Aromatherapy Journal
In this Issue:
A Year with Morphology: Flowers
Herbal First Aid for Summer Time
Helichrysum Essential Oil
What’s in a (Product) Name?
The Cure is in the Garden
Aromatherapy for Chakra Balancing
and Much More!
Aromatherapy E-Journal
Summer 2014.2
Aromatherapy Journal
A Quarterly Publication of NAHA
Table of Contents
Summer 2014.2 AJ554 Editors Note......................................................................... 3
This issue of The Aromatherapy Journal has an added feature: Student Article. April Kurtyka, who
recently completed her aromatherapy program, wrote a beautiful article entitled, Aromatherapy for
Chakra Balancing. It is exciting to have students of aromatherapy submit articles. I want to encourage
more students to submit articles for publication. It is my hope that we can publish one student submitted
article in each issue of The Aromatherapy Journal. If you, or a student you know, want to submit an
article for future issues of The Aromatherapy Journal I encourage you to read the Writer’s Guidelines
found on NAHA’s website at:
Sharon Falsetto gives us a sneak-peek at two of the presenters for the World of Aromatherapy VII
Conference in her Interview with an Aromatherapist article. I think you will enjoy reading about Cynthia
Brownley and Joy Musacchio of Stillpoint Aromatics.
The pages of this issue are full of articles with wonderful recipes and information. I hope you will be
able to carve out some time to sip a cold glass of lemonade and leisurely read through each article.
Beyond Aromatics -
Exploring Holistic Approaches to Self-Care
and Professional Practice
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy email:
Time Laboratories
products from nature’s lab
“Let’s talk about sex, baby!” ~ Salt-n-Peppa it is fertile, available, and desirable, its sex organs
oozing with nectar.”1
In the spring edition of the NAHA Journal, I
introduced the theme of morphology: an approach When a plant flowers it is an indication of general
to blending based upon the part of a plant from health and favorable conditions. It is an invitation
which the aromatic substance is extracted, and the to pollinators; a declaration of sexual activity. I think
meaning prescribed to that plant part. I discussed it must just feel good to flower. The plants know
seeds, specifically. I hope that you all were inspired they are healthy and looking good. Some plants will
throughout the spring to incorporate seed-based flower in the dark of the night, attracting nocturnal
aromatics into your aromatherapy preparations. pollinators like moths. Others emit an odor of rotten
meat, since flies are their main pollinator. There
For the summer issue, I’m going to talk about are plants that sport flowers for months on end,
flowers. And sex. and then, some, like the night-blooming cereus,
that bloom for only a few hours. Plants evolved to
Summer is a time of intensity. I live in the American have scented flowers long before colorful ones. As
south where summer heat is relentless; the nights aromatherapists, we are interested in the flowers
are humid and steamy, and most of us run around that emit scent.
half naked until the heat breaks, sometime in
October. Vines laden with flowers and fruit climb Let’s look at some aromatics that are flower based,
up every branch, fence post, and veranda. Forests meaning that the essential oil is found exclusively
are lush and carpeted in undergrowth. Road sides within the flower of the plant. This list is limited to
are brilliant with flowers, and farm stands are essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy.
filled with the season’s bounty. There is an air of There are many more flowers used in botanical
fertility, attraction, and production. Plants seem to perfumery.
be showing off by strutting their stuff. They revel
in this weather, taking advantage of these perfect •Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile)
conditions to proliferate, and hell, celebrate. Diane •Chamomile, German (Matricaria chamomilla)
Ackerman explains in A Natural History of the
•Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
Senses, “As to why floral smells should excite us,
well, flowers have a robust and energetic sex life. •Jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum)
A flower’s fragrance declares to all the world that •Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
1. Ackerman, Diane; A Natural History of the Senses;
Vintage Books; New York; 1990.
2. Worwood, Valerie Ann; Scents & Scentuality; New
World Library; Novito, California; 1999.
3. Lawless, Julia; Aromatherapy and the Mind; Harper
Collins; London; 1994.
Essential Oils:
25 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
20 drops Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
10 drops Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
10 drops Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)
In the wake of rapid advancements in western means wheel; chakras are thought to be wheel-
medicine more and more people are looking toward like energy centers spinning in a circular motion.2
complementary and alternative medicines to treat Chakras are considered to be transfer points
both their physical and mental illnesses. This article for our thoughts and feelings and the physical
will discuss the use of aromatherapy to balance the functioning of specific glands. While the thought of
energy centers in the body in order to create a state chakras may sound a bit “out there,” scientists can
of wellness. actually measure bio-electromagnetic force fields
being generated by the body. Organs differ in the
In the 21st century we have made tremendous strength of their energy field, with the heart being
advancements in western medicine at a pace the strongest. These energy fields can be measured
that is faster than we ever thought possible. With up to fifteen feet away.3
stem cell research, targeted cancer therapies
and surgeries being performed with the help of There are seven main chakras that will be discussed.
robotics, the possibilities of what we are capable of The chakras are located in a vertical line starting at
seem limitless. While these advances in life saving the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the
technology are exciting, there is a definite indication head. It is important to have a clear understanding
that people are looking for alternatives in their
health care. According to a nationwide government
survey 36 percent of United States adults aged 18
years and over use some form of complementary
and alternative medicine, or CAM.1 Complementary
and alternative medicine is defined as a group of
diverse medical and health care systems, practices,
and products that are not presently considered
to be part of conventional medicine. Perhaps the
coldness of technology makes the human touch,
a characteristic of alternative medicine, look even
more enticing for those seeking treatment. In this
article I will be focusing on two very popular CAM
modalities: energy (or chakra) balancing and
of each chakra and its purpose before one can learn green, and less commonly, it can be associated
how to heal these energy centers with aromatherapy. with pink, red or white as well. When in balance this
chakra is concerned with forgiveness, compassion,
The first chakra is known as the root, base or love, and self-acceptance.2 When the heart chakra
muladhara chakra. Its location is in between the is unbalanced one could experience: jealousy,
genitals and anus, also known as the perineum, and envy, inflated self-importance, feeling restricted or
it is associated with the color red. When balanced, trapped, possessiveness, selfishness, infections,
this chakra is grounding and stabilizing. Its focus is high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, lung
basic physical survival and sexuality, which makes disease, or autoimmune disorders.6
sense since it is associated with the gonads.3 If
your root chakra is unbalanced or malfunctioning, The fifth chakra is known as the throat or vishudda
your thoughts and actions may revolve primarily chakra. It is located at the throat area, and it is
around material possessions and security, as well associated with the color blue. This chakra is known
as an over indulgence in sensual pleasures such for self-expression, communication, confidence and
as: foods, alcohol, sex, etc. In the extreme, if you courage. When out of balance you may experience
are challenged by people or situations, you become difficulty communicating and expressing yourself.
easily irritated, upset, or aggressive. If your root Physically you may experience sore throats,
chakra is blocked or closed, you will lack physical laryngitis, bronchitis, colds and flu.7
and emotional stamina, and will be prone to worry.
The sixth chakra is known as the brow, ajna, or the
The second chakra is known as the sacral or third eye chakra. It is located in the center of the brow,
svadisthana chakra. It is located in the upper part of and it is associated with the color indigo. The sixth
the sacrum, just below the navel, and it is associated chakra represents our paranormal, extrasensory, or
with the color orange.3 It’s name, svadhisthana, supersensible capacity (or our “sixth sense”). It is
means sweetness, and it is indeed associated with believed that when the third eye is well developed,
all of those things which make life sweet: pleasure, one can have clairvoyant abilities.8 If the sixth
sexuality, nurturing, movement, and change. When chakra is dysfunctional or out of balance one may
this chakra is balanced you feel in touch with your experience blindness, headaches, earaches,
feelings and emotions. When out of balance, people nightmares, sleep issues, manic depression,
tend to exhibit a fear of pleasure, being out of touch anxiety, schizophrenia, and paranoia.2
with one’s feelings, resistant to change, overly
emotional behavior, sexual addiction and poor The seventh chakra is known as the crown or
boundaries.4 sahasrara chakra. It is located at the top of the head,
and it is associated with the color violet. This chakra
The third chakra is known as the solar plexus or is connected with knowingness, wisdom, inspiration,
manipura chakra. It is located between the navel charisma, awareness, higher self, meditation, and
and the bottom of the sternum, and it is associated visionary characteristics. When dysfunctional or
with the color yellow.3 This chakra is associated out of balance one could experience depression,
with power, self-esteem, vitality, and is considered alienation, mental illness, neuralgia, confusion and
to be the seat of intellect. Some signs of imbalance senility.2
are fear of pleasure, being out of touch with your
feelings, being resistant to change, overly emotional Once you have a basic understanding of what
behavior, sexual addiction and poor boundaries.5 each chakra can look like, both balanced and
dysfunctional, I believe it’s easy to see why one
The fourth chakra is known as the heart or anahata would want to make an effort to keep their chakras
chakra. It is located at the center of the chest (on balanced. There are many methods to go about this
the sternum), and is associated with the color including: aromatherapy, Reiki, meditation, healthy
living, singing bowls and other sound therapies. Complimentary methods for balancing the chakra:
Suggestions regarding clothing, stones, and music
The reason I have decided to focus on aromatherapy will be listed here.
