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Neil Ardley
Senior Editor: Carron Brown Experiment Page
Art Editor: Mary Sandberg 1 Crush with air 7
Creative Retouching: Stefan Podhorodecki 2 Seal with air 7
Managing Editor: Linda Esposito
Managing Art Editor: Michael Duffy
3 Weigh some air 8
Category Publisher: Andrew Macintyre 4 Discover the gases in the air 9
Producer, Pre-production: Lucy Sims 5 Form a gas 10
Senior Producer: Gemma Sharpe 6 Make a volcano erupt 11
Jacket Editor: Maud Whatley
Jacket Designer: Laura Brim
7 Make a wing fly 12
Jacket Development Manager: Sophia MTT 8 Detect moisture in the air 13
Publishing Director: Jonathan Metcalf 9 Measure the wind 14
Associate Publishing Director: Liz Wheeler
Art Director: Phil Ormerod
Water and Liquids
Project Editor: Bharti Bedi 10 Measure the rain 17
Project Art Editor: Deep Shikha Walia 11 Rain-test materials 18
Art Editors: Dhirendra Singh, Shipra Jain
12 Have fun with water pressure 19
Senior DTP Designer: Harish Aggarwal
DTP Designers: Pawan Kumar, 13 Remove a lime’s life jacket 19
Rajesh Singh Adhikari, Syed Farhad 14 Make things sink, then float! 20
Managing Editor: Alka Thakur Hazarika 15 Find out about floating 21
Managing Art Editor: Romi Chakraborty
CTS Manager: Balwant Singh
16 Command a deep-sea diver 22
Production Manager: Pankaj Sharma 17 Make an underwater volcano 23
Jacket Designer: Suhita Dharamjit 18 See how liquids float and sink 24
Managing Jacket Editor: Saloni Singh 19 Find out if liquids mix 25
First published in the United States in 1993 20 Test the flow of liquids 25
This edition first published in the United States in 2014 by
Dorling Kindersley Limited, Inc.,
21 Grow a stalactite 26
345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 22 Is water hard? 27
Copyright © 1993, © 2014 Dorling Kindersley Limited
A Penguin Random House Company
23 Race a speedboat 28
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 24 See plants drinking 29
KB500 — Dec 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
Hot and Cold
without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. 25 Build a simple thermometer 31
ISBN 978-1-4654-2826-4 26 Race some beads 32
Printed and bound in China by Hung Hing
27 Circulate some heat 32
BE A SAFE SCIENTIST 28 Keep a drink cool 33
Always follow all the steps in each experiment carefully. 29 Store some heat 34
Take care, especially when handling hot or heavy objects, 30 Fight a fire 35
glass, scissors, knives, matches, candles, and batteries. 31 Slice some ice 36
Do not smell things, put them in your ears or mouth, 32 Make your own ice cream 37
or close to your eyes unless the book tells you to do so.
Do not play with electric switches, plugs, outlets, and
electrical machines.
Make sure you clean up after each experiment. 33 Play with shadows 39
This sign in a step means that extra care is needed. 34 Look around corners 40
You must ask an adult to help you with it.
35 Build a kaleidoscope 42
36 See double 43 Magnets
37 Make your own flashlight 44
38 Bend a beam of light 46 74 Charm a snake, fly a kite 87
39 Construct a camera 47 75 Compare the strength of magnets 88
76 Build a magnetic car 89
Color 77 Detect a magnet’s field 90
78 Separate a mixture 91
40 Make a rainbow 49 79 Construct a compass 92
41 See a sunset 50 80 Make an electromagnet 93
42 Discover hidden colors 51 81 Build a buzzer 94
43 Mix colors together 52
44 Spin some colors 53 Electricity
45 Change color 53
46 Test with color 54 82 Bend some water 97
47 See colors in bubbles 55 83 Make a propeller 97
48 Print pretty patterns 56 84 Jump with electricity 98
85 Wave a magic wand 99
Growth 86 Build a charge detector 100
87 Construct a circuit 102
49 Discover the needs of seeds 59 88 Probe for electricity 104
50 See how a plant grows 60 89 Build a battery 105
51 Make a plant maze 61 90 Make a merry-go-round 106
52 Grow a piece of plant 62
53 See a plant bubble 62 Motion and Machines
54 Test a plant for food 63
55 Grow your own mold 64 91 Build a wheelbarrow 109
92 Get a jet going 110
Senses 93 Build a turbine 111
94 Test for friction 111
56 See how your ears work 67 95 Move in a circle 112
57 Find out how your eyes work 68 96 Engage a gear 112
58 See two pictures as one 69 97 Make an automatic machine 113
59 Build a wobble detector 70 98 Construct a fan 114
60 Change your ears around 71 99 Build a water wheel 116
61 Take a taste test 71 100 Lift a load with water 118
62 Test your sense of touch 72 101 Build a crane 119
63 Check your reaction time 73
Sound and Music
64 See some sound 75
65 Make a sound gun 76
66 Make a coat-hanger clanger 77
67 Bounce a sound 78
68 Make a paper banger 79
69 Beat some drums 80
70 Strike up a tune 82
71 Play a pipe 82
72 Blow a horn 83
73 Build a banjo 84
Air is all around you—but you are hardly Air support
ever aware of it. You cannot see it, and A bicycle pump forces
you only feel it in a strong wind. But you more and more air into the
inner tube of a tire. The air
breathe air all the time. It keeps you pushes out on the walls
alive—and animals and plants, too. Air is of the tube. It pushes so
needed to burn fuel and to make many hard that it can support
machines work. Aircraft use it when they the weight of both the
fly. Air is made up of “gases”—substances bicycle and the rider.
that can change shape and “expand,” or
grow bigger to fill any shape or space.
Buoyant balloons
These balloons contain a gas called
helium. Helium is lighter than air,
so it floats upward, carrying the
balloons with it.


Carbon dioxide
and other gases
Big breath
When you breathe in, air enters your
lungs. You can find out how much
air your lungs can hold by taking
a deep breath and then blowing
through a tube into an overturned
Big let down jar of water. The air from your
As a parachute falls, lungs pushes water out of the jar.
air pushes upward
against it, so it drops
slowly and safely to the
ground. Air is made up
of two main gases, called
nitrogen and oxygen, with
small amounts of other gases.
Air and Gases

1 Crush with air

Make a plastic bottle collapse You will need:
without touching it! The air
does the job for you. You
cannot feel air, but it presses
against every surface. This
Hot and cold Plastic soft-
is called “air pressure.” Ice Funnel water drink bottle Bowl

1. Stand the bottle upright 2. Screw the cap on the bottle. 3. As the warm air inside
in a bowl. Pour the hot Lay the bottle in the the bottle cools,
water into it bowl and pour ice it exerts less
and leave and cold water pressure. The
it for a over it. Then pressure of the
short time. stand it up. air outside is
stronger and
crushes the

2 Seal with air

Keep water from falling out of an overturned You will need:
glass. A card can stick to a glass and keep
the water in it, as if by magic! Air pressure
forces the card upward, against the glass.
The pressure is strong enough to stop the
weight of the water pushing the card away. Thin flat card Glass Water

The rim
must have no
chips in it.

1. Hold the glass over a sink 2. Place the card on the glass. 3. Still holding the card, turn the
or a basin. Carefully pour some Hold it down so the card touches glass upside down. Let go of the
water into the glass. the rim all the way around. card. The water stays in the glass!
Air and gases

3 Weigh some air

When something is very You will need:
light, people often say it’s Long, thin piece of wood
“as light as air.” But air is not
light at all. Do this simple
experiment to show that Balloon pump Two balloons Ruler Tape
air is really quite heavy.
Two tacks Rubber band Pencil Thread

1. Use the ruler to find the 2. Push a tack into each side 3. Tie the thread to the middle
center of the wood. Then mark it. at the center mark. of the rubber band.

Attach the neck of

the balloon to the
If the wood does not far end of the wood.
balance, attach modeling
clay to the higher end.

4. Attach the loops of the rubber band 5. Tape one of the balloons to one end of the wood.
around the tacks. Lift the wood by the
thread. It should balance.

6. Tape the second balloon to the

Move one of the other end of the wood. Check that
balloons if the wood it still balances. Then remove one
does not balance. balloon and blow it up.
Air and gases

Drinking with a straw

When the balloon When you drink through a
has been inflated, straw, the weight of the air
it becomes heavier helps you. The air above the
because it contains air. drink pushes on the surface
of the liquid.
The empty balloon As you suck,
has no air in it, so it forces the
it is lighter than
liquid up
the inflated one.
the straw to
your mouth.

7. Tie the neck of the

blown-up balloon and
attach it to the wood in
the same place as before.
The balloon makes the
wood lose its balance.

4 Discover the gases in the air

Put out a candle without blowing on it or You will need:
touching it. When you do this experiment,
you show that air is a mixture of invisible
gases. One of these is especially important.
It is oxygen, which is used when things Colored Candle
Candle water holder Glass jar Bowl
burn and produce energy.
The water rises
up to replace the
oxygen. The
The flame uses remaining gas
up the oxygen in the jar is
gas in the jar. mainly nitrogen.

1. Put the candle in the holder 2. Ask an adult to light

and place it in the bowl. Then the candle. Then place the jar
pour in the water. over it. Leave it for a little while.

Air and energy

Like other cars, this race car gets
its energy from gas burning in its
engine. Burning fuel provides most
of the energy we use for heating
and powering machines. This
process uses oxygen, which 3. At first, the water level in
comes from the air around us. the jar rises, and then the flame
suddenly goes out!
Air and gases

5 Form a gas
Inflate a balloon without blowing into You will need:
it, or using a pump! You can do this by
making a gas and then getting it to go into
a balloon. The gas is called carbon dioxide. Balloon
It is this gas that forms the bubbles in
soda water and carbonated drinks. Sodium Narrow-necked
Vinegar bicarbonate Funnel bottle

1. Pour some vinegar into 2. Using the funnel, fill the 3. Stretch the neck of the
the narrow-necked bottle balloon with sodium balloon over the
until it is about a bicarbonate neck of the
quarter full. powder. bottle. Do not let
the sodium
escape from
the balloon.

Exploding drink 4. Lift the balloon so that

As more gas
Shake a bottle of soda, then the sodium bicarbonate falls
forms, its pressure
unscrew the cap. The drink into the bottle. The vinegar increases and the
fizzes up out of the bottle! Carbon begins to fizz and the balloon expands.
dioxide gas is dissolved in the balloon slowly starts
water in the drink. It is kept to inflate.
under pressure in
the bottle. When
you unscrew the
cap, you reduce
the pressure
The vinegar reacts
and the gas
with the sodium
bubbles up out bicarbonate to
of the water. release bubbles of
carbon dioxide gas.

Air and gases

6 Make a volcano erupt

Build a model volcano—then You will need:
make it erupt! You can make
“red-hot lava” flow down the
Vinegar Small plastic Sodium
sides. Although the lava is not bottle bicarbonate
real, your model volcano
works like a real one.
Large dish or tray Funnel Red food coloring Sand and gravel

1. Add red food 2. Using the

coloring to the funnel, half fill the
vinegar. This bottle with sodium
makes your “lava” bicarbonate. Then
red, like the real stand the bottle
red-hot lava in upright in the
a volcano. middle of the dish.

Volcano Erupting
3. Pile gravel, then sand
grows as
around the bottle to make the
lava cools volcano. Quickly pour some
red vinegar into the bottle
and watch the volcano erupt!

Bubbles of carbon
dioxide gas form in
the bottle and force
out the red vinegar.

Exploding mountain
A long pipe leads down from
the top of a volcano to a deep
underground chamber. There
is melted rock in the chamber
and very hot gases. The pressure
of the gases sometimes forces
the molten rock up the pipe
to the surface. The red-hot
melted rock, called “lava,”
erupts from the volcano and
flows down its sides. There
it cools and becomes solid.
Eruptions cause the lava to
build up and the volcano
grows taller.

Air and gases

7 Make a wing fly

When birds and aircraft fly, You will need:
moving air around their wings
helps carry them high into the
Short length Drinking
sky. Build and fly a model wing. of thread straw
It shows how moving air lifts up
a wing and keeps it airborne.
Tape Sharp pencil Hair dryer Scissors Light, stiff paper

1. Fold the paper in two. Make 2. Turn the paper over. Tape 3. Use the pencil to make
one side of the fold a little smaller the edges together to make a two holes in the wing, one
than the other. wing shape. above the other.

4. Cut a piece of drinking 5. Push the straw through the 6. Feed the thread through the
straw, long enough to go through holes. Attach it firmly with tape. straw and tie it to something sturdy.
the holes.

Use the hair dryer As the air passes over As the air
to blow air over the the wing, it speeds up. moves faster,
curved top of the wing. its pressure falls.

Still air under the

wing has a higher
pressure. It pushes
the wing upward.

7. Blow air Blow them apart?

on the wing. It rises Tape cotton threads to two table-tennis
up on the thread. balls and hang them about 6 in (15 cm)
It’s amazing! apart. Try blowing air between the balls.
Instead of separating them, the moving air
draws them together. As air moves, its
pressure falls. The balls move toward the
lower pressure, so they swing together.

Air and gases

8 Detect moisture in the air

Although air does not feel You will need:
wet, it does contain moisture.
Moisture in the air is called
“humidity.” The humidity of Straw Tape Map pins

the air is constantly changing,

as this experiment shows. White
Ruler Modeling clay Pen card Cork board

1. Draw a scale on the white 2. Push a pin through a straw 3. Press some modeling clay into
card, marking it at one-sixteenth close to one end. Pin the straw to the short end of the straw. Use just
of an inch (2mm) intervals. Pin the board, so that the long end enough clay to balance the straw
the card to the cork board. points to the middle of the scale. when the board is upright.
Hair absorbs
and loses
4. Get a friend to moisture easily.
pull a hair carefully
from your head—tell
them not to pull too
hard, or it will hurt!

5. Tape one end of the hair

to the short end of the straw and
the other to the board’s frame.
Stand the board upright.

Weather house
This model house tells you what the
weather is going to be like. The man
comes out if the air is moist. This means
that rain is likely. If the air is dry, the
woman comes out. When she appears, it 6. In dry air, the hair shrinks
shows that there is dry weather ahead. and pulls the straw up the scale.
In moist air, the hair expands and
the straw falls down the scale.
Air and gases

9 Measure the wind

You can feel the wind—but You will need:
can you tell where it is coming
from? It is important to know Long tack Glue stick
because a change in the wind Scissors
can affect the weather. Make Compass
a wind vane to determine the
wind’s direction. Thin,
Drinking straw and colored
Modeling clay Plastic pot pencil with eraser card

First mark the

triangles on the
card with a ruler
Make sure the pot and pencil.
holds the pencil firmly.

1. Use the pencil to make a hole in the middle 2. Cut out four small triangles and two large
of the pot. Then push the sharp end of the pencil ones from the colored card.
through the hole.

Push the base of the other

triangle into the straw to
make the vane’s pointer.

The triangles Push the pointed end of one

point outward in triangle into the straw to
four directions. make the wind vane’s tail.

3. Glue each of the four small triangles to the 4. Cut short slits in both ends of the straw.
plastic pot. Look at the picture to see where they Insert the two large triangles into the straw to make
should go. an arrow-shaped pointer. This is called a “vane.”

Air and gases

Make sure
that the vane
spins easily.
Press the pot
firmly into the The modeling clay holds
modeling clay. the wind vane steady.

5. Carefully push the tack all the way 6. Make a ring of modeling clay and push
through the center of the straw. Then push the pot firmly into it, so it cannot blow
it into the eraser on the pencil end. away. Your wind vane is ready to use.

Whirling in the wind

As well as finding out the
The direction of
direction of the wind, it is also
the wind is the
important to measure the speed direction from
of the wind. High-speed winds which it comes.
may cause damage and may be
dangerous to ships and aircraft.
The instrument shown below
is called an anemometer. It
measures the speed of the North
wind. The moving air makes West
the cups whirl around and the Position the wind vane
wind speed shows on the scale. so that the triangles
point north, east, south,
There is a scale to describe
and west. Use a compass
wind strength. It ranges from to help you.
0 (calm) to 12 (a hurricane). East
The wind
spins the
In a south wind,
the vane points
to the south.

