Eggshell Info PDF
Eggshell Info PDF
Eggshell Info PDF
Instructor’s Notes
Chemicals Required S2
Materials Required S4
Safety Precautions S5
Instrumental Parameters S6
Useful Teaching Resources (Poultry, Porphyrins, Eggs, Principles of Fluorescence, S7
Extensions of the Laboratory Experiments S11
Student Handouts
Pre-laboratory Readings S12
Safety Precautions
Detailed Procedures
Module A (Extraction of Eggshell Pigments) S15
Module B (Identification of the Eggshell Pigments by UV-vis Spectroscopy) S17
Module C (Fluorescence Spectrum of Protoporphyrin) S20
Module D (Chemiluminescence Spectrum of DNPO/H2O2) S22
Module E (Chemiluminescence Reaction in the Presence of the Eggshell Extract) S24
Lab Report Guidelines S25
Post-Laboratory Handout S26
Alternative Procedures
Alternative Preparation of Porphyrin Solution S27
Alternative Procedure for Module E S27
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Instructor’s Notes
Below are explicit experimental procedures that have been performed with a majors and a
non-majors sophomore Organic Laboratory Courses. Four laboratory sections, each composed
of no more than 16 students, working in teams of threes, were able to complete the laboratory in
the allotted time with one UV-Vis and one fluorometer available and mounted on a cart, though
the recording of an excitation-emission spectrum that was omitted because of instrument time
constraints. This experiment was completed following a pre-laboratory lecture that introduced
Note that the modules do not need to be done all or in the sequential order presented.
Instead, they can be arranged according to the learning objectives set by the instructor.
The brown eggs were store-bought. Washed and dried eggshells from fresh or hard-boiled
eggs are equally fitting for the experiments. All solvents and reagents were reagent-grade
purchased from Fisher-Acros, and were used as received. Absorption spectra were recorded on
1. Please contact the corresponding authors for a copy of the PowerPoint slides that were used.
2. Note that not all plastic cuvettes are resistant to pure ethyl acetate but may be resistant to the ethyl
acetate/methanol mixtures used. We suggest a test to be performed before they are used in the
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Chemicals Required
Quantity Module
Chemical Name Required/ A B* C D E*
Sodium sulfate, anhydrous [7757-82-6] 1g
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Materials Required
Erlenmeyer flask, 50 mL x 2 X
Cotton X
pH paper X
Graduated cylinder, 50 mL X
Graduated cylinder, 10 mL X X X
Spatula X X X
* Disposable cuvettes are preferred. However make sure that these cuvettes are compatible
with ethyl acetate/methanol (see also footnote 2 on page S2)
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Safety Precautions:
• This entire extraction procedure should be performed in a fume hood and requires well-
practiced laboratory hygiene, which includes the use of safety goggles and the avoidance
• Concentrated hydrochloric acid is extremely corrosive with the potential of serious burns.
Extreme caution should be taken when handling this chemical, including the use of gloves
• Potassium hydroxide is very corrosive and can cause serious burns. Caution should be
taken when handling this chemical, including the use of gloves to avoid skin contact. Eye
inhalation. Material is irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. May be
harmful by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. Causes eye and skin irritation. Use of
• From the MSDS for 30% hydrogen peroxide: Strong oxidizer. Contact with other material
may cause fire. Corrosive. Causes burns to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Harmful if
• When the procedure calls for a dimmed lab, it is important to note that the room does not
need to be totally dark. Before the lab is dimmed, the instructor should make sure that all
students are well prepared to perform the addition of the chemicals in a safe manner!
• All ethyl acetate and MeOH samples must be collected and disposed of appropriately as
flammable organic solvents waste. Some caution should be exercised when disposing
fresh hydrogen peroxide/organic solvent mixtures as they can still evolve oxygen. Do not
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Instrument Parameters
* These values were used with a porphyrin extract of Aλ = 407 ~ 1. The porphyrin extract may
need to be further diluted depending on the fluorescence instrument used. We suggest a
dilution to Aλ = 407 in the range of 0.1 to 0.05.
