Sappress Sap BW Data Retrieval
Sappress Sap BW Data Retrieval
Sappress Sap BW Data Retrieval
Data Retrieval
Mastering the ETL process
Preface 11
Foreword 13
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 15
Structure of the Book ...................................................................................... 16
Working with This Book ................................................................................. 17
After You’ve Read the Book … ...................................................................... 18
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... 18
Contents 5
2.4 ETL Components of SAP BW .......................................................................... 52
2.4.1 Data Sources and their DataSources ............................................... 52
2.4.2 InfoSources ......................................................................................... 55
2.4.3 Update Rules ...................................................................................... 56
2.4.4 Requesting the Data Transfer and Monitoring ............................... 57
2.4.5 Persistent Staging Area (PSA) ........................................................... 58
2.5 Data Transfer into SAP BW: Components and Options ............................ 58
2.5.1 Transferring Data Using SAP XI ........................................................ 58
2.5.2 Transferring Data with UD Connect ............................................... 61
2.6 Data Transfer out of SAP BW: Components and Options ........................ 63
2.7 Data Transfer and Application Development with SAP BW:
BI Java SDK ....................................................................................................... 65
3 Sample Scenario 67
6 Contents
4.3 Customer-Specific Extractors in the Example of SAP CO-PA ................... 113
4.3.1 Requirements from the Case Study ................................................ 113
4.3.2 Principles of SAP CO-PA ................................................................... 113
4.3.3 Requirements to the Extractor ......................................................... 115
4.3.4 Extraction Process in SAP CO-PA .................................................... 116
4.4 Further Application-Specific Extractors ....................................................... 125
4.4.1 Extracting SAP FI-GL Transaction Data ........................................... 125
4.4.2 Extracting Master Data ..................................................................... 128
4.4.3 Extracting SAP EC-CS Transaction Data ......................................... 128
4.5 Application-Independent Extraction from SAP R/3 ................................... 133
4.5.1 Requirements to the Extractor ......................................................... 133
4.5.2 Creating a Generic R/3 Extractor ..................................................... 133
4.6 Extraction from Interface Files ....................................................................... 139
4.6.1 Requirements to the Data Source ................................................... 139
4.6.2 Field Definitions and Mapping for Interface Files ......................... 140
4.6.3 Delta Handling for Files .................................................................... 144
4.7 Extracting XML Data ....................................................................................... 145
4.7.1 Technological Basics .......................................................................... 145
4.7.2 Extraction Concept ............................................................................ 148
4.7.3 Process for Extracting XML Data ..................................................... 149
4.8 Extraction via DB Connect .............................................................................. 156
4.8.1 Architecture ........................................................................................ 156
4.8.2 Schematic Data Flow ........................................................................ 157
4.8.3 Procedure for DB Connect ............................................................... 158
4.9 UDI—Universal Data Integration .................................................................. 159
Contents 7
6 ETL Process: Transaction Data 259
6.1 Exemplary Transaction Data Retrieval for Profitability Analysis .............. 259
6.1.1 Delivering Interface Files for Profitability Analysis ........................ 259
6.1.2 Updating the InfoSource “Profitability Analysis (Non-SAP)
(ZECOPAISOURCE01)“ ..................................................................... 278
6.1.3 Update Requirements and Monitoring for the InfoSource
“Profitability Analysis (Non-SAP) (ZECOPAISOURCE01)“ ............ 282
6.1.4 Extracting SAP R/3 Data for Profitability Analysis ......................... 287
6.1.5 Updating the InfoSource “Profitability Analysis
(1_CO_PA800S_GO_ZE1)“ ............................................................... 303
6.1.6 Update Request and Monitor for the InfoSource
“Profitability Analysis (1_CO_PA800S_GO_ZE1) ........................... 304
6.1.7 Connecting other Data Sources for Profitability Analysis
via UD Connect .................................................................................. 308
6.1.8 Updating the Data of the ODS Object in the InfoCube
“Actual Data: Profitability Analysis (ZECOPAC1)“ ......................... 313
6.2 Exemplary Transaction Data Retrieval for Sales Order Stocks ................. 321
6.2.1 Specific Characteristics of the Data Retrieval for
Sales Order Stocks ............................................................................. 321
6.2.2 Implementing the Update of Sales Order Stocks .......................... 323
6.2.3 Updating the Sales Order Stocks ..................................................... 329
6.3 Exemplary Transaction Data Retrieval for Financial Reporting ................ 332
6.3.1 Extracting General Ledger Data from SAP R/3 .............................. 332
6.3.2 Activating the SAP Business Content DataSource ......................... 333
6.3.3 Implementing the ETL Process by Using SAP Business Content
DataSources, InfoSources, and Transfer and Update Rules ......... 335
6.3.4 Updating the Data of the ODS Object with the General Ledger
Transaction Figures in the Corresponding InfoCube ..................... 348
