Modulus6 PDF
Modulus6 PDF
Modulus6 PDF
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) uses the MODULUS program to process Falling Weight
Deflectometer (FWD) data. This system has been used since the early 1990’s to perform structural
evaluation of the pavements and to provide layer moduli values for structural design. Project 0-1869
expanded the analysis and design capabilities of this system. One important aspect of this project was to
move these improved system capabilities from the DOS to the Windows® computer platform.
This report provides a user’s manual for the new Windows version of MODULUS 6.0. The basic features
of the DOS MODULUS 5.1 system have been transferred to Windows. Substantial improvements have
been made to the programs, data editing, and segmentation routines.
Wenting Liu
Visiting Assistant Research Scientist
Texas Transportation Institute
Tom Scullion
Research Engineer
Texas Transportation Institute
Report 1869-3
Project Number 0-1869
Research Project Title: Improving Flexible Pavement Design Procedures
Sponsored by the
Texas Department of Transportation
In Cooperation with the
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
October 2001
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts
and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official
view or policies of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT). This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
The engineer in charge was Tom Scullion, P.E. #62683.
Mark McDaniel was the project director on this project. His support, encouragement and
patience are greatly appreciated. This project was sponsored by TxDOT’s Research Management
Committee (RMC 1) for Pavements and Design. Elias Rmeili actively participated in the
development of these new analysis tools.
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. viii
Chapter 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Differences Between Modulus 6.0 for Windows and Earlier Versions of Modulus ....1
1.2 System Requirements....................................................................................................2
1.3 Getting Started ..............................................................................................................2
Chapter 2. Main Menu Screen ........................................................................................................3
Chapter 3. Pre-Processing...............................................................................................................5
3.1 Read FWD Data............................................................................................................5
3.2 Drop Select Routine......................................................................................................8
3.3 Station Select Routine.................................................................................................11
Chapter 4. Remaining Life Routine ..............................................................................................15
Chapter 5. MODULUS Backcalculation Routine.........................................................................19
Chapter 6. Segmentation...............................................................................................................29
Chapter 7. Postprocessing Graphing Routines .............................................................................33
Figure Page
1. Main Menu Screen for MODULUS for Windows. ............................................................ 3
2. Open a FWD Test File. ....................................................................................................... 6
3. Comment File Display. ....................................................................................................... 7
4. Inputting Non-Standard Data Files. .................................................................................... 8
5. Depth to Bedrock Analysis Input Window......................................................................... 9
6. FWD Drop Select Screen.................................................................................................. 10
7. Drop Selection with the Text Box. ................................................................................... 11
8. Select the Stations by the Text Method. ........................................................................... 12
9. Station Selection by the Chart. ......................................................................................... 13
10. Comment View by Clicking the Pink Circle. ................................................................... 14
11. Remaining Life Analysis Input Dialogue Box. ................................................................ 16
12. View the FWD Measured Temperature............................................................................ 17
13. Remaining Life Result Chart. ........................................................................................... 18
14. MODULUS Backcalculation Input Dialogue Box. .......................................................... 20
15. Semi-Infinite Subgrade Model.......................................................................................... 21
16. View the FWD Measured Temperature............................................................................ 22
17. BackCalculation Result Chart........................................................................................... 23
18. View Backcalculation Result File..................................................................................... 24
19. Get the Value of Each Point. ............................................................................................ 25
20. View the Detail Tested and Calculated Deflection........................................................... 26
21. Select a Station for Manual Backcalculation Analysis..................................................... 27
22. Manual Backcalculation Screen........................................................................................ 27
23. Using the Manual Backcalculation. .................................................................................. 28
24. Data Segmentation Analysis. ............................................................................................ 29
25. Automatic Segmentation Result Display. ......................................................................... 30
26. Manually Add or Remove Segment and Segment Table Display. ................................... 31
27. View Segmentation Output File. ...................................................................................... 32
28. Print Chart Control Screen................................................................................................ 33
29. View and Print the Layer Strength ................................................................................... 34
30. View and Print the Remaining Life .................................................................................. 35
31. Chart Display on Screen. .................................................................................................. 35
32. Title Option Screen. .......................................................................................................... 36
33. Axis Scale Control Screen. ............................................................................................... 37
34. Axis Font Control Screen. ................................................................................................ 37
35. Axis Number Decimal Control Screen. ............................................................................ 38
36. Chart Line Pattern Control Screen.................................................................................... 38
37. Chart Legend Control Screen. .......................................................................................... 39
38. Chart Gridline Control Screen. ......................................................................................... 39
• Total Windows program which can run under Win-9* , Win-NT and Win-2000
• New segmentation algorithm can automatically do the segmentation work.
