Maintenance and User'S Manual: Pensky Martens Flash Point Tester
Maintenance and User'S Manual: Pensky Martens Flash Point Tester
Maintenance and User'S Manual: Pensky Martens Flash Point Tester
K87100 / K87190
A good knowledge of manual petroleum testing methods and the experience of performing flash
point tests,
A good understanding of the risks associated with product and sample manipulation.
Manipulations of hot cup and cover are prohibited. In case of absolute necessity, manipulations
have to be realized with utmost care. In every case, operators have to wear gloves, glasses and
protective safety clothes.
The instrument has to be located under a fume hood equipped with a vapor extractor and the
working space has to be sufficiently ventilated.
Water and gas supplies have to be controlled at least once a month in order to verify the good
condition of pipes and fastenings. Gas pipes have to be replaced prior to the expiration date.
If an incident occurs (gas cut off, overheating of the instrument, leakage) which could damage the
instrument or components, an internal and external check up has to be carried out by a person with
the adequate technical level.
Only skilled technicians are allowed to perform maintenance on the instrument which has to be
back at ambient T°, and unplugged from electric supply - excepted for calibration purpose - water
and gas supplies.
Maintenance functions described as in the user’s manual should only be performed by a qualified
- The cooling circuit of the instrument must be connected to a max 5 psi pressure water supply.
- The water connections must be done with the delivered tubes and clamp collars.
- The gas circuit of the instrument must be connected to a max 50 mbar pressure gas supply with
the tubes and clamp collars delivered in accessories or to a removable gas cartridge delivered in
option with its connecting accessories.
- The instrument has to be located on a stable and strong table or laboratory bench.
- Electric supply has to be in accordance with the one described on the identification tag and the
instrument has to be connected to the earth.
- The instrument has to be located under a fume hood equipped with a vapor extractor and the
working space has to be sufficiently ventilated.
Compare the content of the packing with the provided list of accessories.
Determination of the Closed Cup Flash Point according to the following standards:
EN 22719
ISO 2719
IP 34
pilot flame needle valve (8), test flame needle valve (9)
light indicators for heating (10) and cooling (11) of the heating block
electrical supply potentiometer of the lighting spark (28)
28 29 10 11
- 4.1 - OPTIONS
Removable gas cartridge with stand and connections
CUP Complete Lid
Flexible stirrer
Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
1595 Sycamore Avenue • Bohemia, New York 11716-1796 • USA
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Petroleum Testing & Analysis Instrumentation • Custom Design & Manufacturing
The instrument conforms to the following standards:
- EN 22719
- ISO 2719
- ASTM D 93
- IP 34
Determination of a closed cup Flash Point of fuels, lubricating oils, liquids with suspensions of
solids and liquids that tends to form a surface film under test conditions. A 75mL test specimen is
heated at a slow constant rate with continual stirring in a brass test cup of specified dimensions
with cover of specified dimensions. An ignition source is directed into the test cup at regular
intervals with simultaneous interruption of the stirring. The flash point is the lowest liquid
temperature at which application of the ignition source causes the vapor of the test specimen of the
sample to ignite.
** Sample preheating at programmed t° without stirring, than test starts up with stirring at programmed T°
with a method B slope.
- connect the inlets/outlets with refrigerated water (5 psi maximum), fasten the
clamps, switch on the water circuit and check that there is no leak
- connect the gas, fasten the clamps (the automatic valve is closed out of
test, check that the flame valves are closed), switch on the gas and
check that there is no leak.
WARNING: Connect the cooling system to a soft water supply or a drinking water supply. Hard
water may cause a premature limestone progressing. In that case, the cooling system efficiency is
decreasing, clean the cooling system with an anti-limestone rinse (vinegar, anti-limestone kettle).
Rinse the cooling system before using the tester. Do not use acids since the pipes are made of
copper. Periodic preventive anti-limestone treatments are recommended.
- Check the voltage indicated of the instrument and be sure it is equivalent to the laboratory supply
to be used.
- During the central unit inititialization, the screen remains empty. After around 20 seconds, the
instrument is ready and the screen provides parameters and data.
- 6.1 – SCREEN
The main screen has arrows and icons for making choices of programs to run.
Each menu or sub menu is designated by an icon. Their signification is summarized hereafter :
Prepare the sample, cup and lid. Set the stirring flexible. See
Select method A, or B, or …
Test start up
Test start up
YES Alarm
Flash point detection Buzzer
Acquisition buzzer
Stirring and test will effectively start up when sample has reached the preheating temperature.
