Greetings & Introductions
Greetings & Introductions
Greetings & Introductions
Greeting is a way for you get another person’s attention. Regardless whether
they are your acquaintance or stranger, we always greet them to start a
conversation. This is how you establish a connection or attention before having a
detail conversation.
Greetings Responses
Assalamualaikum wbt. Waalaikumussalam wbt.
How do you do? How do you do?
Hi, it’s good to see you. Hi, it’s nice to meet you.
Hello, how are you? Hello, I’m fine thank you.
Good morning/ good afternoon/ good Good morning/ good afternoon/ good
evening. evening
After a greeting, you need to maintain the conversation. One of the ways to
maintain the conversation is by introducing yourself as well as others. Here are some
Introduction is important upon first meeting. This introduction can be done in many
ways. Here are some ways to do the introduction:
1. Introducing yourself
2. Introducing others
Get a partner and write about yourself. Take turn reading the introduction about