• A new manual segmentation has been added.
• Supports most of the Dynatest FWD test file format such as R80 and R32.
• Supports user data input function, this function can let the user input ASCII formatted
FWD data.
• Manual backcalculation function let the user to do the backcalculation manually. The
propose of this function is:
(1) To do a detailed analysis at one station (if the automated results are not satisfactory)
(2) Find the suitable moduli range or the layer thickness
• Improved selection criteria to select which FWD drop or station to process.
• Calculating the depth to bedrock before selecting the FWD data to process. This function
can let the user select the homogeneous depth to bedrock stations to improve the moduli
backcalculation result.
• A Graphic User Interface has been added.
• HTML-based help system is supported in this program. The F1 function key can access
the help system.
The minimum system requirements to run the program are:
The tool bar displays the six main modules in the system at the top of the screen. A brief
description of each is given below. Each will be described in detail in the following sections of
this report.
This routine is for inputting the FWD test data. Its operation is described in Section 2.1
of this report. As with the current DOS version, the program can automatically read
TxDOT FWD files or the deflection data can be manually input.
This routine is optional. It provides the user with the capability of previewing the raw
deflection data prior to analysis. The user can select which load level to process. The
program will automatically default to the load level closest to 9000 lbs if this option is
not used. If the FWD file contains multiple drops at the same load level then the program
will use the last set for analysis.
This routine is optional. It permits the user to select the bowls to be processed in the
analysis. If this option is not used, all bowls in the FWD file will be selected for
This routine is identical to the remaining life routine in the DOS version of MODULUS.
This routine is the main analysis module where the backcalculation of layer moduli
values is performed. This will be explained in detail in Section 4 of this report.
This routine provides the user with the capability to graphically review and segment
either the raw FWD data or the backcalculated layer moduli. It is used to identify if there
are any substantially different segments in the data set.
This routine provides the user with the capability to view and print the result charts.
This routine provides the user with view and print the input files and output files.
The simplest path through the system is to select a FWD file for processing in (ReadFWD)
. Then proceed directly to the (Backcalculation) option to process all of the data in the
selected file. This path is recommended when performing the first evaluation of an unknown data
set. Once the overall results are available the drop select and station select options can be used to
analyze subsequent runs.
The program can read Dynatest FWD format R80, and R32 with format versions F9, F10,
and F20. This new system can also directly read FWD data files which contain dynamic time
history data. The dynamic data are not used in the analysis; only the deflection peaks are
extracted and processed.
The user selects the FWD file of interest with a single click of the left button, then opens
the file by clicking the Open button. (Double-clicking on the selected file will automatically
open the file.) The program then displays the comment file shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Comment File Display.
The comment file includes the main header information from the FWD field test file
including: test date, test starting time, ending time, FWD operator, sensor location, etc. For
each station, the milepost, load, deflection, and comment at this milepost are displayed. This
window has some common buttons for the user to Open, Save As, and Close Files operation. A
button is also provided to permit the User to print the file. When printing, the program
automatically sets the paper layout orientation and the font size, however these also can be
changed using the “F” and “A” buttons at the top of the screen as shown in Figure 3.
The last four buttons , , , and are used to directly access the FWD reports
which are currently available, as described below:
• This button displays the results from the remaining life analysis if it has been
performed. If this analysis has not been done a “no data” message will appear.
• This button displays the standard results from the backcalculation analysis, if
To return to the main menu screen, the arrow key in the header of the screen as
shown in Figure 3 is used.
into MODULUS. This window appears by clicking the downward arrow beside the icon
in Figure 1. In this window, the user can select a data file name, then check what format the data
file belongs to, and determine the unit of load and deflection by clicking the corresponding
option button.
