An Exploratory Study On The Benefits of Quality Accreditation: Financial Impact and Chief Executive Officer Perspectives
An Exploratory Study On The Benefits of Quality Accreditation: Financial Impact and Chief Executive Officer Perspectives
An Exploratory Study On The Benefits of Quality Accreditation: Financial Impact and Chief Executive Officer Perspectives
ABSTRACT India, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Health Care
Providers accreditation.
Little systematic evidence exists in published literature about
the net financial impact of the process of quality accreditation How to cite this article: Thomas A, Raghunath S, Rana BK,
on hospitals that have undergone the process. This explor- Nagpal S. An Exploratory Study on the Benefits of Quality
atory study aims to explore the financial impact of undergoing Accreditation: Financial Impact and Chief Executive Officer
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Health Care Perspectives. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm
Providers (NABH) accreditation in Indian hospitals, based on 2017;5(2):60-67.
chief executive officers (CEOs’) perspectives and the financial
outcomes perceived by them. The attempt has been to provide Source of support: This study was funded by World Bank.
a qualitative assessment of the costs and benefits of NABH Conflict of interest: None
accreditation on the financial health of the organization. As
there were no leading studies to reference that could emulate
the data available in the Indian context, the study team devel-
oped a set of financial indicators that could be collected from
The health care sector in India is fairly heterogeneous
in itself, and also caters to large and varied segments of
society. A wide range of health care providers exist in the
NABH-accredited hospitals. A total of 14 hospitals in Delhi,
Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Mysuru, Surat, and Chennai
were included in the study. The CEOs of participating hospitals
perceived that the NABH accreditation has been beneficial
to their organization and that the overall quality of care for mixed public and private health system of the country.
patients within their organizations has improved. In addition,
The public health system is characterized by a tiered
they also confirmed improved awareness of statutory compli-
ances, and of staff responses to emergencies, such as fire and structure ranging from primary health centers to tertiary
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and that data and evidence- hospitals. Likewise, the private health sector consists of a
based decision-making have helped in managing the facility
broad spectrum ranging from informal individual pro-
better. The study suggests that the delivery of health care was
positively influenced by NABH accreditation. The exploratory viders to highly renowned and often globally recognized
study also highlights the factors that may contribute to positive health care institutions, and includes nongovernment
financial outcomes for hospitals. Specifically in terms of finan- organization-operated health care services as well as
cial outcomes, the study has found that the income per used for-profit hospitals owned by individuals, partnerships,
bed shows an increasing trend after the accreditation period.
This may suggest medium- to long-term financial benefits to and corporate entities.
hospitals undergoing NABH accreditation. Despite years of strong economic growth and
Keywords: Chief executive officer perspective, Economic increased health spending by the government in the
impact, Financial impact, Financial outcomes, Health care in 11th 5-Year Plan period, the total spending on health care
in 2013 to 2014 in the country was about 4.02% of gross
domestic product (GDP).1 The government spending on
1President and Former Consultant, 2Professor, 3Former Director health care in India is only 1.15% of GDP. This is 3.8% of
Senior Health Specialist total government expenditure and accounts for 28.6% of
Association of Health Care Providers, New Delhi, India; World
total health spending. This translates in absolute terms
Bank, New Delhi, India
to INR 1,042 per capita at current market prices.2 Global
Department of Corporate Strategy and Policy, Indian Institute
evidence on health spending shows that, unless a country
of Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Health Care spends at least 5 to 6% of its GDP on health with govern-
, ment expenditure being a major part, basic health care
Providers New Delhi, India
4 Department of Global Practice on Health, Nutrition and needs are seldom met.3
Population, World Bank, Washington, District of Columbia, USA The overall Union Health Budget proposed in 2017
Corresponding Author: Alexander Thomas, President and has increased from INR 39,879 crore (1.97% of total Union
Former Consultant, Association of Health Care Providers Budget) to INR 48,878 crore (2.27% of total Union Budget).
New Delhi, India; World Bank, New Delhi, India, India, Phone: This is in line with the plan to increase health expenditure
l i
+919483345050, e-mai : alexthomas.ahp by the government as a percentage of GDP to 2.5% by