6.3.5 Data Retrieval for the General Ledger Transaction Figures in
the Corresponding InfoCube ........................................................... 350
6.4 Exemplary Transaction Data Retrieval for the Sales Documents:
Sales Order ........................................................................................................ 354
6.4.1 Extracting General Ledger Data from SAP R/3 .............................. 354
6.4.2 Configuring the SAP Business Content DataSource for the
Sales Document Header ................................................................... 355
6.4.3 Setting the ETL Process for the Sales Document Header ............. 361
6.4.4 Data Retrieval for Sales Document Header Data in the
Corresponding InfoCube .................................................................. 380
8 Contents
7.2.3 Key Figure Presentation .................................................................... 391
7.2.4 Performance ....................................................................................... 391
7.3 SAP Business Content for Master and Transaction Data .......................... 393
7.3.1 SAP Business Content for Master Data ........................................... 393
7.3.2 SAP Business Content for Transaction Data ................................... 394
7.4 SAP Business Content in Selected Areas of Use ......................................... 395
7.4.1 SAP Business Content for Financials ............................................... 396
7.4.2 SAP Business Content for Profitability Analysis ............................. 396
7.4.3 SAP Business Content for Logistics ................................................. 397
7.4.4 SAP Business Content for Goods Movements ............................... 400
7.4.5 SAP Business Content for Human Resources ................................. 401
7.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 405
A Abbreviations 407
B InfoSources 409
D InfoCubes 425
Contents 9
G Metadata Tables 483
H Glossary 487
I Literature 537
J Authors 539
Index 542
10 Contents
Who hasn‘t experienced this? You‘re driving to a party and your passen-
ger, with directions in hand, acts as the navigator: “… then the third left …
first … second … oh, closed due to construction, please follow detour.“
What happens next? Where will this detour take you? The directions con-
tain only the basic “right/left information.“ If only you had the street
names. Then, you would have a starting point and you might be able to
reach your destination. However, if you only have “delta directions“ avail-
able that lack any kind of synchronization, a successful journey is a remote
I never would have thought that such topics as data extraction, data
transformation, and data loading could have filled an entire book. The
current volume by Norbert Egger‘s team of experienced authors proves
just the opposite. This book’s simple description of data retrieval, and its
numerous examples, is a pleasure to read, especially because all too often
a considerable amount of an already limited budget is consumed by this
process. Therefore, the project manager, for example, must deal with data
retrieval as efficiently as possible. After all, what good is a data warehouse
without data? The many hints and examples in this book emphasize what
is described on a conceptual level, whether it involves the delta processes
in data extraction, which is explained earlier in this preface, or the design
of aggregates for performance optimization.
Business intelligence has been a topic of discussion for quite some time
now. However, the implementation of this concept highlights, for the first
time in large global businesses, how useful the company data is and this
increases its perceived value dramatically. However, in an almost relent-
less manner, the system shows us how this data is often structured het-
erogeneously. Therefore, we must pay particular attention to such con-
cepts as “data hygiene,“ data quality, and data economics in order to
achieve the company-wide consistency of business views required for
global management decision support.
Preface 11
difficult to distinguish what you want because of the sheer quantity of
items that you have to sift through.
I hope all readers enjoy this book and, to all those who like me do not
want to or do not have to travel the long-suffering road to implementa-
tion, I hope you find it to be a useful guide and helpful navigator that
enables you to reach your own ETL milestone.
12 Preface
When Wiebke Hübner, then an editor at SAP PRESS, asked me in Decem- Background
ber of 2002 if I wanted to write a book on SAP BW, I scoffed at the idea.
Such a book would have to be too voluminous to provide an adequate
presentation of the topic. I also believed that there would not be suffi-
cient demand for this type of book, so as to make the effort worthwhile.
Fortunately, she persisted, which resulted in SAP BW Professional, our first
book on SAP Business Information Warehouse. I paid particular attention
to the rapid development of the reporting functionality in SAP BW 3.x
and other topics in that book.
Writing the book not only proved to be enjoyable, but the collective Thanks to the
interest generated by this subject came as a welcome surprise. That’s why readers
I’m so pleased to thank you, the readers, in the foreword of this book for
your support and invaluable feedback. Furthermore, because of this
mounting interest in SAP BW, a second edition of the first book was pub-
lished in several languages.
Based on the great interest shown in the first book, the rapid develop- The idea of a
ment of SAP Business Intelligence components, and the welcome growth compendium
It became readily apparent that it would take more than one book and The SAP BW
one individual involved in the life of a project to complete such a task: Library
The functionality (luckily) is too vast and such a book would be too com-
prehensive. Therefore, we needed to create a multivolume work that
would focus on specific aspects, such as data modeling, extraction, trans-
Foreword 13
formation, and loading (ETL) processes, reporting, or planning. The
notion of a new series, the SAP BW Library, began to take shape.
Volume 1: SAP Volume 1 of the SAP BW Library, an introduction to data modeling using
BW Data SAP BW, was published a few months ago and, to our delight, met with
a remarkable response.
