Bronkhorst 2017 Wind
Bronkhorst 2017 Wind
Bronkhorst 2017 Wind
An atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel study was performed to determine the overall
horizontal wind load on multi-span duo-pitch greenhouses. The results of this study are
intended for the stability design of inflexible cladding system greenhouses (designated as
Class A in EN 13031-1) with roof pitch angles of 23–24° and ridge heights of 7.5–8 m.
Both static force and fluctuating pressure measurements were performed to determine
the overall horizontal wind force. The results obtained with the static force measurements
show that the overall horizontal wind force increases linearly with increasing number of
spans. The overall horizontal wind load determined with the mean pressure coefficients
derived from the fluctuating pressure measurements was found to be in good agreement
with the static force measurements. An investigation into the correlation of the roof
Edited by:
Gregory Alan Kopp,
pressures showed that these pressures are relatively little correlated. The overall horizontal
University of Western Ontario, Canada force on the roof of multi-span buildings reduces significantly because of this lack of
Reviewed by: correlation. Accounting for the lack of correlation between the roof pressures on a 30-
Yukio Tamura, span model resulted in a 65% reduction of the peak horizontal wind force on the roof.
Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Yan Han,
A comparison was made of the overall horizontal wind forces determined in the current
Changsha University of Science and study and calculated with European codes for wind load assessment on greenhouses.
Technology, China
EN 13031-1 provides non-conservative outcomes for the overall horizontal wind force on
A. J. Bronkhorst
the investigated duo-pitch greenhouse type with more than 30 spans. On the other hand, EN 1991-1-4 is increasingly conservative with larger number of spans.
Keywords: static wind loads, multi-span duo-pitch greenhouses, stability design, wind tunnel measurements,
Specialty section:
force and pressure coefficients, correlation of wind pressures, size factor, dynamic coefficient
This article was submitted to Wind
Engineering and Science, a section of
the journal Frontiers in Built
Environment HIGHLIGHTS
Received: 06 December 2016
1. The finding that the overall horizontal wind force on multi-span duo-pitch greenhouses increases
Accepted: 01 March 2017
Published: 27 March 2017
linearly with increasing number of spans.
2. The quantification of the lack of correlation between roof faces on multi-span duo-pitch
buildings, demonstrating the importance of this effect for the overall horizontal wind force.
Bronkhorst AJ, Geurts CPW,
3. The identification of the need for positive values, besides negative values, for the pressure
van Bentum CA, van der Knaap LPM
and Pertermann I (2017) Wind Loads
coefficients in EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 on wind-facing roof faces beyond the first roof span.
for Stability Design of Large
4. The conclusion that EN 13031-1 provides non-conservative outcomes for the overall horizontal
Multi-Span Duo-Pitch Greenhouses. wind force on duo-pitch greenhouses (with roof pitch angle 23–24°) larger than 30 spans,
Front. Built Environ. 3:18. and that, beyond 10 spans, EN 1991-1-4 is increasingly conservative with larger number of
doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2017.00018 spans.
Bronkhorst et al.
TABLE 1 | Overview of pressure coefficients for multi-span greenhouses with more than five spans for wind perpendicular to the ridge.
Green Pitch Eaves Ridge Length Roofspan # of Reference Equivalent pressure coefficients (i.e., an area-averaged value of the pressure coefficients obtained per face)
house angle height height spans
α (°) h (m) H (m) l (m) s (m) n (–) Front Span 1 Span 2 Span 3 Span 4 Span 5 Span 6 Span 7 Span 8 Rear
GH01 26 2.35 3.1 63 3.2 7 Wells and 0.52 −0.76 −0.94 −0.70 −0.45 −0.29 −0.40 – – – – – – – – – – –
Hoxey (1980)
EN 13031-1 0.6 −0.84 0.3 −1.0 −0.7 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 – – −0.3
EN 1991-1-4 0.7 −0.36 0.43 −0.83 −0.57 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 – – −0.3
GH02 26 2.4 4.0 79.6 6.6 6 Wells and 0.66 −0.11 −1.23 −1.12 −0.66 −0.45 −0.53 −0.22 −0.52 – – −0.43 −0.56 – – – – −0.44
Hoxey (1980)
EN 13031-1 0.6 0 0.3 −0.8 −0.62 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.4 – – – – −0.3
EN 1991-1-4 0.7 −0.31 0.4 −0.83 −0.57 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 – – – – −0.3
GH03 20 2.8 3.9 88 6.4 8 Wells and 0.32 −0.85 −1.01 −0.77 −0.56 −0.40 −0.55 – – – – – – – – −0.31 −0.47 −0.32
Hoxey (1980)
EN 13031-1 0.6 −0.82 0.3 −1.0 −0.7 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.4 −0.4 −0.4 −0.3
EN 1991-1-4 0.7 −0.37 0.29 −0.87 −0.53 −0.52 −0.32 −0.52 −0.32 −0.52 −0.32 −0.52 −0.32 −0.52 −0.32 −0.52 −0.32 −0.52 −0.3
GH04 24 3 3.75 111 3.2 52 Hoxey and 0.32 −0.93 −1.02 −0.84 −0.71 −0.49 −0.56 −0.40 −0.51 −0.36 −0.48 −0.32 −0.43 −0.31 −0.44 – – –
Moran (1991)
EN 13031-1 0.6 −1.03 0.3 −1.0 −0.7 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.3
EN 1991-1-4 0.7 −0.42 0.4 −0.84 −0.56 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.34 −0.5 −0.3
Area-averaged pressure coefficients from full-scale measurements and cpe,10 from EN 13031-1 and EN 1991-1-4 for four greenhouses (GH01–GH04) are provided. The greenhouse parameters are illustrated in the figure below: (a) side
view and (b) top view. The corresponding parameter in EN 1991-1-4 is specified in rectangular brackets.
Bronkhorst et al. Wind Loads on Large Greenhouses
FIGURE 1 | (A) Area-averaged pressure coefficients for a multi-span greenhouse, after Van Koten (1977). (B) External area-averaged pressure coefficients, with limit
values of −0.25 and −0.35 indicated for the wind-facing and lee-facing roof face, adapted from Hoxey and Moran (1991).
windward roof face of the first span decreases, which they construction standard EN 13031-1 (CEN, 2001), which considers
ascribed to a larger amount of flow separation at the windward the influence of
roof edge.
Van Koten (1977) performed full-scale pressure measurements – roof angle, α, and eaves height to span ratio, h/s, on the pressure
on a 25-span greenhouse with a length of 75 m, a width of 80 m, on the windward roof face of the first span.
and a roof pitch angle of 26°. Pressures were measured on spans 1, – eaves height to span ratio on the three subsequent roof faces.
