Caitanya Caritamrta PDF
Caitanya Caritamrta PDF
Caitanya Caritamrta PDF
MADHYA- LiLA Vblume 8
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupida
Bhagavad-gita As It Is
Srimad-Bhagavatam, Cantos 1-5 (15 Vols.)
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (17 Vols.)
Teachings of lord Caitanya
The Nectar of Devotion
Sri Tsopani�ad
Easy journey to Other Planets
Kr�r;.a Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System
Kr�r;.a, The Supreme Personality of Godhead (3 Vols.)
Transcendental Teachings of Prahlad Maharaja
Kr�r;.a, the Reservoir of Pleasure
The Perfection of Yoga
Beyond Birth and Death
On the Way to Kr�r;.a
Raja-vidya: The King of Knowledge
Elevation to Krsna Consciousness
Krsna Consciousness: The Matchless Gift
Back to Godhead Magazine (Founder)
Volume Eight
Introduction vi
References 431
Glossary 433
Bengali Pronunciation Guide 439
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 441
General Index 459
The Author 493
Sri Caitanya-carWimrta is the principal work on the life and teachings of Sri
Kr�r:Ja Caitanya. Sri Caitanya is the pioneer of a great social and religious move
ment which began in India a little less than five hundred years ago and which has
directly and indirectly influenced the subsequent course of religious and phi
losophical thinking not only in India but in the recent West as well.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu is regarded as a figure of great historical significance.
However, our conventional method of historical analysis-that of seeing a man as
a product of his times-fails here. Sri Caitanya is a personality who transcends the
limited scope of historical settings.
At a time when, in the West, man was directing his explorative spirit toward
studying the structure of the physical universe and circumnavigating the world in
search of new oceans and continents, Sri Kr�r:Ja Caitanya, in the East, was in
augurating and masterminding a revolution directed inward, toward a scientific
understanding of the highest knowledge of man's spiritual nature.
The chief historical sources for the life of Sri Kr�r:Ja Caitanya are the kaqacas (di
aries) kept by Murari Gupta and Svaropa Damodara Gosvami. Murari Gupta, a
physician and close associate of Sri Caitanya's, recorded extensive notes on the
first twenty-four years of Sri Caitanya's life, culminating in his initiation into the
renounced order, sannyasa. The events of the rest of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's for
ty-eight years are recorded in the diary of SvarOpa Damodora Gosvami, another of
Caitanya Mahaprabhu's intimate associates.
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is divided into three sections called lilas, which literally
means "pastimes"-Adi-lila (the early period), Madhya-lila (the middle period)
and Antya-lila (the final period). The notes of Murari Gupta form the basis of the
Adi-lila, and SvarOpa Damodara's diary provides the details for the Madhya- and
The first twelve of the seventeen chapters of Adi-lila constitute the preface for
the entire work. By referring to Vedic scriptural evidence, this preface establishes
Sri Caitanya as the avatara (incarnation) of Kr�r:Ja (God) for the age of Kali-the
current epoch, beginning five thousand years ago and characterized by material
ism, hypocrisy and dissension. In these descriptions, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who
is identical with Lord Kr�r:Ja, descends to liberally grant pure love of God to the
fallen souls of this degraded age by propagating sankirtana-literally,
"congregational glorification of God" -especially by organizing massive public
chanting of the maha-mantra (Great Chant for Deliverance). The esoteric purpose
of Lord Caitanya's appearance in the world is revealed, his co-avataras and prin
cipal devotees are described and his teachings are summarized. The remaining
portion of Adi-lila, chapters thirteen through seventeen, briefly recounts his
divine birth and his life until he accepted the renounced order. This includes his
childhood miracles, schooling, marriage and early philosophical confrontations, as
well as his organization of a widespread sankirtana movement and his civil disobe
dience against the repression of the Mohammedan government.
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
The subject of Madhya-lila, the longest of the three divisions, is a detailed nar
ration of Lord Caitanya's extensive and eventful travels throughout India as a
renounced mendicant, teacher, philosopher, spiritual preceptor and mystic. Dur
ing this period of six years, Sri Caitanya transmits his teachings to his principal dis
ciples. He debates and converts many of the most renowned philosophers and
theologians of his time, including Sar'lkarites, Buddhists and Muslims, and incor
porates their many thousands of followers and disciples into his own burgeoning
numbers. A dramatic account of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's miraculous activities at
the giant Jagannatha Cart Festival in Orissa is also included in this section.
Antya-lila concerns the last eighteen years of Sri Caitanya's manifest presence,
spent in semiseclusion near the famous Jagannatha temple at Jagannatha Puri in
Orissa. During these final years, Sri Caitanya drifted deeper and deeper into
trances of spiritual ecstasy unparalleled in all of religious and literary history,
Eastern or Western. Sri Caitanya's perpetual and ever-increasing religious
beatitude, graphically described in the eyewitness accounts of SvarOpa Damodara
Gosvami, his constant companion during this period, clearly defy the investigative
and descriptive abilities of modern psychologists and phenomenologists of
religious experience.
The author of this great classic, Kr�Qadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, born in the year
1507, was a disciple of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, a confidential follower of
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Raghunatha dasa, a renowned ascetic saint, heard and
memorized all the activities of Caitanya Mahaprabhu told to him by Svarapa
Damodara. After the passing away of SrT Caitanya and SvarOpa Damodara,
Raghunatha dasa, unable to bear the pain of separation from these objects of his
complete devotion, traveled to Vrndavana, intending to commit suicide by jump
ing from Govardhana Hill. In Vrndavana, however, he encountered Rapa Gosvami
and Sanatana Gosvami, the most confidential disciples of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
They convinced him to give up his plan of suicide and impelled him to reveal to
them the spiritually inspiring events of Lord Caitanya's later life. Kr�Qadasa Kaviraja
Gosvami was also residing in Vrndavana at this time, and Raghunatha dasa
Gosvami endowed him with a full comprehension of the transcendental life of Sri
By this time, several biographical works had already been written on the life of
Sri Caitanya by contemporary and near-contemporary scholars and devotees.
These included Sri Caitanya-carita by Murari Gupta, Caitanya-mangala by Locana
dasa Thakura and Caitanya-bhagavata. This latter text, a work by Vrndavana dasa
Thakura, who was then considered the principal authority on Sri Caitanya's life,
was highly revered. While composing his important work, Vrndavana dasa, fearing
that it would become too voluminous, avoided elaborately describing many of
the events of Sri Caitanya's life, particulary the later ones. Anxious to hear of these
later pastimes, the devotees of Vrndavana requested Kr�Qadasa Kaviraja Gosvami,
whom they respected as a great saint, to compose a book to narrate these
Sri Caitanya-caritam!'fa
episodes in detail. Upon this request, and with the permission and blessings of the
Madana-mohana Deity of Vrndavana, he began compiling Sri Caitanya-caritamrta,
which, due to its biographical excellence and thorough exposition of Lord
Caitanya's profound philosophy and teachings, is regarded as the most significant
of biographical works on Sri Caitanya.
He commenced work on the text while in his late nineties and in failing health,
as he vividly describes in the text itself: "I have now become too old and dis
turbed in invalidity. While writing, my hands tremble. I cannot remember any
thing, nor can I �ee or hear properly. Still I write, and this is a great wonder." That
he nevertheless completed, under such debilitating conditions, the greatest liter
ary gem of medieval India is surely one of the wonders of literary history.
This English translation and commentary is the work of His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the world's most distinguished teacher of In
dian religious and philosophical thought. His commentary is based upon two
Bengali commentaries, one by his teacher Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami,
the emirrent Vedic scholar who predicted, "The time will come when the people
of the world will learn Bengali to read Sri Caitanya-caritamrta," and the other by
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's father, Bhaktivinoda Thakura.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is himself a disciplic
descendant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and he is the first scholar to execute
systematic English translations of the major works of Sri Caitanya's followers. His
consummate Bengali and Sanskrit scholarship and intimate familiarity with the
precepts of Sri Kr?Da Caitanya are a fitting combination that eminently qualifies
him to present this important classic to the English-speaking world. The ease and
clarity with which he expounds upon difficult philosophical concepts lures even a
reader totally unfamiliar with Indian religious tradition into a genuine understand
ing and appreciation of this profound and monumental work.
The entire text, with commentary, presented in seventeen lavishly illustrated
volumes by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, represents a contribution of major im
portance to the intellectual, cultural and spiritual life of contemporary man.
-The Publishers
His Divine Crace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
"Kr�t:�a is the original source of everything and the sum total of every
thing. He appears as the supreme youth, and His whole body is com
posed of spiritual bliss. He is the shelter and master of everyone. 'Kr�t:Ja,
who is known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal,
blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, for He
is the prime cause of all causes.' 'The original Supreme Personality of
Godhead is Kr�t:Ja. His original name is Govinda. He is full of all opulences,
and His eternal abode is known as Goloka Vrndavana.'" (pp.BS-86)
"When Lord Kr�r:ta took His birth, He appeared outside the womb as
four-handed Vi�I)U. Then Devaki and Vasudeva offered their prayers to
Him and asked Him to assume His two-armed form. The Lord immediately
assumed His two-armed form and ordered that He be transferred to
Gokula on the other side of the River Yamuna." (p.99)
"The Lord is situated in all the universes in different forms just to please
His devotees. Thus the Lord destroys irreligious principles and establishes
religious principles. My dear Sanatana, just hear from Me as I tell you how
the different vi�(lu-murtis hold Their weapons, beginning with the disc,
and how They are named differently according to the placement of ob
jects in Their hands. The procedure for counting begins with the lower
right hand and goes to the upper right hand, the upper left hand, and the
lower left hand. Lord Vi�r:JU is named according to the order the objects
are held in His hands." (pp.122-123)
"The third expansion of Vi�r:"�U is the K�lrodakasayl Vi�r:"�U, who is the in
carnation of the quality of goodness. He is to be counted within the two
types of incarnations (puru?a-avataras and guf)a-avataras). This
K�lrodakasayl Vi�t:lu is the universal form of the Lord and is the Supersoul
within every living entity. He is known as K�lrodakasayl, or the Lord who
lies on the ocean of milk. He is the maintainer and master of the
universe." (p.165)
"When Lord Kr�oa was present in the earthly Vrndavana, Lord Brahma,
taking Him to be an ordinary cowherd boy, wanted to test His potency.
Therefore Lord Brahma stole all the cows, calves and cowherd boys from
Kr�oa and hid them by his illusory energy. When Kr�oa saw that Brahma
had stolen His cows, calves and cowherd boys, He immediately created
many material and spiritual planets in Lord Brahma's presence. WithiR a
moment, cows, cowherd boys, calves and unlimited Vaikuothas-all ex
pansions of the Lord's spiritual energy-were manifested. The cowherd
boys then became four-handed Narayaoas, predominating Deities of the
Vaikuotha planets. All the separate Brahmas from different universes
began to offer their prayers unto the Lord. All these transcendental
bodies emanated from the body of Kr�oa, and within a second They all
entered again into His body. When the Lord Brahma of this universe saw
this pastime, he was astonished and struck with wonder." (pp.241-245)
2 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
different ages, such as ba/ya and paugary;Ja, and the different pastimes of the dif
ferent ages. He explained how Kr�r:Ja attained His permanent form when He
reached youth. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu explained and described
everything to Sanatana Gosvami.
��il�t�.._�..1i� ���i!tJ1{��1{. I
iTt�f� �e.l2!�tlfte. ���;21���: II � II
vande 'nantadbhutaisvaryarh
nico 'pi yat-prasadat syad
vande-1 offer my respectful obeisances; ananta-unlim ited; adbhuta-won
derful; aisvaryam ...:..possessing opulences; sri-caitanya-mahaprabhum-unto Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu; nicai) api-even a person in the lowest status of life; yat
prasadat-by whose mercy; syat-may become; bhakti-sastra-of the science of
devotional service; pravartakai)-an inaugurator.
Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who
has unlimited, wonderful opulences. By His mercy, even a person born as the
lowest of men can spread the science of devotional service.
jaya jaya-all glories; sri-caitanya-to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; jaya-all
glories; nityananda-to Nityananda; jaya-all glories; advaita-candra-to Advaita
Acarya; jaya-all glories; gaura-bhakta-vrnda-to all devotees of Lord Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Text 4] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 3
etha-here; gauc;ie-in Bengal; sanatana-Sanatana Gosvami; ache-was;
bandi-sal e-in prison; sri-rupa-gosar'lira-of Srila ROpa GosvamT; patri-the let
ter; ai/a-came; hena-ka/e-at that time.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura informs us that this letter from ROpa Gosvami to
Sanatana Gosvami is mentioned by the annotator of Udbhata-candrika. Srila ROpa
Gosvami wrote a note to Sanatana Gosvami from Bakla. This note indicated that
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was coming to Mathura, and it stated:
"Where has the Mathura Puri of Yadupati gone? Where has the northern Kosala
of Raghupati gone? By reflection, make the mind steady, thinking, 'This universe is
not eternal.'"
patri pana -receiving the note; sanatana -Sana tan a Gosvami; anandita haila
became very pleased; yavana-meat-eater; rak$aka-the superintendent of the
jail; pasa-before; kahite /agi/a-began to say.
When Sanatana Gosvami received this note from Rupa Gosvami, he became
very pleased. He immediately went to the jail superintendent, who was a
meat-eater, and spoke as follows.
Sanatana Gosvami told the Mohammedan jailkeeper, "Dear sir, you are a
saintly person and are very fortunate. You have full knowledge'bf the revealed
scriptures such as the Koran and similar books.
eka bandi-one imprisoned person; char;Je-one releases; yadi-if; nija
dharma-one's own religion; dekhiya-consulting; sarhsara ha-ite-from material
Text 6] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 5
bondage; tare - him ; mukta kar ena - releases ; gosatia-the Supreme Personality
of Godhead.
It appears from this statement that Sani!.tana Gosvami, who was formerly a
minister of the Nawab, was trying to cheat the Mohammedan superintendent. A
jail superintendent had only an ordinary education, or practically no education,
and he was certainly not supposed to be very advanced in spiritual knowledge.
However, just to satisfy him, Sanatana Gosvami praised him as a very learned
scholar of the scriptures. The jailkeeper could not deny that he was a learned
scholar because when one is elevated to an exalted position, one thinks oneself fit
for that position. Sanatana Gosvami was correctly explaining the effects of
spiritual activity, and the jailkeeper connected his statement with his release from
jail. There are innumerable conditioned souls rotting in the material world, im
prisoned by maya under the spell of sense gratification. The living entity is so en
tranced by the spell of maya that in conditioned life even a pig feels satisfied.
There are two kinds of covering powers exhibited by maya. One is called prak
$epatmika, and the other is called avaraf)atmika. When one is determined to get
out of material bondage, the prak�epatmika-sakti, the spell of diversion, impels
one to remain in conditioned life fully satisfied by sense gratification. Due to the
other power (avaraQatmika), a conditioned soul feels satisfied even if he is rotting
in the body of a pig or a worm in stool. To release a conditioned soul from ma
terial bondage is very difficult because the spell of maya is so strong. Even when
the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself descends to deliver conditioned
souls, asking them to surrender unto Him, the conditioned souls do not agree to
the Lord's proposals. Therefore Sri Sanatana Gosvi!.mi said, "Somehow or other, if
one helps another gain release from the bondage of maya, he is certainly recog
nized immediately by the Supreme Personality of Godhead." As stated in
Bhagavad-gita (18.69):
na ca tasman manu?ye�u
ka5cin me priya-krttama/:1
bhavita na ca me tasmad
anya/:1 priyataro bhuvi
The greatest service one can render to the Lord is to try to infuse devotional ser
vice into the heart of the conditioned soul so that the conditioned soul may be
released from conditional life. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said that a Vai��ava
6 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
parve-formerly; ami-1; tamara-your; kari yachi -h ave done; upakara
welfare; tumi-you; ama-me; chagi'-releasing; kara-do; prati-upakara
return welfare.
Sanatana Gosvami continued, "Previously I have done much for you. Now I
am in difficulty. Please return my goodwill by releasing me.
�:Jl������ ��I
"ctJ, ��-� 'lte �t<l �� II" lr II
parka sahasra mudra tumi kara ar'lgikara
puQya, artha, -dui /abha ha-ibe tamara"
"Here are five thousand gold coins. Please accept them. By releasing me,
you will receive the results of pious activities and gain material profit as well.
Thus you will profit in two ways simultaneously."
Text 11] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 7
sanatana kahe-Sanatana replied; tumi-you; na-not; kara-do; raja
bhaya-fear of the government; dak�iQa-to the south; giyache-has gone;
yadi-if; /eu!i' -returning; aoyaya-comes; tanhare-to him; kahio-you say;
sei-he; bahya-krtye-to evacuate; ge/a-went; gangara nika!a-near the bank
of the Ganges; ganga dekhi'-seeing the Ganges; jhanpa di/a-jumped.
Sanatana replied, "There is no danger. The Nawab has gone to the south. If
he returns, tell him that Sanatana went to pass stool near the bank of the
Ganges and that as soon as he saw the Ganges, he jumped in.
8 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 1 2
"Tell him, 'I looked for him a long time, but I could not find any trace of
him. He jumped in with his shackles, and therefore he was drowned and
washed away by the waves.'
kichu-any; bhaya-fear; nahi-there is not; ami-1; e-dese-in this country;
na raba-shall not remain; daravesa halia-becoming a mendicant; ami-1; mak
kake yaiba -shall go to Mecca.
"There is no reason for you to be afraid, for I shall not remain in this coun
try. I shall become a mendicant and go to the holy city of Mecca.''
Sanatana Gosvami could see that the mind of the meat-eater was still not
satisfied. He then stacked $even thousand gold coins before him.
lobha ha-i la-there was attraction for the money; yavanera-of the meat
eater; mudra dekhi ya-seeing the golden coins; ratre-at night; ganga-para
kaila-he got him across the Ganges; dac;Juka-shackles; kati ya-breaking.
When the meat-eater saw the coins, he was attracted to them. He then
agreed, and that night he cut Sanatana's shackles and let him cross the
In this way, Sanatana Gosvami was released. However, he was not able to
walk along the path of the fortress. Walking day and night, he finally arrived at
the hilly tract of land known as Patac;fa.
sei bhanara-the landlord; sange-with; haya-there is; hata-gaQita-an ex
pert in palmistry; bhanara-of the landlord; kaQe-in the ear; kahe-says; sei
that man; jani'-knowing; ei katha-this statement.
A man who was expert in palmistry was at that time staying with the land
lord. Knowing about Sanatana, he whispered the following in the landlord's
Text 21] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 11
The palmist said, "This man Sanatana possesses eight gold coins." Hearing
this, the landlord was very pleased and spoke the following to Sanatana
ratrye-at night; parvata-the hilly tract; para kariba-1 shall cross; nija-loka
diya-with my own men; bhojana karaha-just take your meal; tumi-you;
randhana kariya-cooking.
The landlord said, "I shall get you across that hilly tract at night with my
own men. Now just take your lunch and cook for yourself."
eta bali'-saying this; anna di/a -supp lied food grains; kariya sammana
showing great respect; sanatana -Sanatana Gosvami; asi'-coming; tabe -then;
kai/a -did; nadi-snana-bathing in the river.
Saying this, the landlord offered Sanatana grains to cook. Sanatana then
went to the riverside and took his bath.
l� @9f<t� C<li'"J1���-,�1�il I
11"�1Ti\· ��t�il f<t�t�'i11ltil II �� II
Because Sanatana had been fasting for two days, he cooked the food and ate
it. However, having formerly been a minister of the Nawab, he began to con
template the situation.
Sanatana asked his servant, "lsana, I think you have some valuable things
with you." Isana replied, "Yes, I have seven gold coins."
suni'-hearing; sanatana-Sanatana Gosvami; tare-him; karila bhartsana
chastised; satige-with you; kene-why; aniyacha-have you brought; ei-this;
ka/a-yama-death knell.
Hearing this, Sanatana Gosvami chastised his servant, saying, "Why have
you brought this death knell with you?"
14 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
tabe-thereafter; sei sata mohara-these seven golden coins; hastete kariya
taking in the hands; bhufiara kache-to the landlord; yafia-going; kahe-says;
mohara dhariya-holding the golden coins.
Thereupon, Sanatana Gosvami took the seven gold coins in his hando; and
went to the landlord. Holding the gold coins before him, he spoke as follows.
ei sata-these seven; suvarf)a mohara-golden coins; achila-were; amara
mine; iha /ana-accepting them; dharma dekhi'-observing religious principles;
parvata-the hilly tract of land; kara para-kindly get me across.
"I have these seven gold coins with me. Please accept them, and from a
religious point of view please get me across that hilly tract of land.
"I am a prisoner of the government, and I cannot go along the way of the
ramparts. It will be very pious of you to take this money and kindly get me
across this hilly tract of land."
Smiling, the landlord said, "Before you offered them, I already knew that
there were eight gold coins in your servant's possession.
toma mari' - killing you; mohara-golden coins; fa-itama-1 would have taken;
ajikara ratrye-on this night; bhafa haifa-it was very good; kahifa tumi-you
have spoken; chutifana-1 am relieved; papa haite-fro m such a sin.
16 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"On this very night I would have killed you and taken your coins. It is very
good that you have voluntarily offered them to me. I am now relieved from
such a sinful activity.
"I am very satisfied with your behavior. I shall not accept these gold coins,
but I shall get you across that hilly tract of land simply to perform a pious ac
Sanatana Gosvami replied, "If you do not accept these coins, someone else
will kill me for them. It is better that you save me from the danger by ac
cepting the coins."
Text 35] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 17
After this settlement was made, the landlord gave Sanatana Gosvami four
watchmen to accompany him. They went through the forest path for the
whole night and thus brought him over the hilly tract of land.
After crossing the hills, Sanatana Gosvami told his servant, "isana, I think
you still have some balance left from the gold coins."
isana replied, "I still have one gold coin in my possession." Sanatana
Gosvami then said, "Take the coin and return to your home."
After departing from isana, Sanatana Gosvami began traveling alone with a
waterpot in his hand. Simply covered with a torn quilt, he thus lost all his
ca/i' ca/i'-walking and walking; gosafii-Sanatana CosvamT; tabe-then;
ai/a-arrived; hajipure-at Hajipura; sandhya-kafe-in the evening; vasifa-sat
down; eka-one; udyana-bhitare-within a garden.
Text 39] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 19
Walking and walking, Sanatana Gosvami finally arrived at a place called Ha
jipura. That evening he sat down within a garden.
tina /ak�a-300,000; mudra-golden coins; raja-the king or nawab;
diyache-has given; tara sthane-in his custody; gho(ia-of horses; mulya /ana
taking the price; pathaya-sends; patsara sthane -to the care of the emperor.
Srikanta had 300,000 gold coins with him, which had been given to him by
the emperor for the purchase of horses. Thus Srikanta was buying horses and
dispatching them to the emperor.
20 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
When they met, they had many conversations. Sanatana Gosvami told him
in detail about his arrest and release.
tenho kahe-he said; dina-dui-at least for two days; raha -stay; ei-sthane
in this place; bhadra hao-become like a gentleman in appearance; chac;/a'-give
up; ei-this; malina-dirty; vasane -dres s.
Srikanta then told Sanatana Gosvami, "Stay here for at least two days and
dress up like a gentleman. Abandon these dirty garments."
Sanatana Gosvami replied, "I shall not stay here even for a moment. Please
help me cross the Ganges. I shall leave immediately."
yatna kari'-with great care; tenho-he (SrTkanta); eka-one; bhota-kam
bala-woolen blanket; di/a-gave; ganga para kari' dila-got him across the River
Ganges; gosafii ca/i/a-Sanatana GosvamT departed.
22 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
With great care, Srikanta gave him a woolen blanket and helped him cross
the Ganges. Thus Sanatana Gosvami departed again.
After a few days, Sanatana Gosvami arrived at Varar;�asi. He was very pleased
to hear about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's arrival there.
candrasekharera ghare-to the house of Candrasekhara; asi '- going; dvarete
at the door; vasi/a-sat down; mahaprabhu-Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; jani'
knowing; candrasekhare-to Candrasekhara; kahila-said.
Sanatana Gosvami then went to the house of Candrasekhara and sat down
by the door. Understanding what was happening, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
spoke to Candra5ekhara.
Text 49] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 23
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "There is a devotee at your door. Please call
him in." Going outside, Candarsekhara could not see a Vai�r:-ava at his door.
When Candrasekhara informed the Lord that no Vai�r:-ava was at his door,
the Lord asked him, "Is there anyone at your door at alB"
"0 Muslim mendicant, please come in. The lord is calling you." Sanatana
Gosvami was very pleased to hear this order, and he entered Candrasekhara's
tanhare-him; angane-in the courtyard; dekhi'-seeing; prabhu-Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu; dhana aila-came to see him with great haste; tanre
him; afingana kari'-embracing; prema-avi�ta haifa -became overwhelmed with
ecstatic love.
Text 53] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 25
IWf � int
�ti! 'ffif' "1�1 ''if"fl I
mtt � ��il-�ttxt �t�"'111 <ts u
Catching his hand, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took Sanatana Gosvami inside
and made him sit in an elevated place next to Him.
sri-haste-by the spiritual hand; karena-does; tanra anga-of his body; sam
marjana-cleansing; tenho kahe-he said; more-me; prabhu-my Lord; na kara
sparsana-do not touch.
prabhu kahe - Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied; toma sparsi-1 touch you;
atma pavitrite-to purify Myself; bhakti-bale-the strength of your devotional
service; para-are able; tumi - you; brahmaQc;/a-the whole universe; sodhite
to purify.
The Lord replied, "I am touching you just to purify Myself because by the
force of your devotional service you can purify the whole universe.
bhavad-vidha bhagavatas
tirtha-bhata/:1 svayarh prabho
tirthi-kurvanti tirthani
svanta/:1-sthena gada-bhrta
bhavat-vidha/:1-like you; bhagavata/:1-adv anced devotees; tirtha-bhata/:1-
personified holy places of pilgrimage; svayam-personally; prabho-my lord;
tirthi-kurvanti-make into holy places; tirthani-all the holy places of pilgrimage;
sva-anta/:1-sthena-situated within their hearts; gada-bhrta-by Lord Vi�r:Ju, who
carries a club.
This verse was spoken by Maharaja Yudhi�thira to Vidura in Srimad-Bhagavatam
(1.13.1 0). Vidura was returning home after visiting sacred places of pilgrimage,
and Maharaja Yudhi�thira was receiving his saintly uncle. In essence, Maharaja
Yudhi�thira was saying, "My dear Lord Vidura, you yourself are a holy place be-
28 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
cause you are an advanced devotee. People like you always carry Lord Vi�r;JU in
their hearts. You can revitalize all holy places after they have been polluted by the
pilgrimages of sinners."
A sinful person goes to a holy place of pilgrimage to be purified. In a holy place,
there are many saintly people and temples of Lord Vi�r;Ju; however, the holy place
becomes infected with the sins of many visitors. When an advanced devotee
goes to a holy place, he counteracts all the sins of the pilgrims. Therefore Maha
raja Y udi��hira addressed Vidura in this way.
Since an advanced devotee carries Lord Vi�r;JU within his heart, he is a moving
temple and a moving Vi�r;Ju. An advanced devotee does not need to go to holy
places, for wherever he stays is a holy place. In this connection, Narottama dasa
Thakura states, tirtha-yatra parisrama, kevala manera bhrama: visiting holy places
is simply another type of bewilderment. Since an advanced devotee does not
need to go to a holy place, why does he go? The answer is that he goes simply to
purify the place.
na me 'bhaktas catur-vedi
mad-bhaktab sva-pacab priyab
tasmai deyarh tato grahyarh
sa ca pujyo yatha hy aham
na-not; me-My; abhaktab-devoid of pure devotional service; catub
vedi-a scholar in the four Vedas; mat-bhaktab-My devotee; sva-pacab-even
from a family of dog-eaters; priyab - very dear; tasmai-to him (a pure devotee,
even though born in a very low family); de yam-should be given; tatab-from
him; grahyam -should be accepted (remnants of food); sab -that person; ca
also; pujyab-worshipable; yatha-as much as; hi-certainly; aham-1.
" 'Even though a person is a very learned scholar of the Sanskrit Vedic
literatures, he is not accepted as My devotee unless he is pure in devotional
service. However, even though a person is born in a family of dog-eaters, he is
very dear to Me if he is a pure devotee who has no motive to enjoy fruitive ac
tivity or mental speculation. Indeed, all respects should be given to him, and
whatever he offers should be accepted. Such devotees are as worshipable as I
Text 59] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 29
" 'One may be born in a brahma�a family and have all twelve brahminical
qualities, but if he is not devoted to the lotus feet of lord Kr��a, who has a
navel shaped like a lotus, he is not as good as a ca�c;lala who has dedicated his
mind, words, activities, wealth and life to the service of the lord. Simply to
take birth in a brahma�a family or to have brahminical qualities is not suffi
cient. One must become a pure devotee of the lord. If a sva-paca or ca�c;lala is
a devotee, he delivers not only himself but his whole family, whereas a
brahma�a who is not a devotee but simply has brahminical qualifications can
not even purify himself, not to speak of his family.'"
"A brahmal)a must be perfectly religious. He must be truthful, and he must be able
to control his senses. He must execute severe austerities, and he must be
detached, humble and tolerant. He must not envy anyone, and he must be expert
in performing sacrifices and giving whatever he has in charity. He must be fixed in
devotional service and expert in the knowledge of the Vedas. These are the
twelve qualifications for a brahmal)a."
Bhagavad-gita describes the brahminical qualities in this way:
toma dekhi-by seeing you; toma sparsi-by touching you; gai tamara guQa
praising your transcendental qualities; sarva-indriya-phaJa-the fulfillment of the
activities of all the senses; ei-this; sastra-nirupaQa-the verdict of the revealed
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "By seeing you, by touching you and
by glorifying your transcendental qualities, one can perfect the purpose of all
sense activity. This is the verdict of the revealed scriptures.
f���-lf'<'�'� �t�"r-�li'l� �
��r.i�l �t·if<f�1 f� ca;tc<fi 11 �)
"'My dear Vai�t:�ava, seeing a person like you is the perfection of one's
eyesight. Touching your lotus feet is the perfection of the sense of touch.
Glorifying your good qualities is the tongue's real activity, for in the material
world it is very difficult to find a pure devotee of the Lord.' "
32 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
eta kahi-saying this; kahe-continued to speak; prabhu - Lord S rT Caitanya
Mahaprabhu; suna-please hear; sanatana-My dear Sanatana; kr?Qa-Lord
Kr�r:Ja; bac;/a-very much; daya-maya-merciful; patita-pavana - deliverer of the
fallen souls.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "My dear Sanatana, please hear from
Me. Kr�J:�a is very merciful, and He is the deliverer of all fallen souls.
maha-raurava haite-from the deepest hellish condition of life; toma-you;
karila uddhara-has delivered; krpara samudra-the ocean of mercy; kr?Qa
Kr�r:Ja; gambhira-very grave; apara-unlimitedly .
"My dear Sanatana, Kr�J:�a has saved you from Maharaurava, life's deepest
hell. He is an ocean of mercy, and His activities are very grave."
mined to serve the Lord, the Lord is always prepared to help him (dadami buddhi
yogarh tarh yena mam upayanti te). Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is telling Sanatana
Gosvami how merciful the Lord is. Sanatana Gosvami was a minister in the service
of Nawab Hussain Shah. He was always mixing with people materially inclined,
particularly with Mohammedans, meat-eaters. Although he was in intimate touch
with them, by Kr��a's mercy he came to find such association distasteful.
Therefore he left them. As stated by Srinivasa Acarya: tyaktva tan;am ase�a-maf)
qala-pati-sref)irh sada tucchavat. Kr��a enlightened Sanatana Gosvami in such a
way that he was able to give up his exalted post as minister. Thinking his material
position insignificant, Sanatana was prepared to become a mendicant. Ap
preciating the activities of Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu praised
his action and thanked Kr��a for His mercy upon him.
Sanatana replied, "I do not know who Kr�Qa is. As far as I am concerned, I
have been released from prison only by Your mercy."
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then asked Sanatana Gosvami, "How were you
released from prison?" Sanatana then described the story from beginning to
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "I met your two brothers, Rupa and
Anupama, at Prayaga. They have now gone to Vrndavana."
By the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sanatana Gosvami met both
Tapana Misra and Candra5ekhara.
Text 70] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 35
After this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu called Candrasekhara and asked him to
take Sanatana Gosvami with him. He also asked him to take away Sanatana's
present dress.
The words bhadra karana are significant in this verse. Due to his long hair,
moustache and beard, Sanatana GosvamT looked like a daravesa, or hippie. Since
SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not like Sanatana GosvamT's hippie features, he im
mediately asked Candrasekhara to get him shaved clean. If anyone with long hair
or a beard wants to join this Kr�r:Ja consciousness movement and live with us, he
must similarly shave himself clean. The followers of SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu con
sider long hair objectionable. Sanatana GosvamT was saved from a hellish condi
tion (Maharaurava) by the grace of SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Maharaurava is a
hell wherein animal killers are placed. In this regard, refer to Srimad-Bhagavatam
(5.26.1 0-12).
Candrasekhara offered a new set of garments to Sanatana Gosvami, but
Sanatana did not accept them. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard news of
this, he became unlimitedly happy.
Text 74] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 37
After washing His feet, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sat down for lunch. He
asked Tapana Misra to supply Sanatana Gosvami lunch also.
Tapana Misra then said, "Sanatana has some duty to perform; therefore he
cannot accept lunch now. At the conclusion of the meal, I shall supply
Sanatana with some remnants."
After eating, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took rest for a while. Tapana Misra
then gave Sanatana Gosvami the remnants of food left by Caitanya
misra-Tapana Misra; sanatane-unto Sanatana; dita-delivered; nutana
vasana-new cloth; vastra-the cloth; nahi nita-he did not accept; teliho-he;
kaita-made; nivedana-submission.
Text 79] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 39
When Tapana Misra offered Sanatana Gosvami a new cloth, he did not ac
cept it. Instead, he spoke as follows.
"If you want to give me some cloth according to your desire, please give me
an old cloth you have used."
When Tapana Misra gave Sanatana Gosvami a used dhoti, Sanatana im
mediately tore it in pieces to make two sets of outer cloth and underwear.
maha-ra�triya-from Mahara�tra; dvije-the brahmaf)a; prabhu-SrT Caitanya
Mahaprabhu; mi/ai/a-introduced; sanatane-unto Sanatana GosvamT; sei
that; vipra�brahmaf)a; tanre-unto him; kai/a-did; maha-full; nimantraf)e
When Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the Mahara�friya brahmar:-a to
Sanatana, the brahmar:-a immediately invited Sanatana Gosvami for full meals.
sanatana-0 Sanatana; tu mi-you ; yavat-as long as; kasite-in Benares;
rahiba-will remain; tavat-so long; amara-my; ghare-at the home; bhik�a
lunch; ye-that; kariba - please accept.
The brahmar:-a said, "My dear Sanatana, as long as you remain at Kasi,
please accept lunch at my place."
sanatana kahe-Sanatana replied; ami-1; madhukari kariba-shall practice ac
ceptance of food by madhukari means; brahmaf)era ghare-in the house of a
brahmaf)a; kene-why; ekatra-in one place; bhik�a Jaba-l should accept lunch.
Text 82] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 41
Sanatana replied, "I shall practice the process of madhukari. Why should I
accept full meals in the house of a brahma�a?"
The word madhukari comes from the word madhukara, which refers to bees
collecting honey from flower to flower. A madhukari is a saintly person or a men
dicant who does not accept a full meal at one house but begs from door to door,
taking a little food from each householder's place. In this way he does not overeat
or give householders unnecessary trouble. A person in the renounced order may
beg but not cook. His begging should not be a burden for the householders. The
madhukari process is strictly to be followed by a babaji, that is, one who has at
tained the paramaharilsa stage. This practice is still current in Vrndavana, and
there are many places where alms are offered. Unfortunately, there are many beg
gars who have come to Vrndavana to accept alms but not follow the principles of
Sanatana GosvamT. People try to imitate him and lead an idle life by practicing
madhukari. It is almost impossible to strictly follow Sanatana GosvamT or ROpa
GosvamT. It is better to accept food offered to Kr�r:Ja in the temple than to try to
imitate Sanatana GosvamT and ROpa GosvamT.
yukta-ce?tasya karmasu
yogo bhavati dui)kha-ha
"He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can
mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system." (Bg. 6.17)
The ideal sannyasi strictly follows the ways practiced by the GosvamTs.
sanatanera-of Sanatana GosvamT; vairagye-by the renunciation; prabhura
of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; ananda-happiness; apara-unlimited; bhota-kam
bala-the woolen blanket; pane-towards; prabhu-SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu;
cahe - looks; bare bara-repeatedly. .
42 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt unlimited happiness to observe Sanatana
Gosvami's strict following of the principles of sannyasa. However, He
repeatedly glanced at the woolen blanket Sanatana Gosvami was wearing.
eta cinti'-th inking this; ge/a-went; garigaya-to the bank of the Ganges;
madhyahna-bathing at noon; karite-to do; eka-one; gauc;/iya-Bengali
Vai�l)ava; kantha-quilt; dhuiia-washing; diyache-spread out; sukaite-to
Thinking in this way, Sanatana went to the bank of the Ganges to bathe.
While there, he saw that a mendicant from Bengal had washed his quilt and
had spread it out to dry.
Text 87] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 43
Sanatana Gosvami then told the Bengali mendicant, "My dear brother,
please do me a favor. Trade me your quilt for this woolen blanket."
The mendicant replied, "Sir, you are a respectable gentleman. Why are you
joking with me? Why would you trade your valuable blanket for my torn
teriho kahe-he said; rahasya nahe-there is no joking; kahi satya-vaQi-1 am
speaking the truth; bhota /aha-take this blanket; tumi-you; deha'-give;
more-to me; karitha-khani-the quilt.
Sanatana said, "I am not joking; I am speaking the truth. Kindly take this
blanket in exchange for your torn quilt."
eta ba/i'-saying this; karitha /a-ita-he took the quilt; bhota-the blanket;
tarire-unto him; diya-g i ving; gosanira tharii-to Caitanya Mahaprabhu; ai/a
returned; kciritha-qu i lt; gale-onto the shoulder; diya-keeping .
Saying this, Sanatana Gosvami exchanged the blanket for the quilt. He then
returned to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with the quilt on his shoulder.
prabhu kahe-SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu said; t amara-your; bhota-kamba/a
woolen blanket; kotha ge/a-where did it go; prabhu-pade - unto the lotus feet
of Lord Caitanya; saba-all; katha-narration; gosalii-Sanatana GosvamT;
Text 92] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 45
When Sanatana Gosvami returned, the lord asked, "Where is your woolen
blanket?" Sanatana Gosvami then narrated the whole story to the lord.
TEXTS 90-91
prabhu kahe-Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said; iha-this; ami-1; kariyachi
vicara-considered deliberately; vi?aya-raga-the disease of material attraction;
khaQc,:laila-has now nullified; kr?Qa-Lord Kr�Qa; ye-since; tamara-your; se
Lord Kr�Qa; kene-why; rakhibe-should allow you to keep; tamara-your;
se?a-last; vi?aya-bhaga-attraction for material things; raga khaQc;fi'-van
quishing the disease; sat-vaidya-a good physician; na rakhe-does not keep;
se?a-the last part; raga-disease.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "I have already deliberately considered
this matter. Since lord Kr�Qa is very merciful, He has nullified your attach
ment for material things. Why should Kr�Qa allow you to maintain a last bit of
material attachment? After vanquishing a disease, a good physician does not
allow any of the disease to remain.
tina mudrara bhota-a woolen blanket costing three gold coins; gaya-on the
body; madhukari grasa-and practicing the madhukari system; dharma-hani
haya-that is a religious discrepancy; taka kare upahasa-people will joke.
gosafli kahe-S anatana GosvamT said; ye khaQc;iila-the person who has van
quished; ku-vi?aya-bhoga-enjoyment of sinful material life; tailra icchaya-by
His desire; ge/a-has gone; mora-my; 5e?a-last bit; vi?aya-roga-material dis
TEXTS 95-96
?��11i?fllt��'S(���11�ti!l�1{ I
�,, �ilt�iltt�-t: ?�t�t�fWt�-t �: II �'\ II
48 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
tattvarh sanatanayesa/:1
krpayopadidesa sa/:1
Putting a straw in his mouth and bowing down, Sanatana Gosvami clasped
the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and humbly spoke as follows.
Sanatana Gosvami said, "I was born in a low family, and my associates are
all low-class men. I myself am fallen and am the lowest of men. Indeed, I have
passed my whole life falien in the well of sinful materialism.
TEXT 100
"I do not know what is beneficial for me and what is detrimental. Nonethe
less, in ordinary dealings people consider me a learned scholar, and I am also
thinking of myself as such.
50 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 101
krpa kari'-by Your causeless mercy; yadi-if; more-unto me; kariyacha
You have done; uddhara-deliverance; apana-krpate-by Your own mercy;
kaha-please speak; kartavya amara-my duty.
"Out of Your causeless mercy, You have delivered me from the materialistic
path. Now, by the same causeless mercy, please tell me what my duty is.
TEXT 102
The threefold material miseries are miseries arising from the body and the mind,
miseries arising from dealings with other living entities, and miseries arising from
natural disturbances. Sometimes we suffer bodily when we are attacked by a
fever, and sometimes we suffer mentally when a close relative dies. Other living
entities also cause us misery. There are living entities born of the human embryo,
Text 104] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 51
TEXT 103
sadhya-of the goal of spiritual life; sadhana-of the process of obtaining that
goal; tattva-truth; puchite-to inquire; na jani-1 do not know; krpa kari'-by
Your causeless mercy; saba tattva-all such truths; kaha ta' apani-please per
sonally explain to me.
"Actually I do not know how to inquire about the goal of life and the pro
cess for obtaining it. Being merciful upon me, please explain all these truths."
TEXT 104
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Lord Kr�r:Ja has bestowed His full mercy
upon you so that all these things are known to you. For you, the threefold mis
eries certainly do not exist.
52 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 105
"Since you possess lord Kr�Qa's potency, you certainly know these things.
However, it is the nature of a sadhu to inquire. Althou gh he knows these
thing s, the sadhu inquires for the sake of strictness.
TEXT 106
" 'Those who are anxious to awaken their spiritual consciousness, who have
unflinching intelligence and who are not deviated, certainly attain the desired
Text 109] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 53
TEXT 107
"You are fit to propagate the cult of devotional service. Therefore gradually
hear all the truths about it from Me. I shall tell you about them.
TEXTS 108-109
TEXT 110
jyotsna vistariQi yatha
parasya brahmaf)aQ saktis
tathedam akhilarh jagat
TEXT 111
"Lord Kr�Qa naturally has three energetic transformations, and these are
known as the spiritual potency, the living entity potency and the illusory
TEXT 112
vi�f)u-sakti/:1-the potency of Lord Vi�r;u; para-spiritual; prokta-it is said;
k�etra-jfia-akhya-the potency known as k�etrajfia; tatha-as well as; para
spiritual; avidya-ignorance; karma-fruitive activities; sarhjfia-known as;
anya-other; truya-third; sakti/:1-potency; i�yate-known thus.
1 'Originally, Kr�r:�a's energy is spiritual, and the energy known as the living
entity is also spiritual. However, there is another energy, called illusion, which
consists of fruitive activity. That is the lord's third potency.'
For a further explanation of this verse, refer to the Adi-li/a, Chapter Seven, verse
TEXT 113
"!��: 'l�t<li0!1�f"S�J�1'!"C�I1H1: I
saktaya/:1 sarva-bhavanam
yato 'to brahmaf)as tas tu
sargadya bhava-saktaya/:1
bhavanti tapatarh sre�tha
pavakasya yatho�f)ata
saktaya/:1-energies; sarva-bhavanam-of all types of creation; acintya-incon
ceivable; jfiana-gocara/:1-by the range of man's knowledge; yata/:1-from whom;
ata/:1-therefore; brahmaf)a/:1-from the Absolute Truth; ta/:1-those; tu-but;
sarga-adya/:1-bringing about creation, maintenance and annihilation; bhava-sak
taya/:1-the creative energies; bhavanti - are; tapatam-of all the ascetics;
sre�tha-0 chief; pavakasya-of fire; yatha-as; U�f)ata-heat.
'All the creative energies, which are inconceivable to a common man, ex
ist in the Supreme Absolute Truth. These inconceivable energies act in the
process of creation, maintenance and annihilation. 0 chief of the ascetics, just
Text 115) The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 57
as there are two energies possessed by fire-namely heat and light-these in
conceivable creative energies are the natural characteristics of the Absolute
TEXT 114
"!�'ltit�19f1"Tf��101�Wm�J� '1'�\!f'l.. II � � B II
yaya k?etra-jfia-saktih sa
ve?tita nrpa sarva-ga
samsara-tapan akhilan
avapnoty atra santatan
yaya-by which; k?etra-jfia-saktih-the living entities, known as the k?etra-jfia
potency; sa-that potency; ve?tita-covered; nrpa-0 King; sarva-ga-capable
of going anywhere in the spiritual or material worlds; samsara-tapan - mise ries
due to the cycle of repeated birth and death; akhilan-all kinds of; avapnoti-ob
tains; atra-in this material world; santa tan - arising from suffering or enjoying
various kinds of reactions to fruitive activities.
"'0 King, the k�etra-j na-sakti is the living entity. Although he has the
facility to live in either the material or spiritual world, he suffers the threefold
miseries of material existence because he is influenced by the avidya
[nescience) potency, which covers his constitutional position.
This and the following verse are also quoted from the Vi?TJU Puraf)a (6.7.62-63).
TEXT 115
taya tirohitatvac ca
saktih k?etra-jfia-samjfiita
58 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
sarva-bhate$u bhu-pala
taratamyena vartate
'This living entity, covered by the influence of nescience, exists in dif
ferent forms in the material condition. 0 King, he is thus proportionately
freed from the influence of material energy, to greater or lesser degrees.'
TEXT 116
'Besides this inferior nature, 0 mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior
energy of Mine, which consists of all living entities who are struggling with
material nature and are sustaining the universe.'
This is a verse from Bhagavad-gita (7.5). It is also quoted in the Adi-lila (Chapter
Seven, verse 118).
Text 118] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 59
TEXT 117
"Forgetting Kr�r:ta, the living entity has been attracted by the external
feature from time immemorial. Therefore the illusory ·energy [maya] gives him
all kinds of misery in his material existence.
When the living entity forgets his constitutional position as an eternal servant
of Kr�r:ta, he is immediately entrapped by the illusory, external energy. The living
entity is originally part and parcel of Kr�r:ta and is therefore the superior energy of
Kr�r:ta. He is endowed with inconceivable minute energy that works inconceivably
within the body. However, the living entity, forgetting his position, is situated in
material energy. The living entity is called the marginal energy because by nature
he is spiritual but by forgetfulness he is situated in the material energy. Thus he
has the power to live either in the material energy or in the spiritual energy, and
for this reason he is called marginal energy. He is sometimes attracted by the ex
ternal illusory energy when he stays in the marginal position, and this is the
beginning of his material life. When he enters the material energy, he is subjected
to the threefold time measurement-past, present and future. Past, present and
future belong only to the material world; they do not exist in the spiritual world.
The living entity is eternal, and he existed before the creation of this material
world. Unfortunately he has forgotten his relationship with Kr�r:ta. The living en
tity's forgetfulness is described herein as anadi, which indicates that it has existed
since time immemorial. One should understand that due to his desire to enjoy
himself in competition with Kr�r:ta, the living entity comes into material existence.
TEXT 118
"In the material condition, the living entity is sometimes raised to higher
planetary systems and material prosperity and sometimes drowned in a hellish
situation. His state is exactly like that of a criminal whom a king punishes by
submerging him in water and then raising him again from the water.
In the Vedas it is stated, asatigo 'yam puru?ah: the living entity is always free
from the contamination of the material world. One who is not materially infected
and who does not forget Kr�r:Ja as his master is called nitya-mukta. In other words,
one who is eternally liberated from material contamination is called nitya-mukta.
From time immemorial the nitya-mukta living entity has always been a devotee of
Kr�t:Ja, and his only attempt has been to serve Kr�t:Ja. Thus he never forgets his
eternal servitorship to Kr�t:Ja. Any living entity who forgets his eternal relationship
with Kr�t:Ja is under the sway of the material condition. Bereft of the Lord's tran
scendental loving service, he is subjected to the reactions of fruitive activity.
When he is elevated to the higher planetary systems due to worldly pious ac
tivities, he considers himself well situated, but when he is subjected to punish
ment, he thinks himself improperly situated. Thus material nature awards and
punishes the living entity. When the living entity is materially opulent, material
nature is rewarding him. When he is materially embarrassed, material nature is
punishing him.
TEXT 119
" 'When the living entity is attracted by the material energy, which is separ
ate from Kr�r;�a, he is overpowered by fear. Because he is separated from the
Supreme Personality of Godhead by the material energy, his conception of life
is reversed. In other words, instead of being the eternal servant of Kr�r;�a, he
becomes Kr�r;�a's competitor. This is called viparyayo 'smrti�. To nullify this
mistake, one who is actually learned and advanced worships the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead as his spiritual master, worshipful Deity and source of
life. He thus worships the Lord by the process of unalloyed devotional ser
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.2.37). It is an instruction given
by Kavi ��i, one of the nine saintly personalities called the nine Yogendras. When
Vasudeva, Kr�r:Ja's father, asked Devar�i Narada in Dvaraka about devotional ser
vice, it was mentioned that previously King Nimi, who was the King of Videha,
was instructed by the nine Yogendras. When SrT Narada Muni discoursed on
bhagavata-dharma, devotional service, he indicated how a conditioned soul can
be liberated by engaging in the loving transcendental service of the Lord. The Lord
is the Supersoul, spiritual master and worshipable Deity of all conditioned souls.
Not only is Kr�r:Ja the supreme worshipful Deity for all living entities, but He is also
the guru, or caitya-guru, the Supersoul who always gives the living entity good
counsel. Unfortunately the living entity neglects the Supreme Person's instruc
tions. He thus identifies with material energy and is consequently overpowered
by a kind of fear resulting from accepting himself as the material body and con
sidering paraphernalia related to the material body to be his property. All types of
fruitive results actually come from the spirit soul, but because he has forgotten his
real duty, he is embarrassed by many material consequences such as fear and at-
62 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
tachment. The only remedy is to revert to the service of the Lord and thus be
saved from material nature's unwanted harassment.
TEXT 120
sadhu-of saintly persons; sastra-of scriptures; krpaya-by the mercy; yadi
if; kr�Qa-unmukha haya - one becomes Kr�r:ta conscious; sei-that; jiva -living
entity; nistare-becomes liberated; maya -the illusory energy; tahare-him;
chac;Jaya-gives up.
"If the conditioned soul becomes Kr�r;�a conscious by the mercy of saintly
persons who voluntarily preach scriptural injunctions and help him to become
Kr�r;�a conscious, the conditioned soul is liberated from the clutches of maya,
who gives him up.
A conditioned soul is one who has forgotten Kr�r:ta as his eternal master.
Thinking that he is enjoying the material world, the conditioned soul suffers the
threefold miseries of material existence. Saintly persons (sadhus), Vai�r:tava devo
tees of the Lord, preach Kr�r:ta consciousness on the basis of Vedic literature. It is
only by their mercy that the conditioned soul is awakened to Kr�r:ta conscious
ness. When awakened, he is no longer eager to enjoy the materialistic way of life.
Instead, he devotes himself to the loving transcendental service of the Lord.
When one engages in the Lord's devotional service, he becomes detached from
material enjoyment.
This is the test by which one can tell whether he is advancing in devotional ser
vice. One must be detached from material enjoyment. Such detachment means
Text 122] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 63
that maya has actually given the conditioned soul liberation from illusory enjoy
ment. When one is advanced in Kr�r:Ja consciousness, he does not consider him
self as good as Kr�r:Ja. Whenever he thinks that he is the enjoyer of material advan
tages, he is imprisoned in the bodily conception. However, when he is freed from
the bodily conception, he can engage in devotional service, which is his actual
position of freedom from the clutches of maya. This is all explained in the
following verse from Bhagavad-gita (7.14).
TEXT 121
" 'This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material
nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can
easily cross beyond it.'
TEXT 122
"The conditioned soul cannot revive his Kr�r;�a consciousness by his own
effort. But out of causeless mercy, Lord Kr�r;�a compiled the Vedic literature
and its supplements, the Purar;�as.
"Due to this external energy, the living entity, although transcendental to the
three modes of material nature, thinks of himself as a material product and thus
undergoes the reactions of material miseries."
This is a description of maya's action upon the conditioned soul. Thinking him
self a product of the material energy, the conditioned soul engages in the service
of material energy in so many ways. He becomes the servant of lust, anger, greed
and envy. In this way one totally becomes a servant of the illusory energy. Later,
the bewildered soul becomes a servant of mental speculation, but in any case
he is simply covered by the illusory energy. Out of his causeless mercy and com
passion, Kr�r;Ja has compiled various Vedic literatures in His incarnation as
Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva is a saktyavesa-avatara of Lord Kr�r;Ja. He has very kindly
presented these literatures to awaken the conditioned soul to his senses. Unfor
tunately, at the present moment the conditioned souls are guided by demons
who do not care to read the Vedic literatures. Although there is an immense
treasure-house of knowledge, people are engaged in reading useless literature
that will give them no information on how to get out of the clutches of maya. The
purpose of the Vedic literatures is explained in the following verses.
Text 123] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 65
TEXT 123
Being forgetful of his real position, the conditioned soul may take help from
sastra, guru and the Supersoul within his heart. Kr�l)a is situated within everyone's
heart as the Supersoul. As stated in Bhagavad-gita:
isvarab sarva-bhDtanarh
hrd-de5e 'rjuna ti?thati
bhramayan sarva-bhutani
yantraru<;lhani mayaya
"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, 0 Arj una, and is directing the
wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the ma
terial energy." (Bg. 18.61)
As the saktyavesa-avatara V yasadeva, Kf�l)a teaches the conditioned soul
through Vedic literatures. Kr�l)a externally appears as the spiritual master and
trains the conditioned soul to come to Kr�l)a consciousness. When his original
Kr�l)a consciousness is revived, the conditioned soul is delivered from the material
clutches. Thus a conditioned soul is always helped by the Supreme Personality of
66 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
Godhead in three ways-by the scriptures, the spiritual master and the Supersoul
within the heart. The Lord is the deliverer of the conditioned soul and is accepted
as the Supreme Lord of all living entities. Kr�r:ta says in Bhagavad-gita (18.66):
sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekarh saraQarh vraja
aharh tvarh sarva-papebhyo
mok$ayi$yami ma sucal)
This same instruction is found throughout all Vedic literature. Sadhu, sastra and
guru act as the representatives of Kr�r:ta, and the Kr�r:ta consciousness movement
is also taking place all over the universe. Whoever takes advantage of this oppor
tunity becomes liberated.