The wind
speed is
shown on 7. Place your
the dial. wind vane outside.
The vane swings
around in the
direction of
the wind.
Water is wonderful. You can have fun
swimming and playing in water. Rain
is not so much fun, but we could not
live without it. It brings us the water
we need to drink and to grow crops
for food. Water is a “liquid,” which is
a substance that flows easily. There
are many other liquids. Oil, such as
cooking oil, is another. When liquids
Building with water are cooled, they turn to solids. Water Water for life
A snowman is made with freezes to become hard ice. Heating People, animals, and
solid water! Snowflakes plants all need water
consist of ice. They are
water turns it into a gas called “water to live. Water helps
made up of ice crystals vapor,” which disappears into the air. keep your body
which form in clouds When water vapor cools, it turns working, so that
in cold weather. back to liquid water. you stay alive.

The power of water

World of water Water can change the shape of
This photograph of the Earth shows the land. Waves battering the
the blue oceans and the white shore wear away the rocks.
clouds that bring rain. Most of the Rain washes soil into rivers,
brown land with no clouds is a which carry it away.
huge desert where no rain falls.

Mostly water
There is as
much water in
these buckets as
in the girl’s body!
More than half of
your body is water.
Water and liquids

10 Measure the rain

Rain falls from the clouds, which contain You will need:
millions of tiny water droplets. These come Large, clear
together, forming raindrops that fall to plastic bottle
the ground. Make a simple rain gauge
to measure rainfall. This is the amount Ruler and Measuring Small, clear
of rain that falls over a certain time. marker pen cup plastic bottle Scissors

1. Cut off the tops of both 2. Fill the cup to a quarter full. 3. Repeat step 2 several times,
bottles, using the scissors. Make Pour the water into the small bottle. so that you have a series of marks
sure the edges are straight. Mark the level. on the side of the bottle.

Empty the bottle

after measuring the
rainfall. Put it back
in the same place.

5. Stand the bottles

outside on a table or a
wall to catch the rain. Record the
4. Empty the small bottle. Place water level in the small bottle each
it inside the large bottle. Put the top morning. This is the daily rainfall.
of the large bottle upside down over
the small bottle. It forms a funnel.
Rainfall in inches

Weather station 0.1
Each day, scientists called meteorologists
take detailed measurements to help them Chart showing the rainfall for
12 months
keep track of the weather and forecast
how it will change. They record the
amount of rainfall, the highest and lowest
6. Add up the rainfall for each
week or each month. Then make
temperatures, the humidity, the speed, and a chart to show how much rain
direction of the wind, and the air pressure. falls over several weeks, months,
or even a whole year.
Water and liquids

11 Rain-test materials
Use rainwater to discover the water You will need:
resistance of different materials.
You will soon see why only certain Pen Scissors
materials are used with water. Cotton, paper, paints
felt, rubber,
plastic Rubber bands Five jars Paintbrush

1. Draw a circle that’s wider 2. Place the circle of material over 3. Paint a face on the jar.
than the top of the jar. Cut it out. the top of one jar. Secure it to the Repeat steps one to three with the
jar with a rubber band. remaining four pieces of material
and jars.

Wool holds water Cotton is not Plastic is waterproof Rubber is waterproof Paper is not at
longer than cotton, waterproof and and so is used to and stretchy so is all waterproof
but is not waterproof. lets in water. make things that used to make and it falls apart
hold water. swim caps. in the rain.

Coated materials
4. Place your five finished Materials can be made water-resistant
jars in the rain. Leave them
by coating them with a waterproof
for two hours before looking
material, such as rubber or wax. Some
at them again. Make notes
umbrella canopies are made from
on what you find.
plastic, but others have nylon canopies
coated with water-resistant chemicals.

Water and liquids

12 Have fun with water pressure

Have fun finding out how water You will need:
pressure can splash a stream of
water over a distance. Fountains
use water pressure to shoot water Pen
at different heights. Clear plastic Pitcher
bottle with cap of water

The water will flow out of

the hole only when the cap
is removed because it needs
air to release the pressure.

2. Hold the
bottle upright.
Find a friend to
1. Fill the bottle with water, surprise. Unscrew
replace the cap tightly, and lie the the lid and the
bottle on its side. Make a small hole water will spurt
halfway down with a pen. out of the hole!

13 Remove a lime’s life jacket

Buoyancy is a force that pushes up You will need:
from the water. A life jacket filled with air
pushes on water with a weaker force than
it receives from the water, so it increases
Clear, tall
buoyancy and helps you float. Lime Peeler glass of water

1. Place a lime into 2. Peel the lime

the glass of water. and place the fruit back
The fruit will float. in the glass. This time
the lime sinks.

The lime’s rind is

filled with tiny bubbles
that make it float, just
like a life jacket.

Water and liquids

14 Make things sink, then float!

A huge ship floats on water, even though You will need:
it is very heavy. Yet a small, light object
such as a marble sinks! The weight of the
objects does not matter. Whether or not
something floats depends on how much
water it “displaces,” or pushes aside.
Modeling clay Marbles Glass tank or bowl of water

The displaced water

pushes on the objects,
but not enough to
make them float.

1. Drop marbles into the water. 2. The clay ball also sinks. Like 3. Remove the marbles and the
They quickly sink to the bottom. the marbles, it does not displace clay ball. Shape the clay to make
Roll the clay into a ball. much water. a boat.

More water has been The extra displaced

displaced. It pushes water supports the
with more force and weight of the marbles. TF
can support the clay
boat, making it float. F


Safety level
An overloaded ship settles too
low in the water and could sink.
Marks on a ship’s side show
4. Now the clay floats! The 5. Add a cargo of marbles. The safe loading levels.
boat is bigger than the ball was boat settles lower, but displaces
and displaces more water. more water and still floats.
Water and liquids

15 Find out about floating

An object floats in water if it You will need:
displaces enough water. But
how much water is “enough”?
Find out by collecting the
displaced water and weighing
it. It always weighs the same Small
Kitchen scale Pitcher of water Big glass jar glass jar Large dish
as the floating object.

Fill the jar

to the brim.

1. Remove the pan from the 2. Float the small jar in the big 3. Carefully remove the big jar
scale and reset the scale to zero. jar. It displaces water, which spills and the scale from the dish. Put the
Put the scale in the dish. Rest the out into the dish. The weight of the pan on the scale and adjust them to
big jar on the scale and fill it with big jar does not change. zero. Pour in the water that had
water. Note its weight. spilled into the dish.

Afloat like a boat

When you float in water,
your body displaces water,
like any other floating object.
The displaced water weighs as
much as you do. It pushes up
against your body and supports
it so you do not sink.

4. Write down the weight of the 5. Now weigh the small jar that
water in the pan. Remove the pan was floating in the big jar. You can
and reset the scale to zero. see that it has the same weight as
the water it displaced.
Water and liquids

16 Command a deep-sea diver

At your command, a toy diver will dive You will need:
into a bottle of water and then return to
Plastic pen
the surface. The diver you make works cap
in the same way as submarines and other
vessels that can dive deep under the sea.
Modeling clay Glass of water Thin, clear plastic bottle

Only the tip should

If there is a hole in the
be above the water.
tip, seal it with clay.

A bubble of air
is trapped inside
the pen cap. This
makes it float.

1. Make your toy diver 2. Put the diver in a glass of 3. Fill the bottle to the top with
by sticking a small piece of water. Add or remove clay until water. Put the diver in and screw
modeling clay to the pen cap. it only just floats. the bottle cap on tightly.

Down in the depths

This underwater vessel explores
the ocean depths. It has tanks
that are flooded with water to
make it dive. To make it rise to
the surface again, air is pumped
into these tanks. This drives out
the water, and the vessel floats.

Water leaves the

Water enters the pen cap. The air
pen cap. The bubble bubble gets bigger
gets smaller, and no again and makes
longer supports the the pen cap float
pen cap. once more.

4. Squeeze the sides of the bottle. 5. Release your grip on the bottle.
The diver sinks to the bottom! Now the diver rises back to the top.

Water and liquids

17 Make an underwater volcano

Did you know that you can get water to You will need:
float on water? Hot water always rises
Scissors Paintbrush
to the surface and floats on cold water
underneath it. Show this happening by
making a “volcano” erupt under water
and send up a huge plume of “smoke.” Hot and Red food Large
Small bottle cold water coloring String glass jar

1. Cut a long piece of string. 2. Tie the other end of the 3. Pour cold water into the
Tie one end firmly around the piece of string around the neck large glass jar until it is about
neck of the bottle. of the same bottle to make a loop. three-quarters full.

4. Fill the bottle with hot 5. Hold the bottle by the loop of
water. Add food coloring to string. Lower it gently into the jar
turn the water bright red. of cold water.

Hot-water holes
There are deep holes in the ocean
floor. Water, heated by the hot rocks
deep in the Earth’s crust, shoots out of
these holes and rises to the surface
of the sea. Divers have discovered
strange sea creatures that live
around these hot-water holes.
6. The hot red water rises
from the bottle like smoke
from an erupting volcano.
Water and liquids

18 See how liquids float and sink

Liquids can float and sink just as You will need:
solid objects can. It all depends
on something called “density.”
A substance with a lower density Syrup Vegetable oil
weighs less than the same volume
of one with a higher density. An
object or liquid will float only in water Large
a liquid more dense than itself. Selection of objects to float container

1. Carefully pour syrup into the 2. Slowly pour the same amount 3. The three liquids separate into
container until it is a quarter full. of vegetable oil into the container. three layers and float on each other.
It is easier if you pour the syrup Then add the same amount of Now add the objects you plan to
over the back of a spoon. colored water. try to float.

4. The objects
float at different
levels. They sink
until they reach a
liquid of a higher
density than
themselves. They
float on that liquid.

Water is more dense

than the oil but less
dense than the syrup.

The grape is more dense Liquid tester

than the water but less A lump of modeling clay on
dense than the syrup. a straw makes a “hydrometer,”
which measures density. The
level at which it floats depends
on a liquid’s density. The denser
the liquid, the higher it floats.

Water and liquids

19 Find out if liquids mix

It is easy to color some liquids, but not You will need:
others. See how oil “resists” being tinted
with food coloring. This means it does not Spoon
let the coloring mix into it, and the color
cannot spread through oil. Then find out Food
what happens to the color in water. coloring Glass beaker Dropper Pitcher of water Cooking oil

1. Pour some water into the 2. Carefully add a few drops 3. Using a spoon, push the drops
beaker, then add some oil. They of food coloring to the beaker. of food coloring into the water. The
form two separate layers because Use a dropper if necessary. The color bursts out as the drops meet
oil and water do not mix. drops float in the oil. the water and mix with it.

20 Test the flow of liquids

It takes much longer to pour syrup into a glass You will need:
than to pour water. This is because the syrup
has a high “viscosity.” This means it does not
flow easily. Test the viscosities of different
liquids. The ones in this experiment should Liquids such as water, cooking oil, Small jars and
be easy to find at home. clear liquid soap, syrup, and vinegar marbles

1. Fill the jars with different liquids. Drop a marble 2. The slower the marble falls, the higher the
into each one. viscosity of the liquid.
Water and liquids

21 Grow a stalactite
Stalactites are long thin columns of You will need:
minerals hanging from the ceilings Paper clips Spoon
of caves. They form over many
centuries as the water drips and
deposits its minerals. But you can Short length Pitcher of Baking
grow one in less than a week! of yarn warm water Dish Two jars soda

1. Fill both the jars 2. Attach paper clips

with warm water. Add to the ends of the yarn.
baking soda and stir until Place the ends in the
no more dissolves. jars, so the yarn hangs
between the jars.

Baking The soda solution

soda solution flows along the yarn.

soda solution

The stalactite
3. Place a dish Drip of soda grows as each
between the jars solution drip evaporates
to catch the drips. and leaves a little
Leave the jars soda behind.
More crystals
for several days.
form in dish.
A white stalactite
grows down
from the yarn. A
stalagmite grows
up from the plate.

Water flowing underground dissolves minerals as
it seeps through rocks. It then deposits the minerals
as stalactites when it drips through a cave ceiling. Water
falling from the end of a stalactite builds up a column of
minerals on the floor called a stalagmite. The stalactite
and stalagmite may eventually meet to form a pillar.

Water and liquids

22 Is water hard?
Water can be “hard,” but not hard like You will need:
rock. If tap water is hard, it builds up Spoon Dropper
a deposit of minerals inside pipes and
kettles. Soap does not easily form bubbles
in hard water. Find out if the water from
the faucets in your house is hard. Two screw-top Small Distilled Liquid
Tap water jars open jar water soap

1. Mix liquid soap with some 2. Pour distilled water into one 3. Put a drop of liquid soap
distilled water in the small jar. screw-top jar, and the same amount solution into the jar of tap
Distilled water is not hard. of tap water into the other. water. Screw on the lid.

If the tap water needs

4. Shake the jar. If it does not more drops to make it
foam, repeat step 3 and shake it foam than the distilled
again. Count how many drops you water, it is hard.
need to make the water foam.

Water softening
Hard water builds up scaly
mineral deposits in kettles and
pipes. It can be softened by
passing it through a filter that
uses chemicals to remove the
minerals from the water.

5. Repeat steps 3
and 4 with the distilled
water. Did the tap water
need more drops to
make it foam?

Water and liquids

23 Race a speedboat
Make a paper boat race across You will need:
a bowl—just by touching the Pencil
surface of the water! This
happens because there is Ruler
a force present, called
“surface tension.” Dishwashing Large, clean, plastic
Colored card soap Scissors bowl of water

1. Draw the shape of your 2. Carefully cut out your boat 3. Squeeze a small drop of the
boat on the card. This one has shape. Place it on the water and dishwashing soap on your finger.
a triangular shape. let it f loat.

You must change the water in

4. Dip your finger in the the bowl if you want to try again.
water, just behind the boat.
The boat shoots forward
across the bowl.
Make metal float
Gently place a paper clip on the
The dishwashing water’s surface, and it will float!
soap weakens the
The surface tension of the water
surface tension
behind the boat.
is strong enough to support very
light objects, such as paper clips.

The surface tension

is stronger in front of
the boat. This pulls the
boat forward.

Water and liquids

24 See plants drinking

Plants need water to live, just You will need:
like you do. By making some
flowers change color, you can white flowers
see how plants absorb water.
It flows through a plant’s stem
and into its leaves and flowers. Different colored
Four glasses inks or food coloring Scissors

1. Pour a little food coloring 2. Trim the stems of the 3. Put a flower in each glass
or ink into each glass. Then add flowers. Split part of the stem of colored water. The split stem
some water. of one flower in two. goes in two glasses.

4. Leave the flowers Green

in a warm room. Very Red flower
slowly, they change

Thirsty leaves
Place a twig with leaves on it in a
glass of water. Add some cooking
Red water travels
oil, and make some marks on the
up the stem to the
glass. Observe this for a few days petals, staining
to see how the level of the water them red.
falls as the leaves suck up the
water. The layer of oil on the Each part of the split stem
water keeps it from evaporating, feeds different colored water
so you can into the flower.
be sure all
the water
has been
5. Each half of the flower with
the split stem turns a different
absorbed by color. One half of the split stem
the plant. feeds red water into it
and the other half
feeds blue water.

Red and
green flower

Something that is hot, like a hot drink,
feels very different from something cold,
like ice cream. But both sensations are
caused by the same thing: heat. The
difference is that cold objects contain
less heat than hot ones. Our bodies make
heat from our food. We also get heat
How hot? from the Sun and from burning fuels.
A thermometer measures
the “temperature,” which is
how hot or cold something
is. Temperature is measured
in units called “degrees.” Fire and flames
This thermometer is Heating some materials
showing a temperature makes them catch fire. This
of 36.6 degrees. has happened to the trees
in this forest. The flames
of the fire produce heat, so
that more material starts to
burn and the fire spreads.