Tip: Using the parameters listed above, a method was defined and saved on the desktop. The
method was opened by the students, thus minimizing set-up time.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
• Interestingly, the feather colors of a chicken are no predictor for egg color. However, the
color of her earlobes is! If they are light colored, as in the White Leghorn breed, the hen
will likely lay white eggs. If the earlobes are dark (red), the hen will likely produce brown
• Interesting fact: Irrespective of their nutritional equality, brown eggs are also frequently
slightly more expensive than white eggs. This may be market-driven where customers
prefer brown eggs but this may also be because the hens that lay brown eggs are
slightly bigger, mature later, or utilize their feed less efficiently than the White Leghorn
(accessed 1/2009)
(accessed 1/2009)
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
systems. They are responsible for a number of vital roles. For instance, hemes – protoporphyrin
IX iron complexes – are the prosthetic group in hemoglobin, thus acting as carriers of oxygen.
This large π-system is the origin of their deep color, i.e., their strong absorbance in the visible
range.3,4 The UV-vis spectra of porphyrins are due to strongly allowed π-π* transitions and have
been discussed in this Journal.5,6,7,8,9,10 Porphyrins are also superbly fluorescent. Both features
make them ideal study objects for UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy,11 and make them
3 5 7
4 6
2 8
1 NH N 9
21 22
20 10
24 23
19 N HN 11
18 12
17 15 14 13 13
The fundamental system is the fully unsaturated, cyclic tetrapyrrolic pigment porphin. Once
positions; positions 5,10,15, and 20 as the meso-positions. All substituted porphyrins can be
named systematically with this system, but for convenience, the naturally occurring porphyrins
are named according to the trivial Fischer nomenclature, shown in the Table below.
3. Milgrom, L. R. The Colours of Life: An Introduction to the Chemistry of Porphyrins and Related
Compounds. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1997.
4. Kadish, K. M.; Smith, K. M.; Guilard, R., Eds., The Porphyrin Handbook. Academic Press: San Diego,
2000 (Vol. 1-10), 2003 (Vol. 11-20).
5. Brisbin, D. A.; Asgill, J. O. J. Chem. Educ. 1974, 51, 211-213.
6. Arnold, D. P. J. Chem. Educ. 1988, 65, 1111-1112.
7. Marsh, D. F.; Mink, L. M. J. Chem. Educ. 1996, 73, 1188-1190.
8. Falvo, R.; Mink, L. M.; Marsh, D. F. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 237-239.
9. Basu, P. J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 666-669.
10. Brückner, C. J. Chem. Educ. 2004, 81, 1665-1669.
11. Schuster, G., Acc. Chem. Res. 1979, 12, 366-373.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
(accessed 1/2009)
generated by chemical means that, upon further reaction, forms an excited state intermediate
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
that relaxes to its ground state by giving off light. Peroxyoxalates, generated from oxalate esters
and hydrogen peroxide, have long been known to fragment and undergo such a
chemiluminescence reaction,12,13,14 emitting light in the UV-region, and have been described in
this Journal.15,16,17 The addition of a suitable fluor to the UV-emitting chemiluminescence makes
the emission visible. Chemiluminescence reactions in the presence of a fluorophore are the
underlying working principle of glow sticks or firefly emissions, and were also discussed in this
Further reading:
1. Brightness of a Fluor
This experiment may also serve as an illustration of what is referred to as the brightness
may be addressed to varying depth and correlated to the very high sensitivity tests for blood
used in forensics.19
together with work on green fluorescent protein that was recognized by the 2008 Nobel
Prize in Chemistry.20
porphyrins using H2SO4/MeOH has been described, allowing their analysis by TLC.21
The following handout is given to the students a week before they will perform this lab.
Extraction and Detection of Porphyrins by Chemiluminescence
Have you ever considered what gives brown eggs their color? The 1930 Nobel laureate
Hans Fischer can be credited for initially recognizing that the brown spots on the shells of
seagull eggs were composed of porphyrins. Initially called ooporphyrin, the principal component
was eventually identified by him as protoporphyrin IX.
Protoporphyrin IX (PPIX)
MW: 562.7
The goal of this laboratory experiment is to expose you to an organic extraction method
used to extract protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) from brown eggshells. Following the extraction, the
main component of the solution will be identified and quantified using UV-Vis spectroscopy.
Porphyrins are highly fluorescent compounds, and therefore a fluorescence spectrum of the
extract can be obtained. The fluorimeter will also be used to measure the light generated by a
chemiluminescence reaction of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)oxalate (DNPO) with hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2). Lastly you will see how porphyrins, such as PPIX, can be detected using an eye-
catching chemiluminescence reaction. With the collected spectra and observations made during
the laboratory, you will be able to determine the photophysical role that the porphyrin plays in
the chemiluminescence reaction to produce the observed glow.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Recommended Readings:
You will be introduced to new spectroscopic methods that are used to measure the chemical
and photophysical phenomena observed in this lab. Since light absorption and emission (as
measured by UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence emission) by organic molecules may have
been only briefly mentioned during your Organic Chemistry course, it will be helpful to view the
following links below. These websites along with the pre-laboratory lecture will provide you will
ample material to understand the spectra that will be collect and allow you to draw conclusions.