TEXT 124
veda-sastra kahe-the Vedic literature instructs; sambandha-the conditioned
soul's relationship with the Lord; abhidheya-the regulated activities of the con
ditioned soul for reviving that relationship; prayojana-and the ultimate goal of
life to be attained by the conditioned soul; kr?Qa - Lord Kr�r:ta; prapya-to be
awakened; sambandha-the original relationship; bhakti-devotional service;
praptyera sadhana-the means of attaining Kr�r:ta.
"The Vedic literatures give information about the living entity's eternal
relationship with Kmta, which is called sambandha. The living entity's under
standing of this relationship and acting accordingly is called abhidheya.
Returning home, back to Godhead, is the ultimate goal of life and is called
TEXT 125
The conditioned soul is bewildered by the external material energy, which fully
engages him in a variety of sense gratification. Due to engagement in material ac
tivities, one's original Kr�t:�a consciousness is covered. However, as the supreme
father of all living entities, Kr�t:�a wants His sons to return home, back to Godhead;
therefore He personally comes to deliver Vedic literatures like Bhagavad-gita. He
engages His confidential servants who serve as spiritual masters and enlighten the
conditioned living entities. Being present in everyone's heart, the Lord gives the
living entities the conscience whereby they can accept the Vedas and the spiritual
master. In this way the living entity can understand his constitutional position and
his relationship with the Supreme Lord. As personally enunciated by the Lord Him
self in Bhagavad-gita (15.15), vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyaf): through the
study of Vedanta, one may become fully aware of his relationship with the
Supreme Lord and act accordingly. In this way one may ultimately attain the plat
form of loving service to the Lord. It is in the living entity's best interest to under
stand the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately, the living entities have forgotten;
therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam says: na te viduf) svartha-gatirh hi vi?QUm
(Bhag. 7.5.31).
Everyone wants to achieve life's ultimate goal, but due to being absorbed in the
material energy, we waste our time with sense gratification. Through the study of
Vedic literatures-of which the essence is Bhagavad-gita-one comes to Kr�t:�a
consciousness. Thus one engages in devotional service, called abhidheya. When
actually developed, love of Godhead is called prayojana, the living entity's ulti
mate goal. When one becomes fully Kr�t:Ja conscious, he has attained the perfec
tion of life.
68 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 126
�·�nrt��-�"f-�f�1f �Hr'l 1
�-� �t11", �Rf �1f�·�t�ffl� II��� II
kr?Qa-madhurya-sevananda-praptira karaf)a
kr?Qa-seva kare, ara kr?Qa-rasa-asvadana
kr?Qa-madhurya-of an intimate relationship with Kr�l)a; seva-ananda-of
pleasure from rendering service unto Him; praptira-of achievement; karaf)a
because; kr?Qa-seva kare-one renders service to Kr�l)a; ara-and; kr?Qa-rasa-of
the mellows of such service; asvadana-tasting .
TEXT 127
TEXT 128
"The astrologer asked, 'Why are you unhappy? Your father was very weal
thy, but he did not disclose his wealth to you because he died elsewhere?'
TEXT 129
"Just as the words of the astrologer Sarvajiia gave news of the poor man's
treasure, Vedic literatures advise one about Kr�r:�a consciousness when one is
inquisitive to know why he is in a distressed material condition.
TEXT 130
"By the words of the astrologer, the poor man's connection with the
treasure was established. Similarly, Vedic literature advises us that our real
connection is with Sri Kr�r:�a, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
vedaharh samatitani
vartamanani carjuna
bhavi?yJ.Qi ca bhatani
marh tu veda na kascana
"0 Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has
happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are
yet to come. I also know all living entities, but Me no one knows."
Thus Kr�r:ta knows the cause of the distressed condition of the conditioned
soul. He therefore descends from His original position to instruct the conditioned
soul and inform him about his forgetfulness of his relationship with Kr�r:Ja. Kr�r:ta
exhibits Himself in His relationships in Vrndavana and at the Battle of Kuruk�etra
so that people will be attracted to Him and will again return home, back to God
head. Kr�r:ta also says in Bhagavad-gita that He is the proprietor of all universes, the
Text 132] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 71
bapera dhana ache-the father has some treasure; jnane-by this knowledge;
dhana-tre asure; nahi paya-one does not get; tabe-then; sarvajfla-the
astrologer; kahe-says; tare-unto the poor man; praptira upaya-the means of
getting the treasure.
"Although being assured of his father's treasure, the poor man cannot ac
quire this treasure by such knowledge alone. Therefore the astrologer had to
inform him of the means whereby he could actually find the treasure.
TEXT 132
"The astrologer said, 'The treasure is in this place, but if you dig toward the
southern side, the wasps and drones will rise, and you will not get your
72 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 133
'If you dig on the western side, there is a ghost who will create such a dis
turbance that your hands will not even touch the treasure.
TEXT 134
uttare-on the northern side; khudile-if you dig; ache-there is; kr?IJa
black; ajagare-snake; dhana-treasure; nahi-not; pabe-you will get;
khudite-digging; gi/ibe-will devour; sabare-everyone.
'If you dig on the northern side, there is a big black snake that will devour
you if you attempt to dig up the treasure.
TEXT 135
" 'However, if you dig up a small quantity of dirt on the eastern side, your
hands will immediately touch the pot of treasure.'
The Vedic literatures, including the Pural)as, state that according to the position
of the conditioned soul, there are different processes-karma-kal)qa, jfiana-kal)
qa, the yogic process and the bhakti-yoga process. Karma-kal)qa is compared to
wasps and drones that will simply bite if one takes shelter of them. )fiana-kal)qa,
the speculative process, is simply like a ghost who creates mental disturbances.
Yoga, the mystic process, is compared to a black snake that devours people by the
impersonal cultivation of kaivalya. However, if one takes to bhakti-yoga, he be
comes quickly successful. In other words, through bhakti-yoga, one's hands touch
the hidden treasure without difficulty.
Therefore it is said in Bhagavad-gita: vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyal). One
has to take to devotional service. Although the Vedas enjoin one to search out
Kr�r;�a and take shelter at His lotus feet, other Vedic processes will not help. Ac
cording to Bhagavad-gita, only the bhakti process is said to be definitive. Bhaktya
mam abhijanati. This is the conclusive statement of the Vedas, and one has to ac
cept this process if one is serious in searching for Kr�r;�a, the Supreme Personality
of Godhead. In this connection, SrTia Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the
following statement. The eastern side represents devotional service to Lord Kr�r;�a.
The southern side represents the process of fruitive activity (karma-kal)qa), which
ends in material gain. The western side represents jfiana-kal)qa, the process of
mental speculation, sometimes called siddhi-kal)qa. The northern side represents
the speculative method sometimes known as the mystic yoga system. It is only
the eastern side, devotional service, that enables one to attain life's real goal. On
the southern side, there are fruitive activities by which one is subject to the
punishment of Yamaraja. When one follows the system of fruitive activity, his ma
terial desires remain prominent. Consequently the results of this process are com
pared to wasps and drones. The living entity is bitten by the wasps and drones of
fruitive activity and thus suffers in material existence birth after birth. One cannot
be free from material desires by following this process. The propensity for material
enjoyment never ends. Therefore the cycle of birth and death continues, and the
spirit soul suffers perpetually.
The mystic yoga process is compared to a black snake that devours the living
entity and injects him with poison. The ultimate goal of the yoga system is to be-
74 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
come one with the Absolute. This means finishing one's personal existence.
However, the spiritual part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead has
an eternal individual existence. Bhagavad-gita confirms that the individual soul ex
isted in the past, is existing in the present and will continue to exist as an in
dividual in the future. Artificially trying to become one with the Absolute is suici
dal. One cannot annihilate his natural condition.
A yakg a protector of riches, will not allow anyone to take away riches for en
joyment. Such a demon will simply create disturbances. In other words, a devotee
will not depend on his material resources but on the mercy of the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead, who can give real protection. This is called rak?i?yatiti
visvasai) or (in the Bengali poetry of Bhaktivinoda Thakura's SaraQagati), 'avasya
rak?ibe kr?Qa'-visvasa palana. The surrendered soul must accept the fact that
his real protector is Kr�r;�a, not his material acquisitions.
Considering all these points, devotional service to Kr�l)a is the real treasure
house for the living entity. When one comes to the platform of devotional ser
vice, he always remains opulent in the association of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. One who is bereft of devotional service is swallowed by the black
snake of the yoga system and bitten by the wasps and drones of fruitive activity,
and he suffers consequent material miseries. Sometimes the living entity is misled
into trying to merge into spiritual existence, thinking himself as good as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. This means that when he comes to the spiritual
platform, he will be disturbed and will again return to the material platform. Ac
cording to Srimad-Bhagavatam (1 0.2.32):
Such people may become sannyasis, but unless they take shelter of Kr�r;�a's lotus
feet, they will return to the material platform to perform philanthropic activities. In
this way, one's spiritual life is lost. This is to be understood as being devoured by
the black snake.
TEXT 136
TEXT 137
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.14.20). The explanation for this
verse is given in Adi-lila (17.76).
76 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 138
" 'Being very dear to the devotees and sadhus, I am attained through
unflinching faith and devotional service. This bhakti-yoga system, which
gradually increases attachment for Me, purifies even a human being born
among dog-eaters. That is to say, everyone can be elevated to the spiritual
platform by the process of bhakti-yoga.'
TEXT 139
��<.fl� 'oef�'-���tt�J� �� 1
'�R;t-rn' �fi'l' l!t� �-rtt� '$f11! ll ��� ll
ataeva 'bhakti'-kr?Qa-praptyera upaya
'abhidheya' bali' tare sarva-sastre gaya
As stated in Bhagavad-gita (18.55):
TEXT 140
dhana pa ile - when one gets riches; ya iche - just as; sukha-bhoga-enjoyment
of happiness; pha/a-result; paya-one gets; sukha bhoga - - real enjoyment of
happiness; haite-from; du/:rkha-all distresses; apani - themselves; pala ya - run
"When one actually becomes rich, he naturally enjoys all kinds of happi
ness. When one is actually in a happy mood, all distressful conditions go away
by themselves. No extraneous endeavor is needed.
78 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 141
taiche-similarly; bhakti-phale-by the result of devotional service; kr?Qe
unto Lord Kr��a; prema-love; upajaya-arises; preme-in devotional love;
kr?Qa-asvada-tasting the association of Lord Kr�r:Ja; hai/e-when there is;
bhava-the distress of the repetition of birth and death; nasa-annihilation;
pay a-obtains.
TEXT 142
"The goal of love of Godhead is not to become materially rich or free from
material bondage. The real goal is to be situated in devotional service to the
lord and to enjoy transcendental bliss.
The results of devotional service are certainly not material benefits or liberation
from material bondage. The goal of devotional service is to be eternally situated in
Text 144) The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 79
the loving service of the Lord and to enjoy spiritual bliss from that service. One is
said to be in a poverty-stricken condition when one forgets the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead. One has to end such a life of poverty in order to auto
matically end the miserable conditions of material existence. One is automatically
liberated from material enjoyment when one tastes the service of Kr�r:Ja. One
does not have to endeavor separately for opulence. Opulence automatically
comes to the pure devotee, even though he does not desire material happiness.
TEXT 143
"In Vedic literatures, Kr�r;�a is the central point of attraction, and His service
is our activity. To attain the platform of love of Kr�r;�a is life's ultimate goal.
Therefore Kr�r;�a, Kr�r;�a's service and love of Kr�r;�a are the three great riches of
TEXT 144
"In all revealed scriptures, beginning with the Vedas, the central point of
attraction is Kr�r;�a. When complete knowledge of Him is realized, the
bondage of maya, the illusory energy, is automatically broken.
TEXT 145
" 'There are many types of Vedic literatures and supplementary Purar;�as. In
each of them there are particular demigods who are spoken of as the chief
demigods. This is just to create an illusion for moving and nonmoving living
entities. Let them perpetually engage in such imaginations. However, when
one analytically studies all these Vedic literatures collectively, he comes to the
conclusion that lord V i�r;�u is the one and only Supreme Personality of
TEXT 146
kim-what; vidhatte-direct; kim-what; aca?te-declare; kim-what;
anadya-taking as the o bject; vikalpayet-may conjecture; iti-thus; asya/:1-of
82 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
These two verses are quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.21.42, 43). When
Uddhava asked Kr�t:�a about the purpose of Vedic speculation, the Lord informed
him of the process of understanding Vedic literature. The Vedas are composed of
karma-karxla, jnana-kary;fa and upasana-kar:lC;fa. If one analytically studies the pur
pose of the Vedas, he understands that by karma-kaQc}a, sacrificial activity, one
comes to the conclusion of jnana-kaQc}a, speculative knowledge. After specula
tion, one comes to the conclusion that worship of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is the ultimate. When one comes to this conclusion, he becomes fully
TEXT 149
kr�Qera sva-rupa-the transcendental form of Kr�t:�a; ananta unlimitedly ex
"The transcendental form of lord Kr�r:Ja is unlimited and also has unlimited
opulence. He possesses the internal potency, external potency and marginal
TEXT 150
���' i31fit'G�'I-'IIff�·<fi'f1i �� I
1Qi9f'llf� 'llff•·<fit�1i� -?� �1ft� II �<to II
"Both the material and spiritual world are transformations of Kr�r:Ja's inter
nal and external potencies. Therefore Kr�r:Ja is the original source of both ma
terial and spiritual manifestations.
TEXT 151
dasame-in the Tenth Canto; dasamam-the tenth subj ect matter; lak�yam
to be seen; asrita-of the sheltered; asraya-of the shelter; vigraham-who is the
form; sri-kr�Qa-akhyam-known as Lord S ri Kr�r;�a; param-supreme; dhama
abode; jagat-dhama-the abode of the universes; namami-1 offer my obei
sances; tat-to Him.
84 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
samasrita ye pada-pallava-plavarh
mahat-padarh puQya-yaso-murare/:1
Under the lotus feet of Sri Kr�Qa, the entire mahat-tattva is existing. Since every
thing is under Sri Kr�Qa's protection, Sri Kr�Qa is called asraya-tattva. Everything
else is called asrita-tattva. The material creation is also called asrita-tattva. Libera
tion from material bondage and the attainment of the spiritual platform are also
asrita-tattva. Kr�Qa is the only asraya-tattva. In the beginning of the creation there
are Maha-Vi�QU, Garbhodakasayi Vi�QU and K�irodakasayi Vi�QU. They are also
asraya-tattva. Kr�Qa is the cause of all causes (sarva-karaQa-karal)am). To under
stand Kr�Qa perfectly, one has to make an analytical study of asraya-tattva and
TEXT 152
"0 Sanatana, please hear about the eternal form of Lord Kr�r:Ja. He is the
Absolute'Truth, devoid of duality but present in Vrndavana as the son of Nan
da Maharaja.
TEXT 153
"Kr�r:Ja is the original source of everything and the sum total of everything.
He appears as the supreme youth, and His whole body is composed of
spiritual bliss. He is the shelter of everything and master of everyone.
TEXT 154
TEXT 155
" 'All these incarnations of Godhead are either plenary portions or parts of
the plenary portions of the puru�a-avataras. But Kr�Qa is the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead Himself. In every age He protects the world through His
different features when the world is disturbed by the enemies of lndra.'
"There are three kinds of spiritual processes for understanding the Ab
solute Truth-the processes of speculative knowledge, mystic yoga and
bhakti-yoga. According to these three processes, the Absolute Truth is
manifested as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan.
TEXT 158
<�lf'm ���f<1w��� <(�, i§'it'l"ll��, 1
�� 9f1PllC<:!i!� i5'it<fifol� "t'WTC� II ')¢17" II
88 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
vadanti-they say; tat-that; tattva-vida/:1-learned souls; tattvam-the Ab
solute Truth; yat-which; jflanam-knowledge; advayam-nondual; brahma
Brahman; iti-thus; paramatma-Paramatma; iti-thus; bhagavan-Bhagavan;
iti-thus; sabdyate-is known.
" 'Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this non
ctual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan.'
TEXT 159
brahma-the impersonal Brahman effulgence; afiga-kanti-the bodily rays;
tafira-of Him; nirvise�a-without varieties; prakase-manifestation; surya
yena-exactly like the sun; carma-cak�e-with our ordinary material eyes; jyoti/:1-
maya-simply effulgent; bhase-appears.
Text 161] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 89
TEXT 160
\!i"lf_�>;fi f"l�"fl!O!�'lTC"t��\!i�
C5\tRl:ii!'lTtf'f�i1'�� \!ill�� ��tf'lT II )�•
"'I worship Govinda, the primeval lord, who is endowed with great power.
The glowing effulgence of His transcendental form is the impersonal Brah
man, which is absolute, complete and unlimited and which displays the
varieties of countless planets, with their different opulences, in millions and
millions of universes.'
TEXT 161
"The Paramatma, the Supersoul feature, is the partial plenary portion of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original source of all living en
tities. It is also Kr�Qa who is the original source of Paramatma.
TEXT 162
�lj:l"C1!0!"!C�f� �1!1'1Ut0!1lf�<'l1�0!ll{. I
�?���t� C'lt�9fT� Clf���t;stf� 1!ll1"!.!1 ��� II
"'You should know Kr�Qa as the original soul of all atmas [living entities].
For the benefit of the whole universe, He has, out of His causeless mercy, ap
peared as an ordinary human being. He has done this with the strength of His
own internal potency.'
who loved Him even more than their own offspring or life itself. At that time
Sukadeva Gosvami replied that everyone's atma, or soul, is very, very dear, es
pecially to all living entities who have accepted material bodies. However, that
atma, the spirit soul, is part and parcel of Kr�!Ja. For this reason, Kr�rJa is very dear
to every living entity. Everyone's body is very dear to oneself, and one wants to
protect the body by all means because within the body the soul is living. Due to
the intimate relationship between the soul and the body, the body is important
and dear to everyone. Similarly, the soul, being part and parcel of Kr�rJa, the
Supreme Lord, is very, very dear to all living entities. Unfortunately, the soul
forgets his constitutional position and thinks he is only the body (deha-atma-bud
dht). Thus the soul is subjected to the rules and regulations of material nature.
When a living entity, by his intelligence, reawakens his attraction for Kr�rJa, he can
understand that he is not the body but part and parcel of Kr��li'.. Thus filled with
knowledge, he no longer labors under attachment to the body and everything re
lated to the body. janasya moho 'yam aham mameti. Material existence, wherein
one thinks, "I am the body, and this belongs to me," is also illusory. One must
redirect his attraction to Kr�rJa. SrTmad-BhJ.gavatam (1.2.7) states:
vasudeve bhagavati
bhakti-yoga/:1 prayojita/:1
janayaty asu vairagyaril
jfianaril ca yad ahaitukam
"By rendering devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead, Sri Kr�!Ja, one
immediately acquires causeless knowledge and detachment from the world."
TEXT 1 63
athava bahunaitena
kiril jfiatena tavarjuna
vi$tabhyaham idaril krtsnam
ekarilsena sthito jagat
athava-or; bahuna-much; etena-with this; kim-what use; jfiatena-being
known; tava-by you; arjuna-0 Arjuna; Vi$tabhya- pervading; aham-1;
idam -this; krtsnam-entire; eka-arilsena-with one portion; sthita/:1-situated;
92 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"'But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a
single fragment of Myself, I pervade and support this entire universe.'
TEXT 164
TEXT 165
svayam-rapa-the personal form; tat-ekatma-rapa-the same form, non
different from svayarh-rapa; ave.Sa-especially empowered; nama-named;
prathamei-in the beginning; tina-rape-in three forms; rahena-remains;
bhagavan-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 165] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 93
There is nothing superior to Govinda. He is the ultimate source and the cause of
all causes. In Bhagavad-gita (7.7) the Lord says, matta/:1 paratararil nanyat: "There is
no truth superior to Me."
The tad-ekatma-rupa is also described in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Purva
khaQqa, verse 14:
yad ruparil tad-abhedena
svarupeQa virajate
akrtyadibhir anyadrk
sa tad-ekatma-rupaka/:1
The tad-ekatma-rupa forms exist simultaneously with the svayaril-rupa form and
are nondifferent. At the same time, the bodily features and specific activities ap
pear to be different. Thistad-ekatma-rupa is also divided into two categories
svarilsa and vilasa.
His avesa form is also explained in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta, verse 18:
yatravi?to janardanaf)
ta avesa nigadyante
jiva eva mahattama/:1
tya 7.11 ) , kr?Qa-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana: unless a devotee is specifically
empowered by the Lord, he cannot preach the holy name of the Lord all over the
world. This is an explanation of the word avesa-rapa.
TEXT 166
"The original form of the Lord [svayam-rupal is exhibited in two forms
svayam-rupa and svayaril-prakasa. In His original form as svayam-rupa, Kr��a
is observed as a cowherd boy in Vrndavana.
TEXT 167
prabhava-prabhava; vaibhava-vaibhava; rape-in forms; dvi-vidha pra
kase-twofold manifestations; eka-vapu-the same original form; bahu rapa
expanded into unlimited numbers; yai che-like; haifa-it was; rase-while
dancing in the rasa dance with the gopis.
"In His original form, Kr��a manifests Himself in two features-prabhava
and vaibhava. He expands His one original form into many, as He did during
the rasa-lila dance.
Text 170] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 95
TEXT 168
TEXT 169
"The prabhava-prakasa expansions of lord Kr��a are not like the expan
sions of the sage Saubhari. Had they been so, Narada would not have been
astonished to see them.
TEXT 170
citram-wonderful; bata-oh; etat-this; ekena-with one; vapu?a-form;
yugapat-simultaneously; prthak-separately; grhe?u-in the houses; dvi-a?.ta
sahasram-sixteen thousand; striya/:1-all the queens; eka/:1-the one SrT Kr�Qa;
udavahat -married.
"'It is astounding that Lord Sri Kt�Qa, who is one without a second, ex
panded Himself in sixteen thousand similar forms to marry sixteen thousand
queens in their respective homes.'
TEXT 171
�· �� (;� ��f'! �����it� I
<e'fi.rt�llf·(;'et� il't1f ''C�<eC�I2!�it-t' II �'\� II
sei vapu-that form; sei akrti-that feature; prthak-different; yadi-if;
bhase-appears; bhava-avesa-of the ecstatic emotion; bhede-according to
varieties; nama-named; vaibhava-prakase-vaibhava-prakasa.
TEXT 172
� 12l�wst ��J ilt� IJ[itce� 1
TEXT 173
anye ca sarhskrtatmano
vidhinabhihitena te
yajanti tvan-mayas tvarh vai
"'In different Vedic scriptures, there are prescribed rules and regulative
principles for worshiping different types of forms. When one is purified by
these rules and regulations, he worships You, the Supreme Personality of God
head. A lthough manifest in many forms, You are one.'
According to the Vedic literatures, there are different regulative principles for the
worship of each of these forms. If one takes advantage of the Vedic literatures and
purifies himself by following the rules and regulations, ultimately he worships the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kr�r:Ja. Kr�r:Ja says in Bhagavad-gita (4.11): mama
vartmanuvartante manu�ya/:1 partha sarvasa/:1. Worship of the demigods is in a
sense worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but such worship is said to
be avidhi-purvakam, improper. Actually demigod worship is meant for unin
telligent men. One who is intelligent considers the words of the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead: sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saral)arh vraja. One
who worships demigods worships the Supreme Lord indirectly, but according to
the revealed scriptures, there is no need to worship Him indirectly. One can wor
ship Him directly.
TEXT 174
'�12!<1'l1-t ��1f-�<t� I
�(1Tt\!i·,��, �� -�t�� �"''ti{ II �98 II
the second Vasudeva, Sarikar�ar:Ja, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. For each of these,
there are three forms; therefore there are twelve forms altogether. These twelve
forms constitute the predominant names for the twelve months of the year as
well as the twelve tilaka marks on the body. Each of the four Personalities of God
head expands into two other forms; thus there are eight forms, such as Puru�ot
tama, Acyuta, etc. The four forms (Vasudeva, etc.), the twelve (Kesava, etc.), and
the eight (Puru�ottama, etc.) all together constitute twenty-four forms. All the
forms are differently named in accordance with the weapons They hold in Their
four hands.
TEXT 175
vaibhava-prakasa-the feature of vaibhava-prakasa; yaiche-just as; devaki
tanuja-the son of Devaki; dvi-bhuja-two-handed; svarupa-form; kabhu
sometimes; kabhu-sometimes; haya-is; catu/:1-bhuja-four-handed.
When Lord Kr�r:Ja took His birth, He appeared outside the womb as four
handed Vi�r:JU. Then Devaki and Vasudeva offered their prayers to Him and asked
Him to assume His two-handed form. The Lord immediately assumed His two
handed form and ordered that He be transferred to Gokula on the other side of
the River Yamuna.
TEXT 176
TEXT 177
"In His original form, the Lord dresses like a cowherd boy and thinks Him
self one of them. When He appears as Vasudeva, the son of Vasudeva and
Devaki, His dress and consciousness are those of a k�atriya, a warrior.
TEXT 178
saundarya-the beauty; aisvarya-the opulence; madhurya-the sweetness;
vaidagdhya-vilasa-the intellectual pastimes; vrajendra-nandane-of the son of
Nanda Maharaja and Ya.Soda; iha-all these; adhika ullasa-more jubilant.
Text 180] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 101
TEXT 179
TEXT 180
\;�'lcft�-�r��'l-9fRl�•'f'3Jl5'\�"''l"'� c�
c��� �� 'l�'l'11'�"\ 'll._��r:'l1 fs\!!'l�r:� sn't: 1
cs�: c�faor-���r:o;t���� 'f\!W 'IC� �t�<lf�
<!� C·2f'>'PJ �ili'f\!31!.. ��'1"�'!1ili9fJ"ll��f\!i II �17• II
udgirl)adbhuta-madhuri-parimalasyabhira-lilasya me
dvaitarh hanta samik?ayan muhur asau citriyate caral)ab
cetab keli-kutDha/ottaralitarh satyarh sakhe mamakarh
yasya prek?ya svarupatarh vraja-vadha-sarupyam anvicchati
"'My dear friend, this dramatic actor appears like a second form of My own
self. Like a picture, He displays My pastimes as a cowherd boy overflowing
with wonderfully attractive sweetness and fragrance, which are so dear to the
damsels of Vraja. When I see such a display, My heart becomes greatly ex
cited. I long for such pastimes and desire a form exactly like the damsels of
This verse is found in the Lalita-madhava (4.19).
TEXT 181
TEXT 182
aparikalita-not experienced; ,oarva/:1-previously; ka/:1-who; camatkara
kari-causing wonder; sphuratu-manifests; mama-My; gariyan-more great;
e�a/:1-this; madhurya-,oara/:1-abundance of sweetness; ayam-this; aham-1;
api-even; hanta-alas; prek�ya-seeing; yam-which; /ubdha-ceta/:1-My mind
being bewildered; sa-rabhasam-impetuously; u,oabhoktum-to enjoy;
kamaye-desire; radhika iva-like SrTmatT RadharaQT.
" 'Who manifests an abundance of sweetness greater than Mine, which has
never been experienced before and which causes wonder to all? Alas, I
Myself, My mind bewildered upon seeing this beauty, impetuously desire to
enjoy it like Srimati Radharar:ti.'
TEXT 183
sei vapu-that body; bhinna-abhase-manifested differently; kichu-some;
bhinna-akara-bodily differences; bhava-avesa-akrti-forms and transcendental
emotions; bhede-by different; tat-ekatma nama-the name is tad-ekatma;
tanra-of Kr�Qa.
"When that body is a little differently manifest and its features a little dif
ferent in transcendental emotion and form, it is called tad-ekatma.
104 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 184
"In the tad-ekatma-rupa there are pastime expansions [vilasa] and personal
expansions [svam§a]. Consequently there are two divisions. According to
pastime and personal expansion, there are various differences.
TEXT 185
<21��-���-,�t� f<l"'t�-�Sft�HII
f<l"ftt�11 f<l�l't�-�-�il� <2f�t11 II �lr� II
prabhava-vaibhava-bhede vilasa-dvidhakara
vi/asera vilasa-bheda-ananta prakara
prabhava-vaibhava-bhede-by the differences between prabhava and
vaibhava; vi/asa-pastime expansion; dvidha-akara-twofold; vilasera-of
pastime forms; vi/asa-bheda-by the different pastimes; ananta prakara - un
limited varieties.
"Again the vilasa forms are divided into twofold categories-prabhava and
vaibhava. Again the pastimes of these forms are of unlimited variety.
tadrso nyana-saktirh yo
vyanakti svarhsa iritaf:J
sankar?aQadir matsyadir
yatha tat-tat-svadhamasu
When a form of Kr�l)a is nondifferent from the original form but is less important
and exhibits less potency, it is called svarhsa. Examples of the svarhsa expansion
can be found in the quadruple forms of the Lord residing in their respective places,
beginning with Sarikar�al)a, Pradyumna and Aniruddha and including the puru?a
avataras, lila-avataras, manvantara-avataras and yuga-avataras.
TEXT 186
12tte���-��' �'I I
��'a, �fi\111�,-ar_�IJ �tfitiSTif II �\r� II
TEXT 187
"Balarama, who has the same original form of K��r;�a, is Himself a cowherd
boy in V�ndavana, and He also considers Himself to belong to the k�atriya
race in Dvaraka. Thus His color and dress are different, and He is called a
pastime form of Kr�r;�a.
TEXT 188
TEXT 189
TEXT 190
TEXT 191
TEXT 192
�: � ti'{'(J� ��111j_(�t;9f I
�t'lf·�t-r.J � iftm�9f II )�� II
"Lord Kr�r;�a again expands, and within the paravyoma, the spiritual sky, He
is situated in fullness as the four-handed Narayar;�a, accompanied by expan
sions of the original quadruple form.
At the top of the paravyoma, the spiritual sky, there is Goloka Vrndavana,
which is divided into three parts. Two of the parts, called Mathura and Dvaraka,
are the residences of Kr�r:Ja in His prabhava-vilasa forms. Balarama, Kr�r:Ja's
vaibhava-prakasa, is eternally situated in Gokula. From the quadruple prabhava
vilasa, twenty-four forms of the vaibhava-vilasa are expanded. Each has four
hands holding weapons in different positions. The topmost planet in the spiritual
sky is Goloka Vrndavana, and below that planet is the spiritual sky itself. In that
spiritual sky, Kr�r:Ja Himself is four-handed and is situated as Narayar:Ja.
TEXT 193
tariha haite-from that original catur-vyaha; punab-again; catub-vyaha
parakasa-manifestation of quadruple expansions; avaraQa-rOpe-in the form of a
covering; cari-dike-in four directions; yarira-whose; vasa-residence.
"Thus the original quadruple forms again manifest Themselves in a second
quadruple expansion. The residences of these second quadruple expansions
cover the four directions.
Text 196] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 109
TEXT 194
"Again these quadruple forms expand three times, beginning with Kesava.
That is the fulfillment of the pastime forms.
TEXT 195
"Out of the catur-vyuha, there are three expansions of each and every form,
and they are named differently according to the position of the weapons. The
Vasudeva expansions are Kesava, NarayaQa and Madhava.
TEXT 196
sankar�aQera marti-the expansions of Sarikar�ar;�a; govinda-Govinda;
vi�Qu-Vi�r;�u; madhu-sadana-MadhusOdana; e-this; anya-another; go
vinda-Govinda; nahe vrajendra-nandana-not the son of Nanda Maharaja.
�-f!f<ti!P1l, <!f"J"lli{, �� I
��Q � -f3m<r�-t, 'Pf'llil"tre, wt"Dfmf ����9
pradyumnera murti-expansions of the form of Pradyumna; tri-vikrama-Tri
vikrama; vamana-Vamana; sridhara-Sridhara; aniruddhera murti-expansions
of Aniruddha; hr�ikesa-Hr�ikesa; padmanabha-Padmanabha; damodara
"The expansions of Pradyumna are Trivikrama, Vamana and Sridhara. The
expansions of Aniruddha are Hr�ikesa, Padmanabha and Damodara.
TEXT 198
'W<fi!'l-��<tt� i9fi{ I
1lt�-C<tillf<t, ''Pi� -�t�t1t� II ��lr II
"These twelve are the predominating Deities of the twelve months. Ke§ava
is the predominating Deity of Agrahayana, and Narayar;�a is the predominating
Deity of Pau�a.
TEXT 199
"The predominating Deity for the month of Magha is Madhava, and the pre
dominating Deity for the month of Phalguna is Govinda. Vi�r;�u is the pre
dominating Deity for Caitra, and Madhusiidana is the predominating Deity for
TEXT 200
jyai�the-in the month of jyai�tha (May-june); trivikrama- Trivikrama;
a�ac;/he-in the month of A�a<;Jha (June-july); vamana deva-isa-Lord Vamana;
sravaQe-in the month of Sraval)a (July-August); sridhara-SrTd hara; bhadre-in
the month of Bhadra (August-September); deva hr�ikesa- Lord Hr�Tkesa.
112 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"In the month of Jyai�fha, the predominating Deity is Trivikrama. In A�ac;fha
the Deity is Vamana, in Sravar;�a the Deity is Sridhara, and in Bhadra the Deity
is Hr�ikesa.
TEXT 201
asvine-in the month of Asvina (September-October); padma-nabha-Pad
manabha; kartike-in the month of Karttika (October-November); damodara
Damodara; radha-damodara-the Damodara of Srimati Radharar:JT; anya
another; vrajendra-konara-the son of Maharaja Nanda.
"In the month of Asvina, the predomioating Deity is Padmanabha, and in
Karttika it is Damodara. This Damodara is different from Radha-Damodara,
the son of Nanda Maharaja in Vrndavana.
TEXT 202
��·�"J�·';(S �l �-t � I
�ti1(ti{ �l e{tt1f �� i!�e."((e{ II � o � II
dvadasa-tilaka-for twelve marks of tilaka; mantra-the mantra; ei-these;
dvadasa nama-twelve names; acamane-in washing with water; ei name-with
these names; sparsi-we touch; tat-tat-sthana-the respective places.
"When putting the twelve tilaka marks on the twelve places of the body,
one has to chant the mantra consisting of these twelve Vi�r;�u names. After
Text 203] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 113
daily worship, when one anoints the different parts of the body with water,
these names should be chanted as one touches each part of the body.
While marking the body with tilaka, one should chant the following mantra,
which consists of the twelve names of Lord Vi�r:JU.
sridhararh vama-bahau tu
hr�ikesarh tu kandhare
pr�the ca padmanabharh ca
katyarh damodararh nyaset
"When one marks the forehead with tilaka, he must remember Kesava. When one
marks the lower abdomen, he must remember Narayar:Ja. For the chest, one
should remember Madhava, and when marking the hollow of the neck one
should remember Govinda. Lord Vi�r:Ju should be remembered while marking the
right side of the belly, and MadhusOdana should be remembered when marking
the right arm. Trivikrama should be remembered when marking the right shoulder,
and Vamana should be remembered when marking the left side of the belly.
SrTdhara should be remembered while marking the left arm, and Hr�Tkesa should
be remembered when marking the left shoulder. Padmanabha and Damodara
should be remembered when marking the back."
TEXT 203
TEXT 204
TEXT 205
"Of these eight expansions, two are pastime forms of Vasudeva. Their
names are Adhok�aja and Puru�ottama. The two pastime forms of Sankar�aQa
are Upendra and Acyuta.
TEXT 206
"The pastime forms of Pradyumna are Nrsirilha and Janardana, and the
pastime forms of Aniruddha are Hari and Kr�Qa.
TEXT 207
TEXT 208
"Of all these, the forms that differ in dress and features are distinguished as
TEXT 209
padmanabha-Padmanabha; trivikrama-Trivikrama; nrsirilha-Nrsirhha;
vamana-Vamana; hari-Hari; kr�Qa-Kr?t:�a; adi-and so on; haya-are; akare
vi/ak�al')a-different in bodily feature.
TEXT 210
"Vasudeva and the three others are direct prabhava pastime forms of Lord
K��r;�a. Of these quadruple forms, the pastime expansions are twenty in
TEXT 211
"All these forms preside over different Vaikur;��ha planets in the spiritual
world, beginning from the east in consecutive order. In each of eight direc
tions, there are three different forms.
TEXT 212
yadyapi-although; paravyoma-the spiritual sky; sabakara-of all of Them;
nitya-dhama-the eternal abode; tathapi-still; brahmaQc;fe-in the material uni-
118 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"Although They all have Their residences eternally in the spiritual sky,
some of Them are situated within the material universes.
TEXT 213
TEXT 214
�� '��r;�t�' � f�M'fi.21� I
'��t�J, ��1�, �t1t�t�J �t1f II �)8 II
eka-one; kr�Qa-loka-the planet known as Kr�r:taloka; haya-there is; tri
vidha-prakara-in three different divisions; gokula-akhya-Gokula; mathura
akhya -Mathura; dvaraka-akhya-Dvaraka; ara-and.
"The planet of Kr�Qaloka is divided into three sections-Gokula, Mathura
and Dvaraka.
Text 217] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 119
TEXT 215
TEXl; 216
TEXT 217
"At Vi�r:Ju-kai'ici there is Lord Vi�r:Ju, at Mayapur Lord Hari, and throughout
the universe a variety of other forms.
All of these forms are murti forms, and They are worshiped in the temples. Their
names are Kesava at Mathura, Puru�ottama or )agannatha at NTiacala, SrT Bindu
Madhava at Prayaga, Madhusodana at Mandara, and Vasudeva, Padmanabha and
)anardana at Anandarat:Jya, which is situated in Kerala, South India. At Vi�t:�u-kaiicT,
which is situated in the Barada state, there is Lord Vi�t:Ju, and Hari is situated at
Mayapur, Lord Caitanya's birthsite. Thus in different places throughout the uni
verse there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon
the devotees. All these Deity forms are nondifferent from the mOrtis in the
spiritual world of the Vaikut:�thas. Although the arca-murti, the worshipable Deity
form of the Lord, appears to be made of material elements, it is as good as the
spiritual forms found in the spiritual Vaikut:�thalokas. The Deity in the temple,
however, is visible to the material eyes of the devotee. It is not possible for one in
material conditional life to see the spiritual form of the Lord. To bestow causeless
mercy upon us, the Lord appears as arca-murti so that we can see Him. It is forbid
den to consider the arca-murti to be made of stone or wood. In the Padma PuraQa
it is said:
No one should consider the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood, nor
should one consider the spiritual master an ordinary human being. No one should
consider a Vai�t:�ava to belong to a particular caste or creed, and no one should
consider caraQamrta or Ganges water to be like ordinary water. Nor should any
one consider the Hare Kr�t:�a maha-mantra to be a material vibration. All these ex
pansions of Kr�t:�a in the material world are simply demonstrations of the Lord's
Text 218) The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 121
mercy and willingness to give facility to His devotees who are engaged in His
devotional service within the material world.
TEXT 218
The seven islands (dvipas) are known as (1) jambu, (2) Saka, (3) Salmali,
(4) Kusa, (5) Kraufica, (6) Gomeda, or Plak�a, and (7) Pu�kara. The planets are
called dvipa. Outer space is like an ocean of air. just as there are islands in the
watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvipas, or islands
in outer space. There are nine khaf)t;/as, known as (1) Bharata, (2) Kinnara,
(3) Hari, (4) Kuru, (5) Hiral)maya, (6) Ramyaka, (7) llavrta, (8} Bhadrasva and
122 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
(9) Ketumala. These are different parts of the jambudvTpa. A valley between two
mountains is called a khaQc;ia or var�a.
TEXT 219
sarvatra-everywhere; prakasa-manifestations; tarira-His; bhakte-to the
devotees; sukha dite-to give happiness; jagatera-of the material world; adhar
ma-irreligious principles; nasi '- destroying; dharma-religious principles;
sthapite-to establish.
"The lord is situated in all the universes in different forms just to please His
devotees. Thus the lord destroys irreligious principles and establishes
religious principles.
In the material world the Lord is situated in different area-mOrtis (Deities) in the
temples, just to decrease the material activities of the conditioned soul and in
crease his spiritual activities. Particularly in India there are many temples
throughout the country. Devotees may take advantage of them and go see the
Lord at Jagannatha PurT, Vrndavana, Prayaga, Mathura, Hardwar and Vi�r)u-kaiicT.
When the devotees travel to these places and see the Lord, they become very
happy in devotional service.
TEXT 220
irihara madhye-of Them; karo-of some; haya-there is; avatare-as incarna
tions; gaQana-counting; yaiche-as; vi�Qu-Lord Vi�r)u; trivikrama-Lord Tri
vikrama; nrsirhha -Lord Nrsirhha; vamana -Lord Vamana.
Text 222] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 123
"Of these forms, some are considered incarnations. Examples are Lord
Vi�r:-u, Lord Trivikrama, Lord N�sirilha and Lord Vamana.
TEXT 221
·��-<;��-ilt11·,�"t�f �t1f'1 I
�llitflf·•ft1f'I·<;�W �il, �ilti!il II ��� II
astra-dhrti-bheda-nama-bhedera karaf)a
cakradi-dharaf)a-bheda suna, sanatana
"My dear Sanatana, just hear from Me as I tell you how the different vi�r:-u·
murtis hold Their weapons, beginning with the disc, and how They are named
differently according to the placement of objects in Their hands.
TEXT 222
"The procedure for counting begins with the lower right hand and goes to
the upper right hand, the upper left hand, and the lower left hand. Lord Vi�r:-u
is named according to the order the objects are held in His hands.
124 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 223
"According to the Siddhartha-sarilhita there are twenty-four forms of Lord
Vi�t:�u. First I shall describe, according to the opinion of that book, the loca
tion of the weapons, beginning with the disc.
The twenty-four forms are (1) Vasudeva, (2) Sarikar�al)a, (3) Pradyumna,
(4) Aniruddha, (5) Kesava, (6) Narayal)a, (7) Madhava, (8) Govinda, (9) Vi�I)U,
(10) Madhusodana, (11) Trivikrama, (12) Vamana, (13) Sridhara, (14) Hr�ikesa,
(15) Padmanabha, (16) Damodara, (17) Puru�ottama, (18) Acyuta,
(19) Nrsirhha, (20) janardana, (21) Hari, (22) Kr�l)a, (23) Adhok�aja and
(24) Upendra.
TEXT 224
<r�T;;Iif� - �wt-r.r��9f'll� 1
,�,l-�t-1�9f'llt;iGi<f.� II ��8 II
Vasudeva-Vasudeva; gada-club; sarikha-conchshell; cakra-disc;
padma-lotus .flower; dhara-holding; sarikar?aQa-Sarikar�al)a; gada-club;
sarikha-conchshell; padma-lotus flower; cakra-kara-the disc in the hand.
Text 226] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 125
"In His lower right hand, Lord Vasudeva holds a club, in the upper right
hand a conchshell, in the upper left hand a disc and in the lower left hand a
lotus flower. In His lower right hand, Sankar�aQa holds a club, in His upper
right hand a conchshell, in His upper left hand a lotus flower and in His lower
left hand a disc.
TEXT 225
<2f�'i -�i!ii�'il�t'Pf'llli� I
�filft-�iJii'illlt-t'i'Pf'll<Ti� II �� <t II
pradyumna-cak ra-sankha-gada-padma-dhara
"Pradyumna holds the disc, conch, club and lotus. Aniruddha holds the
disc, club, conch and lotus.
TEXT 226
TEXT 227
"lord Kesava holds the lotus, conch, disc and club. lord Naraya�a holds the
conch, lotus, club and disc.
TEXT 228
��1$1"1-'il'lift�<.!l'-t.r?�'D<!i� I
<!ilt'ltt�ttt-��'itit9l'JI'ct'i$1� II ��IT' II
"lord Madhava holds the club, disc, conch and lotus. lord Govinda holds
the disc, club, lotus and conch.
TEXT 229
��� - 'itlift9!'JI'ct"���� I
'al��il-tj�-l"9!'JI'�Wi$f� II��(;) II
Text 231] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 127
"Lord Vi�r;�u holds the club, lotus, conch and disc. Lord Madhusudana holds
the disc, conch, lotus and club.
TEXT 230
fui�i!ii� -·�':J�Wtl)�.Q•-t.r<li� I
"Lord Trivikrama holds the lotus, club, disc and conch. Lord Vamana holds
the conch, disc, club and lotus.
TEXT 231
!\'1� -�':Jl)i!ii"i!Wt-t.r<li� I
��t<fi-f-�t;fl)i!ii9l':J-t.r'l� II ��� II
"Lord Sridhara holds the lotus, disc, club and conch. Lord Hr�ikesa holds
the club, disc, lotus and conch.
TEXT 232
�'!lilt�- -���'!liii:Qi'itift�� I
wtc;';ftlf�- �'!lii�'itift-1��� II ���II
padmanabha-sankha-padma-cakra-gada -kara
"Lord Padmanabha holds the conch, lotus, disc and club. Lord Damodara
holds the lotus, disc, club and conch.
TEXT 233
11,l1PT;��Jf ���'!l"i�'ilift�
--· I
��� 'St'5ft�'!llii:Qi�lf� II
-- ��� II
sri-acyuta -gada-padma-cakra-sankha-dhara
"Lord Puru�ottama holds the disc, lotus, conch and club. Lord Acyuta holds
the club, lotus, disc and conch.
TEXT 234
!lijfit��- �i1P�'!l'i1Wt-t'i� I
i5fi{t('et-�'!lii�'it5ft�� II � �8 II
Text 236) The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 129
sri-nrsimha-cakra-padma-gada-sarik ha-dhara
janardana -padma-cakra-sankha-gada-kara
sri-nrsimha-Lord Nrsirhha; cakra-disc; padma-lotus; gada-club; sarikha
conch; dhara-holding; janardana-Lord janardana; padma-lotus; cakra-disc;
sarikha-conch; gada-club; kara-in the hands.
"lord Nrsimha holds the disc, lotus, club and conch. lord )anardana holds
the lotus, disc, conch and club.
TEXT 235
l!tl�fit -t��iiii'Pf'll'il5ft�1t I
�� --t'i$ft'Pf'll�i!li�11' II ��� II
sri-k[�Qa -sankha-gada-padma-cakra-kara
"Sri Hari holds the conch, disc, lotus and club. lord Sri Kr�r;�a holds the
conch, club, lotus and disc.
TEXT 236
�r;�t-.�-'Pf'll��i!li�11' I
��'Pfi!! --t'i'il'ft�i!li'Pf'll<!fi11' II ��� II
u pendra-sankha-gada-cakra-padma-kara
"Lord Adhok�aja holds the lotus, club, conch and disc. Lord Upendra holds
the conch, club, disc and lotus.
TEXT 237
The sixteen personalities are as follows: (1) Vasudeva, (2) Sarikar�ar:Ja,
(3) Pradyumna, (4) Aniruddha, (5) Kesava, (6) Narayar;Ja, (7) Madhava,
(8) Govinda, (9) Vi�r;Ju, (1 0) Madhusodana, (11) Trivikrama, (12) Vamana,
(13) Sridhara, (14) Hr�ikesa, (15) Padmanabha, (16) Damodara.
TEXT 238
<;;�-t<!f·G;tet'f �"-t..rost5ftlii1!i'i� I
;rt'i<!f·G;�t'f iji1ji'$f'ft-t'll9i'll<f.� II ��lr II
kesava-bhede padma-sankha-gada-cakra-dhara
madhava-bhede cakra-gada-sankha-padma-kara
"Kesava is described differently as holding the lotus, conch, club and disc,
and Madhava is described as holding disc, club, conch and lotus in His hands.
TEXT 239
narayaQa-bhede-according to the different opinion about the bodily features
of Lord Narayal)a; nan a-various; astra-of weapons; bheda-dhara-differences
in holding; iti-adika-in this way; bheda-differentiated; ei saba-all these;
astra-kara-w eapons in the hands.
"According to the Haya§ir�a Pai'icaratra, NarayaQa and others are also pre
sented differently as holding the weapons in different hands.
TEXT 240
svayam bhag avan-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ara-and; /ila
puru�ottama-the Lord Puru�ottama of pastimes; ei dui-these two; nama
names; dhare-takes; vrajendra-nandana-K[�I)a, the son of Nanda Maharaja.
132 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 241
purira-of Dvaraka Puri; avaraQa-rOpe-as a covering for the four sides; purira
nava-dese-in nine different parts of the city; nava-vyuha-rupe-in nine Deities;
nava-murti -nine forms; parakase-manifests.
TEXT 242
catvaro vasudevadya
hayagrivo mahakroc;fo
brahma ceti navoditab
catvarab-four principal protectors; vasudeva-adyab-Vasudeva, Sarikar�ar;�a,
Pradyumna and Aniruddha; narayaQa-including Lord Narayar;�a; nrsirhhakau-as
well as Lord Nrsimha; hayagrivab-Lord Hayagriva; mahakroc;fab-Lord Varaha;
brahma-Lord Brahma; ca-also; iti-thus; nava-uditab-nine personalities.
TEXT 243
"I have already described the pastime and prakasa forms. Now please hear
about the different personal expansions.
TEXT 244
"The first personal expansion is Sankar�ar:'la, and the others are incarnations
like the fish incarnation. Sankar�ar:'la is an expansion of the Puru�a, or Vi�r:'IU·
The incarnations such as Matsya, the fish incarnation, appear in different
yugas for specific pastimes.
134 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
The puru?a-avataras are the Lords of .the universal creation. These are the
Karal)odakasayi Vi�l)u, Garbhodakasayi Vi�l)u and K�irodakasayi Vi�I)U. There are
also li/a-avataras, and these include (1) Catuf:Jsana, (2) Narada, (3) Varaha,
(4) Matsya, (5) .Yajria, (6) Nara-Narayal)a, (7) Kardami Kapila, (8) Dattatreya,
(9) Haya5ir�a, (10) Ham sa, (11l Dhruvapriya, or Prsnigarbha, (12) ��abha,
(13) Prthu, (14) Nrsirilha, (15) KOrma, (16) Dhanvantari, (17) Mohini,
(18) Vamana, (19) Bhargava Parasurama, (20) Raghavendra, (21) Vyasa,
(22) Pralambari Balarama, (23) Kr�l)a, (24) Buddha and (25) Kalki.
These twenty-five Personalities of Godhead are known as lila-avataras. Because
they appear in each day of Brahma, or in each kalpa (millennium), they are some
times known as kalpa-avataras. Of these incarnations, Harilsa and Mohini are not
very permanent or well known, but They are listed among the prabhava-avataras.
Kapila, Dattatreya, ��abha, Dhanvantari and Vyasa are eternally situated and very
widely known. They are also counted among the prabhava incarnations. KOrma,
Matsya, Narayal)a, Varaha, Hayagriva, Prsnigarbha, and Baladeva, the killer of
Pralambasura, are counted among the vaibhava-avataras.
TEXT 245
"There are six types of incarnations [avataras] of Kr�l)a. One is the incarna
tions of Vi�l)u [puru�a-avataras], and another is the incarnations meant for the
performance of pastimes [lila-avataras].
TEXT 246
The gu1,1a-avataras are three-Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Vi�t:JU
(Bhag. 10.88.3). The avataras of Manu, or manvantara-avataras, are listed as
follows in Srimad-Bhagavatam (8.1.5,1.3): (1) Yajna, (2) Vibhu, (3) Satyesena,
(4) Hari, (5) Vaikut:�tha, (6) Ajita, (7) Vamana, (8) Sarvabhauma, (9) ��abha,
(1 0) Vi�vaksena, (11) Dharmasetu, (12) Sudhama, (13) Yogesvara a n d
(14) Brhadbhanu. Altogether these are fourteen i n number, and of these, both
Yaja and Vamana are also counted among the li/a-avataras. All these Manu incar
nations are sometimes called vaibhava-avataras.
The four yuga-avataras are (1) suk/a (white) in the Satya-yuga (Bhag. 11.5.21) ,
(2) rakta (red) i n the Treta-yuga (Bhag. 11.5.24), (3) syama (dark blue) i n the
Dvapara-yuga (Bhag. 11.5.27), and (4) generally kr$Qa (black) but in special cases
pita (yellow) as Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the Kali-yuga, (Bhag. 11.5.32 and
The saktyavesa-avatara is categorized into (1) forms of divine absorption
(bhagavad-avesa) like Kapiladeva or ��abhadeva and (2) divinely empowered
forms (saktyavesa), of whom there are seven: (1) Se�a Naga in the Vaikut:�tha
world, empowered for the personal service of the Supreme Lord (sva-sevana-sak
t/), (2) Anantadeva, empowered to bear all the planets within the universe (bhu
dharaQa-sakttl, (3) Lord Brahma, empowered with the energy to create the cos
mic manifestation (sf$ti-sakti), (4) Catu�sana, or the Kumaras, specifically em
powered to distribute transcendental knowledge (jiiana-sakti), (5) Narada Muni,
empowered to distribute devotional service (bhakti-saktl), (6) Maharaja Prthu,
specifically empowered to rule and maintain the living entities (pa/ana-saktl) and
(7) Parasurama, specifically empowered to cut down rogues and demons (du$ta
136 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 247
balya-childhood; paugaQ r;/a-boyhood; haya-there are; vigrahera-of the
Deity; dharma - characteristics; eta-rOpe-in so many forms; lila-pastimes;
karena- executes; vraj endra-nandana - Kr�Qa, the son of Nanda Maharaja.
"Childhood and boyhood are the typical ages of the Deity. Kr�Qa, the son of
Maharaja Nanda, performed His pastimes as a child and as a boy.
TEXT 248
the Lord. We should not consider them to belong to this material world. As stated
in Bhagavad-grta:
"Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My tran
scendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be." (Bg. 9.11)
Avataras descend of their own free will, and although they may act like ordinary
human beings, they do not belong to this material world. Lord Kr�r:Ja and His
avataras can be understood only by the grace of the Lord.
