Obli Finals Notes
Obli Finals Notes
Obli Finals Notes
Section 2 Example:
A rice field in Rizal produces 100 sacks of palay
Loss includes impossibility of performance. annually. A was promised 10 sacks and B was promised 90
sacks. Due to a flood, the rice field produced only 50 sacks.
Causes which render impossible the performance of the
prestation *Remedy: Mag-unahan yung dalawang creditors sa pag-file
ng case against the debtor para sa 50 sacks of palay
1. when the object perishes (depending on the stipulated share).
2. when it goes out of commerce
3. when it disappears in such a way that –
a. its existence is unknown
b. or it cannot be recovered ARTICLE 1264 *case-to-case basis
[NOTE: This applies only to obligations to deliver a The thing is always equivalent to the whole obligation.
determinate thing. Generic things cannot be lost.]
Q: If there is partial loss, does it mean that extinguishment
[NOTE: If the debtor is at fault, what is the remedy of is only partial too?
the creditor? Damages.]
A: It depends on the intention of the parties. It does not
necessarily result to total or partial extinguishment.
The court will decide (what if the thing is not so
ARTICLE 1262 important that it may not affect the obligation).
[NOTE: The loss must be after the obligation has been Presumption that loss was due to debtor’s fault
incurred. If the loss had been prior, there would be no
subject matter, therefore there would be no obligation The thing lost (in the possession of the debtor) must be
at all.] determinate. If it is generic, there is no presumption of
[NOTE: This article may also apply to delimited generic
1. if the debtor is at fault things. (Atty. Capili)]
2. when the debtor is made liable for a fortuitous
event (because of a provision of law; of a [NOTE: The presumption does not apply in case of
contractual stipulation; the nature of the obligation earthquake, flood, storm, or other natural calamity.]
requires assumption of risk on the part of the
debtor) Q: What if the debtor is not in possession and the thing is
1. if the generic thing is delimited Compliance of personal obligations, without the debtor’s
2. if the generic thing has already been segregated fault, become:
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1. a legal impossibility A: If he did not commit the crime in the first place, the
2. a physical impossibility object would not be lost. He cannot use his own
infraction to justify the loss.
[NOTE: Impossible performance is equivalent to loss of
a determinate thing.] Mora Accipiendi – A’s phone was snatched by B. When B
wanted to return it to A, the latter won’t accept because he
[NOTE: The impossibility must AFTER the constitution wants it to be replaced by a different model.
of the obligation, but BEFORE its performance.]
*If the object is damaged, the creditor is not obliged to
accept what has not been contemplated – i.e. something
of lesser value (dapat ibalik kung ano yung ninakaw) =
ARTICLE 1267 ask for damages
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Section 3
Presumptions (when the private document is found in
Condonation or remission: gratuitous abandonment by debtor’s possession) *rebuttable
the creditor of his right
1. Done voluntarily by the creditor
1. essentially gratuitous – it is not condonation if 2. Payment by the debtor
payment or service be required
2. requires the acceptance by the obligor – no Example:
acceptance, no remission (equivalent to donation –
why he should accept) The pre-signed receipt was sent to the debtor to
collect the debt but he did not pay and kept the receipt.
[NOTE: Condonation can be revoked because it is Here, there is no remission.
governed by the law on donation.]
Rule: If the instrument of credit is still in creditor’s hands,
[NOTE: The old obligation is extinguished and a new this is evidence that the debt has not yet been paid, unless
one is created – a ‘contract’ of donation.] the contrary is proved. To rebut the presumption, a receipt
of payment must be presented.
[NOTE: Waivers are not to be presumed. They must be Remission of pledge (real contracts that requires actual
clearly and convincingly shown. The debtor has the delivery)
burden of proving that there has been condonation.]
- the principal obligation (i.e. loan) remains in force
- presumption is rebuttable (because the debtor or
third person may be in possession of the property
ARTICLE 1271 by theft, or because it has been sent for repairs, etc.)
Effect of delivery of private document evidencing credit [NOTE: The third person in possession of the thing must
actually own it.]
