2006 Jun 657-670
2006 Jun 657-670
2006 Jun 657-670
Abstract—This paper proposes novel resource sharing schemes resource management as long as its SLAs with neighboring
for differentiated services (DiffServ) networks, to achieve both domains are met. At the present time, static inter-domain SLAs
high resource utilization and quality of service (QoS) guarantee. are mainly used, which are negotiated based on an estimation
Service level agreements (SLAs) are negotiated at network bound-
aries and supported by path-oriented resource mapping within the of the average traffic volume from the up-stream domain, i.e.,
network. The recently proposed SLA management scheme based the engineered traffic load. In reality, when the actual traffic
on virtual partitioning (Bouillet et al., 2002) allows overloaded load deviates from the estimation, resources will be utilized
SLAs to exploit the spare capacity of underloaded SLAs for effi- inefficiently. The actual traffic load may be more or less than
cient resource utilization, however, at the the cost of possible SLA the engineered load. We use the terms “overloaded” and “un-
violation of the underloaders. In the bandwidth borrowing scheme
proposed here, the dedicated bandwidth for underloaded SLAs derloaded”, respectively, to indicate the loading status of an
is determined and adaptively adjusted at network boundaries SLA.
according to the actual traffic load and QoS policies; the available DiffServ itself only defines per-hop behaviors (PHBs) at core
spare capacity is then properly distributed to related links for routers to coarsely differentiate QoS, and traffic conditioning
lending to others. On the other hand, the traffic flows admitted schemes at network boundaries to limit the traffic volume
with borrowed bandwidth are tagged and may be preempted
later when the original bandwidth owner needs to claim back flowing into the network. It is widely agreed that the basic
the resources. Through a detailed implementation design and DiffServ architecture should be augmented with intelligent
extensive computer simulation results we show that, by bandwidth traffic engineering functions [5], [6] to facilitate accurate in-
borrowing, both SLA compliance and high resource utilization ternal resource mapping, explicit per-flow admission control
can be achieved in various load conditions, with some side benefits to guarantee QoS [7]–[9], and dynamic resource allocation to
such as call-level service differentiation, small admission overhead,
and convenience for policy-based management. In addition, we handle the traffic load variation.
propose a distributed bandwidth pushing scheme that can dynam- The multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) technique [10],
ically adjust the spare bandwidth distribution over the network. [11] provides an efficient traffic engineering tool for Internet
Combining bandwidth pushing with bandwidth borrowing, the Protocol (IP) networks, by which multiple bandwidth guar-
resource utilization can be further improved. anteed label-switched paths (LSPs) can be explicitly set up
Index Terms—Bandwidth borrowing, DiffServ, inter-SLA re- between each ingress/egress node pair to balance the traffic
source sharing, resource allocation, service level agreement. distribution over the network. With pre-established LSPs and
per-class per-ingress/egress pair SLA resource commitments,
the optimal (from the perspective of network revenue) internal
I. INTRODUCTION resource mapping can be achieved through a properly designed
network planning or dimensioning procedure [12], [13]. In
T HE differentiated services (DiffServ) model [1] has been
proposed as a scalable class-based traffic management
mechanism to ensure Internet quality of service (QoS). In
this paper, we consider a path-oriented DiffServ domain. The
bandwidth broker memorizes the network topology and the
DiffServ networks, resource allocation (mainly bandwidth network resource planning results. Such information is used to
allocation) is based on service level agreements (SLAs) and support explicit per-flow admission control. Each time when
centrally controlled by a bandwidth broker [2]–[4]. Neighboring the bandwidth broker receives a new request forwarded from
administrative domains make long-term bilateral SLAs on the a certain ingress router, it will search for an LSP to admit the
new flow according to the routing algorithm and the stored
allocation of resources to different classes of traffic aggregate
crossing the domain boundaries. Each domain is allowed to network status information. The admission decision will then
freely choose whatever mechanism it deems proper for internal be delivered back to the corresponding ingress router. If ac-
cepted, the flow related information is stored at the ingress
router. It is generally agreed that the edge routers of a DiffServ
Manuscript received November 5, 2003; revised February 17, 2005; approved
network are capable enough to keep per-flow information [8],
was supported by a research grant from the Bell University Labs at the Univer- [14]. Trimintzios et al. present a resource management archi-
sity of Waterloo. tecture for MPLS DiffServ networks in [13]. They propose
Y. Cheng was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. He is now with the
solutions for operating networks in an optimal fashion through
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, off-line planning and dimensioning, and subsequently through
Toronto, ON M4S 3G4, Canada (e-mail: y.cheng@utoronto.ca). dynamic operations and management functions (“first plan,
W. Zhuang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- then take care”). This paper focuses on the dynamic resource
neering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada (e-mail:
wzhuang@uwaterloo.ca). allocation among SLAs sharing a properly dimensioned Diff-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNET.2006.876199 Serv domain.