A ball of fire
The Sun is a huge ball of very
hot gas. It glows with light and
creates vast amounts of heat in
the form of invisible heat rays. Keeping cool
These travel through space You wear thin
and warm the Earth. clothes in hot
weather. These
allow heat to
escape from your
body, so you do
not get too hot.
Staying warm
You wear thick clothes
in cold weather. These
keep you warm because
they keep heat from
escaping your body.
Hot and cold

25 Build a simple thermometer

A thermometer usually has a thin You will need: Modeling
tube of colored liquid. This liquid clay
moves up and down inside the tube, Clear straw
which is marked with a scale showing
degrees. The level of the liquid in the
tube indicates the temperature. Cold Food Colored Glass
Card Scissors water coloring markers bottle

The seal must

be airtight.

1. Pour cold water into the bottle 2. Put a straw in the bottle 3. Blow gently into the straw.
until it is about three-quarters full. so that it dips in the water. Seal The water rises up it. Stop when
Add a few drops of food coloring. around it with modeling clay. it is halfway up.

The black mark shows The red mark The blue mark
a normal temperature. shows a high (warm) shows a low (cool)
temperature. temperature.

The air inside the

Heat makes the bottle contracts as
air inside the bottle it cools, sucking the
expand and push the water back down
water up the straw. the straw.

4. Cut two 5. Put the 6. Put the

slits in the card. thermometer thermometer
Slide it over the in a warm place. in a refrigerator
straw. Make a black The water rises. for a while. The
mark to show the Mark the level water level falls.
level of the water. in red. Mark it in blue.

Hot and cold

26 Race some beads

Heat spreads better through You will need:
some materials than others.
Show how well some common Beads Wooden spoon Drinking straw
materials “conduct” (spread)
heat through them. Good
conductors take in most heat. Butter or
Glass beaker margarine Metal spoon Plastic spoon

2. Pour in hot
water. Heat moves up
the spoons and straw
and melts the butter.
1. Use butter to stick one bead to The bead that falls
each of the spoons and to the straw. first was stuck to the
Stand them in the beaker. best conductor.

27 Circulate some heat

Show how heat moves around You will need:
a liquid. This movement is
called “convection.” It happens
Dropper Wooden blocks
in air, too. When you put a
heater on in a room, its heat
spreads by convection.
Heatproof glass dish Candle Food coloring Cooking oil

1. Put the 3. Warm currents

candle between The oil at the circulate in the oil.
the blocks. Ask surface cools They carry drops of food
an adult to light and sinks back coloring with them.
the candle. to the bottom.

2. Pour cooking
oil into the dish As the oil
and place it gets hotter,
of food
on the blocks. it rises.
Put drops of
food coloring
at the bottom.

Hot and cold

28 Keep a drink cool

When a liquid evaporates and You will need:
changes into a gas, it takes in
heat from its surroundings.
Refrigerators use this principle
to keep things cool. Try
making your own refrigerator.
Two drink cans Glass dish Pitcher of water Flowerpot Spray bottle

This can will This can will

warm up in stay cool
the Sun’s rays. during the

1. Do this experiment on a sunny 2. Cover the can in the dish with 3. Leave the flowerpot to stand
day. Take two drink cans. Place one a flowerpot. Pour cold water over in the Sun’s rays. Spray it with
in the sunshine, and the other in a the flowerpot until it is fully soaked. water now and again to prevent
glass dish. it from drying out.

As the water evaporates from the wet

flowerpot, it takes heat from inside
the flowerpot. This draws heat from
the can and keeps the drink cool.

Shivering swimmers
It is quite common to shiver
soon after emerging from the
ocean or a pool, even if the
4. After about an
hour, take both cans
weather is not particularly cold. and taste the drink
As the water evaporates from from each one.
your wet skin and suit, it draws
heat from your body, making
you feel cold. It is good to have a
towel ready to wrap yourself in!

5. You will notice

that the drink from
the can that has been
exposed to the Sun is
the warmest. The wet
flowerpot acts like a
refrigerator and keeps
the other drink cool.
Hot and cold

29 Store some heat

Hot drinks lose heat easily, so they You will need:
soon cool down. Make a heat store
and keep some warm water in it. Tape Wide cork
The store helps stop heat from
escaping, so the water inside it
stays warmer for much longer.
Big jar Small jar Small Warm Aluminum Scissors
with lid with lid glass water foil

The lids stop the Heat leaves the

heat from escaping sides and top
upward. of the glass.
The shiny foil
helps keep
heat in the
small jar.

Heat does not pass easily

through the cork and the
air in the large jar.

1. Wrap two layers of foil tightly 2. Pour warm water into the 3. Place the cork in the bottom of
around the small jar, with the shiny small jar and the glass. Put the the big jar and stand the small jar
sides facing in. Fasten with tape. lid on the jar. on it. Put the lid on the big jar.

Heat barrier
A thermos keeps drinks hot or
Water in the cold. It has two containers with
glass loses heat tight lids, like your heat store.
more quickly The inner container has shiny
than in the
sides and a double wall with
small jar.
a “vacuum,” or empty space,
The water in
inside. It is so difficult for heat to
the small jar
stays warmer leave or enter the flask that its
for longer. contents stay hot,
or remain cold,
for a long time.

Shiny sides


4. After ten minutes, take out the small jar. The water Vacuum
in it is still warm, but the water in the glass has cooled.
Hot and cold

30 Fight a fire
Light a candle—and then put out the You will need:
flame, as if by magic! This can be done
because things burn only if they get Spoon
oxygen from the air. Take away the Sodium
supply of oxygen, and the fire goes out.

Matches Candle Vinegar Glass dish Modeling clay

The top of the

candle must be
lower than the
top of the dish.

1. Using the modeling clay, stick 2. Sprinkle some sodium 3. Ask an adult to light
the candle to the bottom of the dish. bicarbonate around the candle. the candle with a match.

The vinegar and the Invisible carbon dioxide

sodium bicarbonate fills the glass and covers
release bubbles of the flame. It cuts off the
carbon dioxide gas. oxygen supply.

The match
goes out as
The froth As the candle it enters the
must not burns, it takes carbon dioxide.
reach the in oxygen
flame. from the air.

4. Add some vinegar. The sodium 5. Keep still and watch.

bicarbonate begins to froth. Suddenly, the flame goes
out, but you cannot see why.

Battling the flames

Firefighters cover a fire with a
layer of water, foam, or carbon
dioxide. This layer stops air from
reaching the flames. To go on
burning, the fire needs oxygen
from the air. Without oxygen,
the fire goes out. 6. Try to light the candle
again. It’s impossible!
Hot and cold

31 Slice some ice

Cut right through an ice You will need: Plastic
cube—and leave it in one piece! bottle of
You do not use a knife for this water
amazing trick. You just cut the Steel fork Thin wire
ice with a piece of wire.
Aluminum foil Tape Ice cube Heavy book

Knot the ends of the

wire tightly together.

Make sure the

fork cannot move.

1. Tape the fork to the table edge. 2. Make a loop of wire and attach 3. Place the ice cube on a square
Put the book on the handle. it securely to the bottle. of foil on the fork.

4. Loop the 5. Slowly,

wire over the ice the wire cuts
cube. The weight right through
of the bottle the ice cube. When the
pulls the wire The wire pulls pressure from
so hard that its the wire has
into the ice.
pressure makes gone, the water
the ice beneath freezes again.
it melt.

Speed on the ice

Skaters can skim quickly over ice.
Their weight causes a film of water to
form just beneath the blades of their
skates. The skates slide easily along
on this slippery film. The blades are
slightly curved at the bottom so they
grip the ice, even when at an angle. 6. Pick up the cube after the wire
has passed right through it. The
cube is still all in one piece!
Hot and cold

32 Make your own ice cream

Make some tasty ice cream You will need:
and find out how to make
things freeze without putting
Chocolate milk
them in the freezer. This is an Cream powder Salt Large bowl
old-fashioned way of making
ice cream. It still works well.
Ice cubes Dish towel Tablespoon Glass Milk

1. Mix one spoon of chocolate, 2. Put some ice cubes in the 3. Place the glass of ice-cream
two spoons of milk, and one spoon bowl and sprinkle a lot of salt mixture in the large bowl, on top
of cream in the glass. over them. of the salted ice cubes.

The ice needs heat to melt.

It takes this from the ice-cream The towel helps stop
mixture, which gets so heat getting into the
cold that it freezes. bowl from outside.

When salt is
mixed with ice,
it makes the ice
melt. It also
makes it colder.

4. Build up more layers of ice 5. Place the dish towel over the
cubes and salt around the glass. bowl. Leave the ice-cream mixture
to set for an hour. Stir it every
few minutes.

Spikes of ice
Icicles form where water drips
over the edge of a cold surface.
The cold surface draws heat
from the water, which turns to
ice. An icicle begins to form. As
more water runs down the ice
and freezes, the icicle grows. 6. Take the glass out of the
bowl, and taste your homemade
chocolate ice cream.
Light makes it possible for you to see
the world around you. Sources of
light, such as the Sun and light bulbs,
produce light rays. These bounce off
objects, such as this book. The rays
then enter your eyes, and you see the
objects. We use light to form
“images” or pictures of things.

Too small to be seen?

You can see very tiny objects
Broken and bent? or creatures with a microscope.
The pen standing in this The image you see is highly
glass of water is in fact “magnified,” or much bigger than
straight. It looks strange the actual object or creature.
because water bends the
light rays coming from
the pen to your eyes.

Mirror images
You can see images
of things in mirrors. The
curved mirrors at the front
and back form large and
small images.

Quick as a flash
This camera makes a bright
flash to give enough light
to take a photograph.
The light travels from the
camera to the girl in two
billionths of a second.

33 Play with shadows

Scare your friends by casting You will need:
some spooky shadows on the Thin card
wall! This will also show you
how light travels in straight Scissors Pencil Tape
lines. Shadows form when
an object blocks the light.
Thin sticks Bright flashlight Tracing paper

1. Trace patterns of ghosts from 2. Transfer your ghost patterns 3. Carefully cut out the ghost
a book, or invent some of your own from the tracing paper to the pieces patterns and tape each one to the
and make drawings of them. of thin card. end of a stick.

The shadow has the same shape

as the card because the rays of
The shadow forms where light are straight and cannot bend
the rays are blocked by card around the edges of the card.
and cannot reach the wall.

Sunny time
You can tell the time with
a sundial. The Sun casts a
shadow of a tilted bar on to
a set of lines, which mark the
hours. Throughout the day,
the shadow moves as the Sun
4. Hold the patterns near the
travels across the sky. The
Rays of light come wall. Shine a flashlight on them,
from the flashlight
position of the shadow on
and large shadows of the ghosts
and light up the wall. the lines gives the time.
appear on the wall!

34 Look around corners

Build a periscope. You can You will need:
use it to see over walls or
Make these two
people’s heads, and to peep sides the same
around corners. A periscope length. Two small mirrors Tall, empty carton
works by using mirrors
to reflect rays of light.
Triangular card Scissors Pen

1. Use the 2. Carefully cut a

triangular card slot along each line. The
to help you draw slots should be just
two diagonal wide enough for the
lines on one side mirrors to fit into.
of the carton.

3. Draw 4. Carefully push

The shiny side of
and cut two the mirrors into the the top mirror
more slots on slots. They should faces downward.
the other side fit snugly, so
of the carton. they cannot
slide out of
the carton.

These slots
must be directly
opposite the
first slots.

The shiny side of

the bottom mirror
faces upward.


5. Draw a 6. Make a small

large square at hole with a pencil
the top of the in the back of the
carton in front carton. Now your
of the mirror. periscope is ready.
Carefully cut
it out.

Make the hole at

the bottom, level
with the mirror.

What’s up there?
When a submarine is under
water, the crew may want to
see above the waves. They may
need to find out if there are
any ships nearby. They raise
Light rays a periscope to the surface of
enter through
the water and look around. The
the square.
They reflect
periscope has a long tube that
from the top reflects light rays from above the
mirror to the surface of the water down to
bottom one. the submarine. A member of the
crew looks into it to see what is
going on above the submarine.
The periscope may then be
brought back down again.

7. Look into the hole

to see around corners
or over obstacles.

The bottom mirror reflects

the light rays so that they
can enter your eye. You see
an image of the scene at
the level of the top mirror.


35 Build a kaleidoscope
Use mirrors and beads to make You will need:
a colorful kaleidoscope. All you Sharp pencil
have to do is shake it,
and beautiful patterns form, Flashlight
one after another.
Card and Three small
Tape Beads Scissors tracing paper mirrors

The shiny
sides go inside.

1. Tape the three mirrors 2. Draw around the mirrors 3. Cut out the triangle. Use a
together to form a triangle. on the card. pencil to make a hole in the middle
of it.

4. Tape the triangle to one end of 5. Stretch the tracing paper over 6. Drop some beads through
the mirrors. the other end of the mirrors. Tape the hole. Your kaleidoscope is
it firmly in place. now ready.

7. Shine the flashlight onto the You, you, you, you, you ...
tracing paper and look through You can see many images in
the hole, into the kaleidoscope. two parallel mirrors. This is
You see several images of the because they keep reflecting
beads combined, forming a light rays between them.
pattern. Shake the kaleidoscope
to change the pattern.

The mirrors reflect

light from the beads
to form several
images of them.

36 See double
Use water to turn one button into two! This You will need:
trick depends on the way rays of light bend
as they enter and leave water and glass. This
bending of light rays is called “refraction.”
Refraction also makes a straight ruler look
bent when it is standing in water. Glass Pitcher of water Button

Two sets of bending

The button light rays from the
must not float. button reach your eyes,
so you see it twice.

1. Put the button into the glass. 2. Gently pour some water 3. Look down at the glass from
Try to get it to lie right in the into the glass until it is half full. one side. It looks as if there are two
middle of the glass. buttons in the glass!

37 Make your own flashlight

We need light to drive out You will need:
darkness—and we use electricity
to make that light. Without Sharp pencil
electricity, we would have no safe
Two 1.5 V Two paper
light in our homes or streets. You batteries fasteners Screwdriver Aluminum foil
can carry your own source of light
with you if you have a flashlight.
Press the switch, and a beam of Paper clip Bulb in holder Cotton Scissors
light cuts through the darkness.
Batteries in the flashlight provide Three pieces of wire Empty dish-
the electricity it needs. with bare ends Tape washing bottle

The bottle should

have no cap.

1. Cut off the top of the bottle. Using the pencil, 2. Tape foil to the inside of the bottle top. Make sure
make two small holes in the side, as shown. the shiny side faces outward.

Tape the top

of one battery
to the base of
the other.

Make sure the

wires cannot
come loose.

3. Using the screwdriver, attach 4. Tape the batteries together. 5. Tape one of the wires from
two of the pieces of wire firmly to Then tape the third piece of wire the bulb-holder to the terminal
the bulb-holder. to the lower battery. on the top battery.

Push cotton
around the
batteries to
hold them
firmly in

6. Thread the wire from the 7. Thread the wire from the bulb- 8. Place the bulb-holder on the
bottom battery through the lower holder through the top hole in the batteries and tape the center of
hole. Pack cotton into the bottle bottle. Attach both wires to paper the bottle top over the bulb.
and insert the batteries. fasteners, then push in the fasteners.

9. Bend the Closing the switch

lets electricity flow
paper clip and fit
from the batteries
one end under
along the wires to
the lower paper the bulb.
fastener. This is
the switch.

Bright bulb
A light-emitting diode, also The light reflects
known as LED, creates light by from the shiny
electroluminescence, which foil to produce
means it lights up when electricity a bright beam
passes through it. When an LED of light.
The bulb lights
is switched on, electricity activates up as electricity
tiny particles called electrons flows through it.
inside the bulb. As they move,
they release energy as bright light.

10. Press the other end

of the paper clip against
the top fastener. The
flashlight lights up!

38 Construct a camera
Build a model of a simple You will need:
camera, to show how it
works. Your model camera
uses a magnifying glass to Tape Magnifying glass
form a picture, just as the tissue box
lens in a real camera does.
Tracing paper Cardboard tube Pen Scissors

1. Hold 2. 3. Push the

the tube on the Carefully cut tube into the
side of the box out the circle hole. The tube
opposite the you have should move
opening. Draw drawn on the in and out.
around it. tissue box.

4. Tape the 5. Tape the

magnifying tracing paper
glass firmly over the
to the end of opening in the
the tube. box. Now you
can use your
model camera. Move the tube in
and out until the
image is sharp.

