Electronics: Massive MIMO Wireless Networks: An Overview
Electronics: Massive MIMO Wireless Networks: An Overview
Electronics: Massive MIMO Wireless Networks: An Overview
Massive MIMO Wireless Networks: An Overview
Noha Hassan † ID
and Xavier Fernando *,†
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street,
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada; noha.hassan@ryerson.ca
* Correspondence: fernando@ryerson.ca; Tel.: +1-416-979-5000 (ext. 6077)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Keywords: 5G wireless networks; massive MIMO; linear precoding; encoding; channel estimation;
pilot contamination; beamforming; HetNets
1. Introduction
According to CISCO, an american multinational technology company, by 2020, more people
(5.4 B) will have mobile phones than have electricity (5.3 B), running water (3.5 B) and cars (2.8 B).
In addition, 75% of the mobile data traffic will be bandwidth-hungry video. Users will expect wireline
quality in wireless services and higher bit rates and more reliable connections will be mandatory. While
conventional techniques struggling to provide these bit rates, massive multiple-input-multiple-output
(MIMO) systems promise 10 s of Gbps data rates to support real-time wireless multimedia services
without occupying much additional spectrum [1].
Massive MIMO technology has got much attraction lately as it promises truly broadband wireless
networks [2]. Massive MIMO systems use base station (BS) antenna arrays, with few hundred
elements, simultaneously serving many tens of active terminals (users) using the same time and
frequency resources.
1.1. Background
It is well known that, in classical MIMO, multiple antennas at both ends exploit wireless channel
diversity to provide more reliable high-speed connections. Massive MIMO (also known as Large-Scale
Antenna Systems, Very Large MIMO, Hyper MIMO, and Full-Dimension MIMO) makes a bold
development from current practice using a very large number of service antennas (e.g., hundreds or
thousands) that are operated fully coherently and adaptively.
Figure 1 shows the speed improvement of wireless networks over the years starting from
single-input-single-output (SISO) systems, single user (SU) and multiple users (MU) MIMO networks.
MU-MIMO systems already provide significant advantages over earlier systems. Massive MIMO
aims to further enhance this (to 10 Gbps and more) using hundreds of antennas exploiting advances
in parallel digital signal processing and high-speed electronics. Extra antennas help with focusing
the transmission and reception of signal energy into ever-smaller regions of space. This brings huge
improvements in throughput and energy efficiency, in particular when combined with simultaneous
scheduling of numerous user terminals (e.g., tens or hundreds).
The more the BS antennas used, the more the data streams can be released to serve more terminals,
reducing the radiated power, while boosting the data rate. This will also improve link reliability
through spatial diversity and, provide more degrees of freedom in the spatial domain, and improve the
performance irrespective of the noisiness of the measurements. In addition, because massive MIMO
systems have a broad range of states of freedom, and greater selectivity in transmitting and receiving
the data streams, interference cancellation is enhanced. BSs can relatively easily avert transmission into
undesired directions to alleviate harmful interference which, leads to low latency as well. In addition,
massive MIMO makes a proper use of beamforming techniques to reduce fading drops; this further
boosts signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), bit rate and reduces latency [3].
Furthermore, increasing the number of BS antennas above the number of active users leads
to higher throughput [1]. Channel estimation quality per antenna also improves with the number
of BS antennas especially in the presence of high correlation among the antennas which is very
typical [4]. In addition, the eigenvalue histogram of a single implementation converges to the average
asymptotic eigenvalue distribution [5]. This leads to the possibility of employing simple low complexity
detection techniques while preserving an excellent performance. In addition, the channel becomes
more predestined and random detectors matrices are readily solved.
Aggressive spatial multiplexing in massive MIMO systems leads to an impressive improvement
in the network capacity by minimizing multiuser interference by steering the signal accurately in the
right direction. Massive MIMO systems concentrate the released energy into small user centric zones,
which dramatically increases the throughput and the energy efficiency [1]. Since all of the users can
take part in the multiplexing gain, costly antenna array deployments are only necessary on the BS side,
which saves on costs by sharing. This also leaves the user equipment less complex, often with a single
antenna. A higher number of BS antennas revokes the effects of uncorrelated noise and small-scale
fading, and lowers the required transmitted energy per bit [6]. The propagation medium minimally
affects the performance of a massive MIMO system because of multi-user diversity.
Due to the advantages and popularity of massive MIMO, recently there has been an increase in
papers written on this area. Table 1 describes some of these.
