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An American National Standard

IEEE Guide for

Protective Relay Applications to
Power Transformers

Power System Relaying Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved March 22, 1984

IEEE Standards Board

Approved March 8, 1985

American National Standards Institute

0 Copyright 1985 by

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

345 East 47th Street, New York,NY 10017, USA

No part of this publication m y be reproduced in any form,

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without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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bers of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent
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(This Foreword is not a part of ANSIiIEEE C37.91-1985, IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power
This revision of ANSI/IEEE C37.91 incorporates a number of changes since the original guide was
issued in 1967. Some of the more significant changes were made in the sections dealing with
differential and overcurrent protection. Other changes were made to bring this guide up-to-date and
more in line with present-day requirements.
This guide was revised by the Transformer Protection Guide Revision Working Group of the
Transformer and Bus Protection Subcommittee of the Power System Relaying Committee of the IEEE
Power Engineering Society. The working group membership at the time of completion of this revision
was as follows:
R.W.Haas, Chairman
E. J. Emmerling W. K. Morrison*
S. E. Grier V. A. Nosko*
F. 0. Griffin G. P. Palmer
D. K. Kaushal G. C. Parr
J. R. Linders J. W. Walton

*Honorary Member-Retired
At the time this guide was approved, the Power System Relaying Committee of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society had the following membership:

W.A. Elmore, Chairman

D. R. Volzka, Vice Chairman C. H. Griffin, Secretary
J . C. Appleyard R. E. Hart G. C. Parr
R. F. Archart M. Hirakami C. J. Pencinger
C. W. Barnett R. W. Hirtler A. G. Phadke
E. A. Baumgartner F. B. Hunt A. C. Pierce
J. Berdy R. H. Jones H. B. Pitzer
J. L. Blackburn T. L. Kaschalk J. W. Pope
J. J. Bonk D. K. Kaushal G. D. Rockefeller
J. R. Boyle W. C. Kotheimer B. D. Russell
B. Bozoki R. J. Kuhr M. S.Sachdev
W. D. Breingan K. J. Khunkhun E. T. Sage
J. A. Bright L. E. Landoll D. E. Sanford
H. J. Calhoun J . R. Latham L. Scharf
J. W. Chadwick, Jr H. Lee H. S.Smith
D. M. Clark J . R. Linders J. E. Stephens
D. H. Colwell W. R. Lund A. Sweetana
D. Dalasta C. J. Marieni J. R. Turley
H. DiSante C. A. Matthews E. A. Udren
E. J. Emmerling F. N. Meissner C. L. Wagner
W. E. Feero J. Miller J. E. Waldron
R. J. Fernandez R. J. Moran L. N. Walker
C. M. Gadsden J. J. Murphy J. W. Walton
A. T. Giuliante T. J. Murray E. J . Weiss
S.E. Grier K. K. Mustaphi S . E. Zocholl
R. W. Haas G. R. Nail D. Zollman
T. Niessink J. A. Zulaski
S. L. Nilsson

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on March 22, 1984, it had the following

James H. Beall, Chairman John E. May, Vice Chairman

Sava I. Sherr, Secretary
J. J. Archambault Jay Forster Donald T. Michael*
John T. Boettger Daniel L. Goldberg John P. Riganati
J . V: Bonucchi Donald N. Heirman Frank L. Rose
Rene Castenschiold Irvin N. Howell, Jr Robert W. Seelbach
Edward Chelotti Jack Kinn Jay A. Stewart
Edward J. Cohen Joseph L. Koepfinger* Clifford 0. Swanson
Len S. Corey Irving Kolodny W. B. Wilkens
Donald C. Fleckenstein George Konomos Charles J. Wylie
R. F. Lawrence

*Member emeritus

Corrected Edition

1.Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.Philosophy and Economic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.Types of Transformer Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.Relay Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.1 Minimum Internal Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Maximum Internal Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 ThroughFaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4 Performance of Current Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4.1 Internal Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4.2 External Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4.3 Current Transformer Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.5 Nonfault Relay Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5.1 Unbalance Caused by Current Transformer Ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5.2 Magnetizing Current Inrush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5.3 Magnetizing Current During Overvoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5.4 Phase Shifting Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5. Electrical Detection of Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1 Fuse Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2 Differential Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2.1 Differential Protection Using Time Overcurrent Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2.2 Differential Protection Using Percentage Differential Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
5.2.3 Differential Protection Using Percentage Differential Relays
with Harmonic Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2.4 Unit Generator Transformer Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2.5 Generator Station Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2.6 Multiple Winding Transformer Differential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2.7 Parallel Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2.8 Differential Protection of Autotransformers Using High Impedance Relays . . . . . . 18
5.3 Overcurrent Relay Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3.1 Phase Time Overcurrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3.2 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3.3 Tertiary Winding Overcurrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4 Ground Fault Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4.1 Faults in Delta-Connected Transformer Windings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4.2 Faults in Grounded Wye-Connected Transformer Windings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.4.3 CaseGround . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.4.4 Impedance Grounded System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.4.5 Ground Fault Relay Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.5 Fault Detection for Special Purpose Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.5.1 Regulating Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.5.2 Combined Power and Regulating Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.5.3 Grounding Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.6 Backup and External Fault Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.6.1 Overcurrent Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.6.2 Negative Sequence Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.6.3 Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.6.4 Breaker Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.6.5 Dual Input Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.7 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.8 Miscellaneous Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6. Mechanical Detection of Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.1 Gas Accumulator Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.2 Gas Detector Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.3 Static Pressure Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.4 Sudden Gas Pressure Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.5 Sudden Oil Pressure Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.6 Sudden Gas/Oil Pressure Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7. Thermal Detection of Abnormalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.1 Thermal Relays for Winding Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.1.1 Causes of Transformer Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.1.2 Undesirable Results of Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.1.3 Hot Spot Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.2 Other Means of Thermal Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.2.1 TopOil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.2.2 Fuses or Overcurrent Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.2.3 Thermal Relays for Tank Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.2.4 Overexcitation Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.3 Testing Thermal Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8. Faultclearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.1 Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.2 Remote Tripping.of Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.2.1 Transfer Trip Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.2.2 Fault Initiating Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.2.3 Disconnecting Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.3 Circuit Switcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.4 Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.5 Otherpractices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
9. Re-energizing Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
10. Gas Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
11. Special Protective Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
11.1 Overall Unit Generator Differential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
11.2 Unit Transformer of Three Legged Core Form Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
11.3 Grounding Transformer Inside Main Transformer Differential Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
11.4 Unbalanced Voltage Protection for Wye-Connected Three Legged Core Type
Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
11.5 Differential Protection of Single Phase Transformers Connected in Three Phase
Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
11.6 Differential Protection of Single Phase Transformers in a Three Phase Bank with
SpareTransformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12. Device Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
13. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Fig 1 Protection for a Delta-Wye Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fig 2 Typical Schematic Connections for Percentage Differential Protection of a
Wye-Delta Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Fig 3 Typical Schematic Connections for Percentage Differential Protection of a
Wye Autotransformer with an Unloaded Tertiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fig 4 Typical Schematic Connections for Percentage Differential Protection of a
Wye-Delta-Wye Transformer with a Loaded Delta Tertiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fig 5 Typical Schematic Connections for High Impedance Differential Relay Protection
of a Wye Autotransformer with an Unloaded Tertiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Fig 6 Phase and Transformer Winding Currents for Delta-Delta and Delta-Wye
Connected Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Fig 7 Complete Ground Fault Protection of a Delta-Wye Bank Using Residual

Overcurrent and Differentially Connected Ground Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Fig 8 Complete Ground Fault Protection of a Delta-Wye Bank Using a Residual
Overcurrent and Directional Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fig 9 Sensitive High Speed Ground Fault Protection with Impedance Grounding . . . . . . . .23
Fig 10 Protection for Phase Shifting and Regulating Transformers (a) Protection for In-
Phase Regulating Transformers (b) Protection for Phase Shifting Transformers. . . . .25
Fig 11 Protection of Grounding Transformers (a) Zig Zag (b) Wye-Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Fig 12 Fault Pressure Relay Schemes (a) Auxilary Relay at Control Panel (b) Auxilary
Relay at Transformer with Manual Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fig 13 Transformer Overexcitation Limits of Three Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fig 14 Special Differential Relay Connections for Overall Protection of Unit Generator . . . .37
Fig 15 Grounding Transformer in Differential Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fig 16 Protection of Wye Connected Core Type Transformers with no Delta for
Unbalanced Voltage Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Fig 17 Differential Protection of Single-phase Transformers Connected in Three
PhaseBanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Fig 18 Differential Protection of Single-phase Transformers Connected in Three
PhaseBanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Table 1 Causes of Transformer Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Table 2 Failure Statistics for Two Time Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

APPENDIX Application of the Transformer Through-Fault Current Duration Guide

for the Protection of Power Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Fig A1 Category I Transformers Through-Fault Protection Curve 5 kVA to 500 kVA

Single-phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fig A2 Category I1 Transformers Through-Fault Protection Curves 501 kVA to
1667 kVA Single.Phase. 501 kVA to 5000 kVA Three Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Fig A3 Category I11 Transformers Through-Fault Protection Curves 1668 kVA to
10 000 kVA Single.Phase. 5001 kVA to 30 000 kVA Three Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Fig A4 Category IV Transformers Through-Fault Protection Curve above 10 000 kVA
Single-phase and above 30 000 kVA Three Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Fig A5 Infrequent-Frequent-Fault-Incidence zones for Category I1 and
Category I11 Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
Fig A6 (a) Protection of a Category I1 Transformer Serving Protected
Secondary-Side Conductors for Three Phase Secondary-Side Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
(b) Protection of a Category I1 Transformer Serving Protected
Secondary-Side Conductors for Phase-to-Ground Secondary-Side Fault . . . . . . . . . . .54
Fig A7 (a>Protection of a Category I11 Transformer Serving Secondary-Side Overhead
Lines. for Three Phase Secondary-Side Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
(b) Protection of a Category I11 Transformer Serving Secondary-Side Overhead
Lines. for Phase-to-Ground Secondary-Side Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Fig A8 (a) Protection of a Category I11 Transformer Three Phase Secondary Fault . . . . . . . 5 7
(b) Protection of a Category I11 Transformer Phase-to-Ground Secondary Fault . . . . .58
Fig A9 Coordination of Tertiary Overcurrent Relays-Large Auto Transformer . . . . . . . . . . .60


Table A1 Name Plate Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Table A2 Name Plate Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
An American National Standard
IEEE Guide for
Protective Relay Applications to
Power Transformers

1. Introduction formers Up to and Including 100 MVA with

55 "C or 65 "C Winding Rise.
1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this guide is to
aid in the effective application of relays and [5] ANSUIEEE C57.109-1985, IEEE Guide for
other devices for the protection of power trans- Transformer through Fault-Current Duration.
formers. Emphasis is placed on practical appli-
cations, the general phnosophy and economic [6] IEEE Std 32-1972(R 1978), IEEE Standard
considerations involved 'in transformer protec- Requirements Terminology and Test Procedure
tion are reviewed, the types of faults experi- for Neutral Grounding Devices.
enced are described, and technical problems
with such protection, including current trans- [7] Applied Protective Relaying Reference Book,
former behavior during fault conditions are dis- East Pittsburgh, PA: Westinghouse Electric Cor-
cussed. Various types of electrical, mechanical, poration, Relay Instrument Division, 1979.
and thermal protective devices are also de-
scribed and associated problems such as fault [SI BALERIAUX, H., and BROHET, F. Buchholz
clearing and re-energizing considerations are Relays. CIGRE, Paper no 321, June 1960,
discussed. pp 1-10.

1.2 References [9] HAYWARD, C.D. Prolonged Inrush Current

When the following American National Stan- with Parallel Transformers Affect Differential
dards referred to in this standard are supersed- Relaying. AIEE Transactions, vol60, Dec 1941,
ed by a revision approved by the American pp 1096-1101.
National Standards Institute, the revision shall
apply: [lo] IEEE COMMITTEE REPORT. Protection of
[l] ANSMEEE (237.2-1979, IEEE Standard Power Transformers, IEEE Transactions on
Electrical Power System Device Function Num- Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS 80,
bers.l Dec 1963, pp 1040-1044.

[2] ANSUIEEE C57.12.00-1980, IEEE Standard [ll] IEEE COMMITTEE REPORT. Transient
General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Dis- Response of Current Transformers. IEEE Spe-
tribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. cial Publication, 76CH1130-4PWR.

[3] ANSI/IEEE C57.91-1981, IEEE Guide for [12] MASON, C.R. The A r t and Science ofprotee-
Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead and tive Relaying. New York: Wiley 1956.
Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers Rated
500 kVA and Less with 55 "C or 65 "C Average [13] PUGH, P.S., and WAGNER, H.H. The De-
Winding Rise. tection of Incipient Faults on Transformers by
Gas Analysis, AIEE Transaction on Power Ap-
[4] ANSUIEEE C57.92-1981, IEEE Guide for paratus and Systems, vol 80, pt 111, pp 189-95,
Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Power Trans- June 1961.


'ANSI documents are available from the Sales Depart-
ment, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broad- W.K., and WAGNER, C.L. Magnetizing Inrush
way, New York, NY 10018. Phenomena in Transformer Banks. AIEE


Transactions, vol 77, pt 111, pp 884-892, Transformers with modern surge protection
Oct 1958. are generally reliable. However, if a possibility
of failure exists, protection shall be provided.
[15] STERNER, V. The Protection of Large There is not one standard way to protect all
Transformers, CIGRE Paper, no 348, pp 24-37, transformers, or even identical transformers
June 1958. that are applied differently. Most installations
require individual engineering analysis to de-
[16] STERNER, V. The Protection of Large termine the best and most cost-effective scheme.
Transformers. CIGRE Paper, no 334, pp 8-21, Usually more than one scheme is technically
June 1960. feasible, and the alternatives offer varying de-
grees of sensitivity, speed, and selectivity. The
[17] VORA, J.P., and AICHER, L.C. Transform- plan selected shall balance the best combination
er Fault-Gas Analysis and Interpretation. of these factors against the overall economics of
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and the situation while holding to a minimum:
Systems, vol no 1,Feb 1965, p 84. (1) Cost of repairing damage
(2) Cost of lost production
[18] WAGNER, H.H. Survey of TCC Tests on (3) Adverse effects on the balance of the sys-
Transformers, IEEE Conference Paper Feb 1964, tem
p p 64-209. (4) The spread of damage to adjacent equip-
[19] WARRINGTON, A.R. van C. Protective Re- (5) The period of unavailability of the dam-
lays, Their Theory and Practice, vol 1, New York: aged equipment
Wiley, 1963. Vol 2, London, Chapman and Hall In protecting transformers, backup protection
Ltd, 1969. needs to be considered. The failure of a relay or
breaker during a transformer fault may cause
such extensive damage to the transformer that
its repair would not be practical. When the fault
2. Philosophy and Economic spreads due to nonclearing by the transformer
Considerations protection, remote line relays or other protective
relaying may operate. Part of the evaluation of
Protective relaying is applied to components the type of protection applied to a transformer
of a power system for several reasons: should include how the system integrity may be
(1) To separate the faulted equipment from affected by such a failure. In this determination,
the remainder of the system so that the system since rare but costly failures are involved, a
can continue to function diversity of opinion on the degree of protection
(2) To limit damage to the faulted equipment required by transformers might be expected
(3) Minimize the possibility of fire among those familiar with power system relay
(4) Minimize hazards to personnel engineering. The major economic consideration
In protecting some components, particularly is not ordinarily the fault detection equipment
high-voltage transmission lines, the limiting of but the isolation devices. Circuit breakers often
damage becomes a by-product of the system cannot be justified on the basis of transformer
protection function of the relay. However, since protection alone. At least as much weight should
the cost of repairing faulty transformers may be be given to the service requirements, the opera-
great and since high speed, highly-sensitive ting philosophy, and system design philosophy
protective devices can reduce damage and there- as to the protection of the transformer. Evalua-
fore repair cost, the equipment protective as- tions of the risks involved and the cost effective-
pects of relays shall be considered when protect- ness of the protection are necessary to avoid
ing transformers, particularly in the larger going to extremes. Such considerations involve
sizes. the art rather than the science of protective
Faults internal to the transformer quite often relaying. See [71,' [121, [161, and [191.
involve a magnitude of fault current which is
low relative to the transformer rating. This
indicates a need for high sensitivity, and high ZThenumbers in brackets correspond to the references
speed to obtain good protection. listed in 1.2 of this standard.