- a remission or renunciation is presumed
- example of implied condonation Doctrine of complementary contracts: the accessory
- “private document” – not notarized; the only copy contract must be read (in its entirety) together and
(as opposed to a public document wherein several interpreted together with the principal contract.
copies are available, therefore the delivery of one
does not necessarily imply condonation)
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Section 4 Section 5
Confusion: the merging or the convergence of the rights of Compensation: the extinguishment in the concurrent
a creditor and debtor in one and in the same person with amount of the obligations of those persons who, in their
regard to the same obligation own right, are reciprocally debtors and creditors of each
[NOTE: The original debtor becomes the creditor of his
own debt. Here, only one obligation is extinguished. (If [NOTE: There must be two persons who are mutually
compensation, at least two.)] creditor and debtor to each other.]
[NOTE: If any event that created the merger is revoked, Q: Why is partial compensation allowed when there is a
the merger shall also be revoked; hence, the obligation rule that payment or performance must be full or complete?
is revived but it still depends on the circumstances of
the case.] A: Compensation is not payment. Therefore, “partial
extinguishment” should be used instead of “partial
Requisites: payment.”
Reason: merger must be complete and definite (separate 4. That they be liquidated and demandable.
and distinct) - demandable: neither of the debts has prescribed
or that the obligation is not invalid or illegal
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*This is an exception to Article 1279, paragraph 1.
Assignment of the credit to a third person
- the guarantor may set up compensation with
respect to the principal debt - generally, all requisites are there, nothing to assign
Reason: Extinguishment of principal obligation - compensation takes place automatically or ipso
extinguishes the guaranty. jure
- if after compensation has taken place, one of the
extinguished debts is assigned to a stranger, it
would be a useless act since there is nothing more
ARTICLE 1281 *self-explanatory to assign
Voluntary compensation: the parties agree to compensate First case: Assignment with the knowledge and consent
their mutual obligations even in the absence of some of the debtor
requisites (under Article 1279)
- compensation cannot be set up because his consent
[NOTE: It is sufficient that the agreement itself be valid. constitutes a waiver
Thus, the parties must have legal capacity and must - exception: if the right to the compensation that has
freely give their consent.] already taken place is reserved
- refer to illustration – B must pay third person but go
after A unless he reserves the right to
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Second case: Assignment with the knowledge but 2. when one debt arises from obligations of a depositary;
without the consent or against the will of the debtor it is the depositor who is given the right to claim
- legal compensation has already taken place 3. when one debt arises from obligations of a bailee in
- example: commodatum (the borrower of the property pays
A assigned the credit due today to a nothing for the loan)
guarantor. B’s credit from A matures later. If e.g. A owes B 10,000. A then suggested that his
the guarantor goes after B, there is no phone that B borrowed would be used to set-off the
compensation but ordinary payment only. debt through commodatum instead.
Upon maturity of B’s credit, there is still no
compensation because the guarantor is not 4. when one debt arises because of a claim for support
the principal debtor. due to gratuitous title
- refer to illustration – all defenses available may
already be used come December 1 (debts that are 5. when one debt is due or owed to the government
there, take note of the dates of assignment); the (taxes and other fees)
defenses available before assignment can be used
when compensation was not really intended
Third case: Assignment made without the knowledge of
the debtor Debts arising from a crime – no compensation (add to
Article 1287)
- debtor can set up compensation as a defense for all
debts maturing prior to his knowledge of the Reason: Compensation would be improper and inadvisable
assignment because the satisfaction of such obligation is imperative.
- refer to illustration – October 1 (assignment date),
November 5 (date when debtor was informed) – all [NOTE: The victim, who is indebted to the accused,
debts before and after October 1 but before should still be allowed to claim compensation. Non-
November 5 may be set up or used as defense compensation should be limited to the accused to
(actual damage) prevent his escaping liability by pleading prior
credits against the offended party.]
Test: assignment of credit must take place before there is
legal compensation or at the time the assignment was
made, legal compensation have not yet taken place
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[NOTE: It is a mode of extinguishment with respect to A: Strictly speaking, there is no novation. There is a
the old one but also a mode of creating a new one. Its change but it does not refer to any of the four instances
essence is to enter a new obligation with the intent to enumerated. This is only modificatory novation,
extinguish or end the old one.] which is not the novation contemplated under this
[NOTE: A new contract does not necessarily mean that
novation took place.] Test (most important consideration): the intention
of the parties (animus novandi) – the parties will not
[NOTE: There is no novation if the old and new enter into a contract without meaning
obligations are not related nor connected.]
