Arista EOS ConfigGuide PDF
Arista EOS ConfigGuide PDF
Arista EOS ConfigGuide PDF
Arista Networks
© Copyright 2012 Arista Networks, Inc. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Arista Networks
and the Arista logo are trademarks of Arista Networks, Inc in the United States and other countries. Other product or service names
may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Command Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
show banner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
show clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
show event-monitor arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
show event-monitor mac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
show event-monitor route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
show event-monitor sqlite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
show hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
show ip domain-name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
show ip name-server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
show ntp associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
show ntp status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
This guide is for experienced network administrators who are responsible for configuring and
maintaining Arista Switches.
This manual is organized into the following chapters:
Product Overview
Arista switches feature high density, non-blocking 10 Gigabit Ethernet switches through an extensible
modular network operating system.
This chapter provides an overview of features and summarizes the location of configuration and
operational information. Topics covered by this chapter include:
• Supported Features
• Feature Availability on Switch Platforms
• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP): VRRP increases network availability by defining a
virtual router. Refer to Chapter 13, starting on page 435.
• Control Plane Policing: Control Plane Policing prioritizes control plane and management traffic
and limits the rate of CPU bound control plane traffic to prevent denial of service traffic. Refer to
Chapter 12, starting on page 379.
• Authentication Services – Local, RADIUS, and TACACS+: These services authenticate and
authorize network users. Refer to Chapter 4, starting on page 81.
• Access Control Lists (ACLs): ACLs filter network traffic. Refer to Chapter 12, starting on page 379.
• MAC Security: MAC Security limits the number of MAC addresses that can appear on a port.
• Storm Control: Storm control terminates broadcast traffic forwarding when inbound broadcast
frames consume excessive bandwidth. Refer to Section 12.2.2: Storm Control.
• In-Service-Software-Update (ISSU): In-Service-Software-Update updates switch software without
disrupting packet forwarding. Refer to Section 2.4: Upgrades.
• Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs): VLANs define network device groups that communicate
from the same broadcast domain, regardless of their physical location. VLANs are supported
through these features:
— IEEE 802.1Q: 802.1Q is a networking standard that allows multiple bridged networks to
transparently share the same physical network link.
— IEEE 802.1ad: 802.1ad is a networking standard that supports QinQ networks by allowing
multiple 802.1Q tags in an Ethernet frame.
Refer to Chapter 10, starting on page 289.
Port Settings
When connecting a PC or terminal to the console port, use these settings:
• 9600 baud
• no flow control
• 1 stop bit
• no parity bits
• 8 data bits
Admin Username
The initial configuration provides one username, admin, that is not assigned a password. When using
the admin username without a password, you can only log into the switch through the console port.
After a password is assigned to the admin username, it can log into the switch through any port.
The username command assigns a password to the specified username.
• This command assigns the password pxq123 to the admin username:
Switch(config)#username admin secret pxq123
The admin username is now password protected and can log into the switch from any port.
New and altered passwords that are not saved to the startup configuration file, as described in Section
3.4.2: Saving the Running Configuration Settings, are lost when the switch is rebooted.
localhost login:
To cancel ZTP mode, log into the switch with the admin password, then enter the zerotouch cancel
command. The switch immediately boots without installing a startup-config file.
localhost login: admin
localhost>Apr 15 21:28:21 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-DHCP_QUERY: Sending DHCP
request on [ Ethernet10, Ethernet13, Ethernet14, Ethernet17, Ethernet18,
Ethernet21, E-thernet22, Ethernet23, Ethernet24, Ethernet7, Ethernet8, Ethernet9,
Management1, Management2 ]
Apr 15 21:28:51 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-DHCP_QUERY_FAIL: Failed to get a valid
DHCP response
Apr 15 21:28:51 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-RETRY: Retrying Zero Touch
Provisioning from the beginning (attempt 1)
Apr 15 21:29:22 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-DHCP_QUERY: Sending DHCP request on
[ Ethernet10, Ethernet13, Ethernet14, Ethernet17, Ethernet18, Ethernet21,
Ethernet22, Ethernet23, Ethernet24, Ethernet7, Ethernet8, Ethernet9, Management1,
Management2 ]
localhost>zerotouch cancel
zerotouch cancel
localhost>Apr 15 21:29:39 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-CANCEL: Cancelling Zero
Touch Provisioning
Apr 15 21:29:39 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-RELOAD: Rebooting the system
Broadcast messagStopping sshd: [ OK ]
watchdog is not running
SysRq : Remount R/O
Restarting system
Aboot 1.9.0-52504.EOS2.0
Press Control-C now to enter Aboot shell
Section 6.3.1 lists the remaining messages that the switch displays before providing a logon prompt. To
avoid entering ZTP mode on subsequent reboots, create a startup-config file as described by step 8 of
Step 3 Type enable at the command prompt to enter Privileged EXEC mode. See Section 3.3.1: Mode
Types for information about Privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 Type configure terminal (or config) to enter global configuration mode. See Section 3.3.1: Mode
Types for information about global configuration mode.
Switch#configure terminal
Step 5 Type interface management 1 to enter Interface Configuration mode.
Any available management port can be used in place of management port 1.
Switch(config)#interface management 1
Step 6 Type ip address, followed by the desired address, to assign an IP address to the port.
This command assigns the IP address to management 1 port.
Switch(config-if-Ma1)#ip address
Step 7 Type end at the Interface Configuration and global configuration prompts to return to
Privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8 Type write memory (or copy running-config startup-config) to save the new configuration to
the startup-config file. See Section 3.4.2: Saving the Running Configuration Settings.
Switch# write memory
• The management console command places the switch in console management mode:
switch(config)#management console
• The management ssh command places the switch in SSH management mode:
switch(config)#management ssh
• The management telnet command places the switch in Telnet management mode:
switch(config)#management telnet
• The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
The idle-timeout command configures the idle-timeout period for the connection method designated
by the active configuration mode. The default idle timeout period for each connection method is 60
• This command configures an ssh idle-timeout period of three hours.
switch(config)#management ssh
switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#idle-timeout 180
• This command returns the console idle-timeout period to the default 60 minute setting.
switch(config)#management console
switch(config-mgmt-console)#idle-timeout 60
The shutdown (Management-Telnet) command enables and disables Telnet connections.
• These commands enable Telnet.
switch(config)#management telnet
switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#no shutdown
• These commands disable Telnet.
switch(config)#management telnet
2.3.3 Restoring the Factory Default EOS Image and Startup Configuration
A fullrecover command removes all internal flash contents (including configuration files, EOS image
files, and user files), then restores the factory default EOS image and startup-config. A subsequent
installation of the current EOS image may be required if the default image is outdated. This process
requires Aboot shell access through the console port.
This procedure restores the factory default EOS image and startup configuration.
Step 1 Access the Aboot shell through the console port:
Step a Type reload at the Privileged EXEC prompt.
Step b Type Ctrl-C when prompted, early in the boot process.
Step c Enter the Aboot password, if prompted.
If the Aboot password is not known, enter an empty password three times, after which the
CLI displays:
Type "fullrecover" and press Enter to revert /mnt/flash to factory default
state, or just press Enter to reboot:
Type fullrecover and go to step 4.
Step 2 Type fullrecover at the Aboot prompt.
Aboot displays this warning:
All data on /mnt/flash will be erased; type "yes" and press Enter to
proceed, or just press Enter to cancel:
Step 3 Type yes and press Enter.
The switch performs these actions:
• erases the contents of /mnt/flash
• writes new boot-config, startup-config, and EOS.swi files to /mnt/flash
• returns to the Aboot prompt
Step 4 Exit Aboot. This boots the switch.
The serial console settings are restored to their default values (9600/N/8/1/N).
Step 5 Reconfigure the console port if non-default settings are required.
Step 6 Cancel Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). Refer to Section Cancelling Zero Touch
Provisioning for instructions.
If ZTP is not cancelled, the switch either:
• boots, using the startup-config file or boot script that it obtains from the network, or
• remains in ZTP mode if the switch is unable to download a startup-config file or boot script.
After ZTP is cancelled, the switch reboots, using the factory default settings. To avoid entering
ZTP mode on subsequent reboots, create a startup-config file before the next switch reboot.
2.3.4 Restoring the Configuration and Image from a USB Flash Drive
The USB flash drive port can be used to restore an original configuration when you cannot establish a
connection to the console port. This process removes the contents of the internal flash drive, restores
the factory default configuration, and installs a new EOS image from the USB flash drive.
This procedure restores the factory default configuration and installs an EOS image stored on a USB
flash drive.
Step 1 Prepare the USB flash drive:
Step a Verify the drive is formatted with MS-DOS or FAT file system.
Most USB drives are pre-formatted with a compatible file system.
Step b Create a text file named fullrecover on the USB flash drive.
The filename does not have an extension. The file may be empty.
Step c Create a text file named boot-config.
The last modified timestamp of the boot-config file on the USB flash must differ from the
timestamp of the boot-config file on the switch.
Step d Enter this line in the new boot-config file on the USB flash:
Step e Copy an EOS image file to the flash drive. Rename it EOS.swi if it has a different file name.
For best results, the flash drive should contain only these three files because the procedure
copies all files and directories on the USB flash drive to the switch.
• fullrecover
• boot-config
• EOS.swi
Step 2 Insert the USB flash drive into the USB flash port on the switch, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Step 3 Connect a terminal to the console port and configure it with the default terminal settings
(9600/N/8/1) to monitor progress messages on the console.
Step 4 Power up or reload the switch.
The switch erases internal flash contents and copies the files from the USB flash drive to internal
flash. The switch then boots automatically.
Step 5 Cancel Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). Refer to Section Cancelling Zero Touch
Provisioning for instructions.
If ZTP is not cancelled, the switch either:
• boots, using the startup-config file or boot script that it obtains from the network, or
• remains in ZTP mode if the switch is unable to download a startup-config file or boot script.
After ZTP is cancelled, the switch reboots, using the factory default settings. To avoid entering
ZTP mode on subsequent reboots, create a startup-config file before the next switch reboot.
2.4 Upgrades
The active EOS image on a switch is updated by the boot system command. This command can load an
image file from one of various locations to update or downgrade the switch to any available image.
Modifying the active EOS image is a four step process:
1. Transfer the image file to the switch (Section 2.4.1).
This step is not necessary if the desired image file is on the switch.
2. Modify the boot-config file to point at the desired image file (Section 2.4.2).
3. Reload the switch (Section 2.4.3).
4. Verify the switch is running the new image (Section 2.4.4).
USB Memory
copy usb1:/sourcefile flash:/destfile
Sch#copy usb1:/EOS-4.6.0.swi flash:/EOS-4.6.0.swi
FTP Server
copy ftp:/ftp-source/sourcefile flash:/destfile
Sch#copy ftp:/user:password@ flash:/EOS-4.6.0.swi
copy scp://scp-source/sourcefile flash:/destfile
Sch#copy scp://user:password@ flash:/EOS-4.6.0.swi
copy http://http-source/sourcefile flash:/destfile
Sch#copy flash:/EOS-4.6.0.swi
2.4.3 Reload
After updating the boot-config file, reload the switch to activate the new image. The reload command
reloads the switch.
The EOS displays this text from any port except the console. When reloading from the console port, all
rebooting messages are displayed on the terminal. See Section 6.3: System Reset for information about
rebooting the system.
The system is going down for reboot NOW!
2.4.4 Verify
After the switch finishes reloading, log into the switch and use the show version command to confirm
the correct image is loaded. The Software image version line displays the version of the active image file.
Switch#show version
Arista DCS-7124S
Hardware version: 03.04
Serial number: JFL07340036
Uptime: 1 minute
Total memory: 1015232 kB
Free memory: 14440 kB
The idle-timeout command configures the connection timeout period for the connection type denoted
by the active connection management mode. The connection timeout period defines the interval
between a user’s most recently entered command and an automatic connection shutdown.
The default idle-timeout period is 60 minutes.
Command Modes
Management console configuration
Management ssh configuration
Management telnet configuration
Command Syntax
idle-timeout idle_period
• idle_period session idle timeout length (minutes). Values range from 0 to 86400 (24 hours).
• These commands configure an ssh idle-timeout period of three hours, then returns the switch to
global configuration mode.
switch(config)#management ssh
switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#idle-timeout 180
• These commands returns the console idle-timeout period to the default 60 minute setting.
switch(config)#management ssh
switch(config-mgmt-console)#idle-timeout 60
The management command places the switch in a management configuration mode to adjust the idle
timeout period or to enable Telnet. The idle timeout period determines the inactivity interval that
terminates a connection session. The default idle timeout period is 60 minutes.
The switch provides three management configuration modes:
• console management
• ssh management
• Telnet management
Commands available in the management modes include
• exit
• idle-timeout
• shutdown (Management-Telnet) (Telnet management mode only)
The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management session_type
• session_type communication session method. Options include:
— console
— ssh
— telnet
• This command places the switch in console management mode:
switch(config)#management console
• This command places the switch in ssh management mode:
switch(config)#management ssh
• This command places the switch in Telnet management mode:
switch(config)#management telnet
• This command returns the switch to global management mode:
show inventory
The show inventory command displays the hardware components installed in the switch. Serial
numbers and a description is also provided for each component.
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show inventory
• This command displays the hardware installed in a DCS-7148SX switch.
switch>show inventory
System information
Model HW Version Serial Number Description Mfg Date
-------------- ----------- -------------- ------------------------ ----------
DCS-7148SX 04.05 JFL08130099 48-port SFP+ 10GigE 1RU 2008-04-25
shutdown (Management-Telnet)
The shutdown command, in management-telnet mode, disables or enables Telnet on the switch. Telnet
is disabled by default. The management command places the switch in management-telnet mode.
• To enable Telnet, enter no shutdown at the management-telnet prompt.
• To disable Telnet, enter shutdown at the management-telnet prompt.
Command Modes
Management-Telnet Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
• These commands enable Telnet, then returns the switch to global configuration mode.
switch(config)#management telnet
switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#no shutdown
• This command disables Telnet.
Command-Line Interface
The Extensible Operating System (EOS) provides the interface for entering commands that control the
switch and manage the network. This chapter describes the command-line interfaces (CLI) that access
the switch.
This chapter includes these sections:
• Section 3.1: Accessing the EOS CLI
• Section 3.2: Processing Commands
• Section 3.3: Command Modes
• Section 3.4: Managing Switch Configuration Settings
• Section 3.5: Other Command-Line Interfaces
• Section 3.6: Directory Structure
• Section 3.7: Command-Line Interface Commands
3.2.2 Alias
The alias command creates an alias for a CLI command. Entering the alias in the CLI executes the
corresponding command.
• This command makes srie an alias for the command show running-config interface ethernet
Switch(config)#alias srie show running-config interface ethernet 1-5
interface Ethernet1
switchport access vlan 33
storm-control broadcast level 1
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet2
switchport access vlan 33
spanning-tree portfast
interface Ethernet3
switchport access vlan 33
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4
interface Ethernet5
• The switch accepts an address-wildcard or CIDR notation in commands requiring an IP address and
wildcard. Wildcards use zeros to mask portions of the IP address and is found in some protocol
configuration statements, including OSPF. The switch processes these commands identically:
switch:network area 15
^rxy 23
21 rxy
The order for matching using the * or + character is longest construct first. Nested constructs are
matched from the outside in. Concatenated constructs are matched beginning at the left side. If a
regular expression can match two different parts of an input string, it matches the earliest part first.
• This command schedules the copying of running-config to a backup file once every 12 hours.
switch#schedule backup interval 720 max-log-files 10 command copy
running-config flash:/backup-config
This command displays the commands that are scheduled for periodic execution.
switch(config)#show schedule summary
Name Last Interval Max log Log file location
time (mins) files
---------------- ----- -------- -------- -----------------
tech-support 16:13 60 100 flash:/schedule/tech-support
backup 16:28 720 10 flash:/schedule/backup
To execute more than one Bash command in response to a trigger, create a script containing the desired
commands and enter the file path to the script as the argument of the action bash command.
To display information about all event handlers or about a specific event handler, use the show
event-handler command.
To delete an event handler, use the no form of the event-handler command.
• These commands create an event handler named “eth_4” which will send email to a specified
address when there is a change in the operational status of Ethernet interface 4:
switch(config)#event-handler eth_4
switch(config-event-eth_4)#action bash email -s "Et4 $OPERSTATE"
switch(config-event-eth_4)#trigger onintf ethernet 4 operstatus
switch(config-event-eth_4)#delay 60
The above handler uses the $OPERSTATE variable to include the current operational state
(“linkup” or “linkdown”) in the subject of the email. Note that the action will only function if
email has been configured on the switch.
• These commands create an event handler named “onStartup” which will execute a user-defined
script 60 seconds after the system boots.
switch(config)#event-handler onStartup
switch(config-event-onStartup)#action bash /mnt/flash/startupScript1
switch(config-event-onStartup)#trigger onboot
switch(config-event-onStartup)#delay 60
The above handler will also be executed on exiting from event-handler configuration mode.
• This command displays information about all event handlers configured on the system.
switch#show event-handler
Event-handler onStartup
Trigger: onBoot delay 60 seconds
Action: /mnt/flash/startupScript1
Last Trigger Activation Time: 1 minutes 51 seconds ago
Total Trigger Activations: 1
Last Action Time: 51 seconds ago
Total Actions: 1
• This command deletes the event handler named “onStartup”.
switch(config)#no event-handler onStartup
• Section 3.3.4: Group-Change Configuration Modes describes editing aspects of these modes.
Note EOS supports copy <url> running-config in place of the configure network command.
• To enter Interface Configuration mode from Global Configuration, type interface and the name of
the interface to be modified:
Switch(config)#interface Et24
• To enter a protocol specific configuration mode from Global Configuration, type the required
command for the desired mode.
Switch(config)#router bgp 100
• To return one level from any configuration mode, type exit.
• To return to Privileged EXEC mode from any configuration mode, type end or Ctrl-Z.
• To return to EXEC mode from Privileged EXEC mode, type disable (or dis).
• To exit EOS and log out of the CLI, type exit from EXEC mode or Privileged EXEC mode.
• EXEC mode contains the enable command, which enters Privileged EXEC mode. Therefore,
EXEC is the parent mode of Privileged EXEC.
A command mode can execute commands available in its mode plus all commands executable from its
• EXEC mode includes the ping command. EXEC mode is the parent mode of Privileged EXEC
mode. Therefore, Privileged EXEC mode includes ping.
Additionally, Privileged EXEC is the parent mode of Global Configuration mode. Therefore,
Global Configuration mode also includes ping.
Executing a configuration mode command from a child mode may change the active command mode.
• Global Configuration mode contains interface ethernet and ip access-list commands, which
enters Interface Configuration and Access Control List (ACL) Configuration modes,
respectively. When Interface Configuration is the active mode, the ip access-list command is
available and changes the active mode to ACL Configuration.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
Switch(config-if-Et1)#ip access-list master-list
• Type show running-config in Privileged EXEC mode. The response in the example is truncated
to display only the ip route configured in Section
Switch#show running-config
! device: Switch (DCS-7124S, EOS-4.6.0-227198.EOS45)
ip route
• These equivalent commands save the current operating configure to the startup-config file.
Switch#write memory
• Type show startup-config to display the startup configuration file. The response in the example
is truncated to display only the ip route configured in Admin Username.
Switch#show startup-config
! device: Switch (DCS-7124S, EOS-4.6.0-227198.EOS45)
ip route
[admin@Switch ~]$
• To exit the Bash, type logout, exit, or Ctrl-D at the Bash prompt.
[admin@Switch ~]$ logout
• These commands were entered from the user name john:
[john@7124s ~]$ pwd
[john@7124s ~]$
In this instance, the working directory is /home/john
When a flash drive is inserted in the USB flash port (see Figure 2-1), flash drive contents are accessible
through /mnt/usb1.
When entering Aboot, the working directory is the root directory of the boot.
File Commands
• copy running-config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 67
• configure network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 66
action bash
The action bash command specifies a Bash shell command to be run when an event handler is triggered.
When an event handler is triggered, execution of the associated shell command is delayed by a
configurable period set by the delay command. Only a single Bash command may be configured for an
event handler, but the command may have multiple arguments. If more than one Bash command must
be executed in response to a trigger, create a script containing the desired commands and enter the file
path to the script as the argument of the action bash command.
To specify the event that will trigger the action, use the trigger command.
If the event handler uses an onIntf trigger, the following environment variables are passed to the action
and can be used as arguments to the Bash command:
$INTF interface name.
$OPERSTATE current operational status of the specified interface.
$IP-PRIMARY current primary IP address of the specified interface.
Command Mode
Event-Handler Configuration
Command Syntax
action bash command
• command Bash shell command to be executed when the event handler is triggered.
• This command configures the event handler “onStartup” to run a script on the flash drive.
switch(config-handler-onStartup)#action bash /mnt/flash/myScript1
• This command configures the event handler “eth_4” to send email to the specified address when
there is a change in the operational status of Ethernet interface 4.
switch(config-event-eth_4)#action bash email -s "Et4 $OPERSTATE"
The above action uses the $OPERSTATE variable to include the current operational state (“linkup”
or “linkdown”) in the subject of the email. Note that the action will only function if email has been
configured on the switch.
The alias command creates an alias for a CLI command. Entering the alias in the CLI executes the
corresponding command. Once created, an alias is accessible in all modes and all user sessions, but is
subject to all the restrictions of the original command.
When using a command alias, no tokens may precede the alias except the no and default keywords.
However, an alias can incorporate positional parameters.
In online help, aliases are indicated by an asterisk (*) and displayed in the following format:
The no alias and default alias commands remove the specified alias. Preceding the alias itself with no
executes the no form of the original command.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
alias command_alias original_command
no alias command_alias
default alias command_alias
• command_alias the string which is to be substituted for the original command. The string can
include letters, numbers, and punctuation, but no spaces. If the command_alias string is identical to
an existing command, the alias will supercede the original command.
• original_command the command which is to be executed when the alias is entered in the CLI. If the
original command requires additional parameters, they must be included in the original_command
string in the following manner:
Positional parameters are of the form “%n” and must be whitespace-delimited. The first parameter
is represented by “%1” and any additional parameters must be numbered sequentially. When
executing the alias a value must be entered for each parameter or the CLI will display the error “%
incomplete command”.
• This command makes e an alias for the command enable
switch(config)#alias e enable
• This command makes srie an alias for the command show running-config interface ethernet 1-6
switch(config)#alias srie show running-config interface ethernet 1-6
• These commands make ss an alias for the command show interfaces ethernet <range> status with
a positional parameter for the port range, then use the alias to display the status of ports 4/1-4/5
switch(config)#alias ss show interfaces ethernet %1 status
switch(config)#ss 4/1-4/5
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Et4/1 connected in Po1 full 10000 10GBASE-SRL
Et4/2 notconnect in Po1 full 10000 10GBASE-SRL
Et4/3 notconnect 1 full 10000 10GBASE-SRL
Et4/4 notconnect 1 full 10000 10GBASE-SRL
Et4/5 notconnect 1 full 10000 10GBASE-SRL
The bash command starts the Linux Bash shell. The Bash shell gives you access to the underlying Linux
operating system and system extensions.
To exit the Bash, type logout, exit, or Ctrl-D at the Bash prompt.
Command Mode
all modes except EXEC
Command Syntax
• This command starts the Bash shell.
[admin@switch ~]$
• This command, executed within Bash, exits the Bash shell.
[admin@switch ~]$ logout
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
configure [terminal]
• These commands place the switch in Global Configuration mode.
configure network
The configure network command refers the user to Arista’s copy <url> running-config command for
configuring the switch from a local file or network location.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
configure network
• This is the output of the configure network command.
switch#configure network
%% Please use copy <url> running-config
copy running-config
The current operating configuration of the switch is stored in a virtual file called running-config. The
copy running-config command saves the contents of the running-config virtual file to a new location.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
copy running-config DESTINATION
• DESTINATION – destination for the contents of the running-config file. Values include:
— startup-config the configuration file that the switch loads when it boots. The command copy
running-config startup-config is equivalent to the command write memory
— file: a file in the switch file directory
— flash: a file in flash memory
— url any valid URL. The command copy running-config url is equivalent to the command
write network url.
• This command copies running-config to the startup-config file.
switch#copy running-config startup-config
• This command copies running-config to a file called rc20110617 in the dev subdirectory of the switch
switch#copy running-config file:dev/rc20110617
The delay command specifies the time in seconds the system will delay between a triggering event and
the execution of an event handler action. The default delay is 20 seconds.
Command Mode
Event-Handler Configuration
Command Syntax
delay seconds
• seconds number of seconds to delay before executing the action. The default is 20.
• This command configures the event handler Eth5 to delay 5 seconds before executing.
switch(config-handler-Eth5)#delay 20
The enable command places the switch in Privileged EXEC mode. If an enable password is set, the CLI
displays a password prompt when a user enters the enable command. If the user enters an incorrect
password three times, the CLI displays the EXEC mode prompt.
To set a local enable password, use the enable secret command.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
enable [privilege_level]
• privilege_level optional privilege level for this session. Values range from 0 to 15; the default is 15.
Any level above 1 is Privileged EXEC mode. Setting the privilege_level to 0 or 1 leaves the switch in
EXEC mode.
• This command places the switch in Privileged EXEC mode with the default privilege level of 15.
The end command exits to Privileged Exec mode from any Configuration mode. If the switch is in a
group-change mode (such as ACL-Configuration mode or MST-Configuration mode), the end
command also saves all pending changes made in that mode to running-config.
Command Mode
any Configuration mode
Command Syntax
• This command exits to Privileged Exec mode.
An event handler executes a Linux Bash shell command in response to a specific system event. An event
handler consists of a Bash command, a trigger and a delay; when the trigger event occurs, the action is
scheduled to run after delay seconds.
The event-handler command places the switch in event-handler configuration mode for the specified
event handler. If the named event handler does not already exist, this command creates it.
Event-handler configuration mode is a group change mode that configures event handlers.
Changes made in a group change mode are saved by leaving the mode through the exit command or
by entering another configuration mode.
These commands are available in event-handler configuration mode:
• action bash
• delay
• trigger
The no event-handler command deletes the specified event handler by removing it from running config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
event-handler name
no event-handler name
• name name of the event handler to be configured. If the named event handler does not already
exist, this command will create it.
• This command places the switch in event-handler configuration mode for an event handler called
switch(config)#event-handler Eth_5
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits Global Configuration mode to Privileged EXEC mode.
• This command terminates the user session.
The schedule command facilitates the periodic execution of a specified CLI command. Command
parameters configure the interval between consecutive execution instances and the maximum number
of files that can be created when the command requires log files. By default, periodic execution of the
following show tech-support command is enabled:
schedule tech-support interval 60 max-log-files 100 command show tech-support
The no schedule command disables execution of the specified command by removing the
corresponding schedule statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
schedule sched_name interval period max-log-files num_files command cli_name
no schedule sched_name
• sched_name label associated with the scheduled command.
• period period between consecutive execution iterations. Value ranges from 1 to 1440.
• num_files maximum number of log files that can be generated to store command output.
• cli_name name of the CLI command.
• This command displays copies running-config to a backup file once every 24 hours.
switch(config)#schedule backup interval 1440 max-log-files 10 command copy
running-config flash:/backup-config
show event-handler
The show event-handler command displays the contents and activation history of a specified event
handler or all event handlers.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show event-handler [handler_name]
• handler_name optional name of an event handler to display. If no parameter is entered, the
command displays information for all event handlers configured on the system.
• This command displays information about an event handler called “eth_5”.
switch#show event-handler eth_5
Event-handler eth_5
Trigger: onIntf Ethernet5 on operstatus delay 20 seconds
Action: /mnt/flash/myScript1
Last Trigger Activation Time: Never
Total Trigger Activations: 0
Last Action Time: Never
Total Actions: 0
show schedule
The show schedule command displays logging output on the terminal during the current terminal
session. This command affects only the local monitor. The no terminal monitor command stops disables
direct monitor display of logging output for the current terminal session.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show schedule schedule_name
• schedule_name label associated with the scheduled command.
• This command displays logging to the local monitor during the current terminal session.
switch#show schedule tech-support
CLI command "show tech-support" is scheduled, interval is 60 minutes
Maximum of 100 log files will be stored
100 log files currently stored in flash:/schedule/tech-support
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show schedule summary
• This command displays the list of active scheduled commands.
switch#show schedule summary
Name Last Interval Max log Log file location
time (mins) files
------------- ------ ------- -------- ----------------------------------
tech-support 00:00 60 100 flash:/schedule/tech-support
Et45-counters 00:05 5 100 flash:/schedule/Et45-counters
Memfree 00:10 10 100 flash:/schedule/Memfree
terminal length
The terminal length command overrides automatic pagination and sets pagination length for all show
commands on a terminal. If the output of a show command is longer than the configured terminal
length, the output will be paused after each screenful of output, prompting the user to continue.
To disable pagination for an SSH session, set terminal length to 0. By default, all console sessions have
pagination disabled.
The no terminal length command disables automatic pagination by removing the terminal length
command from running-config.
The pagination setting is persistent if configured from Global Configuration mode. If configured from
EXEC mode, the setting applies only to the current CLI session. Pagination settings may also be
overridden when you adjust the size of the SSH terminal window, but can be reconfigured by running
the terminal length command again.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
terminal length lines
no terminal length
• lines number of lines to be displayed at a time. Values range from 0 through 32767. A value of 0
disables pagination.
• This command sets the pagination length for the current terminal session to 10 lines.
switch#terminal length 10
Pagination set to 10 lines.
• This command configures the switch to paginate terminal output automatically based on screen
size for the current terminal session.
switch#no terminal length
• These commands disable pagination globally.
switch(config)#terminal length 0
Pagination disabled.
terminal monitor
The terminal monitor command enables the display of logging output on the terminal during the
current terminal session. This command affects only the local monitor. The no terminal monitor
command disables direct monitor display of logging output for the current terminal session.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
terminal monitor
no terminal monitor
default terminal monitor
• This command enables the display of logging to the local monitor during the current terminal
switch#terminal monitor
The trigger command specifies what event will trigger the event handler. Handlers can be triggered
either by the system booting or by a change in a specified interface’s IP address or operational status.
To specify the action to be taken when a triggering event occurs, use the action bash command.
Command Mode
Event-Handler Configuration
Command Syntax
trigger EVENT
• EVENT event which will trigger the configuration mode event handler. Values include:
— onboot triggers when the system reboots, or when you exit event-handler configuration
mode. This option takes no further arguments, and passes no environment variables to the
action triggered.
— onintf INTERFACE CHANGE triggers when a change is made to the specified interface.
• INTERFACE the triggering interface. Values include:
— ethernet number Ethernet interface specified by number.
— loopback number loopback interface specified by number.
— management number management interface specified by number.
— port-channel number channel group interface specified by number.
— vlan numver VLAN interface specified by number.
• CHANGE the change being watched for in the triggering interface. Values include:
— ip triggers when the IP address of the specified interface is changed.
— operstatus triggers when the operational status of the specified interface changes.
• This command configures the event handler “Eth5” to be triggered when there is a change in the
operational status or IP address of Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config-handler-Eth5)#trigger onIntf Ethernet 5 operstatus ip
• This command configures the event handler “onStartup” to be triggered when the system boots, or
on exiting event-handler configuration mode.
switch(config-handler-onStartup)#trigger onboot
AAA Configuration
This chapter describes authentication, authorization, and accounting configuration tasks and contains
these sections:
• Section 4.1: Authorization, Authentication, and Accounting Overview
• Section 4.2: Configuring the Security Services
• Section 4.3: Activating Security Services
• Section 4.4: Security Configuration Examples
• Section 4.5: AAA Commands
4.1.1 Methods
The switch controls access to EOS commands by authenticating user identity and verifying user
authorization. Authentication, authorization, and accounting activities are conducted through three
data services – a local security database, TACACS+ servers, and RADIUS servers. Section 4.2:
Configuring the Security Services describes these services.
4.1.3 Encryption
EOS uses clear text passwords and server access keys to authenticate users and communicate with
security systems. To prevent accidental disclosure of these passwords and keys, EOS stores their
corresponding encrypted strings. The encryption method depends on the type of password or key.
EOS commands that configure passwords or keys can accept the clear text password or an encrypted
string that was generated by the specified encryption algorithm with the clear text password as the seed.
4.2.1 Local
The local file uses passwords to provide these authentication services:
• authenticate users as they log into the switch
• control access to configuration commands
• control access to the switch root login
The local file contains username-password combinations to authenticate users. Passwords also
authorize access to configuration commands and the switch root login. Passwords
The switch recognizes passwords in their forms as clear text and encrypted strings.
• Clear text passwords is the text that the a user enters to access the CLI, configuration commands, or
the switch root login.
• Encrypted strings are MD5-encrypted strings generated with the clear text as the seed. The local
file stores passwords in this format to avoid unauthorized disclosure. When a user enters the clear
text password, the switch generates the corresponding secure hash and compares it to the stored
version. The switch cannot recover the clear text from which an encrypted string is generated.
Valid passwords contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and any of these punctuation characters:
! @ # $ % ˆ & * ( ) - _ = +
{ } [ ] ; : < > , . ? / ˜ \ Usernames
Usernames control access to the EOS and all switch commands. The switch is typically accessed through
an SSH login, using a previously defined username-password combination. To create a new username
or modify an existing username, use the username command.
Valid usernames begin with A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 and may also contain any of these characters:
@ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ =
+ { } [ ] ; < > , . ~ |
The default username is admin, which is described in Admin Username.
• These equivalent commands create the username john and assign it the password x245. The
password is entered in clear text because the encrypt-type parameter is omitted or zero.
Switch(config)#username john secret x245
Warning Allowing remote access to accounts without passwords is a severe security risk. Arista Networks
recommends assigning strong passwords to all usernames.
• This command configures the switch to allow unprotected usernames to login from any port.
S(config)#aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
• This command configures the switch to allow unprotected usernames to login only from the
console port.
S(config)#no aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
• These equivalent commands assign xyrt1 as the enable password.
Switch(config)#enable secret xyrt1
• These equivalent commands assign f4980 as the root account password.
Switch(config)#aaa root secret f4980
4.2.2 TACACS+
Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) is a security system that provides
centralized user validation services. TACACS+ information is maintained on a remote database. EOS
support of TACACS+ services requires access to a TACACS+ server.
TACACS+ manages multiple network access points from a single server. A network access server
provides connections to a single user, to a network or subnetwork, and to interconnected networks.
The switch defines a TACACS+ server connection by its address and port. This allows the switch to
conduct multiple data streams to a single server by addressing different ports on the server.
These sections describe steps that configure access to TACACS+ servers. Configuring TACACS+ access
is most efficiently performed when TACACS+ is functioning prior to configuring switch parameters.
Encryption key
The encryption key is code that switch and TACACS+ server shares to facilitate communications.
• The tacacs-server host command defines the encryption key for a specified server.
• The tacacs-server key command defines the global encryption key.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server assigned the
host name TAC_1 using the encryption key rp31E2v.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host TAC_1 key rp31E2v
• This command configures cv90jr1 as the global encryption key.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server key 0 cv90jr1
• This command assigns cv90jr1 as the global key, using the corresponding encrypted string.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server key 7 020512025B0C1D70
Session Multiplexing
The switch supports multiplexing sessions on a single TCP connection.
• The tacacs-server host command configures the multiplexing option for a specified server.
• There is no global multiplexing setting.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server at
and indicates the server supports session multiplexing on a TCP connection.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host single-connection
The timeout is the period the switch waits for a successful connection to or response from the TACACS+
server. The default is 5 seconds.
• The tacacs-server host command defines the timeout for a specified server.
• The tacacs-server timeout command defines the global timeout.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server assigned the
host name TAC_1 and configures the timeout period as 20 seconds.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host TAC_1 timeout 20
• This command configures 40 seconds as the period that the server waits for a response from a
TACACS+ server before issuing an error.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server timeout 40
The port specifies the port number through which the switch and the servers send information. The
TACACS+ default port is 49.
• The tacacs-server host command specifies the port number for an individual TACACS+ server.
• The global TACACS+ port number cannot be changed from the default value of 49.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server at
through port 54.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host port 54
• This command lists the configured TACACS+ servers.
Switch(config)#show tacacs
Connection opens: 15
Connection closes: 6
Connection disconnects: 6
Connection failures: 0
Connection timeouts: 2
Messages sent: 45
Messages received: 14
Receive errors: 2
Receive timeouts: 2
Send timeouts: 3
• This command clears all TACACS+ status counters.
Switch(config)#clear aaa counters tacacs
4.2.3 RADIUS
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) is a networking protocol that provides
centralized authentication and authorization services for computers connecting to and using network
resources. RADIUS is used to manage access to the Internet, internal networks, wireless networks, and
integrated email services.
These sections describe steps that configure access a RADIUS server. Configuring RADIUS parameters
is most efficiently performed when RADIUS is functioning prior to configuring switch parameters.
Encryption key
The encryption key is the key shared by the switch and RADIUS servers to facilitate communications.
• The radius-server host command defines the encryption key for a specified server.
• The radius-server key command specifies the global encryption key.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server assigned the
host name RAD_1 using the encryption key rp31E2v.
Switch(config)#radius-server host RAD_1 key rp31E2v
• This command configures cv90jr1 as the global encryption key.
Switch(config)#radius-server key 0 cv90jr1
• This command assigns cv90jr1 as the key by specifying the corresponding encrypted string.
Switch(config)#radius-server key 7 020512025B0C1D70
The timeout is the period that the switch waits for a successful connection to or response from a RADIUS
server. The default period is 5 seconds.
• The radius-server host command defines the timeout for a specified server.
• The radius-server timeout command defines the global timeout.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server assigned the
host name RAD_1 and configures the timeout period as 20 seconds.
Switch(config)#radius-server host RAD_1 timeout 20
• This command configures 50 seconds as the period that the server waits for a response from a
RADIUS server before issuing an error.
Switch(config)#radius-server timeout 50
Retransmit is the number of times the switch attempts to access the RADIUS server after the first server
timeout expiry. The default value is 3 times.
• The radius-server host command defines the retransmit for a specified server.
• The radius-server retransmit command defines the global retransmit value.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server assigned the
host name RAD_1 and configures the retransmit value as 2.
Switch(config)#radius-server host RAD_1 retransmit 2
• This command configures the switch to attempt five RADIUS server contacts after the initial
timeout. If the timeout parameter is set to 50 seconds, then the total period that the switch waits
for a response is ((5+1)*50) = 300 seconds.
Switch(config)#radius-server retransmit 5
Deadtime is the period when the switch ignores a non-responsive RADIUS server. A non-responsive
server is one that failed to answer any attempt to retransmit after a timeout expiry. Deadtime is disabled
if a value is not configured.
• The radius-server host command defines the deadtime for a specified server.
• The radius-server deadtime command defines the global deadtime setting.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server assigned the
host name RAD_1 and configures the deadtime period as 90 minutes.
Switch(config)#radius-server host RAD_1 deadtime 90
• This command programs the switch to ignore a server for two hours if the server does not
respond to a request during the timeout-retransmit period.
Switch(config)#radius-server deadtime 120
The port specifies the port number through which the switch and servers send information.
• The radius-server host command specifies the port number for an individual RADIUS server.
• The global RADIUS port number cannot be changed from the default value of 1812.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server assigned the
host name RAD_1 through port number 1850.
Switch(config)#radius-server host RAD_1 auth-port 1850
• This command lists the configured RADIUS servers.
Switch(config)#show radius
Messages sent: 24
Messages received: 20
Requests accepted: 14
Requests rejected: 8
Requests timeout: 2
Requests retransmitted: 1
Bad responses: 1
Last time counters were cleared: 0:07:02 ago
To reset the RADIUS status counters, use the clear aaa counters radius command.
• This command clears all RADIUS status counters.
Switch(config)#clear aaa counters radius
• This command creates the TACACS+ server group named TAC-GR and enters server group
configuration mode for the new group.
Switch(config)#aaa group server tacacs+ TAC-GR
• These commands add two servers to the TAC-GR server group. To add servers to the group, the
switch must be in sg-tacacs+-TAC-GR command mode.
The CLI remains in Server Group Configuration after adding the TAC-1 server (port 49) and the
server located at (port 151) to the group.
Switch(config-sg-tacacs+-TAC-GR)#server TAC-1
Switch(config-sg-tacacs+-TAC-GR)#server port 151
• This command exits server group mode.
• This command creates the RADIUS server group named RAD-SV1 and enters server group
configuration mode for the new group.
Switch(config)#aaa group server radius RAD-SV1
• These commands add two servers to the RAD-SV1 server group. To add servers to the group,
the switch must be in sg-radius-RAD-SV1 command mode.
The CLI remains in Server Group Configuration after adding the RAC-1 server (port 1812) and
the server located at (port 1812) to the group.
Switch(config-sg-radius-RAD-SV1)#server RAC-1
• This is an example service list for username authentication:
1. Location_1 server group – specifies a server group (Section 4.2.4: Server Groups).
2. Location_2 server group – specifies a server group (Section 4.2.4: Server Groups).
3. TACACS+ servers – specifies all hosts for which a tacacs-server host command exists.
4. Local file – specifies the local file
5. None – specifies that no authentication is required – all access attempts succeed.
To authenticate a username, the switch checks Location_1 server group. If a server in the group
is available, the switch authenticates the username through that group. Otherwise, it continues
through the list until it finds an available service or utilizes option 5, which allows the access
attempt to succeed without authentication.
• This command configures the switch to authenticate usernames through the TAC-1 server
group. The local database is the backup method if TAC-1 servers are unavailable.
Switch(config)#aaa authentication login default group TAC-1 local
• This command configures the switch to authenticate usernames through all TACACS+ servers,
then all RADIUS servers if the TACACS+ servers are not available. If the RADIUS servers are
unavailable, the switch does not authenticate any login attempts.
Switch(config)#aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ group radius
• This command configures the switch to authenticate the enable password through all
TACACS+ servers, then through the local database if the TACACS+ servers are unavailable.
Switch(config)#aaa authentication enable default group TACACS+ local
4.3.3 Authorization
Authorization commands control access to the EOS shell and CLI commands. Authorization also
controls configuration access through the console port.
• To specify the database through which the switch authorizes opening a CLI shell, use the aaa
authorization exec command.
• To specify the database through which switch authorizes commands, use the aaa authorization
commands command.
• This command specifies that TACACS+ servers authorize users attempting to open a CLI shell.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
• This command programs the switch to authorize configuration commands (privilege level 15)
through the local file and to deny command access to users not listed in the local file.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization commands 15 default local
• This command programs the switch to permit all commands entered on the CLI.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization commands all default none
All commands, including configuration commands, are typically authorized through aaa authorization
commands. However, the no aaa authorization config-commands command disables the authorization
of configuration commands. In this state, authorization to execute configuration commands can be
managed by controlling access to Global Configuration commands.
The default setting authorizes configuration commands through the policy specified for all other
• To enable the authorization of configuration commands with the policy specified for all other
commands, use the aaa authorization config-commands command.
• To require authorization of commands entered on the console, use the aaa authorization console
By default, EOS does not verify authorization of commands entered on the console port.
• This command disables the authorization of configuration commands.
Switch(config)#no aaa authorization config-commands
• This command enables the authorization of configuration commands.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization config-commands
• This command configures the switch to authorize commands entered on the console, using the
method specified through a previously executed aaa authorization command.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization console
4.3.4 Accounting
The accounting service collects information for billing, auditing, and reporting. The switch supports
TACACS+ accounting by reporting user activity to the TACACS+ security server in the form of
accounting records.
The switch supports two types of accounting:
• EXEC: Provides information about user CLI sessions.
• Commands: Applies to the CLI commands a user issues. Command authorization attempts
authorization for all commands, including configuration commands, associated with a specific
privilege level.
Display Commands
• show aaa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 117
• show aaa counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 118
• show aaa method-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 119
• show aaa sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 120
• show privilege. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 121
• show radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 122
• show tacacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 123
aaa accounting
The aaa accounting command configures accounting method lists for a specified authorization type.
Each list consists of a prioritized list of methods. The accounting module uses the first available listed
method for the authorization type.
The no aaa accounting command clears the specified method list by removing the corresponding
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
no aaa accounting TYPE CONNECTION MODE
default aaa accounting TYPE CONNECTION MODE
• TYPE authorization type for which the command specifies a method list. Options include:
— EXEC records user authentication events.
— COMMANDS ALL records all entered commands.
— COMMANDS level records entered commands of the specified level (ranges from 0 to 15).
• CONNECTION connection type of sessions for which method lists are reported. Options include:
— console console connection.
— default all connections not covered by other configured commands.
• MODE accounting mode that defines when accounting notices are sent. Options include:
— none no notices are sent.
— start-stop a start notice is sent when a process begins; a stop notice is sent when it ends.
— stop-only a stop accounting record is generated after a process successfully completes.
• METHOD_X server groups (methods) to which the switch can send accounting records. The
switch sends the method list to the first listed group that is available.
Parameter value is not specified if MODE is set to none. If MODE is not set to none, the command
must provide at least one method. Each method is composed of one of the following:
— group name the server group identified by name.
— group tacacs+ server group that includes of all defined TACACS+ hosts.
This command configures the switch to maintain start-stop accounting records for all command
executed by switch users and submits them to all TACACS+ hosts.
Switch(config)#aaa accounting commands all default start-stop group tacacs+
This command configures the switch to maintain stop accounting records for all user EXEC sessions
performed through the console and submits them to all TACACS+ hosts.
Switch(config)#aaa accounting exec console stop group tacacs+
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authentication enable default METHOD_1 [METHOD_2] ... [METHOD_N]
no aaa authentication enable default
default aaa authentication enable default
• METHOD_X authentication service method list. The command must provide at least one
method. Each method is composed of one of the following:
— group name the server group identified by name.
— group radius a server group that consists of all defined RADIUS hosts.
— group tacacs+ a server group that consists of all defined TACACS+ hosts.
— local local authentication.
— none users are not authenticated; all access attempts succeed.
This command configures the switch to authenticate the enable password through all configured
TACACS+ servers. Local authentication is the backup if TACACS+ servers are unavailable.
Switch(config)#aaa authentication default enable group TACACS+ local
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authentication login CONNECTION SERVICE_1 [SERVICE_2] ... [SERVICE_N]
no aaa authentication login CONNECTION
• CONNECTION connection type of sessions for which authentication list is used
— default the default authentication list.
— console the authentication list for console logins.
• SERVICE_X an authentication service. Settings include:
— group name identifies a previously defined server group.
— group radius a server group that consists of all defined RADIUS hosts.
— group tacacs+ a server group that consists of all defined TACACS+ hosts.
— local local authentication.
— none users are not authenticated – all access attempts succeed.
• This command configures the switch to authenticate usernames through the TAC-1 server group.
The local database is the backup method if TAC-1 servers are unavailable.
Stch(config)#aaa authentication login default group TAC-1 local
• This command configures the switch to authenticate usernames through all TACACS+ servers,
then all RADIUS servers if the TACACS+ servers are not available. If the RADIUS servers are also
unavailable, the switch allows access to all login attempts without authentication.
Stch(config)#aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ group radius none
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
no aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
default aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
• This command configures the switch to allow unprotected usernames to login from any port.
Stch(config)#aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
• This command configures the switch to allow unprotected usernames to login only from the
console port.
Stch(config)#no aaa authentication policy local allow-nopassword-remote-login
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authorization commands PRIV default SERVICE_1 [SERVICE_2] ... [SERVICE_N]
no aaa authorization commands PRIV default
default aaa authorization commands PRIV default
• PRIV specifies the commands, by privilege level. Settings include
— n-level where n-level is an integer between 0 and 15.
— all specifies commands of all levels.
• SERVICE_X specifies an authorization service. The command must list at least one service. Settings
— group name the server group identified by name.
— group tacacs+ a server group that consists of all defined TACACS+ hosts.
— local local authentication.
— none users are not authenticated – all access attempts succeed.
• This command programs the switch to authorize configuration commands (privilege level 15)
through the local file. The switch denies command access to users not listed in the local file.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization commands 15 default local
• This command programs the switch to permit all commands entered on the CLI.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization commands all default none
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authorization config-commands
no aaa authorization config-commands
• This command disables the authorization of configuration commands.
Switch(config)#no aaa authorization config-commands
• This command enables the authorization of configuration commands.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization config-commands
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authorization console
no aaa authorization console
default aaa authorization console
• This command configures the switch to authorize commands entered on the console, using the
method specified through an previously executed aaa authorization command.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization console
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa authorization exec default METHOD_1 [METHOD_2] ... [METHOD_N]
no aaa authorization exec default
default aaa authorization exec default
• METHOD_X authorization service (method). The switch uses the first listed available method.
The command must provide at least one method. Each method is composed of one of the following:
— group name the server group identified by name.
— group radius a server group that consists of all defined RADIUS hosts.
— group tacacs+ a server group that consists of all defined TACACS+ hosts.
— local local authentication.
— none users are not authenticated – all access attempts succeed.
• This command specifies that the TACACS+ servers authorize users that attempt to open an EOS
CLI shell.
Switch(config)#aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa group server SERVICE_TYPE group_name
no aaa group server SERVICE_TYPE group_name
default aaa group server SERVICE_TYPE group_name
• SERVICE_TYPE the service type of servers that comprise the group. Settings include:
— radius
— tacacs+
• group_name name (text string) assigned to the group.
• This command creates the TACACS+ server group named TAC-GR and enters server group
configuration mode for the new group.
Switch(config)#aaa group server tacacs+ TAC-GR
The CLI is in server group configuration mode for TAC-GR.
• These commands add two servers to the TAC-GR server group. To add servers to the group, the
switch must be in sg-tacacs+-TAC-GR command mode.
Switch(config-sg-tacacs+-TAC-GR)#server TAC-1
Switch(config-sg-tacacs+-TAC-GR)#server port 151
The CLI remains in Server Group Configuration after adding the TAC-1 server (port 49) and the
server located at (port 151) to the group.
• This command exits server group mode.
• This command creates the RADIUS server group named RAD-SV1 and enters server group
configuration mode for the new group.
Switch(config)#aaa group server radius RAD-SV1
• These commands add two servers to the RAD-SV1 server group. To add servers to the group, the
switch must be in sg-radius-RAD-SV1 command mode.
Switch(config-sg-radius-RAD-SV1)#server RAC-1
The CLI remains in Server Group Configuration after adding the RAC-1 server (port 1812) and the
server located at (port 1812) to the group.
aaa root
The aaa root command specifies the password security level for the root account and can assign a
password to the account.
The no aaa root command disables the root account. The root account is disabled by default.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
aaa root SECURITY_LEVEL [ENCRYPT_TYPE] [password]
no aaa root
• SECURITY_LEVEL password assignment level. Settings include
— secret the root account is assigned to the password.
— nopassword the root account is not password protected.
• ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption level of the password parameter. This parameter is present only
when SECURITY_LEVEL is secret. Settings include:
— <no parameter> the password is entered as clear text.
— 0 the password is entered as clear text. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 5 the password is entered as an md5 encrypted string.
• password text that authenticates the username. The command includes this parameter only if
— password must be in clear text if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies clear text.
— password must be an encrypted string if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies an encrypted string.
Encrypted strings entered through this parameter are generated elsewhere.
• These equivalent commands assign f4980 as the root account password.
Switch(config)#aaa root secret f4980
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear aaa counters [SERVICE_TYPE]
• These commands display the effect of the clear aaa counters command on the aaa counters.
Switch(config)#clear aaa counters
Switch(config)#show aaa counters
Successful: 0
Failed: 0
Service unavailable: 0
Allowed: 1
Denied: 0
Service unavailable: 0
Successful: 0
Error: 0
Pending: 0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear aaa counters SERVICE_TYPE
• SERVICE_TYPE the service type of servers for which counters are reset.
— radius
— tacacs+
• These commands display the effect of the clear aaa counters radius command on the radius
Switch#show radius
RADIUS server : radius/10
Connection opens: 204
Connection closes: 0
Connection disconnects: 199
Connection failures: 10
Connection timeouts: 2
Messages sent: 1490
Messages received: 1490
Receive errors: 0
Receive timeouts: 0
Send timeouts: 0
enable secret
The enable secret command creates a new enable password or changes an existing password.
The no enable secret command deletes the enable password.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
enable secret [ENCRYPT_TYPE] password
no enable secret
• ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption level of the password parameter. Settings include:
— <no parameter> the password is entered as clear text.
— 0 the password is entered as clear text. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 5 the password is entered as an md5 encrypted string.
• password text that authenticates the username.
— password must be in clear text if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies clear text.
— password must be an encrypted string if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies an encrypted string.
Encrypted strings entered through this parameter are generated elsewhere.
• These equivalent commands assign xyrt1 as the enable password.
Switch(config)#enable secret xyrt1
ip radius source-interface
The ip radius source-interface command specifies the interface from which the IP address is derived for
use as the source for outbound radius packets. When a source interface is not specified, the switch
selects an interface.
The no ip radius source-interface and default ip radius source-interface commands remove the ip
radius source-interface command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip radius source-interface INT_NAME
no ip radius source-interface
default ip radius source-interface
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
— <no parameter> resets counters for all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command configures the source address for outbound radius packets as the IP address
assigned to the loopback interface.
switch(config)#ip radius source-interface loopback 0
ip tacacs source-interface
The ip tacacs source-interface command specifies the interface from which the IP address is derived for
use as the source for outbound TACACS+ packets. When a source interface is not specified, the switch
selects an interface.
The no ip tacacs source-interface and default ip tacacs source-interface commands remove the ip
tacacs source-interface command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip tacacs source-interface INT_NAME
no ip tacacs source-interface
default ip tacacs source-interface
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
— <no parameter> resets counters for all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command configures the source address for outbound TACACS+ packets as the IP address
assigned to the loopback interface.
switch(config)#ip tacacs source-interface loopback 0
radius-server deadtime
The radius-server deadtime command defines global deadtime period, when the switch ignores a
non-responsive RADIUS server. A non-responsive server is one that failed to answer any attempt to
retransmit after a timeout expiry. Deadtime is disabled if a value is not configured.
The no radius-server deadtime and default radius-server deadtime commands restore the default
global deadtime period of three minutes by removing the radius-server deadtime command from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
radius-server deadtime dead_interval
no radius-server deadtime
default radius-server deadtime
• dead_interval the period, in minutes, when the switch ignores non-responsive servers. Settings
range from 1 to 1000. Default is 3.
• This command programs the switch to ignore a server for two hours if it fails to respond to a request
during the period defined by timeout and retransmit parameters.
Switch(config)#radius-server deadtime 120
radius-server host
The radius-server host command sets parameters for communicating with a specific RADIUS server.
These values override global settings when communicating with the specified server.
• host configuration does not exist for specified address-port combination: command adds the
parameters for the host.
• host configuration exists for specified address-port: command modifies existing configuration.
• host configuration exists for specified address with another port: command adds the parameters for
the address-port location.
The no radius-server host command removes the RADIUS settings.
• If no server is specified, the command removes individual settings for all RADIUS servers.
• If a server is specified without a port number, the command removes settings for the server at the
address-default port location.
• If a server is specified with a port number, the command removes the configuration for the server
at the specified address-port location.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
no radius-server host [LOCATION] [PORT]
default radius-server host [LOCATION] [PORT]
• LOCATION server ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation) or DNS host name (fully-qualified
domain name).
• PORT TCP connection port number.
— <no parameter> default port of (1812)
— auth-port number number ranges from 1 to 65535.
• TIMEOUT timeout period (seconds). Ranges from 1 to 1000. Default is 5.
— <no parameter> assigns the globally configured timeout value.
— timeout number assigns number as the timeout period. Ranges from 1 to 1000.
• DEAD period (minutes) when the switch ignores a non-responsive RADIUS server.
— <no parameter> assigns the globally configured deadtime value.
— deadtime number specifies deadtime, where number ranges from 1 to 1000.
• RETRAN attempts to access RADIUS server after the first timeout expiry.
— <no parameter> assigns the globally configured retransmit value.
— retransmit number specifies number of attempts, where number ranges from 1 to 100.
• ENCRYPT_KEY encryption key that the switch and server use to communicate.
— <no parameter> assigns the globally configured encryption key.
— key key_text where key_text is in clear text.
— key 5 key_text where key_text is in clear text.
— key 7 key_text where key_text is provide in an encrypted string.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server located at
The switch uses the global timeout, deadtime, retransmit, and key settings to communicate with this
Switch(config)#radius-server host
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the RADIUS server assigned the host
name RAD_1 through port number 1850.
Switch(config)#radius-server host RAD_1 auth-port 1850
radius-server key
The radius-server key command defines the global encryption key the switch uses when
communicating with any RADIUS server for which a key is not defined.
The no radius-server key and no radius-server key commands remove the global key from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
radius-server key [ENCRYPT_TYPE] encrypt_key
no radius-server key
default radius-server key
• ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption level of encrypt_key.
— <no parameter> encryption key is entered as clear text.
— 0 encryption key is entered as clear text. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 7 encrypt_key is an encrypted string.
• encrypt_key shared key that authenticates the username.
— encrypt_key must be in clear text if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies clear text.
— encrypt_key must be an encrypted string if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies an encrypted string.
Encrypted strings entered through this parameter are generated elsewhere.
• This command configures cv90jr1 as the global encryption key.
Switch(config)#radius-server key 0 cv90jr1
• This command assigns cv90jr1 as the key by specifying the corresponding encrypted string.
Switch(config)#radius-server key 7 020512025B0C1D70
radius-server retransmit
The radius-server retransmit command defines the global retransmit count, which specifies the number
of times the switch attempts to access the RADIUS server after the first timeout expiry.
The no radius-server retransmit and default radius-server retransmit commands restore the global
retransmit count to its default value of three by deleting the radius-server retransmit command from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
radius-server retransmit count
no radius-server retransmit
default radius-server retransmit
• count retransmit attempts after first timeout expiry. Settings range from 1 to 100. Default is 3.
• This command configures the switch to attempt five RADIUS server contacts after the initial
timeout. If the timeout parameter is set to 50 seconds, then the total period that the switch waits for
a response is ((5+1)*50) = 300 seconds.
Switch(config)#radius-server retransmit 5
radius-server timeout
The radius-server timeout command defines the global timeout the switch uses when communicating
with any RADIUS server for which a timeout is not defined.
The no radius-server timeout and default radius-server timeout commands restore the global timeout
default period of five seconds by removing the radius-server timeout command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
radius-server timeout time_period
no radius-server timeout
default radius-server timeout
• time_period timeout period (seconds). Range from 1 to 1000. Default is 5.
• This command configures the switch to wait 50 seconds for a RADIUS server response before
issuing an error.
Switch(config)#radius-server timeout 50
show aaa
The show aaa command displays the user database. The command displays the encrypted enable
password first, followed by a table of usernames and their corresponding encrypted password.
The command does not display unencrypted passwords.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show aaa
• This command configures the switch to authenticate the enable password through all configured
TACACS+ servers. Local authentication is the backup if TACACS+ servers are unavailable.
Switch#show aaa
Enable password (encrypted): $1$UL4gDWy6$3KqCPYPGRvxDxUq3qA/Hs/
Username Encrypted passwd
-------- ----------------------------------
janis $1$VVnDH/Ea$iwsfnrGNO8nbDsf0tazp9/
thomas $1$/MmXTUil$.fJxLfcumzppNSEDVDWq9.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show aaa counters
• This command displays the number of authentication, authorization, and accounting transactions.
Switch#show aaa counters
Successful: 30
Failed: 0
Service unavailable: 0
Allowed: 188
Denied: 0
Service unavailable: 0
Successful: 0
Error: 0
Pending: 0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show aaa method-lists SERVICE_TYPE
• SERVICE_TYPE the service type of the method lists that the command displays.
— accounting accounting services.
— authentication authentication services.
— authorization authorization services.
— all accounting, authentication, and authorization services.
• This command configures the named method lists for all AAA services.
Switch#show aaa method-lists all
Authentication method lists for LOGIN:
name=default methods=group tacacs+, local
Authentication method list for ENABLE:
name=default methods=local
Authorization method lists for COMMANDS:
name=privilege0-15 methods=group tacacs+, local
Authentication method list for EXEC:
name=exec methods=group tacacs+, local
Accounting method lists for COMMANDS:
name=privilege0-15 default-action=none
Accounting method list for EXEC:
name=exec default-action=none
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show aaa sessions
• This command configures the switch to authenticate the enable password through all configured
TACACS+ servers. Local authentication is the backup if TACACS+ servers are unavailable.
Switch#show aaa sessions
Session Username TTY State Duration Auth Method Rem. Host Rem. User
-------- -------- ---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------------- ---------
306 admin ssh P 192:12:48 group tacacs+
519 admin ssh E 95:54:28 group tacacs+
683 admin ssh E 21:54:45 group tacacs+
737 admin ssh E 00:19:49 group tacacs+
show privilege
The show privilege command displays privilege level of the current CLI session.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show privilege
• This command displays the current privilege level.
switch#show privilege
Current privilege level is 15
show radius
The show radius command displays statistics for the RADIUS servers that the switch accesses.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show radius
• This command displays statistics for connected TACACS+ servers.
Switch>show radius
RADIUS server : radius/10
Connection opens: 204
Connection closes: 0
Connection disconnects: 199
Connection failures: 10
Connection timeouts: 2
Messages sent: 1490
Messages received: 1490
Receive errors: 0
Receive timeouts: 0
Send timeouts: 0
show tacacs
The show tacacs command displays statistics for the TACACS+ servers that the switch accesses.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show tacacs
• This command displays statistics for connected TACACS+ servers.
Switch>show tacacs
TACACS+ server : tacacs/49
Connection opens: 801
Connection closes: 0
Connection disconnects: 755
Connection failures: 41
Connection timeouts: 0
Messages sent: 7751
Messages received: 7751
Receive errors: 0
Receive timeouts: 0
Send timeouts: 0
tacacs-server host
The tacacs-server host command defines the communication parameters the switch uses when
communicating with a TACACS+ server at a specified address-port. These values override the global
settings for communicating with the specified server.
• If a host configuration does not exist for the specified address-port combination, this command adds
the parameters for the host.
• If a host configuration exists for the specified address-port combination, this command modifies the
parameters of the existing configuration.
• If a host configuration exists for the specified address with a different port, this command adds the
parameters for the host at the address-port location.
The no tacacs-server host command removes the TACACS+ settings for the server at the specified
address-port location.
• If no server is specified, the command removes individual settings for all TACACS+ servers.
• If a server is specified without a port number, the command removes settings for the specified
server through the default port.
• If a server is specified with a port number, the command removes the configuration for the server
at the specified address-port location.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
no tacacs-server host [LOCATION] [PORT]
default tacacs-server host [LOCATION] [PORT]
• LOCATION server ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation) or DNS host name (fully-qualified
domain name).
• MULTIPLEX TACACS+ server support of multiplex sessions on a TCP connection.
— <no parameter> server does not support multiplexing.
— single-connection server supports session multiplexing.
• PORT port number of the TCP connection.
— <no parameter> default port of 49.
— port number port number ranges from 1 to 65535.
• TIMEOUT timeout period (seconds). Settings range from 1 to 1000. Default is 5.
— <no parameter> assigns the globally configured timeout value.
— timeout number timeout period (seconds). number ranges from 1 to 1000.
• ENCRYPT_KEY encryption key the switch and server use to communicate. Settings include
— <no parameter> assigns the globally configured encryption key.
— key key_text where key_text is in clear text.
— key 5 key_text where key_text is in clear text.
— key 7 key_text where key_text is provide in an encrypted string.
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server located at
The switch uses the global timeout, encryption key, and port settings.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server assigned the host
name TAC_1. The switch defines the timeout period as 20 seconds and the encryption key as rp31E2v.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host TAC_1 timeout 20 key rp31E2v
• This command configures the switch to communicate with the TACACS+ server located at, indicates that the server supports multiplexing sessions on the same TCP connection, and
that access is through port 54.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server host single-connection port 54
tacacs-server key
The tacacs-server key command defines the global encryption key the switch uses when
communicating with any TACACS+ server for which a key is not defined.
The no tacacs-server key and default tacacs-server key commands remove the global key from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
tacacs-server key [ENCRYPT_TYPE] encrypt_key
no tacacs-server key
default tacacs-server key
• ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption level of encrypt_key.
— <no parameter> encryption key is entered as clear text.
— 0 encryption key is entered as clear text. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 7 encrypt_key is an encrypted string.
• encrypt_key shared key that authenticates the username.
— encrypt_key must be in clear text if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies clear text.
— encrypt_key must be an encrypted string if ENCRYPT_TYPE specifies an encrypted string.
Encrypted strings entered through this parameter are generated elsewhere.
• This command configures cv90jr1 as the encryption key.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server key 0 cv90jr1
• This command assigns cv90jr1 as the key by specifying the corresponding encrypted string.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server key 7 020512025B0C1D70
tacacs-server timeout
The tacacs-server timeout command defines the global timeout the switch uses when communicating
with any TACACS+ server for which a timeout is not defined.
The no tacacs-server timeout and default tacacs-server timeout commands restore the global timeout
default period of five seconds by removing the tacacs-server timeout command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
tacacs-server timeout time_period
no tacacs-server timeout
default tacacs-server timeout
• time_period timeout period (seconds). Settings range from 1 to 1000. Default is 5.
• This command configures the switch to wait 20 seconds for a TACACS+ server response before
issuing an error.
Switch(config)#tacacs-server timeout 20
The username command adds a username to the local file and assigns a password to a username. If the
command specifies an existing username, the command replaces the password in the local file. The
command can define a username without a password or remove the password from a username.
The no username command deletes the specified username.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
username name [PRIVILEGE_LEVEL] SECURITY [ENCRYPTION] [password]
no username name
• name username text that the user enters at the login prompt to access the CLI.
Valid usernames begin with A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 and may also contain any of these characters:
@ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ =
+ { } [ ] ; < > , . ~ |
• PRIVILEGE_LEVEL user’s initial session privilege level. This parameter is used when an
authorization command includes the local option.
— <no parameter> the privilege level is set to 1.
— Privilege rank where rank is an integer between 0 and 15.
• SECURITY password assignment option.
— secret username is assigned to the specified password.
— nopassword username is not password protected.
— sshkey key_text username is associated with ssh key specified by key_text string.
— sshkey KEY_FILE username is associated with ssh key specified by KEY_FILE file.
• ENCRYPTION encryption level of the password. Included only if SECURITY is secret.
— <no parameter> password is a clear text string.
— 0 the password is a clear text string. Equivalent to the <no parameter> case.
— 5 the password is an md5 encrypted string.
• password text that authenticates the username. Included only if SECURITY is secret.
— password is a clear text string if ENCRYPTION specifies clear text
— password is an encrypted string if ENCRYPTION specifies an encrypted string.
Encrypted strings entered through this parameter are generated elsewhere. The encryption option
is typically used to enter a list of username-passwords from a script.
• These equivalent commands create the username john and assigns it the password x245. The
password is entered in clear text because the ENCRYPTION parameter is either omitted or zero.
Switch(config)#username john secret x245
• This command creates the username john and assigns it to the text password that corresponds to the
encrypted string $1$sU.7hptc$TsJ1qslCL7ZYVbyXNG1wg1. The string was generated by an
MD5-encryption program using x245 as the seed.
Switch(config)#username john secret 5 $1$sU.7hptc$TsJ1qslCL7ZYVbyXNG1wg1
A user authenticates the username john by entering x245 when the CLI prompts for a password.
• This command creates the username jane without securing it with a password. It also removes a
password if the jane username exists.
Switch(config)#username jane nopassword
• This command removes the username william from the local file.
Switch(config)#no username william
• This command assigns the string main-host as the switch’s host name. The prompt was
previously configured to display the host name.
Switch(config)#hostname main-host
• This command configures as the switch’s domain name.
Switch(config)#ip domain-name
• This code performs these actions:
— adds three names servers to the configuration
— attempts to add a fourth server, resulting in an error message
— displays the configuration file.
• These commands configure the switch for the United States Central Time Zone.
Switch(config)#clock timezone US/Central
Switch(config)#show clock
Fri Apr 23 18:42:49 2010
timezone is US/Central
• To view the predefined time zone labels, enter clock timezone with a question mark.
Switch(config)#clock timezone ?
Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra
Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers
W-SU W-SU timezone
WET WET timezone
Zulu Zulu timezone
Switch(config)#clock timezone
• This command displays all time zone labels that start with America.
Switch(config)#clock timezone AMERICA?
America/Adak America/Anchorage
America/Anguilla America/Antigua
America/Winnipeg America/Yakutat
The ntp source command configures an interface as the source of NTP packets. The IP address of the
interface is used as the source address for all packets sent to all destinations.
These commands display the status of the switch NTP server connections:
• show ntp status
• show ntp associations
• These commands add three NTP servers to the configuration, designating the second server as
the primary.
Switch(config)#ntp server local-NTP
Switch(config)#ntp server Prefer
Switch(config)#ntp server
• This command displays the status of an NTP connection.
Switch(config)#show ntp status
time server re-starting
polling server every 64 s
• This command displays data about the NTP servers in the configuration.
Switch(config)#show ntp associations
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
============================================================================== .INIT. 16 u - 1024 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
moose.aristanet 2 u 9 64 377 0.118 9440498 0.017 .INIT. 16 u - 1024 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
*LOCAL(0) .LOCL. 10 l 41 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.000
• This command manually sets the switch time.
Switch#clock set 08:15:24 26 April 2010
Mon Apr 26 08:15:25 2010
timezone is US/Central
• This command displays the switch time.
Switch(config)>show clock
Fri Apr 23 16:32:46 2010
timezone is America/Los_Angeles
5.3.1 Banners
The switch can display two banners:
• Login banner: The login banner precedes the login prompt. One common use for a login banner is
to warn against unauthorized network access attempts.
• motd banner: The message of the day (motd) banner is displayed after a user logs into the switch.
This output displays both banners in bold:
This is a login banner
Switch login: john
Last login: Mon Apr 26 09:24:36 2010 from
This is an motd banner
These commands create the login and motd banner shown earlier in this section.
Switch(config)#banner login
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
This is a login banner
Switch(config)#banner motd
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
This is an motd banner
To create a banner:
Step 1 Enter Global Configuration mode.
Step 2 Enter banner edit mode by typing the desired command:
• To create a login banner, type banner login.
• To create a motd banner, type banner motd.
The switch responds with instructions on entering the banner text.
Switch(config)#banner login
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Step 3 Enter the banner text.
This is the first line of banner text.
This is the second line of banner text.
Step 4 Press Enter to place the cursor on a blank line after completing the banner text.
Step 5 Exit banner edit mode by typing EOF.
5.3.2 Prompt
The prompt provides an entry point for EOS commands. The prompt command configures the contents
of the prompt. The no prompt command returns the prompt to the default of %H%P.
Characters allowed in the prompt include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and these punctuation marks:
The prompt supports these control sequences:
• %s – space character
• %t – tab character
• %% – percent character
• %H – host name
• %D – time and date
• %D{f_char} – time and date, format specified by the BSD strftime (f_char) time conversion function.
• %h – host name up to the first ‘.’
• %P – extended command mode
• %p – command mode
• %r1 – redundancy status on modular systems
• %R2 – extended redundancy status on modular systems – includes status and slot number
• This command creates a prompt that displays system 1 and the command mode.
host-name.dut103(config)#prompt system%s1%P
system 1(config) #
• This command creates a prompt that displays the command mode.
host-name.dut103(config)#prompt %p
• These equivalent commands create the default prompt.
% prompt %H%P
% no prompt
1. When logged into a fixed system or a supervisor on a modular system, this option has no effect.
2. When logged into a fixed system, this option has no effect.
5.4.1 Description
The event monitor receives notifications for changes to the mac table, route table, and arp table. These
changes are logged to a fixed-size circular buffer. The size of this buffer is configurable, but it does not
grow dynamically. Buffer contents can be stored to permanent files to increase the event monitor
effective capacity. The permanent file size and the number of permanent files is configurable. The buffer
is stored at a fixed location on the switch. The location of the permanent files is configurable and can be
in any switch file directory, including flash (/mnt/flash).