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 3 of 29
Figure 2 shows the uplink and the downlink of a massive MIMO single cell system. As shown in
Figure 2, the BS is composed of a few hundred service antennas serving a few hundred users each,
usually with only one antenna.
1. Beamforming: Data streams are transmitted from the BSs to only the intended users by means of
beamforming, where the different data streams may occupy the same frequencies at the same
time (space division multiplexing).
2. Precoding: The previous operation is carried out knowing the frequency response of the
propagation channels (or CSI) between each of its elements and each user and precoding the
signals accordingly.
• Channel Estimation Methods: These are based on some channel estimation algorithm to detect
the CSI by picking up the strongest channel impulse responses, often done with less number of
pilots than users.
• Time-Shifted Pilot Based Methods: These are based on insertion of shifted pilot locations in slots
(or a shifted frame structure).
• Optimum Pilot Reuse Factor Methods: These are based on choosing a reuse factor greater than
unity optimized in some sense. In addition, please note there are significant performance gaps
that exist among different reuse patterns.
• Pilot Sequence Hopping Methods: These schemes switch users randomly to a new pilot between
time slots, which provides randomization in the pilot contamination.
• Cooperative Methods: Here, each BS tries to find unique optimum pilots that are also suitable for
other BSs.
• Cell Sectoring based Pilot Assignment: These schemes are based on sectioning the cells into
a center and edge regions. Users in neighboring border areas partly reuse sounding sequences.
This improves the quality of service by reducing the number of serviced users. However,
by significantly reducing serviceable users, it degrades the system capacity.
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• Angle of Arrival (AOA) based methods: Use the fact that non-overlapping user terminals
reusing the pilots would have different AOA. However, this needs a way to detect AOA such as
directional antennas.
Table 3. Comparison between spacial multiplexing, space-time coding, and spatial modulation.
1. The time required to acquire CSI does not depend on the number of BSs or users.
2. Only the BS needs to know the information about the channels to process antennas coherently.
In TDD systems, multi-user precoding in the downlink and detection in the uplink require CSI
knowledge at the BS. The resource, time or frequency needed for channel estimation is proportional to
the number of the transmit antennas.
In frequency division duplexing (FDD), uplink and downlink use different frequency bands
(different CSI in both links). The uplink channel estimation at the BS is done by letting all users send
different pilot sequences. To get the CSI for the downlink channel, the BS transmits pilot symbols to all
users. The users respond by the estimated CSI for the downlink channels [4].
CSI can be estimated at the receiver side only, or at both at the transmitter and the receiver.
Estimation at both sides has some advantages. The CSI does not have to be transmitted, which yields
low latency and high capacity. In addition, more power can be allocated to the (OFDM) subchannels
with higher channel gain. Schemes with estimation at the receiver side only experience higher outage
probability with fast fading channels but have lower complexity.
As the number of BS antennas goes up, the time required to transmit the downlink pilot symbols
increases. In addition, as the number of BS antennas grows, FDD channel estimation becomes almost
impossible and a TDD approach can resolve this issue. In TDD systems, due to channel reciprocity,
only CSI for the uplink needs to be estimated. In addition, linear MMSE based channel estimation can
provide near-optimal performance with low complexity [20].
Table 4 compares various channel estimation techniques of massive MIMO systems.
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 8 of 29
Ref. Detection strategy System Type Channel Type Performance Metric
[47], 2008 Factor Graph Multiple Users Multiple Dual-polarized Sum-Rate
[48], 2010 Factor Graph Single User Multiple Clustered Scattering Mean Squared Error
[49], 2011 Factor Graph Single User Multiple Ray-Tracing Throughput
[50], 2012 Factor Graph Multiple Users Single Ray-Tracing Spatial Correlation
Frequency Selective
[51], 2012 Factor Graph Single User Multiple Geometric Mean
Fading Channel
Average Probability of
[52], 2013 Factor Graph Single User Multiple Block-Fading
Detection Error
[53], 2014 Factor Graph Multiple Users Multiple Gaussian Bit Error Rate
[54], 2003 Multiple Users Multiple Flat Fading Bit Error Rate
[55], 2007 Multiple Users Multiple Complex Gaussian Bit Error Rate
[56], 2008 Multiple Users Multiple Gaussian Bit Error Rate
Interference Block Error Rate and
[57], 2009 Single User Multiple NA
Cancellation Throughput
[58], 2009 Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
[59], 2011 Multiple Users Multiple Fading Packet Error Rate
[60], 2011 Multiple Users Single Flat Fading Bit Error Rate
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 10 of 29
Table 5. Cont.