Implied novation
[NOTE: Novation is never presumed. The intention to
novate should be expressly, clearly, and unequivocably - the two obligations are essentially incompatible as
declared.] a whole in every point – if they can be harmonized,
no implied novation
Test: Can they stand together?
1. The existence of a valid old obligation
2. The intent to extinguish or to modify the *Novation is not one of the means recognized by the RPC
obligation by a substantial difference – whereby criminal liability can be extinguished – only the
agreement to extinguish the old obligation and to state can say if there can be novation
create a new one
3. The validity of the new obligation
Q: What if the second contract is void but the parties intend ARTICLE 1292
to novate?
Real or objective novation
A: A void contract produces no legal effect. It cannot
novate. The old contract subsists. - not only the main obligation; if the principal
condition is changed, there is novation
Q: What if the second contract is later on or is already
annulled? Classifications according to manner or form
Expromision – the old debtor will not be responsible for When the REM over the 10M is extinguished, the
the new debtor’s insolvency or non-fulfillment of the third party mortgage should also be extinguished BUT since
obligation it covers 1M loan, it should not yet be extinguished (in favor
Reason: The expromision was brought about without of third person).
his initiative.
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Effects of subrogation
The credit and all the appurtenant rights, either against
the debtor or against third persons, are transferred.
[NOTE: The credit or obligation, in a sense, subsists. It
is not really extinguished.]
Partial subrogation (rule of preference)
When there is conflict of interest or when payment is not
enough to cover the two credits, the old creditor shall be
preferred over the new creditor.
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Relativity of Contracts
Mutuality of Contracts
- Contracts are generally effective only between the
- The contract must bind both contracting parties; its parties, their assigns (after transfer), and their
validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of heirs (upon death)
one of them - If the parties are still there, assigns or heirs will not
Basis: essential equality of the parties come in
- To be properly called a contract, it must be the - Personal rights or those prohibited by law are not
force of law between the parties; cannot be left to transmissible
the hands of one party
- e.g. continue leasing a property as long as you pay [NOTE: A creditor can go after his debtor’s heir but not
rent – not valid (both parties should decide on the to the extent of the property received.]
compliance) Illustration:
Power to unbind
- when it is expressly provided that one of the
contracting parties is authorized to cancel it and
the party given the right subsequently cancelled,
the agreement is just being fulfilled
- no violation of the principle of mutuality of
General rule: A party cannot revoke or renounce a contract
without the consent of the other.
General rule: Third persons have nothing to do with
Exception: When, under such terms and conditions they contracts they are not parties to.
may deem wise, they mutually cancel such contract.
Exception: When there is a stipulation in favor of a third
person who accepted the benefit before the contract had
been revoked – stipulation pour autrui.
ARTICLE 1309 *related to 1308
Stipulation Pour Autrui (paragraph 2) *1st XPN to relativity principle
Determination of the performance may be left to a third
person. The decision binds the parties only after it is made - a stipulation in favor of a third person conferring a
known to both. clear and deliberate favor upon him, and which
stipulation is merely part of a contract entered
Q: Can validity or compliance be given to a third person? into by the parties, neither of whom acted as agent
A: NO. Determination of performance only but it is not of the third person
binding. If unequitable, not obligatory (Article 1310). [NOTE: Just because he has benefit doesn’t
mean that he is already bound. It must be
Example: express and deliberate.
e.g. insurance contract of husband is
There is a contract between Philippines and Japan. assigned or give to the wife – the wife is a
A third party contractor determines what materials should third person because the contract is
be used, who the sub-contractors should be, etc. between the husband and the insurance
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Other exceptions to the principle: [NOTE: Even if not a party: right – accion pauliana;
liability – tortious interference.]
