Approach To Improve Collection Performance
Approach To Improve Collection Performance
Approach To Improve Collection Performance
All this makes perfect sense, but in today's business environment, these
steps focus only on part of the picture. It is critical to go upstream in the
quote to cash process. There is a chain of interrelated steps that drive
what ultimately becomes an open item on the Aged Trial Balance. This
goes far beyond the walls of the credit and collections department. The
effort must involve all areas of the business. Pricing and terms policies,
product quality, administration of product delivery and return, order entry,
billing and cash application all impact a company's ability to manage
incoming cash flow.
The "holistic" approach integrates the entire "revenue chain" and involves
all parts of the organization. This requires a review of interrelated
processes, organizational structure and supporting systems and
automation. Results will be collection performance improvement, better
management of credit risk, a more efficient and productive operation as
well as reductions in overhead costs, administrative errors and invoice
In tough times, Sales and Marketing uses credit terms and aggressive
pricing as a tool to gain market share. It is the responsibility of a Chief
Financial Officer to ensure that the credit manager works within this
framework and is part of the effort to increase company revenues.
However, it is a two way street. The company's cash flow requirements,
administrative capacity and costs must be part of the equation.
Coordination and a high level of communication between sales and credit
and collections are essential.
Any company granting trade credit is a slave to two masters. One is the
cost of funds and lost working capital opportunity and the other is the risk
of non-payment by debtors. Extended terms have both a cost and a risk
that should be quantified as deals are being developed. The result will be
knowledge based business decisions that consider both the competitive
marketplace and the financial consequences.
The credit manager must be involved from the start and thoroughly
understand the company's objectives and channels of sale. The needs of
all areas in the company should be considered.
The credit manager must enter the discussion with an attitude of "we
never say no, we say yes but how". With this in place credit will no longer
be perceived by sales as the "sales prevention department" or some
obscure accounting function. The aim is to motivate sales to seek
information from the credit department by being solutions oriented.
Sales must understand both the risks and opportunities that come with the
sale. There is the story about the Sales Manager who was upset with the
Credit Manager for turning down credit approval on a hot prospect.
Several weeks later the Sales Manager learned the target company shut
its' doors. At the next sales meeting he explained to his team, "I was
angry because there was no commission to buy the new car I wanted. Now
I realize the Credit Manager saved my mortgage" §
Credit hold is a collection tool and can reduce bad debt exposure
Order Entry
For those transactions billed by hardcopy invoice there are pitfalls that
can delay payment.
Eliminate delays in mailing the invoice. Depending on how the
customer's accounts payable policy and system are set up, the date
of receipt of invoice may have a lot to do with when payment is
made. Timely mailing is particularly important in industries with
short terms of sale.
Clearly state the terms of sale or due date on the invoice.
As simple as it sounds, make sure the invoice is sent to right
Clearly state the "remit to" address.
Avoid payments coming directly to the office. Do not include the
company address on the invoice. A contact phone number/email
address will suffice. Checks sent to a bank lockbox are deposited
faster. Checks going to offices get lost or worse, they can be
intercepted and fraud becomes an issue.
Customer Service
This takes good communication with the customer and internally between
all areas servicing "customer facing" processes.
Cash Application
Major lockbox banks provide scanning and same day online viewing of
remittance advice. This allows for payments to be deposited as delivered
and provides cash appliers and collectors the ability to review remittances
in advance of hard copy documentation.
There are excellent service providers among the lock box banks. In some
industries credit card sales can provide third party resource, particularly
on low dollar, nonstrategic business.
There are services in the marketplace that can archive documents and
provide authorized users with Internet access. Using indexing techniques,
data elements can be rearranged to provide ad-hoc reports for use in
customer dispute research or even for sales and marketing purposes.
These services can accept hardcopy documents for scanning, CD's or
tapes or electronic file transfers.
Use of this technology can save significant time in research and resolving
disputes. This provides additional time for collection staff to focus on cash
generating tasks.
Sales can provide a set of ears and eyes in the field for the collection
organization. Participate in Sales Team meetings. Communicate issues
involving their accounts. Seek sales input and help them understand how
important it is to report back to you on changes in customer condition or
other cash flow related issues.
Review collection and reconciliation activity to find areas that are best
outsourced to a competent third party. In these times of tight staffs and
budgets, collection departments need to focus on critical customer
relationships and transactions. Review low dollar activity, non-strategic
accounts and seasonal volume fluctuations. These can be handled by a
third party and will probably save the company money.
Using the "holistic" approach, issues can be quickly identified and cross-
functional efforts employed toward improvements. As one of the few in
the organization with visibility to all the factors involved, the credit
professional can be utilized as a leader in the improvement effort.