Alt+F11 Maximize workspace Shift+left arrow Select (highlight) text to the left Ctrl+left arrow Move the cursor to the beginning Ctrl+plus sign Zoom in of the cursor character by of the word to the left of the Ctrl+minus sign Zoom out character cursor Ctrl+0 Reset the zoom state Shift+right arrow Select (highlight) text to the right Ctrl+right arrow Move the cursor to the beginning F9 Reset the SAS session of the cursor character by of the word to the right of the character cursor Shift+up arrow Select (highlight) text from the Crtl+up arrow, Scrolls the editor (the cursor Basic Editing cursor to the same location on Crtl+down arrow does not move) Ctrl+A Select all text the previous line Page Up, Page Scrolls a page up or down (the Ctrl+X Cut selected text Shift+down arrow Select (highlight) text from the Down cursor moves) Ctrl+C Copy selected text cursor to the same location on Home Move the cursor to the beginning Ctrl+V Paste text the next line of the line in the code editor; Ctrl+Z Undo an action Ctrl+Shift+left arrow Select (highlight) the word to the move to the top of the currently Ctrl+Y Redo an action left of the cursor displayed section of the Ctrl+F Find and replace text Ctrl+Shift+right Select (highlight) the word to the navigation pane Ctrl+/ Add or remove comment tags arrow right of the cursor End Move the cursor to the end of Ctrl+Shift+U Cycle the case of the selected Alt+left mouse Select a column or vertical block the line in the code editor; move text among initial capital, button of text to the bottom of the currently uppercase, and lowercase displayed section of the Ctrl+U Convert the selected text to navigation pane uppercase File Management Ctrl+Home Move the cursor to the top of the Ctrl+L Convert the selected text to F4 Create a new SAS program document lowercase F3 Run a SAS program Ctrl+End Move the cursor to the bottom Ctrl+Backspace Delete the word to the left of Shift+Alt+A Create a new snippet from the of the document the cursor selected SAS code Alt+1 Move the focus to the Server Ctrl+Delete Delete the word to the right of Alt+I Insert an existing snippet Files and Folders section the cursor Ctrl+S Save a SAS program; download Alt+2 Move the focus to the label of Ctrl+Spacebar Display the currently applicable log or results as an HTML file the currently displayed list of SAS keywords and then Ctrl+P Print the SAS program, log, or secondary tab navigate to the next list, if there results Alt+3 Move the focus to the label of is more than one Shift+F10 Open a pop-up menu the currently displayed primary Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar Display the currently applicable tab and then navigate among all list of SAS keywords and then open tabs in the workspace navigate to the previous list, if Alt+4 Move the focus to the body of there is more than one the Code tab on the currently Tab, Shift+Tab Navigate between an displayed primary tab autocomplete list and its Alt+5 Move the focus to the selected associated Help pop-up window item on the Log tab on the currently displayed primary tab
For more information about keyboard shortcuts, see
Fn+Option+F11 Maximize workspace Shift+left arrow Select (highlight) text to the left of Option+left arrow Move the cursor to the beginning Cmd+plus sign Zoom in the cursor character by character of the word to the left of the Cmd+minus sign Zoom out Shift+right arrow Select (highlight) text to the right cursor Cmd+0 Reset the zoom state of the cursor character by Option+right arrow Move the cursor to the end of the Fn+F9 Reset the SAS session character word to the right of the cursor Shift+up arrow Select (highlight) text from the Option+up arrow Move the cursor to the beginning cursor to the same location on the of the previous paragraph Basic Editing previous line Option+down arrow Move the cursor to the beginning Cmd+A Select all text Shift+down arrow Select (highlight) text from the of the next paragraph Cmd+X Cut selected text cursor to the same location on the Page Up, Page Down Scrolls a page up or down (the Cmd+C Copy selected text next line cursor does not move) Cmd+V Paste text Option+Shift+left Select (highlight) the word to the Cmd+left arrow Move the cursor to the beginning Cmd+Z Undo an action arrow left of the cursor of the line Cmd+Shift+Z Redo an action Option+Shift+right Select (highlight) the word to the Cmd+right arrow Move the cursor to the end of the Cmd+F Find and replace text arrow right of the cursor line Cmd+/ Add or remove comment tags for Cmd+Shift+up arrow Select (highlight) text from the Cmd+up arrow Move the cursor to the top of the SAS code cursor to the beginning of the document Cmd+Shift+U Cycle the case of the selected text document Cmd+down arrow Move the cursor to the bottom of among initial capital, uppercase, and Cmd+Shift+down Select (highlight) text from the the document lowercase arrow cursor to the end of the document Fn+left arrow Move to the top of the currently Cmd+U Convert the selected text to Option+left mouse Select a column or vertical block displayed section of the uppercase button of text navigation pane Cmd+L Convert the selected text to Fn+right arrow Move to the bottom of the lowercase currently displayed section of the Option+Delete Delete the word to the left of the File Management navigation pane (backward) cursor Fn+F4 Create a new SAS program Option+1 Move the focus to the Server Files Option+Delete Delete the word to the right of the Fn+F3 Run a SAS program and Folders section (forward) cursor Cmd+Option+A Create a new snippet from the Option+2 Move the focus to the label of the Cmd+Delete Delete the current line selected SAS code currently displayed secondary tab Control+Spacebar Display the currently applicable list of Cmd+Option+I Insert an existing snippet Option+3 Move the focus to the label of the SAS keywords and then navigate to Cmd+S Save a SAS program; download log currently displayed primary tab the next list, if there is more than or results as an HTML file and then navigate among all open one Cmd+P Print the SAS program, log, or tabs in the workspace Control+Shift+ Display the currently applicable list of results Option+4 Move the focus to the body of the Spacebar SAS keywords and then navigate to Fn+Shift+F10 Open a pop-up menu Code tab on the currently the previous list, if there is more displayed primary tab than one Option+5 Move the focus to the selected Tab, Shift+Tab Navigate between an autocomplete item on the Log tab on the list and its associated Help pop-up currently displayed primary tab window
For more information about keyboard shortcuts, see