to balance the chakras is that you can use
aromatherapy with any of the above mentioned THE SEVEN CHAKRAS
modalities, and you can use aromatherapy wherever
you are with ease. It doesn’t have to be a quiet place
and it doesn’t take much time. You could be at work
and decide to apply the oils topically or use a nasal
inhaler to balance your chakra centers.
Aromatherapy Guidelines:
To make this easy to understand and apply, I will be
presenting the aromatherapy for each chakra in the
following manner:
Essential oils associated with chakra: Here I will Oils associated with chakra: It’s thought that oils
provide a list of the essential oils that are best suited derived from trees are beneficial for this chakra
for balancing the chakra. since they have roots that go deep into the Earth,
and are therefore grounding. First chakra oils
Suggested application method and location: include sandalwood (Santalum spicatum), cypress
Interestingly, where we put the essential oil or blend (Cupressus sempervirens), elemi (Canarium
often matches the chakra location. luzonicum), myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), patchouli
(Pogostemon cablin), Atlas cedarwood (Cedrus
Blend: I will suggest at least one blend for each atlantica), vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides), and
chakra. However, it is best to personally create frankincense (Boswellia sacra).9
a blend that is right for you, or ask a skilled
Aromatherapist to help you formulate a blend. You Suggested application method and location:
will find some scents are naturally appealing to you, Inhalation, application to pulse points, and the soles
while others you might find down right offensive; of the feet.
this is why there isn’t just one blend that is the right
match for everybody. Also, your chakra may request Blend using essential oils of:
more attention on dampening the fire/anger rather 3 drops vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
than focusing on fear. It is equally as important to
2 drops frankincense (Boswellia sacra)
know how to blend essential oils for energy use.
Typically when using subtle aromatherapy we use a 2 drops patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
dilution of 1% or less. Subtle aromatherapy makes 3 drops geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
use of the essential oils to affect the subtle body, the
2 drops ylang ylang (Cananga odorata)
psyche and, the soul.9
Put these essential oils into a 2oz amber bottle and fill 2 drops sandalwood (Santalum spicatum)
the remainder of the bottle with jojoba (Simmondsia 2 drops cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)
chinensis) or sweet almond (Prunus dulcis) oil.10
1 drop patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
Complimentary methods for balancing the 1 drop ylang ylang (Cananga odorata)
Put these essential oils into a 2oz amber bottle and
~ Stimulating music with deep beats, such as the fill the remainder of the bottle with sweet almond
drums. (Prunus dulcis) oil.
~ Wear or carry red stones such as garnets,
carnelian, red jasper, and ruby. Complimentary methods for balancing the
~ Yoga poses such as virabhadrasana 1 (warrior), chakra:
trikonasana (triangle), and garudasana (eagle).3 ~ Listen to music that flows.
~ Wear or carry orange stones such as fire opal,
yellow topaz, and carnelian.
~ Be creative! Dance, sing, do yoga, paint, or
Suggested application method and location: Essential oils associated with chakra: For this
Application to pulse points and solar plexus area chakra you want to use essential oils that help open
(just above navel and below breasts), inhalation. the heart chakra and help love and energy to radiate
out. These include: rose (Rosa damascena), melissa
Blend using essential oils of: (Melissa officinalis), neroli (Citrus aurantium var.
amara), frankincense (Boswellia sacra), bergamot
3 drops lemon (Citrus limon)
(Citrus bergamia), carrot (Daucus carota), lavender
2 drops juniper berry (Juniperus communis) (Lavandula angustifolia), oregano (Origanum
2 drops rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) vulgare), sweet marjoram (Origanum marjorana),
sage (Salvia officinalis), and sandalwood (Santalum
2 drops peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
2 drops Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum
nobile) Suggested application method and location:
1 drop frankincense (Boswellia sacra) Application to pulse points, heart area and inhalation.
Combine essential oils in a 2oz glass amber spray Blend using essential oils of:
bottle with distilled water. Shake before using. Spray 2 drops jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum)
around you and inhale, or spray directly on the body.
1 drop rose (Rosa damascena)
Complimentary methods for balancing the 1 drop lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
~ Reduce stress (meditation, massage, or breathing Combine the essential oils and drop onto the wick of
techniques). a nasal inhaler. Carry with you and inhale as needed
~ Yoga poses such as gomukasana (cow pose), (at least once in morning and once in evening).
ardha matsyendrasana 1 (sitting spinal twist), and
ustrasana (camel pose).3 Complimentary methods for balancing the chakra:
~ Affirmations: I accept and value myself exactly as ~ Wear or carry a green stone such as green
I am. My personal power is becoming stronger each aventurine, emerald, jade and moldavite.
day. I am my own person. I choose how to think and ~ Be in nature (hikes, mediation on beach, etc).
behave.2 ~ Be patient with yourself and others.
Chakra name: 4th, heart or anahata chakra. Chakra name: 5th chakra, throat or vishudda
Color associated with chakra: Green
Most commonly it is associated with the color green;
however, it can be associated with red, pink, and Color associated with chakra: Blue
Essential oils associated with chakra: German italicum), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), rosemary
chamomile (Matricaria recutita), cypress (Cupressus (Rosmarinus officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris),
sempervirens), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), and basil (Ocimum basilicum).2
and peppermint (Mentha x piperita).
Suggested application method and location:
Suggested application method and location: Inhalation, application to pulse points, and sparingly
Application to pulse points, throat, neck and between the eyes on forehead.
Blend using essential oils of:
Blend using essential oils of: Since meditation is encouraged to develop and
balance this chakra I suggest diffusing frankincense
2 drops peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
(Boswellia sacra), while meditating. Frankincense
1 drop cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) promotes a feeling of relaxation and deepens
awareness of the breath, taking you into dream
Add essential oils to 5ml of fractionated coconut states where past memories may be more easily
(Cocos nucifera) oil. Inhale from bottle, put in palms accessed.3
of hands, cover nose and inhale, or diffuse. You can
also use sparingly directly on throat area. Complimentary methods for balancing the
Complimentary methods for balancing the ~ Allow yourself to daydream.
chakra: ~ Meditate to develop your intuition.
~ Speak truthfully. ~ Wear or carry an indigo stone such as amethyst
~ Participate in meaningful conversations. or silver jewelry.
~ Listen to repetitive music, like ocean waves.
(Boswellia sacra), and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha). work/healing touch) didn’t come to the United States
until the early 1900’s; this could be why we tend to
Suggested application method and location: think of it as being something that is new. The use
Application to pulse points, behind the ears, at the of aromatics has a very long and rich history as well;
base of the skull, and inhalation used in Ayurvedic medicine as far back as 3000
BC, used by Egyptian pharaohs for bathing and
Blend using essential oils of: perfumery in 1500 BC and even mentioned several
times in the Bible. The fact that aromatherapy is
2 drops lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
powerful is nothing new; however for many people
1 drop frankincense (Boswellia sacra) it was traded in for pharmaceuticals and technology.
