Philosophy of Religion, Hick John, Prentice Hall, Inc. U.S.A., 1963, Ch. 4 & 7

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1. The Bible - II Samuel 12:23

Chapter I

1. Philosophy of Religion, Hick John, Prentice Hall,

Inc. U.S.A., 1963, Ch. 4 & 7.

2. Problems of Religious Pluralism, Hick John, St.

Martins Press, New York, 1985, Ch.9.

3. Death and Eternal Life, Hick John, Macmillan,

London, 1985.

4. Ibid.,

5. Philosophy of Religion, Hick John, Prentice Hall,

Inc. U.S.A., 1963, p . 6 .

6. Ib i d . , p . 6 .

7. Ibid., p.7.

8. The Bible - Duet. 6:4-5


9. Philosophy of Religion. Hick John, Prentice Hall,

Inc. U.S.A., 1963, p.6.

10. The Bible - Cf., Isaiah, 40: 18-26, 43:10, 44:6 & 8
48:13, Amos 1:3-2; 2:16; 9:5.8.

11. The Bible - John 3:16.

12. Ibid., Isaiah, 57:15.

13. Ibid., Isaiah. 64:6.

14. Ibid., Isaiah, 40:25.

15. Philosophy of Religion, Hick John, Prentice Hall,

Inc. U.S.A., 1963, p.48.

16. Ibid., p.51

17. Ibid., p.51

18. Ibid., p.53

19. Ibid., p.53

20. Ibid., p.53


21. Quoted by Hick John, Problems of Religious

Pluralism, S t . Martin's Press, New York,
1985, p . 1 3 1 .

22. Death and Eternal Life, Hick John, Macmillan,

London, 1985, p.38.

23. The Bible - Genesis 126.

24. Death and Eternal Life, Hick John, Macmillan,

London, 1985, p.100.

25. Ibid., p.103.

26. Ibid., p.346-47.

27. The Bible - Acts 2:33

28. Death and Eternal Life, Hick John, Macmillan,

London, 1985,pl79.

29. The Bible - I Corinthians Ch. 15.

30. Death and Eternal Life, Hick John, Macmillan,

London, 1985, p.174.

31. Problems of Religious Pluralism. Hick John,

S t . Martin's Press, New York, 1985, p.143.

32. Death and Eternal Life, Hick John, Macmillan,

London, 1985, p.155,

33. Problems of Religious Pluralism. Hick John,

S t . Martin's Press, New York, 1985, p . 4 1 .

34. Cf., Ibid., p.134


Chapter II

1. David Hume, Treatise of Human Nature, ed., L.A.

Selbg Bigge, Oxford, 1986, BK I, p a r t 4, Sec.6.

2. Penelhum Terrance, "Life and Death", in Contem-

porary Philosophy of Religion, (ed.) Steven M
Chan & David Shatz, Oxford, University Press,
N.Y., U.S.A, 1982, p.192.

The appeal to custom means to be quite prominent

in the works of later-Wittgenstein. His argument
against the possibility of a private language,
the notion of rules, form of life etc., are to
a great extent explained by him by appealing
to what is accepted as convention in society.
The various conventions for a custom that is de-
termined by the meaning of a given thing. Appeal-
ing to custom should be thus, distinguished from
i t s empirical-sociological dimension. The present
reference to custom is thus meant in the above
philosophical sense.

4. Philosophy of Religion, Hick John, Prentice Hall

I n c . , U.S.A., 1963, p . 5 1 .

Penelhum Terrance,
5. Survival and Disembodied Existences/Rout ledge
& Kegan Paul, U.K., 1980, p . 1 4 .

6. The Bible, I Cor. 15; 37.

7. Ibid., Luke, 16:19-31.


8. This view of Descartes is one of the two central

themes of the Meditations.

9. Cf ., Survival and Disembodied Existence, Penelhum

Terrance, Routledge & Kegan Paul, U.K., 1980,

10. cf ., An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis,

Hospers John, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., U.K.,
1976, p.415.

11. The Bible, Matt. 17:34.

12. Ibid.,

13. Phaedo, Quoted in Melwin Rader The Enduring

Questions, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, N.Y.,
U.S.A., 1969, p.42.

14. We may note Ryle, being radical behaviourist

holds an extreme doctrine where even mental
activities and mental verbs are described by
physical activities and physicalistic vocabulary

Similarly Peter Strawson seeks to resolve the

mind-body dicothemy of the Cartesians by appeal-
ing to the concept of person. For him the con-
cept of 'person' is a primitive category which
incorporates both body and mind or to it we
can ascribe both 'M' predicate (material object
predicate) 'P' predicate (personal predicates)
to use his own expression. Ref• Individuals,

15, The Bible, I Cor. 15:54.

16. F.M. Conford, Plato and Parmenides. t r a n s . N.Y.,

U.S.A, 19 39.

17. Cf., Ibid

18. Wolfson, H.A., Duration, Time and Eternity, in

the Philosophy of Spinoza, BK.I, Cambridge, Mass.
1934, Ch. 10.

19. The Bible, Matt. 18:8.

20. Ibid., Matt. 19:29.

21. Ibid., Matt. 19:29.

22. Ibid., John 3:16.

23. Ibid., John 3:15.

24. Philosophy of Religion, Hick John, Prentice Hall,

Inc., U.S.A., 1963. p.53.

