Idaho Voices For Change Now Polling Results August 2018
Idaho Voices For Change Now Polling Results August 2018
Idaho Voices For Change Now Polling Results August 2018
+1 202 999 3225
N size: 826
Sample: Likely 2018 GE Idaho voters
Margin of error: +/- 3.19% at 95% confidence interval
1. In November, there will be an election for Governor, Congress, and other important offices.
a. How likely are you to vote in this election?
Definitely 92%
50-50 4%
Unlikely 1%
Unsure 3%
b. How excited are you to vote in this election?
Very Excited 52%
Somewhat Excited 28%
Not Excited 12%
Unsure 8%
2. If the election for Governor were held today, would you vote for Lieutenant Governor Brad Little or former
State Representative Paulette Jordan or a third-party candidate?
Brad Little [R] 36%
Paulette Jordan [D] 28%
Third-party candidate [I] 5%
Unsure 31%
3. [Only asked of Q2=Unsure] I know you’re undecided now, but if you had to decide, which way would you
Brad Little [R] 23%
Paulette Jordan [D] 14%
Third-party candidate [I] 3%
Unsure 61%
4. Opponents of Brad Little say that he is too close to the oil and gas industry and won’t stand up for the
people of Idaho. Little leases land to oil and gas companies and has proven he will not protect Idaho
public land. Does this make you more likely to support Brad Little?
More likely to support 6%
Less likely to support 45%
Doesn’t matter 14%
Not true 15
Unsure 21%
5. Opponents of Brad Little say that he doesn’t take positions on the issues that affect Idaho voters the most.
For example, he won’t take a position on Medicaid expansion in the state, which would provide healthcare
to 62,000 more Idahoans who need it. Does this make you more likely to support Brad Little?
More likely to support 11%
Less likely to support 42%
Doesn’t matter 14%
+1 202 999 3225
6. Also on the ballot this fall is the Idaho Medicaid Expansion Initiative which would expand Medicaid
eligibility to those under 65-years-old whose income is 133% of the federal poverty level or below, and
are not eligible for other state insurance coverage. Are you planning to vote for this Initiative?
Yes on medicaid initiative 45%
No on medicaid initiative 19%
Unsure 36%
7. Now I’d like you to tell me how important these issues are to you.
A. Jobs and the Economy
Very Important 75%
Somewhat Important 14%
Not Very Important 5%
Unsure 6%
B. Public Education
Very Important 77%
Somewhat Important 12%
Not Very Important 6%
Unsure 5%
C. Health Care
Very Important 71%
Somewhat Important 15%
Not Very Important 9%
Unsure 5%
E. Reproductive Rights
Very Important 52%
Somewhat Important 22%
Not Very Important 15%
Unsure 12%
F. Tax Cuts
Very Important 51%
Somewhat Important 29%
Not Very Important 9%
Unsure 11%
+1 202 999 3225
9. [Only asked of Q8=Independent] Would you say you generally lean Republican, lean Democratic, or are
purely an Independent?
Lean Republican 36%
Lean Democrat 19%
Purely Independent 46%
10. Just to make sure we have a representative sample, are you from a Hispanic, Latino, or Native American
Hispanic/Latino 3%
Native American 2%
Neither 96%
11. [Only asked of Q10=Neither] And also to make sure we have a representative sample, what is your race?
White 94%
Black 1%
Asian 0%
Other 5%
Sample Demographics
Party Registration
Democrat 14%
Republican 56%
Other/Unaffiliated 30%
Caucasian 97%
Hispanic/Latino 2%
Native American 0%
African American 1%
Asian 0%
Other 1%