1063-6692/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Dynamic resource allocation can be implemented on different ments during the underloaded periods, and the available spare
time scales. On the largest time scale, dynamic SLA techniques capacity is then properly distributed to related links to be bor-
[3], [15] are proposed to adjust long-term bandwidth allocation rowed by others. On the other hand, traffic flows admitted with
according to the actual traffic load measured over days or weeks. borrowed bandwidth are tagged and may be preempted later
On the smallest time scale, scheduling algorithms [16], [17] and when the original bandwidth owner needs to claim back the
measurement-based admission control [18], [19] are extensively resource.
investigated to utilize the statistical multiplexing gain at the The methodology adopted in the bandwidth borrowing is
packet-level. In the middle ground, the virtual partitioning (VP) that “boundary resource commitment determines link resource
technique [20], [21] has been used in circuit-switched and ATM sharing,” which is consistent with the SLA based management
networks to exploit the statistical multiplexing gain on the time principle; the passive SLA monitoring approach taken in [12]
scale of call duration. The recent work on effective bandwidth in with a predetermined link sharing configuration, however,
a priority queueing system [22] and our study on effective band- addresses a resource mapping problem with the inverse QoS
width in a partitioned buffer [9] extend the linear form connec- analysis approach. In this paper, we show that the newly
tion/call admission control (CAC)1 to DiffServ networks, which proposed approach allows dynamic resource sharing, QoS
makes the call-level QoS (call blocking probability) control pos- guarantee, policy based management to be achieved simultane-
sible and the VP applicable in DiffServ networks for call-level ously with a simple resource management architecture.
dynamic resource allocation [12], [21]. With VP, the free ca- Through a detailed implementation design and exten-
pacity from underloaded classes can be used by the overloaded sive computer simulation results, we demonstrate that with
classes to improve resource utilization, and the trunk reservation bandwidth borrowing, 1) SLA compliance (namely, the QoS
mechanism [23], [24] is used to force the overloaded classes to guarantee) and high resource utilization can always be achieved
back off when an underloaded class needs to claim its allocated with various link resource sharing schemes (for example
share of the capacity. VP, complete sharing (CS),2 or the scheme proposed in this
In [12], Bouillet, Mitra, and Ramakrishnan propose an SLA paper) and in various load conditions; 2) per-hop signalling is
management architecture based on VP at each link for efficient avoided for a small CAC overhead; 3) policy-based resource
resource utilization. The cost of VP is that the QoS of the management [13], [25] can be conveniently supported; and
underloaded SLAs can not be guaranteed. SLA violation for 4) a call-level service differentiation is achieved. Moreover,
underloaders is a serious problem, which could encourage performance of the bandwidth borrowing scheme is further
malicious overloading. Therefore, a penalty payment from strengthened by a bandwidth pushing technique, which can
the service provider to the customer is used in [12] to com- dynamically adjust the distribution of the spare bandwidth over
pensate the possible QoS or SLA violations. However, the the network. As the links (where the bandwidth borrowing
penalty scheme is not a completely satisfying solution from happens) and the resource sharing level on a certain link always
the customers’ perspective. Customers would always prefer to dynamically change with the SLA traffic load variations, an
have guaranteed QoS as well as a fair billing system. To our optimal distribution of spare capacity can result in maximum
best knowledge, currently there is no such resource allocation resource utilization. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to
technique available that can achieve a resource utilization derive an online, centralized optimal distribution algorithm.
