CCNA Simulation Questions Solved
CCNA Simulation Questions Solved
CCNA Simulation Questions Solved
Question This task requires you to use the CLI of Sw-AC3 to answer five
multiple-choice questions. This does not require any configuration.
To answer the multiple-choice questions, click on the numbered boxes in
the right panel.
There are five multiple-choice questions with this task. Be sure to answer all
five questions before leaving this item.
Question 1:What interface did Sw-AC3 associate with source MAC address
0010.5a0c.ffba ?
a) Fa0/1 b) Fa0/3 c) Fa0/6 d) Fa0/8 e) Fa0/9 f) Fa0/12
Answer: Fa 0/8
Explanation: to find out which interface associated with a given MAC
address, use the show mac-address-table command. It shows the learned
MAC addresses and their associated interfaces. After entering this
command, you will see a MAC address table like this:
From this table we can figure out that the MAC address 0010.5a0c.ffba is
associated with interface Fa0/8
Question 2:
What ports on Sw-AC3 are operating has trunks (choose three)?
a) Fa0/1 b) Fa0/3 c) Fa0/4 d) Fa0/6 e) Fa0/9 f) Fa0/12
Answer: Fa0/3, Fa0/9 and Fa0/12
Explanation: Use the show interface trunk command to determine the
trunking status of a link and VLAN status. This command lists port, its
mode, encapsulation and whether it is trunking. The image below shows
how it works:
One thing I want to notice you is "Local Intrfce" in the image above refers to
the local interface on the device you are running the "show cdp neighbors"
Question 4: Which switch is the root bridge for VLAN 1?
Answer: Sw-DS1
Explanation: First we use the show spanning-tree vlan 1 to view the
spanning-tree information of VLAN 1
From the "Cost 19", we learn that the root switch is directly connected to the
Sw-Ac3 switch over a 100Mbps Ethernet link
Notice that if you see all of the interface roles are Desg (designated) then
you can confirm Sw-Ac3 switch is the root bridge for this VLAN (VLAN 1).
If you see there is at least one Root port in the interface roles then you can
confirm Sw-Ac3 is not the root bridge because root bridge does not have
root port. In this case, we notice that the root port on Sw-Ac3 switch is
FastEthernet0/12, so we have to figure out which switch is associated with
this port -> it is the root bridge. You can verify it with the show cdp
neighbors command:
The "Local Intrfce" column refers to the interface on the switch running
"show cdp neighbors" command. In this case, Sw-DS1 is associated with
interface FastEthernet0/12 -> Sw-DS1 is the root bridge
Question 5: What address should be configured as the default-gateway for
the host connected to interface fa 0/4 of SW-Ac3?
First we have to identify which VLAN interface Fa0/4 belongs to by the show
vlan command
From the exhibit we know that VLAN 44 is configured on router using sub-
interface Fa0/0.44 with IP address
A - All VLANs except the default VLAN win be removed from all switches
B - All existing switches will have the students, admin, faculty, Servers,
Management, Production, and no-where VLANs
C - The VLANs Servers, Management, Production and no-where will replace
the VLANs on SwX
D - The VLANs Servers, Management, Production and no-where will be
removed from existing switches
Answer and Explanation:
First we should view the VTP configuration of switch Sw-Ac3 by using the
show vtp status command on Sw-Ac3
Notice that its configuration revision number is 5 and VTP Domain Name is
Next, from the exhibit we know that SwX has a revision number of 6, which
is greater than that of Sw-Ac3 switch, and both of them have same VTP
Domain Name called "home-office".
Therefore SwX will replace vlan information on other switches with its own
information. We should check vlan information of Sw-Ac3 switch with show
vlan command
And we found other ports which belong to vlan 33, they are Fa0/2, Fa0/5 and
Fa0/7. Our switch will flood the frame to these ports, too.
And we can check which trunk ports will receive this frame by the show
interface trunk command
From this output, we can confirm the switch's default gateway is VLAN-R1
router (with the IP address of And "the interface:
FastEthernet0/3" tells us that the switch is connected to VLAN-R1 router
through Fa0/3 port (Fa0/3 is the port on the switch).
Finally we just need to use the show mac-address-table command to find
out which MAC address is associated with this interface
(Notice that in the real CCNA exam the MAC address or port may be
And we find out the corresponding MAC address is 000a.b7e9.8360.
Although there are some entries of port Fa0/3 with different Vlans but they
have the same MAC address
CCNA Access List Sim 2
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 06:49
A network associate is adding security to the configuration of the Corp1
router. The user on host C should be able to use a web browser to access
financial information from the Finance Web Server. No other hosts from the
LAN nor the Core should be able to use a web browser to access this
server. Since there are multiple resources for the corporation at this
location including other resources on the Finance Web Server, all other
traffic should be allowed.