1 drop sandalwood (Santalum spicatum)
When we are working on healing our energy
Combine essential oils in a 10ml roller bottle. Fill the centers, it is my opinion that conventional medicine
remainder of the bottle with extra virgin olive (Olea will not provide the results we are looking for. Yes,
europaea) oil. conventional medicine can often treat the symptoms
of the physical and mental issues we suffer from;
Complimentary methods for balancing the however, it is my opinion they aren’t really working
chakra: on the root of the problem. The root of many physical
~ Look for the divine in everything, everywhere, and and emotional issues are found in the chakras, or
everyone. energy centers of the body, and essential oils can
~ Enjoy silence. beautifully reach these areas and help balance
~ Wear violet clothing or carry an amethyst with you. them. The fact that aromatherapy can work on both
physical and psychological ailments (through subtle
When beginning energy work, it is suggested to aromatherapy) makes it far superior to western
start healing from the bottom chakra and work medicine in many ways. We need to look deeper
up the body. All of the chakras are completely into our past and use these sacred energetic oils to
intertwined and actually depend on the one below heal ourselves, just like those that came long before
it to be balanced before it can balance itself. You us.
must start with your foundation, which is your base
chakra, before you can begin to heal what is built References:
1 Barnes P., Powell-Griner E., McFann K., Nahin R. ;Complementary
upon it. Once you have worked on each of the seven and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults; United States; 2002.
chakras, in order, you can experience profound
2 Battaglia, Salvatore; Practical Guide to Chakras and Aromatherapy;
balance and health that cannot be felt if you were Perfect Potion; 2009.
to try to fix just one and leave all of the others in a
3 Mercier, Patricia; The Chakra Bible; Godsfield Press; 2007.
dysfunctional state.
4 Shepper, Donna; Aromatherapy and Yoga: Essential Oils for
the Second Chakra;
Once you are experienced with balancing your
chakras, you can work on just one that seems out February 17, 2011.
of balance. You do not have to go through the entire
5 Shepper, Donna; Aromatherapy and Yoga: Essential Oils for the Third
process, unless of course you prefer to do that and Chakra,
you have more time. and-yoga-essential-oils-for-the-third-chakra/; February 25, 2011.
10 Shepper, Donna ; Aromatherapy and Yoga: Essential Oils for the First
and-yoga-essential-oils-for-the-first-chakra/; February 10, 2011.
Register Today!
© Copyright 2014 NAHA Aromatherapy Journal Summer 2014.2
EssEntial Oil PrOfilE
Helichrysum italicum
by Jade Shutes, Dipl. AT, Cert. Herbalist
Plant Native to: South Africa, Northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco), Asia-temperate, Western Asia
(Cyprus), Southeastern Europe (Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia), and Southwestern Europe (France, Portugal,
and Spain)1
NOTE: Although there are a number of subspecies a few individuals acting decisively can make a
of Helichrysum italicum, some suppliers and many difference in the world. Essential oil catalogs prior
research papers do not specify the subspecies of to the early 1980’s do not list Helichrysum italicum.
Helichrysum italicum. It would be wise to verify with Today helichrysum essential oil is included in virtually
your supplier the exact species (and subspecies) they every ambitious aromatherapy list.6 It could be said
offer, as well as to request a Gas Chromatography/ that Kurt Schnaubelt popularized Helichrysum
Mass Spectrometry specification sheet in order italicum through the aromatherapy courses at the
to clarify key chemical constituents found in the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy as well as through
particular essential oil you are purchasing. See his earlier books: Advanced Aromatherapy and
chemical profile below for additional information. Medical Aromatherapy.
The subspecies include: “Its effects are so convincing that it has never met
Helichrysum italicum ssp. italicum with any kind of criticism despite the absence of data
Helichrysum italicum ssp. microphyllum on its effectiveness. Helichrysum oil demonstrates
Helichrysum italicum ssp. serotinum that anecdotal evidence can create a reality
without the help of industrially sponsored science.
Historical Information: Historical uses and Helichrysum is more predictable in its action than
writings on helichrysum are scant, although it does almost any other oil and is produced and sold by
appear to enjoy a history of traditional medicinal and small enterprises that understand the needs of the
culinary use in several cultures. Holmes comments aromatherapy market.”6
that, “the plant has been used in herbal medicine
since ancient Greece.”2 A couple of articles have Yield: The essential oil yield for helichrysum is
recently been published on the use of helichrysum quite low at approximately: 0.2 to 0.3%. This is a
in Italy to flavor sauces with a curry-like quality contributing factor to its cost. The average price, at
in various food dishes. The flavor is said to be the time of writing, for five milliliters of helichrysum
reminiscent of a more delicate rosemary.3,4 essential oil is $54 to $65 US.
Helichrysum is well known and it is very popular Chemical Profile: Many factors influence the
as a traditional medicine in South Africa. Elsa chemical composition of helichrysum, including
Pooley mentions in the field guide to the Flora of environmental conditions (light, soil, temperature,
the Drakensberg and Lesotho, that Helichrysum moisture, climatic influence, and altitude) as well
splendidum has been used to treat rheumatism, and as country of origin/geographic area. The specific
that it is a good fuel plant in the mountains. It is also subspecies harvested and distilled will also exhibit
used in potpourri and lasts well in a vase as a cut chemical variations.
A general profile would include:
The Afrikaans common name, sewejaartjie is given • Monoterpenes: a-pinene , b-pinene, d-limonene,
to most of the helichrysum species with papery, g-curcumene
everlasting flowers; this name is derived from the • Sesquiterpene: b-caryophyllene
belief that the flower heads last for seven (sewe) • Alcohols: linalol, geraniol, nerol, furfurol
years (jaar) when kept in the house. The prefix geel • Esters: neryl acetate, geranyl acetate
means yellow. Geelsewejaartjie. • Aldehydes: isovaleric
• Ketones: diones, italidone, other b-diketones
Modern Popularity: Helichrysum is a relative • Phenol: eugenol
newcomer to the practice and industry of
aromatherapy. The story of the essential oil of Chemical features to look for:
Helichrysum italicum is a perfect example of how Diketone Content: italidione
About Jade Shutes Essential Oils. San Rafael, CA: Linda Scent and Image books.
10. Bensouilah and Buck (2006), p.24.
Jade holds a Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy, 11. Buck, P. (2005). The aromatherapeutic management
Holistic Massage, Anatomy and Physiology, of childhood dermatitis. International Journal of Clinical
and Reflexology from the Raworth College of Aromatherapy, 2/2, p.5-13.
12. Harris, B. & Harris, R. (2002). Aromatherapy for Pain Relief.
Natural Medicine in Dorking, UK, and a Diploma Retrieved on October 28, 2007 from: http://www.positivehealth.
in Aromatherapy from the International Therapist com/article-view.php?articleid=76
Examining board (ITEC). She has studied with Jan 13. Christina, E. (2005). Anal fissure following childbirth: a case
Kusmirek of Fragrant Studies and has completed study. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy, 2/1, p.40-
Part One of the Purdue University Advanced 14. Van Wyk, B., and Wink, M. (2004). Medicinal Plants of the
Studies of Essential Oils. She has also completed World. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.
a certificate program for Herbal Medicine with 15. Horrigan, C. (2004). The benefits and possibilities for the
use of aromatherapy in palliative care. International Journal of
Herbalist, Erin Groh and a certificate program for Clinical Aromatherapy, 1/2, p.23-27.
Spa Bodywork with Anne Williams. 16. Catty, S. (2001). Hydrosols-Therapeutic action in
Aromatherapy. New Frontiers in Australian Aromatherapy
conference notes. Aromatherapy conference and Trade Show.
Jade has been practicing and studying forms of
May 2001.
natural healing for nearly two decades, and was
one of the vanguard of professionals who helped
introduce aromatherapy to the US. She has been an
aromatherapy educator for over 24 years and is the
creator and Director of Education for the East-West
School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies. She is the
current president of NAHA.
1. USDA GRIN, n/d. (United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Area Germplasm
Resources Information Network). Helichrysum italicum.
Retrieved on November 11, 2007 from:
2. Holmes, P. (n/d). Clinical Aromatherapy: Using Essential Oils
for Healing Body and Soul. Self-published
3. Ghirardini, M., Carli, M. del Vecchio, N., Rovati A., et al.
(2007). The importance of a taste. A comparative study on
wild food plant consumption in twenty-one local communities
in Italy. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2007,
4. Guarrera, P.M., Salerno, G., and Caneva, G. (2006). Food,
flavouring and feed plant traditions in the Tyrrhenian sector of
Basilicata, Italy. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
2006, 2:37doi:10.1186/1746-4269-2-37
6. Schnaubelt, K. (1999). Medical Aromatherapy. Berkely, CA:
Frog, Ltd.