UV-Vis Spectroscopy
Fluorescence spectroscopy
Begin with tutorial 1 “Get a basic understanding of fluorescence” slides 1-11 and then proceed
to tutorial 2 “Learn how to interpret excitation and emission spectra”. The other tutorials are not
relevant to this class.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Safety Precautions:
1. Eye protection must be worn at all times during lab, even when analyzing your sample
using the instruments.
3. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is corrosive and has the potential to cause serious chemical
burns. Use caution and gloves when handling this chemical.
5. From the MSDS for 30% hydrogen peroxide: Strong oxidizer. Contact with other material
may cause fire. Corrosive. Causes burns to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Harmful if
swallowed or inhaled. Gloves should be worn when handling this compound.
6. When you are done collecting your spectra, empty your cuvettes into the provided organic
waste containers.
7. When the procedure calls for a dimmed room, assure that your classmates are prepared
for the absence of lights. Also, be prepared to perform the addition of the chemicals in the
near-dark in a safe manner.
8. Be sure to separate and dispose all your wastes accordingly into the labeled waste
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Module A: Extraction of Eggshell Pigments
1. Weigh the dried eggshells from two medium sized brown eggs (about 12 g).
2. Compare the color of your eggs to that of the color of the eggs from two other groups in
your lab section.
4. Then add 25 mL of ethyl acetate, followed by the dried eggshells which are broken only
small enough to fit into the flask. Leave them as coarse as possible to prevent excessive
foaming. As the hydrochloric acid etches / dissolves the eggshells, carbon dioxide evolves,
so be sure not to stopper the flask. The porphyrins are extracted into the organic phase,
indicated by the successive (light pink) coloration of the organic phase.
3. Allow this mixture to sit (do not stir but you may swirl the flask) for 15 to 20 min, or until the
bubbling has subsided. The bubbling may not completely stop, but the eggshells should
appear nearly colorless. At this time the solution should be nearly neutral. You may check
this using a piece of pH paper. Dip a piece of pH paper (about one inch in length) into the
aqueous portion of the extract solution, and compare the color to the chart on the pH
paper roll to determine the pH.
4. Break up the emulsion and foam that has formed in the Erlenmeyer flask. Thus, add about
5 mL portions of methanol until the organic phase cleanly separates from the aqueous and
solid phases.
5. Plug a funnel with a piece of cotton and place it over a 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask as shown
in Figure 1 below. Pour your mixture with the eggshells into the funnel. Once the liquids
drained, rinse the shells twice with about 5 mL of ethyl acetate.
cotton plug
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
6. Transfer the filtrate into a separatory funnel. Add about 15 mL of water. Wash the organic
phase by stoppering the funnel, and shaking it gently to mix the two layers. Be sure to vent
the separatory funnel frequently.
7. Place the separatory funnel in the ring stand and allow the organic and aqueous phases to
9. Wash the organic phase two more times by repeating the addition of water, washing, and
draining steps.
10. Collect the colored (and turbid) organic phase in a clean 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add
about the drying agent sodium sulfate (about a spoon full) to the organic phase to dry the
solution. Swirl the flask gently. The organic phase should become clear.
11. Place a filter, fitted with filter paper, atop a clean and dry 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask and
pour the dried organic phase through the filter.
13. Record the final volume of the dried porphyrin extract using a graduate cylinder.
In your notebook:
A.1. Describe the eggshells that were used in this Module (color, mass, etc.). How did
the color or your eggshells compare with those of two other groups?
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
1. Place a cuvette containing ethyl acetate into the cell holder of the UV-Vis spectrometer
and close the door.
2. Double-click on the icon that is found on the desktop titled “Egg-citing-UV-Vis Method.”
3. Press the “Start” icon, as shown in Figure 2, to collect the absorption spectra from 350 to
900 nm.
4. In the box that appears name the spectrum as follows: UV-followed by group members
initials (Example for John Doe and Mike Smith= UV-JDMS. Press “OK” once you have
entered a name.
5. If the Soret band, the most intense peak, exceeds an absorbance of 2 (a value close to the
detector limit), return the porphyrin extract to the remaining stock eggshell extract solution.
