Duragal Easy Welding Guide PDF
Duragal Easy Welding Guide PDF
Duragal Easy Welding Guide PDF
Easy Welding
DuraGal® and Profile products.
Table of Contents
ATM technical advice available 7
Reduce the size of the weld to a minimum 7
Don’t increase the heat to weld DuraGal® 7
Preheating is unnecessary 7
This welding guide was prepared with the assistance of the Welding Technology Institute of Australia.
Further information on DuraGal® can be The machine settings provided in this manual can
found on the Australian Tube Mills website be used as a starting point to allow the tuning to
at www.austubemills.com. consumables and personal preferences.
Surfaces and edges to be welded need to be CHORD SECTION
The voltages are working voltages, measured
between the current pick-up for torch at the wire
feed block and the welding workpiece.
The current given in the data sheets is dependent
on wire feed rates, voltage and electrode stick out.
Where adjustable, higher inductance gives slightly
lower spatter and increased heat input, if set too
high a wire “Stubbing”’ effect may occur.
For Strength
For increased strength use E49XX rather than
E43XX electrodes.
Use the Right Type of Electrode The preferred electrode diameters are set out in
‘Recommended Welding Machine Settings and
Most General Purpose (GP) rods suit DuraGal® Consumables’.
products including profile sections. Refer to the
chart on the next page. During the testing carried out in conjunction
with manufacturers of electrodes to develop the
recommended welder settings, 1.6mm to 5.0mm
For Superior Appearance
thick DuraGal® products were welded using 2.5mm
Use AS/NZS 4855 E4312 electrodes. This type of and 3.2mm diameter electrodes at low power
electrode is ‘all positional’ and will give a smooth settings. This combination of readily available
weld with no visible porosity. The fluid slag and consumables and low power settings is preferred,
softer arc action of these electrodes allow the but in the hands of an inexperienced welder
gases formed during welding to escape into the welding thin wall steel sections, may result in
slag before the weld solidifies. undercut which will reduce joint strength and make
the slag harder to detach.
These electrodes give welds with a minimum yield
strength of 350 MPa. These electrodes will only Less experienced welders may find it easier to
be suitable for welding joints in 450 MPa DuraGal use a smaller diameter electrode, (when available
fabrications when the loads to be carried are lower in the required AS/NZS 4855 or AS/NZS 1553.1
than the allowable capacity of the weld group. classification), such as 2.0mm, to weld the thinner
ILG sections until they have refined their technique.
When GP electrodes cannot give a suitable
joint capacity, use the electrodes suggested in
the next section.
B E4313 A Ferrocraft 12XP Pantafix Austarc 12P Medium strength, good appearance
Satincraft 13 Easyarc 6013 Austarc 13S
B E4916 A U H10 E4816-2 H10 Ferrocraft EasyArc Higher strength, good impact, low
16 Twincoat Supa 16 hydrogen
Ferrocraft 55U
B E4916 A U H10 E4816-3 H10 Ferrocraft 7016 Higher strength, good impact, low
B E4918 A U H10 E4818-3 H10 Ferrocraft 61 High strength, good impact, low
hydrogen, higher deposition & easier
to use than E4816 types
B E4918-1 A U H5 E4818-4 H5 Smootharc 18 Jetweld LH-70 High strength, better impact, very
Conarc® 49C low hydrogen, higher deposition &
easier to use than E4816 types
B E4918-2 A E4818-5 H5R Ferrocraft 61 H4 Austarc 77 High strength, best impact, low
U H5 hydrogen, higher deposition & easier
to use than E4816 types
B E4918 A U H5R E4818-5 H5 Austarc 18TC High strength, good impact, very
low hydrogen, coating resistant to
moisture pick up, higher deposition &
easier to use than E4816 types
B E4924 A E4824-0 Smootharc 24 Ferrocraft 22 Ferrod 185T EasyArc Austarc 24 High strength, fast down hand
Supa 24 welding
Use the right type of wire Welding Grade CO2 may lead to high spatter levels
and may be impracticable for thinner sections.