Table 1
Causes of Transformer Failures

1. Winding Failures 4. Terminal Board Failures

a. Turn-to-turn insulation failure a. Loose connections
b. Surges due to lightning, switching, etc. b. Leads (opened)
c. Moisture c. Links
d. External faults (producing insulation failure) d. Moisture
e. Overheating e. Insufficient insulation
f. Open winding f. Tracking
g. Deterioration g. Short circuit
h. Improper blocking of turns
i. Grounds
j. Phase-to-phase failures
k. Mechanical failures 5 . Core Failures
a. Core insulation failure
2. Tap Changer Failures b. Ground strap burned away
a. Mechanical c. Shorted laminations
b. Electrical d. Loose clamps, bolts, wedges
c. Contacts
d. Leads
e. Tracking
f. Overheating 6. Miscellaneous Failures
g. Short circuits a. Bushing current transformer failure
h. Oil leak b. Metal particles in oil
i. External fault c. Damage in shipment
d. External faults
3. Bushing Failures e. Bushing flange grounding
a. Aging, contamination, and cracking f. Poor tank weld
b. Flashover due to animals g. Auxiliary system failures
c. Flashover due to surges h. Overvoltage
d. Moisture i. Overloads
e. Low oil j. Unidentified problems

Table 2
Failure Statistics for Two Time Periods
1955-1965 1975-1982
Number % of Total Number % of Total

1. Winding failures 134 51 615 51

2. Tap changer failures 49 19 231 19
3. Bushing failures 41 15 114 9
4. Terminal board failures 19 7 71 6
5. Core failures 7 3 24 2
6. Miscellaneous failures 12 5 72 13
262 100 1217 100

3. Types of Transformer Failures 4. Relay Current

Transformer failures can be grouped into six Two characteristics of power transformers
major categories. The major categories are de- combine to complicate detection of internal
tailed in Table l. Summaries of failures in those faults with current operated relays:
catagories reported by groups of utilities are (1) The change in magnitude of current at the
given in Table 2. transformer terminals may be very small, when
Transformer failure statistics are available a limited number of turns are shorted within the
through various organizations that periodically transformer
survey owners and users of transformers. (2) When a transformer is energized, magne-


tizing inrush current that flows in one set of 4.4 Performance of Current Transformers
terminals may equal many times the transform- 4.4.1 Internal Faults. During an internal
er rating. These and other considerations re- fault, or a fault external to the transformer but
quire careful thought to obtain relay character- in the protected zone, the current transformers
istics best suited to the particular application. may saturate, perhaps severely. Severe current
4.1 Minimum Internal Faults. The most diffi- transformer saturation can result in failure of a
cult transformer winding fault for which to transformer differential relay to operate or in a
provide protection is the fault that initially delay of its operation. The effect depends on the
involves one turn. With a two-winding trans- relay’s response to distorted current. On a tran-
former, a turn-to-turn fault will result in a sient basis, with a saturated current transform-
terminal current of less than rated full-load er, 2nd and 3rd harmonics predominate initial-
current. Possibly, 10% of the winding may have ly, and each may be greater than the
to be shorted to cause full-load terminal current fundamental. Ultimately, the even harmonics
to flow. If the transformer is an autotransformer disappear, depending upon the direct current
or a regulating transformer, there are fewer time constant of the short-circuit current.
total number of turns in the coils than a two- Whether or not the odd harmonics disappear
winding transformer of the same rating. Conse- depends on the current transformers steady
quently, a greater percentage of the exciting state saturation characteristic. Harmonic re-
winding will have to be shorted to provide strained relays usually contain an independent
full-load current at the transformer terminals. instantaneous overcurrent unit set to operate
Thus, a turn-to-turn fault may result in a termi- during saturation of the current transformer
nal current of 10% or less of a transformer when differential relay operation is restrained.
rating. 4.4.2 External Faults. If a single set of
current transformers is used at each voltage, the
4.2 Maximum Internal Faults. There is no current transformer current will be limited by
limit to the maximum internal fault current the transformer impedance. If current can flow
that can flow, other than the system capability through the differential zone at the same volt-
when the fault is an internal terminal fault, or a age (for example, ring bus, or breaker-and-a-
fault external to the transformer but in the half applications), then the current is not limit-
relay zone. The relay system should be capable ed by the transformer impedance. In either case,
of withstanding the secondary current of the any deficiency of current output caused by satu-
current transformer on a short time basis. This ration [111of one current transformer that is not
may be a factor if the transformer is small matched by a similar deficiency of another cur-
relative to the system fault and if the current rent transformer will cause a difference current
transformer ratio is chosen to match the trans- to appear in the operating circuit of a differen-
former. tial relay. Time overcurrent relays, without
4.3 Through Faults. A favorable aspect for restraint, can overcome this problem only by
the protection of transformers is that fault cur- having their tap and time dial settings made
rent through a transformer is limited by the sufficiently high, to override this false differen-
transformer impedance. While current through tial current. Percentage differential relays offer
a transformer thus limited by its impedance can the advantage of faster speed and security with
still cause incorrect relay operations or even reasonable sensitivity. Ideally they should be
transformer failure, current transformer satu- applied with a restraint element in each current
ration is less likely to occur than with unlimited transformer circuit. Also, the burden of each
currents. current transformer secondary circuit as related
The above favorable aspect may disappear if to the relaying accuracy class rating of the
the transformer protective zone includes a bus current transformers involved should not exceed
area with two or more breakers on the same side the values established by the relay manufactur-
of the transformer through which external fault er.
current can flow with no relationship to the 4.4.3 Current Transformer Connections.
transformer rating. An example is a transform- Current transformer performance is a function
er connected to a section of a ring bus with the of the secondary burden. The method of connect-
transformer protection including the ring bus ing the current transformers and the burden can
section. affect the effective burden (for example, the lead


burden of the delta-connected current trans- phenomenon [91 involves the already energized
formers is three times that of wye-connected transformers and the one being energized and
current transformers). Also, current transform- the inrush transient is of particularly long dura-
ers paralleled at the current transformer termi- tion. It is important to realize that the inrush
nals to obtain zero sequence current have no into the transformer being energized occurs dur-
lead burden for three phase or phase-to-phase ing the opposite half cycle to that of the already
faults. The physical and electrical locations of energized transformer. Thus the net inrush into
auxiliary current transformers can similarly all transformers may approximate a sine wave
affect the effective burden. of fundamental frequency, and therefore not
operate the harmonic restraint unit of a differ-
4.5 Nonfault Relay Current. There are non- ential relay if it is protecting both parallel
fault related currents or factors which may transformers. Another inrush phenomenon in-
result in incorrect or undesirable relay opera- volves the energizing of a transformer by means
tion. The following sections include a discussion of an air switch. Arcing of the switch can result
of some of those situations. in successive half cycles of arc of the same
4.5.1 Unbalance Caused by Current polarity. Thus if the first half cycle results in
Transformer Ratios. Even if a transformer has substantial residual magnetism in a transform-
a fixed ratio, it is frequently difficult to match er core, succeeding half cycles can cause a cumu-
current transformer ratios exactly on the two (or lative increase in residual magnetism, each
more) sides of a transformer. Current trans- time resulting in a more severe inrush.
former mismatch causes current flow in the An important characteristic of magnetizing
operating circuit of the differential relay. If the inrush current is that it contains substantial
transformer has a load tap changer, the possible harmonics, particularly the second harmonic.
mismatch is increased further. During a 4.5.3 Magnetizing Current During Over-
through-fault condition, the differential opera- voltage. Sudden loss of load can subject the
ting current due to mismatch can approach the generator step-up transformer to substantial
current rating of the transformer. overvoltage. This can also occur during shut-
4.5.2 Magnetizing Current Inrush. This is down of the generator if voltage is maintained
a phenomenon which causes the violation of the while speed decreases (an overexcitation condi-
basic principle of differential relaying since the tion). If saturation occurs, substantial exciting
magnetizing branch of the transformer can have current will flow which may overheat the core.
a very low impedance without a transformer The waveform will be distorted and the harmon-
fault. Current occasioned by magnetizing in- ic content will be dependent on the generator
rush can reach many times the transformer connections and the transformer design and
rating and these currents appear in the differen- connections. Relay current harmonic content
tial relay. See [14]for an explanation of this will also be altered by delta current transformer
mechanism. connections. (Because of the abrupt voltage
Although usually considered only in conjunc- change, there may also be a magnetizing cur-
tion with the energizing of a transformer, mag- rent inrush, but this is of secondary impor-
netizing current inrush can be caused by any tance.)
abrupt change of magnetizing voltage. Such 4.5.4 Phase Shifting Transformers. A
transients include the occurrence of a fault, the phass-shifting transformer, as its name implies,
removal of a fault, the change of character of a has a purposely introduced angular voltage dif-
fault (for example, the change from a single ference, usually adjustable in steps, between the
phase-to-ground fault t o a two phase-to-ground primary and secondary voltages. If the angular
fault) and out-of-phase synchronizing. Thus, a difference is a fixed 30°,such as with the famil-
desensitizing scheme that is operative only iar Y-A transformer, current transformer con-
when energizing a transformer may not be ade- nections for proper differential relaying are easy
quate. to obtain. However, if the phase-angle shift is
There are several conditions that cause par- some other angle (15"),orthodox connections of
ticularly severe magnetizing inrush phenomena current transformers, either Y or A, to a differ-
[14]. One involves the energizing of a transform- ential relay will not provide proper current
er at a station at which at least one other balance and an operating (differential) current
transformer is already energized. The inrush will flow.


If the 15" phase shift were fixed, it is possible 5. Electrical Detection of Faults
to develop current transformer connections that
would provide proper operation for that one Fuses are commonly used to provide fault
phase shift. However, each angle of shift would detqction for transformers with minimum name-
require different considerations such as a differ- plate ratings up to 5000 kVA, three phase (Cate-
ent ratio of auxiliary current transformers. gory I and 11). Transformers larger than
Thus, it may not be practical to apply the usual 5000 kVA, three phase, minimum nameplate
percentage differential relay to a given phase- (Category I11 and IV) are generally protected by
shifting transformer. a combination of protective devices as shown in
Fig 1.


5.1 Fuse Protection. Fuses have the merits of curves, plus daily and emergency peak-loading
being economical and requiring little mainte- tables. Coordination examples are included in
nance. No dc battery supply is needed. Fuses can the Appendix.
reliably protect some power transformers
against primary and secondary external faults. 5.2 Differential Protection. Current differ-
They will provide limited protection for internal ential relaying is the most commonly used type
faults. Generally, more sensitive means for pro- of protection for transformers of approximately
tection from internal faults are provided for 10 MVA (self-cooledrating) and above [lo]. The
transformers of 10 MVA and higher. Fuses have term refers to the connection of current trans-
been used at higher transformer ratings depend- formers so that the net operating current to the
ing on the currently available fuse ampere rat- relay is the difference between input and output
ings. Primary fuses for power transformers currents to the zone of protection.
are not applied for overload protection, their Relays of three general classes are used with
main purpose being fault protection (see 5.6.1). this current differential. They are:
It should be recognized that the blowing of one (1) Time overcurrent relay, which may in-
fuse on a three-phase system will not necessari- clude an instantaneous trip unit having a high-
ly deenergize the fault. If the fault is not deener- current setting.
gized, the resulting single phase service may be (2) Percentage differential relay, with re-
detrimental to the connected polyphase motors straint actuated by the input and output cur-
and other loads. If required, special protection rents.
should be added for single phasing conditions. (3) Percentage differential relay, with re-
The selection of the fuse and proper ampere straint actuated by one or more harmonics in
rating should be based on the following factors: addition to the restraint actuated by the input
(1) Fuse fault interrupting capability and and output currents.
available system fault current Current transformer connections and ratios
(2) Maximum anticipated peak load current, must be such that the net current in the relay
daily peak loads, emergency peak loads, maxi- operating coil for any type or location of external
mum permissible transformer load current, and fault is effectively zero, unless relay current
the applicable transformer through fault cur- matching taps are available. Various types of
rent duration curve (see Appendix) current transformer connections are shown in
(3) Hot load pickup (inrush current upon Figs 2, 3 and 4. Paralleling of two or more
instantaneous reclosing of source-side circuit current transformers for connection to a single
breaker) and cold load pickup (inrush current restraint coil usually should be avoided for the
and undiversified load current after an extended most effective restraint action.
outage) 5.2.1 Differential Protection Using Time
(4)Available primary system fault current Overcurrent Relays. Overcurrent relays with-
and transformer impedance out restraint are seldom used in present day
( 5 ) Coordination with source side protection applications due to their susceptibility to false
equipment operation from causes such as: (1)Inrush mag-
(6) Coordination with low side protection netizing current when energizing the trans-
equipment former, and (2) saturation errors or mismatch
(7) Maximum allowable fault time on the errors of current transformers.
low side bus conductors 5.2.2 Differential Protection Using Per-
(8) Transformer connections and grounding centage Differential Relays. To avoid unde-
impedance as they affect the primary current for sired tripping due to a mismatch of relay cur-
various types of secondary faults rents or relay taps, restraint is added for
(9) Maximum degree of sensitivity for pro- through (external) faults. This permits in-
tection from high impedance faults creased speed and security with reasonable sen-
(10) Transformer magnetizing inrush sitivity at low fault currents. There is also some
Ampere rating selection is facilitated by data benefit in case of saturation errors. The re-
published by fuse manufacturers. Such data straining force disappears or is a much smaller
includes tiwe current characteristic curves, am- percentage of the operating force, when the fault
bient temperature, and preloading adjustment is internal. These relays are particularly appli-
cable to power transformers of moderate size