Dilute this by adding 25 mL portions of methanol to the stock solution. After each addition
measure the absorption spectrum by following steps 1-3. If the absorbance is still above 2,
repeat this step. Be sure to record the new volume of the stock solution after the final
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
dilution step.
6. Sketch, or print, the spectrum in your notebook, being sure to record the wavelength that
each peak appears at. Also, record the relative absorbance of the peaks that are
7. Save your file. To do so click on “File” at the top of the screen and choose “Save data.”
Save it to the “Eggciting Fall 2008” folder on the desktop. Name the file in the same way
that you did your spectrum.
9. Dispose of the solution in the cuvette in the designated organic waste containers. Then
rinse the cuvette with a small amount of methanol. DO NOT USE ACETONE OR WATER.
In your notebook
B.1. Write down the file name assigned to your UV-Vis spectrum.
B.2. Sketch the collected UV-Vis spectrum. Be sure to label the wavelength of each peak
that appears and the relative absorption.
B.3. Describe how your UV-vis spectrum compares to the reference spectrum shown
B.4. Using the spectra collected, calculate the concentration of protoporphyrin IX using
the Beer-Lambert Law.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Figure 3. UV-vis absorption (solid trace) and fluorescence (dotted trace) spectra of a
commercial sample of protoporphyrin IX in ethyl acetate/MeOH.
B.5. Using the final volume of your extracted solution and its concentration, determine the
number of moles of protoporphyrin IX that were extracted from the brown eggshells.
B.6. How many moles of protoporphyrin IX were extracted per gram of eggshell?
Compare this number with two groups that you compared your dry eggs with in
Module A? How does your value compare? Explain your observation.
22. Data from: (a) Fuhrhop, J.-H.; Smith, K. M. Laboratory Methods in Porphyrin and Metalloporphyrin
Research, Elsevier: New York, 1975. (b) Lozovaya, G. I.; Masinovsky, Z.; Sivash, A. A. Origins of Life and
Evolution of the Biosphere 1990, 20, 321-330.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
1. Place 1 mL of the eggshell extract into a clean and dry cuvette. Then add 1.5 mL of ethyl
2. Double-click on the icon found on the desktop titled “Egg-citing- Fluorescence Method”
3. The screen that will appear will look very similar to the application used to collect your UV-
Vis spectrum. Click on the “Start” icon at the top of the screen, as shown in Figure 4, to
collect your spectrum.
4. Sketch, or print, the spectrum in your notebook, being sure to record the wavelength that
each peak appears at. Also, record the fluorescence intensity of the peaks that are
5. Save your file. To do so click on “File” at the top of the screen and choose “Save data.”
Save it to the “Eggciting Fall 2008” folder on the desktop. Name it as fluor-group member
initials. (Example for John Doe and Mike Smith= fluor-JDMS)
6. Click on the “Setup…” icon on the left of the screen. Change the excitation wavelength to
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
480 nm. Then click “Ok” at the bottom of the Setup window to save the changes.
7. Click on the “Start” icon at the top of the screen. Once the spectrum has been collected,
record the relative intensity of the peak that occurs at 635 nm.
9. Close the program by clicking on the X in the top right corner, as shown in Figure 4.
10. Return your extracted porphyrin solution in your cuvette to your stock solution. Then rinse
the cuvette with a small amount of methanol. DO NOT USE ACETONE OR WATER.
In your notebook:
C.1. Sketch the spectra collected. Be sure to label the wavelength of each peak that
appears and the fluorescence intensity.
C.2. Construct a graph of the excitation wavelength vs. the relative intensity.
C.3. Describe how changing the excitation wavelength affects the emission spectrum and
how this graph compares to the UV-Vis spectrum that was previously collected.
* Steps 6 through 8, the acquisition of an excitation-emission spectrum, and associated questions C.2
and C.3 were not tested with a large group of students due to time and instrument availability.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
2. Place 2 mL of the 7mM DNPO solution prepared in the previous step, into a cuvette.
4. To collect your data click on “Start” at the top of the screen. This will bring up a window
that counts down until it starts acquiring data, as shown in Figure 5. At this time add
about 1 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide using a glass pipette to the cuvette and mix using
the pipette. Caution - 30% H2O2 is a strong oxidant and bleaches skin and clothing.
Once mixed quickly but carefully place the cuvette into the holder of the fluorimeter,
close the sample compartment door of the fluorimeter, and start the data acquisition by
clicking “OK” in the countdown window, as depicted in Figure 5.