2, 5, 6, and 9. Only results of the measurements on the first span
are presented. Van Koten makes generalized statements about the The values of the coefficients suggested in EN 13031-1 are based
coefficients for subsequent spans, unfortunately the underlying on different sources. For the first eight spans, the studies by Wells
measurement results are not provided. Based on the results of this and Hoxey (1980) and Hoxey and Moran (1991) have had a large
study, as well as the results from Van Koten and Bos (1974), Van influence on the coefficients in EN 13031-1. The choice for the
Koten (1977) presents a coefficient distribution for multi-span same pressure coefficient on the wind- and lee-facing roof faces
duo-pitch greenhouses, which is illustrated in Figure 1A. After after nine spans appears to have been based on Van Koten (1977)
the second ridge, Van Koten (1977) suggests a value of −0.4 for and the East German standard TGL 32274-7 (1976). Both suggest
both wind- and lee-facing roof face. −0.4 on both faces of these roof spans, which is the same value as
The results by Hoxey and Moran (1991) for the external prescribed in EN 13031-1.
pressure coefficient distribution are illustrated in Figure 1B. The coefficients provided in EN 1991-1-4 (CEN, 2010) for
They suggest the area-averaged coefficients on the roof of the multi-span duo-pitch buildings are based on mono-pitch and
52-span greenhouse decays to limits of cp,w = −0.35 for the troughed duo-pitch roof values. For the first windward roof face,
wind-facing, and cp,l = −0.25 for the lee-facing roof face. They the same coefficients as for the mono-pitch roof are advised. For
determined an internal pressure close to the average of these the second and third roof face, the values specified for zone H and
two values, cp,int = −0.29. The net wind pressure coefficients are I of the troughed duo-pitch roof should be applied. The wind loads
cp,w − cp,int = 0.06 and cp,l − cp,int = 0.04. Hoxey and Moran (1991) on subsequent roof faces are 60% of the troughed duo-pitch roof
conclude that four spans downwind from the front face of the values specified for zone H and I.
greenhouse the wind loads can be considered insignificant for EN 1991-1-4 (CEN, 2010) has a supplementary clause for
design purposes. However, it is not stated explicitly whether they multi-span buildings. When the pressure coefficients per roof
consider this conclusion also applicable for the (horizontal) wind span do not result in a horizontal force, an equivalent friction
load on the span as a whole, or for overall wind loads. coefficient cfr,eq = 0.05 has to be taken into account. This friction
coefficient is independent from the roof angle or the roughness
of the surface. For multi-span duo-pitch buildings with 10 spans
Multi-Span Duo-Pitch Coefficients in EN 13031-1 or more, the values specified in EN 1991-1-4 for troughed duo-
and EN 1991-1-4 pitch roof will never result in a zero horizontal force. Therefore,
Some of the findings by Wells and Hoxey (1980) and Hoxey the equivalent friction coefficient cfr,eq is of no relevance for the
and Moran (1991) are encountered in the European greenhouse large multi-span duo-pitch buildings studied here.
Part of these guidelines in EN 1991-1-4 (CEN, 2010) are derived smaller than 0.1 for the assessed greenhouses. Only the
from Cook (1990), who based them on common characteristics wind-facing roof face of span 2 results in larger differences, with
observed in wind tunnel results by Holmes (1983, 1984) on saw- the values of EN 1991-1-4 smaller than those in EN 13031-1.
tooth roof buildings, and full-scale results by Moran and Westgate The values in EN 1991-1-4 for this face are smaller, because the
(1982) on a two-span duo-pitch building. Cook (1990) made pressure coefficient is only based on zone I.
the choice for troughed duo-pitch values, based on the idea that – For span 6 on GH02 and spans 7 and 8 in GH03, both codes
downwind spans, being in the wake of the previous span, will provide different answers. EN 13031-1 specifies −0.4 on both
see flow patterns similar to that observed over a troughed duo- wind- and lee-facing roof face resulting in a zero horizontal
pitch roof. He further explained that the tendency to less onerous wind force per span. EN 1991-1-4 specifies pressure coefficients
loading downwind of the first several spans is caused by the flow which result in a horizontal force coefficient per span in the
skipping from ridge to ridge. To capture this effect, Cook (1990) range of 0.16 (for α = 26°) to 0.2 (for α = 20°). This can result
suggested a reduction factor of 0.8 for the second span and 0.6 for in large differences between both codes for the calculated over-
following spans. all horizontal force on multi-span greenhouses larger than 10
No study was found that suggests to only use the zone values spans.
for H and I, without F and J, beyond the first windward roof
face. The background of this design rule is unclear. It suggests Because of the lack of information beyond nine spans, research
that separation at the roof tops beyond the first roof span is so is needed to determine appropriate coefficients for these spans.
small, there is no need for a separate zone. The results by Wells and This paper describes an experimental wind tunnel study carried
Hoxey (1980) and Hoxey and Moran (1991) do show there is little out to determine the overall horizontal force on greenhouses with
variation in the pressures on the lee-facing roof face after two roof 10–90 spans, and performs a comparison with the overall loads
spans. For example, the difference in pressure coefficient between calculated using EN 13031-1 and EN 1991-1-4.
roof top and eaves is 0.12 or less for the third and subsequent
lee-facing roof faces. Spatial Correlation Effect
The background of the equivalent friction coefficient cfr,eq is With increasing distance between two points on a building enve-
not clearly documented either. TGL 32274-7 (1976) prescribes an lope, the correlation of the wind pressure fluctuations at these
equivalent friction coefficient cfr,eq = cfr (0.05α + 1). In which α is points will decrease. This decrease in correlation is observed
the roof pitch angle (in degrees) and cfr is the surface friction coef- as a non-simultaneous occurrence of peak wind pressures on a
ficient. For a roof angle α = 30° and a surface friction coefficient building surface. The larger the size of the surface, the larger the
cfr = 0.02, this formula results in cfr,eq = 0.05. decrease in correlation over that surface will be. The load on
Table 1 gives equivalent pressure coefficients determined with the surface is directly related to the correlation of the pressure
EN 13031-1 (CEN, 2001) and EN 1991-1-4 (CEN, 2010) for the fluctuations over the surface, so a larger surface is loaded by a
greenhouses GH01 to GH04. These equivalent coefficients were smaller relative peak load. For large multi-span greenhouses, it is
calculated as an area-average of the zonal pressure coefficients on a therefore worthwhile to investigate the influence of this effect on
building face specified in both codes. A comparison of these values the overall wind load.
leads to the following observations:
Size Factor (EN 1991-1-4) and Dynamic Coefficient
– For the windward wall, EN 13031-1 specifies cpe,10 = 0.6 and (EN 13031-1)
EN 1991-1-4 gives cpe,10 = 0.7. For the leeward wall, both codes EN 1991-1-4 (CEN, 2010) accounts for the lack of correlation
specify cpe,10 = −0.3. over reference areas larger than 10 m2 with the size factor cs .