Table 5. Cont.
Ref. Detection Strategy System Type Channel Type Performance Metric
Bit Error Rate, Sum Rate,
[93], 2016 LR-Aided Multiple Users Multiple Rayleigh Flat-Fading
and Plog Cond
[94], 2016 LR-Aided Multiple Users Multiple Quasi-Static Block Fading Bit Error Rate
Bit Error Rate, and
[95], 2017 LR-Aided Multiple Users Single Rayleigh Flat-Fading
Average Flops
[96], 2005 2 Single User Multiple Flat Fading Bit Error Rate
[97], 2007 MCMC Single User Multiple Flat Fading Bit Error Rate
[98], 2008 MCMC Single User Single Block Fading Bit Error Rate
[58], 2009 MCMC Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
[99], 2011 MCMC Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
[100], 2011 MCMC Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
Frequency Non-Selective
[101], 2012 MCMC Multiple Users Multiple Bit Error Rate
[102], 2015 MCMC Multiple Users Single NA Bit Error Rate
[103], 2016 MCMC Multiple Users Single NA Bit Error Rate
[104], 2016 MCMC Multiple Users Single NA Bit Error Rate
Uncorrelated Rayleigh
[105], 2006 Optimum Detection Single User Multiple Bit Error Rate
[106], 2007 Optimum Detection Single User Multiple Quasi-Static Frame Error Rate
[107], 2007 Optimum Detection Single User Multiple Flat Rayleigh Fading Bit Error Rate
[108], 2009 Optimum Detection Multiple Users Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
[109], 2009 Optimum Detection Single User Multiple Block fading Frame Error Rate
[110], 2015 Optimum Detection Multiple Users Single Rayleigh Fading Bit Error Rate, and Flops
Bit Error Rate, Frame Error
[111], 2016 Optimum Detection Multiple Users Single Rayleigh Fading Rate, and Normalized
Info Rates
Probabilistic Data Quasi-Static Rayleigh
[112], 2006 Multiple Users Multiple Bit Error Rate
Association Fading
Probabilistic Data
[113], 2008 Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[114], 2009 Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[115], 2011 Single User Multiple NA Bit and Symbol Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[115], 2011 Single User Multiple NA Bit Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[116], 2013 Multiple Users Multiple Nakagami-m Fading Bit Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[117], 2013 Multiple Users Multiple Nakagami-m Fading Bit Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[118], 2013 Single User Multiple Nakagami-m Fading Bit Error Rate
Probabilistic Data
[119], 2017 Multiple Users Single Flat Rayleigh Fading Bit Error Rate
[120], 2008 Soft-Input Soft-Output Multiple Users Single Flat Rayleigh Fading Bit Error Rate
Rayleigh Multi-Path Average Complexity,
[121], 2009 Soft-Input Soft-Output Multiple Users Single
Fading and Rate
[122], 2014 Soft-Input Soft-Output Multiple Users Single Rayleigh Fading Frame Error Rate
1 Lattice Reduction; 2 Monte Carlo Markov Chain.
There are optimal detectors such as Maximum Likelihood Detectors. Local search detectors also
seek for optimal solution. However, these methods have an issue of huge problem size, as well as the
lack of knowledge of the problem structure. The good thing about local search is its neighborhood
function that guides the search to a right solution. Another popular technique is the polynomial time
approximation algorithm, but it gives an inferior solution.
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 12 of 29
2.5. Beamforming
Beamforming is a technique that enables focusing the signal from multiple antennas into one
strong beam, minimizing energy in side lobes at the transmitter end. At the receiver, beamforming
refers to a kind of spatial multiplexing that combines the received signals to add up in a certain direction,
and rejecting the signals coming from any other direction, and considering them as interference.
The direction control of the signal is done by adjusting the weights of the signal phase amplitudes of
multiple antennas. Beamforming techniques are categorized into:
• Fixed beamformers that employ fixed weights and phases to combine the signals without
considering the properties of the received signals.
• Adaptive beamformers that may steer the direction of the main lobe in the desired direction,
adaptively minimizing interference.
Table 6 describes the different beamforming techniques recently discussed in the literature for
multiple user MIMO.
