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Some of the key takeaways are that multinational corporations use various techniques like transfer pricing and shell companies to avoid paying taxes. While this allows them to maximize profits, it also reduces tax revenues for governments. There is ongoing debate around how to balance corporate interests with national tax policies.

Some of the tax avoidance techniques used by multinational corporations mentioned in the text include transfer pricing, use of shell companies in tax havens, and not repatriating profits back to the home country.

Government policies that enable tax avoidance include having different tax rates and rules across countries. This allows corporations to shift profits and operations between jurisdictions to minimize their overall tax burden. The lack of a global tax authority also makes it difficult to have consistent international tax rules.

Tax Avoidance by Multinational

Companies: Methods, Policies, and Ethics

Farok J. Contractor
Rutgers University


This article outlines seven tax-avoidance techniques used by multinational

corporations (MNCs) and the government policies that enable them, followed
by a discussion of ethics and corporate responsibility. The tax-avoidance
phenomenon, amounting to hundreds of billions each year, affects global
operations, supply chains, and location decisions—placing this issue at the
heart of global strategy. There is no world government or supranational tax
authority. A world fragmented into more than 190 nations (each seeking local
optimization of revenues) is in tension with MNCs that look on the entire world
as their blank canvas (global optimization) and fall prey to the temptation of
using the seven tax-avoidance techniques outlined here.

Introduction: Why This Review of International Tax Issues Should

Be Read by Business Executives
To most executives, scholars, and teachers, global taxation may appear to be an
obscure topic. But actually, it is central to global decision-making because most
foreign direct investment (FDI) and global operations these days are biased by tax
considerations. The numbers are huge. For instance, with around $10 trillion worth
of world trade being intrafirm, and a similar portion being intermediate (as opposed
to finished products or services), it is the multinational corporation (MNC) that
gets to decide internally how it will value that shipment and what unit price it will
type on its export invoice. The amount typed on the invoice determines profits and
tax liability in both the import and export nations, as we see below. No “arms-
length” equivalent benchmarks of value are easily available since 21st-century
business is characterized by product designs or services that are highly
differentiated or unique to a particular company.


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Because of a US tax provision, between $2.1 and $3 trillion in accumulated

profits of US multinationals’ foreign affiliates have not been repatriated back
to the home country. I conservatively estimate that out of the million-odd
subsidiaries or foreign affiliates of all multinationals listed in databases such
as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
2015, between 300,000 and 400,000 are shell or dummy companies (firms that
have no economic activity except a part-time accountant or a lawyer behind
a shining brass nameplate).1 The entire FDI inflow statistics of major nations
such as China or India are biased by the “round-tripping” of local investment
masquerading as foreign investment.
Global strategists and international business (IB) scholars grapple with a
key dilemma—the tension between a world divided into 193-odd territorial
and tax jurisdictions versus the desire of MNC executives to look upon the
planet as a single economic space within which to optimize by shifting
taxable profits, operations, and finance from one country to another.
Awareness and sensitivity about international tax avoidance are growing,
exemplified by the EU’s introduction of a “Tax Avoidance Package” in
2016, and by strident voices on the American right—Trump labeling
corporate inversions as “disgusting”)—and left—Sanders describing tax
avoidance as a “scam.” 2, 3 Executives, however, argue that it is their fiduciary
duty to maximize shareholder value by taking every advantage of provisions
and loopholes available under various countries’ laws.

An Overview of Tax-Avoidance Methods and Their Relative

“Inversions” have been much in the news, at least in the US, such as the
planned $150 billion merger between New York-based Pfizer and Dublin-
based Allergan, torpedoed by the Obama Administration’s new rules in April
2016.4 In simple terms, an inversion involves a company shifting its corporate
headquarters from a high-tax nation (the US has a marginal corporate tax of
35 percent) by merging with a firm in a lower-tax jurisdiction, such as Ireland
(whose tax rate is 10–12.5 percent). But despite eliciting pseudo-patriotic
opprobrium, the number of large inversions has actually been very few, less
than 50 since 2000.
The tax-avoidance methods summarized in the seven examples below,
starting with the ones that have the biggest impact, are mostly legal because
they use provisions and loopholes granted by the countries involved.

