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Manual for Evaluation Process of

Certification and Accreditation of

T&CM Modalities
Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Alternative Health Care
Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

5.1 Checklist of requirements for certification and accreditation of different
T&CM modalities
5.2 Application Forms for certification and accreditation of the different T &
CM Modalities
5.3 Guidelines for certification and accreditation of the different T & CM

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



The Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) is a Government Owned and
Controlled Corporation (GOCC) attached to the Department of Health (DOH). It was created under Republic
Act No. 8423, otherwise known as Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997. PITAHC was
primarily envisioned to help improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino people
through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into the national health
care delivery system.

In September 2012, the Governance Commission for Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GCG)
issued memorandum Circular 2012-10 and reclassified PITAHC as a research institution with the primary
purpose and objective of gathering information for the education of all people for the specific field of
traditional and alternative health care.

As mandated, research projects were prioritized based on the Philippine Research and Development
Framework on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) approved by its Board of Trustees in 2014.
Researches that are covered include conservation and protection of natural and cultural heritage of Philippine
Traditional Medicine; research and development on safety, efficacy/benefit, and quality of Philippine
medicinal plants and other natural products; clinical research on safety and efficacy/benefit of T&CM
modalities; standards, policy and operations research; and knowledge management.

To realize PITAHC’s goal as a research institution on traditional and alternative medicine, partnership and
collaboration with different research institutions are continuously carried out.

Rehabilitation and upgrading of its Herbal Processing Plants in Tuguegarao, Tacloban, Davao and Cotabato
Cities which were used mainly in the production of herbal medicines and herbal soap were converted as
research facilities. Likewise, the HPPs serve as venues in the conduct of their in-house researches. Moreover,
the HPPs showcase medicinal plant gardens dedicated to the collection, cultivation, preservation, promotion,
and display of different plants with known rich history of medicinal use in the region or locality labelled with
their concise information on their botanical, common and local names, efficacy and safety, beneficial, and
healing properties.

Along with research and development, the major functions of PITAHC are social advocacy and training, and
standards and regulation on the practice of T&CM modalities such as acupuncture, hilot, chiropractic,
homeopathy, naturopathy, Tuina, osteopathy, and other WHO recognized T&CM modalities. The
establishment of a system for the qualification, certification, and accreditation of T&CM practitioners, training
centers, clinics and associations were PITAHC’s priority activities in setting standards and guidelines of the
aforementioned modalities and facilities.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


The objective of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care Operation Manual is to
provide information, processes, procedures and guidelines in the review, evaluation, assessment up to
the approval of the application for certification of practitioners and accreditation of facilities and
organization of different traditional and alternative health care (TAHC) or Traditional and Complementary
Medicine (T&CM) modalities.

This Operation Manual elaborates and describes evaluation procedure for the certification and
accreditation of the different TAHC practitioners to continuously improve the quality of health of Filipinos
through the development of competency standards , and formulation of certification and accreditation
guidelines for the practice of different TAHC modalities in the Philippines. The approved TAHC modalities
that have certification and accreditation guidelines are as follows: Acupuncture, Chiropractic,
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology and Naturopathy.

This manual on the evaluation process is based on the principles of quality, efficiency, transparency,
confidentiality, timeliness, speed, integrity and ethical standard for the practice of T & CM modalities.

Details of the processes are identified in the diagrams and are specified in the procedures, flows,
guidelines, and forms as defined throughout the system. This document further shows how PITAHC
provides quality services to its practitioners and T &CM facilities through the certification and
accreditation system.


The document is intended for the use of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
and its issuance is controlled.

Documentation for the control of the Operation Manual is held in both electronic format and hard copy;
however, the paper format is for reference only to the process owners whom shall cascade the
information down to their staff for their involvement of the system.


Amendment, reissue and addition to the Operation Manual shall be in accordance to the Procedure of
Control of Documents and Guidelines of Control and Distribution of Documents upon establishment and
implementation of the quality management system for Standard and Accreditation processes.


The operation Manual shall be applied to Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
standards and accreditation processes for certification of TAHC practitioners and accreditation of TAHC
facilities (clinics and training centers) and organization.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



People’s health through traditional and alternative health care.


To lead in the development of standards on traditional and complementary medicine to ensure its
accessibility, availability, sustainability and integration into the national health care delivery system.


The Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care commits to be the prime mover of
traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) in the Philippines.

We commit in the development of policies and standards for practitioners and facilities of different T & CM
modalities, conduct coordination and collaboration activities with appropriate government and non-
government stakeholders, as well as the dissemination of information relative to the certification of T&CM
practitioners and accreditation of T&CM facilities to safeguard the welfare of the general public.

We commit to compliance to all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements as well as continual
improvement of our Quality Management System.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



The Standard and Accreditation Division (S&AD) of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Health Care shall be responsible for the quality performance of its core and support processes. They shall
be expected to demonstrate leadership and full support in the implementation of this quality system. The
Human Resource in the Administrative Division should provide the necessary training, work environment
and resources to the staff of Standard and Accreditation division to successfully fulfil their respective

Within the organizational reporting structure of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Health Care, employees concerned with the implementation, maintenance and effective operation of this
manual have the authorities and responsibilities defined within their Job Descriptions to empower them

• Be In-charge in providing direction and supervision to the Standard and Accreditation ;

• Facilitate the development of competency standards for the practice of different TAHC modalities
in collaboration with concerned practitioners, institution/agencies as prerequisite for certification
and accreditation
• Facilitate the formulation of Code of Ethics for practitioners of various forms of traditional and
alternative health care (TAHC) modalities;
• Develop and establish the certification and accreditation system for TAHC modalities based on
competency standards develop.

The quality management system in the operation manual of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Alternative Health Care is established, implemented, monitored and maintained by its officers as reflected
in the Organizational Chart shown in this manual. Details of the responsibilities, authority and
accountability for those holding key positions are specified in their individual Job Descriptions.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:




1. Provides direction and supervision to the Standard and Accreditation Division;

2. Facilitate the development of competency standards for the practice of different traditional and
alternative health care (TAHC) modalities in collaboration with concerned TAHC practitioners,
appropriate institution/agencies, as a prerequisite for certification and accreditation;
3. Facilitate the formulation of Code of Ethics for practitioners of various traditional and alternative
health care (TAHC) modalities;
4. Develop and establish the certification and accreditation guidelines for practitioners of TAHC
modalities based on the competency standards develop;
5. Develop the appropriate assessment/evaluation tool for the issuance of certificate of registration and
accreditation for TAHC practitioners, clinics and training centers in accordance with the prescribed
standards and guidelines;
6. Develop the appropriate assessment tool for monitoring of certified TAHC practitioners and accredited
TAHC clinics and training centers;
7. Act on inquiries, complaints relative to certification and accreditation on TAHC;
8. Attend meetings, workshops and fora relative to traditional and complementary medicine.


1. Implements plans, programs, projects and activities relative to standards and accreditation of TAHC,
according to set policies, standards and guidelines;
2. Provides technical assistance on TAHC standards and accreditation system;
3. Prepares agenda and minutes for the National Certification Committee meetings;
4. Assists the division chief to carry out its functions


1. Prepares an evaluation tool as basis for issuance of certificate of accreditation to operate TAHC clinic
and training center in accordance with the prescribed standards and guidelines;
2. Assists in the implementation of plans, programs, projects and activities relative to standards and
accreditation of TAHC, according to set policies, standards and guidelines;
3. Assists the division chief to carry out its functions


1. Conducts ocular visits/inspection of TAHC clinics and training center applying for accreditation;
2. Recommends issuance of certification/accreditation to TAHC establishments offering TAHC services;

3. Assists the division chief to carry its functions on matters relative to licensing.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Licensing Officer I

1. Keeps and updates active file on certified TAHC practitioners, and accredited TAHC clinics, training
centers and TAHC organization;
2. Prepares supplies and materials for standards and accreditation program and activities;
3. Inspects TAHC clinics and training centers applying for accreditation; and
4. Recommends issuances of certification/accreditation to TAHC establishments offering TAHC services.


All other employees whose duties and responsibilities are not covered in this manual shall refer to the
appropriate documents held either by the Division Chief or by the Human Resources division to describe the
corresponding job responsibilities and authorities.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


















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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



DMO IV/DMO III Receipt of Application Duly Accomplished
Application Form

DMO IV/DMO III Preliminary Assessment Application Form

Checklist of Requirements

Cashier Applicant Pays Filing Fee Logbook

PITAHC SAD Schedule and PITAHC Order

DMO IV/ Division Chief
Convene NCC Meeting

Duly Accomplished
Review and Evaluation of Application Form
DMO IV/Division
Application by NCC Requirements
Chief/Standards and Advocacy
Evaluation Report

Applicant notified thru letter
DMO IV/Division Chief Application
of the approval or if deferred
required to submit additional

DMO III PITAHC SAD prepares and

issues Certificate of Certificate of Registration
Registration and ID Card and ID card

Applicant Claims and Pays

DMO III/ DMO IV for the Certificate of
- Cashier Registration and ID

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:




















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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



DMO IV/DMO III Receipt of Application Duly Accomplished
Application Form

DMO IV/DMO III Preliminary Assessment Application Form

Checklist of Requirements

Cashier Applicant pays filing fee Logbook


DMO III/IV/ Division Chief Ocular Inspection of Assessment Tool

PITAHC SAD Schedule and PITAHC Order

DMO IV/ Division Chief
Convene NCC Meeting

Duly Accomplished
DMO IV/Division Chief Review and Evaluation of Application Form
Standards and Advocacy Application by NCC Requirements
Ocular Inspection Report
Evaluation Report
DMO IV/Division Chief Approved/Deferred
Applicant notified thru letter
of the approval or if deferred
required to submit additional
Certificate of Accreditation

Applicant Claims and Pays Certificate of

for the Certificate of Accreditation
DMO III/ DMO IV/Cashier Accreditation

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



1. Preliminary assessment and receipt of application for TAHC certification and accreditation

Application for Certification of TAHC practitioner

The Development Management Officer (DMO) shall review the applicant’s duly accomplished
application form and check for the completeness of the submitted requirements prior to receipt
of the application. The applicant shall pay the filing fee to the Cashier’s Office upon acceptance
of the application submitted. The application is recorded in the logbook.

Application for Accreditation of TACH Clinic and Training Center

After passing the preliminary assessment, DMO will notify the applicant that PITAHC Inspection
Team will conduct an ocular inspection of their facility. An assessment tool shall serve as
evaluation guide to determine if the facility is compliant in accordance with PITAHC existing TAHC
standards and guidelines. The results of the ocular inspection shall be discussed during the
National Certification Committee meeting which will be used as basis, in addition to the submitted
documentary requirements needed for the final approval of the application for clinic or training
center accreditation.

2. Comprehensive evaluation and approval of application by the National Certification Committee


The DMO prepares a roster or list of qualified applicants to be evaluated by the National
Certification Committee (NCC). The DMO shall schedule and convene a National Certification
Committee meeting to make a final evaluation and approval of the applicants. The application
shall be evaluated based on completeness of the requirements in accordance with the prescribed
guidelines. During the course of evaluation, the NCC may request for clarification on the
submitted document or ask for additional requirement for further verification. In this case, the
applicant shall be notified in writing of the results and inform them of their deficiencies. As soon
as the applicant complies and submits the requirement, the NCC will approve the application
during the next scheduled NCC meeting.

3. Issuance and release of Certificates and Identification (ID) card

The Development Management Officer (DMO) shall prepare letter of approval to successful
applicants and will be disseminated thru email or SMS. The DMO shall prepare the certificate of
registration and ID card for certified TAHC practitioners or certificate of accreditation to
accredited TAHC clinic, training center and organization, to be signed by the Director-General. A
corresponding certification and or accreditation number shall be assigned for each issued
certificates. The certificates and ID cards shall be claimed by the applicant or a letter of authority
to claim for those who cannot personally claim their certificates. Likewise the certificates and ID
shall be released upon payment of the certification or accreditation fee.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


1. All persons involved in the evaluation procedure whether from the Standards and Accreditation Division
(SAD) of PITAHC or the National Certification Committee (NCC) members as external evaluators must
adhere and respect the principles of integrity, confidentiality, impartiality and independence. The
expectations from them should be completed responsibly with the highest ethical and professional
standards in their profession.

2. All persons involved in the evaluation procedure must observe respect and confidentiality of information.

3. All persons involved in the evaluation procedure should handle and treat all submitted applications
without bias and should be treated equally regardless of age, gender, nationality, race, religion, language,
political, economic or social affiliation of the applicants.

4. Evaluation results and recommendations done by the NCCC should be substantive, specific, precise and

5. Evaluation results and recommendations done by the NCCC should not be disclosed to anyone except to
the concerned applicant and should be done in writing.

6. Any clarifications made to the proponent must be clear, understandable and elicit the needed
information relative to the evaluation procedure

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Appendix A

Checklist of Requirements for Acupuncture Certification for Filipino applicants:

1. Fully Accomplished Application Form for Acupuncture Certification

2. ID pictures (3 pieces, colored with white background, passport size, name printed at the
3. Current valid health certificate within the 6-month period, duly issued by a licensed
government physician
4. Certificate of completion of Acupuncture trainings and seminars attended
5. Certification that his/her practice shall be under the supervision of a Filipino Certified Medical
Acupuncturist (CMA) or Certified Acupuncturist (CA). The list of Filipino CMAs and CAs may
be found at our website or
6. Using the following matrix, list at least 50 Acupuncture patients, seen by the acupuncturist
applicant under the mentorship of a CMA or CA. List should be signed by the applicant and
countersigned by the mentor.

Date Name Age Sex Biomedical TCM TCM Remarks: Should include
Diagnosis Diagnosis Acupoint other pertinent information
used related to the condition of
the patient

7. Upon submission of the requirements, an application fee of Php 500.00 for non-community-
based acupuncturist and P300.00 for community-based acupuncturist, whichever is
applicable, shall be paid by the individual applicant. The successful applicants shall pay a
certification and accreditation fee of Php 800.00 for non-community-based acupuncturist and
Php 600.00 for community-based acupuncturist, whichever is applicable. The certification is
valid for three (3) years.

*Note: All requirements has to be submitted in seven (7) copies, with one (1) original

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Checklist of Requirements for Acupuncture Certification for non-Filipino applicants:

8. Duly Accomplished Application Form for Acupuncture Certification

9. ID pictures (3 pieces, colored with white background, passport size, name printed at the
10. Current Valid health certificate within the 6-month period, duly issued by a licensed
physician from the country of origin or Government Filipino physician, whichever is
11. Certificate of completion of from the Acupuncture trainings
12. Certification that his/her practice shall be under the supervision of a Filipino Certified
Medical Acupuncturist (CMA). The list of Filipino CMAs may be found at our website or
13. Certification of five (5) years of licensed/certified practice of acupuncture with a minimum
of 500 acupuncture patient visits per year with a minimum of 100 different patients
14. A letter of good standing on the number of years of licensure/certification on the practice
of acupuncture from the country of origin to be issued by appropriate government body
15. Certification of current active practice in acupuncture from the country of origin to be issued
by appropriate government body
16. Certification of successful completion of approved Clean Needling Technique course from
the country of origin to be issued by appropriate government body
17. Upon submission of the requirements, an application fee of US $500.00 shall be paid by
the individual applicant. The successful applicants shall pay US $600.00 for certification
and accreditation fee. The certification is valid for one (1) year. A penalty of US $10.00
shall be charged per month for non-renewal of the accreditation.

Note: All requirements has to be submitted in seven (7) copies, with one (1) original and six (6) photocopies. Requirements for
numbers 4, 6-9 must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy from the country of origin.

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Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



To be accomplished by PITAHC

National Certification Code NC Entry Date

- - -
dd mm yyyy
A. Applicant’s Profile

1. Name ____________________ _____________________ ___________

Last First Middle
2. Date of Birth ___________________________ Place of Birth ___________________

3. Ciizenship: Filipino Non-Filipino _______________(Specify Country of Nationality)

Dual Citizenship __________________________ (Please Specify Additional Country)

4. Residential Address ______________________________________________________

5. Business Address _______________________________________________________

6. Contact Numbers
Mobile ____________________________________ E-mail ______________________

Business Number ______________________________________________________

B. Educational Background: (Indicate only college level up to postgraduate, if applicable)

Degree Course Name of Institution/School Inclusive/Completion Date

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

C. Licensure Examination Passed

Nature of Licensure Examination Rating Date Taken

D. Work Experience: (Acupuncture-related)

(Note: Start with the most recent Acupuncture practice)

Nature of Practice
(i.e. clinical care management, Name of Inclusive Dates
administration, education, research, others) Clinic/Company/Office

E. Trainings/Seminars attended
(Note: Indicate only those trainings in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Please atached
certificates obtained)

Certificate Obtained
No. of (indicate if Certificate
Title of Training Conducted by Inclusive Dates
Hours of Attendance,
Certificate of

__________________________ ________
Printed Name of Applicant Signature Date

Left Thumbmark Right Thumbmark

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


Republic of the PhilippinesCity/Municipality of ______________) s.s

Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, (indicate Nationality), of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and
state THAT:

1. I am an applicant for Acupuncture certification pursuant to the PITAHC established

“Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the National Certification of Acupuncturists
and Accreditation of Acupuncture Training Programs, Centers and Clinics”;
2. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents and
records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for any
misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
3. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the requirements
for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of ___________________ 2015
in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________ 2015__ at
_____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on ______________ at

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



The Director General

Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care

PITAHC Bldg., Matapang St., East Ave., Medical Center Compound
Brgy. Central, Quezon City
Thru : Social Advocacy and Training / Standard and Accreditation Division
The undersigned, _________________________________, _______________________________ of the
(Head of Clinic) (Position/Designation)
____________________________________, a _______________________________________ located at
(Name of Clinic) (Type of Clinic)
________________________________________________, hereby petition for registration and
(Complete Address)
Accreditation of the Acupuncture Clinic under the PITAHC Guidelines:

Clinic Services Offered Schedule


To support this petition are the following documents duly certified / authenticated:

A) Corporate and Administrative Papers

1. Notarized Letter of Application
2. Certified Board Resolution (Private Institution only)
3. SEC Registration and Articles of Incorporation (Private Institution only)
4. DTI Certificate of Business Registration (for single proprietor)
5. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
6. Proof of Clinic building ownership or lease-contract of at least five years
7. Copy of municipal/city permits (including Sanitary permit)

Note: For foreign practitioners holding acupuncture clinic, they must be under the
supervision of a Filipino Certified Medical Acupuncturist (CMA). Indicate the name of
the Filipino physician and the PRC license number together with a Certification from
the said physician that said foreign practitioner is under his/her supervision.