The recommended wires for GMAW Welding are
AS/NZS 2717.1 ES4 or ES6 types. These are AS/NZS Argon based mixed shielding gases with high
2717.1 ES4-GX-W502XHx or ES6-GX-W502XHx CO2, typically 15 to 25% CO2, whilst still suitable
specification wires and their performance will for welding black and painted material, are
exceed that required to make use of the strength recommended for most applications because of
and L0 properties of DuraGal® Hollow Sections and their versatility, wide operating envelope, reduced
Profiles. spatter and high weld speed capacity. Spatter
levels with these mixed gases are very low due
Note: Generally, W503XHx wires are more readily available and
can be used in place of the W4502XHx wire. to increased arc stability. Weld appearance is
excellent, and weld internal porosity is generally
The recommended wire
diameter is 0.9mm Argon based mixed shielding gases with less than
15% CO2 are very widely used, primarily for welding
Testing at manufacturers facilities has shown
black steel. Experienced welders can achieve welds
that 0.9mm wire reduces spatter and the risk of
of excellent appearance with a weld quality suitable
porosity while still allowing economical welding
for many applications when fabricating DuraGal®
rates. Using this diameter wire decreases the
amp to volt ratio which gives increased weld pool
fluidity, reduced weld pool depth to width ratio and
thus allows more time for gases to escape from the When MIG welding, a handpiece lead
pool. angle of 20o, is recommended
Note: For larger weld beads 1.2mm wire can be used but Testing has shown that inclining the MIG handpiece
spatter and porosity levels may increase. 20o, with the wire pointing in the direction of travel,
known as forehand welding, substantially reduces
porosity and nozzle cleaning frequency. For fillet
welds the lateral angle should be between 40o and
40˚– 50˚
Hints for selection of appropriate Hint 7 — Oxygen when added to Argon + CO2
electrodes and shielding gas mixtures in amounts up to 7% stabilises the arc
and reduces the surface tension, helping to prevent
Hint 1 — ES4 – provides adequate strength and undercut on the edge of fillet welds and improves
deoxidation in most applications and can be used appearance. However oxygen reduces the ease
with either welding grade CO2 or Argon + CO2 of use for positional work because of the reduced
shielding. surface tension. A straight Ar + CO2 would be
Hint 2 — ES6 – for highest quality welding using better for positional work.
welding grade CO2 shielding – has the highest Hint 8 — AS/NZS 2717.1 group M1 & M2 gases (see
combination of manganese and silicon, permitting page 23) are generally more suited to thinner
high penetration sound welds even on relatively sections or positional welding, where minimal
poor (rusty) surfaces. spatter is important and deep penetration is not
Hint 3 — For optimal results, use the wire necessary. Porosity levels may be higher.
manufacturers recommended shielding gas The gases in these groups can operate in spray
mixtures. transfer, dip transfer or globular transfer modes.
Hint 4 — Welding grade CO2 has a C Group Argon mixtures with M1 classification provide the
classification and provides the deepest and least penetration, increasing the amount of carbon
broadest pentration pattern, used only for thicker dioxide or oxygen or both, increases the depth and
sections, it reduces the likelihood of visible and width of penetration.
internal porosity. Low cost, but narrowest operating
range. Spatter levels are high compared to Argon Hint 9 — AS/NZS 2717.1 group M3 & C gases
based mixed gases. (see page 23) are generally employed for highest
penetration applications and for positional welding
Hint 5 — Select Argon + CO2 (15-25%) where with heavier sections using the dip transfer
reduced spatter is important but good penetration technique. GMAW Spray transfer applications
is needed. Internal porosity is generally low. Usually are unacheivable with M3 or C group gases.
the best choice for thicker material. The useful
operating range is increased within this range of Hint 10 — Argon + Carbon Dioxide + Helium
CO2 levels. For best results a Argon + CO2 content mixtures while more expensive, provide for very
of 25% should not be exceeded. favourable heat input, wide weld bead profile and
penetration. Welding speeds can be very high, and
Hint 6 — Argon based gases with less than 15% this can have economincal advantages over lower
CO2 are widely used in the welding of black steel. cost gases.