TEXT 249
avatara hy asankhyeya
hare/:! sattva-nidher dvija/:1
yatha 'vidasinab kulyab
sarasa/:1 syu/:1 sahasrasa/:1
" '0 learned brahmaQas, just as hundreds and thousands of small ponds
issue from great reservoirs of water, innumerable incarnations flow from Sri
Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the reservoir of all power.'
TEXT 250
Up to this verse, the many types of expansions have been described. Now the
manifestations of the Lord's different potencies will be described.
TEXT 251
"'Vi�r;�u has three forms called puru�as. The first, Maha-Vi�r;�u, is the cre
ator of the total material energy [mahat], the .second is Garbhoda5ayi, who is
situated within each universe, and the third is K�iroda$ayi, who lives in the
heart of every living being. He who knows these three becomes liberated from
the clutches of maya.'
TEXT 252
"Kr�r;�a has unlimited potencies, out of which three are chief-willpower,
the power of knowledge and the creative energy.
140 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 253
iccha-sakti-of willpower; pradhana-predominator; kr?Qa-Lord Kf�l)a; ic
chaya-simply by willing; sarva-karta-the creator of everything; jnana-sakti
pradhana-the predominator of the power of knowledge; vasudeva-Lord
Vasudeva; adhi?thata-reservoir.
"The predominator of the willing potency is lord Kr�r:Ja, for by His supreme
will everything comes into existence. In willing, there is a need for knowl
edge, and that knowledge is expressed through Vasudeva.
TEXT 254
iccha-jnana-kriya-thinking, feeling, willing, knowledge and activity; vma
without; na-not; haya-there is; srjana-creation; tinera-of the three; tina
sakti-three potencies; me/i'-being amalgamated; prapanca-racana-there is
the cosmic manifestation.
TEXT 255
TEXT 256
"That original Sankar�ar:ta [lord Balarama] is the cause of both the material
and spiritual creation. He is the predominating deity of egotism, and by the
will of Kr�r:ta and the power of the spiritual energy, He creates the spiritual
world, which consists of the planet Goloka Vrndavana and the Vaikur:tfha
TEXT 257
TEXT 258
sahasra-patraril kama/am
gokulakhyaril mahat-padam
tat-karQikararil tad-dhama
tad anantarilsa-sambhavam
11 'Gokula, the supreme abode and planet, appears like a lotus flower that
has a thousand petals. The whorl of that lotus is the abode of the Supreme
Lord, Kr�Qa. This lotus-shaped supreme abode is created by the will of Lord
TEXT 259
"By the agency of the material energy, this same Lord Sankar�ar:Ja creates all
the universes. The dull material energy-known in modern language as
nature-is not the cause of the material universe.
TEXT 260
jac;la haite-from the dull material energy; sr�ti nahe-the cosmic manifestation
is not possible; isvara-sakti vine-without the help of the energy of the Supreme
Lord, the Personality of Godhead; tahatei-in the material energy; sarikar�a(la
Lord Sarikar�at;�a; kare - does; saktira-of the spiritual energy; adhane
TEXT 261
"Dull matter alone cannot create anything. The material energy produces
the creation by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Iron itself
has no power to burn, but when iron is placed in fire, it is empowered to burn.
TEXT 262
etau-these two, namely Rama and Kr�l)a; hi-certainly; visvasya-of the uni
verse; ca-and; bija-yoni - both the cause and ingredient; rama/:1-Balarama;
mukunda/:1 -Kr�l) a; puru�al) -the original Maha-Vi�l)u; pradhanam-material en
ergy; anviya - after entering; bhate�u-into the material elements; vilak
�aQasya-of varieties of manifestation; jiianasya-of knowledge; ca-also;
isate-are the controlling power; imau-both of Them; puraQau-are the original
" 'Balarama and Kr�r;�a are the original efficient and material causes of the
material world. As Maha-Vi�r;�u and the material energy, They enter into the
material elements and create the diversities by multi-energies. Thus They are
the cause of all causes.'
TEXT 263
"The form of the lord that descends into the material world to create is
called an avatara, or incarnation.
TEXT 264
"All the expansions of lord Kr�r:-a are actually residents of the spiritual
world. However, when they descend into the material world, they are called
incarnations [avataras].
TEXT 265
"To glance over that material energy and empower her, Lord Sankar�ar:Ja
first incarnates as Lord Maha-Vi�r,u.
TEXT 266
"'In the beginning of the creation, the Lord expanded Himself in the form
of the puru�a incarnation, accompanied by all the ingredients of material
creation. First He created the sixteen principal energies suitable for creation.
This was for the purpose of manifesting the material universes.'
TEXT 267
adyaf) avataraf) -the original incarnation; puru?af:J -the Lord; parasya -of the
Supreme; ka/af:J-time; svabhavaf:J-nature; sat-asat-cause and effect; manaf:J
ca-as well as the mind; dravyam-the five elements; vikaraf:J-transformation or
the false ego; guQaf)-modes of nature; indriyaQi-senses; virat-the universal
form; svarat-complete independence; sthasnu-immovable; cari?QU-movable;
bhDmnaf)-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
TEXT 268
�� � f�W! �� -f11i{ I
·��'ltf�il' il'tlf i!Jf'$fe.�i�t! " ��17' "
sei puru?a virajate karena sayana
'karaf)abdhisayi' nama jagat-karaf)a
sei puru?a-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; virajate-on the border
known as Viraja; karena sayana-lies down; karal)a-abdhi-sayi-Karat:Jabdhisayi;
nama-named; jagat-karaf)a-is the original cause of material creation.
"That original Personality of Godhead, named Sailkar�a�a, first lies down in
the River Viraja, which serves as a border between the material and spiritual
148 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"The Viraja, or Causal Ocean, is the border between the spiritual and ma
terial worlds. The material energy is situated on one shore of that ocean, and it
cannot enter onto the other shore, which is the spiritual sky.
TEXT 270
pravartate-e xists; yatra-where; rajah-the mode of passion; tamah-the
mode of ignorance; tayoh-of both of them; sattvam ca-and the mode of good
ness; misram-mixture; na-not; ca-also; kala-vikramah-the influence of time
or annihilation; na-not; yatra-where; maya-external energy; kim- what;
uta-to speak; apare-others; hareh-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
Text 271] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 149
"'In the spiritual world, there is neither the mode of passion, the mode of
ignorance nor a mixture of both, nor is there adulterated goodness, nor the in
fluence of time or maya itself. Only the pure devotees of the Lord, who are
worshiped both by demigods and by demons, reside in the spiritual world as
the Lord's associates.'
TEXT 271
� � �� �rn-'1f11fl' �� '�'ftil' ,
'JTt1fl' �fil�t�� f�'Sf� �'Pft�ti{ '(2j'lti{' �������
"Maya has two functions. One is called maya, and the other is called
pradhana. Maya refers to the efficient cause, and pradhana refers to the ingre
dients that create the cosmic manifestation.
TEXT 272
sei p uru?a-that Supreme Personality of Godhead; maya-pane-toward maya;
kare avadhana-glances; prakrti-the material nature; k?obhita kari'-making agi
tated; kare - impregnates; viryera-of the semina; adhana-inj ection.
"When the Supreme Personality of Godhead glances over the material en
ergy, she becomes agitated. At that time, the Lord injects the original semina
of the living entities.
In Bhagavad-gita (7.10), Kr�r:Ja says, bijam mam sarva-bhotanam: "I am the
original seed of all existences." This is also confirmed in another verse in
Bhagavad-gita (14.4):
sarva-yoni?U kaunteya
mOrtaya/:1 sambhavanti ya/:1
ta;am brahma mahad-yonir
aham bija-prada/:1 pita
"It should be understood that all species of life, 0 son of Kunti, are made possible
by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father."
For a further explanation, one may refer to Brahma-samhita (Chapter Five,
verses 10-13). Brahma-samhita also states (5.51):
All material elements, as well as the spiritual sparks (individual souls), are
emanating from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is also confirmed by
the Vedanta-sOtra (1.1 ). ]anmady asya yata/:1: "The Absolute Truth is He from
Text 273] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 151
"As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to
old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul
is not bewildered by such a change."
TEXT 273
'�Jlt'f·���t��� <2tffi!·"'"Pf� I
it�-111� '�'Sf' �!ttl! '<fill'l1 ��� II �'\� II
svanga-vise?abhasa-rupe prakrti-sparsana
jiva-rupa 'bija' tate kaila samarpaQa
"To impregnate with the seeds of living entities, the Lord Himself does not
directly touch the material energy, but by His specific functional expansion,
He touches the material energy, and thus the living entities, who are His parts
and parcels, are impregnated into material nature.
152 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
According to Bhagavad-gita:
mamaivarhso jiva-loke
jiva-bhDta/:1 sanatana/:1
mana/:! ?a?thanindriyaQi
prakrti-sthani kar$ati
"The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due
to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which in
clude the mind." (Bg. 15.7)
The word prakrti-sparsana is explained in Caitanya-caritamrta in reference to
the way the living entities come in contact with dull matter. The glancing is per
formed by Maha-Vi�l!u: sa aik$ata lokan nu srja iti (Aitareya Upani?ad 1.1.1 ). In
the conditional stage we impregnate according to the bodily conception-that is,
by sexual intercourse-but the Supreme Lord does not need sexual intercourse to
impregnate. The impregnation is performed simply by His glance. This is also ex
plained in Brahma-sarhhita (5.32):
Govinda can impregnate simply by glancing. In other words, His eyes can work as
His genitals. He does not need genitals to beget a child. Indeed, Kr�l!a can beget
any one of the living entities with any part of His body.
The word svanga-vise?abhasa-rOpe, the form by which the Lord begets living
entities in the material world, is explained herein. He is Lord Siva. In Brahma
sarhhita it is stated that Lord Siva, who is another form of Maha-Vi�l!u, is like
yogurt. Yogurt is nothing but milk, yet it is not milk. Similarly, Lord Siva is con
sidered the father of this universe, and material nature is considered the mother.
The father and mother are known as Lord Siva and the goddess Durga. Together,
Lord Siva's genitals and the vagina of goddess Durga are worshiped as siva-linga.
This is the origin of the material creation. Thus Lord Siva's position is between the
living entity and the Supreme Lord. Lord Siva is neither the Supreme Personality of
Godhead nor the living entity. He is the form through which the Supreme Lord
works to beget living entities within this material world. As yogurt is prepared
when milk is mixed with a culture, the form of Lord Siva expands when the
Supreme Personality of Godhead is in touch with material nature. The impregna
tion of material nature by the father, Lord Siva, is wonderful because at one time
Text 273] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 153
jivah sDk$ma-svarupo 'yam
sankhyatito hi cit-ka!Jah
"If we divide the tip of a hair into a hundred parts and then take one of these parts
and divide it again into a hundred parts, that very fine division is the size of but
one of the numberless living entities. They are all cit-kaQa, particles of spirit, not
The innumerable brahmaQc;fas, or universes, come from the pores of the Lord's
body, and innumerable living entities also come from the pores of the transcen
dental body of the Lord. This is the process of material creation. Without the living
entity, this material nature has no value. Both emanate from the pores of the tran
scendental body of Lord Maha-Vi�t:JU. They ar� different energies. That is ex
plained in Bhagavad-gita:
"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego-all together these
eight comprise My separated material energies." (Bg. 7.4) The material elements
also come from the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they are
also a different type of energy. Although the living entities also come from the
Lord's body, they are categorized as a superior energy.
matter come from the supreme living entity; therefore, being the source of both,
that supreme living entity, Kr��a, is described in Vedanta-sutra as janmady asya
yata/:1 (1.1), or the original source of everything, sarva-karaf)a-karaf)am. This is
further explained in the following verse.
TEXT 274
daivat k�ubhita-dharmif)yam
svasyarh yonau para/:! puman
adhatta viryam sa 'suta
mahat-tattvarh hiraf)mayam
"'From time immemorial, after agitating the material nature into three
qualities, the Supreme Personality of Godhead places the semina of innumer
able living entities within the womb of that material nature. Thus material
nature gives birth to the total material energy known as the hirar;Jmaya-mahat
tattva, the original symbolic representation of the cosmic manifestation.'
life itself. As explained in the Vedas: nityo nityanarh cetanas cetananam (Katha
Upani$ad 2.2.13). The Supreme Lord is the original source of life.
TEXT 275
kala-vrttya tu mayayam
g_w1amayyam adhok$ajaf)
viryam adhatta viryavan
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.5.26). This verse tells how the
living entities come in contact with material nature. just as a woman cannot beget
children without uniting with a man, material nature cannot beget living entities
without being in union with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is a
history of how the Absolute Lord becomes the father of all living entities. In every
system of religion, it is accepted that God is the supreme father of all living en
tities. According to Christianity, the supreme father, God, provides the living en
tities with all of life's necessities. Therefore they pray, "Give us this day our daily
bread." Any religion that does not accept the Supreme Lord as the absolute father
is called kaitava-dharma, or a cheating religion. Such religious systems are rejected
in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.1.2): dharmaf) projjhita-kaitavo 'tra. Only an atheist does
156 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
not accept the omnipotent supreme father. If one accepts the omnipotent
supreme father, he abides by His orders and becomes a religious person.
TEXT 276
"First the total material energy is manifest, and from this arise the three
types of egotism, which are the original sources from which all demigods
[controlling deities], senses and material elements expand.
The three types of egotism (ahalikara) are technically known as vaikarika, taijasa
and tamasa. The mahat-tattva is situated within the heart, or citta, and the pre
dominating Deity of the mahat-tattva is lord Vasudeva (Bhag. 3.26.21 ). The
mahat-tattva is transformed into three divisions: (1) vaikarika, egotism in good
ness (sattvika-ahalikara), from which the eleventh sense organ, the mind, is
manifest and whose predominating Deity is Aniruddha (Bhag. 3.26.27-28);
(2) taijasa, or egotism in passion (rajasa-ahalikara), from which the senses and in
telligence are manifest and whose predominating Deity is Lord Pradyumna
(Bhag. 3.26.29-31); (3) tamasa, or egotism in ignorance, from which sound vibra
tion (sabda-tanmatra) expands. From the sound vibration, the sky (akasa) is
manifest and, the senses, beginning with the ear, are also manifest
(Bhag. 3.26.32). Of these three types of egotism, lord Sarikar�al)a is the pre
dominating Deity. In the philosophical discourse known as the Salikhya-karika, it
is stated: sattvika ekadasakaf) pravartate vaikrtad ahalikarat-bhutades tan
matram tamasa-taijasady-ubhayam.
TEXT 277
"Combining all the different elements, the Supreme Lord created all the
universes. Those universes are unlimited in number; there is no possibility of
counting them.
TEXT 278
ifiho-He; mahat-sra$ta-the creator of the mahat-tattva, or total material en
ergy; puru$a-the person; maha-vi$QU nama-cal l ed Lord Maha-Vi�l)u; ananta
unlimited; brahmaQc;ia-universes; tafira-of His body; /oma-kupe-w ithin the
hair holes; dhama-are situated.
"The first form of Lord Vi� is called Maha-Vi�J'.'IU. He is the original cre
ator of the total material energy. The innumerable universes emanate from the
pores of His body.
TEXTS 279-280
"These universes are understood to be floating in air as the Maha-Vi�r:tu ex
hales. They are like atomic particles that float in sunshine and pass through
the holes of a screen. All these universes are thus created by the exhalation of
Maha-Vi�r:tu, and when Maha-Vi�r:tu inhales, they return to His body. The un
limited opulences of Maha-Vi�r:tu are completely beyond material conception.
TEXT 281
�"-'<'\�'- fol�f1l�<ft<'Pl�l�'1'U
���f� C<'ft1!f<f'1�1 �5\lf�Oft'4t: I
yasyaika-nisvasita-ka/am athavalambya
jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-af)c;ia-nathab
vi�f)ur mahan sa iha yasya kala-vise�o
govindam adi-puru�arh tam aharh bhajami
yasya-whose; eka-one; nisvasita-of breath; ka/am-time; atha-thus;
ava/ambya-taking shelter of; jivanti-live; loma-vilajab-grown from the hair
holes; jagat-af)c;ia-nathab-the masters of the universes (the Brahmas); vi�f)ub
mahan-the Supreme Lord Maha-Vi�r:tu; sab-that; iha-here; yasya-whose;
ka/a-vise�ab-particular plenary portion or expansion; govindam-Lord Govinda;
adi-puru�am-the original person; tam-Him; aham-1; bhajami-worship.
" 'The Brahmas and other lords of the mundane worlds appear from the
pores of the Maha-Vi�r:tu and r.emain alive for the duration of His one exhala-
Text 283] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 159
tion. I adore the primeval Lord, Govinda, for Maha-Vi�r;�u is a portion of His
plenary portion.'
TEXT 282
TEXT 283
"I have thus explained the truth of the first Personality of Godhead, Maha
Vi�r;�u. I shall now explain the glories of the second Personality of Godhead.
160 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 284
"After creating the total number of universes, which are unlimited, the
Maha-Vi�QU expanded Himself into unlimited forms and entered into each of
TEXT 285
TEXT 286
"With the perspiration produced from His own body, the lord filled half
the universe with water. He then lay down on that water on the bed of lord
TEXT 287
tatira nabhi-padma haite-from His lotus navel; uthifa-grew ; eka-one;
padma-lotus flower; sei padme-on that lotus flower; ha-ifa-there was;
brahmara-of Lord Brahma; janma-sadma-the place of generation.
"A lotus flower then sprouted from the lotus navel of that Garbhodakasayi
Vi�r;�u. That lotus flower became lord Brahma's birthplace.
TEXT 288
sei padma-nafe-within the stem of that lotus; ha-ifa-became manifested;
caudda-fourteen; bhuvana-planetary systems; tetiho-He; brahma-Lord
162 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"In the stem of that lotus flower the fourteen worlds were generated. Then
He became Lord Brahma and created the entire universe.
TEXT 289
vi�Qu-rupa-Lord Kr�r:Ja in His form as Vi�l)u; haria-becoming; kare-does;
jagat pa/ane-maintenance of the material world; guQa-atita-beyond the ma
terial qualities, transcendental; vi�Qu-Lord Vi�l)u; sparsa-touching; nahi-there
is not; maya-sane-with maya, the material energy.
"In this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His form of Vi�Qu
maintains the entire material world. Since He is always beyond the material
qualities, the material nature cannot touch Him.
The influence of the material energy cannot touch Lord Vi�I)U as she touches
Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. Therefore it is said that Lord Vi�I)U is transcendental to
the material qualities. The incarnations of the material qualities-Lord Siva and
Lord Brahma-are under the jurisdiction of the external energy. Lord Vi�l)u,
however, is different. In the mantras of the �g Veda it is said: orh tad vi�Qo/:1
paramarh padam (�g Veda-sarhhita 1.22.20). The words paramarh padam indicate
that He is transcendental to the material qualities. Because Lord Vi�I)U is not with
in the jurisdiction of the material qualities, He is always superior to the living en
tities who are controlled by material energy. This is one of the differences be
tween the Supreme Lord and the living entities. Lord Brahma is a very powerful
living entity, and Lord Siva is even more powerful. Therefore Lord Siva is not ac
cepted as a living entity, but at the same time is not considered to be on the level
of Lord Vi�I)U.
Text 292] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 163
TEXT 290
"The Supreme lord, and His form of Rudra [lord Siva], brings about the
dissolution of this material creation. In other words, by His will only, there is
creation, maintenance and dissolution of the whole cosmic manifestation.
TEXT 291
brahma-Lord Brahma; vi�l)u-Lord Vi�I)U; siva-Lord Siva; tafira-of
Garbhodakasayi Vi�l)u; gul)a-avatara-incarnations of the material qualities; sr�ti
sthiti-pralayera-of the three functions, namely creation, maintenance and dis
solution; tinera adhikara-there is control by the three deities (Lord Brahma, Lord
Vi�l)u and Lord Siva).
"Brahma, Vi�r:Ju and Siva are His three incarnations of the material qualities.
Creation, maintenance and destruction respectively are under the charge of
these three personalities.
TEXT 292
f�'1J��-��-ti1�-�t��<l'l-tt� I
'�tr!:f�-titfw' '<l'lRf' c;�5f �t� �tl11 ��� 11
164 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
'sahasra-sir?adi' kari' vede yatire gai
TEXT 293
TEXT 294
trtiya-puru?a vi?1,1u-'gu1,1a-avatara'
dui avatara-bhitara ga1,1ana tatihara
Text 296] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 165
"The third expansion of Vi��u is the K�irodaka5ayi Vi��u, who is the incar
nation of the quality of goodness. He is to be counted within the two types of
incarnations [puru�a-avataras and gu�a-avataras].
TEXT 295
virat-the universal form; vya,sti-jivera-of all other living entities; tetiho-He;
antaryami-the Supersoul; k,sira-udaka-sayi-Lord Vi�t:JU who lies down in the
ocean of milk; tetiho-He; palana-karta-the maintainer; svami-the master.
"This K�irodakasayi Vi��u is the universal form of the Lord and is the Super
soul within every living entity. He is known as K�irodakasayi, or the Lord who
lies on the ocean of milk. He is the maintainer and master of the universe.
TEXT 296
puru,sa-avatarera-of all the puru,sa-avataras; ei-this; kailuti nirupaQa-1 have
described; li/a-avatara-incarnations for pastimes; ebe-now; suna-please hear;
sanatana -0 Sanatana.
166 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 297
"No one can count the innumerable pastime incarnations of Lord Kr�r:Ja, but
I shall describe the principal ones.
TEXT 298
"Some of the pastime incarnations are the fish incarnation, the tortoise in
carnation, Lord Ramacandra, Lord Nrsimha, Lord Vamana, and Lord Varaha.
There is no end to them.
Text 300] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 167
TEXT 299
rajanya-vipra-vibudhe$U krtavatara/:J
tvam pasi nas tribhuvanam ca tathadhunesa
bharam bhuvo hara yaduttama vandanam te
"'0 Lord of the universe, best of the Yadu dynasty, we are offering our
prayers unto You mainly to diminish the heavy burden of the universe. Indeed,
You diminished this burden formerly by incarnating in the form of a fish, a
horse [Hayagriva], a tortoise, a lion [Lord Nrsimha], a boar [Lord Varah.a] and a
swan. You also incarnated as Lord Ramacandra, Parasurama and Vamana the
dwarf. You have always protected us demigods and the universe in this way.
Now please continue.'
TEXT 300
"I have given a few examples of pastime incarnations. Now I will describe
the gu1,1a-avataras, the incarnations of the material qualities. Please listen.
TEXT 301
brahma, vi�f)U, siva-Lord Brahma, Lord Vi��u and Lord Siva; tina-three; guf)a
avatara-the incarnations of the material qualities; tri-gu1,1a-the three qualities of
material nature; angikari'-accepting; kare-does; sr�ti-adi-vyavahara-transac
tions in reference to the creation, maintenance and dissolution.
"There are three functions within this material world. Everything here is
created, everything is maintained for some time, and everything is finally dis
solved. The Lord therefore incarnates Himself as the controllers of the three
qualities-sattva-gu1,1a, rajo-gu1,1a and tamo-gu1,1a [goodness, passion and ig
norance]. Thus the transactions of the material world take place.
TEXT 302
"Because of his past pious activities mixed with devotional service, the
first-class living entity is influenced by the mode of passion within his mind.
TEXT 303
TEXT 304
cst�t"\ 'l�N'I�l:<'T\ foil:�\ c��=
���� r��� <2l<!i���Jr<>r ��'if\!i ,
170 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
<!l� 'S?5flf�f<PHO!<t>i1
3l'lfi1 �
" 'The sun manifests his brilliance in a gem, although it is stone. Similarly,
the original Personality of Godhead, Govinda, manifests His special power in a
pious living entity. Thus the living entity becomes Brahma and manages the
affairs of the universe. Let me worship Govinda, the original Personality of
TEXT 305
One day of Brahma consists of the four yugas multiplied a thousand times-or,
according to solar calculations, 4,320,000,000 years-and such also is the dura
tion of his night. One year of Brahma's life consists of 360 days and nights, and
Brahma lives for one hundred such years. Such is the life of a Brahma.
TEXT 306
'lT'-ltr� 9f��i11:l:!lt�f�<'l�"�t<fi9ftto>f-
c�Y'�r-sbt{\!ilJ._9f1fi!\!)-\!j�-4\!j�-4"\, 1
31�'1 i5'1:<1t��1lf9f 'lT� '1S<'!�: '<fi"lt�1:
.!\)r;-pt�'1:�1l �\11\� OJ9f1'101 � W II -=> • � II
yasyanghri-pankaja-rajo 'khila-loka-palair
mauly-uttamair dhrtam upasita-Urtha-Urtham
brahma bhavo 'ham api yasya kala/:! ka/aya/:1
sris codvahema ciram asya nrpasanarh kva
"'What is the value of a throne to lord Kf�l)a? The masters of the various
planetary systems accept the dust of His lotus feet on their crowned heads.
That dust makes the holy places sacred, and even lord Brahma, lord Siva,
Lak�mi and I myself, who are all portions of His plenary portion, eternally
carry that dust on our heads.'
172 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 307
TEXT 308
1lt11t�tr-�"� �i!l-�i �� I
��i!'t itt�, itt� �J '��' II �o� II
Text 309) The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 173
"Rudra, Lord Siva, has various forms, which are transformations brought
about by association with maya. Although Rudra is not on a level with the jiva
tattvas, he still cannot be considered a personal expansion of Lord Kr�r:'a.
Rudra is simultaneously one with and different from the vi�Qu-tattva. Due to his
association with maya, he is different from the vi?QU-tattva, but at the same time
he is an expansion of Km1a's personal form. This situation is called bhedabheda
tattva, or acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, simultaneously one and different.
TEXT 309
dugdha-milk; yena-as; am/acyoge-in association with a sour substance;
dadhi-rupa-the form of yogurt; dhare-takes; dugdha-antara-something other
than milk; vastu-substance; nahe-is not; dugdha-milk; haite-to be; nare-is
not able.
Vi�t:�u cannot be transformed into any form of material energy. Whenever there is
association with maya, the personality involved must be different from Lord
Vi�t:JU. Therefore Lord Siva and Lord Brahma are called gw;a-avataras, for they
associate with the material qualities. The conclusion is that Rudra is a transforma
tion of Vi�t:JU, but he is not exactly Lord Vi�t:JU. Therefore, he does not come with
in the category of the vi?QU-tattvas. Thus he is inconceivably one with Vi�t:Ju and
different from Him. The example given in this verse is very clear. Milk is compared
to Vi�t:JU. As soon as milk touches a sour substance, it becomes yogurt, or Lord
Siva. Although yogurt is constitutionally milk it cannot be used in place of milk.
TEXT 310
k?iram-milk; yatha-as; dadhi-yogurt; vikara-vise?a-with a special
transforming agent; yogat-by mixing; saiijayate-is transformed into; na-not;
tu-but; tata/:r-from the milk; prthak-separated; asti-is; heto/:r-which is the
cause; ya/:r-who; sambhutam-the nature of Lord Siva; api-even though;
tatha-as; samupaiti-accepts; karyat-from the matter of some particular busi
ness; govindam-unto Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; adi
puru?am-the original person; tam-unto Him; aham-1; bhajami-offer my
respectful obeisances.
"'Milk changes into yogurt when mixed with a yogurt culture, but actually
it is constitutionally nothing but milk. Similarly, Govinda, the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead, assumes the form of lord Siva [Sambhu] for the special
purpose of material transactions. I offer my obeisances at His lotus feet.'
This is a quotation from Brahma-sarilhita (5.45).
Text 312] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 175
TEXT 311
'fit4!'-1111lt-tf�Jtef't, l!t1rt'�'ttt� I
·Jfhtt&l'!, �'1�1! '��'-�II\!>�� II
'siva'-maya-sakti-sangi, tamo-guQavesa
mayatita, guf)atita 'Vi?f)U'-paramesa
Vi�I)U is beyond the range of the material manifestation, and He is not within
the control of the material energy. He is the supreme independent Personality of
Godhead. This is even admitted by Sarikaracarya: narayaQai) paro 'vyaktat (Gita
bha?ya). In his constitutional form, Siva is a maha-bhagavata, a supreme devotee
of the Lord, but because he accepts maya's association-especially the quality of
ignorance-he is not free from maya's influence. Such an intimate association is
completely absent in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vi�l)u. Lord Siva ac
cepts maya, but in the presence of Lord Vi�I)U, maya does not exist. Consequently
Lord Siva has to be considered a product of maya. When Lord Siva is free from
maya's influence, he is in the position of a maha-bhagavata, a supreme devotee of
Lord Vi�I)U. Vai$f)avanarh yatha sambhu/:1.
TEXT 312
sivai)-Lord Siva; sakti-yuktai)-associated with material nature; 5a5vat-eter
nally; tri-lingal)-in three features; guQa-sarhvrtai)-covered by the modes of
nature; vaikarikal)-one is called vaikarika; tai;asah ca-another is called tai;asa;
tamasah ca-as well as tamasa; iti-thus; aham-egotism; tri-dha-three kinds.
'The truth about lord Siva is that he is always covered with three material
TEXT 313
'Sri Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated beyond the
range of material nature; therefore He is the supreme transcendental person.
He can see everything inside and outside; therefore He is the supreme over
seer of all living entities. If someone takes shelter at His lotus feet and wor
ships Him, he also attains a transcendental position.'
TEXT 314
"For the maintenance of the universe, Lord Kr�J;Ja descends as His personal
plenary expansion in the form of Vi�J;JU. He is the director of the mode of
goodness; therefore He is transcendental to the material energy.
TEXT 315
simultaneously one with and different from Lord Kr�r:Ja, is still the incarnation of
the mode of darkness. However, Lord Vi�r:JU is Kr�r:Ja's personal expansion;
therefore He is the director of the mode of goodness and is always transcenden
tally situated beyond the jurisdiction of the modes of material nature. Lord Vi�r:Ju
is the original personal expansion of Kr�r:Ja, and Kr�r:Ja is the original source of all in
carnations. As far as power is concerned, Lord Vi�r:JU is as powerful as Lord Kr�r:Ja
because He possesses all the opulences.
TEXT 316
lf'l9ft�c�� � 'f"ll�1Pl�JC9f�T
or'l9ft�c� f<�'��r.��'l'lt'll!�l 1
" 'When the flame of one candle is expanded to another candle and placed
in a different position, it burns separately, and its illumination is as powerful
as the original candle. Similarly, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
Govinda, expands Himself in different forms as Vi�r:"�U, who is equally
luminous, powerful and opulent. Let me worship that Supreme Personality of
Godhead, Govinda.'
TEXT 317
"The conclusion is that lord Brahma and lord Siva are simply devotee in
carnations who carry out orders. However, lord Vi��u, the maintainer, is the
personal feature of lord Kr��a.
TEXl' 318
��tf� �flllC'eit��� �Cj:f1 �j:!f� ��"f: I
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.6.32). Lord Brahma gave this in
formation to Devar�i Narada when he was receiving instructions from Lord
Brahma to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma. After de
scribing the universal form of the Lord, Lord Brahma explained that his position
and Lord Siva's position are controlled by Lord Vi��u.
TEXT 319
manu-antara-avatara-the Manu incarnations; ebe-now; suna-hear;
sanatana-0 Sanatana Gosvami; asankhya-unlimited; gaQana-counting;
tanra-of them; sunaha-just hear; karaQa-the cause.
TEXT 320
brahmara eka d ine
- - in one day of Brahma; haya-there are; caudda-14;
manu-antara-changes of Manu; caudda-14; avatara-incarn ations; tahan-in
that time; karena-manifests; isvara-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
"In one day of Brahma, there are fourteen changes of the Manus, and all
those fourteen Manus are considered incarnations manifested by the Supreme
Personality of Godhead.
Text 322] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 181
In one day of Brahma, there are 14 Manus, and all of them are considered to be
manvantara-avataras of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus in one month
of Brahma's life, there are 420 manvantara-avataras, or Manus. In one year (360
days) of Brahma's life, there are 5,040 Manu incarnations. Thus for the one
hundred years of Brahma's life, there is a total of 504,000 manvantara-avataras.
TEXT 321
caudda-14; eka dine-in one day; mase-in one month; cari-sata bisa-420;
brahmara vatsare-in one year of Brahma; parica- sahasra ca//isa-5,040 avataras.
TEXT 322
sateka vatsara haya- there are one hundred years; jivana-the duration of life;
brahmara-of Brahma; parica-/ak$a-500,000; cari-sahasra-4,000; manu
antara-avatara -incarnations of Manu.
"During the hundred years of Brahma's life, there are 504,000 manvantara
182 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 323
"The number of manvantara-avataras for only one universe has been given.
One can only imagine how many manvantara-avataras exist in the innumer
able universes. And all these universes and Brahmas exist only during one ex
halation of Maha-Vi�Qu.
TEXT 324
TEXT 325
TEXT 326
"In the Raivata-manvantara, the avatara was named Vaikur;1tha, and in the
Cak�u�a-manvantara, he was named Ajita. In the Vaivasvata-manvantara, he
was named Vamana, and in the Savarr;1ya-manvantara, he was named Sar
vabhauma. In the Dak�a-savarr;1ya-manvantara, he was named ��abha.
TEXT 327
TEXT 328
(5) Raivata, the twin brother of Tamasa; (6) Cik�ug the son of the demigod
Cak�u; (7) Vaivasvata, the son of Vivasvan, the sun-god (whose name is also
mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, (4.1); (8) Savarl)i, a son born to the sun-god and
wife named Chaya; (9) Dak�a-savarl)i, the son of the demigod Varul)a;
(10) Brahma-savarl)i, the son of Upasloka; (11-14) Rudra-savarl)i, Dharma-savar
l)i, Deva-savarl)i and lndra-savarl)i, the sons of Rudra, Ruci, Satyasaha and BhOti
TEXT 329
yuga-avatara-incarnation of millenniums; ebe-now; suna-hear; sanatana-
0 Sanatana Gosvami; satya-treta-dvapara-kali-yugera-of the Satya-yuga, Treta
yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga; gaQana-the chronological order.
"0 Sanatana, now hear from Me about the yuga-avataras, the incarnations
for the millenniums. First of all, there are four yugas-Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga,
Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga.
TEXT 330
suk/a - white; rakta-red; k[$(la-black; pita - yellow; krame-one after
another; cari varQa-four colors; cari varQa dhari -accepting these four colors;
"In the four yugas-Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali-the Lord incarnates in
four colors: white, red, black and yellow respectively. These are the colors of
the incarnations in different millenniums.
TEXT 331
" 'This child formerly had three colors according to the prescribed color for
different millenniums. Formerly He was white, red and yellow, and now He
has assumed a blackish color.'
TEXT 332
krte-in the Satya-yuga; suk/ab-having a white color and bearing the name
Sukla; catub-bahub-having four arms; jatilab-with a bunch of hair; va/ka/a-am
barab-wearing a garment made of tree bark; kr?Qa-ajina-black-colored an
telope skin; upavita-sacred thread; ak?an-a garland of beads for chanting;
bibhrat-carried; daQc;la-kamaQc;la/a-a rod and waterpot.
'In the Satya-yuga, the Lord appeared in a body colored white with four
arms and matted hair. He wore tree bark and bore a black antelope skin. He
wore a sat:red thread and a garland of rudrak�a beads. He carried a rod and a
waterpot, and He was a brahmacari.'
TEXT 333
'In the Treta-yuga, the Lord appeared in a body that had a reddish hue and
four arms. There were three distinctive lines on His abdomen, and His hair
was golden. His form manifested the Vedic knowledge, and He bore the sym
bols of a sacrificial spoon, ladle and so on.'
TEXT 334
"As the white incarnation, the Lord taught religion and meditation. He
offered benedictions to Kardama Muni, and in this way He showed His cause
less mercy.
Kardama Muni was one of the prajapatis. He married DevahOti, the daughter of
Manu, and their son was Kapiladeva. The Supreme Lord was very pleased with
Kardama Muni's austerities, and He appeared before Kardama Muni in a whitish
body. This happened in the Satya-yuga millennium, when people were ac
customed to practicing meditation.
TEXT 335
�-,��'��ate{-�� I
'iJIC!� � '��' <R'ti '1f•'·ct( lffil' 11 ��� n
"In the Satya-yuga the people were generally advanced in spiritual knowl
edge and could meditate upon Kr�Qa very easily. The people's occupational
duty in Treta-yuga was to perform great sacrifices. This was induced by the
Personality of Godhead in His reddish incarnation.
Text 337] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 189
TEXT 336
'fi����' � 'ft?fttt � I
'fl'·�( ��1� ''11t� fi�1��-�� II ��� II
"In Dvapara-yuga the people's occupational duty was to worship the lotus
feet of Kr�r:Ja. Therefore lord Kr�Qa, appearing in a blackish body, personally
induced people to worship Him.
TEXT 337
dvapare-in the Dvapara-yuga; bhagavan-the Supreme Personality of God
head; syama/:1-blackish; pita-vasa/:1-having yellow clothes; nija-own;
ayudha/:1-having weapons; sri-vatsa-adibhi/:1-such as Srivatsa; ankai/:1-by
bodily markings; ca-and; /ak?af)ai/:1-by external characteristics such as the
Kaustubha jewel; upa/ak?ita/:1-characterized.
TEXT 338
namas te vasudevaya
nama/:! sankar?aQaya ca
tubhyarh bhagavate nama/:!
TEXT 339
"By this mantra, the people worship Lord K��r:-a in the Dvapara-yuga. In the
Kali-yuga the occupational duty of the people is to chant congregationally the
holy name of K��r:-a.
In Kali-yuga one worships Lord Kr�r;�a by chanting Hare Kr�r;�a, Hare Kr�r;�a, Kr�r:Ja
Kr�r:Ja, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. To propagate
this movement, Lord Kr�r:Ja personally appeared as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
That is described in the following verse.
TEXT 340
TEXT 341
� �� � at•�� 1
'� '5tAl itlti � �tt �ft� II -es� II
dharma pravartana kare-introduces a particular type of religious activity; vra
jendra-nandana-Kr�r)a Himself; preme-in love; gaya-chants; nace-dances;
/oka-all people; kare-perform; sar'lkirtana-congregational chanting.
"Lord Kr�Qa, the son of Nanda Maharaja, personally introduces the occupa
tional duty of the age of Kali. He personally chants and dances in ecstatic love,
and thus the entire world chants congregationally.
TEXT 342
kr$Qa-varf)aril tvi$akr$Qaril
yajnaib sankirtana-prayair
yajanti hi sumedhasab
� f�� 'fJ"tift��� �� � 0 I
��� �i4tt1f �� � � II �8� II
ara tina-yuge dhyanadite yei phala haya
kali-yuge kr$Qa-name sei phala paya
"In the other three yugas-Satya, Treta and Dvapara-people perform dif
ferent types of spiritual activities. Whatever results they achieve in that way,
they can achieve in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Kr�Qa maha
TEXT 344
kale/:1-of the age of Kali; do$a-nidhe-in the ocean of faults; rajan-0 King;
asti-there is; hi-certainly; eka/:1-one; mahan-very great; gul)a/:1-good
194 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
11 'My dear King, although Kali-yuga is full of faults, there is still one good
quality about this age. It is that simply by chanting the Hare Kr�1.1a maha
mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the
transcendental kingdom.
This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.3.51).
TEXT 345
krte-in the Satya-yuga; yat-which; dhyayata/:r-from meditation; vi$1)Um
on Lord Vi�t;�u; tretayam-in the Treta-yuga; yajata/:r-from worshiping;
makhai/:r-by performing sacrifices; dvapare-in the age of Dvapara;
paricaryayam-by worshiping the lotus feet of Kr�t;�a; ka/au-in the age of Kali;
tat-that same result (can be achieved); hari-kirtanat-simply by chanting the
Hare Kr�t:�a maha-mantra.
11 'Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Vi�f.1u, in
Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices and in Dvapara-yuga by serving the
Lord's lotus feet can also be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare
Kr�1.1a maha-mantra.'
and try to meditate upon it. It has become fashionable to meditate, but people
know nothing about the object of meditation. That is explained here. Yad
dhyayato vigwm. One has to meditate upon Lord Vi�l)u or Lord Kr�l)a. Without
referring to the sastras, so-called meditators aim at impersonal objects. Lord K[�l)a
has condemned them in Bhagavad-gita (12.5):
"For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of
the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that dis
cipline is always difficult for those who are embodied."
Not knowing how to meditate, foolish people simply suffer, and there is no
benefit derived from their spiritual activities. The same reference can be found in
the following verse from the Vi�Qu Pural)a (6.2.17), Padma Pural)a (Uttara
khal)(ia 72.25) and Brhan-naradiya Pural)a (38.97).
TEXT 346
TEXT 347
" 'Those who are advanced and highly qualified and are interested in the
essence of life, know the good qualities of Kali-yuga. Such people worship the
age of Kali because in this age, simply by chanting the Hare Km1a maha
mantra, one can advance in spiritual knowledge and attain life's goal.'
TEXT 348
"As stated before when I described the incarnations of the material modes
[gur;Ja-avataras], one should consider that these incarnations also are un
limited and that no one can count them.
TEXT 349
TEXT 350
Sanatana Gosvami had been a minister under Nawab Hussain Shah, and he
was undoubtedly as intelligent as Brhaspati, the chief priest of the heavenly
198 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 351
ati-very; k$udra-unimportant, insignificant; jiva-living entity; mufii-1;
nica-low; nica-acara-having very abominable behavior; kemane-how;
janiba-shall I know; kalite-in this age; kon avatara-who is the incarnation.
Sanatana Gosvami said, "I am a very insignificant living entity. I am low and
poorly behaved. How can I understand who is the incarnation for this age of
TEXT 352
TEXT 353
lf(al!_� -rt�J-IIft?lf·'�'i' 1
'C111rl·�� � � �rn1 '•'til' n ��� n
200 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
Foolish people try to concoct knowledge by manufacturing something in their
brains. That is not the real way of knowledge. Knowledge is sabda-pramaf)a, evi
dence from Vedic literature. SrTia V yasadeva is called Mahamuni. He is also known
as Vedavyasa because he has compiled so many sastras. He has divided the Vedas
into four d ivisions- Sama, �g, Yajur and Atharva. He has expanded the Vedas into
eighteen Puraf)as and has summarized Vedic knowledge in the Vedanta-sutra. He
also compiled the Mahabharata, which is accepted as the fifth Veda. Bhagavad-gita
is contained within the Mahabharata. Therefore Bhagavad-gita is also Vedic
literature (smrti). Some of the Vedic literatures are called srutis, and some are
called smrtis. SrTia ROpa GosvamT recommends in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
paficaratra-vidhirh vina
aikantiki harer bhaktir
utpatayaiva kalpate
Unless one refers to sastra (sruti, smrti and puraQadt), one's spiritual activity simply
disturbs society. There is no king or government to check people, and therefore
society has fallen into a chaotic condition as far as spiritual understanding is con
cerned. Taking advantage of this chaotic condition, many rascals have appeared
and proclaimed themselves incarnations of God. As a result, the entire population
is indulging in sinful activities such as illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat
eating. Out of many sinful people, many incarnations of God are emerging. This is
a very regrettabl"e situation, especially in India.
Text 355] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 201
TEXT 354
�� �� ��-'�1fif �'!Rl' I
� � i!IFt�' �� "1-.'1-�mt II �<t8 II
avatara nahi kahe-'ami avatara'
muni saba jani' kare lak?aQa-vicara
"An actual incarnation of God never says, 'I am God,' or 'I am an incarna
tion of God.' The great sage Vyiisadeva, knowing all, has already recorded the
characteristics of the avataras in the sastras.
In this verse it is clearly stated that a real incarnation of God never claims to be
a real incarnation. According to the symptoms described in the sastra, one can
understand who is an avatara and who is not.
TEXT 355
ll'2lt��t�1 �t"lrc:g •ritr�� ..r�'lr�"t: 1
c�h���"'nr�·rhr<ll)t���'I'Jf�\!>: u "�a
yasyavatara jnayante
Safifi$V asaririf)aQ
tais tair atulyatisayair
viryair dehi?V asangatai/:r
yasya-whose; avatara/:r-incarnations; jflayante-can be known; Sariri?U
among the living entities; asaririQa/:r-of the Lord, who has no material body; tai/:r
tai/:r-all those; atu/ya-incomparable; atisayai/:r-extraordinary; viryai/:r-by
prowess; dehi?u-among the living entities; asangatai/:r-impossible.
202 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
" 'The lord does not have a material body, yet He descends among human
beings in His transcendental body as an incarnation. Therefore it is very dif
ficult for us to understand who is an incarnation. Only by His extraordinary
prowess and uncommon activities, which are impossible for embodied living
entities, can one partially understand the incarnation of the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead.'
This is a quotation from Srrmad-Bhagavatam (1 0.1 0.34).
TEXT 356
svar0pa-lak$af)a-the personal characteristics; ara -and; tatastha-/ak$aQa-the
marginal characteristics; ei dui /ak$af)e-by these two symptoms; vastu-an ob
ject; jane-know; muni-gaQa-the great sages.
TEXT 357
akrti-bodily features; prakrti-nature; svarupa-form; svarupa-/ak$aQa-per
sonal symptoms; karya-dvara-by activities; jfiana-knowledge; ei-this;
tatastha-lak$af)a-the marginal symptom.
Text 359] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 203
"Bodily features, nature and form are the personal characteristics. Knowl
edge of His activities provides the marginal characteristic.
TEXT 358
�'$l<ti!UH;:V �ut� ��Q'ft�1H;;'I I
'������' ���Q'f �l � "''f�'l II �<tlr II
TEXT 359
�'nt�� 'lC�t��'lltflr���·DtC'<!'���: ��t�
C�C'I 3!'li �If I <! l!i!tfil'<�>�l:'\1 'l._?ilfu <!� ����: I
c�'Sft<ttR1"lJifi� <!�I f<tf-!�r.'\11 <!\If fuprcft�"l1�1
'11:11 C�O{ '1"1!'1 TO{�'(g��<Ti� 'l�J� 9(Q� l()1\� II "It� II
janmady asya yato 'nvayad itaratas carthe?v abhijnab svarat
tene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye muhyanti yat surayab
tejo-vari-mrdarh yatha vinimayo yatra tri-sargo 'mr?ii
dhamna svena sada nirasta-kuhakarh satyarh pararh dhimahi
janma-adi -creation , maintenance and dissolution; asya -of this (the uni
verse); yatab -from whom; anvayat-directly from the spiritual connection;
204 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"'I offer my obeisances unto Lord Sri Kn�a, son of Vasudeva, who is the
supreme all-pervading Personality of Godhead. I meditate upon Him, the
transcendent reality, who is the primeval cause of all causes, from whom all
manifested universes arise, in whom they dwell and by whom they are
destroyed. I meditate upon that eternally effulgent Lord who is directly and
indirectly conscious of all manifestations and yet is beyond them. It is He only
who first imparted Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahma, the first created
being. Through Him this world, like a mirage, appears real even to great sages
and demigods. Because of Him, the material universes, created by the three
modes of nature, appear factual, although they are unreal. I meditate,
therefore, upon Him, the Absolute Truth, who is eternally existent in His tran
scendental abode and who is forever free of illusion.'
parted Vedic knowledge into the heart of Brahma. Although Brahma is the most
important and exalted personality within this universe, he could not remember
what he did in his past life. Kr�r:Ja has to remind him through the heart. When Lord
Brahma was thus inspired, he was able to create the entire universe. Remembering
everything about the past and inspiring Lord Brahma to create are vivid examples
of the characteristics called svarupa-tak$af)a and tatastha-tak$af)a.
TEXT 360
TEXT 361
visva-sr$ti-adi-creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifesta
tion; kaita-performed; veda-the Vedic knowledge; brahmake-unto Lord
Brahma; pac;/aita-instructed; artha-abhijfiata-having full knowledge of past,
present and future; svarupa-saktye-by His personal energy; maya-the illusory
energy; dura kaita - separated.
206 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"In that same verse it is stated that the lord is the creator, maintainer and
annihilator of the cosmic manifestation, and that He enabled Lord Brahma to
create the universe by infusing him with the knowledge of the Vedas. It is also
stated that the lord has full knowledge directly and indirectly, that He knows
past, present and future and that His personal energy is separate from maya,
the illusory energy.
TEXT 362
�- � �-it� '!lJ"'-�'1 I
�" �<t\!� �� iSft� "![ii�'l II ��� II
"All these activities are His marginal characteristics. Great saintly persons
understand the incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the in
dications of the two characteristics known as svarupa and tatastha. All the in
carnations of Kr�Qa should be understood in this way.
TEXT 363
avatara-kale-at the time of incarnation; haya-there is; jagate-in the world;
gocara-information; ei dui lak?aQe-by these two characteristics, namely
svarupa and tatastha; keha-some persons; janaye-know; isvara-the incarna
tion of the Supreme Lord.
Text 365] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 207
"At the time of Their appearance, the incarnations of the Lord are known in
the world because people can consult the sastras to understand the incarna
tion's chief characteristics, known as svarupa and tatastha. In this way the in
carnations become known to great saintly persons."
TEXT 364
<ti�,--"�tt� if'st�·"'''lfi'l I
�'!�( <lit1i -(;�1!W�-ll�� II ��8 II
TEXT 365
Sanatana GosvamT wanted to confirm the fact that SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu is
the incarnation of Kr�r:ta for this age. According to sastra, in Kali-yuga the Lord
would assume a golden or yellow color and would distribute love of Kr�r:ta and
the sankirtana movement. In accordance with sastra and saintly persons, these
characteristics were vividly displayed by SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and it was
therefore clear that SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu was an incarnation of Kr�t:Ja. He was
confirmed by the sastras, and His characteristics were accepted by saintly people.
Since SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu could not escape Sanatana GosvamT's argument,
He remained silent on this point and thereby indirectly accepted Sanatana's state
ment. By this we can clearly understand that SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the
direct incarnation of Lord Kr�t:Ja.
TEXT 366
prabhu kahe-SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied; caturali-very intelligent argu
ment; cha(fa-give up; sanatana-0 Sanatana; sakti-avesa-avatarera-of the es
pecially empowered incarnations; suna-hear; vivaraf)a-the description.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "0 Sanatana, you must give up your in
telligent tricks. Just try to understand the meaning of the saktyavesa-avatara.
TEXT 367
sakti-avesa-avatara-incarnations especially empowered by the Lord;
kr�Qera-of Lord Kr�r:ta; asankhya gaQana-unlimited and innumerable; dik-
Text 369] The lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 209
TEXT 368
TEXT 369
sanaka-adi-the four Kumaras; narada-Narada; prthu-Maharaja Prthu;
parasurama-Parasurama; jiva-rupa-as the living entity; brahmara-of Lord
Brahma; avesa-avatara-nama-all of them are called empowered incarnations.
210 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
"Some saktyavesa-avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Maharaja Prthu
and Parasurama. When a living being is empowered to act as lord Brahma, he
is also considered a saktyavesa-avatara.
TEXT 370
vaikuf)the-in the spiritual world; se?a-Lord Se�a; dhara dharaye-carries in
numerable planets; ananta-Ananta; ei-these; mukhya-avesa-avatara-primary
directly empowered incarnations; vistare-in expanding them; nahi-there is
not; anta-limit.
"lord Se�a in the spiritual world of Vaikur;�fha and, in the material world,
lord Ananta, who carries innumerable planets on His hood, are two primary
empowered incarnations. There is no need to count the others, for they are
TEXT 371
sanaka-adye-in the four Kumaras; jnana-sakti-the power of knowledge;
narade-in Narada Muni; sakti-the power; bhakti-of devotional service;
brahmaya-in Lord Brahma; sr?ti-sakti-the power of creation; anante-in Lord
Ananta; bha-dharaf)a-sakti-the power to carry the planets.
"The power of knowledge was invested in the four Kumaras, and the power
of devotional service was invested in Narada. The power of creation was in-
Text 373] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 211
vested in Lord Brahma, and the power to carry innumerable planets was in
vested in Lord Ananta.
TEXT 372
���� '?tt'i'il' I
�t� ''1�N;:Jt�'·15t�,
?t���1�� '��ilt!Cf�·�:Jt·t�'l' II �'H. II
se?e 'sva-sevana'-sakti, prthute 'palana'
parasurame 'du�ta-nasaka-virya-saficaral)a'
Se?e-in Lord Se�a; sva-sevana sakti - the power to serve the Lord personally;
prthute - in King Prthu; pa/ana - the power to rule; parasurame-in Parasurama;
du?ta-nasaka-virya-the extraordinary power to kill rogues and miscreants;
TEXT 373
yatravi�to janardanab
ta avesa nigadyante
jiva eva mahattamab
jfiana-sakti-adi-ka/aya-by portions of the potencies of knowledge, devotional
service, creation, personal service, ruling over the material world, carrying the dif-
212 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
ferent planets, and killing the rogues and miscreants; yatra-wherever; avi�ta/:1-
is entered; janardana/:1 - the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vi�r:Ju; te-they;
avesa/:1-empowered; n igadyan te-are called; jiva/:1 - living entities; eva-al
though; mahat-tama/:1-most exalted devotees.
'Whenever the Lord is present in someone by portions of His various
potencies, the living entity representing the Lord is called saktyavesa
avatara-that is, an incarnation invested with special power.'
TEXT 374
vibhati-specific power; kahiye-we say; yaiche-j ust like; gita-of
Bhagavad-gita; ekadase-in the Eleventh Chapter; jagat-throughout the whole
universe; vyapila-He expanded; kr�Qa-sakti-abhasa-avese-by the reflection of
His power.
As explained in the Eleventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Kmta has spread
Himself all over the universe in many personalities through specific powers,
known as vibhuti.
TEXT 375
yat yat-whatever and wherever; vibhatimat-extraordinarily opulent; sat
tvam-living entity; srimat-full of wealth; Drjitam-full of power; eva-cer
tainly; va-or; tat tat-there; eva-certainly; avagaccha-should know; tvam
you; mama-of Me; tejai)-of power; arilsa-of a part; sambhavam-exhibition.
'' 'Know that all beautiful, glorious and mighty creations spring but from a
spark of My splendor.
This is a statement made by Kr�r:Ja in Bhagavad:gita (1 0.41 ).
TEXT 376
athava bahunaitena
kim jfiatena tavarjuna
vi?tabhyaham idaril krtsnam
ekarilsena sthito jagat
athava-or; bahuna-much; etena-with this; kim-what use; jfiatena-being
known; tava-by you; arjuna-0 Arjuna; vi?tabhya-pervading; aham-1;
idam-this; krtsnam-entire; eka-arilsena-with one portion; sthita/:1-situated;
"'But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a
single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe.'