– On the windward roof face of the first span, EN 1991-1-4 speci- This factor is only intended for in-plane correlation, it does not
fies smaller negative values than EN 13031-1, except for GH02. apply for the lack of correlation between pressures on different
The difference in values is mostly the result of the different building faces. EN 1991-1-4 has an additional clause, i.e., EN
approaches, with which the influence of eaves height to span 1991-1-4 5.3(5), which allows for the consideration of the lack
ratio is taken into account. of correlation between windward and leeward building walls. EN
– For the same roof face, EN 1991-1-4 specifies larger positive 1991-1-4 clause 7.2.2(3) suggests for buildings with H/w ≤ 1 that
values than EN 13031-1, with the exception of greenhouse the resulting force on windward and leeward building wall can
GH03. The differences are smaller than those observed for the be multiplied by 0.85. The application of this factor is left to the
negative values. National Annex, see EN 1991-1-4 5.3(5). Several studies support
– For the lee-facing roof face of the first span, the values given this additional factor, for example full-scale measurements by
by EN 1991-1-4 range between −0.83 and −0.87, these values Geurts (1997) on the main building of TU Eindhoven showed
are only dependent on the roof angle α. The values of EN that the coherence between the windward and the leeward side
13031-1 depend on α and h/s. For greenhouses GH01, GH03, is small (<0.4) for the frequency range of interest for fluctuating
and GH04, the eaves height to span ratio h/s > 0.4, which gives loads (n = 0.1–2.0 Hz).
cpe,10 = −1.0. Only GH02 with a smaller h/s of 0.36 has a lower EN 13031-1 (CEN, 2001) applies a dynamic coefficient cd , in
value of cpe,10 = −0.8. this article referred to as cdg to avoid misunderstanding. The value
– For the roof faces of spans 2–5, the values advised by both codes of cdg is dependent on the depth dw and width bw , perpendicular
vary relatively little, with differences in pressure coefficient to the wind direction as illustrated in Figure 2. These are not
FIGURE 4 | Boundary layer characteristics: (A) mean velocity ratio, (B) longitudinal turbulence intensity, (C) lateral turbulence intensity, (D) vertical turbulence
intensity, and (E) integral length scale.
force models varied between hIBL /H = 0.68 and hIBL /H = 1.54. The – Four models with carpet on the turntable (z0,II = 0.07 mm) with
influence of the different boundary layer characteristics on the widths w = 0.2 m (50 m full scale) to w = 0.8 m (200 m full scale)
results of the static force measurements is discussed in Section in steps of 0.2 m.
“Results and Discussion.”
For heights smaller than hIBL , the boundary layer characteristics The static force measurements were performed at a frequency
will approach those of the smooth floor. Therefore, Figure 4 pro- of 33 Hz for a total period of 62 s. Only mean values of the forces
vides the characteristics of this boundary layer as well as the rough and moments were determined over this period. The velocity was
carpet boundary layer. Figure 4A illustrates the velocity pro- measured with a pitot-static tube (see Figure 3), about 2 m in front
files of the smooth floor boundary layer, with z0,I = 4.3·10−4 mm of the model, at a height of 0.24 m (60 m full scale). The mean
(0.1 mm full scale) and the rough carpet boundary layer, with velocity at this position was Ū(0.24) = 11.7 m/s, the velocity at
z0,II = 0.07 mm (17.5 mm full scale). The smooth floor boundary height z can be determined with
layer corresponds with a sea roughness, and the rough carpet ln(z/z0 )
with an open country boundary layer (low vegetation and iso- Ū(z) = Ū(0.24) (4)
ln(0.24/z0 )
lated objects with separation distances of more than 50 obstacle
heights). The velocity profile is referenced to the mean veloc- The applied reference velocity was Uref = Ū(H) = 8.8 m/s
ity at z = 0.24 m; the undisturbed velocity was monitored at (with z0,II = 0.07 mm). The reference velocity corresponds with
this height during the balance and pressure measurements. The a full scale velocity of 23.9 m/s (see Section “Comparison with
Jensen numbers of experiments in these two boundary layers EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1”), which gives a velocity scale
are Je = H/z0,I = 75·103 and Je = H/z0,II = 463. Turbulence intensity λU = Ūfs /Ūwt = 2.7. Combined with the geometric scale
profiles for I u , I v , and I w are shown in Figures 4B–D; Figure 4E λG = Lfs /Lwt = 250, this gives a time scale of λT = Tfs /Twt =
shows the integral length scale Lux . λG /λU = 93. The Reynolds number corresponding to the smooth
boundary layer is Rez = u∗ z0,I /ν = 18, which is larger than
the minimum value of 2.5 specified by ASCE (1999). The smallest
Static Force Measurements
Reynolds number related to the building is the roof span based
Static force measurements were carried out on plastic models
Reynolds number, Res = Ū(H)s/ν = 1.2 · 104 , in which the
with duo-pitch multi-span roof, illustrated in Figure 5A. The
kinematic viscosity ν = 1.45·10−5 m2 /s.
geometric scale of the models is 250. Figures 5B,C give schematics
For the greenhouse models, mean force coefficients were deter-
of a greenhouse and greenhouse span with indication of various
mined with ( )
parameters. The length of all tested models is l = 0.8 m (200 m full / 1 2
scale). The greenhouse models have a ridge height of H = 32.4 mm c̄Fx = F̄x ρUref lh (5)
(8.1 m full scale), an eaves height of h = 27.9 mm (7.0 m full scale),
and a roof height of hr = 4.5 mm (1.1 m full scale). The roof span where the reference velocity is at ridge height Uref = Ū(H), and F̄x
is s = 20 mm (5 m full scale), and the roof angle is α = 24.3°. is the measured mean force in x-direction in the reference frame
For the two measurement set ups, i.e., with smooth and rough indicated in Figure 5B.
carpet turntable, the following widths were tested: For increasing number of spans, the main increase in the overall
horizontal wind force is due to the roof. In Section “Introduction”
– Nine models for the set up with smooth turntable (z0,I = it was explained that beyond nine spans EN 13031-1 and EN 1991-
4.3·10−4 mm) with varying width between w = 0.2 m (50 m full 1-4 can result in very different outcomes for the overall horizontal
scale) and w = 1.8 m (450 m full scale) in steps of 0.2 m. force due to the pressure coefficient specification for the roof faces.
FIGURE 5 | Static force test model: (A) picture of the 50-span model (w = 0.2 m), (B) schematic of a greenhouse with specification of some parameters, and
(C) detail of a greenhouse span with parameters.
