RAHMA TRIANISA 22010111120008 Lap - KTI BAB8 PDF
RAHMA TRIANISA 22010111120008 Lap - KTI BAB8 PDF
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jenis kelamin
Valid 34
Missing 0
jenis kelamin
Valid 34
Missing 0
jenis stroke
Valid 34
Missing 0
jenis stroke
tekanan darah
Valid 34
Missing 0
tekanan darah
Count 8 3 11
Count 5 1 6
Count 12 2 14
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- Point
(2-sided) sided) sided) Probability
Pearson Chi-Square 4,010 3 ,260 ,285
Likelihood Ratio 3,500 3 ,321 ,458
Linear-by-Linear ,270 1 ,604 ,655 ,357 ,102
N of Valid Cases 34
a. 6 cells (75,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,71.
b. The standardized statistic is -,519.
NIM : 22010111120008
Bandar Lampung
Nomor HP : 085769619177
e-mail : rahmatrianisa93@gmail.com