Taking photographs
A real camera has a lens like the
magnifying glass, and a memory
card in place of the tracing paper.
When you take a photograph,
light passes through the lens and
forms an image upside down,
which is recorded on the memory
card. You can view this image on The magnifying
your camera’s glass is a lens. It
screen or makes the rays
on your of light from the
flowers bend and
meet on the paper.
An image forms where
6. Point the camera
the rays of light meet.
It is back to front and
at a bright object. An upside down.
image of it appears
on the tracing paper.

39 Bend a beam of light

Light travels in straight You will need:
lines, but its path can Paintbrush Black acrylic Nail
be altered by reflecting it paint
off other surfaces. This clay Plastic
experiment uses the reflective funnel
properties of water to bend
the path of a light beam. Pile of Flexible Pitcher Clear plastic
books straw Pliers Flashlight of water Glass dish bottle

1. Paint one vertical half of the 2. Ask an adult to make a hole 3. Push the end of a flexible straw
plastic bottle black and let it dry. about 2.4 in (6 cm) up from the into the hole. Press modeling clay
base on the black side. A heated around the hole to prevent leaks.
nail makes a neat, round hole, but Plug the end of the straw with
it must be held with pliers. modeling clay.

Light cannot Light messages

escape the Telephone conversations and
stream’s sides computer data are often sent
and follows
along cables as pulses of light.
its path.
Inside the cables, the light
travels along very thin glass
Light reflects
threads called optical fibers.
back and
forth between
The light bounces along the
the stream’s optical fibers as it reflects off
sides. the sides of the glass threads.

4. Fill the bottle with water. 5. Turn out the light. Shine a
Place it on a pile of books and flashlight at the hole from the bottle’s
position a glass dish underneath clear side. Remove the plug from the
the straw. straw and put your finger under the
stream of water. You will see a tiny
spot of light dancing on your finger!
Imagine a world without color.
It would be like living in an old
black-and-white movie! Color helps
to bring beauty to our world. There
are beautiful colors in nature, and
we use color in our clothes and to
decorate our homes. Color is in the
light that comes from objects. Red
light comes from red objects, for
example. We detect color when
the light enters our eyes.
Color codes Curve of colors
We give colors certain A rainbow occurs when the
meanings. In traffic lights, Sun lights up a shower of
red means “stop” and green rain. The rain drops turn
means “go.” the white sunlight into
bands of color. You can
only see a rainbow if the
Sun is shining behind you.

Colors for camouflage

Some animals, such as this green
chameleon, have colors that match
their surroundings. This makes it hard
for other animals to spot them.

Colorful creatures
Many animals, like these
beautiful butterflies, have
bright colors. These colors
may attract other animals
or warn off enemies.

40 Make a rainbow
You can see a rainbow without You will need:
having to wait for rain. “White”
or colorless light is in fact a Modeling
mixture of all colors of the clay
rainbow. Water can split this
light into these colors. Mirror Jar of water Bright flashlight Shallow dish White card

1. Pour water into the shallow 2. Put the mirror in the dish. 3. Shine the flashlight on the part
dish until it is about half full. Use modeling clay to fix it so that of the mirror that is under the water.
it slopes.
As the white light from
the flashlight enters and
leaves the water, it splits
up into bands of color.

Inside a rainbow
When you see a rainbow, you
are seeing rays of light from
the Sun. These rays of white
light have been reflected by
the drops of rain, which makes
4. Hold the card above the dish. them split up into all the
colors of the rainbow.
A rainbow appears on it! See how
many different colors there are. You
may have to move the card
or flashlight before you
can see the rainbow. Sun

The mirror reflects
the light from the
Colored rays Eye
flashlight so that it
strikes the card.


41 See a sunset
The Sun often turns a lovely You will need:
orange or red when it sets at
dusk. Find out why this happens
by making your own sunset. You
can do this using a flashlight and
a glass of milky water. Flashlight
Milk Glass beaker of water Spoon

1. Shine the flashlight through 2. Pour a little milk into the 3. Stir the water gently, so
the beaker of water. It looks white, water in the beaker. that it all turns slightly white.
like the Sun when it is high up
in the sky.

Rosy dawn and fiery dusk

4. Shine the flashlight When the Sun is low in the sky,
through the water again. in the morning and evening, its
Now the light looks light passes through more air
orange-red, just like than at other times of day. Tiny
the setting Sun! particles in the air stop much
of the Sun’s light. Only orange
and red light gets through.

Particles of milk in the

water cut out some of the
colors in the light coming
from the flashlight. Only
orange and red rays
get through.


42 Discover hidden colors

Paper that can soak up water can You will need:
separate colors from ink or food
coloring. This is because it soaks Dropper Paper clips

up some colors faster than others.

Find the hidden colors
in dark liquids! Colored inks and Narrow
food coloring Blotting paper Small jars rod

1. In each jar, make 2. Tear the blotting

a different mixture of paper into strips and
inks and food coloring. fasten these to the
rod. Place a drop of
The liquids turn each mixture near
dark as the colors the end of each
mix together. paper strip.

Red, orange, Green, yellow, Blue, purple,

and blue and blue Brown and blue and brown

3. Clean out the jars, then pour Making paints

a little clear water into each one. A pot of colored paint contains
Lower the paper strips into the jars more than one color; the colors
so that the ends just touch the are hidden. Paints are made by
water. The colors on each strip mixing several different “pigments”
move up and separate out into or coloring materials together.
different colored bands. Different mixtures give
different shades.


43 Mix colors together

Pictures in books like this one can You will need:
show all the colors of the rainbow.
Yet only three colors and black are
used to make them all. Show how
you can mix two or three colors
to make any color you want.
Scissors Clear blue, yellow, and red plastic sheets

Orange square

1. Cut the plastic sheets into 2. Place yellow and blue strips 3. Add a red strip to begin a
several strips, all the same width. on a white surface. Green appears pattern of squares. See how red
where they overlap and the and yellow mix to form orange.
colors mix.
Yellow and blue
make green.

Yellow and red

make orange.

4. Add another red strip to cross

over the blue. Purple forms where
the two colors mix.

Blue and
red make

5. Add more strips. Red, Bright yellow, red, or blue

form where the same
blue, and yellow mix to form
colors overlap.
several different colors.


44 Spin some colors

Ordinary white light, such You will need:
as sunlight, seems to have no
color, but it contains all the Paintbrushes
colors of the rainbow! Color Protractor
a disk and spin it to show
this amazing fact. Violet, indigo, blue, green,
yellow, orange, and red paints Sharp pencil Water for paint

1. Cut out 2. Make a hole in Spinning

a disk of white the center of the disk.
card. Use the Push in the point of
protractor to the pencil. Spin the
mark seven disk. The colors
sections. Paint disappear as they
each one a mix to form white! Spinning
different color. fast

45 Change color
An object gets its color by reflecting You will need: Flashlight
light. Instead of reflecting all the colors
in light, it reflects only some. Show Yellow
how this happens by using colored banana
cellophane to let only certain colors Red playing
reach your eyes from an object. Red and green Black box with holes in
cellophane one side and lid Green apple

The red hearts do not

reflect green light, so
1. Put the objects they look black.
in the box. Place green The yellow banana
cellophane over the and green apple both
hole in the top and reflect green light.
shine a flashlight
through the side hole.
Only green light passes through
The white card
the cellophane.
reflects all The yellow banana
colors, so now reflects red as well
2. Do the same thing it looks red. as green light.
again, this time with red
cellophane. The red hearts
disappear, while the green
apple goes dark. The The green apple
banana now looks red does not reflect
instead of yellow. Only red light passes red light.
through the cellophane.


46 Test with color

Make a liquid change color You will need:
suddenly, as if by magic! You
can use this color change as a
test, to find out if a substance Saucepan Large jar

is an acid or an alkali—or Distilled

neither of these. Red cabbage, knife, or purified
Sieve and chopping board Spoon Four small jars water

1. Carefully chop the red 2. Heat some distilled water in 3. Let the cabbage water cool,
cabbage into small pieces. the saucepan. Add the cabbage. then strain it into the large jar.

Lemon juice


4. Put cabbage water in the small

jars and test various substances. Cream of tartar Distilled water

Color varieties 5. Test lemon juice, vinegar, 6. Add distilled water to the
Acids or alkalis in the soil make and cream of tartar. They are acids, cabbage water. It stays reddish
a difference to the colors of which turn the cabbage water red. purple. The distilled water is
hydrangeas. They have blue neither an acid nor an alkali.
flowers if they are growing
in acid soil and pink ones
if the soil is alkaline.
Sodium bicarbonate


Tap water Baking soda

7. Test sodium bicarbonate. It is 8. Test a little ammonia or

a weak alkali and turns the cabbage baking soda. These strong alkalis
water blue. Tap water may do the turn the cabbage water green.
same thing.

47 See colors in bubbles

Soap bubbles caught in the You will need:
light look very colorful. This Straw
experiment shows you how to
make amazing bubble colors
and blow spectacular bubbles
at the same time! Glycerol Dish-washing Half a liter
(glycerin) liquid Flashlight of water Plate Spoon

1. Stir four spoons of dish-washing 2. Pour some of the solution 3. Carefully remove the straw
liquid (not lemon) and one spoon on to a plate. Wet the end of a from the bubble. Blow a second
of glycerol into half a liter of water. straw and put it in the solution. bubble beside the first one. Try
Gently blow through the other to make sure that the bubbles
end to create a large bubble. are about the same size.

Keep the flashlight

beam level with Light from the flashlight
the bubbles. reflects off both the front
The glycerol in the and back of the bubble wall.
solution makes the The two reflected beams of
bubbles strong, so light mix, or “interfere,”
they last longer with each other, creating
than normal. amazing colored stripes.

4. Turn out the light and shine a flashlight

at the bubbles. Point the flashlight beam at the
“wall” that forms where the two bubbles meet.

5. View the wall between the bubbles

from an angle. Beautiful colored bands
appear across the bubble wall! Adjust
the position of the flashlight if you
cannot see them at first.

48 Print pretty patterns

Print some colorful and pretty You will need:
patterns on paper. The colors
transfer to the paper in the same
way that they do when color Paintbrush Poster paints
pictures are printed in books.

Palette oil Thick paper Dish of water

1. Put some poster paints on the palette. 2. Mix a little linseed oil with each color
on the palette.

3. Put one color from the palette on the 4. Add another color. Swirl the colors
brush and gently add the paint to the water. with the brush to make a pattern.


5. Gently lay a sheet of the paper on the water, 6. Carefully peel the paper away from the water.
so that it lies on the surface. Lift it out and lay it on a flat surface.

Red and Yellow and

blue pattern blue pattern

7. Let the paper

dry. Try printing
more patterns with Red and
other colors. yellow pattern

Printing in color
Color printing presses have
rollers on which pictures are
formed with colored inks. The colored oil does
Paper passes through the not mix with water, so it
rollers and the colored ink transfers to the paper.
transfers to the paper,
making color pictures.

Living things are usually small when
they start life. They grow and become
adult. People and animals need food
to make them grow. Plants grow, too,
and they also need food. Most plants
make their own food from air, water,
and sunlight. They use this food to
grow stems and leaves, and sometimes
to bear flowers and fruits. The leaves
and fruits may then become food
for people and animals.
Greatest growth Plant products
These trees are the Many useful things are made
biggest living things from plants; clothes from
in the world. They cotton, for example, and
are giant redwoods, Bursting buds paper from trees.
which begin life as Place some budding
little seeds and can twigs in water. Soon,
grow to 360 ft leaves and flowers will
(110 m) tall. grow from the buds.
These are horse
chestnut twigs.

Living parts
All living things are made of
many tiny parts called cells.
By looking at plants through
a magnifying glass, you can
Good food see how they are formed.
Growing plants provide food, such This is a magnified view
as these fruits and vegetables. Food of a moss plant.
products, such as bread and sugar,
are also made from plants.

49 Discover the needs of seeds

Seeds seem lifeless, but they can You will need:
suddenly come alive and grow into
plants. Show how they need three Pitcher of Bowl of water
things for this; water, oxygen from water
the air, and warmth.
Paper towels Mung bean seeds Three deep saucers

1. Place the beans in the bowl 2. Put paper towels in the saucers. 3.
Pour a little water into the first
of water and leave them to soak You may need to fold them in half. saucer to moisten the towel.

4. Place some 5. Pour enough Keep the beans

covered by adding
beans on the water into the
more water every day.
paper towel in second saucer to
each one of the cover the beans.
three saucers.

The underwater beans The dry beans get

begin to grow, but the no water and do Growing crops
water stops air getting not begin to grow. Farmers sow seeds of crop plants
to them and they on the land. The seeds need
stop growing. Keep the paper water to start growing, and the
moist by adding young crops also need water
a little water to grow. If it does not rain, the
when necessary. seeds and plants must be given
water. These crops are being
sprayed with water. Watering
crops is called “irrigation.”

These beans grow

6. Leave the saucers in a

because they get
water from the moist
warm place for several days. paper and oxygen
Only the beans in the first from the air, and
saucer begin to grow properly. they are warm.


50 See how a plant grows

Most plants begin life beneath the ground. You will need:
They grow from seeds, which drop into the
soil. There is a way you can see what happens
out of sight under the ground. A bean is the
seed of a bean plant. You can grow it in a
glass jar, where you can see it clearly. A dried Blotting paper Tall
Pitcher of water bean or paper towel glass jar

It helps to soak the bean in The paper should be kept moist, At first the bean uses its
water for a day first. so add water when necessary. own store of food. Later,
it uses light to make food.

1. Roll up the blotting paper 2. After a few days, a root 3. A green shoot comes out of the
and place it in the jar. Put the bean appears and grows downward. It bean and grows upward. The shoot
between the paper and the jar. Wet is searching for water, which the is looking for light, so it can grow.
the blotting paper. Keep the jar in a bean needs to grow. More roots grow down.
warm place.

Roots always grow down

Soak a bean in water for a day, then push a wire into it.
(Ask an adult to help with this.) Attach the wire to the lid
of the jar. Put some wet cotton balls in the jar, put in the The shoot is growing
bean, and close the jar. Lay the jar on its side and leave down after the bean
it for a few days until a root begins to grow down. Then has been turned.
turn the jar so the root points upward. Leave it, and
the root changes direction so it grows down again.


51 Make a plant maze

Make a plant find its way You will need:
through a maze! This shows
how plants must have light Scissors Runner bean seed
in order to grow. They use
the light to make food for
themselves. Pitcher of water
Two pieces of card Pot of soil Long cardboard box

1. Cut a 2. Cut 3. Plant

large window a window in the bean
in one end of each card. seed in the
the box. pot and
water it.

Soak the
bean seed for
a day before
planting it.

4. Fit a 5. Put 6. Insert

piece of card the lid on the second
in the box. and stand piece of card
Put the pot in the box in when the
the bottom. a warm, plant grows
light place. and replace
the lid.

7. The plant The young plant

always grows
Tall trees
bends in order Getting enough light can be a
toward a source
to get through of light. problem for the plants in a thick
all the windows forest. Many trees grow very tall,
and reach competing with each other for
the light. light. Their leaves make the
forest beneath them quite dark,
but smaller types of trees and
shrubs have adapted to this.


52 Grow a piece of plant

Plants do not grow only from You will need:
seeds. You can cut up some plants,
Rubber band
and new plants grow from the
pieces! These are called “cuttings.”
Each one grows its own roots.
Clear plastic bag Pruners Pot of moist soil mix Geranium plant

1. Ask an adult 2. Plant 3. Over several weeks,

to cut a side shoot this cutting your cutting will
from the plant. in the pot. grow into a new
It should have Cover it geranium plant.
leaves, but with the You must keep
no flowers. plastic bag. the soil moist.
Secure the bag with
the rubber band.

53 See a plant bubble

Plants need light to make their own You will need:
food. You can show that plants also
produce oxygen, which enters the Funnel
air and water. Oxygen is important
as nothing can live without it. Wide jar Bowl of water Pond weed Test tube

1. Submerge the jar, pond weed, Oxygen from 2. Place the

funnel, and tube in a deep bowl the weed rises jar in sunlight.
of water. Then arrange them as the to the top of The pond weed
picture shows. When you remove the tube. begins to bubble!
them from the
water, the test
tube remains full.