This is also a statement made by Kr�r:Ja in Bhagavad-gita (1 0.42).
214 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 20
TEXT 377
eita-thus; kahi/un-1 have explained; sakti-avesa-avatara-the incarnations
specifically empowered; balya-in childhood; paugaQ(ia-in boyhood; dhar
mera-of the characteristics; sunaha-now hear; vicara-the consideration.
"Thus I have explained specifically empowered incarnations. Now please
hear about the characteristics of lord Kr�r:Ja's childhood, boyhood and youth.
TEXT 378
�r;llftJtllt-tt� 81�(!F{"fi{ I
\21���1 <fi��tr;t �'<if �r;J ;ri{ II �'llr II
kisora-sekhara-dharmi vrajendra-nandana
prakata-lila karibare yabe kare mana
kisora-sekhara-topmost of youth; dharmi-whose natural position; vra
jendra-nandana-the son of Maharaja Nanda; prakata-lila-manifested pastimes;
karibare-to perform; yabe-when; kare-makes; mana-mind.
"As the son of Maharaja Nanda, lord Kr�r:Ja is by nature the paragon of
kisora [youth]. He chooses to exhibit His pastimes at that age.
TEXT 379
adau-first; prakata-manifest; karaya-He makes; mata-pita-His mother and
father; bhakta-gaQe-similar devotees; pache-after that; prakata haya-be
comes manifest; janma-adika-lila-krame-such pastimes as birth, in order.
"Before His personal appearance, the Lord causes some of His devotees to
appear as His mother, father and intimate associates. He then appears later as
if He were taking birth and growing from a baby to a child and gradually into a
TEXT 380
vayaso vividhatve·'pi
dharmi kisbra evatra
vayasa/:1-of age; vividhatve-in varieties; api-although; sarva-of all kinds;
bhakti-rasa-asraya/:1-the shelter of devotional service; dharmi-whose constitu
tional nature; kisora/:1-in the age before youth; eva-certainly; atra-in this;
nitya-/i/a-of eternal pastimes; vilasavan-the supreme enjoyer.
" 'The Supreme Personality of Godhead is eternally enjoying Himself, and
He is the shelter of all kinds of devotional service. Although His ages are
various, His age known as kisora [pre-youth] is best of all.'
This verse is found in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (2.1.63).
TEXT 381
"When Lord Kr�r:ta appears, from moment to moment He exhibits His dif
ferent pastimes, beginning with the killing of Putana. All these pastimes are
eternally being demonstrated one after another.
TEXT 382
ananta brahmal)<;ia-innumerable universes; tara-of which; nahika gal)ana
there is no counting; kana lila-some pastimes; kana brahmal)<;ie-in some uni
verse; haya-there is; prakatana-manifestation.
"The consecutive pastimes of Kr�r:ta are manifest in one of the innumerable
universes moment after moment. There is no possibility of counting the uni
verses, but in any case some pastime of the Lord is being manifest at every
moment in one universe or another.
TEXT 383
"Thus the Lord's pastimes are like flowing Ganges water. In this way all the
pastimes are manifested by the son of Nanda Maharaja.
TEXT 384
iqi��<rti'IJ·<;'Pf)�.�t-ttfil·�tf� I
1ft�·�'tfff � �tif, '��-rtt1f fii'!Jfili% ll�lr811
krame balya-paugarxla-kaisorata-prapti
rasa-adi lila kare, kaisore nitya-sthiti
The c,omparison made here is very interesting. Kr�r;�a does not grow like an or
dinary human being, even though He exhibits His pastimes of childhood, boy
hood and pre-youth. When He reaches the age of pre-youth, kaisora, He does not
grow any older. He simply remains in His kaisora age: He is therefore described in
Brahma-sarhhita (5.33) as nava-yauvana.
TEXT 385
TEXT 386
TEXT 387
"The sun moves across the zodiac day and night and crosses the oceans be
tween the seven islands one after the other.
TEXT 388
1ftfffi·flftil: �i ��·9ffif'lft'1 I
��� � '91'1' '!t1t 1ftil: II �lrlr II
TEXT 389
��t'f11 � �m��t'"' 1
�� 1.!1� �' �� � 'Rf�' � II �1r:;, II
suryodaya haite �a�ti-pala-kramodaya
sei eka daQ(ia, a�ta daQ(ie 'prahara' haya
"The sun rises in steps consisting of sixty palas. Sixty palas equal one dar;�
c;la, and eight dar;�c;las comprise one prahara.
TEXT 390
"Day and night are divided into eight praharas-four belonging to the day
and four belonging to the night. After eight praharas, the sun rises again.
TEXT 391
aiche-in the same way; kr�Qera-of Lord Kr�r:Ja; /i/a-maQ(ia/a-groups of dif
ferent pastimes; caudda-manvantare-in the duration of fourteen Manus; brah
maQ(ia-maQ(ia/a-all of the universes; vyapi'-spreading through;krame krame
gradually; phire-return.
"Just like the sun, there is an orbit to Kr�r;�a's pastimes, which are manifest
one after the other. During the lifetime of fourteen Manus, this orbit expands
through all the universes, and gradually it returns. Thus Kr�r;�a moves with His
pastimes through all the universes, one after another.
Text 394] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 221
TEXT 392
"Kr�r:aa remains within a universe for 125 years, and He enjoys His pastimes
both in Vrndavana and Dvaraka.
TEXT 393
"The cycle of His pastimes turns like a wheel of fire. Thus Kr�r:aa exhibits His
pastimes one after the other in every universe.
TEXT 394
TEXT 395
kana brahmaQc;/e-in some universe; kana li/ara-some pastimes; haya-there
is; avasthana-the presence; tate-therefore; lila-pastimes; nitya-eternal;
kahe-explains; agama-puraQa-the Vedas and Puraf)as.
"Since all Kr��a's pastimes are taking place continuously, at every moment
some pastime is existin g in one universe or another. Consequently these
pastimes are called eternal by the Vedas and Purar:Jas.
TEXT 396
"The spiritual abode known as Goloka, which is a pasturing land for surabhi
cows, is as powerful and opulent as Kr�r:Ja. By the will of Kr�r:Ja, the original
Goloka and Gokula dhamas are manifest with Him in all the universes.
TEXT 397
"The eternal pastimes of Kr�r:Ja are continuously taking place in the original
Goloka Vrndavana planet. These same pastimes are gradually manifest within
the material world, in each and every brahmar:J«;ia.
are manifest in one universe, and the next moment they are manifest in the next
universe. There are unlimited universes, and Kr�r:Ja's pastimes are manifest one
moment after the other in all of them. This rotation is explained through the ex
ample of the sun's moving across the sky. Kr�r:Ja appears and disappears in innu
merable universes, just as the sun appears and disappears during the day. Al
though the sun appears to rise and set, it is continuously shining somewhere on
the earth. Although Kr�r:Ja's pastimes seem to appear and disappear, they are con
tinuously existing in one brahmaQc;fa (universe) or another. Thus all of Kr�r:Ja's lilas
are present simultaneously throughout the innumerable universes. By our limited
senses we cannot appreciate this; therefore Kr�r:Ja's eternal pastimes are very dif
ficult for us to understand. One should try to understand how they are taking
place by understanding the allegory of the sun. Although the Lord is appearing
constantly in the material universes, His pastimes are eternally present in the
original Goloka Vrndavana. Therefore these pastimes are called nitya-li/a (eter
nally present pastimes). Because we cannot see what is going on in other uni
verses, it is a little difficult for us to understand how Kr�r:Ja is eternally manifesting
His pastimes. There are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma, and this time
calculation is also taking place in other universes. Kr�r:Ja's pastimes are manifest
before fourteen Manus expire. Although it is a little difficult to understand the
eternal pastimes of Kr�r:Ja in this way, we must accept the verdict of Vedic
There are two types of devotees-the sadhaka, who is preparing for perfection,
and the siddha, who is already perfect. As far as those who are already perfect are
concerned, Bhagavad-gita says, tyaktva deharh punar janma naiti mam eti so
'rjuna: "After giving up this material body, such a devotee comes to Me." After
leaving the material body, the perfect devotee takes birth in the womb of a gopi
on a planet where Kr�r:Ja's pastimes are going on. This may be in this universe or
another universe. This statement is found in the Ujjva/a-nilamaQi, which is com
mented upon by V isvanatha CakravartT Thakura. When a devotee becomes per
fect, he is transferred to the universe where Kr�r:Ja's pastimes are taking place.
Kr�r:Ja's eternal associates go wherever Kr�r:Ja manifests His pastimes. As stated
before, first the father and mother of Kr�r:Ja appear, then the other associates.
Quitting his material body, the perfect devotee also goes to associate with Kr�r:Ja
and His other associates.
TEXT 398
atiSf ?� -�����tr.;-t'�(1!11' 1
��' "Pt�t�Jtt11-'��l!�', '�(' II ��lr' II
vraje kr�Qa-sarvaisvarya-prakase 'purQatama'
puri-dvaye, paravyome-'pDrQatara', 'pDrQa'
Text 400] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 225
TEXT 399
TEXT 400
�<ftP.r�tMo;�'t: �: �cf�"C'll1ltlf: 1
smrta/:1 pOrQatamo budhai/:1
asarva-vyar'ijaka/:1 pOrQa-
tara/:1 pOrQo 'lpa-darsaka/:1
" 'When the Supreme Personality of Godhead does not manifest all His
transcendental qualities, He is called complete. When all the qualities are
manifest, but not fully, He is called more complete. When He manifests all His
qualities in fullness, He is called most complete. This is the version of all
learned scholars in the devotional science.
TEXT 401
k[$Qasya pOrQatamata
vyaktabhad gokulantare
pOrQata pOrQatarata
" 'The most complete qualities of Kr�r:Ja are manifest within Vrndavana, and
His complete and more complete qualities are manifest in Dvaraka and
Text 404] The Lord Instructs Sanatana Gosvami 227
TEXT 402
�l '�(1!11' ce�ti{.l
�- r3t\!Jf
�� � ���-'�('!�' '�(' i{11f II So� II
TEXT 403
TEXT 404
TEXT 405
iha-this narration; yei sune -anyone who hears; pac;le-or reads; sei-such a
person; bhagyavan-is most fortunate; kr�!Jera-of Lord Kr�r:ta; svarupa-tat
tvera-of personal bodily features; haya-there is; kichu-something; ji'iana
TEXT 406
1\ti�·�t�-� �� �tllf I
�!Ji��� ��?��II So� II
Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring
their mercy, I, Kr�r:Jadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura gives the following summary study of the Twenty-first
Chapter. In this chapter Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully describes Kr�r:Jaloka, the
spiritual sky, the Causal Ocean and the material world, which consists of innumer
able universes. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then describes Lord Brahma's interview
with Kr�r:Ja at Dvaraka and the Lord's curbing the pride of Brahma. There is also a
description of one of Kr�r:Ja's pastimes with Brahma. In this chapter the author of
Caitanya-caritamrta has presented some nice poems about the pastimes of Kr�r:Ja
and Kr�r:Ja's superexcellent beauty. Throughout the rest of the chapter, our inti
mate relationship (sambandha) with Kr�r:Ja is described.
agaty-eka-gatirh natva
sri-caitanyarh likhamy asya
agati-eka-gatim-to the only shelter for the conditioned souls who do not
know the goal of life; natva-offering obeisances; hina-artha-of the necessities
of the conditioned souls, who are poor in spiritual knowledge; adhika-increase;
sadhakam-bringing about; sri-caitanyam-unto Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu;
/ikhami-1 am writing; asya-of Him; madhurya-aisvarya-of the sweetness and
opulence; sikaram-a small portion.
232 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
· TEXT 2
jaya-all glories; jaya-all glories; sri-caitanya-to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu;
jaya-all glories; nityananda-to Nityananda Prabhu; jaya-all glories; advaita
candra-to Advaita Acarya; jaya-all glories; gaura-bhakta-vrnda-to the devo
tees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
:J{<(��111 �t";T-�Jt11·•fttlf I
�Qf� �Qf� C<ll!;� :If�, itt�<ti 'St'ltit II '!> II
sarva svarupera dhama-paravyoma-dhame
prthak prthak vaikuQtha saba, nahika gaQane
91'��-��'!l'ti-"i_c( lf� �� II � II
saba vaikuQtha-vyapaka, ananda-cinmaya
pari?ada-?adaisvarya-purQa saba haya
"Each Vaikur;tfha planet is very large, and each is made of spiritual bliss. The
inhabitants are all associates of the Supreme Lord, and they have full opulence
like the Lord Himself. Thus they are all situated.
ananta vaikuQtha-unlimited Vaikur:Jtha planets; eka eka-certai n ; dese-in a
place; yara-of which; s ei-that; para-vyoma-of the spiritual sky; dhamera-of
the abode; ke karu vistara-who can understand the breadth.
"Since all the Vaiku�tha planets are located in a certain corner of the
spiritual sky, who can measure the spiritual sky?
ananta-unli m ited; vaikuQtha-Vaikur:Jtha planets; para-vyoma-the spiritual
sky; yara-of which; da/a-sreQi-the bunches of outlying petals; sarva-upari-in
the topmost portion of the spiritual sky; k[$Qa-loka-the abode of Lord Kr�r:Ja;
karQikara gaQi-we consider the whorl of the lotus flower.
"The shape of the spiritual sky is compared to a lotus flower. The topmost
region of that flower is called the whorl, and within that whorl is Kr��a's
abode. The petals of the spiritual lotus flower consist of many Vaiku�tha
ei-mata-such; $at-aisvarya-six opulences; sthana-abode; avatara-incarna
tions; brahma-Lord Brahma; siva-Lord Siva; anta na paya-ca n not find the
limit; jiva-a living entity; kon-what of; chara - worthless.
Text 10] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�l)a 235
kah-who; vetti-knows; bhuman-0 supreme great one; bhagavan-0
Supreme Personality of Godhead; para-atman-0 Supersoul; yoga-isvara-0
master of mystic power; Otih-pastimes; bhavatah-of Your Lordship; tri
lokyam-in the three worlds; kva -where; va-or; katham-how; va-or; kati
how many; va-or; kada-when; iti-thus; vistarayan-expanding; kricjasi-You
play; yoga-mayam-spiritual energy.
This verse is quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1 0.14.21 ).
ei-mata-in this way; kr�oera-of Lord Kr�t:Ja; divya-transcendental; sat
guoa-spiritual qualities; ananta-unlimited; brahma-Lord Brahma; siva-Lord
Siva; sanaka-adi-the four Kumaras and so on; na-not; paya-obtain; yanra-of
which; anta-the limit.
"The spiritual qualities of Kr�r:ta are also unlimited. Great personalities like
Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the four Kumaras cannot estimate the spiritual
qualities of the Lord.
guoa-atmana/:1-the overseer of the three qualities; te-of You; api-certainly;
guoan-the qualities; vimatum-to count; ,hita-avauroasya-who have de
scended for the benefit of all living entities; ke-who; isire-were able; asya-of
the universe; kalena-in due course of time; yai/:1-by whom; va-or; vimita/:1-
counted; su-ka/pai/:1-by great scientists; bha-parhsava/:1-the atoms of the uni
verse; khe-in the sky; mihika/:1-particies of snow; dyu-bhasa/:1-the il
luminating stars and planets.
"'In time, great scientists may be able to count all the atoms of the uni
verse, all the stars and planets in the sky, and all the particles of snow, but
who among them can count the unlimited transcendental qualities of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead? He descends on the surface of the globe for
the benefit of all living entities.'
Text 13] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 237
"To say nothing of Lord Brahma, even Lord Anania, who has thousands of
heads, could not reach the end of the Lord's transcendental qualities, even
though He is continuously chanting their praises.
"'If I, Lord Brahma, and your elder brothers, the great saints and sages, can
not understand the limits of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full
of various energies, who else can understand them? Although constantly
chanting about His transcendental qualities, the thousand-hooded Lord Se�a
has not yet reached the end of the Lord's activities.'
This verse, spoken to Narada Muni, is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7.41 ).
seho rahu-let Him (Ananta) alone; sarva-jfia-the omniscient; siromaQi-the
topmost; sri k[�Qa-Lord Kr?l')a; nija-guQera-of His personal qualities; anta
"To say nothing of Anantadeva, even Lord Kr��a Himself cannot find an end
to His transcendental qualities. Indeed, He Himself is always eager to know
11 'My Lord, You are unlimited. Even the predominating deities of the higher
planetary systems, including Lord Brahma, could not find Your limitations. Nor
could You Yourself ascertain the limit of Your qualities. Like atoms in the sky,
there are multi-universes with seven coverings, and these are rotating in due
course of time. A ll the experts in Vedic understanding are searching for You
by eliminating the material elements. In this way, searching and searching,
they come to the conclusion that everything is complete in You. Thus You are
the resort of everything. This is the conclusion of all Vedic experts.'
This verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1 0.87.41) is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita:
"After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto
Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is
very rare." (Bg. 7.19)
After searching for the Absolute Truth throughout the universe, learned schol
ars and Vedic experts cannot reach the ultimate goal. In this way they come to
When there is a discussion about the Absolute Truth, there are always various
pros and cons. The purpose of such arguments is to come to the right conclusion.
Such an argument is generally known as neti neti ("not this, not that"). Until one
comes to the right conclusion, the process of thinking, "This is not the Absolute
Truth, that is not the Absolute Truth," will continue. When we come to the right
240 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
Apart from all argument, logic and negative or positive processes, when
planets in one moment. Indeed, all of them were created with their pre
dominating deities.
Text 18] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 241
When Lord Kr�t:�a was present in the earthly Vrndavana, Lord Brahma, taking
Him to be an ordinary cowherd boy, wanted to test His potency. Therefore Lord
Brahma stole all the cows, calves and cowherd boys from Kr�t:�a and hid them by
his illusory energy. When Kr�t:�a saw that Brahma had stolen His cows, calves and
cowherd boys, He immediately created many material and spiritual planets in Lord
Brahma's presence. Within a moment, cows, cowherd boys, calves and unlimited
Vaikut:��has- all expansions of the Lord's spiritual energy-were manifested. As
stated in the Brahma-sarhhita: ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhih. Not only
did Kr�Qa create all the paraphernalia of His spiritual energy, but He also created
unlimited material universes with unlimited Brahmas. All these pastimes, which
are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, will cleanse one's consciousness. In this way
one can actually understand the Absolute Truth. The spiritual planets in the
spiritual sky are called Vaikut:��has, and each of them has a predominating Deity
(Narayat:Ja) with a specific name. Similarly, in the material sky there are innumer
able universes, and each is dominated by a specific deity, a Brahma. Kr�t:�a
simultaneously created all these Vaikut:��ha planets and universes within a
moment of Brahma's return.
The word avadhata means "rambling, agitating, moving, absorbed, defeated."
In some readings of Caitanya-caritamrta, it is said: yahara sravaf)e citta-mala haya
dhuta. Instead of the word avadhata, the words haya dhata, meaning that the
heart or consciousness is cleansed, is used. When the consciousness is cleansed,
one can understand what and who Kr�t:�a is. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad
gita (7.28):
242 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life, whose sinful ac
tions are completely eradicated and who are freed from the duality of delusion,
engage themselves in My service with determination."
Unless one is freed from the reaction of sinful activities, one cannot understand
Kr�t:�a or engage in His transcendental loving service.
"kr�Qa-vatsair asankhyataib"-sukadeva-vaQi
kr�Qa-sange kata gopa-sankhya nahi jani
kr�Qa-vatsaib asankhyataib-Kr�t:�a was accompanied by an unlimited number
of calves and cowherd boys; sukadeva-vaQi-the words of Sukadeva Gosvami;
kr�Qa-sar'lge-with Lord Kr�t:�a; kata gopa-how many cowherd boys; sankhya
the count; nahi jani-we do not know.
eka eka-one after another; gopa-cowherd boys; kare-do; ye-whatever;
vatsa-calves; caraQa-grazing; koti-ten millions; arbuda-a hundred million;
sankha-one trillion; padma-ten trillion; tahara gaQana-the enumeration of
Text 22] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr��a 243
"Each of the cowherd boys was tending calves to the extent of a koti, ar
buda, sankha and padma. That is the way of counting.
Accord-ing to Vedic mathematical calculations, the following enumeration
system is used: units, tens (dasa), hundreds (sata), thousands (sahasra), ten thou
sands (ayuta) and hundred thousands Uak�a)_ Ten times lak�a is niyuta. Ten times
niyuta is koti. Ten times koti is arbuda.. Ten times arbuda is vrnda. Ten times vrnda
is kharva. Ten times kharva is nikharva. Ten times nikharva is sankha. Ten times
sankha is padma, and ten times padma is sagara. Ten times sagara is antya, and ten
times antya is madhya, and ten times madhya is parardha. Each item is ten times
greater than the previous one. Thus all the cowherd boys who were companions
of Kr�r:ta had many calves to take care of.
�' '�'k wa,, ��, �m, ��� 1
c;'$ft9f'itf;'f1f �' \!t1{ iltfit c;a,�·?tt1f II �) II
"All the cowherd boys had unlimited calves. Similarly, their canes, flutes,
lotus flowers, horns, garments and ornaments were all unlimited. They cannot
be limited by writing about them.
sabe-all of them: haifa-became; catub-bhuja-four-handed; vaikur)thera
pati-predominating Deities of the Vaikur:J�ha planets; prthak prthak-separately;
brahmaQc;iera-of the universes; brahma-the predominating deities known as
Lord Brahma; kare stuti-offer prayers.
"All these transcendental bodies emanated from the body of Kr�r;�a, and
within a second They all entered again into His body.
"When the Lord Brahma from this universe saw this pastime, he was
astonished and struck with wonder. After offering his prayers, he gave the
following conclusiqn.
"Lord Brahma said, 'If someone says that he knows everything about
Kr�r:Ja's opulence, let him think that way. However, as far as I am concerned,
with my body and mind I consider it in this way.
ei ye-all this; toma ra-Your; ananta-unlimited; vaibhava-amrta-sindhu
ocean of the nectar of Your opulence; mora - my; vak-manab-gamya-within the
reach of words and mind; nahe-not ; eka bindu - even a drop.
"'My Lord, Your opulence is like an unlimited ocean of nectar, and it is ver
bally and mentally impossible for me to realize even a drop of that ocean.
246 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
jananta/:1-persons who think they are aware of Your unlimited potency; eva
certainly; janantu-let them think like that; kim-what is the use; bahu-uktya
with many words; na-not; me-my; prabho-0 Lord; manasa/:1-of the mind;
vapu�a/:1-of the body; vaca/:1-of the words; vaibhavam-opulences; tava
Your; gocara/:1-within the range.
"'There are people who say, "I know everything about K��l)a." let them
think that way. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to speak very much
about this matter. 0 my lord, let me say this much. As far as Your opulences
are concerned, they are all beyond the reach of my mind, body and words.'
kr�Qera-of Lord Kr�l)a; mahima-glories; rahu-let be; keba-who; tara-of
those; jnata-a knower; vrndavana-sthanera-of the abode of Kr�l)a, Vrndavana;
dekha-just see; ascarya-wonderful; vibhuta-opulences.
Text 30] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 247
"Let the glories of Lord Kr�r;�a be! Who could be aware of all of them? His
abode, Vrndavana, has many wonderful opulences. Just try to see them all.
In Vraja, the land is divided into various vanas, or forests. The forests total
twelve, and their extension is estimated to be eighty-four krosas. Of these, the
special forest known as Vrndavana is located from the present municipal city of
Vrndavana to the village called Nanda-grama. This distance is sixteen krosas
(thirty-two miles).
�� �� ���-�<fi '$1'1i1 I
-tt�-��·i.ltt� <fiRt fi;'$1,W�llfilll �o II
apara-unlimited; aisvarya-opulence; kr�Qera-of Lord Kr�l)a; nahika
gaQana-there is no estimation; sakha-candra nyaye-according to the logic of
248 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
seeing the moon through the branches of a tree; kari-1 make; dik-darasana-an
indication only.
"No one can estimate the opulence of Kr��a. That is unlimited. However,
just as one sees the moon through the branches of a tree, I wish to give a little
First a child is shown the branches of a tree, and then he is shown the moon
through the branches. This is called sakha-candra-nyaya. The idea is that first one
must be given a simpler example. Then the more difficult background is explained.
�� ��t'! �� �"'�·'Jft'St1f I
Jlti'fi!!� ���,�if.��� 1Jt�� II -e� II
�'ll'�Plt'lTJif'!'"t'll�JII�'"t: �t�t�J"''l!'lJt�f;l��<1't'lt: I
" 'The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kr�r,a, is the master of the three
worlds and the three principal demigods [Brahma, Vi��u and Siva]. No one is
equal to or greater than Him. By His spiritual potency, known as svarajya
lak�mi, all His desires are fulfilled. While offering their dues and presents in
worship, the predominating deities of all the planets touch the lotus feet of
the lord with their helmets. Thus they offer prayers to the lord.'
250 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
This quotation is verse 21 of the Second Chapter, Third Canto of Srimad
�tt� ��' �-rn �� '<11� �t� �t� II �8 II
isvarab-the controller; paramab-supreme; kr$f)aQ -Lord Kr�r)a; sat-eternal
existence; cit-absolute knowledge; ananda-absolute bliss; vigrahab-whose
form; anadib-without beginning; adib-the origin; govindab-Lord Govinda;
sarva-karaf)a-karaf)am-the cause of all causes.
"'Kr�r;�a, known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal,
blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, for He is
the prime cause of all causes.'
Text 37] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 251
srjami-create; tat - niyukta/:1-eng ag ed by Him; aham-1; hara/:1-lord Siva;
harati-annihilates; tat-vasa/:1-under His control; visvam-the whole universe;
puru?a-rupef)a-in the form of Lord Vi�l)u; paripati-maintai n s; tri-sakti-dhrk
the controller of the three modes of material nature.
"Lord Brahma said, 'Following the will of the Supreme Personality of God
head, I create, Lord Siva destroys, and He Himself in the form of K�irodaka5ayi
252 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
Vi��u maintains all the affairs of material nature. Thus the supreme controller
of the three modes of material nature is Lord Vi��u.'
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.6.32).
�'1�f� C<'IPTR"'�1 iSf5f"if'�OltQ)t: I
yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya
jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-aQc;/a-natha./:1
vi$QUr mahan sa iha yasya ka/a-vise$0
govindam adi-puru$arh tam aharil bhajami
254 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
" 'The Brahmas and other lords of the mundane worlds appear from the
pores of the Maha-Vi�QU and remain alive for the duration of His one exhala
tion. I adore the primeval Lord, Govinda, for Maha-Vi�QU is a portion of His
plenary portion.'
"This is the middle meaning. Now please hear the confidential meaning.
Lord Kr�Qa has three places of residence, which are well known from revealed
Kr�l)a has three abodes-His internal abode (Goloka Vrndavana), His intermedi
ate abode (the spiritual sky), and His external abode (this material world).
Text 45] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�1.1a 255
'�:�'-c;'$ftt�t<l"·��"lt<ti{ I
'flt1 �i!JPI� ';ft'!t�i!1·<t'{'$f'l II 8� II
yahan nitya-sthiti mata-pita-bandhu-gal)a
"The internal abode is called Goloka Vrndavana. It is there that Lord Kr�1.1a's
personal friends, associates, father and mother live.
1f{�f1�·';ft$J�·W9ftfif·'et�"Rf I
G;�t'$f';ftv! �t� �tt11ftll'tflf �"11·ll't1f II 88 II
yogamaya dasi yahari rasadi lila-sara
jayati vraja-raja-nandane
na hi cinta-kaQikabhyudeti nal)
karuf)a-nikuramba-komale-who is very soft because of great mercy;
madhura-aisvarya-vise�a-salini-expecially by the opulence of conjugal love;
jayati-all glories; vraja-raja-nandane-to the son of Maharaja Nanda; na-not;
hi-certainly; cinta-of anxiety; kaQika-even a particle; abhyudeti-awakens;
nal)-of us.
"V�ndavana-dhama is very soft due to the mercy of the Supreme Lord, and
it is especially opulent due to conjugal love. The transcendental glories of the
son of Maharaja Nanda are exhibited here. Under the circumstances, not the
least anxiety is awakened within us.
� \!t&lf ��'t11-'�!;!t&lft�'·iftll I
ittft�'l-�tfif lll� ''Uit�if 'ft;J II 8� II
"Below the V�ndavana planet is the spiritual sky, which is known as
Vi�r;�uloka. In Vi�r;�uloka there are innumerable Vaikur;��ha planets controlled
by Narayar;�a and other innumerable expansions of Kr�r;�a.
';J-o;J·�' ��-�-'et�t1f I
�il� ��� � <1it1fit ��nt II 8C\ II
Text 49] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr��a 257
'madhyama-avasa' kr�Qera-�ac;l-aisvarya-bhaQc;/ara
ananta svarupe yahan karena vihara
madhyama-avasa-'-the middle residence; kr�Qera-of Lord Kf�l)a; �at-aisvarya
bhaQc;/ara -'- the storehouse of six opulences; ananta sva-rupe-in unlimited forms;
yahan-w here; karena vihara-enj oys His pastimes.
"The spiritual sky, which is full in all six opulences, is the interim residence
of Lord Kr��a. It is there that an unlimited number of forms of Kr��a enjoy
Their pastimes.
�� <f'tt1 'f)t'Gt1{·<;�'tiRt I
���W'ftttJ �'SI�� <:f51R'i re�' II 817' II
ananta vaikuQtha yahan bhaQc;/ara-kothari
pari�ada-gaf)e �ac;l-aisvarye ache bhari'
ana nta-un l imited; vaikuQtha - Vaikul)tha planets; yahan-w here ; bhaQc;/ara
kothari-like rooms of a treasure-house; pari�ada-gaQe-eternal associates; �at
aisvarye-with the six opulences; ache-are ; bhari' -filling.
goloka-namni nija-dhamni-in the planet known as Goloka Vrndavana, the
personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tale-in the part under
neath; ca-also; tasya-of that; devi-of the goddess Durga; mahesa-of Lord
S iva; hari-of Narayal)a; dhamasu-in the planets; te�u te�u-in each of them; te
te-those respective; prabhava nicaya/:1-opulences ; vihita/:1-established; ca
'Below the planet named Goloka Vrndavana are the planets known as
Devi-dhama, Mahesa-dhama and Hari-dhama. These are opulent in different
ways. They are managed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda,
the original lord. I offer my obeisances unto Him.'
This is a quotation from Brahma-samhita (5.43).
antare viraja nadi
toyai/:1 prasravita subha
pradhana-parama-vyomno/:1 antare-between the material world and spiritual
world; viraja nadi-is a river known as Viraj a; veda-anga-of the transcendental
body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sveda-janitai/:1-produced from the
perspiration; toyai/:1-with water; prasravita-flowing; subha - all-auspicious.
1 'Between the spiritual and material worlds is a body of water known as the
River Viraja. This water is generated from the bodily perspiration of the
Text 52] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r:'la 259
This verse and the following verse are from the Padma Pural)a.
fur'11�\!i� 'I<Ti'!i"Of"{_l
\!!'ITt: '1ir."?t '1�T.<1Ti"lt
��\!!� "t1,�� f<T�T"lt"Of�� 9f"?t"lt� 9flf1{_11 t � II
tasyah pare-on the other bank of the Viraja River; para-vyoma-the spiritual
sky; tri-pad-bhotam - existing as three fourths of the opulence of the Supreme
Lord; sanatanam-eternal; amrtam-without deterioration; sasvatam-without
being subjected to the control of time; n ityam-constantly existing; anantam
unlimited; paramam-supreme; padam-abode.
" 'Beyond the River Viraja is a spiritual nature, which is indestructible, eter
nal, inexhaustible and unlimited. It is the supreme abode consisting of three
fourths of the Lord's opulences. It is known as paravyoma, the spiritual sky.'
In the spiritual sky there is neither anxiety nor fear. It is eternally existing, and it
consists of three fourths of the Lord's energy. The material world is an exhibition
of only one fourth of the lord's energy. Therefore it is called eka-pada-vibhoti.
tara tale-below the spiritual world; bahya-avasa-external abode; vtraJara
para-on the other side of the River Viraja; ananta brahma("lqa-unlimited num
ber of universes; yahar'l-where; kothari-apartments; apara-unlimited.
"On the other side of the River Viraja is the external abode, which is full of
unlimited universes, each containing unlimited atmospheres.
devi-dhama-the place of the external energy; nama-named; tara-its; jiva
the conditioned living entities; yara-of which; vasi-the inhabitants; jagat
lak$mi-the material energy; rakhi'-keeping them; rahe-exists; yahar'l
wherein; maya-the external energy; dasi-maidservant.
"The abode of the external energy is called Devi-dhama, and its inhabitants
are conditioned souls. It is there that the material energy, Durga, resides with
many opulent maidservants.
Because he wants to enjoy the material energy, the conditioned soul is allowed
to reside in DevT-dhama, the external energy, where the goddess Durga carries
out the orders of the Supreme Lord as His maidservant. The material energy is
called jagal-lak$mi because she protects the bewildered conditioned souls. The
goddess Durga is therefore known as the mother, and Lord Siva, her husband, is
known as the father. Lord Siva and goddess Durga are therefore known as the ma
terial father and mother. Goddess Durga is so named because this material world
is like a big fort where the conditioned soul is placed under her care. For material
facilities, the conditioned soul tries to please the goddess Durga, and mother
Durga supplies all kinds of material facilities. Because of this, the conditioned souls
are allured and do not wish to leave the external energy. Consequently they are
continuously making plans to live here peacefully and happily. Such is the material
Text 55] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr��a 261
When a living entity is liberated from Devi-dhama but does not know of the
opulence of Hari-dhama, he is placed in Mahesa-dhama, which is between the
other two dhamas. The liberated soul does not get an opportunity to serve the
Supreme Personality of Godhead there; therefore although this Mahesa-dhama is
Lord Siva's dhama and above the Devi-dhama, it is not the spiritual world. The
spiritual world begins with Hari-dhama, or Vaikul)�haloka.
f�f·��f'!·�'Pl-fui�t���fi-;{1� I
11tfi� �'tf�-l.!l��tlf �f<e�i{ II ao: II
cic-chakti-vibhati-dhama - tripad-aisvarya-nama
mayika vibhati - eka-pada abhidhana
cit-sakti-of the spiritual energy; vibhuti-dhama-opulent abode; tri-pad
three fourths; aisvarya-opul ence; nama-named; mayika vibhati-material
opulence; eka-pada-one fourth; abhidhana-known.
262 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"The spiritual world is considered to be three fourths of the energy and
opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas this material world
is only one fourth of that energy. That is our understanding.
Hari-dhama (paravyoma) and Goloka Vrndavana are beyond the material cos
mic manifestation. They are celebrated as three fourths of the Lord's energy. The
material world, conducted by the Supreme Lord's external energy, is called Devi
dhama and is a manifestation of one fourth of His energy.
tripad-vibhater dhamatvat
tripad-bhutarh hi tat padam
vibhutir mayiki sarva
prokta padatmika yata/:1
f!i�!_f% �t�1l-�t�J·�t'St1G1ll
���"tlf �,f�1l �i{� ��11lll a'l II
Text 58] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 263
tri-pada-vibhati kr�f!era-three fourths of the energy of Lord Kr�r:Ja; vakya
agocara-beyond words; eka-pada vibhDtira-of one fourth of the energy;
sunaha-please hear; vistara-breadth.
ananta-unlimited; brahmaf)(iera-of the universes; yata-all; brahma-Lord
Brahmas; rudra-gaf)a-and Lord Sivas; cira-loka-pala-permanent governors of
the worlds; sabde-by the word; tahara-of them; gaQana-counting.
Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are called cira-loka-pala, permanent governors. This
means that they govern the affairs of the universe from the beginning of the crea
tion to the end. In the next creation, the same living entities may not be present,
but because Brahma and Siva are existing from the beginning to the end, they are
called cira-loka-pala, permanent governors. Loka-pa/a means "predominating
deities." There are eight predominating deities of the prominent heavenly planets,
and they are lndra, Agni, Yama, Varul)a, Nirrti, Vayu, Kuvera and Siva.
264 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
eka-dina-one day; dvarakate-in Dvaraka; kr�Qa dekhibare-to see Kr�r:Ja;
brahma ai /a- Lo rd Brahma came; dvara-pala-the doorman; janaila-informed;
kr�Qere-Lord Kr�r:Ja.
"Once, when K���a was ruling Dvaraka, lord Brahma came to see Him, and
the doorman immediately informed lord K���a of Brahma's arrival.
kr�Qa kahena-Kr�r:Ja said; kon brahma-which Brahma; ki nama tahara-what
is his name; dvari asi'-the doorman, coming back; brahmare-to Lord Brahma;
puche-inquires; ara bara-again.
"When K���a was so informed, He immediately asked the doorman, 'Which
Brahma? What is his name l' The doorman therefore returned and questioned
Lord Brahma.
From this verse we can understand that Brahma is the name of the post and
that the person occupying the post has a particular name also. From Bhagavad
gita: imarh vivasvate yogam. Vivasvan is the name of the present predominating
deity of the sun. He is generally called Sorya, the sun-god, but he also has his own
Text 62] The Opulence and Sweetness of K��� 265
particular name. The governor of the state is generally called raja-pala, but he also
has his own individual name. Since there are hundreds and thousands of Brahmas
with different names, Kr�r:Ja wanted to know which of them had come to see Him.
"When the doorman asked, 'Which Brahma?' Lord Brahma was surprised.
He told the doorman, 'Please go inform Lord K��l)a that I am the four-headed
Brahma who is the father of the four Kumaras.'
"The doorman then informed Lord K��l)a of Lord Brahma's description, and
Lord K��l)a gave him permission to enter. The doorman escorted Lord Brahma
in, and as soon as Brahma saw Lord K��l)a, he offered obeisances at His lotus
266 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
kr�Qa-Lord Kr�t:�a; manya-puja-respect and worship; kari'-showing; talire
to him; prasna kaila-put a question; ki lagi'-for what reason; tamara-your;
ihan-here; agamana hai/a-there was arrival.
"A fter being worshiped by lord Brahma, lord Kr��;�a also honored him with
suitable words. Then lord Kr��;�a asked him, 'Why have you come here?'
brahma kahe-Lord Brahma said; taha-that; pache-later; kariba nivedana-1
shall submit unto You; eka-one; sarilsaya-doubt; mane-in the mind; haya
there is; karaha chedana-kindly dissipate it.
"Being questioned, lord Brahma immediately replied, 'I shall later tell You
why I have come. First of all there is a doubt in my mind which I wish You
would kindly dissipate.
"'Why did you inquire which Brahma had come to see You? What is the
purpose of such an inquiry? Is there any other Brahma besides me within this
suni'-hearing; hasi'-smilingly; kr�Qa-Lord Kr�r:Ja; tabe-then; karilena-did;
dhyane-meditation; asailkhya-unlimited; brahmara-of Lord Brahmas; gaQa
the group; ai/a-arrived; tata-k�af)e-at that time.
"Upon hearing this, Sri Kr��;�a smiled and immediately meditated. Un
limited Brahmas arrived instantly.
�llf·f<if-t·llfi!·��i!:f·'C{�·'i'IIS·�il I
��r(� 3J...� <TStr;;�1, ifl �rn 'ij'Jil u �� u
koty-arbuda mukha karo, na yaya gaQana
dasa-ten; bisa-twenty; sata-hundred; sahasra-thousand; ayuta-ten
thousand; lak�a-a hundred thousand; vadana-faces; koti-ten million; ar-
268 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"These Brahmas had different numbers of heads. Some had ten heads, some
twenty, some a hundred, some a thousand, some ten thousand, some a
hundred thousand, some ten million and others a hundred million. No one can
count the number of faces they had.
"There also arrived many Lord Sivas with various heads numbering one
hundred thousand and ten million. Many lndras also arrived, and they had
hundreds of thousands of eyes all over their bodies.
It is said that lndra, the King of heaven, is very lusty. Once he tactfully had sex
ual intercourse with the wife of a great sage, and when the sage learned about
this, he cursed the lusty lndra with a curse that put vaginas all over his body. Being
very ashamed, lndra fell down at the lotus feet of the great sage and begged his
pardon. Being compassionate, the sage turned the vaginas into eyes; therefore ln
dra possesses hundreds and thousands of eyes all over his body. just as Lord
Brahma and Lord Siva have many faces, the King of heaven, lndra, has many eyes.
"When the four-headed Brahma of this universe saw all these opulences of
Kr�r:'la, he became very bewildered and considered himself a rabbit among
many elephants.
asi'-coming; saba brahma-aii the Brahmas; k[$Qa-pada-pitha-age-before
the lotus feet of Kr�l)a; daQc;favat karite-offering their obeisances; mukuta
helmets; pada-pithe-at the lotus feet; /age-touched.
"All the Brahmas who came to see Kr�Qa offered their respects at His lotus
feet, and when they did this, their helmets touched His lotus feet.
k[$1)era-of Lord Kr�l)a; acintya-sakti -inconceivable potencies; lakhite-to
observe; keha-anyone; nare-not able; yata brahma-aii Brahmas; tata murti
so many forms; eka-i sarire-in the same body.
270 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"No one can estimate the inconceivable potency of Kr�Qa. A ll the Brahmas
who were there were resting in the one body of Kr�Qa.
"When all the helmets struck together at Kr�1;1a's lotus feet, there was a
tumultuous sound. It appeared that the helmets themselves were offering
prayers unto Kr�Qa's lotus feet.
"With folded hands, all the Brahmas and Sivas began to offer prayers unto
Lord Kr�Qa, saying, '0 Lord, You have shown me a great favor. I have been
able to see Your lotus feet.'
Text 76] The O pulence and Sweetness of Kmta 271
"All of them then said, 'It is my great fortune, lord, that You have called me,
thinking of me as Your servant. Now let me know what Your order is so that I
may carry it on my heads.'
"lord Kr�r:ta replied, 'Since I wanted to see all of you together, I have called
all of you here.
"'All of you should be happy. Is there any fear from the demons?' They
replied, 'By Your mercy, we are victorious everywhere.
" 'Whatever burden was upon the earth You have taken away by descending
on that planet.'
"This is the proof of Dvaraka's opulence: all the Brahmas thought, 'Kr�Qa is
now staying in my jurisdiction.'
"Thus the opulence of Dvaraka was perceived by each and every one of
them. Although they were all assembled together, no one could see anyone
but himself.
The four-headed Brahma perceived the opulence of Dvaraka-dhama where
Kr�r:Ja was staying, and although there were Brahmas present having ten to ten
million heads, and also many Lord Sivas were also assembled, only the four
headed Brahma of this universe could see all of them. By the inconceivable po
tency of Kr�r:Ja, the others could not see one another. Althouth all the Brahmas
and Sivas were assembled together, due to Kr�r:Ja's energy, they could not meet
or talk among themselves individually.
tabe-thereafter; kr?Qa-Lord Kr�r:Ja; sarva-brahma-ga(le-unto all the
Brahmas; vidaya dila-bade farewell; daQc;favat hafia-offering obeisances;
sabe-all of them; nija ghare ge/a-returned to their respective homes.
"Lord Kr�r:ta then bade farewell to all the Brahmas there, and after offering
their obeisances, they all returned to their respective homes.
dekhi'-seeing; catuf)-mukha brahmara-of the four-headed Brahma of this
universe; hai/a-there was; camatkara-astonishment; kr?Qera cara(le asi'-com
ing to the lotus feet of Lord Kr�r:Ja; kai/a namaskara-offered his respects.
"After observing all these opulences, the four-headed Brahma of this uni
verse was astonished. He again came before the lotus feet of Kr�r:ta and offered
Him obeisances.
brahma ba/e-Brahma said; purve-formerly; ami-1; ye-whatever; ni5caya
kari/uri-decided; tara-of that; udahara(la-the example; ami-1; aji-today;
ta'-certainly; dekhiluri-have seen.
Text 84] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr��a 275
jananta/:1-persons who think they are aware of Your unlimited potency; eva
certainly; janantu-let them think like that; kim-what is the use; bahu-uktya
with many words; na-not; me-my; prabho-0 my Lord; manasa/:1-of the
mind; vapu$a/:!-of the body; vaca/:1-of the words; vaibhavam-opulences;
tava-Your; gocara/:1-within the range.
"'There are people who say, "I know everything about Kr��a." let them
think in that way. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to speak very much
about this matter. 0 my lord, let me say this much. As far as your opulences
are concerned, they are all beyond the reach of my mind, body and words.'
"Kr�r;�a said, 'Your particular universe extends four billion miles; therefore
it is the smallest of all the universes. Consequently you have only four heads.
" 'Some of the universes are one billion yojanas, some one trillion, some ten
trillion and some one hundred trillion yojanas. Thus they are almost unlimited
in area.
"'According to the size of the universe, there are so many heads on the
body of Brahma. In this way I maintain innumerable universes [brahma1.1<;1asl.
eka-pada vibhati-a one-fourth manifestation of My opulence; ihara-of this;
nahi-there is not; parimaQa-measurement; tri-pada vibhatira-of the spiritual
world, having three fourths of My energy; keba-who; kare-can do;
"'No one can measure the length and breadth of one fourth of My energy.
Who can measure the three fourths that is manifested in the spiritual world?'
tasya/:r pare-on the other bank of the Viraja River; para- vyo ma-the spiritual
sky; tri-pad - bhatam-existing as three fourths of the opulence of the Supreme
Lord; sanatanam-eternal; amrtam-without deterioration; sasvatam-without
being subjected to the control of time; nityam-constantly existing; anantam
unlimited; paramam-supreme; padam-abode.
" 'Beyond the River Viraja is a spiritual nature, which is indestructible, eter
nal, inexhaustible and unlimited. It is the supreme abode consisting of three
fourths of the lord's opulences. It is known as paravyoma, the spiritual sky.'
This is a verse from the Padma Puraf)a, recited here by Lord Km1a.
tabe-thereafter; kr�Qa-Lord Kr�l)a; brahmare-unto the Lord Brahma of this
universe; dilena vidaya-bade farewell; kr�f)era-of Lord Kr�l)a; vibhOti
svarOpa-spiritu al verification of opulence; janana na yaya-is not possible to
"In this way lord Kr��a bade farewell to the four-headed Brahma of this
universe. We may thus understand that no one can calculate the extent of
Kr��a's energies.
The word tryadhisvara means "proprietor of the three worlds." There are three
worlds of which Kr�t:�a is the supreme proprietor. This is explained in Bhagavad
bhoktararh yajna-tapasarh
suhrdarh sarva-bhatanarh
jnatva marh santim rcchati
"The sages, knowing Me as the ultimate purpose of all sacrificies and austerities,
the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher
of all living entities, attain peace from the pangs of material miseries." (Bg. 5.29)
The word sarva-/oka means "all three worlds," and the word mahesvara means
"the supreme proprietor." Kr�t:�a is the proprietor of both material and spiritual
worlds. The spiritual world is divided into two portions-Goloka Vrndavana and
the Vaikut:�thas. The material world is a combination of universes unlimited in
"The three lokas are Gokula (Goloka), Mathura and Dvaraka. Kr�r;�a lives
eternally in these three places.
antaraliga - internal ; pOrf)a-aisvarya-purf)a-full of all opulences; tina dhama
three abodes; tinera adh isvara - the Lord of all three; kr�Qa-Lord Kr�r:Ja; svayam
bhagavan-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
"These three places are full of internal potencies, and Kr�r;�a, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, is their sole proprietor.
TEXTS 93-94
As previously mentioned, the jewels on the helmets of all the pre
dominating deities of all the universes and Vaiku1;1tha planets touched the
throne and the lotus feet of the Lord when they all offered obeisances.
mal)i-pithe-between the gems and the lotus feet or the throne; thekatheki
collision; uthe-arises; jhanjhani-a jingling sound; pi.thera-to the lotus feet or
the throne; stuti-prayers; kare-offer; mukuta-all the helmets; hena-thus;
anumani-we can imagine.
"When the gems on the helmets of all the predominating deities collide
before the throne and the Lord's lotus feet, there is a jingling sound, which
seems like prayers offered by the helmets at Kr�Qa's lotus feet.
nija-His own; cit-sakte-in spiritual potency; kr,sQa-Lord Kr�Qa; nitya-eter
nally; virajamana-existing; cit-sakti-of the spiritual potency; sampattira-of the
opulence; ,sat-aisvarya-the six opulences; nama-named.
"Kr,r:Ja is thus situated eternally in His spiritual potency, and the opulence
of that spiritual potency is called ,a<;t-aisvarya, indicating six kinds of
sei svarajya-lak,smi-that personal opulence; kare-does; nitya-eternally;
purl)a-fulfilling; kama-all desires; ataeva-therefore; vede-in the Vedas;
kahe-it is said; svayam bhagavan-Kr�Qa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
"Because He possesses the spiritual potencies which fulfill all His desires,
Kr,r:Ja is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the Vedic
kr,sQera aisvarya-the opulence of Kr�Qa; apara-unlimited; amrtera sindhu
an ocean of nectar; avagahite-to bathe; nari-1 am unable; tara-of that;
chui/ari-1 touched; eka bindu-only one drop.
Text 100] The Opulence and Sweetness of K��l)a 283
"The unlimited potencies of K��l)a are just like an ocean of nectar. Since
one cannot bathe within that ocean, I have only touched a drop of it."
ai5varya kahite-while describing the opulence; prabhura-of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu; kr?Qa-sphurti-awakening of love of Kr�r:Ja; hai/a-there was;
madhurye-in the sweetness of conjugal love; majila mana-the mind became
immersed; eka-one; 5/oka-verse; pa(ii/a-recited.
TEXT 100
yat-that which; martya-/i/a-pastimes in the material world; aupayikam-just
suitable for; sva-His own; yoga-maya-of the spiritual potency; ba/am-the
strength; dar5ayata-showing; grhitam-accepted; vismapanam-even pro
ducing wonder; svasya-for Himself; ca-also; saubhaga-rdhel)-of abundant
good fortune; param-supreme; padam-abode; bhD?af)a-of ornaments;
bhD?aQa-arigam-the limbs of which were the ornaments.
284 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"'To exhibit the strength of His own spiritual potency, lord Kr�J:Ja
manifested a suitable form just for His pastimes in the material world. This
form was wonderful even for Him and was the supreme abode of the wealth of
good fortune. Its limbs were so beautiful that they increased the beauty of the
ornaments worn on different parts of His body.'
TEXT 101
"lord Kr�J:Ja has many pastimes, of which His pastimes as a human being are
the best. His form as a human being is the supreme transcendental form. In
this form He is a cowherd boy. He carries a flute in His hand, and His youth is
new. He is also an expert dancer. All this is just suitable for His pastimes as a
human being.
Text 103] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r:-a 285
TEXT 102
TEXT 103
yoga-ma ya - internal energy; cit-sakti-spiritual potency; visuddha-sattva-of
transcendental pure goodness; paril)ati-a transformation; tara sakti-the po
tency of such energy; Joke dekhaite-to exhibit within the material world; ei
rupa-ratana -this beautiful, transcendental, jewellike form; bhakta-gauera
gu<;iha-dhana-the most confidential treasure of the devotees; prakata-exhibi
tion; kaiJa-made; nitya-JiJa haite-from the eternal pastimes of the Lord.
286 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"The transcendental form of K��r;�a is shown to the world by lord K��r;�a's in
ternal spiritual energy, which is a transformation of pure goodness. This
jewellike form is the most confidential treasure of the devotees. This form is
manifest from K��r;�a's eternal pastimes.
TEXT 104
rupa dekhi -by seeing the form; apanara-His own; kr$Qera-of Lord Kf�l)a;
"The wonder of K��r;�a in His personal feature is so great that it attracts even
K��r;�a to taste His own association. Thus K��r;�a becomes very eager to taste
that wonder. Total beauty, knowledge, wealth, strength, fame and renuncia
tion are the six opulences of K��r;�a. He is eternally situated in His opulences.
Kf�l)a has many pastimes, of which His pastimes in Goloka Vrndavana (the
gokula-lila) are supreme. He also has pastimes in the Vaikul)thas, the spiritual
Text 105] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 287
TEXT 105
bhO?af)era-of the ornament; bha?af)a-the ornament; alig a-the limbs of the
body; taheli-that feature; /a/ita-delicate; tri - bhaliga-bent in three places;
288 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
TEXT 106
brahmal)c;fa-upari-above all the universes; para-vyoma-the spiritual sky;
tahari-there; ye-all those; svarOpa-gaQa-transcendental personal expansions;
tari-sabara-of all of Them; bale-by force; hare mana-it enchants the minds;
pati-vrata-of those who are chaste and devoted to the husband; siromal)i-top
most; yarire-unto whom; kahe-describe; veda-vaQi-hymns of the Vedas;
akar�aye-it attracts; sei-those; lak�mi-gaQa-all the goddesses of fortune.
"The beauty of Kr�r;�a's body is so attractive that it attracts not only the
demigods and other living entities within this material world but the per
sonalities of the spiritual sky as well, including the Narayar;�as, who are expan
sions of Kr�r;�a's personality. The minds of the Narayar;�as are thus attracted by
the beauty of Kr�r;�a's body. In addition, the goddesses of fortune [Lak�mis]-
Text 108] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 289
who are wives of the Narayar;�as and are the women described in the Vedas as
most chaste-are also attracted by the wonderful beauty of Kr�r;�a.
TEXT 107
w;�' <;1tt4b·1tte{HitQf,
ift1f 'ftf '1f'fe{t1f�' I
��' 9f•-tf·'f'Pf, �1:. ���
i'Pt �tf Gll'$1 <;'$f1�'$ftf II �oct II
"Favoring them, Kr�r;�a rides on the chariot of the minds of the gopis, and
just to receive loving service from them, He attracts their minds like Cupid.
Therefore He is also called Madana-rnohana, the attractor of Cupid. Cupid has
five arrows, representing form, taste, smell, sound and touch. Kr�r;�a is the
owner of these five arrows, and with His Cupid-like beauty, He conquers the
minds of the gopis, though they are very proud of their superexcellent beauty.
Becoming a new Cupid, Kr�r;�a attracts their minds and engages in the rasa
TEXT 108
"When Lord Kr�t:la wanders in the forest of Vrndavana with His friends on
an equal level, there are innumerable cows grazing. This is another of the
Lord's blissful enjoyments. When He plays on His flute, all living entities-in
cluding trees, plants, animals and human beings-tremble and are saturated
with jubilation. Tears flow constantly from their eyes.