To assess the forces on the roof spans, the mean horizontal force Measurements were performed for wind directions between
coefficients per roof span were determined with 0° and 360° in 24 increments of 15°. Pressures were sampled
( ) using Scanivalve ZOC 23B electronic pressure scanning modules
/ 1 2 at a frequency of 400 Hz for 20.48 s. The average velocity was
c̄Fx,rs = (F̄x,ms − F̄x,10s ) ρUref lhr (n − 10) (6)
2 measured at a height of 0.24 m (60 m full scale); at this height the
velocity was 11.7 m/s. With Eq. 5 the velocity at ridge height was
In which F̄x,ms is the mean forces measured on the multi- determined at Ū(H) = 8.7 m/s (with z0,II = 0.07 mm).
span models larger than 10 spans and F̄x,10s is the mean force Pressure coefficient time series were determined with
measured on the 10-span model. The velocity at ridge height is ( )
used as reference velocity Uref = Ū(H). The reference area is / 1 2
cp (t) = p(t) ρUref (7)
obtained with lhr , which is the projected area of the roof on a plane 2
perpendicular to the x-axis. The coefficient per span is obtained
through division by the number of spans minus the spans from In which the reference velocity is at ridge height, Uref = Ū(H).
the 10-span model, i.e., n − 10. Force coefficient time series were determined with
( )
Pressure Measurements / 1 2
cF (t) = F(t) ρUref Aref (8)
Surface pressure measurements were performed on a 30-span 2
model, with slightly different dimensions compared to the models
in the static force measurements but the same geometric scale. The The force time series F(t) is obtained through summation of the
roughness extended onto the turntable, as illustrated in Figure 3B. forces on the windward and leeward wall and the horizontal forces
The model has a ridge height of H = 29.8 mm (7.5 m full scale), an on the roof spans. The forces on the windward and leeward wall
eaves height of h = 25.5 mm (6.4 m full scale), and a roof height of are assumed equal to the pressure coefficients at the center taps on
hr = 4.3 mm (1.1 m full scale). The span of the bays is s = 20 mm these faces multiplied by their area l · h.
(5 m full scale), and the roof pitch angle is α = 23.3°. The horizontal force per roof span, Fx,rs , has been determined
Figure 6A shows the general tap layout of the model, the from the measured pressures at the center taps on the wind- and
current study only presents the results of the measurements per- lee-facing surface of a roof span, see Figure 6B:
formed on the taps in the indicated region. The positions of the
taps are illustrated in Figure 6C. Fx,rs (t) = Fx,w (t) − Fx,l (t) = [pw (t) − pl (t)]ldr · cos(β) (9)
FIGURE 6 | (A) Picture indicating the analyzed pressure taps, (B) schematic for the derivation of the longitudinal force per roof span, and (C) schematic drawing
detailing the pressure tap positions.
In which pw and pl are the pressures on the wind- and lee-facing For determination of peak statistics, the sampling time was
roof face, β is half the roof top angle, i.e., β = 90° − α. The length divided in 32 time series of 0.64 s (about 64 s in full scale). To
of a roof face, dr , can be expressed as obtain coefficients representative for a full scale surface area of
10 m2 , the wind tunnel time series were smoothed from 0.0025
dr = hr /cos(β) (10) to 0.01 s (1 s in full scale). The minimum and maximum load
The horizontal force coefficient per roof span can now be coefficient of each smoothed time series were selected for extreme
obtained by implementation of Eqs 9 and 10 in Eq. 8 and taking value analysis with the Gumbel distribution. Further processing
Aref equal to lhr : was performed on minima and maxima separately. The selected
( ) peaks were ranked in order of magnitude from smallest to largest.
1 2
cFx,rs (t) = (pw (t) − pl (t)) lhr / ρUref lhr The expected non-exceedance probability of each peak, i, was
2 obtained with the Gringorten estimator (Gringorten, 1963):
= (pw (t) − pl (t))/ ρŪ(H)2 Pi = (i − 0.44)/(N + 0.12) (13)
= cp,w (t) − cp,l (t) (11) where N is the total number of selected peaks, in this case N = 32.
In which cp,w (t) and cp,l (t) are pressure coefficients on wind- Using least-squares estimation, the Gumbel distribution was fitted
and lee-facing roof face. on the ranked peaks with
Mean load coefficients (i.e. either pressure or force coefficients) ĉX,i = UX,t + yi · 1/aX (14)
were determined by taking the time-average of the coefficient time
series: In which ĉX,i is the i-th ranked peak load coefficient, U X,t and
1/aX are the mode and dispersion of the fitted Gumbel distri-
c̄X = cX (t)/ts (12) bution, and yi = −ln(−ln(Pi )) is the reduced variate of the i-th
ranked peak. Peak load coefficients were determined with
where cX (t) is a load coefficient time series and t s is the sampling
time. ĉX,t = UX,t + 1.4 · 1/aX (15)
where ĉX,t is the characteristic peak load coefficient for an equiv- The first method gives results which can be compared with the
alent full-scale period t = 64 s and a 78% probability of non- static force measurements. The second approach gives a conser-
exceedance. Characteristic peak load coefficients for an equivalent vative estimate of the roof span wind load, because it assumes
full-scale period of T = 10 min were calculated with full correlation between the peak wind pressures on wind- and
lee-facing roof face. The third method considers the lack of cor-
ĉX,T = ĉX,t +ln(T/t)·1/aX = UX,t +[ln(T/t)+1.4]·1/aX (16) relation in the wind pressures on wind- and lee-facing roof face.
It gives the most accurate estimate of the horizontal peak wind
This conversion from 64 s to 10 min is based on the require- force on the roof span. The influence of the lack of correlation
ments specified in the Dutch wind tunnel guideline CUR (2005) between the pressure peaks on the overall force is quantified with
for the minimum record length of 60 s. According to Cook and the correlation factor ccor , which is the ratio of ĉFx,rs,T and ĉFx,rs (see
Mayne (1981), this record length results in a conservative estimate Section “Correlation Factor” for an explanation).
for 1 h characteristic peaks. Gavanski et al. (2016) further showed
that 30 records of 1 min can be used to determine a 10 min RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
characteristic peak load coefficient of sufficient accuracy.
Different horizontal force coefficient statistics for a roof span Mean Force Coefficients
were determined from the measured pressure coefficients: Figure 7 shows mean force coefficients, c̄Fx , based on the static
force measurements. The results for w = 0.6 m (30 spans) in
1. Mean of the horizontal force coefficient time series per roof Figure 7B deviate from the other results. This suggests the setup
span (see Eqs 11 and 12), this coefficient is called c̄Fx,rs . of the balance for these tests was corrupted. Therefore, the results
2. Summation of the roof wind-facing maximum and lee-facing of these tests are not used in further analysis.
minimum peak pressure coefficients ĉp,T , this coefficient is The coefficients obtained with the smooth turntable, illustrated
referred to as ĉFx,rs . in Figure 7A, are generally larger than the values obtained with
3. Characteristic peak of the horizontal force coefficient time the rough turntable, see Figure 7B. For the smallest models
series per roof span (following Eq. 11 and Eqs 13–16), this (w = 0.2 m), the difference is about 10%. With increasing model
coefficient is referred to as ĉFx,rs,T . size the difference becomes smaller, for w = 0.8 m the difference is
FIGURE 7 | Force coefficient, c̄Fx , versus angle of incidence, θ , for: (A) nine models on a smooth turntable, (B) four models on a turntable with rough carpet.
