essence-enhanced Martial Arts attack.

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