Classification of Dermoscopic Skin Cancer Images Using Color and Hybrid Texture Features
Classification of Dermoscopic Skin Cancer Images Using Color and Hybrid Texture Features
Classification of Dermoscopic Skin Cancer Images Using Color and Hybrid Texture Features
pair of texture distribution. Then, based on similarity, the important to important, combining these features together
images are divided into large number of smaller regions. may give us good classification results. The fourth and
This achieves higher segmentation accuracy. Ramya et al. final step is using Support Vector Machine (SVM)
[10] the segmentation approach proposed in this paper classifier in order to classify the input image into one of
focus on identifies skin cancer in epidermis layer of skin. the two classes melanoma and non-melanoma. In next
The nuclei regions; which located on epidermis layer; sections, a detailed description of our contribution is
segment using the K-means clustering algorithm based on mentioned. For more illustration, below diagram shows
space and some color information with k value equal to 3. our proposed method.
After that, local region recursive segmentation (LRRS)
algorithm which used intensity and size of nuclei as
parameter to filter the candidate nuclei regions is
performed to discover the region of nuclei. Final step is
applying local double ellipse descriptor (LDED) to
distinguish melanocytes from keratinocytes. This approach
has good performance even if the original image is
complex where background and foreground both have
similar appearance. Nidhalet al. [11] The proposed
Fig 1 Proposed Method
approach uses Wiener filter to remove noise such as hair
from original image then, used thresholding to segment the
skin cancer area from the whole image. Testing this 3.1 Feature Extraction
method is provided by comparing the result of
3.1.1 Color Feature
segmentation of this approach with the one done by
experts in medical filed and measures the distance between Color is the appearance of an object when exposed to light,
these two results by using HM and TDR gives high this definition will help us understand the chromatic
accuracy with 96.32%.Cheng Luet al.[12]This paper features such as color space. The aspect of color space can
proposed segmentation technique of the melanocytes in the be understood through studying the three primary colors
skin histopathological image. First, using mean shift and such as red, green and blue. The aspect of color mixing
local region recursive segmentation (LRRS) algorithm to can also be demonstrated by employing CMYK as well as
extract nuclei areas. Then, the local double ellipse HSL among others. The objective of using color feature
descriptor (LDED) integrates the feature of melanocytes technique is identifying the presented color in the
and provides parameters to identify the melanocytes. segmented lesion regions. This can be achieved by
Using 30 images with different factors as sample to test extracting four statistics usually called color moments or
this approach showing that this technique has the ability of color feature which is mean, standard deviation, variation
segmentation of melanocytes with over 80% sensitivity and skewness through individual channels of six various
rate and over 70% positive prediction rate. color spaces: RGB, HSV, YCbCr,NTSc, CIE L*u*v and
BinamrataBaralet al.[13]. The proposed technique showing CIE L*a*b 3, 7, 8 from that segmented lesion areas. Let P
in this paper for segmentation is based on Neuro-Fuzzy is the color channel, i is the image, N is number of pixels
model using decision-making. Segmentation is performed of image on a color space.Pj is the jth pixel of that color
with some features works as parameters. This approach channel P of an image i with N pixels in a color space.
gives good accuracy and quality. The definition of the four color features/ moments are
shown below:
• Moment 1- Mean is the average value of color
3. Proposed Method values in the channel which is calculated by
Our proposed method combines many steps and below expression,
techniques in order to get accurate and robust (1)
classification results. First, we collect the dermoscopic • Moment 2- Standard deviation is the square root
melanoma & non-melanoma images from DermIs. The of the variance of the distribution, which is
second step is to extract features from that segmented computed by,
image. Since these images have some texture
characteristics, we will use two common texture feature
extraction algorithms; Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and (2)
Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM). In addition, • Moment 3- characterizes the degree of
the color is an important feature, which distinguish skin asymmetry of a distribution around its mean
lesion to others. Hence, extracting color feature is which is given by,
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.4, April 2016 137
Where and are gray-level values of the central pixel 4. Results and Discussions
and surrounding pixels in the circle neighborhood with a 4.1 Dataset
radius . The function is defined to be 1 for all x ≥ 0
In this research, we evaluate the proposed method
and to be 0 for all x < 0.
performance by using a dataset of 69dermoscopic images. Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) The images have been collected from Dermatology
Information System (DermIS) database [15].Those images
We use five of the classical statistical texture measures of belong to two main classes, melanoma and non-melanoma.