The width w = 0.2 m corresponds with 10 spans.
FIGURE 8 | Force coefficients for a smooth turntable and a turntable with rough carpet: (A) force coefficient c̄Fx versus number of spans n and (B) force
coefficient per roof span c̄Fx,rs versus number of spans n.
about 3%. This indicates the smooth turntable generates an IBL, Figure 8A presents the mean force coefficient c̄Fx versus the
as suggested in Section “Experiment and Analysis”. Figure 4A width w at an angle of incidence θ = 0°. Van Bentum et al. (2013)
showed the longitudinal velocities in the smooth boundary layer already presented this result for the smooth turntable boundary
are larger than the velocities in the rough carpet boundary layer only. Figure 8A shows that the rough carpet turntable has
layer. However, the applied reference velocity was the same, i.e., a slight influence for models with w < 1.0 m. For both boundary
U ref = 8.8 m/s as determined for the rough boundary layer. The layers, the force coefficients for the multi-span roof models show
actual reference velocity for the tests performed with a smooth a linear increase with increasing width w.
turntable is dependent on the height of the IBL. In a smooth Figure 8B illustrates the force coefficient per roof span c̄Fx,rs ,
boundary layer (z0 = 4.3·10−4 mm), the reference velocity would determined for the roof spans beyond the first seven roof spans.
be 9.9 m/s. According to Högström et al. (1982), the smooth For these roof spans, the smooth and rough turntable bound-
boundary layer characteristics can be applied to about 0.2hIBL . ary layer results in similar values. This suggests the turbulent
For 0.2hIBL < z < hIBL , the velocity can be estimated through properties of the boundary layer have no influence on the wind
linear interpolation between the two boundary layers. Apply- load on these roof spans. The wind load on these spans is
ing this interpolation, the mean velocities in the nine smooth determined by the turbulence induced by the windward roof
turntable tests at height H are between 8.8 m/s (for w = 1.8 m and spans.
hIBL = 22 mm) and 9.2 m/s (for w = 0.2 m and hIBL = 50 mm). For
the smallest model with w = 0.2 m, the difference in reference Mean Pressure Coefficients
velocity in the two boundary layers (0.4 m/s) results in a 9% Figure 9A shows the mean pressure coefficients determined on
difference in the related pressure coefficients. For w = 0.8 m, it the windward and leeward wall and at the center taps of the
results in 5% difference. These differences match quite well with multi-span roofs. Results are presented for 0° and 180° angle of
the observed difference in Figure 7. incidence, to illustrate the variability in the experiment. On the
Finally, Figure 7 shows that the largest coefficients are observed windward wall, the mean pressure coefficient has a value of 0.5.
at or near 0° angle of incidence. The coefficients decrease toward Similar values were observed by Holmes (1987) for a long four-
0 at θ = 90°. Therefore, further analysis will focus on the results at span building, and by Kasperski (1996) and Kanda and Maruta
an angle of incidence θ = 0°. (1993) for a long low-rise building with duo-pitch roof. The results
FIGURE 9 | (A) Mean pressure coefficients c̄p determined at the center tap of the greenhouse faces, (B) mean pressure coefficients determined on the first 10
spans, and (C) mean horizontal force coefficient per roof span.
of Kanda and Maruta (1993) indicate that with increasing length The largest negative mean pressure coefficients, due to the
to eaves height ratio, in the range of 0.5 ≤ l/h ≤ 9.0, the windward building separation bubble, are observed on the lee-facing roof
wall pressure coefficient decreases asymptotically to values of face of the first roof span and the wind-facing roof face of the
approximately 0.5. The model in the current study had a length second roof span. The influence of the separation bubble stretches
to eaves height ratio of l/h = 31. over the first four to five roof spans. After five roof spans, there
is a constant difference in mean pressure coefficient of 0.15–0.2 reference pressure is removed from the equation and no offset is
between the center taps on the wind- and lee-facing roof face. observed, which can be seen in Figure 9C.
The pressure coefficient determined on the leeward wall has a Figure 9C presents the mean horizontal force coefficient per
value of −0.15. This is smaller than the values of −0.32 and −0.44 roof span c̄Fx,rs . This force coefficient was determined based on the
found by Wells and Hoxey (1980) in full-scale measurements. pressures obtained at the center taps of the roof faces. The force
Wind tunnel measurements by Holmes (1987) and Kasperski on the first roof span is the largest in along-wind direction. The
(1996) resulted in values between −0.16 and −0.2 for the leeward force on the second span is pointing in opposite direction to the
wall, which fits better with the results in the current study. wind. The pressure distribution in Figure 9A shows this is due
Figure 9B shows the mean pressure coefficients determined for to the influence of the recirculation bubble. The suction on the
all taps on the first 10 spans. Also presented are results obtained wind-facing roof face is more significant than on the lee-facing
by Wells and Hoxey (1980) for GH03 (α = 20°) and by Hoxey roof face.
and Moran (1991) for GH04 (α = 24°). These roof angles are After the first three spans, the results of the current study are
similar to that of the greenhouse investigated in the current study similar to those by Wells and Hoxey (1980) and Hoxey and Moran
(α = 23.3°). The coefficients determined in the current study are (1991), with differences in the force coefficient smaller than 0.04.
consistently smaller (about 0.2–0.4) than the values that were The forces on the first three spans are more sensitive to roof pitch
determined for GH03 and GH04. On the windward façade, the angle α and eaves height to span ratio h/s, which to some extent
mean pressure coefficient is 0.2 larger than the values for GH03 explains the larger differences.
and GH04. Furthermore, the leeward wall pressure coefficient in Beyond the first four spans, the force coefficient per roof span
Figure 9A is 0.15 smaller than the value of −0.32 specified in determined with the static force measurements is on average
Table 1 for GH03. These approximately consistent differences sug- about 0.05 smaller than the values obtained with the pressure
gest an offset in the pressure coefficients, which could be related measurements. The assumption of a constant pressure distribu-
to the reference pressure. If the load per roof span is assessed, the tion over a roof face explains part of this difference. Figure 10A
FIGURE 10 | (A) Measured roof span mean pressure coefficient distributions over roof spans 14, 15, 16, and 17, and average mean pressure distribution (indicated
with a line). (B) Schematic of a roof span illustrating the influence of a constant distribution (top) and a more refined distribution (bottom) on the force coefficient per
roof span. (C) Measured roof span peak pressure coefficient distributions over roof spans 14, 15, 16, and 17, and average peak pressure distribution. (D) Schematic
illustrating the influence of a constant distribution (top) and a refined distribution (bottom) on the peak force coefficient per roof span ĉFx,rs .