NOTE: See 5.2

Fig 2
Typical Schematic Connections for Percentage Differential
Protection of a Wye-Delta Transformer

located at some distance from major sources of 5.2.3 Differential Protection Using Per-
generation. centage Differential Relays With Harmonic
The amount of restraint is stated as a percent Restraint. To avoid undesired tripping due to
slope relating the operating (differential) cur- inrush currents, harmonic restraint is incorpo-
rent and the restraint current. Each manufac- rated in certain differential relays. These relays
turer uses a slightly different definition for utilize at least the 2nd harmonic current which
slope. Also, the amount of restraint may be is present in all transformer energizing surges
fixed, adjustable, or variable, depending upon to restrain or greatly reduce the sensitivity of
the manufacturer. The variable percentage the relay during this period. These relays use
relay increases the restraint as the current frequency selective circuits to develop the need-
increases so that a greater amount of current ed restraint. Several designs utilize harmonics
transformer error can be tolerated at high cur- in addition to the 2nd harmonic to develop the
rent levels. A percent slope or restraint charac- restraint, while others utilize only the 2nd har-
teristic shall be selected to accommodate error monic.
currents due to current transformer ratio imbal- The purpose of all of these designs is to
ance and transformer ratio change due to tap provide a relay which properly restrains regard-
changers. Various relays are available with less of the amount of inrush and yet permits
slopes ranging from 15% to 60%. It should be operation if an internal fault occurs during the
noted that the simple percentage differential inrush period. Another design objective is not to
relay can misoperate on inrush currents. have excessive restraint resulting from the har-
While a differential relay is more expensive monic distortions of the secondary currents due
than an overcurrent relay, the installed cost is to current transformer saturation during a se-
usually no more. It is sometimes provided with vere internal fault. Thus, each relay design
taps which make auxiliary current transformers attempts to optimize the amount of harmonic
to balance currents unnecessary. The overcur- restraint t o ensure correct operation under all
rent relay in many instances requires an auxil- service conditions.
iary current transformer and additional wiring Frequently, the differential harmonic re-
which increases its installed cost. straint relay will also include an instantaneous


NOTE: See 5.2

Fig 3
Typical Schematic Connections for Percentage Differential
Protection of a Wye Autotransformer with an Unloaded Tertiary


NOTE: See 5.2

Fig 4
Typical Schematic Connections for Percentage Differential
Protection of a Wye-Delta-Wye Transformer
with a Loaded Delta Tertiary


relay unit. The instantaneous unit is set above voltages could result in insulation breakdown,
possible transformer inrush current, but below and thus failure of the differential to operate. An
that current which might result in current additional current transformer with a high
transformer saturation. The usual factory set- ratio, supplying an overcurrent relay with in-
ting is 8 to 10 times the tap value. stantaneous unit would then be required to back
Another consideration in the use of harmonic up the differential, if such an instantaneous trip
restraint relays is the performance during is not built into the differential relay. If high
transformer overexcitation (see 4.5.3). Whether sensitivity is not required, the differential relay
or not a differential relay will operate on excit- may be omitted.
ing current due to overexcitation depends on the When a unit auxiliary transformer is connect-
magnitude of exciting current, the harmonic ed at a point between the generator and step-up
content of the current (predominately odd har- transformer, a current transformer connection
monics), and the restraint characteristic of the shall be provided for the overall differential
relay. A relay which restrains on odd harmonics scheme. A connection from the overall differen-
is less likely to operate under such conditions. tial to the low side current transformers of the
The relay application engineer should check unit auxiliary transformer avoids the satura-
Section 13 for assistance in defining his specific tion problem that may occur with high side
transformer protection objectives and hence pre- current transformers. This saturation problem
ferred type of harmonic restraint relay charac- could prevent the operation of the unit auxiliary
teristic. transformer differential relays. The overall dif-
Harmonic restraint differential relays often ferential thus connected provides protection for
can be justified by considering the following the unit auxiliary transformer and the genera-
points: tor and the step-up transformer. It should be
(1) Fewer investigations of false trips due to noted, however, that the relay sensitivity for the
inrush unit auxiliary transformer faults may be low
(2) Faster operating time (0.03 s to 0.05 s due to the high current transformer ratios.
versus 0.1 s to 0.2 s for the percentage restraint
5.2.6 Multiple Winding Transformer Dif-
type) ferential. Differential relays for three winding
(3) Lower pickup (20% to 40% of transformer
transformers are available in the percentage
rating versus 40% to 100% for the percentage
differential and harmonic restraint relay types.
restraint type)
These relay types are also available to accommo-
5.2.4 Unit Generator Transformer Sets.
date additional windings or terminals.
On cross-compound generators, the fields may
Multiple winding transformers frequently
be applied while the generators are on turning
have different capacity ratings on the individual
gear, or at speeds of 15%to 35%of synchronous
windings. For example, a three winding trans-
speed, depending on the design and users’ pref-
former may have a high side rating of 90 MVA
erences. Application of the fields to such ma-
with the other two windings each rated at
chines normally excites the generator step-up
50 MVA. The sum of the small windings’ ratings
and unit station service transformers and the
can be greater than the main (input) winding
generator so that protection is required for all of
rating. Care should be taken in selecting current
the unit system. The filter circuit of some har-
transformer ratios and selecting differential
monic restraint relays may block relay opera-
relay current balancing taps. These should be
tion if a fault occurs before the machine is up to
based on the through flow of current equivalent
synchronous speed. Since relay designs vary,
to the largest winding rating regardless of the
the relay performance at reduced frequency
rating of the other winding considered. Proper
should be checked.
restraint tap selection may be accomplished if
5.2.5 Generator Station Service. Where a
through-fault current involving only the high
startup or station service transformer is con-
side and one other winding is studied at a time.
nected to the high voltage bus, high speed fault
clearing is usually required for stability rea- 5.2.7 Parallel Transformers. A major dis-
sons, even though the transformer is relatively advantage of using one differential relay to
small. The low current transformer ratio re- protect two transformers is the reduction in
quired for satisfactory sensitivity may result in sensitivity. The current transformer ratios are
severe current transformer saturation for high selected on the basis of total kilovoltampere,
side faults. If the burden is high, the high peak (kVA) and hence, the sensitivity for each trans-


NOTE: See 5.2.8

individual protection was provided. When a

transformer is energized in parallel with an

already energized transformer (see 4.5.21, the

protecting both transformers may not restrain.

Thus, an undesired trip may occur. Therefore,
each transformer should be protected by sepa-
rate sets of differential relays.
5.2.8 Differential Protection of Auto-
transformers Using High Impedance Re-

harmonic restraint unit on a differential relay

lays. In some countries, it is common practice to

provide greater protection for large, high-volt-
age and extra-high-voltage autotransformers by
using voltage operated bus-type high impedance
differential relays. Typical connections of this
protective system for autotransformers, with the
neutral point of the wye winding solidly ground-
ed, are shown in Fig 5. This arrangement pro-

vides protection against all types of phase faults


Fig 5
Typical Schematic Connections for

High Impedance Differential Relay Protection

of a Wye Autotransformer
with an Unloaded Tertiary

former is less than one-half of what it would be if and ground faults but not turn-to-turn faults. In
this application, three sets of three-phase cur-
rent transformers are required, one set on the
high voltage side, another set on the low voltage
side and the third set in the neutral ends of the
winding. All current transformers shall have
the same turns ratio and should be reasonably
matched in accuracy class. A single relay con-
nected in a ground differential scheme is also
applicable for autotransformer protection.
This protection is immune to the effects of
magnetizing inrush current because inrush cur-
rent is cancelled by the neutral current trans-
formers. Also, there is no imbalance current in
the relay circuit due to the load tap changing
equipment. Thus a high impedance differential
relay can be applied without any harmonic re-
straint, load bias, or time delay.
Autotransformers are often provided with a
tertiary delta winding. It should be noted that


with this type of scheme no protection is afforded Settings of phase overcurrent relays on trans-
against faults occurring in the delta tertiary formers involve a compromise between the re-
winding. Where the terminals for this winding quirements of operation and protection. The
are not brought out to supply load, one corner of pickup setting should be high enough to permit
the delta can be connected between the end of overloading the transformer when necessary,
one phase of the main winding and its neutral but the higher the setting, the less the protec-
current transformer. This connection is shown tion. A setting of 200% to 300% of the minimum
in Fig 5. In such an arrangement, the tertiary nameplate rating of a transformer is common,
winding is included in the differential protection although higher values are sometimes used. On
zone and the relay would sense ground faults in multiple rated transformers, a higher setting
the tertiary winding. This scheme does not pro- may be necessary so as to utilize the full capabil-
vide protection against phase faults or turn-to- ity of the transformer at the higher forced cooled
turn faults in the tertiary winding. rating.
Where the tertiary winding is used to supply If only overcurrent protection is applied to the
load, the delta winding corner connection cannot high-voltage (A) side of a A-Y grounded trans-
be used. Hence, separate protection is required. former, it can have a problem providing sensi-
The tertiary winding overcurrent protection is tive fault protection for the transformer. For low
described in 5.3.3. voltage (Y side) line-to-ground faults, the high
side line current will be only 58% of the low
5.3 Overcurrent Relay Protection. A fault voltage per unit fault current. (See Fig 6 and
external to a transformer can result in damage Appendix Figs B6, B7, and B8.) When the Y is
to the transformer. If the fault is not cleared grounded through a resistor, the high side fault
promptly, the resulting overload on the trans- current may be less than the maximum trans-
former can cause severe overheating and fail- former load current. Similar concerns are appli-
ure. Overcurrent relays (or fuses, see 5.1) may cable when the Y is grounded through a reactor.
be used to clear the transformer from the faulted The time setting should coordinate with re-
bus or line before the transformer is damaged. lays on downstream equipment. However, trans-
On some small transformers, overcurrent relays formers are mechanically and thermally limited
may also protect for internal transformer faults, in their ability to withstand short-circuit cur-
and on larger transformers, overcurrent relays rent for finite periods of time. For proper backup
may be used to provide relay backup for differen- protection, the relays should operate before the
tial or pressure relays. Thermal relays (Section transformer is damaged by an external fault.
7) may also be used to protect transformers (Refer to the Appendix for the transformer
against overload. However, thermal relays often through fault current duration limits and relay
are used for alarm only. Coordination examples setting examples.)
are included in the Appendix. When setting transformer overcurrent relays,
5.3.1 Phase Time Overcurrent. Time over- the short time overload capability of the trans-
current relays are inexpensive, simple, and reli- former in question should not be violated. Low
able protective devices. Since sensitive settings values of 3.5 or less times normal base current
and fast operation are usually not possible with may result from overloading rather than faults.
overcurrent relays, they will provide limited For such cases see ANSIDEEE C57.91-1981[3]
protection for internal transformer faults. Since and ANSIDEEE (357.92-1981[4]since allowable
the pickup value of phase overcurrent relays time durations may be different from those in
must be high enough to take advantage of the the through fault current duration curves. Pend-
overload capabilities of the transformer and be ing establishment of additional transformer
capable of withstanding energizing inrush cur- standards, it is recommended that the manufac-
rents, insensitive settings result. Fast operation turer be consulted for the capability of a specific
is not possible, since the transformer relays transformer.
shall coordinate with load-side protection in- Although electromechanical overcurrent re-
cluding consideration for reclosing cycles and lays have time proven reliability, static (solid
service restoration inrush. Where time overcur- state) relays with special features such as fast
rent relays are used for primary transformer reset should be evaluated for these applications.
protection, extensive damage to the transformer 5.3.2 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent.
from an internal fault may occur. Fast clearing of severe internal faults may be



1.o H1 x1 1%
-+ n A c
----f 1,

10 10


1.o 0.58 1.o



1% HI


0 58 x1 10
4 "
x3 26, o A



NOTE: See 5.3.1
Fig 6
Line and Transformer Winding Currents for Delta-Delta
and Delta-Wye Connected Transformers

obtained through the use of instantaneous over- for a low side bus fault, while still providing
current units. Instantaneous overcurrent units, protection for severe internal faults. For instan-
when used, should be set t o pick up at a value taneous units with negligible transient over-
higher than the maximum asymmetrical reach, a lesser margin can be used. The settings
through-fault current. This is usually the fault in either case shall also be above the transform-
current through the transformer for a low side er inrush current to prevent nuisance tripping.
three phase fault. For instantaneous units sub- In some cases, instantaneous trip relays cannot
ject to transient overreach, a pickup of 175% be used because the necessary settings are
(variations in settings of 125%-200% are com- greater than the available fault currents. In
mon) of the calculated maximum low side three- these cases, a harmonic restraint instantaneous
phase symmetrical fault current generally pro- relay may be considered to provide the desired
vides sufficient margin to avoid false tripping protection.


5.3.3 Tertiary Winding Overcurrent. The operate for system ground but will not operate
tertiary winding of an autotransformer, or for phase faults in the tertiary or its leads.
three-winding transformer, is usually of much Where deemed necessary, separate relaying
smaller kilovoltampere rating than the main such as differential type shall be provided for
windings. Therefore, fuses or overcurrent relays protection against phase faults in the tertiary or
set to protect the main windings offer almost no its leads.
protection to such tertiaries. During external The setting of the tertiary overcurrent relay
system ground faults, these tertiary windings can normally be based on considerations similar
may carry very heavy currents. Hence, in the to those in 5.3.1. However, if the tertiary does
event of failure of the primary protection for not carry load, or if load is to be carried and the
external ground faults, separate tertiary over- three current transformer zero sequence connec-
current protection may be desirable. tion is used, the associated overcurrent relay
The method selected for protecting the terti- can be set below the rating of the tertiary
ary generally depends on whether or not the winding. This relay should still be set to coordi-
tertiary is used to carry load. If the tertiary does nate with other system relays.
not carry load, protection can be provided by a
single overcurrent relay connected to a current 5.4 Ground Fault Protection. Sensitive de-
transformer in series with one winding of the A. tection of ground faults can be obtained by
This relay will sense system grounds and also differential relays or by overcurrent relays spe-
phase faults in the tertiary or in its leads. cifically applied for that purpose. Several
If the tertiary is used to carry load, partial schemes are practical, depending on transform-
protection can be provided by a single overcur- er connections, availability of current trans-
rent relay supplied by three current transform- formers, zero sequence current source, and sys-
ers, one in each winding of the A and connected tem design and operating practices.
in parallel to the relay. This connection provides 5.4.1 Faults in Delta-Connected Trans-
only zero sequence overload protection and does former Windings. A residual relay, device 51G,
not protect for positive and negative sequence as shown in Fig 7 or 8, will detect ground faults
overload current. In this case, the relay will within the A winding - of the transformer and in
Fig 7
Complete Ground Fault Protection of a Delta-Wye Bank using
Residual Overcurrent and Differentially Connected Ground Relay
NOTES: (1)Zero sequence current arrows are for an external ground fault
for which the relays will not operate.
(2)See: 5.4.1,5.4.2,5.4.5