1. If there is a court order
2. Tortious interference Elements:
3. Accion pauliana
1. Existing valid contract between two or more
2. Third person is aware of the existence of the
ARTICLE 1312 *2nd XPN to relativity principle contract
Contracts creating real rights 3. Third person interferes by inducing a party to
violate the contract and was thus violated
- third person who come into possession of the 4. No legal justification or valid excuse for the
object of the contract are bound even if: (1) they interference
are not originally bound; (2) they did not
participate in the contract
e.g. real estate mortgage ARTICLE 1315
Reason: A real right binds the property over which it is Consensuality of Contracts: perfection by mere consent
What binds them:
1. Stipulation
ARTICLE 1313 *3rd XPN to relativity principle 2. Nature of the agreement
Right of defrauded creditors
- creditors are protected in cases of contracts ARTICLE 1316
intended to defraud them – basis of accion
pauliana Requisites for perfection of real contracts
[NOTE: Ordinarily, a creditor has nothing to say on the 1. Consent
contract between his debtor and a third person and yet, 2. Subject matter
the law gives him the right to interfere.] 3. Cause or consideration
4. Delivery – for validity, or else no contract at all
[NOTE: The creditor does not need to wait for
consummation of the contracts. Mere intention shall be Most common kinds of real contracts
1. Deposit
[NOTE, IMPORTANT: The debtor must not have any 2. Pledge
other property. Thus, the contract he is trying to enter 3. Commondatum
into will prejudice his contract with the creditor.] 4. Contract of carriage
5. Mutuum (loan)
Forms of acceptance: express and implied
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Rule: Contracts entered into during lucid interval are valid. Error re the object of the contract – mistake as to the
[NOTE: A person is already presumed insane.
Therefore, the sanity must be proved.] Error in quality – the principal condition must be the
moving factor why a person entered into the contract
State of drunkenness
Error in quantity – can vitiate but not to simple mistake
- temporarily results in complete loss of
understanding which may be equivalent to Error in identity or in qualifications – does not affect
temporary insanity except if it is the principal reason
- a person almost doesn’t know what he is doing
- a talk over a bottle of beer is not the drunkenness
anticipated under this article
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Examples: Requisites:
*In a sale of a car, you thought that the seller is a woman but 1. The error must refer to the legal effect of the
is actually a transgender – does not affect the transaction or agreement (hindi dapat basta-bastang error or
the contract effect lang)
2. The real purpose of the parties is frustrated
*In a sale of a car, you thought that the seller is the owner
but is actually not – void as to the owner, voidable as to
both the ‘contracting parties’
[NOTE: Not every mistake vitiates consent (see Roman
Catholic Church v. Pante). Mistake in motive will not Violence – present and physical coercion
vitiate consent.] Requisites for violence to vitiate consent:
1. Employment of serious or irresistible force
ARTICLE 1332 2. It must have been the reason why the contract was
entered into
Inability to read – a contract may be written or oral
[NOTE: The violence must be against you only. The
Inability to understand the language of the contract – a killing of your wife for you to sign a contract is not
contract may be written in Tagalog (or any other language) violence against your wife not intimidation to her BUT
intimidation against you in order to sign the contract. It
*If one of the parties did not really understand, vitiated was intended to scare you, to be forced to sign]
consent can be alleged.
Intimidation – moral coercion; directed towards
[NOTE: Consent is there but not fully intelligent everything else
Requisites for intimidation to vitiate consent:
[NOTE: The inabilities must be coupled by allegation of
mistake of fraud to constitute vitiated consent because 1. Reasonable and well-grounded fear of an imminent
a person who is unable to read or is unable understand and grave evil upon his person, property, or upon
the language by itself does not constitute vitiated the person or property of his spouse, descendants,
consent (reasons noted in the provision).] or ascendants
[NOTE: “grave” – papatayin, hindi yung
pipitikin sa ilong; not imminent or grave –
tinutukan ng baril through Skype; “upon
property” – susunugin yung bahay]
Knowledge of doubt, contingency, or risk does not
vitiate consent – it is assumed that the party was willing to 2. It must have been the reason why the contract was
take the risk entered into
3. The threat must be of an unjust act, an actionable
Examples: wrong
*A mechanic cannot say that he did not know that an engine Reasonable and well-grounded fear – depends upon
was not functioning properly. He is a person knowledgeable many circumstances, including the age, condition, and sex
or is an expert of that kind of contract (or of the of the person concerned
Example: a midget threatening a giant – no reasonable
*One cannot allege vitiated consent just because a 300- or well-grounded fear except when the midget has a
square-meter property became 150 square meters due to gun
the high tide.
