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ANS Promo Version Opt1 14mg
ANS Promo Version Opt1 14mg
by Winn Schwartau
Design by Kayley Melton
“Winn’s ANS framework will really make you wonder why the rest of the security world hasn’t
*already* structured itself around time-based security, feedback loops, and taking a probabilistic
view of everything. Do yourself a favor and study it now.”
Clarence Ciao, Neuroscientist and Co-Author of Machine Learning & Security
“You don’t have to take my word for it, but if you do, you won’t be disappointed: This book will melt
your brain and reset your visions back to base. It is so hard, yet so terrifyingly simple. Yes, it can be
a tough ride, but if you get it, you’ll feel reborn. So study this, visualise this, and map it to all you
thought you knew, and prepare to be utterly surprised!”
Edwin van Andel aka @yafsec, Grumpy Old Hacker and CEO @Zerocopter
“As Winn is quick to point out, we’ve had 50+ years to work out the kinks in the digital world that
surrounds us, however, we’ve managed to do nothing more than tie ourselves in ever-increasingly
complex knots from which we know no escape. I put it to you that this book is the Holy Hand
Grenade of Antioch that our industry needs. The chapters DO need to be approached carefully
as there’s a wealth of knowledge and experience that takes time to absorb. I’d keep a pencil and
paper close as well as your favorite Whiskey to help ease the WTF moments that you will surely
go through. Winn has masterfully managed to take a series of complex ideas and boil them into
something we can ALL use. Enjoy.”
Chris Roberts, Co-Founder,
“This book will make you rethink your security strategy, make you ask fundamental questions, and
force you to re-evaluate your beliefs. You can always disagree with Winn’s conclusions, but the book
will improve your results.” (ALT-QUOTE: “Read the f****** book, and form your own opinion. I
Spencer Wilcox, Executive Director Technology and Security, PNM Resources, Inc.
“Winn continues to challenge the security industry. If you’re looking for a new perspective on
security, read this book! It’s provocative - you’re going to rethink some of your preconceived
notions about security.”
Tim McCreight, President/Owner, Risk Rebels
“Analogue Network Security is a refreshing look at how we begin to measure dynamic cyber
technical debt and the negative externalities injected by standards groups, product companies, and
decisions of managing computing devices in a connected world composed of people and nations
with evil designs on your data.”
Joe Klein, CISSP, Lead Computer Scientist at [REDACTED]
“This is a new book by Winn Schwartau - the first in I don’t know how many years - with each of his
previous ones being decades ahead of their time. I mean, why on earth wouldn’t you want to buy it
and read it?”
Eric Green, Security Strategist, CyberadAPT
“A few decades ago I came across a thin paperback with the intriguing title Time-Based Security.
It contained some ideas that the IT security world was not ready for at the time, but are now
implemented from monitoring systems to SOCs and more. Now Winn is back with an even more
concise description and I can only wonder when our industry will be ready to implement those
ideas as well.”
Hans “Quux” Van de Looy — Unicorn Security
“Winn Schwartau once again challenges the status quo in his latest book, Analogue Network
Security. This book explores the fundamentals of network security, from its inception to current
day implementation, which is clearly ineffective and needs to be rethought from the ground up.
Schwartau argues that analogue methods can deliver meaningful metrics leading to stronger and
better managed security controls, which ultimately raises the economic cost to adversaries and
reduces cybersecurity risk in an increasingly connected world.”
Dr. John D. Johnson, CEO/Founder, Aligned Security
“This is truly a book. I believe that Winn has put a lot of words into this book. He has also put in
punctuation marks. I couldn’t put it down. That may be because my copy had glue on it. Exercise
caution — he is a prankster.”
Professor Eugene H. Spafford, Purdue University CERIAS
1. Computer Security. 2. Information Security. 3. Network Security. 4. Internet Security. 5. Application Security. 6. Network
Management. 7. Information Warfare. 8. Critical Infrastructures. 9. National Security. 10. Deep Learning. 11. Neural
Networks. 12. SCADA. 13. ICS. 14. Analogue Systems. 15. AI. 16. Machine Learning. 17. Social Engineering. 18. Phishing.
19. Feedback. 20. OODA Loops. 21. Hackers. 22. Denial of Service. 23. Defense in Depth. 24. Network Defense. 25. Data
Protection. 26. Phishing.