Volume 2: SAP It gives me great pleasure to be able to present the second volume of the
BW Data Retrieval SAP BW Library with an introduction to data retrieval with SAP BW. As
data acquisition becomes more difficult due to a variety of data quality
problems, a stable and flexible solution to ETL processes becomes
increasingly more important. Without a suitable data model or consis-
tently operable ETL processes, business intelligence solutions are des-
tined to fail. Our goal with this current volume is to support you in find-
ing the right path to mapping ETL processes using SAP BW.
14 Foreword
5 ETL Process: Master Data
Of what use are the most modern data warehousing systems,
if they’re based on master data for customers or material that
is incomplete, outdated, or inconsistent? The quality of mas-
ter data is critical to ensure the success of transactions and
analytical processes in the company. Not only does the qual-
ity of master data substantially affect the efficiency of an
organization; it also determines the quality of products and
The first five normal forms, which are predominantly used, are defined
as follows:
Insufficient or In addition, the effects of larger deficits in how consistent and up-to-date
incorrect master the master data is can be noticed very quickly:
data acquisition
왘 Wrong decisions
Caused by a lack of transparency and incomplete data basis
왘 High administration costs
Caused by multiple data entries, troubleshooting, and complaint pro-
왘 High IT costs
Arise when data is distributed among many different types of systems
왘 Long runtimes for business processes
Occur because individual units are constantly awaiting data from oth-
ers, or responsibilities have not been clearly defined
For these reasons, we will now describe the process of master data acqui-
sition in a clear and detailed manner.
1. Texts Texts
Texts are used to describe a master record. In SAP Business Information
Warehouse (SAP BW), up to three texts can be maintained for each
master record. These texts can consist of the following: one short text,
one medium text, and one long text. An example of a master data text
is the name of the supplier that goes with the supplier number.
2. Attributes Attributes
Master data attributes are fields that are used to provide a more
detailed description of master data elements. These attributes are used
to display additional information so results can be better understood.
An attribute table can be used by several InfoCubes. This ensures a
higher level of transparency for the user and a more comprehensive
consistency. An example of a master data attribute is the country of the
supplier that goes with the supplier number.
3. Hierarchies Hierarchies
Hierarchies can be used in the analysis to describe alternative views of
the data. A hierarchy consists of a quantity of nodes that have a parent-
child relationship with one another. The structures can be defined in a
version-specific as well as a time-dependent manner. An example of
this is the cost center hierarchy.
You can find a detailed description of the types of master data and their
usage options as well as numerous examples in Volume 1 of the SAP BW
2 See Egger, Fiechter, Rohlf: SAP BW Data Modeling. SAP PRESS 2005.
Analysis of Object Creating the Creating the
Source Data Selection Transformation ETL Routines
- Mapping
- Key Transformation ETL Jobs
- Normalization
Legacy Documentation Rules
Operational for Data Quality
Data Catalog
External Sources
Phases of the ETL process
왘 Extraction
In this first step, you must select all the source data and then pro-
vide it for the transformation process that follows. In this phase, you
generally see a high level of heterogeneity because all initial data is
generated in different data processing systems.
왘 Transformation
Data transformation is the central task of the ETL process where the
initial data must be adapted to the structure of the data target. Fur-
thermore, the data quality should be analyzed and automatically
왘 Loading
Once the data has been checked and made available, it is integrated
into SAP BW. In this context, the work area where the data is
located is called the Persistent Staging Area (PSA). The process of
loading data always includes a probable aggregation of the
extracted and transformed data.
왘 Pure data targets for which you cannot create or execute any queries Different data
InfoCubes may act as only a data source for another InfoCube. It is also targets
possible that ODS objects and InfoObjects were not modeled for
reporting purposes.
왘 Data targets for which queries can be defined
A characteristic can become a data target if it carries texts or attributes.
You cannot load hierarchies by using update rules. In order to declare
a characteristic as a data target, the InfoArea must be entered in the
relevant field of the object properties.
왘 After you have entered the object, confirm your entry so that the
InfoObject is created as a data target and assigned to the InfoArea.
Flexible update An InfoSource with flexible update means that you can update the data
from its Communication Structure into any data target. Hierarchies, how-
Figure 5.4 During a Flexible Update, the Extracted Data Is Written into the Data Tar-
get via a Separate InfoSource with Update Rules.
For data targets with direct update, only one data target can be popu- Direct update
lated by the data acquisition process (see Figure 5.5). This data target is
always the data-carrying characteristic. Note that this type of update can-
not provide ODS objects with master data.
Figure 5.5 During a Direct Update, the Extracted Data Is Written Directly into the
Data Target. The Characteristic Itself Represents the InfoSource.
Figure 5.6 The Attributes of the “Work Breakdown Structure Element“ Characteristic
Are Updated Flexibly to the Data Target, Whereas Texts and Hierarchies Are Updated
Directly into the Data Target.
