Step 5. Formulate Your Super Power Into A Simple Statement
Step 5. Formulate Your Super Power Into A Simple Statement
Step 5. Formulate Your Super Power Into A Simple Statement
5.Valori si credinte
If you think a particular attribute is essential to how you come across in the
world -- just like the horns, back and undercarriage of our bull -- also put a
star next to it. Because these are the elements you really want to accentuate
and amplify. These are the elements that allow you to become MORE of who
you already are and tap into the YOUest version of you.
2.Super power
3.Signature System
1.Video media
4.cursul de T
Step 4. Who You Know
Never forget that your personal brand happens at the intersection of you and
your audience. It’s a
combination of how you present yourself and how your audience receives
you. The attributes you embody and express and how those attributes impact
your audience.
The relationships in your life can form a huge part of your personal brand.
Take a moment now to prioritize and star the 3 elements of WHO YOU KNOW:
Your Value Network _______ 2
Your Followers, Fans & Subscribers _______ 3
Your Clients _______1