28 Rutgers Business Review Fall 2016

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

1. Exemption/Deferral of Foreign Affiliate Income

Most advanced nations typically tax multinational firm home-country
operations, but do not additionally tax profits of the company’s foreign
affiliates.5 Others, including the US, treat the multinationals’ worldwide
income (US as well as foreign) as taxable. However, the US offers a gigantic
loophole: after paying each country’s taxes, the additional US tax on US
multinationals’ foreign affiliate profits can be deferred indefinitely (perhaps
forever) by the simple expedient of not remitting those profits back to the
US. Instead, the funds are parked in tax havens, such as Bermuda, or are
reinvested in other foreign operations. The accumulated, but unrepatriated,
profits of American multinationals’ foreign subsidiaries—which have legally
escaped US taxation—are estimated between $2.1 and $3 trillion.

2. Transfer Pricing (Invoice Values)

In international supply chains, MNCs ship goods and services whose unit
value, decided by the MNC itself, is often biased by tax considerations.
Consider two firms, A and B, both owned by the same MNC. Firm A has been
exporting 1,000 items per year to Firm B, invoiced at $1.30 each. But if they
are invoiced at $1.80 each, Firm B would then pay its “sister company,” Firm
A, $500 more annually. Firm A’s profit would increase, and B’s would
decrease; but the MNC as a whole would increase its after-tax income from
$2,250 to $2,325. The idea is simple: pay higher amounts to affiliates where
taxes are lower, and show lower values where taxes and/or tariffs are higher.
(See Figure 1 and Table 1.)

Figure 1. Transfer Pricing – Invoice Values

Export of 1,000 items invoiced initially at

$1.3 but later changed to $1.5 each
Firm in Country Firm in Country

Tax rate 15% Tax rate 30%

Payment of $1,300; later changed to $1,800

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Table 1. Export of 1,000 Items – Payment of $1,300 Changed to $1,800

Before Change in Transfer Price After Change in Transfer Price
(Export Shipment Invoiced at (Export Shipment Invoiced at
$1.30 Each) $1.80 Each)
Firm A Firm B Firm A Firm B
Tax Rate 15% Tax Rate 30% Tax Rate 15% Tax Rate 30%
Pretax Profit $1,000 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500
Tax $150 $600 $225 $450
After-tax Profit $850 $1,400 $1,275 $1,050
Total MNC Profit $850 + $1,400 = $2,250 $1,275 + $1,050 = $2,325

Note that the figures in the second and third column of Table 1 are given
as the starting point. The figures in the fourth and fifth column then change
as a result of changing the unit price.
No real change has occurred, except for just one keystroke—when typing
the invoice, “8” is entered instead of “3” (1.8 instead of 1.3). The above is only
one example. Millions of shipments are made annually—a great many where
the exporter and importer are the very same MNC, which can internally
decide on the invoice value depending on the tax differential between the
import and export nations. Intrafirm trade is huge, estimated to range
between 42 and 55 percent of world trade (totaling around $23 trillion).
Moreover, much of international trade is not in finished, but in intermediate,
products—some with unique designs and embedded proprietary
technology—so that no comparative arms-length valuations are possible, and
the MNC itself declares the shipment’s value.6
In the above example, if Firm A’s country’s tax rate were higher than Firm
B’s, or if A’s country levied an import tariff, then the situation would be
reversed: the MNC would be tempted to under-value the shipment to reduce
its total worldwide tax and tariff liability.
This kind of “transfer pricing” is ubiquitous, but no one knows its actual
incidence, which may amount to hundreds of billions in taxes avoided for all
governments combined.