close to VP while guaranteeing the QoS of all SLAs involved Therefore, the bandwidth pushing uses a distributed algorithm
in the resource sharing. In this paper, we propose a dynamic to adaptively push the spare bandwidth to the paths where the
inter-SLA resource sharing scheme, also termed as a bandwidth bandwidth borrowing can be successfully executed or where
borrowing scheme, for the above objective. more capacity is required. The efficiency of bandwidth pushing
In the bandwidth borrowing scheme, an SLA is negotiated to further improve resource utilization is also demonstrated via
for each traffic class between each ingress/egress pair. Each computer simulations.
traffic flow is allocated an effective bandwidth which encap- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
sulates various packet level issues, such as burstiness and QoS describes the path-oriented DiffServ domain. Section III gives
(delay, jitter, loss) at network elements. The SLA capacity, at details of the SLA that will be provisioned in a DiffServ domain
call level as the maximum number of calls that can be served si- deploying dynamic inter-SLA resource sharing. Section IV
multaneously, is then properly contracted to satisfy customers’ presents the proposed bandwidth borrowing scheme. Section V
call level QoS requirements at an engineered call arrival rate. and Section VI discuss the implementation design, where
The accepted traffic is supported by parallel bandwidth guaran- the proposed data structure and routing/CAC algorithm (with
teed LSPs between each ingress/egress pair. Such path-oriented bandwidth pushing) for bandwidth borrowing are presented,
internal resource mapping is achieved by the network dimen- respectively. Section VII describes some case studies and
sioning module. During operation, if the traffic monitor finds presents computer simulation results. Section VIII gives con-
that an SLA is in the underload status, a protection bandwidth cluding remarks.
smaller than its nominal capacity is calculated according to the 2Two classic schemes for resource sharing are complete sharing (CS), which
QoS policy defined in the SLA. The protection bandwidth is allows all customers to share the available resources indiscriminately, and com-
guaranteed for the underloaders to satisfy their QoS require- plete partitioning (CP), which statically divides the resources among the cus-
tomers. CP can guarantee the resource commitment for each customer, but may
1The term call is often used in the telephone networks and ATM networks. underutilize the resources. On the other hand, CS leads to higher resource uti-
In this paper, we still use this term for convenience. The terms call, connection lization and statistical multiplexing gain, but the traffic from one customer may
and traffic flow are used interchangeably. overwhelm all the others.
for the data traffic, where a preempted data transfer may be re- first distributed to each traffic trunk evenly. Let denote the
sumed in the future as a new call. The bandwidth adaption pro- number of trunks, and the protection bandwidth calculated
posed in [29] for multi-layer coded audio/video sources can also for SLA . The protection bandwidth distributed to each
be used to alleviate preemption, where the extracted bandwidth trunk is . The even distribution may not be
from QoS degradation can be returned to the original owner or the best solution, because the traffic loads and resource sharing
used to accept new calls. levels on different routes, and therefore on different links, are
While the SLA definition focuses on resource utilization ef- different. Ideally, the protection bandwidth should be distributed
ficiency without QoS violation, the fairness issue is not fully in such a way that leads to the maximum resource utilization.
considered. As we can see, during operations the unlendable This problem will be addressed in Section VI when we discuss
SLAs can occupy more bandwidth than what they buy; the SLA CAC.