87 N




NOTES: (1)Zero sequence current arrows are for an external ground fault
for which the relays will not operate.
( 2 ) See: 5.4.1, 5.4.2
Fig 8
Complete Ground Fault Protection of a Delta-Wye Bank using
a Residual Overcurrent and Directional Relay

the phase conductors between the current trans- between faults internal and external to the
formers and the winding, when an external protected zone. The ground differential relay,
source of zero sequence current is available. device 87N, in Fig 7, or the directional ground
Instantaneous overcurrent relays may be used relay, device 67N, connected as in Fig 8, is
but sensitive settings will probably result in satisfactory. Both relay schemes will operate
incorrect operations from dissimilar current correctly for any internal ground faults with the
transformer saturation and magnetizing inrush. circuit breaker in the circuit to the grounded Y
This can be avoided by using a short time winding open or closed. They will operate cor-
induction disc relay with a sensitive setting. The rectly with an external zero sequence current
scheme is particularly valuable in plants or source, and they will not operate for external
systems where the transformers are remote ground faults. Unequal current transformer ac-
from the circuit breakers. By using current tion can produce residual error current during
transformers at the circuit breaker, sensitive external phase faults. No transformer neutral
detection is obtained for cable, bus, A winding, current is produced and sensitive relays would
and bushing faults. A single window o r dough- misoperate. The auxiliary current transformer
nut current transformer supplying an instanta- is necessary if the phase and neutral current
neous relay (as commonly used in motor protec- transformers are of different ratio.
tion) is secure, but is limited to low and medium 5.4.3 Case Ground. On a grounded neutral
voltages where all three conductors can be fitted system, it is possible to isolate the transformer
through the current transformer window. case from ground except for a single point. A
5.4.2 Faults in Grounded Wye-Connected current transformer and overcurrent relay at
Transformer Windings. To successfully detect this grounding point would detect any internal
faults in grounded Y-connected transformer ground fault or bushing flashover. Although
windings, the relay system shall discriminate effective, several problems are encountered. The




SET 0.25 s AT 3. PU


Id - t



NOTE: See: 5.5.4

Fig 9
Sensitive High Speed Ground Fault
Protection With Impedance Grounding
(Alternate to Fig 7)

system shall be tested periodically to determine need for coordination by using sensitive product
that no accidental grounds have been added. type relays which are connected to trip only for
Incorrect operations can result from accidental ground in the protected zone. Fig 9 is a method
grounds from power tools and transformer aux- used when there is no other possible ground
iliary equipment, or from a failed lightning source. An overcurrent relay connected to a
arrester discharge if the arrestor is mounted on neutral current transformer is torque-controlled
the transformer. Careful coordination between by the blocking contacts of a plunger type in-
auxiliary equipment circuit breaker or fuse stantaneous relay in the neutral of the main
curves, arrester characteristics, and a time breaker current transformers.
overcurrent trip relay can minimize this danger. 5.4.5 Ground Fault Relay Sensitivity. The
5.4.4 Impedance Grounded System. primary advantage of ground relays over phase
Transformer differential relays may not be sen- relays is their sensitivity. In systems where the
sitive enough to operate on ground faults where ground fault current is purposely limited, their
the transformer bank or system is grounded use may be vital. Ground relays can normally be
through an impedance. In these cases, it may be applied with sensitivities of 10%or less of full
necessary to apply a sensitive time overcurrent load current. This compares very favorably with
relay in the transformer impedance grounded differential relays, whose pickup current may be
neutral or a time overvoltage relay connected from 20% to 60%of full load current under the
across the neutral impedance. These relays shall most advantageous conditions. It is common
be coordinated with feeder and line protection European practice to protect all transformers
relays which they may overlap. It is possible to with the restricted earth relays and a Buchholz
provide high-speed protection and to avoid the gas relay [8],[151 and [161. The term restricted


earth is a British expression referring to a exciting winding is grounded). Because of the

ground relay system sensitive to ground faults location of the current transformer in the excit-
within a limited protective zone (similar to ing winding, the proper current transformer
Fig 7). shall be specified when ordering the transform-
5.5 Fault Detection for Special Purpose Phase-Shifting or Combined
Transformers Phase-Shifting and In-Phase Regulating
5.5.1 Regulating Transformers. The excit- Transformers. For these types of transformers
ing winding of a regulating transformer pre- neither type of protection shown in Fig 10(a) is
sents a special protection problem, since ordi- suitable. For example, for a quadrature phase-
nary power transformer differentials are not shifting transformer, the exciting winding
sensitive enough to sense faults in this high- shown in Fig 10(a)might not introduce a voltage
impedance winding. Regulating transformers in the same phase, but rather, in each of the
can be either the most common in-phase type other two phases. Conversely, the series wind-
employing only voltage regulation, or the phase- ing shown in Fig 10(a) would instead be two
shifting type which provides regulation of phase series windings deriving their voltages from the
angle, or both. exciting winding of the other two phases.
Sudden pressure or fault-pressure relays will The effects of these factors are as follows:
offer good protection for all three types. Howev- (1) With respect to the normal percentage
er, electrical protection may differ substantially differential relay shown in Fig 10(a), an exter-
between the in-phase type and the others. Fault- nal fault on either one of the other two phases,
pressure relays generally are not used to protect or both, can produce current predominantly on
the tap-changing mechanism because of large only one side of the differential relay. This relay
pressure variations during normal arc interrup- operates as though there was an internal fault if
tion. However, fault-pressure relays may be the fault current is above pickup.
used to protect tap changing mechanisms utiliz- (2) With respect to the exciting winding pro-
ing vacuum interrupter switches. tection of Fig 10(a), an external fault on either
Transformer manufacturers usually provide one of the other two phases, or both, can cause
special protection and monitoring schemes of the exciting (operating) current to be substan-
their own design on regulating transformers. tially equal to the line (restraining) current.
The scheme may stop the tap changing sequence The relay, connected as shown, would operate.
or initiate a trip for a switch or mechanism The relay protection of the phase angle regu-
malfunction. lating transformer presents problems not com- In-Phase Type. Although overall mon to a normal transformer. The primary
differential relaying is usually provided for in- winding, the series transformer, and the shunt
phase regulators, special purpose relays are also transformer shall all be considered in determin-
available to protect the exciting winding more ing a viable relay protection scheme. Because of
sensitively. On each phase, this type of relay the large number of possible varieties of phase-
compares the exciting winding current (ob- shifting transformers, specific electrical protec-
tained from a current transformer in the high tion of them shall be considered to be beyond the
voltage lead or neutral end of the exciting wind- scope of this guide. It is pertinent, however, to
ing) with one of the phase currents as shown in point out that electrical protection will probably
Fig loa. require current transformers inside of the trans-
The relay has one operating coil and one former rather than the usual bushing current
restraint roil and i s generally set t o operate for a transformers (see Fig 10(b)). Consequently, the
current imbalance of 15% greater than the im- protection must be decided upon early enough so
balance due to maximum regulation. It should that current transformers can be specified be-
be noted that the exciting winding of a 510% fore the transformer design is started. For pro-
regulator has a full load current rating only 10% tection of this type of transformer, the sudden
of the rating of the series winding; current pressure or fault pressure relay shall be consid-
transformer ratios should be chosen with this in ered to be the first line of protection.
mind. The use of A-connected current transform- 5.5.2 Combined Power and Regulating
ers is a necessary precaution to prevent tripping Transformers. A power transformer, such as a
for external ground faults (if the neutral of the Y -A transformer, may also have regulating fea-



W A' L



*CT Selection Example: If Main CT is 1500-5, Exciting Winding CT is 150-5
for a +I- lo%, 2500 kVA, 13.8 kV Reg.
NOTE: See,




NOTE: See:

Fig 10
Protection for Phase Shifting and Regulating Transformers
(a) Protection for In-Phase Regulating Transformers
(b) Protection for Phase Shifting Transformers


tures, either in-phase, out-of-phase (such as

quadrature), or both. Such transformers are
called tap-changing-under-load, or load-tap-
changing transformers.
The protection of such a transformer of tAe
in-phase variety has been previously covered in
this guide. However, the electrical protection of
the out-of-phase variety is even more difficult
than the protection of the phase-shifting regu-
lating transformer because the power trans-
former has no exciting winding as such since
excitation is obtained from loaded windings.
Comments with respect to phase-shifting regu-
lating transformers apply equally well to this
type of transformer (see any case, the
sudden pressure or fault-pressure relay shall be
considered the first line of protection.
5.5.3 Grounding Transformers.A ground-
ing transformer can be either a zig-zag or a Y-A NOTE: See 5.5.3
connected transformer. The electrical protection
scheme is simple and consists of overcurrent
relays connected to A connected current trans-
formers as shown in Fig 11.
If the grounding transformer is of the zig-zag
variety, internal hults, such as turn-to-turn
faults, may be limited by the magnetizing im-
pedance of an unfaulted phase. Consequently, a
sudden pressure or fault-pressure relay should
be considered to be the first line of protection,
even though it may be marginal.
Grounding transformers are seldom switched
by themselves. However, when they are
switched, they are subject to magnetizing-
inrush current as with any other type of trans-
former. Harmonic restrained overcurrent relays
may be used to prevent inadvertent tripping
upon energizing.
When a grounding transformer with a low or (b)
no neutral impedance is used, a phase-to-ground Fig 11
fault is normally not allowed to persist as it Protection of Grounding Transformers
might when the current is restricted to a very (a) Zig Zag (b) Wye-Delta
low value by a high neutral impedance. There-
fore, the selection of a current transformer ratio (1) Obtain the zero phase sequence imped-
associated with the grounding transformer is ance (ohms, or percent, or per unit on some base)
more dependent on the pick-up of the ground from the transformer manufacturer.
relay than the rating of the grounding trans- (2) Determine a kilovoltampere rating which
former. However, if a fault is allowed to persist will have approximately the same zero sequence
then the current transformer ratio must be impedance relative to the grounded neutral side
selected with the continuous current in mind. A by assuming a mean value of the standard range
grounding transformer has a continuous rating of impedances.
based on a set fraction of its thermal current (3) Having determined the fictitious kilovolt-
rating according to IEEE Std 32-1972[6]. ampere rating, choose the current transformer
If the continuous current rating is not avail- ratio based on full load current for that kilovolt-
able, it can be determined as follows: ampere.


5.6 Backup and External Fault Protection. former to avoid tripping. Higher pickup levels
Protection of a transformer against damage due result in a loss of backup protection sensitivity.
to the failure to clear an external fault should To improve the sensitivity of backup protection,
always be carefully considered. the current transformers on each transformer
This damage usually manifests itself as inter- source to a bus may be paralleled so that one set
nal, thermal or mechanical damage caused by of overcurrent relays receive the total current of
fault current flowing through the transformer. the sources associated with the individual bus.
The curves in the Appendix show through fault- Switching out a transformer, therefore, does not
current duration curves to limit damage to the affect the relay sensitivity. However, all sources
transformer. Through faults that can cause shall be tripped when the overcurrent relays
damage to the transformer include restricted operate. This is usually referred to as a bus-
faults or those some distance away from the overload or partial differential scheme.
station. The fault current, in terms of the trans- For sensitive ground protection, each trans-
former rating, tends to be low (approximately former neutral may be grounded through a
0.5 to 5.0 times transformer rating) and the bus current transformer with a lower ratio than that
voltage tends to remain at relatively high val- used for the phase overcurrent relay. With due
ues. The fault current will be superimposed on consideration for imbalanced line-to-ground
load current, compounding the thermal load on load and time coordination, it may be possible to
the transformer. approach the sensitivity of the feeder ground
Several factors will influence the decision as relays. See 5.3 and 5.4 for a comprehensive
to how much and what kind of backup is re- discussion of overcurrent and ground protection,
quired for the transformer under consideration. respectively.
Significant factors are the operating experience 5.6.2 Negative Sequence Relays. Since
with regard to clearing remote faults, the cost these relays do not respond to balanced load or
effectiveness to provide this coverage consider- three-phase faults, negative sequence overcur-
ing the size and location of the transformer, and rent relays may provide the desired overcurrent
the general protection philosophies used by the protection. This is particularly applicable to A-Y
company. grounded transformers where only 58% of the
Backup protection for the transformer can be secondary per unit phase to ground fault cur-
divided into several categories as follows: rent appears in any one primary phase conduc-
5.6.1 Overcurrent Relays. When overcur- tor. Backup protection can be particularly diffi-
rent relays are used for transformer backup, cult when the Y is impedance grounded. A
their sensitivity is limited because they shall be negative sequence relay can be connected in the
set above maximum load current. Separate primary supply to the transformer and set as
ground relays may be applied with the phase sensitively as required to protect for secondary
relays to provide better sensitivity for some phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase faults. This
ground faults. Usual considerations for setting relay will also provide better protection than
overcurrent relays are described in 5.3. phase overcurrent relays for internal transform-
When overcurrent relays are applied to the er faults. The relay should be set to coordinate
high voltage side of transformers with three or with the low-side phase relays for phase-to-
more windings, they shall have pickup values ground and phase-to-phase faults.
which will permit the transformer to carry its 5.6.3 Fuses. Application of fuses to the high
rated load plus margin for overload. Locating voltage or source windings of transformers pres-
phase overcurrent relays on the low-voltage side ent the same types of sensitivity problems dis-
of each winding allows a gain in sensitivity cussed in 5.3. In addition, fuses are single-phase
since only the full load rating of an individual devices and operate individually. See 5.1 for
winding need be considered. discussion of the application of fuses.
When two or more transformers are operated 5.6.4 Breaker Failure. Protection for the
in parallel to share a common load, the overcur- failure of a feeder breaker to clear a fault may be
rent relay settings should consider the short provided by addition of a timer started by the
time overloads on one transformer upon loss of operation of feeder overcurrent relays in a
the other transformer. Relays on individual breaker failure scheme. The principal advan-
transformers may require pickup levels greater tage of this arrangement is that the back-up
than twice the forced cooled rating of the trans- sensitivity is equal to that of the feeder protec-


tion. The additional complication of this protec- the relay location to the most distant fault
tion does increase the risk of inadvertant loss of needing backup protection is set on the distance
the station load due to relay malfunction or relay, with suitable margin. The overcurrent
testing errors. Breaker failure protection associ- relay is then set at a current less than the
ated with a transformer requires a scheme that minimum expected fault current. A mho-type
may have to recognize small fault currents. distance relay characteristic provides improved
Breaker “a” switches may have to be used in faultfioad discrimination over a straight imped-
combination with fault current selector relays. ance relay.
A transformer connected to a line without a Overcurrent-Directional Relay.
line-side breaker requires transfer-trip or a This relay, in contrast to a directional-
ground switch to cause the remote breaker to overcurrent relay, responds only to the product
trip. If the remote breaker fails to trip, the of the current magnitude times the cosine of the
transformer fault probably was not cleared. See angle between this current and a voltage refer-
Section 13 for additional information. ence. The magnitude of the voltage does not
5.6.5 Dual Input Relays. System voltages enter into the operating equation provided it is
are lower during fault conditions than during above a prescribed limit. In this application, the
load conditions with comparable current. This relay can be connected to respond only to the
results from the fault current being highly reac- reactive component of current. It will not re-
tive which causes larger voltage drops across the spond to the real component of any load current
system. This fact is utilized in several different and hence has good loadability. The relay is set
dual input relays. for the minimum expected fault current with Voltage Controlled Overcur- suitable margin.
rent Relay. In this relay the overcurrent unit is
set based on the minimum fault-current condi- 5.7 Temperature Relays. Transformer dam-
tion independent of any load-current require- age from remote low current faults which are
ments. This relay is then torque controlled by an not properly cleared may be similar to that from
undervoltage relay. The undervoltage unit is set sustained overload causing thermal damage.
to operate below the normal minimum system The most direct solution to the backup problem
load voltage, but above the maximum expected is the use of thermal relays as discussed in
fault voltage. Thus, sensitive phase fault protec- Section 7.
tion is provided with no hazard of tripping due to
load current. Low-side potential should be used 5.8 Miscellaneous Relays. In certain appli-
to allow the undervoltage unit to dropout for cations, advantages can be taken of relays not
low-side faults. The potential supply should be directly associated with the transformer. In the
monitored. There may be an application prob- case of a unit connected generator, backup may
lem with this relay if the system voltage during be provided by protective relays essentially de-
a limited fault is not reduced substantially. signed for generator backup. These include the Voltage Restraint Overcurrent voltage controlled overcurrent relay, a distance
Relay. In this relay the overcurrent unit opera- relay for remote faults (usually applied with a
ting value is a function of the applied voltage. fixed time delay rather than inverse time delay),
The relay is set so that maximum load current the generator negative sequence overcurrent
will not cause operation with the minimum relay and the generator overexcitation relay.
expected system operating voltage. During fault
conditions, the reduced voltage causes less re-
straint and the relay will operate at a lower
current which varies with the voltage magni- 6. Mechanical Detection of Faults
tude. There may be an application problem with
this relay if the system voltage during a limited There are two methods of detecting transform-
fault is not reduced substantially. er faults other than by electric measurements. Impedance Relay Torque Con- These methods are:
trolling an Overcurrent Relay. This scheme is
less dependent on the exact change in the level (1) Accumulation of gases due to slow decom-
of system voltage than either of the above two position of the transformer insulation or oil.
methods. In this method, the impedance from These relays can detect heating due to high

