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in salt solutions), matrix priming (seeds are mixed with water levels, but there would be an increment even under
organic or inorganic solid materials) and drum-priming (seeds stress conditions, if the seeds were prior treated with
are rotated in drum and water is added gradually as water inoragnics there would be a breakage in dormancy levels
vapour) (Jisha et al., 2013) [14] Chengbin et al., (2013) [4] and recorded the highest significant
values among all the treatments chl-a (2.50 mg/g), chl-b (2.50
Materials and Methods mg/g), total chl- (2.25 mg/g). Proline content (Wellburn 1983)
A field and lab experiments were carried out during rabi was found highest in the treatment T4-CaCl2 @ 2% (0.36
season of 2017-2018 to study Effect of seed priming with µg/g) even under water deficit conditions compared to non-
inorganics on growth, yield and physiological parameters of treated, due to the alternate presoaking and sowing of seeds
chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought. The details of with inorganics gave the best results to withstand under
materials used and techniques adopted in the present drought (Hossam et al., 2017) [10]. Protein content (Lowry et
investigation are described below. This trails were laid out in al., 1950) in chickpea under unfavorable conditions was
RBD with three replications of chickpea var. 362 (desi type) analyzed significant and recorded highest in T4-CaCl2 @ 2%
source – IARI, with seven treatments consists of T0- control, (19.08 %) due to priming techniques involved and could be
T1- hydration for 8 hrs in water, T2- hydration with KNO3 able to tolerate stress conditions.
(2%), T3- hydration with NaCl (2%), T4- hydration CaCl2
(2%), with T5- hydration with KH2PO4 (2%), T6- hydration Root parameters
with KCl (2%) and these data were statistically analyzed As this chickpea is rich in legumes can establish symbiosis
using ‘ANOVA’ (Fisher 1950) [5]. with rhizobia bacteria and from nodules where the bacteria
The observations recorded under morpho-physiological reduces the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. Number of
parameters were plant height (cm), no. of primary and nodules/ plant was highest in CaCl2 @ (2%) –T4 consisting
secondary branches, relative water content (%). Biochemical of (15.00) presented in (table 2). This nodule fresh weight
parameters were chl a, chl b, total chl content (mg/g), proline (1.30 gm) and dried at autoclave at 121 lbs pressure for 2
(µg/g), carotenoid (µg/g), protein (%) and root parameters- hours, this was recorded as dry weight (0.9 gm) could also be
No. of nodules/ plant, nodule fresh weight, dry weight (g). noted as a high requirement in only CaCl2 @ (2%)
Growth parameters were of Crop Growth Rate (CGR) and (Muhammad et al., 2015) [17]. by this parameters we could
Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and yield parameters of no. of find the amount of legumes contained for the better growth.
pods/plant, 100 seed weight (g), no. of seeds/ plant, harvest
index (%) and seed yield/ plant (g). Yield parameters
Seed priming has the positive influence on yield parameters
Results and Discussion listed below (Table 3) such as no. of pods/plant as it was
Morpho-physiological parameters observed that the best result was with CaCl2 @ 2% among all
Seeds primed with inoragnics have the better capability to the priming treatments (58.16) (Bakht et al., 2011). However,
cope up with stress conditions compared to the control ones. interestingly we found that 100 seed weight (76.88 gm)
In chickpea, Plant height was observed in three different (Hossein et al., 2013) [11], no. of seeds/plant (79.83) and
stages, (Table 1) at 40 DAS, 70 DAS and 100 DAS reached harvest index (57.80 %) (Abebe et al., 2016) [1]. Seed yield
maximum height in T4-CaCl2 @ 2% (39.00 cm), (41.00 cm), was observed to be the highest in T4- CaCl2 @ 2% compared
(61.20 cm) (Mohammad et al., 2013) [16]. Number of primary to non-primed seeds. This seed presoaking sowing process
branches at 40 DAS, 70 DAS and 100 DAS reached elevates the negative effect of drought and makes active in
maximum in T4-CaCl2 @ 2% (4.00), (8.00), (12.00) while metabolic process (Murad et al., 2016) [18]; (Mohammad et
the secondary branches are protruded even under drought al., 2013) [16].
from the main stems as compared to the non-primed seeds.
The maximum recorded significant value was interestingly Conclusion
recorded highest in the same plot treated with CaCl2 @ 2% - Based on present study, it was concluded that drought stress
T4 (7.00) at 40 DAS; (15.00) at 70 DAS; (30.00) at 100 DAS was deleterious to chickpea growth and yield. Seed hardening
(Galahitigama et al., 2016) [7]. As the stomata was having low with CaCl2 @ 2% (T4) was found to induce higher
water potential, relative water content (Weatherley. 1962) [21] physiological and metabolic activities and increased chickpea
was effected during drought. In order to overcome this plants and yield as compared with the other treatments and
severity, seeds were prior treated well with inoraganics. Plants control. This could have the utility against different stresses
raised from the priming treated seeds with inorganics resulted and offered as a solution to the problem faced with drought
best performance, early and vigorous growth compared to the stress and preferably could help economically for the resource
unprimed ones (Haseen et al., 2017) [9]. poor farmers for best quality, and quantity yield under adverse
Biochemical parameters
Biochemical parameters such as chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll Acknowledgment
‘b’, total chlorophyll content and carotenoid content (Bates et We would be thank full to the Department of Biologicsl
al., 1973) [3] (Table 2) was maximum in T4-CaCl2 @ 2% Sciences, SHUATS for the support and cooperation to
(0.44 µg/g). At the time of flowering stage, these parameters complete this this project successfully.