Oxygen for life

It is important to have green
water plants in an aquarium
to release oxygen into the
water. The fish breathe this
oxygen. Green plants on dry
land release oxygen into the air.
The process in which plants use
light to make food and oxygen
is called “photosynthesis.”


54 Test a plant for food

Plants make their own food You will need:
in their leaves. This food is
called “starch,” and plants Iodine and dropper Tape Scissors
need it to grow. Test the Small dish
leaves of a geranium plant
to detect its food. Wood alcohol Saucepan Beaker Black plastic Tweezers

No light can get

through the plastic.
The leaf uses up
all its starch and
makes no more.

1. Tape plastic around some leaves. Leave the 2. Heat the water. Warm the wood alcohol in the
geranium in a light place for two days. Then beaker. Dip both the leaves in hot water, then leave
pick a wrapped leaf and an unwrapped leaf. them in the wood alcohol.

The substance that This is the wrapped

Putting the leaves in makes leaves green is leaf. It has no starch
hot water and wood called “chlorophyll.” and so does not
alcohol removes the It helps the leaf darken in iodine.
chlorophyll and makes make starch.
them turn white.

This green leaf

has had no
treatment. It
still contains
3. Now the leaves are almost white.
Add iodine to them. The unwrapped This is the unwrapped leaf. Treating
leaf goes dark. The wrapped one it with iodine turns the starch in it a
does not. dark, blue-black color.


55 Grow your own mold

A fungus is a type of plant You will need:
that does not produce seeds.
Instead, it reproduces by
releasing thousands of tiny
specks called “spores” into
the air. When the spores Two slices of bread Peach Yogurt

land, they grow into new Five foil

fungi. Mold is an example containers
of a fungus. You can grow
some mold at home on
bits of unwanted food.
Knife Spoon Chopping board Beans Clear food wrap

You can use other fruit

instead, but mold grows Make sure
quicker on moist fruit such the toasted
as oranges and peaches bread is
than it does on drier very dry.
fruit such as bananas.

1. Carefully cut
the peach in half on a 2. Toast one slice of bread. Moisten
chopping board. Then the other slice with water. Cut the slices in half.
place the two halves Place the moist bread in the second foil container
in a foil container. and the dry bread in the third.

Keep the dry and

moist bread separate.

3. Spoon some beans into

the fourth container, and
some yogurt into the fifth.
Moist bread Dry toast
Make sure that
the containers are
tightly wrapped.

4. Cover each container in clear

food wrap. Leave the containers
in a warm place for several days.
Check on the containers every
day, to see if anything has
happened to the food. Peach Beans Yogurt


Make spore prints

Mushrooms are fungi. New mushrooms
The patterns are made up of
grow from the spores shed by fully grown the tiny dustlike spores that
mushrooms. You can make some spore fall from the mushrooms.
prints to see how the spores drop from
the mushrooms. Take two flat mushrooms
with dark undersides. Remove the stalks
and place the mushrooms on a sheet of
white paper, with their undersides facing
downward. Leave them for a day or two.
When you lift the mushrooms, you will
notice that they leave patterns of dark
powder on the paper. Spore print

Moisture and warmth Mold needs moisture to

5. Although you could not see help the spores to feed on grow, so no mold
them, tiny mold spores in the the dampened bread, so appears on the dry,
air landed on the different foods the mold grows well. toasted bread.
before you covered them up. After
several days, mold will begin
to appear on the food as the tiny
mold spores grow. The mold
grows faster on some foods than
others. You may find that you
get different colored mold
on different types of foods.

Make sure you throw

the moldy food away.
Do not touch it and wear
kitchen gloves when you
handle the containers. Moist bread Dry toast

Peach Beans Yogurt

Your senses are your ability to see, hear,
smell, and taste things, and to feel things
when you touch them. Your senses make
it possible for you to find out about the
world around you, to do the things you
want to do, and to survive. For example,
your sight helps you see what is
happening and find your way around.

Talking hands Bombarding the senses

One way to “talk” to Our senses bring us
someone who cannot hear exciting experiences—
is to use sign language. such as the bright lights
Deaf people watch the and music at a concert.
signs and use their sense
of sight to understand
On the ball
what is being “said.”
Games bring the senses
of sight, hearing, and touch
into action. Good players use
all these senses well, reacting
quickly to the sight and
sound of the ball or to the other
players, and throwing the
ball accurately.

A tasty sight
We use our senses of sight and touch
to help us choose good food, such as
these vegetables. We then use our
senses of taste and smell to enjoy
eating them.

56 See how your ears work

When a sound enters your You will need:
ears, it is changed into a
signal. This travels to your Cardboard tube Flashlight Clear food wrap
brain, and you hear the sound.
You can build a model ear
to see how your ears do this. Rubber Modeling Tape
Piece of card band clay Sheet of paper

1. Stretch the The plastic must

be smooth.
2. Roll the sheet
plastic wrap over of paper to make
the end of the a cone. Tape it
tube. Secure together so that
it with the it does not unroll.
rubber band.

3. Push the 4. Stand the

small end of card on a table
the cone into the top. Lay the tube
open end of the in front of it. Shine
cardboard tube. the flashlight Fix the card with
Tape it in place. on the plastic, modeling clay.
so that a spot
of light appears
on the card.

Inside the ear The light is

As sounds enter the ear, the reflected from
eardrum vibrates. This in turn the plastic. As the
makes tiny bones vibrate and the plastic vibrates, the The plastic wrap is like the
vibration passes to the inner ear, spot of light shakes. eardrum at the end of your
which then sends signals to the ear canal. Sounds make the
eardrum vibrate, causing
brain, along the ear’s nerve.
signals to go to your brain.
Outer ear
The outer ear (the
Bones cone) directs sound
into the ear canal
(the tube).

5. Shout or sing loudly

into the cone. The spot
Eardrum of light shakes very fast!
Inner ear


57 Find out how your eyes work

Build a model eye using You will need:
a magnifying glass and a
goldfish bowl, and find out
how you see. Use the model Tape Modeling Tissue paper
to show how the eye forms
an image of a human figure. Goldfish bowl
Card Magnifying glass Scissors Flashlight of water

1. Tape the tissue paper to the 2. Fix the magnifying glass in front 3. Fold the card and cut out
side of the bowl. of the bowl using the clay. half of a figure.

The lens bends the light

rays from the figure to
form an image.

The flashlight
4. Attach the card in front of lights up the figure
in front of the
the magnifying glass.
model eye.

Entry to the eye

At the center of each eye, there
is a hole called the “pupil,” where You have a lens like a
light enters the eye. The pupil magnifying glass in each eye.
changes size to control the
amount of light entering the
eye. If there is not much light,
it gets larger and lets more in. The round bowl is
like your eyeball.

The tissue is like the retina

at the back of each eye.
5. Shine the flashlight
on the figure. An upside-
The image forms on the down image of it appears
retina, which sends on the tissue paper. Move
signals to the brain, so the magnifying glass back and
that you see the figure. forth to make the image sharp.

58 See two pictures as one

Trick your eyes into seeing one picture You will need: Two rubber
when there are really two—one on each bands
side of a piece of card. This experiment
shows how you can see moving pictures
on television and in the movies.
Scissors Compass markers White card

1. Make a circle on the card, 2. Draw a circle on the card. 3. Turn the card over and draw
using the compass. Cut it out. Make two holes, one on each side. a cross on the other side.

4. Thread a rubber band through each 5. Twist the bands by holding them
of the holes in the card. and turning the card.

The card whirls so Moving pictures

fast that images of Movies are made
the circle and cross up of long strips
Your eyes hold an overlap in your eyes.
image of an object for of still pictures,
a short time after the each one slightly
object disappears. different from
the one before.
The pictures
appear rapidly
on the screen,
one after the
other. When you
watch a movie,
your eyes do not
see each picture
separately. They
6. Release the card. As overlap and
appear to move.
it whirls around, you see
the cross appearing right
inside the circle.

59 Build a wobble detector

Having two eyes helps you judge You will need:
distances well. With a wobble
detector, you can find out just Three pieces of covered
how useful it is to have two eyes. Two jar lids Bare stiff wire Scissors wire with bare ends
Close one eye and you’ll find
you can’t help wobbling! Bulb-holder
and bulb Modeling clay Tape Battery Screwdriver

Bend the stiff wire

into several curves.

1. Use modeling clay to attach the 2. Using one piece of covered 3. Connect the second piece
ends of the stiff wire to the jar lids. wire, connect one end of the of covered wire to the battery
stiff wire to the battery. and the bulb-holder.

With only one eye,

you cannot judge the
position of the loop.
It is much harder not
to wobble.

The loop is
made with
bare wire.

Looking forward to a meal

An owl has two large eyes that
face forward. These help the
owl judge the position of the
prey it is hunting. Like the
4. Take the last piece of 5. Place the loop around the stiff owl, you use two eyes to see
covered wire and attach one wire. Try to move the loop along how near or how far objects
end to the bulb-holder. Make the wire without touching it. Try it are. Your brain combines the
a loop with the other end. with both eyes open, then with one images from both eyes to
eye closed. Which is easier? do this.


60 Change your ears around

Sounds come to you from all You will need: Two lengths
sides. Having two ears makes of plastic
it possible to figure out where tubing
sounds are coming from. Trick
your hearing so sounds come
from the wrong directions.
Two plastic funnels Insulating tape Length of wood

Attach fabric over A sound from one

the end of each tube. side goes to the ear
on the other side.

Steering by sound
A bat uses its sense of hearing to
find its way around in the dark.
As it flies, it makes high sounds
that are almost impossible for
our ears to hear. These sounds
1. Attach each tube to a 2. Ask a friend to walk by, bounce off nearby objects and
funnel. Tape the tubes to the wood, making a noise. The sounds return to the bat’s ears. The bat
as the picture shows. Fit the tubes seem to move the opposite uses these returning sounds to
into your ears so they fit closely. way of your friend! locate objects around it—and to
Do not force them in. find the insects it hunts for food.

61 Take a taste test

If you test your sense of taste, You will need:
you will find that it is not just
your mouth that enables you to
tell one flavor from another—
your sense of smell is very Three different types Large glass
Three small glasses of pure fruit juice of water Scarf
important, too.
The juices now
Wash your mouth have similar
out between tastings. flavors.

1. Ask a friend 2. Hold your

to blindfold you nose and taste
with the scarf. the juices again.
Taste each juice in Now it is more
turn. You will find difficult to identify
it easy to recognize the juices!
the flavors.

62 Test your sense of touch

You can feel something as You will need:
soon as it touches your skin,
but you may not be able to
detect its shape or size. Make Pins Colored markers Cloth
a touch tester to find out just
how much you can feel.
Thick card Compass Scissors Ruler

1. Use the ruler and 2. Cut out the large circle

compass to draw three and color in the three zones.
circles on the card, one
inside the other. The three circles form the three
zones of your touch tester.

The circles should be Middle zone

1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 in (3,
6, and 9 cm) across.
Central zone
Outer zone

3. Ask a friend 4. Your friend should

to blindfold you stick some pins in the
with a cloth. central zone.

Make sure the pin

heads are level.

Do not let the card

touch the skin.
Your fingertips are very
sensitive. You can feel
each one of the pins in
the central zone. Your palm is less
sensitive. You can
feel each pin in the
middle zone, but not
in the central zone.
5. Ask your friend to press the
pin heads gently against your arm. Your arm is not
How many pins can you feel? Try very sensitive.
again with the pins stuck in the You can only tell
middle and outer zones. Then test how many pins
there are in the
your palm and fingers.
outer zone.


63 Check your reaction time

You need all your senses to tell you You will need:
when you suddenly have to take
action. Sometimes you need to Pencil
move very fast. Do this test to find Scissors Glue
out just how quick off the mark
you really are.
Colored markers White paper 12-in (30-cm) ruler

1. Draw around the ruler on the paper. 2. Color the bands and then glue the strip
Cut out the strip and mark six equal bands. to the ruler.

3. Ask a friend to 4. Suddenly,

hold the ruler so that your friend
one end is between releases the ruler.
your thumb and your Try to catch it!
forefinger. The color you Slow reaction
grab tells you your time
reaction time—the
Keep your thumb time between
and forefinger about sensing something
0.5 in (1.5 cm) apart. and beginning
to move.
reaction time

Wait for it!

As soon as a kitten sees something
move, it darts into action and begins to
chase it, just like an adult cat after its
prey. Animals often have very fast Fast reaction
reactions. They need these when time
they are hunting for food,
or escaping from enemies.

Sounds are all around us. There are
beautiful sounds in nature—such as
birds singing and water lapping.
There are frightening sounds, too,
like thunder. We use sounds when
we speak to each other, and music
brings us great pleasure. A siren
makes a sound that warns us of
danger. There are so many different Sound pictures
sounds—but none of them is This is a picture of an
Sound signals unborn baby—inside its
We often use sounds anything more than a shaking
mother! The picture was
as signals. Blowing a movement in the air.
made using special sounds
whistle in a game can called “ultrasound.”
mean “stop” or “go.”

The speed of sound

You hear the bang a balloon makes
as soon as it bursts. This is because
sound travels quickly from the balloon
to your ears. It moves at 1,115 ft per second
(340 m per second)—slightly faster
than most airliners.

Making music
Music is fun, whether
you listen to it, play
it, or sing. You can
make good music
with homemade
instruments like this
Songs of the sea drum. Experiment 69
Many animals make sounds to (page 80) explains how
communicate with one another. to make a drum.
Whales’ “songs” can travel quite
far underwater.
Sound and music

64 See some sound

When anything makes a sound, it You will need:
“vibrates” or shakes rapidly. This
makes the air around it vibrate, too.
Air vibrations, called “sound waves,”
Rubber Piece of
spread out through the air. When they band Plastic bowl Big saucepan heavy plastic
reach your ears, you hear a sound.
Show how sounds make the air shake.
Uncooked rice Scissors Large spoon Tape

Stretch the plastic as

tightly as you can.

1. Cut a piece of plastic 2. Stretch the plastic over the 3. Tape the edges of the plastic
slightly bigger than the bowl. bowl, using the rubber band. firmly to the bowl.

As you hit it, the pan

vibrates and gives
out sound waves.

Sound waves
travel through the
air and make the
plastic vibrate.

4. Sprinkle a few grains of the 5. Hold the saucepan near the plastic. Hit it
rice on the stretched plastic. with a spoon. The rice jumps up and down!

Getting the vibrations

This picture shows a boy listening to
a tuning fork. The tuning fork is giving
out sound waves. If you could see the
air vibrations in sound waves, they would
look like the blue curves. Thousands The grains of rice
of these vibrations reach your ears jump up and down
every second as you hear a sound. as the plastic vibrates.
You can see this
clearly from the side.

Sound and music

65 Make a sound gun

Sound waves batter your You will need:
ears—though you may not
Thin strip
feel them. Loud sounds can Scissors of paper Rubber band
make things move. Prove this
by firing a sound wave at a
target and making it shake.
Thin plastic Cardboard tube Stiff paper Sharp pencil Tape

1. Draw around the tube to 2. Cut out the circle from 3. Use the sharp end of the
make a circle on the paper. the paper. pencil to make a small hole in
the center of the circle.

4. Tape the circle to one end 5. Using the rubber band, fix 6. Fold the paper strip and tape
of the tube. the plastic over the other end. it to a table top.

Sliding snow Tapping the plastic causes a sound

Sound can cause an “avalanche”— wave to travel down the tube.
when ice and snow crash down
the side of a mountain. Sound
waves from a loud noise disturb
the snow and start it moving. The sound wave
makes the air move
and shake the strip.

7. Point the end

of the tube with the
hole at the paper The hole directs
strip. Tap the plastic the sound wave
and the strip shakes. toward the strip.

Sound and music

66 Make a coat-hanger clanger

Sound waves travel through You will need:
other materials as well as
through air—sometimes
much better. This simple Ruler
experiment uses cotton thread
to carry sounds to your ears.
Scissors Cotton thread Coat hanger

Sound travels more

As the coat
efficiently up the
hanger bangs
thread to your
against the chair,
ears than it does
it makes a gentle
through the air.
ringing sound.

When you have

tied the threads,
slide them to opposite
corners of the hanger.