Ref. Beamforming Strategy System Type User Antennas Channel Type Topology
No, or
[123], 2005 Asymptotic Optimality Multiple Users Multiple Rician
Partial CSI 1
[124], 2008 Generalized Multiple Users Multiple Flat Fading Full CSI
[125], 2011 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonal Multiple Users Multiple Gaussian Full CSI
[126], 2011 OCI 2 Multiple Users Multiple NA
Perturbation Theory of
[127], 2012 Multiple Users Multiple Time-Varying Full CSI
Generalized Eigenvector
[128], 2012 SINR 3 Constrained Multiple Users Multiple Gaussian NA
Precoder Diversity Partial CSI
[129], 2013 Multiple Users Multiple Gaussian
Opportunistic feedback
[130], 2013 Flexible coordinated Multiple Users Multiple Full CSI
[131], 2013 Delay-Constrained Multiple Users Single Gaussian
[132], 2013 Improved SINR Multiple Users Multiple Rayleigh Fading Perfect CSI
[133], 2015 Multiple Users Single Rayleigh Fading Perfect CSI
[134], 2016 SINR Constrained Multiple Users Multiple Perfect CSI
Rayleigh Fading
[135], 2017 Sparse Multiple Users Multiple Quasi Static Fading Perfect CSI
1 Channel State Information; 2 Other Cell Interference; 3 Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio.
• Point to Point MIMO (PTP): Here, every antenna on the transmitter side will only communicate
with a single antenna on the receiver side. The transmitter and the receiver are provided with
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 13 of 29
a large number of antennas to increase the data rate without increasing the bandwidth [5]. PTP
systems usually assume frequency-flat and slow fading channels.
• MU-MIMO: Where the communication is between a BS and multiple user terminals.
Figure 4 shows a PTP MIMO system. The BS has M antennas, and it transmits data
(a vector-valued signal) to a user having K antennas. This transmitted vector is multiplied by
the channel matrix to produce the received signal vector. Different users are served over different
time/frequency blocks by time division/frequency division multiplexing.
An extensive discussion on PTP MIMO is presented in the following papers:
The authors in [136] studied Array Beamforming Synthesis and related areas. The existing
beamforming techniques for PTP MIMO lack providing efficient beamformers especially in certain
situations such as under different power constraints or array sizes, certain types of channels, and with
random initializations. To solve this problem, they proposed an iterative algorithm that specifies
transmit and receive beamformers based on various channel information available to the transmitter
and the receiver.
In [137], the authors introduced an optimum linear precoder imposed on both sum-power
and maximum eigenvalue power. In [138], the authors discussed the most spectral-efficient power
allocation strategy and specified whether it is energy efficient or not. The proposed approach in [139]
optimally switches between beamforming and Orthogonal Space–Time Block Coding by varying the
periodicity of feedback intervals and varying the amounts of channel state information for mobile users
to determine the optimum diversity feedback. The approach in [140] proposed a new adaptive symbol
mapping scheme for PTP MIMO by disordering the transmitted symbols in a frame using dynamic
mapping (either by changing the allocation order of the symbols on the antennas or by applying a
scrambling process that reverses the symbols sign). The aim of doing this was to increase the symbols’
received power and to reduce the interference between the symbols.
Table 7 compares PTP and MU-MIMO, regarding implementation and precoding complexity,
error rate, rate gain and, operation flexibility [4].
PTP MIMO is not very suitable for massive MIMO due to the following reasons:
• Training time is related to the number of antennas and becomes too high as the number of
antennas grows.
• Independent electronics chains are required for each antenna; hence, as the number of antennas
increases, the system becomes very complicated and expensive.
• Multiplexing gains fall near the edge of the cell.
• Line-of-sight conditions for compact arrays permits only one data stream [1].
• It has a significantly smaller form factor than designs established at current frequencies.
• Free space path loss (PL ) would ultimately impose an upper limit on cell size. Path loss can
be beneficial in small-cell scenarios since it limits inter-cell interference and allows greater
frequency reuse.
• Growth in the number of antennas in the array, improves array gain, extends the communication
range and helps to beat PL .
• Allow dramatic increases in user bandwidth to hundreds of megahertz or even a few gigahertz
(and hence symbol periods on the order of 1 to 10 ns or less).
• Frequency selective fading may need to be addressed through either equalization or modulation.
