4.6 Design of Drainage Structures
4.6 Design of Drainage Structures
4.6 Design of Drainage Structures
End Structures
Inlet and outlet structures have been provided to prevent scouring of the road way embankment,
to provide a transition from a channel to the culvert or vice versa, and to improve the hydraulic
performance of the culvert. For this project the composite headwall wing wall/apron structure to
be constructed in concrete has been recommended.
Energy dissipation structures will be provided at the outlet end of culverts whose outlet velocities
are 3.0 m/s and above.
Preliminary Recommendations for Roadside Drainage
Roadside drains (concrete and grouted stone-pitched) have been recommended for various
locations along the project road to collect runoff from the road surface and to intercept any water
flowing towards the road from the adjacent lands. These drains will lead the water so collected
into logical outfalls through cross-drainage structures, turnouts or through appropriate outfall
drains along the road, adequately sized for that purpose.
Concrete rectangular drains have been recommended within the …Township.
Grouted stone-pitched ditches on the other hand have been recommended for erosion prone
sections and road sections passing through settlements along the project roads.
These drains are located in sub-urban or rural portions of the road. Table 4.5 gives the
recommendations for roadside drains.
Turnouts (see Table 4.6) are recommended along the project road at appropriate sections as
recommended by the site engineer. Existing ones are to be replaced and given the necessary
1 in 100 or less 50
1 in 100 to 1 in 50 40
1 in 50 to 1 in 20 25
1 in 20 to 1 in 10 15
More than 1 in 10 10
Bridges have been aligned so as to reduce chances of scouring. Gabions and other protective
measures have been incorporated in the design. Design water levels have been determined. A
freeboard of 1m has been recommended for the design water levels of the bridges.
The results that were obtained for the hydrological studies and other relevant data were used for
the following:
To establish optimum hydraulic opening
To configure the bridges
To articulate the bridges
To standardize bridge spans
To establish structural concepts
To establish possible foundational level
To estimate the costs
Design Standards/Loads
Types of Structure
Reinforced concrete bridge structures have been considered at this stage. These have
been found to be cost effective as steel prices are high. Regular routine maintenance of
steel structures can be a little expensive for a developing country that has no structured
rigorous bridge maintenance system.