Condensate Traps
Condensate Traps
Condensate Traps
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
order of the procedures is such that if one elected to corrosion on the upper rows and little corrosion on
use them all, performance of one test would not the bottom rows. This followed the airflow pattern
interfere with that for subsequent steps. for this coil, indicating the corroding agent was likely
1) Confirm that the coil actually has leaks and from the application environment.
pinpoint leak locations.
2) Remove fins to reveal bare tubes at leak 3) Microscopic Examination
locations. With the fins off and the tube surface exposed,
3) Examine tubes under microscope. microscopic examination is possible. If the tube in
4) Rinse coil with distilled/de-ionized water and the area of the leak is clean and no pitting is
analyze for anions. observed, it may indicate that the leak initiated from
5) Perform elemental analyses on leak sites. the inside. Slitting the tube and spreading it open
6) Try to put two-and-two together. would reveal darkened inside surfaces and pitting in
Below is a closer look at each of these procedures these cases. Most often though, the exterior will
and what can be learned from the results. resemble a lunar landscape – pockmarked with pits.
Often times these areas also show salt deposits.
1) Leak Confirmation Analyses of these deposits can sometimes reveal the
There is nothing more frustrating than trying to corrosion cause. Figure 7 shows microscope images
find leak causes on a coil that never had a leak or had of several pitted tubes. The vertical stripes are caused
one caused by a manufacturing defect. Defects in by the contact of the aluminum fins. The light-color
tube welding, and in tube processing can produce copper bands are where the fin collars touched the
leaks at any position in the coil. These kinds of copper tube. The darker gray or black bands are the
failures are suspected when only one leak is found in spaces between the fins. It is in these bands between
the coil, or found in only one U-bend. The general the fins that pitting is predominant. The edge of the
appearance of the coil can reveal candidate causes. fin collar creates a miniature crevice in which
For instance, a coil with black copper tubing and corroding agents can concentrate during drying
clean shiny aluminum has likely been attacked by cycles and thus focus their strength in one spot
sulfur. The next steps would be confirmation of creating a pit, rather than general surface corrosion.
sulfur. Figure 4 shows copper tubes with typical
black sooty appearance of sulfur attack. 4) Coil Rinsing and Anion Analysis
This step is most difficult, as the coils are large
Pinpointing the leak location(s) is important for and the water must be very pure for any real benefit.
later analyses. Leak location can provide evidence of In addition, few labs have Ion Chromatography
the corroding agent source. Figure 5 shows internal capability and many of those are not calibrated for
tube corrosion in a coil. The corrosion was only this kind of analysis. The intent is to collect and
present in the first tube in each circuit. This indicated identify the negative ions (anions) that are on the
that the corroding agent was not from the coil itself, coil. These anions include many of the active species
but from somewhere upstream. Leaks that occur in that directly attack copper, such as chloride, fluoride,
only the bottom row of the coil are likely to be bromide, iodide, sulfate, nitrate, acetate, formate, and
caused by some corroding agent in the condensate other soluble low molecular weight organic anions. It
water, if not by some physical defect. High chlorine should be noted that a coil that has been submerged
was found in the bottom row of one coil returned in tap water to confirm leaks, will not be suitable for
from a home. A little diplomatic questioning revealed this test, as this water submersion will remove some
that the homeowner had been pouring chlorine bleach of the anions of interest as well as add others
in the drain pan to kill ‘bugs’ growing in there! (chloride, fluoride, sulfate) that are commonly
present in tap water.
2) Fin Removal
This is a laborious exercise that requires a lot of The very best way to obtain a representative
persistence. The intent is to reveal the leak location in water sample for Ion Chromatography is to collect
the copper tube for further analysis. The Japanese the condensed water from the coil while in operation.
copper tubing manufacturers seem to have perfected If this cannot be done, coil rinsing is the second
a technique for an entire coil as shown in Figure 6. It choice. One problem with analysis of condensate or
works relatively well on 1-row and 2-row coils, but rinse water is in the case where there was a single
poorly on deeper coils. The steps are slitting the fins contamination event in which leaks developed but
along the tubes, twisting/tearing the fins, and finally were not discovered for a long time. The long time
pulling the fins out. The picture on the right shows after the event may be sufficient for the corroding
the typical purple to black color of formicary anion to be completely rinsed from the coil – erasing
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
the evidence. An example of this is domestic copper. The current theory on formicary corrosion
canning. Canning pickles in the summer will release includes formation of copper oxide as a necessary
high concentrations of acetic acid in the air that step.