The data file is supposed to be delimited by spaces (one or more spaces) or the tab key.
The bottom box shows the data, title and unit for the user to check if the user read the data
The Browse button is used to select another file. The View button can let the user view
this file with the same screen as in Figure 3.
If the user does not want to read the data, the user may press the Exit button to exit this
window. Clicking the Read button will let the program read the non-standard data and then
return to the main menu (Figure 1. Main Menu Screen for MODULUS for Windows).
If these distances do not match the user’s FWD sensor layout, the user needs to change
the values. In this screen the user must input the Asphalt Concrete (AC) thickness. This value is
used in the DTB calculation. The input AC thickness will also be used in the AC thickness field
in the back calculation section described later. The user clicks the Run button to do the DTB
computation and proceed to the next screen (Figure 6. FWD Drop Select Screen).
Figure 6. FWD Drop Select Screen.
In Figure 6, the user can select which drop to use for the remaining life or MODULUS
analysis. The program automatically selects a drop based on the following criteria:
• If all the drops have the same drop height, the last drop is selected.
• If the drop heights are different, the drop which is closest to 9000 lbf will be selected.
In Figure 6 the line that is marked with the pink circle shows the currently selected data.
The first five icons in the toolbar permit the user to select the data to be processed based on the
load (Load), center sensor deflection (D1), the second sensor deflection (D2), the outer sensor
deflection (D7), or depth-to-bedrock chart. If, for example, the user selects the D7 icon, then the
data from the 7th deflection sensor will be displayed, and the user can select which set to process.
In Texas it is common that either two or four different drops are made at each location along the
highway under test. Therefore Figure 6 will typically contain two or four lines showing all the
data collected at each test location.
Once the parameter of interest is displayed by clicking the icon, the program will
sequentially step through the possible data sets. Each time this is hit a different data set will be
highlighted and selected.
By pressing the icon, the text box shown in Figure 7 will open which permits the
user to select the drop by text choice.
After pressing the icon, a small box in the left top corner will appear. This box
displays one station’s drop information. The drop information includes the load and deflection
data for this station. By pressing the Previous or the Next button, the user can view the FWD
data from other stations. When the user clicks on one line of data, this drop is selected, and the
corresponding plot is displayed.
Click the icon to go to the main menu after the drop has been selected.
When the user presses the icon in the main frame (Figure 1. Main Menu Screen for
MODULUS for Windows), the screen shown in Figure 8 will appear to assist the user in
selecting stations. When the User clicks one line of data, this station is selected and the
background color changes. This method is used to select one station at a time. Besides the data
field, the two color bars are also used for multiple station selection. In the left margin the blue
color bar is used to select the station by the mouse down and up actions. In the right margin a
gray color bar is used to unselect the stations.
If the data have several pages, the , buttons will enable the user to go to the
previous page or the next page. Also the , button will let the user move one line up or
down. The * at the end of the line indicates that this station has a comment. The user can view
the comment by right clicking the gray bar in the right margin. The comment will appear in the
form’s title field. When the user select or unselect a station, the title bar at the very top of the
page will display the total station number and the selected station number.
The , icons will let the user select or unselect all the stations. The ,
icons will let the user select or unselect all the stations in this page. The icon provides the
user with the graphic tools for selecting data sets. This icon lets the user go to the chart stations
selection screen (Figure 9. Station Selection by the Chart).
There are various graphic options for selecting the subset of FWD data to be processed.
The chart. icon will select all the stations, the icon will unselect all the stations, and
The lets the user select the station by the text method (Figure 8. Select the Stations
by the Text Method).
A red circle displayed on the top of the chart indicates that this station has a comment
when the original FWD field test data was collected. Right clicking this circle will display the
comment. The vertical line shows the location of the comment. Once the selection process is
complete the user hits the icon to return to the main menu screen.
This routine is identical to the routine in the current DOS version of MODULUS 5.1. It
is activated by hitting the icon in the main menu screen. The input screen shown in Figure
11 appears.