Specific event monitor queries are available through CLI commands. For queries not available through
specific commands, manual queries are supported through other CLI commands. When the user issues
a query command, the relevant events from the circular buffer and permanent files are written to and
accessed from a temporary SQLite database file. The database keeps a separate table for each logging
type (mac, arp, route). When the monitor receives notification of a new event, the database file is
deleted, then recreated.
• This command disables the event monitor for all types of events.
Switch(config)#no event-monitor all
• This command enables the event monitor for routing table changes.
Switch(config)#event-monitor route
The event-monitor clear command removes the contents of the event monitor buffer. If event monitor
backup is enabled, this command removes the contents from all event monitor backup files.
• This command clears the contents of the event monitor buffer.
Switch#event-monitor clear
• These commands configure the switch to store the event monitor buffer in sw-event.log, then
display the new file in the flash directory.
Switch(config)#event-monitor backup path sw-event.log
Directory of flash:/
• These commands configures the switch backup the event buffer to a series of files named
sw-event.log. The switch can store a maximum of four files.
Switch(config)#event-monitor backup path sw-event.log
Switch(config)#event-monitor backup max-size 4
The first five files that the switch creates to store event monitor buffer contents are:
The switch deletes sw-event.log.0 the first time it verifies the number of existing backup files
after the creation of sw-event.log.4.
• This command displays all events triggered by MAC address table events.
switch#show event-monitor mac
% Writing 0 Arp, 0 Route, 1 Mac events to the database
2012-01-19 13:57:55|1|08:08:08:08:08:08|Ethernet1|configuredStaticMac|added|0
For other database queries, the show event-monitor sqlite command performs an SQL-style query on
the database, using the statement specified in the command.
• This command displays the status of ports in the two port groups on a DCS-7050Q-16 switch.
switch#show event-monitor sqlite select * from route;
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|0
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|1
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|2
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|5
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|6
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|7
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|8
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|9
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|10
• This command replaces the EOS CLI prompt with an SQLite prompt.
switch#event-monitor interact
• This command exits SQLite and returns to EOS CLI prompt.
sqlite> .quit
The event-monitor sync command combines the event monitor buffer and all backup logs and
synchronizes them into a single SQLite file, which is stored at /tmp/eventmon.db
• This command synchronizes the buffer and backup logs into a single SQLite file.
Switch(config)#event-monitor sync
banner login
The banner login command configures a message that the switch displays before login and password
prompts. The login banner is available on console, telnet, and ssh connections.
The no banner login command deletes the login banner.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
banner login
no banner login
• banner_text – To configure the banner, enter a message when prompted. The message may span
multiple lines. Banner text supports the following keywords:
— $(hostname) displays the switch’s host name.
• EOF – To end the banner edit session, type on its own line and press enter.
• These commands create a two-line login banner.
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#banner login
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
This is a login banner for $(hostname).
Enter your login name at the prompt.
This output displays the login banner.
This is a login banner for Switch.
Enter your login name at the prompt.
Switch login: john
Last login: Mon Apr 26 09:05:23 2010 from
banner motd
The banner motd command configures a “message of the day” (motd) that the switch displays after a
user logs in. The motd banner is available on console, telnet, and ssh connections.
The no banner motd command deletes the motd banner.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
banner motd
no banner motd
• banner_text – To configure the banner, enter a message when prompted. The message may span
multiple lines. Banner text supports this keyword:
— $(hostname) displays the switch’s host name.
• EOF – To end the banner edit, type on its own line and press enter.
• These commands create an motd banner.
Switch(config)#banner motd
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
This is an motd banner for $(hostname)
This output displays the motd banner.
Switch login: john
Last login: Mon Apr 26 09:17:09 2010 from
This is an motd banner for Switch
clock set
The clock set command sets the system clock time and date. If the switch is configured with an NTP
server, NTP time synchronizations override manually entered time settings.
Time entered by this command is local, as configured by the clock timezone command.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clock set date
• is the time of day, in 24-hour notation.
• date is the current date. Date formats include:
— mm/dd/yy example: 05/15/2010
— Month day year example: May 15 2010
— day month year example: 15 May 2010
• This command manually sets the switch time.
Switch#clock set 08:15:24 26 April 2010
Mon Apr 26 08:15:25 2010
timezone is US/Central
clock timezone
The clock timezone command specifies the UTC offset that converts system time to local time. The
switch uses local time for time displays and to time-stamp system logs and messages.
The no clock timezone command deletes the timezone command from the configuration, setting local
time to UTC.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
clock timezone zone-name
no clock timezone
• zone-name – the time zone. Settings include a list of predefined time zone labels.
• This command configures the switch for the United States Central Time Zone.
Switch(config)#clock timezone US/Central
Switch(config)#show clock
Fri Apr 23 18:42:49 2010
timezone is US/Central
• To view the predefined time zone labels, enter clock timezone with a question mark.
Switch(config)#clock timezone ?
Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra
Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers
Africa/Asmara Africa/Asmera
Africa/Bamako Africa/Bangui
W-SU W-SU timezone
WET WET timezone
Zulu Zulu timezone
Switch(config)#clock timezone
• This command displays all time zone labels that start with America.
Switch(config)#clock timezone AMERICA?
America/Adak America/Anchorage
America/Anguilla America/Antigua
America/Araguaina America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
America/Virgin America/Whitehorse
America/Winnipeg America/Yakutat
The email command places the switch in email client configuration mode. If you configure a from-user
and an outgoing SMTP server on the switch, you can then use an email address as an output modifier
to a show command and receive the output as email.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command places the switch in email client configuration mode.
no event-monitor
The no event-monitor and default event-monitor commands remove the specified event-monitor
configuration statements from running-config, returning the switch to the specified default state.
• no event-monitor <with no parameters> restores all default setting states:
— event monitor is enabled.
— buffer backup is disabled.
— buffer size is 32 kb.
• no event-monitor backup disables the backup.
• no event-monitor buffer restores the buffer to the default size.
To disable the event monitor, enter the no event-monitor all command (event-monitor <log enable>).
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
no event-monitor [PARAMETER]
default event-monitor [PARAMETER]
• PARAMETER the event monitor property that is returned to the default state.
— <no parameter> all event monitor properties
— backup event monitor buffer backup is disabled.
— buffer the event monitor buffer is restored to its default size.
• This command removes all event monitor configuration statements from running-config.
Switch(config)#no event-monitor
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
event-monitor LOG_TYPE
no event-monitor LOG_TYPE
default event-monitor LOG_TYPE
• LOG_TYPE specifies the event logging type. Options include:
— all all event logging types.
— arp changes to ARP table.
— mac changes to MAC address table.
— route changes to IP routing table.
Related Commands
• no event-monitor
• This command disables the event monitor for all types of events.
Switch(config)#no event-monitor all
• This command enables the event monitor for routing table changes.
Switch(config)#event-monitor route
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
event-monitor backup max-size file_quantity
no event-monitor backup max-size
default event-monitor backup max-size
• file_quantity maximum number of backup files. Value ranges from 1 to 200. Default is 10.
• These commands configures the switch backup the event buffer to a series of files named
sw-event.log. The switch can store a maximum of four files.
Switch(config)#event-monitor backup path sw-event.log
Switch(config)#event-monitor backup max-size 4
The first five files that the switch creates to store event monitor buffer contents are:
The switch deletes sw-event.log.0 the first time it verifies the number of existing backup files after
the creation of sw-event.log.4.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
event-monitor backup path URL_FILE
no event-monitor backup path
default event-monitor backup path
• URL_FILE path and file name of the backup file
— path_string specified path is appended to /mnt/flash/
— file: path_string specified path is appended to /
— flash: path_string specified path is appended to /mnt/flash/
• These commands configure the switch to store the event monitor buffer in sw-event.log, then
displays the new file in the flash directory.
Switch(config)#event-monitor backup path sw-event.log
Directory of flash:/
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
event-monitor buffer max-size buffer_size
no event-monitor buffer max-size
default event-monitor buffer max-size
• buffer_size buffer capacity (Kb). Values range from 6 to 50. Default value is 32.
• This command configures a buffer size of 48 Kb.
Switch(config)#event-monitor buffer max-size 48
event-monitor clear
The event-monitor clear command removes the contents of the event monitor buffer. If event monitor
backup is enabled, this command removes the contents from all event monitor backup files.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
event-monitor clear
• This command clears the contents of the event monitor buffer.
Switch#event-monitor clear
event-monitor interact
The event-monitor interact command replaces the CLI prompt with an SQLite prompt. The event
monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file and loaded for access from
the prompt.
• To access help from the SQLite prompt, enter .help
• To exit SQLite and return to the CLI prompt, enter .quit or .exit
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
event-monitor interact
• This command replaces the EOS CLI prompt with an SQLite prompt.
switch#event-monitor interact
event-monitor sync
The event-monitor buffer sync command combines the event monitor buffer and all backup logs and
synchronizes them into a single SQLite file, which is stored at /tmp/eventmon.db
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
event-monitor sync
• This command synchronizes the buffer and backup logs into a single SQLite file.
Switch(config)#event-monitor sync
The hostname command assigns a text string as the switch’s host name. The default host name is
The prompt displays the host name when appropriately configured through the prompt command.
The no hostname command returns the switch’s host name to the default value of localhost.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
hostname string
no hostname
• string is the host name assigned to the switch.
• This command assigns the string main-host as the switch’s host name.
Switch(config)#hostname main-host
The prompt was previously configured to display the host name.
ip domain-name
The ip domain-name command configures the switch’s domain name. The switch uses this name to
complete unqualified host names.
The no ip domain-name and default ip domain-name commands delete the domain name by removing
the ip domain-name command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip domain-name string
no ip domain-name
default ip domain-name
• string – domain name (text string)
• This command configures as the switch’s domain name.
Switch(config)#ip domain-name
ip host
The ip host command associates a hostname to an IP address. This command supports local hostname
resolution based on local hostname-IP address maps. Multiple hostnames can be mapped to an IP
address. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be mapped to the same hostname (ipv6 host). The show hosts
command displays the local hostname-IP address mappings.
The no ip host and default ip host commands removes hostname-IP address maps by deleting the
corresponding ip host command from running-config, as specified by command parameters:
• no parameters: command removes all hostname-IP address maps.
• hostname parameter: command removes all IP address maps for the specified hostname.
• hostname and IP address parameters: command removes specified hostname-IP address maps.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip host hostname hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] ... [hostadd_X]
no ip host [hostname] [hostadd_1] [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]
default ip host [hostname] [hostadd_1] [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]
• hostname hostname (text).
• hostadd_N IP addresses associated with hostname (dotted decimal notation).
• This command associates the hostname test_lab with the IP addresses and
Switch(config)#ip host test_lab
• This command removes all IP address maps for the hostname production_lab.
Switch(config)#no ip host production_lab
ip name-server
The ip name-server command adds a name server address to the switch configuration. The switch uses
name servers for name and address resolution. The switch can be configured with up to three name
servers. Attempts to add servers beyond three will generate an error message.
The no ip name-server command removes specified name servers from the configuration. If no address
is listed, the command removes all name servers.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip name-server server-1 [server-2] [server-3]
no ip name-server [server-1] [server-2] [server-3]
• server-x – name server IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command adds two name servers to the configuration.
Switch(config)#ip name-server
• This command attempts to add a name server when the configuration already lists three servers.
Switch(config)#ip name-server
% Maximum number of nameservers reached. '' not added
ipv6 host
The ipv6 host command associates a hostname to an IPv6 address. This command supports local
hostname resolution based on local hostname-IP address maps. Multiple hostnames can be mapped to
an IPv6 address. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be mapped to the same hostname (ip host). The show
hosts command displays the local hostname-IP address mappings.
The no ipv6 host and default ipv6 host commands removes hostname-IP address maps by deleting the
corresponding ipv6 host command from running-config, as specified by command parameters:
• no parameters: command removes all hostname-IPv6 address maps.
• hostname parameter: command removes all IPv6 address maps for the specified hostname.
• hostname and IP address parameters: command removes specified hostname-IP address maps.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ipv6 host hostname hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] ... [hostadd_X]
no ipv6 host [hostname] [hostadd_1] [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]
default ipv6 host [hostname] [hostadd_1] [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]
• hostname hostname (text).
• hostadd_N IPv6 addresses associated with hostname (dotted decimal notation).
• This command associates the hostname support_lab with the IPv6 address 10:14:b2:e9:24:18:93:18.
Switch(config)#ipv6 host support_lab 10:14:b2:e9:24:18:93:18
ntp bind
The ntp bind command specifies an interface for accessing the IP address of the NTP server as
configured by the ntp server command. This command is required when the switch configuration
contains more than 1023 IP addresses. Running-config can contain multiple ntp bind commands.
The no ntp bind command removes the corresponding ntp bind command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
no ntp bind [INTERFACE_NAME]
• INTERFACE_NAME interface used for accessing the NTP server address. Options include:
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
— loopback l_range loopback interface list.
— management m_range management interface list.
— port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, c_range, and v_range formats include a number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command configures the switch to access the NTP server through the Ethernet 7 interface.
Switch(config)#ntp bind ethernet 7
ntp server
The ntp server command adds a Network Time Protocol server to the configuration. The switch
synchronizes the system clock with an NTP server when the running-config contains at least one server.
The running-config lists NTP servers in the order that they are added. When the ntp server command
specifies a server that exists in the configuration, the command modifies the server settings.
The switch supports NTP versions 1 through 4. The default is version 4.
The prefer option specifies the primary server, giving it higher priority for synchronizing time. If
running-config contains multiple servers with identical priority, the switch uses the first listed server.
The no ntp server command removes the specified NTP server from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ntp server server-name [prefer] [NTP-version]
no ntp server server-name
• server-name specifies the NTP server location. Settings include:
— IP address in dotted decimal notation
— an FQDN host name
• prefer indicates the server has priority when the switch selects a synchronizing server.
• NTP-version specifies the NTP version. Settings include:
— <no parameter> sets NTP version to 4 (default).
— version number, where number ranges from 1 to 4.
• This command configures the switch to update its time with the NTP server at address
and designates it as a preferred NTP server.
Switch(config)#ntp server prefer
• This command configures the switch to update its time through an NTP server named local-nettime.
Switch(config)#ntp server local-nettime
• This command configures the switch to update its time through a version 3 NTP server.
Switch(config)#ntp server version 3
ntp source
The ntp source command configures an interface as the source of NTP updates. The IP address of the
interface is used as the source address for all NTP packets sent to all destinations.
The no ntp source command removes the NTP source command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ntp source int-port
no ntp source
• int-port – the interface port that specifies the NTP source. Settings include:
— loopback l-num: Loopback interface specified by l-num.
— management m-num: Management interface specified by m-num.
— vlan v-num: VLAN interface specified by v-num.
• This command configures VLAN interface 25 as the source of NTP update packets.
Switch(config)#ntp source vlan 25
• This command removes the NTP source command from the configuration.
Switch(config)#no ntp source
The prompt command specifies the contents of the CLI prompt. Characters allowed in the prompt
include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and these punctuation marks:
The prompt supports these control sequences:
• %s – space character
• %t – tab character
• %% – percent character
• %D – time and date
• %D{f_char} – time and date, format specified by the BSD strftime (f_char) time conversion function.
• %H – host name
• %h – host name up to the first ‘.’
• %P – extended command mode
• %p – command mode
• %r1 – redundancy status on modular systems
• %R2 – extended redundancy status on modular systems – includes status and slot number
Table 5-1 displays Command Mode and Extended Command Mode prompts for various modes.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
prompt p-string
no prompt
• p-string – prompt text (character string). Elements includes letters, numbers, and control sequences.
1. When logged into a fixed system or a supervisor on a modular system, this option has no effect.
2. When logged into a fixed system, this option has no effect.
• This command creates a prompt that displays system 1 and the command mode.
host-name.dut103(config)#prompt system%s1%P
system 1(config) #
• This command creates a prompt that displays the command mode.
host-name.dut103(config)#prompt %p
• These equivalent commands create the default prompt.
% prompt %H%P
% no prompt
show banner
The show banner command displays the specified banner.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show banner BANNER_TYPE
• BANNER_TYPE banner that the command displays. Options include
— login command displays login banner.
— motd command displays message of the day banner.
• These commands configure and display the motd banner.
switch(config)#banner motd
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
This is an motd bannder for $(hostname)
switch(config)#show banner motd
This is an motd bannder for $(hostname)
show clock
The show clock command displays the current system clock time and configured time zone. The switch
uses the system clock for system log messages and debugging traces.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show clock
• This command displays the current system clock time and configured time zone.
switch>show clock
Wed Nov 2 10:29:32 2011
timezone is America/Los_Angeles
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show event-manager arp [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [INTERFACE] [IP] [MAC] [TIME]
Optional parameters can be placed in any order.
• GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
— <no parameter> results are not grouped.
— group-by ip results are grouped by IP address.
— group-by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
• MESSAGES number of message returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
— <no parameter> result-set size is not limited.
— limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
• INTERFACE resticts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> result-set not restricted by interface.
— match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
— match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
— match-interface management m_range management interface list.
— match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
— match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
• IP resticts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> command
— match-ip ip_address_rex IP address, as represented by regular expression.
• MAC resticts result-set to events that include specified MAC address (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> command
— match-mac mac_address_rex MAC address, as represented by regular expression
• TIME restricts result-set to events generated during specifed period.
— <no parameter> result-set not restricted by time of event.
— match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
— match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
— match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
— match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show event-manager mac [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [INTERFACE] [MAC] [TIME]
Optional parameters can be placed in any order.
• GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
— <no parameter> results are not grouped.
— group-by interface results are grouped by interface.
— group-by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
• MESSAGES number of message returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
— <no parameter> result-set size is not limited.
— limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
• INTERFACE resticts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> result-set not restricted by interface.
— match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
— match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
— match-interface management m_range management interface list.
— match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
— match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
• MAC resticts result-set to events that include specified MAC address (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> command
— match-mac mac_address_rex
• TIME restricts result-set to events with specifed period (
— <no parameter> result-set not restricted by time of event.
— match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
— match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
— match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
— match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
• This command displays all events triggered by MAC address table events.
switch#show event-monitor mac
% Writing 0 Arp, 0 Route, 1 Mac events to the database
2012-01-19 13:57:55|1|08:08:08:08:08:08|Ethernet1|configuredStaticMac|added|0
• This command displays events triggered by MAC address table changes.
switch#show event-monitor mac match-mac 08:08:08:%
2012-01-19 13:57:55|1|08:08:08:08:08:08|Ethernet1|configuredStaticMac|added|0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show event-manager route [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [IP] [TIME]
Optional parameters can be placed in any order.
• GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
— <no parameter> results are not grouped.
— group-by ip results are grouped by IP address.
• MESSAGES number of message returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
— <no parameter> result-set size is not limited.
— limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
• INTERFACE resticts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> result-set not restricted by interface.
— match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
— match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
— match-interface management m_range management interface list.
— match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
— match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
• IP resticts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
— <no parameter> command
— match-ip ip_address_rex IP address, as represented by regular expression.
• TIME restricts result-set to events with specifed period (
— <no parameter> result-set not restricted by time of event.
— match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
— match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
— match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
— match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show event-manager sqlite statement
• statement SQLite statement.
• This command displays the status of ports in the two port groups on a DCS-7050Q-16 switch.
switch#show event-monitor sqlite select * from route;
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|0
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|1
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|2
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|5
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|6
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|7
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|8
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|9
2012-01-19 13:53:01|||||removed|10
show hosts
The show hosts command displays the default domain name, name lookup service style, a list of name
server hosts, and the static hostname-IP address maps.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show hosts
• This command displays the switch’s ip domain name:
switch(config)#show hosts
Static Mappings:
Hostname IP Addresses
show ip domain-name
The show ip domain-name command displays the switch’s ip domain name that is configured with the
ip domain name command.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip domain-name
• This command displays the switch’s ip domain name:
Switch>show ip domain-name
show ip name-server
The ip name-server command displays the ip addresses of name-servers in running-config. The name
servers are configured by the ip name-server command.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip name-server
• This command displays the IP address of name servers that the switch is configured to access.
switch>show ip name-server
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ntp associations
Display Values
• st (stratum): distance from the reference clock
• t (transmission type): u – unicast; b – broadcast; l: local
• when: interval since reception of last packet (seconds unless unit is provided)
• poll: interval between NTP poll packets. Maximum (1024) reached as server and client syncs
• reach: octal number that displays status of last eight NTP messages (377 - all messages received).
• delay: round trip delay of packets to selected reference clock.
• offset: difference between local clock and reference clock.
• jitter: maximum error of local clock relative to reference clock.
• This command displays the status of the switch’s NTP associations.
Switch(config)#show ntp associations
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
============================================================================== .INIT. 16 u - 1024 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
moose.aristanet 2 u 9 64 377 0.118 9440498 0.017 .INIT. 16 u - 1024 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
*LOCAL(0) .LOCL. 10 l 41 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.000
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ntp status
• This command the switch’s NTP parameter settings.
switch>#show ntp status
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 4
time correct to within 77 ms
polling server every 1024 s
6.2.1 boot-config
The boot-config file is an ASCII file that Aboot uses to configure console communication settings, locate
the EOS flash image, and specify initial network configuration settings.
Aboot attempts to boot the EOS flash software image (SWI) referenced by boot-config if the user does
not interrupt the boot process. See Section 6.4: Aboot Shell describes how Aboot uses boot-config.
You can view and edit the boot-config file contents. Viewing and editing options include:
• View boot-config file contents with the more boot-config command:
main-host(config)#more boot-config
Aboot password (encrypted): $1$A8dZ3GLZ$knKrBpTyg5dhmtGdCdwNM.
• View boot-config settings with the show boot-config command:
main-host(config)#show boot-config
Software image: flash:/EOS.swi
Console speed: 2400
Aboot password (encrypted): $1$A8dZ3GLZ$knKrBpTyg5dhmtGdCdwNM.
• Modify file settings from the command line with EOS boot commands.
See Section Programming boot-config from the CLI for a list of boot commands
• Edit the file directly by using vi from the Bash shell.
See Section boot-config Command Line Content for a list of boot-config parameters.
— SWI=flash:EOS.swi (flash drive location)
— SWI=usb1:/EOS1.swi (usb drive location)
— SWI=file:/tmp/EOSexp.swi (switch directory location)
— SWI=/mnt/flash/EOS.swi
— SWI=
— SWI=
— SWI=t
— SWI=nfs://
• CONSOLESPEED specifies the console baud rate. To communicate with the switch, the connected
terminal must match the specified rate. Baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400. The
default baud rate is 9600.
• PASSWORD (ABOOT) specifies the Aboot password, as described in Section 6.4.2: Accessing the
Aboot Shell. If boot-config does not contain a PASSWORD line, the Aboot shell does not require a
— PASSWORD=$1$CdWp5wfe$pzNtE3ujBoFEL8vjcq7jo/
• NET commands indicate the network interface that boot-config network settings configure. If
boot-config does not contain a NETDEV setting, the booting process does not attempt to configure
a network interface. Other NET commands specify settings that Aboot uses to configure the
— NETDEV command that specifies Ethernet management 1 port.
— NETAUTO command that configures the interface through a DHCP server, ignoring other
NET settings.
— NET commands that configure the interface manually:
boot system
The boot system command provides the EOS image file location to Aboot.
• This command specifies EOS1.swi, on USB flash memory, as the software image load file.
main-host(config)#boot system usb1:EOS1.swi
The CLI command places this command in the boot-command file.
• This command designates EOS.swi, on the switch flash, as the EOS software image load file.
main-host(config)#boot system flash:EOS.swi
The CLI command places this command in the boot-command file.
boot secret
The boot secret command sets the Aboot password.
• These equivalent commands set the Aboot password to xr19v:
main-host(config)#boot secret xr19v
The CLI command places this PASSWORD line in the boot-command file.
The user must enter xr123 at the login prompt to access the Aboot shell.
• This command removes the Aboot password; subsequent Aboot access is not authenticated.
main-host(config)#no boot secret
This CLI code displays the result:
main-host(config)#show boot-config
Software image: flash:/EOS.swi
Console speed: (not set)
Aboot password (encrypted): (not set)
boot console
The boot console command sets console settings for attaching devices.
• This command sets the console speed to 4800 baud:
main-host(config)#boot console speed 4800
This CLI code displays the result of the command:
main-host(config)#show boot-config
Software image: flash:/EOS.swi
Console speed: 4800
Aboot password (encrypted): (not set)
The previous command places this command in the boot-command file.
6.2.2 Running-Config
running-config is a virtual file that contains the system’s operating configuration, formatted as a
command sequence. Commands entered from the CLI modify running-config. Copying a file to
running-config updates the operating configuration by executing the commands in the copied file.
running-config commands include:
• show running-config displays running-config.
• copy running-config startup-config copies running-config contents to the startup-config.
• write memory copies running-config contents to the startup-config file.
6.2.3 Startup-Config
The startup-config file is stored in flash memory and contains the configuration that the switch loads
when booting. During a switch boot, running-config is replaced by startup-config. Changes to
running-config that are not copied to startup-config are lost when the system reboots.
startup-config commands include:
• show startup-config displays startup-config.
• copy <filename> startup-config copies contents of the specified file to startup-config.
• erase startup-config deletes the startup-config file.
Aboot 1.9.0-52504.EOS2.0
main-host login:
Step 4 Log into the switch to resume configuration tasks.
• To display the reset cause, type show reload cause at the prompt.
main-host: show reload cause
Reload Cause 1:
Reload requested by the user.
Recommended Action:
No action necessary.
Debugging Information:
None available.
The switch uses its system MAC address as the DHCP client identifier and Arista as the Vendor Class
Identifier (Option 60). When the switch receives an http URL through Option 67, it sends the following
http headers in the GET request:
localhost login:
The switch displays a CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS message after it successfully downloads a
startup-config file, then continues the reload process as described in Section 6.3.1.
Successful download
Aboot 1.9.0-52504.EOS2.0
6.4.1 Operation
When the switch is powered on or rebooted, Aboot reads its configuration from boot-config on the
internal flash and attempts to boot a software image (SWI) automatically if one is configured.
You can monitor the automatic boot process or enter the Aboot shell only from the console port. You can
connect a PC or terminal directly to the port and run a terminal emulator to interact with the serial port
or access it through a serial concentrator device.
Console settings are stored in boot-config; the factory-default settings for Arista switches are 9600 baud,
no parity, 8 character bits, and 1 stop bit. If you do not know the current settings, perform a full flash
recovery to restore the factory-default settings. When the console port is connected and the terminal
settings are configured properly, the terminal displays a message similar to the following a few seconds
after powering up the switch:
Aboot 1.0.0
The fullrecover operation replaces the flash contents with a factory default configuration. The
CLI displays text similar to the following when performing a fullrecover, finishing with another
entry option into the Aboot shell.
Erasing /mnt/flash
Writing recovery data to /mnt/flash
210770 blocks
Restarting system.
Aboot 1.9.0-52504.EOS2.0
If SWI is not specified in boot-config, or if booting the SWI results in an error condition (for example, an
incorrect path or unavailable HTTP server), Aboot halts the boot process and drops into the shell.
• To boot EOS.swi from internal flash, enter one of these commands on the Aboot command line:
— boot flash:EOS.swi
— boot /mnt/flash/EOS.swi.
6.4.5 Commands
To list the contents of the internal flash, enter ls /mnt/flash at the Aboot# prompt.
Aboot# ls /mnt/flash
EOS.swi boot-config startup-config
Commonly used commands include:
• ls Prints a list of the files in the current working directory
• cd Changes the current working directory
• cp Copies a file
• more Prints the contents of a file one page at a time
• vi Edits a text file
• boot Boots a SWI (see SWI section for information on specifying a SWI)
• swiinfo Prints information about a SWI
• recover Recovers the factory-default configuration
• reboot Reboots the switch
• udhcpc Configures a network interface automatically via DHCP
• ifconfig Prints or alters network interface settings
• wget Downloads a file from an HTTP or FTP server
Many Aboot shell commands are provided by Busybox, an open-source implementation of UNIX
utilities. Busybox command help is found at Aboot
provides access to only a subset of the documented commands.
Aboot can access networks through the Ethernet management ports. Aboot provides network interfaces
mgmt1 and mgmt2. These ports are unconfigured by default; you can configure management port
settings using Aboot shell commands like ifconfig and udhcpc. When a management interface is
configured, use wget to transfer files from an HTTP or FTP server, tftp to transfer files from a TFTP
server, or mount to mount an NFS filesystem.
CONSOLESPEED specifies the console baud rate. To communicate with the switch, the connected
terminal must match the specified rate. Baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400.
The default baud rate is 9600.
• baud_rate specifies the console speed. Values include 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400
• These lines are CONSOLESPEED command examples
NET commands
NETDEV indicates the network interface that boot-config network settings configure. If boot-config does
not contain a NETDEV setting, the booting process does not attempt to configure a network interface.
Other NET commands specify settings that Aboot uses to configure the interface.
• interface the network interface. Settings include:
— NETDEV=mgmt1 management port 1.
— NETDEV=mgmt2 management port 2.
• auto_setting the configuration method. Settings include
— NETAUTO=dhcp interface is configured through a DHCP server; other NET commands
are ignored.
— NETAUTO command is omitted interface is configured manually with other NET
• interface_address interface IP address, in dotted-decimal notation.
• interface_mask interface subnet mask, in dotted-decimal notation.
• gateway_address default gateway IP address, in dotted decimal notation.
• domain_name interface domain name.
• dns_address IP address of the Domain Name Server, in dotted decimal notation.
• This NETDEV command specifies Ethernet management 1 port:
• This NETAUTO command configures the interface through a DHCP server, ignoring other NET
• These NET commands that configures the interface manually:
PASSWORD specifies the Aboot password, as described in Section 6.4.2: Accessing the Aboot Shell. If
boot-config does not contain a PASSWORD line, the Aboot shell does not require a password.
boot-config stores the password as an MD5-encrypted string as generated by the UNIX passwd program
or the crypt library function from a clear text seed. When entering the Aboot password, the user types
the clear text seed.
There is no method of recovering the password from the encrypted string. If the clear text password is
lost, delete the corresponding PASSWORD command line from the boot-config file.
The EOS boot secret command is the recommended method of adding or modifying the PASSWORD
configuration line.
• encrypted_string the encrypted string that corresponds to the clear-text Aboot password.
• This line is a PASSWORD command example where the encrypted string corresponds with the clear
text password abcde.
SWI specifies the location and file name of the EOS image file that Aboot loads when booting, using the
same format as the boot command to designate a local or network path.
• file_location specifies the location of the EOS image file. Formats include:
— device:path – storage device location:
device denotes a storage device. Settings include flash, file and usb1. Default is flash.
path denotes a file location.
SWI=flash:EOS.swi – flash drive location.
SWI=usb1:/EOS1.swi – usb drive location.
SWI=file:/tmp/EOSexp.swi – switch directory location.
— /path – switch directory location.
— http://server/path – HTTP server location.
— ftp://server/path – FTP server location.
— tftp://server/path – TFTP server location.
— nfs://server/path – imports path from server, then mounts parent directory of the path
boot console
The boot console command configures terminal settings for serial devices connecting to the console
port. Console settings that you can specify from the boot command include:
• speed
Factory-default console settings are 9600 baud, no parity, 8 character bits, and 1 stop bit. If you do not
know the current settings, restore the factory-default settings as described in Section 2.3.3: Restoring the
Factory Default EOS Image and Startup Configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
boot console speed baud
• baud console baud rate. Settings include 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400.
• This command sets the console speed to 4800 baud
main-host(config)#boot console speed 4800
This code displays the result of the command:
main-host(config)#show boot-config
Software image: flash:/EOS.swi
Console speed: 4800
Aboot password (encrypted): (not set)
The previous command places this command in the boot-command file.
boot secret
The boot secret command creates or edits the Aboot shell password and stores the encrypted string in
the PASSWORD command line of the boot-config file.
The no boot secret command removes the Aboot password from the boot-config file. When the Aboot
password does not exist, entering Aboot shell does not require a password.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
boot secret [encrypt_type] password
• encrypt_type indicates the encryption level of the password parameter. Settings include:
— <no parameter> the password is clear text.
— 0 the password is clear text. Equivalent to the <no parameter> case.
— 5 the password is an md5 encrypted string.
• password specifies the boot password.
— if encrypt-type specifies clear text, then password must be in clear text.
— if encrypt-type specifies an encrypted string, then password must be an encrypted string.
• These equivalent commands set the Aboot password to xr19v:
main-host(config)#boot secret xr19v
boot system
The boot system command specifies the location of the EOS software image that Aboot loads when the
switch boots. The command can refer to files on flash or on a module in the USB flash port.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
boot system device file_path
• device specifies the location of the image file. Settings include
— file: file is located in the switch file directory.
— flash: file is located in flash memory.
— usb1: file is located on a drive inserted in the USB flash port. Available if a drive is in the port.
• file_path specifies the path and name of the file.
• This command designates EOS1.swi, on USB flash memory, as the EOS software image load file.
main-host(config)#boot system usb1:EOS1.swi
The CLI command places this command in the boot-command file.
• This command designates EOS.swi, on the switch flash, as the EOS software image load file.
main-host(config)#boot system flash:EOS.swi
The CLI command places this command in the boot-command file.
The reload command resets the switch.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
reload [reset_type] [confirm_type]
• reset_type specifies a hard or soft reset.
— <no parameter> triggers a soft reset
— power triggers a hard reset.
• confirm_type specifies the confirmation messages the switch displays after a reboot request.
— <no parameter> the switch requires a confirmation before starting the reset.
— now the reset begins immediately; the user is not prompted to confirm the reset request.
7.2.1 Temperature
Arista switches include internal temperature sensors. The number and location of the sensors vary with
each switch model. Each sensor is assigned temperature thresholds that denote alert and critical
conditions. Temperatures that exceed the threshold trigger the following:
• Alert Threshold: All fans run at maximum speed and a warning message is logged.
• Critical Threshold: The component is shut down immediately and its Status LED flashes orange.
In modular systems, cards are shut down when their temperatures exceed the critical threshold. The
switch is shut down if the temperature remains above the critical threshold for three minutes.
7.2.2 Fans
Arista switches include fan modules that maintain internal components at proper operating
temperatures. The number and type of fans vary with switch chassis type:
• Fixed configuration switches contain hot-swappable independent fans. Fan models with different
airflow directions are available. All fans within a switch must have the same airflow direction.
• Modular switches contain independent fans that circulate air from front-to-rear panel. Power
supplies for modular switches also include fans that cool the power supply and supervisors.
The switch operates normally when one fan is not operating. Nonfunctioning modules should not be
removed from the switch unless they are immediately replaced; adequate switch cooling requires the
installation of all components, including a non-functional fan.
Two non-operational fans trigger an insufficient fan shutdown condition. Under normal operations, this
condition initiates a switch power down procedure.
Fans are accessible from the rear panel.
7.2.3 Power
Arista switches contain power supplies which provide power to internal components.
• Fixed configuration switches contain two power supplies, providing 1+1 redundancy.
• Modular switches contain four power supplies, providing a minimum of 2+2 redundancy.
Power supply LED indicators are visible from the rear panel. Overheating
The switch can be configured to continue operating during temperature shutdown conditions. Ignoring
a temperature shutdown condition is strongly discouraged because operating at high temperatures can
damage the switch and void the warranty.
Temperature shutdown condition actions are specified by the environment overheat action command.
The switch displays this warning when configured to ignore shutdown temperature conditions.
Switch(config)#environment overheat action ignore
WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system
is overheating is unsupported and should only be done under
the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging
hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing
so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding
your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use
the 'environment overheat action shutdown' command.
The running-config contains the environment overheat action command when it is set to ignore. When
the command is not in running-config, the switch shuts down when an overheating condition exists.
The following running-config file lists the environment overheat action command.
Switch#show running-config
! device: main-host (DCS-7124S, EOS-4.4.0)
username david secret 5 $1$o0WIXyim$dbYM4M/s/ol6Ytas8WlvY/ Fans
The show environment cooling command displays the cooling and fan status.
This command displays the fan and cooling status.
Switch>show environment cooling
System cooling status is: Ok
Ambient temperature: 22C
Airflow: front-to-back
Fan Tray Status Speed
--------- --------------- ------
1 Ok 35%
2 Ok 35%
3 Ok 35%
4 Ok 35%
5 Ok 35%
Switch> Power
The show environment power command displays the status of the power supplies.
This command displays the status of the power supplies:
Switch>show environment power
Power Input Output Output
Supply Model Capacity Current Current Power Status
------- -------------------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------------
1 PWR-650AC 650W 0.44A 10.50A 124.0W Ok
This command displays the temperature, cooling, fan, and power supply status:
Switch>show environment all
System temperature status is: Ok
Alert Critical
Sensor Description Temperature Threshold Threshold
------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
1 Front-panel temp sensor 22.750C 65C 75C
2 Fan controller 1 sensor 24.000C 75C 85C
3 Fan controller 2 sensor 29.000C 75C 85C
4 Switch chip 1 sensor 41.000C 105C 115C
5 VRM 1 temp sensor 49.000C 105C 110C
environment fan-speed
The environment fan-speed command determines the method of controlling the fan speed of the
switch fans. The switch automatically controls the fan speed by default.
The switch normally controls the fan speed to maintain optimal operating temperatures. The fans can
be configured to operate at a constant speed regardless of the switch temperature conditions.
Important Overriding the system fan speed is unsupported and should only be done under the direction of
an Arista Networks engineer. You can risk damaging hardware by setting the fan speed too low.
Doing so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding your warranty.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
environment fan-speed action
• action – fan speed control method. Valid settings include:
— auto fan speed is controlled by the switch.
This option restores the default setting by removing the environment fan-speed override
command from the configuration.
— override percent fan speed is set to the specified percentage of the maximum. Valid percent
settings range from 30 to 100.
• This command overrides the automatic fan speed control and configures the fans to operate at 50%
of maximum speed.
switch(config)#environment fan-speed override 50
WARNING: Overriding the system fan speed is unsupported and should only
be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer.
You can risk damaging hardware by setting the fan speed too low
and doing so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds
for voiding your warranty.
To set the fan speed back to automatic mode, use the
'environment fan-speed auto' command
• This command restores control of the fan speed to the switch.
switch(config)#environment fan-speed auto
Important Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system has insufficient fans inserted is
unsupported and should only be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You
risk damaging hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing so without
direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding your warranty.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
environment insufficient-fans action switch-action
• switch-action – configures action when switch senses an insufficient fan condition. Settings include:
— ignore switch continues operating when insufficient fans are operating.
— shutdown switch shuts power down when insufficient fans are operating.
The shutdown parameter restores default behavior by removing the environment insufficient-fans
command from running-config.
• This command configures the switch to continue operating after it senses an insufficient fan
switch(config)#environment insufficient-fans action ignore
WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system
has insufficient fans inserted is unsupported and should only be done under
the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging
hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing
so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding
your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use
the 'environment insufficient-fans action shutdown' command.
• This command configures the switch to shut down when it senses an insufficient fan condition.
switch(config)#environment insufficient-fans action shutdown
Important Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system is overheating is unsupported and
should only be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging
hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing so without direction from
Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding your warranty.
Arista switches include internal temperature sensors. The number and location of the sensors vary with
each switch model. Each sensor is assigned temperature thresholds that denote alert and critical
conditions. Temperatures that exceed the threshold trigger the following:
• Alert Threshold: All fans run at maximum speed and a warning message is logged.
• Critical Threshold: The component is shut down immediately and its Status LED flashes orange.
In modular systems, cards are shut down when their temperatures exceed the critical threshold. The
switch normally shuts down if the temperature remains above the critical threshold for three minutes.
Command Syntax
environment overheat action heat-action
• heat-action – reaction to an overheat condition. Default value is shutdown.
— shutdown switch shuts power down by an overheat condition.
— ignore switch continues operating during an overheat condition.
• This command configures the switch to continue operating after it senses an overheat condition.
switch(config)#environment overheat action ignore
WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system
is overheating is unsupported and should only be done under
the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging
hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing
so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding
your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use
the 'environment overheat action shutdown' command.
• This command configures the switch to shut down when it senses an insufficient fan condition.
switch(config)#environment overheat action shutdown
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show environment all
• This command displays the switch’s temperature, cooling, and power supply status
switch#show environment all
System temperature status is: Ok
Alert Critical
Sensor Description Temperature Threshold Threshold
------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
1 Front-panel temp sensor 31.000C 65C 75C
2 Fan controller 1 sensor 32.000C 75C 85C
3 Fan controller 2 sensor 38.000C 75C 85C
4 Switch chip 1 sensor 50.000C 105C 115C
5 VRM 1 temp sensor 60.000C 105C 110C
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show environment cooling
Display Values
• System cooling status:
— Ok no more than one fan has failed or is not inserted.
— Insufficient fans more than one fan has failed or is not inserted. This status is also displayed
if fans with different airflow directions are installed. The switch shuts down if the error is not
• Ambient temperature temperature of the surrounding area.
• Airflow indicates the direction of the installed fans:
— front-to-back all fans flow air from the front to the rear of the chassis.
— back-to-front all fans flow air from the rear to the front of the chassis.
— incompatible fans fans with different airflow directions are inserted.
— Unknown The switch is initializing.
• Fan Tray Status table displays the status and operating speed of each fan. Status values indicate
the following conditions:
— OK The fan is operating normally.
— Failed The fan is not operating normally.
— Unknown The system is initializing.
— Not Inserted The system is unable to detect the specified fan.
— Unsupported The system detects a fan that the current software version does not support.
• This command displays the fan status, air flow direction, and ambient switch temperature.
switch#show environment cooling
System cooling status is: Ok <---cooling status
Ambient temperature: 30C <---ambient temperature
Airflow: front-to-back <---airflow direction
Fan Tray Status Speed
--------- --------------- ------
1 Ok 51% <---fan speed and status
2 Ok 51%
3 Ok 51%
4 Ok 51%
5 Ok 51%
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show environment power
• This command displays the status of power supplies on the switch.
switch#show environment power
Power Input Output Output
Supply Model Capacity Current Current Power Status
------- -------------------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------------
1 PWR-760AC 760W 0.81A 11.00A 132.8W Ok
2 PWR-760AC 760W 0.00A 0.00A 0.0W AC Loss
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show environment temperature info-level
• info level – specifies level of detail that the command displays. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays table that lists the temperature and thresholds of each sensor.
— detail displays data block for each sensor listing the current temperature and historic data.
Display Values
• System temperature status is the first line that the command displays. Values report the following:
— Ok All sensors report temperatures below the alert threshold.
— Overheating At least one sensor reports a temperature above its alert threshold.
— Critical At least one sensor reports a temperature above its critical threshold.
— Unknown The switch is initializing.
— Sensor Failed At least one sensor is not functioning.
• This command displays a table that lists the temperature measured by each sensor.
switch#show environment temperature
System temperature status is: Ok
Alert Critical
Sensor Description Temperature Threshold Threshold
------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
1 Front-panel temp sensor 30.750C 65C 75C
2 Fan controller 1 sensor 32.000C 75C 85C
3 Fan controller 2 sensor 38.000C 75C 85C
4 Switch chip 1 sensor 50.000C 105C 115C
5 VRM 1 temp sensor 60.000C 105C 110C
• This command lists the temperature listed by each sensor, and includes the number of previous
alerts, the time of the last alert, and the time of the last temperature change.
switch#show environment temperature detail
TempSensor1 - Front-panel temp sensor
Current State Count Last Change
Temperature 30.750C
Max Temperature 35.000C 4 days, 23:35:24 ago
Alert False 0 never
Ethernet Ports
This chapter describes Ethernet ports supported by Arista switches. Sections covered in this chapter
• Section 8.1: Ethernet Ports Introduction
• Section 8.2: Ethernet Standards
• Section 8.3: Ethernet Physical Layer
• Section 8.4: Interfaces
• Section 8.5: Ethernet Configuration
• Section 8.6: Ethernet Configuration Commands
x y z
media type or wavelength, if PHY encoding type Number of WWDM wavelengths or XAUI
media type is fiber Lanes
C = Copper (twin axial) R = LAN PHY (64B/66B) If omitted, value = 1 (serial)
T = Twisted Pair X = LAN PHY (8B/10B) 4 = 4 WWDM wavelengths or XAUI Lanes
S = Short (850 nm) W = WAN PHY(*) (64B/66B)
L = Long (1310 nm)
E = Extended (1550 nm)
Z = Ultra extended (1550 nm)
Table 8-1 10GBASE-xyz Interpretation
8.3.1 PHYs
The PHY provides translation services between the MAC layer and transceiver. It also assists to establish
links between the local MAC layer and peer devices by detecting and signaling fault conditions. The
PHY line-side interface receives Ethernet frames from the link partner as analog waveforms. The PHY
uses signal processing to recover the encoded bits, then sends them to the MAC layer.
PHY line-side interface components and their functions include:
• Physical Medium Attachment (PMA): Framing, octet synchronization, scrambling / descrambling.
• Physical Medium Dependent (PMD): Consists of the transceiver.
• Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS): Performs auto-negotiation and coding (8B/10B or 64B/66B).
The MAC sublayer of the PHY provides a logical connection between the MAC layer and the peer device
by initializing, controlling, and managing the connection with the peer.
Ethernet frames transmitted by the switch are received by the PHY system-side interface as a sequence
of digital bits. The PHY encodes them into a media-specific waveform for transmission through the
line-side interface and transceiver to the link peer. This encoding may include signal processing, such
as signal pre-distortion and forward error correction.
PHY system-side interface components that their functions include:
• 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI): Connects an Ethernet MAC to a 10 G PHY.
• Serial Gigabit Media Independent Attachment (SGMII): Connects an Ethernet MAC to a 1G PHY.
8.3.2 Transceivers
A transceiver connects the PHY to an external cable (optical fiber or twisted-pair copper) and through a
physical connector (LC jack for fiber or RJ-45 jack for copper).
• Optical transceivers convert the PHY signal into light pulses that are sent through optical fiber.
• Copper transceivers connect the PHY to twisted-pair copper cabling.
Arista Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP+) and Quad Small Form Factor Pluggable (QSFP+) modules
and cables provide high-density, low-power Ethernet connectivity over fiber and copper media. Arista
offers transceivers that span data rates, media types, and transmission distances.
Internal ports
Several Arista switches include internal ports that connect directly to an external cable through an RJ-45
jack. Internal ports available on Arista switches include:
• 10GBASE-T (7140T-8S, 7120T-4S)
• 100/1000BASE-T (7048T-A)
• 100/1000/10GBASE-T (7050-T, 7100-T)
8.4 Interfaces
Arista switches provide two physical interface types that receive, process, and transmit Ethernet frames:
Ethernet interfaces and Management interfaces.
Each Ethernet interface is assigned a 48-bit MAC address and communicates with other interfaces by
exchanging data packets. Each packet contains the MAC address of its source and destination interface.
Ethernet interfaces establish link level connections by exchanging packets. Interfaces do not typically
accept packets with a destination address of a different interface.
Ethernet data packets are frames. A frame begins with preamble and start fields, followed by an
Ethernet header that includes source and destination MAC addresses. The middle section contains
payload data, including headers for other protocols carried in the frame. The frame ends with a 32-bit
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) field that interfaces use to detect data corrupted during transmission.
Three MAC address types specify the scope of LAN interfaces that an address represents:
• unicast: represents a single interface.
• broadcast: represents all interfaces.
• multicast: represents a subset of all interfaces.
The least Individual/Group (I/G) bit distinguishes unicast MAC addresses from multicast addresses. As
shown in Figure 8-1, the I/G bit is the least significant bit of the most significant byte in a MAC address.
• Unicast addresses: the I/G bit is 0: 1234.1111.1111 is a unicast MAC addresss.
• Multicast address: the I/G bit is 1: 1134.1111.1111 is a multicast MAC address.
The broadcast MAC address is always FFFF.FFFF.FFFF.
Figure 8-1 MAC Address Types
• This command places the switch in Ethernet-interface configuration mode for Ethernet
interfaces 5-7 and 10.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5-7,10
The interface management command places the switch in management configuration mode.
• This command places the switch in management-interface configuration mode for
management interface 1.
switch(config)#interface management 1
• This command assigns the MAC address of 001c.2804.17e1 to Ethernet interface 7, then displays
interface parameters, including the assigned address.
switch(config-if-Et7)#mac-address 001c.2804.17e1
• This command displays the MAC address of Ethernet interface 7. The active MAC address is
001c.2804.17e1. The default address is 001c.7312.02e2.
switch(config-if-Et7)#show interface ethernet 7
Ethernet7 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Hardware is Ethernet, address is 001c.2804.17e1 (bia 001c.7312.02e2)
Description: b.e45
• This command displays the status of interfaces 1 to 10 on linecard4:
switch>show interface ethernet 4/1-10 status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Et4/1 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/2 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/3 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/4 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/5 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/6 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/7 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/8 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/9 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
Et4/10 connected 1 full 10G Not Present
• The /2, /3, and /4 ports are errdisabled when the interface is configured as a single 40 port;
• all ports are active (connected or not connected), when the interface is configured as four 10Gports.
On DCS-7050S-64, interface 49 is a QSFP+ interface. Its ports are listed as 49/1, 49/2, 49/3, and 49/4.
Port status depends on the interface configuration:
• 40G port configuration: 49/1 is connected or not connected; 49/2, 49/3, and 49/4 is errdisabled.
• 4x10G port configuration: 49/1, 49/2, 49/3, and 49/4 status is connected or not connected.
The speed forced 40gfull command configures a QSFP+ Ethernet interface as a 40G port. The no speed
forced 40gfull command configures a QSFP+ Ethernet interface as four 10G ports. These commands
reset the forwarding agent, which disrupts traffic on all switch ports. These commands must be applied
to the /1 port.
To configure a QSFP+ Ethernet interface as a single 40G port:
Step 1 Enter Interface Ethernet configuration mode for port /1 of the QSFP+ Ethernet interface.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 49/1
Step 2 Enter speed force 40gfull command:
switch(config-if-Et49/1)#speed forced 40gfull
This step restarts the forwarding agent, which disrupts traffic on all switch ports. The agent
may require more than a minute to restart.
Step 3 Enter show interface status to confirm the change in configuration.
switch(config-if-Et49/1)#show interface status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Et1 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SR
Et48 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SR
Et49/1 connected 1 full 40G 40GBASE-CR
Et49/2 errdisabled 1 full 10G 40GBASE-CR
Et49/3 errdisabled 1 full 10G 40GBASE-CR
Et49/4 errdisabled 1 full 10G 40GBASE-CR
Et50/1 connected 1 full 10G 40GBASE-CR
Port Group 1 Port Group 2 QSFP Ports enabled SFP Ports enabled Default
QSFP+ enabled QSFP+ enabled 16: Ports 1-16 none Yes
QSFP+ enabled SFP+ enabled 15: Ports 1-15 4: Ports 21-24 No
SFP+ enabled QSFP+ enabled 15: Ports 1-14, 16 4: Ports 17-20 No
SFP+ enabled SFP+ enabled 14: Ports 1-14 8: Ports 17-24 No
Table 8-2 Port Group Configuration Options
The hardware port-group command determines the interface configuration for the specified port
group. This command restarts the forwarding agent, which disrupts traffic on all switch ports. The
agent may require more than one minute to restart.
These commands enable the QSFP+ interfaces in both port groups:
switch(config)#hardware port-group 1 select Et15/1-4
switch(config)#hardware port-group 2 select Et16/1-4
These commands enable the SFP+ interfaces in both port groups:
switch(config)#hardware port-group 1 select Et17-20
switch(config)#hardware port-group 2 select Et21-24
• These commands configure the switch to provide availability to 15 QSFP+ and four SFP+
interfaces by enabling the QSFP+ interface in port group 2 and the SFP+ interfaces in port
group 1.
switch(config)#hardware port-group 1 select Et17-20
switch(config)#hardware port-group 2 select Et16/1-4
The show hardware port-group command displays the status of ports in the port groups.
• This command displays the status of ports in the two port groups on a DCS-7050Q-16 switch.
switch>show hardware port-group
Default setting is autonegotiate, offering 1G full and 100M; preferred setting is 1G full.
Autonegotiation that offers only 100M is available through speed spf-1000baset auto command.
Half duplex and 10M are not supported. The interface accepts speed forced commands for the
supported speed and duplex settings.
• 1000BASE (fiber): Operates as 1G full port. Speed command does not affect interface.
• 40GBASE (QSFP+): Default is 4x10G-full. Speed forced 40gfull affects interface.
Default setting is as four 10G full duplex ports. Speed forced 40gfull configures interface as a single
40G full duplex port.
• 10/100/1000: Default is autonegotiate. Speed command affects interface.
Default setting is autonegotiate, offering 1G full, 100M full, 10M full, 1G half, 100M half, and 10M
half; preferred setting is 1G full. The interface accepts speed forced commands for the supported
speed and duplex options.
• This command configures a 40GBASE interface as a 40G port.
switch(config-if-Et49/1)#speed forced 40gfull
• These commands set the flow control receive and send to on on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#flowcontrol receive on
switch(config-if-Et5)#flowcontrol send on
Port Type
The port type is viewable from the output of show interfaces status, show interfaces capabilities, and
show interfaces transceiver properties commands.
• This show interfaces status command displays the status of Ethernet interfaces 1-5.
switch>show interfaces status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Et1 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et2 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et3 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et4 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et5 notconnect 1 full 10G Not Present
• This show interfaces capabilities command displays the status of Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 capabilities
Model: DCS-7124S
Speed/Duplex: 10G/full
Flowcontrol: rx-(off,on),tx-(off,on)
Model: DCS-7124S
Speed/Duplex: 10G/full
Flowcontrol: rx-(off,on),tx-(off,on)
• This command displays the media type, speed, and duplex properties for Ethernet interfaces 1.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1 transceiver properties
Name : Et1
Administrative Speed: 10G
Administrative Duplex: full
Operational Speed: 10G (forced)
Operational Duplex: full (forced)
Media Type: 10GBASE-SRL
PHY information for each Ethernet interface is viewed by entering the show interfaces phy command.
• This command summarizes PHY information for Ethernet interfaces 1-3.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-3 phy
U = Link up
D = Link down
R = RX Fault
T = TX Fault
B = High BER
L = No Block Lock
A = No XAUI Lane Alignment
0123 = No XAUI lane sync in lane N
State Reset
Port PHY state Changes Count PMA/PMD PCS XAUI
-------------- --------------- -------- -------- ------- ----- --------
Ethernet1 linkUp 14518 1750 U.. U.... U.......
Ethernet2 linkUp 13944 1704 U.. U.... U.......
Ethernet3 detectingXcvr 3 1 D..A0123
Negotiated Settings
Speed, duplex, and flow control settings are displayed through the show interfaces capabilities, PHY
information for each Ethernet interface is viewed by entering the show interfaces capabilities, show
flowcontrol, and show interfaces status.
• This command displays speed/duplex and flow control settings for Ethernet interface 1.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1 capabilities
Model: DCS-7124S
Speed/Duplex: 10G/full
Flowcontrol: rx-(off,on),tx-(off,on)
• This command displays the flow control settings for Ethernet interfaces 1-2.
switch>show flowcontrol interface ethernet 1-2
Port Send FlowControl Receive FlowControl RxPause TxPause
admin oper admin oper
--------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------- -------------
Et1 off off off off 0 0
Et2 off off off off 0 0
• This command displays the speed type and duplex settings for Ethernet interfaces 1-2.
switch>show interfaces management 1-2 status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Ma1 connected routed a-full a-100M 10/100/1000
Ma2 connected routed a-full a-1G 10/100/1000
flowcontrol receive
The flowcontrol receive command configures administrative settings for inbound flow control packets.
Ethernet ports use flow control to delay packet transmission when port buffers run out of space. Ports
transmit a pause frame when its buffer is full, signaling its peer port to delay sending packets for a
specified period.
The flowcontrol receive command configures the port's ability to receive flow control pause frames.
• off: port does not process pause frames that it receives.
• on: port processes pause frames that it receives
• desired: port autonegotiates flow control; processes pause frames if the peer is set to send desired.
Desired is not an available parameter option. Ethernet data ports cannot be set to desired.
Management ports are set to desired by default and with the no flowcontrol receive command.
The port linking process includes flow control negotiation. Ports must have compatible flow control
settings to create a link. Compatible flow control settings include:
The no flowcontrol receive and default flowcontrol receive commands restore the default flow control
setting for the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding flowcontrol receive
command from running-config. The default setting is off for Ethernet data ports and desired for
Management ports.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Management Configuration
Command Syntax
flowcontrol receive STATE
no flowcontrol receive
default flowcontrol receive
• STATE flow control receive setting. Options include
— on Enables a local port to process pause frames that a remote port sends.
— off Prevents a local port from processing pause frames.
• These commands set the flow control receive to on on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#flowcontrol receive on
flowcontrol send
The flowcontrol send command configures administrative settings for outbound flow control packets.
Ethernet ports use flow control to delay packet transmission when port buffers run out of space. Ports
transmit a pause frame when its buffer is full, signaling its peer port to delay sending packets for a
specified period.
The flowcontrol send command configures the port's ability to transmit flow control pause frames.
• off: port does not send pause frames.
• on: port sends pause frames.
• desired: port autonegotiates flow control; sends pause frames if the peer is set to receive desired.
Desired is not an available parameter option. Ethernet data ports cannot be set to desired.
Management ports are set to desired by default and with the no flowcontrol send command.
The port linking process includes flow control negotiation. Ports must have compatible flow control
settings to create a link. Compatible flow control settings include:
The no flowcontrol send and default flowcontrol send commands restore the default flow control
setting for the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding flowcontrol send
command from running-config. The default setting is off for Ethernet data ports and desired for
Management ports.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Management Configuration
Command Syntax
flowcontrol send STATE
no flowcontrol send
default flowcontrol send
• STATE flow control send setting. Options include
— on Enables a local port to send pause frames.
— off Prevents a local port from sending pause frames.
• These commands set the flow control send to on on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#flowcontrol send on
hardware port-group
The hardware port-group command configures a DCS-7050Q-16 port group to activate a 40GBASE
(QSFP+) interface or four 10GBASE (SFP+) interfaces, affecting QSFP+ and SFP+ availability on the
The DCS-7050Q-16 contains the following interfaces:
• 16 QSFP+ interfaces: Labeled 1-16. Each configured as a 40G port or four 10G ports
• 8 SFP+ interfaces: labeled 17-24. Each configured as a 10G port.
The switch supports the simultaneous operation of 64 10G ports, requiring the disabling of one QSFP+
interface for every four enabled SFP+ interfaces. This limitation is enforced through two port groups,
each containing one QSFP+ interface and a set of four SFP+ interfaces. In each port group, either the
QSFP+ interface or the SFP+ interface set is enabled. The port groups are configured independently.
• Port group 1 contains interface 15 (QSFP+) and interfaces 17-20 (SFP+).
• Port group 2 contains interface 16 (QSFP+) and interfaces 21-24 (SFP+).
Table 8-6 displays the port group configuration options.
Port Group 1 Port Group 2 QSFP+ Ports enabled SFP+ Ports enabled Default
QSFP+ enabled QSFP+ enabled 16: Ports 1-16 none Yes
QSFP+ enabled SFP+ enabled 15: Ports 1-15 4: Ports 21-24 No
SFP+ enabled QSFP+ enabled 15: Ports 1-14, 16 4: Ports 17-20 No
SFP+ enabled SFP+ enabled 14: Ports 1-14 8: Ports 17-24 No
Table 8-6 Port Group Configuration Options
The no hardware port-group and default hardware port-group commands restore a port group’s
default setting by removing the corresponding hardware port-group command from running-config.
The QSFP+ interface is active by default in each port group.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
hardware port-group group_number select port_list
no hardware port-group group_number
default hardware port-group group_number
• group_number label of the port group. Valid options are 1 and 2.
• port_list ports activated by command. Options depend on group_number value.
— Et15/1-4 activates QSFP+ port on port group 1. Available when group_number is 1.
— Et16/1-4 activates QSFP+ port on port group 2. Available when group_number is 2.
— Et17-20 activates SFP+ ports on port group 1. Available when group_number is 1.
— Et21-23 activates SFP+ ports on port group 2. Available when group_number is 2.
These commands enable the QSFP+ interface in port group 1 and the SFP+ interfaces in port group 2.
switch(config)#hardware port-group 1 select Et15/1-4
switch(config)#hardware port-group 2 select Et21-24
interface ethernet
The interface ethernet command places the switch in Ethernet-interface configuration mode for the
specified interfaces. The command can specify a single interface or multiple interfaces.
Ethernet interfaces are physical interfaces and are not created or removed.
Interface management commands include:
• description
• exit
• load-interval
• mtu
• shutdown (Interfaces)
Ethernet management commands include:
• flowcontrol
• mac-address
• speed
Chapters describing supported protocols and other features list additional configuration commands
available from Ethernet interface configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
interface ethernet e_range
• e_range Numerical label of Ethernet interfaces to be configured.
Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Valid
numbers depend on the Ethernet interfaces available on the switch.
• This command enters interface configuration mode for Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1-2
• This command enters interface configuration mode for Ethernet interface 1:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
interface management
The interface management command places the switch in management-interface configuration mode
for the specified interfaces. The list can specify a single interface or multiple interfaces if the switch
contains more than one management interface.
Management interfaces are physical interfaces and are not created or removed.
Interface management commands include:
• description
• exit
• load-interval
• mtu
• shutdown (Interfaces)
Ethernet management commands include:
• flowcontrol
• mac-address
• speed
Chapters describing supported protocols and other features list additional configuration commands
available from management-interface configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
interface management m_range
• m_range specifies management interfaces to be configured.
Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Number
range depends on the management interfaces available on the switch.
• This command enters interface configuration mode for management interfaces 1 and 2.
Switch(config)#interface management 1-2
• This command enters interface configuration mode for management interface 1:
Switch(config)#interface management 1
The mac-address command assigns a MAC address to the configuration mode interface. An interface’s
default MAC address is its burn-in address.
The no mac-address command reverts the interface to its default MAC address by removing the
corresponding mac-address command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Management Configuration
Command Syntax
mac-address address
no mac-address
• address MAC address assigned to the interface. Format is dotted hex notation (H.H.H).
Disallowed addresses are 0.0.0 and FFFF.FFFF.FFFF.
• This command assigns the MAC address of 001c.2804.17e1 to Ethernet interface 7, then displays
interface parameters, including the assigned address.
switch(config-if-Et7)#mac-address 001c.2804.17e1
switch(config-if-Et7)#show interface ethernet 7
Ethernet3 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Hardware is Ethernet, address is 001c.2804.17e1 (bia 001c.7312.02e2)
Description: b.e45
MTU 9212 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit
Full-duplex, 10Gb/s, auto negotiation: off
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
5 seconds input rate 7.84 kbps (0.0% with framing), 10 packets/sec
5 seconds output rate 270 kbps (0.0% with framing), 24 packets/sec
1363799 packets input, 222736140 bytes
Received 0 broadcasts, 290904 multicast
0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol
0 PAUSE input
2264927 packets output, 2348747214 bytes
Sent 0 broadcasts, 28573 multicast
0 output errors, 0 collisions
0 late collision, 0 deferred
0 PAUSE output
show flowcontrol
The show interfaces flowcontrol command displays administrative and operational flow control data
for the specified interfaces. Administrative data is the parameter settings stored in running-config for the
specified interface; the switch uses these settings to negotiate flow control with the peer switch.
Operational data is the resolved flow control setting that controls the port’s behavior.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show flowcontrol [INTERFACE]
show [INTERFACE] flowcontrol
• INTERFACE Interface type and number for which flow control data is displayed.
— <No Parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces in the specified range.
— management m_range Management interfaces in the specified range.
Valid e_range and m_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the flow control settings for Ethernet interfaces 1-10.
switch>show flowcontrol interface ethernet 1-10
Port Send FlowControl Receive FlowControl RxPause TxPause
admin oper admin oper
--------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------- -------------
Et1 off off off off 0 0
Et2 off off off off 0 0
Et3 off off off off 0 0
Et4 off off off off 0 0
Et5 off off off off 0 0
Et6 off off off off 0 0
Et7 off off off off 0 0
Et8 off off off off 0 0
Et9 off off off off 0 0
Et10 off off off off 0 0
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show clock
• This command displays the status of ports in the two port groups on a DCS-7050Q-16 switch.
switch>show hardware port-group
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] capabilities
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
Valid e_range and m_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the model number, interface type, duplex mode and flow control settings
for Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 capabilities
Model: DCS-7124S
Speed/Duplex: 10G/full
Flowcontrol: rx-(off,on),tx-(off,on)
Model: DCS-7124S
Speed/Duplex: 10G/full
Flowcontrol: rx-(off,on),tx-(off,on)
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] counters
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Related Commands
• show interfaces counters bins
• show interfaces counters errors
• show interfaces counters queue
• show interfaces counters rates
• This command displays byte and packet counters for Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 counters
Port InOctets InUcastPkts InMcastPkts InBcastPkts
Et1 99002845169 79116358 75557 2275
Et2 81289180585 76278345 86422 11
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] counters bins
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Related Commands
• show interfaces counters
• show interfaces counters errors
• show interfaces counters queue
• show interfaces counters rates
• This command displays packet counter results for Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 counters bins
Port 64 Byte 65-127 Byte 128-255 Byte 256-511 Byte
Et1 2503 56681135 1045154 1029152
Et2 8 50216275 1518179 1086297
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] counters errors
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Display Values
The table displays the following counters for each listed interface:
• FCS: Inbound packets with CRC error and proper size.
• Align: Inbound packets with improper size (undersized or oversized).
• Symbol: Inbound packets with symbol error and proper size.
• Rx: Total inbound error packets.
• Runts: Outbound packets that terminated early or dropped because of underflow.
• Giants: Outbound packets that overflowed the receiver and were dropped.
• Tx: Total outbound error packets.
Related Commands
• show interfaces counters
• show interfaces counters bins
• show interfaces counters queue
• show interfaces counters rates
• This command displays the error packet counters on Ethernet interfaces 1-2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 counters errors
Port FCS Align Symbol Rx Runts Giants Tx
Et1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Et2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] counters queue
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Related Commands
• show interfaces counters
• show interfaces counters bins
• show interfaces counters errors
• show interfaces counters rates
• This command displays the queue drop counters for Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 counters queue
Port InDrops
Et1 180
Et2 169
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] counters rates
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Related Commands
• show interfaces counters
• show interfaces counters bins
• show interfaces counters errors
• show interfaces counters queue
• This command displays rate counters for Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-2 counters rates
Port Intvl In Mbps % In Kpps Out Mbps % Out Kpps
Et1 0:05 53.3 0.5% 5 31.2 0.3% 2
Et2 0:05 43.3 0.4% 4 0.1 0.0% 0
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] negotiation [INFO_LEVEL]
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
Valid e_range and m_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays status and negotiated setting of local ports.
— detail displays status and negotiated settings of local ports and their peers.
• This command displays the negotiated status of management 1 and 2 interfaces
switch>show interface management 1-2 negotiation
Port Autoneg Negotiated Settings
Status Speed Duplex Rx Pause Tx Pause
--------- ------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Ma1 success 100M full off off
Ma2 success auto auto off off
• This command displays the negotiated status of management 1 interface and its peer interface.
switch>show interface management 1 negotiation detail
Management1 :
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] phy [INFO_LEVEL]
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> All interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces in specified range.
Valid e_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays table that summarizes phy data.
— detail command displays data block for each specified interface.
• This command summarizes PHY information for Ethernet interfaces 1-5.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-5 phy
U = Link up
D = Link down
R = RX Fault
T = TX Fault
B = High BER
L = No Block Lock
A = No XAUI Lane Alignment
0123 = No XAUI lane sync in lane N
State Reset
Port PHY state Changes Count PMA/PMD PCS XAUI
-------------- --------------- -------- -------- ------- ----- --------
Ethernet1 linkUp 14518 1750 U.. U.... U.......
Ethernet2 linkUp 13944 1704 U.. U.... U.......
Ethernet3 linkUp 13994 1694 U.. U.... U.......
Ethernet4 linkUp 13721 1604 U.. U.... U.......
Ethernet5 detectingXcvr 3 1 D..A0123
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] status [connected][notconnect][disabled]
Parameters (connected, notconnect, disabled) can be placed in any order.
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> All existing interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces in the specified range.
— management m_range Management interfaces in the specified range.
— port-channel p_range All existing port-channel interfaces in the specified range.
Valid e_range, m_range, and p_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• STATUS_LEVEL interface status upon which the command filters output. Options include:
— <no parameter> command does not filter on interface status.
— connected interfaces connected to another port.
— notconnect unconnected interfaces that are capable of connecting to another port
— disabled interfaces that have been powered down or disabled.
• This command displays the status of Ethernet interfaces 1-5.
switch>show interfaces status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Et1 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et2 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et3 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et4 connected 1 full 10G 10GBASE-SRL
Et5 notconnect 1 full 10G Not Present
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] status errdisabled
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Valid e_range and m_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the errdisabled ports.
switch>show interfaces status errdisabled
Port Name Status Reason
------------ ---------------- ----------------- ------------------
Et49/2 errdisabled multi-lane-intf
Et49/3 errdisabled multi-lane-intf
Et49/4 errdisabled multi-lane-intf
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] transceiver [DATA_FORMAT]
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
Valid e_range, and m_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
• DATA_FORMAT format used to display the data. Options include:
— <no parameter> table entries separated by tabs.
— csv table entries separated by commas.
Related Commands
• show interfaces transceiver properties
• This command displays transceiver data on Ethernet interfaces 1 through 4.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-4 transceiver
If device is externally calibrated, only calibrated values are printed.
N/A: not applicable, Tx: transmit, Rx: receive.
mA: milliamperes, dBm: decibels (milliwatts).
Bias Optical Optical
Temp Voltage Current Tx Power Rx Power Last Update
Port (Celsius) (Volts) (mA) (dBm) (dBm) (Date Time)
----- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------------------
Et1 34.17 3.30 6.75 -2.41 -2.83 2011-12-02 16:18:48
Et2 35.08 3.30 6.75 -2.23 -2.06 2011-12-02 16:18:42
Et3 36.72 3.30 7.20 -2.02 -2.14 2011-12-02 16:18:49
Et4 35.91 3.30 6.92 -2.20 -2.23 2011-12-02 16:18:45
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] transceiver properties
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
Valid e_range and m_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
Related Commands
• show interfaces transceiver
• This command displays the media type, speed, and duplex properties for Ethernet interfaces 1-3.
switch>show interfaces ethernet 1-3 transceiver properties
Name : Et1
Administrative Speed: 10G
Administrative Duplex: full
Operational Speed: 10G (forced)
Operational Duplex: full (forced)
Media Type: 10GBASE-SRL
Name : Et2
Administrative Speed: 10G
Administrative Duplex: full
Operational Speed: 10G (forced)
Operational Duplex: full (forced)
Media Type: 10GBASE-SRL
Name : Et3
Administrative Speed: 10G
Administrative Duplex: full
Operational Speed: 10G (forced)
Operational Duplex: full (forced)
Media Type: 10GBASE-SRL
The speed command configures the transmission speed and duplex setting for the configuration mode
interface. The scope and effect of this command depends on the interface type. The show interface
status command displays the interface type:
• 10GBASE-T: Default is 10G-full. Speed command affects interface.
• 10GBASE (SFP+): Default is 10G-full. Speed command does not affect interface.
• 1000BASE (copper): Default is 1G-full. Speed spf-1000baset auto affects interface.
• 1000BASE (fiber): Default is 1G-full. Speed command does not affect interface.
• 40GBASE (QSFP+): Default is 4x10G-full. Speed forced 40gfull configures interface as a 40G port.
• 10/100/1000: Default is auto-negotiation. Speed command (10/100/1000 options) affects interface.
The no speed and default speed commands restore the default setting for the configuration mode
interface by removing the corresponding speed command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Management Configuration
Command Syntax
speed mode
no speed
default speed
• mode transmission speed and duplex setting. Options include:
— auto auto negotiation mode.