3. Royalty Payments
Tax avoidance through interfirm royalty payments occurs because of
three salient facts:

30 Rutgers Business Review Fall 2016

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

1. Typically, MNCs are technology-intensive, and most value resides in

their proprietary technologies or intangible assets.
2. Even if research and development (R&D) costs have been incurred by
Firm A (say the home country of the MNC), current rules allow the
transfer of the patents or brands to a holding company or subsidiary
(in a low-tax country, such as Ireland) or a shell company (in a zero-
tax country, such as Bermuda), which then charges royalties to
headquarters and other affiliates.7
3. Most governments allow deductions for royalty payments, which
reduces tax liability to the licensee—even if the licensee is part of the
same MNC, and even if no R&D had been performed in the licensee’s
First, we will review a simple example of how interfirm royalties reduce
tax liability. A Japanese company, having done its R&D in Japan, establishes
a subsidiary in the US. In Scenario 1, the US subsidiary pays no royalty for the
Japanese technology. In Scenario 2, nothing has changed except that the
Japanese parent has signed an additional side agreement with its US
subsidiary, which will then pay a 5 percent royalty to its parent. Under US
rules, despite the US operation’s being the fully owned “child” of its
Japanese “parent,” the royalty payments are a deductible expense. US tax
liability is legally reduced from $90 to $75. And the total remittance (after-
taxes) to Japan increases from $210 to $225. (See Table 2.)

Table 2. Japanese MNC’s US Subsidiary Royalties: Scenario 1 – No Royalty vs.

Scenario 2 – 5% Royalty
Scenario 1: Japanese MNC’s US Scenario 2: Japanese MNC’s US
Subsidiary Pays No Royalty Subsidiary Pays 5% Royalty
Sales by Japanese subsidiary in US $1,000 Sales by Japanese subsidiary in US $1,000
Royalty (at 5% on sales) $50
Total costs (no royalties involved) $700 Total costs (excluding royalties) $700
Profit before tax $300 Profit before tax $250
US tax (at 30%) $90 US tax (at 30%) $75
Profit after US tax $210 Profit after US tax $175
Royalty remittance to Japanese parent $50
Total remittance to Japanese parent $225

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Less re-investible profits are left in the US operation, and more goes to
Japan. The side royalty agreement makes sense if the effective tax rate in
Japan (say 20 percent) is less than the US tax rate of 30 percent.
What makes even more sense (from an aggressive tax-avoidance point of
view) is for the Japanese MNC to transfer the patent rights to its subsidiary
in an even lower-tax nation, such as Ireland. By making the Irish operation
the licensor and collecting the royalties over there, they would be taxed at an
even lower corporate tax rate—perhaps as low as 10 percent instead of the
Japanese tax rate of, say, 20 percent.8
Pushing the envelope further, despite the R&D’s having been done in
Japan or the US, the patent and brands could be transferred to a Bermuda or
Cayman Islands shell company—as Google, Apple, and many pharmaceutical
firms have done—with royalties collected there at near-zero tax liability. (See
Figure 2.)

Figure 2. Favorite Money Routing for Large MNCs

4 1
1. An advertiser pays money for an ad in Germany.
6 2. The ad agency sends money to its subsidiary in
Ireland, which holds the intellectual property (IP).
3. Tax payable in Ireland is 10-12.5 percent, but the Irish
company pays a royalty to a Dutch subsidiary, for
which it gets an Irish tax deduction.
4. The Dutch company pays the money to yet another
subsidiary in Ireland, with no withholding tax on
inter-EU transactions.
5. The last subsidiary, although it is in Ireland, pays no
tax because it is controlled from outside Ireland, in
Bermuda, or another tax haven.
6. Money is parked in the tax haven, from where it can
be used for other global investments.