This routine provides the user with an overall assessment of any section’s structural
classification. It is not intended as a precise pavement life prediction system. The end result of
the analysis is that the pavement will be categorized into one of four structural condition
Where possible the program will extract the required data from the FWD file. But the
user must input reasonable values for the pavement survey information. The average rut depth
(in inches) and existing percentage of alligator cracking can be taken from existing PMIS
information or from the FWD operator’s field observations of pavement condition. By clicking
the label of “FWD Test Temp. Start(FN)” or “End (FN)” , the measured air, surface, and pavement
temperatures (shown in Figure 12) are displayed for reference propose. This information is
extracted from the raw FWD file. Clicking the temperature table, will cause this table to
Pressing the Exit button will return the user to the main frame (Figure 1. Main Menu
Screen for MODULUS for Windows) without doing the remaining life analysis. Pressing the
Run button will run the remaining life analysis, and the results will appear in the Remaining Life
Result Chart (Figure 13). If the user wishes to simply review the tabulated results of the
remaining life analysis, he/she can simply select the icon, and the standard report will
Figure 13. Remaining Life Result Chart.
This chart includes the following three individual charts which have the same X axis
scale (the distance scale from the FWD file).
1) The upper chart graphically displays the remaining life results. The crack life or the
rutting life can be displayed by clicking these two icons. The four possible categories
are as discussed earlier: 0 –2 years, 2 – 5 years, 5 – 10 years and 10+ years. By using these
two icons it is possible to switch on or off the rutting or cracking results.
2) The middle chart is for displaying the layer strengths which include the upper layer, lower
layer, and the subgrade layer. Details of this calculation can be found in an earlier Texas
Transportation Institute (TTI) report. For each layer the program used a five point
classification from Very Good (VG) to Very Poor (VP). The user can select which layer
strength will be displayed by selecting one of the following three icons:
This icon activates the strength assessment of the upper eight inches of the pavement
structure, based on the normalized surface curvature index (SCI) and the surface
This provides an assessment of the layer strengths for 8 to 16 inches below the surface.
It is based on the normalized base curvature index.
This provides an assessment of the subgrade stiffness based on the deflections measured
at the outer FWD sensors.
3) The lower chart will display the surface curvature index (W1 – W2), raw deflections, or
measured temperature as selected using the available icons in the control bar at the top of the
screen (five icons in total).
The benefit of using these three charts in one screen is that the user can get a
comprehensive overview of the results and determines if substantially different structural
conditions exist along the highway.
The icon lets the user access the remaining life result file for viewing and printing. The
display and print options are identical to those discussed earlier.
This is the main computation model with MODULUS. The user activates it by selecting
the icon from the main screen, which will display the screen shown in Figure 14.
In this screen, the user can input the sensor distances to the load plate, layer thickness,
MODULUS range, and the Poisson ratio for each layer. With this version of MODULUS the
plate radius is assumed constant at 5.9 inches, which is standard for TxDOT.
If the Asphalt Concrete (AC) thickness is input in the depth to bedrock calculation
(Figure 5. Depth to Bedrock Analysis Input Window), the subgrade thickness (DTB) is
automatically calculated and displayed. This may be bedrock or a stiff clay layer. The user can
overwrite this number, if needed. The maximum possible numeric value of depth to bedrock is
300 inches. (However as will be discussed later the program does provide for a semi-infinite
subgrade thickness).
For base, subbase, and subgrade layers, the MODULUS range and the Poisson’s ratio can
be assigned by selecting the material type. If one material type is selected, a recommended
modulus value will be put into the range field. The user can also change or adjust these values.
For the subgrade, only the most probable value is needed to do the backcalculation.
From experience if the subgrade is thought to be generally poor then a value of 5 ksi should be
entered; if the subgrade is thought to be good then a value of 15 ksi should be used. For normal
operations a starting value of 10 ksi works well in most cases. As with the DOS version of
MODULUS, if the calculated subgrade modulus is significantly different from the input value
the system will be re-run with a more appropriate initial subgrade value. When the input is
finished, the user can keep these values for future usage by clicking the “Set as default value”
check box.