7. Racine, P. (2003). Inhibition of 5-Lipoxygenaxe by essential
oils and other natural fragrant extracts. International Journal of
Aromatherapy, 13.2/3, p. 138-142.
8. Schnaubelt, K. (1995). Advanced Aromatherapy. Rochester,
VT: Healing Arts Press.
9. Haas, M. (2004). Quick Reference Guide for 114 Important
Many parts of the United States have experienced Make sure when you are buying seeds or plants
a winter that was filled with colder than usual that they are non Genetically Modified Organisms
temperatures and record breaking snowfall. It felt (GMO).
like summer would never arrive. When I received
an email in late winter from the company I order Here is my list of favorite herbs to grow that will
my seeds from saying it was time to get my garden keep you healthy all summer long.
ready, all I could do was smile with gratitude. For
me, planting my herbs and vegetables in spring is BASIL (Ocimum basilicum)
a labor of love. They not only provide nourishment Basil is probably one of the most used herbs from
but I use them as medicine during the summer, and the garden. It is easy to grow, even from seed
freeze them for the winter months ahead. Studies and it stays hardy all summer long. Basil is an
continually prove the incredible healing benefits antioxidant and antispasmodic. Chinese medicine
of plants as medicine. Whether you have a cold, uses it to soothe irritated bladder and kidneys as
bug bites, fatigue, anxiety or a stomach ache, the well as for digestive and circulatory problems.
medicine cabinet is right in your garden. Basil can help relieve headaches and migraines
by increasing blood flow. Basil also helps to calm
The vegetables and herbs you grow in the summer nervous tension.1 I love to just tear up the fresh
are lighter in nature than what you eat in the winter leaves and add to green salads. You can also add
– and this is the way it should be. Since summer is a basil to olive oil (Olea europaea) with some garlic
hot season it is important to stay hydrated and cool (Allium sativum) and lemon (Citrus limon) juice for a
during those months. Anger, hot foods and lack of nice dressing over salad. There are many different
cooling liquids will throw your body out of balance varieties of basil to experiment with such as Thai,
in the summer. The heat causes you to sweat more lemon, cinnamon and purple basil.
so it’s a good idea to eat cooling foods such as
cucumbers (Cucumis sativus), summer squash, CILANTRO (Coriandrum sativum)
melons and sweet fruit. Bitter foods also tend to be This is such a wonderful herb and has become
cooling, such as dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) one of my favorites. Cilantro is rich in vitamin C.
and kale (Brassica oleracea). I am using the term It improves digestion by relieving bloating, cramps
“cool” rather than “cold” because foods that are too and flatulence. Cilantro can also stimulate appetite
cold can interfere with digestion. and combat bad breath. In addition, it is used as
a heavy metal detoxifier.2, 3 Mostly known for giving
Getting your vitamins through food is the way to salsa its delicious unique flavor, cilantro can be used
create and maintain good health. The summer to enhance so many dishes. It is great made into
allows you the added benefit of being able to get chutney, which is a staple in many Indian dishes. It
outside and plant herbs and vegetables. I always is also a great herb in a stir fry with vegetables.
recommend adding herbs to all your meals. They
are easy to grow and have powerful health benefits.
DILL (Anethum graveolens) throw it in at the end. To retain all the nutrients chop
Dill became a staple in my herb kitchen after I the garlic (Allium sativum) and let it sit for about ten
mistakenly bought it for my crab cakes, thinking it minutes before cooking. Make sure you buy a firm
was parsley. I was having guests and didn’t have bulb and make sure the skin is unbroken. Store it
time to go back to the store so I used it. What a find! at room temperature. It will last up to two months.
It added a taste that took the crab cakes up a few Once you break off a clove, it will only last about
notches! Since it has been used to ease bloating, two days.
it pairs well with cabbage (Brassica oleracea). It
also adds great flavor to steamed vegetables. Dill LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis)
has been used as a cure for hiccups, insomnia, and I love lemon balm! It is a low maintenance herb
even flatulence. Some consider dill a great booster that you can easily grow in your yard, but beware,
of the immune system and a natural antibiotic.4 You it spreads and becomes plentiful! The calming
can even chew on dill seeds between meals as a properties and effects on the nervous system make
breath freshener. it a great choice for iced tea. It aids in digestion
and helps to relieve intestinal cramps. The anti-viral,
GARLIC (Allium sativum) anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it
Garlic has become the king of all herbs. It is beneficial great for viruses as well as for healing wounds and
for heart disease, in that it can lower cholesterol cuts.8 You can also soak the leaves in olive oil (Olea
and blood pressure. It is antibacterial and antiviral, europaea) and garlic (Allium sativum) and pour it
good for colds, flu and stomach viruses. It protects over artichokes (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus)
from some cancers and has been known to stop the for a nice summer appetizer.
growth of cancer cells once they develop. It also is
good for asthma and respiratory tract infections. 5, 6, 7 PEPPERMINT (Mentha x piperita)
Peppermint is a hybrid of spearmint (Mentha spicata)
A way to get the most benefit from garlic is to eat it and water mint (Mentha aquatica). Peppermint
raw. However, I know that this can be hard for some essential oil is revered for helping with indigestion,
people so, as an alternative, you can chop it up with menstrual cramps and nausea. You can take it as a
some herbs and put it in olive oil to use as a salad tea, tincture or syrup. A nice cup of peppermint tea
dressing. You can also mix it in with vegetables, is great after a big meal, or just when your stomach
soups or pastas after you have cooked them…just is feeling queasy. A general rule is to use about one
had several discussions regarding aromatherapy Use: Inhale once in each nostril; hold inhalation for
and how I wanted to use essential oils during my a count of three; slowly exhale through mouth. Use
recovery. These discussions were important for as needed.
three reasons: it was a time for both of us to provide
an exchange of information and education on true Keeping the surgical incision clean was aided by a
aromatherapy and the surgery; rapport and trust product provided by the hospital.2 The hospital uses
was developed; and a collaborative team approach a product that contains several essential oils, and
was established. As a mental health professional I they kindly gave me a spray bottle of it to use at
know these factors contribute to favorable surgery home. I was very impressed with the progressive
outcome and improved recovery rate; but, it was thinking of Dr. Kopitnik and his hospital. I loved the
heartening to know the neurosurgeon had a positive idea that the cleanser contained essential oils, aloe
understanding for my use of aromatherapy and vera (Aloe barbadensis) leaf and Olivamine®3, all
respect of me as a Registered Aromatherapist. ingredients that are more natural than the typical
harsh, synthetic cleansers used in most hospitals.
During the week leading up to surgery I I also loved the ease of using this antibacterial
formulated, blended, created and produced several cleanser in a spray bottle. It was easy to apply and
aromatherapy products I knew I would benefit from. did not require rinsing, which was a bonus since I
Items I formulated included a personal inhaler, was not allowed to get the incision area wet for ten
a lotion, a salve, two serums, and a balm. If you days.
would like to try any or all six of these blends, please
make certain you have checked the ingredients I knew the incision in my head would be large, and
against any known allergies, sensitivities, or pre- I tend to keloid. A keloid scar tends to be raised,
existing medical conditions where the use of some discolored, and larger than the initial wound. Every
ingredients may be contra-indicated. cut or incision I have ever received has developed
into a keloid scar, so I wanted to help the healing
Many people can undergo anesthesia without process by using a salve that could help keep
difficulties. I, on the other hand, react to anesthesia infection away and minimize ugly scarring.
with nausea and vomiting. I knew I would need
an anti-nausea inhaler to get me through until the Healing Salve
anesthesia had left my body. Following surgery I 1 ½ Tablespoons Beeswax
used a personal inhaler, and I was able to greatly 1 Tablespoon Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao)
limit the amount, and severity, of the nausea I 1 ½ Tablespoons Shea Butter (Butyrospermum
experienced. I used the anti-nausea inhaler during parkii)
the drive home as well: the effects of surgery, post- 2 Tablespoons Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil
operative pain, medications, and general weakness
lead to car-sickness, and the inhaler was very handy Essential oils of:
at relieving it. Once I returned home the anti-nausea 5 drops CO2 distilled Calendula (Calendula
inhaler was also useful in combating nausea due to officinalis)
pain medications. In short, it was a God-send! 4 drops Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)
6 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Anti-nausea Inhaler
4 drops Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Add the following essential oils to the cotton wick of
a personal inhaler: 2 ounce jar.