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Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

B) Clinic Services Requirements

1. Name of Acupuncture Clinic (Indicating the service(s) being offered)

2. List of Facilities, Equipment and supplies for the Clinic(s) indicating the quantity, specification,
and date of purchase)
3. List of IEC TAHC Materials (Books, Video Tapes, CDs, Internet Access, etc.)

C) Personnel (with supporting papers)

1. List of Acupuncture Practitioners and their Qualifications

2. Organizational Chart (Indicating their Qualifications, Assignment, Status of Appointment with
supporting documents, for example: Practitioners’ Profile, Transcript of Records,
Certifications, etc.)
3. List of other clinic/administrative staff and their qualifications
4. Valid Health Certificate of clinic personnel/staff

D) Clinic Rules

1. Schedule of Services offered

2. Flow chart and Payment Scheme
3. Admission Requirements
4. Referral System

E) Support Services

1. Other Health Services

2. Community Outreach Program
3. Research Program

(Note: Submit the abovementioned requirements in seven (7) copies, 1(one) original and 6 (six) photocopies.

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


Republic of the Philippines

City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, (indicate Nationality), of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and
state THAT:

4. I am an applicant for accreditation of Acupuncture clinic pursuant to the PITAHC

established “Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the National Certification of
Acupuncturists and Accreditation of Acupuncture Training Programs, Centers and
5. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents and
records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for any
misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
6. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the requirements
for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of ___________________ 2015
in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________ 2015__ at
_____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on ______________ at

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


The Director General

Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
PITAHC Bldg., Matapang St., East Ave., Medical Center Compound
Brgy. Central, Quezon City
Thru : Social Advocacy and Training / Standard and Accreditation Division
The undersigned, ____________________________________, ____________________________of the
(Head of Institution) (Position/Designation)
_______________________________________, a ___________________________________ located at
(Name of School/Institution) (Type of School/Institution)
_________________________________________________________, hereby petition for registration of
(Complete Address)
the Acupuncture Training Program and accreditation of Training Center under the PITAHC Guidelines:

Course(s)/Program(s) Duration
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________

____________________________________________ ______________________

To support this petition are the following documents duly certified / authenticated:

F) Corporate and Administrative Papers

1. Notarized Letter of Application
2. Certified Board Resolution (Private Institution only)
3. SEC Registration and Articles of Incorporation (Private Institution only)
4. DTI Certificate of Business Registration (for sole proprietor)
5. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
6. Proof of ownership of the Training Center’s premises or lease-contract of at least five years
7. Municipal or City permits (including Sanitary Permit)

G) Curricula Requirements
4. Curriculum (Indicating the Job Title (s) being address and the competency standard)
5. Course and Subjects Description (Include course objectives, no of hours for didactic and practicum)

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Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

6. List of Supplies, Tools and Equipment for the Training Program(s) (indicating the quantity,
specification, and date of purchase)
7. List of Instructional Materials (Books, Video Tapes, CDs, Internet Access, etc.)

H) Faculty and Personnel (with supporting papers)

5. List of School Officials and their Qualifications

6. List of Faculty for the Program (Indicating their Qualifications, Teaching Assignment, Status of
Appointment with supporting documents, for example: Trainers’ Profile, Transcript of Records,
Certifications, etc.)
7. List of Non-teaching Personnel and their Qualifications
8. Valid Health Certificate of all personnel/staff

I) Academic Rules

5. Schedule of Tuition and Other Fees

6. Grading System
7. Entrance Requirements
8. Rules on Attendance

J) Support Services
4. Health Services
5. Career Guidance/Placement Services
6. Community Outreach Program
7. Research Program

(Note: Submit the abovementioned requirements in seven (7) copies, 1 (one) original copy and six (6) photocopies)

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version by checking the effectivity date of the CONTROLLED COPY in the FILE SERVER/WEBSITE.
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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


Republic of the Philippines

City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, Filipino, of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and
state THAT:
7. I am an applicant for accreditation of Acupuncture training center pursuant to the
PITAHC established “Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the National Certification
of Acupuncturists and Accreditation of Acupuncture Training Programs, Centers and
8. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents and
records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for any
misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
9. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the requirements
for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of ___________________ 2015
in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________ 2015__ at
_____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on ______________ at

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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This Checklist Sheet is intended only to assist you in submitting a completed application. Please read the Application Form
carefully and answer completely. If there are any portions that you are unable to complete, you may attach additional
information to explain why you are unable to do so.

All applicable items must be submitted in order to assess your application for PITAHC registration. Other documenmtation
may be requested at any time. Falsification or misrepresentation of any item or response on your application or any
attachment hereto is sufficient basis for denial or revocation of your certification. The application form together with the
affidavit of undertaking has to be signed and notarized. Only thos with complete requirements will be accepted.

Please print this Checklist Sheet and all pages of the Application Form on A4-size paper and set your printer to borderless
printing. Submit application form and the requirements in two (2) hard and one (1) soft copies to PITAHC.


1. ID Pictures (2 pieces, colored with white background, passport size, name printed at the back). The photo
must be of the head and shoulders and taken within 60 days of application.
2. Certified True Copy of proof of citizenship issued by the Philippine governemnt, such as, but not limited to:

Certificate of Live Birth issued by the National Statistics Office

Philippine Passport issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs; or
Certificate of Naturalization, for naturalized Filipino citizens.

3. Transcript of Records from the chiropractic school attended; and

4. Proof of completion of Chiropractic course, such as , but not limited to a Diploma
5. Business permit related to chiropractic practice and business card, if applicable.
6. NBI Clearance
7. Non-Refundable Application Processing Fee of five thousand pesos (PhP5,000.00). Checks are made
payable to PITAHC
8. For successful applicants, an additional Registration/Certification fee of five thousand pesos (PhP5,000.00)
will be paid for the official PITAHC Certificate of Registration. This is valid for three (3) years. The renewal
fee is also PhP5,000,00.


1. ID Pictures (2 pieces, colored with white background, passport size, name printed at the back). The photo
must be of the head and shoulders and taken within 60 days of application.
2. Valid Passport issued by the Applicant’s country of origin
3. Transcript of Records from the chiropractic school attended; and
4. Proof of completion of Chiropractic course, such as , but not limited to a Diploma
5. Business permit related to chiropractic practice and business card, both in the Philippines and in any other
country, if applicable
6. Valid license or permit to practice Chiropractic in another country.
7. Documents issued by the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) as well as the Department of Labor
and Employment (DOLE) indicating that he/she is legally residing and working in the Philippines, such as but
not limited to immigrant Visa, Working Visa, Work Permit, Alien Certificate of Registration , Alien Employment
Permit, etc.
8. NBI Clearance
9. Non-Refundable Application Processing Fee of five thousand pesos (PhP5,000.00). Checks are made
payable to PITAHC
10. For successful applicants, an additional Registration/Certification Fee of US$150.00 or its equivalent Philippine
peso will be paid for the official Certificate of Registration. This is valid for one (1) year. Renewal fee is also
US$150.00 or its equivalent Philippine pewo based on the current exchange rate.

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Name: _____________ __________________ _________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Photo Date of Birth _________ Place of Birth ___________

Citizenship: Filipino Dual Citizenship ___________

(Specify Country of Nationality)

Non-Filipino ______________________________________
(Passport Number and Issuing Country)

Immigration/Visa Status _____________________________

Are you a member of the Association of Professional Chiropractors of the Yes No

Philippines, Inc, (APCPI)?

If No, would you like to receive information on APCPI membership? Yes No

Section A: Contact Information

Residential Address: _______________________________________

Business Address: ________________________________________

Email: ____________________ Landline/Mobile: ___________________

Business Landline: ___________ Business Mobile: ___________________
PITAHC Regisration No.: ___________ Valid Until: __________________

Applicant’s Signature _____________

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Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
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Section B: Educational Background (Please Indicate College/University level or higher


Degree Course Name of Institution Date of Completion

Section C: Licensure Examination

Nature of Examination Date Taken Rating

Section D: Health Care Related Work Experience (Please list from newest to oldest)

Nature of Work Experience/Title Company/Clinic/Office Name Date of Employment

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Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Section E: Specialties (i.e., Certification and/or Diplomates)

Nature of Specialty Certification Number Date Certified (From – To)

Applicant’s Signature _______________

Section F: Law Violation

F1. Have you ever been formally charged of any criminal act
in the Philippines or any other country? Yes No
If Yes, please give details: _____________________________________________

F2. Have you ever been charged of any administrative offense Yes No
in the Philippines or any other country?
If Yes, please give details: _____________________________________________

F3. Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation Yes No
of any law, decree, ordinance or regulation by any court
in the Philippines or any other country?
If Yes, please give details: _____________________________________________
_____________________________ _______________

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Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Section G: Consent

I consent to the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic (NCCC) and/or PITAHC to make inquiries of,
and exchange information with, the authorities of any Country, State or Territory regarding my practice as a
health practitioner or any other matters relevant to this application.

I acknowledge that the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic (NCCC) and/or PITAHC may validate
documents provided in support of this application as evidence of my identity and/or immigration status.

I declare that I will comply with all relevant legislation, National Certification Committee for Chiropractic (NCCC)
and/or PITAHC standards, Codes and Guidelines.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the information and/or statements in this application including the documents submitted
in support thereof are all true and correct of my knowledge, and that I am fully aware that any false information or
statement and/or any omission of any pertinent information in this application or in its attachments, shall render
me liable for administrative sanction and/or denial and/or revocation of PITAHC Registration/Certification

__________________________________ ____________
Signature of Applicant Over Printed Name Date

Left Thumbmark Right Thumbmark

Received by ______________________

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Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


Republic of the Philippines

City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, (indicate Nationality), of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby
depose and state THAT:

1. I am an applicant for Chiropractic certification pursuant to the PITAHC established

guidelines, PITAHC Circular No. 01 series of 2010 “Guidelines on the National
Certification of Chiropractic”;
2. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents
and records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for
any misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
3. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the
requirements for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of

___________________ 2015 in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________
2015__ at _____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on
______________ at ______________.

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Checklist of Requirements for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Certification for Filipino Applicants:

1. Duly Accomplished Application Form for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Certification

2. ID pictures (3 pieces, colored with white background, passport size, name printed at the
3. Current valid health certificate within the 6-month period, duly issued by a licensed
government physician

4. Certificate of completion of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology trainings and seminars attended

5. Using the following matrix, list at least 50 patients, seen by the

Homeopathy/Homotoxicology applicant.

Date Name Age Sex Biomedical Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Remarks: Should include

Diagnosis Remedies other pertinent
information related to
the condition and
management of the

6. Upon submission of the requirements, an application fee of Php 500.00 for non-community-
based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology and P300.00 for community-based
homeopathy/homotoxicology, whichever is applicable, shall be paid by the individual
applicant. The successful applicants shall pay a certification and accreditation fee of Php
800.00 for non-community-based homeopathy/homotoxicology and Php 600.00 for
community-based homeopathy/homotoxicology, whichever is applicable. The certification is
valid for three (30 years.

*Note: All requirements has to be submitted in seven (7) copies, with one (1) original and six (6) photocopies

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Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Checklist of Requirements for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Certification for Non-Filipino


1. Duly Accomplished Application Form for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Certification

2. ID pictures (3 pieces, colored with white background, passport size, name printed at the back)
3. Current Valid health certificate within the 6-month period, duly issued by a licensed physician
from the country of origin or Government Filipino physician, whichever is appropriate
4. Certificate of completion of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology trainings attended *
5. Certification that his/her practice shall be under the supervision of a Filipino Certified Medical
Homeopaths (CMHpt) or Certified Medical Homotoxicologist (CMHtx. The list of Filipino
CMHpt and CMHtx may be found at our website
6. Certification of licensed/certified practice of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology of 100 different
patients *
7. A letter of good standing on the number of years of licensure/certification on the practice of
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology from the country of origin to be issued by appropriate
government body*
8. Certification of current active practice in Homeopathy/Homotoxicology from the country of
origin to be issued by appropriate government body*
9. Upon submission of the requirements, an application fee of US $500.00 shall be paid by the
individual applicant. The successful applicants shall pay US $600.00 for certification and
accreditation fee. The certification is valid for one (1) year. A penalty of US $100.00 shall be
charged per month for non-renewal of the accreditation.

*Note: All requirements has to be submitted in seven (7) copies, with one (1) original and six (6) photocopies. Requirements for
numbers 4, 6-8 must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy from the country of origin.

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


To be accomplished by PITAHC

National Certification Code NC Entry Date

- - -
mm dd
A. Applicant’s Profile

7. Name ___________________ ___________________ ______________

Last First Middle
8. Date of Birth ___________________________ Place of Birth ___________________

9. Ciizenship: Filipino Non-Filipino ________________ (Specify Country of Nationality)

Dual Citizenship ______________________ (Please Specify Additional Country)

10. Residential Address ______________________________________________________

11. Business Address _____________________________________________________

12. Contact Numbers

Mobile _____________________________ E-mail ________________________

Business Number ___________________________________________________

B. Educational Background: (Indicate only college level up to postgraduate, if applicable)

Degree Course Name of Institution/School Inclusive/Completion Date

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Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

C. Licensure Examination Passed

Nature of Licensure Examination Date Taken

D. Work Experience: (Homeopathy/Homotoxicology-Related)

(Note: Start with the most recent Homeopathy/Homotoxicology practice)

Nature of Practice Name of

(i.e. clinical care management, administration, Clinic/Company/Office Inclusive Dates
education, research, others)

E. Trainings/Seminars attended
(Note: Indicate only those trainings related to Homeopathy/Homotoxicology). Please atached certificates

Certificate Obtained
Conducted by (indicate if Certificate of Inclusive
Title of Training No. of Attendance, Certificate Dates
Hours of Completion)

_________________________ __________
Printed Name of Applicant Signature Date

Left Thumbmark Right Thumbmark

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Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


Republic of the Philippines

City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, Filipino, of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and
state THAT:

10. I am an applicant for Homeopathy certification pursuant to the PITAHC established

“Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the National Certification of
Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists and Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
Training Programs, Centers and Clinics”;
11. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents and
records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for any
misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
12. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the requirements
for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of ___________________ 2015
in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________ 2015__ at
_____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on ______________ at

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________

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Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Book No._________
Series No. ________

Passport Size

To be accomplished by PITAHC

National Certification Code NC Entry Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

- - -

A. Applicant’s Profile

13. Name _____________________ ______________________ _____________

Last First Middle
14. Date of Birth ___________________________ Place of Birth _________________

15. Ciizenship: Filipino Non- Filipino __________ (Specify Country of Nationality)

Dual Citizenship __________________________ (Please Specify Additional Country)

16. Residential Address ______________________________________________________

17. Business Address ______________________________________________________

18. Contact Numbers

Mobile _________________________________ E-mail ________________________

Business Number ______________________________________________________

B. Educational Background: (Indicate high school level up to postgraduate, if applicable)

Degree Course Name of Institution/School Inclusive/Completion Date

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

C. Licensure Examination Passed

Nature of Licensure Examination Date Taken

D. Work Experience: (Naturopathy-Related)

(Note: Start with the most recent Naturopathy practice)

Nature of Practice Name of

(i.e. clinical care management, administration, Clinic/Company/Office Inclusive Dates
education, research, others)

E. Trainings/Seminars attended
(Note: Indicate only those trainings related to Naturopathy). Please attach certificates obtained.

Certificate Obtained
Conducted by (indicate if Certificate of Inclusive
Title of Training No. of Attendance, Certificate of Dates
Hours Completion)

__________________ _________
Printed Name of Applicant Date Signature

Left Thumbmark Right Thumbmark

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Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:


Republic of the Philippines

City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, Filipino, of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby
depose and state THAT:

13. I am an applicant for Naturopathy certification pursuant to the PITAHC

established “Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the National Certification
of Naturopaths and Accreditation of Naturopathy Training Programs,
14. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents
and records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable
for any misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
15. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the
requirements for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of

___________________ 2015 in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________
2015__ at _____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on
______________ at ______________.

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:



The Director General

Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
PITAHC Bldg., Matapang St., East Ave., Medical Center Compound
Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Thru : Social Advocacy and Training / Standard and Accreditation Division

The undersigned, _______________, ___________________________ of the ____________
(Head of Clinic) (Position/Designation)
_______________________________, a _____________________________________located
(Name of Clinic) (Type of Clinic)
_____________________________________________, hereby petition for registration and
(Complete Address)
accreditation of the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic under the PITAHC Guidelines:

Clinic Services Offered Schedule

____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________

Note: For foreign practitioners holding homeopathy/homotoxicology clinic, they must be under the supervision of a Filipino Certified Medical
Homeopath (CMHpt) or Certified Medical Homotoxicologist (CMHtx). Indicate the name of the Filipino physician and the PRC license number
together with a Certification from the said physician that said foreign practitioner is under his/her supervision.

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Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

To support this petition are the following documents duly certified / authenticated:

K) Corporate and Administrative Papers

1. Notarized Letter of Application

2. Certified Board Resolution (Private Institution only)
3. SEC Registration and Articles of Incorporation (Private Institution only)
4. DTI Certificate of Business Registration (for sole proprietor)
5. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
6. Proof of ownership of the Training Center’s premises or lease-contract of at least five years
7. Municipal or City permits (including Sanitary Permit)

L) Clinic Services Requirements

1. Name of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic (Indicating the service(s) being offered)

2. List of Facilities, Equipment and supplies for the Clinic(s) indicating the quantity, specification, and
date of purchase)
3. List of IEC TAHC Materials (Books, Video Tapes, CDs, Internet Access, etc.)

