Lnterte Course Gas Vapou: Multi
Lnterte Course Gas Vapou: Multi
Lnterte Course Gas Vapou: Multi
Course : Gas,Vapour
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Ver·: 3.4
t'Hll01ZO!ll9V LIOz ';na II NV::>S
Part 0 Standards
0.1 In which IEC standard would we find the a) IEC 60079- 10
Inspection and Maintenance information b) IEC 60079 - 14 . ,
relating to hazardous areas? c) IEC 60079- 17 v
d) BS EN 60079 - 20
0.2 With the standard number 60079- 14 we a) The standards are completely identical.
can find two prefices BSEN or IEC, which b) BSEN is for gas and IEC is for dust.
of the following would be correct. c) BSEN is more up to date
d) They are considered identical apart from a
couple of annexes. ,_/
0.6 What was ATEX 95 intended to do? a) Improve trade by removing technical V
barriers to trade for equipment
b) Ensure health and safety of workers at risk
from explosive atmospheres.
c) Prevent the misuse of equipment provided
for health and safety or welfare.
d) Employ competent people in explosive
Ver: 3.4 2
t>Hll0ll0919V Ll0l'3a(l ll NV::>S
Part 1 General
1.1 "Ignition surfaces will not exceed the a) Lower Explosive Limit
temperature appropriate to the T rating in b) Flash point
normal or specified conditions of use". c) Upper Explosive Limit
What does this statement relate to? d) Temperature Classification -,/
Ver: 3.4 3
t>HllOllO~>I9V LlOZ'Ja<IllNV.:>S
1.17 If equipment is marked Ex e II T6. In a) Equipment cannot be used with any gases
which area of gas group can the b) Equipment can only be used in IIA gas
equipment be used? area
c) Equipment can be used with all gases
above ground
d) Equipment can be used in IIA & liB gas
areas only.
Ve r: 3.4 4
t'HllOllO!ll9V LIOz ';na II NV::>S
Part 2 Ex Equipment
2.1 A component is cerlified for use by a a) X
notified body who will issue an ATEX b) B
certificate. The certificate number will end c) s
with which letter? d) u v
2.2 An item of certified apparatus has a a) Safe to use in any hazardous area
certificate number shown as b) Ingress protection has been applied.
12ATEX0056X. What does the X mean? c) Special installation conditions apply v
d) Component certified part
Ver: 3.4 5
t>Hll0ll0919V Ll0l'3a(l ll NV::>S
2.11 If zones deal with the probability of the a) The risk assessment of the ignition and the t/
material to create a hazardous area. consequences.
What do EPL's deal with? b) The volume of material released into the
c) The group of gasses released into t11e area
d) The temperature classification of the
materials in the area.
Part 3 Ex d
3.1 With Ex d Equipment which of the following a) Equipment contains no flammable gas
statements is correct? b) No fire or explosion will enter the
c) An internal explosion will not ignite the V
external atmosphere of the enclosure.
d) The enclosure will transmit an explosion
to the surrounding atmosphere
3.2 What is the purpose of a flamepath joint on a) To improve the strength to the enclosure ~
Ex d equipment? b) To stop the transmission of the internal V"'
explosion to the external atmosphere.
c) To stop water getting in and
contaminating electrical equipment.
d) To stop hazardous gas getting in and
contaminating electrical equipment.
3.3 What is the generally recomm ended a) All bolts to Torque tight (25kgfm)
Ver: 3.4 6
tHll0ll0~19V LlOl';U (lHNV::>S
minimum procedure for bolting down b) 50% of the bolts are hand tight /
covers of Ex d equipment in a hazardous c) All cover bolts are spanner tight V
area? d) 50% of the bolts are hand tight + ~ turn
tool tight
3.5 If performing a maintenance task on Ex d a) Fit all the bolts on the cover spanner ~
type of equipment in a zone 2 area and you tight and check gaps.
need to power up to test. What would be the b) Leave cover off and apply a danger
minimum requirements? notice.
c) Fit all the bolts on the cover hand tight
and apply danger signs.
d) Fit bolts in the corners tool tight.
