Copyright Trademark Kettle
Copyright Trademark Kettle
Copyright Trademark Kettle
WHAT IS A COPYRIGHT___________________________________________________
A. Definition - Protection to authors of “original works of authorship” which are fixed in a tangible medium of
B. Types of works - §102
1) Literary works
2) Musical works, including accompanying words
3) Dramatic works, including any accompanying music
4) Pantomimes and choreographic works
5) Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works
6) Motion pictures and other audiovisual works
7) Sound recordings
8) Architectural works
C. What is not subject to protection - §102(b)
1) Ideas
2) Procedures
3) Process
4) System
5) Method of operation
6) Concept
7) Principle
8) Discovery
D. Qualifications for Copyright
1) Elements:
(a) Work must be original
(i) Original to the author
(ii) The author must have created it
(iii) Possess at least some minimal degree of creativity
(b) Work must be fixed in a tangible medium of expression
(i) Put into a copy or phonorecord
E. Special Doctrines for Special Circumstances
1) Facts
(a) Facts are not copyrightable as they are not original (Feist Publications v. Rural Telephones)
(b) While a book containing facts is copyrightable, the underlying facts are not
2) “Selection, Arrangement, and Coordination”
(a) While facts are not protectable—the selection and arrangement of them may be so long as it has a
“minimum degree of creativity” (Feist Publications v. Rural Telephones)
(b) But only the components of the work that are original to the author are copyrightable (Feist Publications
v. Rural Telephones)
3) “Sweat of the Brow”
(a) This doctrine does not permit the copyright of facts (Feist Publication v. Rural Telephones)
(b) Originality, not sweat, is the touchtone of copyright protection (Feist Publications v. Rural Telephones)
4) Commercial Works
(a) Copyright is not limited to protecting the fine arts (Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing)
(b) Works commercial in nature are just as eligible for protection (Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing)
5) Systems, Procedures, and Functionality
(a) A book on a given system or procedure may be copyrightable (Baker v. Seldon)
(b) But the underlying system or procedure is not (Baker v. Seldon)
F. Federal vs. State Preemption - §301
1) Elements:
(a) The state rights are not equivalent to the bundle of rights under §106; and
(b) The law does not deal with the subject matter of §102-103
2) Un-preempted claims
(a) Contract breach
(b) ROP
(c) Invasion of privacy
(d) Defamation
(e) Violation of trust
(f) Misappropriation
(g) Trespass
(h) Conversion
(i) Deceptive trade practices
(j) Passing off/false representation
VII. INFRINGEMENT_______________________________________________________
A. Who is liable - §501
1) Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner stated in §106 or §106A or imports
copies or phonorecords in violation of §602
2) Any one who copies or uses protectable expression from a copyrighted work without permission
B. Elements:
1) Ownership of the valid, registered, and particular copyright that is being infringed
(a) You must register your work to be able to sue
(b) You must have ownership over the particular right being infringed (i.e. right to make derivatives,
perform the work publicly, etc…)
2) Access to the copyrighted work
(a) General Situations
(i) Since actual evidence is rarely available, you may use circumstantial evidence
(ii) But there must be some evidence that the work was available to the infringer (Selle v. Gibb)
(iii) The possibility of the access must be a reasonable possibility—not a bare one (Selle v. Gibb)
(b) Striking Similarity
(i) “Striking similarity” may presume access
(ii) But only if the similarity is such that it precludes any explanation other than direct copying (Selle v.