— sfp-1000baset auto auto-negotiation mode (1000BASE-T interfaces only).
— forced 10000full 10G full duplex.
— forced 1000full 1G full duplex.
— forced 1000half 1G half duplex.
— forced 100full 100M full duplex.
— forced 100half 100M half duplex.
— forced 10full 10M full duplex.
— forced 10half 10M half duplex.
— forced 40gfull 40G full duplex.
On 40GBASE (QSFP+) interfaces, the forced 40gfull and no speed options restart the
forwarding agent, disrupting traffic on all ports for more than a minute.
• This command configures a 40GBASE interface as a 40G port.
switch(config-if-Et49/1)#speed forced 40gfull
• This command configures a 40GBASE interface as four 10G ports (default configuration).
switch(config-if-Et49/1)#no speed
During synchronization, interfaces transmit one LACP PDU per second. After synchronization is
complete, interfaces exchange one PDU every thirty seconds, facilitated by a default timeout of 30
seconds and a failure tolerance of three. Under these parameters, when the switch does not receive an
LACP PDU for an interface during a ninety second period, it records the partner interface as failed and
removes the interface from the port channel.
Fallback mode allows an active LACP interface to establish a LAG before it receives PDUs from its peer.
The fallback timer specifies the period the LAG remains active without receiving a peer PDU. Upon
timer expiry, the interface reverts to static mode with one active port. An active interface that is not in
fallback mode does not form a LAG until it receives PDUs from it peer.
The switch uses a link aggregation hash algorithm to determine the forwarding path within a Link
Aggregation Group. The IP and MAC header fields can be selected as components of the hash
These commands assign Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2 to channel group 10, enable LACP, and place
the channel group in a negotiating state:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1-2
Switch(config-if-Et1-2)#channel-group 10 mode active
These commands add Ethernet interfaces 7 through 10 to previously created channel group 10,
using the LACP trunking mode under which it was created.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 7-10
Switch(config-if-Et7-10)#channel-group 10 mode active
These commands remove add Ethernet interface 8 from previously created channel group 10.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 8
Switch(config-if-Et8)#no channel-group
This command creates port channel interface 8 and places the switch in port channel interface
configuration mode:
Switch(config)#interface port-channel 8
These commands assign create a channel group and places it in LACP-active mode.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1-2
Switch(config-if-Et1-2)#channel-group 10 mode active
This command assigns the system priority of 8192 to the switch.
Switch(config)#lacp system-priority 8192
This command assigns the port priority of 4096 to Ethernet interface 1.
Switch(config-if-Et1)#lacp port-priority 4096
This command sets the LACP rate to one second on Ethernet interface 4.
Switch(config-if-Et4)#lacp rate fast
This command enables LACP fallback mode on port-channel interface 13.
Switch(config-if-Po13)#port-channel lacp fallback
The port-channel lacp fallback timeout command specifies the period that a fallback-enabled interface
can remain in LACP active mode without receiving an LACP PDU from its peer.
This command configures an LACP fallback timeout period of 60 seconds.
Switch(config-if-Po13)#port-channel lacp fallback timeout 60
This command sets four as the minimum number of ports required by port channel 5 to be active.
switch(config-if-Po5)#port-channel min-links 4
These commands configure an FM4000 switch’s port channel load balance for IP packets by using
the MAC destination and Ethernet type fields in the hashing algorithm.
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields ip mac-header
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields mac dst-mac eth-type
These commands perform the same function on a Trident platform switch.
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance trident fields ip mac-header
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance trident fields mac dst-mac eth-type
EXEC Commands
• show lacp aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 275
• show lacp counters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 276
• show lacp interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 277
• show lacp internal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 279
• show lacp neighbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 280
• show lacp sys-id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 282
• show port-channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 283
• show port-channel limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 285
• show port-channel load-balance fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 286
• show port-channel summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 287
• show port-channel traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 288
The channel-group command assigns the configuration mode Ethernet interfaces to a channel group
and specifies LACP attributes for the channel. When adding channels to a previously created channel
group, the LACP mode for the new channel must match the mode for the existing group.
Channel groups are associated with a port channel interface immediately upon their creation. A
command that creates a new channel group also creates a port channel with a matching ID. The port
channel is configured in port-channel configuration mode. Configuration changes to a port channel
interface propagate to all Ethernet interfaces in the corresponding channel group. The interface
port-channel command places the switch in interface-port-channel configuration mode.
The no channel-group command removes the configuration mode interface from the specified channel
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
channel-group number LACP_MODE
no channel-group
• number specifies a channel group ID. Values range from 1 through 1000.
• LACP_MODE specifies the interface LACP mode. Values include:
— mode on Configures the interface as a static port channel, disabling LACP. The switch does
not verify or negotiate port channel membership with other switches.
— mode active Enables LACP on the interface in active negotiating state. The port initiates
negotiations with other ports by sending LACP packets.
— mode passive Enables LACP on the interface in a passive negotiating state. The port
responds to LACP packets but cannot start LACP negotiations.
MLAG Guidelines
Static LAG is not recommended in MLAG configurations. However, these considerations apply when
the channel group mode is on while configuring static MLAG:
• When configuring multiple interfaces on the same static port channel:
— all interfaces must physically connect to the same neighboring switch.
— the neighboring switch must configure all interfaces into the same port channel.
The switches are misconfigured when these conditions are not met.
• Disable the static port channel membership before moving any cables connected to these interfaces
or changing a static port channel membership on the remote switch.
• These commands assign Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2 to channel group 10, and enable LACP in
negotiating mode.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1-2
Switch(config-if-Et1-2)#channel-group 10 mode active
interface port-channel
The interface port-channel command places the switch in port-channel interface configuration mode
for modifying parameters of specified link aggregation (LAG) interfaces. When entering configuration
mode to modify existing port channel interfaces, the command can specify multiple interfaces.
The command creates a port channel interface if the specified interface does not exist prior to issuing
the command. When creating an interface, the command can only specify a single interface.
The no interface port-channel command deletes the specified LAG interfaces from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
interface port-channel p_range
no interface port-channel p_range
• p_range port channel interfaces (number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges).
VLAN number ranges from 1 to 1000.
When configuring a port channel, you do not first need to issue the interface port-channel command
prior to assigning a port to the port channel (see the channel-group command). The port channel
number is implicitly created when a port is added to the specified port channel with the channel-group
number command.
To display ports that are members of a port channel, issue the show port-channel number command.
All active ports in a port channel must be compatible. Compatibility comprises many factors and is
specific to a given platform. For example, compatibility may require identical operating parameters such
as speed and/or maximum transmission unit (MTU). Compatibility may only be possible between
specific ports because of internal organization of the switch.
To view information about hardware limitations for a port channel, issue the show port-channel limits
You can configure a port channel with a set of ports such that more than one subset of the member ports
are mutually compatible. port channels in EOS are designed to activate the compatible subset of ports
with the largest aggregate capacity. A subset with two 40 Gbps ports (aggregate capacity 80 Gbps) has
preference to a subset with five active 10 Gbps ports (aggregate capacity 50 Gbps).
• This example creates port channel interface 3:
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 3
Switch(config-if-Et3)#interface port-channel 3
lacp port-priority
The lacp port-priority command sets the aggregating port priority for the configuration mode interface.
Priority is supported on port channels with LACP-enabled physical interfaces.
LACP port priority determines the port that is active in a LAG in fallback mode. Numerically lower
values have higher priority. Priority is supported on port channels with LACP-enabled physical
Each port in an aggregation is assigned a 32-bit port identifier by prepending the port priority (16 bits)
to the port number (16 bits). Port priority determines the ports that are placed in standby mode when
hardware limitations prevent a single aggregation of all compatible ports.
Priority numbers range from 0 to 65535. The default is 32768. Interfaces with higher priority numbers
are placed in standby mode before interfaces with lower priority numbers.
The no lacp port-priority command restores the default port-priority to the configuration mode
interface by removing the corresponding lacp port-priority command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
lacp port-priority priority_value
no lacp port-priority
• priority_level port priority. Values range from 0 to 65535. Default is 32768
• This command assigns the port priority of 4096 to Ethernet interface 1.
Switch(config-if-Et1)#lacp port-priority 4096
lacp rate
The lacp rate command configures the LACP transmission interval on the configuration mode interface.
The LACP timeout sets the rate at which LACP control packets are sent to an LACP-supported interface.
Supported values include:
• normal: 30 seconds with synchronized interfaces; one second while interfaces are synchronizing.
• fast: one second.
This command is supported on LACP-enabled interfaces. The default value is normal.
The no lacp rate command restores the default value of normal on the configuration mode interface by
deleting the corresponding lacp rate command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
lacp rate RATE_LEVEL
no lacp rate
• RATE_LEVEL LACP transmission interval . Options include:
— fast one second.
— normal 30 seconds for synchronized interfaces; one second while interfaces synchronize.
• This command sets the LACP rate to one second on Ethernet interface 4.
Switch(config-if-Et4)#lacp rate fast
lacp system-priority
The lacp system-priority command configures the switch’s LACP system priority. Values range between
0 and 65535. Default value is 32768.
Each switch is assigned a globally unique 64-bit system identifier by prepending the system priority (16
bits) to the MAC address of one of its physical ports (48 bits). Peer devices use the system identifier when
forming an aggregation to verify that all links are from the same switch. The system identifier is also
used when dynamically changing aggregation capabilities resulting from LACP data; the system with
the numerically lower system identifier can dynamically change advertised aggregation parameters.
The no lacp system-priority command restores the default system priority by removing the
lacp system-priority command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
lacp system-priority priority_value
no lacp system-priority
• priority_value system priority number. Values range from 0 to 65535. Default is 32768.
• This command assigns the system priority of 8192 to the switch.
Switch(config)#lacp system-priority 8192
Command Mode
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
port-channel lacp fallback
no port-channel lacp fallback
• This command enables LACP fallback mode on port-channel interface 13.
Switch(config-if-Po13)#port-channel lacp fallback
Command Mode
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
port-channel lacp fallback timeout period
• period maximum interval between receipt of LACP PDU packets. Value ranges from 1 to 100
seconds. Default value is 90.
• This command configures an LACP fallback timeout of 60 seconds on port channel interface 13.
Switch(config-if-Po13)#port-channel lacp fallback timeout 60
port-channel load-balance
The port-channel load-balance command specifies the seed in the hashing algorithm that balances the
load across ports comprising a port channel. Available seed values vary by switch platform.
This command is not available on the petraA hardware. The seed is set to zero on these switches.
The no port-channel load-balance command removes the command from running-config, restoring the
default hash seed value of 0.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
port-channel load-balance HARDWARE number
no port-channel load-balance HARDWARE [number]
Parameter options vary by switch model. Verify available options with the CLI ? command.
• HARDWARE ASIC switching device. Value depends on the switch model:
— fm4000
— trident
• number The hash seed. Value range varies by switch platform.
— fm4000 number ranges from 0 to 2.
— trident number ranges from 0 to 47.
For trident switches, algorithms using hash seeds between 0 and 15 typically result in more
effective distribution of data streams across the port channels.
• This command configures the hash seed of 1:
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance fm4000 1
Command Mode
Global Configuration
The following sections describe command options for each Arista hardware platform:
• Hashing: FM4000 Hardware
• Hashing: Trident Hardware
• Hashing: petraA Hardware
Command Syntax
port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields ip [IP__FIELD_NAME]
port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields mac [MAC_FIELD_NAME]
no port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields ip
no port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields mac
default port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields ip
default port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields mac
• IP_FIELD_NAME fields the hashing algorithm uses for layer 3 routing. Options include:
— ip-tcp-udp-header
— mac-header
— ip-tcp-udp-header mac-header options may be listed in any order
• MAC_FIELD_NAME fields the hashing algorithm uses for layer 2 routing. Options include
— dst-mac
— eth-type
— src-mac
— dst-mac eth-type options may be listed in any order
— dst-mac src-mac options may be listed in any order
— eth-type src-mac options may be listed in any order
— dst-mac eth-type src-mac options may be listed in any order
• These commands configure the switch’s port channel load balance for IP packets by using the MAC
destination and Ethernet type fields in the hashing algorithm.
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields ip mac-header
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields mac dst-mac eth-type
Command Syntax
port-channel load-balance trident fields ip [IP__FIELD_NAME]
port-channel load-balance trident fields mac [MAC_FIELD_NAME]
no port-channel load-balance trident fields ip
no port-channel load-balance trident fields mac
default port-channel load-balance trident fields ip
default port-channel load-balance trident fields mac
• IP_FIELD_NAME fields the hashing algorithm uses for layer 3 routing. Options include:
— ip-tcp-udp-header
— mac-header
• MAC_FIELD_NAME fields the hashing algorithm uses for layer 2 routing. Options include:
— dst-mac
— eth-type
— src-mac
— dst-mac eth-type options may be listed in any order
— dst-mac src-mac options may be listed in any order
— eth-type src-mac options may be listed in any order
— dst-mac eth-type src-mac options may be listed in any order
• These commands configure the switch’s port channel load balance for non IP packets by using the
MAC destination and Ethernet type fields in the hashing algorithm.
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance trident fields mac dst-mac eth-type
Command Syntax
port-channel load-balance petraA fields ip [IP__FIELD_NAME]
no port-channel load-balance petraA fields ip
default port-channel load-balance petraA fields ip
• IP_FIELD_NAME fields the hashing algorithm uses for layer 3 routing. Options include:
— ip-tcp-udp-header
— mac-header
• This command configures the switch’s port channel load balance using IP packet fields.
Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance petraA fields ip mac-header
port-channel min-links
The port-channel min-links command specifies the minimum number of interfaces that the
configuration mode LAG requires to be active. This command is supported only on LACP ports. If there
are fewer ports than specified by this command, the port channel interface does not become active.
The default min-links value is 0.
Command Mode
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
port-channel min-links quantity
• quantity minimum number of interfaces. Values range from 0 to 16. Default value is 0.
• This command sets four as the minimum number of ports required by port channel 5 to be active.
switch(config-if-Po5)#port-channel min-links 4
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show lacp [PORT_LIST] aggregates [PORT_LEVEL] [INFO_LEVEL]
PORT_LEVEL and INFO_LEVEL parameters can be placed in any order.
• PORT_LIST port channels for which aggregate information is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> all configured port channels.
— c_range channel list (number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges).
Port channel numbers range from 1 to 1000.
• PORT_LEVEL ports displayed, in terms of aggregation status. Options include:
— <No Parameter> ports bundled by LACP into the port channel.
— all-ports all channel group ports, including channel group members not bundled into the
port channel interface.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> aggregate ID and bundled ports for each channel.
— brief aggregate ID and bundled ports for each channel.
— detailed aggregate ID and bundled ports for each channel.
• This command lists aggregate information for all configured port channels.
Switch#show lacp aggregates
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Aggregate ID:
Bundled Ports: Ethernet43 Ethernet44 Ethernet45 Ethernet46
Port Channel Port-Channel2:
Aggregate ID:
Bundled Ports: Ethernet47 Ethernet48
Port Channel Port-Channel3:
Aggregate ID:
Bundled Ports: Ethernet3 Ethernet4
Port Channel Port-Channel4:
Aggregate ID:
Bundled Ports: Ethernet1 Ethernet2
Port Channel Port-Channel5:
Aggregate ID:
Bundled Ports: Ethernet41
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show lacp [PORT_LIST] counters [PORT_LEVEL] [INFO_LEVEL]
PORT_LEVEL and INFO_LEVEL parameters can be placed in any order.
• PORT_LIST ports for which port information is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> all configured port channels
— c_range ports in specified channel list (number, number range, or list of numbers and ranges).
— interface ports on all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num port on Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num port on management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num port on port channel interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num port on VLAN interface specified by v_num.
— interface peerethernetpe_num port on peer Ethernet interface specified by pe_num.
— interface peerport-channelpc_num port on peer port channel interface specified by pc_num.
• PORT_LEVEL ports displayed, in terms of aggregation status. Options include:
— <No Parameter> only ports bundled by LACP into an aggregate.
— all-ports all ports, including LACP candidates that are not bundled.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays packet transmission (TX and RX) statistics.
— brief displays packet transmission (TX and RX) statistics.
— detailed displays packet transmission (TX and RX) statistics and actor-partner statistics.
• This command displays transmission statistics for all configured port channels.
Switch#show lacp counters brief
LACPDUs Markers Marker Response
Port Status RX TX RX TX RX TX Illegal
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Et43 Bundled 396979 396959 0 0 0 0 0
Et44 Bundled 396979 396959 0 0 0 0 0
Et45 Bundled 396979 396959 0 0 0 0 0
Et46 Bundled 396979 396959 0 0 0 0 0
Port Channel Port-Channel2:
Et47 Bundled 396836 396883 0 0 0 0 0
Et48 Bundled 396838 396883 0 0 0 0 0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show lacp interface [INTERFACE_PORT] [PORT_LEVEL] [INFO_LEVEL]
INTERFACE_PORT is listed first when present. Other parameters can be listed in any order.
• INTERFACE_PORT interfaces for which information is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> all interfaces in channel groups.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num port channel interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
— peerethernetpe_num peer Ethernet interface specified by pe_num.
— peerport-channelpc_num peer port-channel interface pc_num.
• PORT_LEVEL ports displayed, in terms of aggregation status. Options include:
— <No Parameter> command lists data for ports bundled by LACP into the aggregate.
— all-ports command lists data for all ports, including LACP candidates that are not bundled.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays same information as brief option.
— brief displays LACP configuration data, including sys-id, actor, priorities, and keys.
— detailed includes brief option information plus state machine data.
• This command displays LACP configuration information for all ethernet interfaces.
Switch(config)#show lacp interface
State: A = Active, P = Passive; S=ShortTimeout, L=LongTimeout;
G = Aggregable, I = Individual; s+=InSync, s-=OutOfSync;
C = Collecting, X = state machine expired,
D = Distributing, d = default neighbor state
| Partner Actor
Port Status | Sys-id Port# State OperKey PortPri Port#
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Et43 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 43 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768 43
Et44 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 44 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768 44
Et45 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 45 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768 45
Et46 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 46 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768 46
Port Channel Port-Channel2:
Et47 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-01-02-1e 23 ALGs+CD 0x0002 32768 47
Et48 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-01-02-1e 24 ALGs+CD 0x0002 32768 48
| Actor
Port Status | State OperKey PortPriority
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Et43 Bundled | ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et44 Bundled | ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et45 Bundled | ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et46 Bundled | ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel2:
Et47 Bundled | ALGs+CD 0x0002 32768
Et48 Bundled | ALGs+CD 0x0002 32768
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show lacp [PORT_LIST] internal [PORT_LEVEL] [INFO_LEVEL]
• PORT_LIST interface for which port information is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> all configured port channels
— c_range ports in specified channel list (number, number range, or list of numbers and ranges).
— interface ports on all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num port channel interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
— interface peerethernetpe_num peer Ethernet interface specified by pe_num.
— interface peerport-channelpc_num peer port channel interface specified by pc_num.
• PORT_LEVEL ports displayed, in terms of aggregation status. Options include:
— <No Parameter> command lists data for ports bundled by LACP into an aggregate.
— all-ports command lists data for all ports, including LACP candidates that are not bundled.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays same information as brief option.
— brief displays LACP configuration data, including sys-id, actor, priorities, and keys.
— detailed includes brief option information plus state machine data.
PORT_LEVEL and INFO_LEVEL parameters can be placed in any order.
• This command displays internal data for all configured port channels.
Switch#show lacp internal
LACP System-identifier: 8000,00-1c-73-04-36-d7
State: A = Active, P = Passive; S=ShortTimeout, L=LongTimeout;
G = Aggregable, I = Individual; s+=InSync, s-=OutOfSync;
C = Collecting, X = state machine expired,
D = Distributing, d = default neighbor state
|Partner Actor
Port Status | Sys-id Port# State OperKey PortPriority
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Et43 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 43 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et44 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 44 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et45 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 45 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et46 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-09-a0-f3 46 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show lacp [PORT_LIST] neighbor [PORT_LEVEL] [INFO_LEVEL]
• PORT_LIST interface for which port information is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays information for all configured port channels
— c_range ports in specified channel list (number, number range, or list of numbers and ranges).
— interface ports on all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num port channel interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
— interface peerethernetpe_num peer Ethernet interface specified by pe_num.
— interface peerport-channelpc_num peer port channel interface specified by pc_num.
• PORT_LEVEL ports displayed, in terms of aggregation status. Options include:
— <No Parameter> command lists data for ports bundled by LACP into an aggregate.
— all-ports command lists data for all ports, including LACP candidates that are not bundled.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays same information as brief option.
— brief displays LACP configuration data, including sys-id, actor, priorities, and keys.
— detailed includes brief option information plus state machine data.
PORT_LEVEL and INFO_LEVEL parameters can be placed in any order.
• This command displays the LACP protocol state of the remote neighbor for all port channels.
Switch>show lacp neighbor
State: A = Active, P = Passive; S=ShortTimeout, L=LongTimeout;
G = Aggregable, I = Individual; s+=InSync, s-=OutOfSync;
C = Collecting, X = state machine expired,
D = Distributing, d = default neighbor state
| Partner
Port Status | Sys-id Port# State OperKey PortPri
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Et1 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-00-13-19 1 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et2 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-00-13-19 2 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel2:
Et23 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-04-36-d7 47 ALGs+CD 0x0002 32768
Et24 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-04-36-d7 48 ALGs+CD 0x0002 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel4*:
Et3 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-0b-a8-0e 45 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Et4 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-0b-a8-0e 46 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel5*:
Et19 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-0c-30-09 49 ALGs+CD 0x0005 32768
Et20 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-0c-30-09 50 ALGs+CD 0x0005 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel6*:
Et6 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-01-07-b9 49 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel7*:
Et5 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-0f-6b-22 51 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
Port Channel Port-Channel8*:
Et10 Bundled | 8000,00-1c-73-10-40-fa 51 ALGs+CD 0x0001 32768
* - Only local interfaces for MLAGs are displayed. Connect to the peer to
see the state for peer interfaces.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show lacp sys-id [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays system identifier
— brief displays system identifier.
— detailed displays system identifier and system priority, including the MAC address.
• This command displays the system identifier.
Switch#show lacp sys-id brief
• This command displays the system identifier and system priority.
Switch#show lacp sys-id detailed
System Identifier used by LACP:
System priority: 32768 Switch MAC Address: 00:1c:73:04:36:d7
802.11.43 representation: 8000,00-1c-73-04-36-d7
show port-channel
The show port-channel command displays information about members the specified port channels.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show port-channel [MEMBERS] [PORT_LIST] [INFO_LEVEL]
• MEMBERS list of port channels for information is displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> all configured port channels.
— c_range ports in specified channel list (number, number range, or list of numbers and ranges).
• PORT_LEVEL ports displayed, in terms of aggregation status. Options include:
— <no parameter> Displays information on ports that are active members of the LAG.
— active-ports Displays information on ports that are active members of the LAG.
— all-ports Displays information on all ports (active or inactive) configured for LAG.
• INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> Displays information at the brief level.
— brief Displays information at the brief level.
— detail Displays information at the detail level.
Display Values
• Port Channel Type and name of the port channel.
• Time became active Time when the port channel came up.
• Protocol Protocol operating on the port.
• Mode Status of the Ethernet interface on the port. The status value is Active or Inactive.
• No active ports Number of active ports on the port channel.
• Configured but inactive ports Ports configured but that are not actively up.
• Reason unconfigured Reason why the port is not part of the LAG.
You can configure a port channel to contain many ports, but only a subset may be active at a time. All
active ports in a port channel must be compatible. Compatibility includes many factors and is platform
specific. For example, compatibility may require identical operating parameters such as speed and
maximum transmission unit (MTU). Compatibility may only be possible between specific ports because
of the internal organization of the switch.
• This command displays output from the show port-channel command:
Switch#show port-channel 3
Port Channel Port-Channel3:
Active Ports:
Port Time became active Protocol Mode
Ethernet3 15:33:41 LACP Active
PeerEthernet3 15:33:41 LACP Active
• This command displays output from the show port-channel active-ports command:
Switch#show port-channel active-ports
Port Channel Port-Channel3:
No Active Ports
Port Channel Port-Channel11:
No Active Ports
• This command displays output from the show port-channel all-ports command:
Switch#show port-channel all-ports
Port Channel Port-Channel3:
No Active Ports
Configured, but inactive ports:
Port Time became inactive Reason unconfigured
Ethernet3 Always not compatible with aggregate
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show port-channel limits
• This command displays show port-channel list output:
Switch#show port-channel limits
LAG Group: focalpoint
Max port-channels per group: 24, Max ports per port-channel: 16
24 compatible ports: Ethernet1 Ethernet2 Ethernet3 Ethernet4
Ethernet5 Ethernet6 Ethernet7 Ethernet8
Ethernet9 Ethernet10 Ethernet11 Ethernet12
Ethernet13 Ethernet14 Ethernet15 Ethernet16
Ethernet17 Ethernet18 Ethernet19 Ethernet20
Ethernet21 Ethernet22 Ethernet23 Ethernet24
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show port-channel load-balance HARDWARE fields
• HARDWARE ASIC switching device. Selection options depend on the switch model and include:
— fm4000
— petraA
— trident
• This command displays the hashing fields used for balancing port channel load.
Switch(config)#show port-channel load-balance fm4000 fields
Source MAC address hashing for non-IP packets is ON
Destination MAC address hashing for non-IP packets is ON
Ethernet type hashing for non-IP packets is ON
Source MAC address hashing for IP packets is ON
Destination MAC address hashing for IP packets is ON
Ethernet type hashing for IP packets is ON
IP source address hashing is ON
IP destination address hashing is ON
IP protocol field hashing is ON
TCP/UDP source port hashing is ON
TCP/UDP destination port hashing is ON
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show port-channel summary
• This command displays show port-channel summary output:
Switch#show port-channel summary
a - LACP Active p - LACP Passive
U - In Use D - Down
+ - In-Sync - - Out-of-Sync i - incompatible with agg
P - bundled in Po s - suspended G - Aggregable
I - Individual S - ShortTimeout w - wait for agg
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show port-channel [MEMBERS] traffic
• MEMBERS list of port channels for which information is displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> all configured port channels.
— c_range ports in specified channel list (number, number range, or list of numbers and ranges).
• This command displays traffic distribution for all configured port channels.
Switch>show port-channel traffic
ChanId Port Rx-Ucst Tx-Ucst Rx-Mcst Tx-Mcst Rx-Bcst Tx-Bcst
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
8 Et10 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 Et1 13.97% 42.37% 47.71% 30.94% 0.43% 99.84%
1 Et2 86.03% 57.63% 52.29% 69.06% 99.57% 0.16%
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
2 Et23 48.27% 50.71% 26.79% 73.22% 0.00% 100.00%
2 Et24 51.73% 49.29% 73.21% 26.78% 0.00% 0.00%
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
4 Et3 55.97% 63.29% 51.32% 73.49% 0.00% 0.00%
4 Et4 44.03% 36.71% 48.68% 26.51% 0.00% 0.00%
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
5 Et19 39.64% 37.71% 50.00% 90.71% 0.00% 0.00%
5 Et20 60.36% 62.29% 50.00% 9.29% 0.00% 100.00%
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
6 Et6 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%
------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
7 Et5 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%
This chapter describes Arista’s VLAN implementation, including private VLANs. MAC address tables
are also discussed in this chapter.
Sections in this chapter include:
• Section 10.1: Introduction
• Section 10.2: VLAN Conceptual Overview
• Section 10.3: VLAN Configuration Procedures
• Section 10.4: VLAN Configuration Commands
10.1 Introduction
Arista switches support industry standard 802.1q vlans. Arista EOS provides tools to manage and
extend VLANs throughout the data center network.
• This command creates VLAN 45 and enters VLAN configuration mode for the new VLAN.
switch(config)#vlan 45
To assign a name to a VLAN, use the name (VLAN configuration mode) command.
• These commands assign the name Marketing to VLAN 45.
switch(config)#vlan 45
switch(config-vlan-45)#name Marketing
switch(config-vlan-45)#show vlan 45
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------
45 Marketing active Et1
To change a VLAN’s state, use the state command in VLAN configuration mode.
• These commands suspend VLAN 45. VLAN traffic is blocked on all switch ports.
switch(config)#vlan 45
switch(config-vlan-45)#state suspend
switch(config-vlan-45)#show vlan 45
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------
45 Marketing suspended
To activate the VLAN, use the state command with the active argument.
• These commands activate VLAN 45.
switch(config)#vlan 45
switch(config-vlan-45)#state active
switch(config-vlan-45)#show vlan 45
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------
45 Marketing active Et1
• This command configures Ethernet interface 1 as an access port.
main-host(config-if-Et1)#switchport mode access
To specify the port’s access VLAN, use the switchport access vlan command.
• This command configures VLAN 15 as the access VLAN for Ethernet interface 5.
main-host(config-if-Et1-5)#switchport access vlan 15
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 1 through 3 as access ports that process
untagged frames as VLAN 5 traffic.
main-host(config-acl-test1)#interface Ethernet 1-3
main-host(config-if-Et1-3)#switchport mode access
main-host(config-if-Et1-3)#switchport access vlan 5
main-host(config-if-Et1-7)#show interfaces ethernet 1-3 vlans
Port Untagged Tagged
Et1 5 -
Et2 5 -
Et3 5 -
• This command configures Ethernet interface 8 as a trunk port.
switch(config-if-Et8)#switchport mode trunk
To specify the port’s VLAN trunk list, use the switchport trunk allowed vlan command.
• These commands configure VLAN 15, 20, 21, 22, 40, and 75 as the VLAN trunk list for Ethernet
interface 12-16.
switch(config-if-Et12-16)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 15,20-22,40,75
• This command adds VLAN 100 through 120 to the VLAN trunk list for Ethernet interface 14.
switch(config-if-Et14)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100-120
To specify the port’s native VLAN, use the switchport trunk native vlan command.
• This command configures VLAN 12 as the native VLAN trunk Ethernet interface 10.
switch(config-if-Et10)#switchport trunk native vlan 12
By default, ports send native VLAN traffic with untagged frames. The switchport trunk native vlan
command can also configure the port to send native VLAN traffic with tag frames.
• This command configures Ethernet interface 10 to send native VLAN traffic as tagged.
switch(config-if-Et10)#switchport trunk native vlan tag
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 12 as a trunk, VLAN 15 configured as the native
VLAN. The trunk list for this port consists of all VLANs except 201-300. The interface sends all
native VLAN traffic as tagged.
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport trunk native vlan 15
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport trunk native vlan tag
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport trunk allowed vlan except 201-300
• This command configures Ethernet interface 12 as a dot1q tunnel port.
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
To specify the dot1q-tunnel port’s access VLAN, use the switchport access vlan command. The port
then handles all inbound traffic as untagged VLAN traffic.
• This command configures VLAN 60 as the access VLAN for Ethernet interface 12.
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport access vlan 60
• These commands creates a private VLAN that consists of five VLANs: VLAN 25 is the primary
VLAN, VLANs 30-31 are isolated VLANs, and VLANs 32-33 are community VLANs.
switch(config)#vlan 25
switch(config)#vlan 30-31
switch(config-vlan-30-31)#private-vlan isolated primary vlan 25
switch(config)#vlan 32-33
switch(config-vlan-32-33)#private-vlan community primary vlan 25
• These commands (1) configure Ethernet interface 7 as an access port for VLAN 25, which was
previously configured as a primary VLAN, and (2) maps the interface to VLANs 30 through 32.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 7
switch(config-if-Et7)#switchport mode access
switch(config-if-Et7)#switchport access vlan 25
switch(config-if-Et7)#switchport private-vlan mapping 30-32
• This command creates enters VLAN-interface configuration mode for VLAN 12. The command
also creates VLAN 12 interface if it was not previously created.
switch(config)#interface vlan 12
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANs from 1006 up.
switch(config)#vlan internal allocation policy ascending
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANs from 4094 down.
switch(config)#vlan internal allocation policy descending
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANs from 4094 down through 4000.
switch(config)#vlan internal allocation policy descending range 4000 4094
Show Commands
• show dot1q-tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 312
• show interfaces switchport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 313
• show interfaces switchport backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 314
• show interfaces trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 315
• show interfaces vlans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 316
• show port-security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 321
• show port-security address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 322
• show port-security interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 323
• show vlan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 324
• show vlan dynamic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 325
Autostate is a switch feature that specifies the conditions that a VLAN interface requires to function.
When autostate is enabled, the following conditions are required for a VLAN interface to be in an up
(status) / up (protocol) state:
• the corresponding VLAN exists and is in the active state.
• at least one layer 2 port has a link up and is in spanning-tree forwarding state on the VLAN.
• the VLAN interface exists and is not administratively down (shutdown).
Autostate is enabled by default. When autostate is disabled, the VLAN interface is forced active.
• The no autostate command disables autostate on the configuration mode interface. The no
autostate command is stored to running-config.
• The autostate command enables the autostate function on the configuration mode VLAN SVI by
removing the corresponding no autostate statement from running-config.
• The default autostate command restores the autostate default state of enabled by removing the
corresponding no autostate statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
no autostate
default autostate
• These commands disable autostate on VLAN 100.
switch(config)#interface vlan 100
switch(config-if-Vl100)#no autostate
• These commands enable autostate on VLAN 100.
switch(config)#interface vlan 100
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic [VLANS] [INTERFACE]
• VLANS VLAN for which command clears table entries. Options include:
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— vlan v_num VLAN specified by v_num.
• INTERFACE Interface for which command clears table entries. Options include:
— <no parameter> all Ethernet and port channel interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
— interface port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
Valid e_range and p_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and
• This command clears all dynamic mac address table entries for port channel 5 on VLAN 34.
Switch(config)#clear mac address-table dynamic vlan 34 interface port-channel 5
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
no comment
default comment
! comment_text
• comment_text To configure a comment, enter a message when prompted. The message may span
multiple lines. Banner text supports this keyword:
• EOF To end the banner edit, type on its own line (case sensitive) and press enter.
• This command adds a comment to the active configuration mode.
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Consult the administrator before changing the VLAN configuration.
• This command appends a line to the comment for the active configuration mode.
switch(config-vlan-15)#! x3452
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits VLAN configuration mode.
interface vlan
The interface vlan command places the switch in VLAN-interface configuration mode for modifying
parameters of the switch virtual interface (SVI). An SVI provides Layer 3 processing for packets from all
ports associated with the VLAN. There is no physical interface for the VLAN.
When entering configuration mode to modify existing SVIs, the command can specify multiple
interfaces. The command creates an SVI if the specified interface does not exist prior to issuing the
command. When creating an SVI, the command can only specify a single interface.
The no interface vlan command deletes the specified SVI interfaces from running-config. The default
interface vlan commands remove all configuration statements for the specified SVI interfaces from
running-config without deleting the interfaces.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
interface vlan v_range
no interface vlan v_range
default interface vlan v_range
• v_range VLAN interfaces (number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges).
VLAN number ranges from 1 to 4094.
Internal VLANs: A VLAN interface cannot be created or configured for internal VLAN IDs. The switch
rejects any interface vlan command that specifies an internal VLAN ID.
Private VLANs: VLAN interfaces for secondary VLANs can be assigned but are not functional. The
status of SVIs for secondary VLANs is protocol line down.
• This example creates an SVI for VLAN 12:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 12
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mac-address-table aging-time period
no mac-address-table aging-time
default mac-address-table aging-time
• period MAC address table aging time. Default is 300 seconds. Options include:
— 0 disables deletion of table entries on the basis of aging time.
— 10 through 1000000 (one million) aging time period (seconds).
• This command sets the MAC address table aging time to two minutes (120 seconds).
switch(config)#mac address-table aging-time 120
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mac address-table static mac_address vlan v_num PORT_LIST
no mac address-table static mac_address vlan v_num [PORT_LIST]
default mac address-table static mac_address vlan v_num [PORT_LIST]
• mac_address table entry’s MAC address (dotted hex notation – H.H.H).
• v_num table entry’s VLAN.
• DESTINATION table entry’s port list.
For multicast MAC address entries, the command may contain multiple ports, listed in any order.
The CLI accepts only one interface for unicast entries.
— drop creates drop entry in table. Valid only for unicast addresses.
— interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
— interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
— <noparameter> Valid for no and default commands for removing multiple table entries.
e_range and p_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and
• This command adds the static entry for unicast MAC address 0012.3694.03ec to the MAC address
switch(config)#mac address-table static 0012.3694.03ec vlan 3 interface Ethernet 7
switch(config)#show mac address-table static
Mac Address Table
• These commands adds the static drop entry for MAC address 0012.3694.03ec to the MAC address
table, then displays the entry in the MAC address table.
switch(config)#mac address-table static 0012.3694.03ec vlan 3 drop
switch(config)#show mac address-table static
Mac Address Table
• This command adds the static entry for the multicast MAC address 0112.3057.8423 to the MAC
address table.
switch(config)#mac address-table static 0112.3057.8423 vlan 4 interface
port-channel 10 port-channel 12
switch(config)#show mac address-table
Mac Address Table
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
name label_text
no name
default name
• label_text character string assigned to name attribute. Maximum length is 32 characters. The space
character is not permitted in the name string.
• These commands assign corporate_100 as the name for VLAN 25, then displays the VLAN name.
switch(config)#vlan 25
switch(config-vlan-25)#name corporate_100
switch(config-vlan-25)#show vlan 25
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
25 corporate_100 active
The private-vlan command configures the configuration mode VLAN as a secondary VLAN, specifies
its type, and associates it with a primary VLAN.
The no private-vlan and default private-vlan commands restores the configuration mode VLANs to
their default state as primary VLANs by removing the corresponding private-vlan statements from
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
private-vlan [VLAN_TYPE] primary vlan v_num
no private-vlan
default private-vlan
• VLAN_TYPE private VLAN type. Options include:
— community community private VLAN.
— isolated isolated private VLAN.
• v_num VLAN ID of primary VLAN to which the configuration mode VLAN is bound.
• These commands configure VLAN 25 as a private VLAN of type isolated, binds it to VLAN 5, then
displays its status as a private VLAN.
switch(config)#vlan 5
switch(config-vlan-5)#private-vlan isolated primary 5
switch(config-vlan-25)#show vlan 25
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
25 corporate_100 active
private-vlan mapping
The private-vlan mapping command maps traffic received by the configuration mode VLAN interface
to a list of secondary VLANs. Command options are available to establish a new VLAN list or modify an
existing list. By default, traffic to the primary VLAN interface maps to all of its secondary VLANs.
The no private-vlan mapping and default private-vlan mapping commands restore the default VLAN
mapping by removing the corresponding switchport private-vlan mapping statement from
Command Mode
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
private-vlan mapping EDIT_ACTION
no private-vlan mapping
default private-vlan mapping
• EDIT_ACTION modifications to the VLAN list.
— v_range Creates VLAN list from v_range.
— add v_range Adds specified VLANs to current list.
— except v_range VLAN list contains all VLANs except those specified.
Valid v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• These commands map VLAN interface 100 from the primary VLANs configured on the interface to
VLANs 25-40.
switch(config)#interface vlan 100
switch(config-if-vll00)#private-vlan mapping 25-40
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
show [DATA_TYPE]
• DATA_TYPE Specifies display contents. Values include:
— active Displays running-config settings for the configuration mode.
— active all Displays running-config plus defaults for the configuration mode.
— active all detail Displays running-config plus defaults for the configuration mode.
— comment Displays comment entered for the configuration mode.
• This command shows the VLAN 17 configuration commands in running-config.
switch(config-vlan-17)#show active
vlan 17
name accounting
trunk group FIRST
private-vlan community primary vlan 5
show dot1q-tunnel
The show dot1q-tunnel command displays the ports that are configured in dot1q-tunnel switching
mode. The switchport mode command configures the switching mode for the configuration mode
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show dot1q-tunnel [INTERFACE]
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the ports that are configured in dot1q-tunnel switching mode.
switch>show dot1q-tunnel
dot1q-tunnel mode LAN Port (s)
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] switchport
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the switching status of port channel interfaces 21 and 22.
switch>show interface port-channel 21-22 switchport
Name: Po21
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: tunnel
Operational Mode: tunnel
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 100 (VLAN0100)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Trunk Groups: foo
Name: Po22
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: tunnel
Operational Mode: tunnel
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Trunk Groups:
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] switchport backup
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
Display Values
• State Ooperational status of the interface. Values include:
— Up Spanning tree mode is backup, interface status is up.
— Down Spanning tree mode is backup, interface status is down.
— Inactive Configuration The spanning tree mode is not backup.
• Forwarding vlans VLANs forward by the interface. Depends on interface operation status and
prefer option specified by the switchport backup command.
• This command displays the configured switchport primary-backup pairs.
switch(config)#show interfaces switchport backup
Switch backup interface pair: Ethernet17, Ethernet18
Primary Interface: Ethernet17 State: Up
Backup Interface: Ethernet18 State: Up
Ethernet17 forwarding vlans: 1-20
Ethernet18 forwarding vlans:
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] trunk
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the trunk status for all interfaces configured in switchport trunk mode.
switch>show interfaces trunk
Port Mode Status Native vlan
Po1 trunk trunking 1
Po2 trunk trunking 1
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INT_NAME] vlans
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
• This command displays the VLANs carried by all L2 ports.
switch>show interfaces vlans
Port Untagged Tagged
Et9 3910 -
Et11 3912 -
Et16 500 -
Et17 3908 -
Et18 3908 -
Po1 1 101-102,500,721,3000,
Po2 101 -
Po4 3902 -
Po5 3903 -
Po6 3992 -
Po7 661 -
Po8 3911 -
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show mac address-table [ENTRY_TYPE] [MAC_ADDR] [INTERFACE] [VLANs]
• ENTRY_TYPE command filters display by entry type. Entry types include mlag-peer, dynamic,
static, unicast, multicast entries, and configured.
— <no parameter> all table entries.
— configured static entries; includes unconfigured VLAN entries.
— dynamic entries learned by the switch.
— multicast entries with multicast MAC address.
— static entries entered by CLI commands and include a configured VLAN.
— unicast entries with unicast MAC address.
— mlag-peer all MLAG peer entries.
— [mlag-peer] configured static entries on MLAG peer; includes unconfigured VLAN entries
— [mlag-peer] dynamic entries learned by on MLAG peer.
— [mlag-peer] static MLAG entries entered by CLI command and include a configured VLAN.
— [mlag-peer] unicast MLAG entries with unicast MAC address.
• MAC_ADDR command uses MAC address to filter displayed entries.
— <no parameter> all MAC addresses table entries.
— address mac_address displays entries with specifed address (dotted hex notation – H.H.H).
• INTERFACE command filters display by port list. When parameter lists multiple interfaces,
command displays all entries containing at least one listed interface.
— <no parameter> all Ethernet and port channel interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
— port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
• VLANS command filters display by VLAN.
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— vlan v_num VLANs specified by v_num.
• This command displays the MAC address table.
Switch#show mac address-table
Mac Address Table
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show mac address-table aging-time
• This command displays the MAC address table aging time
Switch#show mac address-table aging-time
Global Aging Time: 120
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show mac address-table count [VLANS]
• VLANS The VLANs for which the command displays the entry count.
— <No Parameter> all configured VLANs.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command displays the number of entries on VLAN 39
Switch#show mac address-table count vlan 39
show port-security
The show port-security command displays a summary of MAC address port securty configuration and
status on each interface where switchport port security is enabled.
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show port-security
Display Values
Each column corresponds to one physical interface. The table displays interfaces with port security
• Secure Port: Interface with switchport port-security enabled.
• MaxSecureAddr: Maximum quantity of MAC addresses that that port can process.
• CurrentAddr: Static MAC addresses assigned to the interface.
• SecurityViolation: Number of frames with unsecured addresses received by port.
• Security Action: Action triggered by a security violation.
• This command displays switchport port security configuration and status data.
switch>show port-security
Secure Port MaxSecureAddr CurrentAddr SecurityViolation Security Action
(Count) (Count) (Count)
Et7 5 3 0 Shutdown
Et10 1 0 0 Shutdown
Total Addresses in System: 3
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show port-security address
• This command displays MAC addresses assigned to port-security protected interfaces.
switch>show port-security address
Secure Mac Address Table
Vlan Mac Address Type Ports Remaining Age
---- ----------- ---- ----- -------------
10 164f.29ae.4e14 SecureConfigured Et7 N/A
10 164f.29ae.4f11 SecureConfigured Et7 N/A
10 164f.320a.3a11 SecureConfigured Et7 N/A
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 3
Command Mode
EXEC Configuration
Command Syntax
show port-security interface [INT_NAME]
• INT_NAME Interface type and numbers. Options include:
— <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
— loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
— management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
— port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command display port-security configuration and status for the specified interfaces.
switch>show port-security interface ethernet 7-8
Interface : Ethernet7
Port Security : Enabled
Port Status : Secure-down
Violation Mode : Shutdown
Maximum MAC Addresses : 5
Aging Time : 5 mins
Aging Type : Inactivity
SecureStatic Address Aging : Disabled
Total MAC Addresses : 3
Configured MAC Addresses : 3
Learn/Move/Age Events : 5
Last Source Address:Vlan : 164f.29ae.4e14:10
Last Address Change Time : 0:39:47 ago
Security Violation Count : 0
Interface : Ethernet8
Port Security : Disabled
Port Status : Secure-down
Violation Mode : Shutdown
Maximum MAC Addresses : 1
Aging Time : 5 mins
Aging Type : Inactivity
SecureStatic Address Aging : Disabled
show vlan
The show vlan command displays the VLAN ID, name, status, and member ports of all configured
VLANs. The command only displays active ports by default; by specifying configured-ports, the
command displays all ports that are members of a configured VLAN regardless of their activity status,
including Ethernet ports that are members of a port channel.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• VLAN_LIST List of VLANs displayed by command. Options include:
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
— id v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
— name v_name VLANs specified by the VLAN name v_name.
v_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• PORT_ACTIVITY Ports listed in table. Options include:
— <no parameter> table displays only active ports (same as active-configuration option).
— active-configuration table displays only active ports.
— configured-ports table displays all configured ports.
Display Values
• Name The name of the VLAN.
• Status The status of the VLAN.
• Ports The ports that are members of the VLAN.
• This command displays status and ports of VLANs 1-1000.
switch>show vlan 1-1000
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Po1
184 fet.arka active Cpu, Po1, Po2
262 active PPo2, Po1
512 sant.test active Cpu, Et16, Po1
821 active Cpu, Po1, Po7
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan dynamic
• This command displays the source and quantity of dynamic VLANs on the switch.
switch>show vlan dynamic
Dynamic VLAN source VLANS
vmtracer-poc 88
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan internal allocation policy
• This command displays the internal allocation policy.
switch>show vlan internal allocation policy
Internal VLAN Allocation Policy: ascending
Internal VLAN Allocation Range: 1006-4094
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan internal usage
• This command displays the VLANs that are allocated to routed ports.
switch>show vlan internal usage
1006 Ethernet3
1007 Ethernet4
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan private-vlan
• This command displays the private VLANs.
switch>show vlan private-vlan
Primary Secondary Type Ports
------- --------- ----------- -------------------------------
5 25 isolated
5 26 isolated
7 31 community
7 32 isolated
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan summary
• This command displays the number of VLANs on the switch.
switch>show vlan summary
Number of existing VLANs : 18
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan [VLAN_LIST] trunk group
• VLAN_LIST VLAN list. Options include:
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
— id v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
— name v_name VLANs specified by the VLAN name v_name.
Display Values
• Trunk Group Trunk groups associated with the specified VLAN.
• This command displays the trunk group membership of all configured VLANs.
switch>show vlan trunk group
VLAN Trunk Groups
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 first_group
40 second_group
100 third_group
101 middle_group
The state command configures the VLAN transmission state of the configuration mode VLAN.
• Active state: Ports forward VLAN traffic.
• Suspend state: Ports block VLAN traffic.
The default transmission status is active.
The no state command restores the default VLAN transmission state to the configuration mode VLAN
by removing the corresponding state command from running-config.
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
no state
default state
• OPERATION_STATE VLAN transmission state. Options include:
— active VLAN traffic is forwarded
— suspend LAN traffic is blocked.
• These commands suspend VLAN traffic on VLANs 100-102.
switch(config)#vlan 100-102
switch(config-vlan-100-102)#state suspend
The switchport command places the configuration mode interface in switched port (Layer 2) mode.
Switched ports are configurable as members of one or more VLANs through other switchport
commands. Switched ports ignore all IP level configuration commands, including IP address
The no switchport command places the configuration mode interface in routed port (Layer 3) mode.
Routed ports are not members of any VLANs and do not switch or bridge packets. All IP level
configuration commands, including IP address assignments, apply directly to the routed port interface.
By default, Ethernet and Port Channel interfaces are in switched port mode. The default switchport
command also places the configuration mode interface in switched port mode by removing the
corresponding no switchport command from running-config.
These commands only toggle the interface between switched and routed modes. They have no effect
on other configuration states.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
no switchport
default switchport
When an interface is configured as a routed port, the switch transparently allocates an internal VLAN
whose only member is the routed interface. Internal VLANs are created in the range from 1006 to 4094.
VLANs that are allocated internally for a routed interface cannot be directly created or configured. The
vlan internal allocation policy command specifies the method that VLANs are allocated.
All IP-level configuration commands, except autostate and ip virtual-router, can be used to configure a
routed interface. Any IP-level configuration changes made to a routed interface are maintained when
the interface is toggled to switched port mode.
A LAG that is created with the channel-group command inherits the mode of the member port. A LAG
created from a routed port becomes a routed LAG. IP-level configuration statements are not propagated
to the LAG from its component members.
• These commands put Ethernet interface 5 in routed port mode.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#no switchport
• These commands returns Ethernet interface 5 to switched port mode.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport access vlan v_num
no switchport access vlan
default switchport access vlan
• v_num number of access VLAN. Value ranges from 1 to 4094. Default is 1.
• These commands assign VLAN 100 as the access VLAN to Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#switchport access vlan 100
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport mac address learning
no switchport mac address learning
default switchport mac address learning
• These commands disables MAC address learning for Ethernet interface 8, then displays the active
configuration for the interface.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 8
switch(config-if-Et8)#no switchport mac address learning
switch(config-if-Et8)#show active
interface Ethernet8
no switchport mac address learning
switchport mode
The switchport mode command specifies the switching mode of the configuration mode interface. The
switch supports three switching modes: access, trunk, and dot1q-tunnel.
• Access switching mode: The interface is a member of one VLAN, called the access VLAN, as
specified by the switchport access vlan command. Untagged frames received on the interface are
associated with the access VLAN. Tagged frames received on the interface are dropped unless they
are tagged with the access VLAN. Frames transmitted from the interface are always untagged.
• Trunk switching mode: The interface may be a member of multiple VLANs, as configured with the
switchport trunk allowed vlan command. Untagged traffic is associated with the interface's native
VLAN, as configured with the switchport trunk native vlan command.
• Dot1q-tunnel switching mode: The interface treats all inbound packets are untagged traffic and
handles them as traffic of its access VLAN, as specified by the switchport access vlan command.
The no switchport mode and default default switchport mode commands return the configuration
mode interface to its default setting as an access port by deleting the corresponding switchport mode
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport mode MODE_TYPE
no switchport mode
default switchport mode
• MODE_TYPE switching mode of the configuration mode interfaces. Options include:
— access access switching mode.
— dot1q-tunnel dot1q-tunnel switching mode.
— trunk trunk switching mode.
• This command configures Ethernet 4 interface as a trunk port.
switchport port-security
The switchport port-security command enables MAC address port security on the configuration mode
interface. Ports with port security enabled restrict traffic to a limited number of hosts, as determined by
their MAC addresses. The switchport port-security maximum command specifies the maximum
number of MAC addresses.
The no switchport port-security and default switchport port-security commands disable port security
on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding switchport port-security
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport port-security
no switchport port-security
default switchport port-security
• These commands enable port security on ethernet interface 7.
switch(config-bgp)#interface ethernet 7
switch(config-if-Et7)#switchport port-security
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport port-security maximum max_addr
no switchport port-security maximum
default switchport port-security maximum
• max_addr maximum number of MAC addresses. Value ranges from 1 to 1000. Default value is 1.
• This command configures a maximum number of secure MAC addresses of five for port channel
interface 14.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 14
switch(config-if-Po14)#switchport port-security maximum 5
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport private-vlan mapping EDIT_ACTION
no switchport private-vlan mapping
default switchport private-vlan mapping
• EDIT_ACTION modifications to the VLAN list.
— v_range Creates VLAN list from v_range.
— add v_range Adds specified VLANs to current list.
— remove v_range VLAN list contains all VLANs except those specified.
Valid v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• These commands map Ethernet port 15 from the primary VLANs configured on the port to VLANs
switch(config)#interface ethernet 15
switch(config-if-Et15)#switchport private-vlan mapping 5-10
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport trunk allowed vlan EDIT_ACTION
no switchport trunk allowed vlan
default switchport trunk allowed vlan
• EDIT_ACTION modifications to the VLAN list.
— v_range Creates VLAN list from v_range.
— add v_range Adds specified VLANs to current list.
— all VLAN list contains all VLANs.
— except v_range VLAN list contains all VLANs except those specified.
— none VLAN list is empty (no VLANs).
— remove v_range Removes specified VLANs from current list.
Valid v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• These commands create the VLAN list of 6-10 for Ethernet interface 14, then verifies the VLAN list.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 14
switch(config-if-Et14)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 6-10
switch(config-if-Et14)#show interfaces ethernet 14 switchport
Name: Et14
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: trunk
Operational Mode: trunk
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: 6-10
Trunk Groups:
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport trunk group group_name
no switchport trunk group [group_name]
default switchport trunk group [group_name]
• group_name trunk group name.
• These commands assign port channel 4 to trunk group fe-1.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 4
switch(config-if-Po4)#switchport trunk group fe-1
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport trunk native vlan VLAN_ID
no switchport trunk native vlan
default switchport trunk native vlan
• VLAN_ID the ID of the native VLAN. Options include
— v_num VLAN number. Values ranging from 1 to 4094
— tag programs interface to drop all untagged frames.
• These commands configure VLAN 100 as the native VLAN for port channel 21.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 21
switch(config-if-Po21)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
trunk group
The trunk group command assigns the configuration mode VLAN to a specified trunk group.
A trunk group is the set of physical interfaces that comprise the trunk and the collection of VLANs
whose traffic is carried on the trunk. The traffic of a VLAN that belongs to one or more trunk groups is
carried only on ports that are members of trunk groups to which the VLAN belongs. Switchport
commands specify the physical interfaces that carry trunk group traffic.
The no trunk group and default trunk group commands remove the configuration mode VLAN from
the specified trunk group by removing the corresponding trunk group statement from running-config.
If a trunk group is not specified, the commands remove the configuration mode VLAN from all trunk
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
trunk group name
no trunk group [name]
default trunk group [name]
• name a name representing the trunk group.
• These commands assigns VLAN 49 to the trunk group mlagpeer:
Switch(config)#vlan 49
Switch(config-vlan-49)#trunk group mlagpeer
The vlan command places the switch in VLAN configuration mode to configure a set of virtual LANs.
The command creates the specified VLANs if they do not exist prior to issuing the command. A VLAN
that is in use as an internal VLAN may not be created or configured. The switch rejects any vlan
command that specifies an internal VLAN ID.
The exit (VLAN configuration mode) command returns the switch to Global Configuration mode.
These commands are available in VLAN configuration mode:
• name (VLAN configuration mode) command assigns an ASCII name.
• state command specifies the operational state.
• trunk group command configures trunking characteristics.
The default vlan and no vlan commands removes the VLAN statements from running-config for the
specified VLANs.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
vlan vlan_range
no vlan vlan_range
default vlan vlan_range
• vlan_range VLAN list.
Formats include a name, number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
In MLAG configurations, VLANs operate as follows:
• The VLAN must be configured identically on both MLAG peer switches.
• The port-specific bridging configuration originates on the switch where the port is physically
located. This configuration includes the switchport access VLAN, switchport mode (trunk or
access), trunk-allowed VLANS, the trunk native VLAN, and the switchport trunk groups.
• This command creates VLAN 49 and enters VLAN configuration mode for the new VLAN:
Switch(config)#vlan 49
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
vlan internal allocation policy DIRECTION [RANGE_VLAN]
no vlan internal allocation policy
default vlan internal allocation policy
• DIRECTION VLAN allocation number direction. Options include:
— ascending allocates internal VLANs from lower VLAN bound to upper VLAN bound.
— descending allocates internal VLAN from upper VLAN bound to lower VLAN bound.
• RANGE_VLAN allocation range. Options include:
— <no parameter> 1006 (lower bound) to 4094 (upper bound).
— range lower upper specifies lower bound (lower) and upper bound (upper).
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANS from 3000 through 3999.
switch(config)#vlan internal allocation policy ascending range 3000 3999
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANS from 4094 through 1006.
switch(config)#vlan internal allocation policy descending
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANS from 4094 down through 4000.
switch(config)#vlan internal allocation policy descending range 4000 4094
• This command reverts the allocation policy to its default (ascending, between 1006 and 4094).
switch(config)#no vlan internal allocation policy
MLAG Domain
Peer Link
Po AC-1 Po BC-1
Peer Address
Switch A Switch B
When MLAG is disabled, peer switches revert to their independent state. MLAG is disabled by any of
the following:
• MLAG configuration changes. VLANs
VLANs parameters must be configured identically on each peer for the LAGs comprising the peer link
and MLAGs. These parameters include the switchport access VLAN, switchport mode, trunk-allowed
VLANs, the trunk native VLAN, and switchport trunk groups. Configuration discrepancies may result
in traffic loss in certain failure scenarios. Port-specific bridging configuration originates on the switch
where the port is physically located. LACP
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) should be used on all MLAG interfaces, including the
peer-link. LACP control packets reference the MLAG system ID. STP
When implementing MLAG in a spanning tree network, spanning tree must be configured globally and
on port-channels configured with an MLAG ID. Port specific spanning tree configuration comes from
the switch where the port physically resides. This includes spanning-tree PortFast BPDU Guard and
BPDU filter.
The following commands, for each switch, create a port channel interface from two Ethernet interfaces
and configure it as a trunk group. The port channel is configured as an active LACP port.
Switch 1
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 1-2
Switch1(config-if-Et1-2)#channel-group 10 mode active
Switch1(config-if-Et1-2)#interface port-channel 10
Switch1(config-if-Po10)#switchport mode trunk
Switch1(config-if-Po10)#switchport trunk group m1peer
Switch 2
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 1-2
Switch2(config-if-Et1-2)#channel-group 10 mode active
Switch2(config-if-Et1-2)#interface port-channel 10
Switch2(config-if-Po10)#switchport mode trunk
Switch2(config-if-Po10)#switchport trunk group m2peer
The following commands create an SVI for the local interface and associate it to the trunk group
assigned to the peer link port channel. STP is disabled for the peer link VLAN.
The SVI creates a Layer 3 endpoint in the switch and enables MLAG processes to communicate with
TCP. The IP address can be any unicast address that does not conflict with other SVIs.
Switch 1
Switch1(config)#vlan 4094
Switch1(config-vlan-4094)#trunk group m1peer
Switch1(config-vlan-4094)#interface vlan 4094
Switch1(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
Switch1(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 4094
Switch 2
Switch2(config)#vlan 4094
Switch2(config-vlan-4094)#trunk group m2peer
Switch2(config-vlan-4094)#interface vlan 4094
Switch2(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
Switch2(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 4094
• Domain ID
• Heartbeat Interval and Timeout
• Reload Delay Period
This command places the switch in MLAG configuration mode.
Switch(config)#mlag configuration
This command configures VLAN 4094 as the local interface.
Switch(config-mlag)#local-interface vlan 4094
Peer Address
The peer address is the destination address on the peer switch for MLAG control traffic. If the peer IP
address is unreachable, MLAG peering fails and both peer switches revert to their independent state.
The peer-address command specifies the peer address.
This command configures a peer address of
Peer Link
An MLAG is formed by connecting two switches through an interface called a peer link. The peer link
carries MLAG advertisements, keepalive messages, and data traffic between the switches. This
information keeps the two switches working together as one. While interfaces comprising the peer links
on each switch must be compatible, they need not use the same interface number. Ethernet and
Port-channel interfaces can be configured as peer links.
The peer-link command specifies the interface through which the switch communicates MLAG control
This command specifies port-channel 10 as the peer link.
Switch(config-mlag)#peer-link port-channel 10
Domain ID
The MLAG domain ID is a unique identifier for an MLAG domain. The MLAG domain ID must be the
identical on each switch to facilitate MLAG communication.
This command specifies mlagDomain as the domain ID:
Switch(config-mlag)#domain-id mlagDomain
This command specifies the heartbeat interval as 2.5 seconds (2500 ms).
Switch(config-mlag)#heartbeat-interval 2500
This command specifies the reload delay interval as 2.5 minutes (150 seconds).
Switch(config-mlag)#reload-delay 150
The shutdown (MLAG) command (MLAG configuration mode) disables MLAG operations without
disrupting the MLAG configuration. The no mlag configuration command (global configuration mode)
disables MLAG and removes the MLAG configuration.
The no shutdown command resumes MLAG activity.
• This command disables MLAG activity on the switch.
• This command resumes MLAG activity on the switch.
Switch(config-mlag)#no shutdown
These Switch 1 commands bundle Ethernet interfaces 3 and 4 in a port channel, then associates that
port-channel with MLAG 12.
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 3-4
Switch1(config-if-Et3-4)#channel-group 20 mode active
Switch1(config-if-Et3-4)#interface port-channel 20
Switch1(config-if-Po20)#mlag 12
These Switch-2 commands bundle Ethernet interfaces 9 and 10 in a port channel, then associates
that port-channel with MLAG 12.
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 9-10
Switch2(config-if-Et3-4)#channel-group 15 mode active
Switch2(config-if-Et3-4)#interface port-channel 15
Switch2(config-if-Po15)#mlag 12
These commands configure the port channels that attach to the MLAG on network attached device:
NAD(config)#interface ethernet 1-4
NAD(config-if-Et1-4)#channel-group 1 mode active
Figure 11-2 displays the result of the interface MLAG configuration.
MLAG Domain
Peer Link
Po 20: Et 3, Et 4 Po15: Et 9, Et 10
Peer Address
Po 20 Po 15
Po1: NAD
Et 1, Et 2 (to Switch 1)
Et 3, Et 4 (to Switch 2)
MLAG mlag_01
11.4.1 Topology
Figure 11-3 displays the MLAG topology. Switch 1 and Switch 2 are MLAG peers that logically represent
a single Layer 2 switch. The peer link between the switches contains the following interfaces:
• Switch 1: Ethernet 47, Ethernet 48
• Switch 2: Ethernet 23, Ethernet 24
The example configures MLAGs from the MLAG Domain to four network attached devices (NAD-1,
NAD-2, NAD-3, NAD-4).
Switch 1
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 47-48
Switch1(config-if-Et47-48)#channel-group 101 mode active
Switch1(config-if-Et47-48)#interface port-channel 101
Switch1(config-if-Po101)#switchport mode trunk
Switch1(config-if-Po101)#switchport trunk group peertrunk
Switch 2
Switch2(config)#interface ethernet 23-24
Switch2(config-if-Et23-24)#channel-group 201 mode active
Switch2(config-if-Et23-24)#interface port-channel 201
Switch2(config-if-Po201)#switchport mode trunk
Switch2(config-if-Po201)#switchport trunk group trunkpeer
Switch 1
Switch1(config)#vlan 4094
Switch1(config-vlan-4094)#trunk group peertrunk
Switch1(config-vlan-4094)#interface vlan 4094
Switch1(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
Switch1(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 4094
Switch 2
Switch2(config)#vlan 4094
Switch2(config-vlan-4094)#trunk group trunkpeer
Switch2(config-vlan-4094)#interface vlan 4094
Switch2(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
Switch2(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 4094
Switch 1
Switch1(config)#mlag configuration
Switch1(config-mlag)#local-interface vlan 4094
Switch1(config-mlag)#peer-link port-channel 101
Switch1(config-mlag)#domain-id mlag_01
Switch1(config-mlag)#heartbeat-interval 2500
Switch1(config-mlag)#reload-delay 150
Switch 2
Switch2(config)#mlag configuration
Switch2(config-mlag)#local-interface vlan 4094
Switch2(config-mlag)#peer-link port-channel 201
Switch2(config-mlag)#domain-id mlag_01
Switch2(config-mlag)#heartbeat-interval 2500
Switch2(config-mlag)#reload-delay 150
11.4.5 Verification
The following tasks verify the MLAG peer and connection configuration:
• Section Verify the Peer Switch Connection
• Section Verify the MLAGs
• Section Verify Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
• Section Verify the MLAG Port Channel
• Section Verify the VLAN Membership
MLAG Status:
state : Active
peer-link status : Up
local-int status : Up
system-id : 02:1c:FF:00:15:38
MLAG Ports:
Disabled : 0
Configured : 0
Inactive : 0
Active-partial : 0
Active-full : 4
To display the MLAG configuration and the MLAG status on Switch 2, use the show mlag command:
Switch2#show mlag
MLAG Configuration:
domain-id : mlag_01
local-interface : Vlan4094
peer-address :
peer-link : Port-Channel102
MLAG Status:
state : Active
peer-link status : Up
local-int status : Up
system-id : 02:1c:FF:00:15:41
MLAG Ports:
Disabled : 0
Configured : 0
Inactive : 0
Active-partial : 0
Active-full : 4
VLAN Output 2: Assume VLAN 3908 does not include any MLAGs
Switch1#show spanning-tree vlan 3908
Spanning tree instance for vlan 3908
Spanning tree enabled protocol rapid-pvst
Root ID Priority 36676
Address 021c.7300.1319
This bridge is the root
Verify the MLAG does not create topology loops (show spanning-tree blocked)
Switch1#show spanning-tree blocked
Name Blocked Interfaces List
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Issue the command show port-channel detailed command for channel 1 from Switch 2:
Switch#show port-channel 1 detailed
Port Channel Port-Channel1:
Active Ports:
Port Time became active Protocol Mode
Ethernet17 7/7/11 15:27:36 LACP Active
Ethernet18 7/7/11 15:27:36 LACP Active
PeerEthernet1 7/7/11 15:27:36 LACP Active
PeerEthernet2 7/7/11 15:27:36 LACP Active
Display Commands
• show mlag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 374
• show mlag interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 376
The domain-id command specifies a name for the Multichassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) domain.
The no domain-id command removes the MLAG domain name by deleting the domain-id statement
from running-config.
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
domain-id identifier
no domain-id identifier
• identifier alphanumeric string that names the MLAG domain.
• This command names the MLAG domain mlag1.
Switch(config-mlag)#domain-id mlag1
The heartbeat-interval command configures the interval at which heartbeat messages are issued in a
Multichassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) configuration.
The no heartbeat-interval command reverts the heartbeat interval to the default setting (2 seconds.)
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
heartbeat-interval milliseconds
no heartbeat-interval milliseconds
• milliseconds An interval in milliseconds (ms) in the range from 1000 through 30000. The default
interval is 2000 ms.
Heartbeat messages flow independently in both directions between the MLAG peers. If a peer stops
receiving heartbeat messages within the expected time frame (2.5 times the heartbeat interval), the other
peer can assume it no longer functions and without intervention or repair, the MLAG becomes disabled.
Both switches revert to their independent state.
• This command configures the heartbeat interval to 15000 milliseconds:
Switch(config-mlag)#heartbeat-interval 15000
ip address
The ip address command specifies the IP address of an interface and the mask for the connected subnet.
The no ip address command removes the currently assigned IP address on an interface and disables IP
The no ip address net_addr command removes the IP address and disables IP processing even if the IP
address is statically assigned to an address other than the specified address.
Command Mode
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Interface-Management Configuration
Interface-Loopback Configuration
Command Syntax
ip address net_addr [PRI_SEC]
no ip address net_addr [PRI_SEC]
• net_addr network IP address. Formats include address-prefix (CIDR) and address-subnet mask.
Configuration stores value in CIDR notation.
• PRI_SEC interface priority. Options include
— <No Parameter> the address is the primary IP address for the interface.
— secondary the address is the secondary IP address for the interface.
The no ip address command is supported on routable interfaces (VLAN, loopback, and management).
• This command configures an IP address with subnet mask for VLAN 4094:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 4094
Switch(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
The local-interface command assigns a VLAN interface for use in Multichassis Link Aggregation
(MLAG) configurations. The VLAN interface is used for both directions of communication between the
MLAG peers.
The no local-interface command removes the VLAN interface.
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
local-interface vlan_number
no local-interface vlan_number
• vlan_number VLAN number, in the range from 1 through 4094.
When configuring the local interface, the VLAN interface must exist already. To configure a VLAN
interface, issue the command interface vlan.
• This command assigns VLAN 4094 as the local interface.
Switch(config-mlag)#local-interface vlan 4094
Command Mode
Interface-port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
mlag number
no mlag
• number A number used as an ID. Values range from 1 to 1000.
• These commands configures a port channel and assigns it to MLAG 4.
Switch1(config)#interface ethernet 5-10
Switch1(config-if-Et5-10)#channel-group 1 mode active
Switch1(config-if-Et5-10)#interface port-channel 4
Switch1(config-if-Po4)#switchport trunk group group4
Switch1(config-if-Po4)#mlag 4
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mlag [configuration]
no mlag configuration
mlag and mlag configuration are identical commands.
An MLAG is formed by connecting two switches through an interface called a peer link. The peer link
carries coordination and data traffic between the switches, including advertisements and keepalive
messages. This information coordinates the switches. Functioning peers are in the active state.
Each peer switch uses IP-level connectivity between their local addresses and the MLAG peer IP address
to form and maintain the peer link.
These commands are available in mlag-configuration mode:
• domain-id
• heartbeat-interval
• local-interface
• peer-address
• peer-link
• reload-delay
• These commands enter MLAG configuration mode and configure MLAG parameters:
Switch(config-mlag)#local-interface vlan 4094
Switch(config-mlag)#peer-link port-channel 10
Switch(config-mlag)#domain-id mlagDomain
Switch(config-mlag)#heartbeat-interval 2500
Switch(config-mlag)#reload-delay 2000
The peer-address command configures the peer’s IP address for a Multichassis Link Aggregation
(MLAG) domain. MLAG control traffic, including keepalive messages, is sent to the peer IP address. If
the peer IP address is unreachable, then MLAG peering fails and both peer switches revert to their
independent state.
The no peer-address command removes an MLAG peer’s IP address.
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
peer-address ip_addr
no peer-address ip_addr
• ip_addr MLAG peer’s IP address. Entry format is dotted decimal notation.
• These commands configure a peer address.
The peer-link command specifies the interface that connects Multichassis Link Aggregation (MLAG)
peers. To form an MLAG, two switches are connected through an interface called a peer link. The peer
link carries control and data traffic between the two switches. Control traffic includes MLAG-related
advertisements and keepalive messages. This information keeps the two switches working as one.
The no peer-link command removes the peer link.
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
peer-link int_name
no peer-link
• int_name denotes the interface type and number of the interface. Values include:
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface range specified by e_num.
— port-channel c_num Channel group interface range specified by c_num.
• These commands creates a peer link.
Switch(config)#mlag configuration
Switch(config-mlag)#peer-link port-channel 10
The reload-delay command specifies the period that non-peer links are disabled after an MLAG peer
reboots. This interval allows non-peer links to learn multicast and OSPF states before the ports start
handling traffic. A minimum of one minute is recommended to ensure that the forwarding hardware is
initialized with the topology state.
The no reload-delay command restores the default value of 300 by deleting the reload-delay statement
from running-config.
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
reload-delay seconds
no reload-delay
• seconds disabled link interval (seconds). Values range from 0 to 3600 (one hour). Default is 300 (five
• These commands configure the reload-delay interval to ten minutes.