Source: Wikipedia, Double Irish arrangement

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Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

4. Intracorporate Loans
Another provision governments offer companies is deducting interest
payments on loans as an expense item. Indeed, paying interest is an expense
for the borrower/payer. But if the lender (source of funds) and borrower are
companies within the same MNC, albeit in different nations, then the MNC
has a clear path to paying less tax in high-tax jurisdictions—it can make its
lower-taxed affiliates extend loans to its affiliates in higher-tax nations and
can then enjoy a juicier tax deduction on the interest payment.
FDI flows consist of three components: New Equity + Retained Earnings
+ Net Intracorporate Loans. Although we lack comprehensive data on the
magnitude of the stock of worldwide intracorporate loans, they would very
conservatively exceed three quarters of a trillion dollars (UNCTAD, 2015). We
have no comprehensive idea of how many loans are motivated by tax
avoidance, and even less about the extent to which the intracorporate
interest rate deviates from the actual cost of capital to the lending affiliate or
parent. Clearly, if the intracorporate interest rate set by the MNC internally
is higher than, or lower than, the actual cost of capital, the MNC has another
tax-liability-transference device. In recent years, “…a number of countries
have imposed restrictions on the tax deductibility of interest…”; but the
enforcement of rules is lacking, especially in developing nations.9, 10

5. Other Central MNC/Parent Overheads and Costs

An inescapable fact of modern multinational business is that significant
costs, especially having to do with R&D, are incurred by the MNC parent firm
in the home nation, which then logically has to charge some fraction of its
central overheads to each of its foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.11 For
reasons scholars have not fully understood, the R&D expenditures of MNCs
remain highly clustered in the parent firm nation, or at least in far fewer
countries than the number of territories in which the fruits of the R&D are
As we saw in Technique 3 above, charging royalties to each affiliate for
centrally developed technology is one technique. But other categories of
overheads, such as the costs of maintaining brand equity, and other central
administrative costs at headquarters, such as global information technology,
supply-chain management, human resources, etc., should not be borne
entirely by the parent firm. Rather, they should be spread over the various
subsidiaries and foreign operations that enjoy the benefits of the MNC’s
central administration overheads.

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In principle, this sounds fair. But in practice, how does the MNC carve up
slices of its central overheads pie, and proportionally allocate (charge) a slice
to each foreign affiliate? Even trying to be globally equitable (and
tax unbiased) is difficult because the allocation or proportion will vary
depending on the weight of each foreign operation (in the planetary total).
The calculation will vary depending on whether the weighting for each
country is based on numbers of employees, versus value added in the nation,
versus assets, and so on. An obvious further complication is that exchange
rates fluctuate, affecting the share of each affiliate in the worldwide total pie
from year to year.
But, of course, MNCs are not unbiased. They face a clear
temptation, ceteris paribus, to allocate a larger slice of the overheads pie to
operations in higher-tax nations and vice versa. There is no standard
methodology. The EU has been attempting, since 2000, to formulate relevant
rules for a unitary (pan-European) system for the future. But each formula
has its problems and detractors.13, 14

6. Other Uses of Tax Havens: “Round-Tripping” and Evading

Currency Convertibility Restrictions
We saw above how tax havens in zero- or low-tax countries such as
Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, or the Cayman Islands can be used to
incorporate shell companies. Such companies serve two functions: (1) They
can hold the MNC’s patent and brand rights. (2) And they can serve as the
licensor to collect royalties charged to other affiliates globally. This reduces
taxes at each MNC affiliate or parent that pays the royalty, because each then
claims a deduction in their nation for the royalties paid, while the royalties
are received and collected tax-free in the tax haven shell company.
Other uses of tax havens: in the case of US multinationals, the tax haven
shell company acts as a conduit—or parking spot—for foreign affiliate profits
that are not repatriated back to the US, but are used for other outside
investments. (By keeping the profits outside the US, the additional US tax
liability on the money is deferred indefinitely as we saw above.) So impactful
is this loophole that US MNCs’ foreign subsidiaries’ accumulated profits,
which are not yet repatriated back home, are estimated to total between $2.1
and $3 trillion.15
Some tax havens and low-tax nations are used for “round-tripping.”
According to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD, 2013), as much as 57.4 percent of China’s outbound FDI capital in