M) Personnel (with supporting papers)

1. List of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Practitioners and their Qualifications

2. Organizational Chart (Indicating their Qualifications, Assignment, Status of Appointment with
supporting documents, for example: Practitioners’ Profile, Transcript of Records, Certifications, etc.)
3. List of other clinic/administrative staff and their qualifications
4. Valid Health Certificate of clinic personnel/staff

N) Clinic Rules

1. Schedule of Services offered

2. Flow chart and Payment Scheme
3. Admission Requirements
4. Referral System

O) Support Services

1. Other Health Services

2. Community Outreach Program
3. Research Program

(Note: Submit the abovementioned requirements in seven (7) copies: one (1) original and six (6) photocopies

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Republic of the Philippines
City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, Filipino, of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and
state THAT:
16. I am an applicant for accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology clinic pursuant to the PITAHC
established “Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the National Certification of
Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists and Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training
Programs, Centers and Clinics”;
17. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents and records
contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for any misrepresentation,
fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
18. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the requirements for
securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of ___________________ 2015
in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________ 2015__ at
_____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on ______________ at

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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The Director General

Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care

PITAHC Bldg., Matapang St., East Ave., Medical Center Compound

Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Thru : Social Advocacy and Training / Standard and Accreditation Division


The undersigned, _________________________________, ___________________________________ of the

(Head of Institution) (Position/Designation)
_________________________________________, a ____________________________________ located at
(Name of School/Institution) (Type of School/Institution)
____________________________________________________________, hereby petition for registration of
(Complete Address)
the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Program and accreditation of Training Center under the PITAHC
Course(s)/Program(s) Duration
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________________________ ______________________

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To support this petition are the following documents duly certified / authenticated:

P) Corporate and Administrative Papers

1) Notarized Letter of Application

2) Certified Board Resolution (Private Institution only)
3) SEC Registration and Articles of Incorporation (Private Institution only)
4) DTI Certificate of Business Registration (for sole proprietor)
5) Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
6) Proof of ownership of the Training Center’s premises or lease-contract of at least five years
7) Municipal or City permits (including Sanitary Permit)

Q) Curricula Requirements

1. Curriculum (Indicating the Job Title (s) being address and the competency standard)
2. Course and Subjects Description (Include course objectives, no of hours for didactic and practicum)
3. List of Supplies, Tools and Equipment for the Training Program(s) (indicating the quantity,
specification, and date of purchase)
4. List of Instructional Materials (Books, Video Tapes, CDs, Internet Access, etc.)

R) Faculty and Personnel (with supporting papers)

1. List of School Officials and their Qualifications

2. List of Faculty for the Program (Indicating their Qualifications, Teaching Assignment, Status of
Appointment with supporting documents, for example: Trainers’ Profile, Transcript of Records,
Certifications, etc.)
3. List of Non-teaching Personnel and their Qualifications
4. Valid Health Certificate of all personnel/staff

S) Academic Rules

1. Schedule of Tuition and Other Fees

2. Grading System
3. Entrance Requirements
4. Rules on Attendance

T) Support Services

1. Health Services
2. Career Guidance/Placement Services
3. Community Outreach Program
4. Research Program

(Note: Submit the abovementioned requirements in seven (7) copies, one (1) original and six (6) photocopies

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Republic of the Philippines

City/Municipality of ______________) s.s
Province _______________________)

I, _______________________, Filipino, of legal age with address at

_____________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and
state THAT:
19. I am an applicant for accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center
pursuant to the PITAHC established “Guidelines Implementing R.A 8423 IRR on the
National Certification of Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists and Accreditation of
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Programs, Centers and Clinics”;
20. I attest to the truth, accuracy and genuineness of all the information, documents and
records contained and attached to this application and that I shall be liable for any
misrepresentation, fraudulent declaration and all its consequences;
21. I am executing this affidavit as a proof of good faith in complying with the requirements
for securing the abovementioned certificate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______day of ___________________ 2015
in ______________________.

Signature over printed name


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public, this ___ day of ____________ 2015__ at
_____________ City, affiant exhibited to me his (any government issued ID) issued on ______________ at

Doc. No. _________

Page No. _________
Book No._________
Series No. ________

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TAHC Organization Accreditation Form I




Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)
East Ave. Medical Center Compound, Matapang Street
Barangay Central, Quezon City


In support of the PITAHC’s thrust to improve the quality and delivery of health care services through the
development and provision of quality, safe, effective, and affordable traditional and alternative health care
products, services and technologies for better health, the undersigned from
_______________________________________, whose office/business address is located at
(Name of Organization) _______________________________________________________________
(Address of Organization)
hereby submits duly accomplished application form and required documents for the accreditation of our
organization which was duly established and registered in accordance with the Philippine Law.

Enclosed are the following requirements (duly certified/authenticated):

( ) Accomplished TAHC ORG Accreditation Form II

( ) SEC Registration, Articles of Inc., Constitution and By-laws
( ) Other Gov’t or Private agency’s registration
( ) Certified Board Resolution
( ) Business Permit
( ) Updated List of personnel and members of the organization
( ) Documentation of the current TAHC programs and services
( ) Latest copy of publication (if any)
( ) Other documents (if any). Please state below

(Printed Name and Signature)

(Position Title)

Date of Receipt: _________________________

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care

Department of Health

TAHC Organization Accreditation Form II


Name of Organization/Association:


Address :

Telephone No.:

Telefax :

E-mail Address:


Registration Date:

Contact Person:


No. of Staff: ______ Full Time ______ Part Time ______ Volunteer ________

Executive Officers (Name &Position) Board Members (Name & Position)

____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________

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Vision /Goal:




TAHC Program/Services/Activities:
Geographical Scope:

_______ International ______ Nationwide ______ Local

Areas of Coverage:

Type and Number of Beneficiaries/Clientele:

Type of Beneficiaries/Clientele Number (for the past year)

_________________________ ________
_________________________ ________
_________________________ ________

Has your organization/association participated in a TAHC mission? ___ Yes ___ No

If yes, state the nature, date, and place of the TAHC mission.
(Use additional sheet, if necessary)

Accomplished by:

_______________________________ For use by PITAHC

Signature over Printed Name
PITAHC Accreditation No.__________
________________________ Date of Accreditation: _____________

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Guidelines Implementing R.A. 8423 IRR on the National Certification of

Acupuncturists and Accreditation of Acupuncture Training Programs,
Centers and Clinics

Rule I
Policy and Application
Article 1. Title

These guidelines shall be known as the PITAHC Guidelines on the National Certification of
Acupuncturists and Accreditation of Acupuncture Training Programs, Training Centers and Clinics.
Article 2. Purpose

These Guidelines are promulgated to prescribe the procedures and guidelines for the
implementation of PITAHC IRR on the National Certification of Acupuncturists and Accreditation of
Acupuncture Training Programs, Training Centers and Clinics pursuant to Rule VI, Promotion,
Advocacy and Training of IRR of RA 8423. These Rules also serve the accreditation of acupuncture
programs, training centers and clinics to pursue continuous service improvement, and strengthen the
accountability of all stakeholders in the traditional and alternative health care practices.
Article 3. Declaration of Policy

It is the policy of the State to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino
people through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into
the national health care delivery system.
Article 4. Scope of Application

These guidelines shall apply to the following:

4.1 Accreditation of Training Programs

4.2 Training Centers for Acupuncture.
4.3 Accreditation of Acupuncture Clinics
4.4 National Certification of Acupuncturists
Article 5. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of these guidelines, the following terms and words and phrases shall mean or be
understood as follows:
a. Republic Act 8423 - An Act creating the "Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
(PITAHC)” to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care in the Philippines or
otherwise known as “Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997”.

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b. Traditional and Alternative Health Care - the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices, other than
those embodied in biomedicine, used in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of physical or mental

c. Biomedicine - that discipline of medical care advocating therapy with remedies that produce
effects differing from those of the diseases treated; also called ‘allopathy’, ‘western medicine’,
‘regular medicine’, ‘conventional medicine’, ‘mainstream medicine’, ‘orthodox medicine’, or
‘cosmopolitan medicine’.

d. Traditional Oriental Medicine - the traditional medicine that originated in China, and is characterized
by holism and treatment based on pattern identification/ syndrome differentiation

e. Alternative Health Care Modalities - refer to other forms of non-allopathic, occasionally non-
indigenous or imported healing methods, though not necessarily practiced for centuries nor
handed down from one generation to another; includes reflexology, acupuncture, massage,
acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional therapy, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, prayer, reiki, pranic healing,
mindfulness meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, dance and other movement therapies, art and
music therapy and other similar methods.

f. Assessment - the systematic collection and interpretation of information based on

acupuncture principles.

g. Acupuncture - a comprehensive system of health care using traditional Chinese medical

theory and its unique methods of diagnosis and treatments, for the promotion, maintenance
and restoration of health and the prevention of disease. Its treatments techniques include,
but are not limited to, the insertion of acupuncture needles through the skin and the use of
other biophysical methods, e.g. the use of heat, oriental massage techniques, electrical
stimulation, herbal supplemental therapies, dietary guidelines, breathing techniques,
exercise, cupping, dermal friction, and acupressure based on traditional Chinese medical

h. National Certification – process of issuing certificates requiring education and testing that
assures the competency of practitioners and trainers, administered by PITAHC and other
PITAHC accredited institutions.

i. National Accreditation – process of issuing certificates to training programs, centers and


For the non-medical acupuncturist, the following competencies are not included in the
PITAHC Competency Standards for Acupuncture and will require other additional
qualifications/ certification for practice:

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1) Biomedicine diagnosis
2) Correlating laboratory findings
3) Prescribing drugs
4) Analyzing laboratory test on acupuncture related treatment
5) Performing new/ advanced acupuncture treatment methods (e.g. laser, intracutaneous
needling, cosmetic)
6) Conducting clinical and/or experimental acupuncture-related research activities

For the medical acupuncturist, the following competencies are not included in the PITAHC
Competency Standards for Acupuncture and will require other additional qualifications/
certification for practice:

1) Performing new/ advanced acupuncture treatment methods (e.g. laser, intracutaneous

needling, cosmetic)
2) Conducting clinical and/or experimental acupuncture-related research activities

k. Code of Ethics - a summary of the standards by which acupuncturists agree to conduct their
practice and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical, professional

l. Training Program - systematic, formal training on the knowledge and practice of acupuncture

m. Community Based Health Programs (CBHP) - health programs which include acupuncture as
one of its programs and services, serving primarily the poor, the vulnerable sectors and
marginalized communities

n. Acupuncture Training Center - a training facility intended for the formal education of students
in acupuncture and practice

o. Community Based Acupuncture Training Center - an acupuncture training center for PITAHC
accredited community based health programs.

p. Acupuncture Clinic - a health center facility intended for the diagnosis and treatment of patients
through acupuncture

q. Community Based Acupuncture Clinic - an acupuncture clinic for PITAHC accredited

community based health programs

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r. Portfolio Assessment - evaluation of documents submitted as evidences of experiences such

as acupuncture training, work contract, certification from employers or agencies and other
similar documents for review by PITAHC

s. Medical Acupuncturist – a practitioner of acupuncture who has also been licensed by the
Philippines’ Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) to practice medicine in the Philippines
as a physician.

Rule II

Accreditation of Training Programs

Article 6. All training centers offering courses for acupuncture are required to register their course modules
based on PITAHC Competency Standard in line with the policy of ensuring the quality of programs and courses
in all institutions offering or intending to offer traditional and alternative health care courses. Program
accreditation applies to mandatory compliance with minimum standards of all traditional and alternative
health care courses including programs/courses being offered by public and private training institutions.

Article 7. The application for accreditation of Acupuncture programs may be filed at the PITAHC
where the Acupuncture Training programs shall be evaluated and the National Certification
Assessment shall be conducted.
Article 8. The PITAHC shall do monitoring of the continuous compliance by the Training Centers with the
minimum requirements of PITAHC established standard.

Rule III
Training Centers of Acupuncture

Article 9. Requirements for the Training Centers

The following requirements for the accreditation of Training Centers shall be submitted to PITAHC.

9.1 Acupuncture Training Center

9.1.1 Facilities and Equipment One well ventilated and lighted classroom complete with audio/visual
equipment with desks, writing boards teaching materials that can
accommodate at least 20 persons at any given time. One well ventilated and lighted prototype assessment/ examination room
with chairs and tables for students with the following instruments (like

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stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, acupuncture needles,

moxa, cups, sterilization equipment, etc.) At least one well ventilated and lighted acupuncture clinic treatment room
prototype that can accommodate at least 10 students at any given time. Well ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room
b. Dressing room
c. Waiting room
d. An administrative office A library with books and AV tapes and cassettes and CDs relevant to the
courses offered (Refer to PITAHC Competency Standard on Acupuncture). Training materials, equipment, and accessories based on training standards

and course offering. An original copy of the PITAHC Competency Standards of Acupuncture and

PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

9.1.2 Personnel The Acupuncture Training Center should have a regular staff for its academic
training program, a full time Training officer who must at least be a college
graduate. The academic and skills trainers should have passed the PITAHC Training of
Trainers Competency Assessment.

9.2 Community Based Acupuncture Training Center

9.2.1 Facilities and Equipment One well ventilated and well lighted room/area used as:

a. A classroom complete with audio/visual equipment with desks, writing

boards and other teaching materials that can accommodate at least 5
persons at any given time

b. An assessment/examination room with chairs and tables for clients

equipped with the following instruments (such as stethoscope,
sphygmomanometer, thermometer, acupuncture needles, moxa, cups,
sterilization equipment, etc.)

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c. A clinic treatment room that can accommodate at least 5 students at any

given time Auxiliary room such as

a. Comfort room/ dressing room

b. Waiting room/ administrative office A library with books with optional AV tapes, cassettes and CDs relevant to
the course offered. (Refer to PITAHC Competency Standard on
Acupuncture). Training materials, equipment, and accessories based on training standards

and course offering, as specified in the competency standards on
acupuncture. An original copy of the PITAHC Competency Standards of Acupuncture and

PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

9.2.2 Personnel

A Community Based Training Center should have a Training Officer/ trainer who
should have passed the PITAHC Training of Trainers Competency Assessment.

9.3 Training Curriculum

A Training Center’s curriculum must be based on the PITAHC Competency Standard for

Article 10. Accreditation of Training Center

A Certificate of Accreditation of a Training Center shall be issued to a person who or to an institution

that submits required documents to PITAHC and complies with the following:

10.1 In case of incorporation or partnership, a certified copy of its Articles of Incorporation or

Partnership duly registered with Security and Exchange Commission, or copy of its
registration with the Department of Trade and Industry
10.2 Updated list of personnel and training staff with their respective bio-data and designation
10.3 A copy of municipal or city permits
10.4 Proof of ownership of the Training Center’s premises or a copy of the lease/rental agreement
of the premises
10.5 List of training equipment
10.6 Fire safety inspection certificates

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10.7 List of training programs offered

10.8 Valid Health Certificate of all employees
10.9 A duly accomplished application form for Training Center Accreditation
10.10 Application Fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulations

10.10.1 An application fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the
Acupuncture Training Center to PITAHC.
10.10.2 An application fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be paid by the Community
Based Acupuncture Training Center to PITAHC.

10.11 Other documents as may be required from time to time by PITAHC based on
Committee recommendation.

Article 11. Inspection and Approval of Training Centers

Upon receipt of the applicant’s notice, a duly authorized PITAHC quality assessment team shall
conduct inspection at the proposed training centers to determine compliance with facilities and
operation requirements.

Article 12. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum prescribed requirement, PITAHC shall
then issue the Certificate of Accreditation with a PITAHC dry seal in favor of the applicant.
Article 13. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for the cancellation of accreditation
of a training center:

a. Falsification of documents.
b. Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as prescribed in these
Article 14. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for one (1) year from date
of issue for a newly accredited Training Center. Date of renewal shall be three (3) years thereafter
subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC.

Article 15. Non-transferability of Certificate of Accreditation

The Certificate of Accreditation of a Training Center shall be non-transferable.

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Article 16. Accreditation Fees

The accreditation fee shall be collected from those applicants who have complied with the
requirements for accreditation. An accreditation fee will be collected based on the national
accounting rules and regulation and may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

16.1 For Acupuncture Training Centers

16.1.1 An accreditation fee for new applicants of ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) for one
year and an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00)
shall be collected .
16.1.2 A renewal accreditation fee of three thousand (P3,000.00) for three years and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be

16.2 For Community-Based Acupuncture Training Centers

16.1.1 An accreditation fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) and an additional

accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
newly accredited applicants.
16.1.2 An accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be
collected from renewing accredited applicants.

Article 17. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The penalty fee may be
changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee
17.1 A penalty of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal
by the Acupuncture Training Center.
17.2 A penalty of one hundred fifty pesos (P150.00) shall be charged per year for non-
renewal by the Community Based Acupuncture Training Center..

Rule IV
Accreditation of Acupuncture Clinics

Article 18. Requirements for Acupuncture Clinics

The following requirements for the accreditation of Acupuncture Clinics shall be submitted to

18.1.1 Facilities and Equipment

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Certification and Accreditation Page No.: Well ventilated and lighted acupuncture treatment rooms with

a. Practice/medical equipment (such as electro-acupuncture machine,

timers, sterilizers, etc.)
b. Clinic supplies (such as needles, cotton, alcohol)
c. Beds appropriately designed for acupuncture/ acupressure/
moxibustion/ cupping treatment
d. Communications equipment
e. Acupuncture references
f. Acupuncture meridian charts and/or models
g. Patient’s clinical records based on the acupuncture competency
h. Logbook of Patient Visits
i. Administrative equipment and materials (such as clinic furniture) One well ventilated and lighted prototype assessment/ examination room
with chairs and tables equipped with the following instruments (like
stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, weighing scale, timers,
etc. Well ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room
b. Dressing room
c. Waiting room
d. An administrative office

18.1.2 Personnel Acupuncturists in an Acupuncture Clinic must be:

a. PITAHC Certified Acupuncturists (CA)

b. PITAHC Certified Medical Acupuncturists (CMA) A PITAHC Certified Associate Acupuncturist (CAA) or a PITAHC Certified

Associate Medical Acupuncturist (CAMA) must be under the supervision of
a PITAHC Certified Acupuncturist (CA) or a PITAHC Certified Medical
Acupuncturist (CMA). Clinic Receptionist

18.2 For Community Based Acupuncture Clinics

18.2.1 Facilities and Equipment

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Certification and Accreditation Page No.: A well ventilated and lighted acupuncture treatment room with

a. Practice/medical equipment (such as electro-acupuncture machine,

sterilizers, etc.)
b. Clinic supplies (such as needles, cotton, alcohol)
c. Beds appropriately designed for acupuncture/ acupressure/
moxibustion/ cupping treatment
d. Communications equipment
e. Acupuncture references
f. Acupuncture meridian charts
g. Patient’s clinical records based on the acupuncture competency
h. Logbook of Patient Visits
i. Administrative equipment and materials (such as clinic furniture) Well ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room/ Dressing room
b. Waiting area
18.2.2 Personnel Acupuncturists in a Community Based Acupuncture Clinic should at least be

a PITAHC Certified Acupuncturist (CA) A Certified Associate Acupuncturist (CAA) must be under the supervision of
a PITAHC Certified Acupuncturist (CA).
Article 19. Accreditation of Acupuncture Clinic

A Certificate of Accreditation of an Acupuncture Clinic shall be issued to a person who or to an

institution that submits required documents to PITAHC and complies with the following:

19.1 In case of incorporation or partnership, a certified copy of its Articles of Incorporation or

Partnership duly registered with Security and Exchange Commission, or copy of its
registration with the Department of Trade and Industry
19.2 A copy of municipal or city permits
19.3 Fire safety inspection certificates
19.4 A duly accomplished application form for Acupuncture Clinic Accreditation
19.5 Application Fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulation.