shows the distribution on the roof faces, after the first five spans, Peak Load Coefficients and Correlation
which were equipped with multiple pressure taps (roof spans Effect
14, 15, 16, and 17). Figure 10B shows the constant distribution,
Figure 11A shows the characteristic peak pressure coefficientsĉp,T
based on the results at the center taps, and a refined distribution,
determined at the center roof taps and at the taps on the wind-
based on the results for the roof faces with multiple taps. The
and lee-facing surface for wind perpendicular to the ridge. After
difference between these two distributions accounts for approx-
the fifth span, the peak pressure coefficients remain constant at
imately 0.04 in the resulting mean horizontal force coefficient per
values of approximately −0.3 and +0.5 on the wind-facing roof
roof span.
face and −0.5 and +0.1 on the lee-facing roof face.
FIGURE 11 | (A) Characteristic maximum and minimum peak pressure coefficients, (B) peak force coefficients ĉFx,rs and ĉFx,rs,T per roof span, and (C) correlation
factor ccor for the peak force coefficients for increasing number of spans.
Figure 11B gives results for the two peak horizontal force TABLE 2 | Parameter settings for calculation of the peak velocity pressure.
coefficient per roof span based on the center roof taps:
Description Parameter Value
– ĉFx,rs , which is obtained through summation of the roof wind- Reference height ze 7.8 m
facing maximum and lee-facing minimum peak pressure coef- Eaves height h 6.7 m
ficients ĉp,T . Roof angle α 23.7°
– ĉFx,rs,T , which is determined via extreme value analysis of the Length l 200 m
Roof span s 5m
horizontal force coefficient time series per roof span.
Basic wind velocity vb,0 27 m/s
Season factor cseason 1
The difference in outcome between these two peak force coef-
Directional factor cdir 1
ficients is quite large, with ĉFx,rs,T for most roof spans about 0.7 Orography factor co (H) 1
times as small as ĉFx,rs . This difference is the result of the non- Probability factor cprob 0.922 (K = 0.2; n = ½)
simultaneous occurrence of pressure fluctuations on the wind- Roughness length z0 0.05 m (terrain category II)
and lee-facing roof face. The effect of this lack of correlation on the Air density ρ 1.25 kg/m3
windward and leeward wall, the force coefficients are equal to the Here, ĉp,T is the characteristic peak pressure coefficient deter-
pressure coefficients. For the roof, the horizontal force coefficient mined with extreme value analysis of the measured pressure time
is determined per roof span, as the combination of the zonal area- series. I u (H) is the longitudinal turbulence intensity determined
averaged pressure coefficients on the wind- and lee-facing roof in the wind tunnel at model ridge height. The same formula can
face: be applied to determine code calibrated peak force coefficients:
[ ] [ ] cFx,rs,10 = ĉFx,rs /(1 + 7 · Iu (H)) (23)
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
cf,rs = cpe,10,i Ai / Ai − cpe,10,i Ai / Ai (19) The overall horizontal wind force is calculated with
i i w i i l
Fx = ccor · cFx,10 · qp (H) · Aref (24)
In which cpe,10,i is the pressure coefficient specified by EN 1991-
In which cFx,10 is obtained through summation of the windward
1-4 for roof zone i, and Ai is the zonal area. EN 13031-1 specifies
wall, leeward wall and roof calibrated peak pressure coefficients.
one pressure coefficient for each roof face, so one zone per face
The influence of the roof pressure distribution (see Figure 10) was
(i = 1).
accounted for, in the calculation from roof pressures to roof span
Finally, the friction force on the gable ends is determined with
forces. A value of 0.35 was applied for ccor to account for the lack
of correlation on the roof faces, and a value of 0.87 for the lack of
Ffr = cfr · qp (H) · Afr (20)
correlation between windward and leeward wall.
In which cfr is the friction coefficient of the greenhouse surface,
which is here taken as 0.01 according to both EN 1991-1-4 and EN
13031-1. The corresponding area Afr is a part of the surface area Pressure Coefficients
of the gable ends outside the recirculation bubble, located between Table 3 gives mean and calibrated peak pressure coefficients deter-
4H from the upwind corner to the downwind corner. mined at the center taps on the faces of the 30-span greenhouse.
The values specified in EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 for the
Wind Tunnel complete face are also given. For spans 3–9 and 10–30, Table 3
For the mean load coefficients the overall horizontal wind force is gives the average value over all roof spans.
determined with On the front face of the greenhouse, the experimental pressure
coefficients are in the same range as the code values. On the rear
Fx = c̄Fx · qp (H) · Aref (21) face, the difference between experimental and code values are
larger, with the experimental calibrated peak coefficients about
In whichc̄Fx is the mean horizontal force coefficient determined 30% and the mean coefficient 50% smaller than the code values.
from the static force measurements, or the summation of the mean On the roof, even larger differences are found in the pressure
pressure coefficients obtained from the pressure measurements. coefficient. These differences can be explained by the influence of
Aref is equal to the area of the windward face of the greenhouse. the static reference pressure discussed in Section “Mean Pressure
To obtain the overall horizontal force from the peak pressure Coefficients.”
coefficients, first the determined characteristic peak pressure coef- Beyond the first span, both EN 13031-1 and EN 1991-1-4
ficients are calibrated to correspond with the cpe,10 values specified specify only a negative value for the pressure coefficients on the
in EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1: wind-facing roof faces, they do not provide a positive value. This is
not only the case for the roof pitch angles studied here, but applies
cpe,10 = ĉp,T /(1 + 7 · Iu (H)) (22) to all roof pitch angles larger than 15°.
TABLE 3 | Coefficients for the 30-span greenhouse: pressure coefficients and force coefficients per roof span (the values for spans 3–9 and spans 10–30
are ensemble averages over the spans).