1. Measure out and cut 2. Wind one thread around

two pieces of thread 12 in the index finger of each hand.
(30 cm) long. Tie one end of Lift the hanger up by the threads
each thread to the base of the and then swing it against a chair.
coat hanger. Listen to the noise it makes.

Sounds in your head

Strike a tuning fork on a table.
Gently press the base against
your head. The sound is louder
than when you first heard it!
Like the thread in the above
experiment, the bones of your
skull carry sounds to your ears
much better than the air.

3. Put
the fingers
wrapped in
cotton thread in
your ears, but do not
press them in too hard.
Swing the hanger against the
chair again. Now the hanger sounds
like the clanging of a huge bell!
Sound and music

67 Bounce a sound
Sometimes, you hear sounds You will need:
that have not come straight
to you. Show how sounds
may reach your ears after Ticking watch

they have first bounced

off another object.
Two cardboard tubes Plate Cork mat Several books

3. Hold
the watch
close to one
ear and
check that
it ticks.

1. Build two piles of books, both 2. Lay one tube on each of

the same height. the piles of books.

The sound waves bounce off

Sound waves travel down the hard plate and travel up
the tube to the plate. the tube to your ears.

5. Listen at the end

of the other tube. You
cannot hear the watch
4. Place the watch in the end tick—until a friend holds
the plate near the ends
of one of the tubes.
of the tubes.

Good sounds 6. Get your friend to hold

In a concert hall, sound waves a cork mat instead of the plate.
from the stage bounce off the Now you cannot hear the
walls. This helps improve watch anymore.
the quality of the sound the
audience hears.
waves The soft cork
bounce soaks up the
off walls. sound waves.

Sound and music

68 Make a paper banger

Make a loud bang with nothing more than You will need:
a sheet of paper! The banger produces a
Sheet of stiff paper
quick and large movement of air, forming measuring about
a sudden and powerful sound wave. This 12 in by 16 in
(30 cm by 40 cm)
rushes through the air toward you and
you hear it as a bang.

First fold

Fold here First fold

1. Fold the longer edges of 2. Fold the corners into 3. Fold the paper in half along
the paper together. Then open the first fold. the first fold. Then fold it in half
it out. again, lengthways.

Sharp corner Second fold

4. Open out the second fold. 5. Fold down the two 6. Fold the paper back along the
sharp corners. second fold to make a triangle shape.

Thunder and lightning

A flash of lightning heats the air A flap of paper springs out and
so that it expands very suddenly. makes the air move suddenly.
This sends a powerful sound You hear this as a bang.
wave through the air. We hear
this as a clap of thunder.

7. Grip the banger firmly

by the two sharp corners. Flick
it down quickly—and it makes
a loud bang!
Sound and music

69 Beat some drums

Make a tin drum and You will need:
a tom-tom. They make
different kinds of sounds,
but they work in the same Scissors Pencil
way. When you hit a drum’s
stretched skin, it vibrates.
This makes the air inside Colored paper
the drum vibrate—and White
cookie tin
out comes the sound. cotton muslin
Giant balloon Two plastic

16 ft (5 m) Cord with Glue Colored

of thin cord tassels tape

1. Decorate the tin with colored 2. Cut off the balloon’s neck. 3. Using the pot, draw two circles
paper. Tape the thick cord firmly Stretch the balloon over the tin and on the muslin. Then draw two
to opposite sides of the tin. tape it. The tin drum is ready. larger circles around each one.

Make sure
the holes are
evenly spaced.

4. Cover the pots with colored 5. Cut out the large circles 6. Fold in and glue the flaps of
paper. Then tape the bottoms of the of muslin. Cut slits in each edge, both circles. With the pencil, make
pots firmly together. as far as the second circle. 16 holes around each edge.
Sound and music

7. Thread thin cord through the 8. Zigzag the rest of the cord 9. Spread glue over each circle.
holes. Place a circle over each pot. through the cords in the edges of Tighten the cord again. When the
Pull the cord tight and tie it. the circles. Pull it tight and tie it. glue is dry, the tom-tom is ready.

The tape holds the

balloon skin, so it
stays stretched.

Tightening the cord

stretches the muslin
skin more and gives
a higher note.

Squares of Do not strike the drum

colored paper and skins too hard, as they
strips of tape. may burst or break.

10. Put the cord of the tin drum Drum set

around your neck. Beat the drum This is the standard drum set
with a stick, such as a pencil. Hold played by a drummer in a band.
the tom-tom under your arm or It has several drums of different
between your knees. Beat it with sizes, and the drummer plays
your fingers. them all—including a large drum
played with a foot pedal. It also
has several cymbals.

Sound and music

70 Strike up a tune
Make your own xylophone. You will need:
This instrument has wooden Paintbrush
bars that vibrate, producing Pencil Thick Poster paint Scissors
sharpener colored card
musical notes when you strike Wooden skewers
them. Your xylophone is Felt 8 fat pencils
made with pencils. Glue Beads

1. Use the shapes below to 2. Use the sharpener to shorten

make a cardboard frame. Paint it the pencils as shown. Rest them
and glue felt along the ridges. on the frame.

3. Play the pencil xylophone with

Make the sides of the frame this shape, 8.5 in (21 cm) long. beaters made from wooden skewers
and beads.

Make the short end of the frame

Make the long end of the frame These shapes are smaller
this shape, 4.5 in (11 cm) long.
this shape, 6 in (15 cm) long. than the ones you need.
Make yours the sizes shown.

71 Play a pipe
You can make music from a set of pipes. You will need:
All you have to do is blow across the open
ends. This makes the air inside each pipe Card Glue Scissors
vibrate, producing a musical note. Different
lengths of pipe give different notes. Colored About 5 ft (1.5 m) Colored
tapes of plastic pipe ribbon Modeling clay

1. Cut the 2. Tape the

pipe into pieces, pipes together
each 0.5 in to make a set.
(1 cm) longer Glue the ribbon
than the last. to a strip of card,
Decorate them and glue it over
with tape. the tape.
Sound and music

Longer pipes make

deeper sounds.

4. Hold the set of

pipes against your
3. Roll the clay into small bottom lip. Move the
balls. Push one ball of clay into pipes to and fro, and
the bottom of each pipe. blow into different Shorter pipes
pipes to play a tune. give higher notes.

72 Blow a horn
You can make a horn from a hose and You will need:
funnel! Close your lips firmly together and
put them to the end of the horn. Blow air Scissors

through your lips and the horn will sound. Funnel

This happens because your lips make the
Cord with 30 in (75 cm) Colored
air inside the horn vibrate. tassels of hose Pencil tape

1. Decorate the funnel with tape. 2. Tape around the other end 3. Decorate the horn with strips
Push it into one end of the hose to make the mouthpiece. Loop of tape and the cord. Now your
and secure it with tape. the hose and fix the pencil to it. horn is ready to blow.

Blow through
the mouthpiece.

4. The horn produces

only a few notes. You
can get these by pressing
your lips tighter together
as you blow, or letting
them relax a little.

Sound and music

73 Build a banjo
A banjo has four strings, You will need:
stretched tightly. You play
Length of
the banjo by plucking the wood
Pen Scissors
strings with your fingers. Colored
The strings vibrate very fast, ribbons
producing musical notes. Colored
Poster paints
You can strum a rhythm by 10 ft (3 m) fishing line tape
plucking all the strings Big balloon
together. Or you can play one Paintbrush Stiff
note after another, to pick out card
a tune. You can make each Four Eight eyelet
string play several notes. Round, plastic tacks screws Glue
ice-cream tub Clear glaze

1. Cut two “I” shapes under 2. Bend the flaps of the “I” shapes 3. Paint and glaze the wood
the rim of the tub, opposite each out. Push the end of the wood and the tub. Mix glue with the
other. Make them as wide as the through the holes. Tack the flaps paint you use for the tub. Paint
end of the wood. to the wood. lines across the wood.

4. Cut off the neck of the 5. Partly screw four eyelet screws 6. Make two triangular bridges
balloon. Stretch the balloon over into each end of the wood. Make of card and paper. Make one the
the tub and tape it to the sides. sure you can turn each screw in same width as the wood and the
Paint a design on it. either direction. other three times as wide.

Sound and music

7. Make four strings by 8. Insert the two bridges under 9. Decorate the banjo by fixing
cutting the fishing line. Tie these the strings, as the picture shows. pieces of ribbon of different colors
strings securely to the two sets Turn the eyelet screws to tighten to the eyelet screws. Your banjo
of eyelet screws. the strings. is now ready to play.

Hold a string down to change its note. Tightening the string makes it
The notes get higher as you move your sound higher. Slightly loosening
hand toward the tub. The lines show the string lowers its note.
you where to press the strings.
Make each bridge by
folding and gluing pieces
of card and paper. Cut
four notches in one edge
to hold the strings.

The bridges raise

the strings so they
are free to vibrate.

10. Tune the banjo by Busy fingers

tightening the strings, so each The guitar is like a banjo,
one gives a different note. except that it has six strings.
When you press a guitar or
banjo string, you change the
length of the part of the string
that vibrates. This changes
the note made by the string
when you pluck it.

Magnets have mysterious powers. They
can pull things toward them, and push
other magnets away. This power drives
the electric motors that are inside many
machines we use—such as hair dryers
and trains. Magnets make it possible for
television sets, radios, and music players
to produce sounds. Computers use
magnets to store information.

Lights in the sky

Magnetic mineral The Earth is a huge magnet.
The first magnets were pieces Its magnetism makes these
of black mineral called colored lights appear in
“lodestone.” Lodestone attracts the sky near the north
objects such as this paper clip. and south poles.

North, south, east, west

You use a compass to find
directions. It makes use of the
Earth’s magnetism, which causes
the needle always to point north. Pick and stick
A magnet can
pick up objects
made of iron or
steel. The objects
stick to the ends
of the magnets.

Flying home
Gadgets and magnets Pigeons can usually find their
Many gadgets around you, including way home. Some scientists
computers, music players, and earphones believe they use the Earth’s
contain magnets. The hard drives computers magnetism to sense direction,
use to store information also contain magnets. much like a compass.

74 Charm a snake, f ly a kite

Make a snake rear up and You will need:
raise a kite into the sky—all
with the amazing power of Scissors Sewing Ruler
magnets. At the same time,
you can find out which kinds Small objects,
of things magnets attract. Selection of paper clips, and Tape Colored
magnets a pencil Glue felt

1. Copy the snake pattern 2. Tie a short length of thread 3. Tape a magnet to the
onto felt. Cut out the snake and to a paper clip. Attach the paper end of the ruler. Tape the loose end
decorate it with colored felt. clip to the snake’s head. of the thread firmly to the table.

The magnet attracts the

paper clip. Raise the magnet
so that the paper clip pulls
the thread tight.

Snake pattern

5. Move the ruler and

magnet around, above
the snake. The snake rises
and dances, like a snake-
charmer’s snake. If the
snake does not rise, use
a stronger magnet or a
4. Hold a magnet close to shorter thread. Try making
the objects. See how it picks other shapes in the same
up only the ones made of way—like this brightly
iron and steel. colored felt kite.

75 Compare the strength of magnets

Some magnets are stronger
You will need:
than others. This experiment
Wooden skewers
shows you how to test a
magnet’s strength and compare Two bar
magnets Meat baster
the strengths of different
combinations of magnets.
Rubber Small Washable-ink Glass Pitcher
bands plastic lid pen Paper clip beaker of water

1. Place an upright bar magnet 2. Add water to the glass beaker 3. Rest the wooden skewers
between two wooden skewers, until it is about one-third full. Put holding the magnet on the rim
midway along their lengths. Loop the paper clip in the plastic lid. of the beaker. Make sure that
rubber bands over the skewers to Gently place the lid on the the bottom end of the magnet is
hold the magnet tightly in place. water’s surface, so that it floats. positioned over the plastic lid.

5. Mark the water level on the 6. This time, the water level
outside of the beaker. Repeat the is much lower. Two magnets are
experiment using two magnets. stronger than one, so less water
Make sure the magnets’ repelling has to be added before they pull
ends are alongside each other. the paper clip toward them.

Moving magnets
4. Using the baster, carefully A maglev (short for magnetic levitation) train
uses strong magnets and electricity to move.
add drops of water to the beaker.
Stop adding water when the A magnetic coil running along the track repels
paper clip jumps up and magnets on the underside of the train, which
clings to the magnet. makes the train hover (levitate). Electricity
flows through the coils, which creates magnetic
pushes and pulls that move the train forward.


76 Build a magnetic car

You can use two ordinary magnets You will need:
to make a toy car move. It works
because two magnets can either
Empty matchbox Modeling Drinking straw
attract or repel each other when clay
they are brought close together. The Two bar magnets
way in which they move depends Two toothpicks
on which ends of the magnets are
facing each other.
Scissors Tape Card Compass

1. Firmly tape one of the 2. Cut the straw in two pieces. 3. Tape the pieces of straw to
magnets to the inside of the Make each piece the same size as the outside part of the matchbox.
tray of the matchbox. the matchbox. Slide in the tray.

Put modeling
clay over the
sharp points.

4. Using the compass, draw 5. Push the toothpicks

four identical circles on the card. through the straws. Attach the
Carefully cut them out. card circles to them.

The magnet in the car

is attracted or repelled by
the magnet in your hand.

6. Place the
matchbox car on a
tabletop. Bring the
Turn the magnet around, and the
other magnet close.
car rolls in the other direction.
The car rolls toward or
away from the magnet.

77 Detect a magnet’s field

Around every magnet, there You will need:
is a “magnetic field” where Pencil String
the magnet can exert its
powers to push or pull.
Normally, a magnetic field
is invisible—but there is Two clear glass or Two bar and two Iron Clear food
plastic containers Syrup horseshoe magnets filings wrap
a way you can see it.

1. Pour a dessert spoon of iron 2. Place two bar magnets 3. Fill the third container
filings into a jar of syrup. Stir it under one container. Place two with the mixture. Wrap a bar
well, mixing the filings evenly. horseshoe magnets at opposite magnet in clear food wrap. Tie
Then pour some mixture into two sides of the other. it with string to a pencil and
clear glass or plastic containers. then hang it in the container.

What do you see? The two bar magnets are pushing The two horseshoe magnets at
The filings form a pattern within each other away. The pattern opposite ends of a container both
the magnets’ magnetic fields. The of the filings shows how the two attract iron filings. The filings
pattern shows you the direction magnetic fields are working in show how the magnetic fields
of the pull from the magnets on opposite directions, keeping loop around from one end of
the iron filings. the magnets apart. each magnet to the other end.

A magnetic field
extends in all
directions around
a magnet. You can
see this clearly
with the magnet
hanging in the
syrup. It looks the
same whichever
way you turn it. Magnetic attraction
A magnet can pick
up a whole chain of
small, steel objects.
The magnet’s field
Throw the syrup turns each one of the
Covering the objects into a small
away after the
magnet keeps it
experiment—do magnet, which goes
from getting sticky.
not try to eat it! on to attract another
steel object.

78 Separate a mixture
It is usually very difficult to You will need:
separate two powders that
have been mixed together.
But you can do it easily if one
of the powders is magnetic
and the other is not.
Plate of iron filings Magnet Plate of sand

1. Tip the plate of iron filings so 2. Keep stirring until the sand 3. Bring a magnet close to the
that they drop into the sand. Stir and the iron filings are completely plate. It will pick up the iron filings
them together with your fingers. mixed up. and leave the sand behind.


79 Construct a compass
The Earth is a huge magnet You will need:
with its own magnetic field.
This field is strong enough to Tape
Needle Pitcher of water Toothpick
make another magnet turn if it
is free to move. A magnet will
always turn to point north. Plastic container
Styrofoam pad Bar magnet Modeling clay Compass

The disk must

fit inside the
The needle
a magnet.

1. Use the compass to draw 2. Stick a blob of modeling clay 3. Stroke one end of the magnet
a circular disk on the styrofoam. in the middle of the container. Push along the needle, about 30 times,
Carefully cut it out and color it. the toothpick upright in it. in the same direction.

North pole of the

Earth’s magnetic field

5. When water reaches

the disk, it floats and
turns. One end of the
4. Tape the needle to the disk. needle points north, as a
Rest the disk on the stick. Fill the compass needle does.
container with water. Mark this end.