19.19.1 An application fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the
Acupuncture clinic to PITAHC
19.19.2 An application fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be paid by the Community
Based Acupuncture Clinic based to PITAHC.

19.11 Other documents as may be required from time to time by PITAHC Committee.

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Article 20. Inspection and Approval of Acupuncture Clinics

Upon receipt of the applicant’s notice, a duly authorized PITAHC quality assessment team shall
conduct inspection of the acupuncture clinic to determine compliance with facilities and operation

Article 21. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum prescribed requirement, PITAHC shall
then issue the Certificate of Accreditation with a PITAHC dry seal in favor of the applicant.

Article 22. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for the cancellation of accreditation
of an acupuncture clinic:

a. Falsification of documents.
b. Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as prescribed in these
c. Illegal and immoral activities

Article 23. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years
thereafter subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC.

Article 24. Non-transferability of Certificate of Accreditation

The Certificate of Accreditation of an Acupuncture Clinic shall be non-transferable.

Article 25. Accreditation Fees

An accreditation fee shall be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulation from
those applicants who have complied with the requirements of accreditation. The accreditation fee
may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

25.1 For Acupuncture Clinics

An accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) and an additional
accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
accredited applicants.

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25.2 For Community-Based Acupuncture Clinics

An accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation

certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be collected from accredited applicants.

Article 26. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The penalty fee may be
changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

26.1 A penalty of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be charged per year for non-
renewal by the Acupuncture Clinic.
26.2 A penalty of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be charged per year for non-
renewal by the Community Based Acupuncture Clinic.

Rule V
The National Certification of Acupuncturists
Article 27. The National Certification Committee for Acupuncture

For the purpose of certifying acupuncturists, the PITAHC Director General shall invite active
practitioners in the field of Acupuncture, hereinafter referred to as National Certification Committee
for Acupuncturists. The invitation is valid only for the period indicated herein, and may be renewed
by the Director General.
a. Composition

The Committee shall be composed of the following:

PITAHC Director General - Ex-officio Chairperson

Permanent Representatives:
PITAHC Advocacy and Training Division Chief
PITAHC Standard and Accreditation Division Chief

Representatives of the following sectors:

One acupuncturist from the government sector
One acupuncturist from the private sector
One acupuncturist from acupuncture training centers, schools or clinics
One acupuncturist from the CBHP

The four (4) members representing the above mentioned sectors shall be appointed by the
PITAHC Director General. Of the appointed members, two (2) members shall have a term of
two years while the remaining two (2) members shall have a term of one year with anyone to

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be reappointed for another year to comply for the succeeding appointee until they have
attained two years. Any vacancy can be filled provided they serve the expired term of the

b. The Standard and Accreditation Division shall serve as committee secretariat

Article 28. Duties and Functions of the Committee

a. Develop and maintain the assessments based on the competency standards and code of ethics
for Acupuncture
b. Issuance of training policies
c. Accredit training programs, centers, schools and clinics for acupuncture
d. Administer the national certification assessments for acupuncture competence standard
e. Certify practitioners
f. Revoke certification/accreditation of practitioners, training centers, schools, and clinics for
g. Rescheduling or canceling of assessments
h. Accommodation of candidates for assessments with disabilities (differently-abled)
i. Safeguard public trust by upholding the PITAHC Code of Ethics
j. Develop and monitor databank of acupuncture practitioners, training center, schools and clinics
k. Represent the interests of the acupuncture practitioners in the country
l. Recommend commissioning of researches related to acupuncture services and their effects and
impact to public health

Article 29. National Certification Assessment Content Outline

The National Certification for Acupuncture covers the knowledge and skills of each competency. It
also covers the basic approaches of applied science.
29.1 Certified Associate Acupuncturist (CAA)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

1. Work within a holistic or integrated framework.
2. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework – (CAA)
3. Assess patient according to TCM framework – (CAA)
4. Perform acupuncture-related modalities.
5. Assist in acupuncture clinic administration.

29.2 Certified Acupuncturist (CA)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

1. Work within a holistic or integrated framework.
2. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework – (CAA)
3. Assess patient according to TCM framework – (CAA).
4. Perform acupuncture-related modalities.

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5. Assist in acupuncture clinic administration.

6. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework – (CA).
7. Assess patient according to TCM framework – (CA).
8. Determine patient’s TCM disharmony.
9. Perform acupuncture treatment.
10. Manage acupuncture clinic services.
11. Continue professional development.

29.3 Certified Associate Medical Acupuncturist (CAMA)

To obtain this certification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

1. Work within a holistic or integrated framework.
2. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework within TCM environment.
3. Assess patient according to TCM framework
4. Perform acupuncture treatment.
5. Manage acupuncture clinic services.
6. Continue professional development.

29.4 Certified Medical Acupuncturist (CMA)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

1. Work within a holistic or integrated framework
2. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework within a TCM environment.
3. Assess patient according to TCM framework - (CAMA)
4. Assess patient according to TCM framework - (CMA)
5. Determine patient’s TCM disharmony.
6. Perform acupuncture treatment.
7. Perform acupuncture-related modalities.
8. Manage acupuncture clinic services.
9. Continue professional development.

Article 30. National Certification for Acupuncture (NCA) Applicant Candidates for National
Certification for Acupuncture must possess the following qualifications and submit the following

30.1 Candidates for Certified Associate Acupuncturist must be:

30.1.1. A graduate of 240 hours Basic Health Skills Training with 600 hours OJT or equivalent
course; and
30.1.2. A graduate of 240 hours Basic Acupuncture Training with 500 hours supervised
Clinical Practice, and having properly managed, within a one a half year period from
the time the training started, no fewer than 30 different patterns of disharmony

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30.2 Candidates for Certified Acupuncturist must be:

30.2.1 A Certified Acupuncture Associate or completion of 30.1.1 and 30.1.2 requirements

30.2.2 Independent clinical practicum for at least 460 hours, having properly managed no
fewer than 30 different patterns of disharmony covering any or all of the different
categories mentioned under Certified Associate Acupuncturist level
30.2.3 A graduate of 480 hours advanced Acupuncture Training with 960 hours OJT/
internship of having properly managed, within a one a half year period from the time
the training started, no fewer than 60 different patterns of disharmony handled as
Certified Associate Acupuncturist

30.3 Candidates for Certified Associate Medical Acupuncturist must be:

30.2.1 A licensed physician of good moral character

30.2.2 A graduate of not less than 200 hours of limited training in acupuncture for Physicians
as a technique for clinical work with 120 hours of Basic Principles and Theories, 80
hours of supervised Clinical Practice and properly managed, within a one and a half
year period from the time the training started, no fewer than 30 different patterns of
disharmony handled as Certified Associate Medical Acupuncturist.

30.4. Candidates for Certified Medical Acupuncturist must be:

30.4.1 A Certified Associate Medical Acupuncturist or completion of 30.2.1 and 30.2.2

requirements above; and
30.4.2 Independent clinical practicum for at least 460 hours, having properly managed no
fewer than 30 different patterns of disharmony covering any or all of the different
categories mentioned in Certified Associate Medical Acupuncturist level
30.4.3 A graduate of 1300 hours of full course of training in acupuncture for Physicians with
380 hours Basic Principles and Theories, 500 hours Clinical Work and 420 hours
supervised Clinical Practicum having properly managed within a one a half year period
from the time the training started, no fewer than 60 different patterns of disharmony
different from those handled as Certified Associate Medical Acupuncturist

30.5 Applicant must present an original copy of certificate of completion of the formal training
from a PITAHC certified acupuncture trainer or an accredited acupuncture training center.

30.6 A Portfolio assessment is made for special cases of Filipino acupuncturists trained abroad.

30.7 Applicant must present a valid health certificate duly issued by a government physician.

30.8 Applicant must submit a duly accomplished Application Form for National Certification
Examination attached with current photograph

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30.9 Applicant must pay all the necessary fees.

Article 31. Application Fees

An application fee for national certification assessment of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be
collected from applicants who have complied with the requirements for national certification
assessment. For Community Based Health Programs, the application fee shall be three hundred pesos
(P300.00). This application fee may be changed anytime upon review of the Committee.

Article 32. Place of Assessment

The assessment for Certification of Acupuncturist shall be conducted at PITAHC or at other venues as
may be determined by PITAHC Committee.

Article 33. Result of Assessment

Results of the assessment shall only be “pass” or “fail”. Results shall be published at the bulletin
board or publication of PITAHC.

Article 34. Accreditation Fees

An accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation certificate fee
of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected based on the national accounting rules and
regulation from those applicants who have complied with the requirements for accreditation. For
Community Based Health Programs, the accreditation fee shall be three hundred pesos (P300.00) an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
those participants who have complied with the requirements for accreditation. The accreditation fee
may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC.

Article 35. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years
thereafter subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC Committee.
Article 36. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. A penalty of two hundred
fifty pesos (P250.00) shall be charged based on the national accounting rules and regulation per year
for non-renewal by the acupuncturist. A penalty of seventy-five pesos (P75.00)shall be charged per
year for non-renewal by the Community- Based acupuncturist. The penalty fee may be changed
anytime upon review of PITAHC.

Article 37. National Certified Acupuncturist Service Provision

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An Acupuncturist may offer his/her services in a wide variety of settings that includes:

a. Private practice clinics and offices

b. Salons, spas, resort, and cruise ships
c. Health clubs and fitness centers
d. Nursing homes and hospitals
e. On-site in the workplace
f. In client’s homes
g. Holistic health centers
h. Mobile acupuncture clinics
Article 38. Provisional Certification

PITAHC shall waive the requirements and grant a certificate to practice acupuncture to a resident
Filipino applicant, who has been in acupuncture practice for a minimum of 3 years, residing in the
Philippines at the time of passage of the Guidelines, who presents evidence satisfactory to the
Accreditation Committee no later than 3 years upon effectivity of the Guidelines of successful
completion of a PITAHC approved acupuncture training program.

Article 39. Certification of Non-Filipino Acupuncturists

39.1 Certification by Endorsement

Endorsement means that the Philippines accepts another country’s licenses/ certifications if
they meet certain requirements. Certification by endorsement shall be made available upon
application to the Accreditation Committee and payment of the appropriate application and
accreditation fees. In order to qualify for certification by endorsement, an applicant must
meet the criteria set by the Guidelines for the Registration of Foreign Professionals as per
Resolution No. 90-547, Series of 1998 of the Professional Regulation Commission.

The applicant must provide:

a. Documentation of five years of licensed/ certified practice of acupuncture with a

minimum of 500 acupuncture patient visits per year with a minimum of 100 different

b. A letter of good standing from the state of prior licensure or certification specifying the
number of years of licensure/ certification in his/her country or state;
c. Documentation of current active certification in acupuncture in his/ her country or state;

d. Documentation of successful completion of country or state approved Clean Needle

Technique Course.

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e. Every acupuncturist who is issued a Certificate by Endorsement to practice in the

Philippines shall pay an application fee of five hundred dollars (US $500.00), an annual
acupuncture certification fee of three hundred dollars (US $300.00) and an additional
accreditation certificate fee of three hundred dollars (US$300.00) prior to beginning
practice, and 30 days before the end of the year must submit a renewal form and fee for
the next year.

f. A penalty of one hundred dollars (US$100.00) shall be charged per month of non-renewal
by the acupuncturist.

g. The practice of the non-Filipino acupuncturist shall be under the supervision of a Filipino
CA or CMA.

39.2 Visiting Teachers

a. An acupuncturist who has received a teaching position in a PITAHC accredited

acupuncture training center who has at least five years experience as an acupuncturist,
and who has established to the satisfaction of he Accreditation Committee that the
applicant has the skills and training equivalent to the PITAHC competency standard in
acupuncture may be issued a Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor. This Limited
Certificate, Visiting Professor shall allow the acupuncturist to practice acupuncture only
to the extent that such practice is incident to and a necessary part of the applicant’s duties
as approved by the Accreditation Committee in connection with such faculty position.

b. The Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor shall be granted for a total of two one-year
extensions upon annual review upon written request by the acupuncture training center.

c. Every acupuncturist who is issued a Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor to practice in

the Philippines shall pay an application fee of two hundred dollars (US $200.00), an annual
acupuncture certification fee of two hundred dollars (US $200.00) prior to beginning
practice and an additional accreditation certificate fee of two hundred dollars (US
$200.00), and 30 days before the end of the year must submit a renewal form and fee for
the next year.
d. A penalty of one hundred dollars (US $100.00) shall be charged per month of non-renewal
by the acupuncturist.

Article 40. Grounds for Cancellation of Acupuncturist National Certification

The following are grounds upon which the acupuncturist’s national certification may be revoked,
canceled or suspended:
a. Violation of the PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standard of Practice for Acupuncture

Article 41. Effectivity

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These Guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in at
least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. All issuances inconsistent with the provisions of this
Memorandum Circular are hereby suspended or amended accordingly.


PITAHC-OIC-Director General

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PITAHC CIRCULAR NO. 01, series of 2010

Guidelines on the National Certification of Chiropractic

Rule I

Policy and Application

Section 1. Title
These guidelines shall be known as the PITAHC Guidelines on the National Certification of Chiropractic
and Accreditation of Chiropractic Training Programs, Training Centers and Clinics.

Section 2. Purpose

These Guidelines are promulgated to prescribe the procedures and guidelines for the
implementation of the PITAHC Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) on the National Certification of
Chiropractic and Accreditation of Chiropractic Training Programs, Training Centers and Clinics pursuant
to Rule VI, Promotion, Advocacy and Training of IRR of RA 8423. These Rules also serve the accreditation
of chiropractic programs, training centers and clinics to pursue continuous service improvement, and
strengthen the accountability of all stakeholders in the traditional and alternative health care practices.

Section 3. Declaration of Policy

It is the policy of the State to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino
people through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into the
national health care delivery system.

Section 4. Objectives

The Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), in accordance with
its powers and functions under Section 6 of R.A. No. 8423, herein recognizes that Chiropractic, under
Section 5(a) of this Guidelines, is an accessible, beneficial and affordable alternative mode of health care
that will contribute significantly to public health. In order to facilitate qualified and safe practice of
chiropractic as well as to protect the public and chiropractic health care consumers, the objectives of
these Guidelines are:

1. To develop standards and guidelines of the Chiropractic practice, which must be consistent
with the existing laws on mainstream medical practice;
2. To guide PITAHC on the regulation of Chiropractic practice;
3. To certify and endorse chiropractors and accreditation of training programs and/learning
institutions, clinics, and organizations;
4. To guide PITAHC in setting the minimum requirements for chiropractic education
recommended by CHED;
5. To develop Chiropractic Code of Ethics

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Section 5. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of these guidelines, the following terms and words and phrases shall mean or be
understood as follows:

a) Chiropractic – It is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment

and prevention of disorders of the neuro-musculoskeletal system and the effects of
these disorders on general health. There is an emphasis on manual techniques,
including joint adjustment and/or manipulation, with a particular focus on
subluxations. (WHO definition)

b) Chiropractor - A duly- registered and licensed health care professional engaged in the
practice of chiropractic, concerned with health issues of the neuro-musculoskeletal
system and the effects of these disorders on general health. There is an emphasis on
manual techniques, including joint adjustment and/or manipulation, with a particular
focus on subluxations.

c) Adjustment - Any chiropractic therapeutic procedure that ultimately uses controlled

force, leverage, direction, amplitude and velocity, which is applied to specific joints
and adjacent tissues. Chiropractors commonly use such procedures to influence joint
and neuro-physiological function.

d) Biomechanics - The study of structural, functional and mechanical aspects of human

motion. It is concerned mainly with external forces of either a static or dynamic
nature, dealing with human movement.

e) Fixation - The state whereby an articulation has become fully or partially immobilized
in a certain position, restricting physiological movement.

f) Joint manipulation - A manual procedure involving directed thrust to move a joint

past the physiological range of motion, without exceeding the anatomical limit.

g) Joint mobilization - A manual procedure without thrust, during which a joint normally
remains within its physiological range of motion.

h) Neuro-musculoskeletal - Pertaining to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems in

relation to disorders that manifest themselves in both the musculoskeletal and
nervous systems, including disorders of a biomechanical or functional nature.

i) Palpation - (1) The act of feeling with the hands. (2) The application of variable manual
pressure through the surface of the body for the purpose of determining the shape,
size, consistency, position, inherent motility and health of the tissues beneath.

j) Spinal manipulative procedures - includes all procedures where the hands or

mechanical devices are used to mobilize, adjust, manipulate, apply traction, massage,

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stimulate or otherwise influence the spine and para-spinal tissues with the aim of
influencing the chiropractic health care consumer’s health.

k) Subluxation - A lesion or dysfunction in a joint or motion segment in which alignment,

movement, integrity and/or physiological function are altered, although contact
between joint surfaces remains intact. It is essentially a functional entity, which may
influence biomechanical and neural integrity. This definition is different from the
current medical definition, in which subluxation is a significant structural
displacement, and therefore visible on static imaging studies.

l) Subluxation complex (vertebral) - A theoretical model and description of the motion

segment dysfunction, which incorporates the interaction of pathological changes in
nerve, muscle, ligamentous, vascular and connective tissue.

m) Thrust - The sudden manual application of a controlled directional force upon a

suitable part of the chiropractic health care consumer, the delivery of which effects
and adjustment.

n) Assessment - The systematic collection and interpretation of information based on

chiropractic principles.

o) National Certification – Process of issuing certificates requiring education and training

that assures the competency of practitioners and trainers, administered by PITAHC
and other PITAHC accredited institutions.

p) National Accreditation – Process of issuing certificates to training programs, centers

and clinics.

q) Code of Ethics - a summary of the standards by which chiropractors agree to conduct

their practice and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical,
professional behavior.

Rule II

The National Certification of Chiropractors

Section 1. National Certification Committee for Chiropractic

For the purpose of certifying chiropractors, the PITAHC Director General shall invite active Filipino
practitioners in the field of Chiropractic, hereinafter referred to as National Certification Committee for
Chiropractic. The invitation is valid only for the period indicated herein, renewable at the option of
PITAHC Director General.

