Hygood FM200
Hygood FM200
Hygood FM200
FM-200 ®
benefits applications
• Colourless, odourless, • Computer suites
non-contaminating gaseous & data centres
fire protection • Gas turbine enclosures
• Designed to protect critical • Offshore oil/gas exploration
assets and processes without & production facilities
damaging them • Telecommunications centres
• Safe to use in occupied areas • Power generation
• Proven in thousands of • Marine
successful installations
• Museums, archives
around the world
& data storage
• Hygood quality & technical/
service support
The discharged gas flows through
a piping network into the
protected area, where it is applied
to extinguish the fire, initially
largely through heat absorption.
Significantly, there is no risk of
thermal shock damage to delicate
electronic equipment and FM-200
is electrically non-conductive and
non-corrosive. Additionally,
it leaves no oily residue or deposits
to damage software, data files or
communications equipment,
meaning post-discharge clean up
time and costs are minimal.
Being a good neighbour
Everything we do has some kind
of environmental impact, from
switching on the air conditioner
to starting up the car. However,
Hygood FM-200 was created in
response to the need to find an
effective new agent to replace
ozone-depleting Halon fire
suppressants. It has very little
environmental impact and does
not harm the earth's ozone layer.
FM-200 - Proven in thousands of