Switch(config)#mlag configuration
Switch(config-mlag)#reload-delay 600
show mlag
The show mlag command displays information about the Multichassis Link Aggregation (MLAG)
configuration on bridged Ethernet interfaces.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mlag [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL specifies information displayed by command. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays basic MLAG parameters.
— detail command displays detailed MLAG interface parameters.
Display Values
Field names are listed in the order in which they appear in the output displays.
• MLAG Configuration:
— domain-id Unique identifier used by peers for the MLAG domain.
— local-interface VLAN interface configured to connect with MLAG peer.
— peer-address Peer’s IP address for an MLAG domain.
— peer-link Port Channel Interface that connects the MLAG peers.
• MLAG Status
— Status Active, Inactive, Disabled.
— peer-link status Unknown, Down, Up.
— local-int status Up, Down, Testing, Unknown, Dormant, Not Present, LowerLayerDown.
— system-id MAC address assigned to MLAG domain.
• MLAG Ports
— Disabled Number of interfaces configured for MLAG that are disabled.
— Configured Number of interfaces configured for MLAG.
— Inactive Number of interfaces configured for MLAG that are inactive.
— Active-Partial Number of active MLAG interfaces whose peers are inactive.
— Active-Full Number of MLAG interfaces in active state with peer interfaces that are active.
• MLAG Detailed Status
— State Internal state machine status. Primary, Secondary, Inactive, Disabled
— State changes Number of state changes.
— Last state change time Timestamp of the last state change.
— primary-priority Internal state machine variable.
— Peer primary priority Internal state machine variable of the MLAG peer.
— Peer MAC address MAC address of the MLAG peer.
— Recently rebooted Whether the switch has recently rebooted. Values are True or False.
— Last recently rebooted change time Timestamp of the last switch reboot.
— State decided by recently rebooted State of peer renegotiation following reboot. True, False.
— heartbeat-interval Period between keepalive messages (1000 to 30000 ms). Default is 5000 ms.
— heartbeat-timeout Period after keepalive message until MLAG is disabled.
— Agent should be running True, False.
• This command displays output from the show mlag command:
Switch#show mlag
MLAG Configuration:
domain-id :
local-interface : Vlan3901
peer-address :
peer-link : Port-Channel1
MLAG Status:
state : Active
peer-link status : Up
local-int status : Up
system-id : 02:1c:73:00:13:19
MLAG Ports:
Disabled : 0
Configured : 0
Inactive : 0
Active-partial : 0
Active-full : 5
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mlag interfaces [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL specifies information displayed by command. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays basic MLAG interface parameters
— detail command displays detailed MLAG interface parameters.
Display Values
Field names are listed in the order in which they appear in the output displays.
• Basic Interface Parameters
• MLAG MLAG number assigned to interface.
• Desc Description of the Port Channel interface.
• State Activity level of interface.
• local Port Channel Interface number.
• remote Port Channel number of peer interface.
• local/remote status status of MLAG port and peer.
• Detailed Interface Parameters
• MLAG MLAG number assigned to interface.
• State Activity level of interface.
• local Port Channel Interface number.
• remote Port Channel number of peer interface.
• local/remote status status of MLAG port and peer.
• local/remote config configuration status of MLAG port and peer.
• last change elapsed time since last change to interface.
• changes number of changes to interface.
• This command displays output from the show mlag interfaces detail command:
Switch#show mlag interfaces detail
mlag state local remote oper config last change changes
4 active-full Po4 Po4 up/up ena/ena 6 days, 1:19:26 ago 5
5 active-full Po5 Po5 up/up ena/ena 6 days, 1:19:24 ago 5
6 active-full Po6 Po6 up/up ena/ena 6 days, 1:19:23 ago 5
7 active-full Po7 Po7 up/up ena/ena 6 days, 1:19:23 ago 5
8 active-full Po8 Po8 up/up ena/ena 6 days, 1:19:26 ago 5
shutdown (MLAG)
The shutdown command disables MLAG on the switch without modifying the MLAG configuration.
The no shutdown command re-enables MLAG by removing the shutdown command from
Command Mode
MLAG Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
default shutdown
• This command disables MLAG on the switch.
Access Control
The Access Control chapter describes the inbound traffic management using Access Control Lists and
Storm Control. The configuration of route maps is also described.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Section 12.1: Introduction: Lists the ACL features supported by Arista switches.
• Section 12.2: Access Control Overview: Describes Access Control List features.
• Section 12.3: Configuring ACLs: Describes the creation and modification of ACLs.
• Section 12.4: Configuring Route Maps: Describes route map configuration.
• Section 12.5: Configuring Storm Control: Describes storm control configuration.
• Section 12.6: Access Control Commands: Lists command that comprise, create, and modify ACLs.
12.1 Introduction
An access control list (ACL) is an ordered set of rules that control the inbound flow of packets into
Ethernet interfaces, port channel interfaces or the switch control plane. The switch supports the
implementation of a wide variety of filtering criteria including IP and MAC addresses, TCP/UDP ports
with include/exclude options without compromising its performance or feature set. Filtering syntax is
industry standard.
Storm control monitors inbound broadcast or multicast traffic levels over a 1-second interval and
prevents network disruptions by limiting traffic beyond specified thresholds on individual interfaces.
Lists that are created in one mode cannot be modified in any other mode.
A sequence number designates the rule’s placement in a list. New rules are inserted into a list according
to their sequence numbers. A rule’s sequence number can be referenced when deleting it from a list.
The following route map clause is named MAP_1 with sequence number 10. The clause matches all
routes from BGP Autonomous system 10 and redistributes them with a local preference set to 100.
Routes that do not match the clause are evaluated against the next clause in the route map.
route-map MAP_1 permit 10
match as 10
set local-preference 100
The following route map is named MAP_1 with two permit clauses. Routes that do not match either
clause are denied redistribution into the target protocol domain.
route-map MAP_1 permit 10
match as 10
set local-preference 100
route-map MAP_1 permit 20
match metric-type type-1
match as 100
• This command places the switch in ACL configuration mode to create an ACL named test1.
Switch(config)#ip access-list test1
• This command places the switch in Standard-ACL-Configuration mode to create a Standard
ACL named stest1.
Switch(config)#ip access-list standard stest1
• This command places the switch in MAC-ACL configuration mode to create an MAC ACL
named mtest1.
Switch(config)#mac access-list mtest1
Important After exiting ACL mode, the running-config file must be saved to the startup configuration file to
preserve an ACL after a system restart.
• The second example in Section Adding a Rule results in this edited ACL:
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
15 permit ip host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
However, because the changes were never changed, the saved ACL is still empty, as shown by
show ip access-lists.
Switch(config-acl-test1)#show ip access-lists test1
To save all current changes to the ACL and exit ACL edit mode, type exit at the prompt.
• The exit command saves the ACL and exits ACL edit mode.
Switch(config)#show ip access-lists test1
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
15 permit ip host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
• Example 2 in Section Adding a Rule results in this edited ACL:
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
15 permit ip host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
To discard the changes, enter abort (ACL configuration modes). If the ACL existed before
entering ACL-Configuration Mode, abort restores the list version that existed before entering
ACL-Configuration Mode. Otherwise, show ip access-lists shows the ACL was not created.
• These commands enter the first three rules into a new ACL.
Switch(config-acl-test1)#permit ip any
Switch(config-acl-test1)#permit ip any host
Switch(config-acl-test1)#deny ip host host
To view the edited list, type show.
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
• This command appends a rule to the active ACL. The sequence number of new rule is 40.
Switch(config-acl-test1)#permit ip any any
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
• This command inserts a rule between the first two rules by assigning it the sequence number 15.
Switch(config-acl-test1)#15 permit ip host
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
15 permit ip host
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
• These equivalent commands removes rule 20 from the list.
Switch(config-acl-test1)#no 20
• The resequence command renumbers rules in the test1 ACL. The sequence number of the first
rule is 100; subsequent rules numbers are incremented by 20.
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
25 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
50 permit ip any any
90 remark end of list
Switch(config-acl-test1)#resequence 100 20 <---Resequence command
IP Access List test1
100 permit ip any
120 permit ip any host
140 deny ip host host
160 permit ip any any
180 remark end of list
• These commands assign test1 ACL to Ethernet 3 interface, then verifies the assignment.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 3
Switch(config-if-Et3)#ip access-group test1 in
Switch(config-if-Et3)#show running-config interfaces ethernet 3
interface Ethernet3
ip access-group test1 in
• These commands place the switch in Control Plane configuration mode and assigns CP-Test1 to
the control plane.
Switch(config-cp)#ip access-group CP-Test1 in
• This command removes the assigned IP ACL from Ethernet 3 interface.
Switch(config-if-Et3)#no ip access-group test in
• These commands place the switch in control plane configuration mode and remove the ACL
assignment from running-config, restoring default-control-plane-acl as the Control Place ACL.
Switch(config-cp)#no ip access-group test_cp in
• This command lists the available Access Control Lists.
Switch(config)#show ip access-list summary
IPV4 ACL default-control-plane-acl <---list name
Total rules configured: 12
Configured on: control-plane
Active on : control-plane
• This command displays the rules in the default-control-plane-acl ACL.
Switch#show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl
IP Access List default-control-plane-acl [readonly]
statistics per-entry
10 permit icmp any any
20 permit ip any any tracked [match 1725, 0:00:00 ago]
30 permit ospf any any
40 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https
50 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp [match 993, 0:00:29 ago]
60 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
70 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
80 permit vrrp any any
90 permit ahp any any
100 permit pim any any
110 permit igmp any any [match 1316, 0:00:23 ago]
120 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910
The examples in this section assume these ACL commands were previously entered.
These commands are stored in the configuration:
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
The current edit session removed this command. This change is not yet stored to running-config:
20 permit ip any host
The current edit session added these commands ACL. They are not yet stored to running-config:
20 permit ip any
25 permit tcp any
45 deny pim
• This command displays the pending ACL, as modified in ACL Configuration Mode.
Switch(config-acl-test_1)#show pending
IP Access List test_1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any
25 permit tcp any
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
45 deny pim
50 remark end of list
• This command displays the ACL, as stored in the configuration
Switch(config-acl-test_1)#show active
IP Access List test_1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
• This command displays the difference between the saved and modified ACLs.
— Rules added to the pending list are denoted with a plus sign (+).
— Rules removed from the saved list are denoted with a minus sign (-).
Switch(config-acl-test_1)#show diff
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
IP Access List test_1
10 permit ip any
- 20 permit ip any host <---removed
+ 20 permit ip any <---added
+ 25 permit tcp any <---added
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
+ 45 deny pim <---added
• This command places the switch in route map configuration mode to create a route map clause
named map1 with a sequence number of 50.
Switch(config)#ip route-map map1 permit 50
• This command places the switch in route map configuration mode to edit the existing route
map clause. The show command displays contents of all clauses in the route map.
Switch(config)#route-map MAP1
route-map MAP1 deny 10
Match clauses:
match as 10
match tag 333
Set clauses:
set local-preference 100
route-map MAP1 permit 20
Match clauses:
match metric-type type-1
match as-path LIST_1
Set clauses:
• The first command creates the map1 clause with sequence number of 10. The second command
is not saved to the route map, as displayed by the show (route-map configuration mode)
Switch(config)#route-map map1 permit
Switch(config-route-map-map1)#match as 100
The exit (route-map configuration mode) command saves the match command to the route
Switch(config)#show route-map map1
route-map map1 permit 10
Match clauses:
match as 100
Set clauses:
To exit route map configuration edit mode without saving the changes, enter the abort (route-map
configuration mode) command.
This command discard the changes and restores the route map that existed before entering
route map configuration mode.
• These commands enter route map configuration mode for an existing route map clause, then
adds a set and match statement to the clause.
Switch(config)#route-map Map1 permit 20
Switch(config-route-map-Map1)#set ip next-hop
Switch(config-route-map-Map1)#match tag 500
This command displays the contents of the clause before saving the statements.
route-map Map1 deny 10
Match clauses:
match as 10
match tag 333
Set clauses:
set local-preference 100
route-map Map1 permit 20
Match clauses:
match metric-type type-1
match as-path List1
Set clauses:
This command exits route map configuration mode, saves the new statements, and displays the
contents of the clause after the statements are saved.
Switch(config)#show route-map Map1
route-map Map1 deny 10
Match clauses:
match as 10
match tag 333
Set clauses:
set local-preference 100
route-map Map1 permit 20
Match clauses:
match metric-type type-1
match as-path List1
match tag 500
Set clauses:
set ip next-hop
• This command adds clause 50 to the Map1 route map, then displays the new route map.
Switch(config)#route-map Map1 permit 50
Switch(config-route-map-Map1)#match as 150
Switch(config)#show route-map Map1
route-map Map1 deny 10
Match clauses:
match as 10
match tag 333
Set clauses:
set local-preference 100
route-map Map1 permit 50
Match clauses:
match as 150
Set clauses:
This command uses the Map1 route map to determine the routes that are redistributed from OSPF
into BGP AS1.
Switch(config)#router bgp 1
Switch(config-router-bgp)#redistribute ospf route-map Map1
Implementation Commands
• ip access-list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 410
• ip access-list standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 411
• ip prefix-list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 412
• mac access-list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 414
• control-plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 401
• route-map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 423
Interface (Ethernet and Port Channel) and Control Plane Configuration Mode Commands
• exit (control plane mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 407
• ip access-group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 409
• mac access-group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 413
• storm-control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 433
Display Commands
• show ip access-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 428
• show mac access-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 429
• show route-map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 430
• show storm-control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 431
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command discards changes to list1, then returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command discards changes to map1, then returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
clear ip access-lists counters [ACL_NAME] [SCOPE]
• ACL_NAME name of access list affected by command. Options include:
— <No parameter> all access lists
— access_list name of access list
• SCOPE Session affected by command. Options include:
— <No parameter> command affects counters on all CLI sessions.
— session affects only current CLI session.
• This command resets all access list counters.
Switch(config)#clear ip access-lists counters
The control-plane command places the switch in control-plane configuration mode. Control-plane
mode is used for assigning an ACL (access control list) to the control plane.
These commands are available in control-plane mode:
• exit (control plane mode)
• ip access-group
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command places the switch in control plane mode.
• This command assigns the control-plane-2 ACL to the control plane.
Switch(config-cp)#ip access-group control-plane-2
• This command exits control plane mode.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• PROTOCOL protocol field filter. Values include:
— ahp authentication header protocol (51).
— icmp internet control message protocol (1).
— igmp internet group management protocol (2).
— ip internet protocol – IPv4 (4).
— ospf open shortest path first (89).
— pim protocol independent multicast (103).
— tcp transmission control protocol (6).
— udp user datagram protocol (17).
— vrrp virtual router redundancy protocol (112).
— protocol_num integer corresponding to an IP protocol. Values range from 0 to 255.
• SOURCE_ADDR and DEST_ADDR source and destination address filters. Options include:
— network_addr subnet address (CIDR or address-mask).
— any Packets from all addresses are filtered.
— host ip_addr IP address (dotted decimal notation).
Source and destination subnet addresses support discontiguous masks.
• SOURCE_PORT and DEST_PORT source and destination port filters. Options include:
— any all ports
— eq port-1 port-2 ... port-n A list of ports. Maximum list size is 10 ports.
— neq port-1 port-2 ... port-n The set of all ports not listed. Maximum list size is 10 ports.
— gt port The set of ports with larger numbers than the listed port.
— lt port The set of ports with smaller numbers than the listed port.
— range port_1 port_2 The set of ports whose numbers are between the range.
• fragments filters packets with FO bit set (indicates a non-initial fragment packet).
• FLAGS flag bit filters (TCP packets).
— Use CLI syntax assistance (?) to display available options.
• MESSAGE message type filters (ICMP packets).
— Use CLI syntax assistance (?) to display available options.
• tracked rule filters packets in existing ICMP, UDP, or TCP connections.
Valid in ACLs applied to the control plane.
Validity in ACLs applied to data plane varies by switch platform.
• log triggers an informational log message to the console about the matching packet.
Valid in ACLs applied to the control plane.
Validity in ACLs applied to data plane varies by switch platform.
• TTL_FILTER filters by packet’s TTL (time-to-live) value. Values include:
— ttl eq ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is equal to ttl_value.
— ttl gt ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is greater than ttl_value.
— ttl lt ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is less than ttl_value.
— ttl neq ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is not equal to ttl_value.
• This command appends a deny statement at the end of the ACL. The deny statement drops OSPF
packets from to any host.
Switch(config-acl-text1)#deny ospf any
• This command inserts a deny statement with the sequence number 65. The deny statement drops
all PIM packets.
Switch(config-acl-text1)#65 deny pim any any
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• SOURCE_ADDR and DEST_ADDR source and destination address filters. Options include:
— mac_address mac_mask MAC address and mask
— any Packets from all addresses are filtered.
• This command appends a permit statement at the end of the ACL. The deny statement drops all
aarp packets from 10.1000.0000 through 10.1000.FFFF to any host.
Switch(config-mac-acl-text1)#deny 10.1000.0000 0.0.FFFF any aarp
• This command inserts a permit statement with the sequence number 25. The deny statement drops
all packets through the interface.
Switch(config-mac-acl-text1)#25 deny any any
Command Mode
Command Syntax
deny SOURCE_ADDR [log]
num deny SOURCE_ADDR [log]
no deny SOURCE_ADDR [log]
default deny SOURCE_ADDR [log]
• SOURCE_ADDR source address filter. Options include:
— network_addr subnet address (CIDR or address-mask).
— any packets from all addresses are filtered.
— host ip_addr IP address (dotted decimal notation).
Source and destination subnet addresses support discontiguous masks.
• log triggers an informational log message to the console about the matching packet.
Valid in ACLs applied to the control plane.
Validity in ACLs applied to data plane varies by switch platform.
• This command appends a deny statement at the end of the ACL. The deny statement drops packets
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command saves changes to list1 ACL, then returns the switch to Global Configuration mode.
• This command saves changes to list1 ACL, then places the switch Interface-Ethernet mode.
Switch(config-acl-list1)#interface ethernet 3
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command exits control plane mode.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command saves changes to map1 route map, then returns the switch to Global Configuration
• This command saves changes to map1 route map, then places the switch in Interface-Ethernet
configuration mode.
Switch(config-route-map-map1)#interface ethernet 3
ip access-group
The ip access-group command applies an IP or standard ACL (access control list) to the configuration
mode interface or control plane.
The no ip access-group and default ip access-group commands remove the specified ip access-group
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface Ethernet Configuration
Interface Port Channel Configuration
Interface VLAN Configuration (Trident platform only)
Command Syntax
ip access-group list_name in
no ip access-group list_name in
default ip access-group list_name in
• list_name name of ACL assigned to interface.
• in transmission direction of packets, relative to interface. The only supported direction is in.
• These commands assign the ACL named test2 to the Ethernet 3 interface.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 3
Switch(config-if-Et3)#ip access-group test2 in
ip access-list
The ip access-list command places the switch in ACL-configuration mode, which is a group change
mode that modifies IP access control lists (ACLs). The command specifies the name of the IP ACL that
subsequent commands modify.
Changes made in a group change mode are saved by leaving the mode through the exit command or
by entering another configuration mode. To discard changes from the current edit session, leave the
mode with the abort command.
These commands are available in ACL-configuration mode:
• abort (ACL configuration modes)
• deny (IP Access Control Lists)
• exit (ACL configuration modes)
• no <sequence number>
• permit (IP Access Control Lists)
• remark
• resequence
• show (ACL configuration modes)
The no ip access-list and default ip access-list commands delete the specified IP ACL.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip access-list list_name
no ip access-list list_name
default ip access-list list_name
• list_name name of ACL.
Must begin with an alphabetic character. Cannot contain spaces or quotation marks.
Related Commands
• ip access-list standard enters std-acl configuration mode for editing standard IP ACLs.
• show ip access-lists displays IP and standard ACLs.
• This command places the switch in ACL configuration mode to modify the filter1 ACL.
Switch(config)#ip access-list filter1
ip access-list standard
The ip access-list standard command places the switch in standard-ACL-configuration mode, which is
a group change mode that modifies standard IP access control lists (ACLs). The command specifies the
name of the standard IP ACL that subsequent commands modify.
Changes made in a group change mode are saved by leaving the mode through the exit command or
by entering another configuration mode. To discard changes from the current edit session, leave the
mode with the abort command.
These commands are available in ACL-configuration and standard-ACL-configuration modes:
• abort (ACL configuration modes)
• deny (Standard IP Access Control Lists)
• exit (ACL configuration modes)
• no <sequence number>
• permit (Standard IP Access Control Lists)
• remark
• resequence
• show (ACL configuration modes)
The no ip access-list standard and default ip access-list standard commands delete the specified list.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip access-list standard list_name
no ip access-list standard list_name
default ip access-list standard list_name
• list_name name of ACL.
Must begin with an alphabetic character. Cannot contain spaces or quotation marks.
Related Commands
• ip access-list enters ACL configuration mode for editing IP ACLs.
• show ip access-lists displays IP and standard ACLs.
• This command places the switch in Standard ACL configuration mode to modify the filter2 ACL.
Switch(config)#ip access-list standard filter2
ip prefix-list
The ip prefix-list command creates a prefix list or adds an entry to an existing list. Route map match
statements use prefix lists to filter routes for redistribution into OSPF, RIP, or BGP domains.
A prefix list comprises all prefix list entries with the same label. The sequence numbers of the rules in a
prefix list specify the order that the rules are applied to a route that the match statement is evaluating.
The no ip prefix-list and default ip prefix-list commands delete the specified prefix list entry by
removing the corresponding ip prefix-list statement from running-config. If the no or default ip
prefix-list command does not list a sequence number, the command deletes all entries of the prefix list.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip prefix-list list_name [SEQUENCE] FILTER_TYPE network_addr [MASK]
no ip prefix-list list_name [SEQUENCE]
default ip prefix-list list_name [SEQUENCE]
• list_name The label that identifies the prefix list.
• SEQUENCE Sequence number of the prefix list entry. Options include
— <No Parameter> entry’s number is ten plus highest sequence number in current list.
— seq seq_num number assigned to entry. Value ranges from 0 to 65535.
• FILTER_TYPE specifies route access when it matches IP prefix list. Options include:
— permit routes are permitted access when they match the specified subnet.
— deny routes are denied access when they match the specified subnet.
• network_addr Subnet upon which command filters routes. Format is CIDR or address-mask.
• MASK range of the prefix length to be matched for prefixes that are more specific than the
network parameter.
— <No Parameter> exact match with the subnet mask is required.
— ge mask_g range is from mask_g to 32.
— le mask_l range is from subnet mask length to mask_l.
— ge mask_l le mask_g range is from mask_g to mask_l.
mask_l and mask_g range from 1 to 32.
when le and ge are specified, subnet mask > mask_g>mask_l
• These commands create a two-entry prefix list named route-one.
Switch(config)#ip prefix-list route-one seq 10 deny ge 26 le 30
Switch(config)#ip prefix-list route-one seq 20 deny
mac access-group
The mac access-group command applies an MAC-ACL (access control list) to the configuration mode
The no mac access-group command removes the specified mac access-group command from
Command Mode
Interface Ethernet Configuration
Interface Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
mac access-group list_name in
no mac access-group list_name in
default mac access-group list_name in
• list_name name of MAC-ACL.
• in transmission direction of packets, relative to interface. The only supported direction is in.
• These commands assign the MAC ACL named mtest2 to the Ethernet 3 interface.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 3
Switch(config-if-Et3)#mac access-group mtest2 in
mac access-list
The mac access-list command places the switch in MAC-ACL-Configuration mode, which is a group
change mode where MAC access control lists (ACLs) are edited. The command specifies the name of the
MAC ACL that subsequent commands modify.
Changes made in a group change mode are saved by leaving MAC-ACL configuration mode through
the exit command or by entering another configuration mode. To discard changes from the current edit
session, leave MAC-ACL configuration mode with the abort command.
These commands are available in MAC-ACL Configuration mode:
• abort (ACL configuration modes)
• deny (MAC Access Control Lists)
• exit (ACL configuration modes)
• no <sequence number>
• permit (MAC Access Control Lists)
• remark
• resequence
• show (ACL configuration modes)
The no mac access-list and default mac access-list commands delete the specified list.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mac access-list list_name
no mac access-list list_name
default mac access-list list_name
• list_name name of MAC access control list. Names must begin with an alphabetic character and
cannot contain a space or quotation mark.
• This command places the switch in ACL configuration mode to modify the mfilter1 ACL.
Switch(config)#mac access-list mfilter1
Command Mode
Command Syntax
no match CONDITION
default match CONDITION
• CONDITION specifies criteria for evaluating a route. Options include:
— as area_number BGP autonomous system (1-65535)
— as-path path_name BGP autonomous system path access list.
— community listname BGP community.
— community listname exact-match BGP community; list must match set that is present.
— extcommunity listname BGP extended community.
— extcommunity listname exact-match BGP ext. community; list must match set that is present.
— interface ethernet e_num specified Ethernet interface.
— interface loopback l_num specified loopback interface.
— ip address access-list al_name IP address that filtered by Access Control List (ACL).
— ip address prefix-list pl_name IP address filtered by IP prefix list.
— ip next-hop ip_address next hop address.
— local-preference preference_number BGP local preference metric (0-4294967295).
— metric metric_number route metric (0-4294967295).
— metric metric-type type-1 OSPF type 1 metric.
— metric metric-type type-2 OSPF type 2 metric.
— tag tag_number route tag (0-4294967295).
• This command creates a route-map entry that filters routes from BGP AS 15.
Switch(config-route-map-map1)#match as 15
no <sequence number>
The no <sequence number> command removes the rule with the specified sequence number from the
ACL. The default <sequence number> command also removes the specified rule.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
no line-num
default line-num
• line-num – sequence number of rule to be deleted.
• This command removes statement 30 from the list
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
Switch(config-acl-test1)#no 30 <---no <sequence number> command
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• PROTOCOL protocol field filter. Values include:
— ahp authentication header protocol (51).
— icmp internet control message protocol (1).
— igmp internet group management protocol (2).
— ip internet protocol – IPv4 (4).
— ospf open shortest path first (89).
— pim protocol independent multicast (103).
— tcp transmission control protocol (6).
— udp user datagram protocol (17).
— vrrp virtual router redundancy protocol (112).
— protocol_num integer corresponding to an IP protocol. Values range from 0 to 255.
• SOURCE_ADDR and DEST_ADDR source and destination address filters. Options include:
— network_addr subnet address (CIDR or address-mask).
— any Packets from all addresses are filtered.
— host ip_addr IP address (dotted decimal notation).
Source and destination subnet addresses support discontiguous masks.
• SOURCE_PORT and DEST_PORT source and destination port filters. Options include:
— any all ports
— eq port-1 port-2 ... port-n A list of ports. Maximum list size is 10 ports.
— neq port-1 port-2 ... port-n The set of all ports not listed. Maximum list size is 10 ports.
— gt port The set of ports with larger numbers than the listed port.
— lt port The set of ports with smaller numbers than the listed port.
— range port_1 port_2 The set of ports whose numbers are between the range.
• fragments filters packets with FO bit set (indicates a non-initial fragment packet).
• FLAGS flag bit filters (TCP packets).
— Use CLI syntax assistance (?) to display available options.
• MESSAGE message type filters (ICMP packets).
— Use CLI syntax assistance (?) to display available options.
• tracked rule filters packets in existing ICMP, UDP, or TCP connections.
Valid in ACLs applied to the control plane.
Validity in ACLs applied to data plane varies by switch platform.
• log triggers an informational log message to the console about the matching packet.
Valid in ACLs applied to the control plane.
Validity in ACLs applied to data plane varies by switch platform.
• TTL_FILTER filters by packet’s TTL (time-to-live) value. Values include:
— ttl eq ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is equal to ttl_value.
— ttl gt ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is greater than ttl_value.
— ttl lt ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is less than ttl_value.
— ttl neq ttl_value Packets match if ttl in packet is not equal to ttl_value.
• This command appends a permit statement at the end of the ACL. The permit statement passes all
OSPF packets from to any host.
Switch(config-acl-text1)#permit ospf any
• This command inserts a permit statement with the sequence number 25. The permit statement
passes all PIM packets through the interface.
Switch(config-acl-text1)#25 permit pim any any
Command Mode
Command Syntax
default permit SOURCE_ADDR DEST_ADDR [PROTOCOL] [log]
• SOURCE_ADDR and DEST_ADDR source and destination address filters. Options include:
— mac_address mac_mask MAC address and mask
— any Packets from all addresses are filtered.
• This command appends a permit statement at the end of the ACL. The permit statement passes all
aarp packets from 10.1000.0000 through 10.1000.FFFF to any host.
Switch(config-mac-acl-text1)#permit 10.1000.0000 0.0.FFFF any aarp
• This command inserts a permit statement with the sequence number 25. The permit statement
passes all packets through the interface.
Switch(config-mac-acl-text1)#25 permit any any
Command Mode
Command Syntax
permit SOURCE_ADDR [log]
num permit SOURCE_ADDR [log]
no permit SOURCE_ADDR [log]
default permit SOURCE_ADDR [log]
• SOURCE_ADDR source address filter. Options include:
— network_addr subnet address (CIDR or address-mask).
— any Packets from all addresses are filtered.
— host ip_addr IP address (dotted decimal notation).
Source and destination subnet addresses support discontiguous masks.
• log triggers an informational log message to the console about the matching packet.
Valid in ACLs applied to the control plane.
Validity in ACLs applied to data plane varies by switch platform.
• This command appends a permit statement at the end of the ACL. The permit statement passes all
packets from
The remark command adds a non-executable comment statement into the pending ACL. Remarks
entered without a sequence number are appended to the end of the list. Remarks entered with a
sequence number are inserted into the list as specified by the sequence number.
The default remark command removes the comment statement from the ACL.
The no remark command removes the comment statement from the ACL. The command can specify
the remark by content or by sequence number.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
remark text
line-num remark [text]
no remark text
default remark text
• text – the comment text.
• line-num – sequence number assigned to the remark statement.
• This command appends a comment to the list
Switch(config-acl-test1)#remark end of list
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
The resequence command assigns sequence numbers to rules in the active ACL. Command parameters
specify the number of the first rule and the numeric interval between consecutive rules.
Maximum rule sequence number is 4294967295 (232-1).
Command Mode
Command Syntax
resequence [start-num [inc-num]]
• start-num – sequence number assigned to the first rule. Default is 10.
• inc-num – numeric interval between consecutive rules. Default is 10.
• The resequence command renumbers the list, starting the first command at number 100 and
incrementing subsequent lines by 20.
IP Access List test1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
Switch(config-acl-test1)#resequence 100 20 <---Resequence command
IP Access List test1
100 permit ip any
120 permit ip any host
140 deny ip host host
160 permit ip any any
180 remark end of list
The route-map command places the switch in route-map configuration mode to modify characteristics
of the specified route map clause. The command creates a route map clause if it references a nonexistent
clause. Route maps define conditions for redistributing routes between routing protocols.
A route map clause is identified by a name, filter type (permit or deny) and sequence number. Clauses
with the same name are components of a single route map; the sequence number determines the order
in which the clauses are compared to a route.
Route-map configuration mode is a group change mode. Changes made in a group change mode are
saved by leaving the mode through the exit command or by entering another configuration mode. To
discard changes from the current edit session, leave the mode with the abort command.
These commands are available in route map configuration mode:
• abort (route-map configuration mode)
• exit (route-map configuration mode)
• match (route-map configuration mode)
• set (route-map configuration mode)
• show (route-map configuration mode)
The no route-map and default route-map commands delete the specified route map clause from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
route-map map_name [FILTER_TYPE] [sequence_number]
no route-map map_name [FILTER_TYPE] [sequence_number]
default route-map map_name [FILTER_TYPE] [sequence_number]
• map_name label assigned to route map. Protocols reference this label to access the route map.
• FILTER_TYPE disposition of routes matching conditions specified by route map clause.
— permit routes are redistributed when they match route map clause.
— deny routes are not redistributed when they match route map clause.
— <No parameter> assigns permit as the FILTER_TYPE.
When a route does not match the route map criteria, the next clause within the route map is
evaluated to determine the redistribution action for the route.
• sequence_number the route map position relative to other clauses with the same name.
— <No parameter> sequence number of 10 (default) is assigned to the route map.
— <1-16777215> specifies sequence number assigned to route map.
• This command creates the route map named map-1 and places the switch in route-map
configuration mode. The route map is configured as a permit map.
Switch(config)#route-map map1 permit 20
Command Mode
Command Syntax
default set CONDITION
• CONDITION specifies the route modification parameter and value. Options include:
— as-path prepend path_name BGP autonomous system path access list.
— community aa:nn community number.
— community additive Add to the existing community.
— community delete Delete matching communities.
— community internet Advertise to Internet community.
— community local-as Do not send outside local AS.
— community no-advertise Do not advertise to any peer.
— community no-export Do not export to next AS.
— community none Remove community attribute.
— community comm_number community number. Value ranges from 0 to 4294967040.
— extcommunity additive Add to the existing extcommunity.
— extcommunity delete Delete matching extended communities.
— extcommunity none Remove extended community attribute.
— extcommunity rt ASN:nn Route Target extended community (AS:network number).
— extcommunity rt IP-address:nn VPN extended community (IP address: network number).
— extcommunity soo ASN:nn Site of origin ext. community (AS:network number).
— extcommunity soo IP-address:nn Site of origin ext. community (IP address: network number).
— ip next-hop ip_address next hop address.
— local-preference preference_number BGP local preference metric (0-4294967295).
— metric metric_number route metric (0-4294967295).
— metric metric-type type-1 OSPF type 1 metric.
— metric metric-type type-2 OSPF type 2 metric.
— origin egp BGP origin attribute.
— origin igp BGP origin attribute.
— origin incomplete BGP origin attribute.
— tag tag_number route tag (0-4294967295).
• This command creates a route-map entry that sets the local preference metric to 100 on redistributed
Switch(config-route-map-map1)#set local-preference 100
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show active
show diff
show pending
The examples in this section assume these ACL commands are entered as specified.
These commands are stored in running-config:
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
The current edit session removed this command. This change is not yet stored to running-config:
20 permit ip any host
The current edit session added these commands ACL. They are not yet stored to running-config:
20 permit ip any
25 permit tcp any
45 deny pim
• This command displays the ACL, as stored in the configuration
Switch(config-acl-test_1)#show active
IP Access List test_1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
50 remark end of list
• This command displays the pending ACL, as modified in ACL Configuration Mode.
Switch(config-acl-test_1)#show pending
IP Access List test_1
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any
25 permit tcp any
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
45 deny pim
50 remark end of list
• This command displays the difference between the saved and modified ACLs.
Rules added to the pending list are denoted with a plus sign (+).
Rules removed from the saved list are denoted with a minus sign (-)
Switch(config-acl-test_1)#show diff
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
IP Access List test_1
10 permit ip any
- 20 permit ip any host <---removed
+ 20 permit ip any <---added
+ 25 permit tcp any <---added
30 deny ip host host
40 permit ip any any
+ 45 deny pim <---added
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command displays the map1 route map, as stored in the configuration:
route-map map1 permit 5
Match clauses:
match as 456
Set clauses:
route-map map1 permit 10
Match clauses:
match ip next-hop
match as-path path_2
Set clauses:
set local-preference 100
show ip access-lists
The show ip access-list command displays the contents of all access control lists on the switch. Use the
summary to display only the name of the lists and the number of lines in each list.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip access-list [list-name] [scope]
• list-name – name of lists to be displayed. Selection options include:
— <no parameter> command displays all ACLs.
— list-name command displays ACL specified by parameter
• scope– information displayed. Selection options include:
— <no parameter> command displays all rules in specified lists.
— summary command displays the number of rules in specified lists.
• This command displays all rules in test1 ACL.
Switch(config)#show ip access-list list2
IP Access List list2
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any host
30 deny ip host host
• This command displays the name of, and number of rules in, each list on the switch.
Switch(config)#show ip access-list summary
IPV4 ACL default-control-plane-acl
Total rules configured: 12
Configured on: control-plane
Active on : control-plane
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show mac access-lists [list-name] [scope]
• list-name – name of lists to be displayed. Selection options include:
— <no parameter>: command displays all ACLs.
— list-name: command displays ACL specified by parameter
• scope – information displayed. Selection options include:
— <no parameter>: command displays all rules in specified lists.
— summary: command displays the number of rules in specified lists.
• This command displays all rules in mtest2 MAC ACL.
Switch(config)#show mac access-list mlist2
IP Access List mlist2
10 permit 1024.4510.F125 0.0.0 any aarp
20 permit any 4100.4500.0000 0.FF.FFFF novell
30 deny any any
• This command displays the name of, and number of, rules in, each list on the switch.
Switch(config)#show mac access-list summary
MAC ACL mlist1
Total rules configured: 6
show route-map
The show route-map command displays the contents of the specified route maps. The command
displays all route maps if an individual map is not specified.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show route-map [map_name]
• <No Parameter> command displays all route maps.
• map_name route map that the command displays.
• This command displays the map1 route map.
switch#show route-map map1
route-map map1 permit 5
Match clauses:
match as 456
Set clauses:
route-map map1 permit 10
Match clauses:
match ip next-hop
match as-path path_2
Set clauses:
set local-preference 100
show storm-control
The show storm-control command displays the storm-control level and interface inbound packet
capacity for the specified interface.
The configured value (storm-control) differs from the programmed threshold in that the hardware
accounts for Interframe Gaps (IFG) based on the minimum packet size. This command displays the
broadcast or multicast rate after this adjustment.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show storm-control [int-name]
• <no parameter>: Command returns data for all interfaces configured for storm control.
• int-name – interface type and port range. Settings include:
— ethernet e-range Ethernet interface range that e-range denotes. Valid e-range formats include a
number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
— port-channel c-range Channel group interface range that c-range denotes. Valid c-range
formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
When storm control commands exist for a port-channel and an Ethernet port that is a member of
the port channel, the port-channel command takes precedence.
• This command displays the storm control configuration for Ethernet ports 1 through 5.
Switch(config-if-Et3)#show storm-control ethernet 1-5
Port BcastEnabled BcastLevel BcastRate(Mbps) McastEnabled McastLevel McastRate(Mbps)
Et1 No 100 - No 100 -
Et2 No 100 - No 100 -
Et3 No 100 - Yes 29 2976
Et4 Yes 29 2976 Yes 29 2976
Et5 No 100 - No 100 -
Command Mode
Command Syntax
statistics per-entry
no statistics per-entry
default statistics per-entry
• This command places the test1 ACL in counting mode.
Switch(config-acl-test1)#statistics per-entry
• This command displays the ACL, with counter information, for an ACL in counting mode.
Switch#show ip access-lists
IP Access List default-control-plane-acl [readonly]
statistics per-entry
10 permit icmp any any
20 permit ip any any tracked [match 12041, 0:00:00 ago]
30 permit ospf any any
40 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https [match 11, 1:41:07 ago]
50 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip [match 78, 0:00:27 ago]
60 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
70 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
80 permit vrrp any any
90 permit ahp any any
100 permit pim any any
110 permit igmp any any [match 14, 0:23:27 ago]
120 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910
130 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100
140 permit udp any any range 51000 51100
The storm-control command configures and enables broadcast or multicast storm control on the active
physical interface.
• storm-control all – configures and enables inbound packet control of all traffic.
• storm-control broadcast – configures and enables broadcast inbound packet control.
• storm-control multicast – configures and enables multicast inbound packet control.
When storm control is enabled, the switch monitors inbound traffic levels over a 1-second interval and
compares the traffic level with a specified threshold. The threshold is a percentage of the total available
port bandwidth is configurable on each interface for multicast and broadcast transmissions.
The no storm-control and default storm-control commands remove a storm-control command from
the configuration, disabling storm control for the specified transmission type on the active interface.
Command Mode
Interface Ethernet Configuration
Interface Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
storm-control mode level threshold
no storm-control mode
default storm-control mode
• mode packet transmission type. Options include
— all
— broadcast
— multicast
• threshold Maximum threshold level of inbound packets that triggers storm control, as a
percentage of port capacity. Value range from 1 to 100. Storm control is suppressed by a level of 100.
The configured value differs from the programmed threshold in that the hardware accounts for
Interframe Gaps (IFG) based on the minimum packet size. The show storm-control command
displays the broadcast or multicast rate after this adjustment.
• This command enables multicast storm control on Ethernet interface 3 and sets the threshold at
65%. During each one second interval, the interface drops all multicast traffic it receives in excess of
65% of the port capacity.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 3
Switch(config-if-Et3)#storm-control multicast level 65
13.1.1 VRRP
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) enables a group of routers to form a single virtual
router to provide redundancy protection in an active-standby router configuration. The protocol defines
a virtual router as an abstract object that is controlled through VRRP to act as a default router for hosts
on a shared LAN.
A virtual router, also known as a virtual router group, is defined by a virtual router identifier (VRID) and
a virtual IP address. A virtual router’s mapping of VRID and IP address must be consistent among all
switches implementing the virtual router group. Two virtual routers cannot be assigned the same VRID,
even when they are on different VLANs. A virtual router’s scope is restricted to a single LAN.
A LAN may contain multiple virtual routers for distributing traffic. Each virtual router on a LAN is
assigned a unique VRID. A switch may be configured with virtual routers among multiple LANs.
VRRP uses priority ratings to assign Master or Backup roles for each VRRP router configured for a
virtual router group. The Master router sends periodic VRRP Advertisement messages along the LAN
and forwards packets received by the virtual router to their destination. Backup routers are inactive but
are available to assume Master router duties when the current Master fails.
A VRRP can be configured to allow VRRP routers with higher priority to take over Master router duties.
Alternatively, the group can be configured to prevent a router from preemptively assuming the Master
role. A VRRP router is always assigned the Master of any virtual router configured with the address
owned by the VRRP router, regardless of the preemption prevention setting.
13.1.2 VARP
Virtual-ARP (VARP) allows multiple switches to simultaneously route packets from a common IP
address in an active-active router configuration. Each switch is configured with the same set of virtual
IP addresses on corresponding VLAN interfaces and a common virtual MAC address. In MLAG
configurations, VARP is preferred over VRRP because VARP does not require traffic to traverse the
peer-link to the master router as VRRP would.
A maximum of 500 virtual IP addresses can be assigned to a VLAN interface. All virtual addresses on all
VLAN interfaces resolve to the same virtual MAC address.
VARP functions by having each switch respond to ARP and GARP requests for the configured router IP
address with the virtual MAC address. The virtual MAC address is only for inbound packets and never
used in the source field of outbound packets.
When ip routing is enabled, packets to the virtual MAC address are routed to the next hop destination.
Figure 13-1 VARP Configuration
Router A Router B
.1 .2
• This command sets the priority value of 250 for the virtual router with VRID 15 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 priority 250
The vrrp preempt command controls the preempt mode setting of the specified virtual router. By
default, preempt mode is enabled.
• This command disables preempt mode for the virtual router 15 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#no vrrp 15 preempt
• This command enables preempt mode for the virtual router 30 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 30 preempt
The vrrp preempt delay command configures a period between an event that elevates a switch to
master vrrp router status and the switch’s assumption of master vrrp router role. Command options
configure delays during normal operation and after a switch reboot.
Advertisement Timer
The Master router sends periodic VRRP Advertisement messages to other VRRP routers. The vrrp
timers advertise command specifies the interval between successive advertisement message
The advertisement interval also defines the timeout that determines when the switch assumes the
Master router role. This timeout interval is three times the advertisement interval.
• This command sets the advertisement interval of 10 seconds for virtual router 35 on VLAN 100.
switch(config-if-vl100)#vrrp 35 timers advertise 10
The vrrp description command associates a text string to the specified virtual router. The maximum
string length is 80 characters. The string has no functional impact on the virtual router.
• This command associates the text string Laboratory Router to virtual router 15 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 description Laboratory Router
VRRP authentication validates VRRP advertisement packets that the switch receives from other VRRP
routers in a specified virtual router group. When a virtual router uses authentication, all VRRP routers
in the group must use the same authentication parameters.
The vrrp authentication command configures virtual router authentication parameters for the specified
virtual router.
• This command implements plain-text authentication, using 12345 as the key, for virtual router
40 on VLAN 100.
switch(config-if-vl100)#vrrp 40 authentication text 12345
Secondary Addresses
The vrrp ip secondary command assigns a secondary IP address to a virtual router. Secondary addresses
are optional; a virtual router’s configuration may include more than one secondary address command.
The primary and secondary address list must be identical for all switches in a virtual router group.
A primary IP address is assigned to a virtual router with the vrrp ip command (Section
• This command assigns the IP address of as the secondary IP address for the virtual
router 15 on VLAN 20
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 ip secondary
• This command enables virtual router group 15 (VRID) on VLAN 20 and assigns as the
virtual router’s primary address.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 ip
• This command places the switch in stopped mode for virtual router 24 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 24 shutdown
• This command moves the switch out of stopped mode for virtual router 24 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#no vrrp 24 shutdown
The no vrrp and no vrrp ip commands delete the specified virtual IP address from the interface.
Additionally, the no vrrp command removes all residual VRRP commands for the virtual router.
• This command removes all vrrp configuration commands for virtual router 10 on VLAN 15.
switch(config-if-vl15)#no vrrp 10
• This command disables virtual router 25 on VLAN 20 and removes the primary IP address from its
switch(config-if-vl20)#no vrrp 25 ip
Virtual IP Addresses
The ip virtual-router address command assigns a virtual IP address to the configuration mode interface.
The virtual router's IP address on a LAN can be used as the default first hop router by end-hosts. The IP
address should be in the subnet of the IP address assigned to the interface.
• This command configures the Switch Virtual Interface (SVI) and a virtual IP address for VLAN
Switch(config)#interface vlan 4094
Switch(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
Switch(config-if-Vl4094)#ip virtual-router address
• This command configures a virtual MAC address.
Switch(config)#ip virtual-router mac-address 001c.7300.0099
• This command displays the virtual router addresses assigned on the switch.
switch>show ip virtual-router
IP virtual router is configured with MAC address: 24cd.5a29.cc31
Interface IP Address Virtual IP Address Status Protocol
Vlan15 up up
Vlan15 up up
Vlan15 up up
Vlan20 up up
Vlan20 up up
Vlan20 up up
The following code configures the first switch (Router A) as the master router and the second switch
(Router B) as a backup router for virtual router 10 on VLAN 50. Router A becomes the Master virtual
router by setting its priority at 200; Router B maintains the default priority of 100. The advertisement
interval is three seconds on both switches. Priority preemption is enabled by default.
The following code configures two switches as a master and a backup router for two virtual routers on
VLAN 50.
• Router A is the master for virtual router 10 and backup for virtual router 20.
• Router B is the master for virtual router 20 and backup for virtual router 10.
• VRRP advertisement interval is 3 seconds on virtual router 10 and 5 seconds on virtual router 20.
• Priority preemption is enabled by default for both virtual routers.
.17 .18
Virtual MAC: 001c.7300.0999 Router A Router B
.1 .2
The following code configures as the virtual IP address for VLAN 50, as the virtual
IP address for VLAN 70, and 001c.7300.0999 as the virtual MAC address on both switches.
ip virtual-router address
The ip virtual-router address command assigns a virtual IP address to the configuration mode interface.
The virtual router's IP address on a LAN can be used as the default first hop router by end-hosts. The IP
address should be in the subnet of the IP address assigned to the interface.
A maximum of 500 virtual IP address can be assigned to a VLAN interface. All virtual addresses on all
VLAN interfaces resolve to the same virtual MAC address configured through the ip virtual-router
mac-address command.
This command is typically used in MLAG configurations to create identical virtual routers on switches
connected to the MLAG domain through an MLAG.
The no ip virtual-router address command removes a virtual IP address from the interface by deleting
the corresponding ip virtual-router address command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip virtual-router address net_addr
no ip virtual-router address [net_addr]
• net_addr network IP address. Entry formats include address-prefix (CIDR) and address-subnet
mask. Configuration stores value in CIDR notation.
• This command configures the Switch Virtual Interface (SVI) and a virtual IP address for VLAN 4094.
Switch(config)#interface vlan 4094
Switch(config-if-Vl4094)#ip address
Switch(config-if-Vl4094)#ip virtual-router address
ip virtual-router mac-address
The ip virtual-router mac-address command assigns a virtual MAC address to the switch. The switch
maps all virtual router IP addresses to this MAC address. The address is receive-only; the switch never
sends packets with this address as the source. The virtual router is not configured on the switch until
this virtual mac-address is assigned.
This command is typically used in MLAG configurations to create identical virtual routers on switches
connected to the MLAG domain through an MLAG. When the destination MAC of a packet destined to
a remote network matches the virtual MAC address, the MLAG peer forwards the traffic to the next hop
destination. Each MLAG peer must have the same routes available, either though static configuration
or learned through a dynamic routing protocol.
The no ip virtual-router mac-address command removes a virtual MAC address from the interface by
deleting the corresponding ip virtual-router mac-address command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip virtual-router mac-address mac_addr
no ip virtual-router mac address [mac_addr]
• mac_addr MAC IP address (dotted hex notation). Select an address that will not otherwise appear
on the switch.
• This command configures a virtual MAC address.
Switch(config)#ip virtual-router mac-address 001c.7300.0099
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip virtual-router mac-address advertisement-interval period
no ip virtual-router mac-address advertisement-interval
default ip virtual-router mac-address advertisement-interval
• period advertisement interval (seconds). Values range from 0 to 86400. Default is 30.
• This command configures a MAC address advertisement interval of one minute (60 seconds).
Switch(config)#ip virtual-router mac-address advertisement-interval 60
no vrrp
The no vrrp command removes all vrrp configuration commands for the specified virtual router on the
configuration mode interface. The default vrrp command also reverts vrrp configuration parameters to
default settings by removing the corresponding vrrp commands.
Commands removed by the no vrrp command include:
• vrrp authentication
• vrrp description
• vrrp ip
• vrrp ip secondary
• vrrp preempt
• vrrp preempt delay
• vrrp priority
• vrrp shutdown
• vrrp timers advertise
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
no vrrp group
default vrrp group
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• This command removes all vrrp configuration commands for virtual router group 10 on VLAN 15.
switch(config-if-vl15)#no vrrp 10
show ip virtual-router
The show ip virtual-router command displays the virtual MAC address assigned to the switch and all
virtual IP addresses assigned to each VLAN interface.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip virtual-router
• IP virtual router is not configured a virtual MAC address is not assigned to the switch.
• No interface with virtual IP address no virtual IP addresses are assigned to any VLAN interfaces.
• This command displays a table of information for VRRP groups on the switch.
switch>show ip virtual-router
IP virtual router is configured with MAC address: 24cd.5a29.cc31
Interface IP Address Virtual IP Address Status Protocol
Vlan15 up up
Vlan15 up up
Vlan15 up up
Vlan20 up up
Vlan20 up up
Vlan20 up up
• This command generates a response that indicates a virtual MAC address is not assigned to the
switch>show ip virtual-router
IP virtual router is not configured
show vrrp
The show vrrp interface command displays the status of configured Virtual Router Redundancy
Protocol (VRRP) groups on a specified interface. Parameter options control the amount and formatting
of the displayed information.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show vrrp interface [INTERFACE_GROUP] [INFO_LEVEL] [STATES]
• INTERFACE_GROUP specifies groups for which command displays status. When the parameter
is omitted or specifies only an interface, the group list is filtered by the STATES parameter.
— <no parameter> all groups.
• This command displays a table of information for VRRP groups on the switch.
Switch(config)#show vrrp brief
Port Group Prio Time Own State MaIp GrIp
Vlan1006 3 100 3609 Backup
Vlan1010 1 100 3609 Backup
Vlan1014 2 100 3609 Backup
• This command displays data blocks for all VRRP groups on VLAN 46, regardless of the VRRP state.
Switch(config)#show vrrp interface vlan 1006 all
Vlan46 - Group 3
State is Backup
Virtual IP address is
Virtual MAC address is 0000.5e00.0103
Advertisement interval is 1.000s
Preemption is enabled
Priority is 100
Master Router is, priority is 100
Master Advertisement interval is 1.000s
Master Down interval is 3.609s
Vlan46 - Group 8
State is Backup
Virtual IP address is
Virtual MAC address is 0000.5e00.0101
Advertisement interval is 1.000s
Preemption is enabled
Priority is 100
Master Router is, priority is 100
Master Advertisement interval is 1.000s
Master Down interval is 3.609s
• This command displays data for all VRRP group 2 on VLAN 1014.
Switch(config)#show vrrp interface vlan 1014 group 2
Vlan1014 - Group 2
State is Master
Virtual IP address is
Virtual MAC address is 0000.5e00.0102
Advertisement interval is 1.000s
Preemption is enabled
Preemption delay is 0.000s
Preemption reload delay is 0.000s
Priority is 100
Master Router is (local), priority is 100
Master Advertisement interval is 1.000s
Master Down interval is 3.609s
vrrp authentication
The vrrp authentication command configures parameters the switch uses to authenticate virtual router
packets it receives from other VRRP routers in the group.
The no vrrp authentication and no vrrp authentication commands disable VRRP authentication of
packets from the specified virtual router by removing the corresponding vrrp authentication command
from running-config. The no vrrp command also removes the vrrp authentication command for the
specified virtual router.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group authentication AUTH_PARAMETER
no vrrp group authentication
default vrrp group authentication
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• AUTH_PARAMETER encryption level and authentication key used by router. Options include:
— text text_key plain-text authentication, text_key is text.
— text_key plain-text authentication, text_key is text.
— ietf-md5 key-string 0 text_key IP authentication of MD5 key hash, text_key is text.
— ietf-md5 key-string text_key IP authentication of MD5 key hash, text_key is text.
— ietf-md5 key-string 7 coded_key IP authentication of MD5 key hash, coded_key is MD5 hash.
• This command implements plain-text authentication, using 12345 as the key, for virtual router 40 on
VLAN 100.
switch(config-if-vl100)#vrrp 40 authentication text 12345
• This command implements ietf-md5 authentication, using 12345 as the key.
switch(config-if-vl100)#vrrp 40 authentication ietf-md5 key-string 0 12345
• This command implements ietf-md5 authentication, using 12345 as the key. The key is entered as
the MD5 hash equivalent of the text string.
switch(config-if-vl100)#vrrp 40 authentication ietf-md5 key-string 7
vrrp description
The vrrp description command associates a text string to a VRRP virtual router on the configuration
mode interface. The string has no functional impact on the virtual router. The maximum length of the
string is 80 characters.
The no vrrp description and default vrrp description commands remove the text string association
from the VRRP virtual router by deleting the corresponding vrrp description command from
running-config. The no vrrp command also removes the vrrp description command for the specified
virtual router.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group description label_text
no vrrp group description
default vrrp group description
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• label_text text that describes the virtual router. Maximum string length is 80 characters.
• This command associates the text string Laboratory Router to virtual router 15 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 description Laboratory Router
vrrp ip
The vrrp ip command configures the primary IP address for the specified VRRP virtual router. The
command also activates the virtual router if the primary address is contained in the interface’s subnet.
A VRRP virtual router’s configuration may contain only one primary IP address assignment command;
subsequent vrrp ip commands replace the existing primary address assignment.
The vrrp ip secondary command assigns a secondary IP address to the VRRP virtual router.
The no vrrp ip and default vrrp ip commands disable the VRRP virtual router and deletes the primary
IP address by removing the corresponding vrrp ip statement from running-config. The no vrrp
command also removes the vrrp ip command for the specified virtual router.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group ip ip_address
no vrrp group ip ip_address
default vrrp group ip ip_address
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• ip_address IP address of the virtual router (dotted decimal notation).
• This command enables virtual router 15 on VLAN 20 and designates as the virtual router’s
primary address.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 ip
Related Commands
vrrp ip secondary
vrrp ip secondary
The vrrp ip secondary command assigns a secondary IP address to the specified virtual router.
Secondary IP addresses are an optional virtual router parameter. A virtual router may contain multiple
secondary address commands. The IP address list must be identical for all VRRP routers in a virtual
router group.
The virtual router is assigned a primary IP address with the vrrp ip command.
The no vrrp ip secondary and default vrrp ip secondary commands remove the secondary IP address
for the specified VRRP virtual router by deleting the corresponding vrrp ip secondary statement from
running-config. The no vrrp command also removes all vrrp secondary commands for the specified
virtual router.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group ip ip_address secondary
no vrrp group ip ip_address secondary
default vrrp group ip ip_address secondary
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• ip_address secondary IP address of the virtual router (dotted decimal notation).
• This command assigns the IP address of as the secondary IP address for the virtual router
with VRID of 15 on VLAN 20
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 15 ip secondary
Related Commands
vrrp ip
vrrp preempt
The vrrp preempt command controls a virtual router’s preempt mode setting. When preempt mode is
enabled, the switch assumes the role of master virtual router if it has a higher priority than the current
master router. When preempt mode is disabled, the switch can become the master virtual router only
when a master virtual router is not present on the subnet, regardless of vrrp priority settings. By default,
preempt mode is enabled.
The no vrrp preempt and default vrrp preempt commands disable preempt mode for the specified
virtual router; the default vrrp prempt command stores a corresponding no vrrp preempt statement in
running-config. The vrrp preempt command enables preempt mode by removing the corresponding no
vrrp preempt statement from running-config.
The no vrrp command also enables preempt mode by removing the no vrrp preempt command for the
specified virtual router.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group preempt
no vrrp group preempt
default vrrp group preempt
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• This command disables preempt mode for virtual router 20 on VLAN 40.
switch(config-if-vl40)#no vrrp 20 preempt
• This command enables preempt mode for virtual router 20 on VLAN 40.
switch(config-if-vl40)#vrrp 20 preempt
Related Commands
vrrp preempt delay
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group preempt delay [MINIMUM_DELAY] [RELOAD_DELAY]
no vrrp group preempt delay [minimum] [reload]
default vrrp group preempt delay [DELAY_TYPE]
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• MINIMUM_DELAY period between preempt event and takeover of master vrrp router role.
— <no parameter> minimum delay is not altered by command.
— minimum min_time delay during normal operation (seconds). Values range from 0 to 3600.
• RELOAD_DELAY period after reboot-VRRP initialization and takeover of master vrrp router role.
— <no parameter> reload delay is not altered by command.
— reload reload_time delay after reboot (seconds). Values range from 0 to 3600.
• DELAY_TYPE delay type reset to default by no and default vrrp preempt delay commands.
— <no parameter> reload and minimum delays are reset to default.
— minimum minimum delay is reset to default.
— reload reload delay are is to default.
• This command sets the minimum preempt time of 90 seconds for virtual router 20 on VLAN 40.
switch(config-if-vl40)#vrrp 20 preempt delay minimum 90
• This command sets the minimum and reload preempt time to zero for virtual router 20 on VLAN 40.
switch(config-if-vl40)#no vrrp 20 preempt delay
Related Commands
vrrp preempt
vrrp priority
The vrrp priority command configures the switch’s priority setting for a VRRP virtual router. Priority
values range from 1 to 254. The default value is 100.
The router with the highest vrrp priority setting for a group becomes the master virtual router for that
group. The master virtual router controls the IP address of the virtual router and is responsible for
forwarding traffic sent to this address. The vrrp preempt command controls the time when a switch can
become the master virtual router.
The no vrrp priority and default vrrp priority commands restore the default priority of 100 to the virtual
router on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding vrrp priority command
from running-config. The no vrrp command also removes the vrrp priority command for the specified
virtual router.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group priority level
no vrrp group priority
default vrrp group priority
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• level priority setting for the specified virtual router. Values range from 1 to 254.
• This command sets the virtual router priority value of 250 for the virtual router group on VLAN 45.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 45 priority 250
vrrp shutdown
The vrrp shutdown command places the switch in stopped state for the specified virtual router. While
in stopped state, the switch cannot act as a Master or backup router for the virtual router group.
The no vrrp shutdown and default vrrp shutdown commands remove the corresponding vrrp
shutdown command from running-config. This changes the switch’s virtual router state to backup or
master if the virtual router is properly configured.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group shutdown
no vrrp group shutdown
default vrrp group shutdown
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• This command places the switch in stopped mode for virtual router 24 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#vrrp 24 shutdown
• This command moves the switch out of stopped mode virtual router 24 on VLAN 20.
switch(config-if-vl20)#no vrrp 24 shutdown
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
vrrp group timers advertise adv_time
no vrrp group timers advertise
default vrrp group timers advertise
• group virtual router identifier (VRID). Values range from 1 to 255.
• adv_time advertisement interval (seconds). Values range from 1 to 255. Default value is 1.
• This command sets the advertisement interval of five seconds for the virtual router 35 on VLAN 100.
switch(config-if-vl100)#vrrp 35 timers advertise 5
MST Regions
An MST region is a set of interconnected bridges with the same MST configuration. Each region can
support a maximum of 65 spanning-tree instances. MST regions are identified by a version number,
name, and VLAN-to-instance map; these parameters must be configured identically on all switches in
the region. Only MST region members participate with the MST instances defined in the region. A
VLAN can be assigned to only one spanning-tree instance at a time. MST does not specify the maximum
number of regions that a network can contain.
MST Instances
Each MST instance is identified by an instance number that ranges from 0 to 4094 and is associated with
a set of VLANs. An MST region contains two types of spanning tree instances: an internal spanning tree
instance (IST) and multiple spanning tree instances (MSTI).
• The Internal Spanning Tree Instance (IST) is the default spanning tree instance in an MST region and
is always instance 0. It provides the root switch for the region and contains all VLANs configured
on the switch that are not assigned to a MST instance.
• Multiple Spanning Tree instances (MSTI) consists of VLANs that are assigned through MST
configuration statements. VLANs assigned to an MSTI are removed from the IST instance. VLANs
in an MSTI operate as a part of a single Spanning Tree topology. Because each VLAN can belong to
only one instance, MST instances (and the IST) are topologically independent.
• Ethernet, Port Channel, Management, Loopback, and VLAN interfaces can be backup interfaces.
• The primary and backup interfaces can be different interface types.
• Interface pairs should be similarly configured to ensure consistent behavior.
• An interface can be associated with a maximum of one backup interface.
• An interface can back up a maximum of one interface.
• Any Ethernet interface configured in an interface pair cannot be a port channel member.
• STP is disabled on ports configured as primary or backup interfaces.
• Static MAC addresses should be configured after primary-backup pairs are established.
Important Disabling all Spanning Tree Protocols on the switch is strongly discouraged.
A designated bridge is defined for each network segment as the switch that provides the segment’s
shortest path to the root bridge. A designated bridge is selected for each segment after a root bridge is
selected; a switch can be a designated bridge for multiple segments.
The following network calculations in Figure 14-1 assume that each path has the same cost:
• Switch B is the root bridge – its Bridge ID is lowest because it has the smallest port priority.
• Switch A is the designated bridge for VLAN 11.
• Switch B is the designated bridge for VLAN 10, VLAN 13, VLAN 16, VLAN 18, VLAN 19.
• Switch C is the designated bridge for VLAN 25.
• Switch D is the designated bridge for VLAN 21, VLAN 23.
Priority=32768 Priority=8192
Switch A Switch B
2 (RP) VLAN 13 (DP) 2 8 (DP) VLAN 16
Root Bridge
(DP) 4
(DP) 4
(DP) 5
(DP) 6
Enabled Path
2 (DP)
3 (RP)
Switch C Switch D
3 VLAN 24 1 6 (DP) VLAN 21
Priority=32768 Priority=16384
14.2.3 BPDUs
Spanning tree rules specify a root bridge, select designated bridges, and assign roles to ports. STP rule
implementation requires that network topology information is available to each switch. Switches
exchange topology information through Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs). Information provided by
BPDU packets include bridge IDs and root path costs.
This command enables Multiple Spanning Tree.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
The spanning-tree mst configuration command places the switch in MST configuration mode.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
The instance command assigns VLANs to MST instances. The name (mst-configuration mode) and
revision commands configure the MST region name and revision.
These commands assign VLANs 4-7 and 9 to instance 8 and remove VLAN 6 from instance 10.
switch(config-mst)#instance 8 vlans 4-7,9
switch(config-mst)#no instance 10 vlans 6
These commands assign the name (corporate_1) and revision (3) to the switch.
switch(config-mst)#name corporate_1
switch(config-mst)#revision 3
The exit (mst-configuration mode) command transitions the switch out of MST configuration mode and
saves all pending changes. The abort (mst-configuration mode) command exits MST configuration
mode without saving the pending changes.
This command exits MST configuration mode and saves all pending changes.
• spanning-tree priority
• spanning-tree root
• spanning-tree port-priority
This command configures priority for MST instance 4.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode mst 4 priority 4096
Each of these commands configure priority for MST instance 0.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode mst 0 priority 4096
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode priority 4096
This command enables Rapid Spanning Tree.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode rstp
These spanning-tree commands, when they do not include an optional MST or VLAN parameter, apply
to RSTP. Commands that configure MSTP instance 0 also apply to the RSTP instance.
• spanning-tree priority
• spanning-tree root
• spanning-tree port-priority
These commands apply to the RST instance.
switch(config)#spanning-tree priority 4096
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst 0 priority 4096
These commands do not apply to the RST instance.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst 4 priority 4096
switch(config)#spanning-tree VLAN 3 priority 4096
Show commands (such as show spanning-tree) displays the RSTP instance as MST0 (MST instance 0).
This command, while the switch is in RST mode, displays RST instance information.
switch(config)#show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp <---RSTP mode indicator
Root ID Priority 32768
Address 001c.730c.1867
This bridge is the root
This command enables Rapid Per-VLAN Spanning Tree.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
These commands provide an optional VLAN parameter for configuring Rapid-PVST instances.
• spanning-tree priority
• spanning-tree root
• spanning-tree port-priority
This command configures bridge priority for VLAN 4.
switch(config)#spanning-tree VLAN 4 priority 4096
This command enables switchport backup.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode backup
The switchport backup interface command establishes an interface pair between the command mode
interface (primary) and the interface specified by the command (backup).
These commands establish Ethernet interface 7 as the backup port for Ethernet interface 1.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport backup interface ethernet 7
The prefer option of the switchport backup interface command establishes a peer relationship between
the primary and backup interfaces and specifies VLAN traffic that the backup interface normally carries.
If either interface goes down, the other interface carries traffic normally handled by both interfaces.
These steps perform the following:
• configures Ethernet interface 1 as a trunk port that handles VLANs 4 through 9 traffic.
• configures Ethernet interface 2 as the backup interface.
• assigns Ethernet 2 as the preferred interface for VLANs 7 through 9.
Step 1 Enter configuration mode for the primary interface
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
Step 2 Configure the primary interface as a trunk port that services VLANs 4-9
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 4-9
Step 3 Configure the backup interface and specify the VLANs that it normally services.
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport backup Ethernet 2 prefer vlan 7-9
This command disables all spanning-tree functions.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode none
— RST: 0
• MAC address of switch (six bytes)
This command displays a table of root bridge information.
switch>show spanning-tree root
Root ID Root Hello Max Fwd
Instance Priority MAC addr Cost Time Age Dly Root Port
---------- -------------------- --------- ----- --- --- ------------
MST0 32768 001c.7301.23de 0 2 20 15 Po937
MST101 32869 001c.7301.23de 3998 0 0 0 Po909
MST102 32870 001c.7301.23de 3998 0 0 0 Po911
The switch defines bridge IDs for three MST instances:
• MST 0: 32768 (Priority (32768)+Instance number(0)) and 001c.7301.23de (MAC address)
• MST101: 32869 (Priority (32768)+Instance number(101)) and 001c.7301.23de (MAC address)
• MST102: 32870 (Priority (32768)+Instance number(102)) and 001c.7301.23de (MAC address)
The switch provides two commands that configure the switch priority: spanning-tree priority and
spanning-tree root. The commands differ in the available parameter options:
• spanning-tree priority options are integer multiples of 4096 between 0 and 61440.
• spanning-tree root options are primary and secondary.
— primary assigns a priority of 8192.
— secondary assigns a priority of 16384.
The default priority value is 32768.
The following examples configure Bridge IDs with both commands.
These commands configure MST instance bridge priorities with the root command:
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst 0 root primary
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst 1 root secondary
switch>show spanning-tree root
Root ID Root Hello Max Fwd
Instance Priority MAC addr Cost Time Age Dly Root Port
---------- -------------------- --------- ----- --- --- ------------
MST0 8192 001c.7301.6017 0 2 20 15 None
MST1 16385 001c.7301.6017 0 0 0 0 None
MST2 32770 001c.7301.6017 0 0 0 0 None
• Instance 0 root priority is 8192: primary priority plus the instance number of 0.
• Instance 1 root priority is 16385: secondary priority plus the instance number of 1.
• Instance 2 root priority is 32770: default priority plus the instance number of 2.
These priority settings normally program the switch to be the primary root bridge for instance 0, the
secondary root bridge for instance 1, and a normal bridge for instance 2.VLAN 4. Primary and
secondary root bridge elections also depend on the configuration of other network bridges.
These commands configure the Rapid-PVST VLAN bridge priorities with the priority command:
switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 8192
switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 2 priority 16384
switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 3 priority 8192
switch(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 4 priority
switch(config)#show spanning-tree root
Root ID Root Hello Max Fwd
Instance Priority MAC addr Cost Time Age Dly Root Port
---------- -------------------- --------- ----- --- --- ------------
VL1 8193 001c.7301.6017 0 2 20 15 None
VL2 16386 001c.7301.6017 0 2 20 15 None
VL3 8195 001c.7301.6017 0 2 20 15 None
VL4 32788 001c.7301.6017 0 2 20 15 None
• VLAN 1 root priority is 8193: configured priority plus the VLAN number of 1.
• VLAN 2 root priority is 16386: configured priority plus the VLAN number of 2.
• VLAN 3 root priority is 8195: configured priority plus the VLAN number of 3.
• VLAN 4 root priority is 32788: default priority plus the VLAN number of 4.
These priority settings normally program the switch to be the primary root bridge for VLANs 1 and
3, the secondary root bridge for VLAN2, and a normal bridge for VLAN 4. Primary and secondary
root bridge elections also depend on the configuration of other network bridges.
These commands configure a port cost of 25000 to Ethernet interface 5. This cost is valid for RSTP
or MSTP instance 0.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree cost 25000
This command configures a path cost of 300000 to Ethernet interface 5 in MST instance 200.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree mst 200 cost 300000
This command configures a path cost of 10000 to Ethernet interface 5 in Rapid-PVST VLAN 200-220.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree vlan 200-220 cost 10000
This command sets the access port priority of 144 for Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree port-priority 144
This command sets the access port priority of 144 for Ethernet 5 interface in MST instance 10.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree mst 10 port-priority 144 PortFast
PortFast is enabled on access ports connected to a single workstation or server to allow those devices
immediate network access without waiting for spanning tree convergence. Enabling PortFast on ports
connected to another switch can create loops.
A portfast port that receives a BPDU sets its operating state to non-portfast while remaining in portfast
configured state. In this state, the port is subject to topology changes and can enter the blocking state.
The spanning-tree portfast command programs access ports to immediately enter the forwarding state,
bypassing listening and learning states. PortFast connects devices attached to an access port, such as a
single workstation, to the network immediately without waiting for STP convergence. PortFast can also
be enabled on trunk ports.
This command unconditionally enables portfast on Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree portfast
Port Type
Edge ports are directly connected to end stations. Because edge ports do not create loops, they transition
directly to forwarding state, bypassing listening and learning states, when a link is established.
The port type determines the behavior of the port with respect to STP extensions. The spanning-tree
portfast <port type> command sets the configuration mode interface’s port type. Spanning tree ports
can be configured as edge ports, network ports, or normal ports. The default port type is normal.
• Edge ports connect to a host (end station). Configuring a port that connects to a bridge as an edge
port may create a loop. Edge ports that receive a BPDU become a normal spanning tree port.
• Network ports connect only to a Layer 2 switch or bridge. Configuring a port connected to a host
as a network port transitions the port to the blocking state.
• Normal ports have an unspecified topology.
This command configures Ethernet 5 interface as a network port.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree portfast network
Auto-edge detection converts ports not receiving a BPDU during a three second span into edge ports.