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a. Composition

The Committee shall be composed of the following:

PITAHC Director General - Ex-officio Chairman
Representatives of the following sectors:

Three (3) duly-licensed practicing Chiropractors, as defined in these Rules;

One (1) One Medical Doctor preferably from the Philippine Medical
Association (PMA); and
One (1) Educator preferably from the Commission on Higher Education

The five (5) members representing the above mentioned sectors shall be appointed by the PITAHC
Director General. Of the appointed members, the first three (3) members shall have a term of three (3)
years while the remaining two (2) members shall have a term of two (2) years, renewable.

All chiropractors recommended to the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic must be
PITAHC duly-certified Filipino Chiropractors, a Medical Doctor and an educator practicing in the
Philippines, of good moral character and have not violated ethical standards of the profession.

b. Quorum and Vote

Actions taken by the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic should be by a majority
vote of the five (5) representatives from the identified sectors above, in a meeting duly called for the
purposes, attended by a majority of members (3 of 5 representatives), and are subject to PITAHC
approval. The PITAHC Director General shall cast his vote in the event of a tie among the sectoral
representatives-members in a meeting duly called for said purposes, there being a quorum.

c. The PITAHC Advocacy and Training Division Chief and Standard and Accreditation Division Chief shall
serve as permanent representatives.

d. The Standard and Accreditation Division shall serves as Committee Secretariat.

Section 2. Duties and Functions of the Committee

a. Develop and maintain the assessments based on the competency standards and code
of ethics for Chiropractic;
b. Formulate, review and recommend policies to PITAHC relating to chiropractic
education and practice;
c. Recommend and advice PITAHC on issues pertaining to the certification of practice,
including, but not limited to, the issuance of and administration of chiropractic
certification and administration of licensure;
d. Review and approve Continuing Education course for
e. Accredit training programs, centers, schools and clinics for chiropractic;

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f. Administer the national certification assessments for chiropractic competence

g. Certify practitioners;
h. Revoke certification/accreditation of practitioners, training centers, schools, and
clinics for chiropractic;
i. Safeguard public trust by upholding the PITAHC Code of Ethics for Chiropractors;
j. Review and approve research proposals on chiropractic and recommend to PITAHC for
approval and/or funding.

The National Certification Committee for Chiropractic may organize sub-committees to pursue
specific functions on accreditation, development of standard and guidelines of chiropractic education,
licensure certification and other specific functions as may be deemed necessary to further develop and
enhance the profession.

A Technical Working Group (TWG) on Education will be convened to work out the curriculum for

Rule III

The National Certification of Chiropractics

Section 1. National Certification Educational and Technical Qualifications

A. No person shall engage in the practice of chiropractic in the Philippine unless he/she is:
Filipino citizen;
At least twenty-one (21) years of age
Has completed the prescribed chiropractic course herein in a learning
institution accredited by PITAHC;
Satisfactorily passed the corresponding chiropractic certification examination;
A holder of a valid Certificate of Registration duly issued to him/her by PITAHC
in cooperation with the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic.

B. The chiropractic course referred to in the preceding paragraph refers to the following

A full-time bachelor’s degree in health sciences, majoring in chiropractic,

completed in an accredited learning institutions;

Graduate school level for those who have completed medicine or health
related courses such as nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, physical therapy
leading towards doctorate in chiropractic;

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For holders of chiropractic degree in other countries, they shall be

subjected for review with an equivalency panel to align courses to the
Philippine curriculum.

The said educational qualifications are subject to the minimum standard requirements set by the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

1. Basic science components

Recognized programs either require essentials basic science components
as prerequisites, or included necessary units of chemistry, physics and biology
within the first-year curriculum.

2. Preclinical science components

The pre-clinical science components within chiropractic programme

generally include: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology,
pharmacology and toxicology, psychology, dietetics and nutrition, and public

3. Clinical science components

Clinical science components should include or cover: history-talking skills,

and physical examination.

4. Chiropractic science and additional subject

These generally include:

applied neurology and applied orthopedics;

clinical biomechanics, including, specific chiropractic and biomechanics;
chiropractic health care consumer assessment by methods such as:
o gait and postural analysis;
o static and motion palpation of joints and bony structures;
assessment of soft tissue tone and function;
compliance with existing laws and regulation on diagnostic imaging and
history, principles and health care philosophy pertinent to chiropractic;
ethics and jurisprudence pertaining to the practice of chiropractic;
background studies of traditional medicine and
complementary/alternative healthcare.

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5. Chiropractic health care consumer management interventions


manual procedures, particularly spinal adjustment, spinal manipulation,

other joint manipulation, joint mobilization, soft-tissue and reflex
exercise, rehabilitative programs and other forms of active care;
psychosocial aspects of chiropractic health care consumer management;
chiropractic health care consumer education on spinal health, posture,
nutrition and other lifestyle modifications;
emergency treatment and acute pain management procedures as
other supportive measures, which may include the use of back supports
and orthotics;
recognition of contraindications and risk management procedures, the
limitations of chiropractic care, and of the need for protocols relating to
referral to other health professionals.

6. Documentation and clinical recordkeeping


recording of the primary complaints, health history, physical examination,

findings, assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan;
accurate documentation of every chiropractic health care consumer
re-examination findings and documentation of any modifications to care
appreciation of confidentiality and privacy
consent obligations;
insurance and legal reporting.

7. Research


basic research methodology and biostatistics;

interpretation of evidence-based procedures/protocols and best practice
an epidemiological approach to clinical record-keeping, encouragement to
document particular case studies and participate in field research projects;
development of a critical-thinking approach in clinical decision-making,
the consideration of published papers and relevant clinical guidelines;

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C. Learning institution may offer course on chiropractic after securing the necessary
accreditation from the CHED and upon submission of the following requirements:

1. Formal authorization from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the
operation of a Baccalaureate programs or Doctor on Chiropractic and develop
chiropractic education and programs to operate an institution of higher learning;
2. Certification of incorporation/registration with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including the applicant institution’s most recent Articles of
Incorporation, By-Laws, General Information Sheet and Financial Statements,
indicating it is incorporated as a non-profit, non-proprietary institution;
3. Proposed curriculum for chiropractic courses which should comply with the
requirements prescribed in the Rules;
4. A governing board that includes representation reflecting the public interest and a full
time chief administrative officer who is qualified for the position by education and/or
5. Formal resolution taken by its governing board at a legally constituted meeting that
commits the institution to follow the Standards, Policies and Procedures for
accreditation prescribed by the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic;
6. Publishes statements, available to all interested publics, showing the applicant
institution’s commitment to follow accepted standards of professional ethics,
especially with respect to student recruitment and public information; and
7. A written plan, and a description of a functioning process of planning and evaluation
that identifies and integrates future educational, physical and financial development
and incorporates procedures for review and improvement.

D. Subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, and in view of the fact that there are limited
number of Filipino citizens who may be considered as experts in the field of chiropractic
learning institutions may invite and hire services of foreign lecturers recognized
internationally as experts in chiropractic to augment their respective teaching personnel,
with the approval of the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic and the
Department of Labor and Employment;

E. Chiropractors, chiropractic learning institutions and students of chiropractic shall comply

with the safety components prescribed by the World Health Organization Guidelines on
Basic Training and Safety in Chiropractic herein appended and integrated as Annex “A”.

Section 2. Application Fee

An application fee shall be collected from applicants who have complied with the requirements
for national certification assessments. This application fee may be changed anytime upon review of the

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Section 3. Accreditation Fee

An accreditation fee and an additional accreditation certification fee shall be collected based on
the national accounting rules and regulation from those applicants who have complied with the
requirements or accreditation. The accreditation fee may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC.

Section 4. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years
thereafter subject to renewal, suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC

Section 5 Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. A penalty shall be charged
based on the national accounting rules and regulation per year for non-renewal by the chiropractors. The
penalty fee may be charged anytime upon review of PITAHC.

Rule IV

Transitory Provision

A. Chiropractors who are already practicing in the Philippines at the time of the effectivity of
these Rules are exempted from taking the national certification and may simply register as
chiropractors with the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic, provided that they
are Filipino citizens, at least twenty-one (21) years of age and have been certified by a
learning institution recognized by the PITAHC. Provided further, that chiropractors covered
by the aforementioned provision must register within thirty (30) days from the date of
effectivity of the Rules.

B. Foreign chiropractors who desire to practice chiropractic in the Philippines are required to
submit to the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic the following, among others,
within ninety (90) days from the date of effectivity of the Rules:

1. Proof that they have met the requirements prescribed by the abovementioned
Guidelines for the three (3) categories, completed at accredited learning institutions;
2. Submission of proof of equivalent licensure examination or proof of licensure
credentials, from at least one other country where chiropractic is developed and

Both Filipino and foreign chiropractors who are already practicing and those who desire to
practice in the Philippines shall submit a certificate that their practice in the Philippines shall be
supervised by a duly-licensed Filipino chiropractic for a period of six (6) months.

The National Certification Committee for Chiropractic is authorized to review requirements for
foreign chiropractors to prove their credentials and competence.

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C. PITAHC shall appoint the members of the National Certification Committee for
Chiropractic within fifteen (15) days from the date of effectivity of these Rules. Provided that,
until PITAHC has appointed said members of the National Certification Committee for
Chiropractic, the Ad Hoc Committee for Chiropractic (AHCC) shall exercise the duties and
functions of the National Certification Committee for Chiropractic, as provided herein. Provided
further that, the AHCC shall cease exercising the duties and functions of the National Certification
Committee for Chiropractic immediately after the members of said Committee have been
appointed by the PITAHC.

Section 1. Effectivity

The aforementioned APPROVED Guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in
the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. All issuances inconsistent
with the provisions of this PITAHC Circular are hereby suspended or amended.

Original signed

PITAHC Director-General

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PITAHC CIRCULAR NO. 02, series of 2012

Guidelines Implementing R.A. 8423 IRR on the National Certification of

Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists and Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
Training Programs, Centers and Clinics

Rule I
Policy and Application

Section 1. Title

These guidelines shall be known as the PITAHC Guidelines on the National Certification of
Homeopaths/Homotoxicologist and Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training
Programs, Training Centers and Clinics.

Section 2. Purpose

These Guidelines are promulgated to prescribe the procedures and guidelines for the
implementation of PITAHC IRR on the National Certification of Homeopaths/Homotoxicologist and
Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Programs, Training Centers and Clinics
pursuant to Rule VI, Promotion, Advocacy and Training of IRR of RA 8423. These Rules also serve the
accreditation of homeopathy/homotoxicology programs, training centers and clinics to pursue
continuous service improvement, and strengthen the accountability of all stakeholders in the
traditional and alternative health care practices.

Section 3. Declaration of Policy

It is the policy of the State to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino
people through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into
the national health care delivery system.

Section 4. Scope of Application

These guidelines shall apply to the following:

4.1 Accreditation of Training Programs

4.2 Training Centers for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
4.3 Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics
4.4 National Certification of Homeopaths/Homotoxicologist

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Section 5. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of these guidelines, the following terms and words and phrases shall mean or be
understood as follows:

a. Republic Act 8423 – An Act creating the "Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
(PITAHC)” to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care in the Philippines
or otherwise known as “Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997”.

b. Traditional and Alternative Health Care – the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices, other
than those embodied in biomedicine, used in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of physical or
mental disorders.

c. Traditional Medicine (RA 8423) – the sum total of knowledge, skills and practice on health care, not
necessarily explicable in the context of modern, scientific philosophical framework, but recognized by
the people to help maintain and improve their health towards the wholeness of their being, the
community and society, and their interrelations based on culture, history, heritage, and

d. Biomedicine – that discipline of medical care advocating therapy with remedies that produce effects
differing from those of the diseases treated; also called ‘allopathy’, ‘western medicine’, ‘regular
medicine’, ‘conventional medicine’, ‘mainstream medicine’, ‘orthodox medicine’, or ‘cosmopolitan
medicine’. *(This definition is based from the TAMA Law and that there are other definitions in other
documents such as the Merriam Webster’s Medical Dictionary where it is meant to refer to a branch
of medical science concerned especially with the capacity of human beings to survive and function in
abnormally stressful environments and with the protective modification of such environments; It is also
defined as medicine based on the application of principles of the natural sciences, especially biology
and biochemistry) .

e. Alternative Health Care Modalities – refer to other forms of non-allopathic, occasionally non-
indigenous or imported healing methods, though not necessarily practiced for centuries nor handed
down from one generation to another; includes homeopathy, homotoxicology, reflexology,
acupuncture, massage, acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional therapy, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, prayer,
reiki, pranic healing, mindfulness meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, dance and other movement
therapies, art and music therapy and other similar methods.

f. Biological Medicine – is an art of healing which is, in its diagnostic and therapeutic efforts, oriented to
living processes. It employs therapeutic measures in order to work in harmony with the natural
capabilities of the organism for its own regulation, regeneration, adaptation, and self-healing. The
chief guiding principle in biological medicine is preservation and support of the integrity of the human
being. Biological medicine encompasses diagnostic and therapeutic measures which utilize all the
materials, energetic, and informative possibilities of regulation and reactions of the human organism,
in the attempt to mobilize its powers of regeneration and self-healing. (Franz Schimid, “Biological

g. Assessment – the systematic collection and interpretation of information based on principles

of homeopathy/homotoxicology.

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h. Homeopathy – is a philosophy of health and a formal system of diagnosis and of drug

therapeutics that aims to stimulate the body’s own natural healing capacity, developed by
Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann in 1797. Homeopathy comes from the Greek homios
(“similar”) and pathos (“suffering” or “sickness”). The fundamental law upon which
homeopathy is based is the law of similars, or “Like is cured by like” – in Latin, similia
similibus curentur. The law of similars states that a remedy can cure a disease when a
substance produces in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those of the disease. The law
of similars enables the physician to select the one medicine (the simillimum) that the
remedy induces.

i. Homotoxicology – a scientific therapeutic system in which complex homeopathic medications

are used to treat conventionally diagnosed conditions. It is a bridge between classical and
conventional pharmacology. It is a method of detoxification on the physical level in an
organism, which is loaded with toxins. Dr. Hans Heinrich Reckeweg, German, developed the
theory of homotoxicology in the 1950’s. Homotoxins may be : 1. Internal (free radicals, lactic
acid, etc.) 2. External (viruses, bacteriam environmental pollutants, etc.). Reckeweg
formulated a six-phase table of disease consisting of 3 humoral phases: excretory,
inflammatory, and deposition phases; while the cellular phases include the impregnation,
degeneration, and dedifferentiation phases. Homotoxicologists are guided by the 6-phase
table of disease, a framework used in the treatment of illnesses. They use mainly oral and
injectable homeopathic remedies, and electro-acupuncture.

j. National Certification – process of issuing certificates requiring education and testing that
assures the competency of practitioners and trainers, administered by PITAHC and other
PITAHC- accredited institutions.

k. National Registration – process of issuing certificates of registration requiring education and

testing that assures the competency of practitioners and trainers, administered by PITAHC
and other PITAHC- accredited institutions.

l. National Accreditation – process of issuing certificates to training programs, centers and



For the non-medical homeopath, the following competencies are not included in the PITAHC
Competency Standards for Homeopathy and will require other additional qualifications/
certification for practice:

1. Biomedicine diagnosis
2. Correlating laboratory findings
3. Prescribing drugs
4. Analyzing laboratory test on Homeopathy- related treatment

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7) Performing new/ advanced homeopathy treatment methods (e.g.intravenous,

intramuscular, subcutaneous)
8) Conducting clinical and/or experimental Homeopathy-related research activities

For the medical homeopath/homotoxicologist, the following competencies are not included
in the PITAHC Competency Standards for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology and will require
other additional qualifications/ certification for practice:

3) Performing new/ advanced homeopathic/homotoxicologic treatment methods (e.g.


4) Conducting clinical and/or experimental homeopathy/homotoxicology related

research activities

n. Code of Ethics – a summary of the standards by which homeopaths/homotoxicologists

agree to conduct their practice and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable,
ethical, professional behavior.

o. Training Program – systematic, formal training on the knowledge and practice of


p. Community-Based Health Programs (CBHP) – health programs which include

homeopathy/homotoxicology as one of its programs and services, serving primarily the poor,
the vulnerable sectors and marginalized communities.

q. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center – a training facility intended for the formal

education of students in homeopathy/homotoxicology and practice.

r. Community-Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center – a

homeopathy/homotoxicology training center for PITAHC accredited community -based
health programs.

s. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic – a health center facility intended for the diagnosis and
treatment of patients through Homeopathy/Homotoxicology.

t. Community Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic – a homeopathy/homotoxicology

clinic for PITAHC accredited community based health programs.

u. Portfolio Assessment – evaluation of documents submitted as evidences of experiences such

as homeopathy/homotoxicology training, work contract, certification from employers or
agencies and other similar documents for review by PITAHC.

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v. Medical Homeopath/Homotoxicologist – a practitioner of homeopathy/homotoxicology who

has also been licensed by the Philippines’ Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) to
practice medicine in the Philippines as a physician.

w. Homeopath – a practitioner of homeopathy, not licensed by the Philippines’ Professional

Regulatory Commission (PRC) to practice medicine in the Philippines as a physician, but who
has completed the prescribed homeopathy course in a learning institution accredited
by the PITAHC National Certification Committee for Homeopathy.

Rule II
Accreditation of Training Programs

Section 1.

All training centers offering courses for homeopathy/homotoxicology are required to register their course
modules based on PITAHC Competency Standard in line with the policy of ensuring the quality of programs
and courses in all institutions offering or intending to offer traditional and alternative health care courses.
Program accreditation applies to mandatory compliance with minimum standards of all traditional and
alternative health care courses including programs/courses being offered by public and private training

Section 2.

The application for accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology programs may be filed at the

PITAHC where the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training programs shall be evaluated and the
National Certification Assessment shall be conducted.

Section 3.

The PITAHC shall do monitoring of the continuous compliance by the Training Centers with the minimum
requirements of PITAHC established standard.

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Rule III
Training Centers of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

Section 1. Requirements for the Training Centers

The following requirements for the accreditation of Training Centers shall be submitted to PITAHC.

A. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.1 One well ventilated and lighted classroom complete with audio/visual
equipment with desks, writing boards teaching materials that can
accommodate at least 20 persons at any given time.

1.2 One well ventilated and lighted prototype assessment/ examination room
with chairs and tables for students with the following instruments (like
stethoscope, sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial), thermometer (non-
mercurial), etc.