3) Substantial similarity to the copyrighted work
(a) Whether an average lay observer would recognize the alleged copy as having been appropriated from the
copyrighted work. (Steinberg v. Columbia Pictures)
(b) Must be similarity of expression—not just the idea behind the expression (Steinberg v. Columbia
(c) But when an artist makes creates a mere likeness—later works that resemble that likeness are not
substantially similar (Gross v. Seligman)
4) Unauthorized copying or use of copyrightable expression
(a) General plots, scenes characters, and backgrounds are not copyrightable expression (Nichols v. Universal
(b) Scene a Faire
C. Contributory Infringement
1) Elements:
(a) Have knowledge of the infringing activity; AND
(b) Induce, cause, or materially contribute to the infringement
(i) Merely providing the site and facilities is enough (Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction)
2) Example – Owner of a swap meet, who make infringement possible by his meet, was a contributory infringer
when his vendors were selling counterfeit goods. (Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction)
D. Vicarious Infringement
1) Elements:
(a) Have the right and ability to supervise the infringing activity; AND
(b) Have a direct financial interest in the infringing activity
(i) A direct interest in the infringing transaction is not required. (Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction)
2) Example – Owner of a swap who profited from admission charges and could close any vendor had both an
interest and ability to supervise in the infringing activity. (Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction)
E. Software Infringement
1) Extract the non-protectable expression and retain what is protectable (Abstraction, Filtration, Comparison -
2) Compare the extracted material with the suspect work to see if it is present
3) De minimis could be allowed
4) Side-by-side comparison is used
VIII. DEFENSES_____________________________________________________________
A. Fair Use - §107
1) Elements
(a) Fits a category of use
(i) Criticism
(ii) Comment
(iii) News reporting
(iv) Teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use)
(v) Scholarship
(vi) Research
(b) Factors of Analysis
(i) Purpose and character of the use (such as commercial/non-profit)
• Use for commercial gain weighs against fair use, but it is not per se exclusive
• Mere headline grabbing does not make it news reporting (Harper & Row Publishers v. Nation
(ii) Nature of the copyrighted work
• Some works are more worthy of copyright protection than others.
• Was the work factual or fantastical?
(iii) Amount and substantiality of the portion used
• Considers both the overall quantity taken and whether the copy took the “heart of the
copyrighted work” (Harper & Row Publishers v. Nation Enterprises)
• Did the copy take “no more than necessary” to conjure up the original work (Campbell v. Acuff-
Rose Music)
(iv) Effect upon the market of the copyrighted work (*most important)
• Any evidence of actual harm (Harper & Row Publishers v. Nation Enterprises)
• If the copy is a mere copy and thus a substitute—market harm more certain (Campbell v. Acuff-
Rose Music)
• If the copy is transformative—market harm less certain (Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music)
• No protection for adverse effect on the market from biting criticism (Campbell v. Acuff-Rose
• When the copyright holder establishes reasonable probability of loss of revenue, the burden
shifts to the copier to show loss would have occurred anyway
B. Time Shifting - §109
1) When a person records a TV program for later more convenient viewing
(a) Only applies to free broadcast TV, not cable
2) The equipment must have substantial non-infringing uses (Sony v. Universal City Studios)
C. Innocent Infringer – no copyright notice so was not put on notice that the work was protected
D. Work in the public domain
E. Work is original to the defendant too – no copying
F. Statute of limitations - 3 years civil, 5 years criminal
G. First Sale Doctrine - §109
1) Purchaser of a copyrighted work can sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of the copy or phonorecord (note
limitations for software) without obtaining any further authorization.
2) Purchaser cannot, however:
(a) Reproduce (except for private use)
(b) Create a derivative work
(c) Publicly perform the work
H. Fraud in the Application
I. Point of Sale Exception - §110 – an exception to §106 public performance right which allows retailers of
playback equipment to play them publicly for purposes of selling the equipment
J. Single Receiver Exception – you can perform publicly works that appear on free broadcast
IX. REMEDIES_____________________________________________________________
A. Injunctions - §502
B. Impounding or Disposition - §503
C. Damages - §504
1) Actual Damages
(a) You will not get lost future profits (Stevens Linen v. Mastercraft)
2) Defendant’s Profits - §504(b)
(a) Plaintiff required to prove Defendant’s gross sales
(b) Defendant required to prove deductible gross expenses and other causes for profit other than
(c) If clear that not all of Defendant’s profits were attributable to the infringement, court will not award
100% profits even if Defendant fails to show otherwise (Cream Records v. Schlitz Brewing)
3) Statutory Damages
(a) Plaintiff must have registered the work within:
(i) The first 90 days following publication; or
(ii) Prior to infringement
(b) Amounts
(i) Pre 3/1/1989
• $100 minimum
• $250-10,000 (ordinary)
• up to $50,000 (willful)
(ii) 3/1/1989 – 12/9/99
• $200 minimum
• $500-20,000 (ordinary)
• Up to $100,000 (willful)
(iii) Post 12/9/99
• $200 minimum
• $750-30,000 (ordinary)
• $150,000 (willful)
D. Costs and Attorney Fees - §505
1) Plaintiff must first be eligible for statutory damages
2) Awarded at the discretion of the court
E. Criminal Offense - §506
1) any person who willfully infringes for either commercial advantage; or
2) Reproducing phonorecords of copyrighted works which have a total retail value of over $1000.