TEXT 109
mukta-hara-a necklace of pearls; baka-panti-like a row of white ducks; in
dra-dhanu-like a rainbow; piiicha-a peacock feather; tati-there; pita-am
bara-yellow garments; vijuri-saficara-like the appearance of lightning in the
sky; kr?Qa-Lord Kr��a; nava-new; jala-dhara-cloud carrying water; jagat-the
universe; sasya-like crops of grains; upara-upon; vari?aye-rains; lila-amrta
the pastimes of Lord Kr��a; dhara-like a shower.
Text 111] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 291
"Kr�r;�a wears a pearl necklace that appears like a chain of white ducks
around His neck. The peacock feather in His hair appears like a rainbow, and
His yellow garments appear like lightning in the sky. Kr�r;�a appears like a
newly risen cloud, and the gopis appear like newly grown grains in the field.
Constant rains of nectarean pastimes fall upon these newly grown grains, and
it seems that the gopis are receiving beams of life from Kr�r;�a, exactly as
grains receive life from the rains.
TEXT 110
madhurya-sweetness; bhagavatta-sara-the quintessence of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead; vraje-in Vrndavana; kaila-did; paracara-propaga
tion; taha-that; suka-Sukadeva Gosvami; vyasera nandana-the son of
Vyasadeva; sthane sthane-in different places; bhagavate-in Srimad
Bhagavatam; varQiyache-has described; janaite-in order to explain; taha
suni'-hearing those statements; mate-become maddened; bhakta-gaf)a-all
the devotees.
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kr�r;�a, is full in all six opulences, in
cluding His attractive beauty, which engages Him in conjugal love with the
gopis. Such sweetness is the quintessence of His qualities. Sukadeva Gosvami,
the son of Vyasadeva, has described these pastimes of Kr�r;�a throughout
Srimad-Bhagavatam. Hearing the descriptions, the devotees become mad
with love of God."
TEXT 111
Just as the women of Mathura ecstatically described the fortune of the gopis
of V�ndavana and the transcendental qualities of K��r:Ja, Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu described the different mellows of K��r:Ja and became over
whelmed with ecstatic love. Grasping the hand of Sanatana Gosvami, He
recited the following verse.
TEXT 112
"'i�'IP'li�1!11C1lt1'{....1!01"�f'l�"{_ I
gopya/:1-the gopis; tapa/:1-austerities; kim - what; acaran-perfo rmed; yat
from which; amu$ya-of such a one (Lord Kr�l)a); rupam-the form; lavaf)ya
saram-the essence of loveliness; asama-Ordhvam-not paralleled or surpassed;
Text 113] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�l)a 293
"'What austerities must the gopis have performed? With their eyes they al
ways drink the nectar of the face of Lord Kr�r;1a, which is the essence of loveli
ness and is not to be equaled or surpassed. That loveliness is the only abode of
beauty, fame and opulence. It is self-perfect, ever fresh and unique.'
TEXT 113
tarul)yamrta-paravara, taratiga-laval)ya-sara,
tate se avarta bhavodgama
varhsi-dhvani-cakravata, narira mana-twa-pata,
taha c;fubaya na haya udgama
"The bodily beauty of Sri Kr�l)a is like a wave in the ocean of eternal youth.
In that great ocean is the whirlpool of the awakening of ecstatic love. The
vibration of Kr�l)a's flute is like a whirlwind, and the flickering minds of the
294 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
gopis are like straws and dry leaves. After they fall down in the whirlwind,
they never rise again but remain eternally at the lotus feet of Kr�r;�a.
TEXT 114
"0 my dear friend, what severe austerities have the gopis performed to
drink His transcendental beauty and sweetness through their eyes in complete
fulfillment? Thus they glorify their births, bodies and minds.
TEXT 115
TEXT 116
TEXT 117
TEXT 118
"Both the gopis and Kr��a are complete. The gopis' ecstatic love is like a
mirror that becomes newer and newer at every moment and reflects Kr��a's
bodily luster and sweetness. Thus competition increases. Since neither give
up, their pastimes become newer and newer, and both sides constantly
TEXT 119
TEXT 120
"Such ecstatic transactions between Kr�Qa and the gopis are only possible
in Vrndavana, which is full of the opulences of transcendental love. The form
of Kr�Qa is the original source of all transcendental qualities. It is like a mine
of gems. The opulences belonging to all the personal expansions of Kr�Qa are
to be understood to be bestowed by Kr�Qa; therefore Kr�Qa is the original
source and shelter of everyone.
TEXT 121
"Beauty, humility, mercy, merit, patience and expert intelligence are all
manifest in Kr�r;1a. But besides these, Kr�r:'la has other qualities like good
behavior, mildness and magnanimity. He also performs welfare activities for
the whole world. All these qualities are not visible in expansions like
SrTia Bhaktivinoda Thakura mentions that the qualities of beauty, humility,
mercy, merit, patience and expert intelligence are brilliant qualities, and when
they are exhibited in the person of Narayal)a, one should know that they are be
stowed upon Narayal)a by Kr�r:Ja. Good behavior, mildness and magnanimity are
found only in Kr�r:Ja. Only Kr�r:Ja performs welfare activities for the whole world.
TEXT 122
Vrndavana; vidhi-Lord Brahma; ninde-blame; gop i-ga1,1a all the gopis; sei-
After seeing Kr�r;�a, various people criticize the blinking of their eyes. In
Vrndavana, especially, all the gopis criticize Lord Brahma because of this
defect in the eyes." Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited some verses from
Srimad-Bhagavatam and explained them vividly, thus enjoying the taste of
transcendental sweetness with great happiness.
TEXT 123
<r�tO!O!� Jf<f�FJ.�:�<'�Si��.f-
�t���r?ft<'���?t� )\�<'�t'l�t)\"!_ 1
fol�Jt�)\<f� "! '!W9j"_,"ficr�: M<1nm
OTtr�1 OT�t"D ·�J1r�r: � f?f\!"1 f<lr"T•t> 11 � �" 11
yasyananarh makara-kuQqala-caru-karQa
bhrajat-kapola-subhagarh savilasa-hasam
nityotsavarh na tatrpur drsibhih pibantyo
naryo naras ca muditah kupita nimes ca
'All men and women were accustomed to enjoying the beauty of the
shining face of Lord Kr�r;�a, as well·as His sharklike earrings swinging on His
ears. His beautiful features, His cheeks and His playful smiles all combined to
form a constant festival for the eyes, and the blinking of the eyes became
obstacles that impeded one from seeing that beauty. For this reason, men and
women became very angry at the creator [Lord Brahma].'
Text 125] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r:-a 301
TEXT 124
" '0 Kr�r:-a, when You go to the forest during the day and we do not see Your
sweet face, which is surrounded by beautiful, curling hair, half a second
becomes as long as an entire age for us. And we consider the creator, who
has put eyelids on the eyes we use for seeing You, to be simply a fool.'
TEXT 125
�11('5ttu1-�?t, � �� ��?t,
�(.�f� �'!if �-m � I
'" �1{ '�i!!' lt�, � �' �5RI,
�'5te, ,�1 �tJ!'Il� II��� II
kama-gayatri-mantra-rupa-the hymn known as kama-gayatri; haya-is;
kr?Qera svarupa-identical with Kr�r:Ja; sardha-cabbisa-twenty-four and a half;
ak?ara-syllables; tara-of that; haya-are; se ak?ara-these syllables; candra
haya-are like the moon; kr?Qe-Lord Kr�r:Ja; kari' udaya-awakening; tri-jagat
the three worlds; kai /a-made; kama-maya-full of desire.
"Kr��a, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is identical with the Vedic
hymn known as the kama-gayatri, which is composed of twenty-four and a
half syllables. Those syllables are compared to moons that arise in Kr��a. Thus
all three worlds are filled with desire.
TEXT 126
"The face of Kr��a is the king of all moons, and the body of Kr��a is the
throne. Thus the king governs a society of moons.
The entire face is called the king of moons. The mouth is another moon, the left
cheek is a moon, and the right cheek is a moon. The spots of sandalwood pulp on
Kr�r:Ja's face are also considered different moons, and His fingernails and toenails
are also different moons. His forehead is considered a half moon, His face is con
sidered the king of moons, and His body is considered the throne. All the other
candras (moons) are considered to be subordinate moons.
Text 128) The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r:ta 303
TEXT 127
"Kr�r:ta has two cheeks that shine like glowing gems. Both are considered
full moons. His forehead is considered a half moon, and His spots of sandal
wood are considered full moons.
TEXT 128
kara-nakha-of the nails on the hands; candera-of the full moons; hata-the
bazaar; vamsi-the flute; upara-on; kare-do; nata-dancing; tara-of them;
304 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
gita-the song; muralira tana-the melody of the flute; pada-nakha-of the nails
on the toes; candra-gaQa-the different full moons; tale-on the ground; kare
do; nartana-dancing; nOpurera-of the ankle bells; dhvani-the sound; yara
whose; gana-musical song.
"His fingernails are many full moons, and they dance on the flute on His
hands. Their song is the melody of that flute. His toenails are also .many full
moons, and they dance on the ground. Their song is the jingling of His ankle
TEXT 129
"Kr�r:Ja's face is the enjoyer king. That full-moon face makes His shark
shaped earrings and lotus eyes dance. His eyebrows are like bows, and His
eyes are like arrows. His ears are fixed on the string of that bow, and when His
eyes spread to His ears, He pierces the hearts of the gopis.
TEXT 130
�� � <(iJ ertit, �� �
�fil�ilf f�� f�.\! I
Text 131] The Opulence and Sweetness of K��r;1a 305
"The dancing features of His face surpass all other full moons and expand
the marketplace of full moons. Although priceless, the nectar of K��r;1a's face
is distributed to everyone. Some purchase the moonrays of His sweet smiles,
and others purchase the nectar of His lips. Thus He pleases everyone.
TEXT 131
��llft�1!1111'1, J'f�il·��-�(il,
'atit �t� � �� il�il I
'ft<t'IJt<f'f'i'·#1'5fil, i!fil·(;il(]f·��rnil,
���� <;'5tt�"!·<t'5fil II ��� II
vipulayataruQa, madana-mada-ghUrQana,
mantri yara e dui nayana
lavaQya-keli-sadana, jana-netra-rasayana,
sukhamaya govinda-vadana
"Kr�Qa has two reddish, widely spread eyes. These are ministers of the
king, and they subdue the pride of Cupid, who also has beautiful eyes. That
face of Govinda, which is full of happiness, is the home of the pastimes of
beauty, and it is very pleasing to everyone's eyes.
TEXT 132
"If by devotional service one gets the results of pious activities and sees
Lord Kr�Qa's face, he can relish the Lord with his eyes. His greed and thirst
then increase twofold by seeing the nectarean face of Kr�Qa. Due to one's in
ability to sufficiently drink that nectar, one becomes very unhappy and criti
cizes the creator for not having given more than two eyes.
TEXT 133
na dileka -did not award; lak�a-koti-thousands and millions; sabe -only;
TEXT 134
ye-anyone who; dekhibe-will see; kr�Qa-anana-the face of Kr�l)a; tara-of
him; kare-make; dvi -nayana -two eyes; vidhi-an authority in creation; hafla
being; hena-such; avicara-lack of consideration; mora-my; yadi -if; bola
instruction; dhare-acce pts; koti a r'lkhi-mill ions of eyes; tara-of him; kare
would create; tabe jani-then I would understand; yogya-suitable; sr�ti-cre
ation; tara-his.
308 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
"'The creator says, "Let those who will see Kr�r:-a's beautiful face have two
eyes." Just see the lack of consideration exhibited by this person posing as a
creator. If the creator took my advice, he would give millions of eyes to the
person who intends to see Sri Kr�r:-a's face. If the creator will accept this ad
vice, then I would say that he is competent in his work.'
TEXT 135
TEXT 136
madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet; vapub-the transcendental form;
asya-His; vibhob-of the Lord; madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet;
vadanam-face; madhuram-more sweet; madhu-gandhi-the fragrance of
honey; mrdu-smitam-soft smiling; etat-this; aho-0; madhuram-sweet;
madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet; madhuram-still more sweet.
" '0 my Lord, the transcendental body of Kr�r:-a is very sweet, and His face
is even sweeter than His body. The soft smile on His face, which is like the
fragrance of honey, is sweeter still.'
TEXT 137
"My dear Sanatana, the sweetness of Kr�r:-a's personality is just like an
ocean of ambrosia. Although My mind is now afflicted by convulsive diseases
310 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
and I wish to drink that entire ocean, the repressive physician does not allow
Me to drink even one drop.
When there is a combination of kapha, pitta and vayu, the three bodily ele
ments, there occurs sannipati, or a convulsive disease. "This disease is caused by
the personal features of Lord Kr�r:ta. The three elements are the beauty of Kr�r:ta's
body, the beauty of His face, and the beauty of His smile. Stricken by these three
beauties, My mind goes into convulsions. It wishes to drink the ocean of Kr�r:ta's
beauty, but because I am undergoing convulsions, My physician, who is Sri Kr�r:ta
Himself, does not even allow Me to take a drop of water from that ocean." Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu was ecstatic in this way because He was presenting Him
self in the mood of the gopis. The gopis wanted to drink the ocean of sweetness
arising from the bodily features of Kr�r:ta, but Kr�r:ta did not allow them to come
near. Consequently their desire to meet Kr�r:ta increased, and being unable to
drink the ambrosia of Kr�r:ta's bodily features, they became very unhappy.
TEXT 138
The smile on Kr�r:Ja's face is just like the smiling of the moon, which generates
greater and greater happiness for the gopis.
TEXT 139
madhura haite su-madhura-sweete r than sweet; taha haite-than that; su
madhura-still sweeter; taha haite-than that; ati su-madhura-still much more
sweet; apanara-of Himself; eka kaf)e-by one particle; vyape-spreads; saba
all; tri-bhuvane - thro u ghou t the three worlds; dasa-dik-ten directions; vyape
spreads; yara-whose; para-the city of Kr�r:Ja's beauty.
"The beauty of Kr�r:ta's smile is the sweetest feature of all. His smile is like a
full moon that spreads its rays throughout the three worlds-Goloka
Vrndavana, the spiritual sky of the Vaikur;tthas, and Devi-dhama, the material
world. Thus Kr�r;�a's shining beauty spreads in all ten directions.
TEXT 140
TEXT 141
"The sound of Kr�r;�a's flute spreads in four directions. Even though Kr�r;�a
vibrates His flute within this universe, its sound pierces the universal covering
and goes to the spiritual sky. Thus the vibration enters the ears of all inhabi·
tants. It especially enters Goloka Vrndavana-dhama and attracts the minds of
the young damsels of Vrajabhlimi, bringing them forcibly to where Kr�r;�a is
Text 143] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r;�a 313
TEXT 142
"The vibration of Kr�r;�a's flute is very aggressive, and it breaks the vows of
all chaste women. Indeed, its vibration takes them forcibly from the laps of
their husbands. The vibration of His flute attracts even the goddesses of for
tune in the Vaikur;�tha planets, to say nothing of the poor damsels of
TEXT 143
"The vibration of His flute slackens the knots of their underwear even in
front of their husbands. Thus the gopis are forced to abandon their household
duties and come before lord Kr�r:-a. In this way all social etiquette, shame and
fear are vanquished. The vibration of His flute causes all women to dance.
TEXT 144
"The vibration of His flute is just like a bird that creates a nest within the
ears of the gopis and always remains prominent there, not allowing any other
sound to enter their ears. Indeed, the gopis cannot hear anything else, nor are
they able to concentrate on anything else, not even to give a suitable reply.
Such are the effects of the vibration of lord Kr�r:-a's flute."
Text 145] The Opulence and Sweetness of Kr�r:-a 315
The vibration of Kr��a's flute is always prominent in the ears of the gopis.
Naturally they cannot hear anything else. Constant remembrance of the holy
sound of Kr��a's flute keeps them enlightened and enlivened, and they do not
allow any other sound to enter their ears. Since their attention is fixed on Kr��a's
flute, they-cannot divert their minds to any other subject. In other words, a devo
tee who has heard the sound of Kr��a's flute forgets to talk or hear of any other
subject. This vibration of Kr��a's flute is represented by the Hare Kr��a maha
mantra. A serious devotee of the Lord who chants and hears this transcendental
vibration becomes so accustomed to it that he cannot divert his attention to any
subject matter not related to Kr��a's blissful characteristics and paraphernalia.
TEXT 145
SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu admitted that He was speaking like a madman, which
He should not have done for the understanding of those who are externally situ
ated. Statements about Kr�r:Ja's body, His characteristics and His flute would ap
pear like a madman's statements to a mundane person. It was actually a fact that
Kr�r:Ja wanted to expose Himself to Sanatana GosvamT due to His specific mercy
upon him. Somehow or other, Kr�r:Ja explained Himself and His flute to Sanatana
GosvamT through the mouth of SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared as
though mad. SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu admitted that He wanted to tell Sanatana
GosvamT something else, but somehow or other, in a transcendental ecstasy, He
spoke of a different subject matter.
TEXT 146
ami ta' bau/a-1 am a madman; ana kahite-to speak something; ana kahi-1
speak on something else; kr�Qera-of Lord Kr�r:Ja; madhurya-amrta-of the nectar
of the sweetness; srote-in the waves of; yai-1 go; vahi'-being carried away.
TEXT 147
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then remained silent for a moment. Finally, ad
justing thtngs within His mind, He again spoke to Sanatana Gosvami.
TEXT 148
TEXT 149
sri-rOpa-SrTla ROpa GosvamT; raghunatha-SrTia Raghunatha dasa GosvamT;
pade-at the lotus feet; yara-whose; asa-expectation; caitanya-caritamrta
the book named Caitanya-caritamrta; kahe - descri bes; kr�Qadasa-SrTla
Kr�t:�adasa Kaviraja GosvamT.
318 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 21
Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Riipa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring
their mercy, I, Kr�r:tadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their
320 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
the symptoms of devotees who are already situated in spontaneous love of God.
He has also described the devotees who are trying to follow in the footsteps of
the pure devotees.
��"���� �� �pttc(� I
vande sri-kr?Qa-caitanya
devarh tarh karuf)arf)avam
kalav apy ati-guc;Jheyarh
bhaktir yena prakasita
�����ti�IJ fi\�Jti{"' I
Q '?11
1�'4'!., ;rn (;'$f�'e9�"1 II� II
jaya jaya sri-kr?Qa-caitanya nityananda
j�yadvaita-candra jaya gaura-bhakta-vrnda
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "I have described one's relation with Kr��a
in various ways. This is the subject matter of all the Vedas. Kr��a is the center
of all activities.
��I!�-�·' �·t<!11t'filll811
ebe kahi, suna, abhidheya-lak?aQa
yaha haite pai-kr?Qa, kr?Qa-prema-dhana
"A human being's activities should be centered only about devotional ser
vice to lord Kr�r:Ja. That is the verdict of all Vedic literatures, and all saintly
people have ascertained this.
'When the mother Vedas [sruti] is questioned as to whom to worship, she
says that You are the only Lord and worshipable object. Similarly, the corol
laries of the sruti-sastras, the smrti-sastras, give the same instructions, just
like sisters. The Purar:tas, which are like brothers, follow in the footsteps of
their mother. 0 enemy of the demon Mura, the conclusion is that You are the
only shelter. Now I have understood this in truth.'
This quotation from the Vedic literature was spoken by great sages.
advaya-jfiana-of nondual knowledge; tattva-the principle; kr�Qa-Lord
Kr�r:Ja; svayam bhagavan-Himself the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
svarOpa-personal expansions; sakti-of potencies; rOpe-in the form; tar'lra
His; haya-there is; avasthana-existence.
The Lord has many potencies, and He is nondifferent from all these potencies.
Because the potencies and the potent cannot be separated, they are identical.
Kr�r:Ja is described as the source of all potencies, and He is also identified with the
external potency, the material energy. Kr�r:Ja also has internal potencies, or
spiritual potencies, which are always engaged in His personal service. His internal
potency is different from His external potency. Kr�r:Ja's internal potency and Kr�r:Ja
Himself, who is the potent, are always identical.
324 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
sva-arhsa-of personal expansions; vibhinna-arhsa-of separated expansions;
rape-in the forms; haii a-becoming; vistara-expanded; ananta-unlimited;
vaikuf)tha-in the spiritual planets known as Vaikur:tthas; brahmaf)<;:/e-in the ma
terial universes; karena vihara-performs His pastimes.
"Kr�r:Ja expands Himself in many forms. Some of them are personal expan
sions, and some are separate expansions. Thus He performs pastimes in both
the spiritual and material worlds. The spiritual worlds are the VaikuQtha
planets, and the material universes are brahmaQ«;tas, gigantic globes governed
by Lord Brahma.
GStt�llf-��11f-�'!(J�, ���t�"it'l I
svarhsa-vistara-catur-vyaha, avatara-gaf)a
vibhinnarhsa jiva -tarira saktite gaf)ana
sva-arhsa-vistara-the expansion of His personal forms; catuh-vyaha-His
quadruple form; avatara-gaf)a-the incarnations; vibhinna-arhsa-His separated
forms; jiva-the living entities; tarira-His; saktite-in the category of potency;
gaf)ana -calculating.
The personal expansions are known as vi�Qu-tattva, and the separated expan
sions are known as jiva-tattva. Although the jivas {living entities) are part and
parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are still counted among His
multi-potencies. This is fully described in Bhagavad-gita:
sei vibhinna-arhsa-that separated part and parcel of Kr�l)a; jiva-the living en
tity; dui ta' prakara -two categories; eka-one; nitya-mukta -eternally liber
ated; eka-one; nitya sarhsara-perpetually conditioned.
326 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
"The living entities [jivas] are divided into two categories. Some are eter
nally liberated, and others are eternally conditioned.
nitya-mukta-eternally liberated; nitya-always; kr?Qa-caraQe-the lotus feet
of Lord Kr�r:Ja; unmukha-turned toward; kr?Qa-pari?ada-associates of Lord
Kr�r:Ja; nama-known as; bhufije-enjoy; seva-sukha-the happiness of service.
"Those who are eternally liberated are always awake to Kr�r:'la conscious
ness, and they render transcendental loving service at the feet of Lord Kr�l)a.
They are to be considered eternal associates of Kr�r;1a, and they are eternally
enjoying the transcendental bliss of serving Kr�l)a.
nitya-bandha-perpetually conditioned; kr?Qa haite-from Kr�r:Ja; nitya-eter
nally; bahi/:1-mukha-averse; nitya-sarilsara-perpetually conditioned in the ma
terial world; bhufije-enjoy; naraka-adi du/:lkha-the tribulations of hellish condi
tions of life.
"Apart from the ever-liberated devotees, there are the conditioned souls
who always turn away from the service of the Lord. They are perpetually con
ditioned in this material world and are subjected to the material tribulations
brought about by different bodily forms in hellish conditions.
Text 15] The Process of Devotional Service 327
TEXTS 14-15
�-�� �� �lfP11!1'1f "ftN �1lt I
i!l� i!lflitl! �f(f �t'£:��'iJ � II �8 II
il'1f �9ftlfllf·1lt!l f9£-tt51 �"'t� I
��r� �t�, '!t� ��·fil<l'i(; �1ll 11 �(t "
"In this way the conditioned soul becomes the servant of lusty desires, and
when these are not fulfilled, he becomes a servant of anger and continues to
be kicked by the external energy, maya. Wandering and wandering
throughout the universe, he may by chance get the association of a devotee
physician, whose instructions and hymns rttake the witch of external energy
flee. The conditioned soul thus gets into touch with the devotional service of
Lord Kr�r:Ja, and in this way he can approach nearer and nearer to the Lord.
An explanation of verses 8 through 15 is given by SrTia Bhaktivinoda Thakura in
his Amrta-pravaha-bha$ya. The Lord is spread throughout the creation in His
quadruple expansions and incarnations. Kr�!)a is fully represented with all poten
cies in each and every personal extension, but the living entities, although sepa
rated expansions, are also considered one of the Lord's energies. The living en
tities are divided into two categories-the eternally liberated and eternally condi
tioned. Those who are ever-liberated never come in contact with maya, the exter
nal energy. The ever-conditioned are always under the clutches of the external
energy. This is described in Bhagavad-gita:
"This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is
difficult to overcome." (Bg. 7.14)
The nitya-baddhas are always conditioned by the external energy, and the
nitya-muktas never come in contact with the external energy. Sometimes an ever
liberated personal associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends
into this universe just as the Lord descends. Although working for the liberation of
conditioned souls, the messenger of the Supreme Lord remains untouched by the
material energy. Generally ever-liberated personalities live in the spiritual world as
associates of Lord Kr�!)a, and they are known as km1a-pari$ada, associates of the
Lord. Their only business is enjoying Lord Kr�!)a's company, and even though such
eternally liberated persons come within this material world to serve the Lord's
purpose, they enjoy Lord Kr�t:la's company without stoppage. The ever-liberated
person who works on Kr�!)a's behalf enjoys Lord Kr�!)a's company through his
engagement. The ever-conditioned soul, provoked by lusty desires to enjoy the
material world, is subjected to transmigrate from one body to another. Sometimes
he is elevated to higher planetary systems, and sometimes he is degraded to
hellish planets and subjected to the tribulations of the external energy.
Due to being conditioned by the external energy, the conditioned soul within
this material world gets two kinds of bodies-a gross material body and a subtle
Text 16] The Process of Devotional Service 329
body composed of mind, intelligence and ego. Due to the gross and subtle
bodies, he is subjected to the threefold miseries (adhyatmika, adhibhautika and
adhidaivika), miseries arising from the body and mind, other living entities, and
natural disturbances caused by demigods from higher planetary systems. The con
ditioned soul subjected to the threefold material miseries is ceaselessly kicked by
maya, and this is his disease. If by chance he meets a saintly person who works on
Kr�l)a's behalf to deliver conditioned souls, and if he agrees to abide by his order,
he can gradually approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kr�l)a.
" '0 my Lord, there is no limit to the unwanted orders of lusty desires. A l
though I have rendered them so much service, they have not shown any mercy
to me. I have not been ashamed to serve them, nor have I even desired to give
them up. 0 my Lord, 0 head of the Y adu dynasty, recently, however, my in
telligence has been awakened, and now I am giving them up. Due to transcen
dental intelligence, I now refuse to obey the unwanted orders of these desires,
and I now come to You to surrender myself at Your fearless lotus feet. Kindly
engage me in Your personal service and save me.'
330 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
�oef• �� ��t-rn·i21•fti1 1
oef���·filil-.<ti <fi�-c;�t'$f·�ti111 �� 11
kr$ service to Lord Kr�l)a; haya-is; abhidheya
pradhana-the chief function of the living entity; bhakti-mukha-of the face of
devotional service; nirik$aka-observers; karma-yoga-ji'iana-fruitive activities,
mystic yoga and speculative knowledge.
"Devotional service to Kr�Qa is the chief function of the living entity. There
are different methods for the liberation of the conditioned soul-karma,
jiiana, yoga and bhakti-but all are dependent on bhakti.
ei saba-all these; sadhanera-of methods of spiritual activities; ati-very; tuc
cha-insignificant; ba/a-strength; k[$Qa-bhakti-devotional service to Lord
Kr�l)a; vina-without; taha-all these; dite-to deliver; nare-are not able;
pha/a-the desired result.
Text 19] The Process of Devotional Service 331
"But for devotional service, all other methods for spiritual self-realization
are weak and insignificant. Unless one comes to the devotional service of lord
Kr��a, jnana and yoga cannot give the desired results.
Karma, jnana and yoga cannot actually awaken love of Godhead. One has to take
to the Lord's devotional service, and the more one is inclined to devotional ser
vice, the more he loses interest in other so-called achievements. Dhruva Maharaja
went to practice mystic yoga to see the Lord personally face to face, but when he
developed an interest in devotional service, he saw that he was not being
benefited by karma, jflana and yoga.
� C"fi�r.� i!fii'!'I'1'J"1�g)O(l(_ I
�\!: 1.'1: "t11f�Jf1l'�·R�
'! P"if9r�' �1i �if9fJ'l'T�Cfl( II �., n
nai$karmyam -which does not produce enj oyment of the resultant action;
api-although; acyuta-bhava-of devotional service to the Supreme Personality
of Godhead; varjitam - devoid; na-not; sobhate-looks beautiful; jflanam
speculative knowledge; a/am-exceedingly; nirafljanam -which is without
332 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
" 'When pure knowledge is beyond all material affinity but is not dedicated
to the Supreme Personality of Godhead [Kr�r;�a], it does not appear very
beautiful, although it is knowledge without a material tinge. What, then, is the
use of fruitive activities-which are naturally painful from the beginning and
transient by nature-if they are not utilized for the devotional service of the
lord? How can they be very attractive?'
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.5.12). Even after writing many
Vedic literatures, Vyasadeva felt very morose. Therefore his spiritual master,
Naradadeva, told him that he could be happy by writing about the activities of
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Up to that time, SrTia Vyasadeva had written
the karma-kaQc;ia and jfiana-kaQc;ia sections of the Vedas, but he had not written
about upasana-kal)c;ia, or bhakti. Thus his spiritual master, Narada, chastised him
and advised him to write about the activities of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. Therefore Vyasadeva began writing Srimad-Bhagavatam.
�9lf�'COI11'fl01"1�1 <l111f�'C"I1
'11-ff�'COII "!��If: �"l'f�j: I
tapasvina/:1-those engaged in severe austerities and penances; dana-para/:1-
those engaged in giving his possessions as charity; yasasvina/:1-those famous
in society; manasvina/:1-experts in mental speculation or meditation; mantra-
Text 21] The Process of Devotional Service 333
" 'Those who perform severe austerities and penances, those who give
away all their possessions out of charity, those who are very famous for their
auspicious activity, those who are engaged in meditation and mental specula
tion, and even those who are very expert in reciting the Vedic mantras, are not
able to obtain any auspicious results, although they are engaged in auspicious
activities, if they do not dedicate their activities to the service of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. I therefore repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances
unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose glories are always
This is also a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.4.17).
"0 my Lord, if one engages in Your pure devotional service with determination,
You become visible in Your original transcendental youthful form as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. As far as liberation is concerned, she stands before the
devotee with folded hands waiting to render service. Religion, economic develop
ment and sense gratification are all automatically attained without separate en
sreya/:l-srtim-the auspicious path of liberation; bhaktim-devotional service;
udasya-giving up; te-of You; vibho-0 my Lord; klisyanti-accept increased
difficulties; ye-all those persons who; keva/a-only; bodha-labdhaye-for ob
taining knowledge; te�am-for them; asau-that; k/esa/ai)-trouble; e va-only;
si�yate-remains; na-not; anyat-anything else; yatha-as much as; stho/a
bulky; tu�a-husks of rice; avaghatinam-of those beating.
Text 24] The Process of Devotional Service 335
'My dear Lord, devotional service unto You is the only auspicious path. If
one gives it up simply for speculative knowledge or the understanding that
these living beings are spirit souls and the material world is false, he under
goes a great deal of trouble. He only gains troublesome and inauspicious ac
tivities. His endeavors are like beating a husk that is already devoid of rice.
One's labor becomes fruitless.'
' This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material
nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can
easily cross beyond it.'
"The living entity is bound around the neck by the chain of maya because
he has forgotten that he is eternally a servant of Kf�Qa.
tate-therefore; kr? bhaje-if one worships Lord Kr�l)a; kare -performs;
gurura sevana-service to his spiritual master; maya-jala chute-gets free from
the binding net of maya; paya-gets; kr?Qera cara(l a-shelter at the lotus feet of
"If the conditioned soul engages in the service of the Lord and
simultaneously carries out the orders of his spiritual master and serves him, he
can get out of the clutches of maya and become eligible for shelter at Kf�Qa's
lotus feet.
It is a fact that every living entity is eternally a servant of Kr�r:Ja. This is forgotten
due to the influence of maya, which induces one to believe in material happiness.
Being illusioned by maya, one thinks that material happiness is the only desirable
object. This material consciousness is like a chain around the neck of the condi
tioned soul. As long as he is bound to that conception, he cannot get out of
maya's clutches. However, if by Kr�l)a's mercy he gets in touch with a bona fide
spiritual master, abides by his order and serves him, engaging other conditioned
souls in the Lord's service, he then attains liberation and Lord SrT Kr�r:Ja's shelter.
Text 27] The Process of Devotional Service 337
cari varf)a-asrami -followers of the four social and spiritual orders of life; yadi
if; kr�Qa-Lord Kr�r:Ja; nahi -not; bhaje-serve; sva-karma karit e-performing his
duty in life; se-that person; raurave-in a hellish condition; pagi '-falling down;
maje-becomes immersed.
"The followers of the varr;�asrama institution accept the regulative prin
ciples of the four social orders [brahmar;�a, k�atriya, vaisya and sudra] and four
spiritual orders [brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa]. However,
if one carries out the regulative principles of these orders but does not render
transcendental service to Knr;�a, he falls into the hellish condition of material
One may be a brahmaQa, k�atriya, vaisya or sudra, or one may perfectly follow
the spiritual principles of brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa, but
ultimately one falls down into a hellish condition unless one becomes a devotee.
Without developing one's dormant Kr�r:Ja consciousness, one cannot be factually
elevated. The regulative principles of varf)asrama-dharma in themselves are in
sufficient for attainment of the highest perfection. That is confirmed in the
following two quotations from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.2-3).
puru�asyasramaif) saha
catvaro jajtiire varQa
guQair vipradayaf) prthak
338 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
" 'From the mouth of Brahma, the brahminical order has come into exis
tence. Similarly, from his arms the k�atriyas have come, from his waist the
vaisyas have come, and from his legs the sudras have come. These four orders
and their spiritual counterparts [brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and san
nyasa] combine to make human society complete.
� ��� �� '!1�1if1���<!�,1"il"\.. I
Of ���J��10ff� �t•rt"if.'!1"�t: 9(\!i�J'f: II �\7 II
"'If one simply maintains an official position in the four varr;�as and asramas
but does not worship the Supreme Lord Vi�r;�u, he falls down from his puffed
up position into a hellish condition.'
ye-all those who; anye-others (nondevotees); aravinda-ak�a-0 lotus-eyed
one; vimukta-maninab-who consider themselves liberated; tvayi-unto You;
asta-bhavat-without devotion; avisuddha-buddhayab-whose intelligence is
not purified; aruhya-having ascended; krcchref)a-by severe austerities and
penances; param padam-to the supreme position; tatab-from there; patanti
fall; adhab-down; anadrta-without respecting; yu�mat-You r; afighrayab
lotus feet.
" '0 lotus-eyed one, those who think they are liberated in this life but do
not render devotional service to You must be of impure intelligence. Although
they accept severe austerities and penances and rise to the spiritual position,
340 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
to impersonal Brahman realization, they fall down again because they neglect
to worship Your lotus feet.'
This verse is quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1 0.2.32).
kr�Qa-Kr�r:Ja, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; surya-sama-like the sun
planet; maya - the illusory energy; haya-is; andhakara-darkness; yahan
kr�Qa - wherever there is Kr�r:Ja; tahail-there; nahi-not; mayara-of maya, or
the darkness of illusion; adhikara-the jurisdiction.
"Kr�.,a is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness.
Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness. As soon as one takes to
Kr�.,a consciousness, the darkness of illusion (the influence of the external
energy) will immediately vanish.
In Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.9.34) it is stated:
Wherever there is light, there cannot be darkness. When a living entity becomes
Kr�r:Ja conscious, he is immediately relieved of all material lusty desires. Lusty
desires and greed are associated with rajas and tamas, darkness and passion.
When one becomes Kr�r:Ja conscious, the modes of darkness and passion im
mediately vanish, and the remaining mode, sattva-guQa (goodness), remains.
When one is situated in the mode of goodness, he can make spiritual advance
ment and understand things clearly. This position is not possible for everyone.
Text 32] The Process of Devotional Service 341
vilajjamanaya yasya
sthatum ik$a-pathe 'muya
vimohita vikatthante
mamaham iti durdhiya/:r
" 'The external illusory energy of Kr�l')a, known as maya, is always ashamed
to stand in front of Kr�l')a, just as darkness is ashamed to remain before the
sunshine. However, that maya bewilders unfortunate people who have no in
telligence. Thus they simply boast that this material world is theirs and that
they are its enjoyers.'
The entire world is bewildered because people are thinking, "This is my land,"
"America is mine," "India is mine." Not knowing the real value of life, people think
that the material body and the land where it is produced are all in all. This is the
basic principle behind nationalism, socialism and communism. Such thinking,
which simply bewilders the living being, is nothing but rascalism. It is due to the
darkness of maya, but as soon as one becomes Kr�t:�a conscious, he is immediately
relieved from such misconceptions. This verse is quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam
(2.5.13). There is also another appropriate verse in Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7.47):
"What is realized as the Absolute Brahman is full of unlimited bliss without grief.
That is certainly the ultimate phase of the supreme enjoyer, the Personality of
Godhead. He is eternally void of all disturbances, fearless, completely conscious
as opposed to matter, uncontaminated and without distinctions. He is the prin
cipal, primeval cause of all causes and effects, in whom there is no sacrifice for
fruitive activities and in whom the illusory energy does not stand."
This verse was spoken by Lord Brahma when he was questioned by the great
sage Narada. Narada was surprised to see the creator of the universe meditating,
for he was doubting whether there was someone greater than Lord Brahma.
While answering the great sage Narada, Lord Brahma described the position of
maya and the bewildered living entities. This verse was spoken in that connection.
kr� my Lord Kr��a; tamara hana-1 am Yours; yadi - if; bale-someone
says; eka-bara-once ; maya-bandha haite-from the bondage of conditional life;
kr� Kr��a; tare - him; kare para-releases .
"O ne is immediately freed from the clutches of maya if he seriously and
sincerely says, 'My dear Lord Kr�r:Ja, although I have forgotten You for so many
long years in the material world, today I am surrendering unto You. I am Your
sincere and serious servant. Please engage me in Your service.'
" 'It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying,
"My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours," and prays to Me for courage, I shall
immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe
from that time on.'
!_f•·11f•·�f'fi� '��' � � I
'$ijf·<e�tlftt1t 1!7;� �7;�7;11' 'e'Sfll II �� II
bhukti-of material enjoyment; mukti-of impersonal liberation; siddhi-of
achieving mystic power; kami-desirous; su-buddhi-act ually intelligent; yadi
"Due to bad association, the living entity desires material happiness, libera
tion or merging into the impersonal aspect of the Lord, or he engages in
mystic yoga for material power. If such a person actually becomes intelligent,
he takes to Kr�r;�a consciousness by engaging himself in intense devotional
service to Lord Sri Kr�r;�a.
akama/:1 sarva-kamo va
mok$a-kama udara-dhT/:1
tTvreQa bhakti-yogena
yajeta puru$arh param
anya-kamT-one who desires many other things; yadi-if; kare-he performs;
k[$Qera bhajana - devotiona l service to Lord Kr�l)a; na magiteha-although not
asking; kf$Qa-Lord Kr�l)a; tare-to him; dena-gives; sva-caraQa-the shelter of
His lotus feet.
"If those who desire material enjoyment or merging into the existence of
the Absolute Truth engage in the Lord's transcendental loving service, they
will immediately attain shelter at K��r:Ja's lotus feet, although they did not ask
for it. K��r:Ja is therefore very merciful.
Text 39] The Process of Devotional Service 345
"Kr�r;�a says, 'If one engages in My transcendental loving service but at the
same time wants the opulence of material enjoyment, he is very, very foolish.
Indeed, he is just like a person who gives up ambrosia to drink poison.
ami-1; vijfia-all-intelligent; ei murkhe-unto this foolish person; vi�aya-ma
terial enjoyment; kene diba-why should I give; sva-caral')a-amrta-the nectar of
shelter at My lotus feet; diya-giving; vi�aya-the idea of material enjoyment;
bhulaiba-1 shall make him forget.
" 'Since I am very intelligent, why should give this fool material
prosperity? Instead I shall induce him to take the nectar of the shelter of My
lotus feet and make him forget illusory material enjoyment.'
Those who are interested in material enjoyment are known as bhukti. One who
is interested in merging into the effulgence of Brahman or perfecting the mystic
yoga system is not a devotee at all. Devotees do not have such desires. However,
346 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
if a karmi, jfiani or yogi somehow contacts a devotee and renders devotional ser
vice, Kr�r:ta immediately awards him love of God and gives him shelter at His lotus
feet, although he may have no idea how to develop love of Kr�r:ta. If a person
wants material profit from devotional service, Kr�r:ta condemns such materialistic
desires. To desire material opulence while engaging in devotional service is
foolish. Although the person may be foolish, Kr�r:ta, being all-intelligent, engages
him in His devotional service in such a way that he gradually forgets material opu
lence. The point is that we should not try to exchange loving service for material
prosperity. If we are actually surrendered to the lotus feet of Kr�r:ta, our only desire
should be to satisfy Kr�r:ta. That is pure Kr�r:ta consciousness. Surrender does not
mean that we demand something from the Lord but that we completely depend
on His mercy.
satyam-it is true; disati-He awards; arthitam-that which is desired;
arthital)-being requested; nwam-by human beings; na-not; eva-certainly;
artha-da/:l-giving desired things; yat-which; puna/:l-again; arthita-request ;
yata/:l-from which; s vayam-Himself ; vidhatte-He gives; bhajatam-of those
engaged in devotional service; anicchatam-even though not desiring; iccha
pidhanam-covering all other desires; nija-pada-pallavam-the shelter of His
own lotus feet.
kama lagi'-for fulfillment of one's material desires; k[$1)e bhaj e-one engages
in the transcendental service of Lord Kr�r:Ja; pa ya- he gets; k[$1)a-rase-a taste of
the lotus feet of Lord Kr�r:Ja; kama chac;fi'-giving up all desires for material enjoy
ment; dasa haite-to be an eternal servant of the Lord; haya-there is; abhila$e
"When someone engages in Lord Kr��a's devotional service for the satisfac
tion of the senses and instead acquires a taste to serve Kr��a, he gives up his
material desires and willingly offers himself as an eternal servant of Kr��a.
great demigods, saintly persons and kings; kacam-a piece of glass; vicinvan
searching for; api-although; divya-ratnam-a transcendental gem; svamin-0
my Lord; krta-arthaf:r asmi-1 am fully satisfied; varam-any benediction; na
yace-1 do not ask.
"There are unlimited conditioned souls who are bereft of Lord Kr�r;�a's ser
vice. Not knowing how to cross the ocean of nescience, they are scattered by
waves, time and tide. However, some are fortunate to contact devotees, and
by this contact they are delivered from the ocean of nescience, just as a log,
floating down a river, accidentally washes upon the bank.
maivarh mamadhamasyapi
syad evacyuta-darsanam
hriyamaf)aQ kala-nadya
kvacit tarati ka5cana
" ' "Because I am so fallen, I shall never get a chance to see the Supreme
Personality of Godhead." This was my false apprehension. Rather, by chance
a person as fallen as I am may get to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Although one is being carried away by the waves of the river of time, one may
eventually reach the shore.'
"By good fortune, one becomes eligible to cross the ocean of nescience,
and when one's term of material existence decreases, one may get an oppor
tunity to associate with pure devotees. By such association, one's attraction to
Kr�Qa is awakened.
350 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
SrTia Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains this point. Is this bhagya (fortune) the result
of an accident or something else? In the scriptures, devotional service and pious
activity are considered fortunate. Pious activities can be divided into three
categories-pious activities that awaken one's dormant Kr�r:Ja consciousness are
called bhakty-unmukhr sukrti. Pious activities that bestow material opulence are
called bhogonmukhr, and pious activities that enable the living entity to merge
into the existence of the Supreme are called mok$onmukhi. These last two
awards of pious activity are not actually fortunate. Pious activities are fortunate
when they help one become Kr�r:Ja conscious. The good fortune ofbhakty-un
mukhr is attainable only when one comes in contact with a devotee. By asso
ciating with a devotee willingly or unwillingly, one advances in devotional service,
and thus one's dormant Kr�r:Ja consciousness is awakened.
C.rc�t<>f<l�J<>f fSf\!i � ·<t><t��-c �"r
31"iilli.:�rr f<>� ���%�If: "inr�: 1
c<rt��<t�����l���� f<l�
:�tst�Cs'SJ<t1_<!1 �5\f\!i� <lJO!f�& II 817 II
na eva-not at all; upayanti-are able to express; apacitim-their gratitude;
kavaya/:1-learned devotees; tava-Your;. isa-0 Lord; brahma-ayu$a-with a
lifetime equal to Lord Brahma's; api-in spite of; krtam-magnanimous work; rd
dha-increased; muda/:1-joy; smaranta/:1-remembering; ya/:1-who; anta/:1-
within; bahi/:1-outside; tanu-bhrtam-of those who are embodied; asubham-
352 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
"By associating with a devotee, one awakens his faith in devotional service
to Kr�r;�a. Because of devotional service, one's dormant love for Kr�r;�a
awakens, and thus one's material, conditional existence comes to an end.
yadrcchaya mat-kathadau
jata-sraddhas tu ya/:1 puman
Text 51] The Process of Devotional Service 353
na nirviQQO natisakto
bhakti-yogo 'sya siddhida/:1
yadr cchaya-by some good fortune; mat-katha-adau-in talk about Me; jata
sraddha/:1-has awakened his attraction; tu- but; ya/:1 puman-a person who; na
nirviQQa/:1-not falsely detached; na atisakta/:1-not attached to material exis
tence; bhakti-yoga/:1-the process of devotional service; asya-for such a person;
siddhi-da/:1-bestowing perfection.
This verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.20.8) was spoken by Kr�r:ta at the time
of His deparature from this material world. It was spoken to Uddhava.
Pious activities bring about material opulence, but one cannot acquire devo
tional service by any amount of material pious activity, not by giving charity,
opening big hospitals and schools or working philanthropically. Devotional service
can be attained only by the mercy of a pure devotee. Without a pure devotee's
mercy, one cannot even escape the bondage of material existence. The word
mahat in this verse means "a pure devotee." As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita:
"0 son of Prtha, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protec
tion of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because
they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaust
ible." (Bg. 9.13)
One also has to associate with such a mahatma who has accepted Kr�r:Ja as the
supreme source of the entire creation. Without being a mahatma, one cannot
understand Kr�r:Ja's absolute position. A mahatma is rare and transcendental, and
he is a pure devotee of Lord Kr�r:Ja. Foolish people consider Kr�r:Ja a human being,
and they consider Lord Kr�r:Ja's pure devotee an ordinary human being also. What
ever one may be, one must take shelter at the lotus feet of a devotee mahatma
and treat him as the most exalted well-wisher of all human society. We should
take shelter of such a mahatma and ask for his causeless mercy. Only by his
benediction can one be relieved from attachment to a materialistic way of life.
When one is thus relieved, he can engage in the Lord's transcendental loving ser
vice through the mercy of the mahatma.
rahDgaf)a-0 King Rahogat:�a; etat-this; tapasa-by severe austerities and
penances; na yati -one does not obtain; na-neither; ca-also; ijyaya-by
gorgeous worship; nirvapaf)at-by renounced order of life; grhat -by sacrifices
while living in the home; va-or; na chandasa-nor by scholarly study of the
Vedas; na-nor; eva-certainly; ja/a-agni-sDryai/:1-by those who worship water,
fire or scorching sunshine; vina-without; mahat-pada-raja/:1-of the dust of the
lotus feet of a mahatma; abhi$ekam-the sprinkling.
"'0 King Rahugar;�a, without taking upon one's head the dust from the lotus
feet of a pure devotee [a mahajana or mahatma], one cannot attain devotional
service. Devotional service is not possible to attain simply by undergoing
severe austerities and penances, by gorgeously worshiping the Deity, or by
strictly following the rules and regulations of the sannyasa or grhastha order,
nor by studying the Vedas, submerging oneself in water, or exposing oneself
to fire or scorching sunlight.'
This verse appears in Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.12.12). jac;la Bharata herein tells
King RahOgat:�a how he attained the paramaharilsa stage. Maharaja Rahogat:�a, the
King of Sindhu-sauvira, had asked Jac;la Bharata how he had attained the
paramaharilsa stage. The King had called him to carry his palanquin, but when the
King heard from paramaharilsa jac;la Bharata about the supreme philosophy, he ex
pressed surprise and asked Jac;la Bharata how he had attained such great libera
tion. At that time Jac;la Bharata informed the King how to become detached from
material attraction.
C.r�t� "I!f��tq��ll!'"I!t��
�"f�J01'4l9f51"C"I�1 �vr-4: 1
"l1�'1"�r1ft� 9fi•nn:�r�f�rlf<f�
f01��"1l'li� 01 �'it� �jq<:. II it-!> II
na-not; e,sam-of those who are attached to household life; matib-the in
terest; tavat-that long; urukrama-arighrim-the lotus feet of the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead, who is credited with uncommon activities; sprsati
touches; anartha-of unwanted things; apagamab-vanquishing; yat-of which;
arthab-result; mahiyasam-of the great personalities, devotees; pada-rajab-of
the dust of the lotus feet; abhi,sekam-sprinkling on the head; ni,skiiicananam
who are completely detached from material possessions; na vwita-does not do;
yavat-as long as.
" 'Unless human society accepts the dust of the lotus feet of great mahat
mas-devotees who have nothing to do with material possessions-mankind
cannot turn its attention to the lotus feet of Kr�Qa. Those lotus feet vanquish
all the unwanted miserable conditions of material life.'
This verse appears in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.5.32). When the great sage
Narada was giving instructions to Maharaja Yudhi?thira, he narrated the activities
of Prahlada Maharaja. This verse was spoken by Prahlada Maharaja to his father,
Hirar;tyakasipu, the king of demons. Prahlada Maharaja informed his father of the
nine basic processes of bhakti-yoga. Whoever takes to these processes is to be
considered a highly learned scholar. Hirar;tyakasipu, however, did not like his son
to talk about devotional service; therefore he immediately called his teacher, ?ar:t
<;lamarka. The teacher explained that he did not teach devotional service to
Prahlada but that the boy was naturally inclined that way. At that time
Hirar;tyakasipu became very angry and asked Prahlada why he had become a
Vai?r;tava. In answer to this question, Prahlada Maharaja recited this verse to the
effect that one cannot become the Lord's devotee without receiving the mercy
and blessings of another devotee.
'����', '�i�'-�('ilfiar �� I
"f�'lft(! �t���'f ���� �� II <t8 II
�"lli11! '1C<f011f9f '1 �of� 0!19J:.01;:5<f'\_ I
�5r<r�'lf5f'l5f� 11�n'�t� f<�>ll_�trr�: 11 tt<l 11
tulayama lavenapi
na svargarh napunar-bhavam
martyanarh kimutasi?a/:1
�� �?l��i!(f;i{t1f llf..J ���1 I
iS'f�t1f 1ttf�r;� �� firm u �t� u
358 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
k[$Qa-Lord Kr�r;�a; krpa/u-merciful; arjunere-Arjuna; lak$ya kariya-aiming
at; jagatere-the whole world; rakhiyachena-has protected; upadesa diya
giving instructions.
"Kr�Qa is so merciful that simply by aiming His instructions at Arjuna, He
has given protection to the whole world.
TEXTS 57-58
sarva-guhyatamaril bhaya/:1
swu me paramaril vaca/:1
i$tO 'si me drc;iham iti
tato vak$yami te hitam
sarva-guhya-tamam-most confidential of all; bhaya/:1-again; SfQU-hear;
me-My; paramam vaca/:1-supreme instruction; i$ta/:l-beloved; asi-you are;
me-My; drc;Jham iti-very firmly; tata/:1-therefore; vak$yami-l shall speak;
te-to you; hitam-words of benediction; mat-mana/:1-whose mind is always
on Me; bhava-become; mat-bhakta/:1-My devotee; mat-yaji-My worshiper;
mam-unto Me; namaskuru-offer obeisances; mam eva-to Me only; e$yasi
you will come; satyam-truly; te-to you; pratijane-1 promise; priya/:1 asi-you
are dear; me-My.
Text 60] The Process of Devotional Service 359
11 'Because you are My very dear friend, I am speaking to you the most con
fidential part of knowledge. Hear this from Me, for it is for your benefit. Al
ways think of Me and become My devotee, worship Me and offer obeisances
unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because
you are My very dear friend.'
is; sarva-karma�ll other activities, material and spiritual; tyaga kari -leaving '
"If the devotee has faith in the strength of this order, he worships Lord
Kr�Qa and gives up all other activities.
" 'As long as one is not satiated by fruitive activity and has not awakened
his taste for devotional service by sravaQaril kirtanaril vi�Qol;l, one has to act
according to the regulative principles of the Vedic injunctions.'
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.20.9).
sraddha-sabde-by the word sraddha; visvasa-faith; kahe-is said; su
dr(lha-firm; ni5caya-ce rtai n; kr�Qe-unto Lord Kr�r;�a; bhakti-devotional ser-
Text 63] The Process of Devotional Service 361
Firm faith and confidence are called sraddha. When one engages in the Lord's
devotional service, he is to be understood to have performed all his respon
sibilities in the material world. He has satisfied his forefathers, ordinary living en
tities, and demigods and is free from all responsibility. Such a person does not
need to meet his responsibilities separately. It is automatically done. Fruitive ac
tivity (karma) is meant to satisfy the senses of the conditioned soul. However,
when one awakens to Kr�l)a consciousness, he does not have to work separately
for pious activity. The best achievement of all fruitive activity is detachment from
material life, and this detachment is spontaneously enjoyed by the devotee firmly
engaged in the Lord's service.
·2ll"C'lt9f�t�l60 <!C'4f��t<fl�
�C'4<! 'lql�<f'l�JC��Jl II �"' II
yatha-as; taro/:1-of a tree; mula-on the root; ni?ecanena-by pouring
water; trpyanti-are satisfied; tat-of the tree; skandha-trunk ; bhuja
branches; upasakha/:1-sub-branches; praf)a-to the living force; upaharat -from
offering food; ca-also; yatha-as; indriyaf)am-of all the senses; tatha
similarly; eva-indeed; sarva-of all; arhaf)am-worship ; acyuta-of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead; ijya-worship .