The task is to create and apply an access-list with no more than three
statements that will allow ONLY host C web access to the Finance Web
Server. No other hosts will have web access to the Finance Web Server. All
other traffic is permitted.
Access to the router CLI can be gained by clicking on the appropriate host.
Corp1#show running-config
We learn that interface FastEthernet0/1 is the interface connected to Server
LAN network. It is the interface we will apply our access-list (for outbound
Corp1#configure terminal
Our access-list needs to allow host C - to the Finance Web
Server via web (port 80)
Corp1(config)#access-list 100 permit tcp host host eq 80
Deny other hosts access to the Finance Web Server via web
Corp1(config)#access-list 100 deny tcp any host eq 80
All other traffic is permitted
Corp1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip any any
Apply this access-list to Fa0/1 interface (outbound direction)
Corp1(config)#interface fa0/1
Corp1(config-if)#ip access-group 100 out
Notice: We have to apply the access-list to Fa0/1 interface (not Fa0/0
interface) so that the access-list can filter traffic coming from the Core
In the real exam, just click on host C and open its web browser. In the
address box type to check if you are allowed to access
Finance Web Server or not. If your configuration is correct then you can
access it.
Click on other hosts (A, B and D) and check to make sure you can't access
Finance Web Server from these hosts.
Finally, save the configuration
Corp1#copy running-config startup-config
(This configuration only prevents hosts from accessing Finance Web Server
via web but if this server supports other traffic - like FTP, SMTP... then other
hosts can access it, too.)
Notice: In the real exam, you might be asked to allow other host (A, B or D)
to access the Finance Web Server so please read the requirement carefully.
I created this sim in Packet Tracer v5.2.1 so you can practice with it. You will
need new version of Packet Tracer to open it (v5.1+).
Notice: After typing the commands above, if you make a "ping" from other
hosts (PC0, PC1, PC3) then PC4 (Finance Web Server) can still reply
because we just filter HTTP traffic, not ICMP traffic. To generate HTTP
traffic, select "Web Browser" in the "Desktop" tab of these PCs. When a web
browser opens, type the IP address of Finance Web Server and you can see
how traffic flows in Simulation Mode.
And notice that in the initial configuration of this sim the Core network can
ping Finance Web Server. We have to create an access-list that can filter
this traffic too.
An administrator is trying to ping and telnet from Switch to Router with the
results shown below:
Switch> ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
Switch> telnet
Trying ...
% Destination unreachable; gateway or host down
Click the console connected to Router and issue the appropriate commands
to answer the questions
Answer and Explanation
For this question we only need to use the show running-config command to
answer all the questions below
Router#show running-config
Question 1: Which will fix the issue and allow ONLY ping to work while
keeping telnet disabled?
The question does not ask about ftp traffic so we don't care about the two
first lines. The 3rd line denies all telnet traffic and the 4th line allows icmp
traffic to be sent (ping). Remember that the access list 104 is applied on the
inbound direction so the 5th line "access-list 104 deny icmp any any echo-
reply" will not affect our icmp traffic because the "echo-reply" message will
be sent over the outbound direction.
Answer: B
Answer: A
But what will happen if we don’t use a subnet mask of For
example we can use an ip address of, such a host
with that ip address exists and we can connect to the router through that
host. Now answer A seems incorrect! Please comment if you have any idea
for this sim!
Well, the title said it all. Here are some screenshots about the labs in Packet
Tracer Simulator:
Configuration SIM:
Fred contributed the new access-list sim for us, please say thanks to him,
Please notice that in real exam, you have to click on host (PC) to access
command-line-interface of the router, not the router itself.
DHCP Group of Four Questions
Friday, 09 January 2009 01:55 administrator
(Updated on July-09-2010)
Refer to the exhibit. Using the information shown, answer the question
Question 1:
All hosts in the networks have been operational for several hours when the
DHCP server goes down. What happens to the hosts that have obtained
service from the DHCP server?
A - The hosts will not be able to communicate with any other hosts.
B - The hosts will continue to communicate normally for a period of time.
C - The hosts will be able to communicate with hosts outsides their own
D - The hosts will only be able to communicate with other hosts by IP
address not by hostname
Answer: B
Question 2:
Answer: D
Question 3:
How is the message sent from a PC2 when is first powers on and attempts
to contact the DHCP Server?