Pressure coefficients
Pressure measurements c̄p 0.5 −0.43 −0.7 −0.6 −0.3 −0.05 −0.18 0 −0.14 −0.15
cpe,10 0.67 −0.58 0.05 −0.73 −0.72 0.06 −0.36 −0.18 0.20 −0.23 −0.13 0.21 −0.20 −0.19
EN 13031-1 cpe,10 0.6 −1.06 0.3 −1.0 −0.7 −0.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.4 −0.4 −0.3
EN 1991-1-4 cpe,10 0.7 −0.46 0.42 −0.84 −0.56 −0.51 −0.33 −0.51 −0.33 −0.51 −0.3
Roof span force coefficients
Static force measurements c̄Fx,rs – – – – 0.07 –
Pressure measurements c̄Fx,rs a – 0.27 −0.3 0.09 0.09 –
cFx,rs,10 a – 0.78 0.42 0.30 0.29 –
EN 13031-1 cf,rs – 1.3 −0.2 0.1 0 –
EN 1991-1-4 cf,rs – 1.26 −0.05 0.17 0.17 –
The force coefficients determined for spans 3–9 and 10–30 were corrected to account for the refined roof pressure distribution determined in Figure 10.
Force Coefficients and EN 1991-1-4, i.e., they do not specify any positive values for
Table 3 gives the force coefficients per roof span obtained with the pressure coefficients on the wind-facing roof faces beyond
the static force and pressure measurements, and with EN 1991-1-4 the first span. For spans 10–30, EN 13031-1 specifies a zero
and EN 13031-1. The roof span force coefficients determined horizontal force coefficient for the roof. Neither the static force
with the pressure measurements were corrected to account for measurements, nor the pressure measurements resulted in zero
the refined roof pressure distribution determined in Figure 10. horizontal force coefficients for these roof spans. This indicates
The mean force coefficient c̄Fx,rs determined with the static force the coefficients specified by EN 13031-1 for these roof spans are
measurements for spans beyond the first 10 spans is larger than not conservative when considering the horizontal force on the
the value from EN 13031-1 for these spans, but smaller than the roof or on the greenhouse.
value from EN 1991-1-4.
The mean roof span force coefficients from the pressure Overall Horizontal Forces
measurements match well with EN 13031-1 for spans 2–9. For Figure 12A shows the overall horizontal forces determined with
these spans, the pressure coefficients in EN 13031-1 were for a the static force measurement results on the smooth and rough
large part based on the results from the studies by Wells and turntable and with the pressure measurement results on the
Hoxey (1980) and Hoxey and Moran (1991). Although these 30-span model. The force coefficients determined for the 30-span
studies do not explicitly state the type of coefficients that were model mounted with pressure taps, provided in Table 3, were used
determined, this comparison suggests that they presented mean to estimate the overall horizontal force for the other multi-span
coefficients. greenhouses in the range between 10 and 90 spans. The force
The cFx,rs,10 values are large compared to the other measured coefficient determined for roof spans 10–30 in Table 3 was also
coefficients, as well as the values obtained with EN 1991-1-4 applied to spans beyond the 30th span.
and EN 13031-1. The larger values for cFx,rs,10 are the result of The forces determined with the mean pressure coefficients are
considering the maximum peak pressures on the wind-facing in good agreement with the static force test results, considering
roof faces. These coefficients are not considered in EN 13031-1 these are extrapolated results of the 30-span model. The forces
FIGURE 12 | Overall horizontal wind force F x on the greenhouse with increasing number of spans, calculated for: (A) the measurement results and
(B) the codes EN 13031-1 and EN 1991-1-4 (static force results are also presented for comparison).
determined with cFx,10 ccor are larger than the mean results; this the negative pressures on the windward face are so large that pos-
difference increases with larger number of spans. Two reasons itive pressures do not occur. However, this is not appropriate for
were identified for this difference: multi-span duo-pitch roofs, because positive pressures do occur
on the wind-facing roof faces.
1. The correlation factor was only determined over a single line of Beyond the first roof span, EN 13031-1 does not specify positive
pressure taps across the ridges of the model, see Figure 6A. A values on the wind-facing roof faces either. The pressure coef-
smaller ccor value would result if the whole model was mounted ficients specified in EN 13031-1 for spans 2–9 were for a large
with pressure taps. part based on the results by Wells and Hoxey (1980) and Hoxey
2. The correlation factor was only determined for the 30-span and Moran (1991). These studies do not clearly state whether
model. However, Figure 11C shows that ccor is dependent on they determined mean or peak coefficients. Figure 1B shows the
the number of spans; for 10 spans ccor ≈ 0.38 and for 20 spans pressure coefficients determined by Hoxey and Moran (1991).
ccor ≈ 0.37. For more than 30 spans, the correlation factor will After three spans, the magnitude of these coefficients on the wind-
be slightly smaller than the 30-span value of ccor = 0.35. facing roof face is cpe ≈ −0.3. Whether these coefficients are mean
Considering these shortcomings in the assessment of the lack of or minimum values do not really matter, in either case it is not
correlation, the static force measurement results are the appropri- likely that the maximum values are negative. The same reasoning
ate reference for comparison with EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1. can be applied for the roof coefficients specified in EN 13031-1
Figure 12B presents results for the overall horizontal force after nine spans.
obtained with EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1. Comparison of these This discussion shows that the reasons for the absence of posi-
code results with the static force results leads to the following tive values on the wind-facing roof faces of multi-span buildings in
observations: EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 are unsound. The results of the cur-
rent study further show that these positive values are needed for
– For duo-pitch greenhouses larger than 20 spans, EN 13031-1 appropriate assessment of the overall wind force on greenhouses.
results in smaller overall forces than those obtained with the To solve this deficiency requires the implementation of positive
static force measurements. With increasing number of spans, values (besides the negative values) for the pressure coefficients on
EN 13031-1 becomes increasingly non-conservative. the wind-facing roof faces of multi-span buildings in EN 1991-1-4
– EN 1991-1-4 gives conservative results for any number of and EN 13031-1.
spans, but is increasingly conservative with larger number of
spans. At 90 spans, the forces obtained with EN 1991-1-4 are Net Horizontal Wind Force per Roof Span
25% (Annex C) to 50% (Annex B) larger than the static force Beyond nine spans, EN 13031-1 specifies cpe = −0.4 on both
result. Although not applicable for multi-span duo-pitch build- wind-facing and lee-facing roof face, resulting in a zero horizontal
ings, Figure 12B shows that the equivalent friction coefficient wind force per roof span. The study by Van Koten (1977) and
cfr,eq = 0.05 would result in an even larger force, with at 90 spans the East German standard TGL 32274-7 (1976) also specify this
a force more than twice as large as the static force result. value for these roof faces. According to Van Koten (1977), at some
distance of the windward wall the average internal pressure will
Discussion equalize with the average external pressure on the roof. From
The comparison of the results of this study with EN 1991-1-4 and this point, the roof will only be loaded by pressure fluctuations,
EN 13031-1 has identified a number of issues in the assessment of which is why Van Koten (1977) specifies the same value for both
the overall horizontal wind force on large multi-span greenhouses. wind-facing and lee-facing roof face. However, if these roof faces
This section discusses these issues in more detail. are only loaded by pressure fluctuations, as Van Koten (1977)
suggests, the peak wind load on the roof span will not be 0. The
Application of Positive Values for Wind-Facing Roof results of the current study show that the peak force coefficient
Faces per roof span cFx,rs,10 = 0.3, and the mean force coefficient per
Cook (1990) states that typically where the mean coefficient is roof span c̄Fx,rs = 0.1. The application of pressure coefficients
near 0, a maximum and minimum value of the pseudo-steady of equal magnitude and sign on wind- and lee-facing roof faces,
coefficient are required. The pressure measurements performed as suggested in EN 13031-1, results in an inaccurate and non-
in this study show that the mean pressure coefficient on the wind- conservative outcome for the overall horizontal wind force on
facing roof faces are near 0. Therefore, both a maximum and large multi-span greenhouses (i.e., larger than 20 spans). These
minimum values are required for the wind-facing roof faces, also issues can be solved with implementation of positive values for the
beyond the first roof span. However, beyond the first roof span, pressure coefficients on the wind-facing roof faces, as suggested in
EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 do not specify positive values for the previous section.