resistance joints or due to high eddy currents relay is equipped with a dial graduated in cubic
between laminations. centimeters and a snap action switch set to
(2) Increases in tank oil or gas pressures function to give an alarm when a specific
caused by internal transformer faults. amount of gas has been collected.
Relays which use these methods are valuable
supplements to differential or other forms of 6.3 Static Pressure Relay. The static pres-
relaying, particularly for grounding transform- sure relay can be used on all types of oil-
ers and transformers with complicated circuits immersed transformers. They are mounted on
that are not well suited to differential relaying, the tank wall under oil and respond to the static
such as certain regulating and phase-shifting or total pressure. These relays for the most part
transformers. These relays may be more sensi- have been superseded by the sudden pressure
tive for certain internal faults than relays which relay, but many are in service on older trans-
are dependent upon electrical quantities, and formers. However, due to their susceptibility to
thus can be very valuable in minimizing trans- operate for temperature changes or external
former damage due to internal faults. faults, the majority of the static pressure relays
which are in service are connected for alarm
6.1 Gas Accumulator Relay. This type of only.
relay, commonly known as the Buchholz relay, 6.4 Sudden Gas Pressure Relay. The sudden
is applicable only to transformers equipped with gas-pressure relay is applicable to all gas cush-
conservator tanks and with no gas space inside ioned oil-immersed transformers and is mount-
the transformer tank. The relay is placed in the ed in the region of the gas space. It consists of a
pipe from the main tank to the conservator tank pressure-actuated switch, housed in a hermeti-
and is designed to trap any gas which may rise cally sealed case and isolated from the trans-
through the oil. It will operate for small faults former gas space except for a pressure-
by accumulating the gas over a period of time or equalizing orifice.
for large faults which force the oil through the The relay operates on the difference between
relay at a high velocity. This device is able to the pressure in the gas space of the transformer
detect a small volume of gas and accordingly can and the pressure inside the relay. An equalizing
detect arcs of low energy. The accumulator por- orifice tends to equalize these two pressures for
tion of the relay is frequently used for alarming slow changes in pressure due to loading and
only, it may detect gas which is not the result of ambient temperature change. However, a more
a fault, but which can be evolved by gassing of rapid rise in pressure in the gas space of the
the oil during sudden reduction of pressure. This transformer due to a fault results in operation of
relay may detect heating due to high-resistance the relay. High energy arcs evolve a large quan-
joints or high eddy current between lamina- tity of gas which operates the relay in a short
tions. time. The operating time is longer for low ener-
gy arcs.
6.2 Gas Detector Relay. The gas-detector This relay has proven sufficiently free from
relay can be used only on conservator transform- false operations to be connected for tripping in
ers, either conventional or sealed. The relay will most applications. It is important that the relay
often detect gas evolution from minor arcing be mounted in strict accordance with the manu-
before extensive damage occurs to the windings facturers specifications. Further, a scheme simi-
or core. This relay may detect heating due to lar to Figs 12(a)or 12(b),providing a shunt path
high resistance joints or high eddy current be- around the auxiliary relay coil, is preferred to
tween laminations. minimize the effects of control circuit electrical
Essentially, the gas detector relay is a mag- disturbances.
netic type liquid-level gage with a float opera-
ting in an oil-filled chamber. The relay is mount- 6.5 Sudden Oil-Pressure Relay. The sudden
ed on the transformer cover with a pipe oil-pressure relay is applicable to all oil-
connection from the highest point of the cover to immersed transformers and is mounted on the
the float chamber. A second pipe connection transformer tank wall below the minimum liq-
from the float chamber is carried to an eye level uid level. Transformer oil fills the lower cham-
location on the tank wall. This connection is ber of the relay housing within which a spring
used for removing gas samples for analysis. The backed bellows is located. The bellows is com-




1 6 3 X

0 ! II II
I 63 X
I 86

NOTE: See 6.4 and 6.5


41 4 I
f 63 I
f 63 X I
I @


I f 86


pletely filled with silicone oil and additional separated from a switch by an air gap. Should an
silicone oil in the upper chamber is connected to internal fault develop, the rapid rise in oil
that in the bellows by way of two small equalizer pressure or pressure pulse is transmitted to the
holes. silicone oil by way of the transformer oil and the
A piston rests on the silicone oil in the bel- bellows. This then acts against the piston which
lows, but extends up into the upper chamber, closes the air gap and operates the switch.


In the event of small rises in oil pressure, due (1) High ambient
to changes in loading or ambient for example, (2) Failure of cooling system
the increased pressure is also transmitted to the (3) External fault not cleared promptly
silicone oil. However, instead of operating the (4)Overload
piston, this pressure is gradually relieved by oil (5) Abnormal system conditions such as low
which escapes from the bellows into the upper frequency, high voltage, nonsinusoidal load cur-
chamber by way of the equalizer holes. The rent or phase-voltage unbalance.
bellows then contract slightly. The pressure bias 7.1.2 Undesirable Results of Overheating
on the relay is thus relieved by this differential (1) Overheating shortens the life of the trans-
feature. Relay sensitivity and response to a fault former insulation in proportion to the duration
is thus independent of transformer-operating of the high temperature and in proportion to the
pressure. degree of the high temperature.
This relay has proven sufficiently free from ( 2 ) Severe overtemperature may result in an
false operations to be connected for tripping in immediate insulation failure.
most applications. It is important that the relay (3) Severe overtemperature may result in the
be mounted in strict accordance with the manu- transformer coolant heated above its flash temp-
facturers specifications.Further, a scheme simi- erature, with a resultant fire.
lar to Figs 12(a) or 12(b),providing a shunt path 7.1.3 Hot-Spot Location. The location of
around the 63X auxiliary-relay coil is preferred the hottest spot within a transformer is predict-
to prevent its operation due to surges. able from the design parameters. It is customary
to measure or to simulate this hot spot tempera-
6.6 Sudden Gas/Oil Pressure Relay. A more ture and to base control action accordingly. The
recent design of the above relays utilizes two desired control action will depend on the users’
chambers, two control bellows, and a single philosophy, on the amount of transformer life he
sensing bellows. All three bellows have a com- is willing to lose for the sake of maintaining
mon interconnecting silicone-oil passage with service, and the priorities he places on other
an orifice and ambient temperature compensat- aspects of the problem. Transformer top-oil
ing assembly inserted at the entrance to one of temperature may be used with or without hot-
the two control bellows. spot temperature, to establish the desired con-
An increase in transformer pressure causes a trol action.
contraction of the sensing bellows thus forcing a A common method of simulating the hot-spot
portion of its silicone oil into the two control temperature is with a thermal relay responsive
bellows and expanding them. An orifice limits to both top-oil temperature and to the direct
the flow of oil into one control bellows to a fixed heating effect of load current. In these relays,
rate, while there is essentially no restriction to the thermostatic element is immersed in the
flow into the second control bellows. The two transformer top oil. An electric heating element
control bellows expand at a uniform rate for is supplied with a current proportional to the
gradual rate of rise in pressure, but during high winding current, so that the responsive element
rates of transformer pressure rise, the orifice tracks the temperature which the hot spot of the
causes a slower rate of expansion in one bellows winding attains during operation. If this track-
relative to the other. The dissimiliar expansion ing is exact, the relay would operate at the same
rate between the two control bellows will cause time as the winding reaches the set tempera-
a mechanical linkage to actuate the snap action ture. Since insulation deterioration is also a
switch which initiates the proper tripping. function of the duration of the high tempera-
ture, additional means are generally used to
delay tripping action for some period of time.
One common method is to design the relay with
7. Thermal Detection of a time constant longer than that of the winding.
Abnormalities Thus, the relay does not operate until some time
after the set temperature has been attained by
7.1 Thermal Relays for Winding Tempera- the winding. There are no standards established
ture for this measuring technique, nor is information
7.1.1 Causes of Transformer Overheat- generally available for one to make an accurate
ing. Transformers may overheat due to calculation of the complete performance of such


a relay. These relays can have from one to three open phase which does not cause other protec-
contacts which close at successively higher tion to operate, the device should trip the trans-
temperature. With three contacts, the lowest former. The device can be a dial type tempera-
level is commonly used to start fans or pumps ture indicator with a switch or a direct acting
for forced cooling, and the second level to initi- thermostat. In either case, it should be placed in
ate an alarm. The third step may be used for an direct contact with the transformer tank. Set-
additional alarm or to tripload breakers or to tings of 105 "C to 125 "C will be above tempera-
de-energize the transformer. tures reached under normal operating condi-
Another type of temperature relay is the repli- tions, and will correspond to temperatures
ca relay. This relay measures the phase current reached in 1 min to 4 min under maximum
in the transformer and applies this current to heating conditions (one phase of supply open
heater units inside the relay. Characteristics of and grounded). See 11.4 for overcurrent relay
these heaters approximate the thermal capabili- application.
ty of the protected transformer. In the applica- 7.2.4 Overexcitation Protection. Overex-
tion of replica type relay, it is desirable to know citation may be of concern on direct connected
the time constants of the iron, the coolant, and generator unit transformers. Excessive excita-
the winding. In addition, the relay should be tion current leads directly to overheating of core
installed in an ambient temperature approxi- and unlaminated metal parts of a transformer,
mately the same as the transformer and not be which in turn causes damage to adjacent insula-
ambient compensated. tion and leads to ultimate failure. ANSUIEEE
C57.12.00-1980[2], requires that transformers
7.2 Other Means of Thermal Protection. shall be capable of operating continuously at
7.2.1 Top Oil. Many transformers are 10% above rated secondary voltage at no load
equipped with a thermometer element im- without exceeding the limiting temperature
mersed in the top oil. If this element is equipped rise. The requirement applies for any tap at
with contacts which close at selected tempera- rated frequency.
tures, these contacts can be used to start cooling Direct-connected generator transformers are
fans or pumps, or to sound an alarm. Since the subjected to a wide range of frequency during
top-oil temperature may be considerably lower the acceleration and deceleration of the turbine.
than the hot-spot temperature of the winding, Under these conditions the ratio of the actual
especially shortly after a sudden load increase, generator terminal voltage to the actual fre-
the top-oil thermometer is not suitable for effec- quency shall not exceed 1.1 times the ratio of
tive protection of the winding against overloads. transformer rated voltage to the rated frequency
However, where the policy toward transformer on a sustained basis:
loss of life permits, tripping on top-oil tempera-
/ Generator r(l. 1)Transformerl
ture may be satisfactory. This has the added
terminal voltage rated voltage
advantage of directly monitoring the oil temper-
Actual frequency Transformer
ature to ensure that it does not reach the flash
temperature. \ rated frequency _]
7.2.2 Fuses or Overcurrent Relays. Other Generator manufacturers now recommend an
forms of transformer protection such as fuses or overexcitation protection system as part of the
overcurrent relays provide some degree of ther- generator excitation system. This system may
mal protection to the transformer. Application also be used to protect the transformer against
of these is discussed in 5.1 and 5.3. overexcitation. These systems may alarm for an
7.2.3 Thermal Relays for Tank Tempera- overexcitation condition, and if the condition
ture. In Y-connected, three-legged core-type persists they may decrease the generator excita-
transformers without A windings, during im- tion, or trip the generator and field breakers, or
balanced voltage conditions the transformer both. The generator manufacturer should be
tank acts as a high-impedance A-tertiary wind- requested to provide their recommendation for
ing (generally known as a phantom tertiary), overexcitation protection.
and under severe conditions, damaging heat can Overexcitation (V/Hz) relays are for use on
be produced. A thermal relay mounted to sense transformers located either at, or remote from,
tank temperature will detect this condition, and generating stations. They are available with a
since this condition usually occurs because of an definite time delay or an inverse time V/Hz








0.01 0.1 1.o 10 100 1000

NOTE: See 7.2.4

Fig 13
Transformer Overexcitation Limits
of Three Manufacturers

characteristic and may be connected for trip or tripping, cannot be operated by reverse rotation
alarm. under very low temperature conditions.
Calibration procedures should ensure that the
relay contacts and the temperature-dial indica-
Fig 13 shows three manufacturers’ curves for
tion are within specified limits. The thermal
permissible short time overexcitation of a trans-
time constant of the system is not usually field
former for determining V/Hz relay settings. Spe-
adjustable. It can be confirmed by plotting the
cific data for a particular transformer should be
indicated temperature versus time duration of a
requested from the transformer manufacturer.
constant load current. The time constant is the
time it takes for the reading to reach 63.2% of
7.3 Testing Thermal Relays. Manufacturers’ the total change of temperature readings. This
recommendations should be followed in testing should relate to the 5 - 15 min time constant of
and calibrating these devices. One method with the transformer winding, rather than to the 1h
one design is to remove the relay from the to 2 h time constant of the oil. The calibration
transformer and immerse the temperature sen- cannot be considered complete without confirm-
sitive element in a controlled temperature oil ing the ratio of the current transformer used to
bath. The heating element which provides the provide current to the relay heating element.
load current effect is an integral part of the well These current transformers are generally made
in which the relay sensing element is mounted, to saturate at high-fault current, so as to avoid
and provision is made to circulate current from heater damage and to ensure that the thermal
a test source through this heater to check the relay does not operate before planned protective-
operation of this element. These relays consist of relay action occurs. Should severe overloads also
dial-type temperature indicators with shaft op- cause current transformer saturation, the ther-
erated switches and the design shall ensure that mal relay will not respond in the desired man-
the high-temperature contact, which is used for ner.