A API 65, 66
A version 94 Append structure 79
ABAP 61, 84, 158, 200, 342 Append technique 86
dictionary 158 Application component 94, 261
form routine 200 Application components hierarchy 94,
module 161 136, 294, 334
program 84, 200 Application hierarchy 333
ABAP/4 code 342 Application Link Enabling 35
ABAP/4 coding 56 Application server 116
Accounting and finance 78 Application-independent extraction
Accumulated balance 127 133
Activating update rules 346 Applications 77
Actual data 329 Application-specific DataSource 75
profitability analysis 313 Application-specific extractors 78, 125
Actual line-item table 114 Architecture of SAP BW 32
Ad hoc analysis 31 Archive selection 232
Add-in 248 Ascential 53
Addition 56 ASCII 139
Additive data 144 Assigning a DataSource 264
Additive delta 144, 152 Assigning a source system 264
Additive image 144 Assignment of a constant value 56
Administration costs 164 Attributes 141, 165
Administration options 176 Authentication 158
Administrative functions 24 Automatic update 318
Administrative metadata 51
Administrator Workbench 33, 35, 106, B
124, 158, 213, 220, 259, 282, 306, 337, Backup 51
355 Base table 125
source system 294 Basic InfoCube 37
source systems view 295 BasicCube 144
After image 90, 144, 152 Batch job 84
Aggregate 27, 255 Before image 90, 144
Aggregated key figures 72 Bex reporting 241
Aggregation 30, 166, 241 BI application 66
hierarchies 28 BI Java Connector 65, 160
layer 28 BI Java SDK 161
tables 27 BI JDBC Connector 62, 160
ALE 35 BI ODBO Connector 62, 160
ALE inbox 257 BI SAP Query Connector 62, 160
Allocation level 87 BI XML/A Connector 62, 160
Allocations 82 Bitmap index 28, 29
American Standard Code for Infor- Body 146
mation Interchange 139 Boolean comparison 29
Analysis 61 Boolean operators 29
technologies 47 Business add-ins 248
tools 40, 51 Business budgeting 31
Analytical applications 74 Business Consolidation 73
542 Index
Business Content ETL components 76 Coding 273, 302, 342
Business Content Extract Structures the start routine 273, 274
391 Cognos 70
Business Content see SAP Business Collaboration knowledge 59
Content Collaborative business processe 59
Business Explorer 40 Combined update 170
Business Explorer Analyzer 74 Comma separated values see CSV
Business Explorer Web applications 74 Command processor 65
Business intelligence 66 Common Warehouse Metamodel 65,
applications 49, 67 66
solutions 16, 50, 70, 74, 259 Communication rules 337
system 49 Communication structure 55, 75, 87,
tools 15, 43 183, 184, 187, 189, 191, 196, 236, 259,
Business metadata 52 265, 274, 366
Business planning and budgeting 31 Company code 69, 128
Business processes 164 Company fixed costs 71
BW Architecture 35, 53 Comparison function 94
BW Content Extractors 78, 82 Conditions 88
BW customizing menu 94 Connectors 160, 161
BW DataSource 99 Consistency check 256
BW delta queue 91, 107, 110, 148, 155 Consolidated entity 130
BW objects 63 Consolidation 47, 70, 73, 128
BW plug-ins 96 functions 128
BW system 92 of investments 128
paths 30
C unit 130
Calculated key figures 121 Constants 196
Calendar day 136 Control table 273
Calendar year 132 Controlling 73, 78
Canceling changes 210 Controlling area currency 132
Case study 67, 82, 113 Controlling—Profitability Analysis see
Central delta management 83 CO-PA
Centralized monitoring 63 Conversion exit 140, 179, 232
Change mode 80, 213 CO-PA 73, 79, 289, 396
Character field 81 application 114
Characteristic hierarchies 70 DataSource 116, 125, 291, 296
Characteristic routines 198 extraction 113, 118
Characteristic values 188 reporting 121
Characteristics 36, 119, 142, 169, 188, Create InfoPackage 228
375, 396 Creating an InfoSource 262
hierarchies 37 Creating DataSources 118
master data 37 Creating the start routine 367
texts 37 Creating update rules 314, 369
time-dependent texts 37 Credit note 90
Chart of accounts 130 Credit posting 127
Checking formulas 207 CRM 395
Cleanliness of data 57, 75 Crystal Reports 70
Closed-loop 15, 43, 49 CSV 139, 174
Cluster table 398 Cube 30
Clustering 47 Cumulative key figures 127, 131
Index 543
Currency type 278 Data storage layer 25, 26
Current data Data structure 113
proftability analysis 318 Data target 166, 169, 170, 192, 228, 240