The instrument carries on flame dipping as soon as the beginning of the test, every 1 or 2 °C.
The slope is automatically set up according to selected method.
Note : for a larger « search » area without several selections of expected temperature, it’s
possible to modify through keyboard the alarm and safety stop related to expected
The method consists of performing tests with the A method, on known samples with a temperature
slope higher than 10 °C /min.
This method allows to rapidly approach the Flash Point value of the sample. In order to get the
correct value, a second test with the standardized method is necessary.
Allows to follow up the sample temperature increase during the test (print out every minute starting
after 5 minutes).
App :3711
Date : 1/12/1998 Time : 15 :36
Duration :48 :08
Sample : 236
Expected temperature : 250 °C
Method : A
Bar. Corr. : 760 mmHg
Nb of dips : 32
Flash point : 122.0 °C
Corr. Flash Point : 122.1 °C
Flam Gas Flash
Printing the lock book makes available the necessary pieces of information to follow up the
instrument in terms of Quality Assurance.
App :3711
Date : 1/12/1998 Time : 15 :36
Duration :48 :08
Sample : 236
Expected temperature : 250 °C
Method : A
Bar. Corr. : 760 mmHg
Nb of dips : 32
Flash point : 122.0 °C
Corr. Flash Point : 122.1 °C
App : 3711
Date : 8/4/1999
If the problem keep on occurring, the instrument has to be disconnected and the local distributor’s
maintenance department has to be contacted.
A buzzer sounds when the sample temperature reaches 15 °C under this limit. It’s then possible to
modify the expected temperature to carry on the test.
A buzzer sounds with a displayed message « Safety Stop » when this limit is reached : acquisition
by « ACQBUZZER ». The test procedure is cancelled.
The programmed difference between the expected temperature and the safety
temperature remains the same whatever the entered expected temperature.
Message « Gas Ignition » with a sound alarm at the beginning of the test.
An optic flame detection operates during the test. In case of flame absence during 30 sec, the test
is automatically stopped and a buzzer sounds.
Note : the « administration » password is provided with the connection cable kit and the
up-dating diskette.
Connect series port to the PC’s COM 1 and restart the PC’s with the up-dating diskette (boot
included). Follow instructions on PC’s screen.
See chap. VI
This function allows the operator to have access to configuration, control and maintenance
- 11.1 –PASSWORD
Use arrow keys in order to access to ''new password'' icon (see chap. VI).
Note : The configuration menu remains available prior to any instrument switch off. Afterwards, the
new password is necessary in order to have access to it.
Programmable temperature of the stop of the block cooling after test between 0 °C and 60 °C (32
°F to 140 °F).
The instrument can be configured in order to stop the test as soon as the preset temperature is
reached. This temperature has to be between 15 °C and 99 °C (27 °F à 178 °F).
Possibility of introducing a different expected temperature each time a new test is started
associated with an automatic reset at the end of the test , if requested.
Automatic determination of the barometric pressure or manual introduction (status modification with
If the manual barometric pressure setting is chosen, the adaptable default value (760 mmHg or
1013 mbar) appears at the beginning of the testing process.
In order to validate the new password, the instrument has to be switch off. After a new start up, the
configuration panel can’t be accessed anymore without the newly introduced password.
Physical calibration
A resistance box simulating a Pt 100 probe (0,01 resolution) and a specific cable to connect the
instrument with the resistance box are necessary in order to perform the physical calibration of the
sample temperature measurement.
In order to achieve a complete physical calibration of the sample temperature measurement (probe
included), it’s required to successively put the Pt 100 probes in two thermostatic baths. The
temperature gradient between the two baths has to be at least 100 °. Temperatures lower than –50
°C and higher than 450 °C are not acceptable.
1° Connect the resistance box with the specific wire or, in case of a complete calibration with two
thermostatic baths, connect the Pt 100 probe with the specific wire.
2° Tune up the resistance box in order to get a low reference value, i.e. 50 °C (see Figure 1) or dip
the Pt 100 probe in a 40 °C bath, for example.
3° Type in this low reference value (in °C) and confirm with the ''enter'' key.
4° Tune up the resistance box in order to get a high value, i.e. 400°C (see figure 1) or dip the Pt
100 probe in a 150°C bath, for example.
5° Type in this high reference value (in °C) and confirm with the ''enter'' key.
A « calibration refused » message indicates a wrong calibration, which has to be performed again.
