Wood Group
Pressure Control
Changes to API 6A
Annex J — Repair and Remanufacture
Repair and remanufacture equipment has been
incorporated into API 6A 20th Edition/ISO 10423.
•• API VR Plug design for 15M - 20M service •• Impact testing of clean-out tools
with API ACME thread and metal-to-metal seal •• High hardness requirements for wear bushings
Many bushings and tools currently in use
VR (Valve Removal) Threads may not comply with API standards.
•• 1-13/16” 10M must use 1-1/4” line pipe
•• 2-1/16” to 4-1/16” 2M - 10M must use API
Sharp Vee thread
•• 1-13/16” to 3-1/16” 15M - 20M must use API
ACME thread and metal-to-metal seal
Prior to the 19th edition of API Spec 6A, each
manufacturer produced a VR preparation.
This created a potential problem for
identifying the proper thread in the outlet.
Ordering API 20th Edition Products
Five Criteria for Individual Parts Examples of What These Designations
Note: When ordering,
(i.e. valves, hangers, etc.) Mean in the Description of a Part
please specify at least
the first three of the five 1. Temperature Class — API holds the user API 6A-U-AA-1-1
criteria. responsible for choosing temperature class U 0°F to 250°F (-18°C to 121°C)
2. Special Temperature Classes (New to API AA General service with H2S partial
20th Edition) — Can be designated where low pressure < 0.05 psi and non-corrosive
and high temperatures are specified with CO2 partial pressure < 7 psi
3. Material Class — API holds the user 1 PSL 1 per API recommendations for
responsible for choosing material class customer order
4. PSL (Product Specification Level) — API 1 PR1 (minimum level) API cycle testing
recommends PSL’s to the user has been completed on the design
5. PR (Performance Requirement) — API
minimum or added optional cycle testing API 6A-PU-EE-0,5-3-2
of designs PU -20°F to 250°F (-29°C to 121°C)
combines P (-20°F to 180°F or •
-29°C to 82°C) and U (0°F to 250°F or
-18°C to 121°C)
EE-0,5 NACE sour service with maximum •
0.5 psi H2S partial pressure and mildly
corrosive with CO2 partial pressure from
7 psi to 30 psi
3 PSL 3 per API recommendations for
customer order
2 PR2 (2nd level) API cycle testing has
been completed on the design
Material Class
Partial Pressure of H2S Determines if ZZ class parts marking and descriptions will
Some NACE MR0175/ be determined between the customer and
NACE Applies
ISO 15156 changes will manufacturer.
•• 0.05 psia and up requires NACE (unchanged
affect material selection
from previous editions) •• Suffixes for Material Classes DD, EE, FF and
and equipment cost.
•• Above 0.5 psia HH
–– 17-4 Stainless Steels may not be used for “will include ... the maximum allowable partial
mandrel hangers and stems• pressure of H2S”
(new requirement) –– 0,5 = 0.5 psia maximum partial pressure of
H2S (example: EE-0,5)
•• Above 1.5 psia –– 1,5 = 1.5 psia maximum partial pressure of
–– 410 Stainless Steels may not be used for H2S (example: FF-1,5)
mandrel hangers and stems• –– NL = No limit to H2S (example: DD-NL)
(new requirement) –– Other material class suffixes may be
Manufacturers have commonly used 17-4 applicable, depending on materials of
SS materials for hangers and stems up to construction
3-4 psia partial pressure of H2S (depending
on the manufacturer’s design allowables).
–– Allowable materials for hangers and stems
Trim Selection Chart
above 1.5 psia For combinations of H2S and CO2 partial pressures
♦♦ Inconels Additional Factors Which Influence the
♦♦ Duplex Steels
Effect of H2S
•• Have you been successfully using •• pH
materials and trims that would no longer
•• Temperature
comply with NACE?
•• Chloride concentration
API 6A Section states...
•• Elemental sulfur
“ISO 15156 (all parts) (NACE MR0175; see
Clause 2) includes provisions by means Additional Factors Which Influence the
of testing or documented field history for Effect of CO2
the qualification of materials for a specific •• pH
sour-service application that is outside the
“Choosing material parameters defined in ISO 15156 (all parts) •• Sand production
class and specific ma- (NACE MR0175; see Clause 2). This can •• Temperature
terials for specific con- include the use of materials in fluid conditions
ditions is the ultimate exceeding the limits defined in ISO 15156 (all •• H2S level
responsibility of the parts) (NACE MR0175; see Clause 2), or the •• Chloride ion concentration
user.” use of materials not addressed in ISO 15156
...API 6A 20th Edition •• Water production and composition
(all parts) (NACE MR0175; see Clause 2).
For such sour-service applications, equipment •• Types and relative amounts of produced
may be described and marked as material hydrocarbons
class ZZ.
API Material Class ZZ may be used when
materials and trims that have previously been
used for sour service will not comply with
current NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 standards.
“It is the responsibility of the purchaser to
evaluate and determine the applicability of the
documented data for the intended application.
For material class ZZ, the manufacturer shall
meet material specifications supplied or
approved by the purchaser, and shall maintain
traceable records to document the materials of
construction, regardless of PSL.”1
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 specification states in Section 8.2 duration of the documented field experience shall
be at least two years. The end user of the equipment is responsible for documenting the performance history.
•• 0.5% CO2
x 10,000 psi = 0.5 partial pressure
1,000,000 •• 10,000 psi max. shut-in pressure
For H2S:
Resulting Trim Selection:
EE-0,5 or DD-0,5 0.004
x 10,000 psi = 0.4 psi partial pressure H2S
For CO2:
x 10,000 psi = 50 psi partial pressure CO2
*Note: To determine the fractional amount of H2S or CO2 in a well divide the percentage of H2S or CO2 by 100.
Product Specification Level
PSL = Product Specification Level — ♦♦ Yes, if well is located:
WGPC Note: For frac- ▪▪ in any environmentally sensitive areas
What Are They For?
turing and flowback op- such as parks, wildlife preserve, city
•• Quality control requirements that increase with
erations, the customer limits, etc.
the severity of service
may consider the an- ▪▪ within 150 feet of an open flame or
–– The customer is asked to specify his
nulus valve on the side fired equipment
requirements to the manufacturer
of the tubing head as ▪▪ within 50 feet of a public road (lease
–– PSL’s for various service conditions are
primary equipment. road excluded)
recommended by API in Annex A
▪▪ in or near inland navigable waters
•• Specific quality control requirements for ▪▪ in or near surface domestic water
different product categories: supplies
–– Wellheads, Spools, Adapters, Valve Bodies ▪▪ within 350 feet of any dwelling
and Bonnets
–– Stems
–– Valve bore sealing mechanisms
API PSL Decision Tree for Primary Parts
Equipment Covered:
Note: Valves combine parts from 3 different
•• Lower Master Valve
–– Mandrel Hangers and Hanger Couplings •• Tubing Head Adapter
–– Other •• Tubing Hanger
Product Specification Level —
QC Requirements for Manufacture & Testing of PSL 1-4 Equipment
Performance Requirements
PR1, PR2, and Annex F