Violence or intimidation caused by third person
Mutual error – mistake on the part of both parties
- contract may still be annulled because the consent
is still vitiated; otherwise, the other party could just
fake ignorance
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Impossible things or services – cannot be the object of
1. because of the nature of the transaction
2. because of the law
3. absolute or objectively impossible – no one can do
4. relative or subjectively impossible – the particular
debtor cannot comply
[NOTE: Mere difficulty is not impossibility. While it is
difficult, it is still doable. The debtor cannot escape
responsibility. He must still perform even if it became
so difficult because it is not impossible.]
Rules (or requisites of object of contracts):
1. it must be determinate as to its kind
2. it must be existing or is capable of existing
3. it must be licit
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Contracts without cause or with unlawful cause
- void, produce no legal effect
- complements the rule that contracts should have
all the elements
Requisites for cause
1. it must be present at the time the contract was
entered into
2. it must be true
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! ARTICLE 1356
General rule: Contracts shall be obligatory, binding in ! ARTICLE 1358
whatever form as long as all the essential elements are The following must appear in a public document:
1. creation, transmission, modification, or
Exception: When the law requires a certain form for its extinguishment of real rights over immovable
validity, enforceability, or evidentiary value (defense or property; sales of real property or of an interest
cause of action), it is absolute and indispensable (solemn
contracts). [NOTE: The lease must be in a note or
memorandum. Lease for 3 months need not be
E.g. donation of real property – must be in a public in writing.]
instrument, i.e. in writing and notarized; requires
acceptance also in a public instrument 2. cession, repudiation, or renunciation of hereditary
rights or those of conjugal partnership o gains
[NOTE: The registry and transfer of title is
ARTICLE 1357 binding upon the heirs.]
Right to compel 3. power to administer property or any other power
- remedy when there is contract but is not in writing whose object is an act appearing or which should
or not notarized appear in a public document, or should prejudice a
- available to both the debtor and the creditor third person
- provides a cause of action to compel the [NOTE: This refers to GPA. SPA is not required
observance of form to be notarized except when it is a sale of real
[NOTE: This Article contemplates consensual property or when it is needed to be given to the
contracts.] bank.]
[NOTE: If the contract is perfected, require the other 4. cession of action or rights proceeding from an act
party to follow the form required by law. If there is no appearing in a public document
contract yet, there can be no right to compel [NOTE: Contracts need not be in a public document. It
(premature).] not a mandatory requirement for validity or
Applicability: When form is needed only for convenience, enforceability, only for convenience. Nothing says
not for validity or enforceability. that if not in a public document, it will be void.]
Requisites in order to avail of this right: Q: If not mandatory, why can you require to compel under
Article 1357?
1. the contract must be perfected (Article 1357)
2. the contract must be enforceable under the Statute A: To use the agreement to the full extent, not only between
of Frauds (Article 1356) the two parties but also to others for the transfer for
prestation to government agencies.
What can be compelled
Form for convenience: a public document is necessary if
1. to be in writing you want to bind third persons
2. notarization (if already in writing)
[NOTE: Shake-hand deal is sufficient except when the
Inapplicability of the remedy: law requires it to be in writing and/or notarized.]
1. solemn contracts which require form to be valid (Safe answer: As a rule, contracts are valid in any form
2. unenforceable contracts – did not follow the form unless the law requires a certain form for its validity, if not
for its enforceability.)
Prescriptive period: 5 years
Q: Why do you still need to compel the other party?
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3. Void agreements
- such procedure would be useless since there is
nothing to reform
No reformation
- when one of the parties brought an action to
enforce the instrument; basis is estoppel, waiver,
or ratification
Who can petition
1. if mistake was mutual, either party or his
successors in interest
2. in all other cases, the injured party or his heirs
and assigns
Prescriptive period: 10 years (if filed after, you are already
bound by it)
Procedural rules: ROC; Rule 63 – Declaratory Relief
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ARTICLE 1381 Rescission is not a principal remedy
Enumeration of rescissible contracts General rule: Exhaust all remedies first before filing an
1. those entered into by guardians in behalf of wards who action for rescission.
suffer lesion by more than ¼ of the value of the things Exception: When the party suffering damage has no other
which are the object of the contracts legal means to obtain reparation for the same.