Figure 1
°C Ohms
0 100
50 119.4
100 138.5
150 157.32
200 175.84
250 194.08
300 212.03
350 229.69
400 247.06
Information stored in the lock book could be used for a multiple point calibration in case of
unexpected loss of calibration data.
Point calibration
A calibration through conversion points required for the low and high reference temperature to be
Physical calibration
- Either a device able to reach a 920 mbar pressure with a +/- 1 mbar precision of 920
mbar (690 mmHg) and a 1066 mbar – (see cap. III for connection.
- Either a voltage generator able to provide a 4.345 V (for 920 mbar) and 4.877 (for 1066
mbar) – (see chap. III for connection). A specific wire is also necessary.
- Connect the pressure generator or the voltage one with the specific wire.
- Apply a pressure equivalent to 920 mbar and press « Enter » key (see figure 2)
- Apply a pressure equivalent to 1066 mbar and press « Enter » key (see figure 2)
Mbar mmHg mV
920 690 4345
1066 800 4877
Point calibration
In case of an unexpected loss of barometric calibration values, it’s possible to type in a calibration
by conversion point previously edited in the lockbook.
The point conversion calibration requires to enter the high and low pressure corresponding to the
conversion points.
3 steps can be defined at the beginning of the test. Those steps determine the 3 heating power
during the first 5 minutes of the test in order to benefit from the optimum start conditions. Electrical
power variations are automatically compensated during the 5 first minutes (see 11.3.3.D).
Step calibration
Through keyboard enter the 3 percentages corresponding to the required heating power. Step 1
controls the heating power for the first minute, Step 2 between minute 1 and 3, and Step 3
between minute 3 and 5.
Step display.
The electrical supply regulation guarantees that for the first 5 minutes of the test, any public electric
supply variation will have no impact on the provided heating power during the 3 start up steps.
Physical calibration
The physical calibration of the electrical supply regulation requires an auto variable transformer
with a minimum operating range at least between 210 V and 245 V.
The electrical supply of the instrument through the auto transformer has to be maintained only
during the calibration process.
Apply a 245 V power supply (wait for roughly 1 minute prior calibration). Enter the
value 245 and press ''enter'' key.
Issue a lock book (see chap. VI et 11.3.4.D). The information contained in this lock book
could be used afterwards for a point calibration in case of an unexpected loss of calibration
Allow to control the calibration values of the electrical power supply regulation.
Point calibration
In case of an unexpected loss of the electrical supply regulation calibration, it is possible to enter
point calibration values thank to the conversion points previously edited on the lock book.
Point calibration requires to enter the conversion point values corresponding to the voltage
displayed on the screen.
Allow to operate the instrument’s logic I/O and to display the logic outputs.
Print out of a lock book with the calibration safety and operation parameters.
A gas over pressure can provoke internal disconnection of pipes, fastenings and valves. In that
case, a check out by a qualified technician is mandatory prior to starting up the instrument.
An over heating can provoke damages to internal components, pipes and valves. A check out by a
qualified technician is mandatory prior to starting up again the instrument.
Any sample leakage can provoke a fire inside the instrument. A complete clean up by a qualified
technician is mandatory.
- 13.2 - CONTROLS
The cleaning of the instrument has to be performed as often as possible in order to maintain
adequate working conditions (No drastic solvents).
An internal check out of the instrument will be performed depending on the number of achieved
tests. In case of intensive use, the instrument should be checked by a duly appointed technician.
The use of hard water in the cooling system can provoke a stopping in the pipes. In that case, a
monthly scaling is recommended.
White vinegar or a dedicated scaling solution could circulate by gravity in the cooling system. In
order to improve the efficiency of the procedure, the heating block can be heated a little.
! In any case, avoid using acid or strongly corrosive products, because the
cooling system pipes made of copper, will be severely damaged.
Complete cover
Wire for sample temperature calibration
Extension wire for Pt 100 probe (calibration with
thermostatic baths)
Wire for barometric pressure sensor
Check the positioning of the filament Configure by keypad the electric ignition
It can not touch the edge of the lid See the flow chart
Troubles shooting
Offset on the flash point
Mechanical problem
insufficient openning of the trap ( hatch )
depth dive too weak
bad stirring
Size of the flame not correct
Bad volume of the sample
bad slope of temperature
bad start power level
board of main supply correction out
electro-valve with leak
starting temperature of sample not correct
illogical values of flash point
Sample with water ( default detection with ionisation )
Sample with silicone ( default detection with ionisation )
faulty ionisation cable
faulty thermocouple