I. WHAT IS A PATENT_______________________________________________________
A. Three Types of Patents
1) Utility Patents (§154)- May be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process,
machine, article of manufacture, or compositions of matters, or any new useful improvement thereof
2) Design Patents (§174)– May be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for
an article of manufacture
3) Plant Patents (§161)- May be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any
distinct and new variety of plants (Plant Variety Production Act protection sexually)
A. May be sold or mortgaged, bequeathed by will, and passed to heirs of deceased patentee.
B. May grant licenses to others
C. No one else may make, sell, etc…without patent holder’s permission
D. A license is purely a promise not to sue—any form works
E. Transfer or sale of patent, or application for a patent, must be in instrument in writing.
F. Assignment, grants, and similar instruments are recorded by USPTO and serve as public notice
VIII. INFRINGEMENT_______________________________________________________
A. §271 – “whoever without authority makes, uses, offers to sell, or sells any patented invention, within US or
imports into US, during the term of the patent infringes.
B. Two types
1) Literal Infringement – where the infringing article is identical or “reads on” to the claims of the patented
article held by the Π.
2) Doctrine of Equivalents – occurs when the infringing article “performs substantially the same function in
substantially the same manger to obtain the same result.” A DOE claim is examined on an element by
element basis in light of the file wrapper to determine whether any of the claims are equivalent. Not applied
to the invention as a whole.
C. Other types
1) Inducement of Infringement - §271(b)
(a) Anyone who actively induces infringement is liable:
(i) Distribution of instruction on the uses of the patented process;
(ii) Encouragement of a licensee to breach his license
2) Contributory Infringement - §271(c)
(a) Liable Those who sell components made or adapted especially for use in an infringement of a patent
(b) Not Liable those who sell commodities which have a substantial non-infringing use
D. Who decides infringement?
1) Court
(a) The construction of a patent, including terms of art within its claim
(b) Markman hearings which are held for declaratory construction of claims.
2) Jury
(a) Decides the question of infringement
(b) Whether it actually infringes or not.
IX. DEFENSES_____________________________________________________________
A. Patent invalid – for being non-obvious, not novel, or not useful
B. Fraud in the patent office – holder of the patent made misrepresentations or withheld material information
during the patent process and did so intentionally
C. Misuse of the patent – equivalent to unclean hands. Patentee used his patent in such a way as to gain more
market power than the grant of the patent was intended to convey.
D. Lack of payment of maintenance fees
E. Invention abandoned - §102(c) refers to the intentional surrender of the invention to the public
F. Innocent infringer - §287 – notice must be given that the article is patented. If no notice given to the infringer,
either by such notice or by the filing of an action for infringement, the infringer is not liable for money damages.
G. Patent expired
H. Experimentation exception – person may make a patented article or process:
1) To ascertain whether the specifications are accurate; or
2) For experimentation which is not for profit for business purposes – philosophical experimentation
I. Equitable defenses
1) Laches
(a) Patentee unreasonably and inexcusably delayed bringing an infringement action and the delay caused
material prejudice to the defendant.
(b) If the Π delays sue for more than 6 years after the date he knows/should have known there is a
presumption of laches.