ISBN: 978-0-9964019-0-6
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher, except: Some
portions of Analogue Network Security can be found at and
may be freely copied and distributed in both electronic and hard copy form as long as no content changes of any form are
made, and full credit is given. For all other reproductions, reprinting, translations, and uses, prior written permission from
the publisher is required. Fees may apply. Private labeled, company branded, and customized versions of this book are also
available. Portions of the content of this book describe inventions that are currently patent pending. Contact us at
Rights@WinnSchwartau.Com for details.
Published by:
1 50 Years of Security
Walled Cities and Other Battles Lost ......................................................... 2
Deterrence ....................................................................................... 5
The Yardstick ........................................................................................ 6
The Guarantee ........................................................ ......................... 8
A Brief History of Security Models ............................................................ 9
Symmetric Security ............................................................................... 13
Profile of a Security Model ..... ................................................................. 17
Synergy ............................................................................................... 20
Lessons Learned ................................................................................... 21
3 WTF, Analogue?
The Brain............................................................................................... 60
Analogue 101......................................................................................... 61
Square Waves are Analogue...................................................................... 63
Digital is Not Binary................................................................................. 65
Is It Analogue?..................................................................................... 67
The Ladies’ Room................................................................................. 69
The Fastest Computer............................................................................ 70
Granularity in Digital Audio....................................................................... 72
You Can Add Them Easily....................................................................... 74
Smoothing Functions............................................................................... 75
The Power of Perception........................................................................... 77
Flatland............................................................................................ 79
Trending............................................................................................ 80
Fractals................................................................................................. 81
Static vs. Dynamic................................................................................... 84
Electronics 101....................................................................................... 88
Analogue Computers in History................................................................. 91
The Inequality of it All.............................................................................. 94
On the Quantum Nature of I.T................................................................ 96
5 Feedback
Feedback ............................................................................................ 120
Feedback in Nature ............................................................................ 124
SCADA & ICS ........................................................................................ 126
Dutch Dikes ...................................................................................... 128
Time & Clocks ...................... ................................................................. 129
Flip-Flops ............................................................................................ 132
Step in Time: Boolean Relays ................................................................ 133
Memristors .......................................................................................... 134
The Basic Building Block of ANS: The Time-Based Flip-Flop........................... 138
My Wife’s Car .................................................................................... 143
When Bob is No Alice ............................................................................. 153
Degrading Trust ................................................................................ 157
Trust Factor Feedback ............................................................................ 159
Top 10 of Analogue Network Feedback ................................................... 161
7 Detection in Depth
8 ANS Applications
Ping, McFly!............................................................................................ 216
Measure Your Security.............................................................................. 217
The Horror of It All (Time-Wise)................................................................ 227
A Short Form....................................................................................... 228
Damn! Stop It!........................................................................................ 230
Social Media, Bikini-Grams, and NSFW..................................................... 236
Anti-Phishing.......................................................................................... 240
Fake News is Bullshit............................................................................. 242
DDoS.................................. .................................................................. 243
Stopping Spam & Saving Granny ............................................................ 264
Detection/Reaction Protocol..................................................................... 267
Time-Based Security and I & A .................................................................. 268
Miscellaneous Application Thoughts.......................................................... 271
9 Analogue Epilogues
The Analogue Epilogues’ Prologue........................................................... 296
Real Math Behind ANS and Detection in Depth by Mark “Math Bitch” Carney.......... 298
Infinity Begets Chaos............................................................................. 316
What Does Security Look Like?................................................................ 319
Security Management Porn.................................................................... 322
Visualizing Security............................................................................ 326
Policy Makers: Your Turn........................................................................ 328
Speed of Signal................. ................................................................ 329
Wall Street Bitches at Me..... ................................................................ 330
Errrorrz............................................................................................... 332
Six Sigma in Networking........ ................................................................ 334
3 Domains of ANS Interaction................................................................. 338
AI & ANS.............................................................................................. 340
Predicting the Future.......................................................................... 344
Hiring the Unhireable............................................................................ 345
Prison in the Cloud: My Outrage.............................................................. 346
How Much is that Data in the Window? ................................................... 348
ANS Design Tools Cheat Sheet ............................................................... 353
This is the End...................................................................................... 362
Bibliography........................................................................................ 362
messed up, and created one of the foulest four- In audio engineering, we mostly used Out-
letter words in the English language: ROOT. of-Band (OOB) methods for control and
Trust is, unfortunately, often viewed as communications. In network security, we have
a binary function. I want to examine how an another example of a failure to adapt a model
analogue view of trust will give us a more which already works - TCP/IP. It is the best of
accurate approach to trust in an ever-connected protocols; it is also the worst.