5. When the data acquistion is complete, enlarge the spectrum by clicking on the arrow
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
6. Sketch, or print, the spectrum in your notebook, being sure to record the wavelength that
each peak appears at. Also, record the relative absorbance of the peaks that are
7. Save your file. To do so click on “File” at the top of the screen and choose “Save data.”
Save it to the “Eggciting Fall 2008” folder on the desktop. Name it as chemi-group
member initials. (Example for John Doe and Mike Smith= chemi-JDMS)
8. Close the application by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner.
9. Discard the solution in the cuvette to the appropriate waste container. Then rinse the
cuvette with a small amount of methanol. DO NOT USE ACETONE OR WATER.
In your notebook:
D.1. Sketch the spectra collected. Be sure to record the wavelength of each peak that
appears and the fluorescence intensity.
D.2. What is the range of emission that this chemical reaction produces? Does this
have any relationship to the porphyrin spectrum? If so, describe the relationship
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Please read the entire procedure for this module before setting up this reaction.
If a 7 mM solution of DNPO in ethyl acetate has not already been prepared, do so at this time.
To prepare this solution follow the procedure in Step 1 of Module D.
Note: Proceed onto Part B only once all of your classmates have completed Part A and you are
instructed to do so. You instructor will darken the room within 5 minutes of the completion of
Steps 1-3, since the solution prepared is not stable.
1. In a large test tube place 5 mL of the extracted porphyrin solution prepared in Module A.
3. Wait for your instructor to darken the room and to give you permission to proceed with
your experiment.
4. Add 2 ml of the 7 mM solution of DNPO, prepared in Module D to the solution. Swirl the
test tube and observe the reaction.
5. Wait for the light to come back on before proceeding with the rest of the lab.
This procedure may be repeated a second time. However, this time a pellet of KOH following
step 1 to intensify the reaction.
In your notebook:
E.1. Record your observation of the reaction following the addition of DNPO to the test
E.2. Using the spectra collected from the previous modules explain the role that the
porphyrin plays in the DNPO/H2O2 reaction to produce the glow observed. It will be
helpful think about what each spectrum is measuring on a microscopic level.
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Lab Report
This lab report will not be a formal write up. Please answer the questions that are listed
below. Be sure to show all of your work for any calculations that you perform. Each member of
the group must submit their own answers.
1. In your own words, describe the purpose of the Egg-citing! laboratory experiment.
4. Based on the total volume of the extracted solution, how many moles of protoporphyrin
IX were extracted?
5. How many moles of protoporphyrin IX were extracted per gram of eggshell? How did
this value compare with the values obtained by two other groups? Explain and
rationalize your observation.
8. At what wavelength of light did the glow that was observed in Module E occur? What
reactant is responsible for the glow observed?
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
This is given to the students after they have completed their lab report, but before they have
taken the post-laboratory quiz.
Extraction and Detection of Porphyrins by Chemiluminescence
Were you able to figure out how the three spectra that were collected (absorption and
fluorescence of the porphyrin extract and the chemiluminescence spectrum of the DNPO/H2O2
reaction) fit together to explain the bright red glow observed in Module E?
It will be helpful to consider what process each spectra represents. How does protoporphyrin IX
interact with the light produced by the chemical reaction shown below?
O O NO2 H2O2, HO
O O cat. base
2 O2N +
2 CO2 + light
Egg-citing Supplemental Material
Alternative Procedures
A porphyrin solution suitable for Modules B-E can be prepared by dissolution of several
• Hematoporphyrin ([14459-29-1], Aldrich H5518 (50% purity – the bulk of the 50%
Porphyrin (~5 mg) is placed into the Erlenmeyer flask, dissolved in ethyl acetate (25 mL)
and glacial acetic acid (2-3 drops) is mixed into this solution. The solution can be kept in the
dark (flasks should be wrapped with aluminum foil) in a stoppered flask for at least two weeks.
While the demonstration can be performed in many different vessels, a large or extra-large
test tube is most suitable. 20 Parts of the solution prepared in Module A (either the ethyl
acetate/MeOH brown eggshell extract or a ethyl acetate solution of a commercial porphyrin) are
placed into the test tube and 2 parts 30% H2O2 solution and one or two KOH pellets are added.
The biphasic mixture is briefly swirled. Then 1 part of a DNPO solution (0.3 mM in ethyl acetate)
is added (by pipette/syringe) and the mixture stirred or swirled. An intense red glow is