Customer-specific extractors 79, 113 Data transfer 44, 57, 84, 228
Customer-specific tables 79 Data update 240
Customizing 86, 95, 107, 128, 129 Data warehouse 21, 24, 26, 46, 77, 163
Customizing for the Extractors 288 architecture 25, 33
CWM Metadata Model 65, 66 components 21
concept 22
D environment 25
D version 94 format 46
Data acquisition 35, 43, 45, 52 systems 21, 27, 163
components 16, 43 Data warehousing process 43, 79
layer 25 Database operations 45
Data auditing 47, 48 Database shared library 157
Data class 230 Database source system 158
Data cleansing 25, 44, 46, 47 Database structure 115
tools 48 Database systems 53
Data cube 30 Database tables 63, 79
Data dictionary 79, 171 Database view 135, 157
Data element 179 DataProviders 62
Data export 63 DataSource 34, 52, 54, 63, 75, 77, 82,
Data extraction 78 86, 94, 99, 113, 115, 123, 128, 171, 172,
Data flow 84, 92, 157, 318, 329, 347 175, 192, 229, 264, 336, 358, 388, 397
Data homogenization 25 application-specific 287, 288
Data insertion 49 business content 54
Data linking 47 for InfoSource 295
Data load 384 generation 136, 158
Data load process 171, 248 hierarchy 294
Data manipulation operations 45 installation 126
Data mart systems 50 replication 294, 336
Data marts 31, 63 settings 355
Data migration 48 type 63, 135
Data mining 31 DB client 156
Data presentation 33 DB Connect 53, 156
Data presentation layer 25, 31 DB for OLAP interface 41
Data quality 75 DB source system 158
assurance 15, 25, 43, 46 DBMS 157
management process 46 DBSL 157
Data retrieval 16, 17, 75, 77, 310, 380, DDIC structure 86
539 Debit posting 127
Data scrubbing tools 48 Debit/credit flag 90
Data selection 231, 283 Default connection 156
Data source 25, 46, 52, 62, 113, 192, Defining a transfer structure 264
238, 308, 323 Defining CSV files 174
database systems 53 Degree of normalization 163
non-SAP systems 53 Deliveries 71, 82, 87
SAP systems 53 Delta 64, 83, 116, 133, 144
structured interface files 53 attribute 136
Data storage 32, 33 extract mode 64
544 Index
extraction 332 Elimination of IC payables and recei-
handling 78, 144 vables 128
initialization 83, 86, 106 Elimination of IC profit and loss 128
initialization request 86 Elimination of IU revenue and expense
load 45 128
management 83 End-user analysis tool 51
mechanism 287 Enhancements of Extractors 79
method 347 Enterprise application integration 159
procedure 154 Enterprise Controlling 73, 129
process 88, 306, 392 Enterprise Controlling—Consoli-
queue 60, 88, 136, 148, 155, 398 dation see SAP EC
request 84, 91, 93, 112 Enterprise data warehouse 63
transfer 84 Enterprise Portal 161
update 88, 127, 306, 398 Envelope 146
upload 57, 75 ERP application 46
Delta-capability 128 ERP system 77
Delta-capable DataSource 83, 128 Error handling 241
Delta-capable extractors 390 ETL 51, 52, 73, 163, 165, 166, 170, 259
Derivation table 271 components 52, 259, 394
Design objects 59 process 25, 32, 35, 45, 51, 53, 73, 74,
Diagnosis program 111 163, 165, 166, 170, 259, 335, 352,
Differential snapshot algorithm 46 361, 387, 402
Dimension 30, 529 requirements 74
hierarchy 30 Event 97, 248
tables 529 Exceptions 41
Direct delta 91, 92 Exchange infrastructure 53, 59
Direct transfer 56 Exit 81
Direct update 169, 187 Expert mode 210
Displaying transfer rules suggestions Export DataSource 313, 322
296 Extensible Markup Language see XML
Document 82 External data 283
data 84 Extract structure 84, 96, 127, 171, 174,
item number 278 356
level 76, 114, 354 Extracting master data 128
number 278 Extraction 25, 31, 45, 88, 148, 156, 166,
reporting 385 259, 332
table 92 from CO-PA 116
Driver 62 from source systems 45
Drop down list box 208 mechanisms 77
DUNS number 47 methods 73
DWH see Data warehouse mode 64
queue 93
E Extractor 77, 84, 113, 115, 125, 129, 133,
Early Delta Initialization 86 171, 390
EC-CS DataSource 131 selection 332
EC-CS transaction data 128 types 77, 79
Editing formulas 211 Extractorchecker 84, 137
Editing update rules 279
Eliminating entry 128 F
Fact table 30, 529
Index 545
FI 395 Harmonized version 299, 345
Field definition 140 Header 146
Fifth normal form 164 Header data 82
File DataSource 151, 152 Header level 87
File interface 261, 283 Heterogeneous data sources 47
Filesystem 262 Heterogeneous systems 16, 77