2) Prosecution laches – unreasonable and unexplained delay in prosecuting the patent application which may
bar enforcement of the patent
3) Equitable estoppel – if the D can show the following then no suit:
(a) Patentee, by misleading conduct led the D into reasonably inferring that the patentee did not intend to
enforce his patent;
(b) The D relied on that conduct; and
(c) Due to his reliance the D will be materially prejudiced if the suit proceeds
4) File Wrapper Estoppel – patent owner estopped from later reclaiming subject matter which he gave up
during prosecution of the patent
5) Assignor estoppel – patent owner estopped from challenging the validly of a patent he earlier assigned
X. REMEDIES_______________________________________________________________
A. Injunction -§283
B. Damages - §284
C. Trebled - §284 (may be awarded for willful infringement)
D. Attorneys Fees and Costs - §285
E. Time Limitation - §286 – “Six Year Rule” – prohibits recovery of damages for any infringements that occurred
more than 6 years prior to filing suit
A. Mark must be used in commerce
1) Prior to 11/16/1989
(a) Mark had to be used in the marketplace in connection with the goods or services
(b) No ownership rights would attach until used in commerce
(c) A mark that had not been used could not be registered
2) Post 11/16/1989
(a) Requirement altered to allow for registration on intent to use
(b) But it cannot be a token use simply to gain registration
3) Affixation
(a) The mark must be properly “affixed” to the goods or service
(i) For trademarks – achieved by placing mark on goods, on tags, etc…
(ii) For service marks – achieved by using the mark in the course of selling or advertising services
B. Mark must be distinctive
1) Abercrombie Categories
(a) Inherently distinctive
(i) Arbitrary or Fanciful mark
• Arbitrary – has meaning but does not describe the product or its services
• Fanciful – has no other meaning but as the trademark
(ii) Suggestive marks
• Indirectly describe the product or service they identify
• The consumer must come to engage in a mental process of his own to connect the mark to the
product or service
• The amount of imagination they exercise to make the connection is considered in deeming a
mark as suggestive vs. merely descriptive
• Competitors do not need to use the mark to describe their own products
(iii) Marks appearing on the federal register ®
(b) Not inherently distinctive Need secondary meaning - §1052(f)
(i) Descriptive marks - §1052(e)(1) (Application of Sun Oil)
(ii) Deceptively misdescriptive - §1052(e)(1)
(iii) Primarily geographically descriptive - §1052(e)(2)
(iv) Primarily geographically misdescriptive - §1052(e)(3) (In Re Loew’s Theaters; Arizona tea)
(v) Surnames - §1052(e)(4)
(vi) Merely functional - §1052(e)(5)
• Merely Functional not protectable
1. Do competitors need it to compete effectively – functional
2. Does the feature give one producer a competitive advantage because it functions in a
superior manner or is more economical than alternatives – functional
3. Is the feature substantially related to the purpose of the product – functional
• Non-Functional
1. Trade Dress – Protectable if:
a. May be inherently distinctive (Two Pesos v. Taco Cabana)
b. Not inherently distinctive + Secondary meaning
2. Color – Protectable if:
a. It is non-functional (note some colors have become functional)(Qualitex v. Jacobsen
b. Has secondary meaning (Qualitex v. Jacobsen Products)
3. Product Design (Samarra Brothers v. Wal-Mart)
a. Cannot be inherently distinctive
b. Requires proof of secondary meaning
(c) Secondary Meaning – when the public recognizes the mark as an indication of the source of the product
or service.
(i) Can be established through:
• Directly - Surveys
• Circumstantially
1. Long and extensive use of the mark in connection with a product
2. Created secondary meaning through extensive advertising
3. Proof of substantially exclusive use for 5 years (prima facie evidence) - §1052
(ii) Can be challenged by:
• Attacking validity of the survey
• Secondary meaning in one market does not give you secondary meaning in the whole market
(Durango® cigars and Durango tobacco in In Re Loew’s Theaters)
(d) Inherently non-distinctive Generic marks
(i) A mark is deemed “generic” if its primary significance to the public is the identification of a type of
product or service (Kleenex, Boogie Boards) and not the source or origin.