- economic damage or lesion, e.g. the guardian sold
a property worth 1M for 500k (50% damage) [NOTE: If the debtor has other properties, the creditor
- unless approved by the court cannot choose. The debtor is merely negotiating the
2. those agreed upon in representation of absentees who other properties.]
suffer lesion stated in the first enumeration
- also economic damage or lesion
3. those undertaken in fraud of creditors who cannot in ARTICLE 1384
any other manner collect the claims due them
- the action to be filed is a petition to rescind Partial rescission – only if there is sufficient ground; the
through accion pauliana contract must be divisible
- intent to defraud creditors; no minimum damage
or actual damage required
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Statutory presumption of fraud (bad faith): rebuttable; Q: When the creditor was able to prevent the third person
good faith is always presumed to further transfer and the property was recovered, can he
still ask for damages?
Gratuitous alienations
A: Yes.
- presumed fraudulent when the debtor did not
reserve sufficient property to pay all debts Two or more alienations – first acquirer shall be liable
contracted before the donation first and so on, successively
Onerous alienations
- presumed fraudulent when made by persons: ARTICLE 1389
against whom some judgment has been Prescriptive period for rescission
rendered in any instance (even if not yet a
final judgment or still on appeal) or General rule: 4 years from the date the contract was
against whom some writ of attachment has entered into
been issued
[NOTE: There is not presumption if the creditor has
other means to collect or when the debtor has other 1. persons under guardianship – from termination of
means to pay.] incapacity (age of majority; lucid interval)
2. absentees – from the time the domicile is known
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Q: Can annulment still be asked if the voidable contract is Conformity of guilty party is not needed
beneficial to the minor? - otherwise, ratification would no longer would
A: Yes because the essence of voidable contracts is the make sense
defect on the consent but if he is benefited, he can ratify. - otherwise, he may find a way of getting out of the
contract by the simple expedient of refusing to
[NOTE: Only the injured party can ratify. The other ratify
party has no business to ratify it.]
Retroactive effect of ratification
Relatively ineffective contracts – valid between the
parties; not binding upon third persons - once ratification has taken place, annulment based
on the original defects cannot prosper
Prescriptive period – within four years - the rights of innocent third persons must be
protected and not prejudiced
The period shall begin:
1. from the time the defect of the consent ceases
(intimidation, violence, or undue influence) ARTICLE 1397
2. from the time of discovery (mistake or fraud)
3. from the time the guardianship ceases (minors or Who may ask for annulment
other incapacitated persons) - victim (whether principally or subsidiarily liable)
not the guilty person or his successor
Reason: He who comes to equity must come
ARTICLE 1392 with clean hands.
Effects of ratification [NOTE: A third party mortgagor, who is a person
subsidiarily liable, can use the minority of the debtor as
1. the action to annul is extinguished defense and initiate an action for annulment. This is
2. the right to ask for annulment is also extinguished because if the debtor cannot pay, he will become liable.]
3. the contract becomes a completely valid one
4. the contract is cleansed of its defect from the General rule: A minor can ask for annulment.
Exception: When he is guilty of active misrepresentation,
i.e. when he asserts that he is of legal age. He cannot ask for
annulment because of estoppel.
Kinds of ratification
1. Express – oral or written
2. Tacit – implied, as from conduct implying a waiver Effect of an annulment of an obligation – mutual
restitution of the thing with fruits and the price with
E.g. a minor bought land but sold the same interest
after reaching 21 years of age to a third person
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[NOTE: ‘Obligation’ is used instead of ‘contract’ because obstacle to the success of the action unless through fraud
one contract can cover several obligations.] or fault of the plaintiff
Limitations to mutual restitution: [NOTE: Here, the incapacitated party nevertheless gave
consent without active representation but the petition
1. Unjust enrichment – only proportional restitution will still not be granted. Di ko alam.]
E.g. 4 months was used up in a 1-year rent,
return only 8 months
2. If there is a law that prohibits full restitution
3. Article 1399 ARTICLE 1402
General rule: The whole contract is annulled. Duty of mutual restitution – one party cannot be
compelled to comply with what is incumbent upon him if
Exception: Joint obligations – annul only, for example, the other party does not restore what he is bound to return
minority. There is full annulment with respect to his share,
not partial; i.e. everything that pertains to the minors can be [NOTE: Annulment may be granted immediately.]