1.3 At least one well ventilated and lighted treatment room prototype that can
accommodate at least 10 students at any given time.

1.4 Well ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room
b. Dressing room
c. Waiting room
d. An administrative office

1.5 A library with books and AV materials relevant to the courses offered (Refer
to PITAHC Competency Standard on Homeopathy/Homotoxicology).

1.6 Training materials, equipment, and accessories based on training standards

and course offering.

1.7 An original copy of the PITAHC Competency Standards of

Homeopathy/Homotoxicology and PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standards of

2. Personnel

2.1 The Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center should have adequate

personnel requirements with updated resume/bio-data and designation and

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valid health certificates: a full time Training officer who must at least be a
college graduate; regular staff for the academic training program.

2.2 The academic and skills trainers should have passed the
PITAHC Training of Trainers Competency Assessment.

B. Community -Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Center

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.1 One well -ventilated and well -lighted room/area used as:

d. A classroom complete with audio/visual equipment with desks,

writing boards and other teaching materials that can accommodate
at least 5 persons at any given time

e. An assessment/examination room with chairs and tables for clients

equipped with the following instruments (such as stethoscope,
sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial), thermometer (non-mercurial),

f. A clinic treatment room that can accommodate at least 5 students at

any given time

1.2 Auxiliary room such as

c. Comfort room/ dressing room
d. Waiting room/ administrative office

1.3 A library with books, audiovisual materials relevant to the course offered.
(Refer to PITAHC Competency Standard on Homeopathy/Homotoxicology).

1.4 Training materials, equipment, and accessories based on training standards

and course offering, as specified in the competency standards on
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology .

1.5 An original copy of the PITAHC Competency Standards of

Homeopathy/Homotoxicology and PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standards of

2. Personnel

A Community- Based Training Center should have a Training Officer/ trainer who
should have passed the PITAHC Training of Trainers Competency Assessment.

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C. Training Curriculum

A Training Center’s curriculum must be based on the PITAHC Competency Standard for

Section 2. Accreditation of Training Center

A Certificate of Accreditation of a Training Center shall be issued to a person who or to an institution

that submits required documents to PITAHC and complies with the following:

1. In case of incorporation or partnership, a certified copy of its Articles of Incorporation or

Partnership duly registered with Security and Exchange Commission, or copy of its
registration with the Department of Trade and Industry

2. Updated list of personnel and training staff with their respective bio-data and designation

3. A copy of municipal or city permits

4. Proof of ownership of the Training Center’s premises or a copy of the lease/rental agreement
of the premises

5. List of training equipment

6. Fire safety inspection certificates

7. List of training programs offered

8. Valid Health Certificate of all employees

9. A duly accomplished application form for Training Center Accreditation

10. Application Fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulations

10.1 An application fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center to PITAHC.

10.2 An application fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be paid by the Community
Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center to PITAHC.

11. Other documents as may be required from time to time by PITAHC based on Committee

Section 3. Inspection and Approval of Training Centers

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Upon receipt of the applicant’s notice, a duly authorized PITAHC quality assessment team shall
conduct inspection at the proposed training centers to determine compliance with facilities and
operation requirements.

Section 4. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum prescribed requirement, PITAHC shall
then issue the Certificate of Accreditation with a PITAHC dry seal in favor of the applicant.

Section 5. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for the cancellation of accreditation
of a training center:

b. Falsification of documents.

c. Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as prescribed in these

Section 6. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for one (1) year from date
of issue for a newly accredited Training Center. Date of renewal shall be three (3) years thereafter
subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC.

Section 7. Non-transferability of Certificate of Accreditation

The Certificate of Accreditation of a Training Center shall be non-transferable.

Section 8. Accreditation Fees

The accreditation fee shall be collected from those applicants who have complied with the
requirements for accreditation. An accreditation fee will be collected based on the national
accounting rules and regulation and may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

1. For Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Centers

1.1 An accreditation fee for new applicants of ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) for one
year and an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00)
shall be collected.

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1.2 A renewal accreditation fee of three thousand (P3,000.00) for three years and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be

2. For Community-Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Centers

2.1 An accreditation fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from newly accredited

2.2 An accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) and an additional
accreditation certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be collected from
renewing accredited applicants.

Section 9. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The penalty fee may be
changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

9.1 A penalty of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by the
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center.

9.2 A penalty of one hundred fifty pesos (P150.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by
the Community Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Training Center.

Rule IV

Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics

Section 1. Requirements for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics

A. The following requirements for the accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics shall

be submitted to PITAHC.

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.1 Well-ventilated and lighted Homeopathy/Homotoxicology treatment rooms

j. Practice/medical equipment (such as electro-acupuncture by Voll
machine, etc.)
k. Clinic supplies
l. Beds appropriately designed for Homeopathy/ Homotoxicology
m. Communications equipment

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n. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology references
o. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology posters
p. Patient’s clinical records based on the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
competency standard
q. Logbook of Patient Visits
r. Administrative equipment and materials (such as clinic furniture)

1.2 One well ventilated and lighted prototype assessment/ examination room
with chairs and tables equipped with the following instruments (like
stethoscope, sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial) , thermometer (non-
mercurial), weighing scale, etc.

1.3 Well ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room
b. Dressing room
c. Waiting room
d. An administrative office

2. Personnel

2.1 Homeopaths/Homotoxocologists in Homeopathy/ Homotoxicology

Clinic must be:

a. PITAHC Certified Homeopaths (CH)

b. PITAHC Certified Medical Homeopaths/ Homotoxicologists (CMH)

2.2 Clinic Receptionist

B. The following are the requirements for Community-Based Homeopathy/ Homotoxicology Clinics

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.1 A well ventilated and lighted Homeopathy/Homotoxicology treatment room

j. Practice/medical equipment (such as electro-acupuncture by Voll
machine, etc.)
k. Clinic supplies
l. Beds appropriately designed for Homeopathy/ Homotoxicology
m. Communications equipment
n. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology references
o. Homeopathy/Homotoxicology meridian charts
p. Patient’s clinical records based on the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
competency standard

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q. Logbook of Patient Visits

r. Administrative equipment and materials (such as clinic furniture)

1.2 Well ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room/ Dressing room
b. Waiting area

2. Personnel

2.1 Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists in a Community Based

Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic should at least be a PITAHC- Certified
Homeopath or PITAHC- Certified Medical Homeopath/Homotoxicologist

Section 2. Accreditation of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic

A Certificate of Accreditation of a Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic shall be issued to a person

who or to an institution that submits required documents to PITAHC and complies with the following:

1. In case of incorporation or partnership, a certified copy of its Articles of Incorporation or

Partnership duly registered with Security and Exchange Commission, or copy of its
registration with the Department of Trade and Industry

2. A copy of municipal or city permits

3. Fire safety inspection certificates

4. A duly accomplished application form for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic Accreditation

5. Application Fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulation.

5.1 An application fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology clinic to PITAHC

5.2 An application fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be paid by the Community
Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic to PITAHC.

6. Other documents as may be required from time to time by PITAHC Committee.

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Section 3. Inspection and Approval of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics

Upon receipt of the applicant’s notice, a duly authorized PITAHC quality assessment team shall
conduct inspection of the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology clinic to determine compliance with
facilities and operation requirements.

Section 4. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum prescribed requirement, PITAHC shall
then issue the Certificate of Accreditation with a PITAHC dry seal in favor of the applicant.

Section 5. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for the cancellation of accreditation
of a Homeopathy/Homotoxicology clinic:

d. Falsification of documents.

e. Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as prescribed in these

c. Illegal and immoral activities.

Section 6. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years
thereafter subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC.

Section 7. Non-transferability of Certificate of Accreditation

The Certificate of Accreditation of a Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic shall be non-transferable.

Section 8. Accreditation Fees

An accreditation fee shall be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulation from
those applicants who have complied with the requirements of accreditation. The accreditation fee
may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

1. For Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics

1.1 An accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) and an additional
accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
accredited applicants.

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1.2 A renewal accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) for three
years and an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00)
shall be collected.

2. For Community-Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinics

2.1 An accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be collected from accredited

2.2 A renewal accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) for three years and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be

Section 9. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The penalty fee may be
changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

9.1 A penalty of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by
the Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic.

9.2 A penalty of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by the
Community- Based Homeopathy/Homotoxicology Clinic.

Rule V

The National Certification of Homeopaths/Medical Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists

Section 1. The National Certification Committee for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

For the purpose of certifying Homeopaths, Medical Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists, the PITAHC

Director General shall invite active practitioners in the field of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology,
hereinafter referred to as National Certification Committee for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
(NCCH). The invitation is valid only for the period indicated herein, and may be renewed by the
Director- General.

e. Composition

The Committee shall be composed of the following:

PITAHC Director General - Ex-officio Chairperson
Permanent Representatives:

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PITAHC Advocacy and Training Division Chief

PITAHC Standard and Accreditation Division Chief
Representatives of the following sectors:
Two (2) Medical Homeopathy and/or Homotoxicology practitioners
One (1) Homeopathy practitioner
One (1) Representative from an Accredited Homeopathy and/or Homotoxicology Training
One (1) Representative from a Consumer’s Group/Health-Related NGO

The PITAHC Director General, upon recommendation of a Committee for selection of the
Sectoral Representatives, shall appoint the five (5) Sectoral representatives. Of the initial
appointive members, three (3) shall have a term of two (2) years and the remaining two (2)
shall have a term of one (1) year. Succeeding sectoral representatives shall serve a term of two
(2) years. Any vacancy can be filled provided they serve the expired term of the vacancy.
f. Quorum and Vote
Actions taken by the National Certification Committee for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
(NCCH) should be by a majority vote of the five (5) representatives from the identified sectors
above, in a meeting duly called for the purposes, attended by a majority of members (3 of 5
representatives), and are subject to PITAHC approval. The PITAHC Director General shall cast
his vote in the event of a tie among the sectoral representatives-members in a meeting duly
called for said purposes, there being a quorum.

g. The Standard and Accreditation Division shall serve as committee secretariat.

Section 2. Duties and Functions of the Committee

a. Develop and maintain the assessments based on the competency standards and code of ethics
for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

b. Issuance of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology training policies

c. Accredit training programs, centers, schools and clinics for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

d. Administer the national certification assessments for competency standards for


e. Certify practitioners

f. Revoke certification/accreditation of practitioners, training centers, schools, and clinics for


g. Reschedule or cancel assessments

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h. Accommodate candidates for assessments with disabilities (differently-abled)

i. Safeguard public trust by upholding the PITAHC Code of Ethics of Medical Homeopaths and

j. Develop and monitor databank of practitioners, training centers/schools and clinics

k. Represent the interests of both Medical Homeopaths/Homotoxicologsts and Homeopaths in

the country

l. Recommend commissioning of researches related to Homeopathy/Homotoxicology services

and their effects and impact to public health

Section 3. National Certification Assessment Content Outline

The National Certification for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology covers the knowledge and skills of each
competency. It also covers the basic approaches of applied science.

A. Certified Homeopath (CH)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

1. Work within a holistic or integrated framework

2. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework (this could be interpreted to mean

that the Homeopath can determine when to refer to a biomedical practitioner without
having to make a biomedical diagnosis)

3. Assess patient according to the Homeopathic framework

4. Assist in Homeopathy clinic administration

5. Determine patient’s Homeopathic diagnosis

6. Perform Homeopathic treatment

7. Manage the Homeopathic clinic service

8. Continue professional development

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B. Certified Medical Homeopath/Homotoxicologist (CMH)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

1) Work within a holistic or integrated framework

2) Assess patient according to biomedicine framework within a

Homeopathic/Homotoxicologic environment

3) Assess patient according to the Homeopathic/Homotoxicologic framework

4) Determine patient’s Homeopathic diagnosis

5) Perform Homeopathic/Homotoxicologic treatment

6) Perform Homeopathic/Homotoxicologic-related modalities

7) Manage Homeopathic/Homotoxicologic clinic services

8) Continue professional development

Section 4. Candidates for National Certification Committee for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

(NCCH) must possess the following qualifications and submit the following requirements:

1. Candidates for Certified Homeopath must:

1.1 Have completed the prescribed homeopathy course in a learning institution accredited
by the PITAHC National Certification Committee for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology,
satisfactorily passed the corresponding homeopathic certification examination, and is
a holder of a valid Certificate of Registration duly issued by the PITAHC National
Certification Committee for Homeopathy/Homotoxicology.

1.2 The homeopathy course referred to in the preceding paragraph refers to no less than
3600-4800 student/teacher contact hours or equivalent in a three to four year, full-
time bachelor’s degree in science, majoring in homeopathy, completed at accredited
learning institutions. The said homeopathy course shall include the items stipulated
in the PITAHC Competency Standards for Homeopathy and or Homotoxicology.

1.3 For Filipino homeopaths trained abroad their applications and portfolios
will be processed/ reviewed and approved upon passing the
examination by an authorized component body for this purpose.

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2. Candidates for Certified Medical Homeopath/Homotoxicologist must be:

2.1 A licensed physician of good moral character

2.2 A graduate of not less than 2330-3100 hours of student/teacher contact

and home study time or equivalent in a 1-2 year full-time or 3-4 year
part-time course in Homeopathy and or Homotoxicology for Physicians
as a technique for clinical work with:

500 hours (450-600 hours) of Basic Principles and Theories

1050-1200 hours of Home Study

500 hours (415-550 hours) of Clinical Preceptorship Practice

At least 415-550 hours Individual Clinical Practice covering 140 homeopathy

clients/patients visits properly managed, by no fewer than 30 different

50 CME units (by authorized college on integrative, complementary, alternative,

and homeopathy and or homotoxicology)

2.3 A certificate awarded for attendance in classroom and clinic settings from accredited
PITAHC training center or school of homeopathy and or homotoxicology.

3. For Filipino physicians trained abroad their applications and portfolios will
be processed/ reviewed and approved upon passing the examination by an
authorized component body for this purpose.

4. Applicant must submit a duly accomplished Application Form for National

Certification Examination attached with current photograph.

5. Applicant must pay all the necessary fees.

* Note: The number of hours required is based on the European Council for Classical Homeopathy
(ECCH) International Guidelines.

Section 5. Application Fees

An application fee for national certification assessment of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be
collected from applicants who have complied with the requirements for national certification
assessment. For Community Based Health Programs, the application fee shall be three hundred pesos
(P300.00). This application fee may be changed anytime upon review of the Committee.

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Section 6. Place of Assessment

The assessment for Certification of Homeopaths/Homotoxicologists shall be conducted at PITAHC or

at other venues as may be determined by PITAHC Committee.

Section 7. Result of Assessment

Results of the assessment shall only be “pass” or “fail”. Results shall be published at the bulletin
board or publication of PITAHC.

Section 8. Accreditation Fees

1. An accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation certificate
fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected based on the national accounting rules and
regulation from those applicants who have complied with the requirements for accreditation. For
Community -Based Health Programs, the accreditation fee shall be three hundred pesos (P300.00) an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
those participants who have complied with the requirements for accreditation. The accreditation fee
may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC.

2. A renewal accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected. Likewise, for Community -Based
Health Programs, the renewal accreditation fee shall be three hundred pesos (P300.00) and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected.

Section 9. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years
thereafter subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC Committee.

Section 10. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. A penalty of two hundred
fifty pesos (P250.00) shall be charged based on the national accounting rules and regulation per year
for non-renewal by the Homeopath/Homotoxicologist. A penalty of seventy-five pesos (P75.00) shall
be charged per year for non-renewal by the Community- Based Homeopath/Homotoxicologist. The
penalty fee may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC.

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Section 11. National Certified Homeopath/Homotoxicologist Service Provision

A Homeopath/Homotoxicologist may offer his/her services in a wide variety of settings that

a. Private practice clinics and offices
b. Salons, spas, resort, and cruise ships
c. Health clubs and fitness centers
d. Nursing homes and hospitals
e. On-site in the workplace
f. In client’s homes
g. Holistic health centers
h. Mobile clinics

B. Certified Practitioners that do not have a permanent clinic or facility shall present an ID or Certification
issued by PITAHC.

Section 12. Provisional Certification

PITAHC shall waive the requirements and grant a certificate to practice

Homeopathy/Homotoxicology to a resident Filipino applicant, who is already practicing
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology, residing in the Philippines at the time of passage of the Guidelines,
who presents evidence satisfactory to the PITAHC National Certification Committee for
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology no later than 3 years upon effectivity of the Guidelines of successful
completion of a PITAHC approved Homeopathy/Homotoxicology training program.

Section 13. Certification of Non-Filipino Homeopath/Homotoxicologist

1. In order for a non-Filipino Homeopath/Homotoxicologist to be certified, the applicant must:

1.1 Have completed the prescribed homeopathy course in a learning institution

accredited/recognized by the PITAHC National Certification Committee for
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology, satisfactorily passed the corresponding homeopathic
licensure examination, and is a holder of a valid Certificate of Registration duly issued
to him by the PITAHC National Certification Committee.

1.2 The homeopathy course referred to in the preceding paragraph refers to no less than
3600-4800 student/teacher contact hours or equivalent in a three to four year, full-
time bachelor’s degree in science, majoring in homeopathy, completed at accredited
learning institutions. The said homeopathy course shall include the items stipulated
in the PITAHC Competency Standards for Homeopathy and or Homotoxicology.

1.3 Have passed the registration/certification examination by an authorized component

body for this purpose.

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1.4 Provide the following:

h. Documentation of licensed/certified practice of Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

with a minimum of 100 different patients;

i. A letter of good standing from the state of prior licensure or certification

specifying the number of years of licensure/ certification in his/her country or

j. Documentation of current active certification in Homeopathy/Homotoxicology

in his/ her country or state; and

1.5 Every Homeopath/Homotoxicologist who is issued a Certification to practice in the

Philippines shall pay an application fee of five hundred dollars (US $500.00), an annual
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology certification fee of three hundred dollars (US $300.00)
and an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred dollars (US$300.00)
prior to beginning practice, and 30 days before the end of the year must submit a
renewal form and fee for the next year.

1.6 A renewal accreditation fee of three hundred dollars (US$300.00) and

an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred dollars
($300.00) shall be collected.

1.7 A penalty of one hundred dollars (US$100.00) shall be charged per

month of non-renewal by the Homeopath/Homotoxicologist.