5 drops Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis)
In a double-boiler, over low heat, melt the beeswax,
3 drops Spearmint (Mentha spicata)
cocoa butter, shea butter, and safflower oil together
2 drops Ginger (Zingiber officinale) until clear and smooth. Remove the mixture from
to scorch or boil.
the heat. While the mixture is still in liquid form add After the mixture of carrier oils, butters and waxes
the essential oils and stir. Pour the mixture into the has completely melted slowly blend it into the liquid
jar and allow to it cool. Keep in a cool place, out of mixture using an electric hand or stick mixer. The
the sun and heat. mixture will begin to emulsify and become white
and fluffy, once it has reached this state mix in the
I used this salve daily and the incision healed quite following essential oils:
well. The big unsightly scar did keloid but it was
minimized to a point I am pleased with. Occasionally, 20 drops Amyris (Amyris balsamifera)
even a year later, a small bone splinter begins to
15 drops Ho wood (Cinnamomum camphora)
fester as it works its way to the surface. Once I
recognize a bone splinter is emerging I start using 10 drops Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodora)
this salve on the “hot spot.” I have noted there is
little pain or swelling, the splinter seems to come out This recipe yields approximately eight ounces of
quickly, and the hot spot heals rapidly. lotion, which I put into an eight ounce, dark glass,
pump bottle. I slathered this lotion on several times
Surgery of any kind results in dryness. Our skin a day, and in a few days my body no longer had
becomes dehydrated, as do all other parts of our dandruff!
bodies; this is a side-effect of anesthesia. The skin
on my legs tends to become dry without the added My face became so dry I looked and felt reptilian,
factor of anesthesia, and this dry skin can look like a lizard. I literally had large flakes or scales
like, “leg dandruff!” In preparation I made a thick, of skin peeling off of my face. It was horrible, and
creamy, moisturizing lotion. honestly I was not very good about pampering my
face during the first week. Once I felt more human
Moisturizing Lotion I began to use my facial serum at least twice daily.
In a double-boiler, over low heat, melt the following This serum saved my face!
¼ cup Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil
Facial Serum
Add the following essential oils to a 30 ml. dark
¼ cup Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) oil
glass bottle:
3 teaspoons Vegetable Emulsifying wax
2 teaspoons Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii) 10 drops Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini)
1 teaspoon Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao) 8 drops Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
1 teaspoon Beeswax 10 drops Carrot seed (Daucus carota)
6 drops rose (Rosa damascena)
Stir the mixture as it melts. Do not allow this mixture
© Copyright 2014 NAHA Aromatherapy Journal Summer 2014.2
- Surgery Recovery with Essential Oils continued -
What’s in a (Product)
by Marie Gale
Sunburn and Minor Burns After the initial cooling bath, fresh aloe vera (Aloe
There are many common sense approaches to barbadensis, Xanthorrhoeaceae) gel, directly
avoiding sunburn, which are especially important scraped from the inside of the succulent leaf, is
for children as their skin is more sensitive and my treatment of choice. Every home should have
tender. Repeated sunburn in childhood is linked an aloe vera plant for such occasions, especially
with an increased risk of developing skin cancer considering how easy it is to grow. If you don’t have a
in adulthood. Avoiding long hours in the sun with plant at home, large aloe leaves are often sold in the
longer the paste is able to remain moist on the skin, Boo-Boos – Minor Cuts, Scrapes and
the longer it’s drying and pulling qualities will last. Bruises
After washing and disinfecting cuts, bruises and
Another remedy I have seen to be especially helpful abrasions, I apply a number of herbs as a wash,
is grindelia, or rosinweed flowers, (Grindelia spp., poultice or salve, depending upon the affected
Asteraceae). The fresh flower tincture is resinous area and season. During the growing season,
and can be applied directly with a dropper. Slowly when fresh plantain and yarrow are available, I will
apply the sticky liquid over the affected area of skin, make a poultice from the bruised green leaves,
creating a resinous bandage of sorts. Because this attaching it with a bandage or extra large band-aid.
is an alcohol preparation it can sting, especially if I find that poultices and washes are more effective
there are areas where blisters have recently opened. than salve, but obviously less convenient. Children
Dilute the tincture before applying if necessary, and love learning about these simple medicinal herbs,
repeat three to five times a day. Grindelia is drying and it is empowering for them to harvest their own
and anti-inflammatory; it is many people’s favorite remedies and learn how to apply them. This also
remedy for reducing the severity and duration of an provides a welcome distraction from the pain and
outbreak. trauma, which is medicine in itself. Sometimes
gathering a plantain leaf and applying it to a scrape
Internally, licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra or G. uralensis, is all that is needed to energetically wipe away the
Fabaceae) and nettle (Urtica dioica, Urticaceae), tears.
ingested as a tea or tincture, are effective anti-
inflammatory remedies. But it’s good to remember Determining Dosage in Children by Weight
that licorice tea is contra-indicated in hypertension, To determine the child’s dosage by weight, assume
heart disease and edema. that the adult dosage is for a 150-pound adult.
Divide the child’s weight by 150. Take that number
and multiply it by the recommended adult dosage.
For example, if your child weighs 50 pounds she
will need one third of the recommended dose for a About Juliet Blankespoor
150-pound adult (50/150 = .33). If the adult dosage Juliet Blankespoor is the director and primary
is three droppers full of a tincture she will need one instructor at the Chestnut School of Herbal
third of that dose, which is one dropper full (1/3 of Medicine, which she founded in 2007. She has been
3 droppers full). A 25-pound child would need one sharing her passion for plants through teaching
sixth of the adult dose, so she would receive one
herbal medicine and botany for over twenty years.
half of a dropper full (1/6 of 3 droppers full).
She also teaches human anatomy and physiology,
plant propagation, wild foods, tree identification,
and bioregional roots herbalism. Juliet shares her
plant obsession through her herbal articles and
botanical photography in her Blog Castanea. She
lives with her family outside of Asheville, NC, where
they nurture a diverse medicinal garden. Juliet also
maintains a varied herbal apothecary, primarily from
homegrown and wild crafted herbs. She believes
that growing and gathering food and medicine is
empowering, revolutionary, and highly entertaining.
Juliet is currently developing and writing a distance-
learning herbal program, which will be available in
late 2014.
NAHA believes in
promoting and elevating
true aromatherapy through
the active dissemination of
educational material.
NAHA Bookstore
888 ('6
Applications for admission are accepted throughout
the year. Contact Admissions for registration deadlines.
Some of my favorite summertime activities in the exam ensuring RAs have demonstrated a core body
United States are gathering with friends and family of knowledge and commitment to safety standards
for picnics and parties on the patio, at the park, or on and ethics; the ARC makes it clear that, legally, “it
the beach—especially on the Fourth of July. Even is important to realize that the ARC Aromatherapy
though I’m originally from New Zealand, there’s Registration Exam and the ARC Certificate in no
something about this celebration of freedom that fills way constitutes a license to practice medicine,
me with hope and excitement for all the possibilities diagnose, or treat patients.”3 This holds true for
and opportunities that lie ahead. those who are professional members of NAHA (the
National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) and/
We’ve worked hard to build a society for ourselves or AIA (Alliance of International Aromatherapists).
where we are not discriminated against; where
we can speak and write freely; and when we California law provides a useful example of this type
feel things need to change, we have the right to of restriction. “The unlawful practice of medicine is
petition our law-makers. Yet, change is a process defined as: ‘Any person who practices or attempts
that takes time, particularly in the holistic health to practice, or who advertises or holds him or herself
industry. Citizens seeking more natural approaches out as practicing, any system or mode of treating
to healthcare have long had restricted access to the sick or afflicted in this state, or who diagnoses,
services from natural medicine practitioners, such treats, operates for, or prescribes for any ailment,
as Registered Aromatherapists (RA) and/or Certified blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder,
Aromatherapists. injury, or other physical or mental condition of any
person...’ CA Stat. Sec. 2052.”4 Considering the
Aromatherapy and the Law many uses and therapeutic service benefits of
In many states, a practitioner can be criminally essential oils, the wording above makes providing a
charged with practicing medicine without a license therapeutic aromatherapy consultancy fraught with
for offering alternative therapies, such as herbal pitfalls in the state of California, even as a Registered
medicine, homeopathy1, and aromatherapy. This Aromatherapist through the ARC or other Certified
is also the root issue that spawned the “Health Aromatherapists.