362 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
"'By pouring water on the root of a tree, one automatically satisfies the
trunk, branches and twigs. Similarly, by supplying food to the stomach, where
it nourishes the life air, one satisfies all the senses. In the same way, by
worshiping Kr�.,a and rendering Him service, one automatically satisfies all
the demigods.'
"A faithful devotee is a truly eligible candidate for the loving service of the
Lord. According to one's faith, one is classified as a topmost devotee, an inter
mediate devotee or an inferior devotee.
The word sraddhavan (faithful) means understanding Kr�r:ta to be the summum
bonum, the eternal truth and absolute transcendence. If one has full faith in Kr�r:ta
and confidence in Him, one becomes eligible to discharge devotional service con
fidentially. According to one's faith, one is a topmost, intermediate or inferior
"One who is expert in logic, argument and the revealed scriptures and who
has firm faith in Kr�r:ta is classified as a topmost devotee. He can deliver the
whole world.
" 'One who is expert in logic and understanding of revealed scriptures, and
who always has firm conviction and deep faith that is not blind, is to be con
sidered a topmost devotee in devotional service.'
"One who is not very expert in argument and logic based on revealed scrip
tures but who has firm faith is considered a second-class devotee. He also
must be considered most fortunate.
ya/.1-anyone who; sastra-adi?u-in the revealed scriptures; anipuQab-not
very expert; sraddhavan-full of faith; sab-he; tu-certainly; madhyamab
second-class or middle-class devotee.
" 'He who does not know scriptural argument very well but who has firm
faith is called an intermediate or second-class devotee.'
"One whose faith is soft and pliable is called a neophyte, but by gradually
following the process, he will rise to the platform of a first-class devotee.
yo bhavet komala-sraddhai)
sa kani�tho nigadyate
" 'One whose faith is not very strong, who is just beginning, should be con
sidered a neophyte devotee.'
1ff?!·,�Jt·l!111"1!tJTJ ��-1!1f·I!Jt I
��tw-t "Jfit� 1!111" �ftf�ttfi i'l'fi'l II '\ � II
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has stated that if one has developed faith in Kr�r;�a
consciousness, he is to be considered an eligible candidate for further advance
ment in Kr�r;�a consciousness. Those who have faith are divided into three catego
ries - u ttama, madhyama and kani?tha (first-class, second-class and neophyte). A
first-class devotee has firm conviction in the revealed scriptures and is expert in
arguing according to the sastras. He is firmly convinced of the science of Kr�r;�a
consciousness. The madhyama-adhikari, or second-class devotee, has firm con
viction in Kr�r;�a consciousness, but he cannot support his conviction by citing
sastric references. The neophyte devotee does not yet have firm faith. In this way
the devotees are typed.
The standard of devotion is also categorized in the same way. A neophyte
believes that only love of Kr�r;�a or Kr�r;�a consciousness is very good, but he may
not know the basis of pure Kr�r;�a consciousness or how one can become a perfect
devotee. Sometimes in the heart of a neophyte there is attraction for karma, jnana
or yoga. When he is free and transcendental to mixed devotional activity, he be
comes a second-class devotee. When he becomes expert in logic and can refer to
the sastras, he becomes a first-class deyotee. The devotees are also described as
positive, comparative and superlative, in terms of their love and attachment for
It should be understood that a madhyama-adhikari, a second-class devotee, is
fully convinced of Kr�r;�a consciousness but cannot support his convictions with
sastric reference. A neophyte may fall down by associating with nondevotees be
cause he is not firmly convinced and strongly situated. The second-class devotee,
even though he cannot support his position with sastric reference, can gradually
become a first-class devotee by studying the sastras and associating with a first
class devotee. However, if the second-class devotee does not advance himself by
associating with a first-class devotee, he makes no progress. There is no possibility
that a first-class devotee will fall down, even though he may mix with non
devotees to preach. Conviction and faith gradually increase to make one an ut
tama-adhikari, a first-class devotee.
sarva-bhate$u-in all obj ects (in matter, spirit, and combinations of matter and
spirit); yab-anyone who; pasyet-sees; bhagavat-bhavam-the ability to be
engaged in the service of the Lord; atmanab -of the supreme spirit soul or the
transcendence beyond the material conception of life; bhatani-all beings;
bhagavati-in the Supreme Personality of Godhead; atmani-the basic principle
of all existence; e�ab-this; bhagavata-uttamab-a person advanced in devo
tional service.
" 'A person advanced in devotional service sees within everything the soul
of souls, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Kr�r;�a. Consequently he al
ways sees the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the cause of all
causes and understands that all things are situated in Him.
isvare tad-adhine�u
balise�u dvi�atsu ca
yab karoti sa madhyamab
isvare-unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tat-adhine�u-to persons
who have taken fully to Kr�r;�a consciousness; ba/ise�u-unto the neophytes or
the ignorant; dvi�atsu-to persons envious of Kr�r;�a and the devotees of Kr�Qa;
prema -love ; ma itri -friendship; k rpa-mercy; upek�a-negligence; yab -an y
one who; karoti-does; sab-he; madhyamab-a second-class devotee.
368 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
11 1
An intermediate, second-class devotee shows love for the Supreme Per
sonality of Godhead, is friendly to all devotees and is very merciful to
neophytes and ignorant people. The intermediate devotee neglects those who
are envious of devotional service.
A prakrta, or materialistic devotee does not purposefully study the sastra
and try to understand the actual standard of pure devotional service. Conse
quently he does not show proper respect to advanced devotees. He may,
however, follow the regulative principles learned from his spiritual master or
from his family who worships the Deity. He is to be considered on the material
platform, although he is trying to advance in devotional service. Such a person
is a bhakta-praya [neophyte devotee], or bhaktabhasa, for he is a little en
lightened by Vai��ava philosophy.'
Text 76] The Process of Devotional Service 369
��-�Cf'$flj C���--t"fu� I
"A Vai�r;�ava is one who has developed all good transcendental qualities. All
the good qualities of Kr�r;�a gradually develop in Kr�r;�a's devotee.
v�tfu �r-�;;5f'I�Jf��"l1
71r� �f'r•t'(g\11 7l"llt7lc� ��t= ,
������ �C\!i1 ��'t_�'f1
�r.!l�C�Oit'lf\!i lft<[C�l <t�: II 'I� II
'In one who has unflinching devotional faith in Kr��;�a, all the good
qualities of Kr��;�a and the demigods are consistently manifest. However, he
who has no devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead has no good
qualifications because he is engaged by mental concoction in material exis
tence, which is the external feature of the lord.'
This was spoken by Bhadrasrava and his followers, who were offering prayers
to Nrsirhhadeva (Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.18.12).
sei saba guQa-all those transcendental qualities; haya-are; vai$Qava-/ak
$aQa-the symptoms of a Vai�l)ava; saba-all; kaha na yaya-cannot be ex
plained; kari-1 shall do; dik-darasana-a general review.
All these transcendental qualities are the characteristics of pure Vai��;�avas,
and they cannot be fully explained, but I shall try to point out some of the im
portant qualities.
TEXTS 78-80
titik$aval) karuQikal)
suhrdal) sarva-dehinam
ajata-satraval) santa!)
sadhaval) sadhu-bha$af)al)
" 'Devotees are always tolerant, forebearing and very merciful. They are the
well-wishers of every living entity. They follow the scriptural injunctions, and
because they have no enemies, they are very peaceful. These are the decora
tions of devotees.'
��'t'C'f'1t' �t"ll'l�f<lll:,�
�'C�t�t�' C�tf��t� '!f;r'!'f'{, I
mahat-sevam-the service of the pure devotee spiritual master; dvaram
door; ahul)-they said; vimuktel)-of liberation; tamal)-dvaram-the door to
Text 84] The Process of Devotional Service 373
'It is the verdict of all sastras and great personalities that by serving a pure
devotee, one attains the path of liberation. However, by associating with ma
terialistic people who are attached to material enjoyment and women, one at
tains the path of darkness. Those who are actually devotees are broadminded,
equal to everyone and very peaceful. They never become angry, and they are
friendly to all living entities.'
This verse is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.5.2).
"The root cause of devotional service to Lord Kr��;�a is association with ad
vanced devotees. Even when one's dormant love for Kr��;�a awakens, asso
ciation with devotees is still most essential.
atab -therefore (due to the rareness of seeing pure devotees of the Lord);
atyantikam-s u preme; k?emam-auspiciousness; prcchamab-we are asking;
Text 86] The Process of Devotional Service 375
11 '0 devotees! 0 you who are free from all sins! Let me inquire from you
about that which is supremely auspicious for all living entities. Association
with a pure devotee for even half a moment in this material world is the
greatest treasure for human society.'
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.2.30).
�c�t'llcftlft"19f'1�'1� f;{
��111f'!i�f���i1!'r�lJJf5 u 1r� n
satam-of the devotees; prasangat-by the intimate association; mama-of
Me; virya-samvidab-talks full of spiritual potency; bhavanti-appear; hrt-to
the heart; karQa-and to the ears; rasa-ayanab-a source of sweetness; kathab
talks; tat-of them; jO$aQat-from proper cultivation; asu-quickly; apavarga-of
liberation; vartmani-on the path; sraddha-faith; raUb-attraction; bhaktib
love; anukrami?yati-will follow one after another.
'The spiritually powerful message of Godhead can be properly discussed
only in a society of devotees, and it is greatly pleasing to hear in that asso
ciation. If one hears from devotees, the way of transcendental experience
quickly opens, and gradually one attains firm faith that in due course develops
into attraction and devotion.'
376 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
��e.�lfi!Jt'$f,-�t �ct-�t�1� I
'�'-�� ���' t�1��' �� ll1T'9 II
asat-sanga-tyaga,-ei vai�Qava-acara
'stri-sangi'-eka asadhu, 'kr�Qabhakta' ara
"A VaiH1ava should always avoid the association of ordinary people. Com
mon people are very much materially attached, especially to women.
Vai�r;�avas should also avoid the company of those who are not devotees of
Lord Kr�r;�a.
TEXTS 88-90
" 'By association with worldly people, one becomes devoid of truthfulness,
cleanliness, mercy, gravity, spiritual intelligence, shyness, austerity, fame,
forgiveness, control of the mind, control of the senses, fortune and all oppor
tunities. One should not at any time associate with a coarse fool who is bereft
of the knowledge of self-realization and who is no more than a toy animal in
the hands of a woman. The illusion and bondage that accrue to a man from
attachment to any other object are not as complete as that resulting from asso
ciation with a woman or with men too attached to women.'
These verses, quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.31.33-35), were spoken by
Kapiladeva, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His mother.
Herein Kapiladeva discusses pious and impious activities and the symptoms of
those who are devoid of devotional service to Kr�l)a. Generally people do not
know about the miserable conditions within the womb of a mother in any species
of life. Due to bad association, one gradually falls into lower species. Association
with women is greatly stressed in this regard. When one becomes attached to
women or to those who are attached to women, one falls down into the lower
378 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
puru�ab prakrti-stho hi
bhurikte prakrti-jan guQan
karaQarh guQa-sarigo 'sya
"The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the
three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature.
Thus he meets with good and evil among various species." (Bhagavad-gita 13.22)
According to Vedic civilization, one's association with women should be very
much restricted. In spiritual life there are four asramas -brahmacarya, grhastha,
vanaprastha and sannyasa. The brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi are com
pletely forbidden to associate with women. Only grhasthas are allowed to asso
ciate with women under certain very restricted conditions-that is, one asso
ciates with women to propagate nice children. Other reasons for association are
�\1� ����i!liit'11-9f21"\1t�<tJ<1f�f�: I
Of C"hR1fs""&tf<11J_�-�0{'!�<1t'lh"f'!l{. II ""�
vararh huta-vaha-jva/a
na sauri-cinta-vimukha
varam-better; huta-vaha-of fire; jva/a-in the flames; pafijara-antab - inside
a cage; vyavasth it ib-abiding ; na-not; sauri-cinta-of Kr�r:Ja consciousness, or
thought of Kr�r:Ja; vimukha-bereft; jana-of persons; sarhvasa-of the asso
ciation; vaisasam-the calamity.
" 'It is better to accept the miseries of being encaged within bars and sur
rounded by burning flames than to associate with those bereft of Kr�l)a con
sciousness. Such association is a very great hardship.'
11 One
should not even see those who are bereft of devotional service in
Kr�t:�a consciousness and who are therefore devoid of pious activities.
�� �� tit�' �a �(t�11'-� 1
�f�f!tii{ �$1 fR1 t��·-111''1 II �� II
eta saba-all these; cha(ii'-giving up; ara-and; varl)a-asrama-dharma-the
regulative principle of four varl)as and four asramas; akificana-without any at
tachment for anything material; hafi a - becoming; / aya-he takes; k[$1)a-eka
saral)a -exclusive shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord.
11Without hesitation, one should take the exclusive shelter of Lord Kr�t:�a
with full confidence, giving up bad association and even neglecting the
regulative principles of the four vart:�as and four asramas. That is to say, one
should abandon all material attachment.
sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekaril saraf)aril vraja
aharil tvaril sarva-papebhyo
mok$ayi$yiimi ma sucai)
sarva-dharman-all kinds of occupational duties; parityajya-giving up; mam
ekam-unto Me only; saraf)am-as shelter; vraja-go; aham-1; tvam-unto
you; sarva-papebhyai)-from all the reactions of sinful life; mok$ayi$yiimi-will
give liberation; ma-don't; suca /:1 -worry.
" 'After giving up all kinds of religious and occupational duties, if you come
to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and take shelter, I shall give you
protection from all of life's sinful reactions. Do not worry.'
This is a quotation from Bhagavad-gita (18.66) spoken by Lord Kr��a. For an ex
planation, refer to Madhya-lila (8.63).
An intelligent person gives up the company of those who are attached to
women and bereft of Kr��a consciousness. One should be free from all kinds of
Text 97] The Process of Devotional Service 381
material attachment and should take full shelter under the lotus feet of Kr�r;�a.
Kr�r;�a is very kind to His devotees. He is always grateful, and He never forgets the
service of a devotee. He is also completely opulent and all-powerful. Why, then,
should one take shelter of a demigod and leave Lord Kr�r;�a's shelter? If one wor
ships a demigod and leaves Kr�r;�a, he must be considered the lowest fool.
�= 9ff-G\!i.,-lf9f11� "111<!� �'1l'l�n
il�ftr�t�\!if5t1!: ��If: ���g I
"'My dear Lord, You are very affectionate to Your devotees. You are also a
truthful and grateful friend. Where is that learned man who would give You up
and surrender to someone else l You fulfill all the desires of Your devotees, so
much so that sometimes You even give Yourself to them. Still, You neither in
crease nor decrease by such activity.'
This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1 0.48.26).
" 'Oh, how wonderful it is! Putana, the sister of Bakasura, wanted to kill
Kr�r;ta by smearing deadly poison on her breasts and having Kr�r;�a take it.
Nonetheless, Lord Kr�r;ta accepted her as His mother, and thus she attained the
destination befitting Kr�r;�a's mother. Of whom should I take shelter but Kr�r;�a,
who is most merciful?'
Text 100] The Process of Devotional Service 383
"There are two kinds of devotees-those who are fully satiated and free
from all material desires and those who are fully surrendered to the lotus feet
of the lord. Their qualities are one and the same, but those who are fully sur
rendered to Kr�r:Ja's lotus feet are qualified with another transcendental
quality-atma-samarpar:Ja, full surrender without reservation.
TEXT 100
anuka/yasya sankalpab
pratikulyasya varjanam
rak�i�yatiti visvaso
goptrtve varaf)arh tatha
�ar;l-vidha saraf)agatib
" 'The six divisions of surrender are the acceptance of those things favor
able to devotional service, the rejection of unfavorable things, the conviction
that Kr�Qa will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian
or master, full self-surrender and humility.
One who is fully surrendered is qualified with the six following characteristics.
(1) The devotee has to accept everything that is favorable for the rendering of
transcendental loving service to the Lord. (2) He must reject everything unfavora
ble to the Lord's service. This is also called renunciation. (3) A devotee must be
firmly convinced that Kr�t:�a will give him protection. No one else can actually give
one protection, and being firmly convinced of this is called faith. This kind of faith
is different from the faith of an impersonalist who wants to merge into the Brah
man effulgence in order to benefit by cessation of repeated birth and death. A
devotee wants to remain always in the Lord's service. In this way, Kr�r:Ja is merciful
to His devotee and gives him all protection from the dangers found on the path of
devotional service. (4) The devotee should accept Kr�t:Ja as his supreme main
tainer and master. He should not think that he is being protected by a demigod.
He should depend only on Kr�t:Ja, considering Him the only protector. The devo
tee must be firmly convinced that within the three worlds he has no protector or
maintainer other than Kr�r:Ja. (5) Self-surrender means remembering that one's ac
tivities and desires are not independent. The devotee is completely dependent on
Kr�r:Ja, and he acts and thinks as Kr�t:�a desires. (6) The devotee is meek and
humble. As stated in Bhagavad-gita:
Situated in everyone's heart, Kr�r:ta deals differently according to the living en
tity's position. The living entity's position is to be under the protection of the il
lusory energy or under Kr�r:ta's personal protection. When a living entity is fully
surrendered, he is under the direct protection of Kr�r:ta, and Kr�r:ta gives him all in
telligence by which he can advance in spiritual realization. The nondevotee,
however, being under the protection of the illusory energy, increasingly forgets
his relationship with Kr�l)a. Sometimes it is asked how Kr�r:ta causes one to forget.
Kr�r:ta causes His devotee to forget material activities, and through the agency of
maya, Kr�r:ta causes the nondevotee to forget his devotional service to the Lord.
This is called apohana.
TEXT 101
" 'One whose body is fully surrendered takes shelter at the holy place
where Kr�r;�a had His pastimes, and he prays to the Lord, "My Lord, I am
Yours." Understanding this with his mind, he enjoys spiritual bliss.
TEXT 102
"When a devotee thus fully surrenders unto Kr�Qa's lotus feet, Kr�Qa ac
cepts him as one of His confidential associates.
TEXT 103
'\�ilf'1}j��� ·� f'!i91�1llC'!'1
martya/:1-the living entity subjected to birth and death; yada-as soon as;
tyakta-given up; samasta-all; karma-fruitive activities; nivedita-atma-a fully
surrendered soul; vicikir�ita/:1-desired to act; me-by Me; tada-at that time;
amrtatvam-immortality; pratipadyamana/:1-attaining; maya-with Me; atma
bhuyaya-for becoming of a similar nature; ca-also; ka/pate-is eligible; vai
" 'The living entity who is subjected to birth and death attains immortality
when he gives up all material activities, dedicates his life to the execution of
My order, and acts according to My directions. In this way he becomes fit to
enjoy the spiritual bliss derived from exchanging loving mellows with Me.'
the activities of that relationship, as well as the perfection of life. The Lord also de
scribed the characteristics of confidential devotees.
TEXT 104
�� �t'{il�f�·ll'l'iti'l �il,
�ili'!il I
�1 ��ti! �t� ��tl!f'al·'al�t'{illl �oS II
ebe-now; sadhana-bhakti-regulative principles for executing devotional ser
vice; /ak�aQa-the symptoms; suna-please hear; sanatana-My dear Sanatana;
yaha haite-from which; pai-one can get; kr�Qa-prema-maha-dhana-the most
valuable treasure of love for Kr�r:Ja.
"My dear Sanatana, please now hear about the regulative principles for the
execution of devotional service. By this process, one can attain the highest
perfection of love of Godhead, which is the most desirable treasure.
TEXT 105
krti-sadhya-which is to be executed by the senses; bhavet-should be;
sadhya-bhava-by which love of Godhead is acquired; sa-that; sadhana
abhidha-called sadhana-bhakti, or devotional service in practice; nitya-sid
dhasya-which is eternally present; bhavasya-of love of Godhead; prakatyam
the awakening; hrdi-in the heart; sadhyata-potentiality.
388 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
" 'When transcendental devotional service by which love for Kr�r:Ja is at
tained is executed by the senses, it is called sadhana-bhakti, or the regulative
discharge of devotional service. Such devotion eternally exists within the
heart of every living entity. The awakening of this eternal devotion is the
potentiality of devotional service in practice.'
This verse is found in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.2). Because living entities are
minute, atomic parts and parcels of the Lord, devotional service is already present
within them in a dormant condition. Devotional service begins with sravaf)a
kirtana, hearing and chanting. When a man is sleeping, he can be awakened by
sound vibration; therefore every conditioned soul should be given the chance to
hear the Hare Kr�r:Ja mantra chanted by a pure Vai�r:Java. One who hears the Hare
Kr�r:Ja mantra thus vibrated is awakened to spiritual consciousness, or Kr�r:Ja con
sciousness. In this way one's mind gradually becomes purified, as stated by Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu (ceto-darpaQa-marjanam). When the mind is purified, the
senses are also purified. Instead of using the senses for sense gratification, the
awakened devotee employs the senses in the transcendental loving service of the
Lord. This is the process by which dormant love for Kr�r:Ja is awakened.
TEXT 106
sravaf)adi-kriya-tara 'svarapa'-lak�af)a
'tatastha'-/ak�af)e upajaya prema-dhana
sravaf)a-adi-kriya-the process of hearing, chanting and so forth; tara-of that;
svarupa lak�af)a-symptoms
- of the nature; tatastha-/ak�af)e - marginal
symptoms; upajaya - awakens; prema-dhana-love of Godhead.
TEXT 107
"Pure love for Km1a is eternally established in the hearts of living entities. It
is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified
by hearing and chanting, the living entity naturally awakens.
TEXT 108
TEXT 109
In the beginning, one has to hear from a bona fide spiritual master. This is
favorable for advancing in devotional service. According to this process, one
hears, chants, remembers and engages in Deity worship, acting under the direc
tions of the spiritual master. These are the essential primary activities of devo
tional service. Devotional service must not be executed for some material pur
pose. One should not even have a desire to merge into the Absolute Truth. One
has to render such service out of love only. Ahaituki, apratihata. Devotional ser
vice must be without ulterior motives; then material conditions cannot check it.
Gradually one can rise to the platform of spontaneous loving service. A child is
sent to school by force to receive an education, but when he gets a little taste of
education at an advanced age, he automatically participates and becomes a
learned scholar. One cannot force a person to become a scholar, but sometimes
force is used in the beginning. A child is forced to go to school and read and write
according to the instructions of his teachers. Such is the difference between
vaidhi bhakti and spontaneous bhakti. Dormant love for Kr�r:ta exists in every
one's heart, and it simply has to be awakened by the regulative process of devo
tional service. One has to learn to use a typewriter by following the regulative
principles of the typing book. One has to place his fingers on the keys in such a
way and practice, but when one becomes adept, he can type swiftly and cor
rectly without even looking at the keys. Similarly, one has to follow the rules and
regulations of devotional service as they are set down by the spiritual master;
then one can come to the point of spontaneous loving service. This love is already
there within the heart of everyone (nitya-siddha kr�f)a-prema).
Text 110] The Process of Devotional Service 391
Spontaneous service is not artificial. One simply has to come to that platform
by rendering devotional service according to the regulative principles. Thus one
has to practice hearing and chanting and follow the other regulative principles by
washing the temple, cleansing oneself, rising early in the morning, attending
marigala-arati and so on. If one does not come to the platform of spontaneous
service in the beginning, he must adopt regulative service according to the in
structions of the spiritual master. This regulative service is called vaidhi bhakti.
TEXT 110
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.1.5). It is one's duty to under
stand the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the hearing process. This is
called srotavya/:1. If one has heard properly about the Supreme Personality of God
head, his duty is to glorify the Lord and preach His glories. This is called kirtitavyab.
When one hears about the Lord and glorifies Him, it is natural to think of Him. This
392 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
is called smartavyaf). All this must be carried out if one actually wants to be im
mune from fear.
TEXT 111
puru�asyasramaif) saha
catvaro jajfiire varQa
g uQair vipradayaf) prthak
mukha-the mouth; bahu-the arms; uru-the waist; padebhyaf)-from the
legs; puru�asya-of the supreme person; Jsramaif)-the different spiritual orders;
saha-with; catvaraf)-the four; jajfiire-appeared; varQaf)-social orders;
guQai/:1-with particular qualifications; vipra-adayaf)-brahmaQas, etc.; prthak
" 'From the mouth of Brahma, the brahminical order has come into exis
tence. Similarly, from his arms the k�atriyas have come, from his waist the
vaisyas have come and from his legs the sudras have come. These four orders
and their spiritual counterparts [brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and san
nyasa] combine to make human society complete.
This verse and the next are quotations from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.2-3).
TEXT 112
"'If one simply maintains an official position in the four varl)as and asramas
but does not worship the Supreme lord Vi�l)u, he falls down from his puffed
up position into a hellish condition.'
TEXT 113
" 'Kr�r:"Ja is the origin of lord Vi�I)U. He should always be remembered and
never forgotten at any time. All the rules and prohibitions mentioned in the
sastras should be the servants of these two principles.'
This verse is a quotation from the Padma Puraf)a. There are many regulative
principles in the sastras and directions given by the spiritual master. These regula
tive principles should act as servants of the basic principle-that is, one should al-
394 Sri Caitanya-caritam�ta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
ways remember Kf�l)a and never forget Him. This is possible when one chants the
Hare Kr�l)a mantra. Therefore one must strictly chant the Hare Kr�l)a maha-mantra
twenty-four hours daily. One may have other duties to perform under the direc
tion of the spiritual master, but he must first abide by the spiritual master's order
to chant a certain number of rounds. In our Kf�l)a consciousness movement, we
have recommended that the neophyte chant at least sixteen rounds. This
chanting of sixteen rounds is absolutely necessary if one wants to remember
Kr�l)a and not forget Him. Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual master's
order to chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential.
One may sell books or enlist life members or render some other service, but
these duties are not ordinary duties. These duties serve as an impetus for remem
bering Kr�l)a. When one goes with a sarikirtana party or sells books, he naturally
remembers that he is going to sell Kf�l)a's books. In this way, he is remembering
Kf�l)a. When one goes to enlist a life member, he talks about Kf�l)a and thereby
remembers Him. Smartavya/:1 satatarh Vi$r)Ur vismartavyo na jatucit. The conclusion
is that one must act in such a way that he will always remember Kf�l)a, and one
must refrain from doing things that make him forget Kf�l)a. These two principles
form the basic background of Kr�l)a consciousness.
TEXT 114
"I shall say something about the various practices of devotional service,
which is expanded in so many ways. I wish to speak briefly of the essential
TEXT 115
guru-pada asraya-shelter at the feet of a bona fide spiritual master; dik$ii
"On the path of regulative devotional service, one must observe the
following items: (1) One must accept a bona fide spiritual master. (2) Accept
initiation from him. (3) Serve him. (4) Receive instructions from the spiritual
master and make inquiries in order to learn devotional service. (5) Follow in
the footsteps of the previous acaryas and follow the directions given by the
spiritual master.
TEXT 116
k[$f)a-pritye-for satisfaction of Kr�r;�a; bhoga-tyaga-acceptance and rejection
of something; k[$f)a-tirthe vasa-residence in a place where Kr�r;�a is situated;
yavat-nirvaha-as much as required to keep the body and soul together; pra
tigraha-acceptance of gifts; ekadasi-upavasa-observance of fasting on the
Ekadasi day.
"The next steps are as follows: (6) One should be prepared to give up
everything for Kr�r:ta's satisfaction, and one should also accept everything for
Kr�r:ta's satisfaction. (7) One must live in a place where Kr�r:ta is present-a
city like Vrndavana or Mathura or a Kr�r:ta temple. (8) One should acquire a
livelihood that is just sufficient to keep body and soul together. (9) One must
fast on Ekada.Si day.
396 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
TEXT 117
lffJIJ��'itt8t�-c��<t·"!.Sfi{ 1
�-�11rt�t'ttfif 5!_� 8t�..-� II ��9 II
seva-namaparadhJ.di dure visarjana
"One should worship dhatri trees, banyan trees, cows, brahmar,as and
devotees of Lord Vi�r,u. One should avoid offenses against devotional service
and the holy name.
There are ten items in the beginning of devotional service, up to the point of
worshiping the dhatri tree, banyan tree, cow, brahmaQa and devotee of Lord
Vi�QU. The eleventh item is to avoid offenses when rendering devotional service
and chanting the holy names.
TEXT 118
avai�Qava-of one who is not a devotee of the Lord; sariga-the association;
tyaga-giving up; bahu-si�ya-an unlimited number of disciples; na kariba
should not accept; bahu-grantha-of many different types of scriptures; ka/a
abhyasa-studying a portion; vyakhyana-and explanation; varjiba-we should
give up.
Text 119] The Process of Devotional Service 397
TEXT 119
"Fifteen: The devotee should treat loss and gain equally. (16) The devotee
should not be overwhelmed by lamentation. (17) The devotee should not
398 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
TEXT 120
����-f-{"!1, �� �1 �f� I
i2ttf'l�tt\! �tift<ltc<liJ ty�'$f iii ilf� II �� o II
vi$Qu-vai$Qava-ninda-blaspheming of Lord Vi�l)u and His devotee; gramya
varta-ordinary talks; na suniba-we should not hear; praQi-matre-to any living
entity however insignificant; manal)-vakye-by mind or by words; udvega
anxiety; na diba-we should not give.
"Eighteen: The devotee should not hear Lord Vi�r;�u or His devotees
blasphemed. (19) The devotee should avoid reading or hearing newspapers
or mundane books that contain stories of love affairs between men and
women or subjects palatable to the senses. (20) Neither by mind nor words
should the devotee cause anxiety to any living entity, regardless how insignifi
cant he may be.
The first ten items are dos and the second ten items are don'ts. Thus the first
ten items give direct action, and the second ten items give indirect action.
TEXT 121
sravaQa-hearing; kirtana-chanting; smaral)a-remembering; pujana
worshiping; vandana-praying; paricarya -serving; dasya-accepting servitor
ship; sakhya-friendship; atma-nivedana - surrendering fully.
Text 123] The Process of Devotional Service 399
TEXT 122
"One should also (10) dance before the Deity, (11) sing before the Deity,
(12) open one's mind to the Deity, (13) offer obeisances to the Deity,
(14) stand up before the Deity and the spiritual master just to show them
respect, (15) follow the Deity or the spiritual master and (16) visit different
places of pilgrimage or go see the Deity in the temple.
TEXT 123
"One should (17) circumambulate the temple, (18) recite various prayers,
(19) chant softly, (20) chant congregationally, (21) smell the incense and
flower garlands offered to the Deity, and (22) eat the remnants of food
offered to the Deity.
TEXT 124
��tfui�-1ft�e.'l<f-��-w� 1
tii'!Jrf�-�i{, '{Jte{, t.!fu-� ll ��8 ll
nija-priya-dana, dhyana, tadiya-sevana
"One should (23) attend arati and festivals, (24) see the Deity,
(25) present what is very dear to oneself to the Deity, (26) meditate, and
(27) serve those related to the Lord.
TEXT 125
"Tadiya means the tulasi leaves, the devotees of Kr�r;�a, the birthplace of
Kr�r;�a, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. Kr�r;�a is very
eager to see His devotee serve tulasi, V ai�r;�avas, Mathura and Bhagavatam.
Text 127] The Process of Devotional Service 401
TEXT 126
"Thirty-one: One should perform all endeavors for Kr�Qa. (32) One should
look forward to His mercy. (33) One should partake of various ceremonies
with devotees, ceremonies like Lord Kr�Qa's birthday or Ramacandra's birth
TEXT 127
sarvatha-in all respects; saraQa-apatti - surrender; kartika-adi-vrata-to ob
serve special vows in the month of Karttika; catub-�a�ti atiga-sixty-four parts;
ei-this; parama-mahattva-very important items.
TEXT 128
sadhu-sanga-association with devotees; nama-kirtana-chanting the holy
name; bhagavata-sravaf)a-hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam; mathura-vasa-living at
Mathura; sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana-worshiping the Deity with faith and
"One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the Lord, hear
Srimad-Bhagavatam, reside at Mathura and worship the Deity with faith and
TEXT 129
:JI<fi"':l'lt$fi{·(;�� �� �· �� I
��t�� iSiiJtt� �� 9ftt�� �� :Jf'Jf II ��� II
"These five limbs of devotional service are the best of all. Even a slight per
formance of these five awakens love for Kr��a.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura points out that there are thirty-five items up to the
point of observing special vows in the month of Karttika. To these thirty-five
Text 130] The Process of Devotional Service 403
items, another four are added-namely marking ti/aka on different parts of the
body, writing the names of the Lord all over the body, accepting the Deity's gar
land and accepting caraQamrta. These four items are understood to be included
by Kaviraja Gosvami within arcana, worship of the Deity. Although these items are
not mentioned here, they are to be added to the previous thirty-five items. Thus
the total number becomes thirty-nine. To these thirty-nine should be added five
others: association with devotees, chanting the Hare Kr�l)a maha-mantra, reading
Srlmad-Bhagavatam regularly, residing in Mathura, the birthplace of Kr�l)a, and
worshiping the Deity with great respect and veneration. The thirty-nine items plus
these five come to a total of forty-four. If we add the previous twenty items to
these forty-four, the total number becomes sixty-four. The five items mentioned
above repeat previously mentioned items. In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Srila
ROpa Gosvami states:
atiganarh paficakasyasya
purva-vilikhitasya ca
punar apy atra sarhsanam
"The glorification of these five items [association with devotees, chanting the
holy name and so on] is to make known the complete superiority of these five
practices of devotional service."
The sixty-four items of devotional service include all the activities of the body,
mind and senses. Thus the sixty-four items engage one in devotional service in all
TEXT 130
" 'One should have full faith and love in worshiping the lotus feet of the
404 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
This verse and the following two verses are found in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
TEXT 131
asvado rasikaib saha
sajatiyasaye snigdhe
sadhau sangab svato vare
The words sajatiyasaye snigdhe sadhau sangab svato vare are very important
items. One should not associate with professional Bhagavatam reciters. A profes
sional Bhagavatam reciter is one who is not in the disciplic succession or one who
has no taste for bhakti-yoga. Simply on the strength of grammatical knowledge
and word jugglery, professional reciters maintain their bodies and their desires for
sense gratification by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. One should also avoid those
who are averse to Lord Vi�t:JU and His devotees, those who are Mayavadis, those
who offend the chanting of the .Hare Kr�t:�a mantra, those who simply dress as
V ai�t:Javas or so-called gosvamis, and those who make a business by selling Vedic
mantras and reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam to maintain their families. One should
not try to understand Srimad-Bhagavatam from such materialistic people. Ac
cording to the Vedic injunctions: yasya deve para bhaktib. The Srimad-
Text 133] The Process of Devotional Service 405
Bhagavatam can only be recited by one who has unflinching faith in the lotus feet
of Kr�r:Ja and His devotee, the spiritual master. One should try to understand
Srimad-Bhagavatam from the spiritual master. The Vedic injunction states: bhak
tya bhagavatarh grahyarh na buddhya na ca tikaya. One has to understand Srimad
Bhagavatam through the process of devotional service and by hearing the recita
tion of a pure devotee. These are the injunctions of Vedic literature-.Sruti and
smrti. Those who are not in the disciplic succession and who are not pure devo
tees cannot understand the real mysterious objective of Srimad-Bhagavatam and
Srimad Bhagavad-gita.
TEXT 132
nama-safikirtanarh sriman
mathura-mar:u;lale sthitib
" 'One should congregationally chant the holy name of the Lord and reside
in Vrndavana.'
TEXT 133
durahadbhuta-virye 'smin
sraddha dare 'stu pancake
yatra svalpo 'pi sambandha/:!
sad-dhiyaril bhava-janmane
duraha-difficult to be reconciled; adbhuta-wonderful; virye-in the power;
asmin-in this; sraddha-faith; dare-far away; astu-let it be; pancake - in the
above-mentioned five principles; yatra-in which; sva/pa/:1-a little; api-even;
sambandha/:1-connection; sat-dhiyam-of those who are intelligent and
offenseless; bhava-janmane-to awaken one's dormant love for Kr�r;�a.
" 'The power of these five principles is very wonderful and difficult to
reconcile. Even without faith in them, a person who is offenseless can ex
perience dormant love of Kr�r:-a simply by being a little connected with them.'
TEXT 134
"When one is firmly fixed in devotional service, whether he executes one or
many processes of devotional service, the waves of love of Godhead will
TEXT 135
eka alige-by one portion; siddhi-perfection; pai/a-achieved; bahu-many;
bhakta-gaQa-devotees; ambari?a-adi-King Ambari�a Maharaja and others;
bhaktera-of devotees; bahu anga-sadha n a-execution of many processes of
devotional service.
"There are many devotees who execute only one of the nine processes of
devotional service. Nonetheless, they get ultimate success. Devotees like
Maharaj a Ambari� execute all nine items and they also get ultimate success.
TEXT 136
sri-Vi?Q0/:1-of Lord Sri Vi�r;�u; sravaf)e-in hearing; parik?it-King Parik�it,
known also c:s Vi�r;�urata, or one who is protected by Lord Vi�r;�u; abhavat-was;
vaiyasaki/:1-Sukadeva Gosvami; kirtane-in reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam;
prah/ada/:1-Maharaja Prahlada; smaraQe-in remembering; tat-anghri-of Lord
Vi�r;�u's lotus feet; bhajane-in serving; /ak?mi/:1-the goddess of fortune;
prthu/:1-Maharaja Prthu; pujane-in worshiping the Deity of the Lord; akrura/:1-
Akrora; tu-but; abhivandane-in offering prayers; kapi-pati/:1-Hanumanji, or
Vajrarigaji; dasye-in servitude to Lord Ramacandra; atha-moreove r; sakhye
in friendship; arjuna/:1-Arjuna ; sarvasva-atma-nivedane-in fully dedicating
408 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
oneself; ba /ib-Maha raja Bali; abhat-was; kmJ a-apt ib-the achievement of the
lotus feet of Lord Kr�l)a; e�am-of all of them; para-transcendental.
This verse appears in the Padyavali (53) and the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
TEXTS 137-139
lJ_�farsft<1�lfxft01 "IJC"I�
�1'1� '\!"�<iilf'!r�t�c'!ht�
mukunda-lingalaya-darsane drsau
tad-bhrtya-gatra-sparase 'nga-sangamam
ghraf)aril ca tat-pada-saroja-saurabhe
srimat-tulasya rasanaril tad-arpite
"'Maharaja Ambari� always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Kr��a,
his words in describing the spiritual world and the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the lord's temple, his ears in
hearing topics about the Supreme lord, his eyes in seeing the Deity of lord
Kr��a in the temple, his body in touching the lotus feet of Vai��avas and
embracing them, his nostrils in smelling the aroma of the tulasi leaves offered
to Kr��a's lotus feet, his tongue in tasting food offered to Kr��a, his legs in
going to places of pilgrimage like Vrndavana and Mathura or to the lord's
temple, and his head in touching the lotus feet of the lord and offering Him
410 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
prayers. Thus Maharaja Ambari�a desired only to serve the lord faithfully. In
this way he engaged his senses in the transcendental loving service of the
lord. As a result, he awakened his dormant loving propensity for the lord's
TEXT 140
kama-material desires; tyaji'-giving up; kr�Qa-Lord Kr�r:Ja; bhaje-wor
ships; sastra-ajfia-the direction of the revealed scripture; mani'-accepting;
deva - demigod s; r�i-great sages; pitr-adikera-of the forefathers and so on;
kabhu-at any time; nahe-not; [f)i-a debtor.
"If a person gives up all material desires and completely engages in the
transcendental loving service of Kr�r:Ja, as enjoined in revealed scriptures, he
is never indebted to demigods, sages or forefathers.
TEXT 141
c"�rrtlr�\!>i�OJ'lft� f?f��<ti�
0{ f'T'�t:�1 "li��9t "6 �1�"\. I
Text 141] The Process of Devotional Service 411
devar$i-bh0tapta-nwam pitFQarh
na kinkaro nayam Wi ca rajan
sarvatmana yaf) saraf)aril saraQyarh
gato mukundarh parih(tya kartam
deva-of the demigods; f$i-of the sages; bhOta-of ordinary living entities;
apta-of friends and relatives; nwam-of ordinary men; pitfQam-of the
forefathers; na-not; kinkaraf)-the servant; na-nor; ayam-this one; wi
debtor; ca- a l so; rajan-0 King; sarva-atmana-with his whole beir.g; yaf) - a
person who; saraQam-shelter; saraQyam - the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
who affords shelter to all; gata/:1 - approached; mukundam-Mu k u nda;
parihrtya- giving up; kartam-duties.
" 'One who has given up all material duties and taken full shelter at the
lotus feet of Mukunda, who gives shelter to all, is not indebted to the
demigods, great sages, ordinary living beings, relatives, friends, mankind or
even one's forefathers who have passed away.'
It is said:
adhyapanarh brahma-yajfia/:1
pitr-yajfias tu tarpaQam
homo daivo balir bhauto
nr-yajfio 'tithi-pujanam
"By performing oblations with ghee, the demigods are satisfied. By studying the
Vedas, brahma-yajfia is performed, and by this the great sages are satisfied.
Offering libations of water before one's forefathers is called pitr-yajfia. By offering
tribute, bhOta-yajfia is performed. By properly receiving guests, nr-yajfia is per
formed." There are five yajfias and five kinds of indebtedness-indebtedness to
the demigods, great sages, forefathers, living entities and common men. Therefore
one has to perform five kinds of yajfias, but when one takes to sankirtana-yajfia
(the chanting of the Hare Kr�t:Ja mantra) one doesn't have to perform any other
yajfia. In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Narada Muni made a statement about the
412 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
vidhi-dharma chaqi' -giving up all regulative principles of the varf)a and asrama
institution; bhaje-worships; kr�Qera caraf)a-the lotus feet of Lord Kr�r:Ja; ni�id·
dha-forbidden; papa-acare-in sinful activities; tara-his; kabhu-at any time;
nahe -not; mana-the mind.
"Although the pure devotee does not follow all the regulative principles of
varr;�asrama, he worships the lotus feet of Kr�r;�a. Therefore he naturally has no
tendency to commit sin.
The varf)asrama institution is planned in such a way that one will not commit
sinful activities. Material existence continues due to sinful activity. When one acts
sinfully in this life, he gets a suitable body for the next life. When one again acts
sinfully, he takes on another material body. In this way one is continuously under
the influence of material nature.
puru�a/:1 prakrti-stho hi
bhunkte prakrti-jan guQan
karaf)arh guQa-sailgo 'sya
"The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the
three modes of material nature. This is due to his association with that material
nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species." (Bg. 13.22)
Due to our association with the modes of material nature, we get different
types of bodies-good and bad. One cannot be liberated from the cycle of birth
Text 144] The Process of Devotional Service 413
and death, known as transmigration of the soul, unless one is completely freed
from all sinful activities. The best process, therefore, is to take to Kr�Qa conscious
ness. One cannot take to Kr�Qa consciousness without being freed from all sinful
activities. Naturally one who is very serious about Kr�Qa consciousness is freed
from all sinful activity. Consequently a devotee is never inclined to commit sins. If
one is pressured by the law or obligations to give up sinful activity, one cannot do
so. However, if one takes to Kr�Qa consciousness, he can very easily give up all
sinful activity. This is confirmed herein.
TEXT 143
Kr�Qa purifies from within as caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart.
This is described in the following verse from SrTmad-Bhagavatam (11.5.42).
TEXT 144
" 'One who has given up everything and taken full shelter at the lotus feet
of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is very dear to Kr��a. If he is
involved in some sinful activity by accident, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, who is seated within everyone's heart, removes his sins without dif
TEXT 145
jfiana-the path of knowledge; vairagya-adi-the path of renunciation and so
on; bhaktira-of devotional service; kabhu-at any time; nahe-not; anga-a
part; ahirhsa-nonviolence; yama-controlling the senses and the mind; niyama
adi-restrictions and so on; bu/e-roam; kr$Qa-bhakta-sanga-in the association
of a devotee of Lord Kr�l)a.
Sometimes a neophyte devotee or ordinary person thinks highly of speculative
knowledge, austerity, penances and renunciation, thinking them the only path for
Text 146] The Process of Devotional Service 415
advancement in devotional service. Actually this is not a fact. The path of knowl
edge, mystic yoga and renunciation has nothing to do with the pure soul. When
one is temporarily in the material world, such processes may help a little, but they
are not necessary for a pure devotee of Kr�r:Ja. In the material world, such activities
end in material enj oyment or merging into the effulgence of the Supreme. They
have nothing to do with the eternal loving service of the Lord. If one abandons
speculative knowledge and simply engages in devotional service, he has attained
his perfection. The devotee has no need for speculative knowledge, pious activity
or mystic yoga. All these are automatically present when one renders the Lord
transcendental loving service.
TEXT 146
tasman mad-bhakti-yuktasya
yogino vai mad-atmanab
na jnanarh na ca vairagyarh
prayab sreyo bhaved iha
tasmat-therefore; mat-bhakti-in My devotional service; yuktasya-of one
who is engaged; yoginab-the first-class yogi or mystic; vai-certainly; mat-at
manab-whose mind is always engaged in Me; na-not; jflanam -speculative
knowledge; na-not; ca-also; vairagyam-dry renunciation; prayab-for the
most part; sreyab-beneficial; bhavet-would be; iha-in this world.
" 'For one who is fully engaged in My devotional service, whose mind is
fixed on Me in bhakti-yoga, the path of speculative knowledge and dry renun
ciation is not very beneficial.'
and the other is called nivrtti-marga. These are directions for enjoying the material
world according to regulative principles and then giving up the material world for
higher spiritual understanding. Sometimes one does not know whether to prac
tice speculative knowledge or mystic yoga for advancement in spiritual knowl
edge. Kr�r:ta explains to Uddhava that the mechanical process of speculative
knowledge and yoga is not necessary for advancing in devotional service. Devo
tional service is completely spiritual; it has nothing to do with material things. It is
awakened by hearing and chanting in the association of devotees. Because devo
tional service is always transcendental, it has nothing to do with material activity.
TEXT 147
" '0 hunter, good qualities like nonviolence, which you have developed,
are not very astonishing, for those who are engaged in the lord's devotional
service are never inclined to give pain to others because of envy.'
TEXT 148
"My dear Sanatana, I have now in detail described devotional service ac
cording to the regulative principles. Now hear from Me about spontaneous
devotional service and its characteristics.
TEXT 149
1ftoijtf1r<lli·!fj�-'11.�' �fit·iSfti{ I
<:!t� 'CI'l.� !fjf�� '1ft'$11ii_'Sti'·�tt1l II � 8� II
"The original inhabitants of Vrndavana are attached to Kr�r:'la spontaneously
in devotional service. Nothing can compare to such spontaneous devotional
service, which is called ragatmika bhakti. When a devotee follows in the
footsteps of the devotees of Vrndavana, his devotional service is called
raganuga bhakti.
In his Bhakti-sandarbha, ]Tva GosvamT states:
TEXT 150
" 'When one becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his
natural inclination to love is fully absorbed in thoughts of the lord. That is
called transcendental attachment, and devotional service according to that at
tachment is called ragatmika, or spontaneous devotional service.'
TEXT 151
�� '�·if•1'-11t'5t1f :15t�·ll('llli'i I
lr;� ''eltf��' -lfll�!l'l·'tlllS'I II ��� II
i�te 'gac;fha-tr�Qa'-ragera svarupa-lak�aQa
i�te 'avi�tata'-ei tatastha-lak�aQa
i�te-in the desired object, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; gac;fha
tr�Qa-deep attachment; ragera-of spontaneous love; svarapa-lak�aQa-the pri
mary symptom; i�te-unto the Supreme; avi�tata-absorption; ei-this; tatastha
/ak�aQa-the marginal symptom.
Text 153] The Process of Devotional Service 419
TEXT 153
"If one follows in the footsteps of the inhabitants of Vrndavana out of such
transcendental covetousness, he does not care for the injunctions or
reasonings of sastra. That is the way of spontaneous love.
420 Sri Caitanya-caritam!'fa [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
TEXT 154
�11'tllf�1llf>s<tJ�t� ��<ttf'I�OI'lf� I
11t�l��tl!���1 �1 '!111l�t�C�t5JC� I HS I
virajantim abhivyaktarh
ragatmikam anusrta
ya sa raganugocyate
Text 155] The Process of Devotional Service 421
TEXT 155
srute dhir yad apek�ate
natra sastrarh na yuktirh ca
tal lobhotpatti-lak�aQam
'When an advanced realized devotee hears about the affairs of the devo
TEXTS 156-157
"There are two processes by which one may execute this raganuga bhakti
external and internal. When self-realized, the advanced devotee externally
remains like a neophyte and executes all the sastric injunctions, especially
hearing and chanting. However, within his mind, in his original purified self
realized position, he serves Kr�r:�a in Vrndavana in his particular way. He
serves Kr�r:�a twenty-four hours, all day and night.
TEXT 158
seva sadhaka-rupeQa
siddha-rupeQa catra hi
tad-bhava-lipsuna karya
'The advanced devotee who is inclined to spontaneous loving service
should follow the activities of a particular associate of Kr�.,a in Vrndavana. He
should execute service externally as a regulative devotee as well as internally
from his self-realized position. Thus he should perform devotional service
both externally and internally.'
TEXT 159
Actually the inhabitants of Vrndavana are very dear to Kr�.,a. If one wants
to engage in spontaneous loving service, he must follow the inhabitants of
Vrndavana and constantly engage in devotional service within his mind.
424 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
TEXT 160
" 'The devotee should always think of Kr�r;�a within himself, and one should
choose a very dear devotee who is a servitor of Kr�r;�a in Vrndavana. One
should constantly engage in topics about that servitor and his loving relation
ship to Kr�r;�a, and one should live in Vrndavana. However, if one is physically
unable to go to Vrndavana, he should mentally live there.'
TEXT 161
'fflt·ll-..1·f�-<;�Pt'"'1f 'Stet I
lt'St1rtt'Sf �'f·��·'elm 'Sttfif II ��) II
dasa-sakha-pitradi-preyasira gaf)a
raga-marge nija-nija-bhavera gaf)ana
"Kr�r;�a has many types of devotees-some are servants, some are friends,
some are parents, and some are conjugal lovers. Those who are situated in one
Text 163] The Process of Devotional Service 425
TEXT 162
0{ <f�fDi!Vt�i: "!l�i!it'>f
TEXT 163
Cll 'fTr�f� '!Clft'f_�e-r��r.�n��� •rr:�n �11: n ��¢ a
426 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
pitrvan mitravad dharim
ye dhyayanti sadodyuktas
tebhyo 'piha nama nama/:!
" 'Let me offer my respectful obeisances again and again to those who al
ways eagerly meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a hus
band, son, friend, brother, father or intimate friend.'
TEXT 164
"If one engages in spontaneous loving service to the Lord, his affection at
the lotus feet of Kr�r:Ja gradually increases.
TEXT 165
"In the seed of affection, there is attachment which goes by two names, rati
and bhava. The Supreme Personality of Godhead comes under the control of
such attachment.
TEXT 166
yaha haite-from which; pai-l can get; k[$Qera-of Lord Kr�r:Ja; prema
sevan a-affectionate service; eita'-this; kahi/un-1 have done; abhidheya
vivaraQa-description of the means (devotional service) in detail.
"That by which one can attain loving service to the lord I have described in
detail as the execution of devotional service called abhidheya.
428 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 22
TEXT 167
"My dear Sanatana, I have briefly described the process of devotional ser
vice in practice, which is the means for obtaining love of Kr�r;�a. It cannot be
described broadly."
TEXT 168
Whoever hears the process of practical devotional service very soon attains
shelter at the lotus feet of Kr�r;�a in love and affection.
TEXT 169
!ili?f�t-.-� � �1-t I
'�tJ�ft'!�i! �t� "�t� II ��;;, II
Text 169] The Process of Devotional Service 429
sri rDpa
- - Srila Ropa Gosvami; raghunatha-Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami;
pade-at the lotus feet; yara-whose; asa-ex pectation; caitanya-caritamrta
the book named Caitanya-caritamrta; kahe-describes; kr�Qadasa-Srila
Kr�l)adasa Kaviraja Gosvami.
Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rfipa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring
their mercy, I, Kr�r,adasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their
Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, 31,348
Hayasir�a-paficaratra, 130
Katyayana-sarhhita, 378
432 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Mahabharata, 30,190
Muktaphala-tika, 30
RamayaQa, 343
�g Veda, 162
Siddhanta-siromal)i, 121,276
Siddhartha-sarhhita, 124-125
Vedanta-sutra, 69,150-151,154
Abhidheya-the regulated activities of the soul for reviving his relationship with the Lord.
Acarya-a bona fide spiritual master who teaches by his own example.
Adhibhautika-miseries inflicted by other living entities.
Adhidaivika-natural disturbances caused by the demigods.
Adhyatmika-miseries arising from one's own body and mind.
Ahaituki-without cheating motivation.
Aharikara-false ego.
Antaryami-indwelling; the Supersoul.
Arati-the ceremony of offering lamps and other items to the Deity.
Avidhi-pOrvaka-without properly following rules and regulations.
Avyakta-the material creation when it is not yet manifested from the mahat-tattva.
Arca-mOrti-the worshipable Deity form of the Lord.
A?tariga-yoga-the mystic yoga system to control the senses.
Atma-the soul or living entity.
Atma-samarpaQa-full surrender to Kr�rya without reservation.
AvaraQatmika-maya's power by which a conditioned soul feels satisfied in any condition of
Avataras-incarnations of Kr�rya.
Avesa-rOpa-a living entity who is specifically empowered by the Lord with knowledge or
434 Sri Caitanya-caritam!'fa
Kaivalyam-the state of realization of one's constitutional position as part and parcel of the
Supreme Lord, which is preliminary to manifestation of activities on the platform of
devotional service.
Kalpa-a millennium.
Kalpa-avataras-lila-avataras appearing in each day of Brahma.
Kama-gayatri-a Vedic hymn which is composed of twenty-four and a half syllables.
Kani?tha-adhikari-the third-class devotee, who recognizes only the Deity and himself, but
not other devotees.
Kapha-mucus, one of the three major elements of the gross body.
Karma-(1) material action performed according to scriptural regulations; (2) action per
taining to the development of the material body; (3) any material action which will in
cur a subsequent reaction; (4) the material reaction one incurs due to fruitive ac
Karma-karxia-section of the Vedas describing the process of fruitive activity.
Khar:u;ia-a valley between two mountains.
KmJa-pari?ada-associates of the Lord.
K?atriya-the administrative or protective class.
K?etra-jna-sakti-the living entities.