Getting directions South

The needle of a compass is a light pole
magnet balancing on a pivot. As you
turn the compass around, the needle
always swings to point north. If you When the needle is
magnetized, one end gains
turn the compass until “N” for north
a north pole. The north
is below the needle, it will show all pole of the Earth’s
directions correctly. magnetic field attracts the
north pole of the needle.


80 Make an electromagnet
You can make a strong magnet You will need: Tape
by using electricity. It is not Long screwdriver
like an ordinary magnet, which
is always magnetic. You can Wire strippers

switch the power of an

electromagnet on and off. Switch 4.5 V Lots of 6.5 ft (2 m)
Scissors (see experiment 87) battery paper clips coated wire

1. Cut a long piece of wire. 2. Coil most of the rest of the 3. Connect the wire, and another
Strip the ends and tape part of it wire around the screwdriver. short piece of wire, to the battery
to the handle of the screwdriver. Tape the last turn. and switch, as the picture shows.

The paper clips Electromagnet

contain steel wire with 60 turns
that is attracted to
the electromagnet. Connect the
short wire to the
other terminal.

with 40 turns

4. The screwdriver is
now an electromagnet. Press the Electromagnet
switch, and the screwdriver picks up with 20 turns
some paper clips! Open the switch,
and the paper clips fall off.

Metal mover
This crane has a powerful
electromagnet to lift bits of scrap
iron and steel. The scrap sticks
to the electromagnet when it is
switched on, and can be moved
The coil of wire
by the crane. When the current is
produces a magnetic
switched off, the scrap falls away. field when electricity
flows through it. More turns
of wire make a stronger field.


81 Build a buzzer
A buzzer uses magnetism to You will need:
make a loud buzzing sound.
It contains an electromagnet,
like the one on page 93. The Steel nail file Switch Scissors
(see experiment 87)
buzzer’s button is a kind of
switch. When you press it, Thick cardboard
4.5 V
electricity can travel to the Wire strippers battery Metal soda can
electromagnet in the buzzer. Rubber
The electromagnet causes
movements within the
buzzer. These movements 9.8 ft (3 m) Iron or Modeling Thread
make the noise. covered wire Tape steel bolt clay spool

Hold the spool and flick

the nail file. It should
vibrate to and fro
several times.

1. Strip both ends of the wire. Wrap it firmly 2. Using the rubber band, attach the handle
around the bolt 200 times. Attach the bolt to the of the nail file firmly to the spool.
cardboard with modeling clay.

You must remove the

paint from the can,
otherwise it would
keep the electricity
from getting to the

3. With the scissors, scrape away some paint 4. Tape one end of the wire to the metal part of
at the base of the can. Do this again on the opposite the nail file. Attach the spool to the cardboard,
side of the can. as shown in the next picture.

Tape the wire to

the scraped part
of the can.

5. Cut two wires and strip the ends. Attach 6. Stick the can to the card, with the end of the
one wire to the battery and the can and the other nail file touching the other scraped part. Connect
to the battery and the switch. the switch, as the picture shows.

Every time the nail file strikes the can, electricity

flows through it to the electromagnet. This becomes
magnetic, and pulls the file away from the can.
Opening this gap stops the electricity, and the
electromagnet stops working. The nail file springs
back and strikes the can again.

You may need

to move the bolt Electricity flows from the battery,
nearer to the nail through the can, and into the nail file.
file to make the Then it passes through the electromagnet
buzzer work. and switch, back to the battery.

The bolt and

wire form an

7. Press the switch, and a loud buzz Magnetic machine

comes from the can! The nail file vibrates Telephones work much
rapidly to and fro and strikes the can like a buzzer does. Inside
again and again. When you release the the earpiece there is a small
switch, the nail file stops—and so does electromagnet. When electricity
the buzzing. flows through the electromagnet,
it causes a strip of metal to vibrate.
This vibration produces the sound
of the caller’s voice.

Electricity makes all kinds of
machines work. It can have great
power—it drives the fastest trains in
the world, for example. But electricity
can also power very small machines,
such as MP3 players and calculators.
Most machines you use at home,
such as television and vacuum
cleaners, use “current electricity.”
This is the kind of electricity that
comes from batteries and power
Power from water points in your home. There is another Plug into power
The electricity we use kind of electricity, called “static You plug electrical machines
in our homes is made in like this hair dryer into power
electricity,” which you can
power stations. This one points. Electricity travels from
is a “hydroelectric” power make yourself.
power stations along wires
station. It uses the energy and into the power points.
of moving water, coming
through a dam.

Electric ride
These amusement park cars pick up
current electricity from overhead wires.
In each car, the electricity powers an
electric motor that turns the wheels.

Electrical attraction
If you rub a balloon on a T-shirt or
your hair, it gets static electricity on
its surface. This causes it to stick to
things: walls, ceilings, even you!

82 Bend some water

When you rub some objects, they gain You will need:
electricity. This electricity stays in the
objects, so it is called “static,” which means
it is something that stays in the same place.
Static electricity has amazing power to
attract things—even running water! Balloon Balloon pump

Rub the balloon

on something
woollen, like
a sweater.

1. Pump up the balloon. Stretch 2. To give static electricity to the 3. Hold the balloon near running
the neck and tie a knot in it, so the balloon, rub it. water from a faucet. The water
air does not escape. bends toward the balloon!

83 Make a propeller
Static electricity can repel
You will need:
objects, as well as attract
them. If you rub two pens,
they will repel each other,
because they have both
Thread Two plastic pens Silk scarf
gained static electricity.
3. Static electricity
pushes the pen
around like a

1. Tie some thread around the 2. Rub one end of each pen
middle of one of the pens. Position with a silk scarf. Dangle one pen
the thread so that the pen balances from the thread and bring the two
when it is dangled in the air. rubbed ends toward each other.


84 Jump with electricity

Get some paper people jumping up and You will need:
down! You can do this using the static
electricity you get when you rub a
balloon. The paper people jump both
ways because static electricity can
repel objects as well as attract them. Scissors Balloon Balloon pump Stiff paper

1. Draw some small people 2. Carefully cut them out. 3. Place all your paper people
on the paper. Make as many people as you like. on a tabletop.

4. Pump up the balloon until it is

quite big. Then tie a knot in its neck
so no air escapes.

Electric fields 5. Rub the balloon on

Run a comb through your hair some woollen clothes.
a few times and then see how
it picks up bits of paper. An
invisible electric field forms At first, the electricity
around an object as it gains in the balloon attracts
static electricity. The comb’s the paper people.
electric field reaches the bits
of paper and attracts them so
that they cling to it. For the
same reason, a comb can also After the people have stuck
make your hair stand up. to the balloon, the static
electricity repels them.

The people jump up

and down again and
again as they are
6. Hold the balloon attracted and repelled.
about 4 in (10 cm)
above the people. They
jump up and down!

85 Wave a magic wand

Use the power of electricity to turn You will need:
yourself into a magician. At the wave
of a wand, you can make some little Sharp pencil
silver balls dance on a record! In fact,
it is static electricity, not magic, that
Glass or Silver balls for Clean, dry
makes them dance for you. plastic bowl cake decoration LP record handkerchief

1. Rub the record 2. Immediately,

briskly with the put the record on
handkerchief. top of the bowl.
It gains static Have the silver
electricity. balls ready.

Use an old record

that no one wants
to play anymore.

Safe from lightning 3. Drop a few

A tall building often has a silver balls on the
lightning conductor. This record. They roll Some parts of the
is a pointed rod that reaches about, and then record have more
from the top of the building suddenly stop. static electricity and
to the ground. It can weaken attract the balls.
the static electricity in the
clouds, and this can stop
lightning striking the building.
If it does strike, the conductor
leads it safely to the ground.
The balls roll away
to other parts of the
record with more
static electricity.


4. Bring the pencil

toward the record. As the The electricity gets
point gets near each ball, it weaker where the
leaps away and dances around! pencil points.


86 Build a charge detector

Rubbing an object such as You will need:
a plastic comb or a balloon
gives it a charge of electricity.
Long nail Scissors Plastic pen
Find out how to detect an Aluminum foil
electric charge—then see
how the charge can move.
Round card Thread Plastic comb Tape Glass jar

1. Ask an adult to push the nail about two-thirds 2. Tie the middle of a piece of thread tightly near
of the way into the center of the card. the sharp end of the nail.

This is your
charge detector.
Use only very small
pieces of tape.

3. Cut two strips of foil and tape them to the 4. Place the card on the jar, with the foil strips
ends of the thread. hanging inside. Tape it in place.


The charge
travels out of
the strips and
to your hand.
Make sure your
hair is dry.

The charge
travels down
the nail and
to the strips.

The charges on
the strips repel
each other.

5. Run the comb quickly through 6. Run the comb along the 7. Touch the top of the nail.
your hair several times. head of the nail. The foil strips The strips collapse and hang down.
move apart. This shows the
comb has an electric charge,
which passes to the strips.

Hair raiser
When you pull off a sweater
you may see sparks. These are
The electric charge caused by static electric charges
cannot flow out through that leap between the sweater
the plastic pen, so the and your head.
strips keep their charge.

8. Charge the
detector again. Now
touch the nail with a
plastic pen. The foil
strips do not collapse.


87 Construct a circuit
Current electricity moves. You will need:
When a battery is connected
up properly, current electricity Two paper
fasteners Wire strippers
comes from one of its terminals.
It then follows a path called a Thick
“circuit” back to the other one. Coated Screwdriver cardboard

1.5 V Steel
1.5 bulb battery Scissors Bulb-holder paper clip

1. Cut two pieces of wire. 2. Firmly attach one end of each 3. Make one wire touch the
Carefully strip away the plastic wire to each terminal of the battery. base of the bulb and the other
ends and then twist the bare Make sure the bare wire is touching one touch the side. This forms
strands of wire together. the terminal. a circuit and the bulb lights up.

4. Screw the bulb into the 5. Break the circuit by removing 6. Cut a third piece of wire.
bulb-holder. Attach the wires to one of the wires from the battery. Strip the ends and twist the strands
the bulb-holder as the picture The bulb goes out because of wire, in the same way as you did
shows. The bulb lights up again. electricity cannot pass the gap. in step 1.

7. Fix one end of the third piece 8. Cut out a piece of card 9. Wind the end of the wire from
of wire to the battery terminal that measuring 1.2 in by 2 in (3 cm by the bulb-holder around a paper
is no longer connected. 5 cm). This is the base of a switch. fastener. Push it through the card.

Closing the switch completes

a circuit. Electricity flows from
one battery terminal, through
the wires to the switch and bulb,
and back to the other terminal.

Current electricity flows

10. Repeat step 9 with the

into and out of the wires
fixed to the terminals.
Printed circuits
wire from the battery. Put a
paper clip around the Machines such as televisions
paper fastener. and computers contain many
electrical parts. Instead of
traveling through wires, current
electricity flows along lines
printed on boards inside the
machine. It goes to working
parts of the machine mounted
on these boards.

11. Close the switch by

touching the paper clip to the first
paper fastener. The bulb lights up.

88 Probe for electricity

Electricity does not flow through You will need: Tape
all materials. Wires that carry
electricity are often coated with Wire strippers Coated
plastic to stop electricity from wire Colored card
and paper
passing from the wire into other Two 1.5 V
materials that it touches. Make a batteries 3.5 V bulb Three pipe cleaners Aluminum foil
bug that shows if electricity can
pass through something.
Sequins Scissors Bulb-holder Glue Screwdriver

Screw the bulb

into the holder.


Strip the ends

of the wires. 3-in (8-cm) wire

1. Tape the top of one battery 2. Cut lengths of wire 10, 5, 3. Connect the 5-in (12-cm)
firmly to the base of the other, with and 3 in (25, 12, and 8 cm) long. and 3-in (8-cm) wires to the holder.
a foil square between them. Tape the 10-in (25-cm) wire to Tape the 3-in (8-cm) wire to the
one battery. other battery.

Make big eyes

with ovals of
card and sequins.

10-in (25-cm)
wire attached to
base of batteries Make legs
with pipe
4. Tape the bulb-holder to cleaners.
the batteries. Roll paper around the
batteries and wires to make a bug.

5-in (12-cm) wire

5. Touch the foil balls on attached to bulb-holder
the bug’s feelers to different
Tightly wrap the
kinds of materials. The bulb ends of the wires Aluminum foil “conducts” or
lights up if electricity can pass in balls of foil. passes electricity. It completes
through the material. a circuit so that the bulb lights.


89 Build a battery
A battery contains chemicals You will need:
that it uses to make electricity.
You can make your own simple
Two wires with Six copper Tape Pen Saucer
battery with salt, foil, and coins. coins
stripped ends
These contain the chemicals
needed to produce electricity.
Warm, salty
Paper towels Scissors Aluminum foil water Earphones

1. Draw and cut out six coin- 2. Tape one wire to a coin, and 3. Dip a paper circle in the warm
sized foil circles and six paper ones. the other wire to a foil circle. salty water.

Inside a battery
These are the materials that
go inside a long-life battery.
Electricity comes from the
terminals at the top and
bottom of the battery.
4. Put the foil circle with the wire 5. Build up more layers of foil, wet Top of battery
in the saucer. Place the wet paper paper, and coins. The coin with the
circle and a coin on top. wire goes on top. This is your battery.
The electricity goes Case of
to the earphones and battery
makes the sounds.
Layers of chemicals
react together when
a circuit is connected
to the battery.
Electricity flows
6. Attach the end of one wire to through the circuit.
the base of the plug of the earphones. After a time, all the
chemicals are used
up and the battery
When you place
no longer works.
aluminum, salt, and
copper together, they
make electricity. DO NOT EVER
7. Put on the try to take a
earphones. Scrape the battery apart.
end of the other wire It can be
on the tip of the plug. DANGEROUS.
You hear crackles in
Base of battery
the earphones!

90 Make a merry-go-round
Electric motors You will need: Small
power many modern Knitting needle cardboard
machines. You can box
even buy a small one
to work a merry-go- Large and small Tape
3 ft (1 m)
round. Electricity rubber bands Modeling clay Clear glue
covered wire
makes the shaft of
the motor spin and Colored
drive the merry- paper
Four thread spools 1.5 V battery Scissors

1.5 V–4 V electric Pencil Wire strippers Tracing

motor paper

24 pipe cleaners Cotton swab (see experiment 87) Marker

Eagle pattern Swallow pattern

1. Cut three pieces of wire 2. Connect the three wires to 3. Roll a strip of paper around
and strip the ends. Cut a piece the motor, battery, and switch the knitting needle. Remove the
of cotton swab and place it on as the picture shows. Glue the strip and push it firmly into the
the shaft of the motor. motor to the side of the box. center of one of the cotton spools.


4. Glue the spool to the bottom of 5. Stretch the large rubber band 6. Make frames for six birds to
the box. Stick the other three spools around the box. Fit the small sit on the merry-go-round. Use pipe
to the knitting needle with clay, as rubber band around the bottom cleaners to form the head, body,
the picture shows. spool on the needle. and wings of each bird.

7. Trace the eagle and swallow 8. Using pipe cleaners and tape, 9. Stretch the small rubber
patterns on felt. Cut out six bird attach the six birds to the top two band so that it fits over the piece
shapes and tape them to the pipe spools. Push the knitting needle of cotton swab on the shaft of the
cleaner frames. into the spool in the box. electric motor.

Blue swallow Yellow, pink,

and blue eagle

Adjust the big rubber

band so that it holds the
knitting needle upright. Pink and
blue eagle

Pipe cleaner

10. Press the switch,

and the birds spin around!
Electricity from the battery
turns the shaft of the motor.
The small rubber
This moves the rubber band must fit tightly
band, which turns the and not slip on the
knitting needle. shaft and spool.

The world around you is on the
move. People and animals walk, run,
swim, and fly. The wind blows, rivers
flow. Machines are on the move, too,
performing tasks for people. A machine,
like everything that moves, works
because a force pushes or pulls it. The
force can come from a powerful engine
or motor—or just human muscle.