world. Yes, I mean the IoT or whatever current I will finally glue those ideas together, into
term is popular. one massively reimagined architecture to be
Then, some really cool stuff, as I begin to tie used as the basis for networks, applications, and
some of these thoughts together. Feedback is a all things security. By combining many of these
decidedly analogue concept that I will approach concepts, I believe we find new approaches
in all three security domains and from differing to solve DOS, DDoS, spam, and a significant
fields of expertise. It permeates engineering, percentage of ‘internet noise’ - read, security.
yet is not actively used in network security. Led I believe we can mitigate risk by granularizing
Zeppelin taught me a lot about feedback. I will Root. I believe that by looking at security
pass-on those lessons as they relate to network controls with an analogue eye and mindset, we
security, as well as why the Netherlands is still a can develop far better network security tools
country - only because of feedback. and solutions than those with which we are still
With the discussions of feedback we will tinkering.
explore how to launch nukes, address some Much of what you will read may seem
of women’s equality issues, and drastically obvious once you have read it. I hope that is
increase the efficacy of network security. true, because then it will be easier for you to
Instead of doing the same things over and first accept, then apply these concepts into
over and expecting different results, Analogue products, operations, processes, controls, and
Network Security will give you the strategic of course, security.
concepts and some tactical tools to get a
I hope you can read a section and think
provable improvement in any network or data
security effort. about it for a while before plunging ahead.
I do hope that some of my proposed ideas I do not claim to have solved anything.
around Detection in Depth will supplant gut Rather, I am proposing a new way of thinking
reaction traditionalism. about networks and security. I probably have
lots of things wrong… so, no hating; only
The OODA Loop has been relegated, constructive synergistic critique, please.
unfortunately, to military thinking. Since
Information Warfare (, Our industry needs a massive rethink. So,
we have been at war, but we behave like let me attempt to explain Analogue Network
everyone else is playing fair. In fact, one Security.
popular network security view is that we have
to assume our networks have already been Winn Schwartau
completely compromised. Ergo, we continue (I first started this project on a beach on the Indian
to lose. But perhaps, the OODA loop offers Ocean. I finish it at the top of ski mountain.)
some direction.
1-ANS_50YearsOfSecurity_2018-06-18_K-FINA.indd 1
50 Years of Security
Let’s just admit it. Information, Computer,
and Network Security is abysmal.
Nation-states, NGOs, and organized crime are kicking
our butts.
When business and government must operate
on the assumption that their networks are P0wn3d,
common sense says we’ve been doing something very P0wn3d : you have been
wrong for decades. When entire populations can compromised by hostile forces
who have established an
suffer for security failures beyond their control, we
electronic beachhead.
know we have failed to build-in balanced protection
and remediation mechanisms. When we deploy
billions of mobile devices designed for function over
security and privacy, one must question and consider
the motivations.
How secure is your network?
1. No matter how many firewalls and access controls you install,
passwords and policies you enforce, or upgrades and patches you
apply, it’s almost a 100% sure bet that you won’t be 100% protected.
(There is no silver bullet, right? Besides, you can’t patch a person, can you?)
2. Security vendors don’t guarantee their products. (I don’t like it but I DO get it.)
3. We operate under the assumption that we cannot measure the efficacy of security products
or protective systems.
I largely disagree.
Cyber-insurance – a growing
industry – should benefit from
adding time dimensions to its
risk approaches.
It all began with a military funding effort from the
Department of Defense and some very smart people who
were hired to think about computer security. (Back then
TCSEC (Trusted Computer Security networks were still experimental. Think pre-dial-up.)