Freedom” movement, which supports patients’
rights to access alternative treatments and health However, positive change is on the horizon. The
practitioners of their choosing. National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC) is an
organization formed with the purpose of promoting
So what does this mean for aromatherapists? and advocating for Health Freedom laws across
While the Aromatherapy Registration Council the United States. As of 2013, there are nine states
(ARC)2 offers registration through an extensive that have Health Freedom laws, including Arizona,
© Copyright 2014 NAHA Aromatherapy Journal Summer 2014.2
- The Aroma of Choice: Health Freedom and Aromatherapy continued -
Minnesota, California, Colorado, Rhode Island, New Mexico “Unlicensed Health Care Practice Act”
Louisiana, Oklahoma, Idaho, and New Mexico. is the requirement for the aromatherapist to supply
Because legislation varies from state to state, RAs an “informational document” to the patient or client.
and other Certified Aromatherapists should be This is more commonly known as an “informed
vigilantly aware of, and compliant with, relevant consent” document. This is a common provision
legislation and reform within the state where they within many safe harbor bills in the United States,
practice. The NHFC maintains a listing of the state including Louisiana8, Minnesota9 (which also
advocacy groups which can be accessed through specifically refers to aromatherapy), Rhode Island10,
their website.5 and California11. This document can be labeled
differently in different states—you may see it called
Safe Harbor and Health Freedom Laws: How something like a “client bill of rights” or “disclosure.”
Do They Affect Aromatherapists?
Health Freedom and safe harbor laws mean Under New Mexico law, the informational document
greater opportunity for Certified Aromatherapists notifies the patient or client:
or Registered Aromatherapists to practice ethically • of the nature and expected results of the
without fear of violating the rigid and over-arching aromatherapy services to be provided.
definitions of “practicing medicine without a license.”
The legal structure of a safe harbor bill or law can • that the aromatherapist is not a healthcare
allow non-licensed practitioners to legally operate, practitioner licensed by the state of New Mexico.
as long as they comply with the provisions stated
within the safe harbor law. • of the aromatherapist’s degrees, education,
training, experience, or other qualifications regarding
For example, in 2009 New Mexico passed the aromatherapy.
safe harbor law, “Unlicensed Health Care Practice
Act,” which specifically places aromatherapy under • of many other details surrounding the
the definition of “‘complementary and alternative aromatherapist’s background as well as the patient’s
health care service’ [defined as] the broad domain rights to honesty and privacy12
of complementary and alternative healing methods
and treatments.”6 Some of these states require this “bill of rights” to be
visibly posted within the aromatherapist’s office as
This means that an aromatherapist is protected from well as an individual hard copy document.
being in violation of New Mexico medical licensing
laws as long as (s)he complies with the provisions While this type of requirement varies state to state,
listed within the act. Section 3 states: many Certified Aromatherapists and/or Registered
Aromatherapists find it useful to provide an informed
“A complementary and alternative health care consent document regardless of the law. The New
practitioner who is not licensed, certified or registered Mexico Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
in New Mexico as a health care practitioner shall not Project LLC (NMCAAMP) has a useful checklist for
be in violation of any licensing law relating to health creating this informational document for New Mexico
care services pursuant to Chapter 61 NMSA 1978 practitioners, and can be found on their website.13
unless that individual: A. engages in any activity
prohibited in Section 4 of the Unlicensed Health While a great number of states are still without Health
Care Practice Act; or B. fails to fulfill the duties set Freedom laws, many holistic health advocates are
forth in Section 5 of the Unlicensed Health Care campaigning for safe harbor bills. For example,
Practice Act.”7 a safe harbor bill is currently being advocated in
Missouri by Melissa Toye.14
One important provision to note in Section 5 of the
States Without Health Freedom Laws a licensed chiropractor or massage therapist, the
It’s extremely encouraging to see our industry modalities can be used in tandem with one another
progressing. However, even though our society and if it is within the scope of practice of the profession.
the allopathic medical community are becoming There are still many ways an aromatherapist can
more comfortable with the idea of alternative be a helpful and useful holistic health practitioner
modalities like aromatherapy, there are still many without resorting to the “don’ts” listed above.
states without Health Freedom laws.
An aromatherapist does:
As with any healthcare practice, it’s essential that • Understand good health and recognizes that it
a Certified Aromatherapist and/or Registered requires a holistic approach, including fresh water,
Aromatherapist be highly informed about the physical activity, fresh air and sun, plenty of rest,
laws of his or her state in order to legally practice and a focus on proper nutrition.
aromatherapy in a state without a safe harbor law.
Legislation varies from state to state, and I would • Share knowledge about achieving and maintaining
highly encourage all aromatherapists to visit their health and wellness with essential oils, homeopathic
state’s legislative website and review the laws formulations, herbs, and other natural modalities.
relating to healthcare and practicing medicine. But
I would also like to offer a few basic guidelines and • Evaluate each client with a holistic approach,
key functions—the do’s and don’ts—of a Certified recognizing that daily nutrition, the environment,
Aromatherapist and/or Registered Aromatherapist. and lifestyle choices have a large impact on health
and wellness.
Let’s start by discussing what an
aromatherapist does not do: • Empower their client to achieve improved health
by addressing any imbalances caused by poor
• Diagnose disease: An aromatherapist is free to sleep quality, imbalanced nutrition, and any other
evaluate a client and determine possible causes of negative lifestyle habits.
imbalance, but he or she cannot diagnose disease,
and should always refer clients back to their primary • Recognize when allopathic healthcare is needed,
care physician for a diagnosis when necessary. and is always prepared to refer a client to their primary
care physician for diagnosis and/or treatment.
• Treat disease: As with diagnostics, the
aromatherapist does not focus on disease, but Ambassadors for Aromatherapy and Natural
rather shares helpful information with clients, Medicine
empowering them to take control of their own health While the Health Freedom movement is growing
and wellness. and legislation is changing, aromatherapists have
an obligation to uphold the highest standards and
• Prescribe drugs or pharmaceuticals: An ethics to maintain integrity within our industry.
aromatherapist offers education surrounding
essential oils, herbs, natural remedies, and holistic This requires vigilance when working with essential
nutrition. oils for clinical use. It’s important, for example,
that an essential oil is not labeled to imply that
• Perform invasive procedures or touch it’s intended for use in the diagnosis, mitigation,
therapies without licensing: Registration through treatment, or prevention of disease, and intended
ARC or Professional membership with NAHA does to affect the structure or any function of the body.
not license an aromatherapist to perform touch This type of claim categorizes the oil as a drug, and
therapies such as reflexology, chiropractics, or all “new drugs” require approval from the Food and
massage. However, if an aromatherapist is also Drug Administration (FDA). So, for example, as an
aromatherapist you cannot say, “This oil is supportive Freedom Laws Passed:
for cholesterol.” Though the statement does not documents/NewMexicoHB0664_2009.pdf.
include the word “treat,” it implies cholesterol is high. 8. 2005 Louisiana Revised Statutes 20-37 VI-B. Retrieved from
Certified Aromatherapists as well as Registered Louisiana State Legislature:
Aromatherapists should always choose the highest aspx?d=321645.
9. Chapter 146A. Complementary and Alternative Health Care
quality of pure, unadulterated essential oils. Practices. Retrieved from 2013 Minnesota Statues: https://
This requires a thorough knowledge of sourcing,
production, distillation, and labeling. There are 10. Relating to Health and Safety – Unlicensed Health Care
many unregulated and misleading terms when it Practices. Retrieved from State of Rhode Island General
comes to essential oils such as: “spray free,” “all HouseText02/H6719a.pdf.
natural,” “therapeutic grade,” and “CPTG Certified 11. 2001 California SB577 - California Complementary and
Pure Therapeutic Grade®.” These are unregulated Alternative Health Care Practitioners. Retrieved from legalinfo.
marketing terms, and in no way mean the oils are
truly pure, organic, or unadulterated, and often lead 12. Unlicensed Health Care PracticeAct HHGAC/HB 664 Retrieved
consumers to falsely believe that they are superior from The National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC), Health
to Certified Organic essential oils. Freedom Laws Passed:
13. New Mexico Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
We are ambassadors for the practice of Project LLC (NMCAAMP) Check list for creating the ‘Patient
aromatherapy. With all of these exciting changes it’s Information Document’ Retrieved from http://www.nmcaamp.
ever more important to maintain the upmost integrity org/downloads/6_PatientInfoChecklist20090619a.pdf.