Good opening Quick thinking

Automatic doors work A calculator is a machine that
themselves. They send out does math equations for you.
Perfect performer
invisible rays. These detect It works at lightning speed.
A robot is a very advanced
movement so the doors
kind of machine. It can
open as people approach.
be instructed to carry out
complicated tasks, and it
does them perfectly.

Getting going
These two girls are
exerting a force on
each other. They
push each other, Handy machine
and this makes A corkscrew is
them both move a machine. It
backward. removes a cork
from a bottle—
something hard to do
with your bare hands.
Motion and machines

91 Build a wheelbarrow
Machines can give you more You will need:
strength! Build your own
wheelbarrow and move a Short
heavy load of stones. The pencil Small stones Two equal lengths of wood
wheelbarrow is a “lever”—a
machine that can increase the
force you use to move things. Thread Tape
Plastic bag spool Card Shoe box Scissors

1. Put the stones in the bag 2. Cut the card to the same 3. Tape the lengths of wood
and lift them. You need to exert width as the box. Tape the card firmly to the bottom of the box.
a lot of force. inside to make two sections.

You need less effort when

the load is nearer the wheel.

4. Stick the pencil through the

spool. Tape the pencil to the ends
of the lengths of wood.

It is easier to lift
the stones now
they are in the
barrow. When you use a lever, your hands
move farther than the distance the
load moves. This extra movement
gives the lever the extra force to
lift the load.

The spool is the wheel of the

The lengths of wood
barrow. It must turn easily.
form a lever that tilts
around the wheel.

5. Put the bag of stones in the 6. Move the bag of stones to the front of the barrow.
back of the barrow. Try lifting it. Now it is very easy to lift the heavy load.
Motion and machines

92 Get a jet going

Airliners fly around the world at high speed. You will need:
They have large jet engines that produce a
powerful jet of air to drive the airliner through Length of thread
the sky. Show how a jet engine works by Balloon pump
flying a balloon at speed across a room.
Tape Balloon Drinking straw

No air must escape

Make sure the from the balloon.
thread is tight.

1. Feed the thread through the 2. Stretch the thread across 3. Blow up the balloon. Hold
straw. It must move easily. a room. Stick two pieces of tape the neck, and attach the balloon
to the straw. to the straw.

Fast movers
Jet engines power the fastest
cars in the world as well as high-
speed aircraft. A jet engine sucks
in air at the front and heats this
air with burning fuel. It then
sends the hot air blasting out
from the back of the engine.
This forces the aircraft or car
forward at very high speed.

A jet of air leaves

the neck and pushes
the balloon forward.

4. Let go of the balloon. It rushes along the thread at high speed!

Motion and machines

93 Build a turbine
A turbine is an engine powered You will need:
by a moving liquid or a gas. You
can build your own turbine out
of straws, and power it with the
air from your lungs!
Flexible straws Toothpick Scissors

Straws rest Bend the end so that it

on toothpick. points horizontally.

The air you blow through the

straw turns the “turbine”!

2. Place a toothpick in the short

end of a third straw. Slot the two
1. Cut the long ends off two connected straws over the toothpick.
flexible straws, about 1.5 in (4 cm) Hold the device horizontally and
from the bend. Push the end of blow through the long straw.
one straw into the end of the other.

94 Test for friction

It’s much easier to slide on You will need:
something smooth, like ice,
than on a rough surface. This Tacks Wooden block Two lengths of wood
is because rough surfaces create Screwdriver
more friction than smooth ones, Pen

and friction slows things down. Hinge and Quarter circle Test surfaces such as felt,
screws Protractor Ruler of card sandpaper, and card

1. Screw the hinge to the 2. Using the protractor and ruler, 3. Put the block on the end
two lengths of wood. Now one draw a scale of angles on the card. of the surface. Tilt the surface 
length can lie Fix this to the until the block You can use
flat while the bottom length starts to slide. oil or water
other slopes. of wood with the to reduce
tacks. Place a test The angle friction.
surface on the determines
top length the amount
of friction the
of wood.
surface creates

Motion and machines

95 Move in a circle
A special kind of force is needed to You will need:
make something move in a circle. It
is called “centripetal” force. See how Cork
this force keeps an object moving in
a circle instead of flying off. Wooden
block with
a hole in it Thread spool String Drill and bit

The cork tries to

fly outward.

The weight of the

block holds the
cork back. This
weight is the
centripetal force.

1. Drill a hole through the 2. Tie the other end of the string 3. Hold the thread spool. Move
center of the cork. Tie a big knot to the block. Check that the string it so that the cork whirls around.
in one end of the string and thread runs easily through the thread spool The block rises as the cork circles
the other end through the cork and that the knot keeps the cork around the spool.
and the thread spool. from coming off the string.

96 Engage a gear
Gears are pairs of wheels which link so You will need:
that one turns another. Gears of different
sizes turn at different speeds, and make it
possible for machines to change speed. Two nails Glue
Try making some gears of your own. Thread Assorted jar
spools lids Thick card Sandpaper

1. Glue sandpaper strips 2. Push nails through the card. 3. Place a different-sized wheel on
around the edges of the lids. Glue These are axles for your gear wheels. each nail, so that they touch. Turn
on the spools as the picture shows. them, using a spool as a handle.
Motion and machines

97 Make an automatic machine

Machines often need people You will need:
to operate them in order to
work properly. But some need
no one to control them. This Long Two short Large and small
automatic machine sorts big Kebab stick cardboard box cardboard boxes pieces of card
marbles from small ones, all
on its own!
Scissors Glue Tape Modeling clay Big and small marbles

1. Cut openings Two

2. Fold the
in the long box and small piece of card
in one of the short lengthways to make
boxes. The picture a chute. Use pieces
shows where these of clay to attach it to
should be. Glue the the top of the other
short box to the top small box.
of the long box. Two Small piece
openings of clay

3. Make channels Folds 4. Stick two

in the large piece of small marbles to
card by folding the one of the channels
sides. Tape a straw with clay. Place the
underneath and stick on two blocks of
insert the stick. clay, so the weighted
side touches the table.

The small marble rolls Big marble are heavy

into the upper box. enough to tilt the card,
but small marbles are not.

5. Line up
the boxes, the chute,
and the card, as the
picture shows. Roll a
small marble down the chute.

Mail machine
Letters and parcels go through
automatic sorting machines.
These can detect zip codes
marked on the mail, and sort
letters and parcels going to
different towns into different 6. Roll a big marble down the
compartments. chute. The card drops, and the
marble goes into the lower box.
Motion and machines

98 Construct a fan
Keep cool—with a hand-powered You will need:
fan. This machine uses a belt that
Thin wooden
works in the same way as a gear. stick Hammer Knife
It makes the fan spin faster than
the handle that you turn to make
Three corks Jar lid Nail Paper fastener Tack
it work. Many machines have parts
like these that work together at
different speeds.
Stiff plastic Rubber band Box Scissors

Put the holes 2 in

(5 cm) from the top
and bottom of the box.

Make one hole in the

middle of the lid and
the other near the edge.

1. Ask an adult to make two holes in the front 2. Using the tack, attach a cork to the
of the box, and another in the back, opposite one of jar lid. This is the handle of your fan.
the first holes. Ask the adult to then make two holes
in the jar lid, using the nail.

Push the fastener through the lid Slant the slits.

and the second hole in the box.
The handle should turn easily.

3. Attach the handle to the box with the 4. Ask an adult to cut four evenly spaced slits
paper fastener. in another cork. Now two corks are in use.

Motion and machines

5. Cut four long strips from the plastic. 6. Push the plastic strips into the slits,
Make them as wide as the slits in the cork. and push one end of the stick into the cork.

Push the stick

right through
the box.
The rubber band is
The rubber band a belt that links two
should fit without wheels: the lid and
7. Push the stick much stretching. the cork.

through the other

two holes in the box.
The stick should poke 8. Push the third cork onto the end of the stick.
out from the back of Loop the rubber band around this cork and the handle.
the box. Your fan is now ready.

Riding at speed
The chain on a bicycle is a belt
The blades spin
that causes the back wheel to faster than the
turn faster than the pedals. When handle turns.
you change gear, the chain moves
from one of the
gear wheels on
the hub to
another. The
size of the gear
wheels affects the
speed at which
the back wheel
turns. Bigger
wheels make
the bicycle
go faster.

The jar lid is a bigger

9. Turn the handle of the wheel than the cork.
fan. The blades spin rapidly This causes the cork to
and blow air forward! turn faster than the lid.

Motion and machines

99 Build a water wheel

Many machines have a motor You will need:
or an engine to produce the Modeling clay
force they need to make them
move. The first kind of motor Pitcher of water
Plastic tube Plastic bottle
or engine was the water wheel.
It uses the power of flowing
or falling water to drive a
Funnel Cork Stiff plastic Glass dish Nail
machine. Water wheels are
still used today.
Scissors Tape Two toothpicks Knife

Make sure the

blades fit tightly.

1. Use the knife to cut four 2. Cut out four pieces of stiff 3. Fit the pieces of plastic into
slits in the cork. Space them plastic. Make them all the same the slits. This is the water wheel.
out evenly. length as the cork.

4. Using the nail, pierce two 5. Cut off the bottom of 6. Push a toothpick into one
holes in opposite sides of the bottle. the bottle, making sure the edge end of the cork. Then fit it into
is straight so the bottle can one hole in the bottle.
stand upright.

7. Push the 8. Push the

other toothpick funnel into one
through the end of the piece
other hole and of plastic tube.
into the cork. Wind tape around
the funnel and
Put clay on
The water the points of tube to hold them
wheel must the toothpicks. firmly together.
spin easily.

Motion and machines

Hold the
funnel and
the tube.

Ask a friend to
pour water into
the funnel.

The water moves faster

because it is falling a
greater distance.

Direct the stream of

water to hit the plastic
blades of the wheel.

9. Place the bottle in the dish. Fit the tube into the
neck of the bottle. Pour water into the funnel, and the
water wheel spins around.

In a hydroelectric power station,

Air power water falling down a pipe from a
These are wind turbines. dam spins the blades of a turbine
They work in the same in the same way as this water
way as water wheels, but wheel. The turbine drives a
use moving air instead generator that makes electricity.
of water. The wind spins
the blades, which drive a
generator in each turbine 10. Raise the funnel. The water flows faster as
to make electricity. it hits the blades of the water wheel, making it
spin more quickly.
Motion and machines

100 Lift a load with water

Raise a heavy weight—with You will need:
just a little water! Using
water in this way is called
“hydraulics.” Very powerful
Rubber band Plastic tube Tape Heavy book Plastic bottle
machines that lift, push,
or press things work by
hydraulics. It greatly increases
Pitcher of water Balloon Scissors Funnel Can
the force that they produce.

1. Fit the neck of the balloon 2. Cut the top off the bottle. 3. Push the balloon through
over the end of the tube. Seal it Make a hole in the side, near the the hole in the side of the bottle.
tightly with tape. base of the bottle.

4. Tape the 5. Place the

funnel firmly to can inside the
the other end of bottle on top
the tube, as the of the balloon.
picture shows. Then lay the
heavy book
on the bottle.

Big digger 6. Lift the funnel and

Powerful excavators like the pour some water into it.
one in this picture use hydraulics. The balloon slowly swells—
Pipes carry a liquid from a pump and lifts the heavy book!
to cylinders, where the liquid Raise the funnel
pushes out pistons with great above the book.
force. The pistons drive the
bucket into the ground and
raise a heavy load of soil. The swelling balloon exerts
enough pressure to push
the heavy book upward.

The weight of the

water in the tube pushes
water into the balloon.

Motion and machines

101 Build a crane

A crane is able to lift a heavy You will need:
load high in the air. It has a
wheel called a “pulley” to Pen cap String Hammer Scissors Marbles
produce a lifting force, while Tape Paper clip
a “counterweight” stops the Length of wood
crane tipping over as it lifts
a heavy weight. Two thread
Strong cardboard box Plastic cup Two nails spools Heavy book

Make sure 2. Cut a The wood must

fit tightly and
the spools can hole in the box.
turn easily. not move.
Insert the wood
so that it sticks
out at an angle.

1. Nail one spool to the end of the wood

and nail the other spool near the other end.

4. Push the pen

cap into the lower
spool. Tape one
end of the rest
of the string to
this spool.
3. Cut a short piece of string. Tape it to
the cup to make a handle.

The book is a counterweight. The upper spool

Its weight prevents the weight is a pulley
The pen cap is wheel. It changes
of the load from pulling the
your handle. the downward
crane over.
force of the
5. Loop the string over the upper spool. Hold the
handle into an
upward force
end firmly and wind the string onto the lower spool. that lifts
the load.

6. Bend the paper clip to 7. Place the book on the box. Fill the cup with
make a hook. Tie it to the marbles and hook it to the crane. Wind the handle
end of the piece of string. to lift the load of marbles.
excavators 118 light 36–47, 48, 49, 53, 61 sinking 19, 20, 24
INDEX eyes 68, 69, 70 light bulb 43
light rays 38, 39, 42, 43, 47
lightning 79, 99
smell 66, 71
snowflakes 16
sorting machine 113
AB fan 114–115 liquids 16–25, 31 sound gun 76
acid 54 fire 28, 35 lodestone 86 sound 67, 71, 74–85
air 6–15, 19, 22, 32, 35, 59, firefighters 35 spores 64–65
75, 79, 110, 111 flames 28 M stalactite 26
air pressure 7 flashlight 44–45 machines 86, 96, 108–119 starch 63
aircraft 12, 110 flavor 71 magnetic field 92, 93 submarines 22, 41
alkali 54 floating 19, 20–24, 28 magnets 86–95 Sun 30, 33, 38, 39, 48, 49, 50
anemometer 15 flowers 29, 54, 58 magnifying glass 47, 68 sundial 39
automatic machines 113 forces 19, 28, 109–119 microscope 38 sunlight 58, 62, 65
avalanche 76 friction 111 minerals 26, 27 sunset 50
banjo 84–85 fungi 64–65 moisture detector 13 surface tension 28
battery 105 mold 64–65
bubble colors 55 G motion 108–119 T
buzzer 94–95 music 74–85 taste 66, 71
gases 6–15, 31, 35, 59, 62, 111
gears 112, 114–115 telephone 46, 95
C growth 58–65 NOP temperature 30, 31
camera 38, 46 guitar 85 nitrogen 6, 9, 40 thermometer 30, 31
carbon dioxide 10, 11, 35 optical fibers 46 thermos 34
cells 58 oxygen 6, 9, 35, 59, 62 thunder 79
chlorophyll 63 H paints 51 tom-tom 80–81
clothes 28, 58 hard water 27 periscope 40–41 touch 66, 72
clouds 16 hearing 66, 67, 71, 74–78 photographs 38, 47 trees 58, 61
cold 16, 23, 28, 33, 34 heat 9, 32, 33, 34 photosynthesis 62 tuning fork 75, 77
colors 48–57 horn 83 pipes 82 turbine 111
compass 86, 92 humidity 13 plants 29, 58–65
conductors 32, 99, 104 hurricane 15 power stations 96 UV
convection 30 hydraulics 118 printing 56–57 ultrasound 74
crane 93, 119 hydroelectric power 96 propeller 97 umbrellas 18
hydrometer 24 vegetables 58
D R vibration 67, 75, 80, 82, 83,
density 24 I J racing car 9 84, 85, 95
diver 22 ice 7, 36 rain 16, 17, 48, 49 viscosity 25
drums 80–81 ice cream 37 rain gauge 17 volcano 11, 20
ice skaters 36 rainbow 48, 49
E icicles 37 rainfall 17 WX
ear 67, 71 interference 55 reflection 40–41, 42, 46 water 16–19, 58, 59, 118
electric charge 100–101 iodine 63 refraction 43 water pressure 19
electric circuit 102–103 irrigation 59 refrigerator 33 water resistance 18
electric fields 98 jet engines 110 robot 108 water wheel 116
electric motors 86, 98, 106 waves 16
electricity 42, 43, 93–107, K L S weather 13, 17
117 kaleidoscope 40–41 seeds 58, 59 wind 14, 15
electromagnet 93, 94–95 lava 11 senses 66–73 wind vane 14, 15
engines 9, 110, 111, 116 leaves 29, 58, 63 shadows 39 wing 12
evaporation 26, 33 lens 46, 68 sight 66 xylophone 82

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