A - Layer 3 unicast
B - Layer 3 broadcast
C - Layer 3 multicast
D - Without any Layer 3 encapsulation
Answer: B
Explanation:When a client boots up for the first time, it transmits a
DHCPDISCOVER message on its local physical subnet. Because the client
has no way of knowing the subnet to which it belongs, the DHCPDISCOVER
is an all-subnets broadcast (destination IP address of,
which is a layer 3 broadcast address). The client does not have a configured
IP address, so the source IP address of is used.
Question 4:
What is the default behavior of R1 when PC1 requests service from DHCP
Answer: A
For your information, if you want to use the DHCP server from another
network (like in this case) you can use the ip helper-address command
which will make the router forward UDP broadcasts.
In the real exam you will be taken to a LAB simulation environment but it is,
in fact, just a group of 4 multi-choice questions!
CCNA Implementation SIM
Monday, 20 October 2008 11:16 administrator
(Hint: use the given host addresses and Main router information)
To remove a device or connection, drag it away from the topology.
Configure the interfaces with the correct IP address and enable the
Set the password to allow console access to consolepw
Set the password to allow telnet access to telnetpw
Set the password to allow privilege mode access to privpw
Note: Because routes are not being added to the configurations, you will
not be able to ping through the internetwork.
All devices have cable autosensing capabilities disabled.
All hosts are PC’s
For the device at the bottom-right box, we notice that it has 2 interfaces
Fa0/2 and Fa0/4; moreover the link connects the PC on the right with the
device on the bottom-right is a straight-through link -> it is a switch
The question stated that this topology contains 3 routers and 1 switch ->
two other devices are routers
(Host D and host E will be automatically added after placing two routers.
Click on them to access neighboring routers)
Specify appropriate connections between these devices:
+ The router on the left is connected with the Main router through
FastEthernet interfaces: use a crossover cable
+ The router on the right is connected with the Main router through Serial
interfaces: use a serial cable
+ The router on the right and the Switch: use a straight-through cable
+ The router on the left and the computer: use a crossover cable
(To remember which type of cable you should use, follow these tips:
- To connect two serial interfaces of 2 routers we use serial cable
- To specify when we use crossover cable or straight-through cable, we
should remember:
Group 1: Router, Host, Server
Group 2: Hub, Switch
One device in group 1 + One device in group 2: use straight-through cable
Two devices in the same group: use crossover cable
For example: we use straight-through cable to connect switch to router,
switch to host, hub to host, hub to server... and we use crossover cable to
connect switch to switch, switch to hub, router to router, host to host... )
Assign appropriate IP addresses for interfaces:
(Notice that you may see different IP addresses in the real CCNA exam, the
ones shown above are just used for demonstration)
From the output we learned that the ip address of Fa0/0 interface of the
Main router is This address belongs to a subnetwork
which has:
Increment: 16 (/28 = or 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1111
Network address: (because 176 = 16 * 11 and 176 < 177)
Broadcast address: (because 191 = 176 + 16 - 1)
And we can pick up an ip address from the list that belongs to this
subnetwork: and assign it to the Fa0/0 interface the router
on the left
Use the same method for interface Serial0/0 with an ip address of
Increment: 16
Network address: (because 160 = 16 * 10 and 160 < 161)
Broadcast address: (because 176 = 160 + 16 - 1)
-> and we choose for Serial0/0 interface of the router on the
Interface Fa0/1 of the router on the left
IP (of the computer on the left) :
Increment: 16
Network address: (because 128 = 16 * 8 and 128 < 129)
Broadcast address: (because 143 = 128 + 16 - 1)
-> we choose from the list
Interface Fa0/0 of the router on the right
IP (of the computer on the left) :
Increment: 16
Network address: (because 224 = 16 * 14 and 224 < 225)
Broadcast address: (because 239 = 224 + 16 - 1)
-> we choose from the list
Let's have a look at the picture below to summarize
Configure two routers on the left and right with these commands:
Router1 = router on the left
Assign appropriate IP addresses to Fa0/0 & Fa0/1 interfaces:
Router1#configure terminal
Router1(config)#interface fa0/0
Router1(config-if)#ip address
Router1(config-if)#no shutdown
Router1(config-if)#interface fa0/1
Router1(config-if)#ip address
Router1(config-if)#no shutdown
Set passwords (configure on two routers)
+ Console password:
Router1(config)#line console 0
Router1(config-line)#password consolepw
+ Telnet password:
Router1(config)#line vty 0 4
Router1(config-line)#password telnetpw
+ Privilege mode password:
Router1(config)#enable password privpw
Save the configuration:
Router1#copy running-config startup-config
Configure IP addresses of Router2 (router on the right)
Router2#configure terminal
Router2(config)#interface fa0/0
Router2(config-if)#ip address
Router2(config-if)#no shutdown
Router2(config-if)#interface serial0/0
Router2(config-if)#ip address
Router2(config-if)#no shutdown
and set console, telnet and privilege mode passwords for Router2 as we did
for Router1, remember to save the configuration when you finished
(Updated on Sep-03-2010)
You have been hired by Specialty Hardware Incorporated to document the
layout of the network. Complete the following tasks: Complete the network
topology shown in the graphic by dragging the labels below with the
appropriate router types, interface types, and IP addresses to the graphic .