8. Fault Clearing until the faulted transformer is isolated from

the system.
A faulted transformer can be separated from 8.2.2 Fault Initiating Switch (High Speed
its power source by devices such as circuit Ground Switch). Remote tripping of circuit
breakers, power operated disconnect switches, breakers can be accomplished by applying a
circuit switchers, fuses, or by remote tripping of fault (usually solid single phase-to-ground) to
fault interrupting devices. In addition to sepa- the source line so that the remote line relays
rating the transformer from its power source, will detect it and trip the remote circuit break-
due consideration should be given to tripping oil ers. A disadvantage of this scheme is the addi-
pumps and fans to reduce their possible adverse tional time involved while the ground switch is
effects in sustaining or spreading a transformer closing and remote relays in turn detect the
oil fire. Determination of the type of fault clear- fault. Another consideration is that the ground
ing devices to be used should involve considera- switch phase and the faulted phase on the trans-
tions such as: former may be different, thus imposing a multi-
(1) Installation and maintenance cost phase fault on the system.
(2) Fault clearing time relative to fire hazard 8.2.3 Disconnecting Switch. When remote
and repair or replacement costs of the trans- tripping is used, a power-operated disconnecting
former switch is usually connected on the source side of
(3) System stability and reliablity the transformer to isolate it from the system.
(4)System operating limitations The switch is arranged to open automatically
( 5 ) Device interrupting capability and cancels the remote transfer trip signal, or
isolates the ground switch from the system. In
8.1 Circuit Breakers. Circuit breakers direct- both cases, this permits the remote breakers to
ly actuated by a protective relay system are reclose.
usually provided where it is desirable to isolate
a faulted transformer with minimum effect on 8.3 Circuit Switcher. A circuit switcher is a
other segments of the power system. They offer mechanical switching device with a limited
the fastest fault clearing time and highest inter- fault interrupting rating. Internal faults or sec-
rupting capability. ondary faults limited by transformer imped-
ance, where the magnitude of current is below
8.2 Remote Tripping of Circuit Breakers. the interrupting rating of the circuit switcher,
In some situations it may be difficult to justify can be cleared. It should be possible to coordi-
the cost of local circuit breakers. Tripping of nate remote line relays to avoid remote tripping
remote source circuit breakers by use of local for the lower magnitude faults. High magnitude
relays and a communications channel, or by use source side faults on the transformer exceeding
of fault-initiating switches (high-speed ground the interrupting rating of the circuit switcher
switch) are alternatives. must be detected by remote line relays and
8.2.1 Transfer Trip Schemes. Three types cleared by the remote breakers before the circuit
of communication channels are in general use switcher opens. The circuit switcher may be
for transferring a trip signal to remote circuit blocked from tripping using an instantaneous
breakers: wire, power-line carrier, and micro- overcurrent relay or it may be allowed to at-
wave or radio. In direct-transfer trip schemes, tempt interruption depending on user prefer-
the receipt of a signal will trip remote circuit ence.
breakers independently of remote relays. The
signal may be a simple application of voltage or 8.4 Fuses. When applicable, power fuses are
audio tones on a pair of wires or may utilize used due to their low installation cost and sim-
frequency-shift type audio tones, or frequency- plicity. See 5.1.
shift carrier. Frequency-shift equipment em-
ploys a guard frequency for channel monitoring 8.5 Other Practices. It is not uncommon to
and added security against trips by spurious adapt permissive-overreaching tone or carrier-
signals. Transformer protective relays will actu- blocking line protection schemes to permit the
ate the shift to trip frequency. These schemes remote line relaying to operate to clear a faulted
have the advantage of speed and the capability transformer from the electric system. If line
to block reclosing of the remote circuit breakers protection schemes employ impedance measur-


ing types of relays, however, they may not the decision by operating companies to re-
respond to low side or winding faults. energize that type of transformer.
Another practice involves the use of the If a user’s policy is not to re-energize after a
source side motor operated disconnect switch protective relay has disconnected the transform-
with no-fault interrupting capability as a back- er from the system, a real and continuing prob-
up for one of the above applications. The trans- lem is how to proceed after such a relay opera-
former protective relays initiates opening of the tion; that is, if no fault is evident upon visual
switch independently of other protective devices inspection, what should be done to determine
on the basis that should it fail, a fault develops whether or not an actual fault exists. Several
of a magnitude sufficient to cause remote relay tests are available to check a transformer prior
operation. These switches are usually quite slow to re-energization. Turns ratio tests, resistance
in opening (2 sec or more) depending on the tests, and low-voltage impulse tests are avail-
motor operator used. able, but gas analysis is now the most used test.
Gas analysis has become increasingly popular
9. Re-energizing Policy and found to be quite reliable when properly
performed [lo], [131.
There is no universal policy with respect to Normally, power transformers are not re-
re-energizing a transformer that has been dis- energized by automatic reclosing schemes ex-
connected from the system by relay action that cept where the transformer may be connected to
may have been caused by a transformer fault. a line or bus which may be re-energized follow-
Since no one would intentionally energize a ing a relay trip by the line or bus-protective
transformer knowing it to be faulted internally, relays. The transformer protective relays usual-
the differences in practice seem to be based on ly operate a lock-out relay which trips the local
the lack of knowledge of where the fault was or, interrupting devices (power circuit breaker, cir-
if there was a fault. cuit switcher or disconnect switch) and prevents
Consider a transformer differential arrange- the devices from closing. Where a local inter-
ment that includes external leads. A fault with- rupting device is not present, transfer trip may
in the differential zone may not be an internal be used to operate a remote interrupting device.
fault. If the transformer has a pressure relay, The transfer trip may also be used to lock out
this may give indication of an internal fault. If the remote interrupting device, thus preventing
not, one has to rely on the presence or lack of re-energizing the transformer (Section 8). If an
evidence indicating an external fault. In the automatic grounding-switch is used on the high
absence of this definite information that a fault side of a transformer and high-speed reclosing is
was external, most operating companies will not used on the line, the transformer will probably
re-energize the power transformer without a be re-energized before a high-side motor operat-
complete check. ed disconnect switch (MODS) can open. Howev-
Now consider a form of transformer protection er, if delayed reclosing is used on the line, the
that includes just the transformer. This may be MODS will have time to open and the transform-
a differential relay (operating from transformer er will not be re-energized.
bushing current transformers) or a pressure If a transformer tapped on a line is fused on
relay. The one reason to re-energize a trans- the high side, there is no way to prevent its
former so protected is the lack of confidence in re-energization if the line relays detect the fault
the relays. While a few may re-energize a trans- and trip, unless all three fuses blow.
former so protected, it may be argued that such Philosophies have changed somewhat in re-
a practice does not appear to be warranted with cent years, in that operating companies seem to
modern relays. have an increasing reluctance to re-energize
The use and location of the transformer will transformers following a protective-relay opera-
affect the decision whether or not to re-energize. tion where the transformer might be subjected
One is less likely to re-energize a generator to a second fault. This reluctance is partly
step-up transformer or a large system tie trans- because of recent transformer failure rates and
former than a small substation transformer. The partly because of increased cost and time to
presence of a spare transformer would lessen the repair internal failures. Also, operating compa-
necessity to re-energize right away. A history of nies are gaining more confidence in protective
failures of a certain type transformer may affect relays, particularly pressure relays.


10. Gas Analysis 11. Special Protective Schemes

Electrical faults in oil-filled transformers usu- Many transformer protection problems can be
ally generate gases, some of which are combusti- solved by means of special current transformer
ble. Many transformer faults in their early stag- connections. The applications presented are in
es are incipient and deterioration is gradual, but industry use but are not readily found in the
sufficient quantities of combustible gases are published literature.
usually formed to permit detection and allow
corrective measures t o forestall a serious out-
age. To determine if combustible gases have
been formed, a sample from the gas space of a 11.1 Overall Unit Generator Differential
transformer may be analyzed. This can be done 11.1.1 Configuration. This consists of a
in the field by utilizing commercial gas detec- unit generator and a transformer with the wind-
tors. At the time this method was first developed ing of the generator in wye, high impedance
[13], a classification table of total combustible grounded through a transformer with secondary
gas readings was published as a guide for evalu- resistor. The unit transformer low side winding
ation of test results. This method was admitted- is in A with the high side winding in a solidly
ly approximate since a single reading has rela- grounded Y.
tively small value and its use was recommended 11.1.2 Problem. Overall unit-differential
to be tempered with judgment and influenced by relay operation on sudden unloading of a ma-
previous records. It has proved to be a reliable chine is to be avoided. False tripping and indi-
criterion [18]. However, specific transformer cating of unit trouble can cause operating confu-
manufacturers should be consulted. sion and delay restoration.
Classification of gas detector readings is as A sudden unit unloading during a fault may
follows: be caused by the clearing of a system fault and
hence the machine may be at ceiling excitation
(1) 0% to 0.5%,no indication of incipient fault if the fault has persisted for a second or more.
(2) 0.5% to 1.0%, take periodic gas samples The unit transformer may be excited with volt-
two weeks to one month apart, until possible ages exceeding 130% of normal. Because of
upward or downward trend of readings is estab- transformer iron saturation with overexcitation,
lished the exciting current can exceed 25% of the unit
(3) 1.0% to 5.0%, take immediate additional current rating. Hence, for relays without over-
gas samples and prepare to investigate the excitation restraint capability, normal differen-
cause, preferably by internal inspection of trans- tial relay connections could result in relay oper-
former ation under these conditions.
(4)Higher than 5.0%, remove the transform- 11.1.3 Solution. As the transformer magne-
er from service until the cause is located and tizing current has appreciable harmonic content
remedied during overvoltage conditions, this current is
used for additional restraint. Thus, the normal
Gas analysis on transformers should be made differential current transformer connections are
periodically by manual or automatic methods. altered as shown in Fig 14. The additional
The interval between tests may be varied ac- restraint is provided by inside-the-delta current
cording to size, importance, loading, and expo- transformers having the same ratio as those on
sure to faults. This test should also be made the generator. The paralleling of the inside-the-
following protective relay or relief diaphragm delta current transformers eliminates normal
operation and before re-energizing, if practical. load current. Only zero sequence current, 3rd
It should be made on new transformers follow- harmonics and odd multiples of the 3rd harmon-
ing installation and original loading. ic are supplied to the primaries of the three
If combustible gases are found, gas samples auxiliary-current transformers connected in se-
may be further analyzed by a mass spectrometer ries. The output of the auxiliary current trans-
for identification of the vslrious components formers is connected in Y and each supplies a
which may indicate more directly the source of differential relay restraint coil.
the combustibles [171. Normally a three-restraint coil differential





- ---t


213 -
*Adjust Ratio to Increase Relay Current Approximately 25% for 3 Legged Core Form Transformers to Avoid Undersired
Tripping on Overexcitation
NOTES: (1)See 11.1and 11.2
(2)For simplicity, the station service current transformer connections are not shown in Figure 14.
Fig 14
Special Differential Relay Connections for
Over-all Protection of Unit Generator

relay is used for the overall unit. The three- proper phasing relationship, the low-side cur-
relay restraint coils are supplied from the gener- rent transformers are connected in A. Consider-
ator, transformer high side, and station service ing only the generator A current transformers
transformers current transformers. To provide and the transformer high-side Y current trans-
separate relay restraint from the inside delta- formers, it is interesting to note that this con-
current transformers, the station service trans- nection is proper for load and external phase
former differential current transformers are faults but not for external ground faults. The
now paralleled with the generator current inside-the-delta current transformers provide
transformers. the balance for external ground faults.
The conventional differential connections Thus, on overexcitation of an unloaded trans-
have Y-current transformers on the A-winding former, additional harmonic restraining current
side and A-current transformers on the high- is provided to prevent misoperation of the re-
side grounded-Y winding. Thus the A-current lays. These current transformer connections to
transformers on the high side normally act as the harmonic restraining differential relays
zero-sequencefilters. However, as zero-sequence have been tested to 135% normal voltage. The
current is now inserted in the low-side connec- transformer of one unit tested had a 150 MVA,
tions, it also shall be introduced in the high-side 17/132 kV rating with exciting current of 23 A
connections. This is done by connecting the at normal voltage. With 135%of normal voltage
high-side current transformers in Y. Then, for applied, the exciting current was 604 A. On


another 150 MVA, 171132 kV unit, 135% of 11.2 Unit Transformer of Three Legged
normal voltage resulted in 1175 amperes excit- Core Form Type. If the unit transformer has
ing current which is 23% of full-load current. three-legged core form construction, the zero-
The saturation characteristic of each transform- sequence current contribution of the transform-
er determines the magnitude of exciting current er case is not accounted for by the connections
at ceiling generator voltages. Several installa- shown in Fig 14. In such core form transformers,
tions have performed correctly following clear- the case may contribute as much as 20%-25% of
ing of high-voltage bus faults. the zero-sequence current. Thus the previously
Figure 14 also shows the proper balance for an described differential connections require modi-
external ground fault. The main transformer is fication. While exact solutions are possible with
given as 1:l overall voltage ratio and the cur- additional auxiliary-current transformers, for
rent transformer ratios are shown for this condi- simplicity, these are not discussed. A simple
tion. The fault current is assumed as one per empirical solution is to adjust the ratio of the
unit. Phasors for the current-transformer con- inside-the-delta auxiliary-current transformers
nections are also shown in Fig 14. so that the current to the relay is increased by
NOTE: This modification must be used with caution since 25% (Fig 14). The ratio of the auxiliary-current
transformers have been severely damaged by high tempera- transformers can be determined more accurate-
tures from excessive magnetizing current. When this
scheme is used, overexcitation relaying should be consid- ly from the transformer manufacturers zero-se-
ered. quence impedance test data.

Fig 15
Grounding Transformer in Differential Zone
(External Fault Condition Shown)
NOTE: See 11.3




3- ~

ill 3/3






11.3 Grounding Transformer Inside the transformers, the transformer case acts as a
Main Transformer Differential Zone high impedance delta winding during unbalance
11.3.1 Configuration. To establish a voltage conditions. Damaging heat can be pro-
grounded system, a grounding transformer is duced by sustained circulating current in the
frequently tapped on the low-side leads of the case.
supply transformer and is thereby included in 11.4.3 Solution. An overcurrent relay is en-
the transformer differential zone. ergized by current transformers connected to
11.3.2 Problem. Zero-sequence current sup- duplicate the effective tertiary current in the
plied by the grounding transformer may cause case. For a two-winding transformer, the re-
differential relay operation during an external quired zero-sequence current is obtained by the
ground fault. connection of high- and low-side neutral-current
11.3.3 Solution. Since external ground transformers as shown in Fig 16(a). An alter-
faults cause zero-sequence current to flow in the nate method is shown in Fig 16(b) wherein the
current transformer secondary circuits, a zero- sum of the residuals of Y-connected high- and
sequence filter is provided for the low-side differ- low-side current transformers is used. Fig 16(c)
ential Y-connected transformers. This filter is shows the connections for an autotransformer
composed of three auxiliary-current transform- using the residual of Y-connected current trans-.
ers and can be formed in several ways. The formers and a neutral-current transformer.
simplest form is to connect the primaries in Y 11.4.4 Relay Setting. The proper equiva-.
and the secondaries in A. In Fig 15, the ratio of lent tertiary impedance of the case shall be usedl
the auxiliary current transformers is not criti- to determine the zero-sequence current for vari-.
cal, but a 515 A ratio is suggested. ous faults. From this, the required relay sen&
The alternate filter connection in Fig 15 re- tivity is established. A long time-dial setting for
quires a 1 to 3 ratio for the auxiliary-current overcurrent relay operation will provide ther-.
transformers. The primaries are connected in Y mal protection and coordination with other re-
and the junction or sum of the primaries is wired laying for external faults.
to the secondaries connected in series. Thus the An application example using an inverse
secondaries carry three times the primary cur- relay, has relay pickup at 30% of transformer
rent. rating and a time of 1.7 s at 300%of setting. The
Both of these connections present relatively pickup depends on the effective contribution of
high-magnetizing impedance to all but zero- the equivalent tertiary of the case. The trans-
sequence current. However, modern differential former manufacturer should be consulted.
relays are of even lower burden than the usual 11.4.5 Alternative Solution. See 7.2.3.
auxiliary current transformers. Thus, the com- 11.5 Differential Protection of Single
mon point of the relay connections should not be Phase Transformers Connected in Three
connected to the common point of the Y- Phase Banks. When single-phase transformers
connected transformers (a connection which is are connected in three-phase banks, care should
necessary without the zero-sequence filter). be taken to ensure that a differential relay will
Only the filter neutral should be connected to operate for all internal transformer faults, par-
the current transformer common point. ticularly when the transformer has a A-
Figure 15 also shows the primary current and connected winding. If current transformers for
current-transformer secondary current for an the A tertiary are located in a breaker, the
external ground fault. The zero-sequence filter differential may be connected, as it normally is
prevents a relay imbalance. A 1:l overall volt- for a three-phase transformer. But if the current
age ratio is assumed in Fig 15 with one per unit transformers shall be located in the transform-
of fault current flowing. er, some special connections should be consid-
11.4 Unbalanced Voltage Protection for Complete protection for internal faults re-
Wye-Connected Three-Legged Core-Type quires current transformers on both bushings of
Transformers a winding if that winding is in a three-phase A
11.4.1 Configuration. Three-phase three- connection. Without current transformers on
legged core-type wye-wye-connected transform- both bushings an internal bushing flashover can
er or autotransformer. go undetected by a differential relay if the con-
11.4.2 Problem. In wye-connected core-type nected system is grounded.



