Planificare Anuala: No. of Classes
Planificare Anuala: No. of Classes
Planificare Anuala: No. of Classes
No. No. of
Unit Content Competences classes
Week Observations
1 Hello! - Countries & 1.1 Identify the general 14 w1: 11.09-
Nationalities meaning of clearly-spoken 15.09.2017
- Places in a country everyday dialogues and w2: 18.09-
- Seasons &Months/ messages 22.09.2017
Dates (ordinal numbers) 1.2 Identify the w3: 25.09-
- Possessive adjectives significance/meaning of 29.09.2017
- The verb to be(negative, clearly-spoken w4: 2.10-
interrogative &short dialogues/monologues 6.10.2017
answers) 2.1 Present a w5: 9.10-
- How tall/How high/How person/character 13.10.2017
big 2.2 Use simple everyday w6: 16.10-
-When, How old, Where phrases to take part in 20.10.2017
- Introducing yourself/ social interactions w7: 23.10-
others 2.4 Take part in dialogues 27.10.2017
- Asking & giving personal 3.2 Extract information
information from a short illustrated
3.4 Explore texts giving
guidance or instruction
4.1 Write short simple
2 Family - Family members& Pets 1.1 Identify the general 8 w9: 6.11-
Ties - Appearance/Personality meaning of clearly-spoken 10.11.2017
- Activities/Hobbies everyday dialogues and w10: 13.11-
- Have got messages 17.11.2017
- Possessive case (’s/s’ – 1.3 Explore cultural w11: 20.11-
of the) elements of the English- 24.11.2017
- Plurals (regular/ speaking world w12: 27.11-
irregular) 2.1 Present a person/ 1.12.2017
- Can (ability) character
-Whose, Who 2.2 Use simple everyday
- Describing a family phrases to take part in
member social interactions
2.4 Take part in dialogues
3.2 Extract information
from a short illustrated
3.4 Explore texts giving
guidance or instruction
4.2 Describe aspects of
everyday life (people,
places, school, family,
4.3 Exchange short
written messages
3 Home, ... - Rooms in a house 1.1 Identify the general 12 W13: 4.12-
sweet - Furniture &Appliances meaning of clearly-spoken 8.12.2017
home - Public places near my everyday dialogues and w14: 11.12-
house messages 15.12.2017
- Signs in public places 2.2 Use simple everyday w15:18.12-
- There is/There are phrases to take part in 22.12.2017
(affirmative & negative) social interactions w16:15.01-
- Prepositions of place 2.4 Take part in dialogues 19.01.2018
- a/an – some –any 3.1 Understand signs and w17: 22.01-
- there is/there are other public notices 26.01.2018
(interrogative & short 3.2 Extract information w18: 29.01-
answers) from a short illustrated 2.02.2018
- this/these, that/those text
- Describing your home 3.3 Understand simple
informal text messages
3.4 Explore texts giving
guidance or instruction
4.1 Write short simple
4 Every day - Daily routine 1.2 Identify the 10 w19:12.02-
- Free-time activities significance/meaning of 16.02.2018
- Sports clearly-spoken dialogues/ w20:19.02-
- School rules monologues 23.02.2018
- Present simple 2.1 Present a person/ w21:26.02-
- Adverbs of frequency character 2.03.2018
- Prepositions of time 2.2 Use simple everyday w22: 5.03-
- Question words phrases to take part in 9.03.2018
- Making arrangements – social interactions w23: 12.03-
Accepting/Refusing 2.3 Express preferences 16.03.2018
3.2 Extract information
from a short illustrated
4.1 Write short simple
5 All about - Food & Drinks 1.1 Identify the general 10 w24: 19.03-
food - Food preparation meaning of clearly-spoken 23.03.2018
- Cooking tools everyday dialogues and w25: 26.03-
- Shopping messages 30.03.2018
- a/an – some/any 2.2 Use simple everyday w26:9.04-
- Partitives phrases to take part in 13.04.2018
- Quantifiers social interactions w27: 16.04-
- can/can’t – may/may 2.3 Express preferences 20.04.2018
not (permission) 2.4 Take part in dialogues w28: 23.04-
-How much, How many, 3.1 Understand signs and 27.04.2018
Which, Why, How other public notices
- Expressing likes/ 3.2 Extract information
dislikes -preferences from a short illustrated
- Giving instructions text
3.4 Explore texts giving
guidance or instruction
4.1 Write short simple
4.3 Exchange short
written messages
6 Let’s - Free-time/outdoor 1.1 Identify the general 14 w29: 30.04-
have fun! activities meaning of clearly-spoken 4.05.2018
- The weather everyday dialogues and w30: 7.05-
- Clothes/Accessories/ messages 11.05.2018
Footwear 1.2 Identify the w31: 14.05-
- Shopping/books significance/meaning of 18.05.2018
- Present continuous clearly-spoken dialogues/ w32: 21.05-
(affirmative/negative/ monologues 25.05.2018
interrogative & short 1.3 Explore cultural w33:28.05-
answers) elements of the English- 1.06.2018
- Personal object/ speaking world w34: 4.06-
Possessive pronouns 2.3 Express preferences 8.06.2018
- Prepositions of 2.4 Take part in dialogues w35: 11.06-
movement 3.2 Extract information 16.06.2018
- Agreeing/Disagreeing from a short illustrated
- Making suggestions text
3.3 Understand simple
informal text messages
3.4 Explore texts giving
guidance or instruction
4.1 Write short simple