Financial Accounting 73, 113 Hierarchy 70, 142, 165, 248, 255
Financial Accounting—General Ledger DataSource 249
Accounting 73 InfoSource 251
Financial reporting 70, 71, 76, 332, 348 node 259
Financials 395, 396 selection 255
First normal form 163 tree 95
Fiscal year 132 High-performance data retrieval 77
Fiscal year variant 69, 278 Homogenization 16, 77
Fiscal year/period 278 Householding 47
Flat file 53, 63, 75, 77, 259 HR 395, 401
upload 75 reporting 76
Flexible update 168, 183, 213 HTTP 146
Formula editor 204 Hub 63
Formula element 205 Human Resources 401
Formula entry 210 Hypercube 30
Formulas 56 Hyperion 70
Fourth normal form 164
Framework 77 I
Front-end tool 41 ICM 149
Full costs of production 71 ICM monitor 149
Full extract mode 64 ID 145
Full Load 45 IDoc 182
Full update 133, 255, 398 Implementation 49, 77
Full update request 84, 86 Guide 288, 333
Full upload 57, 144 Include structures 86
Function module 62, 81, 135, 148 Incremental data retrieval 75
Fuzzy logic 47 Incremental load 45
Indexing scheme 28
G Individual entity 128
Gantt diagram 245 Industry solutions 396
General Ledger Accounting 70, 73, 125 InfoArea 37, 39, 167, 168, 171
General ledger data 332 InfoCatalog 122
General Ledger Transaction Figures InfoCube 37, 55, 63, 73, 76, 313, 320,
347 348, 388, 528
Generating DataSources 124 aggregate 40
Generic DataSource 134, 136 star schema 37
Generic extractor 79 InfoObject 35, 56, 63, 73, 74, 90, 140,
Generic R/3 extractor 133 150, 176, 195, 237, 268, 272, 303, 388,
Granularity 30, 72, 290 391
Guaranteed delivery 155 creation 150
transfer rules 196
H InfoObjectCatalogs 37, 39
Hard coding 391 InfoObjects that contain master data
Harmonized (reporting) version 271 74
546 Index
InfoPackage 57, 75, 99, 123, 125, 136, Join index 28, 29
148, 228, 234, 237, 245, 252, 282, 312,
350, 389 K
definition 284 Key field 188, 278, 345
maintenance 86 Key figure calculation 316
InfoProvider 39, 56, 64, 167, 170, 213, Key figure hierarchies 70
313 Key figure presentation 391
InfoSet 39 Key figure routines 198
master-data-bearing characteristics Key figures 36, 72, 116, 121, 127, 131, 315,
38 347, 396, 529
RemoteCube 39 non-cumulative 37
virtual InfoCube 39 Knowledge management 66
InfoSet 37, 528
InfoSource 55, 75, 119, 150, 169, 170, L
183, 187, 192, 228, 229, 251, 261, 278, Language dependency 142
281, 303, 304, 310, 362, 388 Last Changed By 223
assignment 295 LE deliveries 103
creation 295 LE shipping 96
maintenance 63 Legacy systems 139
InfoSpoke 63 Line item 121
Initial load 45, 287 fields 121
Initialization 106, 306, 398 table 114
Insert subtree 255 LIS 83, 104
Inside-out development 59 communications structure 83, 84
Integration 23, 35, 53, 59 DataSource 83
builder 59 extraction 397
directory 59 setup log 104
repository 59 LO Customizing Cockpit 82, 91, 94, 95
server 59 LO Data extraction 355
Integrity constraints 50 LO DataSource 82
Interface data 308 Load process 389
Interface file 75, 139, 140, 142, 259 Loading 25, 49, 166
Invoice 71, 82, 87 Local currency 132
item 114 Log file 45
IS 396 Logical Unit of Work 91, 108
IT costs 164 Logistic Extract Structures Customizing
IT department 51 Cockpit 73, 82, 95, 108, 355
Item 82 Logistics 76, 397
level 87, 107 Logistics application 83, 96
Logistics DataSources 83, 88
J Logistics extractors 76, 82, 86, 321, 355
J2EE 61 Logistics transaction data 83
Engine 61, 62, 161 Logs 45
Java classes 161 LUW 93, 108, 112
Java connectors 161
Java Metadata Interface 65, 66 M
JCA 62 Main goods group 120
JCo 62 Maintaining transfer rules 190
JDBC 62, 66, 160 Management reporting 70, 72
JMI 65, 66 Manual transfer 375
Index 547
Mapping 59, 140, 192 Non-SAP source system
Markup 145 connection 35
Master data 16, 74, 128, 130, 142, 163, Non-SAP system 54
165, 168, 169, 170, 187, 222, 223, 259, Non-volatility 24
393, 404 Normal form 163
acquisition 164, 249 Normalization 163
attribute 74, 133, 135 Numeric pointer 135
hierarchy 74
retrieval 259 O
table 169 Object directory entry 293
text 74 Object level 114, 119
validation 188 Object Management Group 66
Materialized Object table 114, 119
views 26 ODBO 62, 160
Materialized views 27 ODS 38, 50, 88, 114, 144, 388
Measures 29 layer 74
Meta description language 145 object 38, 56, 63, 76, 144, 169, 188,