The spanning-tree portfast auto command enables auto-edge detection on the configuration mode
interface, superseding the spanning-tree portfast command. Auto-edge detection is enabled by default
This command enables auto-edge detection on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree portfast auto
Link Type
The switch derives a port’s default link type from its duplex mode:
• full-duplex ports are point-to-point.
• half-duplex ports are shared.
The spanning-tree link-type command specifies the configuration mode interface’s link-type. RSTP fast
transition is not allowed on shared link ports, regardless of their duplex setting. Because the ports are
full-duplex by default, the default link-type setting is point-to-point.
This command configures Ethernet 5 interface as a shared port.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree link-type shared
This command enables root guard on Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree guard root
Loop guard prevents loops from unidirectional link failures on point-to-point links by verifying that
non-designated ports (root, blocked, and alternate) are receiving BPDUs from their designated ports. A
loop-guard-enabled root or blocked port that stops receiving BPDUs transitions to the blocking
(loop-inconsistent) state. The port recovers from this state when it receives a BPDU.
Loop guard, when enabled globally, applies to all point-to-point ports. Loop guard is configurable on
individual ports and applies to all STP instances of an enabled port. Loop-inconsistent ports transition
to listening state when loop guard is disabled.
Enabling loop guard on a root switch has no effect until the switch becomes a nonroot switch.
When using loop guard:
• Do not enable loop guard on portfast-enabled ports.
• Loop guard is not functional on ports not connected to point-to-point links.
• Loop guard has no effect on disabled spanning tree instances.
Loop guard aspects on port channels include:
• BPDUs are sent over the channel’s first operational port. Loop guard blocks the channel if that link
becomes unidirectional even when other channel links function properly.
• Creating a new channel destroys state information for its component ports; new channels with
loop-guard-enabled ports can enter forwarding state as a DP.
• Dissembling a channel destroys its state information; component ports from a blocked channel can
enter the forwarding state as DPs, even if the channel contained unidirectional links.
• A unidirectional link on any port of a loop-guard-enabled channel blocks the entire channel until
the affected port is removed or the link resumes bidirectional operation.
Loop guard configuration commands include:
• spanning-tree loopguard default command enables loop guard as a default on all switch ports.
• spanning-tree guard control the loop guard setting on the configuration mode interface. This
command overrides the default command for the specified interface.
This command enables loop guard as the default on all switch ports.
switch(config)#spanning-tree loopguard default
This command enables loop guard on Ethernet 6 interface.
switch(config-if-Et6)#spanning-tree guard loop
This command enables bridge assurance on the switch.
switch(config)#spanning-tree bridge assurance
This command configures a hello-time of 1 second (1000 ms).
switch(config)#spanning-tree hello-time 1000
The spanning-tree max-hops command specifies the max hop setting that the switch inserts into BPDUs
that it sends out as the root bridge.
This command sets the max hop value to 40.
switch(config)#spanning-tree max-hops 40
The spanning-tree forward-time command configures the forward delay setting that the switch inserts
into BPDUs that it sends out as the root bridge.
This command sets the forward delay timer value to 25 seconds.
switch(config)#spanning-tree forward-time 25
The spanning-tree max-age command configures the max age setting that the switch inserts into BPDUs
that it sends out as the root bridge.
This command sets the max age timer value to 25 seconds.
switch(config)#spanning-tree max-age 25
This command configures a transmit hold-count of 8 BPDUs.
switch(config)#spanning-tree transmit hold-count 8
These commands enable BPDU guard by default on all portfast ports, then disable BPDU guard on
Ethernet 5.
switch(config)#spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree bpduguard disable
This command enables BPDU filtering on Ethernet 5.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
This command configures the global limit of 5000 BPDUs over a four second interval.
switch(config)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count 5000 interval 4
These commands configures a limit of 7500 BPDUs over an 8 second interval on Ethernet interface 2.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count 7500 interval 8
This command enables rate limiting on ports not covered by interface rate limit commands.
switch(config)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit default
These commands enables rate limiting on Ethernet 15.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 15
switch(config-if-Et15)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit enable
Display Commands
• show spanning-tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 495
• show spanning-tree blockedports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 498
• show spanning-tree bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 499
• show spanning-tree counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 500
• show spanning-tree interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 501
• show spanning-tree mst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 502
• show spanning-tree mst configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 504
• show spanning-tree mst interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 505
• show spanning-tree mst test information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 506
• show spanning-tree root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 507
• show spanning-tree topology status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 508
Clear Commands
• clear spanning-tree counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 487
• clear spanning-tree counters session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 488
• clear spanning-tree detected-protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 489
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command discards changes to the MST region, then returns the switch to Global Configuration
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree counters [INT_NAME]
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
— <no parameter> resets counters for all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command resets the BPDU counters on Ethernet 15 interface.
switch#show spanning-tree counters
Port Sent Received Tagged Error Other Error
Ethernet15 32721 0 0 0
Port-Channel10 8487 0 0 0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree counters session
• This command resets the BPDU counters in the current CLI session.
switch#show spanning-tree counters
Port Sent Received Tagged Error Other Error
Ethernet15 32721 0 0 0
Port-Channel10 8487 0 0 0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree detected-protocols [INT_NAME]
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command restarts the STP migration machine on all switch interfaces.
switch#clear spanning-tree detected-protocols
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command saves changes to the MST region, then returns the switch to Global Configuration
• This command saves changes to the MST region, then places the switch Interface-Ethernet mode.
Switch(config-mst)#interface ethernet 3
The instance command inserts an entry into the VLAN-to-instance map that associates a set of VLANs
to an MST instance. In addition to defining the MST topology, the VLAN-to-instance map is one of three
parameters, along with the MST name and revision number, that identifies the switch’s MST region.
The no instance command removes specified entries from the VLAN-to-instance map. If the command
does not provide a VLAN list, all entries are removed for the specified instance. The no instance and
default instance commands function identically.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
instance mst_inst vlans v_range
no instance mst_inst [vlans v_range]
no default instance mst_inst [vlans v_range]
• mst_inst MST instance number. Value of mst_inst ranges from 0 to 4094.
• v_range VLAN list. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers
and ranges.
• This command maps VLANs 20-39 to MST instance 2
switch(config-mst)#instance 2 vlans 20-39
• This command removes all VLAN mappings to MST instance 10.
switch(config-mst)#no instance 10
Command Mode
Command Syntax
name label_text
no name
default name
• label_text character string assigned to name attribute. Maximum 32 characters. The space
character is not permitted in the name string.
• This command assigns corporate_100 as the MST region name.
switch(config-mst)#name corporate_100
switch(config-mst)#show pending
Active MST configuration
Name [corporate_100] <---Result of changing name
Revision 0 Instances configured 1
The revision command configures the MST revision number. The revision number is one of three
parameters, along with the MST name and VLAN-to-instance map, that identifies the switch’s MST
region. Revision numbers range from 0 to 65535. The default revision number is 0.
The no revision and default revision commands restore the revision number to its default value by
removing the revision command from running-config.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
revision rev_number
no revision
default revision
• rev_number revision number. Ranges from 0 to 65535 with a default of 0.
• This command sets the revision number to 15.
switch(config-mst)#revision 15
switch(config-mst)#show pending
Active MST configuration
Name []
Revision 15 Instances configured 1 <---Result of changing revision
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• EDIT_VERSION specifies configuration version that the command displays. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays pending MST configuration.
— active command displays MST configuration stored in running-config.
— current command displays MST configuration stored in running-config.
— pending command displays pending MST configuration.
• These commands contrast the difference between the active and pending configuration by adding
MST configuration commands, then showing the configurations.
switch(config-mst)#show pending <---Command to display initial configuration
Active MST configuration
Name []
Revision 0 Instances configured 1
show spanning-tree
The show spanning-tree command displays spanning tree protocol (STP) data, organized by instance.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree [VLAN_ID] [INFO_LEVEL]
• VLAN_ID specifies VLANs for which command displays information. Formats include:
— <no parameter> displays information for all instances VLANs.
— vlan displays data for instances containing the first VLAN listed in running-config.
— vlan v_range displays data for instances containing a VLAN in the specified range.
• INFO_LEVEL specifies level of information detail provided by the command.
— <no parameter> displays table for each instance listing status, configuration, and history.
— detail displays data blocks for each instance and all ports on each instance.
Display Values
• Root ID Displays information on the ROOT ID (elected spanning tree root bridge ID):
— Priority: Priority of the bridge. Default value is 32768.
— Address: MAC address of the bridge.
• Bridge ID bridge status and configuration information for the locally configured bridge:
— Priority Priority of the bridge. The default priority is 32768.
— Address MAC address of the bridge.
— Hello Time Interval (seconds) between bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) transmissions.
— Max Age Maximum time that a BPDU is saved.
— Forward Delay Time (in seconds) that is spent in the listening and learning state.
• Interface STP configuration participants. Link-down interfaces are not shown.
• Role Role of the port as one of the following:
— Root The best port for a bridge to a root bridge used for forwarding.
— Designated A forwarding port for a LAN segment.
— Alternate A port acting as an alternate path to the root bridge.
— Backup A port acting as a redundant path to another bridge port.
— Disabled A port manually disabled by an administrator.
• State Displays the interface STP state as one of the following:
— Listening
— Learning
— Blocking
— Forwarding
• Cost STP port path cost value.
• Prio. Nbr. STP port priority. Values range from 0 to 240. Default is 128.
• Type The link type of the interface (automatically derived from the duplex mode of an interface):
— P2p Peer (STP) Point to point full duplex port running standard STP.
— shr Peer (STP) Shared half duplex port running standard STP.
• This command displays STP data, including a table of port parameters.
switch>show spanning-tree vlan 1000
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 32768
Address 001c.7301.07b9
Cost 1999 (Ext) 0 (Int)
Port 101 (Port-Channel2)
Hello Time 2.000 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
• This command displays output from the show spanning-tree command:
Switch#show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol mstp
Root ID Priority 32768
Address 0011.2201.0301
This bridge is the root
• This command displays STP data, including an information block for each interface running STP.
switch>show spanning-tree vlan 1000 detail
MST0 is executing the rstp Spanning Tree protocol
Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, sysid 0, address 001c.7304.195b
Configured hello time 2.000, max age 20, forward delay 15, transmit hold-count 6
Current root has priority 32768, address 001c.7301.07b9
Root port is 101 (Port-Channel2), cost of root path is 1999 (Ext) 0 (Int)
Number of topology changes 4109 last change occurred 1292651 seconds ago
from Ethernet13
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree blockedports
• This command displays the ports that are in blocking (discarding) state.
switch>show spanning-tree blockedports
Name Blocked Interfaces List
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MST0 Po903, Po905, Po907, Po909, Po911, Po913, Po915, Po917, Po919, Po921, Po923
Po925, Po927, Po929, Po931, Po933, Po935, Po939, Po941, Po943, Po945, Po947
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree bridge [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL specifies level of information detail provided by the command.
— <no parameter> command displays information in a data table.
— detail command displays bridge information in data blocks for each instance.
• This command displays a bridge data table.
switch>show spanning-tree bridge
Bridge ID Hello Max Fwd
Instance Priority MAC addr Time Age Dly
---------- ---------------------------------------- ----- --- ---
MST0 32768(32768, sys-id 0 ) 001c.7302.2f98 2000 20 15
MST101 32869(32768, sys-id 101 ) 001c.7302.2f98 2000 20 15
MST102 32870(32768, sys-id 102 ) 001c.7302.2f98 2000 20 15
• This command displays bridge data blocks.
switch>show spanning-tree bridge detail
Stp agent is restartable
Bridge ID Priority 32768 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 0)
Address 001c.7302.2f98
Hello Time 2.000 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32869 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 101)
Address 001c.7302.2f98
Hello Time 2.000 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32870 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 102)
Address 001c.7302.2f98
Hello Time 2.000 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree counters
• This command displays the BPDU counter status on each interface running spanning tree.
switch>show spanning-tree counters
Port Sent Received Tagged Error Other Error sinceTimer
Ethernet2 1008399 0 0 0 0
Ethernet3 1008554 0 0 0 0
Ethernet4 454542 0 0 0 0
Ethernet5 1008556 0 0 0 0
Ethernet6 827133 0 0 0 0
Ethernet8 1008566 0 0 0 0
Ethernet10 390732 0 0 0 0
Ethernet11 1008559 0 0 0 0
Ethernet15 391379 0 0 0 0
Ethernet17 621253 0 0 0 0
Ethernet19 330855 0 0 0 0
Ethernet23 245243 0 0 0 0
Ethernet25 591695 0 0 0 0
Ethernet26 1007903 0 0 0 0
Ethernet32 1010429 8 0 0 0
Ethernet33 510227 0 0 0 0
Ethernet34 827136 0 0 0 0
Ethernet38 1008397 0 0 0 0
Ethernet39 1008564 0 0 0 0
Ethernet40 1008185 0 0 0 0
Ethernet41 1007467 0 0 0 0
Ethernet42 82925 0 0 0 0
Port-Channel1 1008551 0 0 0 0
Port-Channel2 334854 678589 0 0 3
Port-Channel3 1010420 4 0 0 0
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree interface INT_NAME [INFO_LEVEL]
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— peerethernete_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— peerport-channelp_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
• INFO_LEVEL specifies level of detail provided by the output. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays a table of STP data for the specified interface.
— detail command displays a data block for the specified interface.
• This command displays an STP table for Ethernet 5 interface.
switch>show spanning-tree interface ethernet 5
Instance Role State Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- --------------------
MST0 designated forwarding 20000 128.5 P2p
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mst [INSTANCE] [INFO_LEVEL]
• INSTANCE – MST instance for which command displays information. Options include
— <no parameter> all MST instances.
— mst_inst MST instance number. Value of mst_inst ranges from 0 to 4094.
• INFO_LEVEL – type and amount of information in the output. Options include:
— <no parameter> output is interface data in tabular format.
— detail output is a data block for each interface.
• This command displays interface data blocks for MST instance 3.
switch>show spanning-tree mst 3 detail
##### MST3 vlans mapped: 3
Bridge address 0011.2233.4402 priority 32771 (32768 sysid 3)
Root address 0011.2233.4401 priority 32771 (32768 sysid 3)
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mst configuration [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL specifies data provided by the output. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays VLAN-to-instance map
— digest command displays the MST configuration digest
• This command displays the MST region’s VLAN-to-instance map.
switch>show spanning-tree mst configuration
Name []
Revision 0 Instances configured 3
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mst [INSTANCE] interface INT_NAME [INFO_LEVEL]
• INSTANCE MST instance for which command displays information. Options include
— <no parameter> all MST instances.
— mst_inst denotes single MST instance. Value of mst_inst ranges from 0 to 4094.
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— peerethernete_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— peerport-channelp_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
• INFO_LEVEL specifies level of detail provided by the output. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays a table of STP instance data for the specified interface
— detail command displays a data block for all specified instance-interface combinations.
• This command displays an table of STP instance data for Ethernet 1 interface:
switch>show spanning-tree mst interface ethernet 1
Ethernet1 of MST0 is root forwarding
Edge port: no bpdu guard: disabled
Link type: point-to-point
Boundary : Internal
Bpdus sent 2120, received 2164, taggedErr 0, otherErr 0
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mst test information
• This command displays diagnostic STP information.
switch>show spanning-tree mst test information
bi = MstInfo.BridgeInfo( "dut" )
bi.stpVersion = "rstp"
bi.mstpRegionId = ""
bi.bridgeAddr = "00:1c:73:01:60:17"
si = MstInfo.BridgeStpiInfo( "Mst" )
bi.stpiInfoIs( "Mst", si )
si.cistRoot = Tac.Value( "Stp::BridgeId", priority=32768, systemId=0,
address='00:1c:73:01:60:17' )
si.cistPathCost = 0
bmi = MstInfo.BridgeMstiInfo( "Mst0" )
bmi.bridgeId = Tac.Value( "Stp::BridgeId", priority=32768, systemId=0,
address='00:1c:73:01:60:17' )
bmi.designatedRoot = Tac.Value( "Stp::BridgeId", priority=32768, systemId=0,
address='00:1c:73:01:60:17' )
si.mstiInfoIs( "Mst0", bmi )
bmii = MstInfo.BridgeMstiIntfInfo( "Mst0", "Ethernet15" )
bmii.portId = Tac.Value( "Stp::PortId",
portPriority=128, portNumber=15 )
bmii.role = "designated"
bmii.operIntPathCost = 2000
bmii.fdbFlush = 1
bmi.mstiIntfInfoIs( "Ethernet15", bmii )
bii = MstInfo.BridgeIntfInfo( "Ethernet15" )
bii.operExtPathCost = 2000
si.intfInfoIs( "Ethernet15", bii )
bmii = MstInfo.BridgeMstiIntfInfo( "Mst0", "Port-Channel10" )
bmii.portId = Tac.Value( "Stp::PortId",
portPriority=128, portNumber=101 )
bmii.role = "designated"
bmii.operIntPathCost = 1999
bmii.fdbFlush = 1
bmi.mstiIntfInfoIs( "Port-Channel10", bmii )
bii = MstInfo.BridgeIntfInfo( "Port-Channel10" )
bii.operExtPathCost = 1999
si.intfInfoIs( "Port-Channel10", bii )
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree root [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL specifies output format. Options include:
— <no parameter> output displays data in tabular format.
— detail output displays a data block for each instance.
• This command displays a table of root bridge information.
switch>show spanning-tree root
Root ID Root Hello Max Fwd
Instance Priority MAC addr Cost Time Age Dly Root Port
---------- -------------------- --------- ----- --- --- ------------
MST0 32768 001c.7301.23de 0 2 20 15 Po937
MST101 32869 001c.7301.23de 3998 0 0 0 Po909
MST102 32870 001c.7301.23de 3998 0 0 0 Po911
• This command displays root bridge data blocks for each MSTP instance.
switch>show spanning-tree root detail
Root ID Priority 32768
Address 001c.7301.23de
Cost 0 (Ext) 3998 (Int)
Port 100 (Port-Channel937)
Hello Time 2.000 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Root ID Priority 32869
Address 001c.7301.23de
Cost 3998
Port 107 (Port-Channel909)
Hello Time 0.000 sec Max Age 0 sec Forward Delay 0 sec
Root ID Priority 32870
Address 001c.7301.23de
Cost 3998
Port 104 (Port-Channel911)
Hello Time 0.000 sec Max Age 0 sec Forward Delay 0 sec
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree topology [VLAN_NAME] status [INFO_LEVEL]
• VLAN_NAME specifies the VLANs that the output displays. Options include:
— <no parameter> output includes all VLANs.
— vlan output includes all VLANs.
— vlan v_num command includes specified VLAN; v_num ranges from 1 to 4094.
• INFO_LEVEL specifies information provided by output. Options include:
— <no parameter> output lists forwarding state of interfaces.
— detail output lists forwarding state and change history of interfaces.
• This command displays forwarding state for ports mapped to all VLANs.
switch>show spanning-tree topology status
Topology: Cist
Mapped Vlans: 1-4,666,1000-1001,1004-1005
Cpu: forwarding
Ethernet2: forwarding
Ethernet3: forwarding
Ethernet4: forwarding
Ethernet5: forwarding
Ethernet6: forwarding
Ethernet8: forwarding
Ethernet10: forwarding
Port-Channel1: forwarding
Port-Channel2: forwarding
Port-Channel3: forwarding
• This command displays forwarding state and history for ports mapped to VLAN 1000.
switch>show spanning-tree topology vlan 1000 status detail
Topology: Cist
Mapped Vlans: 1000
Cpu: forwarding (1 changes, last 23 days, 22:54:43 ago)
Ethernet2: forwarding (3 changes, last 23 days, 22:48:59 ago)
Ethernet4: forwarding (3 changes, last 10 days, 19:54:17 ago)
Ethernet5: forwarding (3 changes, last 23 days, 22:54:38 ago)
Ethernet6: forwarding (3 changes, last 19 days, 15:49:10 ago)
Ethernet10: forwarding (3 changes, last 9 days, 7:37:05 ago)
Port-Channel1: forwarding (3 changes, last 23 days, 22:54:34 ago)
Port-Channel3: forwarding (5 changes, last 21 days, 4:56:41 ago)
spanning-tree bpdufilter
The spanning-tree bpdufilter command controls bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) filtering on the
configuration mode interface. BPDU filtering is disabled by default.
Ports with BPDU filtering enabled drops inbound BPDUs and do not send BPDUs. Enabling BPDU
filtering on a port not connected to a host can result in loops as the port continues forwarding data while
ignoring inbound BPDU packets.
• spanning-tree bpdufilter enabled enables BPDU filtering.
• spanning-tree bpdufilter disabled disables BPDU filtering by removing the spanning-tree
bpdufilter command from running-config.
The no spanning-tree bpdufilter command disables BPDU filtering on the configuration mode
interface by removing the spanning-tree bpdufilter command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpdufilter FILTER_STATUS
no spanning-tree bpdufilter
• FILTER_STATUS BPDU filtering status. Options include:
— enabled BPDU filter is enabled on the interface.
— disabled BPDU filter is disabled on the interface.
• This command enables BPDU filtering on Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree bpdufilter enabled
spanning-tree bpduguard
The spanning-tree bpduguard command controls BPDU guard on the configuration mode interface. A
BPDU guard-enabled port is disabled when it receives a BPDU packet. Disabled ports differ from
blocked ports in that they are re-enabled only through manual intervention.
The BPDU guard default setting for portfast ports is configured by the spanning-tree portfast
bpduguard default command; BPDU guard is disabled by default on all non-portfast ports.
• spanning-tree bpduguard enable enables BPDU guard on the interface.
• spanning-tree bpduguard disable disables BPDU guard on the interface.
The no spanning-tree bpduguard command removes the spanning-tree bpduguard command from
the configuration, restoring the default setting on the configuration mode interface.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpduguard GUARD_ACTION
no spanning-tree bpduguard
• GUARD_ACTION BPDU guard setting. Options include:
— enabled BPDU guard is enabled on the interface.
— disabled BPDU guard is disabled on the interface.
• This command enables BPDU guard on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree bpduguard enabled
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count max_bpdu [TIMER]
no spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count
• max_bpdu BPDU quantity. Value ranges from 1 to 20,000.
• TIMER BPDU reception interval (seconds). Options include
— <no parameter> reception interval defaults to hello-time.
— interval period Value of period ranges from 1 to 15.
• This command configures the global rate limit as 5000 BPDUs per four second period.
switch(config)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count 5000 interval 4
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count max_bpdu [TIMER]
no spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count
• max_bpdu BPDU quantity. Value ranges from 1 to 20,000.
• TIMER BPDU reception interval (seconds). Options include
— <no parameter> reception interval defaults to hello-time.
— interval period Value of period ranges from 1 to 15.
• These commands configure rate limit as 7500 BPDUs per 8 second period on Ethernet 2.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit count 7500 interval 8
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit default
no spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit default
• This command enables rate limiting on all ports not covered by an interface rate limit command.
switch(config)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit default
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit enable
spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit disable
no spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit
• These commands enable rate limiting on Ethernet 15.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 15
switch(config-if-Et15)#spanning-tree bpduguard rate-limit enable
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bridge assurance
no spanning-tree bridge assurance
• This command enables bridge assurance on the switch.
switch(config)#spanning-tree bridge assurance
spanning-tree cost
The spanning-tree cost command configures the path cost of the configuration mode interface. Cost
values range from 1 to 200000000 (200 million). The default cost depends on the interface speed:
• 1 gigabit interface: cost = 20000
• 10 gigabit interface: cost = 2000
The spanning-tree cost command provides a mode option:
• RST instance cost is configured by not including a mode.
• MST instance 0 cost is configured by not including a mode or with the mst mode option.
• MST instance cost is configured with the mst mode option.
• Rapid-PVST VLAN cost is configured with the vlan mode option.
The no spanning-tree cost command restores the default cost by removing the corresponding
spanning-tree cost command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree MODE cost value
no spanning-tree MODE cost
• MODE specifies the spanning tree instances for which the cost is configured. Values include:
— <no parameter> RST instance or MST instance 0.
— mst m_range specified MST instances. m_range formats include a number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Instance numbers range from 0 to 4094.
— vlan v_range specified Rapid-PVST instances. v_range formats include a number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. VLAN numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• value path cost assigned to interface. Values range from 1 to 200000000 (200 million). Default
values are 20000 (1 G interfaces) or 2000 (10 G interfaces).
• This command configures a port cost of 25000 for Ethernet interface 5 when configured as an RST
port or a port in MST instance 0.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning tree cost 25000
• This command configures a port cost of 30000 for Ethernet interface 5 when configured as a port in
MST instance 200.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning tree mst 200 cost 30000
• This command configures a port cost of 100000 for Ethernet interface 5 when configured as a port
in VLANs 200-220.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning tree vlan 200-220 cost 100000
spanning-tree forward-time
The spanning-tree forward-time command configures the forward delay timer. Forward delay is the
time that a port is in listening and learning states before it begins forwarding data packets.
The switch inserts the forward delay timer value in BPDU packets it sends as the root bridge. The
forward delay value ranges from 4 to 30 seconds with a default of 15 seconds.
The no spanning-tree forward-time command restores the forward delay timer default of 15 seconds
by removing the spanning-tree forward-time command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree forward-time period
no spanning-tree forward-time
• period forward delay timer (seconds). Value ranges from 4 to 30. Default is 15.
• This command sets the forward delay timer value to 25 seconds.
switch(config)#spanning-tree forward-time 25
spanning-tree guard
The spanning-tree guard command enables root guard or loop guard on the configuration mode
interface. The spanning-tree loopguard default command configures the global loop guard setting.
• Root guard prevents a port from becoming a root or blocked port. A root guard port that receives a
superior BPDU transitions to the root-inconsistent (blocked) state.
• Loop guard protects against loops resulting from unidirectional link failures on point-to-point links
by preventing non-designated ports from becoming designated ports. When loop guard is enabled,
a root or blocked port transitions to loop-inconsistent (blocked) state if it stops receiving BPDUs
from its designated port. The port returns to its prior state when it receives a BPDU.
The no spanning-tree guard command sets the configuration mode interface to the global loop guard
value by removing the spanning-tree guard statement from configuration. The spanning-tree guard
none command disables loop guard and root guard on the interface, overriding the global setting.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree guard PORT_MODE
no spanning-tree guard
• PORT_MODE the port mode. Options include:
— loop enables loop guard on the interface.
— root enables root guard on the interface.
— none disables root guard and loop guard.
• This command enables root guard on Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree guard root
spanning-tree hello-time
The spanning-tree hello-time command configures the hello time, which specifies the transmission
interval between consecutive bridge protocol data units (BPDU) that the switch sends as a root bridge.
The hello time is also inserted in outbound BPDUs.
This hello time ranges from 0.2 seconds to 10 seconds with a default of 2 seconds.
The no spanning-tree hello-time command restores the default hello time value by removing the
spanning-tree hello-time command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree hello-time period
no spanning-tree hello-time
• period hello-time (milliseconds). Value ranges from 200 to 10000. Default is 2000.
• This command configures a hello-time of one second.
switch(config)#spanning-tree hello-time 1000
spanning-tree link-type
The spanning-tree link-type command specifies the configuration mode interface’s link type, which is
normally derived from the port’s duplex setting. The default setting depends on a port’s duplex mode:
• full-duplex ports are point-to-point.
• half-duplex ports are shared.
RSTP can only achieve rapid transition to the forwarding state on edge ports and point-to-point links.
The no spanning-tree link-type command restores the default link type on the configuration mode
interface by removing the spanning-tree link-type command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree link-type TYPE
no spanning-tree link-type
• TYPE link type of the configuration mode interface. Options include:
— point-to-point
— shared
• This command configures Ethernet 5 interface as a shared port.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree link-type shared
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree loopguard default
no spanning-tree loopguard default
• This command enables loop guard as the default on all switch ports.
switch(config)#spanning-tree loopguard default
spanning-tree max-age
The spanning-tree max-age command configures the switch’s max age timer, which specifies the max
age value that the switch inserts in outbound BPDU packets it sends as a root bridge. The max-age time
value ranges from 6 to 40 seconds with a default of 20 seconds.
Max age is the interval, specified in the BPDU, that BPDU data remains valid after its reception. The
bridge recomputes the spanning tree topology if it does not receive a new BPDU before max age expiry.
The no spanning-tree max-age command restores the max-age default of 20 seconds by removing the
spanning-tree max-age command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree max-age period
no spanning-tree max-age
• period max age period (seconds). Value ranges from 6 to 40. Default is 20.
• This command sets the max age timer value to 25 seconds.
switch(config)#spanning-tree max-age 25
spanning-tree max-hops
The spanning-tree max-hop command specifies the max hop setting that the switch inserts into BPDUs
that it sends out as the root bridge. The max hop setting determines the number of bridges in an MST
region that a BPDU can traverse before it is discarded. The max-hop value ranges from 1 to 255 with a
default of 20.
The no spanning-tree max-hops command restores the max-hops setting to its default value of 20 by
removing the spanning-tree max-hops command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree max-hops ports
no spanning-tree max-hops
• ports max hops (bridges). Value ranges from 1 to 255. Default is 20.
• This command sets the max hop value to 40.
switch(config)#spanning-tree max-hop 40
spanning-tree mode
The spanning-tree mode command specifies the spanning tree protocol version that the switch runs.
The default mode is Multiple Spanning Tree.
The no spanning-tree mode command restores the default spanning tree protocol version.
Caution The spanning-tree mode command may disrupt user traffic. When the switch starts a different STP
version, all spanning-tree instances are stopped, then restarted in the new mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree mode VERSION
no spanning-tree mode
• VERSION spanning tree version that the switch runs. Options include:
— mstp multiple spanning tree protocol described in the IEEE 802.1Q-2005 specification and
originally specified in the IEEE 802.1s specification.
— rstp rapid spanning tree protocol described in the IEEE 802.1D-2004 specification and
originally specified in the IEEE 802.1w specification.
— rapid-pvst rapid per-VLAN spanning tree protocol described in the IEEE 802.1D-2004
specification and originally specified in the IEEE 802.1w specification.
— backup disables STP and enables switchport interface pairs configured with the switchport
backup interface command.
— none disables STP. The switch does not generate STP packets. Each switchport interface
forwards data packets to all connected ports and forwards STP packets as multicast data
packets on the VLAN where they are received.
• This command configures the switch to run multiple spanning tree protocol.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree mst configuration
no spanning-tree mst configuration
default spanning-tree mst configuration
• This command enters MST configuration mode.
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
• This command exits MST configuration mode, saving MST region configuration changes to
• This command exits MST configuration mode without saving MST region configuration changes to
spanning-tree portfast
The spanning-tree portfast command programs configuration mode ports to immediately enter
forwarding state when they establish a link, bypassing listening and learning states. PortFast ports are
included in spanning tree topology calculations and can enter blocking state. The spanning-tree
portfast auto, when configured, has priority over this command.
The no spanning-tree portfast command removes the spanning-tree portfast command from
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree portfast
no spanning-tree portfast
• This command unconditionally enables portfast on Ethernet 5.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree portfast
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree portfast auto
no spanning-tree portfast auto
• This command enables auto-edge detection on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree portfast auto
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
no spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
• This command BPDU guard by default on all PortFast ports.
switch(config)#spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree portfast PORT_MODE
no spanning-tree portfast PORT_MODE
• PORT_MODE STP port mode. Options include:
— edge
— network
— normal
• This command configures Ethernet 5 interface as a network port.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree portfast network
spanning-tree port-priority
The spanning-tree port-priority command specifies the configuration mode interface’s port-priority
number. The switch uses this number to determine which interface it places into forwarding mode
when resolving a loop. Valid settings are all multiples of 16 between 0 and 240. Default value is 128. Ports
with lower numerical priority values are selected over other ports.
The no spanning-tree port-priority command restores the default of 128 for the configuration mode
interface by removing the spanning-tree port-priority command from running-config.
The spanning-tree port-priority command provides a mode option:
• RST instance port-priority is configured by not including a mode.
• MST instance 0 port-priority is configured by not including a mode or with the mst mode option.
• MST instance port-priority is configured with the mst mode option.
• Rapid-PVST VLAN port-priority is configured with the vlan mode option.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree [MODE] port-priority value
no spanning-tree [MODE] port-priority
• MODE specifies the spanning tree instances for which the cost is configured. Values include:
— <no parameter> RST instance or MST instance 0.
— mst m_range specified MST instances. m_range formats include a number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Instance numbers range from 0 to 4094.
— vlan v_range specified Rapid-PVST instances. v_range formats include a number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. VLAN numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• value bridge priority number. Values range from 0 to 240 and must be a multiple of 16.
• This command sets the port priority of Ethernet 5 interface to 144.
switch(config-if-Et5)#spanning-tree port-priority 144
spanning-tree priority
The spanning-tree priority command configures the bridge priority number. The bridge priority is the
four most significant digits of the bridge ID, which is used by spanning tree algorithms to select the root
bridge and choose among redundant links. Bridge ID numbers range from 0 to 65535 (16 bits); bridges
with smaller bridge IDs are elected over other bridges.
Because bridge priority sets the four most significant bits of the bridge ID, valid settings include all
multiples of 4096 between 0 and 61440. Default value is 32768.
The spanning-tree priority command provides a mode option:
• RST instance priority is configured by not including a mode.
• MST instance 0 priority is configured by not including a mode or with the mst mode option.
• MST instance priority is configured with the mst mode option.
• Rapid-PVST VLAN priority is configured with the vlan mode option.
The no spanning-tree priority command restores the bridge priority default of 32768 by removing the
corresponding spanning-tree priority command from running-config.
Another method of adding spanning-tree priority commands to the configuration is through the
spanning-tree root command. Similarly, the no spanning-tree root command removes the
corresponding spanning-tree priority command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree [MODE] priority level
no spanning-tree [MODE] priority
• MODE spanning tree instances for which the command configures priority. Options include:
— <no parameter> RST instance or MST instance 0.
— mst m_range specified MST instances. m_range formats include a number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Instance numbers range from 0 to 4094.
— vlan v_range specified Rapid-PVST instances. v_range formats include a number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. VLAN numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• level priority number. Values include multiples of 4096 between 0 and 61440. Default is 32768.
• This command configures a bridge priority value of 20480 for Rapid-PVST VLANs 20, 24, 28, and 32.
switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 20,24,28,32 priority 20480
• This command configures a bridge priority value of 36864 for the RST instance. When MST is
enabled, this command configures a priority of 36864 for MST instance 0.
switch(config)#spanning-tree priority 36864
spanning-tree root
The spanning-tree root command configures the bridge priority number by adding a spanning-tree
priority command to the configuration. Parameter settings set the following priority values:
• primary sets the bridge priority to 8192.
• secondary sets the bridge priority to 16384.
The bridge priority is the four most significant digits of the bridge ID, which is used by spanning tree
algorithms to select the root bridge and choose among redundant links. Bridge ID numbers range from
0 to 65535 (16 bits); bridges with smaller bridge IDs are elected over other bridges.
When no other switch in the network is similarly configured, assigning the primary value to the switch
facilitates its selection as the root switch. Assigning the secondary value to the switch facilitates its
selection as the backup root in a network that contains one switch with a smaller priority number.
The spanning-tree root command provides a mode option:
• RST instance priority is configured by not including a mode.
• MST instance 0 priority is configured by not including a mode or with the mst mode option.
• MST instance priority is configured with the mst mode option.
• Rapid-PVST VLAN priority is configured with the vlan mode option.
The no spanning-tree root command restores the bridge priority default of 32768 by removing the
corresponding spanning-tree priority command from running-config. The no spanning-tree root and
no spanning-tree priority commands perform the same function.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree [MODE] root TYPE
no spanning-tree [MODE] root
• MODE specifies the spanning tree instances for which priority is configured. Values include:
— <no parameter> RST instance or MST instance 0.
— mst m_range specified MST instances. m_range formats include a number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Instance numbers range from 0 to 4094.
— vlan v_range specified Rapid-PVST instances. v_range formats include a number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. VLAN numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• TYPE sets the bridge priority number. Values include:
— primary sets the bridge priority to 8192.
— secondary sets the bridge priority to 16384.
• This command configures a bridge priority value of 8192 for Rapid-PVST VLANs 20-36.
switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 20-36 root primary
• This command configures a bridge priority value of 16384 for the RSTP instance and MST instance 0.
switch(config)#spanning-tree root secondary
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree transmit hold-count max_bpdu
no spanning-tree transmit hold-count
• max_bpdu BPDU packets. Value ranges from 1 to 10. Default is 6.
• This command configures a transmit hold-count of 8 BPDUs.
switch(config)#spanning-tree transmit hold-count 8
spanning-tree vlan
The spanning-tree vlan command enables spanning-tree on specified VLANs by removing the
corresponding no spanning-tree vlan command from running-config. Spanning-tree is enabled on all
VLANs by default.
The no spanning-tree vlan command disables spanning-tree on the specified interfaces.
Warning Disabling spanning tree is not recommended, even in topologies free of physical loops. Spanning tree
guards against configuration mistakes and cabling errors. When disabling VLAN, ensure that there are
no physical loops in the VLAN.
Important When disabling spanning tree on a VLAN, ensure that all switches and bridges in the network
disable spanning tree for the same VLAN. Disabling spanning tree on a subset of switches and
bridges in a VLAN may have unexpected results because switches and bridges running spanning
tree will have incomplete information regarding the network's physical topology.
The following spanning-tree global configuration commands provide a vlan option for configuring
Rapid-PVST VLAN instances:
• spanning-tree priority
• spanning-tree root
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
spanning-tree vlan v_range
no spanning-tree vlan v_range
• v_range VLAN list. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers
and ranges. VLAN numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• This command disables spanning-tree on VLANs 200-205
switch(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 200-205
• This command enables spanning-tree on VLAN 203
switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 203
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport backup interface INT_NAME [BALANCE]
no switchport backup interface
default switchport backup interface
• INT_NAME the backup interface. Options include:
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface. e_num range depends on switch model.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface. l_num ranges from 1 to 1000.
— management m_num Management interface. m_num range depends on switch model.
— port-channel p_num Channel group interface. p_num ranges from 1 to 1000.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface. v_num ranges from 1 to 4094.
• BALANCE VLANs whose traffic is normally handled on the backup interfaces. Values include:
— <no parameter> backup interface handles no traffic if the primary interface is operating.
— prefer vlan v_range list of VLANs whose traffic is handled by backup interface.
These commands establish Ethernet interface 7 as the backup port for Ethernet interface 1.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport backup interface ethernet 7
These commands configure the following:
• Ethernet interface 1 as a trunk port that handles VLAN 4 through 9 traffic.
• Ethernet interface 2 as its backup interface.
• Ethernet 2 as the preferred interface for VLANs 7 through 9.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 4-9
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport backup Ethernet 2 prefer vlan 7-9
• Petra Platforms: One default traffic class is assigned to individual PetraA chips, each of which
controls eight Ethernet interfaces. The traffic class value is configurable on each chip. The traffic
class value is not configurable on individual interfaces.
• These commands configure trust mode of dscp for Ethernet interface 7.
switch(config)#interface Ethernet 7
switch(config-if-Et7)#qos trust dscp
• These commands configure trust mode of untrusted for Port Channel interface 23.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 23
switch(config-if-Po23)#no qos trust
• This command sets the default DSCP of 44 on Ethernet 7 interface.
Switch(config-if-Et7)#qos dscp 44
• This command configures the default traffic class to five for the ports 25-32 on linecard 5.
switch(config)#platform petraA linecard5-Petra-3 traffic-class 5
• This command configures the default traffic class to three for all ports on linecard 10.
switch(config)#platform petraA module 10 traffic-class 3
• This command assigns the traffic class of 5 to the classes of service 1, 3, 5, and 7.
switch(config)#qos map cos 1 3 5 7 to traffic-class 5
• This command assigns the traffic class of three to the DSCP values of 12, 13, 25, and 37.
switch(config)#qos map dscp 12 13 25 37 to traffic-class 3
• This command assigns the CoS of two to traffic classes 1, 3, and 5.
switch(config)#qos map traffic-class 1 3 5 to cos 2
• This command enters tx-queue configuration mode for transmit queue 3 of Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#tx-queue 3
• These commands assign traffic classes of 1, 3, and 5 to transmit queue 1, traffic classes 2, 4, and
6 to transmit queue 2, and traffic class 0 to transmit queue 0, then display the resultant map.
switch(config)#qos map traffic-class 1 3 5 to tx-queue 1
switch(config)#qos map traffic-class 2 4 6 to tx-queue 2
switch(config)#qos map traffic-class 0 to tx-queue 0
switch(config)#show qos maps
Number of Traffic Classes supported: 7
Number of Transmit Queues supported: 7
Tc-queue map:
tc: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
tx-queue: 0 1 2 1 2 1 2
• These commands configure a shape rate of 5 Gbs on Ethernet port 3, then configure the shape
rate for the following transmit queues:
— transmit queues 0, 1, and 2: 500 Mbps
switch(config)#interface ethernet 3
switch(config-if-Et3)#shape rate 5000000
switch(config-if-Et3)#tx-queue 0
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-0)#shape-rate 500000
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-0)#tx-queue 1
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-1)#shape rate 500000
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-1)#tx-queue 2
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-2)#shape rate 500000
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-2)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#shape rate 400000
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#tx-queue 4
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-4)#shape rate 400000
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-4)#tx-queue 5
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-5)#shape rate 400000
The show qos interface displays the shape rate configuration for the specified port.
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-5)#show qos interface ethernet 3
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
• These commands configure tranmsit queue 3 as a round robin queue, then allocates 10%, 20%,
30%, and 40% bandwidth to queues 0 through 3. The priority statement for queue 3 also
configures priority for queues 0, 1, and 2.
Removing the statement reverts the other queues to strict priority type unless running-config
contains a no priority statement for one of these queues.
switch(config-if-Et3)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#no priority
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#bandwidth percent 40
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#tx-queue 2
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-2)#bandwidth percent 30
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-2)#tx-queue 1
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-1)#bandwidth percent 20
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-1)#tx-queue 0
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-0)#bandwidth percent 10
The show qos interface displays the priority type and bandwidth for each transmit queue.
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-0)#show qos interface ethernet 3
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
Changing the configured bandwidth percentage for queue 3 from 40 to 12 adds 7% ((40-12)/4)to
the bandwidth of each queue.
Tx-Queue Bandwidth ShapeRate Priority
(percent) (Kbps)
0 17 500000 round-robin
1 27 500000 round-robin
2 37 500000 round-robin
3 19 400000 round-robin
4 N/A 400000 strict
5 N/A 400000 strict
6 N/A disabled strict
Changing the configured bandwidth percentage for queue 3 to 60 changes the allocated
bandwidth of each queue to its allocated bandwidth divided by 120% (10%+20%+30%+60%).
Tx-Queue Bandwidth ShapeRate Priority
(percent) (Kbps)
0 8 500000 round-robin
1 16 500000 round-robin
2 25 500000 round-robin
3 50 400000 round-robin
4 N/A 400000 strict
5 N/A 400000 strict
6 N/A disabled strict
EXEC Commands
• show qos interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 569
• show qos maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 570
bandwidth percent
The bandwidth percent command configures the bandwidth share of the configuration mode transmit
queue when it is configured as a round robin queue. When the cumulative configured bandwidth of all
round robin queues is less than 100%, the remaining bandwidth is shared equally by all queues. When
the cumulative configured bandwidth is greater than 100%, each queue’s share is adjusted to provide a
bandwitch proportional with the other queues’ share. The default value is 0%.
The no bandwidth percent and default bandwidth percent commands restore the default bandwidth
share of the configuration mode transmit queue by removing the corresponding from running-config.
Command Mode
Tx-Queue Configuration
Command Syntax
bandwidth percent proportion
no bandwidth percent
default bandwidth percent
• proportion Bandwidth percentage assigned to queues. Values range from 1 to 100.
• These commands configure the bandwidth share of three queues at 30% and one queue at 10%.
switch(config-if-Et2)#tx-queue 0
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-0)#bandwidth percent 30
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-0)#tx-queue 1
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-1)#bandwidth percent 30
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-1)#tx-queue 2
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-2)#bandwidth percent 30
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-2)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#bandwidth percent 10
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#show qos interface ethernet 2
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
• These commands re-configures the bandwidth share of the fourth queue at 30%.
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#bandwidth percent 30
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#show qos interface ethernet 2
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
• These commands re-configures the bandwidth share of the fourth queue at 2%.
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#bandwidth percent 2
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#show qos interface ethernet 2
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
Command Mode
Tx-Queue Configuration
Command Syntax
no comment
default comment
! comment_text
• comment_text To configure a comment, enter a message when prompted. The message may span
multiple lines. Banner text supports this keyword:
• EOF To end the banner edit, type on its own line (case sensitive) and press enter.
• This command adds a comment to the active configuration mode.
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Last Queue.
• This command appends a line to the comment for the active configuration mode.
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#! x3452
Command Mode
Tx-Queue Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits VLAN configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
platform petraA [CHIP_NAME] traffic-class tc_value
no platform petraA traffic-class
default platform petraA traffic-class
• CHIP_NAME trust mode assigned to the specified ports. Port designation options include:
— <no parameter> all ports on the switch.
— module card_x all ports on linecard specified by card_x.
— linecardcard_x-petra-chip_y all ports on PetraA chip chip_y on linecard card_x.
Each PetraA switch can contain up to ten linecards. Values of card_x vary from 3 to 10.
PetraA chips on each linecard control eight ports. Values of chip_y vary from 0 to 5:
— 0 controls ports 1 through 8
— 1 controls ports 9 through 16
— 2 controls ports 17 through 24
— 3 controls ports 25 through 32
— 4 controls ports 33 through 40
— 5 controls ports 41 through 48
• tc_value Traffic class value. Values range from 0 to 7. Default value is 1.
• This command configures the default traffic class to five for the ports 25-32 on linecard 5.
switch(config)#platform petraA linecard5-Petra-3 traffic-class 5
The priority command specifies the priority of the configuration mode transmit queue. The switch
supports two queue priorities:
• strict priority: contents are removed from the queue, subject to maximum bandwidth limits, before
data from lower priority queues.
• round robin priority: contents are removed proportionately from all round robin queues, subject to
maximum bandwidth limits assigned to the strict priority queues.
A queue’s priority rating is indicated by its numerical label, with higher labels denoting higher priority.
Tx-queue 6 has higher priority than Tx-queue 5, and Tx-queue 0 has the lowest priority.
When a queue is configured as a round robin queue, all lower priority queues automatically function as
round robin queues.
The priority strict command configures a transmit queue to function as a strict priority queue unless a
higher priority queue is configured as a round robin queue. Priority strict is the default setting.
The no priority command configures a transmit queue as a round robin queue. All lower priority queues
also function as round robin queues regardless of their configuration.
The default priority command returns a transmit queue to the default state. It functions as a strict
priority queue unless a higher priority queue is configured as a round robin queue.
Command Mode
Tx-Queue Configuration
Command Syntax
priority strict
no priority
default priority
• The first command displays the default state of all transmit queues on Ethernet interface 2. The
second command configures transmit queue 3 as a round robin queue. The third command displays
the effect of the no priority command on all transmit queues on the interface.
switch(config-if-Et2)#show qos interface ethernet 2
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
switch(config-if-Et2)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#no priority
switch(config-if-Et2-txq-3)#show qos interface ethernet 2
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
qos cos
The qos cos command specifies the default class of service (CoS) value of the configuration mode
interface. CoS values range from 0 to 7. Default value is 0.
When platform ? returns fm4000 or trident:
• CoS trusted ports: the default CoS value determines the traffic class for inbound untagged packets.
Tagged packets are assigned to the traffic class that corresponds to the contents of its CoS field.
• Untrusted ports: the default CoS value determines the traffic class for all inbound packets.
When platform ? returns PetraA:
• CoS trusted ports: inbound untagged packets are assigned to the default traffic class, as configured
by the platform petraA traffic-class command. Tagged packets are assigned to the traffic class that
corresponds to the contents of its CoS field.
• Untrusted ports: all inbound packets are assigned to the default traffic class.
The qos cos command has no effect on PetraA switches.
The no qos cos and default qos cos commands restore the port’s default CoS value to zero by deleting
the corresponding qos cos command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
qos cos cos_value
no qos cos
default qos cos
• cos_value CoS value assigned to port. Value ranges from 0 to 7. Default value is 0.
• This command configures the default CoS of four on Ethernet interface 8.
Switch(config-if-Et8)#qos cos 4
qos dscp
The qos dscp command specifies the default differentiated services code point (DSCP) value of the
configuration mode interface. The default DSCP determines the traffic class for non-IP packets that are
inbound on DSCP trusted ports. DSCP trusted ports determine the traffic class for inbound packets as
• platform ? returns fm4000 or trident:
— non-IP packets: default DSCP value specified by qos dscp determines the traffic class.
— IP packets: assigned to the traffic class corresponding to its DSCP field contents.
• platform ? returns PetraA:
— non-IP packets: assigned to the default traffic class configured by platform petraA
— IP packets: assigned to the traffic class corresponding to its DSCP field contents.
The qos dscp command has no effect on PetraA switches.
The no qos dscp and default qos dscp commands restore the port’s default DSCP value to zero by
deleting the corresponding qos dscp command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
qos dscp dscp_value
no qos dscp
default qos dscp
• dscp_value DSCP value assigned to the port. Value ranges from 0 to 63. Default value is 0.
• This command sets the default DSCP of 44 on Ethernet 7 interface.
Switch(config-if-Et7)#qos dscp 44
qos trust
The qos trust command configures the quality of service port trust mode for the configuration mode
interface. Trust-enabled ports classify traffic by examining the traffic’s CoS or DSCP value. Port trust
state default setting is cos.
The no qos trust command places the port in untrusted mode.
The default qos trust command restores the default trust mode of cos on the configuration mode
interface by removing the corresponding qos trust statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
qos trust MODE
no qos trust
default qos trust
• MODE trust mode assigned to the port. Options include:
— cos enables cos trust mode.
— dscp enables dscp trust mode.
no qos trust enables untrusted mode on the port.
• This command configures trust mode of dscp for Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface Ethernet 7
switch(config-if-Et7)#qos trust dscp
• This command configures trust mode of untrusted for Port Channel interface 23.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 23
switch(config-if-Po23)#no qos trust
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
qos map cos cos_num_1 [cos_num_2 ... cos_num_n] to traffic-class tc_value
no qos map cos cos_num_1 [cos_num_2 ... cos_num_n]
default qos map cos cos_num_1 [cos_num_2 ... cos_num_n]
• cos_value_x Class of Service (CoS) value. Values range from 0 to 7.
• tc_value Traffic class value. Value range and default varies with switch platform and cos_value_x.
• This command assigns the traffic class of 5 to the classes of service 1, 3, 5, and 7.
switch(config)#qos map cos 1 3 5 7 to traffic-class 5
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
qos map dscp dscp_v_1 [dscp_v_2 ... dscp_v_n] to traffic-class tc_value
no qos map dscp dscp_v_1 [dscp_v_2 ... dscp_v_n]
• dscp_v_x Differentiated services control point (DSCP) value. Values range from 0 to 63.
• tc_value Traffic class value. Value range varies by platform.
• This command assigns the traffic class of three to the DSCP values of 12, 13, 25, and 37.
switch(config)#qos map dscp 12 13 25 37 to traffic-class 3
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
qos map traffic-class tc_num_1 [tc_num_2 ... tc_num_n] to cos cos_value
no qos map traffic-class tc_num_1 [tc_num_2 ... tc_num_n] to cos
default qos map traffic-class tc_num_1 [tc_num_2 ... tc_num_n] to cos
• tc_num_x Traffic class value. Values range from 0 to 7. Default varies with platform and cos_value.
• cos_value Class of Service (CoS) value. Values range from 0 to 7.
• This command assigns the CoS of two to traffic classes 1, 3, and 5.
switch(config)#qos map traffic-class 1 3 5 to cos 2
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
qos map traffic-class tc_num_1 [tc_num_2 ... tc_num_n] to tx-queue txq_value
no qos map traffic-class tc_num_1 [tc_num_2 ... tc_num_n] to tx-queue
default qos map traffic-class tc_num_1 [tc_num_2 ... tc_num_n] to tx-queue
• tc_num_x Traffic class value. Values range from 0 to 7. Default varies with platform and cos_value.
• txq_value Transmit queue value.
• This command maps traffic classes 0, 4, and 5 to tx-queue 4.
switch(config)#qos map traffic-class 0 4 5 to tx-queue 4
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
shape rate byte_limit
no shape rate
default shape rate
• byte_limit shape rate applied to interface (Kbps). Valid options vary by interface type.
• This command configures a shape rate of 5 Gbps on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#shape rate 5000000
Command Mode
Tx-Queue Configuration
Command Syntax
shape rate byte_limit
no shape rate
default shape rate
• byte_limit shape rate applied to interface (Kbps). Valid options vary by interface type.
• This command configures a shape rate of 1 Gbps (1,000,000 Kbps) on transmit queue 3 of Ethernet
interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#tx-queue 3
switch(config-if-Et5-txq-3)#shape rate 1000000
Command Mode
Tx-queue Configuration
Command Syntax
show [DATA_TYPE]
• DATA_TYPE Specifies display contents. Values include:
— active Displays running-config settings for the configuration mode.
— active all Displays running-config plus defaults for the configuration mode.
— active all detail Displays running-config plus defaults for the configuration mode.
— comment Displays comment entered for the configuration mode.
• This command shows the Tx Queue 3 (Ethernet interface 3) comments in running-config.
switch(config-if-Et3-txq-3)#show comment
Comment for txq-3:
last queue
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show qos interface INTERFACE_NAME
• INTERFACE_NAME Interface For which command returns data. Options include:
— <no parameter> returns data for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
• This command lists the QoS configuration for Ethernet interface 4.
switch#show qos interface ethernet 4
Trust Mode: COS
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show qos maps
• This command displays the QoS maps that are configured on the switch.
switch#show qos maps
Number of Traffic Classes supported: 7
Number of Transmit Queues supported: 7
Cos-tc map:
cos: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
tc: 1 0 2 3 4 4 5 6
Dscp-tc map:
d1 : d2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
2 : 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 : 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 : 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5
5 : 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 : 5 5 5 5
Tc-cos map:
tc: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
cos: 1 0 2 3 4 6 7
Tc-queue map:
tc: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
tx-queue: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The tx-queue command places the switch in Tx-queue configuration mode to configure a transmit
queue on the configuration mode interface.
The exit (Tx queue configuration mode) command returns the switch to the originating interface
configuration mode.
Refer to Tx Queue Configuration Commands (page 551) for a list of commands available in Tx-queue
configuration mode.
Configurable transmit queues are not supported on Trident platform switches.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
tx-queue queue_level
• queue_level the transmit queue. Valid options are switch model dependent.
• This command enters Tx-queue configuration mode for transmit queue 3 of Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#tx-queue 3
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol that operates within a single
autonomous system. OSPF version 2 is defined by RFC 2328.
This chapter contains the following sections.
• Section 16.1: OSPF Introduction
• Section 16.2: OSPF Conceptual Overview
• Section 16.3: Configuring OSPF
• Section 16.4: OSPF Examples
• Section 16.5: OSPF Commands
16.2.2 Topology
An autonomous system (AS) is the IP domain where a dynamic protocol routes traffic. In OSPF, an AS
is composed of areas, which define the LSDB computation boundaries. All routers in an area store
identical LSDBs. Routers in different areas exchange updates without storing the entire database,
reducing information maintenance on large, dynamic networks.
An AS shares internal routing information from its areas and external routing information from other
processes to inform routers outside the AS about routes the network can access. Routers that advertise
routes on other ASs commit to carry data to the IP space on the route.
OSPF defines these routers:
• Internal router (IR) – a router whose interfaces are contained in a single area.
All IRs in an area maintain identical LSDBs.
• Area border router (ABR) – a router that has interfaces in multiple areas.
ABRs maintain one LSDB for each connected area.
• Autonomous system boundary router (ASBR) – a gateway router connecting the OSPF domain to
external routes, including static routes and routes from other autonomous systems.
Figure 16-1 displays the OSPF router types.
OSPF areas are assigned a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295 (232 – 1). Area numbers are often
expressed in dotted decimal notation, similar to IP addresses.
Each AS has a backbone area, designated as area 0, that connects to all other areas. The backbone
receives routing information from all areas, then distributes it to the other areas as required.
OSPF area types include:
• Normal area – accepts intra-area, inter-area, and external routes. The backbone is a normal area.
• Stub area – does not receive router advertisements external to the AS. Stub area routing is based on
a default route.
• Not-so-stubby-area (NSSA) – may import external routes from an ASBR, does not receive external
routes from the backbone, and does not propagate external routes to other areas.
Area 1
IR – Internal Router:
Router C
Router C
Router C
Area 2
• This command places the switch in router-ospf configuration mode and, if not previously
created, creates an OSPF instance with a process ID of 100.
Switch(config)#router ospf 100
• This command assigns as the OSPF router ID.
LSA Overload
The max-lsa command specifies the maximum number of LSAs allowed in an LSDB database and
configures the switch behavior when the limit is approached or exceeded. An LSA overload condition
triggers these actions:
• Warning: The switch logs OSPF MAXLSAWARNING if the LSDB contains a specified percentage of
the LSA maximum.
• Temporary shutdown: When the LSDB exceeds the LSA maximum, OSPF is disabled and does not
accept or acknowledge new LSAs. The switch re-starts OSPF after a specified period.
• Permanent shutdown: The switch permanently disables OSPF after performing a specified number
of temporary shutdowns. This state usually indicates the need to resolve a network condition that
consistently generates excessive LSA packets.
OSPF is re-enabled with a router OSPF command.
The LSDB size restriction is removed by setting the LSA limit to zero.
This command places the OSPF maximum LSA count at 20,000 and configures these actions:
— The switch logs an OSPF MAXLSAWARNING if the LSDB has 8,000 LSAs (40% of 20,000).
— The switch temporarily disables OSPF for 10 minutes if the LSDB contains 20,000 LSAs.
— The switch permanently disables OSPF after four temporary OSPF shutdowns.
— The shutdown counter resets if the LSDB contains less than 20,000 LSAs for 20 minutes.
• This command configures the switch to send a syslog message when an OSPF neighbor goes
up or down.
• This command configures the switch to send a syslog message when it detects any link state
Switch(config-router-ospf)#log-adjacency-changes detail
Intra-Area Distance
The distance ospf intra-area command configures the administrative distance for routes contained in a
single OSPF area. Administrative distances compare dynamic routes configured by different protocols.
The default administrative distance for intra-area routes is 110.
• This command configures an administrative distance of 95 for OSPF intra-area routes.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#distance ospf intra-area 95
Passive Interfaces
The passive-interface command prevents the transmission of hello packets on the specified interface.
Passive interfaces drop all adjacencies and do not form new adjacencies. Passive interfaces send LSAs
but do not receive them. The router does not send or process OSPF packets received on passive
interfaces. The router advertises the passive interface in the router LSA.
The no passive-interface command re-enables OSPF processing on the specified interface.
• This command configures VLAN 2 as a passive interface.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#passive-interface vlan 2
• This command configures VLAN 2 as an active interface.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no passive-interface vlan 2
• The redistribute (OSPF) command converts the static routes to OSPF external routes.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#redistribute static
• The no redistribute (OSPF) command stops the advertising of the static routes as OSPF external
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no redistribute static
• This command configures area 45 as a stub area.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 45 stub
• This command configures area as an NSSA.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area NSSA
• Each of these equivalent commands assign the network segment to area 0.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 0
Summarizing Routes
By default, ABRs create a summary LSA for each route in an area and advertise them to adjacent routers.
The area range command aggregates routing information, allowing the ABR to advertise multiple
routes with one LSA. The area range command can also suppress route advertisements.
• Two network area commands assign subnets to an area. The area range command summarizes
the addresses, which the ABR advertises in a single LSA.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 5
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 5
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 5 range
• The network area command assigns a subnet to an area, followed by an area range command
that suppresses the advertisement of that subnet.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 5
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 5 range not-advertise
• This command configures a cost of 15 for the default summary route in area 23.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 23 default-cost 15
• This command prevents the switch from entering Type 3 LSAs originating from the
subnet into its area 2 LSDB.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 2 filter
Running-config stores the password as an encrypted string, using a proprietary algorithm. The
key ID (23) is between keywords message-digest-key and md5.
Hello Interval
The hello interval specifies the period between consecutive hello packet transmissions from an
interface. Each OSPF neighbor should specify the same hello interval, which should not be longer than
any neighbor’s dead interval.
The ip ospf hello-interval command configures the hello interval for the active interface. The default is
10 seconds.
• This command configures a hello interval of 30 seconds for VLAN 2.
Switch(config-if-Vl2)#ip ospf hello-interval 30
Dead Interval
The dead interval specifies the period that an interface waits for an OSPF packet from a neighbor before
it disables the adjacency under the assumption that the neighbor is down. The dead interval should be
configured identically on all OSPF neighbors and be longer than the hello interval of any neighbor.
The ip ospf dead-interval command configures the dead interval for the active interface. The default is
40 seconds.
• This command configures a dead interval of 120 seconds for VLAN 4.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip ospf dead-interval 120
Retransmit Interval
Routers that send OSPF advertisements to an adjacent router expect to receive an acknowledgment
from that neighbor. Routers that do not receive an acknowledgment will retransmit the advertisement.
The retransmit interval specifies the period between retransmissions.
The ip ospf retransmit-interval command configures the LSA retransmission interval for the active
interface. The default retransmit interval is 5 seconds.
• This command configures a retransmit interval of 15 seconds for VLAN 3.
Switch(config-if-Vl3)#ip ospf retransmit-interval 15
Transmission Delay
The transmission delay is an estimate of the time that an interface requires to transmit a link-state
update packet. OSPF adds this delay to the age of outbound packets to more accurately reflect the age
of the LSA when received by a neighbor.
The ip ospf transmit-delay command configures the transmission delay for the active interface. The
default transmission delay is one second.
• This command configures a transmission delay of 5 seconds for VLAN 6.
Switch(config-if-Vl6)#ip ospf transmit-delay 5
• This command configures a cost of 15 for VLAN 2.
Switch(config-if-Vl2)#ip ospf cost 15
Router Priority
Router priority determines preference during designated router (DR) and backup designated router
(BDR) elections. Routers with higher priority numbers have preference over other routers. Routers with
a priority of zero cannot be elected as a DR or BDR.
The ip ospf priority command configures router priority for the active interface. The default priority is 1.
• This command configures a router priority of 15 for VLAN 8.
Switch(config-if-Vl8)#ip ospf priority 15
• This command restores the router priority of 1 for VLAN 7.
Switch(config-if-Vl7)#no ip ospf priority
Switch(config-if-Vl7)# IP Routing
Calculating OSPF requires that IP routing is enabled on the switch. When IP routing is not enabled,
entering OSPF configuration mode generates a message.
• This message is displayed if, when entering router-ospf configuration mode, IP routing is not
Switch(config)#router ospf 100
! IP routing not enabled
• This command disables OSPF activity on the switch.
• This command resumes OSPF activity on the switch.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no shutdown
• This command disables OSPF activity on VLAN 5.
Switch(config-if-Vl5)#ip ospf shutdown
• This command displays general OSPF information.
Switch#show ip ospf
Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
Supports opaque LSA
Maximum number of LSA allowed 12000
Threshold for warning message 75%
Ignore-time 5 minutes, reset-time 5 minutes
Ignore-count allowed 5, current 0
It is an area border router
Hold time between two consecutive SPFs 5000 msecs
SPF algorithm last executed 00:00:09 ago
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of LSA 27.
• This command displays complete OSPF information for VLAN 1.
Switch#show ip ospf interface vlan 1
Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Internet Address, Area
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 10
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State BDR, Priority 1
Designated Router is
Backup Designated router is
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Retransmit 5
Neighbor Count is 1
MTU is 1500
In addition to displaying the IP address, area, and interval configuration, the display indicates that
the switch is an ABR by displaying a neighbor count, the Designated Router, and Backup
Designated Router.
• This command displays a summary of interface information for the switch.
Switch#show ip ospf interface brief
Interface PID Area IP Address Cost State Nbrs
Loopback0 1 10 DR 0
Vlan1 1 10 BDR 1
Vlan2 1 10 BDR 1
Vlan3 1 10 DR 0
Configuration information includes the Process ID (PID), area, IP address, and cost. OSPF
operational information includes the Designated Router status and number of neighbors.
• This command displays LSDB contents for area 2.
Switch#show ip ospf 1 2 database
LS age: 00:02:16
Options: (E DC)
LS Type: Router Links
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000032
Checksum: 0x1B60
Length: 36
Number of Links: 1
LS age: 00:02:12
Options: (E DC)
LS Type: Router Links
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000067
Checksum: 0xA29C
Length: 36
Number of Links: 1
• This command displays the switch’s neighbors.
Switch#show ip ospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:35 Vlan1 8 FULL/BDR 00:00:31 Vlan2
• This command displays details about the neighbors to VLAN 2.
Switch#show ip ospf neighbor vlan 2 detail
Neighbor, interface address
In the area via interface Vlan2
Neighbor priority is 8, State is FULL, 13 state changes
Adjacency was established 000:01:25:48 ago
DR is BDR is
Options is E
Dead timer due in 00:00:34
• This command displays the adjacency changes to VLAN 2.
Switch#show ip ospf neighbor vlan 2 adjacency-changes
[08-04 08:55:32], interface Vlan2 adjacency established
[08-04 09:58:51], interface Vlan2 adjacency dropped:
interface went down
[08-04 09:58:58], interface Vlan2 adjacency established
[08-04 09:59:34], interface Vlan2 adjacency dropped:
interface went down
[08-04 09:59:42], interface Vlan2 adjacency established
[08-04 10:01:40], interface Vlan2 adjacency dropped: nbr did
not list our router ID
[08-04 10:01:46], interface Vlan2 adjacency established
• This command displays all of a switch’s routes.
Switch#show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel, O - OSPF, B - BGP
• This command pings an OSPF route.
PING ( 72(100) bytes of data.
80 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.148 ms
80 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.132 ms
80 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.136 ms
80 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.137 ms
80 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.136 ms Diagram
Figure 16-3 displays OSPF Example 1. Two ABRs connect area 0 and area 1 – Router A and Router B.
Router C is an internal router that connects two subnets in area 0.
Figure 16-3 OSPF Example 1
Area 1
VLAN 1: / 24
.1 .2
Router A Router B
.1 .2
Area 0
VLAN 2: / 24
Router C
VLAN 3: / 24
Area 1 Configuration
Area 1 contains one subnet that is accessed by Router A and Router B.
• Router A: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 1.
• Router B: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 1.
• Each router uses simple authentication, with password abcdefgh.
• Designated Router (DR): Router A.
• Backup Designated Router (BDR): Router B.
• Each router defines an interface cost of 10.
• Router priority is not specified for either router on area 1.
Area 0 IR Configuration
Area 0 contains one internal router that connects two subnets.
• Router C: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 2.
• Router C: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 3.
• The subnet link is configured as follows:
— Interface cost of 20.
— Retransmit-interval of 10.
— Transmit-delay of 2.
• The subnet link is configured as follows:
— Interface cost of 20.
— Dead interval of 80 seconds. Code
This code configures the OSPF instances on the three switches.
Step 1 Configure the interface addresses.
Step a Router A interfaces:
Switch-A(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch-A(config-if-vl1)#ip address
Switch-A(config-if-vl1)#interface vlan 2
Switch-A(config-if-vl2)#ip address
Step b Router B interfaces:
Switch-B(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch-B(config-if-vl1)#ip address
Switch-B(config-if-vl1)#interface vlan 2
Switch-B(config-if-vl2)#ip address
Step c Router C interfaces:
Switch-C(config)#interface vlan 2
Switch-C(config-if-vl2)#ip address
Switch-C(config-if-vl2)#interface vlan 3
Switch-C(config-if-vl3)#ip address Diagram
Figure 16-4 displays OSPF Example 3. One ABR (Router B) connects area 0 and area;
another ABR (router C) connects area 0 and area Router A is an internal router that connects
two subnets in area 0.
Figure 16-4 OSPF Example 2
Router B
Area 0
Router C
Area 0 IR Configuration
Area 0 contains two subnets connected by an internal router.
• Router A: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 16.
• Router A: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 20.
• The subnet is configured as follows:
— Interface cost of 10.
• The subnet is configured as follows:
— Interface cost of 20.
— Retransmit-interval of 10.
— Transmit-delay of 2. Code
Step 1 Configure the interface addresses.
Step a Router A interfaces:
Switch-A(config)#interface vlan 16
Switch-A(config-if-vl10)#ip address
Switch-A(config-if-vl10)#interface vlan 20
Switch-A(config-if-vl11)#ip address
Step b Router B interfaces:
Switch-B(config)#interface vlan 15
Switch-B(config-if-vl15)#ip address
Switch-B(config-if-vl15)#interface vlan 16
Switch-B(config-if-vl16)#ip address
Step c Router C interfaces:
Switch-C(config)#interface vlan 20
Switch-C(config-if-vl20)#ip address
Switch-C(config-if-vl20)#interface vlan 21
Switch-C(config-if-vl21)#ip address
Step 2 Configure the interface OSPF parameters.
Step a Router A interfaces:
Switch-A(config-if-vl11)#interface vlan 10
Switch-A(config-if-vl10)#ip ospf cost 10
Switch-A(config-if-vl10)#interface vlan 11
Switch-A(config-if-vl11)#ip ospf cost 20
Switch-A(config-if-vl11)#ip ospf retransmit-interval 10
Switch-A(config-if-vl11)#ip ospf transmit-delay 2 Diagram
Figure 16-5 displays OSPF Example 3. One ABR connects area 0 and area 1. Router C is an ABR that
connects the areas. Router A is an internal router that connects two subnets in area 1. Router D and
Router E are internal routers that connect subnets in area 0. Router B and Router F are ASBRs that
connect static routes outside the AS to area 1 and area 0, respectively.
Figure 16-5 OSPF Example 3
Area 1
VLAN 9: / 24
Router A
.1 Router B
Router C
Area 0
Router E
.1 Router F
Area 0 IR Configuration
Area 0 contains two internal routers, each of which connects two of the three subnets in the area.
• Router D: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 11.
• Router D: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 12.
• Router E: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 12.
• Router E: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 13.
• All interface OSPF parameters are set to their default values.
Area 1 IR Configuration
Area 1 contains one internal router that connects two subnets in the area.
• Router A: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 10.
• Router A: The subnet is accessed through VLAN 9.
• All interface OSPF parameters are set to their default values. Code
Step 1 Configure the interfaces.
Step a Router A interfaces:
Switch-A(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch-A(config-if-vl10)#ip address
Switch-A(config-if-vl10)#interface vlan 9
Switch-A(config-if-vl11)#ip address
Step b Router B interfaces:
Switch-B(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch-B(config-if-vl10)#ip address
Switch-B(config-if-vl10)#interface vlan 15
Switch-B(config-if-vl18)#ip address
Step c Router C interfaces:
Switch-C(config)#interface vlan 10
Switch-C(config-if-vl10)#ip address
Switch-C(config-if-vl10)#interface vlan 11
Switch-C(config-if-vl11)#ip address
Step d Router D interfaces:
Switch-D(config)#interface vlan 11
Switch-D(config-if-vl11)#ip address
Switch-D(config)#interface vlan 12
Switch-D(config-if-vl12)#ip address
Switch-F(config-router-ospf)#redistribute static
Display Commands
• show ip ospf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 628
• show ip ospf border-routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 629
• show ip ospf database <link state list> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 633
• show ip ospf database database-summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 630
• show ip ospf database <link-state details>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 631
• show ip ospf interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 635
• show ip ospf interface brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 636
• show ip ospf neighbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 637
• show ip ospf request-list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 639
• show ip ospf retransmission-list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 640
area <type>
The area <type> command configures the area type of an OSPF area. All routers in an AS must specify
the same area type for identically numbered areas.