34 Rutgers Business Review Fall 2016

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

2011 went to Hong Kong affiliates or subsidiaries, and another 12.7 percent
went to Caribbean entities. That means that as much as 70.1 percent of
Chinese outbound FDI capital flows, exceeding $100 billion per year since
2011, have gone to two tiny economies—the Caribbean and Hong Kong. (By
contrast, Chinese companies’ direct FDI outflow to European or US affiliates
was a mere 8.2 percent of the Chinese total.)
So what happened to the 70.1 percent of Chinese outward FDI that went
to Hong Kong and the Caribbean? Much of this Chinese money made a round
trip, returning to mainland China under the guise of “foreign investment” in
order to take advantage of the still slightly better terms (e.g., tax breaks,
cheaper land, loans) offered by the Chinese central and provincial
governments to “foreign” as opposed to purely “domestic” investors. (See
Figure 3.)

Figure 3. China’s Outward FDI

Sources: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2013. UNCTAD World
Investment Report, 2011.

Another driver for the Chinese FDI outflow is the desire by Chinese
companies and rich individuals to evade currency convertibility
restrictions.16 One cannot convert the Chinese renminbi (RMB) into dollars
or euros without an international business reason and filling out forms with
a written justification. Creating a dummy subsidiary in Hong Kong or the

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Caribbean provides that justification, on the grounds that capital has to be

sent out to support the Chinese parent’s foreign operations.

Table 3. How Many Multinationals are There?

Parent Firms Foreign Affiliates
in That Country in That Country
Developed Nations 73,144 373,612
Developing Nations 30,209 512,513
—Of which China has —12,000 —434,248
Totals 103,786 892,114
Source: UNCTAD (World Development Report)

As a result, UNCTAD reported an implausible number of Chinese foreign

affiliates: as many as 434,248 out of a worldwide total of 892,114 affiliates for
all MNCs.17 (See Table 3.) One has to conclude that a large majority are shell
companies, with no economic activity or purpose other than round-tripping
and evasion of capital controls.
It is not just China. For Europe, OECD reports that such “special purpose
entities” (SPEs, or shell companies) account for more than 80 percent of FDI
into Luxembourg and the Netherlands, more than 50 percent in Hungary,
and more than 30 percent in Austria and Iceland.18 Around a third of FDI into
India appears to emanate from Mauritius because the two countries have a
tax treaty.
Considering these facts, I conservatively estimate that 30–40 percent of
all FDI affiliates worldwide in the UNCTAD World Development Reports or
World Bank databases are shell companies—a sobering thought for analysts
and scholars using these data. And my estimate may, in fact, be low.

7. Inversions
In simple terms, an inversion involves a company shifting its corporate
headquarters to a lower-tax jurisdiction by acquiring/merging with a foreign
firm in a lower-tax country. For large multinational companies, the annual
savings can be in the billions, as illustrated by the aborted Pfizer (US)-
Allergan (Ireland) merger in April 2016.19 In Ireland, corporate taxes max out
at 12.5 percent compared with the maximum 35 percent US tax rate. But the
US would then lose billions in tax revenues. Other examples since 2012

36 Rutgers Business Review Fall 2016

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

include Mylan moving to the Netherlands, Burger King to Canada, and

Medtronic to Ireland—all of which have lower tax rates than the US.
Politicians of all stripes have labeled inversions as unpatriotic.
Announcing recent rules in April 2016 that make such foreign takeovers
much tougher, President Obama described inversions as “insidious” and
added that “…fleeing the country just to get out of paying their taxes...
[American MNCs] benefit from our research and our development and our
patents.20 They benefit from American workers, who are the best in the
world. But they effectively renounce their citizenship.” 21
For all the political bluster and opprobrium, the numbers of inversions
have been very few, though each is large. For the US, six were completed in
2015, up from four in each of the previous two years. (See Figure 4.) As long
as MNCs have the perception that home nation taxes are higher than in other
nations, inversions will continue in the future. [Also see my blog posts of
October 9, 2015, “International Tax Avoidance: Clarifying Multinational
Company Tax Issues,” and April 12, 2016, “Inversions...and Versions (of Tax
Truths).”]22, 23

Figure 4. US Corporate Inversions, 1996-2015

4 4 4 4
3 3
2 2 2
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1











Source: The Conversation: Crackdown on corporate inversions highlights monstrosity of US

tax code, April 20, 2016.24

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How Good Are Government Enforcement and Audits?