with a higher call arrival rate may grab more spare bandwidth The function for CBP calculation in general depends on
according to CS than those SLAs with a lower rate. The fair- the statistical characteristics of the call arrival process and the
ness issue may be alleviated through a properly designed billing call holding time. The classic call-level modeling in telecommu-
system, where the payment is proportional to the actual resource nication networks is the Poisson call arrival process with a mean
usage. To further extend the bandwidth borrowing scheme pro- arrival rate and an exponentially distributed call holding time
posed in this paper for fair resource allocation is an interesting with mean call duration . The function is then the well
future research topic. known Erlang-B formula. As in the Erlang-B formula does
Note that in the SLA definition, for accuracy the lendable and not have a close-form inverse function, can be determined ac-
unlendable are used to differentiate the SLA load status instead cording to (1) by an iterative search:
of the common terms underloaded and overloaded. The rela-
tionship among the four states is: the overloaded SLA is natu- (2)
rally in the unlendable state; the underloaded SLA may be lend-
able or unlendable depending on how much capacity needs to where is the set of non-negative integers. The value is cal-
be reserved to guarantee the CBP of . In the remainder of culated in terms of the call number. However, in IP networks,
this paper, both pairs of the states are to be used, and the mean- exponentially distributed inter-arrival time or call holding time
ings should be clear from the context. A normally loaded SLA is unlikely the case [30], [31]. It is quite possible that a close-
is in the unlendable state according to the definition. form expression of CBP is not available, and therefore cannot
be determined analytically. In this situation, the relationship
IV. BANDWIDTH BORROWING SCHEME can be obtained by off-line computer simulations or
measurements from the historical traffic data, and recorded in
First, we define some terminologies and symbols. When
a table. In online operation for bandwidth borrowing, corre-
bandwidth borrowing happens, the related unlendable and
sponding to a certain call arrival rate is determined by looking
lendable SLAs are termed as borrower SLAs and lender SLAs,
up the pre-established table. In fact, implementation of the band-
respectively. All traffic trunks of a lendable SLA are termed
width borrowing is independent of the CBP calculation details.
as lender trunks. A traffic trunk belonging to a borrower SLA
In the following discussion, we assume a proper approach avail-
is termed as a borrower trunk only when the trunk runs out of
able to determine the protection bandwidth for an underloaded
its nominal capacity and borrows bandwidth to service traffic
flows. A spare route (path) is a route (path) along which a flow
The lent-out spare bandwidth is shared by trunks associated
can be successfully accepted by bandwidth borrowing. Let
with different SLAs that can access it according to the CS
denote a service class, an ingress/egress pair, and a route. In
scheme. As the protection bandwidth is enough to guarantee
the path-oriented DiffServ domain presented in Section II, we
the lendable SLA a CBP of , we can limit a lender trunk’s
use to identify an SLA, a traffic trunk, and
access to the spare bandwidth so that more bandwidth can be
the route set or trunk set of an SLA. The nominal capacity of
exploited by borrowers. At the moment that a lender trunk
SLA is denoted by , and the bandwidth allocated to
successfully captures some spare bandwidth to accept a new
traffic trunk (determined by the network dimensioning)
flow, the flow will be admitted into the network with an access
is denoted by , with .
probability, denoted by . By properly choosing the values
A. Spare Bandwidth: Calculation and Distribution of and , the service provider can control the tradeoff
between statistical multiplexing gain and QoS for lender SLAs.