The switch supports three area types:
• Normal areas: Normal areas accept intra-area, inter-area, and external routes. The backbone (area
0) is a normal area.
• Stub area: Stub areas are areas in which external routes are not advertised. To reach these external
routes, a default summary route ( is inserted into the stub area. Networks without external
routes do not require stub areas.
• NSSA (Not So Stubby Area): NSSA ASBRs advertise external LSAs that are part of the area, but do
not advertise external LSAs from other areas. An ABR originates the default route, as in stub areas.
Areas are normal by default; area type configuration is required only for stub and NSSA areas. Area 0 is
always a normal area and cannot be configured through this command.
The no area <type> command removes the area <type> command from running-config, restoring the
area’s type to normal. The no area command removes all area commands for the specified area from
running-config, including the area <type> command.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
area area_id TYPE
no area area_id type
• area_id area number. Value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 (232-1) (decimal) or to (dotted decimal). Running-config stores value in dotted decimal notation.
Area 0 (or is not configurable; it is always normal.
• TYPE area type. Values include:
— nssa
— stub
• This command configures area 45 as a stub area.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 45 stub
• This command configures area as an NSSA.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area NSSA
area default-cost
The area default-cost command specifies the cost for the default summary routes sent into a specified
The no area default-cost command removes the default route cost command from running-config. The
no area command removes all area commands for the specified area from running-config, including the
area default-cost command.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
area area_id default-cost def_cost
no area area_id default-cost def_cost
• area_id area number. Value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 (232-1) (decimal) or to (dotted decimal). Running-config stores the area ID in dotted decimal notation.
• def_cost cost of the default summary route. Values range from 1 to 65535 (216-1).
• This command configures a cost of 15 for default summary routes that an ABR sends into area 23.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 23 default-cost 15
area filter
The area filter command prevents an area from receiving Type 3 Summary LSAs from a specified
subnet. Type 3 Summary LSAs are sent by ABRs and contain information about one of the areas
connected to the ABR.
The no area filter command removes the area filter command from running-config. The no area
command removes all area commands for the specified area from running-config, including the area
filter command.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
area area_id filter net_addr
no area area_id filter net_addr
• area_id area number. Value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 (232-1) (decimal) or to (dotted decimal). Running-config stores value in dotted decimal notation
• net_addr network IP address. Entry formats include address-prefix (CIDR) and address-mask.
Running-config stores value in CIDR notation.
• This command prevents the switch from entering Type 3 LSAs originating from the
subnet into its area 2 LSDB.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 2 filter
area range
The area range command is used by OSPF area border routers (ABRs) to consolidate or summarize
routes and to suppress summary route advertisements.
By default, an ABR creates a summary LSA for each route in an area and advertises that LSA to adjacent
areas. The area range command aggregates routing information on area boundaries, allowing the ABR
to use one summary LSA to advertise multiple routes.
The no area range command removes the area-range assignment by deleting the corresponding area
range command from running-config. The no area command removes all area commands for the
specified area from running-config, including the area range command.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
area area_id range net_addr ADVERTISE_SETTING
no area area_id range net_addr ADVERTISE_SETTING
• area_id area number. Value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 (232-1) (decimal) or to (dotted decimal). Running-config stores the area ID in dotted decimal notation.
• net_addr subnet address that includes the summarized routes. Entry formats include
address-prefix (CIDR) and address-wildcard mask. Running-config stores value in CIDR notation.
• ADVERTISE_SETTING specifies the LSA advertising activity. Values include
— advertise the switch advertises the address range.
— not-advertise the address range is not advertised to other areas.
• The network area commands assign two subnets to an area. The area range command summarizes
the addresses, which the ABR advertises in a single LSA.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 5
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 5
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 5 range
• The network area command assigns a subnet to an area, followed by an area range command that
suppresses the advertisement of that subnet.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 5
Switch(config-router-ospf)#area 5 range not-advertise
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
distance ospf intra-area distance
no distance ospf intra-area
• distance administrative distance value. Values range from 1 to 255.
• This command configures a distance of 85 for all OSPF intra-area routes on the switch.
switch(config-router-ospf)#distance ospf intra-area 85
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits OSPF configuration mode.
ip ospf authentication
The ip ospf authentication command enables OSPF authentication for the configuration mode
interface. Available authentication methods include simple password and message-digest (MD5). The
simple password is configured with the ip ospf authentication-key command. The message-digest key
is configured with the ip ospf message-digest-key command.
The no ip ospf authentication command disables OSPF authentication.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf authentication [METHOD]
no ip ospf authentication
• METHOD OSPF authentication method. Options include:
— <no parameter> simple password.
— message-digest MD5 authentication.
• This command enables simple authentication on VLAN 12.
switch(config-if-vl12)#ip ospf authentication
• This command enables message-digest authentication on VLAN12.
switch(config-if-vl12)#ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf authentication-key
The ip ospf authentication-key command configures the OSPF authentication password for the
configuration mode interface. The plain-text version of the password is a string, up to 8 bytes in length.
Interfaces attached to the same area must use the same password to ensure proper communication
between neighbors.
OSPF packet headers transmit the password as plain-text, which risks unauthorized password access.
Running-config displays the encrypted version of the password. The encryption scheme is not strong by
cryptographic standards; encrypted passwords should be trusted no more than plain-text passwords.
The encryption process uses the interface name as a parameter. Two interfaces with different names
cannot use the same encrypted password. However, two interfaces with the same name, but on
different switches, can use the same encrypted password.
The no ip ospf authentication-key command removes the authentication password.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf authentication-key [ENCRYPT_TYPE] key_text
no ip ospf authentication-key
• ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption level of the key_text parameter. Values include:
— <no parameter> the key_text is in clear text.
— 0 key_text is in clear text. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 7 key_text is MD5 encrypted.
• key_text the authentication-key password.
• This command specifies a password in clear text.
switch(config-if-vl12)#ip ospf authentication-key 0 code123
Running-config stores the password as an encrypted string.
ip ospf cost
The ip ospf cost command configures the OSPF cost for the configuration mode interface. The OSPF
interface cost (or metric) reflects the packet transmission overhead for the interface and is inversely
proportional to the interface bandwidth. The default interface cost is 10.
The no ip ospf cost command restores the default cost of 10 for the configuration mode interface by
removing the corresponding ip ospf cost command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf cost interface_cost
no ip ospf cost
• interface_cost cost assigned to the interface. Value ranges from 1 to 65535; default is 10.
• This command configures a cost of 15 for VLAN 2.
Switch(config-if-Vl2)#ip ospf cost 15
ip ospf dead-interval
The ip ospf dead-interval command configures the dead interval for the configuration mode interface.
The dead interval specifies the period that an interface waits for an OSPF packet from a neighbor before
it disables the adjacency under the assumption that the neighbor is down. The dead interval should be
configured identically on all OSPF neighbors and be longer than the hello interval of any neighbor.
The no ip ospf dead-interval command restores the default dead interval of 40 seconds on the
configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding ip ospf dead-interval command from
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf dead-interval time
no ip ospf dead-interval
• time dead interval (seconds). Value ranges from 1 to 8192; default is 40.
• This command configures a dead interval of 120 seconds for VLAN 4.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip ospf dead-interval 120
ip ospf hello-interval
The ip ospf hello-interval command configures the OSPF hello interval for the configuration mode
interface. The hello interval defines the period between the transmission of consecutive hello packets.
Each OSPF neighbor should specify the same hello interval, which should not be longer than any
neighbor’s dead interval.
The no ip ospf hello-interval command restores the default hello interval of 10 seconds on the
configuration mode interface by removing the ip ospf hello-interval command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf hello-interval time
no ip ospf hello-interval
• time hello interval (seconds). Values range from 1 to 8192; default is 10.
• This command configures a hello interval of 30 seconds for VLAN 2.
Switch(config-if-Vl2)#ip ospf hello-interval 30
ip ospf message-digest-key
The ip ospf message-digest-key command configures a message digest authentication key for the
configuration mode interface.
Each interface is configured with a key (password) and key ID pair. When transmitting a packet, the
interface generates a message digest string, using the MD5 algorithm, based on the OSPF packet, key,
and key ID, then appends that string to the packet.
Message digest authentication supports uninterrupted transmissions during key changes by allowing
each interface to have two MD5 keys, each with a different key ID. When a new key is configured on an
interface, the router transmits OSPF packets for both keys. The router stops sending duplicate packets
when it detects that all of its neighbors have the same key.
The no ip ospf message-digest-key command removes the message digest authentication key for the
configuration mode interface by deleting corresponding ip ospf message-digest-key command from
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf message-digest-key key_id md5 ENCRYPT_TYPE key_text
no ip ospf message-digest-key key_id
• key_id key ID number. Value ranges from 1 to 255.
• ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption level of the key_text parameters. Values include:
— <no parameter> key_text is unencrypted clear text.
— 0 key_text is unencrypted clear text. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 7 key_text must be entered as an MD5 encrypted string.
• key_text message digest key (password).
• This command configures code123 as the MD5 key with a corresponding key ID of 23.
switch(config-if-vl12)#ip ospf message-digest-key 23 md5 0 code123
Running-config stores the password as an encrypted string.
ip ospf name-lookup
The ip ospf name-lookup command causes the switch to display DNS names in place of numeric OSPF
router IDs in all subsequent OSPF show commands, including:
• show ip ospf
• show ip ospf border-routers
• show ip ospf database <link state list>
• show ip ospf database database-summary
• show ip ospf database <link-state details>
• show ip ospf interface
• show ip ospf neighbor
• show ip ospf request-list
• show ip ospf retransmission-list
Although this command makes it easier to identify a router, the switch relies on a configured DNS server
to respond to reverse DNS queries, which may be slower than displaying numeric router IDs.
The no ip ospf name-lookup command removes the command from running-config, restoring the
default behavior of displaying OSPF router IDs by their numeric value.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf name-lookup
no ip ospf name-lookup
• This command programs the switch to display OSPF router IDs by the corresponding DNS name
in subsequent show commands.
switch(config-if-vl12)#ip ospf lookup
ip ospf network
The ip ospf network command sets the configuration mode interface as a point-to-point link. By
default, interfaces are configured as broadcast links.
The no ip ospf network command sets the configuration mode interface as a broadcast link by removing
the corresponding ip ospf network command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf network point-to-point
no ip ospf network
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 10 as a point-to-point link.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 10
Switch(config-if-Etl0)#ip ospf network point-to-point
• This command restores Ethernet interface 10 as a broadcast link.
Switch(config-if-Etl0)#no ip ospf network
ip ospf priority
The ip ospf priority command configures OSPF router priority for the configuration mode interface.
Router priority determines preference during designated router (DR) and backup designated router
(BDR) elections. Routers with higher priority numbers have preference over other routers. The default
priority is 1. Routers with a priority of zero cannot be elected as a DR or BDR.
The no ip ospf priority command restores the default priority of one on the configuration mode
interface by removing the corresponding ip ospf priority command from running-config
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf priority priority_level
no ip ospf priority
• priority_level priority level. Settings range from 0 to 255.
• This command configures a router priority of 15 for VLAN 8.
Switch(config-if-Vl8)#ip ospf priority 15
• This command restores the router priority of 1 for VLAN 7.
Switch(config-if-Vl7)#no ip ospf priority
ip ospf retransmit-interval
The ip ospf retransmit-interval command configures the link state advertisement (LSA) retransmission
interval for the configuration mode interface.
Routers that send LSAs to an adjacent router expect to receive an acknowledgment from that neighbor.
Routers that do not receive an acknowledgment will retransmit the LSA. The retransmission interval
specifies the period between these transmissions.
The no ip ospf retransmit-interval command restores the default retransmission interval of 5 seconds
on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding ip ospf retransmit-interval
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf retransmit-interval period
no ip ospf retransmit-interval
• period retransmission interval (seconds). Value ranges from 1 to 8192; default is 5.
• This command configures a retransmission interval of 15 seconds for VLAN 3.
Switch(config-if-Vl3)#ip ospf retransmit-interval 15
ip ospf shutdown
The ip ospf shutdown command disables OSPF on the configuration mode interface without
disrupting the OSPF configuration. When OSPF is enabled on the switch, the it is also enabled by
default on all interfaces.
Neighbor routers are notified of the shutdown and all traffic that has another path through the network
will be directed to an alternate path.
The OSPF instance is disabled on the entire switch with the shutdown (OSPF) command.
The no ip ospf shutdown enables OSPF on the configuration mode interface by removing the
corresponding ip ospf shutdown command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf shutdown
no ip ospf shutdown
• This command shuts down OSPF activity on VLAN 5.
Switch(config-if-Vl5)#ip ospf shutdown
• This command resumes OSPF activity on VLAN 5.
Switch(config-if-Vl5)#no ip ospf shutdown
ip ospf transmit-delay
The ip ospf transmit-delay command configures the transmission delay for OSPF packets over the
configuration mode interface.
The transmission delay is an estimate of the time that an interface requires to transmit a link-state
update packet. OSPF adds this delay to the age of outbound packets to more accurately reflect the age
of the LSA when received by a neighbor.
The no ip ospf transmit-delay command restores the default transmission delay of one second on the
configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding ip ospf transmit-delay command from
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf transmit-delay trans
no ip ospf transmit-delay
• trans LSA transmission delay (seconds). Value ranges from 1 to 8192; default is 1.
• This command configures a transmission delay of 5 seconds for VLAN 6.
Switch(config-if-Vl6)#ip ospf transmit-delay 5
The log-adjacency-changes command configures the switch to send syslog messages either when it
detects OSPF link state changes or when it detects that a neighbor has gone up or down. Log message
sending is enabled by default.
• log-adjacency-changes configures the switch to send syslog messages when it detects that a
neighbor went up or down.
• log-adjacency-changes detail configures the switch to send syslog messages when it detects an
OSPF link state change.
• no log-adjacency-changes disables link state change syslog reporting.
The log-adjacency-changes command never appears in running-config because it is the default state.
Entry of any command option removes the previous command state from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
log-adjacency-changes detail
no log-adjacency-changes
• This command configures the switch to send a syslog message when a neighbor goes up or down.
After entering the command, running-config does not contain a log-adjacency-changes command.
switch(config-router-ospf)#show running-config detail
router ospf 1
max-lsa 12000
• This command configures the switch to send a syslog message when it detects any link state change.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#log-adjacency-changes detail
After entering the command, running-config contains a log-adjacency-changes detail command.
switch(config-router-ospf)#show running-config detail
router ospf 1
max-lsa 12000
log-adjacency-changes detail
The max-lsa command specifies the number of LSAs allowed in the LSDB and configures switch actions
when the limit is approached or exceeded. Setting the LSA limit to zero removes the LSDB size
restriction and disables LSA overload actions. Actions triggered by LSDB overload conditions include:
• Warning: LSDB size exceeds the warning threshold – an OSPF MAXLSAWARNING is logged.
• Temporary shutdown: LSDB size exceeds specified maximum – OSPF is disabled for a specified
period during which it does not accept or acknowledge new LSAs.
• Permanent shutdown: A specified number of temporary shutdowns during a given period
permanently disables OSPF; a router OSPF command is required to enable OSPF.
The no max-lsa command removes the max-lsa command from running-config, restoring LSA overload
parameters to their default settings.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
no max-lsa
• lsa_num maximum number of LSAs. Value ranges from 0 to 100,000.
— 0 disables LSA overload protection by specifying an unlimited number of LSAs.
— 1-100000 specifies the LSA limit; default value is 12,000.
• WARNING warning threshold, as a percentage of the maximum number of LSAs (% of lsa_num).
— <no parameter> warning threshold set to default of 75%.
— percent percentage. percent ranges from 25 to 99.
• IGNORE_TIME temporary shutdown period (minutes). Options include:
— <no parameter> temporary shutdown set to default value of 5 minutes.
— ignore-time period temporary shutdown set to period. Value ranges from 1 to 60.
• IGNORE_COUNT number of temporary shutdowns required to trigger a permanent shutdown.
— <no parameter> temporary shutdown counter set to default value of 5.
— ignore-count episodes temporary shutdown counter set to episodes; ranges from 1 to 20.
• RESET period of not exceeding LSA limit required to reset temporary shutdown counter to zero.
— <no parameter> reset timer set to default value of 5 minutes
— reset-time r_period reset timer set to r_period (minutes). r_period ranges from 1 to 60.
• This command defines an LSA limit of 20,000 and configures these actions.
— Logs an OSPF MAXLSAWARNING message after receiving 8,000 LSAs (40% of 20,000).
— Disables OSPF for 10 minutes after it receives 20,000 LSA packets.
— Permanently disables OSPF after four temporary OSPF shutdowns.
— Resets the shutdown counter to zero if the LSA limit is not exceeded for 20 minutes.
maximum-paths (OSPF)
The maximum-paths command controls the maximum number of parallel routes that OSPF supports
on the switch. The default maximum is 16 paths.
The no maximum-paths command restores the maximum number of parallel routes that OSPF supports
on the switch to the default value of 16 by removing the maximum-paths command from
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
maximum-paths paths
no maximum-paths
• paths maximum number of parallel routes. Values range from 1 to 16.
• This command configures the maximum number of OSPF parallel paths to 12.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#maximum-paths 12
network area
The network area command assigns the specified subnet to an OSPF area. Running-config zeroes the
host portion of the address; for example, is saved as
The no network area command deletes the network area assignment by removing the corresponding
network area command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
network net_addr area area_id
no network net_addr area area_id
• net_addr network IP address. Entry formats include address-prefix (CIDR) and address-wildcard
mask. Running-config stores value in CIDR notation.
• area_id area number. Value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 (232-1) (decimal) or to (dotted decimal). Running-config stores the area ID in dotted decimal notation.
• These equivalent commands each assign the subnet to area 0.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#network area 0
no area
The no area command removes all area configuration commands for the specified area. Commands
removed by the no area command include:
• area <type>
• area default-cost
• area filter
• area range
An area is returned to the normal type after executing the no area command.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
no area area_id
• area_id area number. Value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 (232-1) (decimal) or to (dotted decimal).
• This command removes all area configuration command for area
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no area
The passive-interface command disables OSPF processing on an interface range. The router neither
sends OSPF packets, nor processes OSPF packets received on passive interfaces. The router advertises
the passive interface as part of the router LSA. All interfaces are active by default.
The no passive-interface command enables OSPF processing on the specified interface range by
removing the corresponding passive-interface commands from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
passive-interface INTERFACE_NAME
no passive-interface INTERFACE_NAME
• INTERFACE_NAME interface to be configured. Options include:
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
— port-channel c_range Channel group interface list.
— vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
Valid e_range, c_range, and v_range formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited
list of numbers and ranges.
• This command configures Ethernet interfaces 2 through 5 as passive interfaces.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#passive-interface ethernet 2-5
• This command configures VLAN interfaces 50-54, 61, 68, and 102-120 as passive interfaces.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#passive-interface vlan 50-54,61,68,102-120
• This command configures VLAN 2 as an active interface.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no passive-interface vlan 2
point-to-point routes
When OSPF is enabled, the switch maintains a local routing information base (RIB) to store routes to
destinations that it learns from its neighbors. After each calculation, OSPF attempts to install the
least-cost routes. By default, the RIB includes point-to-point links that are in the network. The
no point-to-point routes command optimizes the RIB table by not installing point-to-point links.
The point-to-point routes command programs the switch to include point-to-point links in its RIB by
removing the no point-to-point routes command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
point-to-point routes
no point-to-point routes
• This command configures the switch to optimize the local RIB by not including point-to-point
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no point-to-point routes
• This command configures the switch to include point-to-point routes.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#point-to-point routes
redistribute (OSPF)
The redistribute command enables the advertising of all specified routes on the switch into the OSPF
domain as external routes. Each command enables the redistribution of one route type. Running-config
allows multiple redistribute commands, one for each type of route to be redistributed into the OSPF
domain. Individual routes are not configurable for redistribution.
The no redistribute command removes the corresponding redistribute command from running-config,
disabling route redistribution for the specified route type.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
redistribute ROUTE_TYPE [ROUTE_MAP]
no redistribute ROUTE_TYPE
• ROUTE_TYPE source from which routes are redistributed. Options include:
— aggregate BGP aggregate routes.
— connected routes that are established when IP is enabled on an interface.
— BGP routes from a BGP domain.
— RIP routes from a RIP domain.
— static IP static routes.
• ROUTE_MAP route map that determines the routes that are redistributed. Options include:
— <no parameter > all routes are redistributed.
— route-map map_name only routes in the specified route map are redistributed.
• The redistribute static command starts the advertising of static routes as OSPF external routes.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#redistribute static
• The no redistribute bgp command stops the advertising of BGP routes as OSPF external routes.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no redistribute bgp
The router-id command configures the router ID for an OSPF instance. The router ID is a 32-bit number,
expressed in dotted decimal notation, similar to an IP address. This number uniquely identifies the
router within an Autonomous System. Status commands use the router ID to identify the switch.
The switch sets the router ID to the first available alternative in the following list:
1. The router-id command.
2. The loopback IP address, if a loopback interface is configured on the switch.
3. The highest IP address present on the router.
The no router-id command removes the router ID command from running-config; the switch uses the
loopback or highest address as the router ID.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
router-id identifier
no router-id [identifier]
• identifier router ID. Value ranges from to (dotted decimal notation).
• This command assigns as the router ID for the OSPF instance.
router ospf
The router ospf command places the switch in Router OSPF configuration mode and, if the switch does
not contain an OSPF instance, instantiates OSPF and provides a process ID for the new instance. The
exit (router-ospf configuration mode) command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
The switch supports one OSPF instance, identified by its process ID. When an instance exists, this
command must specify its process ID. Attempts to create additional instances will generate errors.
Process IDs are local to the switch and have no effect on instances in the same AS on different routers.
The show ip ospf command displays the process ID of any OSPF instance configured on the switch.
The no router ospf command deletes the OSPF instance.
These commands are available in router-ospf configuration modes
• no area
• area <type>
• area default-cost
• area filter
• area range
• distance ospf intra-area
• exit (router-ospf configuration mode)
• log-adjacency-changes
• max-lsa
• maximum-paths (OSPF)
• network area
• passive-interface
• point-to-point routes
• redistribute (OSPF)
• router-id
• shutdown (OSPF)
• timers spf
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
router ospf process_id
no router ospf process_id
• process_id OSPF process ID. Values range from 1 to 65535.
• This command creates an OSPF instance with process ID 145.
switch(config)#router ospf 145
• This command deletes the OSPF instance.
switch(config)#no router ospf 145
show ip ospf
The show ip ospf command displays general information about OSPF routing processes on the switch.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf [process_id]
• process_id OSPF process ID. Values include:
— <no parameter> Command returns data for all OSPF instances.
— 1 to 65535 Command returns data for specified OSPF instance.
• This command displays configuration parameters, operational statistics, status of the OSPF
instance, and a brief description of the areas on the switch.
Switch#show ip ospf
Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
Supports opaque LSA
Maximum number of LSA allowed 12000
Threshold for warning message 75%
Ignore-time 5 minutes, reset-time 5 minutes
Ignore-count allowed 5, current 0
It is an area border router
Hold time between two consecutive SPFs 5000 msecs
SPF algorithm last executed 00:00:09 ago
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of LSA 27.
Number of areas in this router is 3. 3 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
Number of interfaces in this area is 2
It is a normal area
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 153 times
Number of LSA 8. Checksum Sum 0x03e13a
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
It is a normal area
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 153 times
Number of LSA 11. Checksum Sum 0x054e57
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
It is a normal area
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 5 times
Number of LSA 6. Checksum Sum 0x02a401
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf border-routers
• This command displays the ABRs and ASBRs configured in the switch.
Switch#show ip ospf border-routers
OSPF Process
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf [AREA] database database-summary
• AREA areas for which command displays data. Specifying a specific area requires entering the
process ID where the area is located. Options include:
— <no parameter> information for all areas.
— process_id information for all areas in specified process ID.
— process_id area_id command returns data for specified area.
process_id value ranges from 1 to 65535. area_id is entered in decimal or dotted decimal notation.
• This command displays an LSDB content summary for area 2.
Switch#show ip ospf 1 2 database database-summary
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf [AREA] database LINKSTATE_TYPE linkstate_id [ROUTER]
• AREA areas for which command displays data. Specifying a specific area requires entering the
process ID where the area is located. Options include:
— <no parameter> command returns information for all areas.
— process_id command returns information for all areas in the specified process ID.
— process_d area_id area, within the specified process ID, for which the command returns data.
process_id value ranges from 1 to 65535. area_id is entered in decimal or dotted decimal notation.
• LINKSTATE_TYPE link state types. Parameter options include:
— details Displays all link states.
— router Displays the Type 1 (Router) link states.
— network Displays the Type 2 (Network) link states.
— summary Displays the Type 3 (Summary) link states.
— asbr-summary Displays the Type 4 (ASBR-Summary) link states.
— external Displays the Type 5 (External) link states.
— nssa-external Displays the Type 7 (NSSA-External) link states.
— opaque-link Displays the Type 9 (Link-Local Opaque) link states.
— opaque-area Displays the Type 10 (Area-Local Opaque) link states.
— opaque-as Displays the Type 11 (AS Opaque) link states.
• linkstate_id Network segment described by the LSA (dotted decimal notation).
Value depends on the LSA type.
— When the LSA describes a network, the linkstate-id argument is one of the following:
The network IP address, as in Type 3 summary link advertisements and in autonomous
system external link advertisements.
A derived address obtained from the link state ID. Masking a network links the
advertisement link state ID with the network subnet mask yielding the network IP address.
— When the LSA describes a router, the link state ID is the OSPF router ID of the router.
— When an autonomous system external advertisement (Type 5) describes a default route, its link
state ID is set to the default destination (
• ROUTER router or switch for which the command provides data. Options include:
— <no parameter> all routers in the specified areas.
— adv-router [a.b.c.d] an external router. Specifies local switch if an IP address is not included.
— self-originate local switch. Equivalent to adv-router option without an IP address.
• This command displays the router link states contained in the area 2 LSDB.
Switch#show ip ospf 1 2 database router
LS age: 00:02:16
Options: (E DC)
LS Type: Router Links
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000032
Checksum: 0x1B60
Length: 36
Number of Links: 1
LS age: 00:02:12
Options: (E DC)
LS Type: Router Links
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000067
Checksum: 0xA29C
Length: 36
Number of Links: 1
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf [AREA] database [ROUTER]
• AREA areas for which command displays data. Specifying a specific area requires entering the
process ID where the area is located. Options include:
— <no parameter> command returns information for all areas.
— process_id command returns information for all areas in the specified process ID.
— process_id area_id area, within the specified process ID, for which the command returns data.
process_id value ranges from 1 to 65535. area_id is entered in decimal or dotted decimal notation.
• ROUTER router or switch for which the command provides data. Options include:
— <no parameter> all routers in the specified areas.
— adv-router [a.b.c.d] an external router. Specifies local switch if an IP address is not included.
— self-originate local switch. Equivalent to adv-router option without an IP address.
• This command displays link state database (LSDB) contents for area 2.
Switch#show ip ospf 1 2 database
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf [process_id] interface [INTERFACE_NAME]
• process_id process ID. Values range from 1 to 65535.
• INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num Port channel interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command displays complete OSPF information for VLAN 1.
Switch#show ip ospf interface vlan 1
Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Internet Address, Area
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 10
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State BDR, Priority 1
Designated Router is
Backup Designated router is
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Retransmit 5
Neighbor Count is 1
MTU is 1500
In addition to displaying the IP address, area, and interval configuration, the display indicates that
the switch is an ABR by displaying a neighbor count, the designated router, and backup designated
Related Commands
show ip ospf interface brief
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf [process_id] interface brief
• process_id OSPF process ID. Values include:
— <no parameter> Command returns data for all OSPF instances.
— 1 to 65535 Command returns data for specified OSPF instance.
• This command displays a summary of interface information for the switch.
Switch#show ip ospf interface brief
Interface PID Area IP Address Cost State Nbrs
Loopback0 1 10 DR 0
Vlan1 1 10 BDR 1
Vlan2 1 10 BDR 1
Vlan3 1 10 DR 0
Configuration information includes the process ID (PID), area, IP address, and cost. OSPF
operational information includes the designated router status and number of neighbors.
Related Commands
show ip ospf interface
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf neighbor [INTERFACE_NAME] [neighbor_addr] [DATA_OPTION]
• INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and number. Values include:
— <no parameter> all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num port-channel interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• neighbor_addr Neighbor host name or IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• DATA_OPTION Type of information the command displays. Values include:
— <no parameter> Displays summary of all neighbors.
— adjacency-changes Displays all adjacency changes.
— detail Expands information to include DR and BDR addresses, time adjacency was
established, and other additional status.
• This command displays the switch’s neighbors.
Switch#show ip ospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:35 Vlan1 8 FULL/BDR 00:00:31 Vlan2
• This command displays details about the neighbors to VLAN 2.
Switch#show ip ospf neighbor vlan 2 detail
Neighbor, interface address
In the area via interface Vlan2
Neighbor priority is 8, State is FULL, 13 state changes
Adjacency was established 000:01:25:48 ago
DR is BDR is
Options is E
Dead timer due in 00:00:34
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf request-list
• This command displays an LSA request list.
Switch>show ip ospf request-list
Neighbor interface: address vlan1
Type LS ID ADV RTR Seq No Age Checksum
Neighbor interface: address vlan2
Type LS ID ADV RTR Seq No Age Checksum
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip ospf retransmission-list
• This command displays an empty retransmission list.
Switch>show ip ospf retransmission-list
Neighbor interface vlan1 address
LSA retransmission not currently scheduled. Queue length is 0
shutdown (OSPF)
The shutdown command disables OSPF on the switch. Neighbor routers are notified of the shutdown
and all traffic that has another path through the network will be directed to an alternate path.
OSPF is disabled on individual interfaces with the ip ospf shutdown command.
The no shutdown command enables the OSPF instance.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
• This command disables OSPF activity on the switch.
• This command resumes OSPF activity on the switch.
Switch(config-router-ospf)#no shutdown
timers spf
The timers spf command configures the shortest path first (SPF) timer. The SPF timer defines the
maximum interval between OSPF path calculations. The default period is five seconds.
The no timers spf command restores the default maximum OSPF path calculation interval to five
seconds by removing the timers spf command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-OSPF Configuration
Command Syntax
timers spf spf_time
no timers spf
• spf_time OSPF path calculation interval (seconds). Values range from 1 to 65535.
• This command sets the SPF timer to ten seconds.
switch(config-router-ospf)#timers spf 10
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an exterior gateway protocol (EGP) that exchanges routing
information among neighboring routers in different Autonomous Systems (AS). BGP version 4 is
defined by RFC 4271.
This chapter contains the following sections.
• Section 17.1: BGP Conceptual Overview
• Section 17.2: Running BGP
• Section 17.3: BGP Examples
• Section 17.4: BGP Commands
Arista switches support these BGP functions:
• A single BGP instance
• Simultaneous internal (IBGP) and external (EBGP) peering
• OpenConfirm: The router waits for a keepalive message from its peer. If the message is received
prior to a timeout expiry, the router transitions to the Established state. If the timeout expires or an
error condition exists, the router transitions to the Idle state.
• Established: Peers exchange UPDATE messages about routes they advertise. If an UPDATE message
contains an error, the router sends a NOTIFICATION message and transitions to the Idle state.
During established BGP sessions, routers exchange UPDATE messages about the destinations to which
they offer connectivity. The route description includes the destination prefix, prefix length, autonomous
systems in the path, the next hop, and information that affects the acceptance policy of the receiving
router. UPDATE messages also list destinations to which the router no longer offers connectivity.
BGP detects and eliminates routing loops while making routing policy decisions by using the network
topology as defined by AS paths and path attributes.
• This command places the switch in router-bgp configuration mode. It also creates a BGP
instance in AS 50 if an instance was not previously created.
Switch(config)#router bgp 50
When a BGP instance exists, the router bgp command must include its autonomous system. Any
attempt to create a second instance results in an error message.
• This command attempts to open a BGP instance with a different AS number from that of the
existing instance. The switch displays an error and stays in global configuration mode.
Switch(config)#router bgp 100
% BGP is already running with AS number 50
• These commands establish an internal BGP connection with the peer at
Switch(config)#router bgp 50
Switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remote-as 50
• These commands establish an external BGP connection with the peer at
Switch(config)#router bgp 50
Switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remote-as 100
The show ip bgp summary and show ip bgp neighbors commands display neighbor connection status.
• This command indicates the connection state with the peer at is Established. The peer
is an external neighbor because it is in AS 100 and the local server is in AS 50.
Switch>show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 50 4 100 Established
• This command configures the hold time of 45 seconds and keepalive period of 15 seconds.
Switch(config-router-bgp)#timers bgp 15 45
The show ip bgp neighbors command displays the hold time.
• This command indicates the BGP hold time is 45 seconds.
switch>show ip bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 100
BGP version is 4, remote router ID
Negotiated version is 4
TTL is 0
holdtime is 45 <= hold time
restart-time is 0
Restarting: no
Current state is Established
Updates received: 1
Updates sent: 4
Total messages received: 372
Total messages sent: 383
Last state was OpenConfirm
Last event was RecvKeepAlive
Last error code was 0
Last error subcode was 0
Local TCP address is
Local AS is 100
Local router ID is
The configuration clears the host portion of addresses entered in network commands. For example, is stored as
• This command configures the switch to advertise the network.
The neighbor maximum-routes command determines the number of BGP routes the switch accepts
from a specified neighbor. The switch disables peering with the neighbor when this number is exceeded.
• This command configures the switch to accept 15,000 routes from the peer at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor maximum-routes 15000
Route Reflection
Because new routes may be learned by any router in an AS, all participating routers must communicate
IBGP-learned routes to all of their peers. This can be accomplished by using a fully meshed network
topology in which each member of the AS is connected to every other member, but this topology can
result in high volumes of IBGP messages when it is scaled. Instead, in larger networks, one or more
routers can be configured as route reflectors.
A route reflector is an IBGP peer configured to readvertise IBGP-learned routes to a group of IBGP
neighbors (its clients), eliminating the need for each router to communicate route information to every
other router in the AS.
When using route reflectors, an AS is divided into clusters. A cluster consists of one or more route
reflectors and a group of clients to which they readvertise route information. Multiple route reflectors
can be configured in the same cluster to increase redundancy and avoid a single point of failure. If a
cluster has a single route reflector, the cluster is identified by that route reflector’s router ID. If a cluster
has multiple route reflectors, a 4-byte cluster ID is assigned to each reflector in the cluster. All route
reflectors in a cluster must be configured with the same cluster ID so that each route reflector can
recognize updates from other route reflectors in the same cluster.
• These commands configure the switch as a route reflector and the neighbor at as one
of its clients, and set the cluster ID to
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor route-reflector-client
switch(config-router-bgp)#bgp cluster-id
• This command configures the switch to enter 200 in the LOCAL_PREF field of UPDATE packets
it sends to the peer at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor export-localpref 200
The neighbor import-localpref command assigns a local preference to routes received through
UPDATE packets from an external peer. This command has no affect when the neighbor is an internal
• This command configures the switch to assign the local preference of 50 for routes advertised
from the peer at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor import-localpref 50
The show ip bgp command displays the LOCAL_PREF value for all listed routes.
• This command indicates the route to network has a local preference of 400.
switch#show ip bgp
Route status codes: s - suppressed, * - valid, > - active
These commands assign two network subnets to a prefix list, assign a community number to the
prefix list members, then utilize that community in an ip community-list command to permit the
routes into the BGP domain.
Step 1 Compose the IP prefix list.
Switch(config)#ip prefix-list PL_1 permit
Switch(config)#ip prefix-list PL_1 permit
Step 2 Create a route map that matches the IP prefix list and sets the community value.
Switch(config)#route-map MAP_1 permit
Switch(config-route-map-MAP_1)#match ip address prefix-list PL_1
Switch(config-route-map-MAP_1)#set community 500
Step 3 Create a community list that references the community.
Switch(config)#ip community-list standard CL_1 permit 500
BGP extended communities configure, filter, and identify routes for virtual routing, forwarding
instances (VRFs), and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
Extended community clauses provide route target and site of origin parameter options:
• route targets (rt): This attribute identifies a set of sites and VRFs that may receive routes tagged with
the configured route target. Configuring this attribute with a route allows that route to be placed in
per-site forwarding tables that route traffic received from corresponding sites.
• site of origin (soo): This attribute identifies the site from where the Provider Edge (PE) router learns
the route. All routes learned from a specific site have the same SOO extended community attribute,
whether a site is connected to a single or multiple PE routers. This attribute prevents routing loops
resulting from multihomed sites. The SOO attribute is configured on the interface and propagated
into a BGP domain by redistribution. The SOO is applied to routes learned from VRFs.
Aggregation Options
The aggregate-address command provides the following aggregate route options:
• AS_PATH attribute inclusion: the as-set option controls the aggregate route’s AS_PATH and
ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute contents. AS_PATH identifies the autonomous systems through
which UPDATE message routing information passes. ATOMIC_AGGREGATE indicates that the
route is an aggregate or summary of more specific routes.
When the command includes as-set, the aggregate route’s AS_SET attribute contains contributor
route path elements.
When the command does not include as-set, the aggregate route’s ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute
is set and AS_PATH attribute does not include data from contributing routes.
• Attribute inclusion: The attribute-map option assigns attributes contained in set commands in a
specified route map’s permit clauses to the aggregated route.
• Route suppression: The summary-only option suppresses the advertisement of the contributor
routes that comprise the aggregate.
• These commands create an aggregate route ( from four contributor routes
(,,, and The aggregate route includes the
AS_PATH information from the contributor routes.
switch(config)#router bgp 1
switch(config-router-bgp)#aggregate-address as-set
• These commands redistribute the aggregate route into the BGP domain. The switch begins
advertising the aggregate route after running these commands.
switch(config)#router bgp 1
switch(config-router-bgp)#redistribute aggregate
• These commands create an aggregate route and use a route map to add a local-preference attribute
to the route.
switch(config)#route-map map1 permit 10
switch(config-route-map-map1)#set local-preference 40
switch(config)#router bgp 1
switch(config-router-bgp)#aggregate-address attribute-map map1
switch(config)# Shutdown
The shutdown (BGP) command disables BGP operations without disrupting the BGP configuration.
The no router bgp command disables BGP and removes the BGP configuration.
The no shutdown command resumes BGP activity.
• This command disables BGP activity on the switch.
• This command resumes BGP activity on the switch.
Switch(config-router-bgp)#no shutdown
• This command removes all BGP learned routes from the routing table.
Switch#clear ip bgp
17.3.1 Example 1
Example 1 features an internal BGP link that connects peers in AS 100. Diagram
Figure 17-1 displays BGP Example 1. The BGP link establishes IBGP neighbors in AS 100. Each switch
advertises two subnets. In UPDATE packets sent by Switch A, the LOCAL_PREF field is 150. In UPDATE
packets sent by Switch B, the LOCAL_PREF field is 75.
Figure 17-1 BGP Example 1 / 24 / 24
.1 .1
.1 BGP Link .2
Switch A Switch B
.1 .1 / 24 / 24 Code
This code configures the Example 1 BGP instance on both switches.
Step 1 Configure the neighbor addresses.
Step a Specify the neighbor to Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#router bgp 100
SwitchA(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remote-as 100
Step b Specify the neighbor to Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#router bgp 100
SwitchB(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remote-as 100
Step 2 Configure the routes to be advertised
Step a Advertise Switch A’s routes.
17.3.2 Example 2
Example 2 creates an external BGP link that connects routers in AS 100 and AS 200. Diagram
Figure 17-2 displays BGP Example 2. The BGP link connects a switch in AS 100 to a switch in AS 200.
Each switch advertises two subnets.
Switch A assigns a local preference of 150 to networks advertised by Switch B. Switch B assigns a local
preference of 75 to networks advertised by Switch A.
Figure 17-2 BGP Example 2 / 24 / 24
.1 BGP Link .2
Switch A Switch B
.1 .1 / 24 / 24 Code
This code configures the Example 2 BGP instance on both switches.
Step 1 Configure the neighbor addresses.
Step a Specify the neighbor to Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#router bgp 100
SwitchA(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remote-as 200
The aggregate-address command creates an aggregate route in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
database. Aggregate routes combine the characteristics of multiple routes into a single route that the
switch advertises. Aggregation can reduce the amount of information that a BGP speaker is required to
store and transmit when advertising routes to other BGP speakers. Aggregate routes are advertised only
after they are redistributed.
Command options affect attributes associated with the aggregated route and the advertisement of the
contributor routes that comprise the aggregate route. Contributor routes with different type codes
cannot be aggregated.
Command options affect the following aggregate routing attributes:
• AS_PATH attribute inclusion: AS_PATH is an attribute that identifies the autonomous systems
through which UPDATE messages carry routing information. When the command contains the
as-set option, the aggregate route includes AS_PATH information from the contributor routes as
AS_SET attributes.
When the command does not include the as-set option, the ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute is set
on the aggregate route. The aggregate route does not contain AS_PATH information.
• Attribute inclusion: The attribute-map option assigns attributes contained in the set commands of
permit clauses of the specified route map to the aggregated route.
• Route suppression: The summary-only option suppresses the advertisement of the contributor
routes that comprise the aggregate.
The no aggregate-address and default aggregate-address commands remove the corresponding
aggregate-address command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
aggregate-address net_addr [AS_SET][SUMMARY][ATTRIBUTE_MAP]
no aggregate-address net_addr
default aggregate-address net_addr
• net_addr aggregate route IP address. Entry formats include address-prefix (CIDR) and
address-mask. Running-config stores value in CIDR notation.
• AS_SET controls AS_PATH attribute values associated with aggregate route. Options include:
— <no parameter> ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute is set. Route contains no AS_PATH data.
— as-set route includes AS_PATH information from contributor routes as AS_SET attributes.
• SUMMARY controls advertisement of contributor routes. Options include:
— <no parameter> contributor and aggregate routes are advertised.
— summary-only contributor routes are not advertised.
• ATTRIBUTE_MAP controls attribute assignments to the aggregate route. Options include:
— <no parameter> attribute values are not assigned to route.
— attribute-map map_name assigns attribute values in set commands of the specified map’s
permit clauses.
Deny clauses and match commands in permit clauses are ignored.
• These commands create an aggregate route ( from the contributor routes,,, and The aggregate route includes the
AS_PATH information from the contributor routes.
switch(config)#router bgp 1
switch(config-router-bgp)#aggregate-address as-set
• These commands redistribute the aggregate route into the BGP domain. The switch begins
advertising the aggregate route after this command is configured.
switch(config)#router bgp 1
switch(config-router-bgp)#redistribute aggregate
• These commands create an aggregate route and use a route map to add a local-preference attribute
to the route.
switch(config)#route-map map1 permit 10
switch(config-route-map-map1)#set community 45
switch(config)#router bgp 1
switch(config-router-bgp)#aggregate-address attribute-map map1
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
bgp client-to-client reflection
no bgp client-to-client reflection
default bgp client-to-client reflection
• This command disables client-to-client reflection on the switch.
switch(config-router-bgp)#no bgp client-to-client reflection
bgp cluster-id
When using route reflectors, an AS is divided into clusters. A cluster consists of one or more route
reflectors and a group of clients to which they readvertise route information. Multiple route reflectors
can be configured in the same cluster to increase redundancy and avoid a single point of failure. If a
cluster has a single route reflector, the cluster is identified by that route reflector’s router ID. If a cluster
has multiple route reflectors, a 4-byte cluster ID is assigned to each reflector in the cluster. All route
reflectors in a cluster must be configured with the same cluster ID so that each route reflector can
recognize updates from other route reflectors in the same cluster.
The bgp cluster-id command is used to configure the cluster ID in a cluster with multiple route
The no bgp cluster-id and default bgp cluster-id commands remove the cluster ID by removing the
corresponding bgp cluster-id command from running-config. Do not remove the cluster ID if there are
multiple route reflectors in the cluster.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
bgp cluster-id id_num
no bgp cluster-id
default bgp cluster-id
• id_num the cluster ID shared by all route reflectors in the cluster. Values range from to
• This command sets the cluster ID for the switch to
switch(config-router-bgp)#bgp cluster-id
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
bgp listen limit maximum
no bgp listen limit
default bgp listen limit
• maximum the maximum number of dynamic BGP peers to be allowed on the switch. Values range
from 1 to 1000; default value is 100.
• This command sets the maximum number of dynamic BGP peers allowed on the switch to 200.
switch(config-router-bgp)#bgp listen limit 200
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
bgp listen range NET_ADDRESS peer-group group_name remote-as as_number
no bgp listen range NET_ADDRESS peer-group group_name
default bgp listen range NET_ADDRESS peer-group group_name
• NET_ADDRESS IP address range. Entry options include
— CIDR notation
— IP_address mask subnet (dotted decimal notation).
• group_name name of the peer group.
• as_number the autonomous system to which the peer group belongs.
• This command creates a peer group called “brazil” in AS 5 which accepts dynamic peering requests
from the subnet.
switch(config-router-bgp)#bgp listen range peer-group brazil
remote-as 5
bgp log-neighbor-changes
The bgp log-neighbor-changes command configures the switch to generate a log message when a BGP
peer enters or exits the Established state. This is the default behavior.
The no bgp log-neighbor-changes command disables the generation of these log messages. The default
bgp log-neighbor-changes command enables the generation of these log messages.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no bgp log-neighbor-changes
default bgp log-neighbor-changes
• This command configures the switch to generate a message when a BGP peer enters of exits the
Established state.
switch(config-router-bgp)#bgp log-neighbor-changes
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
comment comment_text EOF
no comment
default comment
! comment_text
• comment_text To create a comment, enter a message when prompted. The message may span
multiple lines.
• EOF To end comment editing, type EOF on its own line (case sensitive) and press enter.
• This command adds a comment to the active configuration mode.
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Consult Thomas Morton before making changes to the BGP configuration.
• This command appends a line to the comment for the active configuration mode.
switch(config-router-bgp)#! x3452
clear ip bgp
The clear ip bgp command removes BGP learned routes from the routing table, reads all routes from
designated peers, and sends routes to those peers as required.
• a hard reset tears down and rebuilds the peering sessions and rebuilds BGP routing tables.
• a soft reset uses stored prefix information to reconfigure and activate BGP routing tables without
tearing down existing peering sessions.
Soft resets use stored update information to apply new BGP policy without disrupting the network.
Routes that are read or sent are processed through modified route maps or AS-path access lists. The
command can also clear the switch’s BGP sessions with its peers.
After a route map is modified, the changes do not take effect until the BGP process is forced to recognize
the changes. Use the clear ip bgp command after changing any of these BGP attributes:
• access lists
• weights
• distribution lists
• timers
• administrative distance
• route maps
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp [ACTION] [RESET_TYPE]
• ACTION the entity upon which the clearing action is taken. Options include:
— <no parameter> clears the routing table, then reads in routes from designated peers.
— * clears all BGP sessions with the switch’s peers.
— ip_addr resets the session with the peer at the specified ip address (dotted decimal notation).
• RESET_TYPE reconfiguration type. Options include:
— <no parameter> hard reset.
— soft soft reset.
• This command removes all BGP learned routes from the routing table:
switch#clear ip bgp
• This command clears all of the switch’s BGP sessions:
switch#clear ip bgp *
distance bgp
The distance bgp command assigns an administrative distance to routes that the switch learns through
BGP. Routers use administrative distances to select a route when two protocols provide routing
information to the same destination. Distance values range from 1 to 255; lower distance values
correspond to higher reliability. BGP routing tables do not include routes with a distance of 255.
The distance command assigns distance values to external, internal, and local BGP routes:
• external: External routes are routes for which the best path is learned from a neighbor external to
the autonomous system. Default distance is 200.
• internal: Internal routes are routes learned from a BGP entity within the same autonomous system.
Default distance is 200.
• local: Local routes are networks listed with a network router configuration command for that router
or for networks that are redistributed from another process. Default distance is 200.
The no distance bgp and default distance bgp commands restore the default administrative distances
by removing the distance bgp command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
distance bgp external_dist [INTERNAL_LOCAL]
no distance bgp
default distance bgp
• external_dist distance assigned to external routes. Values range from 1 to 255.
• INTERNAL_LOCAL distance assigned to internal and local routes. Values for both routes range
from 1 to 255. Options include:
— <No Parameter > external_dist value is assigned to internal and local routes.
— internal_dist local_dist distances assigned to internal (internal_dist) and local (local_dist) routes.
• This command assigns an administrative distance of 150 to external routes, 200 to internal, and 150
to local routes.
switch(config-router-bgp)#distance bgp 150 200 150
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits BGP configuration mode.
ip as-path access-list
The ip as-path access-list command creates an access list to filter BGP route updates. If access list
list_name does not exist, this command creates it. If it already exists, this command appends statements
to the list.
The no ip as-path access-list and default ip as-path access-list commands delete the named access list.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip as-path access-list list_name FILTER_TYPE regex ORIGIN
no ip as-path access-list list_name
default ip as-path access-list list_name
• list_name the name of the AS path access list.
• FILTER_TYPE access resolution of the specified community. Options include:
— permit access is permitted.
— deny access is denied.
• regex a regular expression describing the AS path being filtered. Regular expressions are pattern
matching strings that are composed of text characters and operators. Section 3.2.6 describes regular
• ORIGIN the origin of the path information. Values include:
— <no parameter> sets the origin to any.
— any any BGP origin.
— egp EGP origin.
— igp IGP origin.
— incomplete incomplete origin.
• These commands create an AS path access list named “list1” which allows all BGP routes except
those originating in AS 3.
switch(config)#ip as-path access-list list1 deny _3$
switch(config)#ip as-path access-list list1 permit .*
ip community-list expanded
The ip community-list expanded command creates and configures BGP community lists. A BGP
community list filters route maps that are configured as BGP communities. The command uses regular
expressions to name the communities specified by the list.
The no ip community-list expanded and default ip community-list expanded commands delete the
specified community list by removing the corresponding ip community-list expanded command from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip community-list expanded listname FILTER_TYPE R_EXP_1 [R_EXP_2...R_EXP_n]
no ip community-list expanded listname
default community-list expanded listname
• listname name of the community list. Valid input is text.
• FILTER_TYPE access resolution of the specified community. Options include:
— permit access is permitted.
— deny access is denied.
• R_EXP_x list of communities, formatted as regular expressions. Regular expressions are pattern
matching strings that are composed of text characters and operators. Section 3.2.6 describes regular
• This command creates a BGP community list that permits routes from networks 20-24 and 30-34 in
autonomous system 10.
switch(config)#ip community-list expanded list_2 permit 10:[2-3][0-4]_
ip community-list standard
The ip community-list standard command creates and configures BGP community lists. A BGP
community list filters route maps that are configured as BGP communities.
The no ip community-list standard and default ip community-list standard commands delete the
specified community list by removing the corresponding ip community-list standard command from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip community-list standard listname FILTER_TYPE COMM_1 [COMM_2...COMM_n]
no ip community-list standard listname
default ip community-list standard listname
• listname name of the community list. Valid input is text.
• FILTER_TYPE access resolution of the specified community. Options include:
— permit access is permitted.
— deny access is denied.
• COMM_x community number or name, as specified in the route map that sets the community list
— aa:nn AS and network number, separated by colon. Each value ranges from 1 to 65535.
— comm_num community number. Values range from 1 to 4294967040.
— internet advertises route to Internet community.
— local-as advertises route only to local peers.
— no-advertise does not advertise route to any peer.
— no-export advertises route only within BGP AS boundary.
• This command creates a BGP community list (named list_9) that denies members of route maps
configured as AS-network number 100:250.
switch(config)#ip community-list standard list_9 deny 100:250
ip extcommunity-list expanded
The ip extcommunity-list expanded command creates an extended community list to configure Virtual
Private Network (VPN) route filtering. Extended community attributes filter routes for VPN routing
and forwarding instances (VRFs). The command uses regular expressions to name the communities
specified by the list.
• Route Target (rt) attribute identifies a set of sites and VRFs that may receive routes that are tagged
with the configured route target. Configuring the route target extended attribute with a route
allows that route to be placed in the per-site forwarding tables that route traffic received from
corresponding sites.
• Site of Origin (soo) attribute uniquely identifies the site from which the provider edge (PE) router
learned the route. All routes learned from a specific site must be assigned the same site of origin
attribute whether a site is connected to a single PE router or multiple PE routers. Configuring this
attribute prevents the creation of routing loops when a site is multihomed. The SOO extended
community attribute is configured on the interface and is propagated into BGP through
redistribution. The SOO should not be configured for stub sites or sites that are not multihomed.
The no ip extcommunity-list expanded and default ip extcommunity-list expanded commands delete
the specified extended community list by removing the corresponding ip community-list expanded
statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip extcommunity-list expanded listname FILTER_TYPE R_EXP_1 [R_EXP_2...R_EXP_n]
no ip extcommunity-list expanded listname
default ip extcommunity-list expanded listname
• listname name of the extended community list. Valid input is text.
• FILTER_TYPE access resolution of the specified extended community list. Options include:
— permit access is permitted.
— deny access is denied.
• R_EXP_x list of communities, formatted as regular expressions. Regular expressions are pattern
matching strings that are composed of text characters and operators.
— Regular expressions that begin RT: match the rt ext. community attribute option
— Regular expressions that begin SoO: match the soo ext. community attribute option.
RT: and SoO: are case sensitive.
Section 3.2.6 describes regular expressions.
• This command creates a BGP extended community list that denies routes from route target
networks 20-24 and 30-34 in autonomous system 10.
switch(config)#ip extcommunity-list expanded list_1 deny RT:10:[2-3][0-4]_
ip extcommunity-list standard
The ip extcommunity-list standard command creates an extended community list to configure Virtual
Private Network (VPN) route filtering. Extended community attributes filter routes for VPN routing
and forwarding instances (VRFs).
• Route Target (rt) attribute identifies a set of sites and VRFs that may receive routes that are tagged
with the configured route target. Configuring the route target extended attribute with a route
allows that route to be placed in the per-site forwarding tables that route traffic received from
corresponding sites.
• Site of Origin (soo) attribute uniquely identifies the site from which the provider edge (PE) router
learned the route. All routes learned from a specific site must be assigned the same site of origin
attribute whether a site is connected to a single PE router or multiple PE routers. Configuring this
attribute prevents the creation of routing loops when a site is multihomed. The SOO extended
community attribute is configured on the interface and is propagated into BGP through
redistribution. The SOO should not be configured for stub sites or sites that are not multihomed.
The no ip extcommunity-list standard and default ip extcommunity-list standard commands delete the
specified extended community list by removing the corresponding ip extcommunity-list standard
statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip extcommunity-list standard listname FILTER_TYPE COMM_1 [COMM_2...COMM_n]
no ip extcommunity-list standard listname
default ip extcommunity-list standard listname
• listname name of the extended community list. Valid input is text.
• FILTER_TYPE access resolution of the specified extended community list. Options include:
— permit access is permitted.
— deny access is denied.
• COMM_x extended community attribute. Options include:
— rt aa:nn route target, as specified by autonomous system:network number
— rt ip_addr:nn route target, as specified by ip address:network number
— soo aa:nn site of origin, as specified by autonomous system:network number
— soo ip_addr:nn site of origin, as specified by ip address:network number
• This command creates a BGP extended community list that denies routes from route target 100:250.
switch(config)#ip extcommunity-list standard list_9 deny rt 100:250
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
maximum-paths paths [ecmp ecmp_paths]
no maximum-paths
default maximum-paths
• paths maximum number of parallel routes. Default value is 1.
• ecmp_paths maximum number of ECMP paths for each route. Default is maximum value.
Values for each parameter ranges from 1 to the maximum number of interfaces per ECMP group.
The maximum number of interfaces per ECMP group is platform dependent (Table 1-3).
• This command configures the maximum number of BGP parallel paths to 12. The ECMP value for
each route is 16 (FM4000 or PetraA platforms) or 32 (Trident platform).
Switch(config-router-bgp)#maximum-paths 12
! Warning: maximum-paths will take effect after BGP restart.
• This command configures the maximum number of BGP parallel paths to 2. The ECMP value for
each route is 4.
Switch(config-router-bgp)#maximum-paths 2 ecmp 4
! Warning: maximum-paths will take effect after BGP restart.
neighbor description
The neighbor description command associates descriptive text with the specified peer.
The no neighbor description and default neighbor description commands removes the text association
from the specified peer.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr description description_string
no neighbor ip_addr description
default neighbor ip_addr description
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• description_string text string that is associated with neighbor.
• This command associates the string PEER_1 with the peer located at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor description PEER_1
neighbor ebgp-multihop
The neighbor ebgp-multihop command programs the switch to accept and attempt BGP connections
to the external peers residing on networks not directly connected to the switch. The command does not
establish the multihop if the only route to the peer is the default route (
The no neighbor ebgp-multihop and default neighbor ebgp-multihop commands restore the default
configuration by removing the corresponding neighbor ebgp-multihop command from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID ebgp-multihop [hop_number]
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID ebgp-multihop
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID ebgp-multihop
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• hop_number time-to-live (hops). Values range from 1 to 255. Default value is 255.
• This command programs the switch to accept and attempt BGP connections to the external peer
located at, setting the hop limit to 32.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor ebgp-multihop 32
neighbor export-localpref
The neighbor export-localpref command determines the LOCAL_PREF value that is sent in BGP
UPDATE packets to the specified peer. This command has no effect on external peers.
The no neighbor export-localpref and default neighbor export-localpref commands reset the
LOCAL_PREF value to the default of 100 in packets sent to the specified peer.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr export-localpref preference
no neighbor ip_addr export-localpref
default neighbor ip_addr export-localpref
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• preference preference value. Values range from 0 to 4294967295 (232 -1).
• This command configures the switch to fill the LOCAL_PREF field with 200 in UPDATE packets that
it sends to the peer located at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor export-localpref 200
neighbor import-localpref
The neighbor import-localpref command determines the local preference assigned to routes received
from the specified external peer. This command has no effect on routes received from internal peers.
The no neighbor import-localpref and default neighbor import-localpref commands reset the local
preference to the default of 100 for routes received from the specified peer.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID import-localpref preference
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID import-localpref
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID import-localpref
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• preference preference value. Values range from 0 to 4294967295 (232 -1).
• This command configures the switch to assign a local preference of 50 to routes received from the
peer located at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor import-localpref 50
neighbor local-as
The neighbor local-as command enables the modification of the AS_PATH attribute for routes received
from an eBGP neighbor, allowing the switch to appear as a member of a different autonomous system
(AS) to external peers. This switch does not prepend the local AS number to routes received from the
eBGP neighbor. The AS number from the local BGP routing process is not prepended.
The no neighbor local-as and default neighbor local-as commands disable AS_PATH modification by
removing the neighbor local-as command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr local-as as_id no-prepend replace-as
no neighbor ip_addr local-as
default neighbor ip_addr local-as
• ip_addr IP address of the eBGP neighbor (dotted decimal notation).
• as_id AS number that is prepended to the AS_PATH attribute. Values range from 1 to 65535.
This parameter cannot be set to AS numbers from the local BGP routing process or the network of
the remote peer.
• For the neighbor at, these commands remove AS 300 from outbound routing updates and
replace it with AS 600.
switch(config)#router bgp 300
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor 600
neighbor maximum-routes
The neighbor maximum-routes command determines the number of BGP routes the switch accepts
from a specified neighbor and defines an action when the limit is exceeded. The default value is 12,000.
To remove the maximum routes limit, specify a limit of zero.
If the number of routes received from a peer exceeds this, the switch generates an error message. This
command can also configure the switch to disable peering with the neighbor – in this case, the neighbor
state is reset only through a clear ip bgp command.
The no neighbor maximum-routes and no neighbor maximum-routes commands reset the
maximum-routes value to the default value of 12,000 for the specified peer.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID maximum-routes quantity [ACTION]
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID maximum-routes
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID maximum-routes
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• quantity maximum number of routes. Values include:
— 0: the switch does not define a route limit.
— 1 to 4294967294 maximum number of routes (232 -2).
• ACTION switch action when the route limit is exceeded. Values include:
— <no parameter> peering is disabled and an error message is generated.
— warning-only peering is not disabled, but an error message is generated.
• This command configures the switch to accept 15000 routes for the neighbor at If the
neighbor exceeds 15000 routes, the switch disables peering with the neighbor.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor maximum-routes 15000
neighbor next-hop-peer
The neighbor next-hop-peer command configures the switch to list the peer address as the next hop in
routes that it receives from the specified peer BGP-speaking neighbor. This command overrides the next
hop for all routes received from this neighbor.
The no neighbor next-hop-peer and default neighbor next-hop-peer commands remove the next hop
configuration for the specified neighbor by removing the corresponding neighbor next-hop-peer
command from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr next-hop-peer
no neighbor ip_addr next-hop-peer
default neighbor ip_addr next-hop-peer
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command configures the peer address of as the next hop for routes advertised to the
switch from the peer BGP speaking neighbor.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor next-hop-peer
neighbor next-hop-self
The neighbor next-hop-self command configures the switch to list its address as the next hop in routes
that it advertises to the specified BGP-speaking neighbor. This function is used in networks where BGP
neighbors do not directly access all other neighbors on the same subnet.
The no neighbor next-hop-self and default neighbor next-hop-self commands remove the next hop
configuration for the specified neighbor by removing the corresponding neighbor next-hop-self
command from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr next-hop-self
no neighbor ip_addr next-hop-self
default neighbor ip_addr next-hop-self
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command configures the switch as the next hop for the peer at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor next-hop-self
neighbor out-delay
The neighbor out-delay command sets the period that a route update for a specified neighbor must be
in the routing table before the switch exports it to BGP. The out delay interval is used for bundling
routing updates.
The no neighbor out-delay and default neighbor out-delay commands restore the default out delay
value by deleting the corresponding neighbor out-delay command from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the specified neighbor.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID out-delay delay_time
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID out-delay
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID out-delay
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• delay_time the out delay period (seconds) . Values range from 0 to 600. Default value is 0.
• This command sets the out delay period to 5 seconds for the connection with the peer at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor out-delay 5
neighbor password
The neighbor password command enables authentication on a TCP connection with a BGP peer. The
plain-text version of the password is a string, up to 8 bytes in length. Peers must use the same password
to ensure proper communication.
BGP packet headers transmit the password as plain-text, which risks unauthorized password access.
Running-config displays the encrypted version of the password. The encryption scheme is not strong by
cryptographic standards; encrypted passwords should be treated in the same manner as plain-text
The no neighbor password and default neighbor password commands remove the neighbor password
from the configuration, disabling authentication with the specified peer.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr password [ENCRYPT_LEVEL] key_text
no neighbor ip_addr password
default neighbor ip_addr password
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• ENCRYPT_LEVEL the encryption level of the key_text parameter. Values include:
— <no parameter> indicates the key_text is in clear text.
— 0 indicates key_text is in clear text. Equivalent to the <no parameter> case.
— 7 indicates key_text is md5 encrypted.
• key_text the password.
• This command specifies a password in clear text.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor password 0 code123
Running-config stores the password as an encrypted string.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor group_name peer-group
no neighbor group_name peer-group
default neighbor group_name peer-group
• group_name peer group name.
• These commands create a BGP peer group called bgpgroup1, assign several neighbors to the group,
and apply a route map.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor bgpgroup1 peer-group
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer-group bgpgroup1
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer-group bgpgroup1
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer-group bgpgroup1
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor bgpgroup1 route-map corporate in
• This command removes peer group “bgpgroup1” from running-config. All settings that group
members inherited from the peer group are maintained.
switch(config-router-bgp)#no neighbor bgpgroup1 peer-group
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_address peer-group group_name
no neighbor ip_address peer-group
default neighbor ip_address peer-group
• ip_address neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• group_name peer group name.
• These commands create a BGP peer group called bgpgroup1, assign several neighbors to the group,
and apply a route map.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor bgpgroup1 peer-group
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer-group bgpgroup1
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer-group bgpgroup1
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer-group bgpgroup1
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor bgpgroup1 route-map corporate in
• This command removes the neighbor at from the peer group. All settings that neighbor inherited from the peer group are maintained.
switch(config-router-bgp)#no neighbor peer-group
neighbor remote-as
The neighbor remote-as command establishes a neighbor (peer) connection. Internal neighbors have
the same AS number. External neighbors have different AS numbers.
The no neighbor remote-as and default neighbor remote-as commands disable peering with the
specified address by removing the corresponding neighbor remote-as command from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID remote-as as_id
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID remote-as
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID remote-as
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• as_id Autonomous system (AS) of the peer. Values range from 1 to 65535.
• This command establishes a BGP connection with the router at in AS 300.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remove-private-as
The neighbor remove-private-as command removes private autonomous system numbers from
outbound routing updates for external BGP (eBGP) neighbors. When the autonomous system path
includes both private and public autonomous system numbers, the private autonomous system number
is not removed.
The no neighbor remove-private-as and default neighbor remove-private-as commands restore the
default behavior by removing the neighbor remove-private-as statement from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr remove-private-as
no neighbor ip_addr remove-private-as
default neighbor ip_addr remove-private-as
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command programs the switch to remove private AS numbers from outbound routing updates
for the eBGP neighbor at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor remove-private-as
neighbor route-map
The neighbor route-map command applies a route map to inbound or outbound IP v4 unicast routes.
When a route map is applied to outbound routes, the switch will advertise only routes matching at least
one section of the route map. Only one outbound route map and one inbound route map can be applied
to a given neighbor. A new route map applied to a neighbor will replace the previous route map.
The no neighbor route-map and default neighbor route-map commands discontinue the application of
the specified route map to the specified routes by deleting the corresponding neighbor route-map
command from running-config. Removing a route map from one direction does not remove it from the
other if it has been applied to both.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID route-map map_name DIRECTION
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID route-map map_name DIRECTION
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID route-map map_name DIRECTION
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• map_name name of a route map.
• DIRECTION routes to which the route map is applied. Options include:
— in route map is applied to inbound routes.
— out route map is applied to outbound routes.
• This command applies a route map named inner-map to a BGP inbound route from
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor route-map inner-map in
neighbor route-reflector-client
Because new routes may be learned by any router in an AS, all participating routers must communicate
IBGP-learned routes to all of their peers. This can be accomplished by using a fully meshed network
topology in which each member of the AS is connected to every other member, but this topology can
result in high volumes of IBGP messages when it is scaled. Instead, in larger networks, one or more
routers can be configured as route reflectors.
A route reflector is an IBGP peer configured to readvertise IBGP-learned routes to a group of IBGP
neighbors (its clients), eliminating the need for each router to communicate route information to every
other router in the AS.
The neighbor route-reflector-client command configures the switch to act as a route reflector and
configures the specified neighbor or group as one of its clients.
The bgp client-to-client reflection command controls client-to-client reflection.
The no neighbor route-reflector-client and default neighbor route-reflector-client commands disable
route refection by deleting the neighbor route-reflector-client command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID route-reflector-client
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID route-reflector-client
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID route-reflector-client
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• This command configures the switch as a route reflector and the neighbor at as one of
its clients.
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor send-community
The neighbor send-community command configures the switch to send community attributes to the
specified BGP neighbor.
The no neighbor send-community and default neighbor send-community commands discontinue the
sending of community attributes to the specified neighbor by deleting the corresponding neighbor
send-community statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID send-community
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID send-community
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID send-community
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• This command configures the switch to send community attributes to the neighbor at address
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor send-community
neighbor shutdown
The neighbor shutdown command disables the specified neighbor. Disabling a neighbor also
terminates all of its active sessions and removes associated routing information.
The no neighbor shutdown and default neighbor shutdown commands enable the specified neighbor
and removes the corresponding neighbor shutdown command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ip_addr shutdown
no neighbor ip_addr shutdown
default neighbor ip_addr shutdown
• ip_addr IP address of the BGP neighbor (dotted decimal notation).
• This command applies a route map named inner-map to a BGP inbound route from
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor route-map inner-map in
neighbor soft-reconfiguration
By default, inbound BGP routes which are filtered out by the switch’s import policy are still stored on
the switch. Because all routes are retained, this allows policies to be changed without resetting BGP
sessions. It also allows the switch to display all advertised routes when the show ip bgp neighbor
advertised-routes command is issued.
The no neighbor soft-reconfiguration command configures the switch to discard information about
routes that fail the import policy.
The neighbor soft-reconfiguration and default neighbor soft-reconfiguration commands restore the
default behavior by removing the no neighbor soft-reconfiguration statement from running-config.
Only the no form of this command is visible in running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID soft-configuration inbound
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID soft-configuration inbound
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID soft-configuration inbound
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• This command configures the switch to discard information about routes from the neighbor at which are filtered out by the switch’s import policies.
switch(config-router-bgp)#no neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor timers
The neighbor timers command configures the BGP keepalive and hold times for a specified peer
connection. The timers bgp command configures the times on all peer connection for which an
individual command is not specified.
• Keepalive time is the period between the transmission of consecutive keepalive messages.
• Hold time is the period the switch waits for a keepalive or UPDATE message before it disables
The hold time must be at least 3 seconds and should be three times longer than the keepalive setting.
The no neighbor timers and default neighbor timers commands remove the neighbor timers command
from the configuration. The peer connection uses the timers specified by the timers bgp command.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID timers keep_alive hold_time
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID timers
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID timers
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• keep_alive keepalive period, in seconds. Values include
— 0 keepalive messages are not sent
— 1 to 3600 keepalive time (seconds).
• hold_time hold time. Values include
— 0 peering is not disabled by timeout expiry; keepalive packets are not sent.
— 3 to 7200 hold time (seconds).
• This command sets the keepalive time to 30 seconds and the hold time to 90 seconds for the
connection with the peer at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor timers 30 90
neighbor update-source
The neighbor update-source command specifies the interface that BGP sessions use for TCP
connections. By default, BGP sessions use the neighbor’s closest interface (also known as the best local
The no neighbor update-source and default neighbor update-source commands restore the default
setting by removing the neighbor update-source command from running-config.
The no neighbor command removes all configuration commands for the neighbor at the specified
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID update-source INTERFACE
no neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID update-source
default neighbor NEIGHBOR_ID update-source
• NEIGHBOR_ID IP address or peer group name. Values include:
— ip_addr neighbor’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— group_name peer group name.
• INTERFACE Interface type and number. Options include:
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num port channel interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command configures the switch to use Ethernet interface 10 for TCP connections for the
neighbor at
switch(config-router-bgp)#neighbor update-source ethernet 10
The network command specifies a network for advertisement through UPDATE packets to BGP peers.
The configuration zeros the host portion of the specified network address; for example, is
stored as A route map option is available for assigning attributes to the network
The no network and default network commands remove the network from the routing table,
preventing its advertisement.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
no network NET_ADDRESS
default network NET_ADDRESS
• NET_ADDRESS IP address range. Entry options include
— CIDR notation
— IP_address mask subnet (dotted decimal notation).
running-config stores the address in CIDR notation.
• ROUTE_MAP specifies route map that assigns attribute values to the network. Options include:
— <no parameter> attributes are not assigned through a route map.
— route-map map_name attributes listed by specififed route map are assigned to the network.
• This command enables BGP advertising for the network located at The configuration
stores the network as
no neighbor
The no neighbor command removes all neighbor configuration commands for the specified neighbor.
Commands removed by the no neighbor command include:
• neighbor description
• neighbor ebgp-multihop
• neighbor export-localpref
• neighbor import-localpref
• neighbor local-as
• neighbor maximum-routes
• neighbor next-hop-peer
• neighbor next-hop-self
• neighbor out-delay
• neighbor password
• neighbor <group_name> peer-group
• neighbor <ip_address> peer-group
• neighbor remote-as
• neighbor remove-private-as
• neighbor route-map
• neighbor route-reflector-client
• neighbor send-community
• neighbor timers
• neighbor update-source
Commands that remove individual neighbor settings are defined in their respective configuration
commands. Neighbor settings for a peer group must be removed individually.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
no neighbor ip_addr
• ip_addr neighbor ’s IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command removes all neighbor configuration commands for the neighbor at
Switch(config-router-bgp)#no neighbor
redistribute (BGP)
The redistribute command enables the redistribution of specified routes to the BGP domain.