the pressure coefficients on the wind-facing roof faces.
The reason EN 1991-1-4 does not give positive values on Reduction Factors for Spatial Correlation
the wind-facing roof faces beyond the first span, is that it Both EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 give reduction factors for
applies troughed single-span values for multi-span buildings. For spatial correlation. For the greenhouse dimensions specified in
troughed duo-pitch roofs with roof pitch angles larger than 15°, Table 1, the values calculated for cs were 0.61 (EN 1991-1-4 Annex
EN 1991-1-4 does not specify positive values on the windward C) and 0.72 (EN 1991-1-4 Annex B), and the value for cdg (EN
face. This is appropriate for single-span duo-pitch roofs, because 13031-1) was 0.66 and 0.64. All these values are significantly
larger than the values determined for ccor on the roof (ccor = 0.35) become non-conservative; at 90 spans, the measured overall
or on the whole greenhouse model (ccor = 0.45). This difference horizontal wind force is almost a factor 2 larger.
between measurements and codes would be even more significant – Beyond 10 spans, EN 1991-1-4 is increasingly conservative with
if the correlation factor was determined for a greenhouse model larger number of spans. At 90 spans, the forces obtained with
that was completely mounted with pressure taps, as explained in EN 1991-1-4 are 25% (EN 1991-1-4 Annex C) to 50% (EN
Section “Overall Horizontal Forces.” 1991-1-4 Annex B) larger than the static force result.
The size factor cs is larger than ccor , because it considers only
the in-plane correlation. The size factor does not consider the lack The assessment of the overall horizontal wind force with EN
of correlation between different faces. EN 1991-1-4 does allow 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 has also identified a number of issues
for an additional factor, see EN 1991-1-4 5.3(5), for the lack of with both codes:
correlation between windward and leeward wall. EN 1991-1-4 – Beyond the first roof span, EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 only
does not specify a factor for lack of correlation between the roof specify negative values for the pressure coefficients on the
faces. wind-facing roof faces. This study shows specification of the
The dynamic coefficient cdg (EN 13031-1) considers both the positive values, besides the negative values, is needed for these
lack of in-plane correlation as well as the lack of correlation faces.
between windward and leeward wall. cdg does not account for the – Beyond nine spans, EN 13031-1 specifies −0.4 on both wind-
lack of correlation between the roof faces. and lee-facing roof face, resulting in a zero horizontal wind
The current specifications of pressure coefficients for the roof force per span. This study shows the resulting net horizontal
faces in EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 do not allow for the imple- wind force per roof span is not 0. A modification of the pressure
mentation of a reduction factor for the lack of correlation between coefficients on these spans is needed. This issue could also be
the roof faces. The introduction of such a reduction factor in either addressed with the implementation of positive and negative
code should be accompanied with the implementation of positive values on the wind-facing roof faces.
values for the pressure coefficients on the wind-facing roof faces. – The reduction factors in EN 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 for
spatial correlations do not account for the lack of correlation
CONCLUSION between the roof faces. This study shows this lack of correlation
An atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel study was per- is an important factor in the overall horizontal wind force
formed to investigate the overall horizontal wind force on multi- on multi-span greenhouses. The introduction of a reduction
span duo-pitch greenhouses. In engineering practice, this force factor for the lack of correlation between the roof faces in EN
is determined to assess the stability design, i.e., the load bearing 1991-1-4 and EN 13031-1 should be accompanied with the
capacity of the main bearing system. Static force measurements implementation of positive values for the pressure coefficients
were made on nine models with multi-span duo-pitch roof. These on the wind-facing roof faces.
measurements showed that the overall force increases linearly
with increasing number of spans. NOTATION
Additional pressure measurements were performed on a 30-
span greenhouse model to (1) verify the static force result, (2) LATIN SYMBOLS
determine the distribution of the overall horizontal force over the A Area [m2 ]
greenhouse structure, and (3) assess the influence of the lack of Ai Area assigned to position i [m2 ]
correlation in the measured pressures on the overall horizontal Aref Reference area [m2 ]
wind force. aX Dispersion of the Gumbel distribution [–]
bw Width [m]
The horizontal forces determined with the mean pressure coef- B2 Background response factor [–]
ficients are in good agreement with the static force results. The ccor Correlation factor [–]
mean and peak pressure coefficient results further showed that cX Load coefficient [–]
the influence of the separation bubble stretches up to the fifth cd Dynamic factor [–]
cdir Directional factor [–]
span, after which no significant changes were observed in the roof
cdg Dynamic coefficient [–]
span pressure distribution. The investigation into the correlation cf Force coefficient notation in EN 13031-1 and EN [–]
of the roof pressures showed that these pressures are relatively 1991-1-4
little correlated, especially if the pressures on multiple spans are cF Force coefficient notation applied for experimental [–]
considered. The overall horizontal force on the roof of multi-span results
cfr Surface friction coefficient [–]
buildings reduces significantly because of this lack of correlation.
cfr,eq Equivalent friction coefficient [–]
For the investigated 30-span model, accounting for the lack of ĉF,T Characteristic peak force coefficient [–]
correlation in the roof pressures resulted in a 65% reduction in cFx Horizontal force coefficient [–]
the peak overall horizontal wind force on the roof. cFx,rs Horizontal force coefficient per roof span [–]
A comparison was made between the measurements and Euro- cFx,10 Code calibrated overall force coefficient [–]
ĉFx,rs Hor. peak force coefficient per roof span without lack of [–]
pean codes which specify wind loads on greenhouses, EN 1991-1- correlation
4 and EN 13031-1. This comparison showed: ĉFx,rs,T Hor. peak force coefficient per span with lack of [–]
– EN 13031-1 provides conservative outcomes for duo-pitch
greenhouses smaller than 20 spans. Beyond 20 spans, the results (Continued)
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