Experienced welders can achieve welds of excellent
appearance with these gases when fabricating the
thinner profile sections.
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 3.5 2.7 66 18.00 255 0.28
25 3.4 78 19.75 212 0.44
35 4.3 99 20.25 237 0.51
57 5.6 120 23.25 212 0.79
Data Sheet 2 of 12
Power Source: Conventional MIG
Shielding Gas: Argon + 23 to 25% Carbon Dioxide
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 3.9 84 18.25 365 0.25
2 4 3.2 72 17.75 237 0.32
3 5 5.8 129 18.75 250 0.58
5 6 10.1 186 24.25 273 0.99
Data Sheet 3 of 12
Power Source: Conventional MIG
Shielding Gas: Argon + 16 to 18% Carbon Dioxide + 2 to 2.5% Oxygen
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 3.8 81 18.75 332 0.27
2 4 3.2 72 17.50 194 0.39
3 5 5.6 129 20.50 290 0.55
5 6 8.7 174 24.00 309 0.81
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 3.6 81 17.75 267 0.32
2 4 3.3 78 18.00 207 0.41
3 5 5.6 129 20.75 295 0.54
5 6 9.8 186 24.25 289 0.94
Data Sheet 5 of 12
Power Source: Inverter MIG
Shielding Gas: Welding Quality Carbon Dioxide
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 2.8 63 22.00 227 0.37
2 4 3.9 90 21.50 243 0.48
3 5 5.3 105 24.75 250 0.62
4 4.5 5 118 20.6 299 0.46
4 5 7.5 149 21.6 386 0.49
4 5.5 10 191 22.2 426 0.57
5 6 6.6 135 24.50 220 0.90
Data Sheet 6 of 12
Power Source : Inverter MIG
Shielding Gas : Argon + 23 to 25% Carbon Dioxide
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 2.7 60 18.25 306 0.21
2 4 4.2 99 18.25 246 0.44
3 5 5.0 117 20.75 285 0.51
4 4.5 5 110 20.75 299 0.44
4 5 7.5 155 21.25 386 0.51
4 5.5 10 205 21.0 426 0.56
5 6 6.2 138 22.25 228 0.81
Data Sheet 7 of 12
Power Source: Inverter MIG
Shielding Gas: Argon + 16 to 18% Carbon Dioxide + 2 to 2.5% Oxygen
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 2.6 75 19.00 330 0.26
2 4 3.3 93 20.00 300 0.37
3 5 4.6 115 21.00 295 0.49
5 6 6.9 150 22.25 320 0.63
Data Sheet 9 of 12
Power Source: Conventional MIG — Transistorised
Shielding Gas: Welding Quality Carbon Dioxide
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 3.0 63 16.50 250 0.25
2 5 3.6 78 18.25 227 0.38
3 5 6.0 129 19.50 230 0.66
5 6 7.9 158 23.50 206 1.08
Data Sheet 10 of 12
Power Source: Conventional MIG — Transistorised
Shielding Gas: Argon + 23 to 25% Carbon Dioxide
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 5.1 111 15.75 299 0.35
2 5 5.2 108 18.00 262 0.45
3 5 5.7 123 17.50 235 0.55
5 6.5 6.3 144 21.00 242 0.75
Data Sheet 11 of 12
Power Source: Conventional MIG — Transistorised
Shielding Gas: Argon + 16 to 18% Carbon Dioxide + 2 to 2.5% Oxygen
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
1.6 4 2.6 78 19.50 333 0.27
2 5 3.4 93 20.25 300 0.38
3 5 4.4 114 21.25 295 0.49
5 6.5 7.1 153 22.25 327 0.62
Data Sheet 11 of 12
Power Source: Conventional MIG — Transistorised
Shielding Gas: Argon + 5 to 7% Oxygen
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed m/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
2 3 9.8 180 25.50 500 0.55
3 3 9.6 171 23.25 500 0.48
4 4 11.9 192 26.25 429 0.70
5 4 10.1 180 23.00 346 0.72
6 5 11.9 189 25.00 400 0.71
This type of GMAW has some of the advantages of A small percentage of O2 added to an Argon + CO2
both dip transfer and spray arc, and can be used mix improves edge wetting and appearance.