Find the information you need by using the router console attached to the
R-CENTER router.
Finally, use the show running-config command to find out the ip addresses
of four interfaces on R-CENTER
Access to the router CLI can be gained by clicking on the appropriate host.
All passwords on all routers are cisco.
We should check the configuration of the new added router first because it
does not function properly while others work well. From the command line
interface of R3 router, enter the show running-config command
From the output above, we know that this router was wrongly configured
with an autonomous number (AS) of 22. When the AS numbers among
routers are mismatched, no adjacency is formed.
(You should check the AS numbers on other routers for sure)
A network associate is configuring a router for the CCNA Training company
to provide internet access. The ISP has provided the company six public IP
addresses of The company has 14 hosts that
need to access the internet simultaneously. The hosts in the CCNA Training
company LAN have been assigned private space addresses in the range of –
The task is to complete the NAT configuration using all IP addresses
assigned by the ISP to provide Internet access for the hosts in the Weaver
LAN. Functionality can be tested by clicking on the host provided for
Configuration information
router name - Weaver
inside global addresses -
inside local addresses - -
number of inside hosts - 14
Establish dynamic source translation, specifying the access list that was
defined in the prior step
Weaver(config)#ip nat inside source list 1 pool mypool overload
This command translates all source addresses that pass access list 1,
which means a source address from to, into
an address from the pool named mypool (the pool contains addresses from to
Overload keyword allows to map multiple IP addresses to a single
registered IP address (many-to-one) by using different ports
The question said that appropriate interfaces have been configured for NAT
inside and NAT outside statements.
This is how to configure the NAT inside and NAT outside, just for your
Weaver(config)#interface fa0/0
Weaver(config-if)#ip nat inside
Weaver(config)#interface s0/0
Weaver(config-if)#ip nat outside
Finally, we should save all your work with the following command:
Weaver#copy running-config startup-config
Check your configuration by going to "Host for testing" and type:
The ping should work well and you will be replied from
CCNA - OSPF Questions
Saturday, 21 August 2010 13:09 administrator
Question 1:
Answer: B C
Question 2:
Answer: C D
Question 3:
Which items are correct about the routing protocol OSPF? (Choose three)
A - Support VLSM
B - Increase routing overhead on the network
C - Confine network instability to one area of the network
D - Allow extensive control of routing updates
Answer: A C D
Question 4:
A - Converge quickly
B - OSPF is a classful routing protocol
C - Identify the best route by use of cost
D - Before exchanging routing information, OSPF routers find out neighbors
Answer: A C D
Question 5:
OSPF routing uses the concept of areas. What are the characteristics of
OSPF areas? (Chose three)
Answer: B C E
OSPF can use an active interface for its router ID, so a loopback interface is
not a must -> A is incorrect.
For answer D, it is a bit hard to guess what they want to say about
"hierarchical" but we should understand "Hierarchical OSPF networks" as
"OSPF networks". D is correct bercause we can only have one area (area 0 -
the backbone area) for our networks.
Choice B: we all know that The areas can be any number from 0 to 4.2
billion and 1 to 65,535 for the Process ID. As choice B specifies 'area' (be
aware, it's not saying 'process id), there is no reason to say that we cannot
assign numbers from 0 to 65535 for area # (it is using 'may be', not 'have to
be' or 'ought to be'). Hence, we do not worry about assigning '0'.
I reviewed the question and think it is a more suitable solution with choice B
than choice D, surely it is a tricky question!
Question 6:
Configuration exhibit:
R1 routing commands:
Answer: E
First, notice that the more-specific routes will always be favored over less-
specific routes regardless of the administrative distance set for a protocol.
In this case, because we use OSPF for three networks (,, so the packets destined for
these networks will not be affected by the default route.
The default route configured on R1 "ip route serial0/0" will
send any packet whose destination network is not referenced in the routing
table of router R2 to R1, it doesn't drop anything so answers A, B and C are
not correct. D is not correct too because these routes are declared in R1
and the question says that "OSPF has been correctly configured on router
R2", so network directly connected to router R2 can communicate with
those three subnetworks.
As said above, the default route configured on R1 will send any packet
destined for a network that is not referenced in its routing table to R2; R2 in
turn sends it to R1 because it is the only way and a routing loop will occur.