Ver: 3.4 7
t'Hll01ZO!ll9V LIOz ';na II NV::>S
Part 4 Ex e
4. 1 If a motor rotor jams the time to a) 8 Seconds
disconnection for a stalled motor when b) tE time ~
resta1ied from hot is defined as? c) Start-up time
d) T rating
4.3 What is the purpose of the tE time on an a) To allow the motor to heat up above the
Ex e motor rating data plate? T rating.
b) To allow the motor time to start
c) To keep the motor temperature within in V
the T rating.
d) To show the motor will spark during
4.4 What does the manufacturing standard a) Not allowed in normal service. V
definition of increased safety say about b) Allowed in normal operation.
sparks and arcs within an Ex e enclosure? c) Allowed in specified abnormal conditions.
d) Will limit the energy of the spark/arc
4.6 Some Ex n & Ex e Certified luminares a) Fluorescent lamps are not permitted.
have limitations or restrictions for the b) Screw type lamps are not permitted.
fitting lamps. Of the following statements, c) Non-Conductive end caps are not
which is correct? permitted with equipment.
d) Non-Conductive end caps or pins with
conductive coating are not permitted
un 1ess tested with the equipment. ~
Ver: 3.4 8
t'HllOllO~>I9V LlOZ ':>a([ ll NV:JS
Part 5 Ex n
5.1 According the manufacturing standard, Ex n a) I.P. 66
equipment should maintain a minimum IP b) I.P. 54 V
rating where there are bare live conductors. c) I.P. 44
Which of the following is the correct rating? d) I.P. 20
5.2 Which of the following places can you install a) Place requiring EPL Ga, Gb & Gc
equipment marked as Ex n? (Cat 1G, 2G, 3G).
b) Place requiring EPL Gb & Gc (Cat 2G
& 3G).
c) Place requiring EPL Gc (Cat 3G). (./""
d) Place requiring EPL Ga & Gb (Cat
1G & 2G).
5.7 With Ex nR fittings it is important to keep the a) Fit an additional rubber seal to the t,/
integrity of the fitting of restricted breathing. cover.
Which of the following is used to achieve the b) Fit metal washer to gland with no seal
requirement? washer.
c) Apply glue to the gland thread before
tightening entry.
d) Fit a metal washer the rubber seal
washer before tightening the gland to
the entry.
5.8 Some luminaries are fitted with non- a) Do not fit lamps.
conductive lamp pins with conductive coating. b) Lamps must be over rated.
What does the standard suggest about the
lamps to be fitted?
c) Lamps
must be tested with v
d) Lamps must be de-rated for
Ver: 3.4 9
tHll0ll0~19V LlOl';U (lHNV::>S
Part 6 Ex p
6.1 Ex p enclosure can be used in an explosive a) Equipment can be pressurised using
atmosphere. Which statement correctly 100% oxygen. /
describes this method of protection? b) The safe/protective gas, air will be drawn V '/
from a defined non-hazardous area
c) The safe gas pressure inside will be 0.5
Bar grea ter than the external pressure of
the enclosure.
d) The purge will last for 5 minutes before ~
power can be applied to internal ~
6.3 Where I have the protection type Ex px a) No purge is required during start up. V
using continuous flow of the safe/protective b) A warning label is required on doors with
gas which is Nitrogen. Which of the Nitrogen filled enclosures
following statements which is correct? c) No locks are required on doors with
Nitrogen filled enclosures.
d) When the purge is complete the exhaust
damper will close. v
6.4 The method of protection Ex d is very a) Keep flammable gas inside the enclosure
different to Ex p. What is the purpose of an from the external atmosphere.
Ex p enclosure? b) Stop the transmission of an internal
explosion to the external atmosphere.
c) Not to allow arcs or sparks inside the
d) Stop flammable gas from getting inside ~
the enclosure from the external
Ver: 3.4 10
Part 8 Installation
8.1 With the exception of IS circuits aluminium a) 10mm
cable should be avoided , but if used its b) 6mm 2
Cross Sectional Area CSA must be greater c) 4mm 2
than or equal? d) 16mm
8.2 From the IEC 60079- 14 standard, what is a) To understand the basic requirements V"
consider essential for all workers to have an for working in a hazardous area.
understanding of for working in a hazardous b) No knowledge is required of hazardous
area. Which of the following is correct? areas.
c) To have a vast knowledge of hazardous
d) To have had a company induction for the
electrical safety.
Ver: 3.4 11
tHll0ll0~19V L lOl';U (ll[ NV::>S
8.5 From the IEC 60079-1 4 standard, a) Detailed knowledge of the principles
Technicians installing equipment in employed in the selection & erection of
hazardous areas must have minimum equipment.
requirements of knowledge. Which of the b) To have familiarity with particular
following is correct? techniques employed in the selection & ~
erection of equipment
c) The practical skills for the inspection &
maintenance of the types of protection.
d) Detailed knowledge for the design of
protection types and systems.