with Argon based mixtures of both CO2 and Helium.
The Argon+Helium+CO2 mix appears to perform
The advantages of both the Argon + CO2 and slightly better than the Argon+CO2+O2.
Argon + Helium + CO2 mixtures is a more stable arc, Note: Welding Grade CO2 cannot be used when GMAW
less prone to short circuits caused by vaporised zinc Pulse welding. This gas does not allow the pulsed arc to be
in the arc, and thus less spatter. maintained.
Hints for selection of appropriate minimal spatter is important. This gas gives best
electrodes and shielding gas performance but at extra cost.
Hint 1 — ES4 – provides adequate strength and Hint 6 — Select Argon + CO2 + O2 shielding
deoxidation in most applications and can be used for improved edge wetting and appearance
with either Argon + CO2 or Argon + Helium + CO2 particularly on thinner materials.
Hint 7 — For pulse welding, arc stability is also a
Hint 2 — ES6 – for higher deoxidation with the function of available machine settings as much as
highest combination of manganese and silicon, the shielding gas.
permitting sound welds even on relatively poor
(rusty) surfaces. Pulsed GMAW (MIG) with shielding
Hint 3 — For optimal results, use the wire
manufacturers recommended shielding gas Material DuraGal® RHS
mixtures. Joint Type Butt Fillet
Experienced welders can achieve sound attractive to have good joint fit-up and the material to be
welds at very high welding rates using this thick enough to support the heat input. The thinner
technique. Welds of excellent appearance can be the steel being welded the better the joint fit up
produced with low spatter. required.
These welds generally show no visible porosity and Spray arc is mostly used for butt welds in the flat
low levels of internal porosity. The successful use or downhand position and fillet welds in the flat or
of spray transfer welding requires the components horizontal/vertical position.
Data Sheet 1 of 1
Power Source: Conventional MIG
Shielding Gas: Argon + CO2 + (O2) or Argon + Helium + CO2
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed mm/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
2 3 10.5 155 26.00 600 0.40
3 3 10.5 155 26.00 600 0.40
4 4 11.7 237 28.75 500 0.82
5 4 11.8 240 29.00 450 0.93
6 5 11.8 240 29.00 400 1.04
Data Sheet 1 of 1
Power Source: Conventional MIG
Shielding Gas: N/A
Wall Fillet leg Wire Feed Amps Working Travel Speed Heat input
thickness mm length mm Speed mm/min Volts mm/min kJ/mm
2 2.5/3.5 4.0 90 17.00 400 0.23
3 3.0/3.5 4.0 90 17.00 350 0.26
4 5 4.5 130 19.00 325 0.46
6 6.0/7.0 5.2 180 20.00 275 0.79
Hint 2 — Gas shielded wires produce less fumes, • the fume generated during Flux Cored Arc
minimal spatter and generally less post weld Welding with and without a shielding gas, and
cleaning. • the operating parameters for Flux Cored Arc
Welding using an austenitic stainless steel
and a ferrite stainless steel filler wire and the
corrosion resistance of the welds.
The reports detailing this work can be found on the
OneSteel website at www.onesteel.com.
Tensile Strength designator. Two digits are used to indicate the minimum tensile strength
(when multiplied by 10 MPa)
Usability designator. This designator is “T1” through “T15” or “TG”. The designator refers
to the usability of the electrode with requirements for polarity and general operating
characteristics. The designator “TG” indicates that the polarity and general operating
characteristics are not specified.