Mok$onmukhi-pious activities that enable the living entity to merge into the existence of
the Supreme.
Marti -some form of the Lord.
Raga-deep attachment.
Raganuga bh akti-devotional service following the spontaneous loving service of the inhabi
tants of Vrndavana.
Ragatmika bhakti-spontaneous devotional service of the inhabitants of Vrndavana ac
cording to their transcendental attachment.
Raja-pala-the governor of the state.
Glossary 437
Rati-strong attraction.
Tad-ekiitma-rOpa-forms of the Lord which are nondifferent from His original form, but
which have different bodily features and specific activities.
Tamas-the material mode of ignorance.
Tamasa-egotism in ignorance.
Tamo-guQa-See: Tamas.
Ti/aka-sacred clay used to mark Vi�r:JU temples on twelve places on the body of a devotee.
Tryadhisvara-the proprietor of the three worlds.
Yoga-linking of the consciousness of the infinitesimal living entity with the supreme living
entity, Kr�r:Ja.
Yogamaya-the internal potency of the Lord.
Yuga-one of four ages of the universe.
Yuga-avataras-incarnations of the Lord in different millenniums.
Bengali Pronunciation Guide
�a lfSfta �i .i �u "(i �f
a -like the o in hot; sometimes like the o in go; 4 -like the d in dawn.
fmal a is usually silent. gh -like the dh in good-house.
a -like the a in far. I_l-like the n in gnaw.
i, T -like the ee in meet. t-as in talk but with the tongue against the
u, u -like the u in rule. the teeth.
r -like the ri in rim. th-as in hot-house but with the tongue against
r -like the ree in reed. the teeth.
e -like the ai in pain; rarely like e in bet. d-as in dawn but with the tongue against the
ai -like the oi in boil. teeth.
o -like the o in go. dh-as in good-house but with the tongue
au -like the ow in owl. against the teeth.
m -(anusvara) like the ng in song. n-as in nor but with the tongue against the
1). -(visarga) a final h sound like in Ah. teeth.
n -(candra-bindu)la nasal n sound. p -like the p in pine.
like in the French word bon. ph -like the ph in philosopher.
k -like the k in kite.
b -like the b in bird.
kh -like the kh in Eckhart.
bh -like the bh in rub-hard.
g -like the g in got.
m -like the m in mother.
gh -like the gh in big-house.
y -like thej injaw. �
n -like the n in bank.
y -like they inyear. l
c -like the ch in chalk.
r -like the r in run.
ch -like the chh in much-haste.
I -like the l in law.
j -like thej injoy. v -like the b in bird or like the w in dwarf.
jh -like the geh in college-hall. s, �-like the sh in shop.
ii -like the n in bunch. s -like the s in sun.
1 -like the t in talk. h-like the h in home.
th -like the th in hot-house.
This index constitutes a complete alphabetical listing of the first and third line of each four-line
verse and both lines of each two-line verse in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. In the first column the trans
literation is given, and in the second and third columns respectively the chapter-verse references
and page number for each verse are to be found.
abhyutthana, anuvrajya, !irtha-grhe ga!i 22.122 399 ambari$Jdi bhaktera 'bahu' anga-sadhana 22.135 407
acamane ei name sparsi tat-tat-sthana 20.202 112 Jmi ta' bi!ula, ana kahite ana kahi 21.146 316
acirad eva sarvarthal) 20.106 52 Jmi-vijiia, ei murkhe 'Vi$aya' kene diba? 22.39 345
acirat paya sei k($Qa-prema-dhana 22.168 428 amrta cha(li' vi$a mage, -ei ba(la murkha 22.38 345
adau prakata karaya mata-pita-bhakta-gaQe 20.379 214 amrtam sasvataril nityam 21.51 259
adhatta vrryam sa 'siita 20.274 154 amrtam sasvataril nityam 21.88 277
adhok$aja-padma-gada-sankha-cakra-kara 20.236 129 aniidir adir govindal) 21.35 250
adhyi!tmikadi tapa-traya tare jari' mare 22.13 327 ana kathil m suQe kana, ana balite bolaya 21.144 314
advaya-ji'lana-tattva kr$Qa-svayari1 bhagavan 22.7 323 anandaraQye vasudeva, padmanabha 20.216 119
adyopi!nta saba katha tenho sunaili! 20.65 33 ananta aisvarya tanra, saba-maya-para 20.280 158
adyo 'vati!ral) puru$ai) parasya 20.267 147 ananta avatara kr$Qera, nahika gaQana 20.248 136
agaty-eka-gatim natva 21.1 231 ananta brahmi!Q(ia ti!t'rra loma-kiipe dhama 20.278 157
agre nrtya, gila, viji'lapti, daQ(Iavan-nati 22.122 399 ananta brahmi!Q(ia, tara nahika gaQana 20.277 157
aharil tvi!ril sarva-papebhyo 22.94 380 ananta brahmaQ(Ia, tara ni!hika gaQana 20.382 216
ahat'rkarera adhi$!hata krwera icchaya 20.256 141 ananta brahmi!Q(Ia yahiln kothari apara 21.52 259
ahirilsa-yama-niyamadi bule k($Qa-bhakta- 22.145 414 ananta brahmaQ(Ie aiche karaha gaQana 20.323 182
aho baki yam stana-ki!la-kii!aril 22.98 382 ananta brahmaQ(Iera yata brahma-rudra-gaQa 21.58 263
aiche ara nani! miirti brahmi!Q(Ia-bhitare 20.217 120 'ananta' kahite ni!re ihara vistara 20.403 227
aiche k($Qera lrla-maQ(Iala caudda- 20.391 220 ananta-sakti-madhye kr$Qera tina sakti 20.252 139
aiche si!stra kahe,-karma, ji'li!na, yoga tyaji' 20.136 74 ananta svariipa k($Qera ni!hika gaQana 20.404 228
aiche veda-puri!Qa jive 'kr$Qa' upadese 20.129 69 ananta svariipe yi!han karena vihi!ra 21.47 257
aisvarya kahite prabhura k($Qa-sphiirti haila 21.99 283 ananta vaikuQtha-brahmarxJe karena vihi!ra 22.8 324
ai5varya kahite sphurila aisvarya-sagara 21.31 248 ananta vaikuQtha eka eka dese yi!ra 21.6 233
aji!ta-satraval) santa!) 22.81 372 ananta vaikuQtha-paravyoma yi!ra dala-sreQi 21.7 234
ajilane vi! haya yadi 'papa' upasthita 22.143 413 ananta vaikuQ!hilvaraQa, cira-loka-pi!la 21.93 280
akama, anfha, sthira, vijita-$a(i-guQa 22.79 371 ananta vaikuQtha yi!hi!t'r bharx/i!ra-kothari 21.48 257
akamal) sarva-ki!mo vi! 22.36 344 aneka dekhila, tara lag na pili/a 20.12 8
akincana hai'li! laya kr$Qaika-saraQa 22.93 379 i!nera vaibhava-satti!, kr$Qa-datta 21.120 298
akrti, prakrti, svariipa-svariipa-lak$aQa 20.357 202 aniruddha -cakra-gada-sankha-padma-kara 20.225 125
akruras tv abhivandane kapi-patir dasye 'tha 22.136 407 aniruddhera vili!sa-hari, k($Qa dui-jana 20.206 115
442 Sri Caitanya-caritim!'fa
anya-deva, anya-sastra ninda na kariba 22.119 397 avagahite nari, tara chui/ati eka bindu 21.98 282
anya-kami yadi kare kr$r;�era bhajana 22.37 344 avai$r;�ava-satiga-tyaga, bahu-5i$ya na kariba 22.118 396
anya tyaji', bhaje, tate uddhava-pramar;�a 22.97 382 avatar a haya k[$r;Jera $ar;/-vidha prakara 20.24 5 134
apana-krpate kaha 'kartavya' amara 20.101 so avatara hy asatikhyeya 20.249 137
apanara eka kar;�e, vyape saba tribhuvane, 21.139 311 avatara-kale haya jagate gocara 20.363 206
apanara hitahita kichui na jani! 20.100 49 avatara nahi kahe-'ilmi avatara' 20.354 201
apane isvara tabe arilse 'brahma' haya 20.305 170 avaurr;�a hana taha karila sarilhara' 21.77 272
apane mahaprabhu kare 'tattva'-nirupar;�a 20.96 47 avidya-karma-sariljnanya 20.112 55
apara aisvarya kr$r;�era-nahika gar;�ana 21.30 247
apareyam itas tv anyaril 20.116 58
ara saba prakase, tatira datta gur;�a bhase, 21.117 296
ara saba svarupa-'purr;�atara' 'purr;�a' nama 20.402 227 "bar;la krpa karila prabhu, dekhaila carar;�a 21.73 270
ara tina-yuge dhyanadite yei phala haya 20.343 193 bahu-grantha-kalabhyasa-vyakhyana varjiba 22.118 396
aratrika-mahotsava-srlmurti-darsana 22.124 400 bahu-mulya bhota diba kena katitha lana?" 20.86 43
arcayam eva haraye 22.74 368 bahya, antara,- ihara dui ta' sadhana 22.156 422
artha asvadite sukhe karena vyakhyane 21.32 248 'bahye' sadhaka-dehe kare sravar;�a-klrtana 22.156 4 22
arthabhijnata, svarupa-saktye maya dura kaila 20.361 205 baliril haradbhis cira-/oka-pa/ai/:1 21.33 249
aruhya krcchrer;�a pararil padaril tata/:1 22.30 339 balya-paugar;�r;la-dharmera sunaha vicara 20.377 214
asatikhya brahmara gar;�a ai/a tata-k$ar;Je 21.66 269 balya, paugar;�r;la haya vigrahera dharma 20.247 1 36
asatikhya gaQana tatira, sunaha karar;�a 20.319 180 bandhana-mok$ar;�a-katha gosani sakali kahi/a 20.41 20
asatikhya satikhya tatira, na haya gar;�ana 20.348 196 'bapera dhana ache'-jnane dhana nahi paya 20.131 71
asan varr;�as trayo hy asya 20.331 186 bhadra hao, char;la' ei malina vasane" 20.42 20
asarva-vyanjaka/:1 purr;�a- 20.400 226 bhadra karana tanre ganga-snana karaila 20.70 36
asat-sanga-tyaga, -ei vai$r;�ava-acara 22.87 376 bhagavad-bhakti-hlnan manu$yan 22.92 378
a5e$a-vaikur;�thajar;�r;la svasvanatha-sane 21.17 240 bhagavatarambhe vyasa mangalacarar;�e 20.358 203
asi' saba brahma kr$r;�a-pada-pttha-age 21.70 269 bhagavatera ei sloka padila apane 21.32 248
a$ta mohara haya tomara sevaka-aticale 20.29 15 bhagavat-satigi-satigasya 22.55 3 57
astra-dharar;�a-bhede dhare bhinna bhinna 20.207 115 bhagya, more bo/aila 'dasa' atigikari' 21.74 271
astra-dhrti-bheda-nama-bhedera karar;�a 20.221 123 bhakta-vatsa/a, krtajna, samartha, vadanya 22.95 380
asvine-padmanabha, kartike damodara 20.201 112 bhakti-bale para tumi bhramar;�r;la sodhite 20.56 27
ataeva vede kahe 'svayaril bhagavan' 21.97 282 'bhaktye' k[$r;Ja vasa haya, bhaktye tatire bhaji 20 .136
atati yad bhavan ahni kananaril 21.124 301 bha/a haifa, kahil!i tumi, chutilatia papa haite 20.30
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 443
bhota /aha, tumi deha' more kalitha-kham" 20.87 43 candrasekharera ghare asi' dvarete vasifa 20.46 22
bhota tyaga karibare cinti/a upaya 20.83 42 candrasekharere prabhu kahe bolana 20.69 35
bhramite bhramite yadi siidhu-vaidya paya 22.14 327 cari-prahara ratri gele puna/:r suryodaya 20.390 220
bhru-dhanu, netra-bal)a, dhanur-guQa- 21.129 304 cari varl)a dhari' kr�Qa karena yuga-dharma 20.330 185
bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kami 'subuddhi' yadi 22.35 343 cari varl)asrami yadi kr��Ja nahi bhaje 22.26 337
bhuna hasi' kahe,-"ami jiiniyachi pahile 20.29 15 cari-yugavatare ei ta' gaQana 20.349 197
bhunara kache yanii kahe mohara dhariya 20.26 14 'catu/:r-�a$ti ariga' ei parama-mahattva 22.127 401
bhiinara karye kahe sei jani' ei katha 20.18 10 catvaro jajnire varl)a 22.27 337
bhU�al)era bhu�al)a ariga, tahen Iaiita 21.105 287 catvaro jajnire varl)a 22.111 392
bhiitani bhagavaty atmany 22.72 367 catvaro vasudevadya 20.242 132
brahma aila,-dvara-pala janaila kr�ryere 21.59 264 caudda avatara tahan karena Tsvara 20.320 180
brahma bale,-purve ami ye ni5caya karilun 21.82 274 caudda eka dine, mase cari-sata bisa 20.321 181
brahma bhavo 'ham api yasya kala/:r kaliiya/:r 20.306 171 cic-chakti, jiva-sakti, ara maya-sakti 20.111 55
brahmadi rahu-sahasra-vadane 'ananta' 21.12 237 cic-chakti, miiya-sakti, jiva-sakti ara 20.149 82
brahma kahe,-'taha pache kariba nivedana 21.64 266 cic-chakti-sampattira '�ac;l-aisvarya' nama 21.96 281
br ahmara eka-dine haya caudda manvantara 20.320 180 da{iuka-sahita cu;l bi kahan vahi' ge/a 20.12 8
br ahmara vatsare panca-sahasra callisa 20.321 181 dainya vinati kare dante trQa lana 20.98 48
brahma-savarl)ye 'vi$vaksena, 'dharmasetu' 20.327 184 daivat k�ubhita-dharmil)yaril 20.274 154
brahma. siva-ajna-kari bhakta-avatara 20.317 179 daivi hy e�a guQamayi 20.121 63
br ahma. siva anta na paya-jlva kon chara 21.8 234 daivi hy e�a gul)amayi 22.23 335
br ahma-siva-sanakadi na paya yanra anta 21.10 236 dak�iQadho hasta haite vamadha/:r paryanta 20.222 123
br ahma, vi�Qu, hara,-ei sr�tyadi-isvara 21.36 251 dak$il)a giyache yadi leufi' aoyaya 20.10 7
brah m!l, Vi�I)U, siva-tanra gul)a-avatara 20.291 163 damodara-padma-cakra-gada-sankha-dhara 20.232 128
br ahm!l, vi�I)U, siva,-tina gul)a avatara 20.301 168 dal)c;/avat hana sabe nija ghare ge/a 21.80 273
br ahma ya e�a jagad-al)c;/a-vidhana-karta 20.304 170 dal)c;/avat-kale tara maQi pifhe /age 21.94 280
brah maya 'sr�V-sakti, anante 'bhU-dharal)a'- 20.371 210 dal)c;/avat karite mukuta piida-pifhe /age 21.70 269
bujhite na pare IT/a kemane 'nitya' haya 20.385 218 dal)c;/ya-jane raja yena nadite cub!lya 20.118 60
444 Sri Caitanya-caritlmrta
daravesa hana ami makkake yaiba" 20.13 8 dviliya purU$era ebe SUnaha mahattva 20.283 15S
daridrya-nasa, bhava-k$aya,-premera 'pha/a' 20.142 78 dyu-pataya eva te na yayur antam anantataya 21.15 238
da5a-bisa-sata-sahasra-ayuta-lak$a-vadana 21.67 267
dasa-sakha-pitradi-preyasira ga(la 22.161 424
dekhi' candrasekharera ha-ila camatkara 20.53 25 E
dekhi' caturmukha brahmara haila camatkara 21.81 274 ebe kahi, suna, abhidheya-lak$a(la 22.4 321
dekhi' caturmukha brahma pharipara ha-ila 21.69 269 ebe sadhana-bhakti-lak$a(la suna, sanatana 22.104 38)
devar$i-bhatapta-nrr:Jam pit(r:Jam 22.141 410 eho saba kala-amsa, kr$r:Ja-adhisvara 21.40 253
deva-($i-pitradikera kabhu nahe ((Ji 22.140 410 ei ajna-bale bhaktera 'sraddha' yadi haya 22.60 359
'devi-dhama' nama tara, jiva yara vasi 21.53 260 ei artha-madhyama. suna 'giu;lha' artha ara 21.42 254
dhana nahi pabe, khudite bilibe sabare 20.134 72 ei bho!a lana ei karithii deha' more" 20.85 43
dhana paile yaiche sukha-bhoga phala paya 20.140 77 'ei bhuna kene more sammana karila?' 20.23 12
dhanera jhari pac;libeka tomara hatete 20.135 72 ei cabbisa murti-prabhava-vilasa 20.207 115
dharma-hani haya, loka kare upahasa" 20.92 45 ei candera bac;la nata. prasari' candera hata. 21.130 305
dharma pravartana kare vrajendra-nandana 20.341 192 ei cari-janera vilasa-murti ara a$!a jana 20.203 113
dharmi kisora evatra 20.380 2 1 5 ei carira seva haya k($(lera abhimata 22.125 400
dhatry-asvattha-go-vipra-vai$(1aVa-pujana 22.117 396 ei caudda manvantare caudda 'avatara' nama 20.328 184
dhupa-malya-gandha-mahaprasada-bhojana 22.123 399 ei do$e maya tara galaya bandhi/a 22.24 336
dhvani-bac;la uddhata, pativratara bharige 21.142 313 ei dui lak$a(le keha janaye isvara" 20.363 206
dhyayan krte yajan yajnais 20.346 195 ei dui lak$a(le 'vastu' jane muni-ga(Ja 20.356 202
dig-darasana kari mukhya mukhya jana 20.367 208 ei dui nama dhare vrajendra-nandana 20.240 131
diparcir eva hi dasantaram abhyupetya 20.316 178 ei k($(la-vraje 'pur(Jatama' bhagavan 20.402 227
dorihe kare huc;lahuc;li, bade, mukha nahi 21.118 296 ei mantre dvapare kare kr$f)<lrcana 20.339 191
dravyam vikaro gu(la indriyii(li 20.267 147 ei-mata brahmiif)c;/a-madhye sabara 'parakasa' 20.218 121
df8bhi/:l pibanty anusavabhinavam durapam 21.112 292 ei mata kare yeba raganuga-bhakti 22.164 426
dmanta diya kahi tabe /oka yadi jane 20.386 218 ei-mata k($(lera divya sad-gu(la ananta 21.10 236
dugdhantara vastu nahe, dugdha haite nare 20.309 173 ei-mata saba lila-yena gariga-dhara 20.383 216
dugdha yena amla-yoge dadhi-rupa dhare 20.309 173 ei-mata $ac;/-aisvarya, sthana. avatara 21.8 234
dui avatara-bhitara ga(lana tarihara 20.294 164 ei mukhyavesavatara-vistare nahi anta 20.370 210
dui ga(Jc;/a sucikka(la, jini' ma(li-sudarpa(la, 21.127 303 ei-rupa-ratana, bhakta-ga(Jera guc;lha- 21.103 285
dui-jana mi/i' tatha i$!a-go$fhi kai/a 20.41 20 ei-rupe pali ami brahmaQc;/era ga(la 21.86 271
dui-jane galagali rodana apara 20.53 25 ei saba karya-tarira tatastha-lak$aQa 20.362 206
dui upavase kaila randhana-bhojane 20.22 12 ei saba sadhanera ati tuccha bala 22.18 330
20.132 71
dvapara bhagavan syama/:1 20.337 189 'ei sthane ache dhana'-yadi dak$iQe
dvapare paricaryayam 20.345 194 ei ta' dvitiya-puru$a-brahma(lc;/era isvara 20.293 164
dvarakadi-vibhu, tara ei ta prama(la 21.78 272 eita' kahiluri 'abhidheya'-vivara(la 22.166 42
20.283 1
'dvare eka 'vai$(1aVa' haya, bolaha tarihare' 20.47 23 eita kahiluri prathama puru$era tattva
'dvarete vai$(lava nahi'-prabhure kahila 20.48 23 eita kahiluri sakty-avesa-avatara 20.3 77 2
dvari asi' brahmare puche ara bara 21.60 264 eita kahliuri sambandha-tattvera vicara 22.3
) 89
dvigu(Ja bac;le tr$r:J<l-lobha, pite nare- 21.132 306 ei ta sadhana-bhakti-dui ta' prakara 22. 10 8
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 445
ei ye tamara ananta vaibhavamrta-sindhu 21.26 245 ganga para kari' deha', e-k$al)e caliba" 20.43 21
•eka' anga sadhe, keha sadhe 'bahu' anga 22.134 406 ganga para kari' dila-gosafii calila 20.44 21
•eka' ange siddhi paila bahu bhakta-gal)a 22.134 407 gangara nikata ganga dekhi' jhanpa dila 20.11 7
eka bandi chac;le yadi nija-dharma dekhiya 20.6 4 garbhodaka5ayi-dvara sakti saficari' 20.303 169
ekadasa skandhe tara kariyache lak$al)a 22.71 365 gavak$e uc;fiya yaiche rel)u ase yaya 20.279 157
eka gauc;fiya kantha dhuna diyache sukaite 20.84 42 golokakhya gokula, mathura, dvaravati 21.91 279
ekaika-murtye pravesila bahu murti hafia 20.284 160 goloka-namni nija-dhamni tale ca tasya 21.49 258
eka k($1)a-deha haite sabara prakase 21.23 244 goloka-paravyoma-prakrtira para 21.54 261
eka 'k($1)aloka' haya trividha-prakara 20.214 118 goloka, vaikuQtha srje cic-chakti-dvaraya 20.256 141
eka manvantaravatarera dekha /ekhara anta 20.325 183 gopa-gat)era yata, tara nahi lekha-para 21.21 243
ekarh tu mahatah sra$i( 20.251 139 gopa-vesa, vel)u-kara, nava-kisora, nata- 21.101 284
eka-'nitya-mukta', eka-'nitya-sarhsara' 22.10 325 gopi-bh!igya, k($1)<1 gul)a, ye kari/a varl)ana, 21.111 292
'eka-pada vibhati' ihara nahi parimal)a 21.87 277 gopi-bhava-darapal)a, nava nava k$at)e 21.118 296
eka-pada vibhatira sunaha vistara 21.57 263 gopyas tapah kim acaran yad amu$ya ruparh 21.112 292
eka sarhsaya mane haya, karaha chedana 21.61 265 gosiifii kahe,- 'eka-k$al)a iha na rahiba 20.43 21
ekatra mi/ane keha kaho na dekhila 21.79 273 gosiifii kahe,-"keha dravya la-ibe ama mari' 20.32 16
eka 'vaidhi bhakti', 'raganuga-bhakti' ara 22.108 389 gosJfii kahe, -"mohara lana yaha' tumi desa" 20.35 18
e-mata anyatra nahi suniye adbhuta 21.18 241 gosiifii kahe,-'ye khal)c;lila kuvi�ya-bhoga 20.93 46
e samanya, tryadhisvarera suna artha ara 21.31.\ 252 gosiifiira bhagini-pati, kare raja-kama 20.38 19
gosiifiira thani aila kantha gale diya 20.88 44
eta bali' anna di/a kariya sammana 20.21 11 gramya-vyavahare pa(lc;lita, tai satya mani 20.100 49
eta bali' kanth!i /a-ita, bhota tanre diya 20.88 44
eta cinti' ge/a gangaya madhyahna karite 20.84 42 gul)!itita viwu-sparsa nahi maya-sane 20.289 162
gul)atmanas re 'pi gul)!in vimaturh 21.11 236
eta cinti' sanatana isilne puchi/a 20.23 12 gul)!ivatara, ara manvantaravatara 20.246 135
eta kahi kahe prabhu,-"suna, sanatana 20.62 32 gul)!ivatarera ebe suna vivaral)a 20.300 168
eta-rape lila karena vrajendra-nandana 20.247 136 guru-antaryami-rupe sikhaya apane 22.47 351
guru-padasraya, dik$ii. gurura sevana 22.115 395
er a saba chac;li' ara varl)!iSrama-dharma 22.93 379
etau hi visvasya ca bTja-yoni 20.262 144
etavan sarva-vedarthah 20.148 81 H
ere na hy adbhuta vyadha 22.147 416 h!ini-labhe sama, sokadira vasa na ha-iba 22.119 397
etha gauc;fe sanatana ache bandi-sale 20.3 3 harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-gul)a 22.76 369
e -tine lagila mana, lobhe kare asvadana, 21.135 308 hari-bhaktau pravrtta ye 22.147 416
446 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
isana kahe,-"eka mohara ache ava5e$a" 20.35 18 jiiana-sakti-pradhana vasudeva adhi$lhata 20.253 14C
isana kahe,-'mora lhiiiii sata mohara haya' 20.24 13 jiiana-sakty-adi-kafaya 20.373 211
22.145 4
i$le 'avi$lata'-ei talastha-fak$al)a 22.151 418 jiiana-vairagyadi -bhaktira kabhu nahe 'ariga'
22.29 33�
i$le 'gac;iha-tr$1)ii'-ragera svarupa-fak$al)a 22.151 418 jiiiini jivan-mukta-dasa painu kari' mane
jyoti5cakre sarya yena phire ratri-dine 20.387 2
i$le svarasiki ragaf:r 22.150 418
i$IO 'si me drc;iham iti 22.57 358
isvaraf:r paramaf:r kr$1Jal:r 21.35 250 K
isvarera saktye Sf$li karaye prakrti 20.261 143
isvare tad-adhine$U 22.73 367 kabhu svarge ufhaya, kabhu narake c;iubaya 20.118
ityadika bheda ei saba astra-kara 20.239 131 kacaril vicinvann api divya-ratnaril 22.42
26 5
ity asya hrdayaril loke 20.147 81 'kaha giya sanaka-pita caturmukha ai/a' 21.61
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 447
k ahite kr?rera rase, sloka pade prem!lvese, 21.111 292 kana brahm!lf)c;/a sata-koti, kana lak?a-koti 21.85 276
k aholi smita-jyotsnamrte, kanhilre 21.130 305 kana brahmaoc;le kana lililra haya avasthana 20.395 222
ka/:1 paf)c;/itas tvad-apararil sararam samiyad 22.96 381 kon !ljna haya, t!lhil kari sire dhari'" 21.74 271
k alav apy ati-guc;lheyaril 22.1 320 kana kalpe yadi yogya jiva nahi paya 20.305 170
kala-vrttya tu mayayaril 20.275 155 kana lila kana brahmarc;le haya prakatana 20.382 216
kalena yair v!l vimitab sukalpair 21.11 236 kana niyuta-koti, kana koti-koti 21.85 276
kaler do$a-nidhe rajann 20.344 193 'kon brahma?'puchile tumi kon abhipr!lye? 21.65 267
k ali-kale sei 'kr?oavat!lra' ni5caya 20.365 207 koti, arbuda, salikha, padma, t!lh!lra garana 21.20 242
kaliril sabhiljayanty !lry!l 20.347 196 koty-arbuda mukha karo, na yaya garana 21.67 267
kalite avat!lra taiche s!lstra-vakye mani 20.352 198 ko vetti bhliman bhagavan paratman 21.9 235
kali-yuge kr?ra-name sei phala paya 20.343 193 krame balya-paugarc;/a-kaisorat!l-prapti 20.384 217
kama chac;li''dasa'haite haya abhilil?e 22.41 347 krame krame tenho bhakta ha-ibe 'uttama' 22.69 364
kamjdinaril kati na katidhil palita durnidesas 22.16 329 krame saba tattva suna, kahiye tom!lte 20.107 53
kama-gayatri-mantra-rupa, haya kr?rera 21.125 301 kriya-sakti-pradhana satikar?aoa balar!lma 20.255 141
kama-krodhera dasa hafia tara lathi khilya 22.14 327 krpa kari' saba tattva kaha ta'apani" 20.103 51
kama lagi'kr?oe bhaje, paya kr?ra-rase 22.41 347 krpa kari' yadi more kariyache uddh!lra 20.101 50
kamaril ca dasye na tu kama-kamyaya 22.139 409 krpalu, akrta-droha, satya-sara sama 22.78 371
kama tyaji'k($1)a bhaje siistra-ajnil miini' 22.140 410 krpiira samudra kr?Qa gambhira apilra" 20.63 32
ka,Jera bhitara vasa kare, ilpane tanha sada 21.144 314 kr?ra arilsi, tetiho arilsa, vede hena giiya 20.315 177
karaQabdhi-piire miiyilra nitya avasthiti 20.269 148 kr?ra-bac;la dayiimaya, patita-pavana 20.62 32
'karaoabdhisayi' nama jagat-kilraQa 20.268 147 kr?ra-bhakte km)era gura saka/i saficiire 22.75 369
karariibdhisilyi-saba jagatera sv!lmi 20.282 159 kr?ra-bhakti -abhidheya, sarva-silstre kaya 22.5 322
kara-nakha-cilndera hata, vams1-upara 21.128 303 kr?ra-bhakti dure rahu, sarils!lra nahe k?aya 22.51 353
karau harer mandira-m!lrjanadi$U 22.137 408 k($Qa-bhakti haya abhidheya-pradhilna 22.17 330
kardamake vara dilii yeliho krpa kari' 20.334 188 kr$Qa-bhakti-janma-mula haya 'sadhu-satiga' 22.83 373
karma, tapa, yoga, jnana, vidhi-bhakti, japa, 21.119 297 kr?ra-bhakti piiya, tabe kr?ra-nikata yaya 22.15 327
karuQii-nikuramba-komale 21.45 256 kr?ra-bhakti vina tilha dite nare phala 22.18 330
karya- dviira jniina, -ei tatastha-lak?aQa 20.357 202 krwa bhuli' sei jiva anildi-bahirmukha 20.117 59
'k e ami', 'kene iimaya jilre t!lpa-traya' 20.102 50 kr$1Ja dekhi'nana jana, kaila nimi?e 21.122 299
�eha haya' kari'prabhu tahilre puchila 20.48 23 kr?ra-'dhyiina' kare loka jnana-adhikari 20.335 188
�em ane chutila'bali prabhu prasna kailil 20.65 33 kr?Qajinopavitak$an 20.332 186
kemane janiba kalite kon avatara?' 20.351 198 k($1)a kahe,-iimii bhaje, mage Vi$aya-sukha 22.38 345
kesava-bhede padma-satikha-gadil-cakra- 20.238 130 kr?Qa kahe, 'ei brahmaoc;la panciiSat koti 21.84 275
ketilba-korara-s!lstre ache tamara jnana 20.5 4 kr?Qa kahena-'kon brahma, ki nama tilhilra?' 21.60 264
kevala kr?Qa kahe,-toma-saba dekhite citta haila 21.75 271
jnana 'mukti'dite niire bhakti vine 22.21 333
k"· .
'm v1dhatte kim !lca?te 20.147 81 kr?IJa milnya-puja kari't!ltire prasna kaila 21.63 266
�r;anad eva kr?rasya 20.344 193 'kr?Qa mora prabhu, tratil'-jivera haya jfiilna 20.123 65
150ra-sekhara-dharmi vrajendra-nandana 20.378 214 kr?Qaril smaran janaril casya 22.160 424
bhagye karo sarilsilra k$ayonmukha 22.45 349 'kr?Qa-nama-satikirtana'-kali-yugera 20.339 191
448 Sri Caitanya-caritlmrta
'kr�(!a-pari�ada' nama, bhuiije seva-sukha 22.11 326 krte yad dhyayato vi�t:Juril 20.345 19 4
'kr�(!a'-prapya sambandha, 'bhakti 20.124 66 krti-sadhya bhavet sadhya- 22.105 387
kr�(!a-prema janmaya ei paricera alpa sariga 22.129 402 k�a(Jeke sabai sei sarire pravese 21.23 2 44
kr�(!a-prema janme, teriho puna/:1 mukhya 22.63 373 k�emaril na vindanti vina yad-arpa�ril 22.20 332
k(�(!a-pritye bhoga-tyaga, kr�(!a-tirthe vasa 22.116 395 k�iraril yatha dadhi vikara-vise�a-yogat 20.310 174
kr�(!arthe akhila-ce�ta. tat-krpavalokana 22.126 401 k�irodakasayi teriho-palana-karta, svami 20.295 165
k(�(!a-rupa-sumadhuri, pibi' pibi' netra 21.114 294 kuta/:1 puna/:lsasvad abhadram isvare 22.19 331
kr�(!a-saha dvaraka-vaibhava anubhava haila 21.79 273 kutila-kuntalaril sri-mukharil ca te 21.124 301
kr�(!a-sakti dhara tumi, jana tattva-bhava 20.105 52 kuvi�aya-kupe pal;fi' goriainu janamal 20.99 48
kr�(la-sarige kata gopa-sarikhya nahi jani 21.19 242 kva va katharil va kati va kadeti 21.9 23 5
mahantas te sama-ciua/:1 prasanta 22.82 372 misra kahe,- 'sanatanera kichu krtya ache 20.74 37
mahaprabhu jani' candra5ekhare kahila 20.46 22 misra prabhura Se$a-palra sanatane dila 20.75 38
mahara$!fiya dvije prabhu milai/a sanatane 20.79 40 misra sanatane dila mitana vasana 20.76 38
m aharaurava haile toma karila uddhara 20.63 32 mita-bhuk, apramatta, manada, amani 22.80 371
mahat-krpa vina kana karme 'bhakti' naya 22.51 353 mora citta-bhrama kari', nijaisvarya- 21.145 315
mahat-sevarh dvaram ahur vimuktes 22.82 372 mora mana-sannipati, saba pite kare 21.137 309
maha-viHJU eka-svase brahmara jivana 20.323 182 mora van-mano-gamya nahe eka bindu 21.26 245
maha-vi$f.1U, padmanabha, k$irodaka-svami 21.39 252 mora yadi bola dhare, kofi ankhi tara 21.134 307
maha-vi$(1Ura nisvasera nahika paryanta 20.325 183 'more na chuniha'-kahe gadgada-vacana 20.52 25
mahiyasiirh pada-rajo-'bhisekarh 22.53 355 "more vastra dite yadi tamara haya mana 20.77 39
nidO$il, vad�nya, mrdu, suci, akincana 22.78 371 paricary� dasya, sakhya, atma-nivedana 22.121 398
nijabhi$!a k[$1)a-pre$tha pacheta' lagiy� 22.159 423 parikram� stava-patha. japa, sankirtana 22.123 399
nija-cic-chakte k[$1)a nitya vir�jamana 21.96 281 pMi$ada-gal)e $ac;/-aisvarye ache bhari' 21.48 257
nija-gul)era anta nil pana hayena sat[$1)a 21.14 238 pari$ada-$ac;/aisvarya-pilrl)a saba haya 21.5 233
nijamsa-kal�ya kr$1Ja tamo-gul)a angikari' 20.307 172 'parvata p�ra kara ama'-vinati kari/� 20.17 10
nijatlga-sveda-jale brahm�l)c;/ardha bhari/a 20.286 161 'pascime' khudibe, tahil 'yak$a' eka haya 20.133 72
nija paridhana eka dina' puratana" 20.77 39 pati-putra-suhrd-bhr�tr- 22.163 426
nija-priya-d�na, dhyana, tadiya-sevana 22.124 400 pati-vrata-siromal)i, yanre kahe veda- 21.106 288
nija-sama sakha-sange, go-gal)a-cMal)a 21.108 290 patri pMa sanatana anandita haila 20.4 4
nilacale puru$ottama-'jagannatha' nama 20.215 119 pil)c;/ara upare apana-pase vasai/a 20.54 26
nirantara gaya mukhe, nil paya gul)era anta 21.12 237 'pila'-varl)a dhari' tabe kaila pravartana 20.340 191
nirantara seva kare antarmana han� 22.159 423 pita-varl)a, karya-prema-dana-sankirtana 20.364 207
ni$iddha p�pacMe tara kabhu nahe mana 22.142 412 pithera stuti kare mukuta-hena anum�ni 21.95 281
'ni$!hil' haile upajaya premera taranga 22.134 406 prabhu-ajnaya sanatana milil� donhMe 20.67 34
'nitya-bandha'-k[$1)a haite nitya-bahirmukha 22.12 326 prabhu kahe,-"anyavatara sJ.stra-dvare j�ni 20.351 198
'nitya-lila' kr$1)era sarva-sJ.stre kaya 20.385 218
prabhu kahe,-caturali chilc;la, sanatana 20.366 208
'nitya-mukta'-nitya k[$1)a-caral)e unmukha 22.11 326 prabhu kahe,-"ihil ami kariyachi vicara 20.90 45
'nitya-sarhsara', bhunje narakadi dubkha 22.12 326 prabhu kahe,-"k[$1)a-krpa tomate pilrl)a haya 20.104 51
nitya-siddha k[$1)a-prema 'sadhya' kabhu naya 22.107 389 prabhu kahe,-'k$aura kahilha, yaha, samtana' 20.68 35
nitya-siddhasya bhilvasya 22.105 387 prabhu kahe,-'tom�ra bhota-kambala kothil 20.89 44
nityotsavarh na tatrpur drsibhib pibantyo 21.123 300
nTvi khas�ya pati-age, grha-dharma 21.143 313 prabhu kahe,-"tomara dui-bhai prayage 20.66 34
prabhu kahe,-"toma sparsi atma pavitrite 20.56 27
prabhu-pade saba katha gos�ni kahila 20.89 44
p prabhura krpate puche asankoca-mati 20.350 197
prabhu-sparse premavi$14 ha-ilil samtana 20.52 25
p�che prakata haya janmadika-IT/a-krame 20.379 214
pada-nakha-candra-gal)a, tale kare 21.128 303 'prabhu tomaya bolaya, aisa, daravesa!' 20.50 24
pada-prta-mukutagra-sanghatte uthe dhvani 21.72 270 pradhilna kariya kahi dig-darasana 20.297 1 66
pada-pithe stuti kare mukuta hena jani' 21.72 270 pradhana-parama-vyomnor 21.50 258
pada-prak$alana kari' bhik$ate vasila 20.73 37 pradyumna-cakra-sankha-gada-padma- 20.225 125
pradyumnayaniruddhaya 20.338 190
padau hareb k$etra-padanusarpal)e 22.139 409
padmanabha-sankha-padma-cakra-gada- 20.232 128 pradyumnera vi/, janMdana 20.206 115
padmanabha, trivikrama, nrsirhha, vamana 20.209 116 prak�a-vi/J.sera ei kailun vivaral)a 20.243 13
palanartha svarhsa vi$1)U-rilpe avatara 20.314 177 prak�itakhila-gu�Jab 20.400 22
prakaf4-/ila karibare yabe kare mana 20.378 21
palanarthe vi$1)U-km_>era svarilpa-ilkMa 20.317 179
panca-/ak$a cari-sahasra manvantaravatMa 20.322 181 21.17 240
prilkrtaprilkrta S[$ti kaila eka-k$al)e
panca sahasra mudra tumi kara angTkara 20.8 6 prilkrtaprilkrta-smi karena nirmal)a 20.255 141
parama isvara k[$1)a svayarh bhagavan 21.34 250 prak[li k$Obhita kari' kare vTryera adhilna 20.272 150
'paramesvara' nirupila ei dui lak$al)e 20.358 203 prill)i-m�tre manovilkye udvega nil diba 22.120 3
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 451
puru�artha-siromal)i prema maha-dhana 20.125 67 rudra-ga(la aila lak�a koti-vadana 21.68 268
puru�a-rupe zva!irl)a hail a prathama 20.265 145 'rudra'-rupa dhari kare jagat sarilhilra 20.290 163
puru$ilvatilra eka, lilavatara ilra 20.245 134 rudra-savarQye 'sudhama', 'yogesvara' eleva- 20.327 184
puru�avatilrera ei kailun nirupal)a 20.296 165 rupa, anupama-dunhe vrndilvana gela" 20.66 34
rupa dekhi' apanara, kr�Qera haila 21.104 286
puru�eQiltma-bhatena 20.275 155
puru�ottama, acyuta, nrsirilha, janil.rdana 20.204 114
puru�ottama-cakra-padma-sankha-gada- 20.233 138 s
purvadi �!a-dike tina tina krame 20.211 117
saba kaha nil yaya, kari dig-dara5ana 22.77 370
purva il.jnil,-veda-dharma, karma, yoga, 22.59 359 saba lila nitya prakata kare anukrame 20.381 216
purva-dike tate matT alpa khudite 20.135 72 saba lila saba brahmii.Qr;/e krame udaya kare 20.393 221
purva-ukta brahmilQr;/era yata dik-pala 21.93 280 saba matoyala kari', balatkare ane 21.141 312
purvavat /ikhi yabe guQavatil.ra-gal)a 20.348 196 saba sadhi' se�e ei iljM-balaviln 22.59 359
purve ami tomara kariyachi upakara 20.7 6 saba tattva jana, tomara nahi tapa-traya 20.104 51
pOrve yaiche raya-pii.Se prabhu pra5na kaila 20.95 47 saba vaikuQtha-vyapaka, ananda-cinmaya 21.5 233
putana-vadhildi kari' mau�lanta vilasa 20.394 222 sabe hai/a caturbhuja vaikuQthera pati 21.22 243
putana-vadhadi yata IT/a k�aQe k�Qe 20.381 216 sad-dharma-sik�� prccM sadhu- 22.115 395
452 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
sakala-sadhana-sre$!ha ei panca anga 22.129 402 sat'lk$epe kahilun, vistara na yaya var(lana 22.167 428
sa kani$!ho nigadyate 22.70 365 sat'lk$epe kahiye kichu sadhanat'lga-sara 22.114 394
sakha-candra-nyaya kari dig-darasana 20.248 136 santu$1a ha-ilana ami, mohara nii la-iba 20.31 16
sakha-candra-nyaye kari dig-darasana 20.404 228 saoya5ata vatsara kr$Qera prakata-praka5a 20.392 221
sakhii-candra-nyaye kari dig-dara5ana 21.30 247 sapta-dvipambudhi langhi' phire krame 20.387 218
sakhi he, kon tapa kai/a gopi-gaQa 21.114 294 sapta-dvipe nava-khaQc;/e yanhara vilasa 20.218 121
sakhi he, kr�Qa-mukha-dvija-raja-raja 21.126 302 sara(liigatera, akincanera-eka-i /ak$a(la 22.99 383
sakrd eva prapanno yas 22.34 342 sara(la lana kare kr�Qe atma-samarpa(la 22.102 385
siik�at-saktye 'avatara', abhase 'vibhoti' likhi 20.368 209 sarva-bhute$U bhu-pala 20.115 58
sarva-bhute$U yal:r pasyed 22.72 367
saktayal:r sarva-bhavaniim 20.113 56
saktyavesa dui-rupa-'mukhya', 'gau(la' 20.368 209 sarva-dharman parityajya 22.94 380
saktyavesavatara kr$Qera asankhya gaQana 20.367 208 sarva-guhyatamarir bhoya/:r 22.57 358
saktyavesavatiirera suna vivara(la 20.366 208 'sarvajna' asi' du/:rkha dekhi' puchaye 20.127' 68
samasta brahmaQca;/ -gaQera inho antaryami 20.282 159 sarvajna munira vakya-sastra-'paramaQa' 20.353 200
sarvajnera vakye kare dhanera uddese 20.129 69
sambhutarir �oc;lasa-kalam 20.266 146
samhararthe maya-sange rudra-rupa dhari 20.307 172 sarvajnera vakye mula-dhana anubandha 20.130 70
samo damo bhaga5 ceti 22.88 376 sarva-karma tyaga kari' se kr$Qa bhajaya 22.60 359
samprati prthivite yeba haiyachi/a bhara 21.77 272 sarva maha-guQa-gaQa vai$Qava-sarire 22.75 369
sarirsara bhramite kana bhagye keha tare 22.43 348 sarvan dadati suhrdo bhajato 'bhikaman 22.96 381
sarva-sastre upadese, 'sri-kr$Qa'-sambandha 20.130 70
sarirsara ha-ite tare mukta karena gosana 20.6 4
samsara-tapan akhilan 20.114 57 sarva svarupera dhama-paravyoma-dhame 21.3 232
samsare 'smin k$a(liirdho 'pi 22.85 374 sarva tattva mi/i' srjila brahmaQc;/era gaQa 20.277 157
'sanakadi', 'narada', 'prthu', 'parasurama' 20.369 209 sarvatha saraQapatti, kartikadi-vrata 22.127 40 1
sanakadye 'jnana'-sakti, narade sakti 'bhakti' 20.371 210 sarvatmana yah sara(larir sara(lyam 22.141 410
sarvatra praka5a tat'lra-bhakte sukha dite 20.219 122
sanatana asi' tabe kaila nadi-snana 20.21 11
sanatana janila ei prabhure na bhaya 20.83 42 sarvendriya-phala, -sastra-nirOpaQa 20.60 30
sanatana kahe, -"ami madhukarT kariba 20.81 40 sarvopakaraka, santa, kr$Qaika-sara(la 22.79 371
sanatana kahe,-'kr$Qa ami nahi jani 20.64 33 sarvopari kr$Qaloka 'karQikara' gaQi 21.7 234
sanatana kahe, -"tumi na kara raja-bhaya 20.10 7 sa sarva-drg upadr�ta 20.313 176
'sastra-guru-atma' -rope apanare janana 20.123 65
sanatana kahe, -"yate isvara-lak$a(la 20.364 207
saniitana, kr�Qa-madhurya-amrtera sindhu 21.137 309 sastra-yukti nahi jane drch
;/ a, sraddhavan 22.67 364
"sanatana, tumi yavat ka5ite rahiba 20.80 40 sastra-yukti nahi mane-raganugara prakrti 22.153 419
'sanatane bhik$a deha'-misrere kahila 20.73 37 sastra-yuktye sunipu(la drch ;/ a-sraddha yanra 22.65 363
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 453
sastre yuktau ca nipw;a/:1 22.66 363 sei vibhinnamsa jlva-dui ta' prakJra 22.10 325
sata-hajara mudra tara age rasi kaila 20.14 8 sei vipra tanre kaila mahii-nimantrar:re 20.79 40
satam prasangiin mama virya-sarflvido 22.86 375 se januka, -kaya-mane muili ei manoti 21.25 245
sata, sahasra, ayuta, lakg kotT-yojana 21.4 233 se kene rakhibe tomara se� vi�aya-bhoga? 20.91 45
sateka vatsara haya 'jivar:ra' brahmara 20.322 181 sekhara aniya tatire nutana vastra dila 20.70 36
sat-sangamo yarhi tadaiva sad-gat'au 22.46 350
se-se lila prakata kare vrajendra-kumara 20.383 216
sat-sangamo yarhi tadaiva sad-gatau 22.84 374 se�e 'sva-sevana'-sakti, prthute 'palana' 20.372 211
sattva-gur:ra dr�!ii. tiite gur:ra-maya-para 20.314 177 seva-namaparadhiidi dure visarjana 22.117 396
satyarh disaty arthitam arthito nrr:rariJ 22.40 346 seva sadhaka-ruper:ra 22.158 423
'satyarh' sabde kahe tatira svarupa-lak�ar:ra 20.360 205 se vighna karibe,-dhane hata nii pat;laya 20.133 72
satyarh saucarh daya maunarh 22.88 376
siddhante punar eka eva bhagavan vi�r:ru/:1 20.145 80
satya-tretii-dvapara-kali-yugera gar:rana 20.329 185 siddhartha-sarhhita kare cabbisa murti gar:rana 20.223 124
satya-yuge dharma-dhyana karaya 'sukla'- 20.334 188 siva/:1 sakti-yukta/:1 sa5vat 20.312 175
sa vai mana/:1 kr$r:ra-padaravindayor 22.137 408 'siva'-maya-sakti-satigi, tamo-gur:ravesa 20.311 175
savarr:rye 'sarvabhauma', dak$a-savarr:rye 20.326 183 smartavya/:1 satatarh vi�r:rur 22.113 393
se ak$ara 'candra' haya, k($/)e kari' 21.125 301
smita-kirar:ra-sukarpure, paise adhara- 21.140 311
se dhvani caudike dhaya, ar:rt;la bhedi' 21.141 312 $Oia-krosa vrndavana-sastrera prakase 21.29 247
seha rahu-vraje yabe kr$r:ra avatJra 21.16 240 'sraddhil-sabde-visvasa kahe sudrt;lha 22.62 360
seho rahu-sarvajiia-siromar:ri sri-k($/)a 21.14 238 sraddhavan jana haya bhakti-adhikiiri 22.64 362
sei bhUilara haya hata-gar:rita 20.18 10 sraddhavan sa tu madhyama/:1 22.68 364
sei cJri-janara vilasa-virhsati gar:rana 20.210 116
sraddhil vise$ata/:l priti/:1 22.130 403
sei do$e maya-pisaci dar:rt;la kare tare 22.13 327 sravar:radi-kriya-tara 'svarupa'-lak$ar:ra 22.106 388
sei eka darx;la, ��a dar:rt;le 'prahara' haya 20.389 219 sravar:radi-suddha-citte karaye udaya 22.107 389
sei hiljipure rahe-srikanta !lira nama 20.38 19 sravar:ra, kirtana, smarar:ra, pujana, vandana 22.121 398
sei isvara-mOrti 'avatara' nama dhare 20.263 145 sre$!ha-madhyadibhi/:l sabdair 20.399 225
sei jale se�a-sayyaya sayana karila 20.286 161
sreya/:1-srtirh bhaktim udasya te vibho 22.22 334
sei jiva nistare, maya tahare chat;laya 20.120 62 sri-acyuta gadii-padma-cakra-satikha-dhara 20.233 128
sei kahe, -"rahasya kara pramar:rika haila? 20.86 43 sri-caitanyarh likhilmy asya 21.1 231
sei maya avalokite sri-satikar$ar:ra 20.265 145 sri-govinda-cakra-gada-padma-satikha- 20.228 126
sei padma-nale ha-ila caudda bhuvana 20.288 161 sridhara-padma-cakra-gadii-satikha-kara 20.231 127
sei padme ha-ila brahmJ!a janma-sadma 20.287 161
sri-hari-satikha-cakra-padma-gada-kara 20.235 129
sei paravyoma-dhiimera ke karu vistara 21.6 233 sri-haste karena tatira atiga sammarjana 20.55 26
sei puru$a ananta-koti brahmar:rt;la srjiya 20.284 160 sri-kesava-padma-satikha-cakra-gada-dhara 20.277 126
sei puru$a maya-pane kare avadhana 20.272 150 sri-kr�r:ra-satikha-gada-padma-cakra-kara 20.235 129
sei puru$a virajate karena sayana 20.268 147 sri, lajja, daya, kirti, dhairya, vaisaradi 21.121 299
sei rOpa vraja5raya, aisvarya- 21.120 298
srimad-bhagavatarthanam 22.131 404
sei saba gur:ra haya vai�r:rava-lak$ar:ra 22.77 370 sri-madhava-gada-cakra-satikha-padma- 20.228 126
sei saba sloka pat;li', mahilprabhu artha 21.122 299 srl-mOrter atighri-sevane 22.130 403
sei sei haya vilasa-vaibhava-vibheda 20.208 116 sri-nrsirhha-cakra-padma-gada-satikha- 20.234 129
sei svarajya-lak$mi kare nitya purr:ra kama 21.97 282
sri-rOpa-gosaiiira patri aila hena-kale 20.3 3
sei ta' madhurya-sara, anya-siddhi 21.117 296 sri-rOpa-raghunatha-pade yara aSa 20.406 228
seita puru$a haya trividha prakara 20.250 138 sri-rOpa-raghunatha-pade yara a5a 21.149 317
se; vastra sanatana na kaila atigikara 20.71 36 sri-rOpa-raghunatha-pade yara asa 22.169 429
454 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
sthanabhila$i tapasi sthito 'ham 22.42 347 !abe mahaHattva haite trividha ahankara 20.276 156
sthane sthane bhagavate, varQiyache 21.110 291 tabe misra puriitana eka dhuti dila 20.78 39
'stri-sangi' -eka asadhu, 'kr?Qiibhakta' ara 22.87 376 tabe para hana gosani puchila isane 20.34 17
stuti kari' ei pache karila niscita 21.24 244 tabe prabhu tanra hata dhari' lana gela 20.54 26
sudrcjha kariya kaha, yauka samsaya" 20.365 207 !abe sanatana prabhura caral)e dhariya 20.98 48
sukha-bhoga haite du/:lkha apani palaya 20.140 77 tabe sei sata mohana hastete kariya 20.26 14
sukhi hao sabe, kichu niihi daitya-bhaya? 21.76 271 tabe sei yavana kahe,-"suna, mahasaya 20.9 7
sukla-rakta-k[$1)a-pi!a-krame cari varl)a 20.330 185 tabe svarupa kahe tare praptira upaya 20.131 71
suklo raktas !atha pita 20.331 186 tabe varal)asi gosani iii/a kata-dine 20.45 22
suni' anande sanatana karila pravesa 20.50 24 tadamrtatvam pratipadyamano 22.103 386
suni' anandita bhuna sanatane kaya 20.19 11 tad-bhava-lipsunii karya 22.158 423
suni' anandita ha-ila prabhura agamane 20.45 22 'tadiya'-tulasi, vai?Qava, mathura, bhiigavata 22.125 400
suni' bhangi kari' !iiflre puc he sanatana 20.349 197 taM Jagi' eka thani saba bolaila 21.75 271
suni' hasi' k[$1)a !abe karilena dhyiine 21.66 267 !aha suni' lubdha haya kona bhagyavan 22.152 419
suni' sanatana tare karila bhartsana 20.25 13 tahatei sankar$al)a kare saktira adhane 20.260 143
suniy!l prabhura mane ananda apara 20.71 36 taha yaiche vraja-pure karila vilasa 20.392 221
suryamsa-kiraQa, yaiche agni-jvala-caya 20.109 53 taiche bhakti-phale kr?Qe prema upajaya 20.141 78
suryodayahaite $a?li-pala-kramodaya 20.389 219 tais tair atulyatisayair 20.355 201
susila, mrdu, vadanya, kr?Qa-sama 21.121 299 taj-jO$al)ad asv apavarga-vartmani 22.86 375
svilbhavika k[$Qera tina-prakara 'sakti' haya 20.109 53 tanhare arigane dekhi' prabhu dhana aila 20.51 24
sva-caral)iimrta diya 'vi$aya' bhulaiba 22.39 345 tanhare kahio-sei bahya-krtye gela 20.11
svakarma karite se raurave pacji' maje 22.26 337 tatiho kahe,-"dina-dui raha ei-sthane 20.42 20
svamsa-vibhinnamsa-rupe hai'la vistara 22.8 324 tanho kahe,-"rahasya nahe, kahi satya-vaQi 20.87 43
svamsa-vistara-catur-vyuha, avatara gal)a 22.9 324 tan-mayayato budha abhajet tam 20.119 61
svamsera bheda ebe suna, saniltana 20.243 133 tanmayi ya bhaved bhakti/:1 22.150 418
svanga-vi5e$abhasa-rupe prakrti-sparsana 20.273 151 tanra caritra vicarite mana na paya para 21.16 240
svap!lda-mulam bhajata/:1 priyasya 22.144 413 tanra icchaya gela mora 5e$a Vi$aya-roga" 20.93 46
svarupa-aisvarya-purl)a, k[$Qa-sama pr!lya 20.315 177 tanra jnane anu?aflge yaya maya-bandha 20.144 79
'svarupa'-lak$al)a, ara 'tatastha-lak$al)a' 20.356 202 tanra krpilya prasna karite !iiflra sakti haila 20.94 46
'svarupa-sakti' rOpe tilnra haya avasthiina 22.7 323 tanra mata kahi, ye-saba astra-kara 20.226 125
'svasaubhagya' yanra nilma, saundaryadi- 21.104 286 tanra nabhi-padma haite uthila eka padma 20.287 16
20.95 47
'svayam bhagavan', !Ira 'lila-puru$ot!ama' 20.240 131 tanra saktye ramananda tanra uttara dila
svayambhuve 'yajna', svarOCi$e 'vibhu' nama 20.324 182 tanra upadesa-mantre pisacT palaya 22.15 327
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 455
tanre .jlir'lgana kari' prem.jvi$ta hail.j 20.51 24 tejo-v.jri-mrd.jri1 yatha vinimayo yatra tri- 20.359 203
'tarire .jna' prabhura v.jkye kahi/a tanhare 20.49 23 teriho 'brahm.j' hana smi kari/a srjana 20.288 161
tan-sabara mukuta kmya-p.jda-pnha-age 21.94 280 teriho dui bahirv.jsa-kaupfna karila 20.78 39
tali sabara n.jma kahi, suna sanatana 20.203 113 teriho kahe,-eka 'daravesa' ache dvare 20.49 23
tapana-misra tabe t.jrire kai/.j nimantraoa 20.68 35 teriho kahe,-'more, prabhu, n.j kara 20.55 26
tapana-misrere .jra candra5ekharere 20.67 34 terache netranta Moa, tara drc;lha- 21.105 287
tapasvino diina-par.j yasasvino 22.20 332 te$am asau klesala eva 5i$yate 22.22 334
tara anugata bhaktira 'rag.jnug.j'-name 22.149 417 te$V asante$U muc;lhe$U 22.89 376
tiira eka-dese vaikuothajal)c;ia-gaoa bh.jse 21.29 247 te te prabhava-nicaya vihit� ca yena 21.49 257
tar.j kahe,-'tom.jra prasade sarvatra-i jaya 21.76 271 tina avasa-sthana k($/)era s.jstre khyati yara 21.42 254
tara madhye pravesaye 'atma-samarpaoa' 22.99 383 tina lak$a mudr.j r.jja diy.jche tara sthane 20.39 19
tara mate kahi age cakradi-dharaoa 20.223 124 tina mudrara bhota gaya, madhukarf grasa 20.92 45
tara mate kahi ebe cakradi-dharaoa 20.237 130 tina-sahasra chaya-sata 'pala' tara m.jna 20.388 219
tara tale 'bahyav.jsa' virajara p.jra 21.52 259 tine ajnilkari k($/)era, k($Qa-adhisvara 21.36 251
tara tale paravyoma-'vi$Quloka'-nama 21.46 256 tinera adhisvara-kr$Qa svayam bhagavan 21.92 280
tara udaharaoa ami .jji ta' c/ekhiluri 21.82 274 tinera tina-sakti meli' prapalica-racana 20.254 140
t.jre kahe,-"ore bhai, kara upakare 20.85 43 tiriho ye madhurya-lobhe, chac;li' saba 21.116 295
tare vid.jya diya gosani cafif.j ekala 20.36 18 tirthi-kurvanti tirthiini 20.57 27
t.jruoy.jmrta-paravara, tarariga-f.jvaoya- 21.113 293 titik$aval) karuoik.jl) 22.81 372
tasmad bharata sarvatma 22.110 391 tfvreoa bhakti-yogena 22.36 344
tasmai deyarh tato grahyarh 20.58 28 toma dekhi, tomil sparsi, gai tomara guoa 20.60 30
tasman mad-bhakti-yuktasya 22.146 415 toma m.jri' mohara la-itama ajik.jra ratrye 20.30 15
tasya/:1 p.jre paravyoma 21.51 259 'tomara thani jiini kichu dravya achaya' 20.24 13
tasyal) p.jre paravyoma 21.88 277 tomare chac;liba, kintu kari r.jja-bhaya" 20.9 7
'ta!astha'-lak$al)e upaj.jya prema-dhana 22.106 388 tomare na kahila, anyatra chac;lila jivana" 20.128 69
We bac;la, tarira sama keha n.jhi ana 21.34 250 tretara dharma 'yajlia' kar.jya 'rakta'- 20.335 188
tate k($Qa bhaje, kare gurura sevana 22.25 336 tretayarh rakta-varQO 'sau 20.333 187