2) An otherwise distinctive mark cannot be:
(a) Deceptive - §1052(a)
(i) Simmons/Shapely Test
• Is the term misdescriptive of the character, quality, function, composition, or use of the goods?
• If so, are prospective purchasers likely to believe that the misdescriptions actually describe the
• If so, is the misdescription likely to affect the decision to purchase?
1. If yes mark is deceptive and barred from protection or registration (In Re Budge
2. If no mark is merely deceptively misdescriptive and needs secondary meaning
(Application of Sun Oil)
(b) Confusingly similar - §1052(d)
(i) No registration if a mark so resembles an earlier mark as to be likely to cause confusion (In Re
(ii) But the owner of a previously registered similar mark may consent to another’s use if they believe
there to be no likelihood of confusion (In Re NAD)
(iii) Can grant a concurrent registration if there are no competing territories (In Re NAD)
(c) Contain scandalous matter - §1052(a)
(i) Prohibits giving offense to the conscience or moral feelings; exciting reprobation, calling out
condemnation (Hurricane Katrina drinks)
(ii) Uses perceptions of the offended class (as opposed to general public) when determining what is
(d) Disparagement or false connection - §1052(c)
(i) No registration if it may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with:
• Persons (living or dead) - §1052(c)
• Institutions
• Beliefs
• National symbols - §1052(b)
(e) Abandoned - §1127 [§45]
(i) Through Non-Use - §1127 [§45]
• Use has been discontinued with intent not to resume such use
• Intent not to resume may be inferred from circumstances
• Nonuse for 3 consecutive years is prima facie evidence of abandonment
• Use means “bona fide” use—not a mere “token” use
(ii) Through Loss of Quality Control
• If mark licensed for use by someone else, owner must exercise QC or its abandoned
• Occurs if the owner grants a “naked license”
(iii) Through Loss of Distinctiveness - §1127 [§45]
• Any course of conduct of the owner, including omissions, that causes the mark to become the
generic name for the goods or services with which it is used (King-Seely Thermos v. Aladdin
• Otherwise lost significance as a mark
V. TRANSFER OF TRADEMARKS_____________________________________________
A. Assignment
1) A registered mark or mark for which an application has been filed can be assigned
2) Assignment must be in writing and should be registered with USPTO
3) No actual form for assignment
B. Licenses
1) The duration for licenses (both exclusive and non-exclusive) are set by contract
2) Be wary to not grant “naked licenses” – owner must maintain quality checks
VI. INFRINGEMENT_______________________________________________________
A. Likelihood of confusion
1) Polaroid Factors: (Second Circuit) (McGregor v. Drizzle)
(a) Strength of Π’s mark – distinctiveness and tendency to identify the goods source
(b) Similarity of the marks, products, or services – in appearance, sound (radio test), meaning
(c) Product proximity in the marketing channels – sold at the same or same kind of stores
(d) Quality of the D’s goods – does it tarnish or conjure up the goodwill of Π’s product
(e) Bridging the Gap between the marks – how likely for Π to enter this market
(f) Actual confusion – persuasive evidence
(g) Good faith of the D – did D intentionally adopt this mark
(h) Sophistication of the buyers – careful and discriminating consumer
2) Other issues
(a) Reverse Confusion
(b) Disclaimers
(i) Simply putting a “we’re not affiliated with X” on your product does not disclaim liability
(ii) Would turn on how likely it is that consumers will see it (is it conspicuous?)