For an underloaded SLA , the protection bandwidth For example, the configuration of and lead to
is calculated by solving high statistical multiplexing gain according to CS; and
bring lenders a CBP much smaller than ;
and correspond to allocating all the spare capacity to
With the clear context in this subsection, we omit the subscrip- borrowers.
tion of in related expressions for convenience. If ,
B. Trunk Resource Sharing at a Link
the SLA is determined to be in the lendable state, and the spare
bandwidth can be lent out. Otherwise, the SLA cannot In the bandwidth borrowing, the dynamic resource sharing
lend bandwidth to others. For an unlendable SLA, set is implemented at the trunk level. When a class traffic flow
to guarantee the nominal capacity. For a lendable SLA, the arrives, a trunk between the ingress/egress pair is selected
protection bandwidth, correspondingly the spare bandwidth, is according to a routing algorithm. The traffic trunk first tries to
admit the traffic flow using its nominal capacity or protection flow in this link, the bandwidth broker steps forward to the
bandwidth depending on the SLA state; if such bandwidth is second hop link. If the trunkshare rejects the flow at any link
used up, the traffic trunk then tries to grab the spare capacity along a VPTH, this VPTH is denied. After all the links along all
from the lender trunks according to the CS scheme; otherwise, VPTHs are checked, we can get a lendable route set. All links
the traffic flow is rejected. Let denote the current bandwidth along a lendable route can lend bandwidth to the borrower
usage of trunk and the protection bandwidth. A route trunk . The leftover bandwidth along the lendable route
or a trunk passing link is represented as or .A is , where the spe-
class- flow with effective bandwidth can be accepted at link cific value of depends on whether BS, VP or CS is used
by exploiting the spare capacity, if for resource sharing. From the lendable route set, the route with
the largest lendable bandwidth (the random selection principle
will be used when multiple such routes exist) will be selected to
(3) hold the new traffic flow. Such an approach is taken to protect
where is the link capacity and guaran- the out profile call from future preemption as much as possible.
tees that the capacity of is dedicated to trunk so In the case that all the routes do not have enough bandwidth to
that bandwidth borrowing happens without SLA violation. The admit the flow, the bandwidth broker rejects the flow. The above
right-hand-side of (3) implies that the spare capacity is con- admission procedure is also applied to an lendable SLA when
tributed by all the lender trunks passing link . For convenience its protection bandwidth is used up, where the admitted flow is
of expression, the algorithm for trunk resource sharing at a link still in profile as long as .
is referred to as the trunkshare algorithm. It is noteworthy that the hop by hop checking of resource
In fact, the borrowing sharing (BS) scheme given in (3), VP availability here is not through signaling, but through looking up
and CS3 are all special cases of the general trunk reservation route table and resource usage information stored in the band-
scheme width broker (to be explained in the next section). Hence, there
is no scalability problem and the CAC overhead time is ex-
(4) pected to be small. The trunkshare checking at each link and
the route selecting procedure are summarized as a sparest
route subroutine process to be used in the CAC procedure,
where the reservation parameter , when , which returns the selected route , or when no lendable route
is for BS, exists.
for VP [12], and 0 for CS; when ,
in all the three cases. Among the three schemes, V. DATA STRUCTURE
BS is normally the most conservative scheme with the largest
trunk reservation4 for QoS guarantee; CS is a greedy scheme A. Data in the Bandwidth Broker
for high resource utilization, while the underloaders may be For bandwidth borrowing, all the information stored in the
overwhelmed by overloaders; VP is a trade-off approach where bandwidth broker is organized into three tables: Route Table,
the overwhelming can be alleviated but not eliminated. With Trunk Status Table, and SLA Status Table.
the call preemption approach as detailed in Section VI-A, the Route Table: The topology and routing information is orga-
dilemma between high resource utilization and QoS guarantee nized into a route table. Assume that each traffic trunk and each
can be successfully solved; VP and CS can also be used in the link is assigned a unique ID in the DiffServ domain. Each row
trunkshare algorithm for higher resource utilization. Any and each column of the route table is indexed with the traffic
aggressive resource usage from the borrowers, which invades trunk ID and the link ID, respectively. Searching along a row,
the protection bandwidth reservations of other SLAs, will then we can find all the links of a traffic trunk. Searching along a
be preempted by the original owners when necessary, so that column, we can get all the trunks crossing a certain link.