14. Oberholtz, C. & Rittman, E. (2014, February 20). KCTV5.
when practicing aromatherapy. I often find it helpful Missouri woman seeks bill to support alternative medicine.
and inspiring to re-read the National Association for Retrieved from
Holistic Aromatherapy’s Code of Ethics, found on woman-seeks-bill-to-support-alternative-medicine.
15. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA).
their website,
(2014). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
I am encouraged by the progress we have made in
our efforts to make aromatherapy and other natural
modalities more readily available and accepted. About Dorene Petersen
The road to Health Freedom is long, but I couldn’t Dorene Petersen is President and Founder of the
be more excited to be part of such a courageous American College of Healthcare Sciences. She
and inspiring community of healthcare practitioners. holds a BA degree in Archeology and Anthropology
from Otago University, New Zealand, is a NZ trained
References Naturopath and ran a busy clinic in NZ specializing
in aromatherapy and herbal medicine. She is also
1. National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC). (2012). a certified acupuncturist with specialized training in
Mission and Case Statement. Retrieved from http://www. Chinese herbal medicine and moxibustion. Dorene
serves as Chair of the Aromatherapy Registration
2. You can learn more about this organization on their website Council and is a member of the Research and
at Educational Standards Subcommittee of the
3. Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC). (2011). Frequently Distance Education Training Council. In addition to
Asked Questions. Retrieved from http://aromatherapycouncil.
org/?page_id=75. her work as President of the College, Dorene also
4. National Health Freedom Coalition. (2012). Mission and Case teaches courses for ACHS and leads the annual
Statement. Retrieved from http://www.nationalhealthfreedom. ACHS study-abroad program to Indonesia and other
locations, which explores holistic health, traditional
5. You can learn more about the National Health Freedom
Coalition at: herbal healing, aromatherapy, and essential oil
6. Unlicensed Health Care PracticeAct HHGAC/HB 664 Retrieved distillation and production, among other topics.
from The National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC), Health
Blend the ingredients together in a glass bottle with Application: Apply the gel topically to pimples as
a pump or spray top. Shake well before each use. needed. If irritation occurs discontinue use.
Application: Apply a dime to quarter size amount Added Benefit: Add one teaspoon of powered
of the blend to the face and neck area. Massage facial/body clay (green-drawing/drying, white-
lightly. Remove with a warm, wet cotton facial cloth calming, or pink-cooling) to one teaspoon of the Zit
and pat skin dry. Gel to make a topical facial/body mask.
This blend is useful for all skin types and helps to Application: Allow mask to air dry, then rinse off
remove dirt, oil and makeup. Use caution around with warm water, and pat dry.
the eye area. If irritation occurs discontinue use.
Lip Exfoliate (1 ounce jar)
Spot Gel (2 ounce jar or pump top bottle) ½ ounce Turbinado Sugar
1 ounce Aloe Vera gel (Aloe barbadensis) ½ ounce Organic Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera)
½ ounce Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) hydrosol
½ ounce Distilled Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Essential oils: 6 to 8 drops total
virginiana) Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) or Tangerine (Citrus
reticulata blanco)
Avoid use on overly chapped or cracked lips, cold I love the natural scent of coconut and choose not
sores or open wounds. to add essential oils to this recipe. If you want to
add an essential oil for a more aromatic scent, and
Added Benefit: Try this same recipe for an all for deodorizing properties, try one of the following:
over body scrub and include different essential oils Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), geranium
based on scent preference and aromatic properties. (Pelargonium graveolens) or patchouli (Pogostemon
Dull tired skin responds well to the use of daily dry cablin). Add six to eight drops of the essential oils
skin brushing technique, followed by a once-a- total to the cream mixture.
week application of a rejuvenating sugar scrub with
essential oils of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) Scalp and Hair Rejuvenation Oil (8 ounce
or palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii). bottle with pump or mist spray top)
5 ounces Olive oil (Olea europaea)
Tooth & Mouth Cleanser 1 ounce Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)
Organic Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera). Use 1 ounce Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum)
approximately a dime size per application. 1 ounce Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) hydrosol
Deodorant Cream (2 ounce jar) Blend the above ingredients in the bottle. Shake
1 ounce Organic Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera) well before each use.
½ ounce Baking Soda Powder
½ ounce Cornstarch Powder Application: Apply one to two pumps/sprays of the
blend to the scalp and hair. Gently massage into the
Combine the above ingredients in a stainless scalp and leave on for an overnight rejuvenation
steel bowl and mix with a metal spoon to create a treatment, or apply a small amount to frizzy dry
consistency of a soft type paste (not too oily or too hair for a smooth, soft look all day long. If irritation
powdery). Add more coconut oil if the mixture is too occurs discontinue use.
dry or powdery, and if too oily, add a bit more of the
two powders. Option: Omit the basil and rosemary essential
oils if there is a hypersensitivity to stimulating oils/
Application: Apply a small dime size amount of scents; alternatively, try a total of six to eight drops
cream to underarm areas as needed. Avoid use on of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) or sweet
newly shaven areas. If irritation occurs discontinue marjoram (Origanum marjorana) essential oils.
Cooling Body Mist Spray (8 ounce bottle with Foot and Body Powder (8 ounce shaker jar)
spray top) 7 ounces Arrowroot Powder
Hydrosols: 3 ounces each for a total of 6 ounces of 1 ounce Cornstarch Powder
lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and peppermint Essential oils:
(Mentha x piperita) 8 to 10 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
2 ounces Distilled Witch Hazel (Hamamelis 8 to10 drops Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Essential oil: 12 to 15 drops Clary sage (Salvia Mix the ingredients together and transfer them to a
sclarea) jar with a shaker type top, or place the powder into a
jar and use a cotton round to apply topically.
Blend the above ingredients together in a bottle.
Keep the bottle stored in the refrigerator. Shake well Options: Try different essential oils to create
before use. If irritation occurs discontinue use. unique foot and body powders based on scent
preference and aromatic properties. For example,
Application: Mist spray onto your neck and body foot fungus issues will also benefit from the use of
to help cool off from summer heat, sunburn and for eight to ten drops each of niaouli MQV (Melaleuca
relief from hot flashes. Avoid use with babies and quinquenervia syn. M. viridiflora) and patchouli
small children. (Pogostemon cablin) essential oils.
8 to10 drops Niaouli MQV (Melaleuca quinquenervia About Kelly Holland Azzaro
syn. M. viridiflora) Kelly Holland Azzaro is a Registered Aromatherapist,
6 to 8 drops Distilled Lemon (Citrus limonum) Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner,
Certified Bach Flower Practitioner, Licensed
Blend the ingredients together and pour into a bottle Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Past Vice
with pump applicator. Shake vigorously. President and current Past President of National
Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA). Kelly
Option: For travel, divide the recipe after blended has over 20 years professional experience in holistic
into four one ounce size squeeze-top bottles. aromatherapy, massage and energy therapies for
both people and their pets. She offers NCBTMB CEU
Application: Apply a dime size amount to hands as Approved classes and offers certification courses
needed. If irritation occurs discontinue use. in Animal Aromatherapy and Flower Essences.
Kelly is the Founder and Director of The Holistic
Personal-Use Pads (8 ounce jar) Animal Association Network-‘Supporting the Holistic
4 to 6 ounces Distilled Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Healing Arts for People and Their Animal Friends.’
virginiana) Her articles have been published in Massage
1 to 2 ounces Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Magazine, Holistic Dog Magazine, Dogs Naturally
hydrosol or cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) Magazine, Vita Danzare Journal and NAHA’s
hydrosol, or use a combination of the two hydrosols. Aromatherapy Journal and numerous blogs.