Partial obligation to do – cannot force to undo because it
will result to involuntary servitude; if there is no
performance yet, there is nothing to return
General rule: There is no restitution if the defect of the
contract consists in the incapacity of one of the parties.
Exception: When he has been benefited by the thing or
price received by him.
Duty to return the thing cannot be done because of loss
through fault of the person obliged
- return the fruits received and the value of the
thing at the time of loss, with interest from the
same date
[NOTE: If the thing is generic, it cannot be considered
lost. If the thing is determinate, the person is not liable
if through fortuitous event but if through his fault, he
must return the value at the time it was lost plus fruits
and interest.]
Effect of loss of object through fraud or fault of victim –
action for annulment shall be extinguished
[NOTE: The victim can still file for annulment if the
object is lost through fortuitous event.]
Right of action based upon incapacity of any of the
contracting parties – loss of the thing shall not be an
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- if in writing, you are already bound by it 2. acceptance of benefits under them – does not apply
because there is already a contract meaning, to executed or partially executed or performed
you cannot change your mind the next day and contracts
say you don’t want to buy it anymore
exception: auction sale
- even though not yet declared and not yet in ARTICLE 1406
writing but it is noted in their sales book
- also, if you are considered a bidder, it is already Right of one party to compel the other to execute the
binding needed instrument
e. An agreement for the leasing for a longer period than - only when the contract is valid and enforceable
one year, or for the sale of real property or of an interest (note, memorandum, in writing)
therein. - a public document is necessary for its registration;
‘interest’ – easement, usufruct, right of a mortgage i.e. you cannot present your prelims booklet as a
if there is already downpayment, deposit, or deed of sale to the Registry of Deeds or to a notary
advanced rental, the contract is considered as public (proper form must be observed to be
partially executed (dapat wholly executory!) enforced on the other party)
partition of property is not covered
f. A representation as to the credit of a third person.
merely an assurance ARTICLE 1407
representation of good credit standing but not
binding Ratification of contracts where both parties are
incapacitated (express or implied)
Telegram – not considered as sufficient memorandum
because important details are set out 1. By the parent or guardian of one of the contracting
parties – voidable
Requirements for sufficient memorandum 2. By the parent or guardian of both contracting
parties – validated from the inception
1. must be clear on the following: names of the
parties, terms of the contract, subject matter, place, Q: Can the parent or guardian who did not ratify ask for
signature annulment?
2. the essential requisites of a contract must appear
A: A and B, both 15 years old, entered into a contract. The
[NOTE: No particular form of language or instrument is contract is unenforceable because both cannot give consent.
necessary to constitute a memorandum or note in
*If the parent or guardian of A ratifies (e/i) the contract,
writing under the SOF. Thus, a formal deed of sale is not
necessary.] it becomes voidable, valid unless annulled by the
parent or guardian of B.
Rule on authority of the agent to sell land or any
interest therein – if land is included, it is not automatically *However, if the parent or guardian of B also ratifies,
covered by the SOF therefore, it can be proved by the contract is validated right from the time it was first
entered into.
testimonial evidence
[NOTE: How can unenforceable contract be annulled?
For unauthorized contracts, apply 1317. For those
ARTICLE 1404 under SOF, apply 1405. For incapacitated, apply 1407.]
Void: agreements which are tainted with illegality - e.g. transaction of marijuana
- both parties in pari delicto, no action against each
Inexistent: agreements which lack any of the essential other and both are prosecuted
requisites of a contract
Only one of the parties is guilty
[NOTE: Void and inexistent contracts take precedence
over other defective contracts.] - innocent party received the illegal thing, he must
return the same to the state or to the government
Important principles: - innocent party may claim what he has given and
not bound to comply with his promise
1. Void contracts produce no legal effect [NOTE: ‘Promise’ is used instead of ‘obligation’
2. Cannot be ratified because it is void, covering a legal object;
3. Using the defense that the contract is void can be therefore, there is no obligation.]
made anytime and cannot be waived - e.g. Pinarada mo yung kotse mo sa Dapitan tapos
4. Action to declare a contract void is nawala yung side mirror mo. May nagbenta sa’yo
imprescriptible ng side mirror kasi napansin niyang wala yung
5. A third person whose rights are not affected isang side mirror mo. It turns out, sa’yo pala yun.
cannot question illegality Kapag binayaran mo, dapat ma-prosecute yung
6. No need to declare it void except when there has guilty party and you are allowed to recover the
been performance, or affects title of any money you paid.