(c) Lingering Good Will
(i) Applies in instances of an abandoned mark
(ii) Even though producer no longer uses it, it has a lingering image to the consumers who may not
know better
(d) No Side-By-Side Comparison
(i) Court will not examine the conflicting marks next to each other (Pickle-Rite v. Chicago Pickle)
B. Likelihood of Dilution
1) Federal Trademark Dilution Act - §43(c)
(a) Π must show:
(i) D made use of a junior mark sufficiently similar to the famous mark to evoke a mental
association between the two;
• Degree of inherent or acquired distinctiveness
• Duration and extent of use of the mark
• Duration and extent of the advertising and publicity of the mark
• Geographical extent of the trading area where the mark is used
• Channels of trade for the goods or services on which the mark used
• Degree of recognition of the Π’s mark vs. the alleged diluter
• Nature and extent of use of same or similar marks by third parties
• Whether the mark registered
(ii) Such association has lessened the capacity (cause actual dilution) of a famous mark to identify
and distinguish goods or services (Mosely v. Victoria’s Secret)
• Can show a demonstrated loss of revenue
• Evidence that people will stop shopping at your store as a result
2) State Anti-Dilution Statutes (not preempted by Federal law)
(a) Π must show:
(i) Π has a distinctive mark that is capable of dilution
(ii) Likelihood of dilution – Judge Sweet Test
• Similarity of the mark
• Similarity of the product covered by the marks
• Sophistication of the consumers
• Predatory intent
• Renown of the senior mark
• Renown of the junior mark
(b) Three potential scenarios:
(i) Dilution by Blurring
• Π has a strong mark closely associated with the public as a business or as a source of a particular
type of good or service; and
• D’s use whittles away or dilutes the strong association consumers have between that mark and
the Π
(ii) Dilution by Tarnishing
• D’s use of a similar mark casts the Π’s distinctive and well-known mark or trade name in a bad
light and thus “tarnishes” the luster of Π’s commercial image or reputation
• Such as use in an unwholesome context out of context with Π’s high quality image
(iii) Likelihood of Confusion – overlap
C. Vicarious Infringement
1) D must have: (Hard Rock Café v. Concession Services)
(a) Control over the activity of the direct infringer; AND
(b) Financial benefit
(i) By charging admission prices, D had financial benefit (Hard Rock Café v. Concession Services)
D. Contributory Infringement
1) D must have: (Hard Rock Café v. Concession Services)
(a) Knowledge that the infringement was taking place; AND
(i) Knowledge means “willful blindness” not mere negligence
(ii) Did D suspect wrongdoing?
(iii) If so, did the D deliberately fail to investigate
• D had policy, but never enforced it (Hard Rock Café v. Concession Services)
(b) Provided the means for infringement or assistance
VII. DEFENSES_____________________________________________________________
A. Fair Use
1) Must show: (NKOTB v. New American Publishing)
(a) The product/service must be readily identifiable without the use of the trademark
(b) Only so much of the trademark has been used as is reasonably necessary to identify the product or
(c) User must do nothing that would, in conjunction with use of the mark, suggest sponsorship or
endorsement by the trademark holder
B. Loss of Distinctiveness
1) Abandonment
2) Genericide
3) Naked License
C. No Infringement
1) No Likelihood of confusion
2) No Likelihood of dilution
3) Defendant is Senior User
D. Not Valid Trademark
1) Fraud in the Registration
2) Functionality
E. Failure of holder to maintain Quality Control
F. Π’s Unclean Hands
G. Not a Valid Suit
1) Laches
2) State Statute of Limitations (there is no federal SOL)
H. Innocent Infringer
I. Violation of Anti-Trust
J. Trademark or Service mark misuse
VIII. REMEDIES_____________________________________________________________
A. Injunctions - §1116 (preferred remedy)
1) Only need to establish likelihood of confusion
2) May be narrowly tailored to remedy the offense (such as placing appropriate labels)
B. Monetary Damages - §1117 (available whether mark is registered or unregistered)
1) Actual Damages - §1117(a)
(a) Burden on the Π to show losses incurred due to loss of sales or injury to reputation/good will
(b) Typically need to show instances of actual confusion