the aggressiveness does not lead to SLA violation. Trunk Status Table: The network planning results, current
network resource usages, and bandwidth borrowing information
C. Bandwidth Borrowing Along a Path are organized into the Traffic Trunk Status Table. Each record in
An out profile flow can be accepted only when bandwidth the table is indexed with the traffic trunk ID and has four items:
borrowing via trunkshare is successful at all links along Traffic Trunk Capacity allocated by the network planning,
the selected path. For a new out profile request associated with Traffic Trunk Usage which is updated with call arrival and
an unlendable SLA , the borrowing procedure is as fol- completion, Trunk Protection Bandwidth (For the trunks
lows. The bandwidth broker begins from the first hop link on associated with an unlendable SLA, ; for those
each VPTH . If trunkshare can admit the class with a lendable SLA, is initially set, and
3Note that in bandwidth borrowing, the CS scheme is adopted to exploit the
may be dynamically adjusted during the bandwidth borrowing),
spare capacity (C R) on each link. When we compare different link resource
and Trunk Utilization Status (TUS) Flag. The TUS flag indi-
sharing schemes (BS, VP, and CS), CS is then referred to as one approach for cating the current trunk utilization status. Three states are pos-
sharing the whole link capacity. sible, namely, notfull, full, and borrowing. When ,
4It is obvious that examples where max(0; TUS flag is set as notfull; when , flag as
R 0 U ) < max (e ) can be easily constructed. However, in a
full; when , flag as borrowing.
multiclass network with multiple lenders, a separate resource reservation
for each lender is normally more conservative than the single reservation of SLA Status Table: The call-level traffic monitor inside the
max(e ) used in VP. edge routers measures the call arrival rate for each SLA, and
trunk set is searched, from which certain bor-admitted traffic are only slightly overloaded while heavily overloaded with
flows are preempted to release enough bandwidth to hold the the other one. In this case, most of the SLA spare bandwidth
new request. The pseudocode of the subroutine claimback- should be distributed to the heavily overloaded route for higher
band is as follows: resource utilization. Generally, the spare bandwidth distribution
should be properly determined and dynamically adjusted ac-
subroutine name: claimbackband cording to the network status for maximum resource utilization.
Input: ID of trunk (s; r ) holding the new flow It is very difficult, if not impossible, to derive a centralized,
Return: no return value optimal on-line distribution technique. Therefore, we propose
a distributed bandwidth pushing scheme to approximate the
linkset = all the links along route r ;
optimal distribution, which is summarized in the subroutine
for i = 1: size(linkset) %foreachlink pushprotband. The pseudocode of pushprotband is as
leftband = leftover bandwidth on the ith follows:
subroutine name: pushprotband
while leftband< es %preemptionrequired
Input: ID of trunk (s; r) holding the new flow
borrowertrunkset = all the borrower
trunks passing the ith link; Return: no return value
select one borrower trunk, (sb ; rb ), from linkset = all the links along route r ;
the borrowertrunkset with a probability
that is proportional to the borrowed pushedtrunks= 0; %storealreadyprocessedtrunks
bandwidth; for i = 1: size(linkset) % ateachlink
preempt the newest bor-admitted traffic lendertrunkset = all the lender trunks
flow in (sb ; rb ); passing the ith link;
leftband = leftband + es ; for j = 1: size(lendertrunkset)
updatetrunkstatus ((sb ; rb ), flow if (lendertrunkset (j ) 62 pushedtrunks &
preemption); Rlendertrunkset(j ) > Bpush )
(sj ; j ) = SLA that lendertrunkset(j )
end belongs to;
from (sj ; j )’s pushable trunk set,
When bandwidth borrowing is implemented based on the randomly choose one trunk, x;
BS trunk sharing scheme, the traffic flow preemption does
not have a severe impact on the long term call-level QoS, Rlendertrunkset(j ) = Rlendertrunkset(j ) 0 Bpush ;
due to three reasons: 1) The preemption happens only during Rx = Rx + Bpush ;
the short period just after a certain lender trunk increases its
protection bandwidth. 2) When the protection bandwidth of a % updating trunk status due to new R
lender trunk increases, the admission rate of new bor-admitted
flows reduces immediately due to the decrease of borrowable updatetrunkstatus (lendertrunkset(j ), new
Rlendertrunkset(j ) );
bandwidth, which can speed up the bandwidth returning. 3) At
each link, unused bandwidth in all trunks is fully exploited to updatetrunkstatus (x, new Rx );
avoid preemption. But with VP or CS trunk sharing scheme, add lendertrunkset(j ) to pushedtrunks;