CT RATIO: aL = naH



CT RATIO: aL = na,


NOTE: See 11.4
Fig 16
Protection of Wye Connected Core Type Transformers
with no Delta for Unbalanced Voltage Conditions


1 2 3

1 2 3 1 2 3

NOTES: (1)This scheme requires additional relaying to provide protection on the

tertiary make-up bus.
(2) See 11.5
Fig 17
Differential Protection of Single Phase Transformers
Connected in Three Phase Banks

Figures 17 and 18 show two differential relay necting the current transformers in the A terti-
connections to provide complete winding protec- ary. Additionally, 3rd harmonic current in the A
tion for the A winding on an autotransformer flows in the differential relay restraint circuit.
with a A tertiary. Note that the current trans- The connection shown in Fig 18 will permit
former ratios and taps used shall take into more than one relay to detect an internal fault
account that the current transformers in the A with A-connected current transformers on the
supply the relay with two times winding cur- high side and the connection is more like that
rent. normally used on the three-phase transformer.
There are advantages for both connections. Also, note that the high-side current transform-
The connection shown in Fig 17 provides greater er shown in connections of Fig 17 shall not be
relay sensitivity because of the method of con- used without the current transformers in the


1 2 3 1 2 3
NOTES: (1)This scheme requires additional relaying to provide protection on the
tertiary make-up bus.
(2) See 11.5
Fig 18
Differential Protection of Single Phase Transformers
Connected in Three Phase Banks

tertiary. If connected in Y, the differential could tion of current transformers, and whether or not
operate for an external ground fault without the the spare power transformer will be energized
tertiary current transformers to balance it. all the time.
While other relays, such as fault pressure, If the differential zone extends to circuit
would probably detect these internal faults, breakers on both sides of a transformer, then
then most likely the differential relay should be changing the current transformer secondary cir-
connected so as to operate for all faults internal cuits is not required to place the spare trans-
to the protected transformer. former in service. However, if the spare trans-
former is to remain energized all the time,
11.6 Differential Protection of Single consideration shall be given how to protect the
Phase Transformers in a Three Phase Bank spare when not in use. When the transformer
with a Spare Transformer. With the increase bank differential is used to protect the spare
in usage of single phase transformers in three- transformer the result is not always as sensitive
phase banks with spare transformers, the ques- to protection of the spare as of the transformers
tion frequently arises of how to best include the in service.
spare in a transformer differential scheme. Dif- If bushing current transformers are used on
ferential relay connections are dependent to both sides of the transformer bank, a separate
some extent on transformer connections, loca- relay for the spare could be used to facilitate


rapidly placing the spare transformer in service. 13. Bibliography

This is true whether or not it will remain
energized. It will provide an energized spare 13.1 General Information
with adequate protection. To connect a differen- [Bl] ANSI C2-1984, National Electrical Safety
tial relay for three-phase and single-phase Code.
transformers, see 11.5. [B2] ANSUIEEE C57.12.01-1979, IEEE Stan-
The most difficult situation to handle is that dard, General Requirements for Dry-Type Dis-
where current transformers on one side of trans- tribution and Power Transformers.
former bank are located in a circuit breaker and [B3] ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90-1980, IEEE Stan-
the other in the transformer. Unfortunately, dard, Test Code for Distribution, Power and
this is a common occurrence. In this case, cur- Regulating Transformers.
rent transformer secondary circuits have to be [B4] ANSUIEEE C57.12.91-1979, IEEE Stan-
switched or rewired to place the spare power dard for Dry-Type Distribution and Power
transformer in service. Transformers.
With any of the above combinations of trans- [B5] ANSI/IEEE Std 142-1982, IEEE Recom-
former connections, it is possible to switch or mended Practice for Grounding of Industrial
rewire the current transformer secondaries. and Commercial Power Systems.
However, switching current transformer secon- [B6] IEEE Std 242-1975, IEEE Recommended
dary circuits is not recommended as a good Practice for Protection and Coordination of In-
practice without a thorough analysis of the dustrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE
switching device and the risks of an open cur- Buff Book).
rent transformer connection during the switch- [B7] BEAN, R.L., CHACKAN, N., MOORE,
ing, or the result of a defective switching con- H.R., and WENTZ, E.C. Transformers, New
tact. York: McGraw-Hill, 1959.
12. Device Numbers MINNECI, S. Transformer Engineering. New
York: John Wiley, 1951.
Device numbers are used in this guide as [B9] DUTTON, J.C. and McNUTT, W.J. Trans-
outlined in ANSUIEEE C 37.2-1979 [l], Sec- former Standards-Status and Trends. IEEE
tion 3. Transactions on Industry Applications, vol IA-
16, no 1,JadFeb, 1980, pp. 17-19.
26 Thermal device [BlO] GRIFFIN, C.H. Relay Protection of Gen-
49 Thermal relay erator Station Service Transformers. IEEE
50N Instantaneous neutral overcurrent Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems
relay vol 101, no 8, Aug, 1982, pp 2780-2789.
51 Alternating-current time overcur- [Bll] LAZAR, I. Transformer Protection and
rent relay Relaying in Industrial Power Plants. Power E n -
151N Alternating-current time neutral gineering, vol 83, No 5, May, 1979, pp 56-61.
overcurrent relay [B12] McCAULEY, T.M. Through-Fault Capa-
51NB Alternating-current time neutral bility Requirements for Unit Auxiliary Trans-
overcurrent relay, backup formers. IEEE Transactions on Power Appara-
51NT Alternating-current time neutral tus and Systems, vol 96-5, Sept/Oct 1977, pp
overcurrent relay, torque con- 163947.
trolled [B13] McNUTT, W.M., McMILLEN, C.J., NEL-
52 Alternating-current circuit break- SON, P.Q., and DIND, J.E. Transformer Short-
er Circuit Strength and Standards (A state-of-the-
59 Overvoltage relay art paper) IEEE Transactions on Power
63 Pressure switch or relay Apparatus and Systems, vol 94-2, MarIApr
67 Alternating-current directional 1975, pp 43243.
overcurrent relay [B14] McNUTT, W.J. Short-circuit Character-
67N Alternating-current directional istics of Transformers. IEEE Course Text 76
overcurrent relay, neutral CH1159-3-PWR, 1976.
87 Differential relay [BE] STIGNANT, S.A., and FRANKLIN, A.C.


J and P Transformer Book. New York: Wiley, 13.2.2 Electrical

1973. [B27] Central Station Engineers Transmission
[B16] Transformer Standards-Status and and Distribution Reference Book, Westinghouse
Trends. IEEE Transactions on Industry Appli- Electric CO,East Pittsburgh, PA, 1950, pp 126-
cations, vol IA-16, Jan/Feb, 1980, pp 17-29. 188.
[B17] WENTZ, E.C., and ALLEN, D.W., Help [B28] DOLAN, E.J., GILLES, D.A., and KIM-
for the Relay Engineer in Dealing with Tran- BARK, E.W. Ferroresonance in a Transformer
sient Currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Switched with an EHV Line. IEEE Transactions
Apparatus and Systems, vol101, no 3, Mar, 1982 on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol 91, no 3,
pp 519-524. May/Jun, 1972, pp 1273-1280.
[B29] EINVAL, C.H. and LINDERS, J.R., A
Three-phase Differential Relay for Transformer
Protection, IEEE Transactions on Power Appa-
13.2 Fault Detection ratus and Systems, vol 94-6, Nov/Dec 1975, pp
13.2.1 General 1971-1980.
[B18] BAUMAN, H.A., BEATTIE, W.C., and [B30] GLASSBURN, W.E. and SHARP, R.L., A
DRISCOLL, J.M. Automatic Trip Protection for Transformer Differential Relay with Second
Boiler-Turbine-Generator-Transformer Unit In- Harmonic Restraint. AIEE Transactions, vol77,
stallations. Paper no 312, CIGRE, June 1960. pt 111, Dec 1958, pp 913-918.
[B19] BRUBAKER, J.F. Fault Protection and [B31] GOODMAN, E.A. A New Approach to
Indication on Substation Transformers. IEEE Distribution Transformer Protection. Proceed-
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, ings of the American Power Conference, vol 34,
vol IA-13-3, May/June 1977, pp 199-207. 1972, pp 984-992.
[B20] KLINGSHIRN, E.A., MOORS, H.R., and [B32] MATHEWS, C.A. An Improved Trans-
WENTZ, E.C. Detection of Faults in Power former Differential Relay. Electrical Engineer-
Transformers. AIEE Transactions, vol76, pt 111, ing, pt III-A June 1954, pp 645-649.
Apr 1957, pp 87-98. [B33] MCKENNA, G.W. Theory and Applica-
[B21] LABRIE, R.J. Protects Autotransformer tion of Transformer Differential Protection.
Tertiary. Electrical World, vol 150 no 2, July 14, AIEE Transactions, no 69, pt 2, 1950, pp 1197-
1958, p 60. 1202.
[B22] MARTIN, J.P., WENDLING, J., and [B34] POVH, D., and SHULTZ, W. Analysis of
TOURNIER, Y. Specifics of the Short-circuit Overvoltages Caused by Transformer Magnetiz-
Behavior of Concentrically-Wound Transform- ing Inrush Current. IEEE Transactions on
ers and Autotransformers. IEEE Transactions Power Apparatus Systems, vol97, no 4, JuliAug,
on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol 99, no 6, 1978, pp 1355-1365.
Nov/Dec 1980, pp 2069-2078. [E351 SHAH, V.B. Power Transformer Protec-
[B23] PERRY, E.R., and FREY, A.M. Trans- tion. Checking Connections of Ratio Differential
former Protection with High-speed Fault Initi- and Circulating Current Relays. Electrical Re-
ating Switches. Allis Chalmers Review, vol 30, view. London no 149, 1951, pp. 937-940.
no 4, 1965, pp 4-8. [B36] SMITH, R.L. Practical Low-Voltage
[B24] RICKLEY, A.L. SR, CLARK, R.E., and Equipment Ground-Fault Protection for Solidly-
POVEY, E.H. Field Measurements of Trans- Grounded Systems with Wye-Connected Source
former Excitation Current as a Diagnostic Tool. Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Industry
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Applications, vol 18, no 2, MariApr, 1982, pp
Systems, vol100, no 4, Apr, 1981, pp 1985-1988. 93-1 03.
[B25] RIZK, F.A.M. and VINCENT, C. Testing [B37] SPIESS, H. A New Surge Restrained Dif-
for Low Breakdown Probability with Special ferential Relay for Transformer Protection. B ul-
Reference to Liquid Insulation. IEEE Trunsac- letin Oerlikon, no 306, Oct 1954, pp 77-90.
tions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol 96, [B38] STURTON, A.B. A New Differential
no 8, Nov/Dec, 1977, pp 1892-1899. Stand-by Protection. Electrical Engineering, vol
[B26] STAATS, G.W., and EBERT, J.A. Over- 82, Dec 1963, pp 745-746.
voltages in Medium Power Transformers. IEEE [B39] WALDRON, J.E., and ZOCHOLL, S.E.
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Design Considerations for a New Solid-state
vol 101, no 4, Apr, 1982, pp 877-885. Transformer Differential Relay with Harmonic