2) Defendant’s Profits - §1117(a)
(a) Π usually must show bad faith or deception on the part of the Defendant to receive any profits
(i) Not doing a trademark search presumes bad faith
(b) Burden is on the Π to prove the amount of D’s gross sales attributable to the infringement
(c) Burden is on the D to prove non-attributable profits and attributable losses/expenses as an off set to the
gross revenue claimed by the Π
(d) Court will have leeway to adjust the monetary awards depending upon:
(i) Whether the D acted in good faith
(ii) Whether the Π has not been made whole (Maltina v. Cawy Bottling)
3) Costs
(a) Can award cost of suit
(b) Treble damages
(c) And reasonable attorney’s fees
C. Statutory Damages
1) For counterfeit marks - §1117(c)
(a) Not-Willful $500 – 100,000 per counterfeit mark
(b) Willful $1,000,000 per counterfeit mark
2) For Cyber Squatting - §1117(d)
(a) Π may receive no less than $1,000 nor more than $100,000 per domain name as court deems just
I. BASICS___________________________________________________________________
A. Source of Law – Common and State law
B. Scope of Rights
1) Address a claimed right to compensation for the D’s unauthorized use of the Π’s idea
2) Duration is set by contract and may be indefinite
II. MISAPPROPRIATION_____________________________________________________
A. Elements – Π must show:
1) Idea must be novel
(a) Objective Novelty
(i) Idea must be original to Π (Sellers v. ABC, Lueddecke v. Chevrolet)
(ii) Idea must be innovative or original in nature (Sellers v. ABC, Lueddecke v. Chevrolet)
(b) Novelty to the Buyer (New York; Nadel v. Play-by-Play Toys)
(i) For a contract claim, an idea need only be novel to the buyer to serve as consideration
2) Idea must be in concrete form
(a) Idea must be capable of being reduced to writing or used within 24 hours
(b) Idea must be reduced to a tangible form – committed to writing or incorporated into a tangible product
(c) Is the idea fully developed and “flushed out” (Lueddecke v. Chevrolet)
3) Idea must be used by the D
4) Plaintiff must have an expectation of payment
(a) Express contract - Contract exists promising to pay for an idea
(i) Lower standard of novelty required
(b) Implied contract – Where idea is novel (higher standard) and concrete and:
(i) D has paid for such ideas in the past,
(ii) Π is customarily paid for such ideas, or
(iii) Industry has a custom of paying for such ideas (Nadel v. Play-by-Play Toys)
(iv) If the D expressly declared he will not pay, courts will not imply such a promise
(c) Quasi contract – Where there has been unjust enrichment for a novel and concrete idea, but court will
not award if
(i) Disclosure for the idea was unsolicited
(ii) The idea was not novel or concrete
(d) Breach of confidentiality
(i) No novelty required
(ii) Typically mandated to be waived before recipient will even consider a submission
(e) Tort of Conversion
(i) Idea that the recipient of the idea took property
(ii) Extreme and rarely used
A. Idea was not novel
B. Independent Development - “We didn’t use Π’s idea…we used someone else’s” (Lueddecke v. Chevrolet)
C. Idea was not concrete - Not thoroughly flushed out
IV. INFRINGEMENT_______________________________________________________
A. Elements – Π must prove
1) Commercial exploitation: might include
(a) Use in advertising products or services (White v. Samsung)
(b) Incorporating the likeness into a product
(i) Three Stooges on t-shirts (Comedy III v. Saderup)
(c) Commercial speech
2) Appropriation of identity
(a) Direct name or likeness
(b) Nickname (Crazylegs)
(c) Cartoon likeness (Ali)
(d) Use of phrases associated with the celebrity (Carson)
(e) Use of impersonators (Midler v. Ford)
(f) Combinations that conjure an identity (Race car driver)
3) Likelihood of confusion
(a) Frisch Test / Sleekcraft Factors
(i) Strength of the mark – level of celebrity
(ii) Relatedness of the goods – source of celebrity’s fame and the product
(iii) Similarity of the mark – similarity of image used to celebrity image
(iv) Evidence of actual confusion
(v) Marketing channels used by D
(vi) Likely degree of purchaser care – buyer sophistication
(vii) D’s intent and good will
(viii) Likelihood of expansion – would the celebrity one day wish to endorse a similar product
V. DEFENSES________________________________________________________________
A. First Amendment