Chapter III

1. Problems of Religious Pluralism, Hick John,

St. Martins Press, N.Y., U.S.A., 1985, p.143.

2. Ibid., p.141

3. Ibid., p.141

4. Cf., Martin Israel, 'The Nature of Eternal Life'

in Life After Death, by Arnold Togabee & others,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, U.K., 1977, p.159.

5. Problems of Religious Pluralism, Hick John,

St. Martins Press, N.Y., U.S.A, 1985, p.145.

6. Quoted in Problems of Religious Pluralism, Hick

John, St. Martin Press, N.Y., U.S.A., 1985, p.136

7. Ibid., p.136

8. Singh, Surjit, Preface to Personality,. 1952,

quoted in Indian Christian Theology, by R.H.S
Boyd, C.L-s. Madras, 1969, p.210 & 211.

Chapter IV

1. The Bible -Genesis 1:27.

2. Ibid., Genesis 2:7.

3. Ibid., Genesis 2:19.

4. Ibid., Genesis 3:6.

5. Ibid., Ecclestastes 12:7.

6. Ibid., Genesis 2:16 & 17 .

7. Ibid., Genesis 3:19.

8. Ib id., Romans 5:12.

9. Ibid*, I Corinthians 15:22.

10. Quoted in Introductory t o r t u r e s in Systematic

Theology. Henry Clarence Thiessen, W M B Eerdmans
Publishing Co., Grandrapids Michigan, 1968, p.251.

11. The Bible - I Corinthians 15:21 & 22.


12. Ibid ., John 1:14.

13. Ibid,, M a r k 1 0 : 4 5 .

14. Ibid., I Corinthians 1 5 : 1 7 .

15. Ibid., Romans 8:1 & 2.

16. Ibid., John 1:1 & 2.

17. Ibid., Genesis 1:1.

18. Ibid., Genesis 1:26.

19. Ibid., John 1:3.

20, Quoted in Lectures in Systematic Theology, by

Theissen, WM.B. Eerman Publishing Co., Grand
Rapids, U.S.A, 1968, p.312.

21. The Bible - John 1:14.

22. Ibid., Galatians, 4:4.

23. Ibid., Luke 3:28-38.

24. Ibid., I John 3:5.


25. Ibid., II Corinthians 5:21.

26. Ibid., Luke 2:52.

27. Ibid., Hebrews 10:10.

28. Ibid., John 2:21.

29. Ibid., Hebrews 2:14.

30. Ibid., Matthew, 26:38.

31. Ibid., John 12:27.

32. Ibid., Mark 2:8.

33. Ibid., Luke 23:46.

34. Ibid., Matthew, 4:2.

35. Ibid., John 19:28.

36. Ibid., John 4:6.

37. Ibid., John 1:30, Acts 2:22, John 8:57.

38. Ibid., Colossians 2:9.


39. Ibid., I John 3:5.

40. Quoted in Introductory Lectures in Systematic

Theology, Henry Clarence Thiessen, W M B Eerdmans
Publishing Co., Grandrapids Michigan, 1968, p,312

41. The Bible, John 1:29.

42. Ibid., I Corinthians 15:1-4.

43. Ibid., Psalms 2 2 : 1 .

44. Ibid., Psalms 16:8-10.

45. Ibid., Isaiah 53:4-6.

46. Ibid., Zechariah 11:12&13.

47. Ibid., Mark 10:45.

48. Ibid ., Galatians 3:13.

49. Ibid., Luke 24:39.

50. I b i d . , John 20:27.

51. Ibid., Romans 1:4.

52. I b i d . , Romans 4 : 2 5 .

53. Ibid., I Corinthians, Chapter 15



Boyd, R.H.S. Indian Christian Theology,

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Conford, F.M. Plato and Parmenidces, Trans-

lated Works, N.Y., U.S.A, 1939.

George, B.T. The Case Against Evolution,

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Hick John Death & Eternal Life, Macmillan

& Co., Hongkong, 1985.

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Problems in Religious Pluralism

S t . Martins Press, N.Y., U.S.A.,

Hospers John An Introduction to Philosophical

Analysis, Rout ledge and Kegan
Paul Ltd., U.K., 1976.

Hume David Treatise of Human Nature,

ed. L.A. Selby Biggie, Oxford, 1896

Penelhum Terence Survival and Disembodied Existence

Routledge and Kegan Paul, U.K.,

Rader, Melwin The Enduring Questions,,

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N.Y., U.S.A., 1969.

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Barclay William The Mind of Jesus, Harper

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Datta and Chatterjee An Introduction to Indian

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Edward Paul (ed.) Encyclopedia of P h i l o -

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Evans Williams The Great Doctrines of the

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Flew & Macintyre New Essay in Philosophical

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Fuller Daniel Easter Faith and History,

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Hasting James (ed.) Encyclopaedla of Religion

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Baker Book House, U.S.A.,

Kenny Anthony The Anatomy of the Soul,

Basil Black Well, Great Britan,

Ladd George I believe in the Resurrection of

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Phillips, DZ Death and Immortality, Macmillan

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Radhakrishnan S Indian Philosophy, Vol.I, Blackie

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Ryle, Gilbert The Concept of Mind, London, 1949.

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