the aggressive flow admission may result in an unneglectable end
preemption probability to those out profile calls. Preemptions
brought by the BS, VP, and CS trunk sharing schemes are
compared in Section VII. end
Call preemption should be considered as a type of cost in
the resource sharing. It may not be a problem for non-realtime In the bandwidth pushing scheme, an adjustment of the
data application, but may be annoying in realtime video/audio protection bandwidth distribution is triggered each time a
applications. Based on the proposed CAC algorithm, a message new traffic flow is put into a full trunk , according to
can be sent to the customer before the actual service regarding the CAC procedure given in Fig. 2. To do the adjustment, in
the SLA load status and flow admission status. The customer can pushprotband the lender trunk set is searched at each link
then determine to continue or try at a later time. With customers’ along route , and the detected lender trunks are called lend-on
awareness of the status, the resource sharing with preemption is trunks for expression convenience. Each lend-on trunk will
expected to be a reasonable service model. then try to push some of the protection bandwidth to its fellow
lender trunks, referred to as push-to trunks, belonging to the
same lender SLA, so that the spare bandwidth can concentrate
B. Dynamic Bandwidth Pushing
on the trunks where bandwidth borrowing is taking place. Let
The even distribution of spare bandwidth (and protection denote the effective bandwidth associated with a lender
bandwidth correspondingly) over lender trunks is not the most SLA. The amount of the protection bandwidth to be pushed
efficient approach. For example, a lender SLA has two parallel is , to reserve more bandwidth
lender trunks, but borrowers associated with one lender trunk for future arrivals possibly with the effective bandwidth
Fig. 4. Performance with bandwidth borrowing. (a) The call blocking proba- Fig. 5. Performance without bandwidth borrowing. (a) The call blocking prob-
bility of each SLA. (b) The call throughput of each SLA. ability of each SLA. (b) The call throughput of each SLA.
each SLA with bandwidth borrowing are presented in Fig. 4(a) 2) During the time period (12000, 36000), SLA-2 and SLA-5
and (b), respectively, and those without bandwidth borrowing become underloaded, where both their protection band-
are presented in Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively. To estimate the widths are calculated as 23 and first evenly distributed
throughput, each 10000 inter-arrival times are averaged and then between the two parallel trunks as 11 and 12 (fractional
taken the reciprocal to get a throughput sample. To estimate capacity unit not allowed). With bandwidth borrowing,
the CBP, a slide-window algorithm is used. Each 10000 arrivals SLA-1 can utilize the spare capacity from SLA-2 and
compose a slide period, and 10 slide periods compose a window. SLA-5 along trunk-1, but not along trunk-2 and trunk-3,
The number of lost calls in one window is used to get an CBP because there is no spare bandwidth on link-6, link-11,
sample. After one CBP sample is obtained, the window then link-10 and link-5. Therefore, trunk-1 is the borrower
shifts forward by one slide. trunk, trunk-4 and trunk-10 the lend-on trunks, and trunk-5
From Table II and Figs. 4 and 5, we have the following and trunk-11 the push-to trunks. The pushprotband
observations: procedure then pushes protection bandwidth from trunk-4
1) Each SLA starts with the engineered rate and achieves to trunk-5 for SLA-2 and from trunk-10 to trunk-11 for
the target CBP, without inter-SLA resource sharing. After SLA-5, until the protection bandwidth on trunk-5 and
, SLA-1 becomes overloaded. The bandwidth trunk-11 reaches 19, with 1 unit of spare bandwidth re-
borrowing does not happen until when SLA-2 served to maintain their “spare” property. In the steady
and SLA-5 become underloaded. During the time period state, the spare capacity on both trunk-4 and trunk-10 is
of (6000, 12 000), SLA-1 has the CBP of then . The spare capacity of 16 on
, and other SLAs continue with the specified rate link-1 is shared between SLA-1 and SLA-2 according
and achieve the target QoS. to the CS principle, and on link-2 between SLA-1 and
adjust the distribution to . The dynamic where is the Erlang traffic load to the SLA
adjustment of is plotted in Fig. 6(b), which clearly shows . Calculation in (9) in fact gives a conservative result, be-
the two best values during the two bandwidth borrowing in- cause traffic served within an out profile call before its preemp-
tervals and the adaptive transition between them. Along the tion is not taken into account.