An increasing number of papers in the literature discuss mmWave massive MIMO for next
generation 5G wireless systems. In [141], the authors gave an introduction of mmWave massive MIMO,
and then highlighted the importance of digital beamforming and spatial multiplexing as a future trend
replacing the old analog mmWave phased arrays. In addition, they briefly spoke about the design
considerations, the problems facing proper transmission like interference management, and loss of
channel orthogonality. In the end, they explained the antenna and radio frequency (RF) transceiver
Table 8 compares the different beamforming techniques of mmWave massive MIMO.
Beamforming User
Ref. System Type Channel Type Performance Metric
Strategy Antennas
[142], 2013 Polarization Diversity Multiple Dual-Polarized Sum Rate
Mean squared error and
[143], 2014 DOA 1 Single User Multiple Clustered Scattering
achievable rate
[144], 2014 Coarse Pilot-Assisted Single User Multiple Ray-Tracing Throughput
Interference-Nulling Multiple Spatial Correlation, Power
[133], 2015 Single Ray-Tracing
Time-Reversal Users and BER
Geometric Mean, Outage
Frequency Selective
[145], 2015 Robust RF 2 Single User Multiple Capacity and
Fading Channel
Computational Complexity
[146], 2015 AOA/AOD 3 Single User Multiple Block-Fading APEE 4 and AAEE 5
Turbo-Like Tabu Narrow Band Block
[147], 2015 Single User Multiple Achievable Rate
Search Algorithm Fading
Multiple Rayleigh Fading Rich
[148], 2016 Randomly Directional Single Sum Rate
Users Scattering
Multipath Rich Loss in SNR, and
[149], 2016 Right Singular Vector Single User Multiple
Scattering Beamforming Gain
1 Direction of Arrival; 2 Radio-Frequency; 3 Angle of Departure; 4 Average Probability of Detection Error;
5 Average Angle Estimation Error.
Ref. Technique Users Channel Type Performance Metric Results
Single and
[150], Conjugate
Multiple Multiple Rician Flat Fading Average Rate Limited
2014 beamforming
[151], Multiple Achievable Sum
MMSE 1 precoder Single AWGN 2 Extensive
2015 Users Square Error
[152], Maximal Ratio Average Mutual
Single User Multiple AWGN Moderate
2008 Combining Information and SNR 3
Sum Rate and
[153], Multiple
ZF 4 and MRT 5 Single Rayleigh Fading Downlink Transmit Extensive
2014 Users
[154], Multiple
Zero-Forcing Single AWGN Spectral Efficiency Moderate
2014 Users
[155], Multiple Slowly varying Sum Rate and Channel
ZF and MMSE Single Limited
2011 Users Rayleigh Flat Fading Correlation
[156], Multiple
Polynomial Single Rayleigh Fading Transmit Power Moderate
2014 Users
[157], Multiple
Polynomial Single Rayleigh Block-Fading User Rate Moderate
2013 Users
[158], Multiple
Polynomial Single Rayleigh Block-Fading User Rate Moderate
2014 Users
[159], Block Multiple Mean Squared Error, Moderate
Single Rayleigh Fading
2016 Diagonalization Users and Cell Throughput
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 16 of 29
Table 9. Cont.
Ref. Technique Users Channel Type Performance Metric Results
to the
Avereage Interference
[160], Discrete-Phase Multiple Algorithm,
Single Rayleigh Fading Power, Rate Loss, and
2017 Constant Envelope Users and
Rate Per User
to the
[161], Multiple Coverage Probability,
Cell-Edge-Aware Single Quasi-Static Extensive
2017 Users and Sum Rate Per Cell
[162], Multiple
Orthogonal Random Multiple Block Constant Fading Coverage Probability Extensive
2017 Users
1 Minimum Mean Squared Error; 2 Additive White Gaussian Noise; 3 Signal-to-Noise-Ratio; 4 Zero Forcing;
5 Maximum Ratio Transmission.
Received signals from different terminals are combined in the uplink using appropriate decoding.
The more the antennas are used, the finer the spatial focusing can be so that a large array is built in
practice. The use of nonlinear but power efficient RF front-end amplifiers are preferred to minimize
power consumption in this high bit rate scenario (Note that energy per bit will decrease in proportion
to the square bit rate. Hence, the transmit power has to be very high at Gigabit data rates.) Therefore,
to avoid signal distortion at nonlinear amplifiers, often the transmit signal is required to have
a low peak-to-average-power-ratio (PAPR), which is difficult to achieve, especially in orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) environments. Several PAPR reduction techniques and
precoding can hence be fruitful. Furthermore, precoding with such power-efficient amplifier constraints
leads to improvement in the power efficiency of the entire system.