Position designator. This designator is either “0” or “1”. It indicates the position of welding
for which the electrode is intended. “0” is for flat and horizontal positions only. “!” is for all
Shielding gas designator. Indicates the type of shielding gas used for classification.
Designates the condition of heat treatment in which the tests were conducted. “A” for as-
welded condition, “P” for post-welded heat-treated condition and “AP” for as-welded and
post-weld heat-treated condition. This designator is omitted in the classification for single-
pass welding as these are tested only in the as-welded condition.
Diffusible hydrogen designator. “H5”, H10, or H15 is used to indicate a maximum diffusible
hydrogen content of 5 ml/100 g, 10 ml/100 g or 15 ml/100 g of deposited metal, respectively.
Charpy V-Notch designator. The “U” indicates that the weld deposit will also meet an
average of 47 J at the classification temperature.
Flux Core Electrode Classification System in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 17632 for tubular electrodes
based upon tensile strength and 27 J minimum impact energy
Refer Appendix A of AS/NZS 2717.1:1996
Gas composition withheld at the request of the manufacturer
5 x 91mm fillet welds were completed with each gas Power Source Cigweld 350 ZR-R Pulse
Shielding Gas Ar + 16% CO2 + Ar + 10% CO2 Robot 5 Axis Cigweld Transrobo WS-0550
2.75% O2 + 25% He
Wire Cigweld 0.9mm LW1
Nozzle Weight Before (g) 130.2 130.3
Amps 210
Nozzle Weight After (g) 132.4 131.3
Volts 28.5
Spatter Weight On and In 2.2 1.0
Wire Feed Rate 12.2 m/min
Nozzle (g)
Travel Speed 550 mm/min
Hint 1 — Using Ar + CO2 + Helium gas mixtures can result in substantialy less nozzle spatter than Ar +
CO2 + O2 mixtures when used in automated high productivity welding applications and this may have
economincal advantages over lower cost gases.
Grades C400L0 & C450L0 Grade C350L0
Profiles Profile Angles ( ≤50 x 50mm)
If L0 needed If L0 not needed If L0 needed If L0 not needed
Manual Metal Arc (Stick) E49XX.2 E49XX.0 E43XX.2 E43XX.0
AS/NZS 1553.1 or or better or or
AS/NZS 4855 E49XX.2 E49XX.0
or better
Gas Metal Arc (MIG) W502XHx W500XHx W502XHx W500XHx
AS/NZS 2717.1 or
AS/NZS 14341
Flux Cored Arc W502X.CMXHx W500X.CMXHx W402X.CMXHx W400X.CMXHx
AS 2203.1 or or or
AS/NZS 17632 W502X.CMXHx W500X.CMXHx
AS/NZS 17632 B T49 0 TX - XXX - U HX B T49 Z TX - XXX - U HX B T43 0 TX - XXX - U HX B T43 Z TX - XXX - U HX
or or
B T49 0 TX - XXX - U HX B T49 Z TX - XXX - U HX
This publication has been prepared as a guide only to assist anyone that may specify or use the products described in this publication. Accordingly, while
Australian Tube Mills has endeavoured to ensure that all information provided in this publication is accurate and up-to-date, the following must be noted:
this publication does not take into account any individual circumstances and is therefore not a substitute for informed or professional individual advice; the
specifications and technical data relating to the products described in this publication are approximate and subject to change without notice, and users should
check the currency of the information before relying upon it; and unless required by law, Australian Tube Mills does not accept any responsibility for any loss,
damage or consequence resulting from the contents of this publication or from any omission of information in this publication.
© Copyright Australian Tube Mills Pty Ltd. DuraGal®, OZprofilesTM and OZlintelTM are registered trade marks of Australian Tube Mills Pty Ltd. August 2013. TS1883.