were sustainably decreased due to the effect of deficiency of
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Table 1: Mean performance of morphological parameters in chickpea due to the effect of seed priming with inoragnics under drought
Plant height (cm) No. of primary branches No. of secondary branches
Treatments RWC (%)
40 DAS 70 DAS 100 DAS 40 DAS 70 DAS 100 DAS 40 DAS 70 DAS 100 DAS
T0 – control 18.00 37.00 40.40 1.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 13.00 9.09
T1 - H20 (2%) 22.00 40.00 45.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 2.00 9.00 15.00 10.71
T2 - KNO3 (2%) 34.00 47.00 57.00 4.00 7.00 11.00 6.00 15.00 24.00 20.83
T3 - NaCl (2%) 23.00 40.00 47.20 2.00 6.00 9.00 3.00 9.00 18.00 12.90
T4 - CaCl2 (2%) 35.00 49.00 61.20 4.00 8.00 12.00 7.00 15.00 30.00 21.30
T5-KH2PO4 (2%) 24.00 46.00 52.00 3.00 7.00 10.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 16.66
T6 - KCl (2%) 24.00 42.00 49.20 3.00 6.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 22.00 14.28
Mean 25.71 43 50.34 2.71 6.14 9.57 4.14 11.14 20.71 15.11
F-test S S S S S S S S S S
S.Em± 2.22 5.12 2.54 2.22 1.85 2.22 3.02 4.27 7.07 4.19
CD @ 5% 1.39 3.22 1.60 1.39 1.16 1.39 1.90 2.68 4.45 2.64
Table 2: Mean performance of physiological and root parameters in chickpea due to the effect of seed priming with inorganics under drought
Chlorophyll Chlorophyll Pro line Carotenoid Protein No. of Nodule fresh Nodule dry
Treatments chlorophyll
‘a’ (mg/g) ‘b’ (mg/g) (µg/g) (µg/g) (%) nodules/plant weight (gm) weight (gm)
T0 – control 0.73 0.70 0.64 0.07 0.42 17.50 5.00 0.06 0.10
T1 - H20 (2%) 1.03 0.80 0.89 0.07 0.43 17.55 6.00 0.20 0.20
T2 - KNO3 (2%) 2.26 1.92 2.00 0.22 0.43 19.02 13.00 0.90 0.70
T3 - NaCl (2%) 1.37 0.88 1.21 0.11 0.43 17.93 7.00 0.40 0.30
T4 - CaCl2 (2%) 2.50 2.50 2.25 0.36 0.44 19.08 15.00 1.30 0.9
T5 -KH2PO (2%) 1.62 1.52 1.43 0.13 0.43 18.62 10.00 0.80 0.60
T6 - KCl (2%) 1.50 1.10 1.33 0.19 0.43 18.25 9.00 0.60 0.40
Mean 1.57 1.34 1.39 0.16 0.43 18.27 9.28 0.60 0.8
F-test S S S S NS S S S S
S.Em ± 0.68 1.19 0.35 0.18 0.12 0.34 2.30 0.20 1.08
CD @ 5% 0.43 1.05 0.22 0.11 - 0.21 1.45 0.12 2.16
Table 3: Mean performance of growth and yield parameters in chickpea due to the effect of seed priming with inoraganics under drought
Crop Growth Rate Relative Growth Rate No. of 100 seed No. of Harvest Seed
(g g -1 day -1) (g g -1 day -1) pods/plant weight (gm) seeds/plant Index (%) yield/plant(gm)
T0 –control 5.53 0.13 32.73 60.66 37.06 41.05 17.73
T1 -H20 (2%) 7.41 0.16 48.43 70.16 51.40 46.56 23.01
T2 -KNO3 (2%) 9.23 0.32 54.43 76.00 68.06 55.83 26.93
T3 -NaCl (2%) 7.7 0.19 49.00 73.13 57.59 49.95 23.76
T4 -CaCl2 (2%) 10.23 0.41 58.16 76.88 79.83 57.80 30.20
T5 -KH2PO4 (2%) 9.05 0.29 53.50 74.20 59.87 52.22 26.05
T6 -KCl (2%) 8.39 0.21 52.63 73.96 58.50 51.50 24.91
Mean 8.23 0.25 49.84 72.14 58.90 50.71 24.65
F-test S S S S S NS S
S.Em± 1.85 2.10 0.93 1.82 0.36 38.35 1.07
CD @ 5% 0.01 1.32 0.58 0.01 0.22 - 0.67
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