Haralick et al. [14]: entropy, energy, contrast, correlation The total number of melanoma images is 43 and non-
and homogeneity, which are derived from a grey level co- melanoma is 26.
occurrence matrix (GLCM). The GLCM is a tabulation of
138 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.4, April 2016
4.2 Feature Extraction and Classifications Table 1 Performance Results for Different Feature Sets
Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity
For simplicity of discussion and analysis, the following (%) (%) (%)
notation is used throughout this section: µ σ µ σ µ σ
• SL{set of Local Binary Pattern features 85.24 2.32 72.56 2.05 88.23 2.34
describing texture}.
• SG {set of GLCM features}. LBP 87.35 1.04 75.17 2.02 90.24 1.49
• ST {set of texture features by appending SL and
SG (ST=SL U SG) . 83.50 1.24 91.18 1.25 78.14 2.13
• SC {set of Color chromatic features obtained
Texture 87.98 1.34 77.53 2.42 93.14 1.82
from four different color spaces}
• STC {set of texture color features by appending ST
and SC (STC=ST U SC) Proposed 90.32 2.36 85.84 1.23 93.97 2.05
All these different feature sets have been used for training
to the SVM and for testing. Three different measures like
Analyzing the Results of GLCM Features SG
accuracy, sensitivity and specificity has been measured to
Interesting metrics were observed for the SGfeature set.
check the performance of all these different feature sets.
The results show that it attains very high sensitivity
The performance of classifiers is calculated and analyzed
(consistently around 90%) but conversely low specificity
by the following performance measures.
(consistently below 80%). This behavior is due to the
effects exhibited by using a linear classifier in a low
Accuracy: Number of classified mass / Number of dimensional feature space on a small data set. This can be
total mass= (TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN)
explained by considering the following case.
Sensitivity: Number of correct classified
Analyzing the Results of Local Binary Patterns SL
malignant mass / Number of total malign masses
Interesting metrics were also observed for the SL feature
=(TP) /(TP + FN)
set. The results show that it attains very high specificity
Specificity: Number of correct classified benign (consistently around 90%) but conversely low sensitivity
masses / Number of total benign masses (consistently below 75%). This behavior is due to the
effects exhibited by using a linear classifier in a low
= (TN) /(TN + FP) dimensional feature space on a small data set. This can be
explained by considering the following case.
Where TP is True positive, FP is false positive FN is false
negative and TN is true negative. The performance of a Analyzing the Results of Texture Features ST
classifier could be estimated in terms of the number of true The results show that ST feature set achieves very high
positives and false positives. The performance validation accuracy around 90 % sensitivity (consistently around
measures are accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. 90%) and specificity (consistently more than 95%).
The results using the classification scheme with the feature
sets SG, SL, ST are summarized in table 1. The sensitivity Analyzing the Results of Color Features SC
and specificity scores were therefore obtained over 10 The most remarkable finding for ST feature set is its very
independent classification runs. The mean and standard high accuracy around 90 % sensitivity (consistently around
deviation of the accuracy metrics across the 10 trials were 90%) and specificity (consistently more than 95%).
used to show the consistency of the results. The best mean
results in table 10 are bolded for each metric (i.e., Analyzing the Results of Texture Color Features STC
sensitivity, specificity, accuracy). The following ST feature set demonstrates very high accuracy around
observations can be made from the results. ST consistently 90 % sensitivity (consistently around 90%) and specificity
attains slightly higher accuracy, sensitivity and specificity (consistently more than 95%).
metrics than the individual feature sets. Scatter plots in
below figure shows different features behaviors. Like 1st
and 2nd rows show that features are overlapped with each
other's and difficult to classify as comparative to the
features shown in 3th row where features are separated
clearly and less overlapped.
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