Hero in Two Pages
Hero in Two Pages
Hero in Two Pages
So, you’ve just seen the HERO System Rulebooks, and they’re over seven hundred pages!
Don’t Panic!
Take a deep breath, relax, and read this. Because Everything you need to know to understand and play HERO
System Can be boiled down to two pages!
Dice Rolls Your GM will tell you what you need to spend Character Points
Hero System uses two kinds of dice rolls. on and how many Character Points you have to spend. If you do
not take Complications, you gain less than your total Character
The first is a Success Roll. In a Success Roll, you roll under a Points, up to the Campaign Limit - Typically 20-30% of your total
number on 3d6 (three six-sided dice). A total of 18 is always a Character Points. You are generally given a total and, of that total,
failure; a total of 3 is always a success. Success Rolls are displayed a sub-total of how many come from complications.
as X-, such as 12- for “Roll 12 or under on 3d6”. The lower you roll
under, the better. Experience Points are spent in the same way as Character Points
and may be spent on anything you wish, within the campaign
The second is an Effect Roll. In an Effect Roll, Xd6 is rolled - That limits. For example, you probably can’t buy a Fireball spell in
is, an arbitrary number (3, 5, 8, whatever) of six-sided dice. Effect a modern espionage campaign, or a firearm in a high fantasy
rolls may be counted in two ways: campaign - Or, likely, a spaceship in either.
Counting the BODY: Count the number of dice. Subtract You can also buy off Complications, provided you clear it with
any 1’s rolled; add +1 for any 6’s. the GM. This can simulate such things as buying a cybernetic
Counting the Total: Simply total the die roll. prosthetic for that missing eye; spending time reconciling with a
1/2 d6 is half the result of a d6. For BODY, that means a roll of Rival; working to improve a Negative Reputation or just working
4-6 is +1 and 1-3 is 0. For a Total roll, 1-2 is +1, 3-4 is +2 and 5-6 hard to improve a Money-based Complication (perhaps clearing
is +3. a debt or advancing your paycheck in your “day job”).
Talents Things that complicate your life (and you potentially draw
Almost sorta-Powers, all of which don’t cost ENDurance. Things strength from), like people you look out for, a negative reputation,
like Absolute Time Sense, Eidetic Memory (you don’t forget), physical and psychological complications (Blind In One Eye or
Striking Appearance (Beautiful, Ugly, Dangerous, Harmless, Code Of Honor), social complications, being Hunted or having a
etc.), Ambidexterity, Deadly Blow, or Weapon Master... Rivalry by/with someone, and so on.
The end. Yes, that’s all there is to it. The rest is gravy.