Low-complexity precoding methods are mandatory and critical to minimize the computational
complexity of the precoder [19]. A recent study mentions that single-carrier modulation (SCM)
can, in theory, fulfill near-optimal sum rate performance in massive MIMO systems operating at
low-transmit-power-to-receiver-noise-power ratios, distinct from the channel power delay profile and
with an equalization-free receiver [141]. In SCM, the PAPR performance is also optimally maintaining
a constant envelope.
For conventional MIMO systems, both nonlinear precoding and linear precoding techniques
are used without preferences, although nonlinear methods, such as dirty-paper-coding (DPC)
and lattice-aided methods, have better performance with higher implementation complexity. Unlike the
conventional MIMO, massive MIMO systems use linear precoders, such as maximal ratio combining
(MRC), matched filtering, conjugate beamforming, minimum mean squared error (MMSE) and
zero-forcing (ZF) [4].
Table 10 makes a comparison between MRC, MMSE, and ZF precoding techniques.
In addition, Figure 5 shows a comparison between MMSE, ZF, and MRC precoding techniques vs.
the number of BS antennas.
In MRC, the multiple antenna transmitter uses the channel estimate of a terminal to maximize
the strength of that terminal’s signal by adding the signal components coherently. MRC precoding
maximizes the SNR and works well in the massive MIMO system, since the base station radiates low
signal power to the users on average.
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 17 of 29
Table 10. Comparison between the performance of ZF precoding, MMSE precoding, and
MRC precoding.
Spectral Efficiency [bits/s/Hz/cell]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of BS Antennas 104
Figure 5. An illustration of the spectral efficiency of a massive MIMO system serving 16 users in under
the Rayleigh fading channel (with various precoding methods).
ZF precoding is a method of spatial signal processing by which the transmitter can null out
multiuser interference signals. In general, ZF precoder performs well under high SNR conditions.
The ZF precoder outperforms MRC, as shown in Figure 5 in performance as well as in
computational complexity. It also suppresses inter-cell interference at the cost of reducing the array
gain [6]. It is noted that spectral efficiency increases as the number of BS antennas grows. In addition,
the figure shows the superiority of the performance of MMSE, especially in massive MIMO.
MMSE precoding is the optimal linear precoding in a massive MIMO downlink system.
This technique uses the mean square error (MSE). The Lagrangian technique is used to optimize
this precoder, using the average power of each transmitting antenna as the constraint.
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 18 of 29
1. Its combining receiver creates one scalar channel per terminal, thus balancing between amplifying
the signals and suppressing the interference.
2. The remaining interference is treated as extra additive noise; thus, conventional single-user
detection algorithms can be applied.
3. Performance improves by adding more BS antennas.
4. Small-scale fading averages out over the array.
Other widely used linear precoding and decoding schemes are matched filtering (MF) and
conjugate beamforming (CB). Advantages of these techniques are:
There are new precoding techniques introduced in the literature for millimeter-wave massive
MIMO. In [165], the authors proposed a hybrid precoding scheme combining both analog and digital
precoding to overcome the high signal attenuation that happens at mmWave frequencies using
a non-complex sub array. This work reiterated the benefit of hybrid analog/digital precoding work
that optimizes the achievable capacity of each antenna array by employing the concept of consecutive
interference cancellation.
Distance (m)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Distance (m) 104
Figure 6. An illustration of a Poisson point process (PPP)-based two-tier cellular network deployment.
A 20 km × 20 km area, consisting of femto-cells (crosses) and macrocells (dots), is shown.
Authors of [167] studied multi antenna HetNets with zero-forcing precoding. They compared the
coverage probability and rate per user for both open access (where users are allowed to access any BS
in any tier) and closed access networks (where users are granted access to certain BSs in restricted tiers).
The authors used a cell association criterion based on the maximum Signal to Interference Plus Noise
Ratio (SINR). In addition, the authors compared the performance with various combinations of
multiple antenna techniques. The performance when the BS is serving a single user in each resource
block (by SISO or single user beamforming (SU-BF) is compared with MIMO configuration serving
multiple blocks (by space division multiple access (SDMA)). However, the approximations need
more characterizations. In addition, the numerical integrals need extra computational tools to obtain
the results.