property/when rights or interest will be affected
Void and inexistent contracts:
1. Agreements tainted with illegality – cause, object,
or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good Contract is void because of illegal object but no crime
customs, public order, or public policy committed
2. Absolutely simulated or fictitious contracts
(relatively simulated contracts may also be - e.g. violation of a socialized housing loan
included) Rules:
3. Lack of essential requisites of a contract – cause or
object did not exist at the time of transaction 1. both parties are guilty
4. Object outside the commerce of men (e.g. parks, - no action against each other (cannot recover
military reservations, mountains) what he has given nor demand performance of
5. Contemplates an impossible service the other)
6. Intention of the parties relative to the principal - both shall be prosecuted
object cannot be ascertained – equivalent to lack of - instruments of the crime shall be confiscated in
object (see Article 1378) favor of the government
7. Expressly prohibited or declared void by law (e.g. 2. only one of the parties is guilty
donation by husband to wife) - guilty party cannot recover what he has given
- guilty party cannot demand fulfillment of what
[NOTE: Agreements to regularize a void contract is not has been promised him
ratification. There is a new contract, it’s just that same - innocent party may demand the return of what
terms were reiterated.] he has given without any obligation to comply
with his promise
Action or defense for the declaration of the inexistence ARTICLE 1413
of a contract is mprescriptible – you can have it declared Usury law is suspended
void anytime
- whatever excessive may be given back or be
recovered by virtue of jurisprudence (Medel)
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Laborer works longer than maximum hours – demand
additional compensation (OT pay)
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ARTICLE 1425 Payment of legacies despite the will being void
Debt already prescribed, payment by third person - if the will is void, the legacy would also be void and
without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor the deceased is considered to have died without a
- if the debtor voluntarily reimbursed, he cannot
- but if you voluntarily pay it to the legatee, no more
[NOTE: Legacy means personal or movable property.
ARTICLE 1426 Device pertains to real property.]
Contracts by minors when there has been annulment [NOTE: Payment is not valid, under the law on natural
obligations. If you want, result to settlement of estate
- without parental consent with donation.]
- no right to demand the thing or price he voluntarily
returned even though he has not been benefited
[NOTE: In voidable contracts, where mutual restitution
is required, a minor is not obliged to restitute except
when delegated or when he has been benefited.]
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- estoppel by record 3. party misled must have been unaware of the true
- estoppel by judgment as a court record facts
4. party defrauded must have acted in accordance
with the misrepresentation
Sale or alienation by non-owner ARTICLE 1438
- if he later acquires the title, it passes by operation Estoppel that results from acceptance of benefits
of law to the buyer or grantee; the defect is cured
- allowing someone to assumer apparent ownership
Example: of personal property
Atty. Capili sold in his own name Dean Divina’s Lexus to - the possessor is presumed to be the owner of the
Judge Gina. He also delivered it to Judge Gina. If later one, personal or movable property
Dean Divina donates the car to Atty. Capili, ownership over - no ready proof, i.e. you cannot have the receipts
the same passes to Judge Gina, not by tradition or delivery, with you all the time (difficult to ascertain
but by operation of law. ownership)
Atty. Capili, in representation of Dean Divina, sells to Judge [NOTE: Under the Torrens System, any registration is
Gina a car. Atty. Capili cannot afterwards allege that he was equivalent to an announcement to the whole world.
really the owner of the car and that the sale is not valid. You are estopped.]
Estoppel concerning immovable property between
third persons where one of them is misled
- you asserted that you are not the owner, you
cannot later say that you are the owner if all the
requisites are present
1. fraudulent representation or wrongful
concealment of facts known to the party estopped
2. party precluded must intend that the other should
act upon the facts as misrepresented
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