30+ Cotton Rounds, (enough to fill the jar).*
Kelly, and her husband, Marco, who is a Licensed
Stack the cotton rounds on top of each other to fill Acupuncturist and Qigong Practitioner have a
the aroma-safe jar. Pour enough of the liquid mixture Holistic Healing Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains
of witch hazel and hydrosol/s over the cotton rounds of North Carolina. To learn more please visit our
so that the mixture is absorbed into the rounds. Add websites at: and
enough liquid for each cotton pad to be saturated
without being too wet. Allow for a bit of extra liquid to
remain in the jar to help avoid pads from becoming
dried out. Shake well before each use.
Fresh off the press, NAHA’s Explore Aromatherapy booklet is a valuable resource for
information on Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Chemistry, Base Oils, Hydrosols, and
Safety. This beautiful and informative booklet will be available to all members and will
be included in membership packets as you renew.
You may also order booklets and place your label of contact information on the back
cover. It will be an invaluable tool to continue educating the public and your clients/
customers on the benefits of aromatherapy.
Order Packets:
10 booklets $ 10.00
25 booklets $ 24.25
50 booklets $ 48.50
100 booklets $ 95.00
or email:
Interview with
Joy Musacchio and
Cynthia Brownley
by Sharon Falsetto
Interview with an Aromatherapist is a feature of the
NAHA Journal. In each issue, Sharon will introduce
you to a different aromatherapist, herbalist or
professional in the field in order to give you an insight
into the working lives of others in the field of holistic
3. Which aspect of your career do you enjoy the inhalation, in a diffuser, and topically in a cream or
most? Do you have a particular area of interest chest salve.
in aromatherapy that you are most passionate
about and are an advocate for? 6. Do you use any local plants for their essential
We both have always felt drawn to help others. oils either personally or in a professional
As children we both knew that we wanted to be context?
of service. Teaching is a great love and passion Yes, we most certainly do! It is our belief that
for us, as is the magic of the plants and the trees. there is a great deal of natural wisdom inherent in
Educating others in our school, Stillpoint Studies… regional ethnobotany. We currently carry twenty-
School of Essential Oils and Energetics, on the four essential oils that are native to the Southwest at
safe, balanced, and proper usage of essential oils Stillpoint Aromatics – including single essential oils
is one of the main focuses in our lives; along with and quite a few co-distillations. Working with these
importing pure, authentic, and high vibrational oils essential oils reminds us what it might have been
offered at an ethical and fair price. We really are like as pioneer to the area, because there is not
advocates for empowering others on their journey much information about these unique essential oils.
in aromatherapy and with essential oils.
We begin by studying how the plants were
4. As teachers of aromatherapy what do you used traditionally and then look at the chemical
think are important qualities aromatherapists components of the plants from Gas chromatography/
should possess? Mass spectrometry (GC/MS) data in order to assess
We feel that one of the most important qualities a how to safely and effectively use these new essential
professional aromatherapist must possess is the oils. Many new essential oils are emerging from the
ability to confidently address each client’s needs and amazing pharmacopeia of the American Southwest
concerns. Having the ability to listen, to be flexible, including pinion pine (Pinus edulis), Utah juniper
and to be empathetic are absolutely necessary. It is (Juniperus osteosperma), and sagebrush (Artemisia
also important to remember that the consultation is tridentata). In fact, we just purchased a copper still
not just about the aromatherapist and what she/he so we can distill our own local essential oils and
knows, but about the client. Having a well-rounded hydrosols!
background also helps so you don’t just view things
through one lens. Finally, it is also important to 7. Do you integrate the practice of aromatherapy
create a safe, sacred space for the client to be able with any other therapy? If so, which therapies?
to completely trust you, knowing that they are in the And how do you use aromatherapy in these
hands of a competently trained aromatherapist. therapies?
Yes, we absolutely do! We have always used
5. Do you have a favorite essential oil or plant, essential oils in our massage practice. We offer
and if so why? What are your recommended many sessions that integrate essential oils into
uses for this essential oil or plant? various “aromassages,” and also in energetic
This is a hard question as we love so many essential sessions. Essential oils are extremely effective
oils and plants! One essential oil that we have a in assisting our clients on all levels; physically,
particular affinity for is inula (Inula graveolens). emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. We are known
We source inula essential oil from our distiller in to say, “There is an essential oil for everything.” And
Corsica. It is one of the premier essential oils we there really is!
choose when dealing with any serious respiratory
illness. It is reputed to have bronchospasmolytic 8. Why is it important for people to know and
and mucolytic activity. Inula essential oil is known as understand the source of their essential oils?
one of the most effective essential oils for loosening How do you ensure the quality of the essential
mucous and deep congestion. It is also useful for oils you sell?
acute and chronic respiratory conditions such as We believe that the purity and quality of essential
coughs, colds, sinusitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis. oils are of paramount importance. Aromatherapy is
It is fantastic to use it in an inhaler, via a steam not just about a pretty smell. Most people are drawn
to using essential oils as a tool for well-being to help About Cynthia Brownley
themselves and their families. For this reason,
and Joy Musacchio
purity and quality in essential oils are absolutely
Cynthia Brownley, MS, and Joy Musacchio, MA,
are both certified clinical aromatherapists. They
are the founders of Stillpoint Aromatics, importing
There are many things that we do at Stillpoint
over 220 organic and wild harvested essential oils
Aromatics to ensure the quality of our essential oils.
and hydrosols from distillers worldwide. Stillpoint
We source only organic, wild harvested or unsprayed
Aromatic’s essential oils are batch specific GC/MS.
essential oils from small farmers worldwide. We
When an order is received, Cynthia and Joy hand
have a special process that we follow after receiving
pour each essential oil with conscious intention for
the essential oils from our distillers. We decant them
the individual.
into amber glass bottles in a ceremonious way,
they are then stored in cold refrigeration storage
In 2010, Cynthia and Joy founded Stillpoint Studies…
in optimum condition, and each bottle is nitrogen-
School of Essential Oils and Energetics. Stillpoint
capped to reduce the possibility of oxidation. Lastly,
Studies is an accredited education provider for both
none of our essential oils are pre-poured. We
the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy
personally hand pour each bottle upon receiving an
(NAHA) and the Alliance of International
order. Every single bottle of essential oil is poured
Aromatherapists (AIA). The school offers both a
with conscious intention for each person.
250 hour aromatherapy certification program, and
a 180 hour advanced Aroma Mastery Program, in
9. Do you have any advice for those considering
addition to various weekend workshops. For further
a career in aromatherapy?
information: or
Get good training! Learn from as many teachers
as you can and make sure that you acquire an
aromatherapy certification of at least 200 hours.
Get lots of “hands-on” experience. Aromatherapy
is a wonderful career and can help so many people. About Sharon Falsetto
It is so diverse. The best advice we can give is to Sharon Falsetto is a UK certified clinical
find your passionate place within the field and “go aromatherapist who trained with Penny Price
for it!” Never stop learning and seeking knowledge, Aromatherapy. She moved to the United States
and always listen to the plants and trees. in 2006 and successfully founded an online
aromatherapy business, Sedona Aromatherapie.
Sharon personally creates custom blends (both
wholesale and retail) for individual requests,
therapists, spas, and weddings.
Aromatherapy Thymes
Disclaimer: NAHA and the NAHA Editorial Board cannot accept responsibility or
liability for the information contained in the NAHA Aromatherapy Journal/E-Booklets or on
the NAHA Website. The information is shared for educational purposes only and is not
intended to diagnose or take the place of professional healthcare. The opinions expressed
by the authors in this journal or NAHA’s e-booklets do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of NAHA.
Please consult your health care practitioner if you are pregnant or have been diagnosed
with any serious healthcare problems before using essential oils. Keep all aromatherapy
products out of reach of children and pets. Before using essential oils and aromatherapy
products please consult with a professional aromatherapist.
NAHA asks that all authors and contributors include information on safe use of essential
oils and clearly define each essential oil’s common name and Latin binomial(s).
NAHA has the right to accept or reject any articles, advertisements or content submitted.
NAHA website is a resource-full area for information on Aromatherapy Safety, Applications
and Uses.
© Copyright 2014 NAHA Aromatherapy Journal Summer 2014.2
NAHA Regional Directors and Representatives
Michigan: Minnesota:
Lissa Hilton, RA Nevada:
Karen Norland
(616) 928-4900 Lisa Browder, ICA, CR
(218) 280-1822 (702) 425-0780
Seoul, Korea:
Yongmoo Shin
+82 10 5566 8181 (cell phone)
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