We lila 'nitya' kahe agama-puraoa 20.395 222 tri-guoa arigikari' kare smy-adi-vyavahara 20.301 168
tate s.jk$T sei rama, narayaQera 21.116 295 tripada-vibhati kr$Qera-vakya-agocara 21.57 263
tatha eka bhaumika haya, tara thani gela 20.17 10
'tripada vibhuti'ra keba kare parimaoa" 21.87 277
tathapi brahmaoc;le k.jro kiiriho sannidhana 20.212 117 tripad-vibhater dhamatvat 21.56 262
tathapi sarikar$aoa-icchaya tahara prakasa 20.257 141 'tri'-sabde k($Qera tina /oka kaya 21.90 278
tathapi yavana-mana prasanna na dekhila 20.14 8
tat-karoikararh tad-dhama 20.258 142 trivikrama-padma-gada-cakra-sarikha-kara 20.230 127
tat-sthiinam asritas tanva 22.101 385 trtiya-puru$a vi$QU-'guoa-avatara' 20.294 164
'tryadhisvara'-sabc/era artha 'guc;lha' ara haya 21.90 278
tat-tad-bhiiv.jdi-madhurye 22.155 421
tat tad evavagaccha tvarh 20.375 213 tulayama laveniipi 22.55 357
tat-tat-katha-rata5 c.jsau 22.160 424 tumi amii chac;li' kara pratyupakara 20.7 6
tattvam sanatanayesa/:1 20.97 48 tumi bhik$ii kara, prasiida tanre diba pache' 20.74 37
tav.jsmiti vadan v.jcii 22.101 385 "tumi eka jinda-pfra maha-bhagyaviin 20.5 4
tavat amara ghare bhik$a ye kariba" 20.80 40 'tumi kene dul)khi, tomara ache pitr-dhana 20.128 69
tavat karmiiQi kurvrta 22.61 360 turigi-upara vasi' sei gosaliire c/ekhila 20.40 20
taya tirohitatvac ca 20.115 57 tvarh p.jsi nas tribhuvanarh ca tathadhunesa 20.299 167
456 Sri Caitanya-caritlmrta
vedera pratijila kevala kahaye kr$t:rake 20.146 81 yad yad vibhatimat sattvaril 20.375 213
vetra, vel)u, dala, srriga, vastra, a/arikara 21.21 243 yadyapi asrjya nitya cic-chakti-vilasa 20.257 141
vibhinnamsa jiva-tilrira saktite gat:rana 22.9 324 yadyapi paravyoma sabakara nitya-dhama 20.212 117
'vibhuti' kahiye yaiche gita-ekadase 20.374 212
ya e$iiri1 puru$ari1 s!lk$ad- 22.28 338
vijila-janera haya yadi kr$t:ra-gut:ra-jilana 22.97 382 yaha haite pai kr$t:ra-prema-mahii-dhana 22.104 38 7
vikarma yac cotpatitaril kathailcit 22.144 414
yaha haite pili kr$t:rera prema-sevana 22.166 427
vilajjamanaya yasya 22.32 341 yahiJ haite VaSa hana Sri-bhagavan 22.165 42
vimohita vikatthante yahiiri kr$t:ra, tahari nahi mayara adhikara 22.31 340
22.32 341
viprad dvi$ar;/-gut:ra-yutad aravinda-nabha- 29 yahiiri nitya-sthiti mata-pita-bandhu-gat:ra 21.43 255
vipulayatarut:ra, yahara komala sraddha, se 'kani$!ha' jana 22.69 36 4
madana-mada-ghurt:rana, 21.131 305
Index of Bengali and Sanskrit Verses 457
y3hiira sraval)e citta haya avadhiJta 21.18 241 yatra svalpo 'pi sambandha/:1 22.133 406
ya/:1 sambhut3m api tath3 samupaiti k3ry3d 20.310 174 yavana-rak$aka-pasa kahite 13gil3 20.4 4
ya/:1 S3Slr3di$V anipuryal) 22.68 364 yavan-nirv3ha-pratigraha, ek3dasy-upavasa 22.116 395
yaiche Vi$1)U, trivikrama, nrsirilha, v3mana 20.220 122 yaya k$etra-ji'ia-sakti/:l sa 20.114 57
yaji'iai/:1 sankirtana-prayair 20.342 192 ye dekhibe k[$1)anana, tara kare 21.134 307
yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya 21.41 253 ye riJpera eka karya, r;lubaya saba 21.102 285
yasyananaril makara-kuryr;/ala-c3ru-karrya- 21.123 300 ye$!im aharil priya alma sutas ca 22.162 425
yasyanghri-pankaja-rajo 'khila-loka-palair 20.306 171 yo bhavet komala-sraddha/:1 22.70 365
yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akii'icana 22.76 369 yor;la-hate brahma-rudradi karaye stavana 21.73 270
yasy3vatara ji'iayante 20.355 201 yogamaya cic-chakti, visuddha- 21.103 285
yata brahma, lata miJrti eka-i sarire 21.71 269 yogamaya dasi yahiin rasadi lila-s3ra 21.44 255
yathii taror miJia-ni$ecanena 22.63 361 yogya-patra hao tumi bhakti pravartiiite 20.107 53
yathii 'vidasina/:1 kulya/:1 20.249 137 yo 'ntar bahis tanu-bhrtam a5ubharil 22.48 351
yatna kari' tenho eka bhota-kambala dila 20.44 21 yo$il-sangad yatha purilso 22.90 377
yato 'to brahmal)as Ms tu 20.113 56 yugavatara, ara saktyavesiivat!ira 20.246 135
yatra sankirtanenaiva 20.347 196 yug!ivat!ira ebe suna, san3tana 20.329 185
General Index
460 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Balarama Bhagavad-gita
manifests in original quadruple expan quoted on Arjuna as friend of Kr��Ja,
sion, 106 359
Bali Maharaja quoted on association of modes of
attained perfection by total surrender, nature, 378
408 quoted on changes of bodies, 151
Banyan trees quoted on demigod worship, 98
as worshipable, 396 quoted on divine energy as insurmount-
Beauty able, 63, 328, 335
as brilliant quality of Kr��Ja, 299 quoted on full surrender to Kr�Qa, 65
as opulence of Kr��Ja, 286 quoted on great soul who surrenders to
engages Kr��Ja in conjugal love with Kr��Ja, 239
gopis, 291 quoted on killing rogues, 211
gopis proud of their, 289 quoted on Kr�Qa as friend of everyone,
Govinda's face home of pastimes of, 71
306 quoted on Kr��Ja as knower of every-
of Kr��Ja causes Caitanya convulsions, thing, 70
310 quoted on Kr��Ja as original seed, 150
of Kr��Ja drunk through gopis' eyes, 294 quoted on Kr��Ja as shelter of all, 84
of Kr��Ja present in Gokula, 287 quoted on Kr��Ja as support of universe,
of Kr�Qa's body as ornament of orna 92
ments, 288 quoted on Kr��Ja as supreme proprietor,
of Kr�Qa's face described, 300-301 279
of Kr�Qa's form for pastimes in material quoted on Kr��Ja in the heart, 32, 384
world, 284 quoted on Kr�Qa's inconceivable poten
of Kr��Ja spreads in ten directions, 311 cies, 213
of Vasudeva and Kr��Ja compared, 101 quoted on Kr��Ja's splendor, 213
unparalleled sweetness of Kr��Ja's, quoted on Kr��Ja's transcendental
295 nature, 137
Vasudeva's mind bewildered by Kr�Qa's, quoted on living entities as superior
103 energy, 325
Begging quoted on living entities sustaining
of sannyasi shouldn't be burden for universe, 58
householders, 41 quoted on mahatmas, 354
Bengal quoted on material and spiritual
Sanatana imprisoned in, 3 energies, 153
Bhadra quoted on material creation, 204
Hr�ikesa predominating Deity of, 112 quoted on Paramatma, 88
Bhagavad-gita quoted on qualities of brahmar)a, 30
as essence of Vedic literature, 67 quoted on releasing conditioned soul, 5
cannot be understood outside of dis- quoted on siddha devotees, 224
ciplic succession, 405 quoted on struggle of conditioned
as contained within Mahabhiirata, 200 souls, 152
explains vibhliti powers, 212 quoted on study of Vedanta, 67
Kr�Qa comes personally to deliver, 67 quoted on taking shelter of Kr��Ja, 380
name of sun-god in, 264-265 quoted on temperate habits in yoga, 41
quoted on advancement for imper quoted on those eligible to understand
sonalists, 195 Kr��Ja, 241
462 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Birth Brahma
of Brahma, 161 social and spiritual orders come from,
of devotee after leaving material body, 392
224 quoted on position of maya, 341-342
of Krsna as four-handed Visnu, 99 quoted on Vi�r:Ju as supreme controller,
• 0 0
Blasphe� 251-252
devotee should not hear, 398 Vedic knowledge imparted to, 204, 206
Body, material Brahma
birth of devot� after leaving, 224 as expansion in Dvaraka Puri, 132
everything within cosmic creation has, Brahmacari
204 forbidden to associate with women,
the Lord doesn't have, 202 378
when one acts sinfully he gets, 412 Satya-yuga incarnation as, 187
Body, spiritual Brahman
Covinda has eternal, blissful, 250 as all-pervasive aspect, 287
Kr�r:Ja always has, 204 as feature of Absolute Truth, 87-88
Brahma as rays of Kr�r:Ja's body, 89
appears from Maha-Vi�r:Ju's pores, 158 Brahmal')as
as creation of maya, 172-174 as worshipable, 396
as creator, 300-301 Caitanya son of brahmal')a, 1 99
as devotee incarnation to carry out or- come from mouth of Brahma, 338, 392
ders, 179 nondevotee can't even purify them-
as gw;a-avatara, 135 selves, 29-30
as incarnation, 287 qualifications of, 29-30
as name of the post, 264-265 Brahmal')r;/a
as portion of plenary portion, 171 Kr�r:Ja's pastimes always present in
as saktyavesa-avatara, 210-211 every, 223-224
brahmal')as come from mouth of, 338 Brahma-sarilhita
born from navel of Carbhodakasayi first verse of quoted, 250
Vi�r:JU, 253 quoted on abodes of Covinda, 258
came to see Kr�r:Ja at Dvaraka, 264-278 quoted on body of Kr�r:Ja, 86
can't estimate size of spiritual sky, 235 quoted on Brahman effulgence, 89
can't estimate spiritual qualities of Lord, quoted on everything emanating from
236, 239 Supreme Lord, 150
calves and cowherd boys stolen by, 241 quoted on Cokula, 142
changes of Manus in day and life of, quoted on Covinda empowering
180-181 Brahma, 170
cream of Bhagavatam explained to, 149 quoted on inconceivable potencies of
criticized by gopis, 300, 301 Cod, 241
each universe has its own, 263 quoted on Kr�r:Ja as nava-yauvana, 217
educated by Supreme Lord, 151 quoted on Maha-Vi�r:Ju as portion of
engineers total creation, 169 plenary portion of Kr�r:Ja, 254
filling posts of, 170-171 quoted on Maha-Vi�r:Ju's breathing, 159
influenced by material energy, 162 quoted on original form of Kr�r:Ja, 93
Kr�r:Ja as master of, 249, 251 quoted on power of Vi�r:JU forms, 178
Maha-Vi�r:JU expands as, 133 quoted on Siva, 174
material universes governed by, 324 quoted on versatility of Covinda's
men and women become angry at, 300 limbs, 152
464 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Brhadbhanu Chanting
as avatara in lndra-savarf)ya-manvantara, liberation achieved in Kali-yuga by,
184 194-196
Brhan-naradiya Pufaf)a mantra while applying tilaka, 112-113
cited on advancement of imper of holy name as occupational duty,
sonalists,195 191-192
Brhaspati of holy names as one of five limbs,402
Sanatana as intelligent as,197 of sixteen rounds as necessary to
remember Kr�t:Ja, 394
one can taste transcendental mellows
c by,298
Conditioned souls
Caitanya-caritamrta arca-murtis increase spiritual activities
cited on introduction of religion by of, 122
Supreme Lord, 199 as inhabitants of Devi-dhama, 260
prakrti-sparsana explained in,152 as servants of lust and anger, 328-329
Caitanya Mahaprabhu attain knowledge through Vedas, 200
appeared to propagate Hare Kr�rya bound around neck by chain of maya,
movement, 1 91-192 336
as incarnation for this age, 364-365 can't revive Kr�t:�a consciousness by
as yuga-avatara, 135 own effort, 64
bhakti-yoga manifested in age of Kali can't see the Lord's spiritual form, 120
by, 320 compared to criminals, 60
complexion of, 193 delivered from ocean of nescience,348
conducts pastimes in three areas,280 feel satisfied in any body, 5
Caitra get two kinds of material bodies,
Vi�ryu predominating Deity of,111 328-329
Caf)r;:lala helped by Lord in three ways, 65-66
can become a devotee,29 liberated from clutches of maya, 62-63
Candrasekhara overpowered by fear, 61-62
made Sanatana look like a gentleman, punished by witch maya, 327-329
36 Conjugal love
Sanatana went to house of,22-24 Vrndavana as storehouse of,255
Caraf)amrta Consciousness
accepting as service, 403 Caitanya resumes external, 315
not to be considered ordinary,120 of Vasudeva,1 00
Caturvyuha Cosmic manifestation
three expansions of,109 Absolute Truth as cognizant of entire,
Causal Ocean 151
Kararyarnavasayi lies down in, 287 can't be created by dull matter, 143
Maha-Vi�ryu lies on, 159 creation, maintenance, and destruction
See also: Yiraja River of, 163, 361
Ceto-darpaf)a-marjanam dissolved by Rudra, 172
quoted,388 elements for bringing about, 140
Chanting original symbolic representation of, 154
advanced devotee engages in, 422 Cowherd boys
devotee's attention can't be diverted became four-handed Narayat:�as, 244
from, 315 Kr�t:�a had unlimited,242-243
General Index 465
Cows Deities
as inhabitants of Vrndavana, 420 K r � !J a ' s b e a u t y u n p a r a l l e l e d b y
as worshipable, 396 VaikurJtha predominating, 295
Kr�!Ja had unlimited, 242-243 predominating of all universes and
humans owe debt to, 410 VaikurJtha, 281
Creation Prthu Maharaja attained perfection by
beginning of, 146 worshiping, 408
dissolution of material, 163 worship of as one of five limbs, 402
doesn't arise from dull matter, 143-144 Demigods
elements required for, 140 attracted by beauty of Kr�!Ja, 288
engineered by Brahma, 169 automatically satisfied by devotional
Vi�IJU as cause of, 252 service, 362
Creator devotees develop all qualities of,
as Brahma, 300 370
criticism of, 300-301, 306-307 devotees should not worship nor dis-
of total material energy, 157 respect, 397-398
Cupid expand from egotism, 156
Kr�!Ja attracts gopis' minds like, 289 offer prayers for protection, 167
Kr�!Ja's eyes subdue pride of, 306 supply necessities, 410
worship of, 98
worship pure devotees, 149
D See also: Predominating Deities
Parasurama empowered to cut down,
Dadami buddhi-yogaril tam yena 135
quoted, 33 worship pure devotees, 149
Daivi hy e�a gUI)amayi See also: Atheists
verses quoted, 328 Desires
Damodara of Kr�!Ja fulfilled by spiritual potencies,
as expansion of Aniruddha, 110 282
as predominating Deity of Karttika, 112 three worlds filled with, 302
position of weapons of, 128 Detachment
remembered when marking back with acquired by devotional service, 91
tila�a, 113 as sign of advancing in devotional ser
Dar:u;fas vice, 62-63
sun consists of, 219-220 Devahati
Darkness as mother of Kapiladeva, 188
See: Ignorance Devaki
Death son of as example of vaibhava-prakasa,
soul passes into body at, 151 99
Dehino 'smin yatha dehe Devala
verse quoted, 151 one who studies Vedas indebted to,
Deities 410
ages of, 136 Devi-dhama
as nondifferent from mOrtis, 120 as abode of external energy, 260
faith and love in worshiping, 403 below Goloka Vrndavana is, 258
how one should behave before, Kr�rJa's smile spreads rays throughout,
399-400 311
466 Sri Caitanya-caritam!'fa
Kaliyuga Kesava
kr?Qa and pita avataras in, 135 as predominating Deity of Agrahayana,
occupational duty for, 191-192 111
the Lord's incarnation for, 185, 192 as Vasudeva expansion, 109
Kama-gayatri position of weapons of, 126, 131
Kr�r:Ja identical with, 302 remembered when marking forehead
Kapiladeva with tilaka, 113
as sakt yavesa-avatara, 135 resides at Mathura, 119
as son of Kardama Muni, 188 Kisora
different from ��i Kapiladeva, 425 Kr�r:Ja as, 214-215, 217
explains relationship of Supreme Lord Kleso 'dhikataras te?iim
and material nature, 154 verse quoted, 195
Karabhajana Muni Knowledge
as one of Yogendras, 190, 196 acquired by devotional service, 91
explained four incarnations of four as opulence of Kr�r:Ja, 286
yugas, 412 attained through Vedas, 200
Karar:JodakasayT Vi�r:Ju can be acquired about Kr�r:Ja's bodily
as puru?a-avatara, 134, 287 features, 228
as svarilsaka, 98 f o r m of T r e t a-y u g a i n c a r n a t i on
See also: Maha-Vi�I)U manifests Vedic, 187
Kardama Muni how conditioned soul acquires real,
white incarnation offers benedictions 65-66
to, 188 no need for detailed, 213
Karma of the Lord's activities as marginal
dependent on bhakti, 330-331 characteristic, 203
different bodies emerge from, 151 of Vedas given to Brahma, 206
Karma-kaQc;/a power of as chief potency, 139
compared to wasps and drones, 73-74 required for creation, 140
Karttika speculative compared to beating husk
Damodara predominating Deity of, 112 devoid of rice, 335
Katha Upani?ad speculative has nothing to do with pure
quoted on Supreme Lord as original soul, 415
source of life, 155 Vedic literature as treasure-house of, 64
Katyayana-sarilhita without devotional service can't give
quoted on association of nondevotees, liberation, 333-334
378 Kr�r:Ja
Kaura vas appears as the supreme youth, 85
flatter Balarama, 172 as Absolute Truth, 151
Kaustubha jewel as cause of all causes, 144
Dvapara-yuga incarnation decorated as compiler of Vedic literature, 64
with, 189 as identical with kama-gayatri, 302
Kavi ��i as knower of everything, 70-71
cited on devotional service, 61 6 2 - as nondual Absolute Truth, 323
Kesagra-sata-bhagasya as original source of Paramatma, 90
verse quoted, 153 as origin of all Vi$QU-tattvas, 85
Kesava as pastime expansion, 114-115
as form of Personality of Godhead, 99 as real protector, 74
General Index 473
Maha-Vi�I)U Maya
Siva as form of, 1 52 ashamed to stand before Kr�r:Ja, 341
See also: Karar:JadakasayT Vi�r:Ju compared to darkness, 340-341
Mahesa-dhama c o n di t i o n e d s ouls liberated from
as abode of Siva, 261 clutches of, 62-63
below Goloka Vrndavana is, 258 gives misery to living entities, 59
Mamaivamso jiva-loke keeps conditioned souls forgetful of
verse quoted, 1 52 Kr�r:Ja, 64
Mama vartmanuvartante K[�l)a's personal energy separate from,
quoted, 98 206
Mandara-parvata liberation from, 139
Madhusudana resides at, 119 living beings bound around neck by
Mantra chain of, 336
chanted while applying ti/aka, 112-113 powers of explained in Bhagavatam, 21 2
Mantra-yoga spiritual world devoid of, 149
transcendental mellows can't be tasted two covering powers of, 5
by, 297-298 two functions of, 1 4 9
Manus Vi�I)U a s controller of, 1 72, 175
avataras of, 1 35 Mayapur
changes of, 180-181 as residence of Hari, 120
incarnations of, 135 MayavadTs
list of, 1 84-185 as materialists, 404
orbit of pastimes during lifetime of, 220, intelligence of not purified, 339
224 Meditation
Manvantara-avataras as bogus in Kali-yuga, 1 95
as incarnations of Manus, 135 taught by white incarnation, 188
as svarilsa expansions, 1 OS transcendental mellows can't be tasted
description of, 180-184 by, 297-298
Materialists Mental speculation
groups of to avoid listed, 404 transcendental mellows can't be tasted
Mathura by, 297-298
as birthplace of K[�l)a, 400 Mellows
as Kr�r:Ja's eternal residence, 280 of dealings between gopis and Kr�r:Ja,
as part of Goloka Vrndavana, 108, 118 297-298
Gandharva dance at, 102 of Kr�r:Ja described by Caitanya, 292
Kesava resides at, 119 conditioned soul as servant of, 64
Kr�r:Ja more complete in, 225-226 Mercy
prabhava-vilasa forms reside eternally appearance of arca-murti as, 1 20
in, 107 as brilliant quality of Kr�r:Ja, 299
women of described fortune of gopis, avataras visible by Kr�r:Ja's causeless,
292 136-1 37
Matsya conditioned souls liberated by devo
appears in different yugas, 133 tees', 62-63
Matta/:! paratararil nanyat devotees depend on Kr�r:Ja's, 74
quoted, 9 3 Kr�r:Ja compiled Vedic literature by His,
Mau?ala-li/a 64
as end of Kr�r:Ja's pastimes, 222 of Kr�r:Ja described by Caitanya, 32-33
General Index 477
Mercy Moon
one should look forward to Kr�IJa's, incarnations compared to tree branches
401 and, 136
Ramananda Raya answered Caitanya's Kr�IJa's face compared to, 310
questions by His, 47 Kr�IJa's face king of, 130, 302-303, 305
Sanatana questioned Caitanya by His Kr�IJa's nails compared to, 304
mercy, 47 Kr�IJa's smile like light beams from, 308
Yrndavana as storehouse of Kr�!Ja's, syllables of kama-gayatri compared to,
255-256 302
Merit Muktaphala-!ika
as brilliant quality of Kr�!Ja, 299 quoted on qualities of brahmaf!as, 30
Mildness Mukunda
found only in Kr�!Ja, 299 as name of Kr�!Ja, 411
Mind Marti
as a sense, 152 forms worshiped in temples, 120
Caitanya's afflicted by convulsive dis
eases, 309-310 N
control of accompanies a devotee of
Kr�!Ja, 414 Na ca tasman manu$ye$u kascin
influence of mode of passion within, verses quoted, 5
169 Nadia
Kr�IJa rides on chariot of gopis', 289 Caitanya's father from, 199
Maha-Vi�I)U as master of, 147 Names
manifest from egotism in goodness, 156 of Kr�IJa's forms differ, 97
ocean of opulence manifested in Nanda Maharaja
Caitanya's, 248 as father of Kr�IJa, 101, 132, 136, 214,
of Caitanya immersed in sweetness of 217
conjugal love, 283 as father of Radha-Damodara, 112
of gopis like straws and leaves, 293-294 as inhabitant of Yrndavana, 420
of Radharal)i agitated by Kr�!Ja's eyes, Govinda not son of, 110
288 Kr�!Ja's name-giving ceremony at house
of Vasudeva bewildered by Kr�!Ja's of, 186
beauty, 103 Narada Muni
Miseries as saktyavesa-avatara, 210
illusory energy gives living entities, 59 astonished to see K[�l)a's expansions,
lotus feet of devotees vanquish all, 356 95
suffered by conditioned souls, 327-329 cited on position of pure devotee,
threefold described, 50-51, 57, 327, 411-412
329 empowered to distribute devotional
Modes of nature service, 135
create of material universes, 204 his discourse on devotional service,
Kr�IJa incarnates in, 287 61-62
Maha-Vi�l)u as master of, 147 one who studies Vedas indebted to, 410
Siva covered with three, 176 Yyasadeva chastised by, 332
Vi�l)u as controller of, 251-252 Naradiya Puraf!a
Mohammedans quoted on those who attain desired
Sanatana had to mix with, 33 goal, 52
478 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Narayar;1a Navadvipa
as beyond vyakta-avyakta, 204 as place of Caitanya's pastimes, 280
as expansion in Dvaraka Puri, 132 identical with Jagannatha Puri and
as predominating Deity of Pau�a, 111 Vrndavana, 405
as Vasudeva expansion, 109 Nava-yauvana
cowherd boys became four-handed Kr�r:Ja as, 217
forms of, 244 Nawab Hussain Shah
doesn't possess Kr�r:Ja's beauty, 295 Sanatana in service of, 33, 197
eternal residence of, 118 Nayam atma pravacanena
Kr�r:Ja in paravyoma as four-handed, 108 verses quoted, 137
Mayavadis call themselves, 339 Nilacala
position of weapons of, 126 Puru�ottama resides at, 119
remembered when marking lower ab- See also: Jagannatha Puri
domen with tilaka, 113 Nimi Maharaja
Vaikur;1�ha planets controlled by, 256 asked about yuga incarnations, 190,
Narayar;Jas 196
as expansions of Kr�r:Ja's personality, Nivrti
288 as predominating deity, 263
as predominating deities of Vaikur;J�ha, Nityo nityanaril cetanas
295 quoted, 155
attracted by beauty of Kr�r:Ja, 288 Nrsimha
don't possess sweetness of Kr�r:Ja's as expansion in Dvaraka Puri, 132
beauty, 295 as incarnation, 98, 123
Narayal)a/:1 para 'vyaktat as pastime expansion, 114-115,
quoted, 175, 204 166-167
Narottama dasa Thakura has different bodily features, 116
quoted on comparing words of guru, position of weapons of, 129
saints and sastra, 199
quoted on devotee purifying place of
pilgrimage, 28 0
quoted on necessity of following six
Gosvamis, 420 Occupational duty
Na te vidu/:1 svartha-gatiril hi vi�l)um for Kali-yuga, 191-192
quoted, 67 in different yugas, 188-189
Nature, material Ocean of milk
agitated into three qualities, 154 K�irodakasayi lies on, 165
awards and punishes living entities, 60 Om nama bhagavate vasudevaya
as different energy from living entity, quoted, 151
153 Om tad vi�Qo/:1 paramaril
association with modes of, 412-413 quoted, 162
can't touch Supreme Lord, 162 Opulence
Hari beyond range of, 176 automatically comes to pure devotee,
impregnated by Maha-Vi�r;Ju, 155 79
K�irodakasayi Vi�r:JU maintains affairs of, form of Kr�r:Ja has unlimited, 82
179, 251-252 Kr�r:Ja full of all, 86
living entities struggle with, 58 Kr�r:Jaloka full with all, 118
not cause of material universe, 143 K r � r:J a ' s completeness due to
unwanted harassment by, 62 manifesting, 225
General Index 479
Opulence Parabrahman
Kr�r:Ja's personal exposed to Sanatana, energies of spread over universe, 55
315 Paramaharhsas
Kr�r:Ja's six opulences, 286 sahajiya debauchees are not, 420
loveliness of Kr�r:Ja's face as only abode Paramatma
of, 293 as feature of Absolute Truth, 87-88
no one can estimate Kr�r:Ja's, 248 as supreme controller, 391
ocean of manifested in mind of Kr�r:Ja as original source of, 90
Caitanya, 248 See also: Supersoul
of Kr�r:Ja like ocean of nectar, 245 Pararh brahma pararh dhama
of Kr�r:Ja's personal expansions, 298 quoted, 84
of Vasudeva and Kr�r:Ja compared, 101 Parasurama
of Vi�l)u almost equal to Kr�r:Ja's, 177 as pastime incarnation, 167
of Vrndavana, 247 as sakt yavesa-avatara, 210-211
spiritual sky as three-fourths of Lord's, empowered to cut down demons, 135
259 Paravyoma
spiritual sky full of six kinds of, 257 Kr�r:Ja expands within, 108
Parik�it Maharaja
attained perfection by hearing, 408 '
questioned Sukadeva Gosvami, 149
ParitraQaya sadhunarh vinasaya
quoted, 211
Padarh padarh yad vipadam Passion
quoted, 51 Brahma as director of mode of, 177
Padmanabha egotism in, 156
as expansion of Aniruddha, 110 spiritual world devoid of mode of, 149
as predominating Deity of Asvina, 112 Pastimes of Caitanya
has different bodily features, 116 conducted in three areas, 280
position of weapons of. 128 Pastimes of Kr�r:Ja
remembered when marking back with as child and as boy, 136
tilaka, 113 as human being, 284
resides at Anandaral)ya, 119 as human being never subject to
See: Garbhodakasayi Vi�I)U material laws, 287
Padma PuraQa become newer and newer, 297
cited on advancement of imper cleanse one's consciousness, 241
sonalists, 195 conducted in three are as, 280
quoted on Kr�r:Ja's expansions in continue eternally, 216-224
material world, 120 exhibited at different ages, 214-217,
quoted on two main principles of Kr�r:Ja 222
consciousness, 393 in spiritual and material worlds, 324
quoted on Viraja River, 258-259, 278 manifest transcendental form of Kr�r:Ja,
quoted on Vi�I)U as object of Vedic 286
literatures, 80 no one can understand mystery of, 235
Padyavali rasa dance as quintessence of all, 255
quoted on perfection of mine pro Patac;la
cesses, 408 Sanatana arrived at, 10
Palas Patience
sun divided into, 219-220 as brilliant quality of Kr�r:Ja, 299
480 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Paur:Jc;lraka Pradyumna
killed by Kr�r:Ja, 325 expansions of, 110, 114-115
Pau�a Kr�r:Ja's pastimes in Vaikur:J!ha as, 287
Narayar:Ja as predominating Deity of, position of weapons of, 125
111 Praharas
Phalguna day and night divided into, 220
Govinda as predominating Deity of, 111 Prahlada Maharaja
Pilgrimage attained perfection by remembering
devotees purify places of, 27-28 Kr�r:Ja, 408
Pious activities quoted on lotus feet of devotees, 356
by devotional service one gets results quoted on real brahmaQa, 29
of, 306 Prajapati
devotional service not acquired by, 354 Kardama Muni as, 188
influence of mode of passion due to, Prakrti-sparsana
169 explained in Caitanya-caritamrta, 152
three categories of, 350 Prayaga
Planets Bindu Madhava resides at, 119
compared to islands, 121 Caitanya met ROpa and Anupama at, 34
Plenary portion Prayers
dust of Kr�Qa's lotus feet carried by por Akrura attained perfection by offering,
tions of, 171 408
Maha-Vi�r:JU as portion of Govinda's, of Brahma after stealing cows etc.,
159 245-246
Potencies of Christians, 155
opulence of spiritual, 282 of demigods for protection, 167
three chief, 139 of Karabhajana Muni, 190
three places of pastimes as full of inter offered to Kr�r:Ja by Devaki and
nal, 280 Vasudeva, 99
Power offering as devotional action, 399
of knowledge as chief potency, 139 should be recited, 400
of Vi�r:JU forms, 178 sound of gems colliding seems like, 281
Supreme Lord as reservoir of, 138 Prayojana
Prabhava-prakasa described, 66-67
as four-hand form, 100 Predominating Deities
description of, 95-96 of egotism, 141
Prabhava-vi/asa of twelve months, 110-112
chief pastime forms of, 115 Pride
chief quadruple expansion of, 105-107 of Cupid subdued by Kr�r:Ja's eyes, 306
expansions of, 104-105 Prthu Maharaja
Pradhana as incarnation, 287
as function of maya, 149 as sakt yavesa-avatara, 210-211
Pradyumna attained perfection by Deity worship,
as expansion of Kr�r:Ja, 190, 324 408
as personality in Dvaraka Puri, 132 empowered to rule and maintain living
as prabhava-vi/asa, 105-106 entities, 135
as predominating Deity of egotism in PuraQas
passion, 156 as brothers, 323
as vilasa-rupa, 98-99 call Kr�Qa's pastimes eternal, 222
General Index 481
Pural')as Qualities
Kr�t:�a as compiler of, 64 material nature is agitated into three,
Vedas expanded into, 200 154
Pure devotees of Kali-yuga considered good by ad
as absolved of all debts, 412 vanced devotees, 196
as physicians, 328-329 of Kr�t:Ja, 299
awaken one's attraction to Kr�t:Ja, Siva associates with quality of ig
349-350 . norance, 175
devotional service attained only by sweetness as quintessence of Kr�t:�a's,
favor of, 353-354 291
don't need speculative knowledge, Vi�t:Ju as transcendental to material, 162
pious acts or mystic yoga, 414 Questions
dust of lotus feet of, 355-356 of Caitanya answered by Ramananda
have no tendency to commit sin, 412 Raya, 47
opulence automatically comes to, 79 of Sanatana to Caitanya, 50
rareness of, 31
reside in spiritual world, 149
value of a moment's association with, R
by Vedic rules and regulations, 97 Radha-Damodara
Puru�a as son of Nanda Maharaja, 112
See: Vi�t:JU Radharat:JT
Puru?a-avataras as inhabitant of Vrndavana, 420
as incarnations of Vi�t:JU, 134 Kr�t:�a's eyes agitate mind of, 288
as Karat:�arnavasayT, 287 Vasudeva desires to enjoy Kr�t:�a's
as svamsa expansions, 1 OS beauty like, 103
three forms of, 138-139 Raganuga bhakti
Puru?a/:1 prakrti-stho hi described, 416-429
verses quoted, 378 external and internal processes of, 422
Puru�ottama Ragatmika bhakti
as form of Personality of Godhead, 99 described, 416-429
as )agannatha, 119 Raghunatha 8hana GosvamT
as pastime expansion, 114-115 as one of the six GosvamTs, 420
position of weapons of, 128 Raghunatha dasa GosvamT
POtana as one of the six GosvamTs, 420
accepted by Kr�t:�a as His mother, 382 Rahugat:Ja Maharaja
pastimes begin with killing of, 216, 222, instructed by jac:Ja Bharata, 355
223 Ramacandra
as pastime incarnation, 166-167
quoted on Lord giving courage to devo
Qualities tee, 343
form of Kr�t:�a as origin of transcenden- Rasa dance
tal, 298 as quintessence of all pastimes, 255
incarnations controlling material, 135 Kr�t:Ja engages in, 289
incarnations of material, 168, 169 Kr�t:�a's expansions at, 95
Kr�t:�a as mine of transcendental, 296 performed in pre-youth, 217
482 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
Regulative principles
devotional service rendered according
to, 390-391
for worshiping different forms, 97 Sa aik$ata /okan nu srja
of var(lasrama not followed by pure quoted,152
devotee,412 Sacrifice
Religion as worship for Treta-yuga, 194-195
can only be given by Supreme Lord, five kinds of, 411
199 performance of as occupational duty in
God accepted as supreme father in,155 Treta-yuga,188
Lord establishes principles of, 122 Sadhana-bhakti
taught by white incarnation,188 awakens love for Kr�r:Ja,388
Remembering Sadhu
as devotional action, 399 nature of to inquire,52
Prahlada Maharaja attained perfection Sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya
by,408 quoted,199
Renunciation Sahajiyas
as opulence of Kr�r:Ja, 286 imitate advanced devotees whimsically,
has nothing to do with the pure soul, 420
415 Sahasra-sir$ii
real described,384 as beginning word of Vedic hymns,164
�g Veda Saints
as division of Vedas, 200 understand incarnations, 362-363
quoted on V i�r:Ju's transcendental version of compared with guru and
nature,162 sastra, 199
��abhadeva 5akam tata/:1 satrnata-rnatra
as avatara in Oak$a-savar(lya-rnanvan verses quoted,121
tara, 183 Sakti-tattva
as saktyavesa-avatara, 135 as form of Krsna,97
��i Kapiladeva Saktyavesa-avata���
founded imitation of sankhya yoga as incarnations of empowered living en
system,425 tities, 135
�te 'rtharil yat pratiyeta characteristics a n d examples o f ,
verses quoted,340 208-214
Rudra Sarna
as Siva, 163 as division of Vedas, 200
form of,172-173 Sarnasrita ye pada-pallava-plavaril
Rudriik$a verses quoted,84
Satya-yuga incarnation wears garland Sarnbandha
of,187 described,66-67
Rupa Gosvami Sambhu
letter written by to imprisoned See: Siva
Sanatana, 3 Sarno darnas tapa/:1 saucam
met by Caitanya at Prayaga, 34 verses quoted,30
as one of the six Gosvamis,420 Sanatana Gosvami
ROpa-raghunatha-pade haibe akuti as minister in Muslim government, 49
quoted,420 as one of the six Gosvamis, 420
General Index 483
Scriptures Siva
sahajiyas avoidance of will lead them to as guQa-avatara, 135
hell, 420 as incarnation of material qualities, 169,
Sei puru�a maya-pane kare 287
quoted, 151 as material father, 260
Semina as portion of plenary portion, 171
placed within womb of material nature, can't estimate size of spiritual, 235
154 can't estimate spiritual qualities of Lord,
Supreme Lord injects original into living 236
entities, 150 characteristics a n d activities of,
Sense gratification 174-176
as waste of time, 67 compared to yogurt, 152
conditioned souls imprisoned under dissolves material creation, 163
spell of, 5 each universe has its own, 263
in Vrndavana leads to lower birth, 405 has many faces, 268
Senses in charge of destruction, 163
conditioned souls struggle with, 152 influenced by material energy, 162
control of accompanies a devotee of Kr�!Ja as master of, 249, 251
Kr�t:�a, 414 Mahesa-dhama as abode of, 261
expand from egotism, 156 Skanda PuraQa
Maha-Vi�I)U as master of, 147 quoted on good qualities of devotees,
of Caitanya immersed in ocean of 416
opulence, 248 Smrti-sastras
Se�a Naga as sisters, 323
as Saktyavesa-avatara, 135 Soul
empowered to render personal service, changes bodies, 151
211 very dear to all living entities, 91
Maha-Vi�I)U lies on bed of, 161 Spiritual master
Sex accepts sinful reactions of disciples, 397
Supreme Lord doesn't impregnate by, bona fide must be accepted, 395
152 how one should behave before, 399
Siddhanta-siromaQi Kr��Ja appears externally as, 65-66,
cited on size of universe, 276 351-352
quoted on seven islands, 121 most essential order of given, 394
Siddhartha-sarilhita must be served, 395
cited on Vi�I)U forms, 124-125 not to be considered ordinary, 120
Sins obeying and serving a bona fide, 336
as result of bad government, 200 one must understand Bhagavatam from,
continue material existence, 412 405
of disciple accepted by spiritual master, one renders spontaneous love to K[�l)a
397 through, 427
people enjoy life by committing four version of compared with saints and
kinds of, 49 sastra, 199
Siva within the heart, 413
as creation of maya, 172-174 Spiritual sky
as devotee incarnation to carry out or as interim residence of Kr�t:�a, 257
ders, 179 as three-fourths of Lord's opulences,
as destroyer of creation, 251-252 259
General Index 485
Srimad-Bhagavatam Srimad-Bhagavatam
quoted on mystery of K[�J;la's pastimes, Tenth Canto of reveals the Personality
235 of Godhead, 84
quoted on necessity of devotional ser- Vyasadeva as author of, 332
vice, 332-333, 335 Srinivasa Acarya
quoted on original form of the Lord, 93 quoted, 33
quoted on qualities of devotees, 372 Srivatsa
quoted on qualities of Kali-yuga, 196 Dvapara-yuga incarnation marked with,
quoted on real brahmaQa, 29 189
quoted on real religion, 331 Sruti-smrti-puraQadi
quoted on relationship of Supreme Lord verse quoted, 200
and material nature, 154 Strength
quoted on rescue from ocean of nes as opulence of K[�J;la, 286
cience, 349 Sudhama
quoted on result of chanting in Kali as avatara in Rudra-savarQya, 184
yuga, 195 Sadras
quoted on results of devotional service, come from legs of Brahma, 338, 392
91 Suhrdarh sarva-bhatanarh jfiatva
quoted on satisfying K[�J;la, 360-362 quoted, 71
quoted on shelter of Kr�r:'la's lotus feet, Sukadeva Gosvami
84 answered questions of Parik�it, 149
quoted on Siva being covered with as son of Vyasadeva, 291
modes of nature, 176 a t t a i n e d p e r f e c t i o n by r e c i t i ng
quoted on spiritual world, 149 Bhagavatam, 408
quoted on surrender to K[�J;la, 386-387 describes pastimes of Kr�r:'la in
quoted on three classes of devotees, Bhagavatam, 291
367-368 Sun
quoted on three features of Absolute Brahman compared to, 89
Truth, 88 Govinda compared to, 170
quoted on transcendental qualities of Kr�r:'la's pastimes compared to move
K[�J;la, 204 ment of, 219-220
quoted on unlimited transcendental Vivasvan as presiding deity of, 264-265
qualities of Lord, 236, 238, 239 Supersoul
quoted on Vi�r;'IU as controller of modes as localized incarnation, 287
of nature, 180 Garbhodakasayi Vi�J;lu as, 164
quoted on Vi�r;'IU as maintainer of crea- gives living entities good counsel, 61
tion, 251-252 Kr�r:'la appears internally as, 351-352
quoted on worship for Kali-yuga, 191 K[�J;la in heart as, 65-66
quoted on worshiping Caitanya, 193 Maha-Vi�J;lu as, 159
quoted on worshiping Lord by devo- three forms of, 252
tional service, 61 Supreme Lord
quoted on worship of different forms, abode of, 142
97 as best of Yadu dynasty, 167
quoted on worship of Kr�Qa by intelli as one, 97
gent persons, 344 as reservoir of power, 138
Sukadeva Gosvami describes Kr�r:'la's becomes Brahma, 171
pastimes in, 291 can alone give religion, 199
General Index 487
Treta-yuga Vaibhava-prakasa
rakta avatara in, 135 first manifestation of, 98
the Lord's incarnation for, 185-188 son of Devaki as example of, 99
Trivikrama Vaibhava-vilasa
as incarnation, 123 differ according to placement of weap
as expansion of Pradyumna, 110 ons, 107-108
as predominating Deity of Jyaigha, 112 distinguished by dress and features, 116
has different bodily features, 116 Vaikarika
position of weapons of, 127 Siva covered with, 176
r e m e m b e r e d w h e n m a r k i n g right VaikuQtha
shoulder with tilaka, 113 as avatara in Raivata-manvantara, 183
Tulasi leaves VaikuQtha
one must serve, 400 as part of spiritual world; 141
Tyaktva deharh punar janma Deities nondifferent from murtis in, 120
quoted, 224 expanded b e y o n d our ability to
Tyaktva WrQam ase?a-maQ(iala measure, 233
quoted, 33 forms of Lord preside over planets in,
inhabitants of have full opulence, 233
u Kr�rJa complete in, 225
Kr�rJa's beauty unparalleled by pre
dominating deities of, 295
Uddhava Kr�rJa's smile spreads rays throughout,
describes Kr�rJa's pastimes in yogamaya 311
form, 284 located in corner of Vrndavana, 247
Ujjvala-nilamaQi pastime forms preside over, 117
cited on birth of perfect devotee, 224 planets in like rooms of a treasurehouse,
Universal form 257
K�irodakasayi Vi�Qu as, 353 predominating deities of all universes
Maha-Vi�Qu as master of, 147 and, 281
Universes Se�a Naga in, 135
conditioned souls wander in, 328-329 vibration of Kr�Qa's flute attracts god
each contains unlimited atmospheres, desses of fortune in, 313
260 Vaisakha
each dominated by a Brahma, 241 Madhusodana as predominating Deity
each has its own Brahma and Siva, 263 of, 111
like atoms in the sky, 239 Vai?Qavanarh yatha sambhub
sustained by living entities, 325 quoted, 175
Upendra Vai�Qavas
as pastime expansion, 114-115 develop all qualities of Kr�rJa, 369
position of weapons of, 130 not to be considered part of caste, 120
perfection of eyes is to see, 31
recognized by their preaching work, 5-6
v those who imitate dress of should be
avoided, 404
Vaibhava-prakasa Vaisyas
as two-hand form, 100 come from legs of Brahma, 392
Balarama as Kr�rJa's, 108 come from waist of Brahma, 338
General Index 489
Vibhiiti Vi�l)uloka
explained in Cita, 212 innumerable Vaikul)�ha planets in, 256
Vidura Vi�Qu-miirtis
called a holy place by Yudhi��hira, as only expansions of personal and
27-28 plenary portions, 172
Uddhava describes yogamaya form to, position of weapons of, 123-131
284 Vi�Qu PuraQa
Vi/asa-rupa cited on advancement of impersonalist,
divisions of, 98-99 195
Viraja River cited on Dvapara-yuga incarnations,
between material and spiritual worlds, 190
258-260 quoted on energies of Parabrahman, 55,
Sankar�al)a lies down in, 147-148 56-58
spiritual nature lies beyond, 278 Vi�Qu-tattvas
Vi�I)U as forms of K[�l)a, 97
as controller of modes of nature, K[�l)a as origin of all, 85
251-252 Rudra not one of, 174
as expansion of Sankar�al)a, 110 Vi�vak�ena
as guQa-avatara, 135 as avatara in Brahma-savarQya-manvan
as incarnation, 123, 287 tara, 184
as incarnation of material qualities, 169 Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
as one and only Personality of comments on ujjvala-nilamaQi, 224
Godhead, 80 Vivasvan
as predominating Deity of Caitra, 111 as name of sun-god, 264-265
as transcendental to material qualities, Vows
162 one should observe, 401
carried in heart of pure devotee, 27-28 Vrajabhomi
characteristics and a c t i v i t i es of, sound of K[�l)a's flute attracts damsels
177-179 or, 312
devotee should not bear blasphemy of, Vraja-mar;J<;iala
398 See: Vrndavana
first form of, 157 Vrndavana
incarnations of as cause of creation, Balarama as cowherd boy in, 106
252 begging in, 41
in charge of maintenance, 163 gopis criticize Brahma in, 300
Kr�l)a as master of, 249, 251 has wonderful opulences, 247
K[�l)a as origin of, 393 i d e n t i c a l to jag annatha Puri and
Kr�l)a born as four-handed, 99 Navadvipa, 405
mantra of twelve names of, 112-113 if physically unable one should mentally
position of weapons of, 127 live in, 424
puru$a-avataras as incarnations of, 134 inhabitants of are very dear to K[�l)a,
remembered when marking right side of 423
belly with tilaka, 113 inhabitants of engaged in ragatmika
resides at Vi�l)u-kanci, 120 bhakti, 417
Sankar�al)a as expansion of, 133 K[�l)a and friends wander through, 290
three forms of, 138-139 K[�l)a beloved by residents of, 90-91
Vi�l)u-kanci K[�l)a created all material and spiritual
as residence of Vi�I)U, 120 planets at, 240
General Index 491
Vrndavana Weapons
Kr��Ja enjoys pastimes in, 221 Kr�!Ja's forms named according to, 97,
Kr��Ja exhibits Himself in relationship in, 99
70 pastime forms named according to
Kr��Ja is present in, 395 position of, 115
Kr��Ja most complete in, 225-227 position of Vi�l) u m urti, 123-131
494 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
In 1972, His Divine Grace introduced the Vedic system of primary and second
ary education in the West by founding the Gurukula school in Dallas, Texas. The
school began with 3 children in 1972, and by the beginning of 1975 the enroll
ment had grown to 150.
Srila Prabhupada has also inspired the construction of a large international
center at Sridhama Mayapur in West Bengal, India, which is also the site for a
planned Institute of Vedic Studies. A similar project is the magnificent Kr�Qa
Balarama T ernple and International Guest House in Vrndavana, India. These are
centers where Westerners can live to gain firsthand experience of Vedic culture.
Srila Prabhupada's most significant contribution, however, is his books. Highly
respected by the academic community for their authoritativeness, depth and
clarity, they are used as standard textbooks in numerous college courses. His
writings have been translated into eleven languages. The Bhaktivedanta Book
Trust, established in 1972 exclusively to publish the works of His Divine Grace,
has thus become the world's largest publisher of books in the field of Indian
religion and philosophy. Its latest project is the publishing of Srila Prabhupada's
most recent work: a seventeen-volume translation and commentary-completed
by Srila Prabhupada in only eighteen months-on the Bengali religious classic Sri
In the past ten years, in spite of his advanced age, Srila Prabhupada has circled
the globe twelve times on lecture tours that have taken him to six continents. In
spite of such a vigorous schedule, Srila Prabhupada continues to write prolifically.
His writings constitute a veritable library of Vedic philosophy, religion, literature
and culture.
(continued from front flap)
A.C. Bhaktlvedanta
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is the authorized work on the life and teachings of Sri
Kr�oa Caitanya-the philosopher, saint, spiritual preceptor, mystic and divine
incarnation who pioneered a great social and religious movement in Sixteenth
Century India. His teachings, which embody the highest philosophical and
theolgoical truths, have affected centuries of religious and philosophical
thinkers until the present day.
This tran slation and commentary on the original Bengali text is the work of
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupa.da (pictured above), the
world's most distinguished scholar and teacher of Indian thought and culture
Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This translation of Sri
and author of the best-selling
Caitanya-caritamrta represents a contribution of major importance to the
intellectual, cultural and spiritual life of contemporary man. BHAKTIVEDANT A