2. Visiting Teachers/Lecturers

a. A Homeopath/Homotoxicologist who has received a teaching position in a PITAHC

accredited Homeopathy/Homotoxicology training center who has at least five (5) years
experience as a Homeopath/Homotoxicologist, and who has established to the
satisfaction of the National Certification Committee that the applicant has the skills and
training equivalent to the PITAHC competency standard in Homeopathy/Homotoxicology
may be issued a Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor. This Limited Certificate, Visiting
Professor shall allow the Homeopath/Homotoxicologist to practice
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology only to the extent that such practice is incident to and a
necessary part of the applicant’s duties as approved by the Accreditation Committee in
connection with such faculty position.

b. The Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor shall be granted for a total of two (2) one-year
extensions upon annual review upon written request by the
Homeopathy/Homotoxicology training center.

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c. Every Homeopath/Homotoxicologist who is issued a Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor to

practice in the Philippines shall pay an application fee of two hundred dollars (US $200.00), an
annual Homeopath/Homotoxicologist certification fee of two hundred dollars (US $200.00) prior
to beginning practice and an additional accreditation certificate fee of two hundred dollars (US
$200.00), and 30 days before the end of the year must submit a renewal form and fee for the next

d. A penalty of one hundred dollars (US $100.00) shall be charged per month of non-renewal
by the Homeopath/Homotoxicologist

Section 14. Grounds for Cancellation of Homeopath/Homotoxicologist National


The following are grounds upon which the Homeopath/Homotoxicologist national certification may
be revoked, canceled or suspended:

a. Violation of the PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standard of Practice for


Section 15. Effectivity

These Guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in at
least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. All issuances inconsistent with the provisions of this
Memorandum Circular are hereby suspended or amended accordingly.

Original signed

PITAHC Director- General

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PITAHC Circular No. 02 series of 2013

Guidelines Implementing R.A. 8423 IRR on the National Certification of Naturopaths and
Accreditation of Naturopathy Training Programs, Centers and Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

Rule I

Policy and Application

Section 1. Title

These guidelines shall be known as the PITAHC Guidelines on the National Certification of
Naturopaths and Accreditation of Naturopathy Training Programs, Training Centers and Naturopathy

Section 2. Purpose

These Guidelines are promulgated to prescribe the procedures and guidelines for the
implementation of PITAHC IRR on the National Certification of Naturopaths and Accreditation of
Naturopathy Training Programs, Training Centers and Naturopathy Centers/Facilities pursuant to
Rule VI, Promotion, Advocacy and Training and Rule VIII, Codes of Practice of IRR of RA 8423. These
Rules also serve the accreditation of naturopathy training programs, training centers and
centers/facilities to pursue continuous service improvement, and strengthen the accountability of all
stakeholders in the traditional and alternative health care practices.

Section 3. Declaration of Policy

It is the policy of the State to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino
people through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into
the national health care delivery system.

Section 4. Scope of Application

These guidelines shall apply to the following:

4.1 Accreditation of Training Programs

4.2 Accreditation of Training Centers for Naturopathy
4.3 Accreditation of Naturopathy Centers/Facilities
4.4 National Certification of Naturopaths

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Section 5. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of these guidelines, the following terms and words and phrases shall mean or be
understood as follows:

a. Republic Act 8423 – An Act creating the "Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Health Care (PITAHC)” to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health
care in the Philippines or otherwise known as “Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act
(TAMA) of 1997”.

b. Traditional and Alternative Health Care – the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices,
other than those embodied in biomedicine, used in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination
of physical or mental disorders.

c. Traditional Medicine (RA 8423) – the sum total of knowledge, skills and practice on health
care, not necessarily explicable in the context of modern, scientific philosophical framework,
but recognized by the people to help maintain and improve their health towards the
wholeness of their being, the community and society, and their interrelations based on
culture, history, heritage, and consciousness.

d. Biomedicine – that discipline of medical care advocating therapy with remedies that
produce effects differing from those of the diseases treated; also called ‘allopathy’, ‘western
medicine’, ‘regular medicine’, ‘conventional medicine’, ‘mainstream medicine’, ‘orthodox
medicine’, or ‘cosmopolitan medicine’. *(This definition is based on the TAMA Law and that
there are other definitions in other documents such as the Merriam Webster’s Medical
Dictionary where it is meant to refer to a branch of medical science concerned especially with
the capacity of human beings to survive and function in abnormally stressful environments and
with the protective modification of such environments; It is also defined as medicine based on
the application of principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and biochemistry) .

e. Alternative Health Care Modalities – refer to other forms of non-allopathic, occasionally non-
indigenous or imported healing methods, though not necessarily practiced for centuries nor
handed down from one generation to another; includes, naturopathy, homeopathy,
homotoxicology, reflexology, acupuncture, massage, acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional
therapy, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, prayer, reiki, pranic healing, mindfulness meditation,
biofeedback, hypnosis, dance and other movement therapies, art and music therapy and
other similar methods.

f. Biological Medicine – is an art of healing which is, in its diagnostic and therapeutic efforts,
oriented to living processes. It employs therapeutic measures in order to work in harmony
with the natural capabilities of the organism for its own regulation, regeneration, adaptation,
and self-healing. The chief guiding principle in biological medicine is preservation and support
of the integrity of the human being. Biological medicine encompasses diagnostic and
therapeutic measures which utilize all the materials, energetic, and informative possibilities
of regulation and reactions of the human organism, in the attempt to mobilize its powers of
regeneration and self-healing. (Franz Schmidt, “Biological Medicine”)

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g. Naturopathy - is a distinct method of healing, underpinned by a philosophical

perspective which recognizes that all living forms possess a self-regulatory, inherent
ability for self-healing. This inherent ability, or vital force, operates in an intelligent,
orderly fashion. Naturopathic approaches to health care are aimed at supporting and
enhancing the body’s own ability to heal itself.

h. Homeopathy – is a philosophy of health and a formal system of diagnosis and of drug

therapeutics that aims to stimulate the body’s own natural healing capacity,
developed by Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann in 1797. Homeopathy comes
from the Greek homios (“similar”) and pathos (“suffering” or “sickness”). The
fundamental law upon which homeopathy is based is the law of similars, or “Like is
cured by like” – in Latin, similia similibus curentur. The law of similars states that a
remedy can cure a disease when a substance produces in a healthy person, symptoms
similar to those of the disease. The law of similars enables the physician to select the
one medicine (the simillimum) that the remedy induces.

i. Assessment – the systematic collection and interpretation of information based on

the principles of naturopathy

j. National Certification – process of issuing certificates requiring education and testing

that assures the competency of practitioners and trainers, administered by PITAHC
and other PITAHC accredited institutions.

k. National Registration – process of issuing certificates of registration requiring

education and testing that assures the competency of practitioners and trainers,
administered by PITAHC and other PITAHC accredited institutions.

l. National Accreditation – process of issuing certificates to training programs, centers

and facilities.


n. For the non-medical naturopath, the following competencies are not included in the
PITAHC Competency Standards for Naturopathy and will require other additional
qualifications/ certification for practice:
a. Biomedicine diagnosis
b. Correlating laboratory findings
c. Prescribing drugs
d. Analyzing laboratory test on Naturopathy related treatment
e. Performing new/ advanced naturopathy treatment methods (e.g.intravenous,
intramuscular, subcutaneous)
f. Conducting clinical and/or experimental Naturopathy-related research activities

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For the medical naturopath, the following competencies are not included in the PITAHC
Competency Standards for Naturopathy and will require other additional qualifications/
certification for practice:
1. Performing new/advanced naturopathic treatment methods
2. Conducting clinical and/or experimental naturopathy- related research activities

x. Code of Ethics – a summary of the standards by which naturopaths agree to conduct their
practice and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical, professional

y. Training Program – systematic, formal training on the knowledge and practice of naturopathy

z. Community-Based Health Programs (CBHP) – health programs which include naturopathy as

one of its programs and services, serving primarily the poor, the vulnerable sectors and
marginalized communities.

aa. Naturopathy Training Center – a training facility intended for the formal education of students
in naturopathy and practice.

bb. Community-Based Naturopathy Training Center – a naturopathy training center for PITAHC
accredited community -based health programs.

cc. Naturopathy Centers/Facilities – a health center facility intended for the assessment and
management of patients through Naturopathy

dd. Community Based Naturopathy Centers – a health center facility for PITAHC accredited
community based health programs.

ee. Portfolio Assessment – evaluation of documents submitted as evidences of experiences such

as naturopathy training, work contract, certification from employers or agencies and other
similar documents for review by PITAHC.

ff. Medical Naturopath – a practitioner of naturopathy who has also been licensed by the
Philippines’ Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) to practice medicine in the Philippines
as a physician.

gg. Naturopath – a practitioner of naturopathy, not licensed by the Philippines’ Professional

Regulatory Commission (PRC) to practice medicine in the Philippines as a physician, but who
has completed the prescribed naturopathy course in a learning institution accredited by
the PITAHC National Certification Committee for Naturopathy

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Rule II

The National Certification of Naturopaths/Medical Naturopaths

Section 1. The National Certification Committee for Naturopathy

For the purpose of certifying Naturopaths, Medical Naturopaths, the PITAHC Director General shall
invite active practitioners in the field of Naturopathy, hereinafter referred to as National Certification
Committee for Naturopathy. The invitation is valid only for the period indicated herein, and may be
renewed by the Director- General.

h. Composition

The Committee shall be composed of the following:

PITAHC Director General - Ex-officio Chairperson
Permanent Representatives:
PITAHC Advocacy and Training Division Chief
PITAHC Standard and Accreditation Division Chief
Representatives of the following sectors:
Two (2) Medical Naturopaths
One (1) Naturopathic practitioner
One (1) Representative from an Accredited Naturopathy Training Center/School
One (1) Representative from a Naturopathy-related Consumer’s Group/Health-Related

The PITAHC Director General, upon recommendation of a Committee for selection of the
Sectoral Representatives, shall appoint the five (5) Sectoral representatives. Of the initial
appointive members, three (3) shall have a term of two (2) years and the remaining two (2)
shall have a term of one (1) year. Any vacancy can be filled provided they serve the expired
term of the vacancy.
i. Quorum and Vote
Actions taken by the National Certification Committee for Naturopathy should be by a majority
vote of the five (5) representatives from the above-stated sectors, in a meeting duly called for
the purpose, attended by a majority of members (3 of 5 representatives), subject to the
ratification and approval of the PITAHC Board. The PITAHC Director General shall cast his vote
in the event of a tie among the sectoral representatives-members present in a meeting called
for the purpose, there being a quorum.

j. The Standard and Accreditation Division shall serve as committee secretariat.

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Section 2. Duties and Functions of the Committee

a. Develop and maintain the assessments based on the competency standards and code of ethics
for Naturopathy

b. Issuance of Naturopathy training policies

c. Accredit training programs, centers, schools and centers/facilities for Naturopathy

d. Administer the national certification assessments for competency standards for Naturopathy

e. Certify practitioners

f. Revoke certification/accreditation of practitioners, training centers, schools, and

centers/facilities for Naturopathy

g. Reschedule or cancel assessments

h. Accommodate candidates for assessments with disabilities (differently-abled)

i. Safeguard public trust by upholding the PITAHC Code of Ethics of Medical and non- Medical

j. Develop and monitor databank of practitioners, training centers/schools and centers/facilities

k. Represent the interests of both medical and non-medical Naturopaths in the country

l. Recommend commissioning of researches related to Naturopathy services and their effects

and impact to public health

m. Review advertisement (quad media) of naturopathy practice and services

Section 3. National Certification Assessment Content Outline

The National Certification for Naturopathy covers the knowledge and skills of each competency. It also
covers the basic approaches of applied science.

A. Certified Naturopath Practitioner(CNP)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

7. Work within a holistic or integrated framework

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8. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework (this could be interpreted to mean

that the Naturopath can determine when to refer to a biomedical practitioner without
having to make a biomedical assessment)

9. Assess patient according to the Naturopathic framework

10. Assist in Naturopathy center/facility administration

11. Determine patient’s Naturopathic assessment

12. Perform Naturopathic therapeutic intervention

13. Manage the Naturopathic center/facility service

14. Continue professional development.

B. Certified Medical Naturopath (CMN)

To obtain this qualification, the following units of competency must be achieved:

10. Work within a holistic or integrated framework

11. Assess patient according to biomedicine framework within a Naturopathic


12. Assess patient according to Naturopathic framework

13. Determine patient’s Naturopathic assessment

14. Perform Naturopathic therapeutic intervention

15. Perform Naturopathic -related modalities

16. Manage Naturopathic center/facility services.

17. Continue professional development.

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Section 4. Candidates for National Certification for Naturopathy must possess the following
qualifications and submit the following requirements:

1. Candidates for Certified Naturopath must:

1.1 Have completed the prescribed naturopathy course in a learning institution accredited
by the PITAHC National Certification Committee for Naturopathy, satisfactorily passed
the corresponding naturopathic certification examination, and is a holder of a valid
Certificate of Registration duly issued by the PITAHC National Certification Committee
for Naturopathy.

1.2 The naturopathy course referred to in the preceding paragraph refers to no less than
1500 hours, including no less than 400 hours of supervised clinical training or
equivalent of a minimum of two (2) years of full-time study. The said naturopathy
course shall include the items stipulated in the PITAHC Competency Standards for

1.3 For Filipino naturopaths trained abroad their applications and portfolios will be
processed/ reviewed and approved upon passing the xamination by an authorized
component body for this purpose.

2. Candidates for Certified Medical Naturopath must be:

2.1 A licensed physician of good moral character

2.2 A graduate of not less than 1000 hours, including no fewer than 400 hours of
supervised clinical training in Naturopathy for Physicians as a technique for clinical work

500 hours (450-600 hours) of Basic Principles and Theories

500 hours (415-550 hours) of Clinical Preceptorship Practice

2.3 A certificate awarded for attendance in classroom and clinic settings from accredited
PITAHC training center or school of naturopathy

3. For Filipino physicians trained abroad their applications and portfolios will be processed/
reviewed and approved upon passing the examination by an authorized component body for this

4. Applicant must submit a duly accomplished Application Form for National Certification
Examination attached with current photograph.

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5. Applicant must pay all the necessary fees.

* Note: The number of hours required is based on the WHO Benchmarks for Training in

Section 5. Application Fees

An application fee for national certification assessment of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be
collected from applicants who have complied with the requirements for national certification
assessment. For Community Based Health Programs, the application fee shall be three hundred pesos
(P300.00). This application fee may be changed anytime upon review of the Committee.

Section 6. Place of Assessment

The assessment for Certification of Naturopaths shall be conducted at PITAHC or at other venues as
may be determined by PITAHC Committee.

Section 7. Result of Assessment

Results of the assessment shall only be “pass” or “fail”. Results shall be published at the bulletin
board or publication of PITAHC.

Section 8. Accreditation Fees

1. An accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation certificate fee
of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected based on the national accounting rules and
regulation from those applicants who have complied with the requirements for accreditation. For
Community -Based Health Programs, the accreditation fee shall be three hundred pesos (P300.00) an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
those participants who have complied with the requirements for accreditation. The accreditation fee
may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC.

2. A renewal accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected. Likewise, for Community -Based
Health Programs, the renewal accreditation fee shall be three hundred pesos (P300.00) and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected.

Section 9. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years
thereafter subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC Committee.

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Section 10. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. A penalty of two hundred
fifty pesos (P250.00) shall be charged based on the national accounting rules and regulation per year
for non-renewal by the Naturopath. A penalty of seventy-five pesos (P75.00) shall be charged per
year for non-renewal by the Community- Based Naturopath. The penalty fee may be changed
anytime upon review of PITAHC.

Section 11. National Certified Naturopath Service Provision

A. Naturopath may offer his/her services in a wide variety of settings that include:
a. Private practice centers and offices
b. Health spas and resorts, and cruise ships
c. Health clubs and fitness centers
d. Nursing homes and hospitals
e. On-site in corporate workplaces

B. Certified Practitioners that do not have a permanent center or facility shall present an ID or Certification
issued by PITAHC.

Section 12. Provisional Certification

PITAHC shall waive the requirements and grant a certificate to practice Naturopathy to a resident
Filipino applicant, who is already practicing Naturopathy, residing in the Philippines at the time of
approval of the Guidelines, who presents evidence satisfactory to the PITAHC National Certification
Committee for Naturopathy not later than three (3) years upon effectivity of the Guidelines of
successful completion of a PITAHC approved Naturopathy training program.

Section 13. Certification of Non-Filipino Naturopath

1. In order for a non-Filipino Naturopath to be certified, the applicant must:

1.1 Be a holder of a Philippine passport and has resided in the country for not less than 3
years and secure an Alien Employment Permit from the DOLE

1.2 Satisfy the IELTS or TOEFL and fluent in Filipino

1.3 Have completed the prescribed Naturopathy course in a learning institution

accredited/recognized by the PITAHC National Certification Committee for
Naturopathy, satisfactorily passed the corresponding naturopathic licensure
examination, and is a holder of a valid Certificate of Registration duly issued to him by
the PITAHC National Certification Committee.

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1.4 The naturopathy course referred to in the preceding paragraph refers to no less than
1500 hours, including no less than 400 hours of supervised clinical training or
equivalent of a minimum of two (2) years of full-time study. The said naturopathy
course shall include the items stipulated in the PITAHC Competency Standards for

1.5 Have passed the registration/certification examination by an authorized

component body for this purpose

1.6 Provide the following:

a. Documentation of licensed/certified practice of Naturopathy with a minimum of 100

different patients;

b. Licensure or certification specifying the number of years of licensure/ certification in

his/her country or state, authenticated by the Philippine Consulate from country of origin

c. Documentation of current active certification in Naturopathy in his/ her country or state,

authenticated by the Philippine Consulate from country of origin

1.7 Foreign certified Naturopaths must practice under the supervision of a

Filipino PITAHC- certified Naturopath Practitioner or Certified Medical Naturopaths

1.8 Every Naturopath who is issued a Certification to practice in Philippines shall pay an
application fee of five hundred dollars (US $500.00), an annual Naturopathy certification
fee of one thousand dollars (US $1000.00) and an additional accreditation certificate fee
of three hundred dollars (US$300.00) prior to beginning practice, and 30 days before the
end of the year must submit a renewal form and fee for the next year.

1.9 A renewal accreditation fee of one thousand dollars (US$1000.00) and an additional
accreditation certificate fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00) shall be collected.