Restraint. Western Protective Relay Conference, [B51] KELLY, J.J. Transformer Fault Diagno-
Oct 15-18, 1978. sis by Dissolved-Gas Analysis. IEEE Transac-
tions on Industry Applications, vol 16, no E;,
13.3 Fuse Protection Nov/Dec, 1980, pp 777-782.
[B401 ANSMEEE C37.40-1981, IEEE Standard [B52] WEST, S.P. Maintenance and Tests Makle
Service Conditions and Definitions for High- Fault Pressure Relays Reliable. Electrical
Voltage Fuses, Disconnecting Switches, and Ac- World, Jan 19, 1970, pp 45-46.
High Capacity Current Limiting Fuses Today. 13.5 Overvoltage
AIEE Transactions, 1959, vol 78, part I11 A, pp [B53] ALEXANDER, G.W., CORBIN, S.L. and
937-947. MCNUTT, W.J. Influence of Design and Opera-
[B42] GRUESEN, K.R. LARNER, R.A., Fuse ting Practices on Excitation of Generator Step-
Protection of High-Voltage Power Transformers. up Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power
AIEE Transactions, vol78, pt I11 A, Oct 1959, pp Apparatus and Systems, vol85, no 8, Aug 19661,
864-878. pp 901-909.
[B43] HUBER, W.J. Selection and Coordination [B54] ALEXANDER, G.W., McNUTT, W.J.,
Criteria for Current Limiting Fuses, IEEE TEMOSHOK, J., and WALKLEY, W.W. Gene-
Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 13, rating Station Protection and Operating Prac-
no 6, Nov/Dec, 1977, pp 523-527. tices to Avoid Equipment Overexcitation. Pro-
ceedings of the American Power Conference,
13.4 Pressure and Gas Analysis 1967.
[B44] ANSIiIEEE C57.104-1978, IEEE Guide [B551 ARTHUR, J., LINDERS, J., and
for the Detection and Determination of Generat- STRANNE, G. An Overexcitation Relay with
ed Gases in Oil-Immersed Transformers and Inverse Time Characteristics. Western Protective
Their Relation to the Serviceability of the Relay Converence, Oct 26-28, 1982.
Equipment. [B56] BARTHOLD, L.O., JOHNSON, I.B., and
[B45] ANDERSON, R.N. A New Fault-Pressure SCHULTZ, A.J. Overvoltages Following Secon-
Relay Provides Fast, Effective Power Transform- dary Switching of Tranformers Connected to
er Protection. Distribution, vol 21, no 3, July, High-Voltage Lines. AIEE Power Apparatus and
1959, pp 8-9. Systems, nos 58-1185, Feb 1959.
[B461 BEAN, R.L., COLE, H.L. A Sudden Gas- [B571 BELLASCHI, T.L. Overexcitation of
Pressure Relay for Transformer Protection. Large Generator Transformers. Transmission
AIEE Transactions, vol 72, part 111, 1953, pp and Distribution, Aug 1968.
480483. [B58] CLARRIDGE, C.H. New Monitor System
[B47] Boyaris, E. and GUYOT, W.S. Experience Guards Generator Transformers. Electrical
with Fault-Pressure Relaying and Combustible World, May 2, 1966.
Gas-Detection in Power Transformers. Proceed- [B59] GOFF, L.E. A Volts Per Hertz Relay for
ings American Power Conference, vol 33, 1971, the Protection of Transformers Against Over-
pp 1116-1126. excitation. Georgia Institute of Technology Con -
[B48] CRAWFORD, C.I., and WILSON, A.F. In- ference May 4-5, 1967.
cipient Transformer Fault Detected by Combus- [B60] MCNUTT, W.J., Operation of Power
tible Gas Monitoring Program and Ultra-Sound Transformers During Major Power System Dis-
Tests. Power Apparatus and Systems Transac- turbances, General Electrical GED-3237A.
tions, Sept 1964, vol 83, no 9, p. 926. [B611 Overexcitation of Power Transformers.
[B49] HABERL, H.W., MADILL, J.T., and General Electric GET-3364A.
SMITH, R.K. Extensive Use of Gas Detector [B62] SEALEY, W.C. Overexcitation of Power
Relays in Canada. Paper no 120, CIGRE, June Transformers. Allis-Chalmers Engineering Re-
1960, pp 1-15. view, vol 30, no 4, 1965.
[B50] HARRISON, D. Transformer Gas Test- [B63] WAGNER, C.L., Overexcitation Problems
ing. Ontario Hydro Research News, vol 9, no 4, and Protection of Generators and Transformers I

Dec 1957, pp. 11-15. Georgia Institute of Technology, May 4, 1967.



(This Appendix is not a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.91-1985, IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power

Application of the Transformer Through-Fault Current Duration

Guide to the Protection of Power Transformers

Overcurrent protective devices such as relays the use of reclosers or automatic reclosing cir-
and fuses have well-defined operating character- cuit breakers may subject the transformer to
istics that relate fault-current magnitude to repeated current surges from each fault. For a
operating time. It is desirable that the charac- given transformer in these two different applica-
teristic curves for these devices be coordinated tions, a different through-fault protection curve
with comparable curves, applicable to trans- should apply, depending on the type of applica-
formers, (See ANSUIEEE C57.109-1985[51), tion. For applications in which faults occur in-
which reflect their through-fault withstand ca- frequently, the through-fault protection curve
pability. Such curves for Category I, 11,111, and should reflect primarily thermal damage consid-
IV transformers (as described in ANSUIEEE erations, since cumulative mechanical-damage
C57.12.00 1985[2]) are presented in this Appen- effects of through faults will not be a problem.
dix as through-fault protection curves. For applications in which faults occur frequent-
It is widely recognized that damage t o trans- ly, the through-fault protection curve should
formers from through faults is the result of reflect the fact that the transformer will be
thermal and mechanical effects. The latter have subjected to thermal and cumulative-me-
recently gained increased recognition as a major chanical-damage effects of through faults.
concern of transformer failure. Though the In using the through-fault protection curves
temperature rise associated with high magni- to select the time-current characteristics of pro-
tude through faults is typically quite acceptable, tective devices, the protection engineer should
the mechanical effects are intolerable if such take into account not only the inherent level of
faults are permitted to occur with any regulari- through-fault incidence but also the location of
ty. This results from the cumulative nature of each protective device and its role in providing
some of the mechanical effects, particularly in- transformer protection. Substation transformers
sulation compression, insulation wear, and with secondary-side overhead lines have a rela-
friction-induced displacement. The damage tively high incidence of through faults. The
which occurs as a result of these cumulative secondary-side feeder protective equipment is
effects is a function of not only the magnitude the first line of defense against through faults
and duration of through faults, but also the to- and its time-current characteristics should be
tal number of such faults. selected by reference to the frequent-fault-
The through-fault protection curves presented incidence protection curve. More specifically,
in this Appendix take into consideration that the time-current characteristics of feeder pro-
the transformer damage is cumulative, and the tective devices should be below and to the left of
number of through faults to which a transformer the appropriate frequent-fault-incidence protec-
can be exposed is inherently different for differ- tion curve. Main secondary-side protective de-
ent transformer applications. For example, vices (if applicable) and primary-side protective
transformers with secondary-side conductors devices typically operate to protect against
enclosed in conduit or isolated in some other through faults only in the rare event of a fault
fashion, such as those typically found in indus- between the transformer and the feeder protec-
trial, commercial, and institutional power sys- tive devices, or in the equally rare event that a
tems, experience an extremely low incidence of feeder protective device fails to operate or oper-
through faults. In contrast, transformers with ates too slowly due to an incorrect (higher)
secondary-side overhead lines, such as those rating or setting.
found in utility distribution substations, have a The time-current characteristics of these de-
relatively high incidence of through faults, and vices should be selected by reference to the


infrequent-fault-incidence protection curve. In be used for selecting feeder protective device

addition, these time-current characteristics time-current characteristics for frequent-fault-
should be selected to achieve the desired coordi- incidence applications. It is dependent upon the
nation among the various protective devices. impedance of the transformer for fault current
In contrast, transformers with protected sec- above 50% of maximum possible and is keyed to
ondary conductors (for example, cable, bus duct, the 12tof the worst-case mechanical duty (maxi-
or switchgear), experience an extremely low mum fault current for 2 s).
incidence of through faults. Hence, the feeder (2) The right-hand curve reflects primarily
protective devices may be selected by reference thermal damage considerations and may be
to the infrequent-fault-incidence protection used for selecting feeder protective device time-
curve. The main secondary-side protective de- current characteristics for infrequent-fault-
vice (if applicable) and the primary-side protec- incidence applications. This curve may also be
tive device should also be selected by reference used for selecting main secondary-side protec-
to the infrequent-fault-incidence protection tive device (if applicable) and primary-side pro-
curve. Again, these time-current characteristics tective device time-current characteristics for
should also be selected to achieve the desired all applications-regardless of the anticipated
coordination among the various protective de- level of fault incidence.
vices. For Category IV transformers (above 10 000
For Category I transformers (5 kVA to kVA single-phase, and above 30 000 kVA three-
500 kVA single-phase, 15 kVA to 500 kVA three- phase), a single through-fault protection curve
phase), a single through-fault protection curve applies. See Fig A4. This curve reflects both
applies. See Fig Al. This curve may be used for thermal and mechanical damage considerations
selecting protective device time-current charac- and may be used for selecting protective device
teristics for all applications regardless of the time-current characteristics for all applications
anticipated level of fault incidence. -regardless of the anticipated level of fault
For Category I1 transformers (501 kVA to incidence. It is dependent upon the impedance of
1667 kVA single-phase, 501 kVA to 5000 kVA the transformer for fault current above 50% of
three-phase), two through-fault protection maximum possible and is keyed to the 12t of the
curves apply. Fig A2. worst-case mechanical duty (maximum fault
(1) The left-hand curve reflects both thermal current for two seconds).
and mechanical damage considerations and may The delineation of infrequent-versus fre-
be used for selecting feeder protective device quent-fault-incidence applications for Category
time-current characteristics for frequent-fault- I1 and I11 transformers can be related to the zone
incidence applications. It is dependent upon the or location of the fault. See Fig A5.
impedance of the transformer for fault current For convenience, the through-fault protection
above 70% of maximum possible and is based on curves for Category I, 11, 111, and IV transform-
the 12t of the worst-case mechanical duty (maxi- ers are summarized in Table Al.
mum fault current for 2 s). Fuse or overcurrent relay coordination with
(2) The right-hand curve reflects primarily the through-fault protection curves, or both, are
thermal damage considerations and may be shown in Figs A6 through A8.
used for selecting feeder protective device time- These should be self-explanatory. A primary
current characteristics for infrequent-fault- side fuse or overcurrent relay on a delta
incidence applications. This curve may also be primary-wye grounded secondary transformer
used for selecting main secondary-side protec- will see only 57.7% of the wye side phase-to-
tive device (if applicable) and primary-side pro- ground fault current. The applicable primary
tective device time-current characteristics for side curves are shifted to the right on the phase-
all applications-regardless of the anticipated to-ground fault figures to properly show coordi-
level of fault incidence. nation.
For Category I11 transformers (1668 kVA to An example of the application of the new
10 000 kVA single-phase, 5001 kVA to 30 000 thermaUmechanica1 limit curves to a 3-winding
kVA three-phase), two through-fault protection autotransformer (wye-wye-delta) with overcur-
curves apply. See Fig A3. rent relays on the 30 MVA tertiary follows using
(1) The left-hand curve reflects both thermal Table A2 nameplate data.
and mechanical damage considerations and may The corrdination steps are as follows:


(1) Select the category from the minimum (3) Calculate "constant" K = l2t = (100/7.94)2
nameplate rating of the principal winding 2 = 317.24 at 2 s.
(75000 kVA is category IV). (4) Times normal base current at 2 s 12.59 )>

(2) Select the impedance to use so as to plot (5) The 50% point is (317.24)/(12.59/2)2>) 8 s.
the category IV curves (Z 132-13.2 = 7.94% at
30000 kVA). The coordination of the overcurrent relays for
this example is shown in Fig A9.

10 000 9000
9000 6000
7000 7000
6000 6000
5000 5000
4000 I j 11 I I I I I IIII I I I I I IIII 4000

3000 II ~ 3000

2000 2000

I\ I I l i l t (
11 I I I I I l l
700 " I " I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I l l 1 700
600 1 1 1 1 1 I I IIIII I I I I I IIII I I I l l l l I I I I I I 600
iI !' i' 1I 1! I \I
I \I
I I Illll
I I I l l l l
1 , 1
I I I Ill1
1 1 1 1
I I111111
' II
I4 II II I, I, I,
I I Ill1

300 ,,,,, I , I I I I , , , I I I , , , , , , , ,, 300

200 Ill
R1 \ 1I 1I 11 11 11 11 11 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

100 100
90 ;;2
70 5
50 50 (I)
40 40
Irl I I I l k
- I I 1 1 1 DEFINED IN ANSIAEEE C57.12.00-1980.

llllll I I Illllw ' I I I111111 I I111111 I I Illilll 10
6 6
5 5
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
9 08
07 07
06 06
05 05
04 04

03 03

02 02

01 01
1 2 3 4 5676910 20 30 4050


Fig A1
Category I Transformers
5 to 500 kVA Single-phase
15 to 500 kVA Three-phase












2 3 4 5678910 20 30 4050 2 3 4 5 6 7 6910 20 30 40 50


Fig A2
Category I1 Transformers
501 to 1667 kVA Single-phase
501 to 5000 kVA Three-phase



Ol- I I 01
2 3 4 5678910 20 .?U 4050 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 20 30 40 50


Fig A3
Category I11 Transformers
1668 to 10000 kVA Single-phase
5001 to 30000 kVA Three-phase
















Fig A4
Category IV Transformers
Above 10000 kVA Single-phase
Above 30000 kVA Three-phase












*Should be selected by reference to the frequent-fault-incidence protection curve or for

transformers serving industrial, commercial, and institutional power systems with secondary-
side conductors enclosed in conduit, bus duct, etc., the feeder protective device may be selected
by reference to the infrequent-fault-incidence protection curve
Fig A5
Infrequent-Frequent-FaultIncidence Zones for
Category I1 and Category I11 Transformers

Table A1
Summary of Through-FaultProtection Curves

Minimum Nameplate kVA

(Principal Winding)

Category Single-phase Three-phase Protection Curves*

I 5 to 500 15 to 500 Fig A1

I1 501 to 1667 501 t o 5000 Fig A2
I11 1668 t o 10000 5001 to 30000 Fig A3
IV above 10000 above 30000 Fig A4


Table A2
An Application Example of the ThermaVMechanical Limit Curves
for a Three-Winding Transformer


60 Cycles, Class ONFNFOA, Three-phase

Voltage Rating: 132000 GR Y/76200-66000 GR Y/38100-13200

H Winding X Winding Y Winding

MVA rating 75 (output) 60 30 Continuous 55C Rise self-cooled

MVA rating 100 (output) 40 40 Continuous 55C Rise forced-air-cooled
MVA rating 125 (output) 100 50 Continuous 55C Rise forced-oil and forced-air-cooled
MVA rating 140 (output) 100 56 Continuous 65C Rise forced-oil and forced-air-cooled

Impedance volts 5.00% 132000 GR Wye-66OOOGR Wye Volts at 60 MVA

Impedance volts 7.94% 132000 GR Wye-13200 volts at 30 MVA
Impedance volts 11.43% 66000 GR Wye-13200 volts at 30 MVA



r, r-
0 0 0 00-
N 0 * , w e m a n ::

:: s z s z z z n 00
v m m c m a -
00000000008008 gj g 8 ggasg;
0 0 0











o h
0 07
0 06
0 05
0 04

0 03

0 02

0 01
, w c ma-
- :: OD s ::szs%z g 8 8 8 88888 g 0
8 &$gE
0 0 0000
0 0000 N 0 m m c m a o


U7 w e w m z

Fig A6 (a)
Protection of a Category I1 Transformer Serving Protected
Secondary-Side Conductors (for example, cable, bus duct, or
switchgear) for Three-phase Secondary-Side Fault



0 0

current curves of primary-side

protective devices responding to a
phase-to-ground secondary-side
fault are V . 5 8 . values for a
three-phase secondary-side fault.

Fig A6 (b)
Protection of a Category I1 Transformer Serving Protected
Secondary-Side Conductors (for example, cable, bus duct, or
switchgear)for Phase-to-GroundSecondary-Side Fault


Fig A7 (a)
Protection of a Category I11 Transformer Serving Secondary-Side
Overhead Lines, for Three-phase Secondary-Side Fault


Fig A7(b)
Protection of a Category I11 Transformer Serving Secondary-Side
Overhead Lines, for Phase-to-Ground Secondary-Side Fault



"? 'OF-m 0 0 0 000000
0 0000- N 0 f L"wFmmr W w F mm. N m f WYIFmm-









0 1
0 08
0 07
0 06
0 05
0 04

0 03

0 02

0 0000
N 0 * -
Y)Y)r-mmo 0 g 8 0 oOo"g
"7 1D F mm-

D * L"1Dr-m
0 01


Fig A8 (a)
Protection of Category I11 Transformer
Three-phase Secondary Fault


Fig A8 (b)
Protection of Category I11 Transformer
Phase-Ground Secondary Fault


Fig A9
Coordination of Tertiary Overcurrent Relays
Large Auto Transformer


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