In [168], the authors introduced the fractional frequency reuse (FFR) technique to manage the
cross-tier interference (strict FFR and soft frequency reuse). In addition, the authors derived the
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 20 of 29
coverage probability for open-access and closed-access networks (different association policies) and the
average rate for the cell edge users. Finally, the authors compared the performance of different FFR
and access cases under the full SDMA and SU-BF.
In [169], the energy efficiency of different MIMO diversity schemes and antenna configurations
using adaptive modulation of a two-tier network is studied to ensure a minimum quality of service
(QoS). Energy is saved while obtaining the same throughput by using femto-cells with sleeping
mode capabilities, where only a few of the available antennas are used. This paper identifies that
the diversity schemes that provide the highest throughput is different than the ones that achieve the
highest energy efficiency.
Finally, in [170], the authors derived general and asymptotic success probability expressions for
multi-user HetNets with ZF precoding, using a novel Toeplitz matrix representation. In addition,
they showed the effect of the BS density on the success probability and derived an optimal BS density
for obtaining the maximum area spectral efficiency (ASE) while guaranteeing a certain link reliability.
This paper is straightforward with a simple system model. More sophisticated system models should
be investigated.
In addition, the advantages of introducing mmWave frequency operation in HetNets is discussed
in [171]. The authors discussed the potentials and challenges of the 5G HetNet wireless networks,
which merge mmWave technologies into a massive MIMO approach. First, they discussed the extended
requirements for 5G wireless networks with an enormous number of devices that demand more
concealment, data rate, better energy and cost efficiency. Then, they discussed the difficulties including
traffic arrangement, radio resource management, mobility management, and low-cost beamforming.
In the end, they presented some design and case studies to illustrate how to address some of the
challenges in 5G MIMO HetNet.
4. Conclusions
Massive MIMO is an innovative technology that helps in the achievement of higher system
throughput and reliable transmission for 5G and beyond wireless networks.
In this paper, we discussed major elements of massive MIMO networks, namely pilot usage,
precoding, encoding, detection, and beamforming. We provided a detailed overview of some of
the research efforts done in this area so far. We observe that fast booming HetNets would be more
promising to improve data rates and provide flexibility in user-BS association.
There are many interconnected design issues that need to be properly understood and solved
before widespread deployment of the massive MIMO technology. Several open research challenges
are still facing the progress and development of this emerging technology.
More research is needed to introduce new adaptive beamforming techniques to achieve higher
received symbol power and less interference. In addition, introducing efficient beamformers for PTP
networks to work under different constraints and with different types of channels would be beneficial
for enabling PTP widespread application in massive MIMO systems.
As detection becomes harder when the number of BS antennas increases, more advanced
signal processing methods are required for better detection and are associated with introducing
low complexity optimum and nonlinear detectors, and precoders to improve the performance and
reduce the computational complexity.
Introducing new techniques to reduce the training time, especially when the number of antennas
increases is needed, will, in turn, improve the performance of FDD systems in massive MIMO to
improve channel gain, capacity, received power, and reduce latency.
As the number of interfering cells increases, pilot contamination exponentially grows up,
and prevents proper system function. Introduced methods to reduce pilot contamination are very
limited and aim to reduce the effect of the problem, but do not provide a final solution.
The benefits and issues of using the mmWave frequency band, and its application on beamforming,
channel estimation, and precoding techniques in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, need
Electronics 2017, 6, 63 21 of 29
better research studies. They are thought to increase user bandwidth, reduce form factor, limit inter
cell interference, and allow greater frequency reuse.
In WSNs, more research is needed on the optimum low cost, less complex detectors to improve
gain, and boosting energy efficiency.
Finally, in HetNets, more traffic management, radio resource management, network planning, and
inter-tier interference management are required, as those networks are more complicated, have more
dense cells, and any user can access any BS in any tier. In addition, more research efforts should be
directed to study various performance metrics in HetNets in the massive MIMO context.
Acknowledgments: We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to PBE Canada (PBE is a global
international heavy industries technology company for manufactured safety, communications and productivity
systems) and Ryerson University for their help and support in developing this paper.
Author Contributions: Noha Hassan and Xavier Fernando conceived the design and layout of the paper.
Noha Hassan and Xavier Fernando conceived the selection of the topics covered in the paper and their various
implementations. Noha Hassan contributed on data analysis, figures, and literature review,. Both Noha Hassan
and Xavier Fernando wrote and reviewed the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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