1.10 A penalty of five hundred dollars (US$500.00) shall be charged per month of non-
renewal by the Naturopath.

2. Visiting Teachers/Lecturers

a. A Naturopath who is offered a teaching position in a PITAHC accredited Naturopathy

training center, has at least five (5) years experience as a Naturopath, and has established
to the satisfaction of the National Certification Committee, the skills and training
equivalent to the PITAHC Competency standard in Naturopathy, may be issued a Limited
Certificate, Visiting Professor. This Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor shall allow the
Naturopath to practice Naturopathy only to the extent that such practice is incident to

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and a necessary part of the applicant’s duties as approved by the Accreditation Committee
in connection with such faculty position.

b. The Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor shall be granted for a total of two (2) years and
one (1) year extension upon annual review and written request by the Naturopathy
training center.

c. Every Naturopath who is issued a Limited Certificate, Visiting Professor to practice in the
Philippines shall pay an application fee of five hundred dollars (US $500.00), an annual
Naturopath certification fee of two hundred dollars (US $200.00) prior to beginning practice
and an additional accreditation certificate fee of five hundred dollars (US $500.00), and 30 days
before the end of the year must submit a renewal form and fee for the next year.

d. A penalty of two hundred dollars (US $200.00) shall be charged per month of non-renewal
by the Naturopath.

Section 14. Grounds for Cancellation of Naturopath National Certification

The following are grounds upon which the Naturopath national certification may be revoked,
canceled or suspended:

b. Violation of the PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standard of Practice for Naturopaths

Rule III
Accreditation of Training Programs

Section 1. All training centers offering courses for naturopathy are required to register their course modules
based on PITAHC Competency Standard, in line with the policy of ensuring the quality of programs and courses
in all institutions offering or intending to offer traditional and alternative health care courses. Program
accreditation applies to mandatory compliance with minimum standards of all traditional and alternative
health care courses including programs/courses being offered by public and private training institutions.

Section 2. The application for accreditation of Naturopathy programs may be filed at the PITAHC
where the Naturopathy Training programs shall be evaluated and the National Certification
Assessment shall be conducted.

Section 3. The PITAHC shall do monitoring of the continuous compliance by the Training Centers with the
minimum requirements of PITAHC prescribed standard.

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Rule IV

Training Centers of Naturopathy

Section 1. Requirements for the Training Centers

The following requirements for the accreditation of Training Centers shall be submitted to PITAHC.

A. Naturopathy Training Centers

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.1 One (1) well-ventilated and lighted classroom complete with audio/visual
equipment with desks, writing boards teaching materials that can
accommodate at least 20 persons at any given time.

1.2 One (1) well-ventilated and lighted prototype assessment/ examination

room with chairs and tables for students with the following instruments like
stethoscope, sphygmomanometer (non-mercurial), thermometer (non-
mercurial), weighing scale, Iridology assessment tools, Live blood analysis
assessment tools etc.)

1.3 At least one (1) well-ventilated and lighted treatment room prototype that
can accommodate at least 10 students at any given time.

1.4 Well-ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room
b. Dressing room
c. Waiting room
d. An administrative office

1.5 A library with books and AV materials relevant to the courses offered (Refer
to PITAHC Competency Standard on Naturopathy)

1.6 Training materials, equipment, and accessories based on training standards

and course offering.

1.7 An original copy of the PITAHC Competency Standards of Naturopathy and

PITAHC Code of Ethics

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2. Personnel

2.1 The Naturopathy Training Center should have adequate personnel

requirements with updated bio-data and designation and valid health
certificates: a full time Training officer who must at least be a college
graduate; regular staff for the academic training program.

2.3 The academic and skills trainers should have passed the
PITAHC Training of Trainers Competency Assessment.

B. Community -Based Naturopathy Training Centers

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.3 One well -ventilated and well -lighted room/area used as:

g. A classroom complete with audio/visual equipment with desks,

writing boards and other teaching materials that can accommodate
at least 5 persons at any given time

h. An assessment/examination room with chairs and tables for clients

equipped with the following instruments (such as stethoscope,
sphygmomanometer, thermometer, weighing scale etc.)

i. A treatment room that can accommodate at least 5 students at any

given time

1.4 Auxiliary room such as

e. Comfort room/ dressing room
f. Waiting room/ administrative office

1.3 A library with books, audiovisual materials relevant to the course offered.
(Refer to PITAHC Competency Standard on Naturopathy).

1.4 Training materials, equipment, and accessories based on training standards

and course offering, as specified in the competency standards on
Naturopathy .

1.5 An original copy of the PITAHC Competency Standards of Naturopathy and

PITAHC Code of Ethics

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2. Personnel

A Community- Based Training Center should have a Training Officer/ trainer who
should have passed the PITAHC Training of Trainers Competency Assessment.

C. Training Curriculum

A Training Center’s curriculum must be based on the PITAHC Competency Standard for

Section 2. Accreditation of Training Centers

A Certificate of Accreditation of a Training Center shall be issued to a person or to an institution that

submits required documents to PITAHC and complies with the following:

1. In case of incorporation or partnership, a certified copy of its Articles of Incorporation or

Partnership duly registered with Security and Exchange Commission, or copy of its
registration with the Department of Trade and Industry

2. Updated list of personnel and training staff with their respective bio-data and designation

3. A copy of municipal or city permits

4. Proof of ownership of the Training Center’s premises or a copy of the lease/rental agreement
of the premises

5. List of training equipment

6. Fire safety inspection certificates

7. List of training programs offered

8. Valid Health Certificate of all employees

9. A duly accomplished application form for Training Center Accreditation

10. Application Fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulations

10.1 An application fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the
Naturopathy Training Center to PITAHC.

10.2 An application fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be paid by the
Community- Based Naturopathy Training Center to PITAHC.

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11. Other documents as may be required from time to time by PITAHC based on Committee

Section 3. Inspection and Approval of Training Centers

Upon receipt of the applicant’s notice, a duly authorized PITAHC quality assessment team shall
conduct inspection at the proposed training centers to determine compliance with facilities and
operation requirements.

Section 4. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum prescribed requirement, PITAHC shall
then issue the Certificate of Accreditation with a PITAHC dry seal in favor of the applicant.

Section 5. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for cancellation of accreditation of a
training center:

d. Falsification of documents by any of its officers or employees.

e. Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as prescribed in these

Section 6. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for one (1) year from date
of issue for a newly accredited Training Center. Date of renewal shall be done annually, thereafter
subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC.

Section 7. Non-transferability of Certificate of Accreditation

The Certificate of Accreditation of a Training Center shall be non-transferable.

Section 8. Accreditation Fees

The accreditation fee shall be collected from those applicants who have complied with the
requirements for accreditation. An accreditation fee will be collected based on the national
accounting rules and regulation and may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

1. For Naturopathy Training Centers

1.1 An accreditation fee for new applicants of ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) for one
year and an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00)
shall be collected.

1.2 A renewal accreditation fee of three thousand (P3,000.00) for three years and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be

2. For Community-Based Naturopathy Training Centers

2.3 An accreditation fee of three thousand pesos (P3,000.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from newly accredited

2.4 An accreditation fee of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be collected from renewing
accredited applicants.

Section 9. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The penalty fee may be
changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee

9.3 A penalty of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by the
Naturopathy Training Center.

9.4 A penalty of one hundred fifty pesos (P150.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by
the Community Based Naturopathy Training Center.

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Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Rule V
Accreditation of Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

Section 1. Requirements for Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

A. The following requirements for the accreditation of Naturopathy centers/facilities shall be

submitted to PITAHC.

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.1 Well-ventilated and lighted Naturopathy treatment rooms with:

a. Health Device/ equipment (such as colonic machine, microscope for
the live blood analysis, vaporizer, nebulizer, energy machines, etc)
b. Center supplies
c. Beds appropriately designed for Naturopathy treatment
d. Communications equipment
e. Naturopathy reference materials
f. Naturopathy posters
g. Patient’s clinical records based on the Naturopathy competency
h. Logbook of Patient Visits
i. Administrative equipment and materials (such as furniture and

1.2 One (1) well-ventilated and lighted prototype assessment/ examination

room with chairs and tables equipped with the following instruments (such
as magnifying glass, pen lights , etc )

1.3 Well-ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

a. Comfort room
b. Dressing room
c. Waiting room
d. An administrative office

2. Personnel

2.1 Naturopaths in Naturopathy Center/Facility must be:

b. PITAHC Certified Naturopathic Practitioner(CNP)

c. PITAHC Certified Medical Naturopaths (CMN)

2.2 Center Receptionist

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

B. The following are the requirements for Community-Based Naturopathy Centers

1. Facilities and Equipment

1.3 A well-ventilated and lighted Naturopathy treatment room with:

a. Health device/ equipment (such as vaporizer, nebulizer,
energy machines, etc)
b. Center supplies
c. Beds appropriately designed for Naturopathy treatment
d. Communications equipment
e. Naturopathy reference materials
f. Naturopathy charts
g. Patient’s records based on the Naturopathy
competency standard
h. Logbook of Patient/Client Visits
i. Administrative equipment and materials (such as
furniture and fixtures)

1.4 Well-ventilated and lighted auxiliary rooms such as:

c. Comfort room/ Dressing room
d. Waiting area

2. Personnel

2.1 Naturopaths in a Community Based Naturopathy Center should at

least be a PITAHC- Certified Naturopathic Practitioner or
PITAHC- Certified Medical Naturopath

Section 2. Accreditation of Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

A Certificate of Accreditation of a Naturopathy Center shall be issued to a person who or to an

institution that submits required documents to PITAHC and complies with the following:

1. In case of incorporation or partnership, a certified copy of its Articles of Incorporation or

Partnership duly registered with Security and Exchange Commission, or copy of its
registration with the Department of Trade and Industry

2. A copy of municipal or city permits

3. Fire safety inspection certificates

4. A duly accomplished application form for Naturopathy Center/Facility Accreditation

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

5. Application Fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulation.

5.1 An application fee of One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the Naturopathy
Center/Facility to PITAHC

5.2 An application fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be paid by the Community
Based Naturopathy Center/Facility to PITAHC.

6. Other documents as may be required from time to time by PITAHC Committee.

Section 3. Inspection and Approval of Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

Upon receipt of the applicant’s notice, a duly authorized PITAHC quality assessment team shall
conduct inspection of the Naturopathy center to determine compliance with facilities and operation

Section 4. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum prescribed requirement, PITAHC shall
then issue the Certificate of Accreditation with a PITAHC dry seal in favor of the applicant.

Section 5. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for the cancellation of accreditation
of a Naturopathy center:

f. Falsification of documents.

g. Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as prescribed in these

c. Illegal and immoral activities

Section 6. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for two (2) years thereafter
subject to suspension or cancellation for cause to be determined by PITAHC.

Section 7. Non-transferability of Certificate of Accreditation

The Certificate of Accreditation of a Naturopathy Center/Facility shall be non-transferable.

Section 8. Accreditation Fees

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
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Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

An accreditation fee shall be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulation from
those applicants who have complied with the requirements of accreditation. The accreditation fee
may be changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

1. For Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

1.1 An accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) and an additional
accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be collected from
accredited applicants.

1.2 A renewal accreditation fee of one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) for two (2)
years and an additional accreditation certificate fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00)
shall be collected.

2. For Community-Based Naturopathy Centers/Facilities

2.1 An accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an additional accreditation
certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be collected from accredited

2.2 A renewal accreditation fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) for two (2) years and an
additional accreditation certificate fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) shall be

Section 9. Renewal of Accreditation

The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The penalty fee may be
changed anytime upon review of PITAHC Committee.

9.1 A penalty of one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) shall be charged per year for non-renewal by
the Naturopathy Center/Facility.

9.2 A penalty of three hundred pesos (P300.00) shall be charged per year for non- renewal by the
Community- Based Naturopathy Center/Facility.

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Rule VI
Final Provisions

Section 1. All issuances inconsistent with the provisions of this Memorandum Circular are hereby
suspended or amended accordingly.

Section 2. Effectivity

These Guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Office of the National
Administrative Register (ONAR) or Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general
circulation. All issuances inconsistent with the provisions of this Memorandum Circular are hereby
suspended or amended accordingly.

PITAHC Director- General

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

Guidelines on the National Accreditation of Traditional and Alternative

Health Care (TAHC) Organizations
I. Rationale

The Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997 (R.A.8423) states that it is a policy of
the State to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino people through the
development, promotion, and utilization of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into the
national health care delivery system.

The implementation of PITAHC IRR on the National Accreditation of TAHC organizations is pursuant to
Section 3 of Rule V (Research and Development) stating partnership with the public and private sectors and
the academe and Rule VI (Promotion, Advocacy and Training) of IRR of R.A. 8423. The accreditation of TAHC
organizations is needed to pursue and promote consistent quality service improvement, and strengthen the
accountability of all stakeholders in the traditional and alternative health care practices. Accreditation of TAHC
organizations will likewise enable the said organizations to avail of the resources of whatever allowable forms
of assistance PITAHC has in the implementation of its programs and projects.

II. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of the Guidelines, the following terms shall mean or be understood as follows:

a. Republic Act 8423 - an Act creating the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health
Care (PITAHC) to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care in the Philippines or
otherwise known as Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of (TAMA) of 1997.

b. Traditional and Alternative Health Care (TAHC) – the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices,
other than those embodied in biomedicine, used in the prevention, diagnosis, and elimination of physical or
mental disorders.

c. Biomedicine – the discipline of medical care advocating therapy with remedies

that produce effect differing from those of the diseases treated; also called ‘allopathy’, ‘western medicine’,
‘regular medicine’, ‘conventional medicine’, ‘mainstream medicine’, ‘orthodox medicine’, or ‘cosmopolitan

d. Traditional Chinese Medicine - the traditional medicine that originated in China, and is characterized
by holism and treatment based on pattern identification/syndrome differentiation.

e. Alternative Health Care Modalities – other forms of non-allophatic, occasionally non-indigenous or

imported healing methods, though not necessarily practiced for centuries nor handed down from one
generation to another; include refloxology, acupuncture, massage, acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional
therapy, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, prayer, reiki, pranic healing, mindfulness meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis,
dance and other movement therapies, art and music therapy, and other similar methods.

f. National Accreditation – process of issuing certificates to training programs, centers, clinics, and

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

g. Code of Ethics – a summary of the standards by which TAHC organizations and practitioners agree
to conduct their practice and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical, and professional

h. Community-Based Health Programs (CBHP) – health programs which include acupuncture and other
TAHC modalities as its program and services, catering primarily to the poor, the vulnerable sectors, and
marginalized communities.

i. Portfolio Assessment - evaluation of documents submitted as evidence of experiences, such as

documented accomplishments of TAHC activities and services of the organizations and other similar
documents for review by PITAHC.

j. Traditional and Alternative Health Care (TAHC) Organization – a group of persons organized for some
specific purpose geared towards the development and promotion of traditional and alternative health care
products, services, and technologies and its integration into the national health care delivery system. The
scope or coverage of the organizations can be national, local, or community-based.

III. Implementing Guidelines for the Accreditation of TAHC Organizations

A. General Guidelines
All organizations with programs and services that are in line with the PITAHC vision and mission
through provision of quality, safe, effective, and affordable traditional and alternative health care products,
services, and technologies, can apply for national accreditation. Only the TAHC organizations that promote
the modalities approved and recognized by PITAHC (such as but not limited to acupuncture, chiropractic,
homeopathy, naturopathy, and tuina massage) based on the existing Implementing Guidelines for
certification and accreditation will be given due recognition and will be accredited as TAHC organizations.

B. National Certification Committees for TAHC Organizations

The evaluation of applicants for the accreditation of TAHC organizations will be done by the
respective National Certification Committees (NCCs) for Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Homeopathy,
Naturopathy, and other TAHC modalities to be recognized by PITAHC (Osteopathy, Hilot), appropriate for
the respective TAHC organizations.

C. Requirements for Accreditation

Application for accreditation of the respective TAHC organizations shall be submitted to PITAHC
together with the following documents duly certified or authenticated:

1. SEC Registration, Articles of Incorporation, and Constitution and By-Laws

2. Certified Board Resolution
3. At least one (1) member of the Board or one (1) of the incorporators is a PITAHC-certified
practitioner of any of the recognized TAHC modalities
4. A duly accomplished application form for accreditation (See attached TAHC Organization
Accreditation Form I and Form II)
5. Business permit, if applicable
6. Updated list of personnel and members of the organization
7. Documentation of the current TAHC programs and services

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

8. Latest copy of publications (if any)

9. Other documents that may be required by PITAHC based on National Certification Committee

Additional requirements for foreign TAHC organizations:

8. Affiliation with a recognized TAHC international organization

9. Certificate of Registration of the TAHC organization
10. Documents must be authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate of
the country of origin of the applicant organization

D. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation with the PITAHC dry seal shall be issued in favor of any TAHC
organization who fully complied with the prescribed requirements.

E. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation

A Certificate of Accreditation granted under these guidelines shall be valid for three (3) years for a
newly-accredited local or national TAHC organization and one (1) year for a foreign TAHC organization. The
accreditation shall be subject to suspension or cancellation for cause as determined by PITAHC National
Certification Committee.

F. Accreditation Fees
The application fee shall be collected from applicants who have complied with the requirements for
accreditation. An application fee will be collected based on the national accounting rules and regulations and
may be changed anytime upon review and recommendation of PITAHC National Certification Committee.

1. An application fee of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) shall be paid by the local or national TAHC
organization to PITAHC.

2. An accreditation fee of Two Thousand Three Hundred Pesos (P 2,300.00) shall be collected upon
approval of the application.

3. For a foreign TAHC organization, an application fee of One Hundred Fifty US Dollars (US $150.00),
and an accreditation fee of Two Hundred US Dollars (US $200.00) shall be collected.

G. Renewal of Accreditation
The Accreditation shall be renewed on or before its date of expiration. The renewal fee is P2,300.00
for three (3) years for local or national TAHC organization and US $200 for one (1) year for a foreign TAHC
organization. The fees may be changed based on review and recommendation of PITAHC National
Certification Committee.

1. A penalty of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) shall be charged per year for
non-renewal of a local or national TAHC organization and One Hundred
US Dollars (US $100.00) for a foreign TAHC organization.

H. Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

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Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Document Code: OM-00
Alternative Health Care
Manual for Evaluation of Traditional and Revision No.: 00
Complementary Medicine Effectivity Date:
Certification and Accreditation Page No.:

The following are grounds upon which the Certificate of Accreditation may be revoked, canceled, or

1. Violation of the PITAHC Code of Ethics and Standard of Practice for any of the PITAHC-recognized
TAHC modalities
2. Falsification of documents
3. Illegal and immoral activities

All issuances inconsistent with the provisions of the Guidelines are hereby suspended or amended
accordingly. The amendment to the Guidelines shall take effect on March 1, 2016.

Original signed

Director General

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