1) News, Editorial, Political Use – may use celebrity image in non-commercial speech to comment on public
2) Transformative – Does the work contain significant creative elements beyond mere imitation (Comedy III
v. Saderup)
3) Parody
(a) Poking fun is acceptable, but may only use as much as necessary to conjure up the celebrity
(b) Focus is on the “medium” not the “message” – if found to be used for commercial gain no defense
B. Fair Use – use for parody, satire, and criticism is generally not infringement of ROP
C. First Sale Doctrine
1) If celebrity authorizes X to produce products bearing celebrity’s likeness, subsequent purchasers of the
product have the right to resell them without any further authorization
D. Valid License
VII. REMEDIES_____________________________________________________________
A. Injunction – usually granted when unauthorized use is found on the grounds that ROP interests are unique and
such use may cause irreparable harm
B. Destruction or Impoundment – some states order
C. Forced Issuance of a Disclaimer
D. Damages
1) Fair market value or reasonable royalty of Defendant’s use of Π’s identity
2) Compensation for lowered demand for endorsements based on injury to celebrity’s reputation
3) Defendant’s profits – so long as it does not lead to double recovery (some states)
4) Treble Damages – Lanham Act §43(a) authorizes
5) Fees – some to prevailing party, others to only prevailing plaintiff
II. REQUIREMENTS__________________________________________________________
A. Does not have to be novel
B. Must be in continuous use in the claimant’s business
VII. DOCTRINES____________________________________________________________
A. Doctrine of Inevitable Disclosure
1) Applies – if a former employee takes or intends to take a job where use of a trade secret is inevitable
2) Doctrine Provides: (Pepsico v. Redmond)
(a) If a former employee knows the former employer’s trade secrets;
(b) It would be difficult for him not to rely on or use the trade secrets in his new position because the duties
in his new position are so related or similar to hose in his old position; and
(c) The former employee or his employer cannot be counted on to avoid use of the secrets,
(d) The former employee can be enjoined from taking the new position—but only for a limited time—until
the threat to the trade secrets is dissipated
B. Misappropriation by Memory
1) Definition - Whether an employee can stop a former employee from using trade secrets retained in memory.
2) Scope - Governs where a former employee has already used a memorized trade secret.
3) Remedy - The remedy would be to obtain an injunction which would prevent further use
4) Difficulty – Distinguishing between a protectable trade secret and non-protectable knowledge and skills
acquired through his employment or experience
X. DEFENSES________________________________________________________________
A. Reverse Engineering
1) Provided the competitor lawfully obtains the product, reverse engineering is allowed
2) But the fact that is was reverse engineered does not de facto mean it was lawful
B. Independent Development (Clean Room Development)
C. Not a Secret - Holder did not take reasonable steps to keep it secret
D. “Bona Fide Purchaser” Exception
1) One who receives another trade secret from a third person without knowing that it is a secret and the third
party’s disclosure was a breach of his duty to the other, or who learns the secret through a mistake without
notice of the secrecy and the mistake…is liable to the other for a disclosure or use of the secret after the
receipt of such notice (that it is a trade secret) unless prior thereto he has in good faith paid value for the
secret or has so changed his position that to subject him to liability would be inequitable.
XI. REMEDIES_____________________________________________________________
A. Injunctive Relief
1) Modern Rule – appropriate only for the period of time that the subject matter of the trade secret would have
remained unavailable to the D but for the misappropriation
2) Others – “Reasonable Commercial Lead Time”
(a) Weigh evidence of the amount of time a person of ordinary skill would have required to reverse engineer
or independently discover to determine the “lead time”
3) Few – permanent injunctions issued as punitive measure
B. Damages
1) Amount equal to the loss suffered by the holder; or
2) Gain realized by the person who misappropriated