If the user wants to use the semi-infinite subgrade model, the screen shown in Figure 15
will show the user how to do that.
When the user clicks the rock layer (gray area at the bottom of the subgrade) in the
previous figure (Figure 15. Semi-Infinite Subgrade Model) the rock layer disappears, and the
subgrade is displayed as a semi-infinite subgrade layer. Also the semi-infinite check box
changes status. If the finite depth to bedrock model is used, the user can change the E4/stiff
layer ratio to account for the stiff relationship between the subgrade and the rock layer. In most
cases, 100 are recommended as a reasonable value. However if the user suspects that the
stiffening is caused by a stiff clay layer then a subgrade/stiff layer modular ratio of five should
be considered.
For the Asphalt Concrete (AC) layer, the program has an equation built into it for elastic
modulus versus temperature for computing a reasonable range of this layer using the input
asphalt temperature. If the AC layer thickness is greater than 3 inches then a range will be
computed. For thin surfaces the AC modulus will be fixed by assigning the high and low moduli
value to be the same.
If the raw FWD data file has valid pavement temperature measurements, the program will
automatically put the average pavement temperature into the asphalt temperature field, and the
moduli range will be changed based on the temperature. If the AC layer thickness is equal to or
less than 3.0 in, a fixed value is input (this means the maximum and the minimum modulus
range is the same). As shown in Figure 16, by clicking the “Asphalt Temp.” label a box will
display to show the measured temperature. Clicking this box again, will make it disappear.
Pressing the Exit button will return the user to the main frame (Figure 1. Main Menu
Screen for MODULUS for Windows) without performing the backcalculation analysis. Pressing
the Run button, a temporary “Please waiting…” message will appear and the program begin to
run the backcalculation analysis. Upon completion the results will be displayed graphically as
shown in Figure 17. If the user wishes to view the results in standard tabular form then the
icon should be hit, and the screen will display the chart shown in Figure 18.
The icon is for rerun the problem. This option gives the user the opportunity to return to the
Figure 14. MODULUS Backcalculation Input Dialogue Box. to rerun the problem after making
changes to the input data without having to return to the main menu. In Figure 17 the two
separate charts are displayed for comparison. The icon at the far left of the header bar
controls which chart will be active. When the “UP” chart is active the user can use the
remaining icons to change what is graphed in the upper chart. Initially the upper chart shows
deflections at all seven sensors. To remove any of these from the graph click any of the icons
D1 thru D7 and that data will be removed from the plot. The deflection data can be replaced by
either load, error per sensor, or depth to bedrock by selecting the other appropriate icons.
To activate the lower graph use the icon. The lower graph initially contains the layer
MODULUS results. The icons at the top of the screen permit the user to select which set of
results the screen will display. The icon can let the user access the standard backcalculation
result file for viewing and printing (Figure 18. View Backcalculation Result File).
Figure 18 shows the MODULUS outputs. The format is the same as the previous DOS
version MODULUS.
By placing the cursor on any point on the results lines in Figure 17 and clicking the left
button, the value will be displayed and the vertical line will show the location of this station, as
shown below in Figure 19.
By placing the cursor over any data point and holding down the right mouse button the
screen in Figure 20 will appear. The small chart shows all of the detailed information about the
tested and calculated deflection bowls. The pavement structure is shown graphically; for each
layer of pavement structure, the thickness of this layer and the back calculated moduli value is
listed. Also the calculated depth to bedrock value is labeled on the subgrade layer with a
comment “DB=”. The bar chart shows the error for each sensor. The first line of the bottom
table shows the value of the measured deflection. The second line shows the calculated
deflection values. The third line shows the percent error for this sensor. The last line shows the
weighting factor used when doing the backcalculation.
The title bar of this box also shows the milepost (or station) and the serial number of the
A manual backcalculation option has been included. This is activated by using the
icon in Figure 19. When the user moves the mouse on the chart, a vertical line is shown for
selecting a station. Figure 21 and Figure 22 show the screens available for doing the manual
Figure 21. Select a Station for Manual Backcalculation Analysis.
