Martin Zweig
Martin Zweig
Martin Zweig
Investment guides
The easy way to growth
Stock screening - the process of setting minimum criteria for shares A guide to accessing articles on the
before investing in them - has proved itself to be a successful way to IC website
choose investments. The screen based on the ideas of the hugely
successful American fund manager and analyst Martin Zweig has More information...
consistently been one of the best. It looks for fast-expanding, high-
growth companies with reasonably cheap and popular shares -
essentially, it's about paying a reasonable price for fast-growing
It was many years ago that a smart, young American trader and
investment analyst called Martin Zweig picked up a copy of
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, a series of interviews between a
certain Lawrence Livingstone (a pseudonym for Jesse Livermore)
and the financial journalist Edwin Lefèvre. (You can buy this book at
a discount in the IC bookstore).
The second tip concerns timing. "The point is not so much to buy as
cheap as possible or go short at top price, but to buy or sell at the
right time... Don't become an involuntary investor by holding onto 05/03/2008
The easy way to growth - Investors Chronicle Page 2 of 5
• Do not trade every day of every year. Trade only when the market
is clearly bullish or bearish. Trade in the direction of the general
market. If it's rising, you should be long, if it's falling you should be
• Only enter a trade after the action of the market confirms your
opinion and then enter promptly.
• Continue with trades that show you a profit, end trades that show a
• End trades when it is clear that the trend you are profiting from is
• Go long when stocks reach a new high. Sell short when they reach
a new low.
• A stock is never too high to buy and never too low to short.
• The highest profits are made in trades that show a profit right from
the start.
• No trading rules will deliver a profit 100 per cent of the time
For Zweig, these ideas validated one clear starting principle for all
investors including himself: don't try and work against the market by
taking a contrarian position. If the market's marking down a share,
there's usually a good reason - always buy popular shares that are
doing well and that the market likes.
But Zweig decided to take Livermore's ideas one step further. Why,
he wondered, are certain shares so popular in the first place? What
makes them become popular, thus driving up the share price?
The answer for Zweig was simple: accelerating profits and earnings.
There's copious amounts of research that proves that the key mover
in share prices over the long term is the rate of earnings growth -
companies that grow fast, tend to have sharply rising share prices. So
the key is to find those stocks before the whole of the market piles in,
sending the share price shooting up. 05/03/2008
The easy way to growth - Investors Chronicle Page 3 of 5
conclusions: © The Financial Times Limited 2008.
All rights reserved. "Investors
Chronicle", "FT" and "Financial Times"
1. Look for shares where earnings growth is accelerating. are trademarks of The Financial Times
Limited. No part of this publication may
2. Look for shares that are reasonably priced. be reproduced or used in any form
without prior permission in writing from
the editor.
3. Don't buy stocks where the price is underperforming the market.
Buy shares with some relative market strength.
Zweig doesn't study any single stock in great detail. He prefers to use
what he calls a shotgun approach - he screens thousands of stocks
purely on their financials, settling on a relatively short list of
potential candidates. Zweig found that five out of eight of the shares
that get through these basic screens perform well. So, what's in these
fundamental screens? Two measures are of supreme importance -
what he calls the earnings trend and the price-earnings (PE) ratio. 05/03/2008
The easy way to growth - Investors Chronicle Page 4 of 5
ago. But what constitutes a considerable growth rate? For Zweig, the Warning: Do remember,
particularly if you are new to
minimum is between 15 and 20 per cent a year. The upward earnings stock market investment that the
trend should also ideally be backed by a parallel sales trend. Zweig prices of shares and other
believed that earnings growth is not sustainable if earnings are rising investments can fall sharply. You
due to cost cutting rather than increased sales. may not get back the money you
originally invested. The material
here is for general information
The second key measure is also easy to understand. Zweig doesn't only and is not intended to be
want to overpay for a share. He wants a reasonable PE ratio. He says: relied upon for individual
"The data going all the way back to the 1930s show conclusively that investment decisions. Take
independent advice before
stocks with low PE ratios outperform stocks with high PE ratios over making such decisions. This site
the longer term". is aimed at UK residents only. To
read more please see our
Zweig is interested only in stocks whose PE ratio is not high relative Important Warning
to the current market. He believes high PE stocks are risky - that
means that a PE much above 40 is much too expensive while a PE
ratio of less than five is probably an anomaly and indicates a
catastrophic decline in profits and sales.
As ideas goes, that may have sounded sensible enough a few years
back. In the current markets, though, it's hard to maintain much
bullish conviction using the Zweig view - markets keep on plunging
and most technical analysts believe that it's going to get much, much
worse before it starts to get any better. On the other hand, Zweig is
also a monetary market timer - he believes that if interest rates are
falling and companies are tackling their debt problems, then markets
might start moving upwards. 05/03/2008
The easy way to growth - Investors Chronicle Page 5 of 5
Running a Zweig screen across the UK market right now reveals four
shares, all of which boast strong growth credentials and are
reasonably priced. Their shares have all held up reasonably well in
the current market turmoil.
You can find out what they are by reading Latest Zweig screen
shares, but you'll need to be an IC Advantage subscriber to do so. To
take a free, no-obligation trial to IC Advantage, click here.
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