There is an awakening realization (at present confined to the EU, OECD
Secretariat, and US Internal Revenue Service) that a considerable disconnect
exists between the desire of governments to collect reasonable revenues from
companies in each territory or region (local optimization) and the desire of
MNCs to ensure shareholder interests by “arranging” investments, supply
chains, and invoices to minimize global tax payments (global optimization).
What about audits? Despite nascent intergovernmental cooperation and
exchange of information, for the most part governments can audit tax filings
only within their own territories. Even in terms of “audits,” governments face
a stark practical reality. Each year, for the world as a whole, multinational
companies and their affiliates file around one million tax returns. In all the
governments on the planet—including rich countries such as the US, Japan,
and Europe—there cannot be more than a couple of thousand auditors or
inspectors that view or scrutinize MNC returns.
Only a very tiny percentage of tax filings are read by a human (although
some advanced-nation governments use special artificial intelligence
software programs, or algorithms, that flag anomalies or egregious outliers).
There is no “world tax authority,” and even the exchange of information
between governments is only just a trickle. This means that MNCs can, and
do, push the envelope to minimize global tax payments, their proclivities
limited only by ethical self-restraint.

Ethical Pros and Cons: The Corporate and Governmental

Many executives believe that corporate taxes (especially in the US) are
already too high and that taking advantage of loopholes to reduce payments
is legitimate.

The corporate viewpoint generally is that:

 MNCs paying high taxes suffer a competitive disadvantage vis-a-
vis firms located in lower-tax nations. Paying higher taxes means less
money is left over, and this in turn means:
– Shareholders get smaller dividends, and
– Less is put back into R&D, which ultimately determines the
competitiveness of the firm in global competition.
 Paying taxes only encourages profligate governments to spend more
money on other public programs.

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Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

 The US federal corporate tax rate (at a maximum of 35 percent) is

already one of the highest in the developed world, it is argued. Not
only that, but unlike in many major countries, the US tax is applicable
not only to American operations, but to all worldwide operations of
the company.
 If government rules allow certain loopholes, it is the company’s
fiduciary duty toward shareholders to use such loopholes to (legally)
avoid tax payments.
 During mergers/acquisitions for “inversions,” the change of domicile
is only for tax purposes—necessary operations and jobs would remain
in the original nations.

Many would argue that the company’s fiduciary duty to maximize

shareholder interests is paramount, and that taking advantage of provisions
and loopholes is legal and ethically defensible.

Critics of MNC behavior argue that:

 Tax avoidance may be legal, but is not ethically
defensible because many of the loopholes and tax provisions have
been written to favor corporate interests by lobbying and political
influence on the part of the companies. Critics assert that the much-
trumpeted US corporate tax rate actually is not 35 percent—that it is
only the marginal rate on the last slab of income, with average effective
rates variously estimated to be not more than 19.4 percent (according
to Citizens for Tax Justice) or 27 percent (according to Price
Waterhouse).25, 26 This would put the US tax burden in the middle of
the OECD advanced-nation group.
 Multinationals enjoy several other tax-avoidance schemes, outlined in
this article, such as international licensing (royalty payments)
between affiliated entities, charging central fixed costs and overheads
to various foreign affiliates, creating intracorporate loans or export
shipment “transfer-pricing,” and tax-haven subsidiaries. Deferral of
tax on US firms’ foreign source income is the biggest loophole
available to US-based multinationals, which explains the accumulated
(but unrepatriated) foreign profits of US multinationals at between
$2.1 trillion and $3 trillion.
 It is true that if a MNC pays less tax, more money is left over for
shareholder dividends or to put toward replenishing the R&D budget.

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But critics argue that higher after-tax profits from tax avoidance
may be diverted instead into fatter bonuses and stock options for top
 Inversions may maintain necessary jobs and operations in the original
countries. However, shifting the headquarters of the company
increases the chances of additional job creation in the other nation or

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Multinationals?