8.6 The !EC Standard states plastic covered a) The plastic covering can have an
cable tray can build up static electricity. How insulation resistance greater than 1G-
can this effect be reduced? ohm.
b) Earth the cable tray.
c) Increase the surface area of the plastic
coated cable tray.
d) Reduce the surface area of the plastic
coated cable tray. v
8.7 If an E1 W gland has an 'X' on the certificate a) The gland is not certified and can be
number what does this mean? used on portable equipment only.
b) The gland is only for use on fixed
equipment and requires additional
clamping to support the cable.
c) The gland is made from plastic materia l.
d) The gland is certified for use with other
equipment which must also have an X
8.8 a) EEx e
What would be the minimum gland b) EEx d Barrier
selection for an EEx d liB T6, Junction box? c) EEx n.
d) EEx d Universal v
8.9 a) Square, extruded bedding.
Generally cables are requ ired to be b) Circular, compact extruded bedding,
appropriate for the environment they are fillers if any are to be hygroscopic.
installed into. For Ex d equipment, which of c) Circular, compact extruded bedding,
the following would also apply? Cable to be fillers if any are to be non-hygroscopic.
d) Any type or shape t/
8. 10 If you are to test electrical equipment in a a) EEx d certified equipment.
hazardous area, what must you have b) EEx e certified equipment.
before starting work? c) Valid gas free certificatev
d) No tools that spark .
Ver: 3.4 12
t5lll0ll0~19V LlOZ'Ja<I 11 NV::>S
8.13 To improve the ingress protection of the a) Apply non setting grease to flange gap V
flanged flameproof equipment, various b) Apply grease tape into flange gap.
methods can be employed. Which of the c) Make and apply a rubber seal to gap.
following is correct method? d) Apply glue to flange gap.
8.15 The l.P. rating can be improved on EEx d a) Non hardening tape in the flange gap.
flange joint equipment by the installer. Out b) Paint the flange face surfaces.
of the following methods which would be c) Apply non setting grease to flange face V
correct to apply? surfaces.
d) The addition of a rubber gasket
8.17 Pressure piling is caused by which of the a) Not fitting all of the cover bolts.
following? b) Applying a higher than rated Voltage or
c) Unauthorised inlerna l modification to the /
interior layout of Ex d equipment
d) Drilling a hole in the enclosure base.
8.18 Which gland should be fitted on an EEx "d" a) EEx d barrier gland V
svvitch in a Zone 2 area where Acetylene b) Non-certified Gland
(IIC) may be present? c) EEx d gland
d) EEx e gland
Ver: 3.4 13
t>Hll0ll0919V Ll0l'3a(l ll NV::>S
8.22 Which of the following statements would a) Use any sealants in flame paths
be authorised to be performed on Ex d b) Change the layout of components V
equipment? internally
c) Drill a hole on any part of the Ex d
d) Fit an Ex d threaded adaptor to a non
metric (NPT) screw entry hole.
8.27 For installation in hazardous areas a) Have practical skills necessary for the J
technicians are required to have a level of installation of the relevant concepts of
competency. Which statement is correct? protection.
b) Have skills to inspect electrical
c) Have detailed knowledge of all the
concepts of protection.
d) Have some practical skills.
Ver: 3.4 14
t!illl01ZOD19V LlOZ'33 «llNV:>S
8.30 With an Ex p system used in a place a) Alarm and immediate action taken to
requiring EPL Gb (Cat 2G) what would be restore the integrity of the system.
considered safe action if the enclosure b) Internal pressurisation is not required.
contained ignition capable apparatus c) Alarm only.
when it lost pressure. d) Alarm and automatic switch off for
internal apparatus. v-
8.31 With an Ex p system used in a place a) Alarm and immediate action taken to
requiring EPL Gc (Cat 3G) what would be restore the integrity of the system.
considered safe action if the enclosure b) v
Internal pressurisation is not required.
contained no ignition capable apparatus c) Alarm only.
when it lost pressure. d) Alarm and automatic switch off for
interna l apparatus.
8.32 Where an Ex p system contains no ignition a) Spark particle barrier is not required.
capable equipment and the enclosure is in b) Spark particle barrier is required.
a place requiring EPL Gc (Cat 3G). If the c) Exhaust into an area where there is no
exhaust duct is located in the hazardous ignition source.
area, Which statement is correct? d) Exhaust into safe area can only be
Part 9 IS
9.1 What is the minimum clearance distance a) 3 mm
between an IS circuit conductor and an b) 6 mm
earth conductor? c) 4 mm
d) 2 mm
9.2 What is the purpose of safety barriers, a) To allow high currents in the hazardous
such as a zener barrier in an IS circuit for a area.
hazardous area? b) To limit the energy transferred into the
hazardous area.
c) To stop high voltages entering the
hazardous area only.
d) To stop flammable gas entering into the
hazardous area.