The chart on the left of Figure 22 shows the measured and calculated deflection bowls. The
right side shows the pavement structure. The bottom table shows the measured and the calculated
deflection values and the difference between these two values.
If the user changes the thickness, moduli, or the Poisson’s ratio, the Update button will
calculate the new deflection bowl and display it in the chart as shown in Figure 23. By clicking on
the rock layer, the program will change to the semi-infinite subgrade model. Clicking again will
change back to the depth to bedrock model and the rock will appear.
Figure 23 shows the results after several manual backcalculation attempts; the plots show
all the results. The red line gives the best fit for the tested deflection. The blue line is the present
deflection result. The gray lines are the other attempts.
An advanced segmentation routine has been included in MODULUS 6.0. This permits
the user to analyze the MODULUS results, and to look for significantly different sections within
the test pavement. Click the icon in the main menu window (Figure 1. Main Menu Screen
for MODULUS for Windows), the segmentation screen shown in Figure 24 will appear.
By clicking the down arrow beside the icon, the available parameters list will
appear for the user to select which parameter to use in the segmentation routine.
Clicking the icon will run the segmentation automatically, and the next screen will
be displayed (Figure 25. Automatic Segmentation Result Display). The blue band shows the
standard deviation (SDEV) around the mean value (red line in the middle).
The user can add new segments by moving the curser to the desired location, holding
down the Ctrl button, and then hitting the left mouse button. The user can remove a segment by
pressing Shift + the left mouse button. After adding or removing segments, the new mean and
SDEV value is updated.
If the mouse is placed directly on top of one of the “green” section breaks, new mouse
symbol appears. The user can then manually move the section break in the horizontal direction.
The icon will show the segmentation results table to view the segment within a text
table (Figure 26). When the user clicks each line in this table, a color bar will show the location
of this segment. Double clicking this table will hide the table.
Figure 26. Manually Add or Remove Segment and Segment Table Display.
The icon will let user view the segmentation result file and print it out (Figure 27).
Routines have been added to conveniently plot the results of the analysis. Many of the
features available in commercial spreadsheets have been coded into MODULUS 6.0. These
routines are activated using the “Post processing” menu in the top header bar on the main menu
screen or the icon in the main menu toolbar. Once activated the screen in Figure 28
Figure 28 shows all the available charts which can be graphed by this routine. Clicking
the option button will select the chart type. In each row the user then specifies what is to be
added to each graph. When the view and print button is selected the required chart will be
displayed. Based on the selected chart type, the program can use the different chart subroutine to
view and print the chart. Figure 31 is an example when user selects to view all sensors’
deflection chart. Figure 29 is an example when layer strength chart type is selected, in this case,
three layers strength are drawn in one screen. The user can select one or two charts depend on
which check box is selected in the Figure 28. In these charts the Y-Axis scale is VP,PR,MD,GD
and VG standing for very poor, poor, moderate, good and very good (Figure 30). The remaining
life is described by a range of time (years). If the range line in the chart has a arrow at the end of
the line, means the remaining life is larger than that value.
Figure 30. View and Print the Remaining Life.
The user has substantial flexibility in customizing the output chart. Many of the
functions of the commonly used spreadsheets have been incorporated into this system. Figure 32
through Figure 36 shows examples of this flexibility. By double clicking the chart title with the
left mouse button or the X,Y axis title, the title option screen Figure 32 will be displayed, the
user can change the font and color of the title.
Figure 33. Axis Scale Control Screen.
By clicking the X,Y axis scale, this axis scale option control screen will be displayed and
this permits the user to change the detail setting for the axis. All these settings are similar to the
Excel chart option settings.
The screen in Figure 35 sets the font for the axis scale. This screen sets the axis number
decimal format for this axis scale.
When the user clicks in the chart area, the dialogue box shown in Figure 36 is displayed
to set the line pattern and the chart options. All these settings are similar to the Excel chart
option settings.
From Figure 36 the user can modify the legend (Figure 37) or gridlines (Figure 38).
1. C.H. Michalak and T. Scullion. MODULUS 5.0: User’s Manual, Research Report 1987-
1. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, November 1995.
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