The dilemma multinational company executives face is how to reconcile
the ethical desire for the corporation to contribute something to each
country in which it operates with the need to maximize global total earnings,
after taxes, for shareholders. Large firms operate in dozens of nations (and
recall that there are more than 190 nations in all). But shareholders of each
company are still concentrated in one or few countries.
From a CSR perspective, a company should contribute something of value
to each nation in which it conducts business. Paying reasonable taxes to each
government is one type of contribution, which would enable the nation’s
government to build roads, support education, and so on. But a multinational
firm can also make other types of contributions to a country, such as helping
to upgrade local technology and skills, building up ancillary or supplier firms
to multiply the local economic impact of the foreign investment, and
transferring best practices in a range of areas from effluent standards to
logistics to human resource management and training. All contributions the
MNC makes to a nation need not be monetary.
But in focusing on global after-tax profit maximization, the net welfare of
each individual nation is often forgotten by the company. Solution? My
recommendation would be that each company appoint a Global CSR Officer
(CSRO), whose staff would annually calculate—for each nation—the net
benefit (monetary and non-monetary) contributed by the MNC. The CSRO
would be senior enough and have sufficient clout to “push back” against the
tendencies of the Chief Financial Officer or the company’s Treasury
Department to engage in global after-tax profit maximization, heedless of
individual countries’ interests.
This dilemma between the interests of shareholders, typically
concentrated in one or a few headquarter nations, versus the interests of each
country or market the MNC operates in is only going to get more acute with
greater awareness by governments, and publicity through social media.

40 Rutgers Business Review Fall 2016

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

No decision in large MNCs is made these days without assessing tax
implications. The magnitude of the international tax-avoidance
phenomenon—the extent to which global operations, supply chains, and
location decisions are affected by tax considerations—places this issue at the
heart of global strategy. In large companies, executives consider tax angles
concurrently with strategy, rather than as an afterthought. Consequently, an
acquaintance with this topic is absolutely essential to students of business
and to all executives.
There is no world government or supranational tax authority.27 A world
fragmented into more than 190 jurisdictions (nations) is at odds or is in
tension with MNCs that look on the entire world as their blank canvas, are
willing to relocate operations wherever it suits them, and may fall prey to the
temptation of using the seven tax-avoidance techniques outlined in this

Farok Contractor is Distinguished Professor of Management and Global Business
at Rutgers Business School, a Fellow of the Academy of International Business
(AIB), and author of nine books and over 100 scholarly articles. He holds a Ph.D.
(Managerial Science and Applied Economics) and an M.B.A. from the Wharton
School, as well as two engineering degrees (M.S. in Industrial Engineering,
University of Michigan, and B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Bombay).
He has chaired or been on the supervisory committees of 17 doctoral dissertations
on International Business topics. He has taught at the Wharton School,
Copenhagen Business School, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts
University, Nanyang Technological University, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade,
XLRI (India), Rutgers business programs in Beijing and Shanghai, Lubin School of
Business, and Theseus and EDHEC in France. He has also conducted executive
seminars in the US, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Farok Contractor’s research
focuses on key issues in International Business, such as corporate alliances,
outsourcing and offshoring, valuation of intangible assets, the technology transfer
process, licensing, and foreign direct investment. His papers and books have been
cited approximately 9,000 times, and he is among the top-ranked contributors of
scholarly papers in the field. He has served Rutgers as Department Chair, CIBER
(Center for International Business Education and Research) Research Director,
Ph.D. program coordinator, and other key school and university initiatives. He

Rutgers Business Review Vol. 1, No. 1 41

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

writes a blog for managers, students, policy makers, and educated laypeople
covering International Business issues at

