Set 1
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Set 1
III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations,May 2010
Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. A Circuit Breaker is rated as 2500A, 1500MVA, 33kV, 3 secs, 3-phase oil circuit
breaker .Determine the rated symmetrical breaking current, rated making current,
short time rating and rated service voltage. [16]
2. (a) What is meant by high impedance relay and what for is it used in differential
protection of bus bars.
(b) Discuss the necessity of bus bar protection. [10+6]
4. Describe the construction and principle of operation of valve type and Zinc oxide
lightning arrester. [16]
5. A 6.6 kV, 4000 kVA star connected alternator with a transient reactance of 2
ohm/phase and negligible resistance, is protected by a circulating current protective
system. The alternator neutral is earthed through a resistor of 7.5 ohm. The relays
are set to operate when there is an out of balance current of 1A in the secondary
windings of the 500/5 A current transformer. What percentage of each phase
winding is protected against an earth fault? [16]
7. A 20MVA transformer which may be called upon to operate at 30% over load, feeds
11kV busbar through a circuit breaker. Other circuit breakers supplies out going
feeders. The transformer circuit breaker is equipped with 1000/5A CTs and the
feeder circuit breakers with 400/5A CTs and all sets of CTs feed induction type over
current relays. The relay’s on the feeder circuit breakers have 125% plug setting
and a 0.3 time setting. If a 3-phase fault current of 5000A flow from transformer
to one of the feeders, find operating time of the feeder relay, the minimum plug
setting of transformer relay and its time setting. Assuming a discriminative time
margin of 0.5sec. [16]
8. (a) Compare the arc rupture in oil and air blast circuit breakers and summarize
the relative advantages and disadvantages of these types of switch gear.
Code No: 07A60202 R07 Set No. 1
(b) Explain the operating duty of a circuit breaker. [8+8]