The no redistribute and default redistribute commands disable route redistribution from the specified
domain by removing the corresponding redistribute command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
redistribute ROUTE_TYPE [ROUTE_MAP]
no redistribute ROUTE_TYPE
default redistribute ROUTE_TYPE
• ROUTE_TYPE source from which routes are redistributed. Options include:
— aggregate BGP aggregate routes.
— connected routes that are established when IP is enabled on an interface.
— OSPF routes from an OSPF domain.
— OSPF match external Routes external to the AS, but imported from OSPF.
— OSPF match internal OSPF routes that are internal to the AS.
— RIP routes from a RIP domain.
— static IP static routes.
• ROUTE_MAP route map that determines the routes that are redistributed. Options include:
— <no parameter> all routes are redistributed.
— route-map map_name only routes in the specified route map are redistributed.
• This command redistributes OSPF routes into the BGP domain.
switch(config-router-bgp)#redistribute OSPF
The router-id command configures a fixed router ID for the local Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
routing process.
When the router-id command is not configured, the local router ID is set to the following:
• The loopback IP address when a loopback interface is configured.
The loopback with the highest IP address is selected when multiple loopback interfaces are
• The highest IP address on a physical interface when no loopback interfaces are configured.
The no router-id and default router-id commands remove the router-id command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
router-id ip_addr
no router-id [ip_addr]
default router-id [ip_addr]
• ip_addr address of router ID (dotted decimal notation).
• This command configures the fixed router ID address of
router bgp
The router bgp command places the switch in router-bgp configuration mode. If BGP was not
previously instantiated, this command creates a BGP instance with the specified AS number.
When a BGP instance exists, the command must include the AS number of the existing BGP instance.
Running this command with a different AS number generates an error message.
The no router bgp and default router bgp commands delete the BGP instance.
Refer to Router-BGP Configuration Mode (page 655) for a list of commands available in router-bgp
configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
router bgp as_id
no router bgp
default router bgp
• as_id Autonomous system (AS) number. Values range from 1 to 65535.
• This command creates a BGP instance with AS number 200.
switch(config)#router bgp 200
• This command attempts to open a BGP instance with a different AS number from that of the
existing instance. The switch displays an error and stays in global configuration mode.
Switch(config)#router bgp 100
% BGP is already running with AS number 200
• This command exits BGP configuration mode.
• This command deletes the BGP instance.
switch(config)#no router bgp
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
show [DATA_TYPE]
• DATA_TYPE Specifies display contents. Values include:
— active Displays running-config settings for the configuration mode.
— active all Displays running-config plus defaults for the configuration mode.
— active all detail Displays running-config plus defaults for the configuration mode.
— comment Displays comment entered for the configuration mode.
• This command shows the BGP commands in running-config.
switch(config-router-bgp)#show active
router bgp 1
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor maximum-routes 12000
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip as-path access-list [list_name]
• list_name the name of an AS path access list.
• This command displays the contents of the AS path access list named “list1.”
switch#show ip as-path access-list list1
ip as-path access-list list1 deny _3$
ip as-path access-list list1 permit .*
show ip bgp
The show ip bgp command displays Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table entries.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip bgp [FILTER]
• FILTER routing table entries that the command displays. Values include:
— <no parameter> displays all routing table entries
— ip_addr host address (dotted decimal notation). Command displays entries to this address.
— net_addr subnet address. (CIDR or address-mask). Command displays entries in this subnet.
• This command displays the BGP routing table in the network.
switch>show ip bgp
Route status codes: s - suppressed, * - valid, > - active
Related Commands
show ip bgp neighbors
show ip bgp paths
show ip bgp peer-group
show ip bgp summary
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip bgp neighbors [NEIGHBOR_ADDR]
• NEIGHBOR_ADDR location of neighbors. Options include:
— <no parameter> command displays information for all neighbors.
— ip_addr command displays information for specified neighbor (dotted decimal notation).
• This command displays information for the neighbor at
switch>show ip bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 100
BGP version is 4, remote router ID
Negotiated version is 4
TTL is 0
holdtime is 90
restart-time is 0
Restarting: no
Current state is Established
Updates received: 1
Updates sent: 4
Total messages received: 372
Total messages sent: 383
Last state was OpenConfirm
Last event was RecvKeepAlive
Last error code was 0
Last error subcode was 0
Local TCP address is
Local AS is 100
Local router ID is
Capabilities Snt Rcv Neg
Multiprotocol IPv4 Unicast yes yes yes
Graceful Restart IPv4 Unicast no no no
Multiprotocol IPv4 Multicast no no no
Graceful Restart IPv4 Multicast no no no
Route Refresh no no no
Send End-of-RIB messages no no no
Dynamic Capabilities no no no
Related Command
show ip bgp neighbors <route type>
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip bgp neighbors neighbor_addr ROUTE_TYPE
• neighbor_addr location of neighbor (dotted decimal notation).
• ROUTE_TYPE type of route that the command displays. Options include:
— advertised-routes displays routes advertised to the specified neighbor.
— received-routes displays routes received from specified neighbor (accepted and rejected).
— routes displays routes received and accepted from specified neighbor.
• This command displays information for routes advertised to the neighbor at
switch>show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
Route status codes: s - suppressed, * - valid, > - active, e - ECMP
Related Command
show ip bgp neighbors
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip bgp paths
Display Values
• Refcount: Number of routes using a listed path.
• Metric: The Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric for the path.
• Path: The autonomous system path for that route, followed by the origin code for that route.
The MED, also known as the external metric of a route, provides information to external neighbors
about the preferred path into an AS with multiple entry points. Lower MED values are preferred.
• This command displays the BGP paths in the switch’s database.
switch>show ip bgp paths
Refcount Metric Path
6 0 IGP (Id 1)
2 0 Incomplete (Id 2)
2 0 (100) IGP (Id 5)
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip bgp peer-group
• This command displays BGP peer group information for the switch.
switch> show ip bgp peer-group
BGP peer-group local
BGP version 4
Address family: IPv4 Unicast
Peer-group members:
BGP peer-group external
BGP version 4
Address family: IPv4 Unicast
Peer-group members:
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip bgp summary
Display Values
Header Row
• BGP router identifier: The router identifier – loopback address or highest IP address.
• Local AS Number: AS number assigned to switch
• This command displays the status of the switch’s BGP connections.
Switch>show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65533
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65534 187 191 0 0 02:49:40 7 4 65533 184 191 0 0 02:59:41 7
show ip community-list
The show ip community-list command displays the BGP community lists configured on the switch.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip community-list [COMMUNITY_LIST]
• COMMUNITY_LIST community list for which command displays information
— <no parameter> command displays information for all community lists.
— listname name of the community list (text string).
• This command displays the BGP paths in the switch’s database.
switch#show ip community-list hs-comm-list
ip community-list standard hs-comm-list permit 0:10
show ip extcommunity-list
The show ip extcommunity-list command displays the contents of the specified extended community
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip extcommunity-list [COMMUNITY_LIST]
• COMMUNITY_LIST extended community list for which command displays information
— <no parameter> command displays information for all extended community lists.
— listname name of the extended community listlist (text string).
• This command displays the extended extcommunity lists on the switch.
switch#show ip extcommunity-list
ip extcommunity-list standard hs-extcomm-list permit rt 3050:20
ip extcommunity-list standard hs-extcomm-list permit soo
ip extcommunity-list standard hs-extcomm-list permit rt 3050:70000
shutdown (BGP)
The shutdown command disables BGP on the switch without modifying the BGP configuration.
The no shutdown and default shutdown commands remove the shutdown command from the
configuration, re-enabling the BGP instance.
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
default shutdown
• This command disables BGP on the switch.
• This command enables BGP on the switch.
switch(config-router-bgp)#no shutdown
timers bgp
The timers bgp command configures the BGP keepalive and hold times.Timer settings apply to each
peer connection. The neighbor timers command configures the times on a specified peer connection.
• Keepalive time is the period between the transmission of consecutive keepalive messages.
• Hold time is the period the switch waits for a keepalive or UPDATE message before it disables
The hold time must be at least 3 seconds and should be three times longer than the keepalive setting.
The no timers bgp and default timers bgp commands remove the timers bgp command from the
configuration, which returns the time settings to their defaults
• keepalive: 60 seconds
• hold time: 180 seconds
Command Mode
Router-BGP Configuration
Command Syntax
timers bgp keep_alive hold_time
no timers bgp
default timers bgp
• keep_alive keepalive period, in seconds. Values include
— 0 keepalive messages are not sent
— 1 to 3600 keepalive time, in seconds.
• hold_time hold time. Values include
— 0 peering is not disabled by timeout expiry; keepalive packets are not sent.
— 3 to 7200 hold time, in seconds.
• This command sets the keepalive time to 30 seconds and the hold time to 90 seconds.
switch(config-router-bgp)#timers bgp 30 90
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance-vector routing protocol typically used as an interior
gateway protocol (IGP). Arista switches supports RIP version 2, which is defined by RFC 2453.
This chapter contains the following sections.
• Section 18.1: RIP Conceptual Overview
• Section 18.2: Running RIP on the Switch
• Section 18.3: RIP Commands
• This command places the switch in router-rip configuration mode.
switch(config)#router rip
Using the router rip command puts the switch in router-RIP configuration mode, but does not enable
RIP on the switch.
• This command enables RIP on the switch.
switch(config-router-rip)#no shutdown
Issuing this command enables RIP, but to send and receive RIP route updates and to route packets via
RIP you must also specify interfaces on which RIP will run by using the network (RIP) command.
• This command disables RIP on the switch and removes all user-entered router-RIP
switch(config)#no router rip
• This command disables RIP on the switch, but preserves all user-entered router-RIP
You can also configure the redistribution of routes learned from other protocols, set the default metric
and administrative distance for redistributed routes, configure the timing of various RIP events, and
configure specific interfaces to send RIP update packets by broadcast instead of multicast.
• This command enables RIP on
• This command disables RIP on
switch(config-router-rip)#no network
• This command redistributes all routes learned from OSPF into RIP.
switch(config-router-rip)#redistribute OSPF
• This command sets the update interval to 60 seconds, expiration time to 90 seconds, and
deletion time to 150.
switch(config-router-rip)#timers basic 60 90 150
• The following commands configure RIP version 2 broadcasting on interface Ethernet 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet5
switch(config-if-Et5)#ip rip v2-broadcast
• This command displays all active rip routes.
switch>show ip rip database directly connected, Et0
[1] via, 00:00:25, Et0
[2] via, 00:00:20, Et1
[1] via, 00:00:25, Et3
• This command submits a query for RIP route information for a network..
switch>show ip rip database
[1] via, 00:00:25, Et0
[2] via, 00:00:20, Et1
• This command displays information about all the gateways of RIP routes..
switch>show ip rip neighbors
Gateway Last-Heard Bad-Packets Bad-Routes Flags 00:00:15 SRC, TRSTED,
The default-metric command specifies the metric value assigned to RIP routes learned from other
protocols. All routes imported into RIP receive the default metric unless a matching route-map exists for
the route. The route metric of 0 is assigned to redistributed connected and static routes. Default-metric
values range from 0 to 16 with a default value of 1.
The no default-metric command removes the default-metric command from running-config and
returns the default-metric value to its default value of 1.
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
default-metric metric_value
• metric_value default metric value assigned. Values range from 0 to 16; default is 1.
• This command sets the default metric value to five.
switch(config-router-rip)#default-metric 5
distance (RIP)
The distance command assigns an administrative distance to routes that the switch learns through RIP.
Routers use administrative distances to select a route when two protocols provide routing information
to the same destination. Distance values range from 1 to 255; lower distance values correspond to higher
reliability. The default RIP distance value is 120.
The no distance command restores the default administrative distance by removing the distance
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
distance distance_value
no distance
• distance_value distance assigned to RIP routes. Values range from 1 to 255.
• These commands assign an administrative distance of 75 to RIP routes.
switch(config)#router rip
switch(config-router-rip)#distance 75
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits RIP configuration mode.
ip rip v2-broadcast
The ip rip v2-broadcast command specifies the transmission of Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Version 2 update packets from the configuration mode interface as broadcast packets instead of
multicast packets. Requests and responses are sent to the IP broadcast address instead
of the IP multicast address If the interface is not multicast capable, then updates are broadcast.
The no rip v2-broadcast specifies the transmission of RIP v2 as multicast if the configuration mode
interface multicast capable to the reserved multicast address, If the interface is not multicast
capable, then updates are broadcasted.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip rip v2-broadcast
no ip rip v2-broadcast
• The following example configures version 2 broadcasting on interface Ethernet 5.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet5
Switch(config-if-Et5)#ip rip v2-broadcast
network (RIP)
The network command specifies a network on which the switch runs Routing Information Protocol
(RIP), and also specifies which routes will be accepted into the RIP routing table. Multiple network
commands can be issued to create a network list on which RIP runs.
The switch enables RIP on all interfaces in the specified network.
The no network command disables RIP on the specified network by removing the corresponding
network command from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
• NETWORK_ADDRESS network IP address. Entry formats include the following:
• net_addr address/prefix (CIDR).
• ip_addr mask wildcard_mask IP address and wildcard-mask.
• This command enables RIP on
• This command also enables RIP on
switch(config-router-rip)#network mask
redistribute (RIP)
The redistribute command enables the importing of routes from a specified routing domain to RIP.
• connected by default, RIP redistributes all connected routes that are established when IP is
enabled on an interface. The route-map parameter facilitates the exclusion of connected routes from
redistribution by specifying a route map that denies the excluded routes.
• BGP, OSPF, and IP static routes by default, routes are not redistributed. The redistribution
command without the route-map parameter faciltates the redistribution of all routes from the
specified source.
The no redistribute command resets the default route redistribution setting by removing the
redistribute statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
redistribute connected ROUTE_MAP
redistribute ROUTE_TYPE [ROUTE_MAP]
no redistribute ROUTE_TYPE
• ROUTE_TYPE source from which routes are redistributed. Options include:
— BGP routes from a BGP domain.
— OSPF routes from an OSPF domain.
— static IP static routes.
• ROUTE_MAP route map that determines the routes that are redistributed. Options include:
— <No Parameter> all routes are redistributed.
— route-map map_name only routes in the specified route map are redistributed.
• This command redistributes OSPF routes into RIP.
switch(config-router-rip)#redistribute OSPF
router rip
The router rip command places the switch in router-rip configuration mode to configure the Routing
Information Protocol (RIP) routing process.
The no router rip command disables RIP and removes all user-entered router-rip configuration
statements from running-config. To disable RIP without removing configuration statements, use the
shutdown (RIP) command.
These commands are available in router-rip configuration mode:
• default-metric
• distance (RIP)
• exit (router-rip configuration mode)
• network (RIP)
• redistribute (RIP)
• shutdown (RIP)
• timers basic (RIP)
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
router rip
no router rip
• This command places the switch in router-rip configuration mode.
switch(config)#router rip
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip rip database [FILTER]
• FILTER routing table entries that the command displays. Values include:
— <no parameter><no parameter> displays all routing table entries
— ip_addr host address (dotted decimal notation). Command displays entries to this address.
— net_addr subnet address. (CIDR or address-mask). Command displays entries in this subnet.
• This command displays all active rip routes.
> show ip rip database directly connected, Et0
[1] via, 00:00:25, Et0
[2] via, 00:00:20, Et1
[1] via, 00:00:25, Et3
• This command submits a query for RIP route information for a network.
> show ip rip database
[1] via, 00:00:25, Et0
[2] via, 00:00:20, Et1
• This command returns information for all RIP routes.
> show ip rip database all
[1] via, 00:00:21, Et2, holddown
[1] via, 00:00:21, Et2, holddown
[1] via, 00:00:21, Et2, inactive
[1] via, 00:00:21, Et2, active
[1] via, 00:00:30, Et0, active
xx:yy:zz above is Last heard time as hh:mm:ss.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip rip neighbors
• The show ip rip neighbors query displays information about all the gateways of RIP routes.
>show ip rip neighbors
Gateway Last-Heard Bad-Packets Bad-Routes Flags 00:00:15 SRC, TRSTED,
shutdown (RIP)
The shutdown command disables RIP on the switch without modifying the RIP configuration. RIP is
disabled by default.
The no shutdown command enables RIP.
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
• This command disables RIP on the switch.
• This command enables RIP on the switch.
switch(config-router-rip)#no shutdown
Command Mode
Router-RIP Configuration
Command Syntax
timers basic update_time expiration_time deletion_time
no timers basic [update_time] [expiration_time] [deletion_time]
• update_time rate at which updates are sent.
• expiration_time period a route is valid after it is established or updated. Must be greater than
update time.
• deletion_time interval after expiration when route is removed from routing table.
Value of all parameters is in seconds and range from 5 to 2,147,483,647.
• This command sets the update time to 60 seconds, expiration time to 90 seconds, and deletion time
to 150.
switch(config-router-rip)#timers basic 60 90 150
IP multicast is the transmission of data packets to multiple hosts through a common IP address. Arista
switches support multicast transmissions through IGMP, IGMP Snooping, and PIM-SM.
These sections describe the Arista multicast implementation.
• Section 19.1: Introduction is a chapter overview and lists the features supported by Arista switches.
• Section 19.2: Multicast Architecture describes multicast data structures
• Section 19.3: Multicast Protocols describes the multicast protocols – IGMP and PIM.
• Section 19.4: Configuring Multicast describes configuration tasks that implement multicast.
• Section 19.5: Multicast Example provides a multicast implementation scenario.
• Section 19.6: Multicast Commands contains multicast command descriptions.
• Section 19.7: IGMP Commands contains IGMP command descriptions.
• Section 19.8: IGMP Snooping Commands contains IGMP Snooping command descriptions.
• Section 19.9: PIM Commands contains PIM command descriptions.
19.1 Introduction
Arista switches provide layer 2 multicast filtering and layer 3 routing features for applications requiring
IP multicast services. The switches support over a thousand separate routed multicast sessions at wire
speed without compromising other Layer 2/3 switching features. Arista switches support IGMP, IGMP
snooping, and PIM-SM to simplify and scale data center multicast deployments.
— Anycast RP
— Flooding in each egress VLAN constrained by IGMP snooping
— Multicast routing to/from MLAGs in limited scenarios.
Multicast and unicast use the same routing table. Unicast routes use TCAM resources, which may
also impact the maximum number of multicast routes.
Table 19-1 lists the multicast features that each Arista switch platform supports.
19.3.1 IGMP
Networks use Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) to control the flow of layer 3 multicast
traffic. Hosts request and maintain multicast group membership through IGMP messages. Multicast
routers use IGMP to maintain a membership list of active multicast groups for each attached network.
• IGMP version 1 is defined in RFC 1112. Hosts could join multicast groups but had no mechanism to
signal a request to leave a group. Routers use a time-out based process to determine the groups to
which the hosts had lost interest.
• IGMP version 2 is defined in RFC 2236. Version 2 added leave messages that hosts use to terminate
group membership.
• IGMP version 3 is defined in RFC 4604. Version 3 allows hosts to specify IP addresses within a group
from which it receives traffic. Traffic from all other group addresses is block from the host.
With respect to each of its attached networks, a multicast router is either a querier or non-querier. Each
physical network contains only one querier. A network with more than one multicast router designates
the router with the lowest IP address as its querier.
Queriers solicit group membership information by periodically sending General Query messages.
Queriers also receive unsolicited messages from hosts joining or leaving a multicast group. When a
querier receives a message from a host, it updates its membership list for the group referenced in the
message and the network where the message originated.
Queriers forward multicasts from remote sources only to networks as specified by its membership list.
If a querier does not receive a report from a network host for a specific group, it removes the
corresponding entry from the table and discontinues forwarding multicasts for that group on the
network. Queriers also send group-specific queries after receiving a leave request from a host to
determine if the network still contains active multicast group members. If it does not receive a
membership report during the period defined by the last member query response interval, the querier
removes the group-network entry from the membership list.
When a host receives a General Query, it responds with Membership Report messages for each of its
multicast groups within the interval specified by the Max Response Time field in the query. IGMP
suppresses multiple messages from different hosts on a network for the same group. Hosts send
unsolicited Membership reports to join a multicast group and send leave messages to exit a group.
A static mrouter can be configured for a specific port. Static mrouters are not learned through snooping.
Any data port can act as a static mrouter. When a static mrouter is configured, it replaces any dynamic
mrouters learned through IGMP snooping.
When a network contains multiple mrouters, they elect one as the querier, based on IP address. When
IGMP querier is enabled on a VLAN, the switch performs as a querier only if it is elected or it is the only
querier on the network.
19.3.3 PIM-SM
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) is a collection of multicast routing protocols, each optimized for
a different environment. PIM Sparse Mode (PIM-SM), defined in RFC 4601, is a multicast routing
protocol designed for networks where multicast group recipients are sparsely distributed, including
wide-area and inter-domain networks.
PIM builds and maintains multicast routing trees using reverse path forwarding (RPF) on a unicast
routing table. PIM can use routing tables consisting of EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, and static routes. All sources
send traffic to the multicast group through shared trees that have a common root node called the
Rendezvous Point (RP). Each host (senders and receivers) is associated with a Designated Router (DR)
that acts for all directly connected hosts in PIM-SM transactions.
When the RP receives an encapsulated packet from source S on group G, it sends a source-specific (S,G)
join message towards the source. As the message travels towards S, it instantiates the (S,G) state on each
router in the path. This state is used only to forward packets for group G from source S. Data packets on
the (S,G) path are also routed into the RP tree when they encounter an (*,G) router.
When the RP starts receiving native packets from the sources, it sends a Register-Stop message to the
source’s DR, halting packet encapsulation. At this time, traffic flows natively from the source along a
source-specific tree to the RP, then along the shared RP tree to the receivers.
• This command enables multicast routing on the switch.
Switch(config)#ip multicast-routing
• This command enables PIM and IGMP on VLAN interface 8.
Switch(config-if-Vl8)#ip pim sparse-mode
IGMP Version
The switch supports IGMP versions 1 through 3. The ip igmp version command configures the IGMP
version on the configuration mode interface. Version 3 is the default IGMP version.
• This command configures IGMP version 3 on VLAN interface 4
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp version 3
Startup Query
Membership queries are sent at an increased frequency immediately after an interface starts up to
quickly establish the group state. Query count and Query interval commands adjust the period
between membership queries for a specified number of messages.
The ip igmp startup-query-interval command specifies the interval between membership queries that
an interface sends immediately after it starts up. The ip igmp startup-query-count command specifies
the number of queries that the switches sends from the interface at the startup interval rate.
• These commands define a startup interval of 15 seconds for the first 10 membership queries sent
from VLAN interface 12.
Switch(config-if-Vl12)#ip igmp startup-query-interval 150
Switch(config-if-Vl12)#ip igmp startup-query-count 10
Membership Queries
The router with the lowest IP address on a subnet sends membership queries as the IGMP querier.
When a router receives a membership query from a source with a lower IP address, it resets its query
response timer. Upon timer expiry, the router begins sending membership queries. If the router
subsequently receives a membership query from a router with a lower IP address, it stops sending
membership queries and resets the query response timer.
The ip igmp query-interval command configures the frequency at which the active interface, as an
IGMP querier, sends membership query messages.
The ip igmp query-max-response-time command configures the time that a host has to respond to a
membership query.
• These commands define a Membership query interval of 75 seconds and a query response timer
reset value of 45 seconds for queries sent from VLAN interface 15.
Switch(config-if-Vl15)#ip igmp query-interval 75
Switch(config-if-Vl15)#ip igmp query-max-response-time 450
• These commands program the switch to send 3 query messages, one every 25 seconds, when
VLAN interface 15 receives an IGMP leave message.
Switch(config-if-Vl15)#ip igmp last-member-query-interval 250
Switch(config-if-Vl15)#ip igmp last-member-query-count 3
Static Groups
The ip igmp static-group command configures the active interface as a static member of the specified
multicast group. The router forwards multicast group packets through the interface without otherwise
appearing or acting as a group member. By default, no static group membership entries are configured
on interfaces.
• This command configures VLAN interface 5 as a static member of the multicast group at
address for multicast data packets that originate at
switch(config-if-Vl5)#ip igmp static-group
• This command creates a static RP at that maps to all multicast groups (224/4).
Switch(config)#ip pim rp-address
• This command creates a static RP at that maps to the multicast groups at
Switch(config)#ip pim rp-address
Hello Messages
Multicast routers send PIM router query (Hello) messages to determine the designated router (DR) for
each subnet. The DR sends Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) host query messages to all
hosts on the directly connected LAN and source registration messages to the RP.
The ip pim query-interval command specifies the transmission interval between PIM hello messages
originating from the specified VLAN interface.
• This command configures 45 second intervals between hello messages originating from VLAN
interface 4.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim query-interval 45
• This command configures the dr-priority value of 15 on VLAN interface 4.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim dr-priority 15
• This command removes the ip-pim dr-priority statement (VLAN interface 4) from
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#no ip pim dr-priority
Join-Prune Messages
A Designated Router (DR) sends periodic Join/Prune messages toward a group-specific Rendezvous
Point (RP) for each group for which it has active members. These messages inform other PIM routers
about clients that want to become receivers (Join) or stop being receivers (Prune) for the group groups.
The ip pim join-prune-interval command specifies the period between join/prune messages that the
switch originates from the specified VLAN interface and sends to the upstream RPF neighbor.
• This command configures 75 second intervals between join/prune messages originating from
VLAN interface 4.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim join-prune-interval 75
PIM Anycast-RP defines a single RP address that is configured on multiple routers. An anycast-RP set
consists of the routers configured with the same anycast-RP address. Anycast-RP provides redundancy
protection and load balancing. The anycast-RP set supports all multicast groups.
PIM register messages are unicast to the RP by designated routers (DRs) that are directly connected to
multicast sources. The switch sends these messages and join-prune messages to the anycast-RP set
member specified in the anycast-RP command. In a typical configuration, one command is required for
each member of the anycast-RP set.
The PIM register message has the following functions:
• Notify the RP that a source is actively sending to a multicast group.
• Deliver multicast packets sent by the source to the RP for delivery down the shared tree.
The DR continues sending PIM register messages to the RP until it receives a Register-Stop message
from the RP. The RP sends a Register-Stop message in either of the following cases:
• The RP has no receivers for the multicast group being transmitted.
• The RP has joined the SPT to the source but has not started receiving traffic from the source.
The ip pim anycast-rp command configures the switch as a member of an anycast-RP set and establishes
a communication link with another member of the set.
• These commands configure a switch (IP address into an anycast-RP set with an RP
address of The anycast-RP set contains three other routers, located at,, and It sets the number of unacknowledged register messages it sends to each
router at 15.
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
• This command globally enables snooping on the switch.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping
• This command disables snooping on VLANs 2 through 4.
switch(config)#no ip igmp snooping vlan 2-4
• These commands creates an IGMP profile name list_1 by enter IGMP-profile configuration
mode, then configures the profile to permit multicast groups through
The switch is returned to global configuration mode after the profile is created.
Switch(config)#ip igmp profile list_1
The ip igmp snooping filter command applies an IGMP snooping profile to a configuration mode
• These commands applies the list_1 snooping profile to Ethernet interface 7.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 7
switch(config-if-Et7)#ip igmp snooping filter list_1
• These commands globally enables the snooping querier on the switch, explicitly disables
snooping on VLANs 1-4, and explicitly enables snooping on VLANs 5-8.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier
switch(config)#no ip igmp snooping vlan 1-4 querier
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 5-8 querier
• This command removes the querier setting for VLANs 3-6:
switch(config)#default ip igmp snooping vlan 3-6 querier
• VLAN querier address settings take precedence over the global querier address.
The snooping querier address specifies the source IP address for IGMP snooping query packets
transmitted by the switch. The source address is also used to elect a snooping querier when the subnet
contains multiple snooping queriers.
The default global querier address is not defined. When the configuration includes a snooping querier,
a querier address must be defined globally or for each interface that enables a querier.
The ip igmp snooping querier address command sets the global querier source IP address for the
switch. VLANs use the global address unless overwritten with the ip igmp snooping vlan querier
address command. The default global address is not defined.
The ip igmp snooping vlan querier address command sets the source IP address for query packets
transmitted from the specified VLAN. This command overrides the ip igmp snooping querier address
for the specified VLAN.
• This command sets the source IP address for query packets transmitted from the switch to
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier address
• This command sets the source IP address for query packets transmitted from VLAN 2 to
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 querier address
• This command sets a query interval of 150 seconds for queries transmitted from VLANs for
which a query interval is not configured.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier query-interval 150
• This command sets the query interval of 240 seconds for queries transmitted from VLAN 2.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 querier query-interval 240
The ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time command specifies the global Max Response Time
value used in snooping query packets transmitted from the switch. Values range from 1 to 25 seconds
with a default of 10 seconds. VLANs use the global setting unless overwritten with the ip igmp
snooping vlan querier max-response-time command.
The ip igmp snooping vlan querier max-response-time command specifies the Max Response Time
field contents for packets transmitted to the specified VLAN, overriding the global setting.
• This command sets the maximum response time of 15 seconds for queries transmitted from
VLANs for which a maximum response time is not configured.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time 15
• This command sets a maximum response time of 5 seconds for queries transmitted from VLAN
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 querier max-response-time 5
Robustness Variable
The robustness variable specifies the number of unacknowledged snooping queries that a switch sends
before removing the recipient from the group list.
The ip igmp snooping robustness-variable command configures the robustness variable for all
snooping packets sent from the switch. The default value is 2.
• This command sets the robustness-variable value to 3.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping robustness-variable 3
• This command configures the static connection to a multicast router through Ethernet port 3.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 mrouter interface ethernet 3
The ip igmp snooping vlan static command adds an a port to a multicast group. The IP address must
be an unreserved IPv4 multicast address. The interface to the port must be in the specified VLAN range.
• This command configures the static connection to a multicast group at through
Ethernet port 3.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 static interface ethernet 3
19.5.1 Diagram
Figure 19-2 displays the multicast network example. The network contains four routers. Multicast
routing is enabled on two switches. One switch has its querier enabled.
Figure 19-2 Multicast Example
Switch Clara
• Snooping: disabled
• Subnet Summary:
— VLAN 11
— VLAN 12
— VLAN 13
— VLAN 14
— VLAN 10
Switch Mateo
• Snooping: disabled
• Subnet Summary:
— VLAN 18
— VLAN 15
— VLAN 16
— VLAN 17
— VLAN 12
— VLAN 13
— VLAN 14
— VLAN 19
— VLAN 10
Switch Allie
• Snooping: enabled
• Multicast Routing: enabled
• Querier: enabled
• Rendezvous Point Address:
• MFIB activity polling interval: 5 second
• Subnet Summary:
— VLAN 23
— VLAN 20 – PIM-SM enabled
— VLAN 21 – PIM-SM enabled
— VLAN 22
— VLAN 19
— VLAN 24 – PIM-SM enabled
— VLAN 10 – PIM-SM enabled
Switch Francis
• Snooping: enabled
• Multicast Routing: enabled
• Subnet Summary:
— VLAN 25 – PIM-SM enabled
— VLAN 24 – PIM-SM enabled
— VLAN 10
19.5.2 Code
This code configures multicasting.
Step 1 Configure the interface addresses
Step a Router Clara interfaces
Clara(config)#interface vlan 11
Clara(config-if-vl11)#ip address
Clara(config-if-vl11)#interface vlan 12
Clara(config-if-vl12)#ip address
Clara(config-if-vl12)#interface vlan 13
Clara(config-if-vl13)#ip address
Clara(config-if-vl13)#interface vlan 14
Clara(config-if-vl14)#ip address
Clara(config-if-vl14)#interface vlan 10
Clara(config-if-vl10)#ip address
Clara(config-if-vl10)#router ospf 1
Clara(config-router-ospf)#redistribute static
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear ip mfib fastdrop
• This command removes all fast-drop entries from the MFIB table.
switch(config)#clear ip mfib fastdrop
clear ip mroute
The clear ip mroute command removes route entries from the mroute table, as follows:
• clear ip mroute *– all entries from the mroute table.
• clear ip mroute gp-addr – all entries for the specified multicast group.
• clear ip mroute gp-addr src-addr – all entries for the specified source sending to a specified group.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute ENTRY_LIST
• ENTRY_LIST entries that the command removes from the mroute table. Options include:
— * all route entries are removed from the table
— group_addr all entries for multicast group group_addr (dotted decimal notation).
— group_addr src_addr all entries for source (src_addr) sending to group (group_addr).
group_addr and src_addr format is dotted decimal notation.
• This command removes all route entries from the mroute table.
switch(config)#clear ip mroute *
• This command removes entries for the source sending to multicast group
switch(config)#clear ip mroute
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip mfib activity polling-interval period
no ip mfib activity polling-interval
default ip mfib activity polling-interval
• period interval (seconds) between polls. Values range from 1 to 60. Default is 60.
• This command sets the MFIB activity polling period at 15 seconds.
switch(config)#ip mfib activity polling-interval 15
ip mfib fastdrop
In IP multicast protocols, every (S,G) or (*,G) route is associated with an inbound RPF (reverse path
forwarding) interface. Packets arriving on an interface not associated with the route may require specific
PIM protocol processing performed by the CPU subsystem software. Therefore, all packets that arrive
on a non-RPF interface are sent to the CPU subsystem software by default, which can overwhelm the
Multicast routing protocols often do not require non-RPF packets; these packets do not require software
processing. The CPU subsystem software avoids unnecessary packet processing by loading fast-drop
entries in the hardware when it receives an non-RPF interface packet that PIM does not require. Packets
matching a fast-drop entry are bridged in the ingress VLAN, but not sent to the system software.
Fastdrop is enabled on all interfaces by default. The no ip mfib fastdrop command disables MFIB fast
drops for the configuration mode interface.
The ip mfib fastdrop and default ip mfib fastdrop commands enable MFIB fast drops for the
configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding no ip mfib fastdrop command from
The clear ip mfib fastdrop command, in global configuration mode, removes all MFIB fast drop entries
on all interfaces.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip mfib fastdrop
no ip mfib fastdrop
default ip mfib fastdrop
• This command enables MFIB fast drops for the VLAN interface 120.
switch(config-if-Vl120)#ip mfib fastdrop
ip mfib max-fastdrops
The ip mfib max-fastdrops command limits the number of fast drop routes that the switch’s MFIB table
can contain.
The no ip mfib max-fastdrops and default ip mfib max-fastdrops commands restore the default fast
drop route limit of 1024 by removing the ip mfib max-fastdrops command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip mfib max-fastdrops quantity
no ip mfib mfib max-fastdrops
default ip mfib mfib max-fastdrops
• quantity number of fast-drop routes. Value ranges from 0 to 1000000 (one million). Default is 1024.
• This command sets the maximum number of fast drop routes at 2000.
switch(config)#ip mfib max-fastdrops 2000
ip multicast boundary
The ip multicast boundary command specifies a subnet where source traffic entering the configuration
mode interface is filtered, preventing the creation of mroute states on the interface. The interface is not
included in the outgoing interface list (OIL).
Multicast pim, igmp or data packets are not allowed to flow across the boundary from either direction.
The boundary facilitates the use of a multicast group address in different administrative domains.
The no ip multicast boundary and default ip multicast boundary commands delete the subnet
restrictions by removing the ip multicast boundary command from the configuration
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip multicast boundary SUB_NET
no ip multicast boundary [SUB_NET]
default ip multicast boundary [SUB_NET]
• SUB_NET the subnet address configured as the multicast boundary. Options include:
— net_addr multicast subnet address (CIDR or address mask).
— acl_name standard access control list that specifies the multicast group addresses.
• This command configures the multicast address of as a multicast boundary where
source traffic is restricted from VLAN interface 300.
switch(config-if-vl300)#ip multicast boundary
• These commands create a standard ACL, then implements ACL in an ip multicast boundary
command to configure two boundary subnets ( and
switch(config)#ip access-list standard mbac1
switch(config-std-acl-mbac1)#10 deny
switch(config-std-acl-mbac1)#20 deny
switch(config)#interface vlan 200
switch(config-if-Vl200)#ip multicast boundary mbac1
ip multicast-routing
The ip multicast-routing command allows the switch to forward multicast packets. Multicast routing is
disabled by default.
The no ip multicast-routing and default ip multicast-routing commands disables multicast routing
removing the ip multicast-routing command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip multicast-routing
no ip multicast-routing
default ip multicast-routing
• This command enables multicast routing on the switch.
switch(config)#ip multicast-routing
show ip mfib
The show ip mfib command displays the forwarding entries and interfaces in the IPv4 Multicast
Forwarding Information Base (MFIB):
• show ip mfib – displays MFIB information for hardware forwarded routes.
• show ip mfib software – displays MFIB information for software forwarded routes.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip mfib
show ip mfib software
• This command displays MFIB information for hardware forwarded routes.
switch(config)#show ip mfib
Activity poll time: 60 seconds
Vlan26 (iif)
Activity 0:02:11 ago
Vlan26 (iif)
Activity 0:02:11 ago
Vlan26 (iif)
Activity 0:03:37 ago
Vlan26 (iif)
Activity 0:02:11 ago
Vlan26 (iif)
Activity 0:02:11 ago
Vlan26 (iif)
Activity 0:03:37 ago
show ip mroute
The show ip mroute command displays the contents of the IP multicast routing table.
• show ip mroute displays information for all routes in the table.
• show ip mroute gp_addr displays information for the specified multicast group.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip mroute
show ip mroute gp_addr
• gp_addr group IP address (dotted decimal notation).
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip mroute count
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp group [gp_addr] [interface int_id]
• gp_addr multicast group IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• int_id interface name. Options include:
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-channel interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command deletes all IGMP cache entries for the multicast group
switch(config)#clear ip igmp group
• This command deletes IGMP cache entries for Ethernet interface 16 in multicast group
switch(config)#clear ip igmp group interface ethernet 16
ip igmp last-member-query-count
The ip igmp last-member-query-count command specifies the number of query messages the switch
sends in response to a group-specific or group-source-specific leave message.
After receiving a message from a host leaving a group, the switch sends query messages at intervals
specified by ip igmp last-member-query-interval. If the switch does not receive a response to the
queries after sending the number of messages specified by this parameter, it stops forwarding messages
to the host.
Setting the last member query count (LMQC) to 1 causes the loss of a single packet to stop traffic
forwarding. While the switch can start forwarding traffic again after receiving a response to the next
general query, the host may not receive that query for a period defined by ip igmp query-interval.
The no ip igmp last-member-query-count and default ip igmp last-member-query-count commands
reset the LMQC to the default value by removing the corresponding ip igmp last-member-query-count
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp last-member-query-count number
no ip igmp last-member-query-count
default ip igmp last-member-query-count
• number number of query messages. Values range from 1 to 3. Default is 2.
• This command configures the last-member-query-count to 3 on VLAN interface 4.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp last-member-query-count 3
ip igmp last-member-query-interval
The ip igmp last-member-query-interval command configures the switch’s transmission interval for
sending group-specific or group-source-specific query messages to the active interface.
When a switch receives a message from a host that is leaving a group it sends query messages at
intervals set by this command. The ip igmp startup-query-count specifies the number of messages that
are sent before the switch stops forwarding packets to the host.
If the switch does not receive a response after this period, it stops forwarding traffic to the host on behalf
of the group, source, or channel.
The no ip igmp last-member-query-interval and default ip igmp last-member-query-interval
commands reset the query interval to the default value of one second by removing the ip igmp
last-member-query-interval command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp last-member-query-interval period
no ip igmp last-member-query-interval
default ip igmp last-member-query-interval
• period interval (deciseconds), at which IGMP group-specific host query messages are sent.
Value range: 10 (one second) to 317440 (8 hours, 49 minutes, 4 seconds). Default is 10 (one second).
• This command configures the last-member-query-interval of 6 seconds for VLAN interface 4.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp last-member-query-interval 60
ip igmp query-interval
The ip igmp query-interval command configures the frequency at which the active interface, as an
IGMP querier, sends host-query messages.
An IGMP querier sends query-host messages to discover the multicast groups that have members on
networks attached to the interface. The switch implements a default query interval of 125 seconds.
The no ip igmp query-interval and default ip igmp query-interval commands reset the IGMP query
interval to the default value of 125 seconds by removing the ip igmp query-interval command from
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp query-interval period
no ip igmp query-interval
default ip igmp query-interval
• period – interval (seconds) between IGMP query messages. Values range from 1 to 3175 (52 minutes,
55 seconds). Default is 125.
• This command configures the query-interval of 2 minutes, 30 seconds for VLAN interface 4.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp query-interval 150
ip igmp query-max-response-time
The ip igmp query max-response-time command configures the query-max-response-time variable for
the configuration mode interface. This variable is used to set the Max Response Time field in outbound
Membership Query messages. Max Response Time specifies the maximum period a recipient can wait
before responding with a Membership Report.
The router with the lowest IP address on a subnet sends membership queries as the IGMP querier.
When a router receives a membership query from a source with a lower IP address, it resets its query
timer. Upon timer expiry, the router begins sending membership queries. If the router subsequently
receives a membership query from a router with a lower IP address, it stops sending membership
queries and resets the query maximum response timer.
The no ip igmp query-max-response-time and default ip igmp query-max-response-time commands
restore the default query-max-response-time of 10 seconds for the configuration mode interface by
removing the corresponding the ip igmp query max-response-time command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp query-max-response-time period
no ip igmp query-max-response-time
default ip igmp query-max-response-time
• period maximum response time (deciseconds). Values range from 1 to 31744 (52 minutes, 54
seconds). Default is 100 (ten seconds).
• This command configures the query-max-response-time of 18 seconds for VLAN interface 4.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp query-max-response-time 180
ip igmp startup-query-count
The ip igmp startup-query-count command specifies the number of query messages that an interface
sends during the startup interval defined by ip igmp startup-query-interval.
When an interface starts running IGMP, it can establish the group state more quicker by sending query
messages at a higher frequency. The startup-query-interval and startup-query-count parameters define
the startup period and the query message transmission frequency during that period.
The no ip igmp startup-query-count and default ip igmp startup-query-count commands restore the
default startup-query-count value of 2 for the configuration mode interface by removing the
corresponding ip igmp startup-query-count command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp startup-query-count number
no ip igmp startup-query-count
default ip igmp startup-query-count
• number number of queries. Values range from 1 to 65535. Default is 2.
• This command configures the startup query count of 10 for VLAN interface 4.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp startup-query-count 10
ip igmp startup-query-interval
The ip igmp startup-query-interval command specifies the configuration mode interface’s IGMP
startup period, during which query messages are sent at an accelerated rate.
When an interface starts running IGMP, it can establish the group state quicker by sending query
messages at a higher frequency. The startup-query-interval and startup-query-count parameters define
the startup period and the query message transmission frequency during that period.
The no ip igmp startup-query-interval and default ip igmp startup-query-interval commands restore
the configuration mode interface’s default IGMP startup-query-interval of 31 seconds by removing the
corresponding ip igmp startup-query-interval command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp startup-query-interval period
no ip igmp startup-query-interval
default ip igmp startup-query-interval
• period – startup query interval, in deciseconds. Values from 10 (one second) to 317440 (8 hours, 49
minutes, 4 seconds). Default is 31 seconds.
• This command configures the startup query count of one minute for VLAN interface 4.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp startup-query-interval 600
ip igmp static-group
The ip igmp static-group command configures the configuration mode interface as a static member of
a specified multicast group. This allows the router to forward multicast group packets through the
interface without otherwise appearing or acting as a group member. By default, static group
memberships are not configured on any interfaces.
If the command includes a source address, only multicast group messages received from the specified
host address are fast-switched. Otherwise, all multicast messages of the specified group are
The no ip igmp static-group and default ip igmp static-group commands removes the configuration
mode interface’s static group membership command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp static-group group_address [SOURCE_ADDRESS]
no ip igmp static-group group_address [SOURCE_ADDRESS]
default ip igmp static-group group_address [SOURCE_ADDRESS]
• group_address address of multicast group for which the interface fast-switches packets (dotted
decimal notation).
• SOURCE_ADDRESS IP address of host that originates multicast data packets.
— <no parameter> all multicast messages of the specified group are fast-switched.
— sr_ip_address source IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command configures VLAN interface 4 as a static member of the multicast group for
data packets that originate at
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp static-group
Related Commands
• ip igmp static-group acl command configures the configuration mode interface as a static member
of the multicast groups specified by an IP access control list (ACL).
• ip igmp static-group range command configures the configuration mode interface as a static
member of multicast groups specified by an address range. A single ip igmp static-group range
command is the equivalent of multiple ip igmp static-group commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp static-group acl ACL_NAME
no ip igmp static-group acl ACL_NAME
default ip igmp static-group acl ACL_NAME
• ACL_NAME access control list that specifies the multicast group addresses for which the interface
fast-switches packets.
• This command configures VLAN interface 4 as a static member of the multicast group specified by
the ACL named LIST_1.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp static-group acl LIST_1
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp static-group range GROUP_ADDR [source SOURCE_ADDR]
no ip igmp static-group range GROUP_ADDR [source SOURCE_ADDR]
default ip igmp static-group range GROUP_ADDR [source SOURCE_ADDR]
• GROUP_ADDR address of multicast group for which the interface fast-switches packets.
— gp_ip_addr multicast group IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— gp_net_addr subnet address of multicast groups (CIDR or address-mask notation).
• SOURCE_ADDR IP address of a host range that originates multicast data packets.
— <no parameter> all multicast messages of the specified range are fast-switched.
— sr_ip_address source IP address (dotted decimal notation).
— sr_ net_address subnet address of source hosts (CIDR or address- mask notation).
Warning A command cannot specify a subnet address for both multicast group and source.
• This command configures VLAN interface 4 as a static member of the multicast group range for data packets that originate at
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp static-group range source
• This command attempts to configure VLAN interface 4 as a static member of the multicast group
range for data packets that originate at the subnet. Because the range and
source cannot both be subnets, this command generates an error message.
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp static-group range source
% Error: cannot specify source range with group range
ip igmp version
The ip igmp version command configures the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version on
the configuration mode interface. Version 3 is the default IGMP version.
IGMP is enabled by the ip pim sparse-mode command. The ig igmp version command does not effect
the IGMP enabled status.
The no ip igmp version and default ip igmp version commands restores the configuration mode
interface to IGMP version 3 by removing the ip igmp version statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp version version_number
no ip igmp version
default ip igmp version
• version_number IGMP version number. Value ranges from 1 to 3.
• This command configures IGMP version 3 on VLAN interface 4
switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip igmp version 3
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp groups GROUP_LIST [DATA]
• GROUP_LIST list of groups for which the command displays information. . Options include:
— <no parameter> all multicast groups.
— group_addr single multicast group address (dotted decimal notation).
— interface ethernet e_num all multicast groups on Ethernet interface (e_num).
— interface loopback l_num all multicast groups on Loopback interface (l_num).
— interface management m_num all multicast groups on Management interface (m_num).
— interface port-channel p_num all multicast groups on Port-Channel Interface (p_num).
— interface vlan v_num all multicast groups on VLAN interface (v_num).
• DATA specifies the type of information displayed. Options include
— <no parameter> proivdes uptime, expiration, and address of reporter.
— detail also include group mode and group source list.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp interface [INT_NAME]
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command displays multicast related information about VLAN 26.
Switch#show ip igmp interface vlan 26
Vlan26 is up
Interface address:
IGMP on this interface: enabled
Multicast routing on this interface: enabled
Multicast TTL threshold: 1
Current IGMP router version: 2
IGMP query interval: 125 seconds
IGMP max query response time: 100 deciseconds
Last member query response interval: 10 deciseconds
Last member query response count: 2
IGMP querier:
Robustness: 2
Require router alert: enabled
Startup query interval: 312 deciseconds
Startup query count: 2
General query timer expiry: 00:00:22
Multicast groups joined:
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp static-groups group [GROUP_LIST]
• GROUP LIST Groups for which command displays information
— <no parameter> all multicast groups.
— group_address single multicast group address (dotted decimal notation).
Related Commands
• show ip igmp static-groups interface
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp static-groups [INFO_LEVEL] [interface INT_NAME]
• INFO_LEVEL specifies the type of information displayed. Options include
— <no parameter> VLAN number and port-list for each group.
— detail port-specific information for each group, including transmission times and expiration.
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— <no parameter> static groups on all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
Related Commands
• show ip igmp static-groups acl
• show ip igmp static-groups group
• This command displays information about all multicast static groups.
Switch>show ip igmp static-groups
Interface Vlan281:
Manually configured groups:
Interface Port-Channel999:
Manually configured groups:
• This command displays information about the multicast static groups on VLAN interface 21.
Switch#show ip igmp static-groups interface vlan 21
Interface Vlan281:
Manually configured groups:
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp static-groups acl
The following show ip igmp static-group acl command example references the following access control
ip access-list 1
10 permit igmp host
20 permit igmp host
ip access-list 2
10 permit igmp host
ip access-list 3
10 deny igmp host
ip access-list 4
10 permit igmp host
20 permit igmp host
• This command displays static group configuration data about the various ACLs.
Switch#show ip igmp static-group acl 1
acl 1
(, )
(, )
Interfaces using this ACL for static groups:
Switch#show ip igmp static-group acl 2
acl 2
Seq no 30: source address must be a single host or *, not a range
Interfaces using this ACL for static groups:
Switch#show ip igmp static-group acl 3
acl 4
Seq no 10: action must be 'permit'
Interfaces using this ACL for static groups:
Switch#show ip igmp static-group acl 4
acl 5
(, )
Seq no 20: source address must be a single host or *, not a range
Interfaces using this ACL for static groups:
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp snooping counters [interface-id]
• interface-id – interface name. Formats include:
— ethernet e-num: Ethernet interface specified by e-num.
— port-channel p-num: Port-channel interface specified by p-num.
— switch: virtual interface to an L2 querier.
• This command clears the snooping counters for messages received on Ethernet interface 15.
switch(config)#clear ip igmp snooping counters ethernet 15
Command Mode
IGMP-profile Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exits IGMP-profile configuration mode.
ip igmp profile
The ip igmp profile command places the switch in IGMP-profile configuration mode to configure an
IGMP profile. IGMP snooping filters is a feature that uses IGMP profiles to control the multicast groups
that an interface can join.
The profiles consists of the filter type and an address range:
• Filter types specify accessibility to the listed address range:
— Permit filters define the multicast groups the interface can join.
— Deny filters define the multicast groups the interface cannot join.
• Address ranges specify a list of addresses and ranges:
— In permit filters, the permitted groups are specified by the address range.
— In deny filters, all groups are permitted except those specified by the address range.
Profiles are deny filters by default.
Implementing IGMP filtering affects IGMP report forwarding as follows:
• IGMPv2: The report is dropped for unallowed multicast groups and forwarded to mrouters for
permitted groups.
• IGMPv3: There may be multiple group records in a report.
— No groups are allowed: The report is dropped.
— All groups are allowed: The report is forwarded to mrouter ports as normal.
— Some groups are allowed: A revised report is forwarded to mrouter ports.
The revised report includes records for the allowed group addresses with the same source MAC
and IP addresses.
These commands are available in IGMP-profile configuration mode:
• permit / deny
• range
The no ip igmp profile and default ip igmp profile commands delete the specified IGMP profile from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp profile profile_name
no ip igmp profile profile_name
default ip igmp profile profile_name
• profile_name name of the IGMP profile.
• These commands enter IGMP-profile configuration mode and configure the profile as a permit list.
Switch(config)#ip igmp profile list_1
ip igmp snooping
The ip igmp snooping command enables snooping globally. By default, global snooping is enabled.
When global snooping is enabled, ip igmp snooping vlan enables or disables snooping on individual
VLANs. When global snooping is disabled, snooping cannot be enabled on individual VLANs.
QoS does not support IGMP packets when IGMP snooping is enabled.
The no ip igmp snooping command disables global snooping. The default ip igmp snooping command
restores the global snooping default setting of enabled by removing the ip igmp snooping command
from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping
no ip igmp snooping
default ip igmp snooping
• This command globally enables snooping on the switch.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping filter profile_name
no ip igmp snooping filter [profile_name]
default ip igmp snooping filter [profile_name]
• profile_name name of profile assigned to interface.
• This command applies the list_1 snooping profile to Ethernet interface 7.
switch(config-if-Et7)#ip igmp snooping filter list_1
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range immediate-leave
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range immediate-leave
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range immediate-leave
• v_range VLAN IDs. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• This command enables IGMP fast-leave processing on VLAN 10.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 10 immediate-leave
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping querier
no ip igmp snooping querier
default ip igmp snooping querier
• This commands globally enable the snooping querier on the switch.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping querier address ip_address
no ip igmp snooping querier address
default ip igmp snooping querier address
• ip_address source IP address. Format is dotted decimal notation.
• This command sets the source IP address to for query packets transmitted from the switch.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier address
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time resp_sec
no ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time
default ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time
• resp_sec max-response-time value (seconds). Values range from 1 to 25. Default (global) is 10.
• This command sets the global max-response-time to 15 seconds.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time 15
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping querier query-interval query_sec
no ip igmp snooping querier query-interval
default ip igmp snooping querier query-interval
• query_sec query interval (seconds). Values range from 5 to 3600. Default (global) is 125.
• This command sets the global query interval to 150 seconds.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier query-interval 150
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping robustness-variable robust_value
no ip igmp snooping robustness-variable
default ip igmp snooping robustness-variable
• robust_value robustness variable. Values range from 1 to 3. Default is 2.
• This command sets the robustness-variable value to 3.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping robustness-variable 3
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range
• v_range VLANs upon which snooping is enabled. Formats include a number, a number range, or
a comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• This command disables snooping on VLANs 2 through 4.
switch(config)#no ip igmp snooping vlan 2-4
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range max-groups quantity
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range max-groups
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range max-groups
• v_range VLAN IDs. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• quantity maximum number of multicast groups that can access the interface. Values range from 0
to 65534.
• This command limits the number of multicast groups that hosts on VLAN 6 can simultaneously
access to 25.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 6 max-groups 25
• This command allows each VLAN between 8 and 15 to receive multicast packets from 30 groups.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 8-15 max-groups 30
• This command removes the maximum group restriction from all VLAN interfaces between 1 and 50.
switch(config)#no ip igmp snooping vlan 1-50 max-groups
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range mrouter interface STATIC_INT
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range mrouter interface STATIC_INT
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range mrouter interface STATIC_INT
• v_range VLAN IDs. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• STATIC_INT interface the command configures as a static port. Selection options include:
— ethernet e_range where e_range is the number, range, or list of ethernet ports
— port-channel p_range where p_range is the number, range, or list of channel ports
The STATIC_INT interface must route traffic through a VLAN specified within v_range.
• This command configures the static connection to a multicast router through Ethernet port 3.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 mrouter interface ethernet 3
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier
• v_range VLAN IDs. Formats include a number, a number range, or a comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• These commands globally enable the snooping querier on the switch, explicitly disable snooping on
VLANs 1-3, and explicitly enable snooping on VLANs 4-6.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping querier
switch(config)#no ip igmp snooping vlan 1-3 querier
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 4-6 querier
After running these commands, the running-config file contains these lines, which indicate that the
snooping querier is enabled on VLANs 4-6.
switch(config)#show running-config
• This command sets the global snooping querier to disabled by removing the global querier setting
from running-config:
switch(config)#no ip igmp snooping querier
When executed after the previous commands, the snooping querier is disabled explicitly on VLANs
1-2, disabled implicitly on VLANs 3-6 and enabled explicitly on VLANs 7-8, as shown by
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier address ip_address
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier address
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier address
• v_range VLAN IDs. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• ip_address source IP address. Format is dotted decimal notation.
• This command sets the source IP address for query packets transmitted from VLAN 2 to
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 querier address
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier max-response-time resp_sec
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier max-response-time
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier max-response-time
• v_range VLAN ID. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers
and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• resp_sec max-response-time value (seconds). Values range from 1 to 25. Default (global) is 10.
• This command sets the max-response-time for VLAN 2 to 5 seconds.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 querier max-response-time 5
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier query-interval query_sec
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier query-interval
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_range querier query-interval
• v_range VLAN IDs. Formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.
• query_sec query interval (seconds). Values range from 5 to 3600. Default (global) is 125.
• This command sets the query interval for VLAN 10 to 240 seconds.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 10 querier query-interval 240
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping vlan v_num static ip_addr interface STATIC_INT
no ip igmp snooping vlan v_num static ip_addr interface STATIC_INT
default ip igmp snooping vlan v_num static ip_addr interface STATIC_INT
• v_num VLAN number. Value ranges from 1 to 4094.
• ip_addr multicast group IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• STATIC_INT interface the command configures as the static group member. Options include:
— ethernet e_range, where e_range is the number, range, or list of Ethernet ports
— port-channel p_range, where p_range is the number, range, or list of channel ports
• This command configures the static connection to the multicast group at through Ethernet
port 3.
switch(config)#ip igmp snooping vlan 2 static interface ethernet 3
permit / deny
The permit command configures the configuration mode IGMP profile as a permit list. Applying a
permit list to an interface restricts that interface from joining any multicast group not included in the
IGMP profiles are deny lists by default. When applied to an interface, a deny list allows the interface to
join any multicast group that is not included in the list.
The deny command restores the IGMP list to its default type by removing the corresponding permit
statement from running-config.
The range command adds and removes address ranges from the configuration mode profile.
Command Mode
IGMP-profile Configuration
Command Syntax
• These commands enter IGMP profile configuration mode and configure the profile as a permit list.
Switch(config)#ip igmp profile list_1
The range command specifies an address range for the configuration mode IGMP profile. A permit
range specifies the groups that an interface is permitted to join. A deny range specifies the groups that
an interface is not permitted to join. The permit / deny command specifies the range type.
A profile may contain multiple range statements to define a discontiguous address range.
The no range and default range commands remove the specified address range from a previous
specified list.
Command Mode
IGMP-Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
range init_address [UPPER_RANGE]
no range init_address [UPPER_RANGE]
default range init_address [UPPER_RANGE]
• init_address IP address of lower boundary of the address range (dotted decimal notation).
• UPPER_RANGE sets the upper boundary of the address range. Options include
— <no parameter> upper boundary is equal to lower boundary: range consist of one address.
— range_address IP address of upper boundary.
All addresses must be multicast addresses ( to
• These commands enter IGMP profile configuration mode, configure the profile as a permit list, and
define the permit address list of to and
Switch(config)#ip igmp profile list_1
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping [profile_name]
• PROFILES IGMP profiles for which command displays contents. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays all IGMP profiles on switch.
— profile_name displays specified profile.
• This command displays the IGMP profiles configured on the switch.
Switch>show ip igmp profile
IGMP Profile list_1
IGMP Profile list_2
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping [INTERFACE]
• INTERFACE specifies interface for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays information for all VLANs.
— vlan v_num displays information for specified VLAN.
• This command displays the switch’s IGMP snooping configuration.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping
Global IGMP Snooping configuration:
IGMP snooping : Enabled
Robustness variable : 2
Vlan 1 :
IGMP snooping : Enabled
Multicast router learning mode : pim-dvmrp
Vlan 20 :
IGMP snooping : Enabled
Multicast router learning mode : pim-dvmrp
Vlan 26 :
IGMP snooping : Enabled
Multicast router learning mode : pim-dvmrp
Vlan 2028 :
IGMP snooping : Enabled
Multicast router learning mode : pim-dvmrp
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping counters [DATA_TYPE]
• DATA_TYPE Information displayed by the command. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays transmission counters.
— errors displays error counters.
— ethdev-pams displays dropped packets at the kernel level.
• This command displays the number of messages received on each port.
switch#show ip igmp snooping counters
Input | Output
Port Queries Reports Leaves Others Errors|Queries Reports Leaves Others
Cpu 15249 106599 4 269502 0 30242 102812 972 3625
Et1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Et2 0 6 1 26 0 5415 0 0 731
Et3 0 10905 222 1037 0 15246 0 0 1448
Et4 0 44475 21 288 0 15247 0 0 2199
Et5 0 355 0 39 0 15211 0 0 2446
Et6 0 475 13 0 0 15247 0 0 2487
Et7 0 0 0 151 0 15247 0 0 2336
Et8 0 578 6 75 0 2859 0 0 931
Et9 0 0 0 27 0 15247 0 0 2460
Et10 0 12523 345 54 0 15247 0 0 2433
Et11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Et12 0 4509 41 22 0 15247 0 0 2465
Et13 0 392 29 119 0 15247 0 0 2368
Et14 0 88 3 6 0 15247 0 0 2481
Et15 0 16779 556 72 0 15117 0 0 66
Et16 0 2484 13 66 0 15247 0 0 2421
Et17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Et18 0 20 6 160 0 3688 0 0 803
Et19 0 4110 17 0 0 15247 0 0 2487
Et20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Et21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Et22 0 0 0 52 0 15247 0 0 2435
Et23 0 5439 181 138 0 15247 0 0 2349
Et24 0 2251 21 4 0 15247 0 0 2483
Po1 45360 540670 8853 464900 0 15249 224751 618 2576
Po2 0 101399 58 17 0 15120 0 0 1121
Switch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping groups [VLAN_ID][PORT_INT][GROUPS][DATA]
• VLAN_ID specifies VLAN for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays information for all VLANs.
— vlan v_num displays information for VLAN v_num (1 to 4094).
• PORT_INT specifies physical ports for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays information for all physical ports.
— interface ethernet e_range, where e_range is the number, range, or list of Ethernet ports.
— interface port-channel p_range, where p_range is the number, range, or list of channel ports.
• GROUPS specifies the multicast groups. Options include:
— <no parameter> all multicast groups on all specified ports.
— mgroup_address multicast group specified by address (dotted decimal notation).
— dynamic multicast groups learned through IGMP.
— user multicast groups manually added.
• DATA specifies the type of information displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> VLAN number and port-list for each group.
— detail port-specific information for each group, including transmission times and expiration.
• This command displays the port lists for all multicast groups.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups
Vlan Group Type Version Port-List
1 - - Po1, Po2
26 - - Cpu, Et3, Et4, Et10, Et23,
• This command displays the port lists for all dynamic multicast groups.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups dynamic
Vlan Group Type Version Port-List
1 - - Po1, Po2
26 - - Cpu, Et3, Et4, Et10, Et23,
Et27, Et34
• This command displays the detailed port information for all dynamic multicast groups.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups dynamic detail
Vlan Group IP First Last Expire Ver Filter Port
Heard Heard Mode
1 2539:16 1:37 2:43 v2 0 Po2
1 31535:49 0:19 1:26 - - Po1
26 8:08 3:53 0:27 v2 0 Et3
26 20:35 1:49 2:31 v2 0 Et3
26 1049:48 1:46 2:34 v2 0 Et4
26 30:42 1:44 2:36 v2 0 Et10
26 12:17 3:57 0:23 v2 0 Et23
26 1:53 1:53 2:27 v2 0 Et23
26 93:25 1:48 2:32 v2 0 Et27
26 0:32 0:31 3:49 v2 0 Et34
26 31535:53 0:05 1:40 - - Cpu
• This command displays the port lists for all static (user configured) multicast groups.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups user
Vlan Group Type Version Port-List
1 - - Po1, Po2
26 - - Cpu, Et3, Et4, Et10, Et23,
Et27, Et34
• This command displays detailed port information for all user configured (static) multicast groups.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups user detail
Vlan Group IP First Last Expire Ver Filter Port
Heard Heard Mode
1 2539:50 0:06 4:14 v2 0 Po2
1 31536:23 0:23 1:22 - - Po1
26 21:09 0:21 3:59 v2 0 Et3
26 1050:22 0:17 4:03 v2 0 Et4
26 31:16 0:17 4:03 v2 0 Et10
26 12:51 0:17 4:03 v2 0 Et23
26 2:27 2:27 1:53 v2 0 Et23
26 93:59 0:22 3:58 v2 0 Et27
26 1:06 0:21 3:59 v2 0 Et34
26 31536:27 0:09 1:36 - - Cpu
• This command displays detailed port information for multicast group on VLAN 10.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups vlan 10 detail
Vlan Group IP First Last Expire Ver Filter Port
Heard Heard Mode
10 7177:16 0:08 2:07 v2 0 Po7
10 7177:20 0:03 2:12 v2 0 Po7
10 7177:16 0:06 2:09 v2 0 Po7
10 7177:56 0:07 1:38 - - Cpu
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping groups [VLAN_ID][PORT_INT][DATA] count
• VLAN_ID specifies VLAN for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— vlan v_num specified VLAN.
• PORT_INT specifies physical ports for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> all physical ports.
— interface ethernet e_range specified Ethernet ports.
— interface port-channel p_range specified port channels.
Valid e_range and p_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of
numbers and ranges.
• DATA specifies the type of information displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> number of multicast group on specified VLAN and ports.
— detail number of multicast group on specified VLAN and ports.
• This command displays the number of multicast groups on the switch.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping groups count
Total number of multicast groups: 2
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping mrouter [VLAN_ID] [DATA]
• VLAN_ID specifies VLAN for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— vlan v_num specified VLAN.
• DATA specifies the type of information displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays VLAN number and port-list for each group.
— detail displays port-specific data for each group; includes transmission times and expiration.
• This command displays port information of each multicast router on all VLANs.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping mrouter
Vlan Interface-ports
1 Po1(dynamic)
20 Po1(dynamic)
26 Cpu(dynamic)
2028 Cpu(dynamic), Po1(dynamic)
• This command displays multicast router information for each port.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping mrouter detail
Vlan Intf Address FirstHeard LastHeard Expires Type
1 Po1 31549:12 0:12 1:33 pim
20 Po1 7066:51 0:19 1:26 pim
26 Cpu 31549:16 0:28 1:17 pim
2028 Po1 31549:10 0:18 1:27 pim
2028 Cpu 31549:14 0:28 1:17 pim
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip igmp snooping querier [STATUS][VLAN_ID][DATA]
• STATUS specifies the type of information displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> querier IP address, port, and IGMP version.
— status querier configuration parameters.
• VLAN_ID specifies VLANs for which command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> all VLANs.
— vlan v_num specified VLAN.
• DATA specifies the type of information displayed. Options include:
— <no parameter> displays VLAN number and port-list for each group.
— detail displays port-specific data for each group; includes transmission times and expiration.
• This command displays the querier IP address, version, and port servicing each VLAN.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping querier
Vlan IP Address Version Port
1 v2 Po1
20 v2 Po1
26 v2 Cpu
2028 v2 Po1
• This command displays the querier configuration parameters for each VLAN.
Switch#show ip igmp snooping querier status
Global IGMP Querier status
admin state : Enabled
source IP address :
query-interval (sec) : 125.0
max-response-time (sec) : 10.0
querier timeout (sec) : 130.0
ip pim anycast-rp
The ip pim anycast-rp command configures the switch as a member of an anycast-RP set and establishes
a communication link with another member of the set.
PIM Anycast-RP defines a single RP address that is configured on multiple routers. An anycast-RP set
consists of the routers configured with the same anycast-RP address. Anycast-RP provides redundancy
protection and load balancing. The anycast-RP set supports all multicast groups.
PIM register messages are unicast to the RP by designated routers (DRs) that are directly connected to
multicast sources. The switch sends these messages and join-prune messages to the anycast-RP set
member specified in the anycast-RP command. In a typical configuration, one command is required for
each member of the anycast-RP set.
The PIM register message has the following functions:
• Notify the RP that a source is actively sending to a multicast group.
• Deliver multicast packets sent by the source to the RP for delivery down the shared tree.
The DR continues sending PIM register messages to the RP until it receives a Register-Stop message
from the RP. The RP sends a Register-Stop message in either of the following cases:
• The RP has no receivers for the multicast group being transmitted.
• The RP has joined the SPT to the source but has not started receiving traffic from the source.
The no ip pim anycast-rp and default ip pim anycast-rp commands removes corresponding the ip pim
anycast-rp commands from running-config. When the no and default commands do not include a peer
address, all commands for the specified rp address are removed.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim anycast-rp rp_addr peer_addr [REGISTER]
no ip pim anycast-rp rp_addr [peer_addr]
default ip pim anycast-rp rp_addr [peer_addr]
• rp_addr Rendezvous point IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• peer_addr IP address of an anycast-RP set member (dotted decimal notation).
• REGISTER Number of unacknowledged register messages the switch sends to the peer router.
Options include:
— <No parameter> register count is set to default value of 10.
— register-count r_num where r_num is an integer that ranges from 1 to 4294967295 (232-1).
— register-count infinity
• These commands configure a switch (IP address into an anycast-RP set with an RP address
of The anycast-RP set contains three other routers, located at,, and It sets the number of unacknowledged register messages it sends to each router at 15.
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
Switch(config)#ip pim anycast-rp register-count 15
ip pim dr-priority
PIM uses these criteria for electing designated routers (DR):
• If one router does not advertise a dr-priority value, the router with the highest IP address becomes
the Designated Router.
• If all router advertise a dr-priority value, the router with the highest dr-priority value becomes the
Designated Router.
The ip pim dr-priority command sets the dr-priority value that the configuration mode interface
advertises. By default, the interface does not advertise a dr-priority value.
The no ip pim dr-priority and default ip pim dr-priority commands force the use of IP addresses to
elect the designated router by removing the corresponding ip pim dr-priority statement from
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim dr-priority level
no ip pim dr-priority [level]
default ip pim dr-priority [level]
• level DR selection priority rating. Values range from 0 to 1000000 (1 million).
• This command configures the dr-priority value of 15.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim dr-priority 15
• This command removes the ip-pim dr-priority statement from running-config.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#no ip pim dr-priority
ip pim join-prune-interval
The ip pim join-prune-interval command specifies the period between join/prune messages that the
configuration mode interface originates and sends to the upstream RPF neighbor.
The no ip pim join-prune-interval and default ip pim join-prune-interval commands restore the
default join/prune interval of 60 seconds for the configuration mode interface by removing the
corresponding ip pim join-prune-interval command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim join-prune-interval period
no ip pim join-prune-interval [period]
default ip pim join-prune-interval [period]
• period join/prune interval (seconds). Values range from 1 to 1000000 (1 million). Default is 60.
• This command configures 75-second intervals between join/prune messages originating from
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim join-prune-interval 75
ip pim log-neighbor-changes
The ip pim log-neighbor-changes command configures the switch to generate a log message when a
neighbor entry is added or removed from the PIM Neighbor table. This function is enabled by default.
The no ip pim log-neighbor-changes command disables log message generation based on changes to
the PIM Neighbor table; this command is stored to running-config. The ip pim log-neighbor-changes
and default ip pim log-neighbor-changes commands restore the default setting of generating log
messages by deleting the no ip pim log-neighbor-changes statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim log-neighbor-changes
no ip pim log-neighbor-changes
default ip pim log-neighbor-changes
• This command configures the switch to stop generating log messages based on PIM Neighbor table
Switch(config)#no ip pim log-neighbor-changes
• This command configures the switch to generate log messages when a neighbor entry is added or
removed from the PIM Neighbor table.
Switch(config)#ip pim log-neighbor-changes
ip pim neighbor-filter
The ip pim neighbor-filter command configures the configuration mode interface to filter PIM control
packets on the basis of neighbor addresses listed in a specified standard access list.
The no ip pim neighbor-filter and default ip pim neighbor-filter commands disable the configuration
mode interface from filtering PIM control packets by removing the corresponding ip pim
neighbor-filter command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim neighbor-filter access_list
no ip pim neighbor-filter
default ip pim neighbor-filter
• access_list name of the standard IP access list.
• This command configures the IP access list named filter_1 to filter neighbor PIM control messages
for VLAN 4.
Switch(config)#ip access-list standard filter_1
Switch(config)#interface vlan 4
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim neighbor-filter filter_1
ip pim query-interval
The ip pim query-interval command specifies the transmission interval between PIM hello messages
originating from the configuration mode interface.