1. A firm is classified as an FDI “affiliate” if at least 10 percent of its shares are held by a
foreign owner. The term “subsidiary” generally—although not always—denotes majority
or full control of the shareholding by a foreign entity or owner.
2. European Commission, Taxation and Customs Union. (2016, January). Anti tax
avoidance package. Retrieved from
3. Matthews C. (2015, November 25). Why Washington is tackling the tax inversion
problem all wrong. Retrieved from
4. Humer, C., Pierson, R. (2016, April 6). Obama's inversion curbs kill Pfizer's $160 billion
Allergan deal. Retrieved from
5. Markle, K. (2015). A comparison of the tax‐motivated income shifting of multinationals
in territorial and worldwide countries. Contemporary Accounting Research, 33(1), 7-43.
6. Lanz, R. & Miroudot, S. (2011). Intra-firm trade: patterns, determinants and policy
implications. OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 114.
7. Dischinger, M. & Riedel, N. (2008). Corporate taxes, profit shifting and the location of
intangibles within multinational firms. Munich Discussion Paper, No. 2008–11.
8. Mutti, J. & Grubert, H. (2009). The effect of taxes on royalties and the migration of
intangible assets abroad in International trade in services and intangibles in the era of
globalization by Reinsdorf, M. & Slaughter, M. University of Chicago Press. 111–137.
9. De Mooij, R. A. (2011, May 3). Tax biases to debt finance: Assessing the problem, finding
solutions. IMF Staff Discussion Note. Retrieved from
10. Faccio, M., Lang, L., & Young, L. (2010). Pyramiding vs leverage in corporate groups:
International evidence. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(8), 88–104.
11. Sikka, P. & Willmott, H. (2010). The dark side of transfer pricing: Its role in tax avoidance
and wealth retentiveness. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 21(4), 342–356.
12. Belderbos, R., Leten, B., & Suzuki, S. (2013). How global is R&D [quest] firm-level
determinants of home-country bias in R&D’, Journal of International Business Studies,
44(8), 765–786.
13. Altshuler, R., Shay, S. E., & Toder, E. J. (2015, January 21). Lessons the United States can
learn from other countries’ territorial systems for taxing income of multinational
corporations. Retrieved from
14. Picciotto, S. (2012, December 9). Towards unitary taxation of transnational corporations.
Tax Justice Network. Retrieved from
15. The money does not sit passively in tax haven banks, except temporarily. The funds are
typically used to invest in new ventures outside the US.

42 Rutgers Business Review Fall 2016

Tax Avoidance by Multinational Companies

16. Contractor, F. J. (2015, September 10). Seeking safety abroad: The hidden story in China’s
FDI statistics. Retrieved from
17. UNCTAD (2011). World Investment Report 2011 (United Nations publication, Sales No.
E.11.II.D.2). Retrieved from
18. OECD (2015, February). How multinational enterprises channel investments through
multiple countries. Retrieved from
19. Browning, L. (2016, February 25). Pfizer seen avoiding $35 billion in tax via Allergan
Merger. Retrieved from
20. US Department of the Treasury Press Center. (2016, April 4). Fact sheet: Treasury issues
inversion regulations and proposed earnings stripping regulations. Retrieved from
21. The White House Office of the Press Secretary. (2016, April 5). Remarks by the President
on the economy. Retrieved from
22. Contractor, F.J. (2015, October 9). International tax avoidance: Clarifying multinational
company tax issues. Retrieved from
23. Contractor, F.J. (2016, April 12). Inversions … and versions (of Tax Truths). Retrieved
24. Contractor, F.J. (2016, April 20). Crackdown on corporate inversions highlights
monstrosity of U.S. tax code. Retrieved from
25. Citizens for Tax Justice. (2014, February). The sorry state of corporate taxes: What
fortune 500 firms pay (or don’t pay) in the USA and what they pay abroad — 2008 to
2012. Retrieved from
26. PWC Price Waterhouse. (2014). Paying taxes 2014: The global picture—A comparison of
tax systems in 189 economies worldwide. Retrieved from
27. And some would say that is a good thing.
28. Contractor, F. J. (2014, October 7). Global management in a still-fragmented world.
Retrieved from

Rutgers Business Review Vol. 1, No. 1 43

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