Evaluation Criteria) or the Dept. of
Defense’s “Orange The outcome was the TCSEC, the first formal
Book” from information security methodology. First offered as a
1983. document in 1983 and formalized 2 years later, TCSEC
became the guideline by which we were to secure the
commercial and government sectors from bad guys
breaking into our computers. The way we told everyone
to proceed was with a classification system from a fairly
insecure D level, to the top, best of breed A-1, which
included mathematical proofs plus years and years of
analysis. There was a problem. One A-1 system, SCOMP,
a mainframe security system, assumed on power-up
that the guy flipping the switch was 100% trusted.
Computer and network security, internet
safety, and privacy concerns have become
We live in a world where global cyberterrorism,
information dominance, nation-state cyberwar,
massive industrial espionage operations, perception
management, fake news, and a creeping global
surveillance society that strips individual privacy daily,
are the new realities.
Cybersecurity is a global meme, from the data center
to the smart phone, the power grid, SCADA/ICS systems,
your autonomous car, intelligent refrigerator, and WiFi-
enabled light bulbs that somehow communicate with
the National Weather Service. (Oh, boy. The internet of
things. So cool.)
Our jobs are clear.
All we have to do is make these new consumer and
prosumer devices secure. All we have to do is make
websites secure. All we have to do is keep the comm-
lines and network connections secure. All we have to do
is create a seamless, proof-positive identity management
system that works everywhere, all of the time. All we
have to do is…
I have asked many professionals over the years, in
both public and private fora:
How well do security products and services really
provide protection for untold trillions of dollars in
intellectual property value, personal privacy, and
UTILITY. Should have minimal interference in network operations Think MLS (Multi-Level Security) of
or the ability of administration, management, and users to do the 1980s.
their job. Some security models have negatively affected network
efficiency and user productivity.
“Synergy means the behavior of whole systems
unpredicted by the behavior of their parts taken
separately.” (Buckminster Fuller)
▶ Iron, chromium, and nickel have tensile strengths of 60,000, 70,000, and 80,000 PSI
respectively and yet, combine to create an alloy with 350,000 PSI. This far exceeds the
strength of its weakest link, but counter-intuitively and unpredictably even outperforms
the sum of its components’ tensile capabilities.
In the U.S. alone, over the last half century or so,
we’ve collectively spent endless trillions of dollars on
impressive, often mind-boggling technology. Globally?
An IT-load more.
During the same period, we have invested hundreds
of billions of dollars on cybersecurity. That’s a mere
fraction of IT spending. A trillion or more dollars
spent on constructing security products and deploying
systems – some secret, some not-so-secret – and what
do we have to show for it? We’ve tried to build the virtual
walls around our computer systems higher and higher.
We’ve tried to make our systems impenetrable. We’ve
tried to adapt Fortress Mentality and Risk Avoidance in
a symmetrical world.
After being 97% razed, Warsaw
was essentially rebuilt from the
ground up after WWII.
OK. That’s the end of the book. Thanks for reading it.
My wife says this ending sucks, but I am done. I
really didn’t want to do a long summation of what
I wrote… that’s for you and we as a community to
talk about, and see how much of Analogue Network
Security can be effectively used to meet our needs.
Visit to join
the discussion!
I often get asked what books I read. As it turns out, I don’t read much network security
stuff. I read lots of other things, -- yes, some weird stuff -- that spurs thinking in non-linear,
non-(counter)-intuitive and unpredictable ways. The rationale: I am not interested in “the next
generation” of security hardware/software-stuff, which is just New and Improved Detergent.
Faster. Smaller. Smarter. I like outlier thinking and seek it out.
You can find a sampling of what I think was well worth the read at
Thanks to these intrepid souls whom I cajoled into spending their valuable time to
"comment with complete honesty." Your different viewpoints were invaluable. I am
honored to call you friends and colleagues.
Spencer Wilcox; Dennis Groves, MSc; John Johnson, Ph.D.; Eugene Spafford;
Robert Morton, Senior analyst CIA, and PhD student Purdue University; Chris
Roberts aka sidragon, Breaker of All Things; Tim McCreight, MSc CISSP CPP CISA
Dedicated security professional; Dr. Ph(c) Gregory “Junkbond” Carpenter, ing;
Hans Van de Looy/ Storyteller & IT Security Guru at UNICORN Holding B.V.; Edwin
van Andel aka yafsec (grumpy old hacker from Holland); Clarence Chio; Joe Klein;
and the inimitable Dr. Fred Cohen. And to my wife, Sherra, an incredible editor
and partner for forty years. XOXO
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