Ver: 3.4 15
t>Hll0ll0~19V LlOz ';n<IllNV::>S
9.4 Intrinsically safe cables are contained a) Both cables must to be armoured
on the same cable tray as non- b) IS and Non-IS cables cannot travel on the
intrinsically safe cables, what can be same cable tray
done to maintain safety to the minimum c) No cables need to be armoured.
standard? d) Only one of the cables needs to be
armoured, metal sheathed or screened.
9.11 In general, when installing a n IS circuit a) Connect IS earth to any earthed location
using a galvanic barrier, what are the b) Connect IS earth to Dirty (Cabinet) earth.
requirements for the IS dedicated earth, c) Does not require an IS dedicated Earth.
unless otherwise directed? d) Connect 1/S earth at both ends
Ver: 3.4 16
t>HllOllO~H9V LlOt ':u a ll NV.:>S
9.20 Where we have an IS circui t, what a) Earth screen at one end only.
must be done to the screens within a b) Connect screen to earth as per
junction box which has a th roug h documentation .
connection of the screens? c) Do not through connect screen.
d) Connect screen to armour of cable.
Ver: 3.4 17
t>Hll0ll0~)19V LlOt ':u a ll NV.:>S
9.23 If there is zener barrier equipment a) Remove and test continuity between input
marked [Ex ia] IIC supplying a and output.
hazardous area. If the equipment is b) Measure the between input & output of the
considered faulty how should it be barrier.
tested safely? c) Measure the input to the barrier.
d) Perform an ln::;ulation Resistance test on
the Barrier.
9.24 If we are performing live maintenance a) Proved dead before beginning work.
on an IS circuit/loop by measuring a b) Use a non-certified multimeter.
voltage. What statement is safe and c) Use a certified multimeter.
correct for this situation? d) Use an authorised, certified multimeter..
Part 10 Con1bined
10.1 Where newly purchased equipment shows a) Ex ed
the name tag as a flameproof motor with an b) Ex e
increased safety terminal box for the cable c) Ex de
connections. Which of the following would be d) Ex d
the correct marking?
Ver: 3.4 t8
t>Hll0ll0~19V LlOl ';n<IllNV::>S
Part 11 Inspection
11. 1 Within which of the following time scales a) 1 Year
would the standard expect a periodic b) 2 Years
inspection on portable/transportable to be c) 3 Years
carried out? d) 4 Years
11.6 Which of the following statements relates to a) Motor fans have sufficient clearance to
a DETAILED inspection on an Ex e piece of enclosure and/or covers.
equipment? b) There are no visible unauthorised
c) Earth connections are visually tight and
conductors are of sufficient cross-
d) Restricted breathing enclosure is
11.7 Which of the following statements relates to a) Motor fans have sufficient clearance to
a VISUAL inspection on an Ex e piece of enclosure and/or covers.
equipment? b) There are no visible unauthorised
c) Flange face joints are clean and
undamaged and gaskets, if any, are
d) Restricted breathing enclosure is
11.8 Which of the fo llowing statements relates to a) Motor fans have sufficient clearance to
a CLOSE inspection on an IS System? enclosure and/or covers.
Ver: 3.4 19
"Hll0ll0Dl9V LlOl';n a ll NV::>S
11.10 Which statement is appropriate for the a) An inspection which identifies, without
grade of inspection known as CLOSE? the use of access equipment or tools,
those defects which are apparent to the
b) An inspection implemented to verify
that the installation is being maintained
in an appropriate condition. Interval not
more than 3 years
c) An inspection carried out before the
equipment is brought into service.
d) An inspection which includes aspects
which are caved by visual inspection
and will be apparent only by the use of
access equipment and the use of some
11.11 Which statement is appropriate for the type a) An inspection which identifies, without
of inspection known as INITIAL? the use of access equipment or tools,
those defects which are apparent to the
b) An inspection implemented to verify
that the installation is being maintained
in an appropriate condition. Interval not
more than 3 years.
c) An inspection carried out during
equipment handover or from installer
before the equipment is brought into
d) An inspection which includes aspects
which are coved by visual inspection
and will be apparent only by the use of
access equipment and the use of some
Ver: 3.4 20
17HIIOI'ZOD19V LIO'Z';n a 11 NV:JS
11.12 For inspection and maintenance the a) Detailed knowledge of IEC 60079-10.
standard defines levels of competence b) The practical skills necessary for the
required for a technician/operative. Which of inspection and maintenance of relevant
the following would apply? concepts of protection.
c) Familiarity with particular techniques
used in the selection and erection of
d) l<nowledge about health and safety
Ver: 3.4 21