path composed of link (3, 9, 10, 5), link-9 is the bottleneck in In the considered configurations, when VP or CS trunk re-
bandwidth borrowing, so there is enough spare capacity from source sharing scheme is used and flow preemption is not ap-
trunk-12 to serve SLA-3’s traffic. Therefore, SLA-3 achieves plied, the routing/CAC procedure proposed in Section VI is
a very small CBP during this period. Again, the lender SLA-6 slightly adjusted. In such cases, an overwhelmed in profile call
achieves a CBP around due to the control. is rejected instead of preempting out profile calls. The sample
Example 3: Trunk Resource Sharing and Preemption: In this path (call arrival time and call holding time) is identically re-
example, the impact of the link-level trunk resource sharing produced in all the simulations. The simulated number of flows
schemes on resource utilization and efficiency of the preemp- that contribute to the statistical measures is sufficiently large to
tion scheme on QoS guarantee are investigated. In the simu- make the confidence intervals negligibly small.
lation, network dimensioning, effective bandwidth, and From Table III, the following observations can be made:
configurations are the same as those used in Example 1, and we 1) With the CP trunk resource sharing, traffic service in each
here focus on the scenario where SLA works independently. There is no bandwidth pushing
, and , or flow preemption issue in this case. The CBP is directly
are initially set. We consider different configurations that obtained from the Erlang-B formula. Obviously, CP leads
specify which trunk resource sharing scheme (CP, BS, VP or to the worst resource utilization. As we consider a fixed
CS) is used and whether bandwidth pushing or flow preemption load scenario, there is no preemption issue either when BS
is applied. scheme is used;
The CBP is measured for each configuration and compared in 2) For a certain pushing and preemption setting, the VP or CS
Table III. When the flow preemption is involved, the out profile scheme can further improve the EBU as compared with the
call preemption probability (OCPP) is measured as BS scheme. However, when flow preemption is not applied
- in the VP or CS scheme, the aggressive resource usage
(7) in the overloaded SLA-1 leads to QoS violation in all the
- -
other SLAs. The dilemma between high resource utiliza-
and a total call blocking and preemption probability (CBPP) is tion and QoS violation, never effectively solved before,
calculated by can be overcome by the flow preemption scheme. Com-
paring the results in all the paired “X-X-NoPreempt” and
- “X-X-Preempt” settings, we can observe the QoS guar-
(8) antee by preemption for the normally loaded and under-
loaded SLAs. Also, the CBPP of SLA-1 in the VP and
As a more straightforward metric to measure the resource uti- CS schemes is obviously smaller than that in the CP and
lization, the total efficient bandwidth usage (EBU) over the net- BS cases due to a higher statistical multiplexing gain, even
work, according to [12], is calculated by with the preemption cost being taken into account. In ad-
(9) dition, “N/A” of OCPP means no bor-admitted call and
therefore no preemption is observed in simulation;
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