The no ip pim query-interval and default ip pim query-interval commands restore the default query
interval of 30 seconds for the configuratiom mode interface by removing the corresponding ip pim
query-interval command from the running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim query-interval period
no ip pim query-interval [period]
default ip pim query-interval [period]
• period query interval (seconds). Values range from 1 to 1000000 (1 million). Default is 30.
• This command configures 45 second intervals between hello messages originating from VLAN 4.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim query-interval 45
ip pim register-source
The ip pim register-source command programs the switch to fill the source field in all outbound PIM
SM register packets with the IP address of the specified interface. By default, the source field is filled
with the IP address from the interface associated with the best route to the RP.
The no ip pim register-source and default ip pim register-source commands restore the default
method of filling the register packet source field by deleting the ip pim register-source statement from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim register-source INT_NAME
no ip pim register-source
default ip pim register-source
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include:
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port channel interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command programs the switch to fill the source field of outbound PIM SM register packets
with the IP address of loopback interface 2.
Switch(config)#ip pim register-source loopback 2
ip pim rp-address
The ip pim rp-address command configures the address of a Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
rendezvous point (RP) for a specified multicast subnet. If the command does not specify a subnet, the
static RP maps to all multicast groups (224/4).
Multicast groups use RPs to connect sources and receivers. A PIM domain requires that all routers have
consistently configured RP addresses.
The switch uses multiple ip pim rp-address commands to configure multiple RPs or to assign multiple
subnets to an RP. When the address of a multicast group falls within multicast subnets configured by
multiple ip pim rp-address commands, the switch selects the groups’s RP address by comparing the
commands’ multicast subnet size.
— Different size subnets: group uses command with the largest subnet.
— Same size subnets: group uses command as determined by hash algorithm.
The no ip pim rp-address and default ip pim rp-address commands remove the corresponding ip pim
rp-address command from running-config. If the command does not include a multicast subnet
parameter, it removes all statements with the specified RP address from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim rp-address rp_addr [MULTICAST_SUBNET]
no ip pim rp-address rp_addr [MULTICAST_SUBNET]
default ip pim rp-address rp_addr [MULTICAST_SUBNET]
• rp_addr Rendezvous point IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• MULTICAST_SUBNET Multicast IP address space (CIDR or address-mask).
— <no parameter> Default multicast group IP address of 224/4.
— gp_addr Multicast group IP address (CIDR or address-mask).
— acl_name Standard access control list that specifies the multicast group address.
• This command configures as a static RP to all multicast groups.
Switch(config)#ip pim rp-address
ip pim sparse-mode
The ip pim sparse-mode command enables PIM and IGMP (router mode) on the configuration mode
The no ip pim sparse-mode, no ip pim, default ip pim sparse-mode, and default ip pim commands
restore the default PIM and IGMP (router mode) settings of disabled on the configuration mode
interface by removing the corresponding the ip pim sparse-mode statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim sparse-mode
no ip pim
no ip pim sparse-mode
default ip pim
default ip pim sparse-mode
• This command enables PIM sparse mode on VLAN 4 interface.
Switch(config-if-Vl4)#ip pim sparse-mode
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim sparse-mode sg-expiry-timer period
no ip pim sparse-mode sg-expiry-timer
default ip pim sparse-mode sg-expiry-timer
• period expiry timer interval (seconds). Values range from 210 (two minutes) to 65535 (18 hours, 12
minutes, 15 seconds). Default is 210 (three minutes).
• This command configures 2 minutes 30 seconds as the (S,G) expiry timer interval.
Switch(config)#ip pim sparse-mode sg-expiry-timer 150
ip pim spt-threshold
The ip pim spt-threshold command determines if the switch, acting as a Protocol Independent
Multicast (PIM) leaf router, joins the shortest path source tree.
• When running-config does not list this command, the switch joins the shortest path tree (SPT)
immediately after receiving the first PIM packet from a new source. The switch joins the SPT by
sending PIM join message toward the source.
• When running-config lists this command with a value of infinity, the switch never joins the SPT.
The no ip pim spt-threshold command restores the default value of 0 by removing the ip pim
spt-threshold infinity command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim spt-threshold JOIN
no ip pim spt-threshold
default ip pim spt-threshold
• JOIN specifies switch’s inclusion into the shortest path tree. Options include:
— 0 The switch immediately joins the SPT. This is the default value.
— infinity The switch never joins the SPT.
• This command configures the switch to never join the SPT.
Switch(config)#ip pim spt-threshold infinity
• These equivalent commands restore the default value by removing the ip pim spt-threshold
statement from running-config.
Switch(config)#ip pim spt-threshold 0
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip pim ssm range [ACCESS_RANGE]
no ip pim ssm range
default ip pim ssm range
• ACCESS_RANGE specifies the SSM IP multicast address range. Options include:
— acl_name sets the SSM range to address set specifed by the specified standard ACL.
— standard sets the SSM range to 232/8.
• This command configures the SSM address range to 232/8.
Switch(config)#ip pim ssm range standard
• These commands configure the SSM address range to those permitted by the LIST_1 standard ACL.
The ACL permits the subnet address range
Switch(config)#ip access-list standard LIST_1
Switch(config)#ip pim ssm range LIST_1
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim config-sanity
• This command displays PIM configuration diagnostic information.
Switch>show ip pim config-sanity
DISCLAIMER: Below are only hints of potential PIM misconfiguration.
They do not necessary imply that there is a real problem.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim interface [INT_NAME] [INFO_LEVEL]
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— <no parameter> displays information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• INFO_LEVEL specifies level of information detail provided by the command.
— <no parameter> table of basic configuration information.
— detail list of complete configuration information.
• This command displays information about all interfaces on which PIM is enabled.
Switch>show ip pim interface
Address Interface Mode Neighbor Hello DR DR Address
Count Intvl Pri Vlan26 sparse 0 30 1 Vlan2028 sparse 1 30 1
• This command displays detailed PIM information for VLAN 26 interface.
Switch>show ip pim interface vlan 26 detail
Interface address is
Vif number is 1
PIM: enabled
PIM version: 2, mode: sparse
PIM DR: (this system)
PIM DR Priority: 1
PIM neighbor count: 0
PIM Hello Interval: 30 seconds
PIM Hello Priority: 1
PIM Hello Lan Delay: 500 milliseconds
PIM Hello Override Interval: 2500 milliseconds
PIM Hello Lan Prune Delay in use
PIM Hello Generation ID: 0x4a05aa0
PIM Hello Generation ID is not required
PIM Triggered Hello Delay: 5 seconds
PIM Join-Prune Interval: 60 seconds
PIM State-Refresh processing: disabled
PIM State-Refresh Interval: unknown seconds
PIM Graft Retry Interval: unknown seconds
PIM domain border: disabled
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim neighbor [INT_NAME]
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
— <no parameter> displays information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command displays information about neighbor PIM routers.
Switch>show ip pim neighbor
PIM Neighbor Table
Neighbor Address Interface Uptime Expires Mode Vlan2028 21d22h 00:01:31 sparse
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim protocol
• This command displays statistics about inbound and outbound PIM control messages.
Switch>show ip pim protocol
PIM Control Counters
Received Sent Invalid
Assert 0 37 0
Bootstrap Router 0 0 0
CRP Advertisement 0 0 0
Graft 0 0 0
Graft Ack 0 0 0
Hello 63168 126355 0
J/P 275714 143958 0
Join 0 0 0
Prune 0 0 0
Register 0 13643 0
Register Stop 11839 0 0
State Refresh 0 0 0
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim register-source
• This command displays the register-source interface.
Switch>show ip pim register-source
show ip pim rp
The show ip pim rp command displays active rendezvous points (RPs) that are cached with associated
multicast routing entries.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim rp
• This command displays the active RPs.
Switch>show ip pim rp
The PIM RP Set
Uptime: 21d22h, Expires: never, Priority: 1
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show ip pim upstream joins
• This command displays the list of join messages the switch is scheduled to send. The example only
displays the first two messages.
Switch>show ip pim upstream joins
This chapter describes the Arista switch SNMP agent and contains these sections:
• Section 20.1: SNMP Introduction
• Section 20.2: SNMP Conceptual Overview
• Section 20.3: Configuring SNMP
• Section 20.4: SNMP Commands
The agent and MIB reside on the switch. Enabling the SNMP agent requires the definition of the
manager-agent relationship. The agent contains MIB variables whose values the manager can request
or change. The agent gathers data from the MIB, the repository for information about device parameters
and network data. The agent can also respond to manager requests for information.
A manager can send the agent requests to get and set MIB values. The agent can respond to these
requests. Independent of this interaction, the agent can send unsolicited messages to the manager to
notify the manager of network conditions.
This chapter discusses enabling the SNMP agent on an Arista switch and controlling notification
transmissions from the agent. Information on using SNMP management systems is available in the
appropriate documentation for the corresponding NMS application.
SNMPv3 is a security model which defines an authentication strategy that is configured for a user and
the group in which the user resides. A security level is the permitted level of security within the model.
A combination of a security model and a security level determines the security mechanism employed to
handle an SNMP packet.
• This command adds the community string lab_1 to provide read-only access to the switch
switch(config)#snmp-server community lab_1 ro
Community statements can reference views to limit MIB objects that are available to a manager. A view
is a community string object that specifies a subset of MIB objects. The snmp-server view command
configures the community string.
• These commands create a view that includes all objects in the system group except for those in
switch(config)#snmp-server view sys-view system include
switch(config)#snmp-server view sys-view system.2 exclude
• This command adds the community string lab_1 to provide read-only access to the switch agent
for the previously defined view.
switch(config)#snmp-server community lab_1 sys-view
Important When the remote engine ID is changed, all user passwords associated with the engine must be
• This command configures DC945798CAB4 as the name of the remote SNMP engine located at, port socket 162.
switch(config)#snmp-server engineID remote udp-port DC945798CA
• This command configures normal_one as an SNMPv3 group (authentication and encryption)
that provides access to the all-items read view.
switch(config)#snmp-server group normal_one v3 priv read all-items
• This command configures the local SNMPv3 user tech-1 as a member of the SNMP group
switch(config)#snmp-server user tech-1 tech-sup v3
• This command configures the remote SNMPv3 user tech-2 as a member of the SNMP group
tech-sup. The remote user is on the agent located at
switch(config)#snmp-server user tech-2 tech-sup remote v3
• This command adds a v2c inform notification recipient at using the community string
switch(config)#snmp-server host informs version 2c comm-1
• This command disables SNMP link trap generation on the Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config-if-Et5)#no snmp trap link-status
• This command configures xyz-1234 as the chassis-ID string, then displays the result.
switch(config)#snmp-server chassis-id xyz-1234
switch(config)#show snmp
Chassis: xyz-1234 <---chassis ID
8 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
8 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
4 Get-request PDUs
4 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
21 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors
0 No such name errors
0 Bad value errors
0 General errors
8 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to taccon.162
SNMP agent enabled
• These commands configure Bonnie H at 3-1470 as the contact string, then displays the result.
switch(config)#snmp-server contact Bonnie H at 3-1470
switch(config)#show snmp
Chassis: xyz-1234
Contact: Bonnie H at
3-1470 <---contact string
8 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
8 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
4 Get-request PDUs
4 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
24 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors
0 No such name errors
0 Bad value errors
0 General errors
8 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to taccon.162
SNMP agent enabled
• These commands configure lab-25 as the location string, then displays the result.
switch(config)#snmp-server location lab_25
switch(config)#show snmp location
Location: lab_25
• This command specifies the file, located in flash as the script file that services the
specified OID space in normal mode.
switch(config)#snmp-server extension .
These commands are example GET and GETNEXT transactions:
--> get
--> .
<-- .
<-- string
<-- Sales Objectives
--> getnext
--> .
<-- .
<-- integer
<-- 17
--> getnext
--> .
<-- .
<-- objectid
<-- .
--> getnext
--> .
<-- NONE
--> get
--> .
<-- NONE
For SET requests, script is passed three lines on stdin: the command (set), and the requested OID, and
the type and value, both on the same line. If the assignment is successful, the expected script response
is to print DONE\n to stdout. Errors should be indicated by writing one of the error strings described in
Table 20-4 to stdout; the agent the generates the appropriate error response. In each case, the command
should continue running.
A SET request results in the command being called with the arguments: -s, OID, TYPE and VALUE,
where TYPE is one of the tokens listed Table 20-3, indicating the type of the value passed as the third
If the assignment is successful, the script is expected to exit without producing any output. Errors
should be indicated by writing just the error name (Table 20-4); the agent generates the appropriate
error response.
Display Commands
• show snmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 844
• show snmp chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 845
• show snmp community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 846
• show snmp contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 847
• show snmp engineID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 848
• show snmp group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 849
• show snmp host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 850
• show snmp location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 851
• show snmp mib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 852
• show snmp user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 853
• show snmp view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 854
no snmp-server
The no snmp-server and default snmp-server commands disable Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) agent operation by removing all snmp-server commands from the configuration.
SNMP is enabled with any snmp-server community command.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
no snmp-server
default snmp-server
This command disables SNMP agent operation on the switch
switch(config)#no snmp-server
show snmp
The show snmp command displays SNMP counter status and the chassis ID string.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp
This command displays SNMP counter status, the chassis ID, and the previously configured location
switch>show snmp
Chassis: JFL08320162
Location: 5470ga.dc
2329135 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
38132599 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
563934 Get-request PDUs
148236 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
2329437 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors
0 No such name errors
0 Bad value errors
0 General errors
2329135 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to
SNMP agent enabled
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp chassis
This command displays the chassis ID string.
switch>show snmp chassis
Chassis: JFL08320162
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp community
This command displays the list of community access strings configured on the switch.
switch>show snmp community
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp contact
This command displays the contact string contents.
switch>show snmp contact
Contact: John Smith
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp engineID
This command displays the ID of the local SNMP engine.
switch>show snmp engineid
Local SNMP EngineID: f5717f001c730436d700
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp group
Field Descriptions
• groupname name of the SNMP group.
• security model security model used by the group: v1, v2c, or v3.
• readview string identifying the group’s read view. Refer to show snmp view.
• writeview string identifying the group’s write view.
• notifyview string identifying the group’s notify view.
The notify view indicates the group for SNMP notifications, and corresponds to the notify-view
specified in the snmp-server group command.
This command displays the groups configured on the switch.
switch>show snmp group
groupname : normal security model:v3 priv
readview : all writeview: <no writeview specified>
notifyview: <no notifyview specified>
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp host
Field Descriptions
• Notification host IP address of the host for which the notification is generated.
• udp-port port number.
• type notification type.
• user access type of the user for which the notification is generated.
• security model SNMP version used to send notifications.
• traps details of the notification generated.
This command displays the hosts configured on the switch.
switch>show snmp host
Notification host: udp-port: 162 type: trap
user: public security model: v2c
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp location
This command displays the location string contents.
switch>show snmp location
Location: santa clara
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp mib OBJECTS
• OBJECTS object identifiers for which the command returns data. Options include:
— get oid_1 [oid_2 ... oid_x] values associated with each listed OID.
— get-next oid_1 [oid_2 ... oid_x] values associated with subsequent OIDs relative to listed OIDs.
— table oid table associated with specified OID.
— translate oid object name associated with specified OID.
— walk oid objects below the specified subtree.
This command uses the get option to retrieve information about the sysORID.1 OID.
switch#show snmp mib get sysORID.1
This commnd uses the get-next option to retrieve information about the OID that is after sysORID.8.
switch#show snmp mib get-next sysORID.8
SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr[1] = STRING: The MIB module for managing TCP
switch>show snmp location
Location: santa clara
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp user
This command displays information about the users configured on the switch.
switch>show snmp user
Security model: v3
Engine ID: f5717f001c73010e0900
Authentication protocol: SHA
Privacy protocol: AES-128
Group name: normal
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show snmp view
Field Descriptions
• First column view name.
• Second column name of the MIB object or family.
• Third column inclusion level of the specified family within the view.
These commands configure an SNMP view, then displays that view.
switch(config)#snmp-server view sys-view system include
switch(config)#snmp-server view sys-view system.2 exclude
switch(config)#show snmp view
sys-view system - included
sys-view system.2 - excluded
snmp-server chassis-id
The snmp-server chassis-id command configures the chassis ID string. The default chassis ID string is
the serial number of the switch. The the show snmp command displays the chassis ID.
The no snmp-server chassis-id and default snmp-server chassis-id commands restore the default
chassis ID string by removing the snmp-server chassis-id command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server chassis-id id_text
no snmp-server chassis-id
default snmp-server chassis-id
• id_ext chassis ID string
These commands configure xyz-1234 as the chassis-id string, then display the result.
switch(config)#snmp-server chassis-id xyz-1234
switch(config)#show snmp
Chassis: xyz-1234 <---chassis ID
8 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
8 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
4 Get-request PDUs
4 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
21 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors
0 No such name errors
0 Bad value errors
0 General errors
8 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to taccon.162
SNMP agent enabled
snmp-server community
The snmp-server community command configures the community string. SNMP community strings
authenticate access to MIB objects and function as embedded passwords. The Network Management
System (NMS) must define a community string that matches at least one of the switch community
strings to access the switch.
The no snmp-server community and default snmp-server community commands remove the
community access string from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server community string_text [MIB_VIEW] [ACCESS]
no snmp-server community string_text
default snmp-server community string_text
• string_text community access string.
• MIB_VIEW community access availability. Options include
— <no parameter> community string allows access to all objects.
— view view_name community string allows access only to objects in the view_name view.
• ACCESS community access availability. Options include
— <no parameter> read-only access (default setting)
— ro read-only access
— rw read-write access
This command adds the community string lab_1 to provide read-only access to the switch agent.
switch(config)#snmp-server community lab_1 ro
snmp-server contact
The snmp-server contact command configures the system contact string. The contact is displayed by the
show snmp and show snmp contact commands.
The no snmp-server contact and default snmp-server contact commands remove the snmp-server
contact command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server contact contact_string
no snmp-server contact
default snmp-server contact
• contact_string system contact string.
These commands configure Bonnie H as the contact string, then display the result.
switch(config)#snmp-server contact Bonnie H
switch(config)#show snmp
Chassis: xyz-1234
Contact: Bonnie H. <---contact string
8 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
8 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
4 Get-request PDUs
4 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
24 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors
0 No such name errors
0 Bad value errors
0 General errors
8 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to taccon.162
SNMP agent enabled
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server enable [trap_type]
no snmp-server enable [trap_type]
default snmp-server enable trap_type
• trap_type controls the generation of informs or traps for the specified MIB:
— <no parameter> controls notifications for MIBs not covered by specific commands.
— entity entity-MIB modification notifications.
— lldp LLDP-MIB.
— snmp SNMP-v2-MIB.
— spanning-tree RSTP-MIB.
— test TEST-MIB.
These commands enables notification generation for all MIBs except spanning tree.
switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps
switch(config)#no snmp-server enable traps spanning-tree
This command enables spanning-tree MIB notification generation, regardless of the default setting.
switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps spanning-tree
This command resest the spanning-tree MIB notification generation to follow the default setting.
switch(config)#default snmp-server enable traps spanning-tree
Important Changing the local engineID value invalidates SNMPv3 security digests, requiring the reconfiguration
of all user passwords.
The no snmp-server engineID and default snmp-server engineID commands restore the default
engineID by removing the snmp-server engineID command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server engineID local engine_hex
no snmp-server engineID local
default snmp-server engineID
• engine_hex the switch’s name for the local SNMP engine (hex string).
The string must consist of at least ten characters with a maximum of 64 characters.
This command configures DC945798CAB4 as the name of the local SNMP engine.
switch(config)#snmp-server engineID local DC945798CAB4
Important Changing the engineID value invalidates SNMPv3 security digests, requiring the reconfiguration of all
user passwords.
The no snmp-server engineID remote and default snmp-server engineID remote commands remove
the snmp-server engineID remote command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server engineID remote engine_addr [PORT] engine_hex
no snmp-server engineID remote engine_addr [PORT]
default snmp-server engineID remote engine_addr [PORT]
• engine_addr location of remote engine (IP address or host name).
• PORT udp port location of the remote engine. Options include:
— <No parameter> port number 161 (default).
— udp-port port_num port number. Ranges from 0 to 65536.
• engine_hex the switch’s name for the remote SNMP engine (hex string).
The string must have at least ten characters and can contain a maximum of 64 characters.
This command configures DC945798CA as the engineID of the remote SNMP engine located at, port socket 162.
switch(config)#snmp-server engineID remote udp-port 162 DC945798CA
snmp-server extension
The snmp-server extension command configures the execution of user supplied scripts to service
portions of the OID space.
The no snmp-server extension and default snmp-server extension commands deletes the snmp-server
extension command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server extension OID_space FILE_PATH [DURATION]
• OID_space OID branch serviced by the script. Command format is numerical.
• FILE_PATH path and name of the script file. Options include:
— file: file is located in the switch file directory.
— flash: file is located in flash memory.
• DURATION the execution scope of the script.
— <no parameter> script runs after initial request to process subsequent requests.
— one-shot script processes a single object (runs once), then terminates.
• This command specifies the file, located in flash, as the script file that services the listed
OID space.
switch(config)#snmp-server extension .
snmp-server group
The snmp-server group command configures a new Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
group or modifies an existing group. An SNMP group is a data structure that user statements reference
to map SNMP users to SNMP contexts and views, providing a common access policy to the specified
An SNMP context is a collection of management information items accessible by an SNMP entity. Each
item of may exist in multiple contexts. Each SNMP entity can access multiple contexts. A context is
identified by the EngineID of the hosting device and a context name.
The no snmp-server group and default snmp-server group commands delete the specified group by
removing the corresponding snmp-server group command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server group group_name VERSION [CNTX] [READ] [WRITE] [NOTIFY]
no snmp-server group group_name VERSION
default snmp-server group group_name VERSION
• group_name the name of the group.
• VERSION the security model used by the group.
— v1 SNMPv1. Uses a community string match for authentication.
— v2c SNMPv2c. Uses a community string match for authentication.
— v3 no auth SNMPv3. Uses a username match for authentication.
— v3 auth SNMPv3. HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA authentication.
— v3 priv SNMPv3. HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA authentication. AES or DES encryption.
• CNTX associates the SNMP group to an SNMP context.
— <no parameter> command does not associate group with an SNMP context.
— context context_name associates group with context specified by context_name.
• READ specifies read view for SNMP group.
— <no parameter> command does not specify read view.
— read read_name read view specified by read_name (string – maximum 64 characters).
• WRITE specifies write view for SNMP group.
— <no parameter> command does not specify write view.
— write write_name write view specified by write_name (string – maximum 64 characters).
• NOTIFY specifies notify view for SNMP group.
— <no parameter> command does not specify notify view.
— notify notify_name notify view specified by notify_name (string – maximum 64 characters).
This command configures normal_one as SNMP version 3 group (authentication and encryption) that
provides access to the all-items read view.
switch(config)#snmp-server group normal_one v3 priv read all-items
snmp-server host
The snmp-server host command specifies the recipient of Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) notifications. Recipients are denoted by host location and community string. The command
also specifies the type of SNMP notifications that are sent: a trap is an unsolicited notification; an inform
is a trap that includes a request for a confirmation that the message is received.
The configuration can contain multiple statements to the same host location with different community
strings. For instance, a configuration can simultaneously contain all of the following:
• snmp-server host host-1 version 2c comm-1
• snmp-server host host-1 informs version 2c comm-2
• snmp-server host host-1 version 2c comm-3 udp-port 666
• snmp-server host host-1 version 3 auth comm-3
The no snmp-server host and default snmp-server host commands remove the specified host by
deleting the corresponding snmp-server host statement from the configuration. When removing a
statement, the host (address and port) and community string must be specified.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server host host_id [MESSAGE] [VERSION] comm_str [PORT]
no snmp-server host host_id [MESSAGE] [VERSION] comm_str [PORT]
default snmp-server host host_id [MESSAGE] [VERSION] comm_str [PORT]
• host_id hostname or IP address of the targeted recipient.
• MESSAGE message type that is sent to the host.
— <no parameter> sends SNMP traps to host (default).
— informs sends SNMP informs to host.
— traps sends SNMP traps to host.
• VERSION SNMP version. Options include:
— <no parameter> SNMPv2c (default).
— version 1 SNMPv1; option not available with informs.
— version 2c SNMPv2c.
— version 3 noauth SNMPv3; enables user-name match authentication.
— version 3 auth SNMPv3; enables MD5 and SHA packet authentication.
— version 3 priv SNMPv3. HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA authentication. AES or DES encryption.
• comm_str community string (used as password) sent with the notification operation.
Although this string can be set with the snmp-server host command, the preferred method is
defining it with the snmp-server community command prior to using this command.
• PORT port number of the host.
— <no parameter> socket number set to 162 (default)
— udp-port p-name socket number specified by p-name
This command adds a version 2c inform notification recipient.
switch(config)#snmp-server host informs version 2c comm-1
snmp-server location
The snmp-server location command configures the system location string. By default, no system
location string is set.
The no snmp-server location and default snmp-server location commands delete the location string by
removing the snmp-server location command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server location node_locate
no snmp-server location
default snmp-server location
• node_locate system location information (string).
These commands configure lab-east as the location string, then displays the result.
switch(config)#snmp-server location lab_east
switch(config)#show snmp location
Location: lab_east
snmp-server source-interface
The snmp-server source-interface command specifies the interface from which a Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) trap originates the informs or traps.
The no snmp-server source-interface and default snmp-server source-interface commands remove the
inform or trap source assignment by removing the snmp-server source-interface command from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server source-interface INTERFACE
no snmp-server source-interface
default snmp-server source-interface
• INTERFACE Interface type and number. Values include
— ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
This command configures the Ethernet 1 interface as the source of SNMP traps and informs.
switch(config)#snmp-server source-interface ethernet 1
snmp-server user
The snmp-server user command adds a user to a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) group
or modifies an existing user’s parameters.
To configure a remote user, specify the IP address or port number of the device where the user ’s remote
SNMP agent resides. A remote agent's engine ID must be configured before remote users for that agent
are configured. A user's authentication and privacy digests are derived from the engine ID and the
user's password. The configuration command fails if the remote engine ID is not configured first.
The no snmp-server user and default snmp-server user commands remove the user from an SNMP
group by deleting the user command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server user user_name group_name [AGENT] VERSION [ENGINE][SECURITY]
no snmp-server user user_name group_name [AGENT] VERSION
default snmp-server user user_name group_name [AGENT] VERSION
• user_name name of the user on the host that connects to the agent.
• group_name name of the group to which the user is associated.
• AGENT location of the host connecting to the SNMP agent. Configuration options include:
— <no parameter> local SNMP agent.
— remote addr [udp-port p_num] remote SNMP agent location (IP address, udp port).
addr denotes the IP address; p_num denotes the udp port socket. (default port is 162).
• VERSION SNMP version; options include:
— v1 SNMPv1.
— v2c SNMPv2c.
— v3 SNMPv3; enables user-name match authentication.
• ENGINE engine ID used to localize passwords. Available only if VERSION is v3.
— <no parameter> Passwords localized by SNMP copy specified by agent.
— localized engineID octet string of engineID.
• SECURITY Specifies authentication and encryption levels. Available only if VERSION is v3.
Encryption is available only when authentication is configured.
— <no parameter> no authentication or encryption.
— auth a_meth a_pass [priv e_meth e_pass] authentication and encryption parameters.
a-meth authentication method: options are md5 (HMAC-MD5-96) and sha (HMAC-SHA-96).
a-pass authentication string for users receiving packets.
e-meth encryption method: tions are aes (AES-128) and des (CBC-DES).
e-pass encryption string for the users sending packets.
This command configures the remote SNMP user tech-1 to the tech-sup SNMP group.
switch(config)#snmp-server user tech-1 tech-sup remote v3
snmp-server view
The snmp-server view command creates or updates a view entry.
An SNMP view defines a subset of objects from an MIB. Every SNMP access group specifies views, each
associated with read or write access rights, to allow or limit the group's access to MIB objects.
The no snmp-server view command deletes a view entry by removing the corresponding snmp-server
view command from the running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server view view_name family_name INCLUSION
• view_name Label for the view record that the command updates or creates. Other commands
reference the view with this label.
• family_name name of the MIB object or family.
MIB objects and MIB subtrees can be identified by name or by the numbers representing the
position of the object or subtree in the MIB hierarchy.
• INCLUSION inclusion level of the specified family within the view. Options include:
— include view includes the specified subtree.
— exclude view excludes the specified subtree.
These commands create a view named sys-view that includes all objects in the system subtree except for
those in system.2.
switch(config)#snmp-server view sys-view system include
switch(config)#snmp-server view sys-view system.2 exclude
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Loopback, Management, Port-Channel, VLAN)
Command Syntax
snmp trap link-status
no snmp trap link-status
default snmp trap link-status
This command disables SNMP link trap generation on the Ethernet 5 interface.
switch(config-if-Et5)#no snmp trap link-status
To disable LANZ globally, enter the no queue-monitor length command in global configuration mode.
Disabling LANZ globally also discards LANZ log data, but retains settings. To disable LANZ on an
individual interface, enter the no queue-monitor length command in interface ethernet configuration
• This command enables LANZ on the switch.
switch(config)#queue-monitor length
• This command disables LANZ on the switch.
switch(config)#no queue-monitor length
• These commands disable LANZ on Ethernet interface 7.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 7
switch(config-if-Et7)#no queue-monitor length
• These commands set the upper and lower queue-length thresholds on Ethernet interface 5 to 300
segments and 200 segments.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#queue-monitor length thresholds 300 200
• This command enables queue-length over-threshold logging with a minimum interval of 10
seconds between messages for a given interface.
switch(config)#queue-monitor length log 10
• This command disables queue-length over-threshold logging on the switch.
switch(config)#queue-monitor length log 0
• This command displays the last 100 records for Ethernet interfaces 6 through 8.
switch#show queue-monitor length ethernet 6-8 limit 100
Report generated at 2010-01-01 12:56:13
• This command creates a CSV report of the last 100,000 over-threshold events and appends them
to a file named dump.txt on the switch.
switch#show queue-monitor length csv >> file:/tmp/dump.txt
Report contents:
admin@switch head /tmp/dump.txt
Report generated at 2011-03-04 00:59:10
2010-01-01 12:56:13.45679,"Et7",2039
2010-01-01 12:56:34.12340,"Et6",1049
• These commands enable the streaming of LANZ data from the switch.
switch(config)#queue-monitor streaming
switch(config-qm-streaming)#no shutdown
• These commands disable LANZ data streaming.
switch(config)#queue-monitor streaming
• This command sets the maximum number of client connections the switch accepts for LANZ
data streaming to 50.
switch(config-qm-streaming)#max-connections 50
Configuration Messages
A configuration message is sent whenever a change is made to the LANZ configuration settings on the
switch. The switch also sends a configuration message when a new client connection is established.
The configuration message includes the following information:
• timestamp time of change in configuration in micro-seconds (UTC).
• lanzVersion LANZ feature version.
• numOfPorts number of ports in the switch.
• segmentSize segment size.
• maxQueueSize maximum queue size in segments.
• intfName name of the port.
• switchId ID of the chip on a multi-chip system.
• portId ID of the port.
• internalPort “true” if it is an internal port.
• highThreshold higher threshold value.
Congestion Messages
A congestion message is sent whenever LANZ generates an over-threshold event.
The congestion message includes the following information:
• timestamp time of congestion in micro-seconds (UTC).
• intfName name of the port.
• switchId ID of the chip on a multi-chip system.
• portId ID of the port.
• queueSize queue size in segments at time of congestion.
message ConfigRecord {
required uint64 timestamp = 1; // Time of change in configuration in micro-seconds (UTC)
required uint32 lanzVersion = 2; // LANZ feature version
required uint32 numOfPorts = 3; // Num of ports in the switch
required uint32 segmentSize = 4; // Segement size
required uint32 maxQueueSize = 5; // Maximum queue size in segments
message PortConfigRecord {
required string intfName = 1; // Name of the port
required uint32 switchId = 2; // Id of the chip on a multi-chip system
required uint32 portId = 3; // Id of the port
required bool internalPort = 4; // 'True' if it's an internal port
required uint32 highThreshold = 5; // Higher threshold
required uint32 lowThreshold = 6; // Lower threshold
message CongestionRecord {
required uint64 timestamp = 1; // Time of congestion in micro-seconds (UTC)
required string intfName = 2; // Name of the port
required uint32 switchId = 3; // Id of the chip on a multi-chip system
required uint32 portId = 4; // Id of the port
required uint32 queueSize = 5; // Queue size in segments at time of congestion
message ErrorRecord {
required uint64 timestamp = 1; // Time of event in micro-seconds (UTC)
required string errorMessage = 2; // Text message
message LanzRecord {
optional ConfigRecord configRecord = 1;
optional CongestionRecord congestionRecord = 2;
optional ErrorRecord errorRecord = 3;
Implementation Procedure
The following steps create and install a functional client to receive streamed LANZ data. This procedure
assumes a functional Python programming environment.
1. On the device which is to receive the streamed LANZ data, download the protocol buffers source
code from Google at this address:
2. Extract the source code.
3. Go to the “python” directory in the extracted package, and run to install the Python
4. Download the example client from the Arista FTP server at this address:
5. Run -h to activate the LANZ client.
Command Mode
Queue-Monitor-Streaming Configuration
Command Syntax
• This command exists queue-monitor streaming configuration mode and returns the switch to global
configuration mode.
The max-connections command sets the maximum number of client connections the switch accepts for
streaming LANZ data. The default maximum is 10 connections. To stream LANZ data, you must use the
queue-monitor streaming command to enable LANZ data streaming.
Command Mode
Queue-Monitor-Streaming Configuration
Command Syntax
max-connections connections
• connections maximum number of simultaneous LANZ streaming client connections the switch
will accept. Values range from 1 through 100.
• This command sets the maximum number of client connections the switch accepts for LANZ data
streaming to 50.
switch(config-qm-streaming)#max-connections 50
queue-monitor length
The queue-monitor length command enables LANZ with the current settings, or with the default
settings if LANZ has not yet been configured. LANZ is disabled by default.
When LANZ is enabled, the switch monitors queue lengths on all ports and generates over-threshold
events when an output queue becomes congested. Over-threshold event data is available in the
following forms:
• syslog data (see queue-monitor length log)
• CLI display (see show queue-monitor length)
• CSV-format ouput (see show queue-monitor length csv)
• data stream (see queue-monitor streaming)
The no queue-monitor length command disables LANZ and discards LANZ log data, but retains
settings. LANZ settings include:
• logging settings (see queue-monitor length log)
• queue length thresholds (see queue-monitor length thresholds)
• data streaming (see queue-monitor streaming)
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
queue-monitor length
no queue-monitor length
• This command enables LANZ on the switch.
switch(config)#queue-monitor length
• This command disables LANZ on the switch.
switch(config)#no queue-monitor length
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
queue-monitor length log interval
• interval – minimum interval in seconds between logged messages from a single interface.
— 0 queue-length logging is disabled on the switch.
— 1 to 65535 minimum logging interval (in seconds).
• This command enables over-threshold logging with a minimum interval of 10 seconds between
messages for a given interface.
switch(config)#queue-monitor length log 10
• This command disables queue-length over-threshold logging on the switch.
switch(config)#queue-monitor length log 0
• This is an example of a queue-length log message.
Oct 27 12:48:22 switch QUEUE_MONITOR-6-LENGTH_OVER_THRESHOLD: Interface
Ethernet6 queue length is over threshold of 512, current length is 1024.
Command Mode
Interface Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
queue-monitor length thresholds upper_threshold lower_threshold
default queue-monitor length thresholds
no queue-monitor length
• upper_threshold the queue length in 512-byte segments that will trigger an over-threshold event.
Must be higher than lower_threshold. The minimum value is 2. The maximum is the largest number
of segments which can be queued before packets are dropped, and varies based on factors including
flow control state and private buffer settings. Default setting is 512.
• lower_threshold the lower threshold queue length in 512-byte segments. When logging is enabled,
an over-threshold interface will continue generating over-threshold events until all its queues drop
back below this length. Must be lower than upper_threshold. Values range from 1 to 3188. Default
setting is 256.
• These commands set the upper and lower queue-length thresholds on Ethernet interface 5 to 300
segments and 200 segments.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#queue-monitor length thresholds 300 200
• These commands reset the upper and lower queue-length thresholds on Ethernet interface 5 to
their default values.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#default queue-monitor length thresholds
• These commands disable LANZ on Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#no queue-monitor length
queue-monitor streaming
The queue-monitor streaming command places the switch in queue-monitor-streaming configuration
mode. To enable LANZ data streaming on the switch, use the no form of the shutdown
(queue-monitor-streaming configuration) command.
These commands are available in queue-monitor-streaming configuration mode:
• exit (queue-monitor-streaming configuration)
• max-connections
• shutdown (queue-monitor-streaming configuration)
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
queue-monitor streaming
• This command places the switch in queue-monitor streaming configuration mode.
switch(config)#queue-monitor streaming
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show queue-monitor length [INTERFACES][LIMIT]
• INTERFACES – interface type and number for report. Values include:
— <no parameter> displays information for all interfaces.
— ethernet e-range e-range formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list
of numbers and ranges
• LIMIT – optional limiting parameters for report. Values include:
— <no parameter> displays the last 1000 records.
— limit number samples displays the last number records. Values range from 1 to 1000000.
— limit number seconds displays all records generated during the last number seconds. Values
range from 1 to 1000000.
• This command displays the last 100 records for Ethernet interfaces 6 through 8.
switch#show queue-monitor length ethernet 6-8 limit 100
Report generated at 2010-01-01 12:56:13
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show queue-monitor length csv[DESTINATION]
• DESTINATION – where the report data is sent. Values include:
— <no parameter> displays report in the CLI.
— > url exports report to the specified URL, overwriting the file if it exists.
— >> url appends the report data to the file at the specified URL.
• This command creates a CSV report of the last 1000 over-threshold events and appends them to a
file named dump.txt on the switch.
switch#show queue-monitor length csv >> file:/tmp/dump.txt
Report contents:
admin@switch head /tmp/dump.txt
Report generated at 2011-03-04 00:59:10
2010-01-01 12:56:13.45679,"Et7",2039
2010-01-01 12:56:34.12340,"Et6",1049
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show queue-monitor length status
• This command displays the current LANZ configuration. In this example, custom thresholds have
been set on Ethernet interface 1 and LANZ has been disabled on Ethernet interface 15.
switch(config)#show queue-monitor length status
queue-monitor length disabled
Segment size in bytes : 512
Maximum queue length in segments : 3188
Syslog interval in seconds : 10
Port thresholds in segments:
Port High threshold Low threshold
Et1 40 5
Et2 512 256
Et3 512 256
Et4 512 256
Et5 512 256
Et6 512 256
Et7 512 256
Et8 512 256
Et9 512 256
Et10 512 256
Et11 512 256
Et12 512 256
Et13 512 256
Et14 512 256
Et15 disabled
Et16 512 256
Et17 512 256
Et18 512 256
Et19 512 256
Et20 512 256
Et21 512 256
Et22 512 256
Et23 512 256
Et24 512 256
Command Mode
Queue-Monitor-Streaming Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
• These commands enable the streaming of LANZ data on the switch.
switch(config)#queue-monitor streaming
switch(config-qm-streaming)#no shutdown
VM Tracer
This chapter describes VM Tracer configuration and usage and contains these sections:
• Section 22.1: VM Tracer Introduction
• Section 22.2: VM Tracer Conceptual Overview
• Section 22.3: VM Tracer Configuration Procedures
• Section 22.4: VM Tracer Configuration Commands
vCenter manages ESX hosts and VMs through a central database. VM Tracer identifies interfaces
connected to a specified ESX host and sends discovery packets on interfaces where VM Tracer is
enabled. The ESX host updates the vCenter when it receives a discovery packet. VM Tracer reads this
data from the vCenter to associate the ESX host to the connected switch ports.
VM Tracer connects to a maximum of four vCenters through a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
API to discover VMs in the data centers that the vCenters manage. VM Tracer maintains a list of VMs in
the data center and gathers network related information about each VM, including the number of Vnics
(virtual network interface card), the MAC address of each Vnic, the switch to which it connects, and the
host on which it resides. VM Tracer also identifies the host nics connected to the switch through the
bridge MAC address and the interface port name. VM Tracer then searches for VMs on this host and
connected to the vswitch or dvswitch whose uplink is mapped to the connected nic.
For each connected interface, VM Tracer creates a VM Table that lists its active VMs, sorted by Vnic MAC
address. Each VM entry includes its name, Vnic name, VLAN, switch name, datacenter name, and
portgroup. An entry is deleted when the corresponding VM is removed, moved to a different host, or
its Vnic is no longer part of the vswitch or dvswitch. An entry is added when a VM is created or moved
to a host connected to the interface. VM Tracer monitors vCenter for VM management updates. If an
interface goes down, all VM entries for that interface are removed from the VMTable.
This command enters vmtracer configuration mode for the system_1 session.
switch(config)#vmtracer session system_1
In vmtracer configuration mode, the url, username (vmtracer mode), and password (vmtracer mode)
commands specify the vCenter server’s location and the account information that authenticates the
switch to the vCenter. The url parameter must reference a fully formed secure url, such as
These commands specify the vCenter’s url along with the username and password that allow the
switch to access the vCenter.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#username a-switch_01
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#password abcde
Default session settings allow auto-segmentation, or the dynamic allocation and pruning of VLANs
when a VM managed by the ESX host connected to the switch is created, deleted, or moved to a
different host. The autovlan disable command prevents auto-segmentation, regardless of VM activity.
The allowed-vlan command specifies the VLANs that may be added when a VM is added or moved. By
default, all VLANs are allowed.
This command disables auto-segmentation.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#autovlan disable
These commands enable auto-segmentation and limit the list of allowed VLANs to VLAN 1-2000.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#no autovlan disable
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#allow-vlan 1-2000
The exit (vmtracer mode) command returns the switch to Global Configuration mode and enables the
VM Tracer session. Vmtracer configuration mode can be re-entered for this session to edit session
This command exits vmtracer configuration mode.
The no vmtracer session command disables the session and removes it from running-config.
This command disables and deletes the system_1 VM Tracer session.
switch(config)#no vmtracer session system_1
These commands enable VMtracer mode on Ethernet 3 interface.
switch(config)#interface Ethernet3
switch(config-if-Et3)#vmtracer vmware-esx
The no vmtracer command disables vmtracer mode on the configuration mode interface.
This command disables vmtracer mode on Ethernet 3 interface.
switch(config-if-Et3)#no vmtracer vmware-esx
This command displays connection parameters for the vCenter associated with the system_1
switch#show vmtracer session system_1
vCenter URL https://vmware-vcenter1/sdk
username arista
password arista
Session Status Disconnected
• with the detail parameter, the command displays connection status and data concerning messages
the vCenter previously received from ESX hosts connected to the switch.
This command displays connection parameters and message details for the vCenter associated with
the system_1 session.
switch#show vmtracer session system_1 detail
vCenter URL https://vmware-vcenter1/sdk
username arista
sessionState Connected
lastStateChange 19 days, 23:03:59 ago
lastMsgSent CheckForUpdatesMsg
timeOfLastMsg 19 days, 23:14:09 ago
resonseTimeForLastMsg 0.0
numSuccessfulMsg 43183
lastSuccessfulMsg CheckForUpdatesMsg
lastSuccessfulMsgTime 19 days, 23:14:19 ago
numFailedMsg 1076
lastFailedMsg CheckForUpdatesMsg
lastFailedMsgTime 19 days, 23:14:09 ago
lastErrorCode Error -1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"End of file or no input: Operation interrupted or timed out after 600s
send or 600s receive delay"
Detail: [no detail]
This command displays the Vnics connected to all VM Tracer-enabled interfaces.
switch#show vmtracer interface
Ethernet8 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status vmk0 0 Up/Down
vspheremanagement Network adapter 1 0 Up/Down
Ethernet15 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status
Openview Network adapter 1 123 Up/Down
VmTracerVm Network adapter 1 123 Down/Down
Ethernet23 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status
Ethernet24 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status
This command displays the VMs connected to all VM Tracer-enabled interfaces.
switch#show vmtracer vm
VM Name VM Adapter Interface VLAN
Openview Network adapter 1 Et15 123
vspheremanagement Network adapter 1 Et8 0
VmTracerVm Network adapter 1 Et15 123 vmk0 Et8 0
This command displays connection data for the VMs connected to all VM Tracer-enabled interfaces.
switch#show vmtracer vm detail
VM Name Openview
intf : Et15
vnic : Network adapter 1
mac : 00:0c:29:ae:7e:90
portgroup : dvPortGroup
vlan : 123
switch : vds
host :
The allowed-vlan command specifies the VLANs that may be added when a VM is added or moved
from the hypervisor connected to the session specified by the vmtracer mode. By default, all VLANs are
Command Mode
Command Syntax
allowed-vlan VLAN_LIST
no allowed-vlan vlan
default allowed-vlan vlan
• VLAN_LIST The VLAN list or the edit actions to the current VLAN list. Valid v_range formats
include number, or number range.
— v_range The list consists of the v_range VLANs.
— add v_range The v_range VLANs are added to the current VLAN list.
— all The list consists of all VLANs (1-4094).
— except v_range The list consists of all VLANs except for those specified by v_range.
— none The list of VLANs is empty.
— remove v_range The v_range VLANs are removed from the current VLAN list.
• This command sets the list of allowed VLANs to 1 through 2000.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#allow-vlan 1-2000
• This command adds VLANs to 2501 through 3000.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#allow-vlan add 2051-3000
autovlan disable
Default VM Tracer session settings enable auto provisioning, which allows the dynamic assignment and
pruning of VLANs when a VM attached to the ESX connected to the switch is created, deleted, or moved
to a different ESX host. The autovlan setting controls auto provisioning.
The autovlan disable command disables auto provisioning, which prevents the creation or deletion of
VLANs regardless of VM activity. The allowed-vlan command specifies the VLANs that may be added
when a VM is added or moved. By default, all VLANs are allowed.
The no autovlan disable command enables the creation and deletion of VLANs caused by VM activity.
This is the default setting.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
autovlan disable
no autovlan disable
default autovlan disable
• This command disables dynamic VLAN creation or pruning within the configuration mode VM
Tracer session.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#autovlan disable
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• This command exits VM tracer mode.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
password [ENCRYPTTION] [password]
• ENCRYPTION encryption level of the password.
— <no parameter> password is a clear text string.
— 0 the password is a clear text string. Equivalent to <no parameter>.
— 7 the password is an encrypted string.
• password text that authenticates the username.
— password is a clear text string if ENCRYPTION specifies clear text
— password is an encrypted string if ENCRYPTION specifies an encrypted string.
This command configures 1234 as the clear text string that authorizes the username a-switch_01 to
the vCenter located at
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#username a-switch_01
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#password abcde
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show vmtracer interface [INT_NAME]
• INT_NAME the interfaces to be configured. Values include:
— <no parameter> Command displays data for all VM Tracer enabled interfaces.
— ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range. Valid e_range formats include a number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
— port-channel p_range Port Channel interface range. Valid p_range formats include a number,
number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the Vnics connected to all VM Tracer enabled interfaces.
switch#show vmtracer interface
Ethernet8 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status vmk0 0 Up/Down
vspheremanagement Network adapter 1 0 Up/Down
Ethernet15 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status
Openview Network adapter 1 123 Up/Down
VmTracerVm Network adapter 1 123 Down/Down
Ethernet23 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status
Ethernet24 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status
Ethernet8 :
VM Name VM Adapter VLAN Status vmk0 0 Up/Down
vspheremanagement Network adapter 1 0 Up/Down
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show vmtracer session [SESSION_LIST] [INFO_LEVEL]
• SESSION_LIST VM Tracer sessions for which the command returns information.
— <no parameter> all configured VM Tracers sessions.
— session_name name of one VM Tracer session.
• INFO_LEVEL specifies information that the command returns.
— <no parameter> command displays connection parameters and status for the vCenter
associated to the specified sessions.
— detail command displays connection status and data concerning messages the vCenter
previously received from ESX hosts connected to the switch.
• This command displays connection parameters for the vCenter associated to the system_1 session.
switch#show vmtracer session system_1
vCenter URL https://vmware-vcenter1/sdk
username arista
password arista
Session Status Disconnected
• This command displays connection parameters and message details from the vCenter associated to
the system_1 session.
switch#show vmtracer session system_1 detail
vCenter URL https://vmware-vcenter1/sdk
username arista
sessionState Connected
lastStateChange 19 days, 23:03:59 ago
lastMsgSent CheckForUpdatesMsg
timeOfLastMsg 19 days, 23:14:09 ago
resonseTimeForLastMsg 0.0
numSuccessfulMsg 43183
lastSuccessfulMsg CheckForUpdatesMsg
lastSuccessfulMsgTime 19 days, 23:14:19 ago
numFailedMsg 1076
lastFailedMsg CheckForUpdatesMsg
lastFailedMsgTime 19 days, 23:14:09 ago
lastErrorCode Error -1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"End of file or no input: Operation interrupted or timed out after 600s
send or 600s receive delay"
Detail: [no detail]
show vmtracer vm
The show vmtracer vm command displays VMs interfaces (Vnics) that are accessible to VM Tracer
enabled interfaces. For each active VM, the command displays the name of the VM, its adapter, and the
hypervisor to which it connects.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show vmtracer vm [INFO_LEVEL] [VM_LIST]
• INFO_LEVEL Specifies the information that the command returns.
— <no parameter> command displays connection parameters and status for the vCenter
associated to the specified sessions.
— detail command displays connection status and data concerning messages the vCenter
previously received from ESX hosts that received discovery packets from the switch.
• VM_LIST The virtual machines for which the command displays information. Options include:
— <no parameter> command returns information for all present VMs.
— vm_name command returns information only for specified VM.
• This command displays the VMs connected to all VM Tracer enabled interfaces.
switch#show vmtracer vm
VM Name VM Adapter Interface VLAN
Openview Network adapter 1 Et15 123
vspheremanagement Network adapter 1 Et8 0
VmTracerVm Network adapter 1 Et15 123 vmk0 Et8 0
• This command displays connection data for the VMs connected to all VM Tracer enabled interfaces.
switch#show vmtracer vm detail
VM Name Openview
intf : Et15
vnic : Network adapter 1
mac : 00:0c:29:ae:7e:90
portgroup : dvPortGroup
vlan : 123
switch : vds
host :
The url command specifies the vCenter server location that is monitored by the session being edited by
the current vmtracer mode. The command must reference a fully formed secure url.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
url url_name
• url_name location of the vCenter server. Valid formats include IP address (dotted decimal
notation) and fully qualified domain name.
• This command specifies the location of the vCenter monitored by the system_1 VM Tracer session.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
username name_string
• name_string vCenter account user name. Parameter must match the user name configured on the
This command configures the user name for the vCenter associated with the system_1 session. The
session uses this user name to log into the vCenter server.
switch(vmtracer-system_1)#username a-switch_01
The vmtracer command enables vmtracer mode on the configuration mode interface. Interfaces with
vmtracer mode enabled send discovery packets to the connected vSwitch.
The no vmtracer command disables vmtracer mode on the configuration mode interface.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
vmtracer HOST_TYPE
no vmtracer HOST_TYPE
• HOST_TYPE denotes type of the hypervisor that controls the vSwitch to which the interface
— vmware-esx ESX or ESXI hypervisor (VMware).
— xen this option is not currently supported.
• These commands enable vmtracer mode on Ethernet 3 interface.
switch(config)#interface Ethernet 3
switch(config-if-Et3)#vmtracer vmware-esx
• This command disables vmtracer mode on Ethernet 3 interface.
switch(config-if-Et3)#no vmtracer vmware-esx
vmtracer session
The vmtracer session command places the switch in vmtracer mode for the specified session. The
command creates a new session or loads an existing session for editing.
A VM Tracer session connects the switch to a vCenter server at a specified location, then download data
about VMs and vSwitches managed by ESX hosts connected to switch ports. The switch supports a
maximum of four VM Tracer sessions.
VM Tracer session parameters are configured in vmtracer mode. Parameters configured in vmtracer
mode include the vCenter location and dynamic VLAN usage.
VM Tracer mode commands include:
• allowed-vlan
• autovlan disable
• exit (vmtracer mode)
• password (vmtracer mode)
• url
• username (vmtracer mode)
The no vmtracer session and default vmtracer session commands disable the session and remove its
configuration from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
vmtracer session name
no vmtracer session name
default vmtracer session name
• name The label assigned to the VM Tracer session.
• This command enters vmtracer mode for the system_1 session.
switch(config)#vmtracer session system_1
• This command disables the system_1 VM Tracer session. The system_1 session and all of its
parameters are removed from running-config.
switch(config)#no vmtracer session system_1
This chapter describes Arista’s implementation of sFlow, including configuration instructions and
command descriptions. Topics covered by this chapter include:
• Section 23.1: sFlow Conceptual Overview
• Section 23.2: Configuration Procedures
• Section 23.3: SFlow Configuration Commands
The following lists describe sFlow's sampling behavior relative to different packet types:
• Packets that are sampled:
— Bridged frames (to switchports, cpu)
— Routed packets (except ip options and mtu violations)
— Flooded packets
— Multicast packets
• Packets that are not sampled:
— LACP frames
— LLDP frames
— IGMP packets
— PAUSE frames
— PIM_HELLO packets
— CRC error frames
— Packets dropped by ACLs or due to VLAN violations
— Routed packets with ip options or mtu violations
• The following command allocates 64 k buffer space to mini-multicast buffers:
switch(config)#platform petraA buffers mini-multicast 65536
! Command will cause interfaces to flap (links will go down/up).
Proceed with command? [confirm]y
The default setting is 8192 (8 k). Executing this command disrupts traffic on all switch ports.
• This command configures the switch to send sFlow data to collectors at, port 6100
and port 6343 (the default sFlow port).
switch(config)#sflow destination 6100
switch(config)#sflow destination
• This command configures as the sFlow source address.
switch(config)#sflow source
The sflow source-interface command can be alternatively used to specifies the interface from which an
IP address is derived that the switch places in all sFlow datagrams that it sends to the collector. This
address is normally set to an IP address configured on the switch.
• This command configures VLAN interface 25 as the sFlow source interface. The switch enters
the IP address for VLAN 25 in the source field of sFlow datagrams.
switch(config)#sflow source
running-config cannot simultaneously contain sflow source and sflow source-interface commands.
• This command configures the switch to send sFlow data every ten seconds.
switch(config)#sflow polling-interval 10
• This command configures the sFlow sampling rate as 65536 (one per 65,536 packets).
switch(config)#sFlow sample 65536
Enabling sFlow
The sflow run command globally enables sFlow on the switch. The sflow enable command controls
sFlow operation on Ethernet and port channel interfaces when sFlow is globally enabled. The sflow
enable command has no effect when sFlow is globally disabled.
• These commands enable sFlow on the switch, then disables sFlow on Ethernet interface 10.
switch(config)#sflow run
switch(config)#interface ethernet 10
switch(config-if-Et10)#no sflow enable
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear sflow counters
• This command resets the sFlow counters.
Switch(config)#clear sflow counters
sflow destination
The sflow destination command specifies an sFlow collector IP address and UDP port. The switch
supports sFlow collector addresses through multiple sFlow destination commands in running-config.
The no sflow destination and default sflow destination commands remove the specified sFlow
collector IP address by deleting the corresponding sflow destination command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow destination dest_addr [UDP_PORT]
no sflow destination dest_addr [UDP_PORT]
default sflow destination dest_addr [UDP_PORT]
• dest_addr sflow collector’s IP address.
• UDP_PORT sFlow collector’s data reception port\. Options include:
— <No parameter> port number 6343 (default).
— port_num port number. Values range from 0 to 65536.
• This command configures the switch to send sFlow data to the collector located at; the
collector receives the data through UDP port 6100.
switch(config)#sflow destination 6100
sflow enable
The sflow enable command enables sFlow on the configuration mode interface when sFlow is globally
enabled. By default, sFlow is enabled on individual interfaces when sFlow is globally enabled (sflow
run). The sflow enable command is required only when running-config contains a no sflow enable
statement for the specified interface.
The no sflow enable command disables sFlow on the configuration mode interface. When sFlow is
globally disabled, this command persists in running-config but has no effect on switch operation.
The default sflow enable command removes the corresponding no sflow enable command from
running-config, enabling sFlow capability on the interface.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-Channel Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow enable
no sflow enable
default sflow enable
• These commands enable sFlow on the switch and disable sFlow on Ethernet interface 12.
switch(config)#sflow run
switch(config)#interface ethernet 12
switch(config-if-Et12)#no sflow enable
• This command removes the no sflow enable command for Ethernet interface 12 from
running-config, enabling sFlow on the interface whenever sFlow is globally enabled.
switch(config-if-Et12)#sflow enable
sflow polling-interval
The sflow polling-interval command specifies the counter’s polling interval. The switch uses this
interval to schedule a port’s counter data transmissions to the sFlow collector.
The default interval is two seconds.
The no sflow polling-interval and default sflow polling-interval commands revert the polling interval
to the default of two seconds by removing the sflow polling-interval command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow polling-interval interval_period
no sflow polling-interval
default sflow polling-interval
• interval_period polling interval (seconds). Values range from 0 to 3600 (60 minutes). Default is 2.
• This command configures the switch to send sFlow counter data every ten seconds.
switch(config)#sflow polling-interval 10
sflow run
The sflow run command globally enables sFlow on the switch. The default sFlow global setting is
disabled. sFlow cannot be enabled on individual interfaces when it is globally disabled.
The sflow enable interface configuration command controls sFlow operation on individual Ethernet
and port channel interfaces when sFlow is globally enabled. When sFlow is enabled globally, sFlow is
also enabled on all interfaces by default.
The no sflow run and default sflow run commands globally disable sFlow on the switch.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow run
no sflow run
default sflow run
• This command enables sFlow on the switch.
switch(config)#sflow run
• This command globally disables sFlow.
switch(config)#no sflow run
sflow sample
The sflow sample command sets the packet sampling rate. The packet sampling rate defines the average
number of ingress packets that pass through an interface for every packet that is sampled. A rate of
16384 corresponds to an average sample of one per 16,384 packets.
The no sflow sample and default sflow sample commands reset the packet sampling rate to the default
of 1,048,576 by removing the sflow sample command from the configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow sample SAMPLE_RATE
no sflow sample
default sflow sample
• SAMPLE_RATE size of the packet sample from which one packet is selected. Default sample size
is 1048576 (220) packets. Options include:
• This command configures the sFlow sampling rate as 65536 (one per 65,536 packets).
switch(config)#sFlow sample 65536
• This command configures the sFlow sampling rate as 256 (one per 256 packets).
switch(config)#sFlow sample dangerous 256
sflow source
The sflow source command specifies the address that is listed as the source in all sFlow datagrams that
the switch sends to the collector. The source address is normally set to an IP address configured on the
switch. This command cannot be used if running-config contains an sflow source-interface command.
The no sflow source and default sflow source commands remove the sflow source command from
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow source source_addr
no sflow source
default sflow source
• source_addr source IP address (dotted decimal notation).
• This command configures as the sFlow source address.
switch(config)#sflow source
sflow source-interface
The sflow source-interface command specifies the interface from which the sFlow source IP address is
derived. The switch enters the interface’s IP address as the source in sFlow datagrams that it sends to
the collector. This command cannot be used if running-config contains an sflow source command.
The no sflow source-interface and default sflow source-interface commands remove the sflow
source-interface command from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sflow source-interface INT_NAME
no sflow source-interface
default sflow source-interface
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
— <no parameter> resets counters for all interfaces.
— interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
— interface loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
— interface management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
— interface port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
— interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
• This command configures the sFlow source address as the IP address assigned to the loopback
switch(config)#sflow source-interface loopback 0
show sflow
The show sflow command displays configured sFlow parameters, operational status, and statistics.
The show sflow interfaces command displays the interfaces where sFlow is enabled.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show sflow [INFO_LEVEL]
• INFO_LEVEL Specifies the information that the command displays: Options include:
— <No Parameter> displays base information
— detail displays base information plus hardware sampling status and number of discarded
• This command displays the base sFlow information.
Switch(config)#show sflow
Warning: displaying counters that may be stale
sFlow Configuration
Destination IP:
Destination Port: 6343 ( default )
Source IP: ( default )
Sample Rate: 16384
Polling Interval (sec): 2.0 ( default )
Running: Yes
Polling On: Yes ( default )
Sampling On: Yes ( default )
Send Datagrams: No ( default )
Hardware Sample Rate: 16384
Total Packets: 20334189
Number of Samples: 1201
Sample Pool: 19677184
Hardware Trigger: 1205
Number of Datagrams: 356
Running: Yes
Polling On: Yes ( default )
Sampling On: Yes ( default )
Send Datagrams: No ( default )
Hardware Sample Rate: 16384
Hardware Sampling On: No
Total Packets: 20334189
Number of Samples: 1201
Sample Pool: 19677184
Hardware Trigger: 1205
Number of Datagrams: 356
Number of Samples Discarded: 0
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show sflow interfaces
This command displays the show sflow interface message when sFlow is globally disabled.
Switch#show sflow interfaces
sFlow Interface (s):
sFlow is not running
This command displays the show sflow interface message when sFlow is globally enabled and enabled
on all interfaces.
Switch(config)#sflow run
Switch(config)#show sflow interfaces
sFlow Interface (s):
802.1Q. a networking standard that allows multiple bridged networks to transparently share the
same physical network link without information leakage between networks. IEEE 802.1Q is also
known as VLAN Tagging,
Access Control List (ACL). a list of attributes that routers use to filter network traffic when
forwarding or blocking packets.
Bash. a Unix software shell.
Autonomous system (AS). A set of routers under a single administration.
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). an Internet routing protocol that maintains a table of IP networks
(prefixes) that designate network reachability among autonomous systems.
Broadcast Storm. extreme amounts of broadcast traffic that can consume enough network
resources to prevent the network from transporting normal traffic.
class of service. a 3 bit field within an frame header that specifies a priority value of between 0 and
7 that Quality of Service (QoS) disciplines use to differentiate traffic.
Control Plane. the router architecture component that is concerned with drawing the network
map, or the routing table information that defines the processing of inbound packets.
Control Plane Policing. a service that limits the rate of CPU bound control plane traffic to protect
the CPU from unnecessary or denial of service traffic and gives priority to important control plane
and management traffic.
Data Center Bridging Exchange (DCBX). a discovery and capability exchange protocol that
conveys configuration and attribute information between network devices to ensure consistent
configuration across the network.
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP). is a network protocol that hosts use, as DHCP clients, to
retrieve IP address assignments and other configuration information.
Extensible Operating System (EOS). the network operating system that provides the interface
between Arista switch hardware and the software controlling the switch and managing the
Equal Cost Multi-Path Routing (ECMP). a routing strategy that balances traffic over multiple
paths designated by routing metric calculations.
Forced Autonegotiation. the configuration of a port to limit the speed to which it negotiate.
In Service Software Update (ISSU). a feature that allows updates to router software without
disrupting packet forwarding.
Jumbo Frame. frames with more than 1,500 bytes of payload.
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). a tunneling protocol that supports virtual private networks
Link Aggregation Protocol (LAP). a protocol that combines multiple ports in parallel to increase
the link speed beyond the limits of any single port or to increase the redundancy for higher
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). a Data Link Layer protocol that network devices use to
advertising of their identity, capabilities, and interconnections on local area networks.
Local Authentication. a method of providing authentication and authorization services for users
that does not require accessing a remote device.
MAC Security. a switch feature that limits the number of MAC addresses that may appear on a
port to a user-specified limit – typically one or two addresses.
Multicast Services. the simultaneous delivery of information to a group of destinations where
messages are delivered over each link of the network only once and data is copied only when the
links to the multiple destinations split.
Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation Protocol (MLAG). a method of configuring ports belonging to
two cooperating switches such that they appear, to external devices, as an ordinary link
aggregation group.
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP). an extension of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol that
accommodates multiple VLAN groups.
Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF). a link-state routing protocol used by Internet Protocol
(IP) networks to route packets solely within a single routing domain.
Per-VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree (PVRST). an extension of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol that
deploys a spanning tree for each VLAN.
Port Mirroring. a facility that sends a copy of network packets seen on one switch port to a
network monitoring connection on another switch port.
Priority Flow Control (PFC). a link level flow control mechanism that is independently
controllable for each Class of Service (CoS).
Quality of Service (QoS). a resource reservation control mechanism that provides different
priorities to different applications, users, or data flows to guarantee specific performance levels or
attributes to a data flow.
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP). an extension of the Spanning Tree Protocol that provides
for faster spanning tree convergence after a topology change.
Remote Authentication Dial-In Service (RADIUS). a networking protocol that provides
centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) management for computers
accessing a network service.
Secure Shell (SSH). a network protocol that facilitates data exchanges through a secure channel
between two network devices.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). a UDP-based network protocol used to monitor
network-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention.
Spanning Tree Protocol. a link layer network protocol that ensures a loop-free topology for any
bridged LAN.The protocol creates a spanning tree within a mesh network of connected layer-2
bridges (typically switches) and disables links that are not part of the spanning tree to leave a
single active path between any two network nodes.
Static Routing. the assignment of fixed network addresses to routers and other network devices.
Storm Control. a feature where a switch intentionally ceases forwarding all broadcast traffic when
inbound broadcast frames consume a designated threshold bandwidth.
tcpdump. a common packet analyzer that intercepts and displays TCP/IP and other packets
transmitted or received over a network to which the computer is attached.
Terminal Access Conroller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+). a protocol that provides
separate authentication, authorization and accounting services for routers, network access
servers, and other network devices through one or more centralized servers.
traceroute. a network tool that displays the routes taken by packets across an IP network.
tunneling. a method of sending payload over incompatible or untrusted networks by
encapsulating data with a delivery protocol supported by the network.
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). a group of switches and routers that communicate as if they
are attached to the same broadcast domain, regardless of their physical location.
virtual private networks (VPN). a computer network that is layered on top of an underlying
network. Data travelling through a VPN is encapsulated from underlying network traffic.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). a redundancy protocol that increases the availability
of default gateway servicing hosts on the same subnet through the definition of a virtual router.
Two or more physical routers are configured to stand for the virtual router, with one actively
routing packets and the others on standby in case of failure.
Data Center Bridging Exchange, DCBX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
DCS-7050Q-16, port configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
dead interval (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
deadtime (RADIUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
default route to gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
designated bridge, DB (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
designated port, DP (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
designated router priority (PIM-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
designated router, DR (PIM-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
DHCP Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
DHCP server (ZTP configuration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Differentiated Service Code Point, DSCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
directory structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
F IBGP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see internal BGP
IEEE 802.1ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 290
factory default configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
fallback (LACP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256, 259 IEEE 802.1Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 289
IGMP . . . . . . . . . . . . see Internet Group Management Protocol
fan modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
IGMP snooping
fan status, viewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
fast dropping (multicast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732 commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778–810
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740–743
FAT file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
IGMP profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
image file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see EOS image Link Aggregation Control Protocol, LACP
In Service Software Update (ISSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264–266, 275–282
insufficient fan shutdown condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258–260
interface configuration command modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 256
interface cost (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 fallback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256, 259
interface status (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
internal BGP, IBGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643 Link Aggregation Group, LAG
internal neighbors (BGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
internal ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 see also port channel
internal router, IR (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Link Layer Discovery Protocol, LLDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
internal spanning tree instance, ISTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 link state advertisements, LSA (OSPF)
internal VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291, 296 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
Internet Group Management Protocol, IGMP LSA filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .760–777 LSA overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .736–738 link state database, LSDB (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .733 link trap generation (SNMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
enabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .736 Linux Bash CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .733 Linux syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
IGMP profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see IGMP Snooping listening state (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
snooping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see IGMP Snooping LLDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Link Layer Discovery Protocol
intra-area distance (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 local file (security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
IP access control list local interface (MLAG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380 local preference (BGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
see also access control list, ACL local time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
IP address-mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 location string (SNMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
IP address-wildcard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 login banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
IP prefix list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 loop guard (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
IP route status (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 LSA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see link state advertisements
isolated VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
ISTI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see internal spanning tree instance
MAC access control list
J rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
join message (PIM-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739 see also access control list, ACL
jumbo frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MAC address table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
MAC addresses
dynamic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
static . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
K MAC Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
keepalive message (MLAG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
MAC-ACL configuration command mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
keystrokes, cursor movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Management Information Base, MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
management interface
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
L description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
LACP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Link Aggregation Control Protocol management port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 34, 49
LAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Link Aggregation Group manager (SNMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
LANZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Latency Analyzer mask, address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
LANZ protocol buffer schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 master router (VRRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
last member query (IGMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737 max-age (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
last member query response interval (IGMP) . . . . . . . . . . . 733 max-age bridge timer (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Latency Analyzer, LANZ max-hop (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .876–886 max-hop bridge timer (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .870–872 membership query (IGMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
congestion events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .871 membership query interval (IGMP snooping) . . . . . . . . . . . 742
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .869–870 membership query response interval (IGMP snooping) . . 742
Google protocol buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .874 membership report (IGMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
LANZ protocol buffer schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .875 Message-Digest authentication (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
streaming LANZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .872–875 MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see multicast expansion table
layer 2 features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Management Information Base
layer 3 features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 MLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation
learning state (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 mode (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 modular ports, referencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
more boot-config (command) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
motd banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode, PIM-SM RIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Routing Inforation Protocol
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .811–830 robustness variable (snooping IGMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .738–739 root account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .734–735 root bridge, RB (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
enabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .736 root guard (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
protocol specific command modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 root port, RP (STP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
provisioning the switch round robin queue (Qos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 route aggregation (BGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Zero Touch Provisioning route assignments (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
prune message (PIM-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739 route map
clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392–395
Q creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
q-in-q network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Quality of Service
route-map configuration command mode . . . . . . . 392
QSFP+ modules route reflectors (BGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659, 660, 689
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219–220
route summaries (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
ethernet interface configuration . . . . . . . . . . . .224, 226
routed port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
switch models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 router dead interval (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
Quality of Service, QoS
router ID (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .551–571
router priority (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545–550 router-BGP configuration command mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
CoS rewrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .538
router-OSPF configuration command mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
data fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .537
router-RIP configuration mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 537–544 Routing Information Protocol, RIP
platform specific implementations . . . . . . . . . .539–544 commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717–728
port settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .537
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714–716
port shaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .538
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 713
port trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545 redistributing routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
traffic classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .538
router-RIP configuration command mode . . . . . . . 714
transmit queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .538
timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
querier (IGMP snooping) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741 RP tree (PIM-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
querier address (IGMP snooping) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
RSTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
queriers (IGMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
question mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see ? description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
queue shaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
displaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
queue-monitor streaming configuration mode . . . . . . . . . 873
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
RADIUS . . . . . see Remote Authentication Dial In User Service sample rate (sFlow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
Rapid Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol, Rapid-PVST . . 466
scheduler, CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, RSTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 466
SCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Rapid-PVST . . . see Rapid Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol secondary addresses (VRRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
rate limit, BPDU (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
secondary VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
recovery procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37–40, 181
secure shell, SSH
redistributing routes accessing EOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
BGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .697
connection management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
OSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .625
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
RIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723 serial port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 49
redistributing static routes (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
server access keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
redundancy, power supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
server group (AAA)
region (MSTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
regular expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
server-group configuration mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
reload (command) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
server-group configuration mode commands . . . . 103
reload delay period (MLAG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 service list (AAA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service, RADIUS . 26, 86
service provider VLAN (q-in-q network) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
rendezvous point, RP (PIM-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734, 738
session (VM Tracer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888
reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 sFlow
restartability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910–921
retransmit (RADIUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908–909
retransmit interval (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905–907
reverse path forwarding, RPF (OSPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
wildcard, IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
write memory (command) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Zero Touch Provisioning, ZTP
cancelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
provisioning the switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182
ZTP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Zero Touch Provisioning