Satish Kumar Vs Praful Kumar
Satish Kumar Vs Praful Kumar
Satish Kumar Vs Praful Kumar
3 . The Appellant's grievance is that he was not granted any compensation towards
the permanent disability, future treatment and expenditure for the services of the
attendant. It was urged that the deduction was made in the monthly salary while
awarding loss of income as the Appellant's monthly salary as per the salary certificate
was ' 7437/- per month but he was granted the compensation taking the salary at '
4720/- per month.
4. On the other hand, it is urged by the learned counsel for Respondent No.3 that the
compensation awarded is just and reasonable which does not call for any
5. Photocopy of a disability certificate issued by the Rao Tula Ram Memorial Hospital,
Jaffarpur, New Delhi on 06.10.2009 i.e. after the decision of the Tribunal, was placed
on record. It is important to note that the Appellant was employed as a
Safaikaramchari in Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and he continued to work as
such till date. It was conceded by the learned counsel for the Appellant that his job
was not affected but he is disabled for all times to come. In my view, the Appellant
cannot be granted any compensation for loss of earning capacity as he continued to
get the same salary, even his future prospects in the form of increment etc. is not
affected. It is a different matter that he would be entitled to the compensation for