Metadata 50, 51, 157, 172, 262 267, 278, 304, 319, 330, 339
adminstration 15, 43 table 50
exchange 35 OLAP 21, 29, 30, 50, 51, 65, 348
management 26, 44, 50 application 74
model 66 concept 66
repository 24, 34, 50 data model 30
Modeling 213 system 66
Modification of the operational appli- OLE DB for OLAP interface 41
cation systems 46 OLTP 99, 102
Modification options 211 DataSource 99
Modification table 45 system 102, 333
Modifications 46 OMG 66
MOF 66 Online Analytical Processing 21, 29, 65
Monitor 57, 248, 285 Open hub 33
programs 46 data source 63, 64
Monitoring 33, 51, 57, 63, 282, 304, destination 63, 64
320, 352 monitor 65
MS Excel 70 request 65
Multi-connect 156 service 63
Multidimensional data sources 53 Open standard 65
Multidimensional database 77 Opening posting 331
Multiple dependencies 164 Operating profit 71
MultiProvider 37, 39, 74, 528 Operational application system 46
mySAP CRM 53, 389 Operational data store 50
Operational metadata 51
N Optimization 27
Navigation attribute 120 Order header 107
Net revenue 71 Outside-in development 59
NetWeaver 32, 53 Overhead Cost Controlling 113
Neural network 47
Node 249 P
Non-delta-capable DataSource 128 Parametrization 299
Non-delta-capable extractor 390 Parent-child relationship 249
548 Index
Performance 391, 402 Q
considerations 83 qRFC monitor 110
problems 391 Qualitative data 29
Period values 132 Quantitative data 29
Persistent staging area 58 Query 38, 62, 66, 116, 167, 331
Plan cost rates 72 language 66
Plan data 72 optimization 27
Plan prices 72 Queued delta 91, 93, 100, 108
Planning and Simulation 67
Planning functions 72 R
Planning horizon 72 R/3 migration 84
Planning interface 74 R/3 System 92
Plug-in 332 Realignment 115
Posting period 280, 303 Real-time data 26
Post-processing DataSources 126 Reconciliation account 125
Post-processing transfer rules 366 Reconstruction 103, 104
PowerCenter 53 protocol 104
Preaggregations 27 table 86, 398
Presentation tools 31 Record type 278, 323
Presummarization 396 Recovery 45
Process chain 57, 389 Referential integrity 188, 189
Process integration 53 Relational data source 53
Process steps 44 Relational database 77, 163
Processing 233 Relational detail data layer 28
Product Cost Controlling 113 Relational query model 65
Product Lifecycle Management 396 Reloading 45
Profit and loss accounting 332 Remote access 40
Profit margin 71 Remote function call 35
Profitability analysis 70, 73, 75, 113, 124, RemoteCube 37, 78, 528
259, 267, 287, 288, 289, 295, 303, RemoteCube technology 78
308, 329, 396 Replicated DataSource 124, 132
data 323 Replication 119, 172, 336
extractors 321 method 397
non-SAP 278, 282 Report 34
Profitability segment number 115 Reporting 31, 39, 61, 121
Protocol 62 agent 41
Provider 62 tools 74
Proxy communication 60 Reporting and Analysis 67
PSA 58, 112, 166, 170, 182, 236, 237, 241 tools 40
and Data Targets in Parallel 236 Repository 24, 34
table 236 Request 88, 112, 236
Pseudo delta 144 processing 236
Pull mechanism 116 Resource adapter 62
Pull mode 116 Return 90
Pulled delta 390 Revenue reduction 71, 72
Push mode 84 Reverse image 90
Push technique 148 RFC 35, 148, 153
Pushed delta 390 capability 161
connection 62
destinations 63
Index 549
RFC-capable function module 148, 153 SAP data source 65
Rollup 28 SAP development system 290
Routine 56, 75, 198, 200, 201, 275, 324, SAP EC-CS 128
326, 369 SAP Enterprise Portal 70
creation 301 SAP Exchange Infrastructure 58
SAP field 79
S SAP Java Connector 62
Safety delta 116, 397 SAP kernel 157
Sales 70, 78, 354 SAP module 77
Sales & Distribution 70, 71, 73 SAP NetWeaver 53, 59, 70
Sales document 76, 354 SAP OLTP source system 74
header 355, 361 SAP query 62, 160
header data 380 SAP R/3 37, 46, 53, 73, 77, 113, 133, 171,
Sales order 76, 82, 87, 107, 354 332, 333
item 112 Basis technology 34
stock 76, 321, 323, 324 connection 75
stock analysis 76 core functions 34
Sample scenario 278, 354 Customizing 96
SAP APO 53, 389 DataSource 353
SAP BC 387 extract structure 171
SAP BEx 40 source system 76, 82, 107, 116, 124,
SAP Business Content 34, 73, 79, 94, 129, 134
113, 220, 261, 332, 373, 387 upstream systems 73
components 354 SAP RemoteCubes 37, 528
DataSource 333, 334, 355 SAP SEM 53
extractor 332, 354 SAP source system 78, 81, 84, 94, 103,