condense on the air conditioner coil. This can lead to
formicary corrosion in the coil which will likely not 6) Putting it together
to be diagnosed until the following year, at which The first step is “Round up the usual suspects!”,
time evidence of the acetic acid is long gone. and the next step is to sort the guilty from the
innocent. It is in this last step where all of this can be
Figure 8 shows two ion chromatograms for air useful. As mentioned before, it is not likely that all of
conditioner condensate samples from two homes. In these procedures will be necessary. If the copper
Sample A the condensate contained high levels of tubing looks like it has been in a sooty fire, just skip
sulfate, and the condensate in sample 3 contained to SEM/EDX to confirm sulfur as shown in Figure
both acetate and formate indicating formicary 12, or use a wet chemical procedure for copper
corrosion. sulfide. If a likely cause of corrosion cannot be
surmised from the visual appearance of the coil, then
5) Elemental Analyses of Leak Sites start going through the steps one at a time until some
The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) has condemning evidence is obtained. The costs for the
proven to be a very valuable tool for analyzing leak first few steps are lower than those for the last steps.
sites from HVAC coils. First, detailed photographs In-house visual examinations, coil tear-down, and
can be made at very high magnification that show the microscopic examinations can be performed with
topography around the leak site. Figure 3, mentioned little expense prior to obtaining the more costly
above, shows SEM photos of tubing cross sections at outside analyses by Ion Chromatography or Scanning
200X magnification. Then using the Energy Electron Microscopy. It does happen in some cases
Dispersive X-ray (EDX) feature on the machine, the that the cause cannot be determined, but in every case
elemental content of the feature can be obtained. many potential causes can be eliminated.
Figure 9 shows an SEM image of a contaminated
tube surface and the EDX analysis of the salt on the INDUSTRY STATUS
surface. With careful sample preparation, the There are a couple conflicting theories in the
elemental composition in the bottom of a pit can also industry concerning the mechanism for formicary
be determined. Analysis of these pit contents can be corrosion. There have been many papers written on
very valuable in sorting out the responsible corroding the subject with most of these from the copper
agent when there are multiple contaminants on the producers in Japan. The Air Conditioning,
tube surface. Figure 10 is an image of a typical Refrigeration Technology Institute has initiated a
corrosion pit with the associated EDX elemental project under its 21-CR program to determine the
analysis of the bottom of that pit. Note the increase in actual mechanism involved, and from this develop a
silicon in the pit as compared with the surface bench test that produces formicary corrosion in
analysis in Figure 9. Silicic acid has been implicated copper tubes when subjected to the necessary
in some coil leak instances. corroding agents and environmental conditions.
Success in this project will give the industry the
One problem with SEM and EDX analyses is ability to assess potential corroding agents and their
that they are conducted on samples under vacuum. If sources as well as develop remedies against this form
the corroding agent is volatile – as is the case with of attack.
formicary corrosion caused by acetic or formic acid –
then the vacuum will remove most, if not all, of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
critical evidence. Figure 11 is an EDX analysis of a Edward P. Cox, Ph.D., EPC Engineering Resources,
typical formicary corrosion pit. One would expect to Inc. for SEM and EDX Analyses.
see the elements from the acid – carbon, oxygen and Rosine N.D. Rohatgi, Ph.D., Spauschus Associates,
hydrogen. Only oxygen is found in the analysis. The Inc. for Ion Chromatography Analyses.
hydrogen cannot be detected by EDX anyway, and Kobe Copper Products, Inc. for coil tear-down.
the carbon is gone. Oxygen is present as oxides of
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Figure 3. Cross sections of copper tubes with formicary corrosion initiating from the inner wall (left) and
outer wall (right).
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Figure 5. Interior surface of corroded copper tube at capillary inlet end (left) of circuit and at suction
manifold end (right) of circuit.
Figure 6. Two row coil with fins cut and twisted (left) and completely removed (right). Note blue-black
color typical of formicary corrosion.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Figure 8. Ion chromatograms for condensate from two coils. One with high sulfate (top) and one with
acetate and formate (bottom).
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Figure 9. SEM photo and EDX analysis of salt deposits on copper tube showing presence of oxides of
aluminum and copper.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Figure 10. SEM photo and EDX analysis of a pit bottom in a copper tube. The analysis reveals the
presence of silicon in the pit.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002
Figure 11. SEM/EDX analysis of a formicary corrosion pit showing only copper and oxygen.
Figure 12. SEM/EDX analysis of copper tubing surface showing presence of sulfur.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX, May 20-22, 2002