InfoSource 261, 336, 337 288
routine 372, 376 connections 35
transfer 337 SAP standard extraction tools 332
update rules 338, 339 SAP system 53, 171
SAP Business Explorer 40 SAP transformation library 211
analyzer 40 SAP Web AS 61, 62
information broadcasting 40 SAP XI 53, 58, 60
mobile reporting 41 Saving formulas 211
personalization 41 Scheduling 26, 33, 44, 57
query designer 40 Schematic data flow 157
web application designer 40 SCM 395
web applications 40 SD billing 96
SAP Business Explorer query 41 SD DataSource 88, 94
SAP Business Information Warehouse SD extraction 82
see SAP BW SD sales 96
SAP BW 16, 17, 34, 35, 43, 52, 53, 57, SD sales order 103
60, 67, 74, 77, 82, 86, 102, 118, 151, SD sales order DataSource 108, 113
155, 163, 166, 171, 172, 182, 184, 192, SD transaction data 107
198, 215, 222, 245, 259, 387 SDK architecture 65
Library 67, 76 Second normal form 163
queries 116 Security interval 136
release 3.5 33 Selection 176
SAP components 67 criteria 123
SAP CO-PA see CO-PA option 192
550 Index
suggestions 174 Start routine 198, 223, 272, 296, 302,
SEM BCS 73 342
Sequential files 175 Status 144, 213
Serialization 92 Status display 96, 213
Serialized V3 update 91 Stock analysis 331
Service API 84, 88, 148 Stock changes 331
Session bean 62 Stock key figure 322
Session handling 161 Stock reporting 331
Setting up a transfer rule 270 Stock updates 76
Setting up the DataSource 288 Strategic Enterprise Management—
Setup 84 Business Consolidation 73
Simulating the reconstruction 104 Structure 80
Single dependencies 164 Subject-orientation 22
SOAP 146 Subtree hierarchy 142
interface 155 Super key 164
message 148, 151 Supplier Relationship Management
RFC-Service 148 395
Source database 158 Supply Chain Management 395
Source InfoObject 213 Syntax help 210
Source object 62
Source object elements 63 T
Source ODS object 314 Table fields 79
Source system 48, 53, 54, 84, 107, 171, Tags 145
228, 230, 259, 345 Target InfoObject 213
connections 77 technical 99
creation 158 Technical metadata 51
DataSources 172 Text 133, 142, 165
file 174 Text length 142
functions 77 Text table 169
ID 278, 298, 302, 345, 369 Third normal form 164
types 53 Third-party reporting tools 41
SPRO menu 129 Third-party systems 53
SQL 45, 66 Third-party tools 41, 57
database 76 Third-Party-Extraction tools 35
server 309 Time characteristic 378
standard 66 Time variance 23
triggers 45 Traffic lights 96
SRM 395 Transaction code 213
Staging area 166, 170 Transaction currency 132
Staging BAPIs 53 Transaction data 74, 75, 103, 128, 133,
Staging process 157 259, 394
Standard API 66 DataSource 289
Standard DataSource 113, 115 extraction 130
Standard extract structures 79 extractor 401
Standard mode 205 retrieval 321, 332, 354
Standard reporting 31 Transaction figures 332
Standard toolbar 215 Transaction RSA13 294
Standardization 47 Transaction SBIW 288
Star index 29 Transactional InfoCubes 74
Star schema 37 Transfer method 182
Index 551
Transfer rules 56, 74, 188, 190, 191, 192, type 222
196, 211, 236, 265, 295, 312, 337, 366, View 26, 79
388, 391 View to tables 79
maintenance 296 Virtual InfoCubes 37, 528
Transfer structure 54, 74, 171, 175, 191,
194, 196, 259, 264, 278, 282, 287, 303, W
308, 337, 364, 367 Web interface 74
Transformation 25, 44, 46, 166, 211 Where-used list 220
Transformation rules 48 Work breakdown structure element
Transport request 218, 293 170
TRFC overview 238
U XML 145, 151
UD Connect 61, 75, 160, 308 data 145
architecture 61 data transfer 155
DataSource 309 DataSource 150, 152
sources 63 file 77
Wizard 62 for analysis 160
UDC layer 161 protocol 35
UDI 159, 160 XMLA 62
Union operation 39 XMLA interface 41
Universal Data Connect 53, 61, 161
Universal data integration 159, 160 Y
Unserialized V3 update 91, 93 Year-to-date value 131
Update 92, 168, 169, 170, 239, 240,
304, 320, 323
collection run 108
method 100, 226, 255
mode 100, 240, 306, 307, 360
requirement 282
rules 56, 57, 75, 188, 215, 219, 220,
259, 303, 341, 388, 391
rules creation 340
rules detail 316
subtree 255
table 92
type 168, 226
Upflow 28
Upstream systems 73
V1 update 91
V2 update 92, 93
V3 collection run 92
V3 update 91, 93
Validity period 23, 142
Value field 121
Value type 271
for reporting 278
Version 222, 271, 278
552 Index